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No. 68

Who here wants to be a mother figure to a group of lonely /r9k/ losers on Skype?

No. 69

No one, fuck off

No. 70

no one

No. 71

Kill yourself.

No. 72

On that note: How strong is lolcows maternal instinct and what triggers it?

No. 73

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Please post your Skype username if you are interested, ladies.

No. 74

No. 75

you could try YTT since they're the hottest girls on the interwebs……

No. 80

why do so many robots seem to have oedipal complexes? i thought the whole "mummy make me tendiez" thing was a piss-take at first, but some of them REALLY want to fuck their mum, or make posts like >tfw no mommy girlfriend

No. 81

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They see all other women as little more than treacherous whores, and for the vast majority of them the one female figure in their lives for whom this standard does not apply is the one that they came out of.
Unable to obtain a female sexual/romantic partner in lives, they instead begin to concentrate their interests on the one female in their lives for whom they view as being of a homely/humble purity, and who has already been caring and tending to them their entire lives (something we treacherous whores are supposed to be incapable of).

No. 82

Believe you me, even the majority of people on r9k are a little triggered by that shit.

Uncomfortable-ass Freudian business.

No. 217


That is, until they find daddy's collection of homegrown pr0ns.

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