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File: 1558216295463.jpg (34.95 KB, 400x400, nSpZceNa_400x400.jpg)

No. 115124

[link removed]

I will do any comissions, check me out, OC's, traditional as well as digital, whatever you feel like.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 115133

You should take a few years to improve. Your art is of very low quality, not worth the money.

No. 115134

what's wrong with it? i see worse people getting $60 for ridiculous, no effort needed commissions

No. 115139

File: 1558226057683.jpg (41.68 KB, 400x344, tumblr_pqqgdiu3iY1r84rxu_540.j…)

>A few years
mf you can improve your art to a decent level in three months, sounds like you never drew in your life

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