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/pt/ - lolcow general

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No. 40184

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you /fem/swami. A delightful character he have floating around 8ch who not only shiposts and spreads seemingly ironic liberal rhetoric but likes to post her nudes in safe places thinking we won't notice.

She is a cunt and has NPD and probably will be of interest to you because we think she's funny on /cow/ event though SHE thinks we're the ones to laugh at.

No. 40185

can't tell if vendetta

No. 40186

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Eh it's not a vendetta.

Just this is the place to talk about female lolcows it seems and we don't or I don't know if you have alot of stuff floating around or care.

No. 40187

Swami is annoying as shit but I'm not sure if she's a lolcow.

No. 40188

whats wrong with being liberal

liberal isnt the same as straight up sjw

No. 40189

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>Mentioning that she has Aspergers in her list of kinks

No. 40203

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I thought the swami character was just a fake.

No. 40209

I don't really know if I can count her as a lolcow just because she has nudes and sexual tastes– something almost everyone has. Whether or not they're candid about them is another story entirely. I just wish that /fem/ had been different.. but, I suppose that it was bound to have mostly men and only about 20 something girls posting. (According to that recent poll, anyway.)

No. 40578

That's a nice pussy

No. 40585

that's actually what i was thinking. bit jelly tbh

No. 40586

She has a great body, shame about her face. She looks like Kalel Kittens ugly twin.

No. 40799

I remember her being hated by everyone on r9k before it was deleted and she always posted.

But I'm pretty sure its a guy with a hateboner for an ex gf or something.

No. 40801

thats not the same chick

girl on the left is gorgeous

girl on right is different and unattractive

No. 40802

She used to trip on /r9k/ and is actually racist as fuck, not sure why people here are calling her liberal.
Oh and apparently there are two girls behind the trip itself (or at least they're really close and know each other IRL).
One is a blond chick, the other is the brunette in >>40203.
There was a huge pic circulated on the board that showed all the findings including a shitload of pics (some of which swami her/their self posted). I had it saved on my old HDD.
She just kind of faded away around 2014, I guess all she does now is play games and moderate the /fem/ board on 8chan.

No. 40803

Nope, they're the same.

No. 40807

no, they're really not

lips arent the same, nose isn't the same, faceshape isn't the same, etc

No. 41011

Is there anything else to elaborate on? People seem to be under the impression that she's nice.

No. 42049

I wish that tripfag site would come back.

No. 42081

She just has traditional values

No. 42093

Nah. She's quite un-traditional (does drugs, is promiscuous, wants to fuck her older brother, etc) and would probably horrify /pol/ qith her "degeneracy". She just also hates black people and constantly shat on black girls for no real reason.

No. 42106

I just realize I shitpost with her on twitter.

No. 42113

I'll take that poll with a grain of salt.
Probably 99% guys, just like /r/girlgamers

No. 95145


Any luck digging those up?

No. 95171

Nope. If Heinessen was still around I'd have saved the pic and reposted it.
In the same pic, there were also screencaps of swami on either tinychat or Skype (can't remember) freaking the fuck out about it and talking about her information being posted.

No. 95176

I used to browse /r9k/ a few years ago and I remember the pic you're talking about where she freaked out about her info being posted. If anyone is arsed it's probably on some /r9k/ archive if you dug hard enough

No. 95188


>14837 results

No. 269654

Enjoy your stay. I'm sure you'll feel home.

No. 269656

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Nice pussy and nice tits.

Yeah her face isn't that great but fuck this thread. I don't come here to get jealous.

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