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No. 286365

ill expose your identity you little cunt.

can't keep me blocked

ill keep coming back like ur fucking herpes.

delete the other worthless threads or else

everyone will see and know who the new "ADMIN SAMMAAAA" is

No. 286367

You need to know that there's more to life than Lolcow.

No. 286369

This is really pathetic

No. 286371

if you had your precious Taylor thread back you'd be here 24/7. don't lie.

No. 286375

Are we being raided by one person ? You have a lot of free time in your hands, edgy-chan.

No. 286376


Nobody gives a fuck.

No. 286378

And so?

No. 286382

Why delete the felice thread when if it's the one i'm thinking of, it's not been active in months, and it was used to discuss random goffs like her and mila

No. 286385

XD so edgey

No. 286386

Giving this much of a fuck about an obscure imageboard.

No. 286387

#1 taytay fan

No. 286388

old admin said threads like that will be locked, it's just a matter of time and seeing if any new comments appear and what the nature of the discussion is. ffs.

No. 286389

>burned by this site
they fucking read it and half of them selfpost, you walnut.

No. 286391

question your life choices. you are obsessed with Taylor and probably need the thread for fap material.

No. 286393

just ignore this wannabe edge lord. It's obvious they were left alone for long periods of time and just seek attention to feel fulfilled. Just because daddy didn't hug you enough doesn't mean you need to act like a cunt

No. 286401

Moved to >>>/manure/2458.

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