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No. 1[Reply]

All threads posted here must revolve around some sort of literature, music, game, film, show, or image topic. e.g “pictures of cute animals”.
Please read https://lolcow.farm/rules

No. 9087

##spoilered text## => spoilered text

No. 17995

K-idol spam threads to be merged at the next bump limit

No. 47997

Any race related posts or discussion is prohibited per global rule 7.
Repeat offenders are subject to a permanent ban from /m/.

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No. 383328[Reply]

Yaoi boy summer loading edition
>FUJOSHI (腐女子, "rotten girl"): a self-mockingly pejorative Japanese term for female fans of manga and novels that feature romantic relationships between men.

>Discuss yaoi and BL here, as well as other media aimed at (or with fanservice for) fujoshis.

>Discussion of BL games here is okay, but please do not cannibalize the otome game general.
>Discussion of Male/Male ships outside of strictly BL series is allowed, try to avoid divisiveness between slashers and classic fujos.
>No straight shit, there are other threads for that.
>Feel free to ask for recommendations, but specify what kind of material you're looking for (Genre, oneshot/series, doujinshi, SFW/NSFW etc).
>Being reasonably critical of BL is welcomed but don't come here only to bait or excessively moralsperg about fujos or how much you hate BL as a genre. Take it to Twitter.
>Be mindful of others and hide your spoilers. Use the spoiler image option and wrap your text inside spoiler tags.
>Reminder to ignore the baiting males and trolls who come to provoke.
>Keep the armchair psychology to a minimum, we've heard it all before.
>Be nice to each other, we fujos should stick together.

Previous threads:
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No. 384163

it's 15 years old, of course it's fucking ugly. only teenagers on tiktok and gooners play vns for the art alone.
>Lesser discussed
idgaf when anon has barely played anything in general and there are like 20 bl games in english

No. 384164

I mean it's a visual medium, I'd hope the art is at least decent kek. Also Togainu no chi is older and it's art looks fine just saying.

No. 384165

Males who cut are extremely unattractive. It just reminds me of mentally ill young girls.

No. 384166

Ok, this is the worst take I've seen in quite a while.

No. 384168

We're talking 2d only.

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No. 345693[Reply]

Have you seen those stupid ass short comics that people make and are unfunny as fuck? Of course you have, they're all over social media. Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, DeviantArt, they're the bread and butter of unskilled artists and writers. Unfortunately, there's a ton of these bad short form comics floating around the internet (and people who make a living out of them, as perplexing as it is). Post the hilariously bad, terrible, lukewarm, mediocre, lazy infuriating, and most annoying ones here!

You can post
>Short comics
>Multiple pannels or illustrations
>4koma/4pannel comics
>Abstracts from a bigger comic

Previous threads:
thread #1 >>>/m/232318
thread #2 >>>/m/256627
thread #3 >>>/m/314190
987 posts and 278 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 383859

If the meme "you have never felt the touch of a woman" was an art style.

No. 383877

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same vibes.

No. 384133

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No. 384136

This honestly takes the cake for me it's so fucking retarded.

No. 384167

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its a redraw of jerkcity, which is a very old comic made out of silly conversations between friends

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No. 186862[Reply]

This is a thread to post all our favorite female content creators! All kinds of female talent welcome, from animators and artists to vloggers and video makers, and anything in between. Post your favorite youtube channels, blogs, instagrams, twitch streams, etc. A short description is always appreciated.
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No. 381989

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not a woman unfortunately

No. 383968

she is back…

No. 384025

she can be pretty cringe sometimes but i genuinely respect that she really does love tf2 even if its scrote fanbase harasses her for it

No. 384033

I love her, but her troon brother jump scared me. He's a lot in this video

No. 384153


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No. 370265[Reply]

#8 >>347462
#7 >>289809
#6 >>258355
#5 >>220538
#4 >>186704
#3 >>171819
#2 >>126536
#1 >>3894

General anime discussion
Your first husbando edition
Recommendation sheet (can post and view anonymously): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xljp3EEEoj1gUCnbAsdH1f3S8rHWbAi64mWt1g_C0SA/edit?usp=sharin
835 posts and 201 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 384126

To be fair the people who created k project are a team of scrotes with I don’t think a single woman so it isn’t the most surprising. Still inexcusable

No. 384128

Don't waste your energy on them, it will just end up derailing the thread. They're free to gush about sexy coom women with their likeminded moids on 4chan

No. 384132

Call out the author on Twitter and tell her you'll boycott it then.

No. 384138

>It's one thing to not tolerate that content yourself (totally fine) and it's another to call anyone who watches Eva a doormat

No. 384152

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KnY is great when you don't have people endlessly bitching about it in your ear. I've enjoyed the manga since it started releasing. It stood out for me among other shounen for its very brisk pace (in the manga at least, anime is waaaay slower) and feeling really earnest. This kind of story kind of became rare, with everything being subversive and meanspirited. The fights were really enjoyable and utilized characters well, they felt like a desperate struggle against overwhelming enemies. I found the cast funny and cute, and while at the start it felt like it introduced too many characters at once, Gotouge really knew how to keep it manageable. I really enjoyed the little details like the way she drew eyes as well, another detail botched by the anime adaptation. Apparently some of the strength is lost in the translation as well - the characters express themselves in a poetic way that gives it a theatrical feel, which is lost on the international readers, especially considering how bad Viz's translation is.
From reading the interviews, I was impressed by Gotouge's work ethic. She and her first editor basically sat down and wrote down the entire plot at once, and then Gotouge meticulously cut out every part that wouldn't be 1000% necessary for the story to keep it concise and the pacing brisk. Everything else was relegated to the walls of text in side material. Apparently she wasn't a fan of flashbacks either - the editor was the one who interfered to tell her to keep them. And the anime adaptation went even further, dramatically extending every flashback and even inventing the new ones.
The sheer endless butthurt it caused to moid shounenfags is only cherry on the cake, it was really funny seeing OPfags have meltdowns over it, and they still do.
All in all, I recommend reading KnY over watching it, and I recommend finding the fan translation instead of the Viz one.
It was basically proven, the French publisher leaked it on accident. The whole "nonbinary" retardation started because of that, journos happily misinterpret her plea to not be referred by gender publicly for privacy reasons as some gendie thing.

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No. 383598[Reply]

A thread for anons to request drawings and trade art. You can leave your request below! Quality and quantity may vary. Everyone is welcomed to participate, remember this thread is just for fun.
Rate my art thread: >>>/m/373122
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No. 384071


No. 384072

do you see the irony in shitting up this thread and continuing to derail after saying that you wouldn’t? I’m inclined to agree with that other anon, it just looks like someone got baited by a sperg into sperging out herself. But if she’s posting now, then the permaban may have been lifted. Report and move on regardless

No. 384144

What am i even looking at can someone explain

No. 384149

Undeveloped cow fetus

No. 384150

This is amazing thank you anons!!

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No. 230933[Reply]

Talk about webtoons, manhwas and manhuas here.

This thread also was gone yestarday >>>/m/208781 (i am hoping the mods are able to recover these threads)
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No. 383965

Thank you Nona god bless

No. 384064

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Seconding "On A Leash" and also "Opium," which is written by the same author. "Opium" ends up pretty sweet, but the beginning is very mysterious and shady. "I Love Amy" is also a certified toxic GL classic to me and I love the art style, but it's like a dark comedy about a yandere falling for a depressed autist in high school just to know what you're getting into. "Moonlight Garden" is another one that I like, tons of drama and betrayal and angst in a historical setting.

No. 384077

Where do you read I love Amy? Sorry for spoonfeed request but other human beings’s recs is the best way to find a good scanlation site

No. 384090

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No. 384145

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Just finished concentration of malice. Kekk FL is so unhinged. Indirectly murders anyone who slights her. I wish she messed around more with the other males but I was happy with end-game ML. So many loose-ends and sloppy plot but I still had fun.

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No. 358751[Reply]

General Video Game discussion, aside from games that have their own threads.
What are you currently playing, what you are looking forward to, favorite games, favorite consoles, gamer set discussion, reviews, praises, complaints, questions, etc.

Other game related threads
Pokémon thread >>>/m/320917
Animal Crossing thread >>>/m/194143
Cookie Run General Thread >>>/m/220653
Danganronpa thread >>>/m/246630
Elder Scrolls / Skyrim General #2 >>>/m/225157
Fromsoft thread >>>/m/197446
Genshin Impact General Thread #15 >>>/m/357977
Kirby Thread >>>/m/237062
Nikki Games General >>>/m/260895
Otome Gaming General >>>/m/192885
Splatoon general #1 >>>/m/247501
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528 posts and 131 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 383892

k i have no idea what im doing, ive spent like 5 hours just mining copper and training lockpick after running around the map a little and getting scared, idk im weirdly liking it. i put my boy to work and just tab out or zone out to music

No. 383937

Got the boat in Dragon Quest 8 and keep getting my ass kicked by everything. Angelo is dog shit for a priest

No. 384036

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No. 384119

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I have started my first base in grey desert since I hate drama and taxes. Sending me hiver boys minin' copper then off to sell em at robo city to make sum Cats. The acid never bothers me anyway.
Wondering where I should make a serious, long term base after I make decent money.
Speak you 0 toughness COWARD

No. 384142

do kenshi nonas know of mods to make the males less ugly

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No. 343999[Reply]

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No. 383752

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Love this one, I'm going to rewatch a few episodes now kek

No. 383756

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No. 383954

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No. 384004

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No. 384137

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No. 384011[Reply]

made after requests in the unconventional male attractions

be free to sperg here!
30 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 384140

his smile is adorable

No. 384141

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i know nonna…

No. 384143

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spoilered this edit just in case but huff

No. 384146

this is the hottest he's ever looked hnngg

No. 384161

so he has ptsd, bpd and adhd..?

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