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No. 189550[Reply]

Post anything you want about the vast animal kingdom, pics, interesting creatures, facts, info, etc.

Prev >>>/m/98490
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No. 380700

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No. 382140

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No. 382141

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No. 382991

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No. 383119

spank and run

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No. 186847[Reply]

Post your favorite albums/artists/songs!
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No. 382241

No. 382527

No. 382660

No. 382873

No. 382987

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No. 208516[Reply]

Since ninnies wanted it back, here it is. Try not to thrist over serial killers too much.

Talk about things you find interesting
>Unsolved Mysteries
>Overrated Killers
>Underrated Cases
>Favourite Podcasts
57 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 382637

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>When I learned the truth I felt dumb, but it was a lesson to do my due diligence.
Precisely, so did I. It's crazy to think that some of the young girls that devour all the information available online about them end up trooning out and praising them instead of doing a 180º.
>I'm still very much interested in the third shooter theory, the two kids who were shot at Subway a year later, basement tapes and also generally believe that events like these are used to traumatise the masses too.
Would you be interested in reading some archived threads on /x/ about Columbine? They touch some of these topics.
>But nowadays I tend to avoid true crime, the last time something gripped me was Sarah Everard's murder because I fell down a rabbit hole about Freemasons in the police.
I can't believe I didn't hear about this back in 2021. Can you tell me more about that freemasons in the police rabbithole?
>The Sutcliffe case is so fucked up, those prostitutes weren't even treated like humans, it was a wake-up call that even the moids who don't murder you can't be trusted. They'll almost always find a way to insinuate it was the woman's fault.
Watching that miniseries was very eye-opening (and the one about the hoaxer who sent the tape and the letters too), because you realise how the average man doesn't take male violence on women seriously at all and how the system is ruled and formed mostly by incompetent men that view their police jobs as a way to strike their egos. The shot of the senior police officers smiling after they had caught Sutcliffe is maddening.

No. 382642

Does anyone else exclusively consume true crime content with male victims? Women’s stories just make me want to kill someone and ruins my day. With males I kinda don’t care. My favourites are when young straight men are targeted by gay predators, preferably cold cases.

No. 382881

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Yes! I would love to read those threads. I do remember one thread on /x/, I think it was a recorded interview with a mother of a student there. She spoke about things like the alleged sniper on the roof and the Shoels family having to leave town, it was fascinating stuff but I never thought to bookmark it. Hoo boy, Freemasonry is a big rabbit hole. I'll recap a few things off the top off my head. Ok so the highest you can progress in Scottish Rite masonry - the most popular Rite - is the 33rd degree. The number 33 has a habit of popping up in suspicious events, and with Sarah Everard it was no different. She disappeared on the 3/3, she was 33 y/o and IIRC so was her boyfriend. She went missing in London, the home of modern Freemasonry, which has 33 boroughs if you include the the city of London. The met police often have the checker board patterns on their hats and uniform like picrel and checker board floors are in every Masonic lodge, the pattern being a big part of their symbolism. This is all sounds like tinfoil, I know. But Freemasons in the police has been pretty well reported on, particularly in regard to it affecting the chain of command. Here's a couple of articles from mainstream press to get you started.

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/masons-freemasons-freemasonry-in-the-police-corruption-coverup-conspiracy-theories-united-grand-lodge-of-engPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 382980

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The whole Zodiac case is such a mess, but it’s the only true crime case I still read about daily.

No. 382984

i don't mind when the victims are female, as long is not the same old story: moid kills women for sexual gratification. and in most podcasts its always this fucking story because its the most common crime and most podcasters are lazy cretins that don't do any research into real interesting cases.

Real horror and Matt Orchard are the only ones i can stand after diving in true crime.

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No. 382896[Reply]

Post and discuss your favourite AMVs (anime music videos) here.
11 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 382941

No. 382950

So nostalgic

No. 382951

No. 382958

Damn, the nostalgia is real. Being into hetalia back in 2010 when the fandom was at its peak while the world cup was happening was quite the experience

No. 382982

I used to re-watch this one constantly

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No. 186908[Reply]

Post all the manhating pictures you have!
845 posts and 580 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 373904

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No. 374906

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No. 374907

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No. 378838

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No. 382981

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No. 89824[Reply]

Post manga panels you like here
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No. 382463

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it was a good psychological horror okay.

No. 382473

No. 382879

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No. 382979

where is this from?

No. 383007

holy shit, this manga. i still have the first few volumes somewhere in my closet. i loved gilbert, typical.

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No. 287823[Reply]

You can post cat picture, gif or illustration here to celebrate this amazing animal!

previous thread >>>/m/228535
1185 posts and 1086 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 382102

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No. 382217

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No. 382887

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No. 382977

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No. 382978

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No. 197864[Reply]

Post your favorite/interesting/bizzare music videos here
56 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 350755

I love her aesthetic choices.

No. 352904


No. 359668

Always loved how batshit insane the KLF were.

No. 382949

Just had this video recommended to me. The song is alright but I like the styles of the girls in the video

No. 382975

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No. 192164[Reply]

Use this thread to discuss reading and writing fanfiction. Feel free to discuss personal grievances and things you like about fan fiction and fanfiction communities
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No. 382954

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ESL, never wrote fic before, got hit by an insane wave of inspiration, wrote 20k words of way higher quality than I thought id ever be able to (not objectively amazing just relative to my skill). Now brain refuses to produce anything. My adoring fans are waiting for me to come down from Mt Sinai with more incest but every day I get less inspired.

No. 382964

>more incest
w-what ship did you write for nonna? Asking for a friend

No. 382969

JohnDean. doxing myself hard

No. 383039

I wrote fanfic back in 2010, got mildly famous, nuked my account, then I wrote 5 one shots in 2017, got mildly famous, disappeared again, and now I’m about to get back into it with yet another new account. Will I resist orphaning my account out of shame this time?

No. 383103

Why don't you just use the same account? It's ok to disappear for a while, it's not shameful.

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No. 317273[Reply]

67 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 374611

No. 374612

No. 376811

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Has anyone else here used Udio? I've spent the last week generating stupid novelty songs with it. It fucks up and will start babbling incoherently a lot though.

No. 377128

No. 381661

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