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No. 129227

What does lolcow think of this photoshopped slut

No. 129228

I think your thread is shit.


No. 129229

She's legitimately attractive.
It hurts less when you can be attractive in your own right instead of hoping to knock others down to your level, OP.

No. 129238

It's not that she's attractive it's just the shit she says and the amount of photoshop and plastic surgery she uses

No. 129242

I think you're a shitty + lazy OP.

>no links

>no overview
>no legetimate reasons for this bitch being a cow (photoshop addict doesn't count)

Sage for shit thread.

No. 129259


Oh I think I can help here. This is Ashley Alexis and she's always posted on the dirty. She was on Oxygen network show about girls who have shit mothers called Fix my mom. She's fat and shoops her pictures a lot. She is like 30 and running a bikini clothing company scam. It's all cheap China shit that's marked up a shit ton. She has a habit of opening /reopening her store too. She's massive but models for a corset Halloween company and the unshopped pics are lulzy. She's just fkn huge. Her nick name is wicked tuna.

No. 129271


So fucking nothing.

No. 129283

I mean it really depends on what you mean by nothing. Her drama is sometimes lulzy but I wouldn't say she's drama free.op is just a bad op

No. 129286

Thanks for no links, OP… You shit.

From the looks of her Instagram account, not one photo of her on there is consistent with any other photos on there of her.

Like she's photoshopped herself with different types of "plus-sized" bodies.

No. 141793

Her "you're gay if you're a male who's not attracted to me" logic is so fucking arrogant and childish, sort of sounds like the shit oreob4by/Alex Clark says about herself

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