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No. 1673

Came across this NOWAG ranting about how white people can't make good food. His blog is a goldmine of lols, like many incels.

No. 1674

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Here's something he screencapped after some Asian chick got WOGGED by fernando. His response:

>I get it, she had a blast with Mr. Italy – that’s cool! Heck, that guy could have treated her out to Sizzler on an early bird special and finished the night eating a cannoli out of her cornhole – WHO KNOWS?! But why the comparison? Why do Asian men need to learn a lesson from Italian Men? And why am I so upset about this minor, no-need-to-worry comment that could have been flicked like the booger it was? Simple: a lot of people who date interracially fail to understand the qualities of an ethnic group because they’re constantly comparing it to others.

How do we solve the NOWAG problem?

No. 1675

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NOWAGs food rant.

No. 1676

lmao I am Asian American and I love all sorts of ethnic food but this is so pretentious. No wonder he can't find any girls to date him. Even the most SJW girls would rather date a white guy too lol.

No. 1677

Please don't bully NOWAGs, we need to raise awareness of the NOWAG condition and distribute fleshlights so they can work off their sexual frustration, lest this happens:


>Japanese-American NOWAG roid-rage kills some mexican for talking to a girl he liked in the gym

No. 1678

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This is the NOWAG who invented the compensated dating site, Seeking Arrangements. The interview with him in The Atlantic is interesting.


>Love is a concept invented by poor people. Love at first sight that sends shivers down your spine is a fairy tale, and it doesn't last forever.

The interviewer asks:

>So if you went home today, and your wife said she wants to have sex with your best friend, you'd be fine with that because you believe in yourself?

NOWAG reply:

>Um… well, in our case we would be talking about this openly. I would realize she was perhaps unhappy or bored, and we would already be discussing this. In that sense, I wouldn't be caught by surprise.

"Please cuck me, but let me know about it beforehand"

"Love is for poor people"

"NOWAG pride world wide!"

Sigh, NOWAGs…. when will they learn lolcow?

No. 1679

Check out /r/asianmasculinity if you haven't yet. Here's a choice thread:


These Americanized gook/bindi grievance sub-reddits are all a comedy goldmine. The topic above is a gift that keeps on giving:

>"Let’s just say I’m beginning to wake up now. fk white people and their bullshit. I can’t believe I let all this st slide in my life and ate it all up. I took it like a fking bitch while asking for seconds. Now that I think about it I was a fking Uncle Chan, for f**ks sake."

No. 1680

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Chink in OP's picture has a girlfriend though.

No. 1681

Even /r9k/ could date a black girl, it's not really an achievement.

Which explains this NOWAG's angst and rage. People happy with their romantic and sex lives don't rant online all day about white people stealing their kung pao chicken. Deep down this NOWAG wants a white girl, but his obnoxious attitude and faggotry puts them off.

I actually feel sorry for that black girl, imagine being with a guy where it's obvious you're not really the race he wants to date.

No. 1682

>Love is a concept invented by poor people

And people laugh when I say Asians and Whites are too different for relationships to ever work out.

No. 1683

Her body language obv looks awkward in that picture.

No. 1684

Interesting factoid I learned the other day. Apparently the Chinese equivalent of /r9k/ers on places like wenxuecity don't complain about women going for money, or anything like that, they actually complain about the complete opposite: Namely women going for looks, personality, things in common etc. The idea of women picking non-material things in a husband pisses them off and they claim, without any hint of irony, that women should purely go for money and nothing else.

Obviously the fact that with rising gini coefficients just about everywhere means that this would lead to outright monopolization of all women by wealthy men is lost on them. But it gives you some insight into how different the culture is.

I'd be interested to get ChineseGossip's perspective on this, but I think she's long gone.

No. 1685

And "love" in the sense most people mean it was invented by medieval nobles pining over unobtainable women (courtly love), so it's the other way around. It was invented by rich people, lol.

No. 1686

Oh this guy? I stumbled across his blog once too lol


I remember running into it a year or two ago, and it seems to have taken an even more SJW direction based off the most recent posts I scrolled through.

No. 1687

>Ranier Machingchong

Is his name unironically for real?

No. 1688

I think it's Maningding

No. 1689

I don't get why Asian guys in America are complaining though.

A lot of K-pop fans are white and they'd date anyone as long as their race was Asian. Doesn't matter if you're short, thin and look like the typical Asian nerd.

If you're Asian and desperate for a white girlfriend, most white K-pop fans would give you a chance.

No. 1690

This thread is a mess.there is hardly any cringe, and barely any incel hilarity.

Grade: D-

No. 1691

Yeah, but consider that outside of that demographic most white girls aren't big fans of asian guys.

I do agree partially though. Asian American guys come off as incredibly whiny and entitled.

And I doubt that's much of a solid foundation for a relationship.

No. 1692

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American Asians are just a buncj whiny cunts bitching about Americans bastardizing their cuisine, white men finding them attractive, white men atealing "their" wiminz and 'whitewashing'.

In reality they are one of America's wealthiest groups who are largely stereotyped as smart and hard-working.

All of this is trivial, but what genuinely angers me is when places like r/asianmasculinity start defending their "homelands" solely because of how bootyflustered they are at America.

No. 1693

It's mainly because self-pity is a big thing in asian societies, the whole idea of luxuriating in melancholy and feeling sorry for oneself. Think about how suicide is dealt with for example. Accepted precisely because it's the ultimately expression of a pitiable person.

Problem is that contemporary American culture encourages feelings of self-pity by acting as a sort of confirmation bias engine - Asians engage in self-pity ("muh long duck dong is the reason I can't get girls!") and the culture confirms this for them ("yes, that's the reason you can't get girls, it's nothing that is encumbent upon you to change, it's everyone else!")

t. weeb expert.

No. 1694

I can't be bothered to dig up /r/asianmasculinity's greatest hits.

No. 1695

Lol well I have no clue who the dude is in the pic in the OP, so I hope you have some better material to show us.

No. 1696

This guy can't even tolerate opinions lol,he'll baleete and block you if you hurt his fee-fees

No. 1697

>source: my ass

>In reality they are one of America's wealthiest groups who are largely stereotyped as smart and hard-working.

No shit. How else do you think you're supposed to earn money?

No. 1698

Nice refutation, it sure disproves how whiny and entitled Asians are.

No. 1699

But you gave nothing to disprove.

>writes entire angry rant about asians being whiny

The irony is really lost on you.

No. 1700

Asian men are so pathetic. They're like autistic chiwawas barking at larger dogs. I hate them all so much.

No. 1701

That spic was hideous, I'm glad he's dead.

No. 1702

Are you illiterate, or really suggesting I'm arguing with myself and waiting 30 minutes between posts to do that?

No. 1703

I was the person that made the comment about self pity. You're replying to two different people.

And it's true. Much of Chinese literature is unreadable on this account, from the epic whining of 3rd-century-B.C. poet Qu Yuan (he had lost the favor of his monarch and been exiled) to Lin Daiyu snivelling herself to death in the 18th-century classic novel Red Chamber Dream. The mid-20th-century Chinese writer Bo Yang used to ask his students at Peking University to keep diaries of their social interactions with classmates. One of the most frequent patterns he found was that classmate A would write: "Classmate B was openly rude to me today. After I have been so nice to him! After all that I have done to help and encourage him! I am so wronged! It is so unfair!" and that classmate B's diary would say exactly the same thing about classmate A.

No. 1704

NOWAG pls. This isn't the place to pick up dumb white girls.

No. 1705

>i don't like chinese literature
>asians are whiny!
My sides. Are you really incapable of choosing something more relevant to argue your stance against asian-americans?

No. 1706

Oh lord, incel, you say?


Mostly white incels idolizing asian women and trying to import third world brides.


Happa who hates the fucking shit out of his parents.


Another insane Eurasian.


They invented the term "Co-alpha" so they could exclude themselves from the beta label. They want to take over the world and distribute the women fairly so every defective retard can have a wife (and cheat on her with government funded sex slaves)

What's a NOWAG? Care to explain? I don't particularly like asian people as a whole, but this obsessive hatred white men have towards things like /r/asianmasculinity is pretty lame. Whenever I call a white man a hypocrite for thirsting after Asian women while simultaneously being a /pol/ fag, I always get accused of being from there. I feel like this thread was made by a white man to steer weebs away from asian men.

No. 1707

What the fuck do my posts have to do with picking up dumb white girls and what the fuck is NOWAG

No. 1708

>I'd be interested to get ChineseGossip's perspective on this, but I think she's long gone.

I think you guys scared her off with all the 14/88 gas the chinks stuff.

No. 1709

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these are two different people

this thread is dedicated to making fun of incels, that's what we're doing

No. 1710

Really? >>1692 was bitching about incels? "white men finding them attractive"?

Actually wait, did I just fall for a race derail? Fuck

No. 1711

Uh. You know happierabroad was founded by an asian guy right?

And that there's a thriving industry of ethnic pua snake oil salesmen?

Nobody thirsts after Asian women here NOWAG. Go moan elsewhere.

No. 1712

Considering that Asian Americans unironically think being asked where they come from is a major issue that needs addressing, then yeah, I'd say they're pretty fucking whiny dude.

No. 1713

I'm sure most white men aren't even aware of what asianmaculinity is, but anyway. They're just as bad if not worse than the likes of /r9k/ and the sites you listed. Odd how you seem to have a vested interest in defending them though, it's almost as if you're not actually female at all.

No. 1714

Why do Asian dudes always congregate in weeb spaces online? It's fucking creepy.

Most people here don't like you. Go back to /cgl/.

No. 1715

>did I just fall for a race derail?


No. 1716

>Asian dudes congregating in weeb spaces

Come to think of it, wasn't the arrival of white fever Asians like todd and hobbes about the point at which /cgl/ became shit? I can remember them completely shutting up the board.

No. 1717

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>accusing me of being NOWAG
>no white men thirst after asian women on happierabroad
>still refuses to explain wtf a NOWAG is

White man confirmed.

No. 1718

Yo the whole co-alpha thing was created by fschmidt, a white dude, and a place that our beloved Marjan sometimes hangs out.

No. 1719

Happierabroad was founded by Winston Wu. And no shit whites will make a plurality or majority of disaffected whiners on the English speaking western Internet, for reasons of simple demography. That doesn't change the fact a disproportionate amount are Asian Americans.

You'll find similar examples of Korean extolling the virtues of eastern European women while degrading their own women on the Korean speaking Internet, in fact a popular Web based feminist movement, megalia, sprang up in response to this.

Likewise with Chinese speakers, where the gender imbalance and high demands for marriage (house and car) make people even more vociferous.

No. 1720

Nah, I have an invested interest in shitting on white men who fuck gooks.

No. 1721

You can fuck gooks and still prefer white women.

No. 1722

You can fuck niggers and still prefer white men. :)

No. 1723

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No. 1724


No. 1725

>And why am I so upset about this minor, no-need-to-worry comment that could have been flicked like the booger it was?

Because you're a bitch, it's really simple. Also, lost my shit at WOGGED.

No. 1726

Is this the same anon that created the Hannah in japana thread trying to convince white women not to lust after Asian men? Damn dude, find another cause. You'll never be able to smack the weeb out of them, much less the Asian dick.

No. 1727

Are there even that many yellow fever sufferers on lolcow? My feeling was that most are laughing AT said yellow fever types, rather than being into Asian guys.

Personally the hairless look is totally off putting for me.

No. 1728

You would want that, wouldn't you Mr. Roboto

No. 1729

No. 1730

Yeah, there are tons of them on /snow/.

No. 1731

Is that Chuck Bass

No. 1732

How can you tell. /snow/ is for cows.

If you spend a lot of time online then this particular fetish is amplified and seems larger than it is. In reality it's a very small minority.

No. 1733

Weird how they think swearing makes them look masculine.

These types have only themselves and their insular-by-design culture to blame.

No. 1734

What do they like about Eastern European women that Korean women don't have?

No. 1735

No. 1736

Read the whole article, all i can say is how bizzare…

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