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No. 379810[Reply]

Shitshow edition

Previous thread >>374337
1152 posts and 129 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 382948

>Dutch Eurovision artist Joost Klein is at risk of being charged with unlawful threats after his stay in Malmö. Now his lawyer comments on the incident. According to Jan-Åke Fält, Joost Klein denies any crime.
>There was an agreement between him and the management. It was a sensitive occasion where he would not be photographed leaving the stage. He was to be met by his team but there is a photographer standing there. He asks the person to stop filming. Mr Fält says the photographer didn't listen to Mr Klein. He then pushed the camera away to get rid of it. He denies having threatened this person.
>According to Mr Fält, a preliminary trial date has been set for early June. The police are not yet finished with their investigation.

No. 382955

I know it's a different country, different laws, different people and blah blah blah, but it blows my mind how someone can work in an area that not everyone has access to, sign some work related papers with a bunch of rules to follow and just completely ignore the requests by the delegation. Surely, as a photographer/cameraman you would know about the importance of consent, especially when you were hired by the national broadcaster to work on such a huge international event. And then, when you were the one who was unprofessional and didn't follow the rules/important requests went to report this (based on the officially released information) minuscule incident to the police?
I can't imagine something like that happening on the streets - someone filming random people gets called out for that, doesn't do anything and thus is insulted and maybe pushed by the filmed people, then goes to complain about it to the police. It just sounds crazy, especially when there was no physical harassment, only an alleged threat, that no one knows what it was exactly.

No. 382974

The EBU definitely massively overreacted … I doubt the Netherlands (big financial contributer) will even participate next year, unless they pull some thug behaviour and threaten with contracts.

No. 382999

Eden before and after plastic surgery kek

No. 383081

I seriously hope they don't participate next year to get back at EBU and I'm disappointed the broadcaster hasn't made any announcements about it so far

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No. 197446[Reply]

>FromSoftware, Inc. is a Japanese video game development company founded in November 1986 and a subsidiary of Kadokawa Corporation. The company is best known for their Armored Core and Souls series, including the related games Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring.

Talk about Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring or any other Fromsoft games you like here! Help each other out, post pics of your protagonists, talk about your favorite pieces of lore, your husbandos, etc.
1097 posts and 494 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 382805

have you spoken to alexander the giant jar yet? i think if you do, he'll appear there and he's a great damage sponge

No. 382808

Yeah I met him twice before this but don't seem to be able to summon him. Maybe I just missed it while I've been summoning the useless

No. 382812

No. 382943

I called everyone, let them do their thing and then when he was just with a tiny bit of health I greatbowed him and then he's gone!!!!! He never hit me either wtf
But my game might be bugged cus I couldn't find alexander nor patches, didn't even know you could call him before watching this vid >>382812
I could call jerren guy though.

Anyway, will still invest some points on vigor cus I just got it up to 17 and it feels good to not die instantly when you take an arrow in the face.

No. 382944


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

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No. 162342[Reply]

Post monkey funny monkey cute monkey, become monkey yourself
192 posts and 153 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 375059

File: 1714483897153.jpg (320.52 KB, 675x900, Buffy-headed-marmoset-Peter-Sc…)

what a sweetie

No. 375176

they're so cute and enterprising

No. 382661

>monkey appears, spins and then screams

No. 382936

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No. 382937

File: 1715958957438.png (93.27 KB, 400x281, picmix.com_1028819.png)

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No. 210757[Reply]

Post crossover art of characters from different series/franchises together or have them referencing, dressing, or drawn in a different artstyle from other series/franchises.
1135 posts and 888 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 377260

File: 1715111320217.jpg (1.05 MB, 1280x961, 117567084_p0.jpg)

No. 377261

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No. 382914

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Pony America…so cute…

No. 382915

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No. 382916

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No. 288308[Reply]

post pics of attractive or even average to cute looking couples whether in real life or art
967 posts and 647 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 374408

File: 1714256535676.png (110.67 KB, 1136x1121, 1708378195758.png)

And this too

No. 375120

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No. 375122

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No. 378290

File: 1715352091950.png (1.72 MB, 1600x1200, 3PIrcyd.png)

No. 382886

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No. 197320[Reply]

Remake of the other thread, here >>>/m/182650 (Copy + paste into search bar to find it)

Dump cute art of 2d women here. It can be classical art, fanart, shipping art, whatever. You may post art of your waifus just keep sperging to other threads. No coomer shit.
506 posts and 461 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 381238

File: 1715623811002.jpg (1.92 MB, 2894x4093, GMrl3l-W8AE5T1z.jpg)

I love this artists use of line work, shes beautiful

No. 381239

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No. 382818

File: 1715918173206.jpg (191.23 KB, 943x1200, FjDPfFpacAAUZjw.jpg)

No. 382859

File: 1715934883561.jpg (69.74 KB, 697x830, BuR625HCMAAO9yu.jpg)

No. 382880

File: 1715944991452.jpg (549.53 KB, 1050x1439, GEcYm9PWgAAJ_z5.jpg)

Yes nonnie! i'm obsessed

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No. 285486[Reply]

post below mediocre music that either make you cringe, laugh or both.
116 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 371762

No. 374323

No. 374329

No. 377390

No. 382874

No. 268621[Reply]

previous thread >>>/m/75016
181 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 375272

No. 376212

No. 376213

No. 379082

No. 382872

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No. 230933[Reply]

Talk about webtoons, manhwas and manhuas here.

This thread also was gone yestarday >>>/m/208781 (i am hoping the mods are able to recover these threads)
140 posts and 53 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 372914

Nona I know I'm 6 months late but A) she's not an important character, and B) it's a scifi reincarnation thing. Like she is a biological female in her original life and then is reincarnated as a male but retains her original memories/personality/identity, which has an established precedent. It's a little bit obnoxious, but this character is only relevant for 0.3 seconds and then only occasionally referenced and there is not a word mentioned about being trans. It's pretty inevitable that trannies would latch on, and I'm not looking forward to when it gets adapted into the webtoon.

No. 372917

why is it always the webtoons with the most jank art blowing up, ffs

No. 382467

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Nonnies, can I get recommendations with shitty abusive MLs that end up groveling and being forgiven anyway? Any genre works actually, I just like angst involving POS main love interests. Also, preferably webtoons/manhwa.

No. 382562

File: 1715827730152.webp (38.78 KB, 640x927, akbpve8j7lg91.webp)

Finally read Resetting Lady. Transmigrated FL dies like a 100 times and in this reincarnation she decides to go full Jeffrey Dahmer.

Plot is not super interesting to me and I hate the boring ass ML. Dulan is so fine. I want to read smut with his stuttering priest loser ass. Why can't we ever have hot loser MLs.

No. 382863

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Atrocious. I am the other anon who hates this unfunny tif so much. She's like a 2010 pseudo deep deviantartist, I'm impressed with how she 'updated' her style while keeping the same 'substance' kek.

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No. 126985[Reply]

Post and dump cute random pictures here, there's no theme so just post anything you might feel is cute.
347 posts and 321 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 376520

File: 1714850046378.jpg (124.57 KB, 1318x1318, EVo8MNfUMAEPrOw.jpg)

No. 376832

File: 1714957273835.png (1.66 MB, 938x892, IMG_0432.png)

No. 377165

File: 1715082014890.jpg (94.33 KB, 640x637, 1637378739798.jpg)

No. 378220

File: 1715345609005.png (396.58 KB, 564x1002, BMaev9f.png)

No. 382849

File: 1715927185491.png (379.36 KB, 800x450, GKA5-bcaIAEUMK9.png)

Realistic puppies…

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