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The site maintenance is completed but lingering issues are expected, please report any bugs here

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No. 73959[Reply]

As the board software is being upgraded, it is likely that bugs may crop up from time to time. Please use this thread to report any bugs.

Do not respond to other users in this thread. To discuss bugs, please use the General Meta Discussion thread.
156 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 78896

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i don't know how to explain it so I'll insert a picture, the pages look weird now when they didn't look like this before, not sure if it's on my end or not

No. 78897

nvm I figured it out

No. 78978

Will mods take down the announcement banner any time soon? Surely bugs have been reported by now. I dream of an announcement free lolcow

No. 78994

Hi, the dumbass shit thread is still auto saged. That's a problem ma'ams, please fix.

No. 79002

I hope it never goes off auto sage. just for you ♥

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No. 78429[Reply]

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No. 79093

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This seems so insanely nitpicky. I don't even remember what post this is referring to so I'm assuming it was a while back

No. 79094

Please learn what that means.

No. 79095

That’s what I don’t understand, the existing threads are barely used, but there’s somehow enough of a demand for an entire new board?

No. 79096

They were so nice to you and spoonfed you the explanation of the terminology and still you complain. The gall. Should’ve just banned you for newfaggotry/being unintegrated. Lurk more. I know exactly what thread this is from and so do you because there’s probably a picture of it you cropped out of that screenshot.

No. 79097

There was no screenshot you fucking faggot. Newfags make themselves so identifiable by screeching 'NEWFAG!!! LURK MOAR!!!' at the most random shit kek

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No. 54709[Reply]

A nice, cosy, official banner thread to submit your new banners for the benefit and expansion of the website.

Banners must be 300x100

Banners should mention the site directly or indirectly. "lolcow.farm" written, a picture of a cow, etc.

Thread Pic: >>>/meta/27528

Previous Thread:
446 posts and 139 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 79054

I like this version

No. 79061

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nonnies when milk

No. 79074

Either version is fine, I love them

No. 79075

Either version is fine, I love them

No. 79080

should i add "live nonny reaction" or "nonnies when milk" or some other text? it feels a bit unfinished without any but maybe that's just me. lmk

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No. 65391[Reply]

This is a containment thread for meta discussion that doesn't fall into complaints and suggestions. Feel free to tinfoil or talk about the state of the site but try to avoid being too autistic.

If cerbmin needs to hear it, post it here.

NEW /meta/ THREAD: Site Updates Thread

Previous responses to anons:
>>62774, >>62928 regarding moovie thread
>>62963 accusing other users of being moids
>>63136 explaining infighting from a handful of users

Previous threads, newest to oldest:
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No. 79028

sorry fam, tipping is tipping, sort of like when shayna was filming kidnapping porn outside on her balcony
doesn't matter what a cow does; you do not take it irl, cuz that's the rules (or if you do, you don't announce that you've violated the rules)

No. 79029

we also had an entire thread on zoophilia where it was entirely personal army moralfaggotry so it's completely reasonable for anon to ask. that doesn't fall under cowtipping though honestly, personal army, call to arms shit is different.

No. 79030

Can we like estate I.Ds or something? Atleast something like session I.Ds. for a hellweek.

No. 79031

Seems like that wouldn't do anything other than punish users who use the site properly, I don't think it would help with ban-evaders, which is the whole problem this site has in the first place. People who are baiting just immediately ban evade to continue starting shit.

No. 79032

Can mods crack down on people going into other countries threads just to shit on them? It’s happened several times in both the British and American threads and every time it derails the thread.

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No. 1706[Reply]

Excuse my autism, but I've noticed posters sometimes seem to mix up the following terms. I see this on other websites, too. This is understandable, since the terms are vague and not widely known.

These are subjective to some degree, but here is how I personally define them.


This is a general term for deceptive posting. It can mean the following things:

- Taking on more than one persona in a thread to make it seem like your view has wider support than it actually does. This is also called sockpuppeting. May involve replying to your own posts agreeing with yourself, or significantly changing writing style to make it seem like a different person is also giving similar positive or negative remarks. Particularly dedicated samefags may try to use a different IP address as well.

- Making multiple posts back-to-back, without obvious indication they were all made by you. This is not always deceptive, though is often annoying.

- May also apply to general false or omitted self-identification. For example, if the subject of a /pt/ thread started secretly and anonymously posting in her own thread to disagree with people or defend herself, this may also be called samefagging. There may be a better term for this, but if there is, I'm not yet aware of it.


Posting about yourself in any way, whether anonymous or self-identifying. For example: posting a picture of yourself, linking to your own profiles, giving excessive details about your life, etc. Self-posts are completely acceptable in some threads and some contexts, but they usually are frowned upon otherwise. You shouldn't try to make yourself stand out on an anonymous board. Valid spellings also include self posting and selfposting.

Vendetta / vendettafag / vendetta-posting

Posting about someone as if you are a random person who happens to dislike them, when in reality you have some sort of personal connection or grudge. Often involves samefagging. Generally has no relation to self-posting, except in cases of self-victimization. In cases where you present the chan with an implicit or explicit "call to action", to further your vendetta, this is also called a personal army (PA) request. It often involves misleading or deceptive information.

An example of a vendetta post would be arguing with a girl on social media, and later posting a thread calling her a whore. Asking people to send things to her parents, or falsely claiming she's violated some site's terms of service and requesting people report her, or including her address and phone number in the post, would be a vendetta post as well as a personal army request.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 73590

Redscare podcast fans.

No. 73895

How do users know how long their ban is? Do they just try to post again to see if their time’s up yet, or are there informal standard ban lengths to expect for some of the most common infractions?

No. 73909

Your ban message typically tells you when when your ban expires. You see the ban message if you try to post (page redirects to ban page after you hit Post). You might even see the ban message after it expired, it will still redirect you I think.

No. 73915

Ayrt thanks for your help.

No. 78995

I recently saw on the Jess Woods thread (which is dead but some schizo recently bumped it for no reason) that some anon had been "put out for life". I had never seen a redtext for some getting perma'd that said anything other than "put out to pasture" before, is there s difference between put out for life and put out to pasture?

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No. 6821[Reply]

Post all technical help questions and technical/feature suggestions here. This is the place to go if you're having some problem with the site or want to request a new feature.

If you have some non-technical issue, like wanting mods to do something or a suggesting a change in policy, please use >>1134

If you want to email me: admin@lolcow.farm


  • Rules: https://lolcow.farm/rules
  • Max file size is 20 MB.
  • Boards have unlimited pages and threads allow unlimited posts. However, all threads will "bump-lock" after 1200 posts. This means further posts will no longer bump a thread.

You can read more site usage information at https://lolcow.farm/info. If you are new to imageboards, please read it.

Post styling

*words* => words
**words** => words
***words*** => words
##spoilered text## => spoilered text
[spoiler]spoilered text[/spoiler] => spoilered text
~#words#~ => words
#<3 => ♥
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No. 76979

I've been having an issue where webm/MP4 uploads and tiktok embeds just won't play anymore on mobile. I don't think it's an issue with my browser or device because I can play these just fine on other sites besides lolcow.

No. 76982

can we just add a disclaimer in the ugly male psy-op thread, that there should be no mentions of politics(unless it specifically related to promoting ugly moids) and no race-sperging, cause I feel trolls are trying to "subvert" the thread

No. 78556

are we ever going to have a non-retarded search function? thanks.

No. 78904


No. 78938

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No. 49318[Reply]

I'm sorry it had to come to this. I've tried my best since coming on board as admin but the honest truth is that I underestimated the work it takes just to keep lolcow running, not to mention the intensity of raids this year. I thought I could get it done while dealing with my job and personal life too but I was wrong and had to realise that I can't give this community what it needs. A lot of volunteers have stepped forward, so I'm positive that we'll find a great new team. If you want to apply as admin or moderator, email administration@lolcow.farm or join the discord linked in the navigation bar. The hidden board can be accessed through there now since there were complaints about the posting traffic.

The migration to an updated software is still most likely going to proceed, but for now our focus is to find a new admin and more farmhands. Timezones outside of North America will get priority.
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No. 77437

you're about a year late with this one queen kek

No. 77438

KEKKK I teared up from laughing at this

No. 77440

i'm retarded and i shouldn't open lolcow when i wake up, but i'm still thankful even if i'm not sure how i got there now, my bad i've never cared about all the site and mod stuff before this year

No. 77494

Good you missed a few years of pure chaos.

No. 78905

Patiently waiting for this thread to be bumped by current admin.

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No. 56111[Reply]

I’m looking for entertaining, drama filled threads. What are some favorites that you guys liked to read? I liked the jaelle and nika series, Shayna, Erin painter, and onision happenings
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No. 78563

what are onisions greatest hits? already read swamp prom

No. 78724

2nded soren and nemu, nicole dollanganger and her calves threads, and ginger bronson who is a reoccurring cow in soren's thread.
I remember >>>/pt/207383 being interesting too, and the confetti club threads are hilarious

No. 78748

Okay well thanks for your input but I was hoping for more concrete thread suggestions based on other /w/fags favourites not just a general "it's all the same" answer but thanks for sharing I guess. If anyone knows good /w/ cows like Terry please recommend!! I've been needing a new thread to get into lately my usuals on /snow/ and /w/ are boring right now

No. 78796

Art Commentary Cows is pretty fun but you have to go through a bit for all of it
Main Threads: >>>/snow/1013078, >>>/snow/1218432, >>>/snow/1817812, >>>/snow/1977045
Creepshow Art has 5 threads, here’s the first and it’s relevant to the overall Art Commentary Community as discussion shifts there for a bit
And RacistUncle, she had a thread before the larger community did but she was in it and it’s a short read anyways and pretty funny >>>/snow/947066

No. 78844

The window/fall/hospital drama, but I don't know which thread it's in exactly.

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No. 77002[Reply]

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No. 78419

Not reading all of that but I agree that it's a stupid ban. Jannies are just pulling rules out of their ass now. Either they overmoderate or undermoderate with no in-between.

No. 78420

goodbye cowball!

No. 78423

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80% of that thread is just one autistic anon replying to every single post with a wall of text and getting mad when people don't agree with her covid vaccination opinion. It's obvious who it is because of their writing style and refusal to sage, you'll literally just get banned for replying to them too much because they literally will not stop posting

No. 78432

personally I think that poster was being annoying in other posts and that red-text is just a technicality. I can't see IPs but I just know they were shitting up other threads.

No. 78442

This has been a rule for years

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No. 71238[Reply]

This thread is for discussing the results of the Jan 22 - Feb 5 Hellweek of 2024.

It was requested in the original Hellweek thread that we provide some statistics, so we've spent some time putting together a spreadsheet with some stats which you can access here! Please note that the spreadsheet has 2 pages which you can switch using the tabs at the bottom. The first page is statistics about users, and the second page is statistics specifically about moderation.

For those who don't have the time to read that, here is a brief overview (the spreadsheet has more detailed information):
>Total posts
>Total reports
>Unique posting IPs
>Unique posting devices
>% of posts that are by VPN users
>Total bans
>Total permanent bans
>Top 3 most common ban reasons
Derailing, infighting and lack of sage
>Top 3 most banned threads
The Celebricows thread, the Shayna/Dolly Mattel thread, and the Twitter/Tumblr Fandom Discourse Thread

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No. 73680

The problem with that is that some anons don't title threads properly

No. 74155

I saw someone a few weeks ago asking if admins posted any statistics of bans pre and post the dumbass shit thread autosage, and honestly I would be very interested in seeing it. The autosage was supposed to cut back on newfaggotry and infighting, but as far as I can see, there's still a lot of both in /ot/. There's also the issue of anons posting off-topic things in other threads that would typically go into the dumbass shit thread, which for some reason doesn't seem to get banned most of the time. And the mods nowadays frequently bend to the wants/demands newfags, so it's incredibly unclear what direction you guys are trying to take.

No. 76759

It's actually super disappointing that townhalls are being refused, because the polls in townhalls would be a lot more reliable and verifiable for making decisions than holding polls on poll sites like what was done in the past

No. 76894

Please understand. There are no chat platforms with an archive function and also screen recording software doesn’t exist. So they just can’t I’m sorry. It’s for our own good.

No. 77667

>As for why other threads are not locked or autosaged, we have discussed as a team whether or not to close the worst offenders (e.g. Unpopular Opinions) and we’re still keeping an eye on it. We aren’t ruling out closing them in the near future if things do not improve.
So are we ever going to get an update on this? Or any updates literally at all

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