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No. 1924412

Pride month is still far away but last year's thread was also made around March and it included all kinds of discussion including speculation of what could happen that year, so enjoy!
>Input your predictions and general thoughts. Discuss
Last thread >>>/ot/1518006

No. 1924414

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Posting this too because it was the thread's pic runner up
And my prediction for this year will be that furries will continue to dominate LGBT discussion in 2024

No. 1924497

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It's that time of year approaching again

No. 1924540

My vague, low effort predictions are that the media will make the whole thing entirely or almost entirely about troons, some of said troons will do something spectacularly stupid or vile to ruin it for everyone else and that there will be some sort of scandal involving furries or children in some way

No. 1924587

My prediction: mass peaking, also trans genocide talk will be trendy again (they couldn't claim it after the war in Gaza started but nobody is stopping them really)

No. 1924589

You can tell the threadpic is old because there's no SatoSugu kek.

No. 1924594

Wth is a satosugu

No. 1924606

I wish the thread pic would be something yuri related instead since this is a female ib.

No. 1924608

Yaoi is for women

No. 1924609

do women actually like yuri? i though it was like a troon thing

No. 1924610

Oh great, instead of having to see an entire thread of resident tradthots here whine and cry about muh alphabet people bragging about how they and their Nigel don't need Pride despite being """bisexual""" just during June we now have to do it starting from March.

No. 1924614

Yes we do. Tf

No. 1924615

Can we not? June is the most insufferable month already

No. 1924616

my bad kek the more popular yuri shit seemed to moidish

No. 1924622

Yuri is for straight girls and trannies.

No. 1924626

go back to your containment

No. 1924700

>pride month thread
>pick a bunch of men for the OP
Is there a single moment where fujoshits arent the most unlikeable retards in the room

No. 1924705

There's female characters in there too

No. 1924708

Newfag, it's not a thread to celebrate pride month, it's to laugh at corporations sucking tranny cock for another year.

No. 1924710

Disrupting Pride to protest the war in Gaza is 100% happening.

No. 1924713

All the people complaining itt clearly weren't here for the same thread a year ago. Nobody complained like this last year, odd.

No. 1924725

I am looking forward to all the overpriced pride junk Disney is going to put out for sale this year. They always make the tackiest fucking shit.
bunch of newfags or just 'her' trying to falseflag since her latest bait in the fandom discourse thread backfired.

No. 1924882

Why would you want women in a cringe thread's cringe threadpic… do you realize that this thread is meant to laugh at pride month corporate shit, look at its drama and that sort of bs?

No. 1924939

Still feel like June is too far away for this thread to serve much purpose. If anything I expect it to devolve into a bunch of homophobic shitflinging

No. 1925071

If it personally offends you just hide the thread until June. This wasn't a problem last year.

No. 1925832

Based protestards.
The thread pic is cringe fujoshit because it's a joke anon. This is a making fun of pride thread.

No. 1926600

I wonder what kind of tasteless "designers" Target will have partnered with this year. The people planning this are all completely out of touch, so I expect more tranny shit made for toddlers.

No. 1926973

Seconding this anon. I'm so curious to see how much troon pandering Target will do this year after the backlash they received last year from the satanic TIF art and the tucking bathing suit in the women's section.

No. 1927062

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I can't wait to (hang on lemme check my bingo card)… wear a slutty outfit to pride? Maybe Walmart or Target will design one for me. As always I feel like these threads would be better if we had a separate containment thread for tradnonnies but I guess we all dream of things we cannot have.

No. 1927076

ah yes. The "non binary bi-girl"

No. 1927083

most of these are normie-adjacent "alt" girl traits I don't get what makes it bi

No. 1927127


No. 1927474

Oh shit, pride semester is starting.

No. 1927812

these people are weird, went to school with a couple girls that would squee over this and how bi they totes are. i'm as straight as a needle and many of these apply to me. and i thought stereotyping was bad?

No. 1929394

It's the fandomization of sexuality or something. People get obsessed with aesthetics similar to how they fixate on certain tropes in fandoms and think it's gayer than actually being into the same sex. I'm bi and most of these don't apply to me kek

No. 1929414

Have any other lesbian/bi anons feel like you gave to walk on eggshells when explaining to normie liberals why you don't like pride month? My mom has bought me stuff with the new rainbow flag and while I appreciate she doesn't know what's going on, I don't know what to tell her without her saying I sound like a republican, lmao

No. 1929581

My prediction is easy; tons of Palestine flags. Because every cause has to be protested at all times. You already see it with any other leftist protest, and while Pride isn't a protest really, it generally attracts the exact same crowd and I don't doubt for a second the conflict will be brought up tons.
As for other things, I wonder if pinkwashing will be called out more, but considering these same (often teens) will still buy big corpo items because they have a rainbow or pronouns on it, I'm not too sure it will.
I feel like I'm staring into the abyss of the worst aesthetics that were popular during tumblr all at once.

No. 1929797

maybe this year they will make a remixed palestine-LGB-tranny-brown stripe flag lol… i actually think they will

No. 1930200

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It's already been done! kekk

No. 1930219

I want this gay earth to end already. How fucking dense do you have to be to make this?? Also the fandomization of war never makes me baffled imagine making humanity worst moments into a cute fandom aesthetic and not taken seriously as it should be god i hope the word war doesnt become a buzzword I saw all those fan arts

No. 1930225

Can’t help but kek. Of course this is in NYC. At least in my city, Palestine protests are filled with actual Arabs who aren’t going to make it about some retarded pride shit

No. 1930255

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>But the queers of Pales-

No. 1930260

not normies but other gay/bi people. I’m the only non soft gay I know.

Also can’t be open about my contempt for gay/bi moids or troons

No. 1943875

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I predict 2024 will be the year of the intersectional pride pileup. We're about to find out how many identities can fit into one movement. Also, someone might get stabbed.

No. 1943879

I predict 2024 will be the year more people peak away from the gay pride/acceptance thing. Whenever I see text like that shirt on someone's front lawn, I know immediately to avoid that house.

No. 1943883

>equality hurts no one
Men competing in women's sports does though.

No. 1943935

>I am a safe person

No. 1943944

This shit pisses me off to no end. I'm from Eastern Europe and we still need pride to a degree, imo. But thanks to crap like that, or the exhibitionism in the US pride parades, we get told that we already have all our rights, need to stay in the closet and that being homophobic is okay since our "lgtv agenda" is mainstream now.

No. 1943951

Once marriage equality was achieved and “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was overturned in the US, all the gay non-profits were shitting themselves because they were about to become irrelevant. Instead of pivoting to eradicating homophobia globally, these retards made up the tranny genocide and now look where we are. Even in America, people are becoming more homophobic because the mainstream LGB orgs hitched their wagon to a disgusting and toxic movement. It’s a fucking shame what’s happened. The US LGB movement could’ve made a huge difference in the world

No. 1944336

I predicted people would add Palestine in it and I wasn't wrong >>1930200

No. 1944369

Notice ho "you are female" is not on the list

No. 1944459

Ironically it just shows the opposite. They're either wealthy and very sheltered and never interact with the minorities they idealize, or they're spineless and just go with whatever other people say. Imagine going to one of these "safe" people if you were a real Muslim girl questioning her sexuality,or a kid who got molested by a popular drag queen or troon. They would be more likely to just fuck up your life. Even if they meant well, they're too inexperienced to offer helpful help.

No. 1944858

I get the feeling that pride parades are going to be a target for terrorist attacks this year. It will be blamed on Russians, Republicans, Chinese or Iranians but as always it will be the intelligence services looking to bolster the agenda of the US government.

No. 1946830

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Amazing. So many clashing colours, so little time.

No. 1946832

Hah! I was just about to come here to post this !

No. 1946835

wow it's hideous. What's the triangle on the right represent?

No. 1946837

>gay, bi, trans colors
Lesbian was too much, huh?

No. 1946842

Ah yes, Pride is about celebrating everyone in the GBTBBBB* community

*gay bi trans black brown black brown

No. 1946847

I kind of find it funny how it looks like it's closing in on the actual L and Gs.

No. 1946848

Why even bother with the rainbow flag part at this point?

No. 1946856

Why do they celebrate outside of the US if it's a US only day? I know these people live to Twitter but I wanted to shout at all the people who were posting about "Trans Visibility Day" from my country, it's April Fools idiots it's not even the same day.

No. 1946888


Rainbows are transphobic now.

No. 1946923

I always wonder how conservative POC feel about this flag

No. 1947033

This is such a joke, they can't be serious. Isn't the rainbow supposed to be all-inclusive to begin with?

The rainbow flag is supposed to represent all of LGBT, gay men have their own specific flag like lesbians do. I guess the flag is accurate in having troons and bihets take over gay spaces.

No. 1947060

>gay men have their own specific flag like lesbians do
this might just be me, but i've only seen TIFs use the "mlm" flag. i'm pretty sure most gay moids i've personally known would have no idea what that flag is for

No. 1947084

Gay men rarely use any flag to be fair. Most of them don't want to have any part in other parts of the LGBT.

No. 1947089

AYRT, this is true in my experience as well, most gay men i've met/known arent into pride at all and many really cringed at all the pride merch

No. 1947569

>female imageboard
Ma’am all we do is talk about men here. BL/yaoi, husbandos, ugly fictional male characters, handsome men, ugly men, boyfriends, ex-boyfriends, tims, drag queens, male celebrities.
Pick your type of moid.
Female-centric threads are hilariously dry and slow, outside if gossip ofc.

No. 1947576

Wasn’t this posted as a joke wtf

No. 1948079

There are so many troons in London it's not even funny. Everywhere you go there'll be a moid in stripper clothes simpering at his handmaidens about being one of da girlz. TIFs everywhere with haggard Ellen Page depression faces and retard clothes huddling around each other for protection from evil TERFy influences. No idea how these permanently online e-beggars can afford the rent, maybe they're all in one giant polycule with a mansion-owning tech billionaire and live rent free in his basement.

No. 1954262

I can only speak for myself but as a bi woman I feel like I know way less about the G than the L and B (and T as well but a lot of that knowledge was kind of forced upon me kek). Gay men seem to often be their own thing in a way that bi women and lesbians aren't, there's no real push for gay guys to open their spaces to everyone else and if some gay male-identifying TIF ever whines about it she gets laughed at.

No. 1954267

I don't get why Pride is still a thing. It's so corporate and the LGBT community was pretty much only united when they had specific goals in common. I mean maybe people still find the events fun but it does seem like it's lost a lot of the original meaning.

No. 1954289

Same, pride makes no sense in the US/CA and Europe. Gay pride only really mattered when fagism wasn't widely acceptable. Now its just bar crawling and drag shows and public debauchery.

No. 1954304

No. 1954310

seriously, what even is the point of pride anymore outside of ugly rainbow merch? it’s like another holiday like Halloween but in summer and serves no other purpose

No. 1954313

Outside of like Russia and similar countries there's no point because there aren't really any legislative measures that need to be taken (minus the ones surrounding women's safety but as we all know pride is really for the GBTIA2SA++) and walking around half naked and/or in fetish gear on main roads isn't going to convince homophobic normies to not be homophobic.

No. 1954337

Being charitable, it's an excuse to have fun, I guess. It just seems hollow now compared to what it used to be.

If gayborhoods and gay bars/clubs wanted to run special promotions for the day that's one thing but the parades themselves feel like a whole lotta hoopla for a whole lot of hoopla now and it's inconvenient for everyone else because it displaces traffic.

No. 1954339

*whole lotta hoopla for a whole lotta nothing

No. 1954558

they are for the most part. gay moids are moids and mostly only care to get laid, they couldn't care less about public acceptance or marriage because so many aren't open/are DL. social media and smartphones have given them an infinite hook up source and that's all the majority care about. they snicker at TIFs on grindr and because TIFs are female they will never have the TIM rage or influence to convince gay men they need to be validated

No. 1954785

I think because lesbians and gay moids had stereotypes which zoomers started to base their personality on and bis didnt (except being slut/ cheater kek), they kinda made them up. But stereotypes come from real life experinces (even if often dumb and unfair), listing of things that you and your bi friends do are just likely to be things young women in general do.

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