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gender critical and female politics
File(20 MB max)
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File: 1648663380053.jpeg (411.01 KB, 1206x1761, 242F09AE-982D-407E-81BA-14EDA8…)

No. 4446

Post your memes here, or request for others to make a meme for you.

No. 4448

File: 1648663479452.png (366.47 KB, 666x631, BAD7F4B0-663B-492D-88CB-F6E95F…)

No. 4449

File: 1648663576543.png (353.39 KB, 489x720, DF04E53E-9413-4676-9259-DA8B38…)

No. 4450

File: 1648663659898.jpeg (174.98 KB, 1284x1373, 4425264E-D841-4B81-B909-8E859F…)

No. 4451

File: 1648663661087.jpeg (53.99 KB, 503x537, 2082AB04-0D88-4A53-8501-FF2C8F…)

No. 4452

File: 1648663764009.jpeg (18.45 KB, 274x149, B8430ACE-4E54-44BE-A5B6-90F7A0…)

No. 4453

File: 1648663865498.jpeg (33.85 KB, 354x246, B82287A8-09D9-4FF7-BE35-F5BC8B…)

No. 4454

File: 1648664175985.jpeg (61.54 KB, 736x487, 509D65ED-C244-4A43-B1CB-CDAAD3…)

No. 4455

File: 1648665142016.png (38.87 KB, 592x388, 79CF5FAC-384D-44E4-8EA9-358812…)

No. 4456

File: 1648665433509.jpeg (114.85 KB, 680x340, 41750685-43DA-4F93-AEC8-A5873D…)

No. 4457

File: 1648665472330.jpeg (66.2 KB, 395x432, EC8970DF-84B4-4B8A-A843-638441…)

I have so many saved from my time on the mtf thread.

No. 4458

Oh I like this one.

No. 4459

File: 1648665610344.jpeg (98.82 KB, 751x815, E3734E49-A419-4AA3-A151-528D17…)

No. 4460

File: 1648665618872.jpeg (28.72 KB, 488x326, 004C24A0-2446-4A59-91CE-12A8C0…)

No. 4461

File: 1648665677395.jpeg (86.72 KB, 950x950, F6E8AD05-8B02-4689-A753-396E26…)

No. 4462

File: 1648665729382.png (337.55 KB, 500x532, EE5B4B1E-37EA-46EF-92D8-C8CF0C…)

No. 4463

File: 1648665954187.png (1.22 MB, 2566x2648, 186B3A7A-25C0-43D2-8D5A-8900CB…)

No. 4464

File: 1648666005278.gif (2.95 MB, 600x338, 8AE11A42-C3E4-4870-93C8-CD3A6F…)

No. 4465

File: 1648666789953.jpeg (64.96 KB, 640x528, 0A65237D-D81E-4E33-B004-E89C68…)

No. 4466

File: 1648666849274.jpeg (54.27 KB, 828x620, C8086789-1016-4CAA-BD35-B7047E…)

No. 4468

File: 1648676778650.webm (2.34 MB, 380x240, spongebob.webm)

No. 4469

File: 1648681039165.jpeg (239.23 KB, 960x983, 1A3F78BE-7513-4818-9657-F476C4…)

No. 4470

File: 1648681071480.jpeg (170.19 KB, 1392x1402, 181BEF2F-CC34-4D5F-8C94-5106E2…)

No. 4471

File: 1648681205948.jpeg (952.43 KB, 1422x1801, D3087FF9-A39B-4D6F-8E53-92B6FA…)

No. 4472

File: 1648681392106.jpeg (120.57 KB, 864x564, 2D238A93-D2B6-45A1-960C-3B8B77…)

No. 4473

File: 1648681494447.jpeg (52.22 KB, 680x383, AFAA1EB9-ECC1-4EA3-B22C-B1E3E0…)

No. 4474

File: 1648681551528.jpeg (477 KB, 2048x1091, 3BEC9BB7-FA72-4A1A-8356-3BE631…)

No. 4475

File: 1648681596538.jpeg (45.95 KB, 500x281, 41F3FD36-8A08-40B6-9E61-081E52…)

No. 4476

File: 1648681667881.jpeg (133.6 KB, 861x877, 873A658B-B173-4F63-9D4E-3C060E…)

No. 4477

File: 1648682033307.jpeg (38.77 KB, 464x351, C9E0C658-B1FD-43A8-A685-7AFA92…)

No. 4479

File: 1648685420561.jpg (49.63 KB, 960x593, FB_IMG_1639521899838.jpg)

No. 4480

File: 1648685558603.jpeg (96.07 KB, 720x731, 0d4a9b321fe38eed247994c6e59488…)

No. 4495

File: 1648740290854.jpg (28.08 KB, 450x499, FPC9MzcXEAQ7q6_.jpg)

No. 4496

File: 1648740318943.jpg (79.63 KB, 801x800, queerman.jpg)

No. 4497

Je suis transphobique.

No. 4508

File: 1648836051648.jpeg (57.54 KB, 750x438, 6E8B8100-4A58-410F-8248-11F788…)

No. 4509

File: 1648846376062.jpeg (78.89 KB, 640x450, 6213BEF5-07F9-46B1-B4D6-B5F246…)

No. 4510

File: 1648874485331.png (1.04 MB, 1486x854, 4edffd419c6c6d9a46efe2f59b808d…)

No. 4534

Wait wtf I don't remember women having alien ass heads

No. 4537

moids also tend to have a pronounced little point at the back of their skull called an external occipital protuberance. you can see it in that chart there.

No. 4540

File: 1649057624690.jpeg (39.99 KB, 640x316, 7DC517A9-A3FA-4623-B1B3-1B3ABD…)

super mini dump

No. 4541

File: 1649057675874.jpeg (353.08 KB, 1080x1080, 2AC1BDDA-A2CD-4932-B925-4D0DCE…)

No. 4542

File: 1649057722490.jpeg (115.13 KB, 1062x1046, 35D02D1C-2E7A-464D-8222-1AC0CD…)

last one

No. 4546

File: 1649059023685.png (1.13 MB, 931x1188, maleallies.png)

No. 4565

File: 1649098996033.png (1.04 MB, 828x728, 10E5A140-99DF-430D-9DEA-A9BC5B…)

No. 4566

File: 1649099149002.jpg (66.82 KB, 570x721, cb3594ec2a8dab1fb788ae5aae474f…)

No. 4567

What the fuck but I have a bumpy head

No. 4569

No. 4590

File: 1649199278809.jpeg (131.27 KB, 828x1036, 55D96286-F824-4D1A-8CCE-F93E24…)

No. 4592

File: 1649199350762.jpeg (171.61 KB, 720x1025, 67F04CA6-EAD5-42B0-9169-AE140D…)

No. 4593

File: 1649199386572.jpeg (58.62 KB, 750x562, E616D916-ABA3-45FD-9086-9C3F40…)

No. 4594

File: 1649199444122.jpeg (274.3 KB, 1125x1050, 0ED9CAA4-E8D0-4002-8DF3-9F98E4…)

No. 4595

File: 1649199924393.jpeg (151.57 KB, 828x1023, 610466EA-7068-4F9B-B237-7651FC…)

No. 4596

File: 1649200198105.webm (1.02 MB, 640x634, Revolution by Kirk Franklin.we…)

No. 4597

File: 1649200811567.jpeg (608.3 KB, 828x933, 578B0F5A-C045-43AE-A981-1E08AB…)

No. 4598

File: 1649200832102.jpeg (417.93 KB, 828x474, 4CBD64E2-CE0D-4121-B8D9-0BC524…)

No. 4600

File: 1649200909070.jpeg (210.5 KB, 828x818, 3EA2BBCD-F957-42B1-9C46-F3AD8C…)

No. 4601

File: 1649201150363.png (706.37 KB, 750x750, BC8C12AD-9B28-413D-892B-046AB2…)

No. 4602

File: 1649201219879.png (952.53 KB, 1000x1000, C5DA9EF6-42C9-4BB0-BB5D-8CC576…)

No. 4604

File: 1649201439658.jpeg (80.37 KB, 720x415, E4736167-E298-4B42-B2BF-E1EDC8…)

No. 4606

File: 1649202347052.jpeg (71.38 KB, 1024x482, EDB635C0-38AC-492E-8FF3-B60413…)

No. 4607

File: 1649202369063.jpeg (134.3 KB, 1242x1288, 9463FA75-C057-46B6-BF68-18C29E…)

No. 4608

File: 1649202522718.png (701.91 KB, 876x598, 59AEB4EE-32B6-4307-BC89-DCC160…)

No. 4609

File: 1649202549184.gif (680.92 KB, 608x768, 25C70F91-64B6-414A-9828-A54549…)

No. 4610

File: 1649202570882.jpeg (317.94 KB, 806x742, 2CF719EC-62ED-4710-901B-CC5DB0…)

No. 4611

File: 1649202609161.jpeg (1012.61 KB, 1600x1200, 9920A45A-A4E6-4FF8-BADF-6E3A4F…)

No. 4612

File: 1649202678872.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1600x1200, 116B75A2-01F1-4CC2-98A6-2D5D2B…)

No. 4613

File: 1649202701364.jpeg (856.71 KB, 1584x996, DE051DF7-AAE4-48CA-A13D-4719D0…)

No. 4614

File: 1649202725778.png (487.99 KB, 690x787, E7B5E0CF-9809-4F0A-852B-9ABC93…)

No. 4615

File: 1649202981026.jpeg (200.08 KB, 1000x847, 5935140D-1754-41A6-A6D3-6F82B8…)

No. 4616

File: 1649203898396.webm (1.03 MB, 576x1024, guilty.webm)

No. 4617

File: 1649204826553.webm (16.09 MB, 960x720, Prn song.webm)

The singer's Tumblr is gone, but I found her YT channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UC2X7s-8mryU7D39NwaahX9g

No. 4621

File: 1649288006501.jpg (272.26 KB, 1080x1128, 1614191087773.jpg)

No. 4622

No. 4623

No. 4626

File: 1649344564040.webm (2.3 MB, 1280x720, pwease.webm)

i saw a clip a while back of a narcissa stream where someone had posted an edit of goofy going 'dilate dilate dilate tranny you'll never be a woman join the 41%' and he awkwardly laughed while it played. does anyone know the clip i'm talking about? i've been wanting to post it in the thread, but i just can't find it.

No. 4633

File: 1649388871298.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1156, C963FF2C-5842-41D2-841A-C2AC89…)

No. 4639

File: 1649422203796.png (1.03 MB, 828x896, 2B01643A-BD6B-43C3-83A2-E8AF97…)

No. 4640

File: 1649422553220.jpg (49.23 KB, 1242x739, yr2quol1s0u41.jpg)

No. 4641

File: 1649428183939.webm (2.84 MB, 853x480, 1619171818715.webm)

Here, nonnie

No. 4643

File: 1649431499015.webm (1.13 MB, 1280x720, ywnbarw.webm)

ty nonnie <3

No. 4655

File: 1649493197813.jpg (271.69 KB, 680x1148, 2f536_1280.jpg)

No. 4656

File: 1649493322775.jpg (49.14 KB, 384x683, 1610497596376.jpg)

No. 4657

File: 1649493436949.png (465.45 KB, 500x373, 1606778289743.png)

No. 4659

I really like this one sm I think I'm gonna save it to out myself to people

No. 4662

where is the writing from?

No. 4664

File: 1649508499340.jpeg (295.13 KB, 1280x961, 56932144-2F61-4EA8-81C5-34319F…)

He posted it on his Instagram account and later deleted it.

No. 4665

File: 1649508958796.png (302.2 KB, 295x454, FD91A7B5-26AF-45FD-BDF6-FDC44F…)

No. 4668

this one is top tier

No. 4670

File: 1649532996645.jpeg (433.85 KB, 651x600, 3042873B-52B1-423C-94D8-4F1FCC…)

No. 4673

File: 1649550391871.jpeg (109.3 KB, 768x959, 59EAB457-EB3F-44BF-A629-D38B48…)

Gonna repost all the memes that got posted on that trannies thread in /snow/.

No. 4674

File: 1649550430032.jpeg (20.68 KB, 204x266, E607D666-F0A5-4EC9-A2DF-4DCAC2…)

No. 4675

File: 1649550785007.jpeg (500.87 KB, 880x556, 7CD906CE-CAF4-4027-BD68-9A2DC3…)

No. 4676

File: 1649550977779.jpeg (24.89 KB, 402x256, 4153FB25-4026-48F2-B71E-F50111…)

No. 4677

File: 1649551074833.jpeg (165.78 KB, 732x814, 42A199D5-F0FA-47A7-BDED-2CBF07…)

No. 4678

File: 1649551401864.jpeg (99.38 KB, 960x540, 6FDD5AE1-2E50-4C16-A00B-76F1DA…)

No. 4679

File: 1649551539160.jpeg (84.2 KB, 960x717, 280DEE1A-A46D-402A-B268-CB1CB0…)

No. 4680

No. 4691

File: 1649577237634.jpg (82.94 KB, 960x408, 438957y4893584kh.jpg)

No. 4699

File: 1649628493525.png (378.06 KB, 623x510, ssqcd.png)

No. 4715

Kek was this really sent to him?

No. 4731

File: 1649770175705.jpg (202.07 KB, 1280x896, tumblr_a599f8fdaa52084898b51ef…)

No. 4732

File: 1649770644873.jpeg (38.84 KB, 755x640, E76EBFEA-5F1C-4AC6-B6D9-18C17D…)

No. 4733

File: 1649770681110.jpeg (87.09 KB, 750x838, 426D9041-EFDB-495C-A0B0-1EF81F…)

No. 4734

File: 1649770810355.jpeg (44.27 KB, 640x529, D3AB0A7E-1130-433D-8F0F-AF97DD…)

No. 4735

>twitter, reddit, tumblr
This really is an unholy alliance. I remember back when people on tumblr branded reddit is a neo-nazi website

No. 4736

File: 1649770835383.jpeg (57.12 KB, 595x595, 0275A7B3-28F5-4280-814A-0D6EB1…)

No. 4737

File: 1649770882569.png (209.25 KB, 492x253, 6EDB79BE-4670-46EE-A9F9-11219F…)

No. 4738

File: 1649770976089.jpeg (145.58 KB, 956x847, C1033CA5-4C10-4C10-B445-AC8124…)

No. 4744


I love this one but it is missing a /pol/cel who thinks he can recruit radical feminists to become alt-right wives

No. 4746

File: 1649829987413.png (328.23 KB, 1000x315, Ec1hDIBUMAARtIj.png)

i see this classic hasn't been posted yet

No. 4748

File: 1649865833212.webm (710.98 KB, 480x480, halfway.webm)

I had a huge folder of lc memes, Elsie art, based screenshots ect, but then my drive bricked and terf folder didn't survive. Now I have to start fresh and this thread is helping kek
Anyway, some anons didn't like this one, but it made me laugh at the time

No. 4751

Fuck this one makes me laugh irl every time, half out of surprise that she went there. Based.

No. 4752

File: 1649938979943.jpg (136.97 KB, 963x990, ah578c3si4w61~2.jpg)

No. 4753

File: 1649939972724.png (191.21 KB, 500x281, tumblr_c991846613c7a96bca1b2a1…)

No. 4754

File: 1649940339103.jpg (212.54 KB, 800x1551, tumblr_614d772f17aa7416f886d0e…)

No. 4756

File: 1649957598505.jpeg (72.8 KB, 720x778, 30991bf3e8900d96842c6c8a647359…)

No. 4758

based pets

No. 4759

File: 1649965884533.jpeg (99.79 KB, 1080x886, BA01BE50-5C39-498A-B427-74C21F…)

No. 4760

File: 1649966103385.jpeg (94.65 KB, 749x740, E9595933-F476-4E60-A812-F9975D…)

No. 4761

File: 1649998969083.jpg (143.11 KB, 1280x960, 1566267993043.jpg)

No. 4762

File: 1649999220934.jpg (132.78 KB, 780x778, 1606352429730.jpg)

No. 4763

File: 1649999290567.png (1.02 MB, 882x1260, 1615103448311.png)

No. 4764

File: 1649999367550.jpg (61.36 KB, 1125x739, jiampcqh4vl61.jpg)

No. 4765

File: 1649999689417.png (218.7 KB, 294x442, her.png)

No. 4766

File: 1649999720426.jpeg (992.12 KB, 787x2113, 79F115CB-BF39-49EC-AA72-9208D6…)

No. 4767

File: 1649999813206.jpeg (194.49 KB, 690x899, 954AAF80-1102-44E8-8949-9F4698…)

No. 4768

File: 1649999828901.jpg (91.3 KB, 294x442, him.jpg)

No. 4769

File: 1650000018577.jpeg (116.52 KB, 648x797, 79B3EA61-F3FA-4F5F-9B98-F06D6C…)

No. 4774

File: 1650037378523.jpeg (288.35 KB, 2048x1794, 30D94C76-13B3-464F-A5D6-96AB58…)

No. 4775

File: 1650037415007.jpeg (163.11 KB, 1170x869, 30E18A1F-777D-4C69-AF42-B12816…)

No. 4776

File: 1650037497425.jpeg (38.95 KB, 396x404, 23BF4599-921A-4AC5-93CC-7F9A6C…)

No. 4780

File: 1650062459417.jpeg (532.87 KB, 1080x1464, 45D62FB6-389F-4406-AC49-B7CDF5…)

No. 4781

No. 4784

File: 1650075017477.jpg (55.59 KB, 600x600, and just let her fucking die.j…)

No. 4785

File: 1650075183525.jpg (102.93 KB, 910x622, dilatenhagen.jpg)

No. 4786

File: 1650075303376.png (794.55 KB, 1500x1284, expectation vs reality.png)

No. 4787

File: 1650075452771.jpg (103.61 KB, 960x960, gender extremism island.jpg)

No. 4788

File: 1650076161550.gif (487.97 KB, 500x465, i love terfs.gif)

No. 4789

File: 1650076659266.png (7.99 MB, 4000x5003, tranny bingo.png)

No. 4790

File: 1650076782783.png (719.82 KB, 1164x1360, tranny bingo 2.png)

No. 4791

File: 1650077066534.png (2.56 MB, 3000x6486, lgbtqiabs.png)

No. 4792

File: 1650077193165.jpg (84.78 KB, 750x752, tranny racism.jpg)

No. 4793

File: 1650077334895.jpg (170.72 KB, 1206x631, so oppressed.jpg)

No. 4794

File: 1650077550893.png (295.62 KB, 1280x569, chad terf.png)

No. 4795

File: 1650077798804.jpg (33.36 KB, 600x516, woo a terf.jpg)

No. 4797

File: 1650083145126.jpg (156.1 KB, 1179x1117, you did it.jpg)

No. 4798

File: 1650083187992.png (411.65 KB, 1068x570, the female bathroom.png)

No. 4799

File: 1650083270734.jpg (192.35 KB, 1080x1502, ashamed.jpg)

No. 4800

File: 1650084057762.webm (2.69 MB, 704x544, The Powerpuff Girls Theme.webm)

No. 4801

File: 1650104060673.jpeg (80.85 KB, 680x680, 1621760546011.jpeg)

No. 4802

File: 1650104086800.png (132.43 KB, 718x521, 1616351354555.png)

No. 4803

File: 1650104135430.jpeg (207.7 KB, 790x1200, 1566882442455.jpeg)

No. 4804

File: 1650104200144.jpeg (297.95 KB, 750x757, 1613169351722.jpeg)

No. 4805

File: 1650104350901.png (1011.84 KB, 2118x782, 1615556631374.png)

No. 4808

File: 1650119292840.png (2.61 MB, 1000x1930, 1918 call to 2018.png)

No. 4818

File: 1650206413304.webm (725.13 KB, 576x1024, enby Ben.webm)

No. 4819

File: 1650206463681.webm (2.13 MB, 480x404, Peroxide by Ecco2k.webm)

No. 4829

File: 1650308310742.jpg (46.62 KB, 500x376, progressive parent dilemma.jpg)

No. 4830

File: 1650308407233.jpg (265.57 KB, 1080x1324, nicefems.jpg)

No. 4831

File: 1650308535371.jpg (223.47 KB, 1605x1230, listen to transwomen.jpg)

No. 4832

File: 1650308718223.jpg (188.4 KB, 1280x743, horrid thing.jpg)

No. 4833

File: 1650312049054.gif (25.82 KB, 640x53, you will never be a woman.gif)

No. 4834

File: 1650313453688.jpg (29.91 KB, 360x295, thats genderwang.jpg)

No. 4835

File: 1650322322464.jpg (63.28 KB, 512x800, 1qf7bsmdgo121.jpg)

No. 4836

File: 1650322383050.png (398.52 KB, 702x395, 44CORTG.png)

No. 4838

File: 1650322519921.png (4.41 MB, 1000x5673, 1629300579868.png)

No. 4839

File: 1650322777496.jpg (44.06 KB, 504x425, 360e155b970216761e.jpg)

No. 4840

File: 1650322870598.jpg (253.3 KB, 1280x1280, 1612146538608.jpg)

No. 4841

File: 1650322930019.png (130.48 KB, 552x345, ad07f2197aacfea6b_fd70779c_640…)

No. 4842

File: 1650322972299.png (241.41 KB, 1724x1086, e696acff-8294-528c-9c97-30be0c…)

No. 4850

File: 1650419014575.png (520.68 KB, 960x1080, what happened to feminism.png)

No. 4851

File: 1650420074668.jpg (59.44 KB, 502x600, confess terf.jpg)

No. 4855

LMAO where is this from originally??

No. 4856

No. 4857

Sage for not technically a meme.

No. 4860

No. 4861

KEK I love this.

No. 4872

File: 1650570219897.jpg (116.39 KB, 720x783, trans lady brain.jpg)

one of the most prescient sketches ever, too bad comedy is dead in the 2020s.

No. 4873

File: 1650570350011.jpg (159.47 KB, 589x853, beardos.jpg)

No. 4874

File: 1650570741256.jpg (153.97 KB, 1024x512, misogyny for wokebros.jpg)

No. 4875

File: 1650573500139.png (247.95 KB, 768x768, transcels.png)

No. 4876

File: 1650574210508.jpg (41.04 KB, 396x680, punch a terf.jpg)

No. 4877

File: 1650574941284.jpg (119.39 KB, 1080x1364, are you now or have you ever b…)

No. 4878

This one is excellent too kek.

No. 4895

File: 1650675443599.jpeg (74.94 KB, 828x605, 1F8FA7D3-D45D-4A61-AC2D-264F3E…)

No. 4898


Did they predict the future in 2006, when they said "Emo is one step below transvestite"?

No. 4901

File: 1650739274889.png (1.13 MB, 750x1018, pronoun police.png)

No. 4902

File: 1650740035484.png (27.52 KB, 263x429, thou art a man.png)

No. 4903

File: 1650741023107.jpg (122.8 KB, 1080x705, tranny periods.jpg)

No. 4904

File: 1650741264367.png (570.33 KB, 716x716, pass the blunt blanchard.png)

No. 4905

File: 1650743730514.png (298.5 KB, 500x493, agp.png)

No. 4906

File: 1650756824828.jpg (374.04 KB, 2208x1299, troon den.jpg)

No. 4911

File: 1650815118050.jpg (37.71 KB, 720x405, 1647475898800.jpg)

No. 4912

File: 1650822265272.gif (1.43 MB, 498x292, hontra.gif)

No. 4915

File: 1650927604393.jpg (36.68 KB, 640x640, ax3bhex9hv121.jpg)

>it's 2022 and I still remember every single word of this god forsaken song

No. 4916

File: 1650927628572.jpg (38.82 KB, 645x361, efb332e7f11563ec38ff34f514f5ad…)

No. 4917

File: 1650927656019.jpg (145.61 KB, 778x744, 1646193677419.jpg)

No. 4918

File: 1650927685265.jpg (201.11 KB, 2048x832, zgjo7p09xec21.jpg)

No. 4919

File: 1650927730294.jpg (122.88 KB, 500x690, tumblr_pmil578Irx1si2rpm_1280.…)

No. 4922

I fucking love this one, kek. Dumbass Ao3 fakebois and their random trans self-insert headcanons have me malding. As though being a writer on Ao3 isn't the most girly hobby you can have to begin with

No. 4929

Relatable. I go browsing AO3 and it's been infested lately with insecure girls who have an auto-erotic-targeting issue and identify as the man they want to fuck and turn them into an ftm. It's all so tiresome.

No. 4935

File: 1651068969257.png (395.62 KB, 526x592, daisy is a based terf.png)

No. 4936

File: 1651070025786.png (259.24 KB, 526x503, cinderfella.png)

No. 4937

File: 1651077453226.png (589.5 KB, 800x500, download (2).png)

No. 4941

Does anyone have the original iirc Reddit post this is based of? I love it

No. 4949

File: 1651113688626.png (710.96 KB, 770x1086, butchlesbians?no!.png)

this person on tumblr used to make terf art, I don't think she was run off, just didn't feel like tumblr discourse anymore
captioned: b-butch lesbian?! no, straight trans man!!! at least say you’re nonbinary!! please!!

No. 4950

File: 1651113993280.png (291.8 KB, 1044x520, terftracker.png)

another one
Allison Woolbert, creator of the “terf tracker” is a convicted felon who raped an underage female relative. 


No. 4951

File: 1651115280844.png (291 KB, 488x976, genitalattraction.png)

last one for now because's it's more direct terf I feel my others are just info/stories
caption:these were originally going to be cutesy positivity pictures for pride, but they ended up being just stating facts that i know will anger people anyway lol

anyway… lesbians don’t like dick and if you don’t care what genitals your partner has you’re bisexual remember to respect everyone’s orientation!!
cut out the emojis

No. 4956

File: 1651126058162.png (836.87 KB, 1213x1920, unknown (1).png)

Surprisingly a moid sent this to me

No. 4961

File: 1651170985197.jpg (23.25 KB, 617x352, FRcloBSWYAMpS23.jpg)

No. 4974

File: 1651297709209.png (487.04 KB, 856x686, 8aoebazoazj21.png)

No. 4975

File: 1651297747514.jpg (160.06 KB, 1280x711, 8109f8e84a43131ad_90960277_128…)

No. 4976

File: 1651297797168.jpg (21.32 KB, 400x400, 1575597368707.jpg)

No. 4977

File: 1651297842101.jpeg (149.29 KB, 1242x1201, 1577578811957.jpeg)

No. 4978

File: 1651298646046.jpg (248.36 KB, 1011x1058, sw.jpg)

No. 4992

this image absolutely has the power to peak women. i'm stealing it to spread it around

No. 4993

I'm so fucking upset! I googled this artist and all I got were tumblr/twitter/reddit callouts calling her ebul and a murderer or whatever. She was such a skilled and based artist and it looks like she was chased off the internet. Why can't they just leave women alone if they don't like what she's saying?

No. 5002

I'm in love

No. 5007

File: 1651434002534.jpeg (157.65 KB, 1125x1195, 0115C017-8B85-4CB7-B987-E71B69…)

i had to look her up too, her art is so good fuck them trannies

No. 5008

File: 1651434088104.jpeg (34.78 KB, 540x540, A087E532-8F51-4FEC-A5FF-C188B7…)

No. 5012

File: 1651470907616.jpg (64.22 KB, 540x595, tumblr_ca1837dc0b51fb74349a4d1…)

No. 5070

File: 1651756109252.jpeg (166.96 KB, 640x495, 5D42E0AB-6EDE-44A2-9E31-6CCD70…)

No. 5084

File: 1651847913592.jpg (70.22 KB, 1074x716, terf scully.jpg)

No. 5085

File: 1651848036340.png (247.15 KB, 550x350, 1651100688634.png)

No. 5086

File: 1651848464952.jpg (2.28 MB, 2205x2267, rowlinglevel.jpg)

A medal for when you fellow farmer is doing excellent terfing

No. 5087

File: 1651855046707.png (197.5 KB, 2000x1294, YWNBAW.png)

No. 5088

File: 1651855682861.png (47.28 KB, 205x267, 1649543765850.png)

No. 5089

Based AF, nona. I swear at this point, much like >>4922, that reading and writing slash fanfiction is LITERALLY the girliest interest and hobby someone could ever have.

Also, >>4929 nona, can you tell me more about the whole "auto-erotic targeting issue" concerning teenage aidens and "identifying as their husbando/man they want to fuck"? I've very much noticed how they project aspects of themselves on their favorite characters, and have had to see art and posts claiming my husbando is a FTM on social media by ayyden fans too, but I really want an explanation on the whole phenomena on that since I thought they self inserted into the character that got paired with the character they wanted to fuck (who they would consider to be cis since they're usually straight women) the most.

No. 5097

File: 1651976331446.png (113 KB, 585x284, unknown (8).png)

No. 5098

File: 1652010398554.jpeg (45.41 KB, 960x828, 55217e8970b4412c1d4e5d6a2e95dc…)

No. 5100

File: 1652048321561.jpeg (398.71 KB, 2048x1427, 82D88CC5-62F1-4D0D-ADA4-F1934F…)

No. 5110

File: 1652097911966.jpeg (167.63 KB, 750x926, E7BF87D7-0E86-4102-AA3A-5BA845…)

No. 5112

File: 1652102961198.jpeg (158.35 KB, 960x904, 3963955B-3936-44B1-ACCD-4E4D43…)

No. 5115

File: 1652107816391.png (1.27 MB, 675x894, oh wor.png)

No. 5236

File: 1652128259592.png (301.5 KB, 548x476, when you're a TIM and think yo…)

No. 5279

File: 1652446416367.jpg (111.72 KB, 828x703, tumblr_f6d13d5b664782d3eca3fc4…)

my fav of all time

No. 5284

Oh I like this one.

No. 5291

File: 1652480501874.jpeg (27 KB, 828x228, 517FC27C-70C6-426A-92E3-0C7330…)

hell yea

No. 5294

File: 1652516493029.png (95.34 KB, 479x496, angrey.png)

No. 5297

>male "feminists"

No. 5305

File: 1652663919510.webm (1.64 MB, 534x534, 1646207047495.webm)

No. 5383

File: 1653085062106.jpg (281.61 KB, 800x800, tumblr_d637f758b66fbc9574ac4dd…)

No. 5407

File: 1653256119137.jpeg (108 KB, 750x420, EE2E0ED1-B1C5-49FC-AB8C-A37A9F…)

No. 5429

File: 1653319777886.webm (1.83 MB, 576x1024, The Perfect Girl by Mareux.web…)

No. 5461

File: 1653574340371.png (832.8 KB, 1133x1254, 99D9676D-8AE4-42E1-9064-A01D2A…)

No. 5462

File: 1653576130711.webm (2.51 MB, 576x1024, New Magic Wand by Tyler the Cr…)

Some Aiden made this, but to me it made the old lady look cool lol

No. 5544

File: 1653848288718.jpeg (154.93 KB, 540x532, 13F50997-10EC-4C77-90CF-DE192A…)

No. 5554

File: 1653919204668.png (719.03 KB, 567x512, 9A3929FA-2C8D-44C7-896C-1B606C…)

No. 5555

File: 1653919231614.png (1.22 MB, 854x902, 51A48A22-76AA-4F0E-8370-8447B7…)

No. 5556

File: 1653919409742.png (551.38 KB, 750x606, 2498F3A1-747D-4B7F-8A92-B8BC2A…)

No. 5557

File: 1653919431388.jpeg (225.06 KB, 1478x1109, 83B4A0DB-9215-4B64-8C45-090B96…)

No. 5558

Might start doing this.

No. 5701

File: 1654352402069.jpeg (27.97 KB, 427x342, E4EFE951-3B07-4DD3-8A69-6B2FEB…)

No. 5702

File: 1654352486531.png (611.67 KB, 1026x673, 57E03DDB-DDB0-400A-84AB-CBC7CD…)

No. 5703

File: 1654352551038.png (1.2 MB, 680x1148, 2BA8F27D-67DD-4F2E-BF86-588347…)

No. 5704

File: 1654352575887.jpeg (36.99 KB, 275x275, 97799D6B-E973-4E25-B4C4-0DB457…)

No. 5705

File: 1654352708082.jpeg (402.62 KB, 1242x926, 5286683F-70AF-462A-90BC-1E1F17…)

No. 5706

File: 1654353017223.jpeg (68.68 KB, 512x307, F802A23D-0741-432C-AD15-8118BB…)

No. 5793

File: 1654651727341.jpeg (156.13 KB, 1241x1225, 28D33029-BCC2-4CFE-8E26-A32314…)

No. 5798

File: 1654714002264.jpeg (867.83 KB, 1857x1400, 1654546543308.jpeg)

No. 5814

File: 1654820733211.jpg (38.3 KB, 408x409, Tumblr_l_211133324901869.jpg)

No. 5841

File: 1654920634892.jpg (117.72 KB, 1242x1214, 9xvnaynh5o491.jpg)

No. 5912

I hate that this show is difficult to find streaming anywhere. I never watched it when it was on BBC America (same with Come Fly With Me) and regret it.

No. 6032

File: 1656141170706.jpg (75.97 KB, 540x741, tumblr_16d1dbfc61aebde36bab849…)

dunno if this counts but i liked it

No. 6043

wont be helpful since most animal testing is already done on male animals thus meaning we do not know the full extent of side effects in women, this would exacerbate that. Still a nice plan though, good luck with it

No. 6059

File: 1656282236089.png (514.22 KB, 489x489, basedabby.png)

In light of the Frankie nb retcon, just want to share my terf Abby Bominable headcanon with you all.

No. 6104

File: 1656817970350.png (1.79 MB, 642x2119, 047FE972-5562-4290-8DB8-57D212…)

No. 6105

File: 1656818357914.jpeg (561.28 KB, 828x814, 1D94C0D9-F874-4ABE-BA95-96066B…)

No. 6119

Is this because trannies are always calling black women masculine? They all look like cave men lol the women are cute

No. 6121

Omg this artist.

No. 6126

Yes lol
Yeah, I found her page and saw that kek

No. 6129

File: 1657679385571.jpeg (635.49 KB, 1261x800, fhqd.jpeg)

No. 6131

File: 1657746659753.jpg (137.71 KB, 1261x800, fhgad.jpg)

No. 6163

File: 1658344282813.jpeg (72.89 KB, 639x846, FD8C3B7C-53A6-441D-8005-80E26F…)

No. 6164

File: 1658344376424.jpeg (170.12 KB, 1125x1120, 99825E44-E3D6-4426-B2AD-07966B…)

No. 6177

File: 1658443922069.png (2.99 MB, 2880x1800, genderspecials.png)

OC. Not exactly a meme but I needed to point out the parallels

No. 6178

Also nonnies feel free to edit this or to use this idea to make a better meme. Graphic design is not exactly my passion, but the point needed to be made.

No. 6218

File: 1658915246540.jpg (181.27 KB, 1440x1440, blackmoonlilithxx-17042022-000…)

No. 6224

File: 1658965031001.png (4.61 MB, 4000x4000, nosuchthing.png)

Just really hate how they/themmed Frankie.
Frankie is cis and proud for being a girl!

No. 6242

File: 1659148571174.jpg (37.08 KB, 739x415, tdk.jpg)

No. 6243

File: 1659148607358.jpg (92.12 KB, 500x487, which.jpg)

No. 6348

File: 1659808209976.png (278.03 KB, 1195x935, FPxZcbIXIAILSL-.png)

No. 6361

File: 1659917951015.png (144.28 KB, 500x278, carrd.png)

No. 6371

File: 1660036313210.png (251.2 KB, 508x540, 1644621144662.png)

No. 6373

File: 1660042652896.jpeg (382.21 KB, 642x2975, 5309CCAE-FB52-4B08-A106-798276…)

Update kek

No. 6374


No. 6387

File: 1660299761366.jpeg (974.43 KB, 1200x5436, FFC07E26-4C90-4DA4-B5DD-86FA17…)

No. 6388

File: 1660300152048.jpeg (265.21 KB, 1091x893, F10F2C53-0F84-4CF7-8CE4-575912…)

No. 6394

File: 1660424795155.jpg (135.39 KB, 1124x1099, tumblr_3cba8ca73b69183a6ca4ffe…)

No. 6395

File: 1660424930909.jpeg (1.09 MB, 4500x4500, 576B6C62-DB98-4038-B0CC-89F73F…)

bump 4 dick on homepage

No. 6396

File: 1660425505881.png (538.84 KB, 431x861, LUL.png)

No. 6397

Why the fuck is his stomach bulging like that? It's so male kek.

No. 6413

File: 1660688583894.jpg (70.59 KB, 647x363, IMG_5647.JPG)

r/mtf in general

No. 6414

File: 1660693453522.png (481.58 KB, 974x622, Capture d’écran 2022-08-17 à 0…)

No. 6415

File: 1660696319831.webm (2.82 MB, 360x270, tDWesdlJUAeCFSbw.webm)

No. 6420

What a surprise!(racebaiting)

No. 6421

File: 1660850478316.jpg (24.5 KB, 340x255, 1545253763116.jpg)

No. 6422

File: 1660872021037.png (108.89 KB, 259x267, 222.png)

No. 6431

File: 1661059069850.jpg (912.32 KB, 2000x2000, 164273318489753.jpg)

No. 6462

File: 1661569955920.jpg (2.45 MB, 1080x1610, v5imRFZ.jpg)

don't know if this counts but some karma is hilarious to me

No. 6466

File: 1661638629697.jpg (775.04 KB, 1252x2621, Myfavethings.jpg)

Friend and I came up with a troon-hate version of "My Favorite Things."

Sage for autism and probably unfunny, but I'm amused by it and have no one else to share it with

No. 6477

File: 1661713740132.jpg (137.53 KB, 720x842, unhinged queen.jpg)

No. 6478

sadly its just a meme. May life imitate art tho kek

No. 6499

kek would love for someone to sing this and end up using it with memes on TikTok. This is perfect.

No. 6518

File: 1662731085452.png (753.34 KB, 810x763, Screenshots_2022-09-09-21-45-5…)

bad boomer meme but still terf-y

No. 6542

File: 1663634500726.jpg (140.03 KB, 680x680, tumblr_2cae19e55e250c391f44a6b…)

No. 6553

File: 1663819419049.png (1.21 MB, 1280x1026, tumblr_9c7f59e105b1a77bcaf14cd…)

No. 6554

Based, saved for future distribution

No. 6555

File: 1663820070426.jpg (85.74 KB, 1080x789, y.jpg)

No. 6556

File: 1663820316815.jpg (98.6 KB, 769x960, t.jpg)

No. 6559

File: 1663968808971.png (71.28 KB, 649x753, 1662424576396.png)

No. 6560

File: 1664017382441.jpeg (34.34 KB, 244x275, BAEE3247-4F46-4360-8D14-2467D9…)

Like that I can be crypto terf if needed w this one

No. 6561

>PPI (People with the Power to Impregnate)
that got me badly lmfao

No. 6636

File: 1664979740571.gif (249.52 KB, 480x461, B0BB3F05-B735-4349-A951-975E59…)

OC dump incoming

No. 6637

File: 1664979775754.jpeg (694.35 KB, 1059x1079, 56D1D202-CEA2-4334-90B5-213803…)

No. 6639

File: 1664980080074.jpeg (708.05 KB, 1096x1092, 42429780-FFC9-4021-B63B-A22025…)

No. 6640

File: 1664980104897.jpeg (507.13 KB, 1081x727, BF565D20-EAC8-4174-A4CC-5BE896…)

No. 6641

File: 1664980156273.jpeg (472.58 KB, 1057x905, 649EAB1C-5212-4944-BB48-21AD7B…)

No. 6642

File: 1664980190780.jpeg (460.65 KB, 1016x703, B97765D0-299E-4808-BA27-8BBF92…)

No. 6643

File: 1664980259924.jpeg (728.58 KB, 1175x877, 0D14A621-8060-424E-9720-6DD15F…)

special for the nonnie in the mtf thread <3

No. 6644

File: 1664980300951.png (716.81 KB, 897x1021, DC728C9C-80FE-4A8D-AC88-6D1A66…)

No. 6645

File: 1664980359931.png (82.66 KB, 460x220, terfs please interact.png)


No. 6646

thank you nonna all of these are amazing, saved

No. 6647

terf lain be like: and you dont seem to understand that youll never be a woman

No. 6669

File: 1665342449888.jpeg (913.63 KB, 1448x2048, 650EBC31-7D26-47F1-8E98-4E0B3F…)

Requesting someone to edit this with their magical editing skills please.

No. 6670

The fact that trannies would post cp and even have access to cp, just because they're upset over "not being called a real woman" proves they are inherently evil males, moreso than the manosphere, and that trans rights are wrongs after all.

They better repent and come to Jesus fast before they join the beast and do transhumanism which does not make trans women femals but turns their dna into nefilim where they have to be sent to the lake of fire. Discourage permaaltering dna and fiery lake, encourage finding Christ.

No. 6671

File: 1665346201081.jpg (54.79 KB, 679x491, Tumblr_l_446453990100722.jpg)

No. 6672

File: 1665349186226.png (5.69 MB, 1448x2048, mtfbgone.png)

lmk if I should change the text to something else

No. 6673

lmfao anon, you're amazing. Thank you so much! ♥ It looks perfect.

No. 6687

File: 1665777396099.jpeg (47.24 KB, 540x304, clueless.jpeg)

No. 6691

File: 1665872554101.jpg (308.47 KB, 406x544, Cfz3ZBy.jpg)

No. 6695

File: 1665906428498.jpg (451.31 KB, 499x619, GTMphM6.jpg)

No. 6696

File: 1665908852354.jpg (1.16 MB, 960x960, C3DPUr5.jpg)

No. 6697

File: 1665908924250.jpg (405.83 KB, 511x500, kGHikRH.jpg)

No. 6698

File: 1665909838813.jpg (354.47 KB, 641x458, E1rBFGe.jpg)

No. 6699

File: 1665910584570.jpg (Spoiler Image,872.74 KB, 640x765, Su1yQhn.jpg)

No. 6701

File: 1665933805849.jpg (1.65 MB, 1152x2048, LXVGDIn.jpg)

No. 6704

Love this one nona

No. 6708

File: 1666121664341.jpg (165.73 KB, 856x1920, tumblr_02ed8ffb8bf5371f38800b2…)

No. 6709

File: 1666121862966.jpg (68 KB, 540x529, tumblr_c12692913587dd3e4063e25…)

No. 6710

File: 1666121893996.jpg (64.11 KB, 540x710, tumblr_f03775b24dc0495367ad9c7…)

No. 6730

File: 1666632523532.jpeg (93.68 KB, 888x499, CBAE32C0-E30B-4A1C-B9BB-AE2E34…)

made an enby version

No. 6739

File: 1666923564818.png (371.14 KB, 517x1024, 953A7489-0F0E-4B15-9846-60E109…)

No. 6748

File: 1667061038436.jpg (43.41 KB, 640x408, 16653225899603.jpg)

No. 6764

File: 1667244888858.jpg (356.7 KB, 680x559, iab3kNV.jpg)

No. 6765

File: 1667245401154.jpg (1.57 MB, 1061x1200, MWi1hv1.jpg)

No. 6766

File: 1667245442369.jpg (420.37 KB, 595x422, 7Kq5CTP.jpg)

No. 6767

File: 1667245851444.jpg (143 KB, 473x591, cvpdbvM.jpg)

No. 6768

File: 1667246739397.gif (8.07 MB, 320x320, ezgif-2-42a64d94f0.gif)

No. 6769

File: 1667247188357.jpg (766.29 KB, 750x581, LORcS74.jpg)

No. 6770

File: 1667247924212.jpg (1.13 MB, 1200x673, 21dGh1e.jpg)

No. 6771

File: 1667248421545.jpg (941.68 KB, 1125x1113, PEcnrCq.jpg)

No. 6772

awww thank you nona

No. 6773

No. 6774

File: 1667353037146.jpg (641.38 KB, 960x826, DWPWfxD.jpg)

No. 6785

File: 1667869660506.jpg (1.33 MB, 1191x1200, acvuzTN.jpg)

No. 6786

File: 1667870451396.jpg (1.3 MB, 1080x1080, O4A9g4W.jpg)

No. 6787

File: 1668108104599.jpg (716.26 KB, 937x500, qQ6dRuf.jpg)

No. 6788

File: 1668108135708.jpg (1.12 MB, 1080x1069, WXpftn8.jpg)

No. 6789

File: 1668108367293.jpg (306.04 KB, 750x634, pz6bEHC.jpg)

No. 6790

File: 1668117238744.jpg (58.01 KB, 540x533, tumblr_2178827419ddd5d23e1fcbc…)

No. 6796

File: 1668355562027.jpeg (42.02 KB, 552x521, trmwamnswymnnuhh.jpeg)

No. 6800

File: 1668379084407.jpg (382.86 KB, 960x599, uToWcE1.jpg)

No. 6801

File: 1668379116208.jpg (833.94 KB, 1065x975, fbHjl9E.jpg)

No. 6802

File: 1668379214275.jpg (1.19 MB, 1067x994, xnjeEzB.jpg)

No. 6803

File: 1668379300432.jpg (1.74 MB, 1280x1327, YibABmK.jpg)

No. 6804

File: 1668379354398.jpg (1.37 MB, 721x1010, PQBNGdQ.jpg)

No. 6805

File: 1668379535574.jpg (1.7 MB, 1280x1251, 4bsejXd.jpg)

I have no idea wtf pomo means in the context
Post modern?

No. 6806

File: 1668379636387.jpg (931.27 KB, 720x916, ZyBOnnA.jpg)

No. 6807

File: 1668379748501.jpg (928.79 KB, 828x1792, ocvI03c.jpg)

No. 6808

File: 1668379780216.jpg (651.2 KB, 720x502, m7sbCxR.jpg)

No. 6809

File: 1668379847212.jpg (613.44 KB, 526x717, KEk0WLZ.jpg)

No. 6810

File: 1668379981649.jpg (286.82 KB, 501x388, jHhQt9e.jpg)

No. 6811

oh this is a good one, saved

No. 6815

File: 1668728580144.jpg (184.71 KB, 1080x1074, 20221112_092507.jpg)

No. 6816

File: 1668728618927.gif (2.69 MB, 540x270, Tumblr_l_8417150957985.gif)

No. 6817

File: 1668728697155.jpg (Spoiler Image,4.6 MB, 3072x4096, 22-10-30-17-19-20-740_deco.jpg)

No. 6818

File: 1668728757087.jpg (43.56 KB, 750x737, Tumblr_l_544920706762075.jpg)

No. 6823

File: 1668843443086.jpg (941.16 KB, 1200x927, EhA5RpN.jpg)

No. 6824

File: 1668847119528.jpeg (172.75 KB, 750x511, 5E5E6480-862E-40FB-ACAF-A3631D…)

No. 6888

File: 1669849236890.jpg (421.73 KB, 1200x1200, Mematic_20221201_100029.jpg)

No. 6889

File: 1669853252217.png (451.9 KB, 1550x511, feelsbadman.png)

No. 6890

the slippers is a beautiful touch

No. 6898

>the permaban farmcow flip??

No. 6906

File: 1670133803503.jpg (430.95 KB, 799x720, 1669467959493570.jpg)

No. 6914

File: 1670259215931.jpg (62.09 KB, 646x800, FjJdALOacAINSG_.jpg)

No. 6917

File: 1670394347460.jpg (203.82 KB, 2224x586, bAJ0kD8xzMhIcV.jpg)

not a meme, just a useful chart when a troon replies that skeletons don't matter

No. 6918

File: 1670426634523.jpg (198.8 KB, 1080x1139, 7cu4mJhmnCB4IJ.jpg)

No. 6919

File: 1670429366376.jpg (453.8 KB, 799x1847, Difference-Between-Male-and-Fe…)

No. 6989

File: 1670853514623.png (200.33 KB, 600x281, 1641761700213.png)

No. 7013

File: 1671054691475.jpg (674.02 KB, 1440x1080, ychromosome.jpg)

No. 7060

File: 1672028584536.jpg (162.47 KB, 700x1180, 1655267342332.jpg)

No. 7061

I want to say I like this meme but god I hate looking at those wojaks.

No. 7063

File: 1672094301447.webm (8.51 MB, 320x568, zDrHkxEwJPKkeJll.webm)

No. 7064

File: 1672096193993.jpeg (38.81 KB, 720x404, trans male vs female.jpeg)

why is this so accurate

No. 7065

I laughed in real life

No. 7066

File: 1672126580747.png (396.41 KB, 717x735, FkcH5e6X0AA72pM.png)

No. 7067

File: 1672145499174.jpg (158.88 KB, 1190x732, X34.jpg)

No. 7068

File: 1672145528698.jpg (154.12 KB, 1280x1006, 1589148950407.jpg)

No. 7069

File: 1672159688172.jpg (27.36 KB, 670x503, a10.jpg)

They're men, that's how; men ruin everything, look at history.

No. 7070

File: 1672178811739.jpg (417.54 KB, 650x680, zmgqWoG.jpg)

No. 7071

File: 1672180494440.jpg (285.13 KB, 498x479, z40KMO2.jpg)

No. 7072

KEK i've been trying to find this meme again for so long after seeing it years ago, thanks anon!

No. 7074


No. 7084

So does this bloke get as mamy death threats as slxthkween or nah? I'm interested to see how this plays out.

No. 7093

File: 1672327883838.jpg (1.14 MB, 1200x1063, wUMGG7V.jpg)

I hate that the board is public now, it used to be a safe place to hang out without fear of CP/gore raids. I guess it'll get more traffic this way, but at what cost?

No. 7094

File: 1672328104109.jpg (152.19 KB, 1196x1534, 3AdIi8a.jpg)

You know damn well he doesn't; out of 200ish comments these were the only "negative" ones I could find and I'm not even sure all these people understood this was a joke and not serious.

Saging for same fagging and no meme.

No. 7095

This is honestly the only accurate FTM list kek, the MRA type is my favourite

No. 7105


No. 7118

Maybe I'm too easily amused but the chaser is always the funniest/most entertaining type of TIF for me

No. 7142

File: 1672408179824.jpg (1.3 MB, 1920x1200, 22-12-30-07-42-34-222_deco.jpg)

Whipped these up real quick

No. 7143

File: 1672408251671.jpg (245.8 KB, 1823x1084, 22-12-30-07-47-20-517_deco~2.j…)

Second one

No. 7146

I'm looking for a meme I know already exists but I can't find it. It's this girl who was online famous in the 2010s with the caption "Hey girls, did you know, that umm, men know porn hurts women and that's why they watch it?" I think it was posted on tumblr.

No. 7147

not doing much to de-cringify terf messaging here lol (I'm thinking of the other thread about that). unless you're going the "I am cringe but I am free" route, which is respectable.

No. 7152

does anyone have that tiktok screencap of a comment saying they'll expose some girl for being a terf to her manager and she replied by saying something along the lines of "they wouldn't care if i murdered somebody" ??

No. 7154

I am cringe but free! The concept is hilarious, Shadow the Hedgehog repeating TERF phrases, for the mere fact trans ideology existing in the Sonic universe, he would totally do shit like this lmao.

No. 7167

File: 1672442533715.jpg (2.99 MB, 3840x2400, 22-12-30-15-54-58-125_deco.jpg)

I'm dumping more GC Shadow memes I made because I have nothing better to do

No. 7168

File: 1672442601207.jpg (368.54 KB, 800x600, 22-12-30-15-41-57-817_deco.jpg)

I wish I had more edgy fonts to use

No. 7176

File: 1672447990304.png (567.38 KB, 2720x2720, 1653630480166.png)

i feel obligated to add this version, but i think the one you posted is better

No. 7177

No. 7178

Is that David from lilo and stitch? Kekkk

No. 7179

File: 1672448982863.jpg (246.88 KB, 998x1909, Trutroon.jpg)

No. 7183

Sage but I hate these. Especially because most cons will defend Robert. Just because he says the right things at times doesn’t mean I’m ok with him. Most conservative men are ok with it because they’re men but I don’t want a guy like that in my bathroom or in my dressing room. That image should also say “major cognitive dissonance”

No. 7184

it'll also definitely be more targeted than the other boards.

No. 7242

Just reassure them that there's nothing more manly than spamming gore and cp and they couldn't give off more of a scrote stench if they grew a second chode on their foreheads

No. 7273

Shadow shouldn't be using little girls as an insult, why would he imply that being a little girl (like Maria Robotnik) is a bad thing? That being said I love the others and I'd also love to see some directed at garden variety coomers

No. 7274

I think the last bullet point says it all.

No. 7279

File: 1672591047497.jpg (312.95 KB, 750x721, ITKovlC.jpg)

No. 7280

File: 1672591069433.jpg (336.91 KB, 500x461, Hqhs3pR.jpg)

No. 7382

File: 1672824635089.jpeg (95.7 KB, 983x1024, tranny.jpeg)

No. 7383

This looks like a meme made by a moid who think feminists are to blame for troonery.

No. 7387

yeah, the feminist sign on the shirt is a big giveaway

No. 7401

File: 1672854103313.png (35.64 KB, 828x639, 1493755571281.png)

No. 7414

No. 7431

File: 1672936907003.png (181 KB, 791x573, 1582945194912.png)

KEK so many memes I've seen first on tumblr! Including some I did ages ago. I wonder how many farms are/were on radblr.

No. 7452

Are there any good tumblrs for terf memes/humour? I don't use tumblr much and the few blogs I do know are very srs business radfems and I just want to laugh at trannies sometimes

No. 7461

find a terf block list and follow them. maybe search tumblr for "terfs dni"

No. 7469

this is excellent

No. 7495

I just click around the reblogs and likes of radblr posts til I find the next blog to lurk through

No. 7501

It's time for Trannymaniacs
They're disgusting to the max
They wear skirts instead of slacks
They're Trannymanaiacs

Come join them on the discord server pronouns "she" and "her"
Soon enough they rope and they will change to "was" and "were"
They insist you call them "mam" though they look just like a "sir"
Adam's apple
Wide clavicle
Futa connoisseur

They are the Trannymaniacs
There's an axe-wound in their pants
They just can't accept the facts
They're looney to the max
They're Trannymaniacs

They say "Age is just a number", whenever they are found
Grooming minors on the internet or on the playground
They wait in women's restrooms when no one is around
Then they pop out
And whip it out
And swing it all around

They are the Trannymaniacs
They think they're cute but make me yak
No they can't transition back
But they're calling you the quack
They're trannymany
Totally insaney
Fucked up in the brainy
Those are the facts

(this is so childish and stupid but i can't help bit laugh at this every time)

No. 7505

File: 1673095146524.png (662.9 KB, 686x609, image-1.png)

No. 7506

File: 1673098146134.png (1.15 MB, 750x750, ponies belong to the terfs.png)

No. 7507

i love u nona ♥ saved this one

No. 7518

based VTMB

No. 7529

azealia based

No. 7530

File: 1673134485563.jpg (207.27 KB, 1345x1137, Fd91LyNWIAEg3b1.jpg)

No. 7531

File: 1673134555099.jpg (38.13 KB, 1024x598, FfPssNrXkAEO89b.jpg)

No. 7587

File: 1673203456573.png (3.87 MB, 1780x1919, 16016730741.png)

No. 7588

How is this a meme?

No. 7598

Trannies mostly prefer using anime pfps cause the reality is too disgusting

No. 7599

Men are such NPCs. I swear it's like they're made in a factory or something. Whether it's an MRA gamer moid or a LARPING anarcho commie tranny, they always have to play some kind of archetype.

No. 7611

File: 1673227882725.jpeg (61.63 KB, 564x1001, 32F37422-D872-410B-BA68-0CD866…)

Gonna drop a few

No. 7612

File: 1673227959569.jpeg (56.12 KB, 750x676, 64C109F0-7D3E-441F-86A4-FC14C8…)

No. 7613

File: 1673228021624.jpeg (440.37 KB, 1080x863, 16FB2205-DF8B-49FC-A1CB-CB58F7…)

No. 7614

File: 1673228069887.png (1.96 MB, 1051x1881, 739C023D-FB5D-432E-B199-2AD42F…)

No. 7615

File: 1673228209480.jpeg (118.16 KB, 828x1426, 6A100729-499A-4FE4-B6F4-8D66E5…)

No. 7616

File: 1673228483492.jpeg (224.52 KB, 1080x1381, ECCC59B2-DEF4-4935-AA43-8FBCA6…)

No. 7618

That's how they think attractive men talk

No. 7619

this is my comfort game, next tabletop char gonna be a malkavian with AGP derangement

No. 7626

They're imitating aggressive boyish ways of talking from like middle school I'd think. It's their way of trying to sound masculine without having to analyze in depth male thinking and speech patterns, plus they get to be edgy but not too edgy for their boundaries.

No. 7627

I know that; but without a comparison photo of their real face, I don't see how it's funny?

No. 7629

File: 1673244301889.jpeg (156.86 KB, 633x943, 9CE6309C-FB37-4F26-9129-B8D359…)

No. 7630

File: 1673244628605.gif (236.51 KB, 720x720, 530B2D95-8811-4B83-AE32-14F39E…)

No. 7631


No. 7634

No. 7689

File: 1673298426380.jpg (342.6 KB, 600x500, mlcEVqm.jpg)

No. 7691

Personally i think the funny part is the fact no one has the balls to actually show their faces, all of them use anime pfps which is an obvious cover up

No. 7799

File: 1673560614193.jpg (117.44 KB, 1080x1257, Screenshot.jpg)

No. 7802

Based Quirrell.

No. 7892

File: 1673804757117.png (848.4 KB, 752x755, 1673736995098.png)

No. 7934

omg please does anybody have terf asuka memes

No. 7954

I kek'd. He could be a brilliant horror movie actor with that face.

No. 7957

Wait, is that a guy after all? Always thought it was a disabled/very unfortunate-looking female.

No. 7963

How is making fun of a woman's face a feminist meme?

No. 7972


No. 7978

Westboro Baptist has a few anti-trans parody songs, such as “(God Won’t Change Your) Chromosomes” and “Mamas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Trannies”.

No. 9383

Nonnas, does anyone have the video of rise from persona 4 saying the YWNBAW speech? It's funny as fuck but i can't find it anymore and i hope someone knows what i'm talking about

No. 9406

File: 1674589687285.jpg (1.11 MB, 1066x965, SBEMXOF.jpg)

No. 9407

No. 9409

I was thinking the same, maybe my troon has broken, kek? but I really think that's just an ugly ass woman but a woman none the less.

No. 9439

File: 1674665393899.jpg (243.05 KB, 1080x681, cEmUlVO.jpg)

No. 9442

This is why I think we need to focus less on mocking the appearances of troons. It backfires on us when we get our wires crossed and accidentally go after a real woman. And a lot of women who troon out have body dysmorphia in the first place, so we're not exactly making cause seem welcoming or legitimate to our sisters when we become so obsessed with appearance. What should be most important is emphasis on the legitimate reasons why TiMs are harmful.

No. 9445

Thank you for your service, nonna

No. 9452

File: 1674726484237.jpg (105.09 KB, 828x788, FbzhbhAXEAAs2SN.jpg)

No. 9458

go back to /snow/

No. 9478

I have to admit that I chuckled at this zinger but >>9442 is completely right, anons who "clock" troons based on ridiculous skull measuring do more harm than good. Of course IRL people will quickly clock a tranny but from photos is sometimes nearly impossible due to angles, filters, not being able to see the movement and the real life dimensions etc. and debating over if an assumed woman is actually a man or not because "she has big hands" or looks ugly is actual moid behavior and shouldn't be encouraged. After so many times when I thought someone had to be a man and turned out to be an actual biological woman in the end I learned my lesson, women have a much wider variety of body types than people are made to realize.

No. 9482

Are you faceblind?

No. 9483

you don't have to be faceblind to be tricked by a photo, retard

No. 9486

Nice of you to sign your name at the end. Kek
And yes you do. People confuse non attractive with sex based characteristics. Ugly women aren’t men and “pretty photoshopped men” aren’t women. Even in photos you can tell. If you can’t you’re face blind or spend too much time on line. It’s instinctual.

No. 9489

that's not even a "normal" ugly person it looks like a deformed/severely disabled person. sorry i just don't believe that's a woman.

No. 9493

Just recently I saw someone posting photos of a woman genuinely thinking she was a tranny because of her unfortunate manface, lo and behold it was an actual biological woman. Maybe you're a super smart anthropologist specialist who can detect everything photoshopped away and never once make a mistake but outside of obvious troglodyte hons not everyone is able to tell from an edited photo.

No. 9496

Go outside and look at men and women. Join a combat sport and look at men and women. Get offline and you’ll be able to tell. Even in a photo. It’s instinctual unless of course you grew up terminally online or are see face blind. You repeating a bad point doesn’t make it true and most of those “women” online posting other women are “troons”.

No. 9525

File: 1674936274313.jpeg (164.59 KB, 750x1012, E5C0C239-07C5-451A-97F2-38D9C6…)

No. 9526

honestly nona if you can't tell in the real world, with a moving body in front of you, I don't know what to tell you. Open your heart to your instinctive predator awareness, because I've never been surprised in real life by a troon. Photos, sure, all kinds of crazy shit can happen in a picture. Some edited pictures/tricks of the light make ghosts look real, of course every 1 in 50,000 pictures of a troon may be harder to clock.

No. 9531

overly kind retards are the entire reason why we are in this situation you need to point and laugh at men it is the most effective way to make them stop their bullshit they don't give a damn what harm they cause to women many of them enjoy it, laughing and calling them ugly freaks is what actually makes them not want to act like retards

No. 9538

The topic was about edited photos. Not real life encounters. Literally anyone, even the most face blind motherfucker, can tell a tranny from a woman during a real life encounter. But when you literally edit and face filter a selfie to the point you remove all telltale features you can make it look however you want, and vice versa some people genuinely have such a shallow view of what women can look like that they go around calling them trannies because of their unfortunate features and that's above all extremely destructive and goes against the principles of feminism.

No. 9541

File: 1675010097166.png (243.07 KB, 500x500, nadezhda-krupskaya-speaking-th…)

No. 9542

this might make the fatsocs angry

No. 9604

File: 1675206591231.png (139.34 KB, 720x632, 324222295_1276175476296633_723…)

No. 9636

File: 1675289232204.webm (1.09 MB, 450x270, terf geralt.webm)

No. 9674

No. 9677

File: 1675373235815.png (627.21 KB, 948x1200, transphobic seuss.png)

based transphobic AI

No. 9680

what program

No. 9702

File: 1675456866750.jpg (56.02 KB, 640x610, xv2iji9z2zy91.jpg)

No. 9706

Where is this from

No. 9711


No. 9713

File: 1675498748255.jpg (568.25 KB, 1080x830, I86bgPf.jpg)

No. 9725

i hate when meme censors swear words

No. 9734

File: 1675586134658.jpeg (254.88 KB, 1241x1480, EB8829C3-027E-4C2E-A187-B94159…)

Kind of a boomer meme but the predictable and cliche reply made it funny to me so I opted not to crop it out.

No. 9746

File: 1675629707943.webm (457.42 KB, 320x458, caucasian.webm)

same but that's how I found it

No. 9747

File: 1675637649468.jpg (156.21 KB, 750x548, H2YVX2P.jpg)

I love how troons all hate each other lmao

No. 9750

File: 1675663284331.png (779.65 KB, 526x887, trannies.png)

No. 9757

Double kek

No. 9770

>almost enough to buy an nft depicting anne frank wearing a binder

No. 9779

File: 1675742054875.jpg (31.76 KB, 564x564, 1669915440153.jpg)

Bumping off scrotery

No. 9785

File: 1675751959502.png (8.34 KB, 530x511, 1675741147313090.png)

Haven't been to /v/ since I was 15 but visiting for the first time and seeing all the transphobic memes has been a real hoot.

No. 9800

File: 1675770497739.jpg (95.5 KB, 660x371, Helga gun transphobia.jpg)

No. 9812

File: 1675781996848.jpg (185.22 KB, 839x662, iwy9z5od9gu71.jpg)

No. 9813

File: 1675782024568.jpg (235.83 KB, 1284x1000, FHKO3HjXMAIVbPC.jpg)

No. 9826

this is so weird, i recognised this changing room and googled it and this is the exact chain of club i used to work at, Bannatyne, and their policy (as of 2020) was that you had to dress in whatever gender was on ur passport.

No. 9837

File: 1675810079876.jpg (200.75 KB, 1304x648, 41TWxLg.jpg)

No. 9841

they'd never say "excuse me" kek. nice pic though

No. 9852


Have some empathy, Nonna, some of us are facebling spergs. This is why autistic women get preyed on so much, our predator senses are fucked.

No. 9866

File: 1675917351382.jpg (258.64 KB, 2494x836, unnamed.jpg)

No. 9867

File: 1675917413564.jpg (78.97 KB, 1280x898, tumblr_203537d598fc75ea6c73cda…)

No. 9868

File: 1675917522862.png (1.33 MB, 810x1018, troonifi.png)

No. 9869

File: 1675917549040.jpg (230.49 KB, 1080x1080, transgenderism political compa…)

No. 9870

File: 1675917599749.jpeg (46.21 KB, 680x654, Sanity Check.jpeg)

No. 9871

File: 1675917628119.png (274.08 KB, 500x761, 1675013229386.png)

No. 9872

File: 1675917660248.jpg (80.74 KB, 680x849, 17d.jpg)

No. 9873

File: 1675917699307.jpg (1.01 MB, 2502x1460, gender spectrum.jpg)

No. 9874

File: 1675917748214.jpg (72.57 KB, 836x635, EwempcKXIAIC1ZK.jpg)

No. 9875

File: 1675917774694.jpeg (143.07 KB, 822x1024, 59797CB1-06E8-4512-BC64-044F1F…)

No. 9876

File: 1675921415512.png (100.65 KB, 584x436, E2332D50-5D9A-4F13-9A91-4FF91F…)

No. 9877


No. 9893

This is the best image I've ever seen of all time holy fuck

No. 9913

File: 1675990565378.jpg (464.04 KB, 1200x543, OJaopL7.jpg)

No. 9914

>Alternate 1985 where Biff has the Almanac

No. 9945

File: 1676076233023.jpg (1.04 MB, 1600x900, nloLyHb.jpg)

No. 9959

File: 1676141986928.jpg (110.99 KB, 1024x738, photo_4922464681281563797_y.jp…)

No. 10040

File: 1676324347553.webm (3.75 MB, 640x332, biden.webm)

funny, but this is honestly kinda scary

No. 10056

How are people making these?

No. 10084

Google D-id

No. 10090

i was about to write a reply elsewhere about how i can't find any reason how AI could be used for good. I stand corrected kek

No. 10131

File: 1676423906875.png (56.3 KB, 500x500, 6D330B11-F6EF-438D-9F28-52FBC8…)

No. 10309

he turned into a terf? based

No. 10390

File: 1676802125813.jpeg (57.09 KB, 823x817, Fo3j4ZYXEAMAPbV.jpeg)

No. 10427

This is both amazing and hilarious, who said AI was worthless?

No. 10428

File: 1676922879875.jpg (547.12 KB, 723x859, qT5tedK.jpg)

No. 10431

wow this is old, must be from like 2017

No. 10432

File: 1676926329877.png (979.28 KB, 1800x2700, 1849396_doopiss_the-tranny.png)

No. 10434


Wow shit from 2017 can be true in 2023

No. 10435

File: 1676947749565.jpg (138.46 KB, 720x946, Tumblr_l_375338156583862.jpg)

No. 10436

File: 1676961015879.jpg (893.8 KB, 598x1170, F4uBd93.jpg)

The self own here; we don't have gender identities because we have actual personalities.

No. 10583

File: 1677142615670.png (153.01 KB, 1281x417, transitioning.png)

No. 10584

File: 1677142856628.jpg (21.4 KB, 702x534, odds.jpg)

No. 10585

File: 1677144014543.png (383.88 KB, 960x508, trans truck driver.png)

No. 10586

File: 1677145319002.jpg (70.36 KB, 640x500, which-pooner-are-you-v0-qr9x57…)

ive met all of these unfortunately. kinda wanna do it w/ cows/mini cows on the lc threads
my only idea is for "discord mod" and shes a minor cow in a community thread

No. 10642

File: 1677185440996.webm (3.81 MB, 1280x768, proof.webm)

No. 10695

What's the difference between classic pooner and the not on t ayden?

No. 10697

Classic Pooner actually trooned out, Ayden is an enby with no intention of doing so.
Whereas Discord Mod and Gunther are transmeds, Pooner and Ayden hate them and call them "gendercrit"

No. 10725

the discord mod looks like whiteglove

No. 10781

File: 1677282722734.webm (286.37 KB, 480x270, mouth of sauron(1).webm)

No. 10782

Exactly who I wanted to draw over her, but I'm scared of my art style getting recognized or making her not obese enough lmfao

No. 10791

File: 1677296633950.jpg (223 KB, 795x1071, AI Knows.jpg)

No. 10793

could someone please post those two tiktoks of those troons REEEEing about the anime filter turning them into males

No. 10821

File: 1677335369855.webm (1.8 MB, 576x1024, based AI.webm)

this is the only one i've seen but if you find more pls post them here

No. 10822

omg that accuracy, thanks for sharing

No. 10824

File: 1677336698196.webm (2.35 MB, 480x852, jI3WPddAyDuRXmmW.webm)

found them, also what exactly is he trying to sound like

No. 10825

File: 1677336719243.webm (833.14 KB, 576x1024, tumblr_rn3em9QYxo1z3judm.webm)

No. 10857

File: 1677436157840.jpg (580.55 KB, 859x733, 5vgjyuv.jpg)

fucking hell, I thought that was Robert Carlyle …

No. 10858

did you make, that's hilarious

No. 10864

I read this in the style of Cotton Eyed Joe

No. 10888

File: 1677527483760.jpg (242.6 KB, 798x489, kfQhKGG.jpg)

I found it on Twitter, wish I had made it!

No. 10891

File: 1677533271274.jpg (785.42 KB, 670x980, yPjhe1S.jpg)

No. 10892

File: 1677533296932.jpg (583.22 KB, 1065x754, 7U4qLVk.jpg)

No. 10904

nonnas I miss her so much

No. 10983

File: 1677696310535.jpg (143.44 KB, 680x383, SNdS31o.jpg)

No. 10984

File: 1677696882001.jpg (62.67 KB, 255x250, ljdZB0F.jpg)

No. 10985

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No. 10986

File: 1677697392089.jpg (371 KB, 512x588, shibTT6.jpg)

No. 10987

File: 1677697431388.jpg (1.26 MB, 828x1064, qYpLgtr.jpg)

No. 10990

and black moids ditched women the second they got the vote too..

No. 10991

File: 1677700283627.jpg (1.67 MB, 988x1200, 46lwdP1.jpg)

No. 10992

File: 1677700308104.jpg (1.2 MB, 859x1199, VbFpfj0.jpg)

No. 11089

File: 1677848019281.jpg (469.3 KB, 2048x2048, FqP33thacAAF1RN.jpg)

No. 11090

File: 1677848056096.jpg (194.84 KB, 714x1199, FqJEPO5WYAEDfnL.jpg)

No. 11106

File: 1677870729442.png (518.65 KB, 500x624, 50ED034C-9467-4AF4-A8D3-B6DF11…)

No. 11107

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No. 11122

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No. 11123

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No. 11124

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No. 11125

File: 1677910876464.jpg (93.72 KB, 684x1024, 16.jpg)

No. 11153

I wish I could have my own comically small poon. She's so cute like a baby rabbit

No. 11203

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No. 11204

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No. 11205

File: 1677957678835.jpg (541.38 KB, 833x404, swJJ6ba.jpg)

No. 11206

why did his jaw get bigger wtf.

No. 11232

File: 1677998994479.jpeg (84 KB, 1920x1080, 1677556653041.jpeg)

No. 11234

File: 1677999054161.png (173.79 KB, 692x800, cpb.png)

another bingo

No. 11235

File: 1677999149912.png (121.8 KB, 621x593, venn diagram.png)

No. 11236

File: 1677999406694.png (84.82 KB, 621x593, 1567816022805.png)

No. 11238

These are extremely accurate

No. 11314

File: 1678124850693.jpg (88.8 KB, 720x776, 1677991804867.jpg)

Oldie but goldie

No. 11334

File: 1678168609215.jpeg (106.06 KB, 637x478, 3B9A1D55-EDBD-4E7F-A689-6646EA…)

No. 11364

File: 1678211438132.jpg (75.56 KB, 640x852, FqVKmO6WcAI6S0R.jpg)

No. 11365

File: 1678211463421.jpg (112.72 KB, 500x639, 1678211400655.jpg)

No. 11367

straight ..?

No. 11368

also kek at the "lesbian" for peter and "gay" for lois

No. 11369

That anime vtuber is a pedo

No. 11378

File: 1678235304418.jpg (821.18 KB, 1200x938, 0ETVHi0.jpg)

Kikomi has friends now ~

Her avatar is pedobait and she puts on the dumbest fake baby voice, nothing of value has been lost by her "graduation".

No. 11379

Topkek I love this so much

No. 11384

where'd you get this from, its hilarious

No. 11388

File: 1678251467200.gif (553.08 KB, 286x302, 2E874589-E671-45DA-BF25-D72015…)

No. 11390

the bisexual flag definitely doesn't deserve to be here

No. 11394

File: 1678271467808.jpg (143.66 KB, 739x1084, FqfSFOzaQAANzYU.jpg)

No. 11426

File: 1678293805519.jpg (79.97 KB, 565x680, FqlUYncaYAEFEDL.jpg)

No. 11427

No. 11428

No. 11429

No. 11431

Still my favorite thing ever. thanks for the kek

No. 11497

Does anyone have the webm of this with the song Hero playing over it?

No. 11498

File: 1678407051902.jpg (934.73 KB, 720x720, hdCzGQI.jpg)

No. 11507

Ma'am do you have any actual facts to back up that claim? Her avatar """looking like a stylized child""" is not a valid reason to accuses someone of being a pedophile and the only people I've heard make those claims were the trannies who harrased her on Twitter. Now if there is evidence that she was touching children then that would be fun milk.

No. 11513

File: 1678420083512.png (88.43 KB, 637x589, firefox_UH8fP7mtTx.png)

im not sure if someone who actually speaks japanese wants to translate this but when i originally saw a screenshot it had translated differently to say that she likes 9 year olds so it couldve just been a translation error and shes talking about how old her character is but im not sure which translation is correct.

No. 11514

sorry SA when i click the link it translates automatically but it might be because of a plugin i have. with my plugin it says i am 9 years old and with twitters built in translator it had said i like 9 year olds.

No. 11542

this meme sucks and you are a moid

No. 11549

im getting tired of idiots like u screaming « moid ! moid ! moid !» when a user happens to have a humor that doesnt suits u

No. 11551

File: 1678461268563.png (990.83 KB, 750x1334, pikamee.png)

This, her avatar looking like a child, her LARPing a child and her retweeting loli art should be enough evidence. The trannies are hypocrites accusing her of it as they are known to be lolifags very often, but that does not make it less true.

No. 11555

fucking gross, i wonder what is the mindset of women who post shit like this like are they pedos or autopedos?

bitch is a pedobaiter and sexualizes children.
How are you different from troons and their supporters when you are defending a degen pedobaiter?

No. 11570

nta but there is humor that doesn't suit you and straight up homophobic shit like this gif. It's just lumping in LGB with the T like right-wingers like to do. Not necessarily posted by a moid but it's not terfy at all.

Nonnas I'll be using some of these images for my next stickers, there's so many great memes posted here. I'm currently in a sticker fight with a tra in the toilet of a club, I hope it's just a handmaiden and not an actual TiM, anyways this person's "stickers" suck so bad, they're just handwritten garbage on quad paper. They always remove my stickers and leave trashy notes for me like "fuck terfs!". Pathetic. Can't wait for my next revenge with these creative memes.

No. 11572

File: 1678471928607.webm (6.45 MB, 1920x1080, Transphobic _Green Shirt_ Bath…)

downloaded and converted this just for you nonnies ♥

youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN96sx2SdRc

No. 11574

It's a right wing meme. Lgb flags=mental illness?

No. 11577

anon the gc community has alot of conservative or right-wing people. Just because they hold those views that doesnt make them a moid. It just makes them a generic conservative mumsnet user.

No. 11578

>>11570 (sorry, good luck on the sticker stuff)

Samefag of that meme, not a moid, so many replies for something i just wanted to dump here and didn't expect to get any reaction.
It's not perfect, i didn't make it, but just move on if you feel like it doesn't fit your standards.
I'm not straight but i like to use it whenever i see trans moids rambling about their sexuality that makes no sense when they are simply degenerates that hide behind fake personas.
Sorry if i don't have any meme to share, let's get back to the funny stuff.

No. 11591

same fag as >>11390 and fuck I didn't even notice the pride flag as well
yeah, this meme sucks and whoever posted it should do some soul searching

No. 11597

>too spirit too furious
I love this so much.

No. 11606

>It's a right wing meme
Oh no anon whatever shall we do? How could someone post something you don't personally agree with on the internet of all places. I don't even agree with the meme but holy fuck some of you need to grow thicker skin.

No. 11608

File: 1678549168700.jpg (127.58 KB, 775x1340, a052dc95-69d7-566c-9231-41d933…)

Sorry anon, I definitely didn't mean to gang up on you. I get your point using it against these moids.

No. 11612

File: 1678563757036.png (163.08 KB, 720x566, export202212271932541760-2.png)

No. 11625

reddit welcomes incels with open arms since they make up a good portion of their users

No. 11629

The joke is because Reddit “officially” kicked out incels years ago by removing their official sub and making blatant incel talk against the rules. They still sneak in under subs like r/lonely but the official stance is that they’re not allowed. Now they’re welcome with open arms if they’re a tranny though

No. 11751

i totally missed the joke, thank you for the explanation, nona! What a clown world we live in where troons are still supported even when they're spewing incel ideology.

No. 11782

File: 1678730178091.jpg (268.53 KB, 1788x1578, 1678728803345907.jpg)

No. 11845

File: 1678865246758.png (219.92 KB, 1080x1440, appropriation.png)

from the MTF threads

No. 11847

File: 1678865316992.png (229.13 KB, 1080x1440, edit.png)

normie friendly edit

No. 11854

File: 1678899102827.jpg (93.55 KB, 1080x1350, FqtHIm3XoAcNyWs.jpg)

No. 11877

File: 1678968186162.jpg (86.17 KB, 809x742, FrMHZcWacAEgz5D.jpg)

No. 11885

Holy shit I need this in a sticker form

No. 11939

File: 1679130095509.jpeg (184.65 KB, 1128x1703, 106C6C67-6825-485B-A4E5-ED7870…)

I included this retarded ass response to this meme for some extra keks

No. 11941

Ntm the gif is broken as fuck and shit quality, too. Garbage in literally every capacity.

No. 11947

i was really upset about this too but then i saw on ovarit that she does this with a lot of guests, where she gets on the floor. it wasnt a dylan specific gesture. still gross but makes it a bit less weird imo

No. 11950

The troon probably has more sexual assault charges under his belt then the gangster wannabe.

No. 11953

File: 1679162325820.png (355.81 KB, 1280x735, 355931D5-15A0-40D1-90E9-C1B61D…)

I know JKR stuff is basically kicking a dead horse at this point but I found this extremely accurate.

No. 11954

File: 1679162348316.jpeg (115.05 KB, 679x960, 6AEDFA2E-3AF1-4E2C-92D0-330919…)

No. 11955

what's the original

No. 11960

Original is just “controversial book”

No. 12028

All the alphabet people flock together when push comes to shove

No. 12062

File: 1679417063817.jpeg (158.49 KB, 1170x1491, A8E0F037-6D99-46CD-A33B-D9549D…)

No. 12080

File: 1679486156016.jpg (58.85 KB, 887x500, terf_bart.jpg)

No. 12081

Is it just me or does it legit look like her tattoo of Harry is done in Family Guy head style?

No. 12082

kek i just looked again and now all i can see is peter griffin's head on her arm

No. 12094

File: 1679509550067.jpg (183.86 KB, 1284x1320, Fryjf1NaA.jpg)

No. 12107

File: 1679545504485.jpeg (47.09 KB, 680x680, AC6204B7-F924-4BD1-B899-14C527…)

Got damn that’s an ugly sleeve

No. 12114

File: 1679565512271.jpg (216.07 KB, 1200x1200, Fr3qpizWwAMBnA3.jpg)

No. 12135

File: 1679583010691.jpg (68.29 KB, 680x616, FrrCgFMXwAAt0.jpg)

No. 12152

File: 1679599733952.jpeg (44.14 KB, 637x635, FrOGv-GXoAA3ZEE.jpeg)

No. 12158

already posted above

No. 12165

File: 1679618581740.jpeg (145.58 KB, 1269x1573, C1FD3A1F-AD70-403E-B855-6A438D…)

No. 12166

holy shit this is so fuckign true

No. 12169

File: 1679628281421.jpg (98.28 KB, 900x790, FrePgwYaYAUil9q.jpg)

No. 12191

File: 1679657690716.jpg (88.82 KB, 955x711, IMG_20230324_123349.jpg)

I tried making a meme

No. 12234

whats up this moid meme implying that strong women dont exist

No. 12280

It doesn’t help that Daniel Radcliffe is an ugly moid with a cartoonishly boxy head. I hope getting all that shit lazered off her arm is super expensive and hurts like hell kek

No. 12410

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No. 12411

File: 1679923579303.jpg (88.77 KB, 730x727, Illness.jpg)

No. 12413

alot of the memes here look like moid memes tbh, there was someone who also lumped in homosexuals with transexuals and then defended being right-wing.
Im really curios on how many posters here are male or anti-feminist boomers who think they are terfs because they hate the trannies.

No. 12434

I've been getting forum slider/consensus cracker vibes from this board lately but I suffer from paranoia so could just be mental illness kek

No. 12491

File: 1680024769713.png (70.83 KB, 828x526, 7C62172D-1B7B-45B4-B5A8-F0C451…)

No. 12497

I've seen this a lot and honestly no feminine gay man would say this. They throw fits at vulva mentions as well and have done so before trannys even had a public voice. Troons and gay men are united in mocking and degrading women

No. 12512

File: 1680063363876.jpeg (110.41 KB, 439x1024, 0A24FCFC-5959-4D77-A8D2-41F6DE…)

Does anyone know where I can find more Kikomi memes? I saw one about orgasms on one of these threads but if there are more I’d like to see them. I don’t use 4chan so I have no idea how to find them

No. 12513

File: 1680063684256.jpeg (107.09 KB, 640x1422, kikomi.jpeg)

Ask and ye shall receive! I really want to know who came up with kikomi, I love her

No. 12514

It was actually a farmer of our very own in the MTF thread >>>/snow/1182616

No. 12518

Thank you nonnies. I didn’t realize they were 2 years old! This girl is so funny. I hope she’s still around and will make more for us

No. 12674

thank u nonna!

No. 12704

File: 1680410062002.jpg (176.57 KB, 945x1327, Fsonv3xXgAAt308.jpg)

No. 12741

File: 1680515316691.webm (6.49 MB, 960x540, #TransDayOfVisibility.webm)

No. 12746

File: 1680538586778.png (106.23 KB, 1000x1000, FseMyAiWAAAklza.png)

No. 12772

Don’t think a comic that just so happens to be making fun of a closeted tranny shooter belongs here especially considering the “artist” behind these is a misogynistic nazi

No. 12786

No. 12798

The lesbian dating experience

No. 12825

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No. 12828

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No. 12829

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No. 12830

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No. 12831

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No. 12832

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No. 12835

File: 1680663709091.jpg (21.82 KB, 400x240, 34be4361-2763-45e0-8133-5a67d4…)

No. 12838

Nothing beats bio trans women having cute faces and big eyes. The only TIFs I've met had giant eyes, beautiful skin and tiny frames. At their most masculine they could manage to be a cute "tomboy" lesbian.

No. 12845

All the TiFs I've met started off with beautiful skin, but ended up with acne and ingrown hairs after going on T. Seems like TiFs are almost always start off either super ugly or really attractive before trooning out, probably because the former are ridiculed and the latter are sexually harassed. Average, plain women only seem to troon out when they're a particular variety of terminally online.

No. 12846

This isn't a TERF meme. Stonetoss is an MRA faggot.

No. 12851

>the "MRA" is the only one that is referred to as "he"
did one of those self-loathing not-like-other-fakebois make this pic? lol

No. 12852

I don't know who made this meme, but I saw it posted a few years ago on discord… by a TIF who fits perfectly into the MRA category kek (except for the lesbian part because she was straight). The lack of self-awareness makes the meme even more hilarious tbh

No. 12862

File: 1680690490207.png (502.91 KB, 641x1800, self id.PNG)

No. 12869

File: 1680708663351.webm (7.99 MB, 336x640, gender doom.webm)

sound on

No. 12885

File: 1680760774090.jpg (71.66 KB, 1122x906, Tumblr_l_354477805829780.jpg)

No. 12887

File: 1680773134736.jpg (138.84 KB, 1085x887, FsKcZiIWwAATX1b.jpg)

No. 12968

File: 1680897997489.jpeg (68.43 KB, 750x691, 8C434F95-B7BE-4AFD-B85C-776BFB…)

No. 13001

And yet there are only like 4 ethnicity options lmao.

No. 13074

File: 1680976511784.jpeg (37.51 KB, 403x375, 9C443F19-991F-411C-9655-FBAFA0…)

No. 13091

File: 1681007745833.jpeg (212.7 KB, 1684x987, 5264DCEC-CF27-4477-A837-A5C955…)

Does anyone have the comic of a TIM bedroom drawn in the style of picrel? His mom is in the left hand side saying “your internet friend arrived” and there’s a tied up TIM on the bed

No. 13096

File: 1681010957516.png (1.21 MB, 3640x2140, troon den.png)

lmao yes, enjoy.

No. 13098

Kek the computer science degree

No. 13100

File: 1681015624870.png (178.07 KB, 478x1360, Screen Shot 2022-06-19 at 10.1…)

a thousand kisses ily

No. 13135

File: 1681072894928.jpeg (26.46 KB, 500x493, sad cat.jpeg)

No. 13136

File: 1681072932924.jpeg (Spoiler Image,105.13 KB, 866x603, twam.jpeg)

No. 13152

File: 1681115087059.jpg (122.99 KB, 943x542, FtIuEn-aUAA6bX8.jpg)

No. 13158

File: 1681137928725.jpeg (80.21 KB, 501x680, transpotting.jpeg)

No. 13162

>left views women as public property
What does that even mean?

No. 13163

camgirls and prostitutes nona, the left views sex work as a "right"

No. 13164

That women should be available for sex to any man who wants it

See the stuff about disabled men being entitled to prostitutes, transbians thinking women not wanting to fuck them is a form of oppression, etc.

No. 13165

That women should be available for sex to any man who wants it

See the stuff about disabled men being entitled to prostitutes, transbians thinking women not wanting to fuck them is a form of oppression, etc.

No. 13176

Men only are pro the womens rights they think will lead to more sex, such as why they shill prostitution when originally women were just wanted to be not shamed for having casual sex the same way moids were. Men think men having sex is good and women evil because they perceive women as trophies and women wanted that to change.

No. 13198

File: 1681235264827.jpg (104.96 KB, 793x783, tumblr_a0eb4ea7b76cd275af3dc4d…)

No. 13215

File: 1681267647981.png (181.26 KB, 413x763, tranny pedos.png)

No. 13216

oh come on, this is retarded as fuck

No. 13219

yeah but the creator of trans flag was a creepy pedophile though

No. 13222

so are most male trannies. the graphic is still pants on head retarded

No. 13232

It's a qanon tier meme kek. But it reminded me of in 2020 they'd go around harassing random small businesses like plumbers etc who had logos that vaguely resembled these symbols. Absolutely batshit

No. 13238

File: 1681297958180.jpeg (61.52 KB, 944x736, B1F68621-67B8-4D96-A856-CDA1E0…)

No. 13266

Man I wish fakebois would leave Yuri on Ice alone, this anime doesn't deserve this shitty fanbase.

No. 13356

File: 1681407669418.jpg (214.84 KB, 1920x1080, Marxism.jpg)

Don't know if this belongs here.

No. 13395

why do they always call themselves communists anyway. is it just to be counter-culture and "shocking" to conservatives or something else?

No. 13450

File: 1681524932385.jpeg (28.07 KB, 968x510, venn diagram.jpeg)

No. 13451

they just identify as communists, the same way TIMs identify as women.

of course you call yourself a communist and add the hammer and sickle to your pfp, whilst being a slave to an ideology that relies on capitalism + big pharma and denies material reality. that's totally valid!

No. 13527

File: 1681607489565.jpg (172.96 KB, 1125x1127, 55lol2zcn6ta1.jpg)

No. 13558

It's so funny to me every time I see a communist tranny. The Soviets hated homosexuals and that would go doubly for trannies. They would've been beaten to death on sight. Why on earth would a communist society value trannies that are life-long leeches on the healthcare system and do nothing but bitch and moan online? Even mentally ill people were usually expected to work in some capacity unless they were the worst cases of disabled. To me who grew up with many people still affected by Soviet way of thinking, the type of lunatic individualism that is intrinsic to transition is unsustainable under Communism. I can see many older people I know answering a tranny's "I'll DIE if I you don't call me she" with "Good. You are a burden on society."

But I guess terminal retardation comes with the commie-trans label, huh.

No. 13564

File: 1681635512589.jpg (66.94 KB, 850x400, 90-64-66.jpg)

tbf a lot of upper class intellectuals have always been attracted to communism and tried to shape the will of the peasants to their own values, but what ended up happening was some rural thug from the countryside(Stalin, Saddam, Mao e.t.c) ended up taking over cause the upper class intellectuals didn't know how to fight or get the people to rally under them with populism and it's something that has has happened over and over again, the Shining Path in Peru(a Maoist gruella group) was started by upper middle class University students but ended up being completely subsumed by rural farmers who turned the group into a drug cartel.
The rare examples of upper class people holding on to their revolution were by people who could fight, such as Castro, Guevara, Ho Chi Minh and Mao

No. 13584

feels like i've read this exact post on /snow/ before

No. 13587

File: 1681672783508.jpg (20.12 KB, 499x377, meme.jpg)

No. 13588

It's pakichan she just makes the same post with slightly different words

No. 13594

File: 1681681697582.jpeg (44.13 KB, 640x510, based science.jpeg)

No. 13595

File: 1681682886822.webm (5.18 MB, 360x640, canada misgendering.webm)

No. 13610

File: 1681698100265.jpg (91.01 KB, 1370x957, cover6.jpg)

i made this in response to talking with another anon about how grunge guys often did gnc fashion for fun or to piss off normies, and how it's been appropriated by trannies insisting kurt cobain was actually trans or whatever. enjoy

No. 13614

No. 13620

the puppy programmer socks lmao

No. 13682

File: 1681789903995.jpg (52.76 KB, 720x723, tumblr_87ad4f8164d20b4fae0779f…)

No. 13896

File: 1682000677114.jpg (42.34 KB, 938x1024, FtqhHPzWYAAd3hL.jpg)

No. 13897

File: 1682002409651.png (98.69 KB, 1474x1468, GoodnightTrannies.png)

Original creation sparked by rage. Feel free to use.

No. 13900

i know this is showing self-defense but if TIMs see this they're gonna be all nooooo uwu the ebil TERFs are threatening to attack us (as if we are in any way physically intimidating for them).
we're over here encouraging each other to learn women's self defence due to having to share spaces where we are vulnerable, and meanwhile they're talking about arming themselves and actively attacking us.

No. 13925

IMO I don't think this will be really distributed so I just put it here for other nonas to enjoy.
You're right, they're always upset about being "attacked" but it might make a bit more sense given other thing you wrote, how the troons talk about arming themselves (and generally being abusive and creepy to women, even without firearms).

No. 13931

Using an image doesn't change the fact that there's literally 0 cases of woman on tranny violence.

No. 14077

File: 1682291868698.jpg (44.29 KB, 843x843, 1682263681449.jpg)

No. 14091

File: 1682302945552.jpg (120.32 KB, 799x902, tumblr_608b4801c3e344158357318…)

No. 14094

File: 1682316370803.jpg (82.75 KB, 1080x785, 4b7d3df31d090a6be78.jpg)

No. 14132

File: 1682413040207.png (82.44 KB, 796x587, Capture.PNG)

No. 14133

File: 1682413078762.png (45.26 KB, 327x328, BIGFLOPPA.png)

No. 14145

File: 1682443992558.jpg (76.75 KB, 680x593, 7262 - SoyBooru.jpg)

No. 14147

unfunny and repulsive moid-tier memes

No. 14149

File: 1682446971969.jpeg (143.99 KB, 1170x1170, subtle.jpeg)

No. 14151

So the entire thread is unfunny? I mean trannies are already replusive so it shows.

No. 14152

NTA in fact I actually posted one of these memes, I think it's completely fine to dislike wojak based memes and think their too rw moid associated

No. 14153

wahh wahh

No. 14156

File: 1682452216369.jpeg (62.77 KB, 680x511, left and right moids.jpeg)

No. 14157

File: 1682453543388.jpg (Spoiler Image,108.68 KB, 1108x1280, 23962 - SoyBooru.jpg)

No. 14162


No. 14164

/2X/ is infected by scrotes.

No. 14167

File: 1682456319043.gif (1.04 MB, 540x303, 04.gif)

No. 14168

File: 1682456608361.jpeg (33 KB, 540x304, DMparasite.jpeg)

No. 14173

go back

No. 14219

File: 1682506608505.webm (1.56 MB, 288x360, 1665004531850.webm)

Does this count?

No. 14248

KEK wtf, I swear he dropped a furry tail at the end.

No. 14266

omg I love this video so much. The way the tiny chad just easily body slams his AGP ass making him loose his ali express wig and furry key-chain tail is fantastic to me. He never unclutched his purse tho kek.

No. 14307

File: 1682588811098.jpeg (94.02 KB, 1200x1270, IMG_6047.jpeg)

No. 14356

File: 1682624842884.jpeg (57.34 KB, 720x719, when you need to escape sexual…)

No. 14442

File: 1682714916100.jpeg (120.47 KB, 1201x1211, IMG_0643.jpeg)

No. 14443

File: 1682715057060.jpeg (139.92 KB, 1242x766, IMG_0644.jpeg)

I’ve literally had this happen kek

No. 14444

I still don't get how that works, does it happen every couple days or is it random?

No. 14453

Diarrhea is an occasional side effect of estrogen for some men. But for whatever reason some of them think their GI issues are similar to periods, it’s literally just them grasping for straws

No. 14462

Surprising that this isn't brought up more.

No. 14481

File: 1682783235992.jpg (66.28 KB, 559x1200, ca23918f211db756dd70ab21bfe5a1…)

No. 14591

File: 1683041003128.jpeg (30.7 KB, 460x519, IMG_2324.jpeg)

No. 14604

File: 1683100629243.jpg (111.07 KB, 750x896, 1682887669846.jpg)

More of an anti-porn meme, but I feel like it fits here given how many AGPs are lolifags.

No. 14644

File: 1683229394991.jpg (28.98 KB, 919x783, tumblr_4de4a3d17d60bfacf664344…)

No. 14645

File: 1683229421828.jpg (744.22 KB, 1446x2048, tumblr_7c86cb3bc4c14d9b3ebe749…)

No. 14651

File: 1683277577540.png (382.31 KB, 2146x1994, ogi9lv783kg91.png)

No. 14652

A delusional "Chase" type TIF made this pic

No. 14653

Chase is the only one whose pronouns are being respected lol.

No. 14655

Maxwell looks like an mtf

No. 14657

File: 1683333331817.png (238.02 KB, 1080x1066, Anti-Tranny_Spray.png)

No. 14660

File: 1683372940756.png (121.81 KB, 613x704, antiporn.png)

No. 14661

File: 1683373774294.jpg (205.45 KB, 1061x1163, tumblr_5d3555eeb72f31ddcf011a7…)

Average trooner

No. 14664

File: 1683408368595.jpg (30.28 KB, 540x356, FuvES-KXoAsc0NJ.jpg)

No. 14667

thank you for sharing this nonna, this just became one my favorite clips

No. 14677

File: 1683543305813.jpg (105.54 KB, 1170x960, FPXigWwAAa.jpg)

No. 14689

File: 1683610888819.png (80.74 KB, 436x578, Melody's only crime is hating …)

Reposting my edits from the man-hating thread on /m/. I've posted templates on there for other nonnas to makes their own TERFy Sanrio reaction pics too! Template of picrel: >>>/m/295050

No. 14690

File: 1683610935490.png (199.06 KB, 994x1214, Melody Shutting Moids Down #1.…)

Template of picrel: >>>/m/295052

No. 14691

File: 1683610987402.png (200.48 KB, 994x1214, Melody Shutting Moids Down #2.…)

alt text

No. 14692

File: 1683611049036.png (193.71 KB, 994x1214, Melody Shutting Moids Down #3.…)

No. 14693

File: 1683611106666.png (147.91 KB, 718x718, Kuromi & Melody's Advice.png)

Template of picrel: >>>/m/295057

No. 14694

File: 1683611203769.png (162.9 KB, 718x720, TERFy Kuromi.png)

Template of picrel: >>>/m/295063

No. 14695

File: 1683611305527.png (178.24 KB, 718x719, Kuromi reading Andrea Dworkin.…)

Template of picrel: >>>/m/295065

No. 14696

File: 1683611392791.png (178.08 KB, 718x719, Kuromi reading J.K. Rowling.pn…)

No. 14697

File: 1683611465949.png (162.09 KB, 718x720, Kuromi KEKking.png)

Template of picrel: >>>/m/295066

No. 14699

File: 1683611781379.png (194.64 KB, 1280x720, Melody Dreams of a Scrote-free…)

Template of picrel: >>>/m/295067

No. 14700

File: 1683612906661.png (79.95 KB, 436x578, It's Not Murder if it's a Scro…)

No. 14701

File: 1683613174593.png (84.08 KB, 540x536, 9CDC21DE-029D-4176-8164-AAA15D…)

> murder
> scrotumites
> pest control

No. 14702

I do see Cartman using the pronoun bullshit to be an asshole

No. 14703

File: 1683613878732.png (92.37 KB, 1080x3280, inclusive language.png)

Word choice was inspired by this post >>14643
What's wrong with the other words in your greentext?

No. 14704

Where does picrel come from kek

No. 14705

No. 14706

I prefer this one over the others (which are also good), but when it comes to memes, I think less is often more.

No. 14731

Does anyone have any Hatsune Miku TERF memes. I need them for research purposes

No. 14753

he became a tranny and a they/them to get his own fancy bathroom at school one episode lol

No. 14761

File: 1683856367952.jpg (84.44 KB, 853x895, 1580727085051.jpg)

I only have this one.

No. 14762

File: 1683857364588.jpeg (79.4 KB, 612x633, C0F34EE9-3006-4EB1-9D4B-05E0D2…)

I gotchu

No. 14763

File: 1683857482840.jpeg (48.14 KB, 750x620, 6788F205-ACB5-4CB3-830F-7CCABF…)

No. 14764

File: 1683857544897.jpeg (32.17 KB, 750x308, 3FEC4B0F-FF03-4DF4-88C0-9D485A…)

No. 14765

File: 1683858952876.jpeg (104.35 KB, 860x860, 1637431329.jpeg)

No. 14838

File: 1684314500105.png (879.48 KB, 640x903, meetup.png)

No. 14839

File: 1684314528065.png (908.88 KB, 640x903, meetup (1).png)

No. 14840

File: 1684314567782.png (39.8 KB, 708x717, urban dictionary of troon.png)

No. 14859

File: 1684435053614.jpeg (60.94 KB, 828x808, IMG_1159.jpeg)

Found this gem finally… forgot this thread existed

No. 14860

I don't get it?

No. 14862

File: 1684451745064.jpg (145.15 KB, 1064x1051, FvIpmFqXoAATH8M.jpg)

No. 14864

the reply was a threat about exposing the OP for being a terf to her employers, but OP says they wouldn't even care if she killed someone, so they definitely wouldn't care if they found out she's a terf

No. 14866

Thanks for the explantion.

No. 14875

File: 1684522558115.png (22.84 KB, 617x713, FZ-FJveWQAE95F4.png)

it's really like this huh

No. 14877

File: 1684541386710.png (48.53 KB, 350x326, 1596840203889.png)

No. 14898

File: 1684648702005.png (155.98 KB, 1963x1324, difference (1).png)

From someone in the /snow/ TIF thread

No. 14910

File: 1684695657202.png (96.54 KB, 1084x664, 167392090230835.png)

No. 14914

how is this a terf meme?

No. 14938

nta but the pink man looks like a “pooner” (ftm) but i agree, degrading other biological women for not adhering to beauty standards isn’t radfem or even feminist at all. looks more like a narc deluded /tttt/ troon calling a ftm fat and a “failed woman”.

No. 14946

Its not a pooner, The guy on the left I think is supposed to be Vaush(or some other streamer) and the "joke" is that nothing the say matters cause their a fat moid.

No. 14953

File: 1684820875879.jpg (126.69 KB, 729x1078, FmwLTNJXsAAms.jpg)

No. 14954

File: 1684821216042.png (84.33 KB, 538x602, ver1.png)

No. 14955

File: 1684821354039.jpg (24.57 KB, 418x450, 1664390447558.jpg)

No. 14956

I thought it was obvious that was a fat male and not a TIF kek

No. 14957

File: 1684821561852.png (442.16 KB, 1496x1500, Untitled-1.png)

No. 14958

File: 1684821599391.png (294.84 KB, 1228x1500, TERFMelody.png)

No. 14959

File: 1684821651388.png (112.9 KB, 1956x976, YWNBAWkuromi.png)

No. 14960

File: 1684822019318.png (66.45 KB, 598x614, allycinnamoroll.png)

No. 14961

File: 1684822075261.png (205.31 KB, 500x281, trooncady.png)

No. 15002

File: 1684956740797.png (64.49 KB, 1428x1210, 1684799343979.png)

No. 15029

File: 1685027101084.jpg (80.93 KB, 900x657, FwFXPU8XwAYo4f7.jpg)

No. 15030

File: 1685027325734.jpg (60.9 KB, 750x738, FvKXDaMAEEEvm.jpg)

No. 15031

sad but accurate

No. 15043

kek ok i admit i laffed. who's the artist?

No. 15055

File: 1685117039956.jpg (169.28 KB, 938x1473, FASIGacAAx3t.jpg)

No. 15058

There is a lot happening in this comic without any accompanying text or deliberate placement of words, L is the most damaged and taking the brunt of the weight, B and A are confused and have no idea that's going and I(Intersex) does not what be there and is literally being used to put T on the top.

No. 15111

I wonder if the original picture is still about? If I'm correct I believe there was another picture similar to this that was made first by the trans cult, and it inspired an artist to make this one.

No. 15116

>faceless t
>q looking like an evil little shit
>b's face looking exactly like mine when confronted with this shit irl

kek i love it

No. 15150

one of the blessed nonitas in the mtf thread (thread 110 near the end)

No. 15476

File: 1685856721894.jpg (107.11 KB, 1242x1080, FxCMHrvWcAEjcrS.jpg)

No. 15525

File: 1685983627760.png (1.15 MB, 722x1000, FVLpUAVFXoA84iJI.png)

No. 15533

File: 1686001097190.jpeg (74.59 KB, 1200x675, IMG_8845.jpeg)

No. 15606

File: 1686126655930.jpeg (106.57 KB, 1242x1242, we're from the future.jpeg)

No. 15671

File: 1686291805541.png (122 KB, 525x972, gig3rlhs3vca1.png)

No. 15684

kek this one is great. it's true, we're everywhere

No. 15694

File: 1686408066275.jpg (88.99 KB, 1004x617, Fx_JvSwXwAI4vIt.jpg)

>Every day on social media

No. 15708

File: 1686536950423.jpeg (32.53 KB, 680x373, IMG_4785.jpeg)

No. 15728

File: 1686667980704.jpg (87.4 KB, 998x931, FvAJdWcAIujuv.jpg)

No. 15734

This one got a chuckle out of me.

No. 15770

File: 1686821683350.jpeg (70.71 KB, 600x1104, 90C71308-8516-4317-8C16-2EAAE8…)

No. 15774

File: 1686828944796.jpg (Spoiler Image,91.01 KB, 762x1135, Fx-d3KeX0AEXZbz.jpg)

No. 15816

File: 1687008466741.jpg (126.44 KB, 1000x1000, 1686313940701.jpg)

made me laugh tbh

No. 15817

File: 1687009534293.jpg (475.69 KB, 2146x1994, Untitled.jpg)

i like this one but also felt it was being too nice to "chase" so i edited it

No. 15818

You forgot one, nonny
>retaught himself
There was also another pic like that in another style but with similar TIF types, and the same incel wannabe TIF was misgendered there as well. I been wanting to edit it myself

No. 15824

File: 1687161705956.jpg (512.45 KB, 1682x2048, Profile pics vs reality.jpg)

No. 15827

File: 1687189090942.jpg (118.88 KB, 1280x720, Fy-cA8iWAAAvoX2.jpg)

No. 15831

File: 1687195034347.jpg (231.87 KB, 1200x1600, 035796.jpg)

No. 15840

File: 1687238839901.jpg (195.2 KB, 941x1374, FvRs3CQWcAIykUd.jpg)

No. 15851

File: 1687309748536.jpg (72.65 KB, 1122x518, media_FyzPyuQaYAAKo50.jpg)

No. 15852

File: 1687309803901.jpg (140.93 KB, 1170x1161, media_Fy8UUKRaYAAQcrU.jpg)

No. 15865

Kek howd you get a pic of my childhood nonna. Thank fuck I am a bit older and didnt fall into really believing that. This convo is word for word how my mom handled me. Turns out my dad was crazy misogynistic and I just wanted to play in the dirt and not wesr bows instead of wash dishes.

No. 15866

your mom sound awesome.

No. 15875

Shes is pretty cool. It took me too long to realize it.

No. 15899

File: 1687472586425.jpeg (137.62 KB, 2000x1531, FzQpAXuaQAAo1b1.jpeg)

Someone should make a "no troons" or "yes terf" version of this.

No. 15931

File: 1687588675399.webm (869.6 KB, 360x360, iAP40Jj.webm)

No. 15970

File: 1687748876115.png (446.35 KB, 1273x962, NO TROONS.png)

>no troons
my attempt

No. 15972

File: 1687753785758.png (1.76 MB, 1080x1608, IMG_1662.png)

No. 15975

File: 1687763854678.png (49.77 KB, 1000x500, FvF2RDraAA1BYV.png)

I know its stonetoss, but a broken clock

No. 15976

File: 1687767783249.png (854.56 KB, 1080x987, masc scents.png)

No. 15984

File: 1687819852988.jpeg (370.95 KB, 1170x2169, 7B753F66-27DF-4FA0-A830-ECADD5…)

Inspired by a recent interaction I had on instagram

No. 15987

File: 1687851355759.jpg (126.82 KB, 2048x1152, tumblr_8ff09b6fb77993af4991891…)

Guess who drew this

No. 15990

File: 1687867073140.jpg (268.08 KB, 1280x1563, tumblr_51ef85eb255616aa03b8238…)

No. 15992

Her at 20 looks a lot like a groomer

No. 15997

File: 1687884289925.png (264.62 KB, 497x495, ywnbaw.PNG)

No. 15998

File: 1687884440757.jpg (17.34 KB, 206x275, 1612077031810.jpg)

No. 15999

File: 1687884554294.jpeg (87.14 KB, 750x747, 1612188673297.jpeg)

No. 16000

File: 1687884667182.jpeg (124.64 KB, 646x814, 1662406638454.jpeg)

No. 16001

Wow I love their outfits lol I love when people draw iconic anime characters in totally unassuming trendy clothing

No. 16002

Nonnie, she has the Nazi flag on her arm.

No. 16003

oh kek i didn't notice that. i just took it from a mtf thread from snow, same w the other images, took them all from a mtf thread

No. 16007

This is amazing kek

No. 16008

File: 1687931781757.png (3.55 MB, 1682x2048, IMG_9354.png)

No. 16009

This is so cute! It should be a banner thread.

No. 16010

I agree, its nice, simple and effective.

No. 16011

File: 1687933390837.jpg (47.44 KB, 598x438, FxVsmkG5kAAG4.jpg)

No. 16012

File: 1687933436051.jpg (120.81 KB, 1170x1474, FVxwBXsAACP7.jpg)

No. 16018

File: 1687950908154.png (831.02 KB, 2124x1120, YWNBAW.png)

another one

Just posted one now to the banner thread

No. 16023

File: 1688012885411.jpg (61.68 KB, 500x503, 7qxvrf.jpg)

Do we have to sage on 2X, ot, g, etc? sorry if this is a tard question, please enjoy the meme

No. 16024

File: 1688013991733.jpeg (91.64 KB, 1074x665, Fzs8W62WcAAcpQh.jpeg)

No. 16025

Sorry if I'm ignorant here but why Miku specifically? Is it because she's well-known and popular among TRAs? I'm wondering if there are other TERF memes/fanart of other female characters who were heavily transwashed like Shiver, Haruhi, Rika, etc.

No. 16027

Yes pretty much. And don't hold back nona if you have ideas for memes they are meant to be made and shared

No. 16037

File: 1688061181626.jpg (56.86 KB, 554x676, ageing.jpg)

Not a meme but I really like this pic, cause both AGPs and HSTS troons are autopedophiles, which is why so many kill themselves once they realize they're stuck being old, fat balding moids who can't larp as anime children any longer. most trannies don't have realistic expectations for their transition. It's not "I'm gonna look like me, but a woman" (which they wouldn't be able to achieve either since they just end up looking like moids no matter what). They all wanna look like petite underage anime girls or porn models or whatever fantasy they have.

No. 16041

Thank you, nonnie! This one is cute too.

No. 16048

Literally me. I got slammed on c-cafe because I posted a picture of a woman fighting a trans dragon and apparently the sun in the background and the symbols on the horse's armor are Nazi symbols? How the fuck am I supposed to memorize all their symbols and be constantly watching out for them in memes?

No. 16051

File: 1688141034106.png (354.25 KB, 616x727, Fz0bTeSWAAI-fSF.png)

No. 16076

File: 1688250505940.jpg (271.35 KB, 1079x1884, tumblr_7227172841ffd9fde222ae2…)

No. 16077

File: 1688250617125.jpg (226.12 KB, 1087x1920, tumblr_3cb47a6f17c0bfe9ebd4ba5…)

No. 16078

File: 1688250747024.jpg (217.76 KB, 886x894, tumblr_2cf6cc8da01f621a1f8bb02…)

No. 16079

Why was the pink lesbian one retired? I know the gendie reasons but how about the terfy reasons?

No. 16080

File: 1688251633456.jpeg (227.33 KB, 512x462, IMG_4174.jpeg)

No. 16081

omg thank you nonna I'm glad to see theres other enstar fans that don't scream "SHE/HER" when arashi is mentioned. switching to a 2winkP because I do not want to associate with the western Knights fans

No. 16082

They claim the hammer is some nazi symbol or something

No. 16083

File: 1688261781032.jpg (55.95 KB, 680x374, 996efe6b-aae5-5a22-bbce-04043c…)

No. 16084

I don't know about the hammer but I think the triangle was also associated with Nazi imagery in the past

No. 16091

File: 1688310934385.png (193.57 KB, 480x360, 1644367798252.png)


nazis marked people with black triangles like they marked gay men with pink triangles. lesbians were one of the people who got black triangle badge.

No. 16092

File: 1688318570890.jpeg (184 KB, 897x720, IMG_3917.jpeg)

There are more of us around nona I promise! I don’t know if you’re a fellow fujo but I’ve found several terf enstarries on fujo twitter. I do try to avoid anything related to Knights because. Yeah.

No. 16097

File: 1688350097902.jpg (158.45 KB, 552x654, terf keito.jpg)

I am not on twitter but I'm so intrigued! I've met a couple cosplayers that are very cool. Everyone else in knights is based because they all call arashi he because the she thing is degeneracy fan thing in canon

No. 16099

File: 1688358372235.jpeg (381.79 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_29f85983cd233be900c07f5…)

No. 16122

>lesbians were one of the people who got black triangle badge.
That's actually a misconception. It was lesbian activists themselves who wanted to sever their association with the black triangle 2 decades before the troon issue. The black triangle was used as a general symbol for "undesirable" people who didn't contribute to the Reich, including homeless people, mental patients, beggars, and a lot of Gypsies (in fact, it was primarily Gypsies who had this badge put upon them). The association with lesbians started out as a case of things being lost in translation and a long game of telephone. When more details about the Reichs operations were available, many lesbian activists were horrified by the implications and gradually stopped using the symbol.


No. 16133

File: 1688504855294.jpg (1.89 MB, 3000x3421, AcPxyhxvS2Oc4F.jpg)

No. 16134

File: 1688508113523.jpg (105.07 KB, 500x570, download.jpg)

No. 16185

File: 1688658413934.jpeg (66.91 KB, 1242x713, Eeqe269XYAEwTFa.jpeg)

No. 16200

File: 1688738238934.jpg (49.97 KB, 640x460, 775d12wv_00c.jpg)

No. 16227

I hate nerds (autists)

No. 16349

File: 1689333938665.jpg (268.58 KB, 1169x882, jVhMX3d45NNBPL7cG6jtqpihDYeMDk…)

No. 16350

File: 1689334072352.jpg (95.6 KB, 828x313, 1.jpg)

No. 16352

File: 1689334164375.jpg (49.98 KB, 508x499, 2.jpg)

No. 16383

File: 1689364504973.jpg (223.43 KB, 1080x1060, eb2d609742d4d3b5b9da06aacc9da4…)

No. 16385

File: 1689367488678.png (748.54 KB, 1080x1060, eb2d609742d4d3b5b9da06aacc9da4…)

No. 16392

File: 1689374567303.jpg (94.61 KB, 951x554, tumblr_cb564f40a1ec68cfb46b62b…)

No. 16708

File: 1689681646364.png (830.11 KB, 1800x1800, fakeboiskinwalkingguide.png)

No. 16710

File: 1689682827794.png (417.28 KB, 489x493, 4A9DCE0B-EBEE-4C77-A7C5-224F66…)

No. 16711

File: 1689685333695.webm (1.2 MB, 320x568, Western gender ideology.webm)

No. 16800

File: 1689729958918.jpg (122.53 KB, 1244x812, Tumblr_l_407992304447277.jpg)

No. 16838

File: 1689765168450.jpg (84.56 KB, 640x487, Vprcq9korab1.jpg)

No. 17265

File: 1690095658244.jpg (373.95 KB, 1122x1589, misandry iceberg.jpg)

No. 17456

I really liked this, thank you for sharing,

No. 17568

File: 1690270510268.jpg (85.27 KB, 1500x500, img-15.jpg)

No. 17569

File: 1690270533491.jpg (232.01 KB, 966x1239, F0GVGi-WIAQ6ICu.jpg)

No. 17708

File: 1690404837289.jpg (314.73 KB, 1620x1609, FuwtiicaEAIABEr.jpg)

No. 18244

File: 1690797975040.jpg (166.9 KB, 1023x1349, whatsaGIRL.jpg)

No. 18247

File: 1690803428152.jpeg (73.43 KB, 600x559, IMG_8566.jpeg)

No. 18296

File: 1690885873911.jpg (221.82 KB, 851x856, Transwomenarewomen.jpg)

No. 18337

File: 1690982730692.png (329.97 KB, 680x536, Terfy Miku.png)

Quick edit to reclaim our terf queen

No. 18379

I wish this meme used some other animal, that puppy is too precious to ever stoop to troon level.

No. 18381

File: 1691060244372.jpg (169.74 KB, 938x872, 1666544596745816.jpg)

No. 18382

File: 1691060440158.png (1.23 MB, 811x981, Screenshots_2022-10-23-22-05-5…)

No. 18395

File: 1691129209785.webm (651.55 KB, 576x1024, Norman Fucking Rockwell by Lan…)

No. 18396

File: 1691129392427.jpeg (44.08 KB, 828x245, IMG_9802.jpeg)

No. 18708

File: 1691566895467.webm (7.09 MB, 576x1024, Cellophane by FKA Twigs.webm)

No. 18723

File: 1691581836167.jpg (342.86 KB, 1170x1399, F23UpZ3X0AETCkD.jpg)

No. 18782

File: 1691726845800.jpeg (22.03 KB, 720x504, F24UGkUXAAANDyK.jpeg)

No. 18812

It's okay, TERF shiba will be there for her when she peaks.

No. 18828

Not really terf related (more swerf related) but still based.

No. 18963

File: 1692185687588.png (420.69 KB, 680x669, dec9ff30fc7.png)

No. 18964

File: 1692186177448.jpg (229.89 KB, 1374x1136, F3hmL_7bsAAe8uU.jpg)

No. 18966

File: 1692199736917.webm (2.17 MB, 320x320, FN4h_FsPxLG3GS_h.webm)

>A nifty video for anytime you have to argue with a troon or libfems regarding trans in womne's sports

No. 19010

File: 1692374299352.jpg (28.49 KB, 360x358, F3KcAdrXMAAlBTp.jpg)

No. 19043

No. 19059

source??? this is toooo real kek

No. 19060

File: 1692464651854.jpg (54.33 KB, 750x851, F3txe1wWMAAlxRi.jpg)

No. 19061

its from the fakeboi thread

No. 19232

File: 1692713724490.jpg (157.27 KB, 732x814, 1990ed4c77f805e478a.jpg)

No. 19337

File: 1692784868501.png (92.77 KB, 517x838, FuAwMX0AA01Z.png)

No. 19340

Every time I think the trannies can't reach the new level of grossness and here they are, delivering more than a sane person can imagine. Bleurgh. Educating tho

No. 19370

File: 1692812593963.jpg (502.61 KB, 2048x2048, tumblr_5c414fcc518b46e731ae3c0…)

No. 19499

File: 1692974305141.webm (612.63 KB, 480x270, 552D_ONKwAKiPGDQ.webm)

No. 19502

File: 1692986383516.webm (1.89 MB, 1280x720, FZHvB1aIA0i6.webm)

No. 19523

File: 1693041746175.jpg (83.54 KB, 707x1024, fc76cb210a875c88dfb8cf20b411b1…)

No. 19544

thanks non

No. 19616

File: 1693348329972.jpg (24.01 KB, 600x446, 7xdrke.jpg)

No. 19651

File: 1693594143149.jpg (62.12 KB, 512x287, a778c10b3da6.jpg)

No. 19652

File: 1693594226518.jpg (92.07 KB, 1080x946, ee921790.jpg)

No. 19653

File: 1693594280017.jpg (125.93 KB, 688x900, f597.jpg)

No. 19823

File: 1694560712111.jpg (65.81 KB, 640x670, 6934e442ffd0877c3ca69ea48762d0…)

No. 19864

File: 1694735048735.jpeg (71.75 KB, 1024x768, 64a43815202b6.jpeg)

No. 19946

File: 1695175581034.jpg (1.19 MB, 1854x1560, tumblr_6cdd791843d2601cbfd7228…)

No. 19947

File: 1695175734878.jpg (116.71 KB, 500x750, tumblr_psy3adX69H1y1s9keo1_500…)

No. 19994

File: 1695461332805.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1242x1672, IMG_4050.jpeg)

Just saw these on tumblr kek

No. 19995

File: 1695461404075.png (84.14 KB, 260x359, IMG_4051.png)

Made by someone named Nina Paley

No. 19996

File: 1695462584059.gif (1.22 MB, 640x360, dancing-goddesses-3239054960.g…)

>someone named Nina Paley
Please check out her animated movies, she is great. She is also the creator of the dancing goddesses gifs that has been posted here before.

No. 19998

i looked her and these cards up. There's a whole series she did and you can buy them!

No. 20000

File: 1695489369161.png (118.21 KB, 1342x427, image_2023-09-23_201254584.png)

I love them all, but my favorite has to be the ContraPoints card. Love the allusion to Narcissus. Share your faves nonas!

No. 20001

File: 1695490553050.png (68.43 KB, 260x354, 02_clubs.png)

the fucked up eyes kek. god i forgot what a horrorcow Johnathan was.

No. 20024

Some of these cartoons are so accurate it's almost uncanny kek, i love them

No. 20033

File: 1695605176444.jpg (766.49 KB, 2146x1994, 1687009534293.jpg)

Made a small edit

NTA but I think I finally found the explanation, I've also been trying to understand that myself. >>5649
Basically, I've come to the conclusion that it's a mix of the regular self-objectification which we are usually groomed into, being horny for the character which is normal, very low self-esteem (so they'd rather pretend to be someone they look up to as well as imagine that their idol would be just like them) and not having a lot of real-life relationship experience (so they don't realize that you can relate to someone else, look up to them, and be attracted to them at the same time). Self-objectification is the final component that ties it all together, as it makes them confused about whether they want to fuck the character or be him, since they don't know how to feel sexual desire without objectifying themselves. They don't know how to feel desire just by being the one who acts and gazes and not the one who is being acted upon and exists to be gazed at. They cannot get aroused without imagining themselves as a submissive "slut" (what they think women are) even though they clearly know what kind of traits they find attractive in men and want to ogle them. So self-inserting as the beloved husbando who is turned into a biological woman (much like themselves) is their answer to those contradictions. It allows them to take on both roles, the object and the subject. In the end, it all boils down to both their self-esteem and sexuality depending on how attractive they are to someone else, even when that someone is themselves.

No. 20034

I want to buy these, especially for Magdalene but one of the hosts is a mtf and i don't want to give them any money even if they are one "of the good ones" who will compromise on gender affirming care for minors

No. 20035

the playing card website is super useful for grabbing citations!

No. 20045

No. 20068

File: 1695799533268.jpg (177.08 KB, 1080x1080, bf0b6bff50b712381242cb24482e8a…)

the memes write themselves

No. 20074

File: 1695848477610.jpg (351.09 KB, 1170x1217, tumblr_c0e8e3c154b74e9898f0e65…)

No. 20075

File: 1695848685680.jpg (55.69 KB, 640x466, tumblr_579b11df0bee03c82189dca…)

No. 20080

File: 1695873656285.jpg (339.8 KB, 1600x900, Trans-Rights.jpg)

No. 20081

You should sell this as a sticker or something.

No. 20099

File: 1695965326887.png (1.97 MB, 2124x1120, YES TERFS.png)

No. 20100

File: 1695969539169.jpeg (120.79 KB, 864x564, 09A6F8B2-DB12-4DF9-9B79-6AAC51…)

No. 20378

File: 1697314072645.jpg (120.28 KB, 750x673, 565657547668.jpg)

No. 20631

File: 1698829080240.jpg (52.87 KB, 720x778, based polly.jpg)

No. 20656

File: 1698925095213.jpg (304.54 KB, 1288x1651, FthrzUakaAvNTL.jpg)

No. 20816

File: 1699634081286.png (324.1 KB, 1200x999, DWJFS4D.png)

No. 20818

the problem is facts don't work on the troonies. In their reality intersex is a sizable percentage. They simply reject anything other than their own reality.

No. 21032

This is hilarious.

No. 21034

For real. It’s like trying to show fossils to someone who believes the earth was created by God 6,000 years ago, or trying to show pictures of the earth taken from outer space to someone who believes the earth is flat.

No. 21044

Nina Paley is a TERF? God, I love her even more now.

No. 21063

File: 1700809514191.jpg (122.01 KB, 540x581, tumblr_89c4924bcf8ceb574aacfdf…)

No. 21078

File: 1700846056928.webm (3.2 MB, 320x564, XgOUceMOiNLqFYyV.webm)

Gabbie Hanna's most based moment.

No. 21195

File: 1701293221611.jpeg (58.65 KB, 600x400, Are men welcome here.jpeg)

No. 21196

I don't like this image because it implies intersex people are separate than female or male.

No. 21197

youtube with lots of good terf shit

No. 21224

File: 1701366655950.jpeg (69.92 KB, 500x500, IMG_0868.jpeg)

No. 21226

Sad I saw this being used to defend the Hunter Schafer being turned on by misogyny mask off manifesto as "real radical feminism".

No. 21227

File: 1701371863578.png (427.52 KB, 640x745, pornography is the fundamental…)

No. 21229

No. 21232

File: 1701384790913.webm (3.05 MB, 750x932, terfqueen.webm)

No. 21242

File: 1701420161565.png (183.67 KB, 998x562, chad hates porn.png)

No. 21255

File: 1701478535504.jpeg (264.67 KB, 1200x1193, IMG_0406.jpeg)

terfsune miku

No. 21416

File: 1701981278416.jpeg (176.52 KB, 703x1057, 8h4KFbg.jpeg)

No. 21466

File: 1702209145543.png (857.87 KB, 786x576, sabrina the teenage TERF.PNG)

No. 21467

File: 1702209175296.jpeg (70.67 KB, 680x679, trans.jpeg)

No. 21551

File: 1702365902819.jpg (140.5 KB, 800x904, media_GAq6i9lbMAA10VD.jpg)

No. 21563

File: 1702395905570.jpeg (390.97 KB, 1200x1600, mattieviner.jpeg)

No. 21608

File: 1702507390683.png (1.03 MB, 1054x1136, Capture d’écran 2023-06-28 à…)

No. 21614

File: 1702558933108.png (199.98 KB, 494x457, eWhWu2u.png)

No. 21870

File: 1703657805235.png (2.42 MB, 1169x1590, IknUP05.png)

No. 21894

File: 1703839118715.jpg (99.98 KB, 801x788, media_GCNgzGMbcAAmYrs.jpg)

No. 21906

File: 1703924112596.png (848.09 KB, 914x731, Screenshot_20231230-001556.png)

No. 21919

>you committed the suicide
KEKKKKKK that’s so unintentionally funny

No. 21927

File: 1704029692389.png (301.91 KB, 784x391, snail butterfly.png)

No. 22096

File: 1704816879531.jpg (43.15 KB, 564x423, 8f25d1ce4f101164a97b963aa0af4c…)

more terf miku

No. 22105

File: 1704838534799.png (277.07 KB, 1050x1112, Capture d’écran 2024-01-04 à…)

No. 22124

File: 1704886411991.jpeg (61.66 KB, 526x521, estrogen.jpeg)

No. 22168

File: 1705101216690.jpg (427.39 KB, 750x840, fuel.jpg)

No. 22190

File: 1705271933995.jpeg (37.9 KB, 506x540, american pleb.jpeg)

No. 22235

File: 1705609640465.png (1.51 MB, 1080x762, v7xMl49.png)

No. 22254

File: 1705790726581.jpg (79.63 KB, 1080x1273, 418805554_698249302444922_8138…)

No. 22269

File: 1705850028075.png (1.71 MB, 1179x947, yMVwBYb.png)

No. 22270

File: 1705850130590.png (519.69 KB, 601x517, hF6zGL6.png)

No. 22272

File: 1705864806772.jpg (35.94 KB, 640x794, 1676044383486.jpg)

alice hon

No. 22289

File: 1705918988854.png (113.36 KB, 652x846, wojak_studio.png)

No. 22293

File: 1705937064222.png (379.52 KB, 604x544, 1629344590432.png)

No. 22301

File: 1705954705098.jpeg (37.37 KB, 680x477, 1704778250076.jpeg)

No. 22302

File: 1705955765546.jpeg (180.47 KB, 999x999, anime pfp.jpeg)

No. 22307


No. 22316

File: 1706092215216.png (405.22 KB, 424x413, gzAHT94.png)

No. 22325

File: 1706194527154.jpeg (99.15 KB, 563x680, pork exclusionary radical vega…)

No. 22328

>Pork Exclusionary Radical Vegan
I see what you did there kek

No. 22331

File: 1706196768696.png (41.39 KB, 690x202, reduxx.png)

gotta admit I stole this banger from DJ Lippy in a Reduxx article about HER app banning lesbians (picrel) it always stuck with me. both the perfect analogy and the perfect acronym.

No. 22336

You made this? great work.

No. 22339

no, that was in reference to the pun. not sure who made the meme.

No. 22424

File: 1706629275169.jpg (469.91 KB, 1679x2048, tumblr_4b98599bb23c309ac9daa69…)

No. 22484

File: 1707106696355.jpeg (71.88 KB, 960x422, IMG_1046.jpeg)

from the picture in mtf thread

No. 22536

File: 1707531394798.png (376.74 KB, 640x700, IMG_1073.png)

No. 22562

File: 1707719613552.png (3.55 MB, 1682x2048, 1687556582524.png)

No. 22636

File: 1708061416092.png (183.96 KB, 500x468, Y3H9B2M.png)

No. 22668

File: 1708258371353.png (1.78 MB, 2198x2568, W9sozJJ.png)

No. 22679

shouldve said baeddel instead of moloch

No. 22681

File: 1708325931684.png (324.29 KB, 732x425, IMG_5825.png)

No. 22711

File: 1708425531808.png (1.97 MB, 2198x2568, edit.png)

edited it for u nona

No. 22731

File: 1708543663954.jpg (151.52 KB, 540x757, 131321321.jpg)

No. 22732

thank you nonna ♥

No. 22755

File: 1708751081617.jpg (632.43 KB, 1080x1423, erasure.jpg)

get erased lol

No. 22985

File: 1709974300290.png (3.89 MB, 2048x1536, YWNBAW.png)

No. 22989

File: 1709994730839.png (994.47 KB, 1024x684, JVyPkdR.png)

No. 22999


No. 23003

File: 1710055917244.png (3.63 MB, 1752x1500, sp.png)

This was so GOOD.

No. 23005

I've genuinely watched this like 5 times over, I'm enthralled. Sillypoo i love you. I'm having big feelings about female solidarity and shit.

Has anyone else made any media that's essentially for lolcow users?

No. 23052

I had to watch it slowed down to be able to appreciate all the details.(Un)Fortunately I wasn't able to catch all the references. Sillypoo's art is amazing.

No. 23060

Same, I watched it many times as well. I feel the love put into this work.

No. 23536

File: 1711491491520.jpeg (92.23 KB, 1024x768, 1703300379125.jpeg)

Recently joined a terfposting group and god it's good

No. 23633

File: 1711792882796.jpg (144.06 KB, 1080x1755, 34cbc27e-8f7a-5727-983b-7e08af…)

No. 23691

File: 1712060841407.jpg (34.95 KB, 615x376, GIsI1xFXEAABNUb (1).jpg)

No. 23736

File: 1712172474762.png (1.04 MB, 1125x1947, IMG_1601.png)

No. 23737

No. 23757

Kek trannies love larping uwu neet animu gamer girlz

No. 23773

Kek what’s the group if you don’t mind me asking

No. 23776

File: 1712264077931.jpeg (591.89 KB, 1170x1944, IMG_4716.jpeg)

This is fucking amazing. Also this one is me

No. 23820

terfPOSTING on fb! It's private but not hard to get in if you're actually a terf.

No. 23821

File: 1712502307320.png (1.84 MB, 539x1688, juniebjones.png)

A year too late but I love this nonnie.

No. 23822

File: 1712502422089.jpg (109.47 KB, 680x632, 1712113116542738.jpg)

No. 23823

File: 1712502454396.jpg (156.77 KB, 1381x1293, GJd3mmRWgAA_AXF.jpg)

No. 23880

kek this is so cute, i love it

No. 23891

File: 1712944245557.gif (1.68 MB, 600x338, pelvis1-ezgif.com-added-text.g…)

Goofed around for a bit.

No. 23893

File: 1712952653218.jpg (48.96 KB, 720x504, 83723feaf900b4acf634fbb17b5e87…)

Old but eternally funny

No. 23978

File: 1713293147176.jpg (101.94 KB, 828x1066, FW4ph2AVUAEQ2Vr.jpg)

No. 23979

File: 1713293196455.jpg (160.48 KB, 724x350, 1656848326045.jpg)

No. 23997

File: 1713403306918.jpg (134.07 KB, 680x510, GKiDfGLWkAAla33.jpg)

No. 24004

File: 1713436567576.png (246.84 KB, 680x869, AKmDjY5.png)

No. 24007

File: 1713449046191.png (122.8 KB, 500x700, pqutq6.png)

No. 24024

File: 1713528955891.jpg (175.38 KB, 1077x1440, GLhQxfCWsAAIuzb.jpg)

No. 24037

File: 1713611861923.png (599.68 KB, 828x833, dear TERFs.png)

No. 24046

I'm scared.

No. 24113

File: 1713992040300.png (1.6 MB, 1208x1517, EyYmyCh.png)

No. 24114

Ew gross, what did he say now? Dude is diagnosed npd if I recall correctly lmao

No. 24122

nothing(publicly) as of now, this is from a few years ago

No. 24123

File: 1714031216796.png (585.96 KB, 828x1062, tgad014.png)

No. 24135

File: 1714061067762.png (692.46 KB, 1195x935, VkpI0xE.png)

made by @ivyprofem

No. 24136

File: 1714061091880.png (840.69 KB, 1200x936, Z3lHAq1.png)

No. 24137


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 24138

File: 1714061467807.png (849.66 KB, 1200x936, s32RNnL.png)

No. 24139

File: 1714061779354.png (857.54 KB, 1200x936, uKcucuu.png)

No. 24142

should probably not use the ugly tranny lesbian flag and go back to the old one

No. 24147

File: 1714091218488.jpg (136.56 KB, 900x900, tumblr_aa737cfc68a6ae7be368c88…)

No. 24148

We need a version of this for shy nerdy guys who troon out

No. 24159

File: 1714191787867.jpeg (90.63 KB, 832x394, IMG_1901.jpeg)

No. 24164

No one is attracted to shy nerdy guys so nothing of value is lost.

No. 24176

File: 1714319114091.png (1.09 MB, 1430x833, CYBERGIRLZ.png)

No. 24281

File: 1714822100956.png (1.75 MB, 2099x2035, terfina.png)

made some TERFinas for you nonnies

No. 24292

File: 1714911920996.jpg (358.6 KB, 1280x1480, 1640873536169.jpg)

(this is an anti-terf meme)

No. 24294

File: 1714923355754.jpg (71.71 KB, 750x373, 36446f4d-0366-5d53-9ff8-8bf936…)

No. 24295

File: 1714923379065.jpg (64.62 KB, 720x575, 1618397249950.jpg)

No. 24377

File: 1715422016064.png (201 KB, 519x706, Isabelle_says_no_to_troons!.pn…)

No. 24396

>Feminism is rooted in standing up for those who are attacked for their identity
This is just a lie. When has it ever been this? Retards want to co-opt feminism and make it about defending every outcast loser rather than just womens rights in society so bad.

No. 24455

File: 1715719348320.jpeg (156.63 KB, 680x680, IMG_1971.jpeg)

No. 24459

File: 1715745566192.mp4 (2.63 MB, 320x568, -GmHTNIZac1lRXCY.mp4)

this lady is hilarious

No. 24460

File: 1715745618693.mp4 (2.07 MB, 320x568, KMxB-wEDNwc3HKMA.mp4)

No. 24469

I love this nonna! terfina ftw

No. 24489

Is TERF a slur? Slurs share a few characteristics, let's see whether TERF shares them.
>They convey hatred and contempt
Does it apply for TERF? Yes.
>They are more insulting than using an alternative derogatory word
Is TERF more insulting than transphobe, asshole, etc? Yes.
>The derogatory force of the slur is independent of the characteristics of any of its particular speakers.
I'm not sure whether I agree about this. It does apply for 'retard' but not the 'n-word', which is widely accepted a slur unless a black person uses it.
Does it apply for TERF? No.
Some other features that scholars claim slurs have:
>You can't usually make a slur non-offensive by embedding it in a quotation, paraphrase, or by saying "I don't mean to insult [group], but so-and-so is a [slur]."
Does it apply for TERF? No.
>Slurs have neutral counterparts.
Does it apply for TERF? Yes.
>Slurs offend simply by being uttered, not just through the content that they are part of.
Does it apply for TERF? Yes.
>Slurs aren't only used to describe a specific group they originally described.
Does it apply for TERF? Yes.

In the end, is TERF a slur? Yes: 5. No: 2.
Definitive answer: Yes.

No. 24510

File: 1716371429917.png (49.36 KB, 2560x1536, tranazi.png)

the new official transflag is more honest about who they are

No. 24516

No. 24517


No. 24531

File: 1716491273233.jpeg (94.89 KB, 680x620, ADAC59B6-C32C-406D-8F3D-023FA0…)

No. 24532

File: 1716504644057.png (37.86 KB, 396x296, Sans titre.png)

This whole "meme" is made off false equivalence, biased prepositions and logical fallacies. Are laws against criminals discriminatory? Maybe we should empathize with them too. Also if someone is called an "asshole" is it a lie? Since when an insult is a lie? Thats defamation, not insult. Arent terfs attacked for their identities too? Isnt gender theory a dangerously narrow view of biology, sexuality and gender expression?

No. 24533

File: 1716508970121.png (487.65 KB, 665x792, dsqsqd.png)

No. 24544

File: 1716602012882.jpg (136.54 KB, 1043x1409, GOR299tXQAEvKdK.jpg)

No. 24545

File: 1716602077335.jpg (23.36 KB, 514x450, GOIkdHIXgAAiOEY.jpg)

Hate that this freak was hired to voice act a female character in a capcom game.

No. 24550

File: 1716603799441.jpg (235.98 KB, 1000x938, pukes.jpg)

No. 24564

File: 1716681220228.jpeg (292.69 KB, 828x726, IMG_3942.jpeg)

quick shitty phone edit bc i can't get enough of terf azumarill

No. 24642

File: 1716867014652.jpg (27.29 KB, 480x478, GMyFJUdbAAAjcD4.jpg)

No. 24643

File: 1716867036730.jpg (111.57 KB, 1079x1068, GN5QM-QX0AATwIS.jpg)

No. 24644

File: 1716867124408.jpg (58.12 KB, 750x458, GOJGwdvXoAAG4ty.jpg)

No. 24645

File: 1716867161199.png (35.11 KB, 744x365, screenshot-twitter.com-2024.05…)

No. 24674

File: 1716950110423.jpg (29.87 KB, 968x510, GNk03atbcAAYoMi.jpg)

No. 24679

File: 1716974836697.png (28.7 KB, 497x840, EjP1TbI.png)

No. 24693

kek but misogynists should definitely overlap with Men in Dresses.

No. 24711

File: 1717026715856.mp4 (1.55 MB, 640x360, 5990472-ad8a13c583cd9677c9bcb0…)

This was posted above but got yoinked by youtube.

No. 24712

File: 1717026762471.png (229.22 KB, 750x723, screencapture-twitter-ShayWoul…)

No. 24717

File: 1717051554042.png (84.82 KB, 621x593, TIM_venn diagram.png)

No. 24718

File: 1717051580629.png (121.8 KB, 621x593, TIF_venn diagram.png)

No. 24944

File: 1717466529731.png (163.91 KB, 798x604, 1717229302302.png)

No. 24945

File: 1717466562015.jpeg (151.56 KB, 1172x670, 1717044388314.jpeg)

No. 24946

File: 1717467088577.jpg (113.88 KB, 1145x1308, 1000007696.jpg)

This is incredibly offtopic but I have been searching for those books for years. I can't for the life of me knew how to describe what book I was looking for because the only scene I remembered was her picking fruitcake over the other Christmas cakes. I thought I would never find it until this very momment. Bless TERFs and thank you nonnas for simply breathing, I can finally put this to peace.

No. 24957

No. 24981

File: 1717553004077.jpg (27.22 KB, 720x375, GM-HdvmW0AAMoBn.jpg)

I'm glad nonnie could finally help with your brain worms.

No. 24982

File: 1717553064924.jpg (170.69 KB, 868x805, petah.jpg)

No. 25091

File: 1717772749891.jpg (44.1 KB, 896x504, GM_R4ZOXkAA-Lny.jpg)

No. 25253

File: 1718067848534.jpg (180.37 KB, 921x1024, GN7vMhpboAAEX7S.jpg)

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