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No. 382896

Post and discuss your favourite AMVs (anime music videos) here.

No. 382897

I really love how well this one is synced to the music.

No. 382898

No. 382902

No. 382903

No. 382906

No. 382918

No. 382919

No. 382922

No. 382925

No. 382926

No. 382935

No. 382941

No. 382950

So nostalgic

No. 382951

No. 382958

Damn, the nostalgia is real. Being into hetalia back in 2010 when the fandom was at its peak while the world cup was happening was quite the experience

No. 382982

I used to re-watch this one constantly

No. 383897

A classic, the lip-syncing is really good as well.

No. 383898

No. 383912

Kek nonnie I saw Ayato in the thumbnail and clicked immediately. It's kind of randomly put together though.

No. 383938

Black Lagoon AMVs are always the best

No. 384045

My favourite song thanks for sharing nona! ♥

No. 384109

Made me fell in love with him

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