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No. 358751[Reply]

General Video Game discussion, aside from games that have their own threads.
What are you currently playing, what you are looking forward to, favorite games, favorite consoles, gamer set discussion, reviews, praises, complaints, questions, etc.

Other game related threads
Pokémon thread >>>/m/320917
Animal Crossing thread >>>/m/194143
Cookie Run General Thread >>>/m/220653
Danganronpa thread >>>/m/246630
Elder Scrolls / Skyrim General #2 >>>/m/225157
Fromsoft thread >>>/m/197446
Genshin Impact General Thread #15 >>>/m/357977
Kirby Thread >>>/m/237062
Nikki Games General >>>/m/260895
Otome Gaming General >>>/m/192885
Splatoon general #1 >>>/m/247501
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No. 377397

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Yeah I really hope they work more on the graphics. The Shire is just maximum cozy fantasy place so this could be a great game. Who wouldn't love to live in a hobbit hole?

No. 377438

How's Unicorn Overlord? I might buy it soon on the Switch but I want your opinions as well. No spoilers please!

No. 377454

Hope it's ok to ask here, looking for cozy game recs if anyone's got them but I'm a bit picky:
>no troonshit
>NOT a farming game, I do not enjoy farming. Minimal farming on the side is ok though
>I don't want to play as an existing character unless I can customize them (must be able to play as "myself")
>not set in one single place (like "run this cafe" and you never get to set a single step outside of the cafe)

No. 377458

Can real life sim game nonas explain what you like about them? I mean you're off work and spend it on pretending to do real work? Do you like doing the thing irl too, like in the example wash cars? Or is it just a game thing?

No. 377520

ayrt and i like the power wash sim bc you get the satisfaction of fucking around with a power washer without the physical exertion. it's a pretty braindead kind of fun. can't speak for other sims i don't rly play them

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No. 311690[Reply]

Talk about the series, the movies, comics and anything related the the Resident Evil franchise.

Feel free to discuss the characters, the games, the plot, the fandom or anything related to it.

>What was your first contact with the franchise?

>What's your favorite game or media?
>What's your least favorite?
>Predictions for the future releases?
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No. 377361

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Damm I miss Chris's laughing at Wesker. He never had the chance to be smug and made Wesker whimper after original re1 again. If I could, I would make Wesker's resurrection to be a complete coincidence and even flabbergasted Wesker's "all according to keikaku" brain. Fuck Wesker and Birkin's "muh friendship"

No. 377373

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me and my friend's joke-but-sort-of-serious theory is that chris caused wesker's descent into madness by laughing at him. wesker was already an autistic villain before he pretended to be the STARS captain but he seemed to like chris beyond his veneer (calling him his "best man" and all) and he appeared to be confused and upset that chris wasn't impressed by the tyrant. i think he wanted chris to go "wow, amazing" and join him in world domination or something like his gay little partner in crime. wesker had SO many chances to kill chris on the way to RE5 and he always stalls forever whining at chris instead of actually murdering him, and if chris is with someone else when he confronts him he always ignores the other person. wesker is fucking obsessed with chris because he had homo feelings for him and chris ruined his fantasy.

No. 377435

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Actually Wesker complimented Jill in her route as well ("you're a great girl/brave girl"). I just see Wesker as showy with the audience he deemed worthy, and yes, that included Chris. I'd say he was a bit less assholeish towards Jill compared to Chris, probably cause she took time to listen to his Tyrant tism without laughing him off
>Wesker: Tyrant virus is a super virus; which creates a monster which is much stronger than human beings. Tyrant is the most powerful biological weapon in the world.
>Jill: You don't mean you're experimenting on… real people?
>Wesker: This is really beautiful. All this power will be mine…
>Jill: For the sake of an awful creature?
>Wesker: Don't be upset. All weak people exist to be eaten.
But what happened in her route (Wesker getting maimed by chimera when he was activating self-destruct system) unfortunately wasn't referenced again. My schizo theory why Wesker's seemingly homo rage for Chris is a thing because the devs based his character on Char Aznable, who also had an obsession towards his male rival in Gundam despite he had sexual relationships with women before

No. 377563

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yeah i mean he has that weird picture of rebecca too but like you said, he seems to be particularly obsessed with chris in a way beyond any of the women he's been around. really proving this quote right

No. 377571

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kekk I always wondered if they meant for Wesker to sound so upset and pathetic at that part. Leon's original va said they just received scripts with almost no context and recorded their voice line without actually interacting with the other vas, which explains why the first games have funny deliveries in some lines. The homo theory goes way back, they even asked about it to his va (RE0,Code veronica, RE4) Richard Waugh and this was his reply.

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No. 166120[Reply]

Post weird, gross, and stupid fetishes here so we don't clog the bad art thread. SPOILER anything upsetting or NSFW.
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No. 374772

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No. 374781

I would say it's just a joke, but I've seen things like this way too many times to be just a joke.

No. 374996

Nah, I'm almost certain he is a Britbong man. He's been at it for a lot longer than the troonism fad took off online too. However, there is always a possibility.
This is peak moid art.

No. 376694

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No. 377426

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No. 289577[Reply]

Discuss manga here.
Previous thread: >>>/m/186701
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No. 377095

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Only for Griffith

No. 377107

The golden age arc is elite. Peak storytelling in manga, imo. The complex characterization of Griffith and Guts (even Casca in this arc was so promising and interesting), the subtext, the emotion, the art. All amazing and it blew my mind when I first read it. Every other arc sucks ass to varying degrees. I periodically reread the golden age arc, but only once read the rest of the manga and have no desire to reread. I've never seen such an incredible disparity between the (storytelling) quality of one single arc in a manga, it's frankly bizarre and disappointing. Was that masterpiece arc just a fluke? Haunts me to this day. I still treasure the golden age and view it as a separate, contained story entirely.
It also makes me so sad the potential and genius of Berserk that was ruined by the author's degeneracy (and mental illness, probably.)

No. 377423

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>ballet sports manga gets an official English translation
>publishes volumes 1 through 10 between feb 2018-nov 2019
>nothing since
>scanlation stops at volume 19 two years ago, Japan is up to volume 25
I'm glad I learned Japanese

No. 377431

Whenever moids screech about a certain anime or manga being a masterpiece I just assume its filled with copious amounts of fanservice and/or SA and 9 times out 10 I’m correct

No. 377432

wasn't the artist of this one previously drawing pedo manga?

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No. 229988[Reply]

We have multiple husbando threads and threads for both real life women and men, and a waifu generator, but the actual waifu thread was lost in /m/assacre and no one has remade it yet. Post your waifus and any 2D/3D female characters you have or used to have a crush on here and sperg about them.

Going with this pic of Lady Maria because it's one of my favorites and I want to marry her.
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No. 367097

I'm so disappointed she never got a song. Her actress wanted a song for her. Smh.

No. 370782

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No. 370783

All of Jaspers fans are hot and cool

No. 377420

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wish I could save her the garbage zoomer analog horror series she’s from

No. 377452

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No. 321680[Reply]

Feel free to post all internet horror media in this thread. As any anon who keeps up with the genre knows, most of these projects are run by a single person or small team, and can go dark at any time. Might as well keep the milk in one place.

Welcome Home is the newest attempt at a puppetshit mascot horror moneymaker by a self-infantilizing tumblr gendie who spends her time crying mental illness, whipping up drama in her own fandom, and kinning her favorite puppets from other franchises. Billed as a lost media horror experience, this "multimedia" project takes on the form of a website hosted by a "research team" working to recover "lost artifacts" connected to a children's puppet show from the late 60s/early 70s.

Allegedly worked on since 2018, it was recently made known to a bigger audience when horror youtuber Night Mind produced a video on it. After confidently mislabeling Welcome Home as a "horror ARG", we were consequently exposed to partycoffin's greatest hits

>distinct shortage of website building skill

>mild to extremely tepid horror content
>absent horror content
>teenage tumblrina vent art masquerading as horror content
>promises of gay/religious trauma as horror content (yet to be delivered)
>very modern over-designed rainbow puke puppet cast
>bad writing
>lackluster worldbuilding
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No. 332868

You 100% right nona… This project could be great, the only problem is that it refuses to draw from any sources other than the muppets viewed through zillenial autism-tinted glasses. Coffin's project will never be anything more than flavor of the month analog horror fujobait, because she lacks the drive to turn her lorebooks into something original and creative.

No. 335387

Apparently there has been an update to Welcome Home a few weeks ago, has anyone checked out if it's getting any better?

No. 335962

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Nope. Which is sad cause I think I figured out what the deal is with the caterpillar and star chick but thos fandom is filled with autistic simps that they lack any insight to actually do any research.

No. 337278

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sexy fan-art of Wally Darling always make me laugh.

No. 377415

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necro but someone on twitter made a terrorist au kek


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No. 368628[Reply]

Feel free to discuss and rant about:

>Instances of sexism in your favorite video games.

>Instances of sexism in video games you don't like.
>Sexism in the videogame industry.
>Sexism within the emulation scene.
>Videogames that are advertised as only for girls or only for boys.
>Specific videogame developers and publishers.
>Specific sexist videogame developers/emulator developers.
>Differences between how women view sexism in videogames v.s. how men see sexism in videogames generally.
>How your society views women and girls into playing and/or developing videogames.
…and much more.

Videogames on consoles, emulators, computers and mobile devices are all welcome to be in this thread.

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No. 377229

I agree it's all good except the face/hair area is a mess that all blends together

No. 377231

The only thing I'd personally get rid of is the white soot (birthmarks?) on her face/chest, because it feels like there's too much going on. The lipstick should be orange instead of white imo. These areminor complaints, though, and it seems fine otherwise. I like the detail where her hoopskirt looks like a brazier. Jen Zee (the lead character designer on Hades) is a million times more talented than whatever pervert designed the generic moeblobs in Danmachi, a shitty harem anime that was popular for like two seconds a decade ago. The only people who still like that shit are the sort of bottom feeding scrotoids who enjoy haremshit.

I think it's interesting that the gods age in the universe of Hades. Like Demeter, Hestia, and Kronos look old-ish, while Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades are middle-aged. Then you have the playable characters and their love interests, who are college age or young adults.

No. 377232

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Also while we're here, Hades II has no shortage of sexy female characters. Just look at Hera!

No. 377267

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but if you close your eyes…

No. 377394

But anon that is a powerful adult woman, not a squealing little girl so scrote animu coomers won't approve.

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No. 285486[Reply]

post below mediocre music that either make you cringe, laugh or both.
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No. 371166

No. 371762

No. 374323

No. 374329

No. 377390

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No. 232951[Reply]

ITT: post pictures of traditional/cultural/religious dress as well as folk songs from various cultures around the world

>please state culture in post

>no racebaiting
>no nitpicking
>look at the pretty clothes and appreciate the fun music

Thread pic is Chuvash attire
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No. 370588

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No. 371325

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No. 371326

I see no reason why not, also I think traditional languages should also be posted

No. 372283

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No. 377385

No. 1706[Reply]

I have been thinking recently I'd love to have a thread where we could post documentaries. I watch a lot especially when doing stuff around the house so I can post a couple of favourites I recommend here in the OP, more in the comments if anyone is interested, and would love to find some new ones!

Interview with a Cannibal: Guy who met up with another guy online who consented to being murdered and eaten. Morbid but interesting watch. German, so subtitled.

Polygamy Doc: One Man, Six Wives, Twenty something kids. A guy in utah who keeps very very young wives and at the time of filming, being 40 ish, was trying to woo a 16 year old kid. (not a spoiler but he subsequently went to jail and a few wives left him, some stayed. Very interesting to watch and to look into after)

A historical one for variety: The truth about hygiene etc in Versailles. Stumbled across this and left it on while doing my makeup and really liked it! Sent me down a nice historical rabbithole, not of actual history per se but of little tidbits like this about daily life and lesser known shit (literally)

Ok back to morbid. If you haven't seen this already, it's insane, a little girl, "child of rage". Another one interesting to look into what happened afterwards (she was later put through attachment therapy)

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No. 373881

fuck me wrong tab sorry janny

No. 376558

Short silent documentary about female Ama / japanese pearl divers in the 40s. fyi they are topless in the footage which is traditional according to reports (strongly suspect some of the men who went to photograph them after the war were not really doing it to document cultural practices; nowadays they wear a white diving uniform.)

No. 376559

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it's a short doc but this intertitle / subtitle from it was hilarious so I wanted to share

No. 377201

there's something wrong with aunt diane

in 2009 diane schuler was returning home from a camping trip with her son, daughter, and three nieces when she drove her van in the wrong direction down a parkway before crashing into another vehicle. everyone in the crash was killed except for her son. witnesses found alcohol bottles in diane's van and an autopsy revealed that she had a BAC of 0.19% as well as THC in her system. the documentary explores whether or not the crash was an accident or if diane purposefully intended to kill herself and the children.


No. 377384

This doc has stuck with me since I watched it as a high schooler. It partially inspired me to become a child care aide. I still think of Didi from time to time. I really hope she's doing alright it's impossible to find updates about anyone in this doc.

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