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No. 186862[Reply]

This is a thread to post all our favorite female content creators! All kinds of female talent welcome, from animators and artists to vloggers and video makers, and anything in between. Post your favorite youtube channels, blogs, instagrams, twitch streams, etc. A short description is always appreciated.
993 posts and 62 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 375773

idk who she is but omg shes so cute

No. 375778

She's gonna get so much hate for this but this is a genius bit, only a woman could do this, she's a genius and she's right about the parasocial relationship thing

No. 375779

Risky move though, picking such an emotionally charged subject to make her point. One that also is an attack only on women, even if unintentional.

No. 375782

She's not attacking anyone. It's all fake. Everything on the internet is fake. No one should have been pouring their hearts out under the first video or screaming at her about how being a young mother would destroy her life and she should have aborted. I hope this helps people realize sometimes the things they see on youtube are not real.

No. 375787

Sure, but it's an unintentional attack imo because it's using a traumatic experience that ONLY women go through to make a point. Faking or making light of miscarriages is always a shit joke made at the expense of women, so yeah I hope she is prepared for the backlash she'll likely be getting

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No. 271137[Reply]

Post character designs that you like or deem worthy of recognition, or characters that are universally and professionaly well regarded. Bonus points if you add why

previous thread
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No. 374348

Kaito speedo is the funniest shit to me for some reason. Especially if it's a group MV and everyone else looks normal

No. 374419

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I love how many options there are and how varied the styles can be. It's fun to play around with the options.
>Dark angel
Excellent taste- all of those are great. Dark Angel is my favorite, too. I'm also fond of picrel, Solitude, and Saihate Miku.

No. 374670

Maybe his puffiness went down over time in universe. In real life, Ian McDiarmid talked about how the makeup application was completely different for the two movies. I think it was at a Star Wars celebration a few years back. And yeah, Grievous,was great. He only showed up for a short while, but left such am impression. The amazing Genndy version helped, of course, but his portrayals in some of the comics and the Labyrinth of Evil novel were great as well.

No. 374672

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No. 375552

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she's so cute

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No. 96900[Reply]

Since my frontpage is mainly garbage I'm interested who other anons like to watch on YouTube

> Share interesting YouTube channels you discovered or watch regularly

> Ask for specific recommendations

> Discuss your favourite channels and why you like them

> Foreign language channels are good to post
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No. 185252

Crime pays but Botany doesn't. If you enjoy field research in a crass tone and learning scientific names of plants

No. 372727

No. 373598

Alizee has returned
She has a really funny sense of humour and her tangents are geniunely interesting because of her personality

No. 375226

I don't usually care for art people online but something about this woman has charmed me. There is something undeniably cringe about her that I can't seem to articulate but idk she's unique.

No. 375544

Good women's advice channel.

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No. 30961[Reply]

Share your favorite quotes.
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No. 180420

>After having spent much time analyzing this, I've determined which factors enabled me to love you. (…) You could actually type coherently

No. 180427

It punched me too tbh

No. 364983

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No. 373193

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No. 375528

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Everything done here that i've seen is so Mickey Mouse

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No. 357395[Reply]

For all of the AoT/SnK enjoyers in the retarded husbando hornyposting thread.

Use this thread to talk about stuff like:

>your favorite character(s)

>your favorite ship(s)
>what did you think of the ending?
>favorite scene(s) in the series
>how would you rewrite the series to make it better?
>recommendations for fanfics or fanartists
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No. 375295

Ymir Fritz's back story and the origin of titan powers. I'd understand if she had the powers but then they found a way to counter it and control her by force to make her do whatever they want, so she wanted freedom from that control and revenge on the people who used her, hence contacting Eren this whole time to use him as a pawn for her revenge and freedom, and he also uses her to gain his personal revenge and freedom. But nah she just loved some pedo ass nigga and did all of this for him and to see Mikasa kiss Eren because she thinks they parallel her and her pedo rapist "husband". Retarded bitch. That tweet that said she's history's biggest pickme is so right.
I also hate the reveal about the attack titan's power sending memories from the future to the past to change history, but history is also fixed and there's only one possible outcome. Time travel and time paradoxes are horrible ideas for AOT. Shit turned steampunk or something.

No. 375394

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Levi's back story new volume "bad boy" leaks. Seems like an alright storyline. No Kuchel and Kenny incest fortunately.

No. 375403

I haven't read it yet, but I saw people making fun of kid Levi and I wish I could just punch them well, I actually want to do worse but the new jannies consider literally anything to be a-logging so ill save my thoughts

No. 375476

nah Levi is annoying, he deserves the bullying.

No. 375798

her backstory was awful also the way she ended up with the powers, it would have been interesting if she like prayed for some old god or something at the tree because she was so angry at everything and got powers from that, like her anger awakaned some old goddes who took over her instead of some weird parasite thing.

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No. 17258[Reply]

Thought this would be nice to have since podcasts are huge right now. Every Tom, Dick and Harry now thinks the world can't be deprived of their opinions and starts a podcast.

>Podcasts you like
>Podcasts you hate
>Podcast/Host drama
>Crazy Podcast Fandoms

There is a thread that already exists for one of the biggest podcast cows, Mike Boudet, but it's pretty dead.

Another totally dead thread that seems to be only for recommending podcasts.
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No. 375210

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i like the redfem podcast but jen annoys me sometimes, for some reason i don't mind hannah as much, maybe because she doesn't come off as borderline arrogant. iirc it was jen who said that about straight women and hannah was the one agreeing in the background.

No. 375284

I wasn't expecting to hear manosphere-tier evopsych bullshit like that. Makes me think in 10 years they will have completely changed their politics, just watch. The podcast name is also kind of on-the-nose, like they're just trying to tap into a demographic.

No. 375406

I don't get the issue, the hosts are both socialist feminists(though Jen is an unironic tankie) and they both have some radical-feminist leanings.

No. 375422

Just because they label themselves as such does not make them those things. Many similar cases. They don't make your spidey senses tingle? They seem fake to me.

No. 375425

Hannah quotes Dworkin and recommends her work. They both agree with the analysis about the subjugation of women, but they just think she wasn't knowledgeable enough for class analysis, just like Marx wasn't knowledgeable enough to analyse for women's oppression.

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No. 294550[Reply]

Post images here that accurately depict your reaction to things that have incited a reaction.
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No. 373210

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No. 373673

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No. 373767

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No. 374358

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No. 375418

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No. 271005[Reply]

a thread for anything and everything about what has happened on the planet up to now. for students, experts, and laywomen alike


>questions about the craft of the historian
>movies, book, docu recommendations
>anything interesting
>anything complementary

all time periods, all aspects, all peoples, all locations, etc etc etc
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No. 375330

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Love me some unintentionally based anti-suffrage political cartoons

No. 375336

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aw yess time to post henriette caillaux
she was the wife of the french finance minister and in 1914 there was a press campaign agianst her husband and herself. it ended in her taking a revolver out of her fur muff to shoot and kill the director of a newspaper who'd published her private corespondance ( she got away with it)

No. 375365

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Scrotes were really worried about bicycling women back then.

No. 375395

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I love this painting, Pollice Verso, because of how enthusiastic the Vestal Virgins are while watching kek. There's another famous painting where they look more dignified, but this one has more character. Obviously, this was made centuries after the Roman Empire's peak, and while there is some debate over how well the artist depicted certain aspects of Ancient Rome, it is accurate that the Vestals were able to attend gladiator games. The artist's depiction of the Vestals is probably referencing "A Reply to the Address of Symmachus" by Prudentius, which describes a Vestal as doing the 'converso pollice' gesture to express her desire to see a gladiator be dispatched. Now, Prudentius had meant his description as an unflattering depiction of the Vestals, but there was almost certainly a gesture of that nature. Other, arguably more reliable, sources have also made references to the 'pollice verso,' which translates to, 'with thumb turned.' We don't know exactly what it looked like; most art and even some movies (like Gladiator) depict it as a thumbs-down motion, but we don't know that for a fact. The thumb could have been pointed in any number of directions.

Sorry, deleted and reposted because of some minor typos that were bothering me.

No. 375404

does anyone have any recommendations of books about spain and/or portugal history? i tried searching for some but i’m not sure which books are the better ones

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No. 192164[Reply]

Use this thread to discuss reading and writing fanfiction. Feel free to discuss personal grievances and things you like about fan fiction and fanfiction communities
841 posts and 140 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 373467

I'm sorry. :( I know that feeling too well, it really is discouraging especially when you then find badly written chat fics in the same that have hundreds of kudos. Sometimes the only consolation is telling yourself it's often not the best quality fics that get the most acclaim.(Emoticon)

No. 373701

Is it really all that weird to read/write player character x romanceable NPC fic for games that have NPC romance options? Sure it's pretty much OC x character fic with extra steps, but I don't get why that's so cringe to write about when it's the primary appeal of romance options in games. Is it because people only care about their own in-game romances and don't want to read about them in general?

No. 375174

I mean I’ve written a few player character x romance-able npc although usually because the npc is exclusive for certain player characters but I know mass effect had a huge audience of fem!Shepherd x Garrus

No. 375195

What would you say is your average writing speed? Are there any specific tricks to making an outline faster?
I just tried to do a writing sprint (write or die 2 is now free to download btw) and I came out at 29wpm, almost half the 50wpm I was hoping for. Granted, I didn't go into it with an outline in mind, but still. I had a few spur-of-the-moment oneshots where I finished them in one go, and they still took hoursss even when they were <1.5k words.

No. 376915

I hope it's not too undesirable because I am writing one for bg3 at the moment. I can't stand OC's in any other context, but for rpgs I don't mind it and find it fun to read about everyone else's characters.

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No. 246128[Reply]

Post fanart of western media made by Japanese artists. Discuss weird husbandos too. Also, please post the artists links if possible.
Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/91926179
941 posts and 737 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 374365

shiori experience. it's kind of a mess but manga kurt cobain is qt

No. 374993

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No. 374999

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No. 375190

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Do you nonnas have any advice for searching westaboo art?

Pixiv is just deviantart 2.0 at this point of whitto piggus posting god awful fetish art. Even turning off the R-18 doesn't help.
Tumblr used to be my go-to but now its pretty much a ghost town with most of the artists deleting their old blogs.

My current strat is to just go on pinterest and reverse image search and pray that I find the artist's gallery.

No. 375191

I still use pixiv, even though it’s disgusting sometimes. When I find a good artist I always check their bookmarks since they’re public and they often like related art.

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