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No. 1901243

don't reply to bait
previous: >>>/ot/1892428

No. 1901247

fucking reddit "signal boosting" a petition to stop dog and cat torture video rings in china, full of screenshots and descriptions of what they do and how the perpetrators face no consequences, i want to die. i don't need to know all this. i'm only subbed to cute animal and photo subreddits why the fuck did i need to know about how they're torturing kittens and puppies to death for fun??

No. 1901254

I have nothing left for me here. I've been applying for grad schools abroad but I'm going to be so depressed if I get rejected. I need to leave the country, there's no good memories. I'll miss my friends a lot but they're all starting their lives and have much more well rounded support systems than me and I feel so lonely when they're not around.

No. 1901262

I stopped talking to a friend a while back because when I told her my grandmother was dying of cancer, she wouldn't shut up about her boyfriend at the time. She was obsessed with him since it was her first relationship and it got on my nerves. I later learned that he broke up with her and it seems like she still constantly simps for him even when he dates other people. For fuck's sake, she even cooked a birthday dinner for him. Both of my other friends have pretty much disappeared from my life due to simping for moids. Fucking hate this.

No. 1901266

Aw, thanks anon. I don't usually share this stuff with people but honestly it is hard to be in a position like mine because most people are so discouraging to people who have bad relationships with their parents. "Blood is thicker than water" and it's dire consequences. That woman ruined my entire life though, so no amount of guilt tripping will work on me. Although I do feel that more people are rejecting the idea of staying loyal to all family members these days

No. 1901267

My cat is fat and greedy.

No. 1901272


No. 1901275

god i hate spring i HATE warm hot weather i HATE living in the south fuck this.

No. 1901277

Sometimes I regret getting pets because they are a burden. I am basically a slave to ungrateful and sometimes abusive creatures but I never want to be a subhuman who neglects their pets so I remain burdened.

No. 1901283

I'm too lazy to style hair. I just don't get the fuss. If I could pull off a buzz cut in a cool and sheek androgynous way, I would. As for now, I keep it short but I still got to take care of it.

No. 1901285

i need to stop arguing with my mother. or even trying to talk things out with her. god

No. 1901292

Might have breast cancer. Started with a swelling in one of my breasts, doctors had me wait a few weeks to see if anything improved, its gotten worse and a lot more painful. Been referred to a breast cancer clinic, can't get in in less than a month. I'm always tried, can barely eat, constantly feel like I'm gonna throw up and my tit really hurts all the time. I am so scared and I just want answers, I don't know if I've got it in me to try and ignore it for a month.

No. 1901297

Someone I know talks to me a certain way and I think I realized who and what it reminds me of.
I noticed a while back that Chris Chan talks to women like he's talking to a baby or a animal or something
>Ohh Ivy, I love you so sooooo much!! I luv you ivy…mmmmmmhmm, give me a kissy ivy mmmmhmm…
and this scrote talks to my like that on a certain voice app, he's like
> weird moan in high pitched voiced Nonnie!! I love you so so much Moan thing again plus a weird chuckle
It's fucking weird. I stopped talking to him after i got him to buy me a Sims 4 DLC of course, but it's clear they don't see women as adults. Or maybe he thinks we are like babies who smile and get big eyed at nice words coming out their moid faces. I thought about doing it back to him, but he'd probably like that shit.

No. 1901298

I love my cat and don't consider him a burden even though he is fat and greedy. It's has a very sweet and gentle nature and he loves to cuddle. It's a problem because I have to buy special diet cat food so he doesn't end obese and diabetic. He also fights with my other cat about food. Both cats were strays that just decided to come and live with me for some reason.

No. 1901301

I wish you the best Nonnie, I seriously do. I will pray for you

No. 1901307

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Chatted with a suicide hotline for the first time (not actively suicidal, just feeling like I might actually implode) and maybe it's because I've been dragged around various mental health options the past 10 years but it was very underwhelming. Maybe calling is less shit but unfortunately when I cry I can't talk so that wasn't an option. I hate being considered a complex case because I dare to have conditions that will never go away. I hate that I'm always treated like a fucking child and the endless "how do you feel about this between a 1 and 10" forms I've done over the years. I hate all the mindfulness they want me to try. I hate how the specialist institutions only let you be in treatment for a year as if I somehow will stop being autistic after a year! I'm so fucking tired. At least I'm too tired at this point to even bother wanting to end it.

No. 1901308

I'm so sorry, anon. I think you should try to stay calm and think about anything else as much as you can. Whatever condition it may be, stress usually only aggravates pain and, like you said, it disturbs apetite and sleep, that will only make the waiting for results more tiring. I hope you get out of any doubts as soon as possible.

No. 1901312

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I like being talked to like a kid when the intentions are kind. But I never got talked to kindly like that when I was an actual kid, even elementary teachers spoke to me like a grown up even when they’d talk to other kids more endearingly/patronizingly.

No. 1901317

>Maybe calling is less shit
This part made me kek. I've used those hotlines dozen of times before and it's always a bad experience, don't think its just you. Once I called a suicide hotline and the responder actually sighed in frustration when I told him I was suicidal. I think a lot of the people that work in those centres hate their jobs. Have you ever tried an autistic adult support group? They're the only
thing that ended up helping me because it gave me a sense of camaraderie and understanding that I couldn't find in others. Even online autist groups are helpful.

No. 1901318

Sweet nonna, I hope it gets resolved. I have issues with insurance and wait times and just want to throw out some ideas. You can call your insurance and ask for a “case manager”. This person can help expedite appointments and advocate for quicker treatments. They help make the most out of your insurance (even medicaid).
As annoying as it may be, call the clinic you are waiting for that appointment every few days and make sure there hasn't been a cancelling or opening for an earlier appointment.
I dont normally pray, but I will for you and hope for the best. Please keep us updated.

No. 1901320

Kek nonnie I have a fat greedy cat who needs special food too. He used to be owned by crackheads who starved and neglected him. It took me almost a year to figure out what kind of food he needed to eat and vets weren’t any help, turns out my boy is allergic to most animal proteins besides rabbit. His kibble is so damn expensive but anything else gives him diarrhea, sometimes bloody - esp if he ate poultry and yes I dealt with a cat who had persistent diarrhea and occasionally bloody diarrhea for nearly a full year before finding the one food he can tolerate. And that kibble costs $7 a pound and he’s a large cat so even on a diet he eats a decent amount. He will get into little fights with the others cats sometimes cause he’s a traumatized jerk baby. I love him so much though, he’s so gorgeous and can be so sweet and snuggly, when he wants cuddles if you aren’t actively petting him he will headbutt your hands and basically pet himself using your stationary hands kek. He’s the most bitey cat I’ve ever had and often will bite my pant legs and then pull the material while shaking his head ferociously. He also loves visitors and will totally bite visitors who ignore him. I have to buy him chew toys for dogs that he promptly destroys, he just loves to gnaw on things so he needs a constant supply of chew toys lest he chew up all my stuff. He’s my kit bull.

No. 1901334

I sort of ghosted someone from the friend finder thread last summer by accident (I just forgot to reply because I'm not used to email exchanges I guess and was stressed over things irl) and I still regret not reaching out to apologize, but I felt hesitant about doing that because it felt like a shitty excuse. We were from the same country too so that sours it even more.

No. 1901337

That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I just hope I can find one that isn't filled with male autists that have never been told no. For some reason they always get especially insistent if you mention that you don't care for something they like.

No. 1901341

Aren't suicide hotlines volunteer positions?

No. 1901349

I'm so unlovable

No. 1901355

me too

No. 1901362

I wish I could either be someone else, or exist in a different world. Every single aspect of my personality and values is at odds with the world around me. There’s just no way for me to engage it.

No. 1901370

I sometimes wish I could be put into a cult or somewhere I'm forced into a situation where i'm around like-minded people where i HAVE to do shit. I have to have friends, I have to interact and I want to do so. I know this is weird, but I do feel like i'm not meant for this world. Maybe I'd never been. I've been depressed for so long, I often think back to how awkard and weird I was. How i never fit in and the one situation I fit in was in a situation where I was basically "forced".
being in a small school, with equally off/odd/fucked up teenage girls, under the palm of fucked up predatory immature adults. Even the only true friend I had was "forced" because SHE seeked me out and just clung to me. Our relationship was deeply competitive and deeply weird. I never fit in, I never was meant to be here, maybe i'm autistic or something.

No. 1901372

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idk why but I've developed the most retarded habit of posting something in group chats etc and then immediately getting embarrassed and deleting it before anyone can see. Especially if it gets no interaction, I want to die. Like my dumb ramblings aren't interesting enough to grace my friends' DMs or whatever kek. The anonymity here is such a godsend because I don't have to worry about sounding dumb and I don't care about (you)s. I do still occasionally delete my worst posts though

No. 1901385

I do this as well, for some reason it feels like I'm putting a burden on them by saying anything. I don't know why it makes me feel so bad. And I tend to get really upset if I send something and get no response but see them being active somewhere else. At this point it's better to just stay quiet until someone else starts a conversation kek

No. 1901400

sometimes i feel the urge to get myself an hypersexualized kawai style sort of like belle delphine's but in my muslim family its never happening

No. 1901416

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I hate when my brain makes up the most retarded scenarios and I get unironically mad or sad about them. Like, they would never happen!! No one even cares that much, brain. Shut the fuck up already.

No. 1901448

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I feel like I do romance and love wrong and too slowly. I was with my ex for 4 years but we were long distance and texting every day helped me learn about her enough to love her even without physical contact. Now trying to date in person and it feels like it takes me too long to develop those feelings and people lose interest and don't want to wait around for me to develop romantic feelings. Or am I asexualaromantic as the dumb kids say??? I loved my ex and I loved doing romantic things with her and intimate stuff. But what am I supposed to do on a first date with someone I talked to for three days on Bumble? Hold hands? Is that inappropriate? Kiss?? Am I just autistic about this? I went on a date with a woman and it was OK but I didn't vibe with her much, too femme and extroverted, but I always feel like I treat a first date as a 'get to know you' thing when it should be some grand romantic gesture but I just don't have romantic feelings for someone until I get to know them. I can have little crush feelings but that's it. Ugh i don't know!!!

No. 1901449

A guy from my college group started dating an autistic fat kpop anime girl who was a small time lolcow in local image boards years ago. He drags her everywhere, shes annoying and talks about kpop and lolita fashion to turbonormies. They are both also ”gay” because they are interested in kissing the same sex. Now he wanted her to be added into the group chat too, for what fucking purpose. If the girl browses here (doubt it since shes such a pro trans libfem) fuck you and stop being autistic.

No. 1901451

samefag, i was long distance with my ex for the first 1.5 years, not the entire time

No. 1901461

I really, really want a biological daughter. It's literally been my dream and one life goal since I was a little girl. But I'd feel so guilty for bringing a girl into such a world. It's always been disadvantageous just to be born a female but especially in this climate with trannyism on an all time high, rampant misogyny, women's rights being slowly abolished, AI, all that junk and not to mention how the earth is straight up dying. I'm not hopeful for my own future so I can't imagine what kind of world my hypothetical daughter would grow up in. I truly do want a daughter so fucking bad but at this point it would be selfish to birth another female into this world. Also I have no idea how I would procure one as I have no intention of laying with a moid and IVF is hella expensive and isn't even guaranteed to work.

No. 1901471

lolcow is way more boring today than usual, where the fuck is everyone? I'm bored out of my fucking mind and I dont know what to do

No. 1901478

I am cursed with constant bad gas and I am so sick of the uncomfortable bloating and wondering if I smell bad around other people. I hesitate to use supplements like Beano because I'm afraid it might make things worse. Why did I have to be afflicted with something so stupid and embarrassing.

No. 1901481

Do you eat a plant based diet?

No. 1901485

I don't know how to chat in chatrooms. I need a small group of people or just DMs. How do I get to know people in a discord server with 200 people??? Especially when said servers have cliques. I'm shy and don't like sharing personal information in public so I feel so left out

No. 1901486

I don't but I do try to eat healthy in general (i.e. lots of vegetables) so I think that's why. I feel like just about everything gives me gas though even when I do things like cut out the usual culprits like beans and broccoli.

No. 1901516

I think I have celiac disease.

No. 1901519

I’m sorry nonna. I have celiac disease and it really sucks. I’m glad my Nigel went gluten free so our kitchen is a fully gluten free safe space.

No. 1901540

Being institutionalized against my will several times by a shitty therapist and retarded parents when I was underage radicalized me. I saw so many therapists and psychiatrists at different practices, all very highly regarded, and not even joking, it is evil to tell people that going to see them is the first step in fixing your problems when there are so many in the profession who just simply don't care. I will never ever forget the carelessness and lack of empathy that I saw, towards me and other people I was with in those places who were also CHILDREN. Many people don't have the intelligence or are in the right headspace to tell whether their mental health provider is shitty or not. But I will never forget the things I saw, how the mental health system treats people who are actually struggling, and how little they safeguard women and children in inpatient "care". I've actually tried therapy several times now that I'm older and in control of choosing who I see, and it's always the same. I wish people would open their eyes.

No. 1901551

Agreed. People who nonironically say shit like “get help” don’t realize that there really isn’t any help out there unless you’re a schizophrenic.

No. 1901560

WE TOLD YOU TO GET HELP(hi cow, unintegrated posting)

No. 1901561

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I'm not sure I flushed the toilet, my brother got in and hasn't come out yet, he is going to yell at me if i didn't, i have so much fuckin anxiety right now

No. 1901565

Wow what's been told to me my whole life even though I'm not even a schizo

No. 1901567

your brother sounds like a little bitch and you should shit in his bed

No. 1901568

starting to wonder if my bf's semen is a toxin and whether his seed will make my body rot from the inside out and kill me if i get pregnant from him

No. 1901574

I read about the Jyoti Singh case earlier and I can’t stop thinking about it. I want to cry. I wish they would bring back public executions and medieval torture. I hate everything.

No. 1901587

Amber Heard style?

No. 1901589

Well you would get pregnant and you probably would start posting in the mommy thread which is way worse than dying tbh.

No. 1901592

The fact that the “minor” (17 years and 6 months old at the time of the brutal torturous rape) wasn’t tried as an adult and only got 3 years in juvie is disgusting. He should have faced the same fate as the others.

No. 1901594

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could never find an appropriate time to share this before but semen shares organic compounds with corpse rot (cadaverine and putrescine) it's body horror and not even the cool kind. anyways you should probably wash your vagina after sex in case he gives you a uti.

No. 1901595

>believing in lies from the amber heard smear campaign
absolute retardation

No. 1901611

A lot of stuff shares the same or similar chemicals like that one dude that made cherry soda from some motor oil or whatever so I wonder, and this is genuine curiosity, just how does semen having those things affect the body? Wouldn't men be rotting inside? Do humans just produce that on their own, male or female? Etc. Creepy that they carry stuff found in corpses right inside their ballsacks though

No. 1901613

They basically do rot inside because of its immunosuppressive properties. It’s why they die earlier. It’s a pretty toxic substance.

No. 1901615

I've always hated the existence of pewdiepie and to this day I can't understand his popularity. How a man so boring so unfunny and casual and basic at everything became SO popular? Mediocre men make mediocre men popular.

No. 1901620

i hope anon didn't think i meant it as semen actually having the same bacterial profile as a carcass, like you said there just happen to be a lot of structural similarities in biology. kinda funny that in women they are only present when something is wrong like an infection while men produce that shit naturally kek. surprised they haven't been culled by nature yet.

No. 1901623

I googled more about it and
>The odor commonly associated with bacterial vaginosis has been linked to cadaverine and putrescine.
And putrescine creates spermine and spermine gives semen the odor it has (never smelled semen up close before though)
This is genuinely such an interesting deep dive

No. 1901626

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I recently broke up with my boyfriend. Sometimes I think I made a huge mistake and it keeps me up at night. He could be incredibly sweet when he wanted to. There were issues, but to be fair I didn’t usually communicate with him and tell him what he did wrong because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Things just built up over time and eventually I exploded.
Despite this, I don’t know if he cheated on me while we were in a relationship and it haunts me. Before I broke up with him, a guy I knew told me he saw my boyfriend acting flirty with straight guys in the hallways. The guy who told me this was known for being nasty and manipulative so I didn’t believe it initially, but he mentioned a detail that made my blood run cold. He said that when my boyfriend would do this he’d speak in a high-pitched, girly voice and my boyfriend had once confided in me about thinking that he was trans. Another girl I didn’t know messaged me on Instagram to tell me that he was hitting on her boyfriend and he claimed it was a joke but she said it made her uncomfortable. Despite all this he almost exclusively dated women and when I went through his following list there were barely any men, just attractive women (he clearly had a type too, and it wasn’t me). There’s so much stuff that just doesn’t add up and it haunts me.

No. 1901629

>surprised they haven't been culled by nature yet.
one can only hope

No. 1901631

I literally believe a moids dick is like a tube or toothpaste, the more he expands his disgusting paste, it causes the life of his dick to slowly degrade. I feel thats why they produce autistic males in old age. They get rid of healthly seamens and then are only left with the defected ones.

No. 1901632

Another reason for me to never fuck men. I wish they had something else instead of dicks and semen

No. 1901633

No you didn't make any mistake, you did a good thing for yourself and I'm happy you did. That guy is becoming a real tranny in 3, 2, 1… Glad you ran away from it all

No. 1901638

>he almost exclusively dated women
Girl he’s a sex addicted bisexual faggot and you should never even think about him again, he’s going to troon out and would probably have given you HIV

No. 1901643

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amen sister, the y chromosome is only getting more defective with time kek

No. 1901661

I know he was trouble but every time I want to move on my brain immediately reminds me of all the good parts. I swear I can still hear him screaming my name from the bleachers when I played with my band at the school talent show in senior year

No. 1901662

Im bored af my LC sisters

No. 1901664

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i just want a bf who isnt a coomer, doesnt hate women, isnt a hideous midget and is loving and caring to me. does this sort of person even exist? ive never had a boyfriend because ive never been close to a guy like this..

No. 1901670

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my roommate got me sick again after i was already sick at the beginning of the month. i hate living with these retards. im on my fucking hands and knees praying i get better before my exams later this week

No. 1901671

Well I think my nigel is like this so they exist somewhere. He's not very handsome but at least he's tall kek

No. 1901673

Me too sister

No. 1901674

Another woman who settles for an ugly man…

No. 1901675

What would you buy at the corner store if you had twenty dollards

No. 1901676

>A can of Seagrams Wine Coolers
>a Hershey Bar with almonds
> one of those bonnet things for my hair
>some bleach
> Rubberbands (the black ones)
> two lighters
> Ice
>A diet pop
>A comb

No. 1901678

Damn girl I said corner store not dollar store.That would cost like thirty bucks round here. Why two lighters?

No. 1901680

I think my Nigel is very handsome but he’s not very tall (176 cm). He meets the other reqs. He makes up for not being very tall by being very well hung

No. 1901681

Damn, I'm 172cm I dont know if I could date a manlet at 176cm

No. 1901683

>King size pack of Reese’s cups
>a butterfinger
>sparkling water, hopefully a glass bottle of topo Chico but will accept a plastic bottle of Perrier, will not buy a plastic bottle of topo cause they always taste like mold
>maybe a bottle of milk if they have a good brand but they probably just have some garbage like Borden so probably no milk
>a banana

No. 1901684

I lost my voice from talking too much at work omg

No. 1901685

Same and same

No. 1901686

I wouldn't call it "settling", I love his personality, we can talk for many hours about various topics, he's funny and smart and he listens to me, he cooks food for me, he likes to sew clothes, he likes to fix/create stuff around the house, he's very clean, he doesn't watch porn, he always talks respectfully about his ex, he was raised with sisters and he's respectful towards women, not just me or women in his family. He's already more than any guy I dated

No. 1901689

>bag of chips $6
>slurpee $4
>chocolate bar $5
>candy $4
total: $19 before tax
$20 doesn't really go far here, if I could add maybe a hot dog too

No. 1901690

And then you woke up from your dream

No. 1901692

I’m 160 cm so he’s tall enough for me kek. The tallest dude I ever dated was like 200 cm tall and had a super tiny tiny tiny dick, wayyyy tinier than the actual 165 cm manlet I dated (he had a normal sized dick), so my perception of tall men has never been that favorable since I just immediately and instinctively assume they are also dicklets like the giant I dated was KEK.

No. 1901693

The only guy I've seen was tall with a tiny dick too kek its so off-putting

No. 1901694

I would date a guy whos 5'7, by midget I just mean shorter than me, so like 5'2 lol
Sounds nice, happy for you

No. 1901698

Lmao what? Is it really that unrealistic? It would be unrealistic if he was very handsome on top of that kek. We've been together for only 1,5 month so I'm still prepared to see something shitty about him, it hasn't happened yet though
Thank you anon

No. 1901700

Do you guys live together?

No. 1901701

No, I think one month is obviously too early for that. I was at his place many times though and it's always very clean

No. 1901729

Smear is only the beginning of her bed shenanigans nonna.

No. 1901737

I can't tolerate this micro agression, stop assuming my gender or I'll report you to the competent forum authorities.

No. 1901756

I’m so happy right now I can feel my heart beating so hard inside my head

No. 1901803

I hate nigel owners either post a pic of your scrote or fuck off. No one believes your scrote is anything but hideous.

No. 1901804

>I hate nigel owners

No. 1901805

mom keeps laying into me for this >>1824436 happening and it's killing me. i start a job tomorrow (retail) and she won't stop bringing it up. makes me feel like such a retarded failure even though i understand my inability to get a tech job, or even just a good salaried office job, isn't entirely my fault. i wish she'd stop, it stresses me out so bad. if i try to tell her everyone makes mistakes she just goes "well SOME of us didn't have ANYONE to warn us about our mistakes >:(" as if her shitty mother is my problem. life sucks. i was genuinely looking forward to it too but now i just feel miserable the more i think about it.

No. 1901806

someone sounds jealous lol

No. 1901808

no one is jealous of your ugly scroteling

No. 1901810

Post his face

No. 1901811

I'm a friendless loser NEET and I'm finally moving out of my parents house at 25, renting a tiny and cheap studio apartment because that's what I can get with NEETbux. I felt proud but when I told my family most of them went "Oh, you're buying? Or renting?" and I feel like shit. I know people my age including cousins who have bought homes, but they have partners to share expenses with. They're driven and motivated and all that. I'm all alone and it's yet another reminder. I also got a few comments on how the apartment is small.

I felt motivated but now I just feel sad, and I know it'll just be me sitting in the apartment alone so it feels like a waste like I might as well keep saving money and living with my parents. I wanted to be a real adult and live alone. Part of me feels like staying NEET and living at home is better because I won't be part of "the game" at all. When I move out and hopefully find part time work I'll be part of "the game" but at the very lowest rank. Kinda feel like I'd rather pretend to have given up than struggle and fail.

No. 1901815

I posted a pic and some anons said my scrote was handsome but also told me to delete it, so I deleted it, kek.

No. 1901816

they were being nice to you to not hurt your feelings lmao

No. 1901821

Maybe, some anons said he looked like if armored skeptic was thin which made me kek

No. 1901822

You’re going to experience a personal renaissance once you’re settled in your new place. Enjoy

No. 1901823

dear lord so he was actually fucking disgusting. It's always the anons with the ugliest scrotes that brag about them, i wonder if their scrotes think about them when they jack off to teen gangbang porn on pornhub.

No. 1901825

>armored skeptic

No. 1901829

yeah what that other nona said. if you're paying your own way, then nobody has a right to judge you. also living by yourself >>>> living with cunt parents or family members who'd make fun of you for taking steps to better yourself. enjoy your peace and may you find an easy part time job, inshallah

No. 1901834

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Sometimes mean anons make me want to scream. picrel unrelated it just scared me

No. 1901836

I wish i had a day where I could feel I'm doing something right.
everyday death feels more like a close term goal rather than a distant fate.
I'll be 30 in 6 years, I'm honestly staring to hope i don't make it, I'm already an embarrassing failure at my age, imagine how bad I'll get at 30.

No. 1901838

Personal issue. Your fear of aging is juvenile and holding you back. everyone and everything ages. Your lifetime does not have to be a grand achievement and if you choose to wallow in some imaginary, self-created prison about how ~ooooold~ you're going to be then that is your own fault and a personal failure caused entirely by willful ignorance.

No. 1901848

My husband bought Chinese takeaway before he came home from work. He did phone me and let me know that I didn't need to cook anything but I had already started making scrambled eggs. I had the mixture of eggs and double cream whisked in a jug ready to pour into a pan when I wanted to cook it. I'm now concerned that the mixture will go off and I'll be wasting eggs and cream.

No. 1901864

Never thought about it as a fear of aging, maybe you are right, still sad for being a total fuck up but I guess that's normal.

No. 1901872

Mixing eggs and cream for scrambled eggs sounds really gross wtf I always just… scramble eggs???

No. 1901890

Scrambled eggs is usually made with milk. I use double cream because it has more fat and calories, it's also deliciously rich and creamy. I cook it in a cast iron pan on a low heat and add grated cheese so that it melts before serving. It's about 1000 calories in one meal, 1400 if I add bacon.

No. 1901896

i wish it was easier to make offhand posts. everyone feels the need to disagree aggressively and take every post personally

No. 1901897

I've never had scrambled eggs like that. Can't you eat them with the Chinese food though? Like mixed with the fried rice?

No. 1901906

I'm really missing my ex best friend even though she was terrible to me and turned people against me. She would constantly lead me on and imply she saw something in me that was attractive, but really it was all just to satiate her own ego through her catboy oc where she wanted me to hype him up all the time. I know it sounds retarded kek but we were friends since we were young teenagers and went through a lot together, so finding out she used me for something so trivial feels terrible.

No. 1901908

not to be uncool or anything because i have a normal life and job and go in and out of phases of checking in on my cows and barely post,
but i was smoking weed with some random moid yesterday and i just realised how much i love you guys. i love that this space exists and has been consistently here for me and that its pretty much a secret club that 99% of people would never understand or engage with. and its us, the lolcowers, in it together in this fucked up universe and nobody can take it away from me and no moid would ever track my posts here. and if you compiled all my posts together you'd have a good gauge of all the insanity in my life the good and the bad. i just love you guys, no homo, thank you all for being here

No. 1901916

Nona I'm so sorry but the spoiler made me kek. This is terrible though. She sounds awful, you're better off without her. You should make a new, better catboy OC to get back at her.
I think this is a pretty common fear with people in their 20s, especially because it's so easy to compare yourself to people around you. Good luck nona.

No. 1901928

I know it's retarded. I have an oc already but she never cared about him. Maybe I really should just make him a catboy oc.

No. 1901954

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>child of divorced parents who've been divorced since I was like 13
>am mid 20s now
>my mother and nona are barf inducing rollercoaster from hell based on nona choosing to leave her house when she was 18 and estranging her for awhile because she almost killed her
>mother is abusive and highly self centered
>literally all of nonas friends or past friends or even shitty ex boyfriends have pointed out how shitty her mom is if they've heard about it met her
>but of course anon holds onto the idea her mom will change or fears that she'll die if alone for too long
>anons mom also possesses deep psychosexual freudian hate for anons father
>recently slipped in and out of another estrangement period with the crazy beyotch
>tries to make amends
>first few days ok
>nonas health issues start acting up
>her narcissism kicks in
>scolds anon for literally being sick
>anon goes to emergency room alone at 9am and is there for hours
>staff is concerned as hell that she has no one there
>was driven in ambulance so has no car
>luckily anons tests came back well enough and she is cognizant enough to leave
>no one can pick her up
>everyone is busy
>try asking mom for help
>iM at wORK geT an uBeR yOU HYPOcHONdrIaC
>next two days anon tries to convince mom to do something with her and all mom wants to do is sit around on her ass
>mom I literally just was in the hospital
>on the third day decides to do something else and go see father instead
>mom starts spitting about her hatred for nonas father when she finds out
>nona leaves house in distress
>nonas check engine light turns on and her car dies mid drive
>calls mother in distress and she starts spewing about how nona ruined her day
>she does
>borrows fathers car because hers is dead
>mother starts chewing nona out moment she arrives to pick up her belongings and her dog left at narc bitch's house
>fighting back tears as she accuses nona of faking her recent health spirals
>shouting IM GLAD YOU GOT YOUR ATTENTION as her daughter leaves with her dog and last belongings
>cries on the way home
>no wonder anons life is the way it is and she literally attracts shitty people like moths to a flame
>contemplates why ever she decides to have a relationship with her mother when it always ends this way
>resumes, circlejerks back around to another big blowup
>think about someone besides yourself you fucking harpy who birthed me

No. 1901965

95% of twitch streamers are a joke. They get 20 viewers and think they’re actually important. The fuck does it matter what your tier 2 sub art looks like dude? You need to apply to jobs irl. Being skilled at a video game amounts to nothing if you have no other prospects, it’s an illusion of progress to win at them. Oh cool you planted the bomb and clutched in CS2, but once that game ends you’re still going to sleep in your parents basement as a broke, empty, 26 year old moid.

No. 1902028

You ever read something so low IQ on here that you don't even feel like infighting about it?

No. 1902059

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I feel so bad for getting so mad but god I hate this new guy my friend is seeing. I’m not going to get into the lore because it’s long and personal but I am on her side and I am her soldier and I make it clear to her that my priority is to support her. Nonetheless over time I get more upset, disgusted, and exasperated at what happened and why she chooses to keep seeing him and not only that but the jealousy is tearing me apart. I have never been a jealous person because it’s something I always kept on top of but in this case it just really getting to me. Being best friends with someone that has a boyfriend is so fucking hard (I am single) and I had waited four years for her to be just her again without some parasite moid but no. No time at all for us to have moments as just two friends because this fucking snake has to be there and not me. Today they went somewhere and did something she’s always wanted to do and I was seething that he did it and not me. I have no car and am sick as a dog (chronic) but I feel angry I didn’t step up and he weaseled in and did it. Then they publicly post images that when you put two and two together makes it obvious they were together and it baffles me because the whole point right now is to be low key. She posted first so I was like oo cute. But then I saw he posted and EVEN posted a picture of her in the back and it fucking incensed me. The gall. THE GALL. STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIEND GRRRR. I can’t be like this I especially can’t. She knows I don’t like him and I made the mistake of telling her it made me a little jealous because I felt like he took her from me so now she never tells me when she’s with him or tea about him and it rubs me the wrong way. The problem isn’t her it’s him! The only problem she has is she can’t stay away. Aside from the obvious benefits a romantic relationship can bring what does he have that I can’t offer?? Why does she have to turn to him for happiness?! Boyfriends are such nightmares god. I can just also smell the desperation from him. Oh and cherry on top but she takes real offense when I refer to him as “him” and not “they” so I dislike so much more than just the way he took her from me. Mind boggling. And he’s not going away anytime soon. Wish I could support her in a fuller way but I will not lie to her ever and certainly won’t lie to her telling her this moid is a catch or that this is a good idea.
Assuming it’s 7/11
>iced coffee
>camel crushes
>the oatmeal cookies
>green tea ginseng or the rx arizona
I assume that probably takes up the whole budget.

No. 1902072

>over time I get more upset, disgusted, and exasperated
>jealousy is tearing me apart
>I had waited four years for her to be just her again without some parasite moid but no
>No time at all for us to have moments as just two friends
>And he’s not going away anytime soon
Read your own post and be honest with yourself. This friendship just isn't worth it anymore. Put yourself first.

No. 1902073

Cheddar popcorn, hickory sticks, one bite brownies, and a Diet Coke (I know aspartame can be carcinogenic but I only have it like once every few months and the diet ones taste way better than the normal ones imo)

No. 1902075

Samefag and a watermelon baby bottle pop if I still have enough money left but probably not

No. 1902077

>she takes real offense when I refer to him as “him” and not “they”
I would die if an thembie stole my best friend im so sorry

No. 1902080

I hate how much pornsickness has rotted society. People’s view of sex is so tainted and it makes me sad. It’s affecting all generations but zoomers in particularly have no clue about real intimacy, just misogynistic violence.

No. 1902096

Trying to study for my exam but my muslim dad won't stop praying his shitty quran crap out loud. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Can he not read that shit in his fucking head? Why do I need to hear this shit early in the morning. I wanna kill him

No. 1902103

Every day

No. 1902133

Freaking the fuck out right now nonnas. Tried to pop a pimple under my eye on my upper cheek and it turned red. Horrified it’s staph but I’ve never had that before. I’m so fucking scared I saw it can cause brain damage and death what the fuck what the fuck help should I go to the hospital tomorrow? The only thing I feel is some soreness but not really pain.

No. 1902134

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I hate when I don't like someone (like on a base and casual, nonplussed level) but I end up agreeing with them on an alarmingly wide variety of topics per complete coincidence. It doesn't happen often but when it does it's so weird to me.

No. 1902136

Maybe book to see a GP instead of a hospital? Never pop anything in the triangle of death

No. 1902138

I don't know if people get this right but when you're mentally ill you aren't fully in control of your actions. No, this isn't a way to excuse shitty behavior. In my case, my mental illness just makes my life worse. It doesn't really negatively impact the life of others.

No. 1902140

Just clean it and don't touch it unless it gets bigger or redness spreads to your eye. The best thing you can do is not touch it at all and the only cause of alarm should be if your face around it swells

No. 1902145

I don't even understand why I try dating. There will always be a prettier, more intelligent and less awkward woman they are going to prefer. The only men that are attracted to me are these obsessive types that have already got our lives together planned out in their heads before they even know me on a surface level.

No. 1902152

I can't imagine being nostalgic for the 20s in a decade or so

No. 1902155

That’s over half the posts on here at this point

No. 1902161

Me neither because 20's suck ass. We probably wont be because people are usually nostalgic for times of peace or prosperity. We have nothing like that now. My granda isn't nostalgic for world war 2 for example.

No. 1902168

There isn't anything to be nostalgic for. I think a bunch of people are going to be 40 years old and weeping incessantly about what they lose to sitting on the computer being irony poisoned and hateful.

No. 1902175

>thinking there’s gonna be people around at all with the AI-caused global economic crash and then human race genocide swift approaching in a decade or so

No. 1902177

We will be nostalgic of the 20s because things are only getting worse and more expensive

No. 1902182

No. 1902185

We will be. A lot of times seem like this but are still nostalgic in retrospective. There are a lot of things that I think will be specific to 20s culture.

No. 1902188

In that vein, I find it very interesting that uninspired people are so obsessed with trying to recreate 90s and y2k nu-internet aesthetics as an escapism, it's just another example of us being stunted and stagnant because people refuse to innovate or do anything new unless it involves porn and exploitation. I'm tired of seeing people skinwalk dial-up and pixel aesthetic because they're too afraid people will see how uncreative and bland they are. We will never get anything new or exciting if people continue to copycat anything vaguely """retro""". There's no passion in anything, only cheap mirroring.

No. 1902192

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I am disabled and my parents did not tell me that for the first 20 years of my life

No. 1902204

You didn’t notice you were disabled?

No. 1902207

Didn't put a new tampon on time and now my bed cover has a big ass blood stain and I can't simply throw it in the washing machine because it doesn't fit. Fuuuck

No. 1902212

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I want to eat kfc chicken so bad right now but I also want to kill myself.

No. 1902214

But people always try to recreate something old, don't they? both in fashion and art

No. 1902217

I wish all people who snore to choke 10 times a night so they'd start to recognize their problem and went to get surgery for it. Fuck them.

No. 1902219

They dont create anything anymore. They copy nearly identically. It isnt even 'inspiration' at this point. We are thrown the same garbage over and over. People ebeg and expect insane donations for doing stupid shit and making low effort trash and then whine about how no one supports creators. There is no incentive to create things because you enjoy it, everything has to be talked up into something it isnt and nothing ever speaks for itself. It's just a loop of panhandling and complaining lol. I really hope there's a Renaissance because I'm over it

No. 1902233

No, because its a mild intellectual disability and I lack self-awareness.

No. 1902246

Oh, I’m sorry nonna

No. 1902252

thanks nonna <3
I feel weird because most likely everyone else knew
I'm probably a personal lolcow to people who know me and it messes with my head

No. 1902263

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I live on the ground floor in an apartment building with my boyfriend and sometimes there is this intense vape smell that permeats our place and neither of us knows where it comes from. Neither of us smokes or vapes and it usually appears even when all windows are closed. Yesterday was so bad, it started at around midnight and I could barely breathe, I had to open every window. Is it possible that the person living above us vapes and the smoke somehow sinks down to us? This is such a fucking mystery

No. 1902266

My bpd narcissist ex traumatized me to the point it's affecting my new promising relationship. It's been six months since the breakup so I'm angry at myself for still not being over it. Whenever the new guy says sweet things to me I'm reminded of my ex's love bombing and it gives me the heebie jeebies. I hate myself and my ex for ruining my brain like this.

No. 1902271

My ex broke up with me by ghosting me this week. Last weekend I was by his side at the hospital after he asked for me there, his mom called me and said he woke up from being on the ventilator and wanted me. I was by his side for days. He has to come back to my house instead of his parents house so I brought him back and we had a nice meal and spent time together and he introduced me to old friends last Sunday at a restaurant. He wasn't texting me much this week but I thought he was just adjusting to his new anti-seizure medication keppra. I asked to make plans with him for Sun on Thurs over text and he enthusiastically agreed and acted normal towards me telling me about stuff he's been up to. Sent a picture of space dunk Oreos. But he ignored me since then and didn't talk to me at all yesterday but I saw he was playing RuneScape. I texted him "weird way to break up with me but I get the message wish we could have talked out whatever is wrong". Very disappointed right now and confused. This is either his new medication messing with his personality or he was just messing with me the whole time using me as a nurse and a way to get back in touch with old friends he hasn't seen for over a year because I guess this is just how he treats people

No. 1902279

Stain removal spray, washcloth, spray bottle of water, then blot dry/air dry

No. 1902307

It's true. It's all so mindless.

No. 1902322

File: 1708950602098.jpg (48.35 KB, 564x744, 6bd40de3edce79891c72438ac6d3ab…)

Same. It's the worst. In a way I feel like I'm just waiting for a self-fulfilling prophecy to happen. My ex love bombed me in the beginning and then just threw me away once he had me basically. Now I'm always overly suspicious and just waiting for it to happen again while being scared of pushing someone with genuine feelings away because let's be honest, most people won't bother with someone who has trust issues in the talking stage. They'd rather move on to someone else without any issues.

No. 1902323

You're the anon that broke up with him via text because he wasn't answering your messages and missed valentine's day, right? Did he happen to see that message or did you delete it? It sounded like you two had a lot of miscommunication. Hope you can work through this and find a better bf.

No. 1902327

>My ex love bombed me in the beginning and then just threw me away once he had me basically.
Ayrt and yup, the exact thing happened to me. He was the best person I had ever met until he pulled a total 180 and told me he never loved me etc. I was blindsided by it, I never saw it coming. The fallout of the breakup was really messy, too. I don't want to experience that again.
It's even more infuriating cause I never used to have trust issues. I was the perfect victim for my ex cause I trusted people, including him, blindly. But he ruined my trust in people. How can I trust that this guy doesn't pull the same stunt?

No. 1902329

This is random but I used to believe the same dumb shit the anon is talking about in the unpopular opinions thread right now. That older women hate younger women and the biggest enemy to young women is other women. The whole “fatherless children always turn out bad” trope, that being a single older women is the worst type of future, that fairytales are good predictors of real life behaviour. I was a dumb JBP fangirl in my very early twenties who went from libfeminism pro tranny pro porn bullshit straight into right wing JBP Ben Shapiro, Steven crowder, anti sjw anti woke garbage. It took me a year in that to finally break out of it and browsing here again after years of not lurking helped peak me, also just growing up a bit more and realizing how brainwashed I was by these male YouTubers and pro moid propaganda. I think a lot of it was nlogism and pickmeism, I thought I was so cool and unique and much better than other women. It was also because those right wing moid spaces were the only ones I saw at the time talking about the reality of troonism and AGP males, so I just sort of aligned the rest of my beliefs to match. After getting more involved in those spaces I started noticing how often those men and the tard right beliefs coincide with misogyny, racism, and pedophilia and that jump started my exit from that sphere of the internet. But it’s embarrassing to remember how retarded I used to be, and it’s weird to think about how different my beliefs are now. I sometimes browse my old tumblr and physically cringe and roll my eyes at how dumb and pickmeish I was.

No. 1902331

Thanks. No idea what happened he was acting like everything was fine. Guess he changed his mind and decided I wasn't even owed a conversation. He's just playing runescape right now I guess he'd rather do that than date me

No. 1902332

Really hate how these stupid platforms will warn me of me signing in from a known device, or known IP and location or won't let me log in if I don't verify myself yet have let retards from third world countries access my shit and change everything without warning. Google, Twitter, Instagram, even Facebook. Have been hacked on spotify and netflix before but I never get warnings about my log ins or any others so that's that. Yes I know this is a bit much to have compromised information on but it was all tied to one email and I've resolved it all since, just frustrated with it.

No. 1902337

That's exactly how it played out for me as well. Never had trust issues before. As cheesy as it sounds, I really thought he'd be 'the one' because it seemed like we fit like a puzzle piece. Hobbies, music taste, humour, plans for the future.. just everything. He courted me so much in the beginning and seemed like a genuine and repectful guy but holy shit I wish I never met him, honestly. The breakup was awful. He was rude and ice cold. I hate him but I'm still not over how he treated me. I don't know how I'm supposed to trust anyone either. I feel like I'm just super avoidant now, which obviously isn't fair to the new guy because he has nothing to do with it but I just can't go through this shit ever again.

No. 1902339

Nta but wasnt he in a car wreck? My former bff got in an accident and it changed her personality completely. She never was the same and she ghosted me too. Sorry nonna.

No. 1902341

Wow everything you wrote might have as well been written by me. 100% exact same situation. I feel for you nonna, I'm sorry you had to experience that as well. I wish I had some good advice to give to you (and me!) but alas, I don't, just know that I feel for you. I hope both of us can heal and move past our shitty exes.

No. 1902343

File: 1708952181002.jpg (140.16 KB, 564x752, 3d568b84fe027e6c2b7bfda8496845…)

Thank you nonny! I've heard of love bombing narcs before but that shit just creeps up on you once you're in it and start to catch feelings and you only realize the red flegs after the fallout. I'm sorry you had to experience it too and I hope you'll have more luck with your next relationship and that we'll never encounter such shitty moids again!

No. 1902350

Blessed anon, I'm 100% with you on this.

No. 1902353

i hate my dumb bitch sister
imagine being 24 and still acting like a 15 yo

this is what years of video games and partying instead of going forward with life does to a person

No. 1902373

Some woman I work with doesn’t believe women should be able to vote and is part of a church that thinks the same. Um what the fuck?! Blew my fucking mind. And she’s raising children…

No. 1902387

it's always sad when religion brainwashes women into believing that they're subhuman and undeserving of rights. even sadder when they have children (and they almost always do since they believe it is their purpose in life) because if the kids aren't exposed to anything outside their secular bubble they carry on the same ideologies into adulthood and the cycle continues

No. 1902394

>because if the kids aren't exposed to anything outside their secular bubble
That's probably the 1 good thing about screens and social media, it's pretty much next to impossible to raise your kids without epxosing them to outside influence unless you live in a cult.

Anyway I find it quite interesting this woman is against voting rights for women but works lol, not good enough to vote but good enough to fuel the economy hm

No. 1902404

I don’t understand how people expect you to (re?)integrate into having social connections when you’ve wanted to die every single day for years. When you live this way, it becomes impossible for you and normal people to relate to each other on anything other than surface level. There is something fundamentally different between your ways of experiencing life. I cannot relate to you, and if I stopped playing this character, you would not relate to me. The character and you might get along, but you and I are not even acquaintances.
I wish there was some app for finding suicidal or ex suicidal friends. Or even like local meetups. Fucking anything. I just need to talk to someone who understands personally what this is like.

No. 1902414

I've been trying to untangle two jewelry chains for over an hour now, this is so stupid and annoying

No. 1902422

i don’t know what the problem is with me but i’ve had sex like 12 times over the last 24 hours and I’m gonna keep going

No. 1902426

>I wish there was some app for finding suicidal or ex suicidal friends
I feel like that's a pretty sure way to find crazies or people who will drag you down with them.

No. 1902430

Years ago someone called me a lucky cow (not on LC) for never getting period cramps. She was right, I was a lucky cow. I wanna die. Painkillers please work, quick.

No. 1902437

paid 30 bucks for this dealership to adjust my headlights and these fuckers adjusted it so high that people flash their highbeams at me. now i have to figure out how to fix it myself because im not about to pay again for them to not fix shit properly.

No. 1902453

If you never got period pain and cramps and now all of a sudden you do it might be wise to get a checkup with your gyno. Hope you are in a country where it is free and that you can request a female doctor. Best wishes anon

No. 1902455

They either keep their mother's beliefs and don't think women should vote or get exposed to social media and troon out.

No. 1902456

Raspberry leaf tea helps my period cramps immensely

No. 1902462

Go on a hike uphill and it’ll help everything slide out of you

No. 1902470

I still think it should exist. Other people with specific problems are allowed to seek out friends who have experienced similar hardships, but suicidal people are just expected to keep it a secret and never find camaraderie with people who can understand what it’s like. I don’t think it’s fair. Personally I cannot fucking relate to people who go through life without wanting to die, and wouldn’t understand me either. Being chronically suicidal seriously affects my experience of life and I’ve never fucking ever been able to bond with anyone who understands, instead I have to play a phony character of a normal person. I’d like to have a a person I can actually be honest with and drop the exhausting charade. It’s incredibly isolating. And isolation is only further fuel for suicidal ideation. I don’t think it benefits suicidal people to not be able to connect with other people with the same problems. I’m just fucking sick of playing my character and lying through my teeth to everyone i know. I’m just fucking sick of it and I can’t take much more of it.

No. 1902475


I wish there was a period laxative that just made everything slide out in an evening or something.

No. 1902479

I don't know about an app, but online communities for (ex-)suicidal people exist, right?

No. 1902483

>anon don't eat your favourite food so i can offer it to your brother who doesn't like it later!
Fuck you. I already ate it.

No. 1902487

Based. He's a big boy, he can get his favorite food.

No. 1902504

nta but ime all of that just gives me period diarrhea, makes me pee 10000000 times more than usual, and makes my cramps worse (i know everyone says exercise and water is supposed to make it better but it does the total opposite for me and idk why, like it feels like I'm dying)

No. 1902510

>I wish there was some app for finding suicidal or ex suicidal friends
Sorry, you are going to have to use forums: https://sanctioned-suicide.net/ .
Places that talk about suicide keep a low profile for obvious reasons. I don't post or lurk there, so I have no idea with the users are like, as my suicidal feelings come in waves and are always due to some nonsense I'm going through at the time.

No. 1902513

My usual bus stop was taken away. I used to have a bench and a trash can. Now I have neither even though the bus still goes the same way. Wtf.

No. 1902515

Can we trade places.
I fucking hate the cold I’m so tired of winter and I just want to be warm again I am counting down to spring like a mad woman. I want to move south so bad

No. 1902518

Same anon. It's going to be 90 today. Fuck this, bring the cold back. At least it's foggy this morning.

No. 1902519

That’s scary, I’m thinking of you and i hope you will be okay.

No. 1902521

I'm scared of birth control, it seems like every woman has crazy side-effects from it and probably even more she doesn't know about yet. I would really like to bleed less during my periods because I'm severely anemic, but fuck it, I will just take the damn iron. I don't want to fuck with my hormones.

No. 1902524

Yeah, I tried it once and my period lasted weeks until I stopped taking it, they were more painful too. Not for everyone I think

No. 1902527

That's scary as fuck. And even if it stops your periods, your body can store up the lining over months and decide to expel it all at once as one huge clot (decidual cast). Fuck birth control.

No. 1902532

I'm in the same boat with anemia and fuck bc. Taking bc for anemia if you're not bleeding excessively is just a bandaid solution. If I've got to choose between a pill that puts iron in my body or a pill that messes with my hormones and has all sorts of side effects, why would you choose the latter?

No. 1902536

I just found out twitch is banned in my poorfag retarded islamic country how the fuck am i gonna realize my dream of getting paid to stream games now

No. 1902537

Last time I went on birth control, I bled for a whole year. Whenever I go to the doctor, they try to shill another brand or type of birth control and try to gaslight me into accepting it. I prefer my very painful period over all the things birth control did to my body. Obviously, the only thing I can do about the pain according to the doctors is shut up, take the birth control and some Advils.

No. 1902539

File: 1708962405077.png (1.08 MB, 1224x1192, 4b00x1.png)

I ruined the cake I made this morning bc I guess put too much blueberries into it and put it out of the oven way too early because the middle of it was still raw and liquid when I cut it. I'm mad at myself that I didn't test the dough with a pick before I took out because it looked already dry on the outside. Now I have wasted all the Ingrediens, which is Incredible wasteful.

No. 1902541

You can cut off the raw center and eat the rest.

No. 1902544

Not to mention, if you have iron-deficiency anemia, you also likely have low platelet count and/or small platelets, which makes it much harder for your blood to clot. This causes heavy menstrual bleeding which never fucking stops. If you get enough iron, you'll likely have much lighter periods.

How didn't you die from losing so much blood? Did you ever have to go to the ER? Maybe you might have to ask for an ultrasound, you may have uterine fibroids that you need to get removed. My mother also had horrible period pain due to fibroids.

No. 1902550

That site was founded by incels iirc, and plus, it’s not even what I’m looking for anyway. My goal is to find a way to live while being suicidal, make friends (hopefully irl) and do normal stuff with them while having a deeper understanding of each other due to shared issues, not join an online-only community of people actively trying to die and posting about that as the main topic.
Maybe the reason this doesn’t exist is that what I want doesn’t make sense to anyone else but me.

No. 1902551

I did and it doesn't good either kek

No. 1902555

FYI don't use sites like these. There was a case in my country just recently where an older moid (family father, of course) was contacting suicidal teenage girls and grooming them into completing the act under his watch. One girl died and he was meeting up with the next one to have her hang herself in front of him when luckily cops intervened and arrested him. It made me so sick

No. 1902559

today i'll pretend my boss doesn't want me to do something imposible without the expensive technolgy that it needs to be used to make it possible.
im fucked.

No. 1902564

What? I never heard of this, can you link us the case even if in another language?

No. 1902566

>he was meeting up with the next one to have her hang herself in front of him
That’s so beyond fucking sick. Like obviously grooming teenage girls and encouraging them to commit suicide so he can jerk it to the thought is fucking sick, but something about specifically facilitating the hanging of a teenage girl in front of you is beyond sinister. This man is so beyond dangerous and I really really hope his wife takes his kids far tf away and divorces him cause anyone who would stand by and watch someone die by hanging would definitely strangle someone to death. It’s such a slow and painful process. The fact that he wants to watch girls choke to death is I think what gets me so enraged. Not only did he encourage them and not help them, he didn’t even help them to die painlessly. I’d be less sickened if the scrote had procured guns or opiates or something.

No. 1902571

I feel hopeless about ever making friends. My main IRL hobby is niche and filled with boomers and I just can't relate to normies my age on several levels. I can mask well around them but my interactions with them feel shallow because we don't share much in common. My best friends are probably my Discord friends who have no friends IRL too. Feeling pretty pathetic.

No. 1902584

I know, realistically, I'm not a selfish or rude person, but college really makes me feel like it. I never approach people here and I hate when people approach me. I consider myself the problem rather than them. I don't think of socializing as a nuisance at all outside of a school setting (I go clubbing and partying nearly every week ffs), I just get frustrated over distractions from learning and not having the time in between classes all to myself. School is stressful enough for a low-attention-span idiot like me to begin with and my own home isn't a great studying environment either. I can't bring myself to kindly ask them to leave me alone (no idea how to do that anyway, my family conditioned me to avoid rather than confront) but it's too much for my brain to keep up with being amicable while focusing on what I need to be doing at the same time.

No. 1902588

I'm looking for it rn but my friend told me about it yesterday in person and it made/makes me too upset to want to ask for details. We're German and this happened on a German website if you want to take a look yourself. Some vigilante journalist (?) was working with the website owner in order to catch the guy. That's all I know

No. 1902594

I found something similar, but my friend was specifically talking about a teenage girl so I don't think this is it and it happens more than we know

another source: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/bgh-sadist-will-suizidgefaehrdete-frau-erhaengen-warum-der-schuldspruch-richtig-war-a-1216697.html
no screenshots bc anons can't read it anyway, summary instead:
>convinced a woman who was currently being treated at an in-patient facility to meet up with him, take sedatives and then hang herself. talked at her relentlessly to convince her there was no way out of suicide
>tried to coerce another young woman to let him hang her; duct tape and rope was found in his car

No. 1902595

Yeah the second link has a description of how this has been his "kink" for decades and he's previously been charged for a pretend hanging gone wrong with a prostitute. I want to scratch my eyes out

No. 1902601

I swear on birth control my mental health tanked, I felt oddly numb and dead inside when I had the implant in. The worst part is they kept putting me off when I wanted it to be removed, so I cut it out myself and haven't used it for 6 years. Lost weight and stomach bloating a few months after it came out too

No. 1902607

>so I cut it out myself and haven't used it for 6 years
Oh that made me physically cringe irl, that's awful.

No. 1902617

It was surprisingly easy, first they gave me a 2 month wait time and then a 3 month wait time so I just wanted it out. Just had to make a 1cm opening and squeezed it out

No. 1902620

Birth control made me severely depressed and my mental health improved when I stopped it. My gynecologist denied that it was a factor in my depression.

No. 1902623

That's incredible that you did it by yourself, but it's also horrifying that you had to cut it out yourself. Why do doctors have to be so unhelpful? Fucking hell.

No. 1902630

Only two more years until this boomer colleague goes to retirement. Two more years of her fecking bullshit. Lord, give me the strength to tolerate it two more bloody years and then finally have a full work team of colleagues that are having fun doing their job.

No. 1902632

My dad used to physically and verbally assault me as a kid when he was trying to "teach" me math. Literally why? How is threatening someone to understand something make any sense? Fucking autistic subhuman.

No. 1902635

I had a dream that I made out with my shitty ex-roommate after he changed his life around. Ew. It felt totally logical at the time and only once I woke up did I realize what happened. And now I feel disgusted and want to flay my own skin off. Could have had a hot husbando dream but nooo my brain apparently wants redemption for awful irl people. Pray for me nonnies, I hate everything.

No. 1902697

X-posting from the locked relationship advice thread but this is a vent as well.
I had a 4 hour long conversation with my boyfriend last night. I feel like there's huge miscommunication issues with us because he's getting the notion I want him to drop everything he's doing right then and there. This is since January of him coming home being warn out where whenever we see each other, he can barely think because he's so overworked, when we're out with friends he's glaring into the distance, a bunch of sighing and saying he's depressed and then telling me how much the line of work he does sucks, but it's necessary for him to do so he can pay bills and rent and not sell his soul out and not do weekends. I don't know what else to do when he says all this work he does eventually goes nowhere and it's unstable, on top of seeing how he can barely function when he's out of work and him saying how the field he works in is so corrupt and broken and doesn't appreciate the education he went through and pays like shit, other than to tell him, "Babe, maybe you should consider doing something else in the meantime." And he views it as me telling him he's at fault for continuing to work in his field and he needs to drop everything right now. He'll repeat to me that I wouldn't truly understand unless I was in his shoes. I certainly wouldn't want to be in his shoes because I've been in a similar enough position before where I would dread hearing my phone ringing, I couldn't have a social life, I would escape this living hell as soon as I could and that's what I did. I'm not trying to say that he's at fault at all and that he's not trying to better his life, but I honestly don't know what else to say. And I tried to ask him how could I be saying it better, but he said he has no idea. It's like his work is this bad, I can't hold a conversation of my concern with him. I eventually got it to him by saying how I used to take him saying how everything is expensive and I misunderstood it as him saying I don't want us to spend money on anything at all and he seemed to be able to understand where I was coming from. Like obviously I'm not going to try to say "Wow baby that sucks, maybe you should suck it up and pull yourselves up by the bootstraps, people are dying all over the world, you should be grateful that you at least have work" it sounds so insensitive and completely dismissive to his feelings. I don't know. I apologized for not being able to communicate in a way he wouldn't take offense at my own words, but now I question how he'll take my own words in the future. I just hope this next coming year this doesn't haopen again. I can't fucking take this, I hate seeing him being like a zombie from work. Him acting like I'm just supposed to be okay that him being worn out is nothing to worry about, like of course I'd expect him to be worn out given what he's doing, but am I supposed to suck it up and be okay seeing him this way?

No. 1902717

Hate the way I attach and the people who “return” my feelings.
No one loves the way I do, no one will love me with the intensity and vigour I give. Sure they come running to me because they enjoy the attention but they never see value in me, only other people. Even if we date I can feel that they don’t actually like me. It’s obvious.
I have a shit ton to offer and they acknowledge it, usually more than they can ever offer me. I don’t mind this because I go nuts about them anyway and all I want to do is care for them, but it’s a fact. People in general like me and I get flirted with by both sexes, I know I’m a catch.
What the fuck more do they want? What more do I want, really? Even if I “win” I’m not happy it seems because it’s not the way I want to win.
I don’t want to be cursed like this anymore. I want to feel normal amounts of affection, not go completely off my rocker. Unhinged game is not the ability I want.
I’m in pain.

No. 1902728

File: 1708975297995.jpg (197.46 KB, 1080x1920, skeleton-wallpaper-whatspaper.…)

My boyfriend is 100% trying to fatten me up so I can have a bigger ass and it pisses me off to no end.

He keeps on suggesting to go to the gym and doing glute focused work outs and every time it fills me up with this crazy rage. I do not work out to have a fat ass. I cannot motivate myself to work out solely for the purpose of looking a certain way, nor can I motivate myself to work out solely because my boyfriend finds it attractive. I exercise purely for my own goals and having him make this suggestions just kill me inside.

It's not even that I'm unfit. I'm 5'7 and 130lb. I run 30-1 hr daily, and lift 3 times a week on top of rock climbing 3 times a week AND hiking on the weekends. I fucking love cardio and training "functional" strength. It's not about looking like I have a dumpy and slim waist but feeling fucking STRONG. I train my cardio/lifting mostly to climb hard, and having him suggest to work my routine around having a fat ass… it's insulting. It serves me no benefit other than looking like I have a fat ass. I just want to tell HIM to train 3x solely for a fat ass, telling him to neglect his other fitness goals. FUCK OFFFFFF!!!!!!!! I love having a ripped upper body and being able to do lots of pull ups. I love having a built upper body, it's really awesome for the sports that I do.

Sorry guys.

No. 1902730

suggest him the same

No. 1902732

He sounds gay.
I second this.

No. 1902752

the disrespect some of you put up with is insane, why stay with someone who doesn't appreciate you as is?

No. 1902761

I wish there was chicken soup flavored gum. Sometimes I start craving something savory but I’m not hungry. Like right now. My mouth wants to eat something salty and umami but I’m not actually hungry. I used to snack when I felt this way until I realized I was never actually hungry, I just craved a taste.

No. 1902767

Imagine having a fit as fuck girlfriend and still being dissatisfied with her body ffs. You sound cool anon, don't let your bf talk you down.

No. 1902770

Break up with this homo

No. 1902775

Start suggesting he do exercises to slim down his hips, it’ll make his dick look bigger.

No. 1902776

It seems like people nowadays have an increasingly black and white mentality towards fictional characters. I've seen so many complaints about how there are no pure evil villains anymore and shitting on series that feature morally grey characters. They also seem to hate it when the "good" protagonist makes a questionable choice. There's this weird demand for very simple storytelling where good people are just good and evil people are just evil and anything else is game of thrones trash?? Why can't evil characters be well rounded and have depth too? Why do we need to portray them as something non-human, impossible to relate to. In reality is just shows that ANY of us could make shitty choices and evil people are just people that chose to do terrible things. It's like the audience doesn't want to be confronted with the idea that they could also be the "villain" in someone's else story. Also generally speaking, complete psychopaths with zero empathy or remorse make fucking boring villains.

No. 1902782

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God I hate some of the clients we work with. How are you going to bitch that a warranty return hasn't been picked up yet when your retarded ass didn't tell us the correct address to get it picked up at? You saw all the paperwork I sent you with the wrong address on it—why wouldn't you tell me right away you need it picked up elsewhere? Actual morons working at some of these companies I swear

No. 1902784

I hate the stupid voice in the back of my head that tells me I got into a hobby too late. I wanted to get into cosplay for years but I was too anxious and the thought of people looking at me, taking pictures at cons etc. scared me shitless. Now I finally started and I love it, but as a woman in my late 20s, it for some reason really bothers me how much cosplay-related content online comes from literal middle schoolers. I know it's a stupid mindset to have over a hobby and that there are so many cosplayers my age or older, but I can't shake the feeling that I waited too long and now I'm getting my first awkward experiences in at almost 30 while kids half my age are doing way better than me.

No. 1902790

File: 1708977684979.png (2.57 MB, 1914x1492, Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 12.03…)

Thanks for sharing my rage, it makes me feel less unreasonably mad. I'll figure out a snarky remark sometime, but I feel like it's more of a waste of energy than just doing what I'm doing and ignoring his boy-ish and inconsiderate suggestions.
The immaturity present in men is neverending. Although he appreciates me in other ways, sometimes they just miss so brutally by diminishing you without the intent of doing so. The problem starts that lots of men equate fit women = aesthetic reasons only. No shame whatsoever to women who exercise to look good, but A LOT of dudes fail to realize that fitness doesn't look one way, especially if they are sucked into one corner of fitness. They have the OOG OOG… INSTAGRAM BOOTY… monkey brain.
it's easier to stay with people with occasionally bad takes when you can just separate yourself enough from them to not let it sink in too deeply.

No. 1902792

I shouldn’t have eaten this week, damn it.

No. 1902793

Watching my bff consume herself over her relationship of almost 7 years where she was the one who always made a compromise has been eyeopening throughout the years.
Girl, dump him, the situation will never change, you're suffering for nothing,you've been room mates instead of lovers for at least the past 3 years. sex is nonexistent, get the fuck out , you still have time to find someone. I know it's hard but you want to stay because of habit.
From the outside it's so easy to see how miserable she and this whole thing is, it makes me so sad.

No. 1902797

I was terrified to age as a teenager, accepted aging in my 20s and am now back to being terrified. Not because of looks or anything superficial like that, but because I now have a surprise condition that causes chronic pain and so many of my loved ones around my age or a little older are having issues as well, some potentially life-threatening. It's scary to see your body go into decline. I know people of all ages deal with health issues, but the chances only increase as you get older. What I have can't be cured either, only managed.

No. 1902798

damn anon no shade but people like you are the reason i stay sigle. Dating moids sounds like babysitting a hulking tard moid that disrespects you and gets angry and punches walls if you dont give him nuggies or sex.

No. 1902799

Wow anon, I could have wrote this except it was an online bf she's been chasing for 10+ years. Ended up ending the friendship because male attention was more important to her than anything else.

No. 1902800

So you’re gonna dump him, right…

No. 1902805

No she’s going go stay with the guy who doesnt even like how she looks

No. 1902814

me too nona. can you imagine if this were reversed and she were implying he should be doing stretches or buying a pump to make his dick bigger because she thinks he's not big enough for her? her moid would no doubt fly into a tard rage and punch holes in the walls before leaving her kek

No. 1902821

I understand how you feel because I'm in a similar situation but with lolita fashion. I've always loved it and have always read a lot about it since the mid 00's but am only getting into it myself now. It's ok, we will be ok.

No. 1902825

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Post the break-up text. Yes, you shouldn't even meet him to do so.

No. 1902834

That’s mature of you anon. Maybe the next time he says it ask him why? Who is he comparing you to? What’s wrong with your ass as is? If it bothers him so much that he keeps bringing it up maybe he wants to be with a different woman whose willing to capitulate to his demands/already has a butt that he likes? Why’s he trying to change you (your physicality/how you spend your time/what you value about your appearance and/or health)?

No. 1902838

>I run 30-1 hr daily, and lift 3 times a week on top of rock climbing 3 times a week AND hiking on the weekends.
Damn how do you have time to do all this? I wish I can be as active as you. Your bf sounds like a massive fag.

No. 1902845

It's not so clear cut. He just makes silly suggestions that fail to see me for who I am. No man is perfect, and, fortunately, I'm not insecure enough for it to be something worth breaking up over. We've been in a relationship for 4 years. It's an eye-rolling statement that will peeve me until I find a moment to let him know it annoys me. We live together, so >>1902825 won't work.
The Why is already understandable. Why wouldn't a man want to convince their already fit girlfriend to work more on their glutes? My ass is definitely nothing remarkable given my fitness goals, and I totally agree that he shouldn't be comparing my body with other women. I'd like to hope that a man wouldn't choose one woman over another solely based on ass metrics. It's no real threat to me, and I can understand that it's just a generic preference. My prediction or guess is that when we first started dating, I was unfit and kind of chubby with a lot of weight in my ass. Over the years of the relationship, I started really getting into fitness and lost a lot of weight in that department. He just misses it and probably doesn't know how to articulate it to me without hurting my feelings, hence "you should try working out your glutes more with x and x" blah blah.
I try my absolute best to make time for it. It didn't start out that way though, I just would see "cracks" in my schedule that would account for more activities. If I don't exercise, I feel very anxious and restless so it's basically as important as eating/sleeping for me.
There's ALWAYS time to run, 30 minutes is really nothing. As for lifting and climbing, I stagger them throughout the week depending on how rested I feel. Sometimes I do a light climbing session and then lift after, or vice versa. Same with hiking, on the weekend I always have a hike planned prior.
I'd say the biggest time sink is really all the stretching, yoga, and meal planning that surrounds it.

No. 1902848

File: 1708981659143.jpg (106.67 KB, 1200x675, Copium-Meme-Pepe-.jpg)

>He misses the ass I had when I was fat that's why he want me to build muscle in it anons…! You don't understand…!

No. 1902851

You just know he’s always disappointed looking at her ass because it isnt like the ones he’s actually fantasizing about

No. 1902853

Last night I couldn’t fall asleep when I wen to bed at 11:00 PM and was awake until 2:30 AM

No. 1902855

Why do women stay with men who clearly don’t like them. It’s sad but when they start to justify it, it feels pathetic.
You’re correct!

No. 1902856

>no man is perfect
And yet women are rarely the ones pulling this batshit fucked stuff on their partners. Quit being a retard and dump. Hurr durr “I’m not insecure enough unlike you nonnies”— no you just need to love yourself and stop taking shit

No. 1902859

kek that image always gets me. Hey you have to cope somehow if your bf is 100% trying to fatten you up so you can have a bigger ass and it pisses you off to no end.

No. 1902860

She's so high on copium our comments must appear to her as geroglyphics. All this exercise yet her best gym routine is mental gymnastics.

No. 1902861

I added the eyelashes in 5 secs in paint hoping it would give better immersion to the needing nonnie. This is my weekly good action.

No. 1902863

I love getting drunk on my plane kek

No. 1902866

>”I’m not insecure enough unlike you nonnies”
It’s so crazy because she actually is extremely insecure to stay with a man who doesn’t like her

No. 1902868

im sick and i miss my nigel

No. 1902871

I’m sure he misses you too nonna

No. 1902883


No. 1902885

So, basically, if you live in China, you're not allowed to talk badly about the government on any platform unless you are an animal abuser/child groomer posting torture clips and talking about wanting to kill women and babies. In that case, you can pretty much do or say whatever you want, and it's the people who reported you that get in trouble. Pure hilarity.

No. 1902887

I just realised I waited for this shirt to come back to the store for a YEAR. Therefore I deserve to order it right away

No. 1902930

Told the goblins I live with that I was going to use the blow up pool and tree swing that have been sitting unopened for four years this summer. What do I get told today? “The tree is going to be cut down and lawn ripped up.” Fucking assholes won’t let me have any fun.

No. 1902935

my dad has turned into an ugly morose grumpy old man i hate the fact that i hate him now and i mourn the loss of his old personality. Cannot hold the most basic conversation. Always moody. Doesn’t shower and stinks all the time. It pisses me off

No. 1902947

you are welcome. i love you to nonna.

No. 1902951

I'm am soooo unhealthy obsessed with a select few people (and their not lolcows or people on this site), and honestly it has been really fucking with me lately. Honestly, I don't even want to be obsessed with them anymore but I don't know how to stop. They're not people who know that I exist, they're just people I found online. IDK why I do the things I do. Like when I say I'm obsessed with them, I mean it has gotten really bad within the last three months. It must be because I've also been feeling like shit the last three months? Or maybe it's the other way around? I genuinely don't know how to stop.

No. 1902956

What is it about these people in particular that you think has you so fixated?

No. 1902969

They were both people who I used to like (or thought I liked) and saw them making some fandom stuff and videos on youtube. Then basically I came to dislike both of them strongly for saying things I strongly disagree with (one is a misogynist and the other is a gendie, completely unrelated). Now I'm obsessed with 'hatewatching'. To be fair, the more unknown person I've known about for a long time and was very disappointed to find out he's basically a POS. Maybe I'm still watching because I secretly hope it wouldn't be true? IDK. I'm very active in fandom spaces in general, and I know that mindset is not very good, even if you get along with most people.

No. 1902976

I am the same way, nonna. Let me know if you figure it out kek

No. 1902991

There is a fujo in one of my classes and every fucking week this woman smells like a sewage. I remember first week of class I wanted to compliment the hashihime stickers on her laptop but she gave off this rotting odour as soon as I walked up to her, at the time I assumed it was something else in the room but she STILL reeks of it. I dont know if she just doesnt shower or if there’s another underlying problem but it makes me sick to my stomach

No. 1903009

Same. I only attract guys who can't get anyone else, so when they meet me they start obsessing and "falling in love" without even getting to know me. The last time this happened, he lovebombed me because I was the only option he had who wasn't obese or old. Then when he actually got to know me and realized I'm my own person, he disappeared. It sucks not being pretty.

No. 1903018

Same, mine chased me for about two years and our romance developed very slowly. As soon as he "had me", he lost interest. Literally a week after we had sex, he was gone. When I cried and asked him why he claimed I was "TOO EASY". I didn't put out for TWO YEARS and was a virgin, yet he claimed I was too easy and mansplained that "There's something called playing hard to get, you should learn how to do that." I spent weeks having daily panic attacks and numbing myself with pills.

No. 1903023

I’m so fucking sick of AI art. I saw a photo of a cool-looking house this morning, and I just automatically assumed it had to be AI. All sense of magic and wonder, or thinking “wow where is this magical place! This designer or architect did an amazing job” is just gone because I assume everything is AI now.

No. 1903044

I really hate when anons randomly start blogging about their lives outside of /ot/ no one gives a damn

No. 1903045

I wish we could chat in private nonnie because this is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I'm trying to integrate back into society and have tried getting to know people but we're worlds apart. At this point I'm trying to accept being alien and only having surface level connections. It's the loneliest feeling ever because no amount of friends or lovers can fix it. I'm still all alone on the inside.

No. 1903048

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My ex (who I broke up with) sent me this meme about a semi-obscure album (Transylvanian Hunger). When we were together we used to wear matching shirts with the album cover on it. When I replied he apologized and said he didn’t mean to send it. He sent me it a day ago but I only saw it an hour ago. When I told him it’s ok if he doesn’t want to speak to me because I don’t want to hurt his feelings any more he said that he was ok with being in contact but he didn’t want anything romantic or sexual. I’m so confused

No. 1903049

He's testing the waters, eventually he'll try to make it sexual or romantic

No. 1903057

how do i deal with a friend who's a massive proship asshole? she was groomed into this shit as a kid and is now a hypersexual gendie with no friends aside from me, unless you count her circle of fellow freaks. i'm tired of trying to explain to her that this shit is unhealthy and that she needs therapy, only to be shut down with "iTs JuSt fIcTiOn, wHy Do YoU CaRe aBouT FiCtiOn?" GIRL I care about YOU. it's clear she just wants to hang out in an echo chamber that won't shatter the illusion of control over her trauma. even though she's essentially self harming with this shit. i'm younger than her (about a 1.5 year difference) yet i see clear as day what her freak porn is doing to her. and she's always an ass when i try to talk her out of it, whether i'm gentle or harsh. the fuck do i do? walk away or try talking to her again, or…idfk. i'm tired, man.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1903062

Where the fuck do you twitterfags come from? Fuck off with your proship whining

No. 1903065

I hate having to go to the doctor so much. I've had type one diabetes for over 20 years, and I got it kind of late for a kid, so at this point I'm also starting to accumulate complications and pre-complications
I tried my hardest not to get sicker. It wasn't good enough. I get scolded fir it all the time like I don't hate myself for it already
There's never a single day or night off, you know
I got violated really badly by a gyno when I was 17, and I keep hoping that I'm over it, but when the gyno sticks whatever in there, I just start fucking crying.
I felt so bad for this nurse, she's the first one to ever ask me if I wanted her to stop
I'm so tired of all of this and I also have a separate history of sexual abuse from when I was 6, and then the medical industry is just fuckin full of sneaky covert abuse
And no one can handle me talking about my problems
And councilors/therapists either won't believe me or just literally don't understand my medical issues so they don't understand why I'm upset
No one believes a whole elementary school would cover up child abuse
So you tell a couple therapists and find out, yeah, no one will believe you.
I don't know what it is properly, but I think in like fifthish grade, I started doing this thing when I would get too upset, where like, I would kind if separate into two parts, like nit two separate physical entities, but still somehow two mes experiencing different things, the physical one experiencing something bad, and the part that would kind peel off and just kind of watch the rest of me from the outside.
I can't stand all of this. My mother can't stand how sad I am, but I can't help it no matter how hard I try; I told my pcp that I was biking fir two hours every single day and still not feeling better, and he said try three then.
I just feel like I don't matter. I just feel like all that matters is that my body stays alive for my mom and my body stays sick so my doctors can make money, and my soul just doesn't matter.
I actually want to start peeling apart again. I'm so beat. I can feel it trying to happen again thus year, and it's been a long time.
I'm so fucking beat though

No. 1903085

Twitterfag spotted. You’re not better than your genderspecial buddy just because you don’t post ships that you think are icky and browse totally unproblematic spaces such as lolcow.farm. Go find a real problem.

No. 1903093

it will feel so satisfying when they finally come apart I love detangling necklaces so much it’s stupid. use a pin to push space into any knots (sorry if this is obvious)

No. 1903096

Wtf is a proship or what pairings does she like

No. 1903107

bf absolutely smothers me. always has to be around, always hugging or kissing or touching. never shuts up. I am so introverted and I work with the public and I come home so tired of being on and need a lot of downtime and peace and quiet and he feels like since his personality is the opposite I shouldn’t get short with him when I’m feeling smothered and touched out. like fuck off man. Leave me alone. I don’t feel bad for you. I know you missed me cause I was at work. We live together. It’s insanity. He makes me feel like I’m mean for this but he acts like a puppy dog who was crated while I was away all day not like a grown ass man with agency.

No. 1903111

sounds like you’re dating one of my exes. Pretty sure he’s still like this, he was like this at age 19 I’d be surprised if he is suddenly better about it as a 32 year old (I suspect that’s why he’s dating someone 8 years younger than him). Guys like that never change.

No. 1903112

Canada's so fucking stupid, my goodness. Wtf is this new bill?
>The Online Harms Act, tabled Monday, proposes to police harmful content online. The Act defines harmful content through seven categories:
>Intimate content posted without consent.
>Content that sexually victimizes a child or revictimizes a survivor.
>Content used to bully a child.
>Content that encourages a child to harm themselves.
>Content considered hate speech.
>Content that incites violence.
>Content that incites terrorism.
I will continue saying troons are men and go to jail if this shit passes.

No. 1903113

Please also post this in the Canada thread.

No. 1903114

holy dystopia, this is going to be used to police anti troon sentiments above all else. I’m assuming a conservative gov will do away with this when Trudeau is inevitably ousted? I hope???

No. 1903118

My friend's cat is in awful condition but she refuses to put it down, it pains me how much that poor baby is suffering just because her owner refuses to face reality. It has cancer and for a month now and it's been basically paralyzed an unable to move on top of traumatizing vet visits. Now she's giving it pills she found online somewhere to 'cure' the cancer, which is pretty much incurable even if she made the cat go through chemo. I feel horrible for the cat.

No. 1903119

I just got awful news. My little sister's liver shut down. She now has jaundice. We don't know how long she has. She has a DNR order so they're just trying to make her comfortable until she passes. I hate the moid doctor that stole her life, she was never supposed to be heavily disabled like she is. I have a week vacation in two weeks, I will spend the most time I can with her.

No. 1903121

I am so eternally grateful to be in a loving, happy relationship with a man that I worship(wrong thread )

No. 1903125

I think, that for the good of all the cats in that area, those Chinese cat feeding livestreams need to stop, and fast. They are hotspots to sickos, and there’s already been deaths. I know that it’s objectively a nice thing to feed the stray cats, but it’s starting to become more of a danger than a service. No amount of petitions or exposing these freaks is gonna stop them, and these stations are starting to value money over the animals lives. RIP Glutinous Rice Ball.

No. 1903127

I’m so sorry anon that is so scary for you and for her and your family. How old is she? Why is her liver failing and what did that shitty doctor do to her??

No. 1903128

I understand if you’re not religious but I’m praying for your sisters health nonna

No. 1903135

My sister lacked oxygen at birth because he was a drunk incompetant (my sister is not his only victim). As a result she has cerebral palsy and very bad epilepsy. She takes a lot of medicine and it caused her liver to finally shut dowm. She is only 32 years old. She had a great life. My mom sacrificed everything to give her the best life she could. We knew it would happen eventually, but now that it is the time I don't know how to deal with it.

My sister says she can talk to an angel that comforts her and tell her that they will leave together when she is ready. We are not religious at all, but we feel like she's protected somehow. Thank you.

No. 1903138

I’m so glad I found my husband and no one else did. I can’t imagine anyone else being able to treat him right.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1903152

Part of the thwaites glacier has collapsed, o fuck nonnies. I fully believe that “the beach” won’t exist in 7 years, and I’m beginning to worry my city won’t either. I do really think we’re about to witness climate horror beyond our comprehension and there’s nothing we can do about it at this point.

No. 1903153

Fuuuck i want to be done with this shit so i can start making money.

No. 1903157

Same, this is me with metal single/album covers and tour posters. Just assume it’s AI.

No. 1903168

I like my personal trainer, but if I hit on him and he rejects it, I'll:
1) be super dejected because it's rarer for women to get rejected apparantly so it would destroy me
2) end up cancelling our sessions and seem butt-hurt
3) stop going to the gym
He is so sweet and cute, though, but also I have no confidence lately.

No. 1903169

We’re looking at potentially 2 ft and up to 10 ft rise in sea level.

No. 1903170

I think for maximum your self esteem W you should mentally place him as off limits/friend tier and appreciate the eye candy so you can keep accomplishing your goals

No. 1903173

How do people, especially women, get into these relationships? I automatically assume the worst, because moids tend to be a bit more calculated as well as fickle when they sense a woman adores them. Maybe I just have F-tier luck because love has always been a see-saw situation for me…

No. 1903179

it's bait retard

No. 1903181

>being in a relationship is bait
I don’t really know how I got as lucky as I did, but he is such a gentleman and I feel privileged to take care of him and offer my love to him. I hope all of you experience love like this whether it’s with your nigel or your lady.

No. 1903183

No. 1903185

Happy for you nonners but the word “worship” sounds kinda red flag-y.

No. 1903187

What does that have to do with this? Are pleasant feelings actually not allowed on here anymore

No. 1903189

Time for the neckbeard to shit up lolcow again in lieu of ever having an intimate moment with a non family member.(contributing to bait)

No. 1903190

No, but you already know it because youa re trying to bait.

No. 1903192

My post is serious. Do you think every joyful post is supposed to be bait

No. 1903193

There is a weird janny that gets pissy at any woman here that isn't a femcel I was the victim of them a while back. Sorry I fuck and don't just sit inside my house all day rubbing my clit to anime boys.

No. 1903194

The thread title is vent. Are you a retard?

No. 1903196

Yeah that's what I was just doing lady

No. 1903197

I guess they just don’t understand.

No. 1903201

Theres a positivity thread for positive posts nonna. The vent thread is usually for complaining or releasing stress. Happy that you found a nice scrote but like a nonna said above, using the word "worship" in reference to how you feel about him doesn't sound healthy. But to each their own ig

No. 1903202

Redirect me if I'm putting this in the wrong thread plz

Over the past few months I think I've come to the conclusion that I'm not sexually attracted to my boyfriend anymore. We have a complicated sexual history, for the first year of us dating it was like pulling teeth trying to fuck him.

It was humiliating. No matter what I did or say, nothing enticed him. He would inadvertently humiliate me by pulling up porn during sexy moments or by walking away immediately after cumming, even if I hadn't finished. He had his own hangups about sex and it was effecting me by extension. And to answer the inevitable, "Why didn't you leave?" I don't know. I should've but I didn't,for lots of reasons that probably aren't good ones.

We're currently 2 years into our relationship, and while sex is easier to initiate, it's the same exact routine every time. Try to get him to do anything other touch me for 45 seconds before rolling on top of me and pumping away for 10-15 min was, again, like pulling teeth. He used to complain about how long it takes me to finish too. Thankfully he's more attentive, doesn't complain and actually reciprocates now sexually, but it just feels like it's too late. He sucked all the fun out of sex for me. I've lost interest. I don't care. It's not fun for me, and whenever he tries to initiate I get nervous and try to change subjects. When we do have sex, it feels like a chore. I honestly just end up dissociated staring at the ceiling until he's done.

I feel bad because it's the same thing he used to do to me, but I can't help it. I don't think I want to break up with him, he's my best friend and we live together and so everything's so tied up. He's a good guy and we've supported each other through very dark moments, so idk how to handle this feeling. Sometimes I wonder if I'm broken from my birth control/psych meds too, but I've been on the same meds for awhile so idk why that would start happening. Not sure how to feel overall

No. 1903204

I miss dumbass shit because you could make any kind of post and not be policed about where it’s supposed go

No. 1903205

If you dont want anons to tell you the obvious you could go the relationship advice thread on /g/. Otherwise, dump him.

No. 1903207

How did you meet? Is he super attractive, or you learned to like him as time went on?

No. 1903208

Sexual compatibility matters. Some people might tell you it doesn't but it massively does. Do you think you'll be happy seeing the act of love making as a chore for life just because you found a really good housemate?

Dumbass thread is still there, quality has just went to shit due to the zoomers

No. 1903209

I wish we could just have a separate board that allowed personality fagging to some extent and also have it house dumbass shit without it being autosaged. I know they’re breaking the rules but a lot of personalityfags are hilarious, mostly talking about kirbyanon and the warriors of darkness schizo.

No. 1903210

Sounds gay, isn't there some other place you can all migrate too

No. 1903211

Oh, this brought you comfort? Well let's just destroy that. Oh, you trusted this? think again, you can't trust anything. Oh, you found a little hope? Let's just squash that. Oh, is this something you loved? Now it's mangled and re-formed into something that makes you sick.

The universe is telling me to give up.

No. 1903212

We met online a decade ago, he is incredibly beautiful

No. 1903213

pics or he's fat and bald

No. 1903215

I’ll let you ladies think he’s fat and bald I gotta protect his identity I don’t want to fuck up his career kek

No. 1903216

>and not be policed about where it’s supposed go
>she doesn't remember the movie grid incident

No. 1903217

I know I'm going to obsess over him and it's driving me CRAZY not getting a direct rejection from him, and plus I pay him to train me so if he's uninterested then I don't want to give him my money. I almost want to stab him. I can always find another hot trainer if this goes south…

No. 1903218

Why would his career be hurt?

No. 1903220

he probably told her he's an FBI undercover agent

No. 1903222

He's a famous only fans whore. I met him because i was his top pay piggy. He also likes to fuck other girls and calls me fat but that's ok because i worship him.

No. 1903223

AYRT the off chance that some of his patients could use this website is deterring me lmao

No. 1903224

He probably is. The person sperging about their nigel rn reminds me of the girl sperging about her's earlier today and described him as a "skinny armoured skeptic" kek. I just know they're dating some unattractive dude and sperging about it here to delude themselves otherwise.

No. 1903225

No shoes no shirt and I still get service!

No. 1903227

I have to sperg about it here because I’ve got no friends and my parents get annoyed with me gushing about my scrotal pretty quick

No. 1903228

it's a baiter lol she's trying to stirr the pot. She already got banned before for making the same retarded super obvious bait posts >>>/meta/71476

No. 1903229

ntayrt but there have been several anons posting about their moids since that post you tagged was made, so how are we supposed to know if its a personalityfag or just a pool of posters

No. 1903231

There's an entire thread on /g/ for sperging about this tho

No. 1903232

Fat Becca??

No. 1903233

which thread? Husbandoposting is for anime men not actual boyfriends and husbands

No. 1903235

There's a Nigel thread in /g

No. 1903237

The one and only.

No. 1903238

How's Sylar

No. 1903239

No. 1903240

boys boys boys we like boys in cars(spam)

No. 1903241

I would've kms with onion getting investigated too, no way all those discords didn't have CP. Anyway your taste in men is shit.

No. 1903243

10-15 minutes of thrusting Jesus h Christ that is the stuff of nightmares honestly you shouldn’t have to endure this

No. 1903244

Just want to say that theres threads dedicated to posting about one's "nigel" if you think theyre good enough to talk about. I cant police the threads but I do find the random spergouts about nigels in unrelated threads annoying. Theres so many spaces for moids where women arent talked about (or when talked about, are in an extreme negative way). Just makes it seem like this site, thats mostly full of autistic women, can't just stick to topics/subjects of interest without a random nigel moid being brought up. Makes me feel like it's impossible to have the same type of spaces moids get to have.

No. 1903245

Wouldn't get your knickers in a twist over the male baited he posts around this time. Samefagging and derailing. In the UK he comes an hour after the witching hour.

No. 1903246

>ugh this website of women can’t stop posting about the other specimen that their genetics are organically attracted to
You’re gonna be really chimping when you find out about all of the other women irl

No. 1903248

Men post less about women because they’re less emotional as opposed to women. We’ve been over this like 25,009 times

No. 1903249

do you think the mods sleep like honk shoo honk shoo or honk mimimi(wrong thread)

No. 1903250

File: 1709009958259.png (403.64 KB, 600x600, 0043.png)

No. 1903251

I hate to break it to you, but that's the whole point of us being here, not to be around obnoxious normie women.

No. 1903253

Suffice to say the quality of the dumbass shit thread suffered long ago. There were signs of shitty memes and reaction pictures of the very shit kind. So much so some faggot got far too comfortable hanging out that since it's been autosaged he's been baiting every single day. A testament as to why the thread should never be bumped again.

No. 1903256

Can you all please stop responding to bait and shitposts and just report them like I am doing because you keep bumping the thread and giving them attention.

No. 1903258

if being capable of feeling love makes me and other women obnoxious normies then i’ll take that

No. 1903259

I want to exploit moids and make money off of hot moids in degrading scenes and things. I want to make retro-style, beautiful, nostalgic homoerotic horror erotica.
I just don't have the confidence, and I hate how much hate women get for wanting to exploit moids the way moids exploit women.
I also don't know where to start.

No. 1903260

I am taking a course that I need to get an A on so I can apply to grad school and I just bombed one quiz and got dropped a whole letter grade. I already asked for extra credit and she basically said just do better and to never ask her that again. Her exact words "some people aren't cut out for this field and this class is to help students reflect on if this subject is worth studying for them" I feel so helpless and depressed. I'm not even halfway through the semester.

No. 1903261

I’d rather be a normie than miserable and immediately believe that any positive post I see must be bait and can’t possibly be a reality

No. 1903263

Oh, one of THOSE teachers. I suggest emailing her and getting those snarky responses in writing. I'm sorry anon.

No. 1903264

tbf it IS a vent thread. Lol.

No. 1903265

You should start by doing it nonny!

No. 1903266

stop responding to the retarded baiter already, it's a man

No. 1903268

Is there another class taught by a different prof you can take? This is nuts

No. 1903271

I love being a woman and typing out these responses because I just wonder to myself how you react when you disagree with other women in person. Which I don’t really understand what the point is of overresponding and minimodding all because you don’t like that another user is happy and you’re not.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1903273

Can we make not talking about men an /ot/ rule if we’re going to start whipping every user who mentions a male with a cat o nine tails?

No. 1903274

I miss Dobson. I am sad we missed his inevitable tranny arc.

No. 1903279

File: 1709012097752.gif (2.21 MB, 480x270, ezgif-2-62f92830fc.gif)

Nta and not involved in this discussion but
>you don’t like that another user is happy and you’re not

No. 1903280

I actually have some of it in writing, but I'm not sure what I can do with it. She is known to be rude and difficult and no one cares really.
She is the only one teaching the class in my uni, which is unfortunate. I knew this before I took the class but I had no choice.

No. 1903282

Kek, she does have that vibe

No. 1903284

Thats from a fake TV show that glamorizes drug addiction and sexual abuse

No. 1903285

Not trying to infight at all but do you think scripted TV is real life? If that was the case we’d all be fucking on Jacob Elordi

No. 1903286

Do you think it could be more useful to redirect your support to actual victims of DA on lolcow instead of projecting your negative emotions onto those of us who are exercising our American right to freedom of speech by making posts about our healthy, happy relationships?

No. 1903287

being this dedicated to some obvious gay low effort bait is peak mental illness

No. 1903289

really angers me when those older than me talk down to me like i'm a fucking child, or i am handed lessons someone should learn during adolescence. YES, I KNOW HOW IT GOES. And you're here, 2 months older than me scolding me for the most MUNDANE shit. talking about "yeah you heard that many times for a reason" yeah i heard what you're trying to prove when i was a fucking child and i've learnt, it just doesn't apply to the situation i'm in. the fucking nerve of some people

No. 1903290

I was just making a joke about how she doesn't seem super happy cause she's trying to insist she is, I'm not making some political statement about the show or DV. Damn, the autism levels are off the charts today

No. 1903292

i mean she made one post saying she was grateful that she gets to love her moid and didn’t become defensive until users took offense to the post for some reason. It’s almost like if you respond to someone they’ll respond back.

No. 1903297

there is a positivity thread and a nigel thread, but that poster is an annoying attention whore who posts bait and then cries to the mods for getting banned.

No. 1903298

Nta but this is the vent thread. If she posted it on the Nigel bragging thread in /g/, or maybe even the confession thread or positivity thread it’d be fine. Venting is airing out negative emotions, which is not what she was doing.

No. 1903300

File: 1709014208661.jpeg (463.5 KB, 1141x1572, IMG_2938.jpeg)

Definition actually doesn’t specify negative or positive, just ‘strong emotion’

No. 1903303

do you realize that literally no one is buying your retarded bait because no woman who gets enough dick from a not fat and bald moid spends this much time baiting on a weaving basket forum at 1 am on a tuesday

No. 1903305

>It was humiliating. No matter what I did or say, nothing enticed him. He would inadvertently humiliate me by pulling up porn during sexy moments or by walking away immediately after cumming, even if I hadn't finished.
This is majorly fucked up, honestly sounds like he's the sexually dysfunctional one, nothing wrong with you

No. 1903306

Ntayrt, if someone posts something here they’re opening themselves up to getting responses, even cringey gifs from shitty tv shows. If they can’t handle that then they should just write in a diary instead

No. 1903309

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you. He sounds retarded. Like actually socially inept. Imo it’s hard to feel sexual attraction to somebody so dumb. I think it’d be best to breakup but that’s up to you. You shouldn’t have to compromise your feelings just because you feel bad for him.
The venting threads on lolcow are for negative emotions. Past threads have said things such as “let out all your problems nonnies”, “real sadgirl hours”, “what ails you?” and such.

No. 1903310

Personalityfags shit everything up, that's one thing farmhahds are right about.

No. 1903313

Ok well this thread just says don’t reply to bait and I don’t think that positive emotions immediately = bait

No. 1903314

It’s not just the gifs kek don’t be obtuse, it’s the overwhelmingly negative response to an individuals happiness that is really absurd.

No. 1903315

Good thing I’m not baiting and it’s not 1 am

No. 1903322

So reply to those anons, the anon who posted the gif said she wasn’t even here for that, chill out anon.

No. 1903324

>chill out even though i’m trying to police who you respond to
Yeah ok

No. 1903326

please stop trying to project your gross fantasies onto real life. It’s not really humorous or shocking like the way it was to say shit like that back in maybe 2016.

No. 1903327

I’m not ~policing~ you I’m just wondering why you decided to air all your grievances on an anon who said she just got here kek, yeah you need to chill out

No. 1903329

>oh but i’m also gonna bait by posting about how i wish my own moid would fuck trannies in front of me
Make it make sense.

No. 1903331

I didn’t air all my grievances out at anyone? In fact I made one off hand post and then a whole truckload of anons dogpiled onto me because they somehow thought it was bait

No. 1903334

Don’t respond to actual bait. And if you don’t agree with or don’t enjoy a post, avert your eyes. Plain and simple.

No. 1903336

samefagging to say that i like to watch my nigel fuck trannies, he also faps to loli hentai and makes me call him onichan and also is subscribed to shayna's onlyfans, he's also thinking of transitioning and i am so proud to be a transbian. Don't get jealous!. Sorry i had to delete to add another of my achivements all you bitches are jealous of.(stop)

No. 1903337

hey are you done yet it wasn’t funny the first 5 times it’s also not funny now

No. 1903339

I don’t get the logic of being so against another woman experiencing a healthy happy relationship to the extent where you’ll shitfling all of your jealousy, depression, and schizophrenia out into the world not realizing that it will only boomerang right back to you. I really hope you find some peace.

No. 1903342

you’ve reposted this like 8 times now we all know it’s not you

No. 1903343

it's the term "worship"

No. 1903345

Stop baiting, go watch your moid fuck trannies instead

No. 1903346

File: 1709016713004.jpeg (150.49 KB, 1046x356, IMG_2944.jpeg)

just comparing this to the original post. I think you need to take a xanax maybe

No. 1903347

I'm tired and stressed

No. 1903349

My husband doesn’t fuck trannies because he’s too busy being locked inside our house all day having sex with me instead. I thought that would’ve been made pretty obvious by now

No. 1903350

That's my post. I worship him that's why i let him fuck trannies.

No. 1903351

Nta but shut up already, why are you continuously whining about getting negative replies, it's just common here either get over it or go somewhere else. It's been hours now

No. 1903352

Post his pp

No. 1903353

It’s totally ok if that’s not a term you’d feel comfortable using to describe the gravity of your feelings towards your own nigel but I do worship my husband. He’s done more than a lot for me and I’m grateful that I have him so that I can return the favor. I do not understand the overwhelming blowback.

No. 1903354

It’s actually not because it’s under my post history

No. 1903355

>I’m being victimized, crucified even
Go cry to Nigel then

No. 1903356

Lost a lot of weight over the past few months cause I was sick and now my face looks so haggard. Makes me depressed looking at myself in the mirror, I look 10 years older. It's not even about looking gaunt, my face has always been round and fat and now that fat is just sagging and I look like a grandma.

No. 1903357

I worship him so much that I let him fuck trannies and subcribe to only fan whores. A god like him must be shared.

No. 1903358

Because it’s one thing to get some upset replies from naysayers who believe that males are incapable of love but it’s something else completely to be accused of baiting and then receive like 30 responses in a row baiting about having sex with troons. Like I don’t care if that’s your fantasy, but no one here wants to hear about it.

No. 1903359

That’s not a quote from my statement though. I said I got dogpiled on, which is proving to be true especially when your egregious statement is included.

No. 1903360

>baits after getting banned for doing the same bait a few days ago
>gets angry when they get trolled
i think reddit might be more up your speed

No. 1903361

Dude are you done? Fucking go back to r/MtF. You will never be a woman who is loved by a man.

No. 1903362

And for the record my nigel does not fuck trannies, because transwomen are women my nigel is not gay!

No. 1903363

Reddit is for old men no thank youu

No. 1903364

>wow someone else’s vent has to be bait so obviously the only way to respond is by baiting
Hellweek should’ve never ended.

No. 1903367

Mods are sleeping(with my tranny fucking nigel) currently

No. 1903368


No. 1903369

That's obviously a baiting moid, if you think nonnas are doing that then you're just retarded

No. 1903371

You might be jealous of my lifestyle but I’m still having a child with the only human I’ll ever love

No. 1903372

your samefagging is extremly obvious no one but you insists that your bait about your wonderful scrote thats totes real is a 'vent' kek

No. 1903374

are you able to pinpoint what about it reads as if it’s bait though or do you just see positive emotion and a male mentioned and immediately think ‘oh preposterous’

No. 1903375

Nta but stop derailing

No. 1903376

Ok so you can’t. Thanks for the honest answer!

No. 1903378

derail from what though this thread doesn’t have a specific topic just a prompt

No. 1903379

I'll have to start looking for an internship soon and I'm not looking forward to it, it feels daunting. I'm just trying to channel the energy of people who do this with so much ease.

No. 1903380

your samefagging is still extremely obvious

No. 1903381

don’t lump me into this all i said is that the thread doesn’t have an actual subject faggot

No. 1903383

I miss when youtube challenge videos were actually funny

No. 1903386

I said Nta retard, and this has been discussed over and over again in multiple threads. Just lurk meta for 2 seconds and you'll see anons explaining that there's an influx of nigel worshipping posts by anon(s?) in attempt to bait people into an infight. A couple were already banned from this thread because this is the vent thread not the positivity thread or /g/. Lurk moar retard

This is the vent thread, not the general conversation about infights and nigels thread, newfags should be permabanned on sight I stg all you fuckers do is derail and whine. You can't even read

No. 1903387

if you are going to samefag at least choose something less retarded. You are the only retard struggling to grasp the concept of the thread.

No. 1903388

>every single human being on this website is the same person
Why did administration never release the actual numbers representing LC’s traffic kek

No. 1903391

They released something similar in the post Hellweek thread, you're just a retarded newfag who doesn't know how to lurk or read apparently

No. 1903392

but are you able to explain how making a happy post about the man that you love is ‘baiting users into an infight’?

No. 1903394

I looked in the hellweek thread there’s no graph representing the userbase which they’re absolutely capable of completing. Until I see hard data (not just a wall of text) representing our userbase then who knows.

No. 1903395

File: 1709018088699.png (69.57 KB, 1179x251, fucking retard.png)

because you were banned before

No. 1903396

Venting isn’t solely negative, also why would anyone want to use /g/ its slower than molasses and the vent thread is bumped to the top constantly so it makes perfect sense why poasters gravitate towards here. If you wanna be a moderator then submit an application but until then your little novels about how everyone’s wrong and you’re right isn’t really going to have much of an effect on anything.

No. 1903399

not a vent retard baiter >>1903395

No. 1903401

>theres been an influx of anon(s) posting about their nigels
>this one banned post has to have only been one single person even though i just acknowledged that theres a current wave of husbandfagging
And you also didn’t expand upon how making a post about your happy relationship is baiting? Because your post did not say ‘banned users are trying to infight for attention’, you decided to say ‘by anon(s?) in attempt to bait people into an infight’ but you can’t really describe how posting about your husband or boyfriend by itself is baiting or trying to infight.

No. 1903402

kek you are the lamest samefagger baiter parasite that lolcow has ever hosted, pakichan crying on meta is more believable than you

No. 1903403

Ok well I’m gonna keep writing short sentences about how my life is going good and I’m still capable of love if you would like to keep writing brick walls about how constantly disappointed you are you’re more than welcome to go along with that

No. 1903405

no one wants to hear about your tranny fucking nigel keep that shit to /g/

No. 1903406

How though. You can’t even read any of the words I wrote can you?

No. 1903407

Good thing I’m not talking about a tranny fucking nigel

No. 1903408

>If you wanna be a moderator
Take your own advice, you're the one trying to change the rules of this thread to include your little positive ramblings about your current pet moid. What's he doing while you sit here baiting for 6 hours? If he's so great why are you spending so much time here trying to convince everyone to not give you negative replies?

That was another anon, my explanation felt like enough when a mod has already banned previous nigel worshipping posts. Why are you so upset about it?

No. 1903409

yeah yeah we all know you love and worship your nigel that's why you let him fuck trannies no1currs go post on /g/

No. 1903410

nta but your whole tranny fetish shit needs to stop this isn’t the place for that

No. 1903411

thank you!, also my nigel has a fart fetish not a tranny fetish

No. 1903412

No, I never tried to change the rules for anything. There’s no rule stating that the vent thread is only allowed to be used for the purpose of airing out your miserable grievances. Once there’s a rule stating that verbatim, then you can expect to see posts that fall in line with that. Until then we’re going to have to agree to disagree.

No. 1903413

You aren’t doing a very good job

No. 1903414

>what’s he doing
Some of our husbands have jobs and don’t sit in front of the TV all day the way your neckbeards do
But you can’t even tell me what’s bait about making a positively toned post that wasn’t harmful or rude towards anyone and is being twisted into some negative bullshit by other users?

No. 1903416

Like i said, I am going to post about my fart sniffing nigel here because there is no rule against it. I am so happy he asked me to fart on my face today, ofcourse i did it willingly since i worship him.

No. 1903419

>this post about a real woman’s happy life with her husband who treats her well is hurting my feelings so obviously the only thing i can do is accuse her of baiting while i, myself, continue to bait about my tranny excrement fetish. It’s the only way.
Wow this website really is being taken over by men. Cope + seethe + dilate + leave me alone.

No. 1903420

Have you tried reddit? there arent mean trolls there, you can go to r/vent and post about how much you love your nigel there

No. 1903423

Reddit is for pornography Its not a particularly safe place to be

No. 1903424

>Implying I would allow a rape ape access into my home when I'm not even straight
Go to mumsnet if you feel so victimised about the nonnas here not worshipping your moid alongside you, but I get the vibe you just want to feel like a poor little martyr. I mean you said it yourself, you could post in g but there's no traffic there, so no one to engage in an infight with you. You are so pathetically obvious and sad

No. 1903425

Yeah your nigel browses all the tranny porn and scat sureddits

No. 1903426

>Only men would call me a retard for woshipping my nigel and spending half a day arguing online about how happy I am
I think you're husband needs to be investigated tbh, you are clearly special needs

No. 1903427

6 hours of infighting all because a woman loving a man is inconceivable around here

No. 1903429

6 hours of infighting all because some fragile retard couldn't handle a few negative replies and decided to have a tantrum itt

No. 1903430

File: 1709019321594.jpeg (29.52 KB, 481x700, 6vcxbe8ze5BubFoY.jpeg)

Mommy Blogger Monday is over.

No. 1903431

I never asked for anyone to worship my own husband? I simply made a post. I didn’t post for the purpose of receiving a response. I made a post and for some reason it was received poorly, and I don’t understand why because it seems like no one can point out what is bait about it other than the fact that you just disagree with someone else’s lifestyle. And if you disagree, that is okay. You’re more than welcome to. However it’s really not necessary to shitfling and start fighting over a sweet post. Just scroll by.

No. 1903433

You’re saying that as if there’s just one

No. 1903434

Yeah that actually does sound like stuff that men on 4chan love to do.

No. 1903435

what are you talking about? husbandofags have always been welcome.

No. 1903436

>no one to engage in an infight with you
but there was no intention to fight in the first place. You’re literally the one fighting right now all because you’re upset that I said that I worship my husband, which…why? Why take offense or issue with that? And even if it’s just due to the word ‘worship’ I’m still not understanding what the issue with that is. Wouldn’t you want the one person you love to worship you the same way you do them?

No. 1903437

Men are incapable of loving, otherwise they wouldnt commit 98% of crimes.

No. 1903439

Ok so that’s what your problem is, there wasn’t an actual issue with my post. Glad we were able to reach that bottom line.

No. 1903440

Oh my fucking God can you all SHUT UP. It's that same retarded faggot that camps in /meta and replies to himself all night long because he has no fucking life at all. He's replied to himself dozens of times in this thread and some of you retarded anons are taking the bait and replying to him because you want to fight the good fight instead of just ignoring and reporting him to mods. Just stop clogging up this thread PLEASE I want to read VENTS in the vent thread not a 100 post long infight between one retarded troon with FAS and a bunch of anons. PLEASE just shut the fuck up and stop taking bait and report him for his retarded antics. Inb4 "Oh it's the anon from /meta that claims there's a camper!!!" Yes there IS a camper he's here itt right now being retarded and you're all just taking the bait so STOP.

No. 1903442

You're just pulling shit out your ass martyr-chan, if you really weren't looking to infight you'd just stop replying. You're fooling no one

No. 1903443

Double post, that was a different anon, you really think there's like 2 people here huh, you keep replying to multiple anons as if it's only one

No. 1903444

sorry. it's just kind of funny sometimes.

No. 1903445

I did write a vent in the vent thread and apparently it was too happy go for the eyores milling around this evening

No. 1903448

Holy shit are you done?

No. 1903449

>you’re infighting by posing questions
Yeah that’s not going to work. Also, nobody ever called myself or anyone a martyr I’m just curious as to how I’m being accused of ‘baiting’ and ‘infighting’ but when I ask if anyone can tell me what is bait about my initial posts I just get a response like yours. You’re still not able to tell me how my original post was bait. Why even respond?

No. 1903450

do people actually come here to read vents? i always though it was just a place to post vents and leave not that people actively were looking towards them

No. 1903452

Sorry but are you retarded? I didn’t specify that that anon was anyone in particular, I just responded to her response. I asked ‘what is bait about my post’ and her response was ‘men are incapable of loving’, hence my response. Do you have a better answer? Anything more succinct?

No. 1903453

Honestly I do. Sometimes offer advice or words of kindness

No. 1903454

aw that's really sweet

No. 1903455

No what you're describing is the off your chest thread. This thread is for us all to vent and we read each others vents like a support group and we offer words of kindness and vindication. It's like a big group therapy session but we're all anonymous.

No. 1903456

"Hey wife! I am home, I had a tough day at work and got groceries on my way home! Tomorrow I am meeting up with my friend for coffee, what did you do today?"

"Oh Nigel, I sat at my computer all day and argued with anonymous women about my undying love for you and how dumb their site rules are! Tomorrow I will do the same!"

What a shit life, I guess we'll see her in the advice thread in a couple years with her tail between her legs talking about his cheating or porn use or sudden mood shift or something kek

No. 1903457

No. 1903458


No. 1903459

Oh no nonnica I feel so judged

No. 1903460

>the thing I put off for weeks that would take me 5 minutes to complete comes back to cause problems for me
I'm so close to killing myself over the next small inconvenience

No. 1903462

Fucking kek nonna

No. 1903463

I hate that the only things I can find that are worth watching are shows and movies I’ve already seen a million times. I’m at that point on my adult life that I think I’ve seen just about every classic film, tv show, hell even documentary and even YouTube video worth watching. Nothing new has been particularly great for at least a few years now. I’m disappointed but not surprised. The best new thing in years has simply been mediocre when compared to my faves that are older. At first the solution was simple, branch out into foreign films and old black and white classic TV/films. But now I feel like I’ve exhausted those as well. Nothing is new and exciting to me anymore and the actually new stuff stinks. Don’t get me wrong, I love re watching shit, but I still wanna be surprised and delighted every now and then.

No. 1903464

Same. Modern movies and shows absolutely suck. I am specially tired of the hollywood obssesin with grittiness, movies don't look good anymore, just sad and boring.

No. 1903467

It feels like post-COVID productions are particularly terrible garbage.

No. 1903470

File: 1709021152307.jpg (89.26 KB, 1180x842, fb3403a0-6ffc-471a-8568-b0f01f…)

When you are at the point where you watched everything worth to be watched you need to live the adventure, not watch it. That will give you what you seek.

No. 1903471

I feel like the industry figured out that people will watch anything because people function on constant background noise at all times now and everything is forgotten about a week after it's release, so the quality matters less than the quantity.

No. 1903473

I’m chronically ill so I think that’s part of why I’ve seen everything kek I can’t live my adventure. I have been reading more books though.

No. 1903478

This is dumb but I don't like working on a group assignment when someone else has the document opened at the same time.

No. 1903490

Could you work on your part on a separate document on your pc and copy+paste it to the shared document when you are ready?

No. 1903497

I feel like work is destroying my braincells and making me depressed. I miss university and learning new things

No. 1903526

The "I worship my nigel" baiter was samefagging and double posting to defend herself kek, she's in meta right now insisting she's allowed to do so because she's an American and has free speech kek. What a complete fucking retard

No. 1903577

Modern algorithms are the worst thing to happen to all social media, I fucking hate them so much!!! If I'm on youtube and I watch ONE tutorial about a tech problem, then suddenly half my feed is now tech videos. I watch one video a friend linked, all I get is related videos. I watch a book review and actually want to watch more when the user uploads another video - too fucking bad! It won't get shown to me because I haven't watched the topic in 2 weeks which obviously means I never want to see it again!

Instagram is even worse omfg - it will determine that I'm female and therefore I must want baby pics and videos. If even one single baby pic makes it onto my explore page and I don't go in and mark it as "not interested/don't show me this account" it will take it as "OH you scrolled past a baby picture so it means you want more!!!!" and then it shows me nothing but baby pics! From literally scrolling past it and not interacting with it. And it does this with EVERY topic - if I scroll past a car I'm 1 minute away from being shown nothing but cars. Useless.

No. 1903586

Do you have personalized ads turned off? It makes a difference.

No. 1903590

I mean not only is my life horrible I have to be restlessly mocked and harassed for things that are actually common sense

No. 1903610

prob the wrong site to open up about this but i’m not getting my insurance money and have no choice now but to go back to dating sugar daddies for money bc i’m an autistic retard who can’t handle any normal work, i hate my life and want to die but i feel like i have no other options left, please pray for me that i don’t get violently rape-murdered

No. 1903621

Wouldn't it be better to file unemployment, get a part time job or just job hop, rather than literally risk your life?

No. 1903643

Whoever makes the next thread OP please add >>>/g/113303 thanks

No. 1903648

Yeah, even two feet would means the beach would be gone, and much of my city is very low-lying as a port city (also like 90% of nice places that are worth going to are in the waterfront neighborhoods) that’s also sinking because it’s so heavy!! My bf and his family live in a waterfront town as well, I live in a U.S. state with a very odd shape that means we have a ton of coastline for a small state. I’m very nervously watching this, and there’s no answer for when the consequences would happen, we just have to wait and see. 10 feet would be disastrous.

No. 1903651

File: 1709038071920.jpg (111.38 KB, 500x332, angery horse.jpg)

I guess I have to write this here because absolutely nobody in my life is insane enough to be okay with what I've done to learn this information let alone accept the fact that it's been a week and I'm still choking mad…

So my girlfriend shared her exes blog url with me on the condition that I NOT send her death threats (I'm a passionate person) and I promised and so that's why I can't get my feelings out by lashing out at her. Anyway all my girlfriend told me about her was that she was a very miserable woman and that the breakup was friendly enough, but they never spoke again.

Additionally, there was a time that the ex was still hanging out with her roommate (who she did not have a good relationship with) at the time, and when my girlfriend was made fun of by the roommate, the ex did not defend her. I heard this and actually got so mad my nose started bleeding.

So anyway! Cut to me days later going literally 2 years down this woman's blog and seeing literally Everything she posted about my girlfriend during the relationship and after too. What makes me so SPITTING MAD is that A YEAR after the breakup she posted about how she "spent last year in a relationship she wasn't even attracted to and didn't deserve her but was only in a relationship with because she gave her attention"–fucking liar! She is literally so ugly my girlfriend's MOTHER was relieved that they broke up, and my girlfriend gets flirted with by randos (another thing that gets me going) whenever we go out. And so many posts about how my girlfriend was so vapid and lacked empathy and how white women just get everything handed to them and UGH. What a fucking LOSER.

What gets me is that, supposedly, she wasn't attracted to my girlfriend? Wrong, dipshit, because I can go on your blog and see that you were fucking obsessed with her while you were dating. And a month after the breakup reblogged a softcore image of a woman that looks like her and posted vaguely about wanting to text someone but it being a bad idea. You literally got broken up with because you were pressuring her into sex too soon you fucking loser. You fucking loser. But yeah, you were only dating her for the attention. Which is why you're single and ugly and miserable now and she's been in demand the whole time. GOD.

No. 1903663

Why are you doing this to yourself? You were basically looking to find something to have your feelings hurt over.

No. 1903665

File: 1709039135092.jpg (236.38 KB, 678x964, 47186ed76e23b34a66f7935bf25c3f…)

I love how passionate you are about your gf. It's really nice reading you seethe at the thought some wormlike and undeserving creature was slandering her in her blog to cope. Very knightlike (yet a bit unhinged).

No. 1903668

I can’t believe anons like you are part of the current userbase kek, jfc

No. 1903674

I kind of can not tolerate the existence of any disrespect towards her. I recognise that this sounds insane which is why I am here on the anonymous imageboard.

I'm a pretty funny and insightful gal when I'm not being insane.

No. 1903675

>So my girlfriend shared her exes blog url with me on the condition that I NOT send her death threats (I'm a passionate person)
your gf is weird for even showing you her exes blog if she had to preface with this, beware anon

No. 1903702

I honest to god think you need to be careful not to lean into extremes and become another crazy ex of hers, There was no reason to actively sift through her ex's blog looking for something to get mad over and to get mad over it to this extend, it reeks of insecurity. I'm genuinely not trying to be catty here.

No. 1903703

these are the type of vents i love to see

kek agreed

No. 1903705

i woke up too early and instead of falling back asleep went here aimlessly. i feel bad i wish i had been able to sleep more.

No. 1903712

I think anon's gf is the one who needs to beware. anon is a fucking psycho

No. 1903733

because i’m ill im currently on benefits and when you go on benefits in my retarded country you’re not allowed to have any other income at all, you can lose it because someone sent you €10, so therefore i can’t even do part time work which is impossible to find something i can handle right now anyway because of how shitty our economy is right now. shoot me

No. 1903734

Yeah I know this is tending into crazy EX girlfriend status which is why I don't share it with her. The mystery of it would have driven me more crazy than knowing the actual loser I guess.
Hot enough to make up for my crazy I guess. But come on it's not like people don't stalk exes and shit, it's just a problem when you make contact with them or bother your current partner about it.

No. 1903739

I sent our final products to our client (uni assignment) and he just didn't reply, ass.

No. 1903746

File: 1709043747950.jpg (1017.59 KB, 2000x1270, leonannoyed.jpg)

I have a friend online who is struggling financially but got a dog because I guess she was lonely. Now she opened up a go fund me and is begging people to help her pay her dog's vet bills. I guess he needs surgery. Dont get a fucking pet if you are not financially able to. Do people think that dogs are just magically healthy all the time and never need to get checked up? I just cant support that shit. People who need money for actual funeral expenses get less help than people toting an ugly dog they cant afford online, asking sympathy. I cant stand it

No. 1903766

WHY do men make "jokes" like this? Even the men I knew for a longer time, which makes it even more weird. Like the last time, my coworker whom I knew for 3 years and I started dating him recently brought me back home but then we decided we want to talk about something so we went to park his car somewhere else, like on the street next to mine and he joked "haha I'm going to take you to a dark forest" totally randomly. Or when we were teasing and I poked into his chest a few times he was joking about me poking a hole in his chest and then "joked" about poking a hole in my chest with a driller. And then said "I'm kidding because I don't actually have it here with me haha". It was so fucking random and it threw me off totally. I had men before making that kind of random violence-related jokes at me, it's not the first time. Is it just their retard sense of humor and they would joke like this with their male buddies too, or should I be seriously worried??

No. 1903774

This is not normal at all. This is not even "dark humor" , this is concerning.

No. 1903778

You should be seriously worried, really

No. 1903779

I don't know if this is common amongst men or if they typically joke like this, but I've never gotten that joke said to me by a man or woman. He sounds like a sociopath or maybe he is "edgy" which is weird either way. Be cautious of him.

No. 1903783

you should cut contact with that creature he's clearly not mentally sound. That or you can start making the same kind of jokes and see how he reacts. I noticed scrotes are weird and will stop stop making misogynistic creepy jokes if you start being misandrist first kek. But he honestly sounds creepy, dump him.

No. 1903787

It saddens me people care more an
about an ugly mutt dog than a human being while some anon is confessing being forced to date a sugar daddy because of financial struggle

No. 1903788

Chilling in the college cafeteria working on my projects and there's a group of girls and one guy near me talking really loudly about porn and making jokes about violent and degrading (towards women, obviously) porn and laughing about it. The place is empty apart from me and them. So awkward, kek.

No. 1903790

He does have edgy sense of humor but it was always with other people, especially other men, some jokes made me eye roll. But with me he was always very soft spoken and even said he feels like he can't say the shit he says to other people when he's with me, that he wants to be a better person because of me etc. he also said that he felt intimidated by me. And then that totally random joke and then he changed topic again (he often jumps from topic to topic). Idk if he's a sociopath but he seems like at least ADD retard type of a man. I'm like 95% he has ADD

No. 1903793

95% sure*

No. 1903795

I'm so sick of reading shit like this that doesn't end with
>anyway then I broke up with him

You're part of the problem for giving these moids attention and affection after they've gone out of their way to prove they're retarded at best and dangerous at worst.

No. 1903796

Last night I hooked up with a cute guy and he sucked at sex.

No. 1903799

>hooking up
Your fault slut(stop)

No. 1903803

File: 1709046524358.png (663.11 KB, 576x613, 1698337130375.png)

With this attitude you are going to end up in a garbage bag on the side of the road or melted in acido in his dedicated cellar bathtub. Being this naive must be mental illness. Wise up anon, it'not too late.

No. 1903807

Well I gave him a chance because he did stuff like asking me for my favourite food and then cooking it for me, he was interested in my hobbies, we could talk for hours about many things, he was very sweet to me etc. He still is those things, he just said that retarded "joke" yesterday

No. 1903811

Stop making these excuses, you sound underage and I hope you are despite posting about him being your coworker because if you're an adult then this is just utterly shameful. Take some responsibility.

No. 1903812

File: 1709046897156.gif (1.36 MB, 226x244, 1697639588354.gif)

You need more than cuteness to decide if they are worth it a hookup. Usually if they can dance or they can play bass or drums it is a good indicator they can fuck or at least keep a fucking rythm with their body. Dicksize can't be predicted tho. Unless some nona here developed some dickvination method I'm not aware about.

No. 1903816

ghost him and if you ever cross paths with him again, act as if you don't recognize him at all, hurt him emotionally bleeds out nonnie.

No. 1903818

So it's shameful to be interested in a guy who was overall attractive to me, kept me interested during a conversation and did cute things for me? It's not my fault he only yesterday said something retarded to me. How is this making excuses??

No. 1903820

So are you dumping him or not?

No. 1903821

>he just did it this one time
>He does have edgy sense of humor but it was always with other people, especially other men, some jokes made me eye roll.
especially other men but not exclusively. You've met this side of him before but thought it wouldn't apply to you because he was currently behaving to get on your good side.

No. 1903822

You not only are making excuses but are so deluded you want us to pretend you are actually not making excuses for him. Sorry, not playing this game. We tried to help you, it's clear you don't want it.

No. 1903833

I'm really fucking burnt out. I'm so fucking slow. I took three days off and it still didn't do shit.
i just can't study at this pace anymore

No. 1903835

Better than saving it till marriage for a guy who sucks at sex.

No. 1903836

It was never sexist or violence jokes though, more like juvenile shit
I wasn't making excuses for him but for myself. I don't think it was shameful of me to give him a chance.
It's not like we live together or spend lots of private time alone, we didn't have sex either, we just hang out. Yesterday was the first weird thing he ever said to me, I will confront him about it and see how he reacts kek. It's nothing serious to me though

No. 1903839

>It's nothing serious to me though
I mean this "relationship", not the joke

No. 1903840

My dogs get 250£ of food every two weeks so they have the best, a £100 treat budget every two weeks and I've spent tens of thousands on vet bills because poorfags aren't my problem, she should just work at amazon instead of being a whore

No. 1903841

Nta but i think about all the women who feel its morally imperative to “wait” just to be disappointed for the rest of their marriages. You test ride cars before buying, kek why not the idiot men?

No. 1903844

go to the gym to deal with your brain problems, like a real dysfunctional adult.

No. 1903848

Have you ever thought that some people struggle with disability?

No. 1903849

Judging by your post I bet you also fuck your dog nightly(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1903851

This reply in itself is so lolcowish.

No. 1903854

Plenty of disabled people work unless they're so spastic a sugar daddy wouldn't want to fuck them anyway(stop)

No. 1903857

It sounds like you're about to be his first victim. Watch out.

No. 1903858

It's always the poorest fags who get designer dogs too.

No. 1903862

The scrote who treated me like shit is the best fuck I've ever had, his dick is perfect. If not for that, I would've been completely over him. But I'm not. I'd pay for him to fuck me again. I hate men so much it's unreal. I wish he died (after fucking me first)

No. 1903865

She also probably lets it lick inside her mouth and tongues the dog. Of course she’s a bong too.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1903880

I am going to take a scalpel and cut this out of my heart even if it means living in sterility. I’m going to forget every new feeling I discovered, wonderful feelings and painful feelings and life-changing feelings, and go back to fall of 2022. Sometimes it’s more painful to have had a glimmer of hope and lost it, than to have lived in darkness forever.

No. 1903908

My ex got posted online by an anonymous poster in a fb group asking red flags and rather than admit to dating him I unblocked his profile to see if there's any drama and he's in a relationship. I have no doubt it's probably his girlfriend posting because he is a very weird guy but my upset is that fb does not let you block someone until 48 hours have past. I do not want my profile visible to him while he's getting posted online he's very online himself and he's periodically text me since the 2 years we've broken up (I've been with my current boyfriend for nearly 18 months). If he sees my face come up as suggested friend this time I worry he will a) blame me for the post; b) make contact now a channel has been opened or c) his girlfriend might be made aware of me and I really have no business being involved. Why the fuck can't I block and reblock at my discretion fuck sake

No. 1903912

I thought that I would have had a normal social and sexual life by now

No. 1903920

I want this degree to end. One more placement and I'll be done, but then I'll have to endure the utter joy of applying for jobs. I know there'll always be vacancies in this branch of healthcare, but tbh my zeal for working in it has waned. Probably because this degree has been so protracted due to my shitty health. I wish my last clinical placement hadn't fallen through because at least I'd be fucking done. I want to find a job to help support my family and have money for myself, but I can't because I don't know when I'll be sent out for my next placement. I know things will work out in the end, I just didn't expect my life to be like this.

No. 1903924

I don't get the replies to this and I find them pretty funny coming from a gossip website. This is probably the least unhinged compared to what people on here say about cows. Unless anon is the type to send death threats to people, I find it cute how anon is so passionate for her gf.

No. 1903927

People here are women. The unhinged person she's talking about is male.

No. 1903933

You're definitely a bit unhinged but I understand what your gf sees in you. I agree with the anon that called you knight-like kek. Anyways the ex sounds lame and I'm proud of you for not sending death threats.

No. 1903934

Samefag, I say this and I mean it but I don’t think it’s even possible. I can’t live if I remember any of this but it’s not possible to forget it so what do I do? I cry every single day even at work, I can’t even function. I thought for over 6 months about it trying to find a way to deal with what happened but I wasn’t able to. So I need to forget it but it changed me so much that I can’t forget it and go back to who I was before. I feel backed into a corner, I don’t have any options. I’m seriously considering killing myself because I don’t know what else to do and be tried so hard to find other ways to live with this but no matter how I think about it or how I don’t think about it; nothing works and it’s like a white-hot needle stuck through the center of my heart every waking moment and even in many sleeping moments too. I’m trapped with this and I can’t take it anymore.

No. 1903935

i fell back asleep but then woke up late. i am dumb.

No. 1903940

Anon I'm literally a lesbian…

No. 1903942

Women can be unhinged. Also the ex is a woman too so not sure if you even read the post correctly

No. 1903945

There is a guy in one of my lectures that is really cute and today talking to him he told me he is 29 (im 21 and he looks SO much younger i actually gasped when he told me his age) and is looking for a mortgage with his girlfriend. Ough nonnies what a pity

No. 1903956


Yeahh regarding the knightlike thing it's definitely a whole "protector" thing I have that does make me crazy sometimes. She does usually like it and find it charming to clarify because I've told her I'll get revenge on literally anyone for her–on this occasion the ex is legit such a pathetic and miserable person that I think my gf is concerned that she will kill herself if I come at her gums blazing…

No. 1903984

Nonnies I'm retarded I thought it was a reply to the post of the anon who's date sounds like a serial killer lmao

No. 1903986

same anon as post above, >>1903766 is the post I thought it was related to. And am actually same anon as the claymore knightlike post.
>>1903956 I'm sure she appreciate it! It's the cute type of unhinged

No. 1903991

Having literally the most important day of my academic life tomorrow and i'm here. Im baking. Im deciding what to wear. I am not prepping my defense. Yay.

No. 1904001

I usually find it important for myself that I keep up with the generals news, but lately I feel like I should take a step back. I'm not particularly obsessive with it, but there's just so much doomerism to be found it's affecting me mentally. It's hard to feel like I need to care about how the world will end in 10 years if we don't do this or that, when at the same time I'm trying to ensure I take my antidepressants so I won't want to kill myself. Even more so when so much of it is things I can't do anything about anyway.

Good luck nonnie! I don't think taking a moment to bake and clear your mind is bad at all. I personally find that even last minute doing something else entirely will help you focus better once you do prep. Of course there's a limit to it but if you got to the point of your defense I'm certain things will be fine.

No. 1904002

Really starting to despise my boyfriend lmao I'm getting so tired

No. 1904006

I just $75 deposit for my cats surgeries because the fucking vet scheduled me for tomorrow instead of the March day I asked for. Fuck off. Ive got to find a cheaper place because this just screwed me too much.

No. 1904008

*lost $75 ugh I’m so pissed off!!!

No. 1904012

a bit annoyed that my mom doesn't even cook anymore. she does nothing but get high and zone out on youtube these days. doesn't even clean unless i bait her into being angry (she only cleans when she's mad.) and i hate cleaning here because she's a slothful hoarder and whatever i do is going to get gunked up again within the week, or she's going to run behind me and spitshine and go "ummmm anon you NEVER clean or do anything around here lol? ignore the crumbs i leave all over the living room, the fact that i can't even flush after myself so the bathroom always stinks of piss, etc."

No. 1904023

I want to be part of society like a normal human being and I want people to treat me like I'm worth to be alive

No. 1904024

What did he do?

No. 1904025

Make yourself happy, nona.

No. 1904034

Thanks nonnie! You're right but I also really should revise a bit more. Nerves are getting to me even though I know it'll all be ok. At least I have pie now.

No. 1904044

I kind of wished we could have a Moid Commentary Channel for those "edgy moids" like Turkey Tom, Chudlogic etc. they are so fucking annoying.

No. 1904047

"Moid Commentary Channel" Thread, I mean.

No. 1904055

every single day i leave for work at the exact same time and it gets to me to work exactly on time. no matter what time i set my alarm to wake up, no matter what i prepare the night before. there will always be something that puts me back those few extra minutes and i end up leaving at the same time. yesterday i was ready to go like 10 minutes earlier than usual and when i got out to my car it was completely frosted over and i had to scrape the windows and wait for it to defrost. this morning i was ahead on time, i even went out to start my car so it would defrost early but when i went back inside to pour my tea my cup cracked and my tea spilled all over. it's frustrating. i try to leave earlier but there is always fucking something. my coworkers have even deemed me their alarm clock because they know i get in at the exact same time every single day.

No. 1904065

doctors are all smug useless fucks, i haven't met a single nice doctor in my entire life and they all happily misdiagnose me while looking at me like i'm a stupid ignorant child when i try to explain why i think they're not right becuase i don't match the symptoms and they're ignoring my actual symptoms

No. 1904066

Got pulled over going 25 over the speed limit and the cute asian cop let me go because I turned on the waterworks and called him sir. Hahaha I'm not sorry I'll do it again too. Stressed me out a bit though not gonna lie. Everybody else speeds hella on this road and of course they gotta spook me

No. 1904070

i gave up on news, if anything interesting enough happens people around me will bring it up and tell me anyway. i feel a lot better now lol

No. 1904074

I see people much dumber than me get ahead and it just makes me die inside.

No. 1904078

what is going on with copart? it use to be a way to get cars for somewhat cheap, now I see people bidding almost market price or twice for a wrecked totaled car. the fuck?

No. 1904093

I hope the scrote who kissed me after eating my ass when I told him I hate anything ass related and to stop trying to kiss me. Gets into a car crash or gets his dick chopped off.
I was high, he had me pinned down and decided "yeah now's the time to kiss me" when I couldn't move my head away. Disgusting piece of shit. Everytime I shit and smell something he comes to mind. Ugly degenerate asshole

No. 1904094

I accidentally stumbled upon an engagement ring my boyfriend had hidden in the house, and I was so beyond thrilled. I could hardly contain my excitement, and it was in that moment I realized how deeply in love with him I am. The next few days I was just pouring more love into us and him than ever. I always do stuff for him but I was really going over the top. Just having that realization that he could be the person I’m with for the rest of my life just flipped a switch in me, and I wanted to do nothing else but shower him in affection. I was so happy.
And then a few days later he had accidentally left his phone open to his notes app, and I just skimmed what he had written but the gist of it was that he was trying to figure out how to approach me to discuss a “noticeable gain” in my weight. And he’s not wrong, I’ve been trying to lose weight for awhile and I successfully have but then I’ve gained some of it back. I do need to lose weight and I have been struggling. But seeing that on his phone broke me.
I spent the rest of the day like normal, trying not to show that I was upset. And when we went to bed last night and I thought he was asleep I broke down crying. I couldn’t help myself. It had been accumulating all day and I just laid there and sobbed. He ended up noticing and I confessed to what I saw. He apologized, said he never meant to hurt me, and he didn’t want me to see his unfiltered thoughts like that. He was just concerned for my health. But when I, still deeply in my feelings, told him I could tell he wasn’t as attracted to me he just stayed silent.
And he’s not obligated to be attracted to me at my size, I’m not saying he’s done anything wrong. I’m not venting about him I’m just venting my feelings. Because I truly don’t know what to think right now. To go from such a high to such a low was hard. I’m so beyond embarrassed. I’ve just been replaying in my head all of my recent attempts at being sexy for him, of trying to turn him on, I’m cringing at the brand new lingerie set in my closet that I had been excited about showing him. I’m absolutely mortified and sick to my stomach feeling, and since he went to work this morning all I’ve managed to do is clean a little and cry a lot.

No. 1904095

Used car market is absolute garbage fire right now. Everything has shot up in price in regards to cars. Hell even an oil change cost $15-25 before the pandemic and now that shit costs $55-80 its bullshit.

No. 1904098

I'm hungry but petty. It is not my turn to cook and I refuse to cave in and do it again. I'll drink more beer so I can wait more without hunger consuming me. This fake "I'm doing something so I forget teehee" shit is not flying anymore. I can fake being oblivious to this pathetic tactic and will rely on my endurance.

No. 1904101

cant let the poors have a safe car I guess

No. 1904106

Girl just buy yourself some fast food. And if they ask where their food is at, remind them it's their turn to cook.

No. 1904112

I like negging smug scrotes. They always have unwarranted egos and I like knowing that I am taking them down a peg. Unlike the PUA, I don't actually want the scrotes I neg. I just want them to have less self esteem so they can be less annoying in general. It makes me feel good when I know for a fact I've given a man a new insecurity.

No. 1904116

I think you need remember that your boyfriend wants to marry you, to the point where he's already purchased a ring! You didn't discover a note where he was expressing doubts about remaining in the relationship because of your weight gain! When you spoke to him about it - he communicated to you that he was concerned about your health. As you've identified, that's a valid concern for someone to have - especially if he wants to make vows to be with you forever, love. I understand why you broached the topic of him being less attracted to you, but questions like that are loaded because let's say that is the case and he told you, that'd hurt you. If he lied, you'd probably be able to tell and that would hurt you too. There's no winning with questions like that (for either of you).

Be kind to yourself! You're trying to lose the weight - if you're at a plateau, try and reassess what you're doing. You seem like such a sweet person, anon, and I'm rooting for your happiness.

No. 1904119

I can't even have sex and the whole world is trolling me

No. 1904126

i juts want to quit everything, quit work, quit life. It’s so pointless. I feel no alone more than ever. I’m a weak bitch I know others are going through so much more worse, mine is nothing bad at all, but this is how I feel. I wish to never work again, I hate my supervisor, but I hate myself the most for how weak and a doormat I am. My mom had said so to me, the way you look makes everyone want to not do anything for you. Why do I try? I want to leave this instant, I’m crying right now and looked so fucking weak in front of my supervisor, but I have no way to get home since I don’t/can’t drive. I really feel I am being a nuisance to the world but I can’t just stop existing.

No. 1904161

i feel bad but i don't like my mother at all as a person. i have these moments of loving her but if someone offered me like…shit, 20k to never speak to her again i'd 100% take it. i specify 20k because that's the bare minimum to be able to move out of the house on my own…..honestly maybe 6k, 6k and i'd happily never ever EVER speak to her, ever, in my life

No. 1904169

and i think the worst thing about her is that she knows what she's doing, she's purposely being terrible and malicious. i've said this a zillion times but i really never should've returned to this house. imagine power/guiltripping your kid over a bowl of fucking cereal. you are disgusting and annoying

No. 1904173

I've complained abt him b4. He works in a courier job and has a lot of time to be bored so he calls me all day. We've spoken about this, I don't like being on the phone. He knows this, we keep talking about it, the issue is not communication. "wow he wants to talk to you how terrible" but it's not talking, it's me listening to him work. He's currently pissed w his job and has another one he's looking at but hasn't applied yet. I said it's probably not a good idea to walk out while blocking all higher ups, and he hung up on me lol. I agree with him if he isn't happy there then to go elsewhere (I also agree with his reasons for wanting to quit)

I'm in an awkward situation personally (working on being a not illegal immigrant) so I can't work yet and so he just figures I'm at home doing nothing. I wanna watch my shows and work on my projects and clean my house without my groove being broken. Yesterday he got home at two, (not bad at all???) and between cleaning my house and listening to his shit on the phone, I got 90 seconds to myself to do the things I wanna do. I'm a loner, I've spent the last 9 years alone doing my own thing, I'm not used to all my time being monopolized. I'm going crazy not being able to have time to myself.

He's good in many ways I find him so attractive, he's funny, he is a hard worker, great in bed, raised my confidence and got me out of my bubble so many times. He says he hasn't had a relationship where he's wanted to be in contact all the time, said a lot of the time he'd rather chill in the car when he gets home rather than face his partner. I feel bad because I do love spending time w him but it's quantity time and not quality time and I'm getting zero alone time. Tired.

No. 1904178

I'm seriously considering not showing up to my Japanese class ever again. I need to take two more semesters of it to graduate, but I hate it so much. For some reason, it's so hard for me to retain what I learn and the negative attitude of the instructors has made me lose what little interest I had in initially learning the language. I have an important speaking exam for it this week and I wonder what would happen if I just went AWOL for it. It's a really stupid thing to have so much stress and negative feelings about though

No. 1904207

Sounds tough nonna. I had a similar problem in high school and dropped out, now I have regret. What are your study habits like?

No. 1904274

File: 1709069010024.jpg (278.51 KB, 733x988, 1000013494.jpg)

Yeah, this is why I will never feel bad about dating multiple men at the same time because on a whim they pull picrel.
Just fucked him Sunday and saw a movie with him last week. He sent me flowers for Valentine's Day and took be out to an expensive dinner and arcade date. He even ordered some sex stuff for the bedroom.
Just imagine had I sunk all emotional energy into him and then got blindsided with this. Glad I kept my options open, tbh I think he's right in the long term, but basically wanted to dump me first cause things were going well until they weren't.
Didn't dignify this much, just told him I appreciated it and plan not to hit him up ever again until he gets the message.

No. 1904289

Why do men do this shit? Act like they're super into you one day and then dump you the next day? Do they just want to continue to whore around? Are they afraid of long term commitment? Boggles the mind.

No. 1904296

NTA but idk either, especially considering he spent money and effort on her. Like doesn't it get draining to do that to multiple people over and over?

No. 1904300

I wish I took more Japanese classes back when I attended college. They were the best. Can you pick different instructors for next semester? Did you check rateyourprofessor if it's available in your country? Honestly, the only thing I can say is to just power through it at this point if you have 2 semesters left that you need to take. If your instructors had good office hours, maybe you could take the chance to email them and talk about your situation with them despite how negative they may appear.

No. 1904352

It would be much easier to cope with friends and a boyfriend

No. 1904402

Imagine being jealous of dogs, you're like a bitter incel lmao.
>being forced to date a sugar daddy because of financial struggle
If you're not a literal third worlder, go dropship or make postcards. No middle-class woman in a first world country is "forced to date" some nasty scrote for financial reasons unless she's been trafficked.(infighting)

No. 1904407

Had an ex who would make jokes like that. Eventually the scrote went full mask off psycho abuser rapist on me. Be fucking careful nonna god I’m getting flashbacks.

No. 1904412

They do this when they're talking to multiple women at once. It's not fear of commitment, that's just a lie this type of scrote tells. >>1904274 had sex with him and that's all he wanted from her, he kept her in the rotation because he wanted casual sex. He got it so he dumped her for his next victim.

No. 1904421

Holy shit I'm so queasy and brain fog is making me feel almost sicker. I thought it was because I hadn't eaten but then I ate and was still queasy so then I thought it's because I haven't smoked any weed at all for a few days but it could also be the UTI. Fuck this stupid shit. I feel fucking disgusting I just wanted to enjoy this salad. And I did. But I still want to barf. FUUUUUCK thissssss.

No. 1904425

Weird though cause it wasn't our first time. I still get it though, I can understand why they do it and tbh I'm not afraid to do the same.
Not after what I've seen.

No. 1904427

Both of you seemed to have missed this part of anon's post >>1903733 where she says that she's ill and
>when you go on benefits in my retarded country you’re not allowed to have any other income at all

No. 1904432


>Imagine being jealous of dogs.

I'm not jealous of dogs. Anon posted about how her poorfag friend got a dog and made a GoFundMe for the dog and mentioned that people who struggle with paying funerals don't get donated money.
Then I added that some anon posted about ending up dating sugar daddies because of disability and how a dog gets donated money.

>If you're not a literal third worlder, go dropship or make postcards. No middle-class woman in a first world country is "forced to date" some nasty scrote for financial reasons unless she's been trafficked.

You're assuming she's middle class or that her disability doesn't impact her enough.

Anyway, I hate living in a world where the life of a dog is more valuable than that of a human being. It's sad.
Then the dog fags will start popping out to show their sociopathy

No. 1904438

I didn't see that post at all. I was mocking the poster who wanted to sperg about dogs and pretend society is somehow pro-animal/anti-human. Now that I know she was weaponizing someone else's actual struggle and not just speaking of herself in third person, I respect her even less.

No. 1904444

No one picks dogs over humans. Way more animals are abused and left to die daily than humans, because humans are naturally considered more valuable. People like the OP's friend are allowed to make poor decisions and cause animals to suffer because they're not as important as children. A dog's life will never be considered more valuable than a human's on a mass scale, and if you're convinced society would pick a dog over you, you're just unlikeable as an individual.

No. 1904447

>or make postcards
redpill me on postcards nonnie,I need some pocket money

No. 1904455

It’s sad that I really became one of those dead beat males who mooch money off their 20 something gf for beer but I’m the female version. I’m 33 and my bf is 20 and all I do is ask for money for shein, fast food, Walmart and alcohol all week and he’s too naive to say no and I’m no better than a scrote.

No. 1904459

File: 1709075880703.png (56.17 KB, 625x626, 1000006504.png)

No. 1904462

I wish it was but it’s not

No. 1904465

This bitch is NOT a good friend and asks for support and when it's offered she sidelines it for a nothingburger "hang out date" with her boyfriend and asks to reschedule. She's smart enough to not leave her friends for a moid but pick me enough to do everything else. God, grow the fuck up!!!

No. 1904466

You cannot have a rational conversation with these dog worshippers, do not waste your energy

No. 1904489

NTA but the only people who worship dogs are the autists who overidentify so much with them that they feel like they're in competition and seethe about "mutts". Go back to your containment space.

No. 1904499

I wanna have a child with my nigel so bad but he’s always at work and I’d get so lonely and sad all day if I was pregnant and he just was at work. It’s tolerable now because I’m a normal person still but that sounds like an unbearable transition to make basically alone

No. 1904501

The ‘fur baby’ millennials are a special breed of OCD

No. 1904504

Kicking past me for writing my login info for the government revenue site down on a piece of paper and nowhere else because now I can't find it for the life of me. Literally have no clue where it is and it's a complete pain in the ass to reset it. Ughhhh why, I had shit I had to do tonight now I have to spend it fucking around with this

No. 1904507

Yeah honestly being a SAHM sounds miserable but even the pregnancy period before it sounds bad too. And when he comes home he'll be tired while you're also drained from the day.

No. 1904508

No. 1904511

Please tell me more about this situation. It sounds funny

No. 1904512

It's pretty simple. You can buy vintage postcards in bulk on eBay and other places, pick out the prettiest/oldest ones and sell them on Etsy. In general, you can get a pretty good market on small antiques.

No. 1904515

Seeing the hazbin goblins on lolcow suddenly makes me mad

No. 1904521

same. I also don't know which would be worse, if they're newfags or they've been here the whole time with their terminally shit taste. Feel the same about astarionfags

No. 1904524

The ones who unironically want to fuck the red clock guy really make me uncomfortable.

No. 1904529

I think I have a yeast infection what the fuck I haven't done anything to warrant this… how could this happen to me I'm uncomfortable and annoyed

No. 1904530

Its like the same tumblrites we used to make fun of have arrived here and got comfortable

No. 1904532

Sometimes it happens nonny, I'm sorry… I hope you feel better soon

No. 1904533


No. 1904534

Based tbh

No. 1904554

Men don't find that draining because they're soulless. They love acting out the honeymoon phase over and over and over like they're playing a visual novel game. They feel nothing. Dead inside.

No. 1904556

I'm dating 4 scrotes right now, I don't give a fuck anymore. I used to be loyal as a dog and I only got fucked over severely. I'm open to dating even more scrotes too as long as they keep taking me out on dates, and by dates I mean FUN dates where they pay for everything. It still feels unnatural to me to lie and tell them I'm not seeing anyone else, but fuck it, they'd do the same.

I remind myself that for every 1 lie I tell a scrote, he tells me 3.

No. 1904558

File: 1709081268464.jpeg (19.63 KB, 398x369, main-qimg-37dda6fa7979664c7605…)

My tree is gone

No. 1904559

I kiss u nonnie. I mourn ur tree.

No. 1904578

Samefagging but I finally found it and tried signing in just for the site to say my accounts been revoked… fuck this gay earth

No. 1904586

Probably kek

No. 1904590

I'm in so much mental pain all day every day and I thought I would get over this eventually but 7 months on and it hurts just as bad as it did at the start, the only difference is I'm not fainting anymore. I have to stop crying at work, I will get caught at this rate, but trying to force myself not to doesn't work. I feel so trapped and backed into a corner, I have no options and there's nothing that helps my pain. I'm trying so hard to stay alive every single day for months and months and just about every drop of will has been drained out of my body at this point and it's all I can do to drive home safely and not smash myself into a pole or a wall or over the side of the bridge because it would be sooooo easy and it would only take a few seconds and then it would all be over

No. 1904592

File: 1709083625347.png (758.96 KB, 624x556, Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 5.29.…)

tank u

No. 1904598

Had the misfortune of scrolling past the unconventional male attraction thread and those faces in there make me sick to my stomach. What the fuck is wrong with some of you

No. 1904619

File: 1709085107691.jpg (173.37 KB, 1920x1358, 1000013502.jpg)

He's just the Onceler for zoomies.

No. 1904623

Stop calling me out

No. 1904641

Damn, how do you keep that up? Do you have a rotation of restaurants and areas so they don't see each other?

No. 1904660

I purposefully torture myself by trying to find out new info about my ex and what he’s doing. I know i get nothing but pain from it but it’s this compulsion that has taken forever to work through. Just saw him on a mutual friend’s story and he still has the matching couple’s keychain I got for us on his keys? After he told me he took it off because it broke. It looks like he got a new car too so he had to move it to the new keychain as well. We’ve been broken up forever and I’m still hung up on him because he dumped me. I’m trying to move on with my life but my plans are still up in the air right now so I just have to wait.

No. 1904678

The Lorax came out in 2012. The Onceler is the Onceler for zoomies. What's with haggard millennials and glomming onto children's media

No. 1904682

File: 1709089882747.gif (7.95 MB, 540x403, IMG_6367.gif)

I am the same anon who received a text from my ex which he dismissed as an accident the other day. It has been 11 days since I broke up with my ex and it looks like he’s already dating or talking to a new girl. It doesn’t look like they’re officially together yet because he doesn’t have her username in his bio or anything but she’s been commenting “hi baby” and other stuff on his posts. This explains why he never took “taken” out of his Twitter bio even after we broke up I guess.

No. 1904684

what movie is this

No. 1904689

964 Pinocchio

No. 1904693

File: 1709090545882.jpg (24 KB, 480x472, 1000012488.jpg)

A poem by me, anon:
I want to die, I want.
To die
I. Want. To. Die.
I wish I was dead
I want to die
I really, really want to die
I wish I didn't wake up tomorrow
I want to die
I really wish I could die in my sleep
Because I want to
I want to die.
I don't want to kill myself because I'm a mess and I know I would fuck it up so
I want to die
I hope my brain stops working and it makes the rest of my body die
I wish I could just die already
I want to die right now
I want. To die
If I was dead I wouldn't be wishing I was dead
I want to die
I wish someone could kill me quickly and painlessly so I could die
I want to die for sure
Or that this building could collapse and kill me, but that everyone else managed to be safe and sound because
I want to die.
In resume: I want to die, I wish I was dead and that I could die in my sleep.

No. 1904698

>teenagers that like the Lorax were haggard geriatrics
this comment is stranger when you realize that the cut off for zoomers being born was 2012 and it was mostly teens in the tumblr fandom. the vast majority of fans were probably on the cusp.

No. 1904703

Well duh. If you're over the age of 12 sperging out over the Lorax then you need to grow up

No. 1904708

>he doesn’t have her username in his bio
>This explains why he never took “taken” out of his Twitter bio even after we broke up I guess.
You're real young huh? If he moved on that quick he's not really worth being upset over. I know that's easier said than done but he sounds slimy.

No. 1904712

>username/taken in Twitter bio
>”hi baby” on public websites
Total sympathy for your feelings nonny but this is such a cringy, voyeuristic and juvenile relationship style that I truly believe it is beneath you to care about wherever it’s gone. The text wasn’t an accident and anything with this cringey man is definitely worthless. Just block and don’t reply to him.

No. 1904716

the topic was the online culture around liking the onceler, not condoning it. I'm a zoomer and I've never liked it, but it was completely average for someone to like animated movies. you should try saying "grow up" to everyone irl that ever expresses interest in one and report back how it goes.

No. 1904722

>the topic was the online culture around liking the onceler
My point still stands. It's pretty embarrassing to be a grown adult still obsessing over movies and shows for kids

No. 1904726

same. i have been drafting my suicide note today that when I'm ready there's nothing holding me back. I just wish there was something I could say in it that could magically take away my mom's pain. I'm feeling really mad that I'm forced to inflict life-long grief on my mother. I only want the best for her and in one final cruel aspect of life, I am forced to be the one responsible for hurting her. I don't have words for how painful that is to me.

No. 1904741

I love how you manipulatively switched up your argument from "over the age of 12" to "grown adult" because it shows you just have a vendetta kek. not continuing because this is a derail.

No. 1904746

i'm only 24 but i feel like i look really old and worn out. when i get my first paycheck i'll try investing in skin care…nothing too crazy just a good face wash, moisturizer, and maybe snail mucin…nothing to be done about my laugh lines, i laugh a lot, oh well

No. 1904751

Letting my brothers friend stay here under really specific conditions, I was told it was only going to be 2 nights a week for the next 3 weeks but it’s actually going to be 3 nights and this week it has to be 4 cause he can’t get a ride home until Friday. If he can’t stay here then he can’t get to his college classes (his brother he was living with suddenly/ unexpectedly moved out of state and then his car broke down) so I’m sympathetic to that and I’m the one who agreed to this, he can’t just miss 3 weeks of classes but I feel like I’m just trapped in my room. I think I’m going to go to a coffee shop tomorrow after work and read, which is just what I’d be doing in my room anyway. It’s just 3 weeks, he’ll just be here for 10 nights total and we’re on night 2, I can do this.

No. 1904754

Now do you really feel like you look old or are you just chronically online and surrounded by photoshopped pictures or fillers of other 20-somethings? I feel like everyone has such a warped idea of aging.

No. 1904755

Nona you probably are much more harsh on yourself than you realize. Moisturizer, drinking enough water (80 fl oz), and wearing sunscreen should be enough at your age

No. 1904757

If you think this is manipulation then I'm not sure what to tell you. Both can be true at once, grown adults and older teenagers should not be obsessing over children's media

No. 1904762

I got called a germophobe again today. I don't think I am. I'm just clean, but not to a crazy level. It's people who are unhygienic.

Moisturise, wear sunscreen, get rest and stay hydrated and nourished. Laugh lines are part of life and perfectly fine. The vast majority of people don't have "real" lines when they're a few years older than you. I won't get into detail because this is LC and don't want to start shit about nasolabial folds. >>1904754 is right, stay offline.

No. 1904768

i really do look old though. my skin is dry and bad, and also discolored. it flakes up easily. i've been depressed for the past…six-ish months over the job market and not living very well, eating poorly, etc. my body is suffering too. i'm not fat but i'm definitely no longer thin, it sucks

pretty sure i have forehead wrinkles as well. they're faint but they're there and i see them if i squint and i hate that

support's appreciated, nonnies

No. 1904791

honestly, they're not the best. As of lately the most studying I can do is stare at the relevant words/grammar/whatever and repeat them to myself so they can stick. I used to be a lot better at studying and I can't really pinpoint where I ended up getting bad.

I'm looking into taking the rest of my credits online, I heard from a classmate that it's much less stressful so hopefully I can do that. The Japanese department here is quite small so there's not much choice in professors in the first place, unfortunately. I have been planning to talk to my main prof but I'm really intimidated by him so I'm putting it off. You're right though and I should get on that, so thanks for bringing it up

No. 1904796

The only thing standing between me and looking and feeling good again is 10 lbs but I cannot get my fat ass to stop eating. And yes it DOES help bc I look so good in my years of photos where I’m 10 lbs lighter and so bad in all my current ones

No. 1904799

Me from three years ago screaming at current me through a megaphone to move my fat ass. It affected my face more than anything I’m so round. Fuck

No. 1904803

Holy shit, lightening just struck near me and the ground actually shook..I mean I'm inside but holy shit that scared me. Wtf…

No. 1904809

Can't speak for other anon but for women like me, who live in very populated yet drivable places, spinning multiple dates is easy. I've even dated some scrotes within the same hobbies who never knew about each other and we shared no mutuals.
Men know this too, which is why I don't trust them. At least women play these games to protect their hearts, men do it to fuck around while holding out for the best option available.

No. 1904811

Boyfriend thinks it would be hot if I cosplayed as Cortana from Halo. Is it normal for me to think this is kind of fucking gross? Like thanks for telling me you want to fuck an oversexualized character from one of my favorite video games and then suggesting I cosplay as her. What a turn on.

No. 1904812

Legit I don’t give a fuck anymore either. I did all that gay loyalty shit and I still got treated like I was going to cuck him at the first opportunity so it doesn’t matter.

No. 1904814

This my ex was so insecure he was raging that he was just a "roadblock in the way of me fucking other men". Then he ended up ghosting me anyways should've just been cheating the whole time he wasn't even hung

No. 1904815

we have to use this stupid app called band at my work (we used to use the crew app but they switched to band). it's basically an app where we have a groupchat and post our availability, coordinate shift coverage etc. but you have to put your birthday and it tells everyone when it's your birthday, and when someone comments it notifies everyone. so of course my 19 year old coworker turned 20 and all the middle aged moids who work here immediately wished her a happy birthday, one of them was even like "happy birthday, how old are you?" I wish men felt some semblance of shame for being so transparently creepy.

No. 1904817

Have you considered that maybe you are projecting your insecurities of socializing with older strangers onto that kid? maybe he genuinely didn't know, maybe him being middle aged also makes him bad with dates and tech.
It happens.

No. 1904818

Omg same. Every male friend was a potential source of cheating then he had a meltdown about me ‘betraying him’ by playing video games with one ‘behind his back’. He also ended up just ghosting me they really are all the same.

No. 1904819

gross. he probably thinks you'd take it as a compliment.

No. 1904824

said coworker has creep vibes, I don't really like working with him or being alone around him. he's never done or said anything overtly creepy, it's just more of a vibe. he is middle aged yet refers to all women as "girls" and has multiple baby mommas and used to go around showing pictures of them to the other guys that worked there. he also will start singing if you're alone with him, which again is not creepy, it's just awkward as hell.

as for the other guys I just think it's weird that they're all middle aged and barely known her (they're part time, and she's only worked there for about a month - I've worked there much longer and hardly see some of these guys, so there's pretty much no way they've gotten to know her that well). I remember a week or two ago it was one of my male coworker's birthdays and not one of those guys wished him a happy birthday lmao.

No. 1904825

File: 1709099510312.png (8.43 KB, 478x95, image.png)

the idea of men in the shayna threads is worse than the other pedo pandering whores whose only critique of her is her appearance. what is he doing here? laughing that she isn't pedo pandering well enough for him? he probably found this thread because she organically popped up on his twitter based on his likes. and the audacity to learn enough to sage but either not learn or blatantly disregard that this is a women's site.
dumb scrote begone, hope he wasn't using a vpn and can be permabanned

No. 1904827

Not to pinkpill or whatever but I'm certain that most men are like this because of projection. They're always lusting after other women and are scared you're the same way. And scared because they know men are desperate and it'd be easy for you to find someone to fuck around with. Fortunately for them women aren't like that. Unfortunately for us….

No. 1904832

it's just a little insulting i guess because he wants to like roleplay in the bedroom with me as her and just…so icky. Like i get role playing in a certain role as yourself, like as a sexy nurse or whatever the fuck. But the idea of roleplaying as an entirely different person just seems kinda fucked up idk. Maybe i'm just insecure

No. 1904835

Ew that's disgusting, I just went and reported him. I think he's here to look at her videos and pics that get reposted… foul.

No. 1904836

exactly, people who are overly paranoid about cheating end up being cheaters 99% of the time, at least. they're projecting that on to you because that's what they want to do. I've seen it happen so many times including happening to myself once

No. 1904838

I don’t think you’re insecure, it’s just not something that turns you on. It’s gross if he keeps trying to push it or insist on it though.

No. 1904839

Why do all of you act so surprised? The majority of the spergs in the shay thread are so painful obviously male and have always been.

No. 1904842

Some faggot got my isp banned from uploading images to 4chan. I hope whoever he is gets assblasted.

No. 1904844

I have never in life and never on imageboards seen someone use the term assblasted like this

No. 1904846

I am ESL please uderstand

No. 1904859

Assblasted just means butthurt

No. 1904875

I don't know what I've done to deserve being treated like this

No. 1904888

>it'd be so hot if you dressed up as someone else so i can pretend i'm fucking another person

No. 1904892

I don't care if they find out. We're dating, not married. I used to date exclusively because my heart was in it, I was so fucking invested and sweet and loving that I literally didn't have room in my heart to focus on more than one guy.

PROJECTION. Men love sperging out about how "wahhh you'll probably betray me" because they know deep inside that's them. If they got a chance with someone prettier, they'd fuck you over. My ex did it to me, his schizo tier insecurities were actually him being scared of me doing what he was doing to me all along. I hope they all die. I hope every single nonnies Nigel die, I hope all their exes die, I hope their future husbands die, I hope their fathers die, I hope their brothers die

No. 1904896

I want to die
Because of what you've done to me
I can't take it anymore
I've reached the limit
I want to die
But there's nothing holding me back
No family
No dignity
Why the fuck do I keep myself alive
I want to die
I've wanted to die since I was 8
It's not a secret
Probably everyone knows
And I think people have gotten tired
Hearing about how I want to die
There's nothing keeping me alive
No friends
No love
No family
I want to die
My body should decompose
I want to die
It won't be a tragedy
Nobody will come to my funeral
Because I'm a waste of air
That doesn't deserve to be part of society

No. 1904897

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Lonely "trad" males in their 30s having eternal meltdowns over millenial and gen Z women "picking" cats and dogs over companionship with them will never not be funny to me. I still remember one post from 4chan that referred to cats as "the purring jew".

No. 1904901

You should see how many homeless people there are in America and amongst them there are minors too. How many people struggle feeding their children and how many of them go homeless in first world countries without anyone caring. How many people work minimum wage while living in their cars.
I won't even talk about children from the third world farming silica or other human atrocities. There are quite literally dogs that are taken better care of than humans and children. They're offered peace, food, a roof over their head.
You have no idea how many human beings are completely stripped of human rights and nobody cares.
It's sad to live in a world where a human beings life is worth less than an animals. I don't think that you've seen or experienced the dark side of humanity because I did.

No. 1904908

Nta and I’m not really fan of dogs but there are tons of stray cats and dogs on the street too, there not all automatically given food and shelter because there aren’t enough resources for that. And the reason individuals probably seem more caring towards animals is in part because it’s easier to help a stray cat than it is to help a homeless man. And this may be an unpopular take to you but a homeless man probably made a lot of poor decisions to get to that place, there’s plenty of shelters and programs that can help but not if the person is a criminal, non compliant, or an active addict.

No. 1904909

Really rubs me the wrong way when a "strictly lesbian" woman I've followed for years suddenly debuts her nigel on instagram, and the comments are full of "Omg I've followed you since the Tumblr days I'm sooo happy for you!!!" I'm not even lesbian, I'm bi, but… idk it's just. Really? A man who looks like a big toe made you decide to switch up? Pathetic.

No. 1904911

Do you honestly believe dogs, in general, living better, or that any species other than our own is to be blamed?
>It's sad to live in a world where a human beings life is worth less than an animals. I don't think that you've seen or experienced the dark side of humanity because I did.
I'm from a third world country, kek. No one struggling would pick life as a dog or any animal because we all know that's exponentially worse. Only mentally ill first worlders who think the only dogs that exist are expensive pampered handbag dogs or pitbulls that get donations on Kickstarter or whatever genuinely think "Dogs live better lives than me". Stop deflecting with other people's misery to justify animal fixations.

No. 1904912

i wish i had somebody to share my life with and love and make art for and talk to for hours but its not realistic itll never happen i wasnt meant to have friends or family or especially not a partner im an autistic freak loser that has such bad social anxiety i can barely talk to people. i just dont get why it had to be this way i wish i wasnt ever born at all if this is the world i have to live in

No. 1904913

I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. I have no idea where I'm going with this.

No. 1904923

Samefag, if you're in a bad place, you can literally go outside and see starving and sick dogs everywhere, often a struggling cat too. No one does anything because it's bad for everyone. No animals are automatically offered food and a roof. That's for good cities in nice countries only, and those same places tend to have welfare programs, shelters for the homeless, helplines, etc. Humans always prioritize humans, in the end. Where humans suffer, animals suffer even more because there's far too little in time/resources/energy. At least as a human, I have a fighting chance and I can talk.

No. 1904924

File: 1709110960536.jpeg (45.47 KB, 328x325, C43EF7F8-2EB5-40DB-BDD7-64465A…)

Same nonna, we’re gonna be okay though I believe our lives will work out for us

No. 1904926

Listening to 70s/80s music makes me so sad. I really hate how artificial modern music sounds, I genuinely cant tell modern apart. The music videos are also so boring and uninspired. I just hate modern ''art'', it's so corporate and depressing.

No. 1904929

I am such a sensitive baby and it's driving me insane. To be specific, whenever someone points out a mistake I made or gives me any criticism (especially when it's constructive) I feel so bad and I cry. Right now I'm crying because my new roommate said we've spent the last night with an open front door because someone (me) didn't close it properly. And I know it's the right thing to do from her side so it doesn't happen again, I'm not blaming her for pointing it out of course but I have no idea why such situations make me feel intense guilt to the point of crying. If someone is unnecessarily rude about it I don't react like that because it's easier to not feel bad for an asshole but if it's a polite/kind person? Instant tears. I really don't know how people have the energy to even talk to me at this point, I'm an adult with the emotions of a clingy child.

No. 1904931


I'm from the third world too and I'm not a criminal nor drug addict but I've been homeless on and off for 6 years and even now I don't really have living conditions or a stable place to stay at simply because people have been morally disengaged with my life. There is no welfare really or even shelters. People don't really care if you end up struggling either and they're more likely to have empathy towards an animal because they are cute. Sometimes I walk down the street and I just look at dogs and I realize they have a family, house, that their health will be taken care of, that they are important to their caretakers while nobody cares about me and I can't ask for "help". It's something dystopian.
No, I'm not a drug addict nor a criminal simply I am incredibly mentally unwell

No. 1904933

I'm in the same boat anon

No. 1904934

I don't know about the rest but I think crying in a situation like this is kinda normal, just give yourself time. I'd have cried if I had left the front door open too, just thinking about what could have happened. I think it's totally fine to feel emotional over the realisation that you accidentally made you and your roommate so vulnerable.

No. 1904937

Very accurate

No. 1904940

>they're more likely to have empathy towards an animal because they are cute
Rich people and foreigners do, not the average person, from what I've seen. Most dogs don't have caretakers and are ignored (at best).
I'm sorry about the shit you've gone through anon, it can always get better. You have more agency than a dog.

No. 1904942

not to give you false hope or anything but if you're still relatively young these things are still achievable. putting effort into making connection with other neurodivergent weirdos isn't a solution but it can greatly improve your chances.

No. 1904951

Nta and I’m really sorry about your situation, I understand why you feel that way and I’m sure there are people who do prioritize animals above humans but I don’t think it’s the popular opinion among most people. Again I feel like people probably see helping a homeless person as an impossible task, there’s no way to just take in a human being into your home or pay for their living situation (unless that person is extremely rich) but with animals it’s more affordable to take in a stray, and less risk depending on the animal. Also I remember reading something once that people automatically see people as having been guilty of something, everyone essentially has done something or multiple things they’re not proud of in life so most people automatically look to others as flawed and potentially unworthy of help as sad as that it. Animals are always looked at as innocent so that could be why people are quicker to show kindness to animals rather than humans, if that makes sense. I’m not sure I explained this very well

No. 1904955

You have a point anon, maybe this time at least my sobbing was warranted. I'll just stay locked in my room for a couple more hours and hopefully I'll calm down enough to finally meet my roommates and spend some time with them. But right now I just want to smash my own head in the wall. I barely moved in here and I'm already acting like a dumbass with my stupid mistakes. I hate being like this so bad.

No. 1904962

tbh I skim past a lot of the thread and some of the stuff that was posted by her fellow porn workers almost sound like the men they surround themselves with so I guess I didn't notice the population of men had grown. Plus most of the people who followed her from the earlier threads have left by now due to how shit the threads have always been so I figured it was just a culture feeding upon itself. I knew there were obviously some since if you search her name the threads show up, and various men have shown up before asking for nudes, but I was blind to the amount there might be. Makes sense though. fucking gross

No. 1904963

I don't want to go to work today.

No. 1904967

Kek today he came to me sad and asked if something he said or did hurt me because he felt like he might have said or did something that might have hurt me. Are MEN even self aware

No. 1904968

learning color theory is so fucking hard

No. 1904971

I don’t want to go to Japanese class aaahhhh fuck off I’m drained but O have so much work to do!!

No. 1904983

I am so poor i am drinking expired yogurt for breakfast. Pray for me nonnies.

No. 1905000

He had multiple bad seizures hit his head and was in the ICU on a ventilator and now is on heavy anti seizure meds. I decided to text his mom yesterday and explain everything and express concern about his personality changes. She apologized to me and said that when she tried to talk to him he wasn't right and barely talked and she's worried about him. Hope he will be ok but this is way beyond what I signed up for. And I'm at the emergency vet right now for my dog that couldn't breathe and all my hair has basically fallen out in a month. I'm so stressed with my job too. I just want to breathe

No. 1905018

Nonna when did he have all these seizures and hit his head and wake up from being intubated? That’s a serious medical trauma, I don’t think he’s being a piece of shit on purpose, I think he’s genuinely struggling. Not saying you owe him anything but this doesn’t sound like a you problem and it also doesn’t sound like he’s being anything but a sick person who is recovering from major neurological damage.

No. 1905028

Nothing like being woken up by a power drill jfc at least don't do it in the morning

No. 1905029

You have so many communication issues with him maybe you should just break up but if I'm being 100% real with you… You have got to stop breaking up with people over text just because you haven't heard from them in one or two days. It's a pattern at this point. I'm honestly surprised you would do it again after the whole hospital thing.
I am really sorry to hear about your dog. I hope your dog is okay.

No. 1905030

That's gross. Moids need to fuck off to their hellholes.

No. 1905031

Less than a week ago he wanted me by his side when he woke up in the ICU and I thought he wanted my support as recently as last Thursday he was enthusiastically agreed to plans with me and acting normal but I'm blocked on his phone now it goes straight to voicemail and texts are not delivered. I'm trying not to take it personally because I know this is his struggle but I feel sad that he brought me into it just to change his mind. Also my dog has bronchitis and is on a steroid and oxygen I think he is going to be okay everything is going to be okay

No. 1905032

imagine being a scrote and coming to lolcow just to brag about how you are better at sucking cock than a whore

No. 1905033

Dude he blocked my number and I hadn't heard from him from Thursday and the day we had plans I realized I was blocked how was I acting rashly at all

No. 1905035

Nonna I'd never miss an opportunity to shit on a moid but it doesn't sound like he's doing it on purpose. He sounds very ill and might have something more serious going on. You don't have to get back together with him if it's too much but I don't think it's right to assume he's being an asshole on purpose while his own mother is confirming that something is wrong with the sudden personality shift.

No. 1905039

I had an horrible day yesterday. My dog bite me in front of several people, we moved out and it was very stressful, i lashed out at my cousin and uncle, the house was a mess, it was terrible. I wasn't feeling alright at all, so i came here to get a good laugh at least, only to be greeted with bait and infighting about having kids, marrying to moids, getting old, etc. I got mentally distraught and left in an even worse mental state than before. I just want some hope and live my life, I'm 22, I don't know why there are people wanting me to care about all these things so soon. It's a personal decision so why do they care? I want to focus on fixing myself first if anything, I just want to do things right but I don't know what's right anymore, I just want peace but everything's happening so soon

No. 1905043

You didn't mention that he blocked your number. But if you knew he blocked your number why did you text him to break up? He won't see it.

No. 1905049

I didn't realize I'd never been blocked on a phone before

No. 1905050

I'm pretty sure she texted him that while he was still in the hospital before the block. Maybe that's part of the reason why he blocked if she didn't delete the message in time.

No. 1905061

I was at his side in the hospital and he was sorry to begin with for making me think he ghosted me on Valentine's but I assured him I wasn't upset I was just glad he was ok and he kept saying how much he loved me and how being by his side meant everything

No. 1905069

So you did act rashly. You didn't even know you were blocked, you can't use it as a reason for breaking up with him like you said in >>1905033
I don't know, it just doesn't make sense to me. Sorry to ride your ass. You should break up with him, or stay broken up if he really broke up with you this time. You're not married, you don't have to stay with him through sickness and health or anything.

No. 1905078

>now it goes straight to voicemail and texts are not delivered
It sounds more like his phone is off than him blocking you specifically. I understand that you're having stressful times yourself but he's not doing great and it does seem like you jump to certain conclusions quickly and require a lot of attention/reassurance out of abandonment issues which can be pretty exhausting, especially in his state at the moment. If I were him I'd probably feel like you're too focused on yourself and your emotions and would be hurt by your repetitive attempts to leave whenever you feel like something goes wrong. It's pretty unstable and stressful, nona. Imagine if something like that happened to you and your bf would instantly break up because he didn't get enough attention right when he wanted it. I would understand not wanting to deal with it and avoiding potentially emotionally charged conversations.

No. 1905080

i hope this applies here as its semi venty semi advice seeking.

have any nonnies found they have become more negative and a little fried from using lolcow? has anyone actually found a successful medium? i dont have social media but started lightly using lolcow (kek as if it were a substance) a few years ago and the past year have been scrolling often and sometimes playing childhood games or briefly checking reddit for advice. i know the root of the problem is very much loneliness and desire to relax and it became a bad habit. im trying to break it slowly but i feel sad because sometimes the loneliness is far too much. but then going on lolcow too much causes me to compare myself or think really negatively and judge far too much. it is also distracting me from indulging in healthy hobbies once again. but i am alone almost all of the time, i am educated from home and only have a couple of class hobbies i go to a week. and the gym kek.

i guess my point is i dont socialize and have never had luck doing so but sometimes i get lonely and really wish i could interact with similar females. its why i sometimes go on childhood games too but realize i waste my time and leave unfulfilled. i wonder if its best to quit altogether with no compromises (ive used coldturkey blocker for this) or just make some sort of rule.

No. 1905082

i love my bestfriend, but the thought of talking to him tires me. it's always "woe is me" with him, and don't get me wrong i'd like to be there for him always but, man… he'll talk about his problem, then start blaming himself as a person, and then the conclusion is faux acceptance– talking about "it is what it is", now repeat that for 2-3 years. what am i to say anymore, would it matter? no…
in the past i have told him about my exhaustion but the conclusion is always "this is why i don't vent to anyone" or "but i've been there for you". textbook emotional manipulation of the light degree lole, but he's not a bad guy…

again, i love him- he's a companion to me but i want the friend i had prior to him getting this job… and not to exist to them when they need to cry into a pillow or something.

No. 1905086

I know I'm blocked because it rings then go straight to voicemail after one ring then it goes straight to voicemail and the text don't say they were delivered but my text to everyone else says they are. And he was playing a game that we both play together I logged on and went to a place I knew he would be in game and there he was he's just choosing not to talk to me. There is nothing I can do

No. 1905088

>but he's not a bad guy…
You're a retard. This is embarrassing for you.

No. 1905089

how old are you both?

No. 1905099

I think you should probably just leave him to recover, if he ends up not reaching out to you again, don't try and communicate. He's recovering from a car crash, he won't be in the right state of mind to think about your relationship for a while if it's already rocky. You guys aren't married so you'd be better off giving each other space. You've also got a lot on your plate to focus on.

No. 1905101

I wish I knew how to mask my facial expressions a bit better because yesterday one of the managers made a very shitty remark during a meeting and my face instantly went sour, he even asked me if something was wrong with what was said and I had to come up with something. Feeling pretty dumb right now but at least he's not my direct manager.

No. 1905102

He wasn't in a car crash you got confused

No. 1905103

Oh, this isn't the anon who's guy ghosted her because he got in a car crash? Nevermind then

No. 1905105

You know there’s far to much nigelsperging going on when anons keep getting moid stories confused kek. Happened last night too

No. 1905107

I’ve been reading along and I thought that was the car crash anon too kek

No. 1905108

she never clarified what accident it was in the first place

No. 1905109

Man, just how many Nigel's are ghosting their farmer girlfriends this week? Is this Nona even being ghosted? I think I'll just bow out lmao

No. 1905117

Valentines week and xmas week are when we always get a rise in ghosted by bf posts

No. 1905170

please do everything you can to never go to jail/prison and try to educate yourself as much as you can if you ever have to deal with the government. I feel so bad for everyone that reaches out for any help/questions because almost everyone in govt are incompetent racist lazy fatasses. All the good people in these jobs are eventualy pushed out because the pay is not worth it and you’ll be doing everyone's work because no one knows what the fuck they’re doing or doing it correctly. Any pushback on processes is marked as retaliation. God please I need to fucking leave!

No. 1905184

not to sound like twitter or anything but that kind of sounds like Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD), look it up. Of course it could also be from some problems in your childhood. Did your parents overreact to your mistakes or something?

I feel for you anon for sure but it's definitely something you want to try and get under control. Therapy would probably help if you haven't tried already. That's the kind of thing that makes people stop bringing up mistakes/issues they have with you in fear of a huge reaction, which isn't healthy in relationships of any kind. Wish you luck.

No. 1905196

Love how inevitably all-female spaces become a place to vent about men because 1.) They're absolute shit 2.) We're not allowed to talk about how fucking awful they are in spaces where men may be present because they get so asshurt over being confronted with their own shitty behavior

No. 1905198

Every nook and cranny of the world is so catered to them that even in hobby spaces you end up needing to vent about somethinf

No. 1905201

I hate how shrinkflation has been a thing and no one is stopping these greedy as fuck companies. I went to the store to buy the same facial cleanser I bought last year and not only did it reduce in size by 200mL but it also went up in price by $5. Companies have run out of ways to increase their profit margins and now they are bleeding us all dry.

No. 1905214

This pisses me off too. What a joke this decade is turning out to be.

No. 1905225

you really do have to accept the loneliness and that it is better than sites like this that can be toxic. it's hard to remember because craving human interaction is normal. if you want to leave, you have to actively remind yourself. or if you do see benefits in using lolcow, how can you limit yourself to the best parts? only allow yourself to check specific days of week, save links to specific threads, etc.

No. 1905226

it drives me nuts too. i don't understand how it's allowed to happen and how no one seems to care enough to do anything about it.

slightly related rant, grocery stores with points/rewards programs seem to be giving out less and less. i have an account for a major grocery store chain and i used to be able to rack up $100+ worth of points towards free groceries and it would take me less than a year. now its taken me nearly 2 years to get $50 worth of points despite spending more money on groceries. i eventually found out to get more points you're supposed to open their app and load their offers every week or else you won't get any points at all and everyone on reddit is saying "its always been this way!!! you just never noticed!!!" but i know for a fact it has not always been that way. just pisses me off

No. 1905246

I hate these 50¢ chips from the deli having fuck all in them. I swear this bag I’m eating has about 8 Cheetos in them.

No. 1905253

I feel the same way nona, sometimes when I see whatever hideous creature has been posted I have to hold myself back from replying with something that would get me banned KEK

No. 1905279

I want to isolate myself

No. 1905287

One of my neighbors (not sure who) has a donkey that without fail brays loud enough to wake up the entire neighborhood and probably city at like 6 am. Not sure why they even have one as we're not in a very rural area

No. 1905290

I’m sorry anon I don’t know why imagining this is so hilarious to me. Who the fuck has a donkey kek

No. 1905292

Sometimes I get so tired of the negativity of LC anons. There are so many nonnies that take too much joy in tearing others down, no one can have something nice to say or a good day without them taking it as a personal slight against them, no one can be excited about anything or just be joyful to these people.

No. 1905299

I get you 100%. I have a love/hate relationship with lolcow. On one hand, I’ve been given really good advice here and some nonnas are genuinely funny. On the other hand, some threads have the most bitter bitches known to man and if you dare to have an opinion different from theirs, you’re a tranny scrote

No. 1905300

can this fucking prof upload the study outline for our test next week already? she said she was going to upload it last night and she didnt. been checking all day today and it's still not up like come on and get it uploaded. i can't imagine why there's a delay, it's not like this class is super intricate and difficult so she'd need time to prep a document, it's practically self-guided ffs

No. 1905311

Nta but when my parents rented a house during vacations in a semi rural area and the neighbor had a goat and a donkey, they were very cute but the donkey braying was a bit scary, I thought he was getting tortured the first time I heard it.

No. 1905314

ayrt it honestly is really funny after i get over the initial annoyance of how loud it is. Nobody's needed a donkey in my area since the late 1800s at least

No. 1905327

Im sorry to hear
Im 21, I do have some other weirdo friends online, theyre all girls though. Ive had autistic guy friends in the past and theyre all perverts or abusive schizos (or both!)

No. 1905340

Nonas dont know how to laugh and have fun anymore. Everything is misery and shitting on what we dont like

No. 1905355

Todays a great day I got all my tax money I’m eating french fries it’s raining life is good

No. 1905363

When I moved I knew there was horses nearby but not a donkey. I would've thought I already knew what donkeys sound like but not this one. The sounds that came out it were haunting when you don't know where tf its coming from. Didn't even think it was an animal. Sounded like a slow murder was happening out there.

No. 1905367

Agreed. LC is pretty shit for me at the moment, I'm hardly posting. At least I'm using my time not spent scrolling to focus on other things I enjoy instead

No. 1905374

I fucking loathe paypal for holding 17 bucks for 21 days because I don't use regularly my account. How petty and stupid, I understand if they were 50 or 100 dollars but less of 20?
Im this ass blasted because I lost a god deal on closetchild and I have to wait still 15 days more. Fuckkkkkkk

No. 1905378

I have been trying hard to overcome feelings of rejection related to my art. I won a huge prize late last year and it helped me gain some confidence. However, I just got my first rejection this year and I'm already dreading that I am going to be rejected again for another show. It makes me wonder if my one big win is just a fluke. I feel like if I get rejected again, it might fuck me up. I am already feeling discouraged from the first rejection and wondering why I bother trying.

No. 1905380

That's always been the case here. It's only become more apparent because other social media have also become like this, so there's no escape from it anymore. At least in the mid 2010s you could come to LC to be snarky and shitpost imageboard style, in ways you couldn't do in other SM. Now everything has become corporate, censored and no-fun allowed, even in other places, so of course the attitude slips back here. The current overbearing autismo jannies don't help either.

No. 1905387

I feel really miserable. Being horny is not a good experience as a woman. Whenever I've been horny, which I was the first 3-4 years, I felt like shit. Always having to be reminded I wanted sex, it just made me feel terrible. Then, when my drive lowered because I was just tired of being denied and not feeling good about having a sex drive in general (I focused a lot on the other aspects of my relationship, I just completely detached myself from sex), I got complaints that I didn't like sex anymore. It also made me feel like shit. I don't think my boyfriend is consciously being a certain way, but it feels manipulative, like you just want me to want you, but then we don't get to have sex.

Now I'm horny again in the 5th year and it breaks my heart. I hate feeling horny and not having sex.

No. 1905391

Like, my libido when I'm really depressed and denying myself feeling sexual or horny is what my boyfriend's normal libido is (but he complains that i am not the way I was). It's fucking tragic. I'm such a clown.

No. 1905392

>The current overbearing autismo jannies don't help either.
Oh yeah, that is really driving me nuts. I enjoy the raised moderation on LC but they need to learn to differentiate between someone doing a little quip and someone going completely off-topic.

No. 1905399

I know I'll sound like a psycho, but… I love my cat but she has been up my ass all day. She always gets nervous when it is windy outside which I understand, but I don't know what to do with her. If I put her in a room by herself she yowls at the door literally constantly. So I let her follow me around, and it is soo obnoxious. Need to work at the computer? Cat standing in front of the screen refusing to move, won't sit in my lap because she needs to pace in circles because of the wind anxiety.
Need to be on my phone? She'll try to worm her way into my arms and knock the phone out of my hands. She even follows me.to the bathroom.
Like I love her and I know I'm a bitch but bro please lay down please even just an hour. I want to cry.

No. 1905400

So, Today i got a bit hungry and went to a street food stand everything was going pretty alright until an older man on a suit told me that he had paid for what i was eating plus a soda, I hesitated at first because he is a complete stranger but ended up ordering something else, after being completely sure that he was away from where I was i told the guy on the fryer that i would be paying for everything i ate and the soda, whoever that man was i don't trust stranger's charity, so for now i won't be showing up at that stand anymore.
Now I'm not the kind of girl a rapist is looking for, infact if you ever bullied a fat kid on school that was probably me, i haven't changed at all, I'm still pretty gross and hideous to look at which is why I find a weird a man like that would pay for my food for no reason, maybe he has a bestiality fetish or something.
I still decided to walk in random directions and enter random businesses every now and then on my way home, just in case someone was following me.
Anyway just wanted to share my total schizophrenic episode with all of you.

No. 1905409

i hate how making jokes is considered either derailing or baiting now

No. 1905415

What's an example of a joke that got banned? There's a global rule about discouraging low quality posts.

No. 1905418

nta, but I got a ban for making a "fyi glue licking is common among autists" joke in Jill's thread.

No. 1905422

I got banned for mentioning Baljeet from phineas and ferb

No. 1905429

Kek I remember that, I'm sorry nonna

No. 1905434

I just want to sleep

No. 1905436

I saw that too, some bans are getting ridiculous. I was banned for replying "kek" to a funny post, it was saged and yet I was banned for "non contribution"

No. 1905439

File: 1709151939997.jpg (27.33 KB, 554x554, images-1.jpg)

I hate people who are like "omg I have so many projects I don't have time to call/hang out" when I know they smoke weed and hang out with other friends and not me. Like fuck you for real

No. 1905442

Was it an actual cow thread, I got a ban free kek off yesterday in /ot

No. 1905449

I’m on the road to becoming a bitter and melancholy old woman does anyone need anything

No. 1905455

What do you mean? What post got you banned?

No. 1905463

Is it you prison-nonnie? You are coming out on april right?

No. 1905470

Anon your physical aspect doesn't mean you are not at risk of being raped. You did good being careful, I'm glad you keep your guard up. Hugs

No. 1905502

No I am not that person but I wish all the good luck to that anon, at least in my state the agency can outright ignore any requests coming from inmates

No. 1905505

Can you pick me up some smokes, thanks

No. 1905514

You and me nonna.

No. 1905515

i really resent ym mother for creating an environment where im pretty much mother number two and i hate y siblings for enabling/taking advantage of that. shes horrible to me yet always expects me to make food for her both because i always give in and do it anyways and also because she knows nobody else in the house gives a fuck enough to make her food. especially not her almost 30 year old son that she sucks up too who for whatever reason still hasn't moved out of the house. he cant even make him staying here a tolerable thing, hes fucking lazy, dirty & hes rude as FUCK to her but she doesnt care because shes a boymom. its always me cleaning up because apart from us two everyone else are useless lazy fucks that either wont help at all or will only clean up their mess because "well i didnt use those plates so why should i?" i cant wait to get a job and get the fuck out of here.

No. 1905517

File: 1709155749367.jpeg (48.26 KB, 750x1000, IMG_1837.jpeg)

just failed an exam after studying so much for it even skipping classes to work for it & doing great at practices. i normally wouldn’t care but i decided i wanna get into grad school so i feel like shit cause this is gonna tank my gpa bad

No. 1905532

I hate when fucking idiots with IQ less than 45 somehow end up using the world wide web and then it's my fucking problem because they're too brain dead to read anything more than 2 sentences long like holy fuck I try to help someone out and give them some information based on years of my education and this dumb moronic piece of shit says "CHAT GPT UR USING CHAT GPT WAAAAA" like no Retarded Renee some of us can speak in full sentences and not be confused like it's actually fully pissing me off and when I tell them it's not Chat Gpt they don't believe me because they're thickskulled and can't understand basic shit it's so fucking annoying like DELETE YOUR POST calling me a LIAR it is not lies it is not Chat Gpt it is ME and MY knowledge but apparently some retards think that just because they have the brain a size of a small rock everyone else around them is equally as stupid as they are for fucks sake it just pisses me off so bad I'm so angry right now people are so annoying

No. 1905533

it’s ok nonna i liked your shein lead dress post don’t listen to them

No. 1905538

ChatGPT wasn't something I even even considered while reading that post, it was funny new potential copypasta.

No. 1905545

Thank you nonna I appreciate your kind words I got riled up because they're calling me a fucking robot and I'm not a robot I am not artificial I am just me and they called me Chat Gpt and I'm not fucking using Chat Gpt I've never used Chat Gpt in my life because it's not real and I don't trust machines I'm not a Ludite per se but I just don't ever want to use Chat Gpt because I believe that I'm enough and I don't need to rely on AI to be myself and have thoughts it just really made me upset now I feel like picrel but you made me feel better by being kind thank you for having my back.
Thank you for backing me up nonna I appreciate your sweet words they are like honey to my ears because after being accused of being a robot I feel drained and deadened and like someone just stabbed me in my heart with a sword or a big knife and it's not how I like to feel at all I feel like picrel after that interaction I had to vent about it here but you and the other anon who commented before you itt both made me feel better but I still need time to recover from the libel put out against me because the anon that posted that horrible comment calling me a fucking robot still hasn't deleted her post and it's almost 30 minutes after she made it and after 30 minutes you can't delete your posts on here but I am hoping the farmhands realize what she said wasn't true and delete it hopefully but I can only hope thank you again for commenting in support of me I love you both.

No. 1905546

File: 1709158109444.png (604.32 KB, 1000x963, THEYRE CALLING ME A FUCKING RO…)

Samefag because I forgot to attach it but this is picrel I was talking about sorry I doubleposted.

No. 1905554

I don’t miss my ex and he is the worst, everything bad about moids is what he was they’re literally all the same but i miss having sex with him so much, he was so passionate and he ate pussy like a starving man, he also got arroused easily unlike some of the other men I’ve been with, his body was muscular and I loved the noises he made “oh anon” I miss his moans, I hate him but I miss his body. I wish I could just go back and hook up with him but he’s crazy and doesn’t even deserve me in that way

No. 1905555

Graduated and feeling empty and scared. Even though I have a job. It's weird. Weird weird feeling. Now I have to be a real person, for real. Live a real life.

No. 1905558

My partner literally doesnt know how close i am to the door. One foot in already. He doesn't listen to criticism, sees everything as a personal attack, constantly pissed, making so many things so fucking painful. I am tired, really, really tired and not just of that.. really tired I mean. But he carries the heavy shit and is literally the only person I have any personal contact with out here.. I don't know what to do

No. 1905563

He won't change. Life without him would be so much easier even if you'll be alone.

No. 1905566

i got a microneedler because i have really bad loose skin on my boobs upper chest and neck. I'm gonna use this for 6 months and see how I look

No. 1905573

File: 1709159466213.jpg (43.96 KB, 680x454, F4Uj-tBWkAEdJ6w.jpg)

Ever since I was a kid I've had a huge appetite. I could eat a massive meal and then feel hungry right afterwards. I was never a chubby kid, only because my parents always made me do sports so I wouldn't end up fat. When I got out of high school, I stopped doing sports and ate what I wanted and I ended up overweight. Now I monitor my eating, but it's so hard. I'm always hungry because if I ate what I really wanted, I would be fat and unhealthy. Today I decided to see how much I could eat, so I ate an entire box of macaroni, fried rice, honey garlic chicken, a candy bar, nutella crackers, some cereal, and a muffin and I'm still hungry. I hate it here.

No. 1905574

Thank you

No. 1905575

Same. I wish I could give him a date rape drug that made him really horny so we could fuck and he wouldn't remember a thing after. He's a cheater and a porn addict and a piece of shit in general, I don't even wanna talk to him.(Global Rule #1)

No. 1905577

thank you so much for your reply. yes i have to be ready and want to leave i suppose. ill leave tonight and do the coldturkey block again. once i make progress with getting back to hobbies and eliminating all internet stuff (lolcow/childhood games) ill allow myself to select 3 threads i can browse on weekends and block everything else. if i lose that desire altogether, even better. thank you again! no lolcow relapses.

No. 1905578

Maybe you don't know what exactly to eat to fill your stomach up? That's all processed sugar and shit making you even hungrier and not helping with satiating your body at all. Many companies do profit from that on top of it all.

No. 1905579


No. 1905580

Get help

No. 1905581

I tried this! For a year straight, I exclusively ate satiating, healthy foods. I even checked my macros using cronometer. I cooked all of my meals myself using fresh ingredients, and I was still hungry all the time.

No. 1905582

Stop overreacting just for the sake of it. I'm a woman so I wouldn't actually do it. Only men do those things.

No. 1905584

No one is overreacting kek maybe you shouldn’t post about how you fantasize about drugging and raping your ex bf if you don’t want to be judged

No. 1905587

Men can't be raped because they always want to do it

No. 1905593

go back to reddit if you want to keep defending males who are victim of something that doesn't happen

No. 1905599

File: 1709161000467.jpeg (49.71 KB, 478x344, IMG_0606.jpeg)

Now post this take on any non-anon site if you believe in it so bad

No. 1905601

Have you gotten your thyroid levels checked yet? Or a general blood panel?

No. 1905602

Oh fuck off let nona vent and fantasize. Men can't be raped by women anyway unless it's a child and an adult woman which is an entirely different situation

No. 1905605

This is the vent thread, not the sexual fantasies or fetishes you’re ashamed of thread. I don’t want to read about anons acting in moid-like ways. Get fucking help

No. 1905606

I've gotten them checked twice. My only guess is that someone hexed me when I was a wee thing. Thank you for asking all these questions nonapie

No. 1905607

that was one of my favourite things about old lolcow, it got better for a while here but I wish there was a thread where infighting was allowed so we could have actual discussions without someone getting banned in the middle of it

No. 1905608

Hope he picks you

No. 1905613

LC definition of being a pickme: not fantasizing about raping men. You are what you hate, I suppose?

No. 1905615

My mind went to feeder. There's men who go online and beg larger women to let them pay for a pizza. And thats a thrill

No. 1905621

Which website? I need a pizza

No. 1905626

Sometimes I get triggered by some bullshit and I wonder how men would deal with living in a world where we reversed the objectification of genders. Men constantly exposed to, in every form of their media, young tall chad guys with luscious hair and big dicks who showed off all their perfect features in skimpy clothing performing for the female gaze and promoting the same shit women do like youth and beauty while freely sexualizing themselves and infighting about who’s most desirable, how would they fare growing up like that? I wish I could reset my mind and not see the exploitation wherever I go, I’ve never been comfortable with it and hate being a woman expected to act a certain way. I left my house for an errand the first time in a week and within two minutes some old creep catcalled me as I walked past (I dress so casual and frumpy and rarely get attention) and it made me want to stay in my house forever.

No. 1905629

My boyfriend pissed me off so much tonight, went to sleep without talking shit out literally left so I'll do just what he's always told me to. Ill wake him up with sex. Half hearted bullshit, might fall asleep during. At 2am when he's got to get up at 4am.

No. 1905630

same, sometimes I come here in a good mood with all the threads I don't like or care about hidden and still have to witness so much negativity and dumb shit in a derailed thread. not that this place was ever happy and light-hearted but things are just so sour now. i like that staff is really present here nowadays but I miss the feel of a more classic imageboard with more non rule breaking shitposting. I have more to say but I'll leave that for /meta/

No. 1905633

Maybe some weirdo who felt like he’d make someone’s day by paying for a random person’s food? You did good on being careful, your looks have nothing to do with being free from predators.

No. 1905634

Oh my anon

No. 1905638

Im going catatonic again

No. 1905655

Sounds hot

No. 1905656

My sister is a huge gaslighter for the dumbest shit but also for more serious shit and it's just exhausting. She'll gaslight you and yell at you over minor disagreements. While on vacation I remember she lent me her charger, I left my phone to charge but she unplugged it to use the charger herself.

I didn't notice, and the next day when it was time to go out I had no battery. I told her "you could've at least told me you were unplugging it, now I don't have time to charge it antmore" and she started yelling "it's MY charger I was NICE ENOUGH to LEND IT TO YOU I can still USE IT WHEN I NEED" ; turning me into the self centered one

ok but I'm not asking you to let me use your charger when you need it, I'm asking you to tell me when you're unplugging my uncharged phone?

People like this are just so fucking annoying and I don't know how anyone can stand them. I know I can't and when she does that I'll just tell her to shut the fuck up. If you're that incapable of assuming responsibility, that just saying "sorry I forgot to tell you" is too much.. Ugh

No. 1905720

im sad that my nigel and i cant have a baby together yet. he's always busy with work and because he works in a severely understaffed field it gets brushed off very quickly when he inquires about paternity leave or even just lightening up his work schedule just to he could be with me more often if he does decide we can have one now

No. 1905739

File: 1709170287742.jpg (1.42 MB, 2048x1428, psycry.jpg)

just realized that the reason why I've been running fevers on/off for almost a year, had a sore throat, and had a mix of kind of gross symptoms is because of a tonsil issue. I should maybe be happy I figured it but I'm also exasperated at the concept that I've been feeling like shit more than usual is due to something so mundane and fixable.

No. 1905767

I ran into my mother with whom I have been zero contact with for over 4 years. I was sitting in a parking lot sorting out the logistics related to a work task and I was looking in her direction without realizing she was at the stop sign ahead of me.
I wont go into what happened that caused us to go no-contact, but it (obviously) was irreversible and tragic. I dread coming into town because I knew we would run into each other eventually, and it used to cause panic attacks. Ive had nightmares of seeing her again and in the dreams I would beat the shit out of her and spew venomous insults as I bashed her head against the ground.
Today was the day, and even though I have this rage that will never be relieved, I felt nothing looking at her. Here was the moment I avoided for years- and I wasn't even phased.
Maybe it’s the therapy, maybe it’s the time that has passed, but I maintained a neutral expression. She quickly skirted her car out of sight and her POS husband hung his head and never looked up.
She did not have the confidence to approach me. She knows she has crossed a line and she knows shes out of tactics to manipulate me. I have made it clear I will no longer be a pawn in her games and I have forgiven her too many times. Please die already!

No. 1905779

The world is so depressing. I want to love life but damn

No. 1905792

I keep hearing connection is so important and too much isolation is unhealthy but every time I venture out I question if it was worth the effort. I don’t understand how people can stand to talk to other people all day long. Living in nature and away from society sounds like a dream.

No. 1905804

I'm so fucking sick of orbiters, especially the types that think that nit-picking at everything you say is cute. It isn't. I barely know him, yet on average he pings me like 20 times per day, and that isn't even including the direct replies/pings. I dipped from a group movie stream after he pissed me off so bad, and when I didn't come back he DM'd me with an apology acknowledging him being a prick. I told him I was really tired of this shit and it was making me not want to talk in the server and ofc he didn't say anything back. So, you can dedicate your time to try and attention-seek, but you can't do that, lmao.

It's why I hate it when people think that getting male attention as a woman = universally a blessing and something we shouldn't complain about. Most of the time it's a fucking hindrance.

No. 1905810

Is it possible to go from being bi to being a lesbian?? Was I ever actually bi?? Why do I even consider myself bi. I don't feel attraction towards men but I still can get attached. That's just friends isn't it? I don't know what I am. I want a girlfriend, i don't ever want a boyfriend, but i feel like not a real lesbian because I've had a boyfriend even though i was not sexually or physically attracted, i don't even know why, like a compulsion to look normal. I feel so stupid for not even being able to tell. I guess it doesn't matter anyway

No. 1905812

was gassy asl at work today and i really hope i didn't fart up anything i hope nobody smelled anything gross(wrong thread)

No. 1905814

I know it's awful and unfair and mean of me but I just hate having my sexual advances turned down. I know this makes me sound like an awful fucking moid but I don't try to make it my gf's problem or anything. I just hate it. I have enough fucking sexual hangups that when we DO do it I just worry that she's not having a good time and I barely manage to get off myself. And I'm worried about her the whole time and get so anxious when it's my turn BECAUSE her libido is so much lower than mine. So when we do do it it makes me feel like I must have pressured her or something and she doesn't want to be there. And asking for reassurance that your longtime girlfriend wants sex with you during the act is obviously a no-go. But even when we do have it I just can't enjoy it because I feel so awful and perverse! So yeah. Sexual frustration that doesn't really go away :((:()

No. 1905815

This is so bleak that I hope it's bait. Please get a good rest instead, nona.

No. 1905821

Honestly it just sounds like you were desperate for a friend but was also confused. Plenty of lesbians have gone through what you have by the sounds of things, granted i do not say as an expert on this kind of thing. It's best not to get so caught up on fitting neatly into a label and just go with what feels right.

No. 1905823

Some of you genuinely are so childish and resentful that it's pitiful.(infight bait)

No. 1905878

It's so joever lmao. Found a cool little fandom circle for my cringeshit fandom and yeah, half the women in there think they're not women, but my favorite member of the group believes in labels like ~queerplatonic~. I really should not be surprised at all considering the strong OSA gendie presence but hope springs eternal. It's fine. I'll cosplay as a normie who stumbled upon it and never mention any creative works I make for the fandom inside the serve because I give myself my own validation.

No. 1905917

Thank you for the help anon. I just looked up RSD because I had never heard about it before but I have ALL of the symptoms, I most likely have it. Yeah, during my childhood my father overreacted to my mistakes so this may be a factor too. And what you said is exactly the reason I want to stop, communication is important in any relationship and I realize I'm in the wrong when acting like that. I usually try to hide it by isolating myself for a bit when it happens but I'm sure people cab still tell. I really don't want to see all of my relationships go down the drain because of this.

No. 1905956

File: 1709184490949.jpg (48.24 KB, 174x309, 20240229_002742.jpg)

I'm sad and I have no one to lean on. I hate having to mask and be okay and strong and move on or else life will kick my ass. I just wanna wallow in self pity, like unironically.

No. 1905958

Hang in there nonny

No. 1905984

File: 1709187986122.jpg (21.06 KB, 225x225, Ziii.jpg)

> Juggling work, study, personal work, and volunteering between depressive episodes.
> Doing these things to get the future life I want. Obsessive about this.
> I am either being 'productive' or wanting to sudoku.
> Everybody tells me to take a break and stop taking on additional responsibilities.
> Become too exhausted to study. Finally relent and take a nap.
> Wake up shaking from a nightmare of hitting a child with my car.
It really do be like that. At least that woke me up enough to finish my uni reading kek.

No. 1905986

Take the answer and run with it, nona. Use this knowledge to improve your health this year and try not to dwell on the last year. It's easy to think 'omg I was so fucking dumb why didn't I realise it was that' (I had a very similar issue kek) and instead think 'thank fucking god I don't have to have another year of that shit'. Easier said than done but the main takeaway is don't blame yourself. We're not doctors, and it's easy to overlook the simple shit.
Wishing you a very healthy 2024.

No. 1905990

Get me a scraggly old stray cat to love and pamper

No. 1905992

Are you the anons that posted about having throat problems and your doctor recently thought it was an infection?

No. 1905994

I've been horny all day at work but now that it's the end of the day and I'm in bed I'm too tired to masturbate. I wish I can jerk off in the washroom like moids can.

No. 1906019

Why did you think this qualifies as anything other than wanting to sperg about how horny you are

No. 1906043

NTA but it's the vent thread?

No. 1906127

you can do it in the bathroom you just need a bit of resolve

No. 1906129

unrelated but holy fuck lean and bladee are cringe now

No. 1906133

They were always

No. 1906147

I wish someone could throw me in a vat of acid

No. 1906150

No. 1906153

You want a woman thrown in a vat of acid? Misogynistic

No. 1906162

>find twitter art account of fucked up/problematic content
>think the artist is a woman
>"This is sad. I won't judge her, I'd rather try to understand and hope she can get help"
>the artist is actually a man/tranny using a female persona
>"He should be thrown in jail"
I might be a hypocrite for this, but I'm unbothered by that. Men get the boot.

No. 1906172

what did the tranny draw?

No. 1906187

Can you read ? “I” it says

No. 1906191

It was some emo furry self-harm shite and stuff about being groomed

No. 1906212

I miss my ex so much , the way she smelt the way she’d surprise me with little meaningful things and gestures. My anger issues always get to me and I forget who I’m getting mad at is my love of my life , I lost her again after we had been on and off for the past 3 years and I think this time there’s no returning to that life

No. 1906218

I paid like 200 euros for a deluxe scratcher for my retarded cat because his old scratcher is teared up so I knew he would use it well but he is playing with the box and ignoring the new scratcher. I can't believe he would do this to me.

No. 1906220

same but thankfully less money and i got him that retarded dancing fish. He chewed out the charger and now plays with plastic bags and bottle caps.

No. 1906224

Ok shit-for-brains.

No. 1906225

are you having a stroke

No. 1906230

File: 1709202220273.jpeg (181.2 KB, 1013x1694, IMG_6282.jpeg)

>Eif hearting whoremen merk meh meesogynist eifen doe 99% auf dem twash, den eim meesogeenist. Heh heh. Tek dat feeeminahsees.

No. 1906243

Did a woman open up your skull with a bonesaw and take a giant fucking shit in there? Because that’s the only acceptable excuse for these posts.

No. 1906246

File: 1709202729034.jpg (203.85 KB, 1408x1269, 1702698112598925.jpg)

glad to see you're finally running out of trolling material and just scraping the bottom of the barrel for anything you can.

No. 1906265

Ahh I told my coworker I had acid and now he’s asking for some and other coworkers I don’t even talk to or know.
Don’t tell your coworkers about your drug life

No. 1906267

Nonnas, she is the top percentage of women. She is the .01% that is not trash and has some self respect as seen from her post. Cut her some slack. She's not like other girls!

No. 1906274

why do i look so ugly on my mirror but ok in my moms mirrow? its like night and day

No. 1906277

My doctors all think I'm autistic. They haven't run any tests actually confirming that I am, they just don't like how I avoid eye contact and have general disdain for humanity. I've had a lot of bad experiences with people, and sometimes people with blue eyes makes me feel insanely uncomfortable. But that's just with people in charge. Every day interactions with others is pretty easy, and people seek me out for company online and in person when I'm minding my own business. I don't "mask". I just exist in public and if someone has a problem with how I present myself, I'm typically too tired to care. I don't have hyperfixations- hell, I lose interest in things pretty fast that aren't related to drawing or taking care of my dogs. I just don't give a shit, but hating the company of people for some reason is like the dead ringer for these doctors. I was liked relatively alright at my job, when I had one? And was given leadership positions in highschool… I just don't get it.
Maybe I'm just delusional in thinking they're wrong. Sure I'm texture sensitive but so are animals. Normies aren't just okay with bulldozing everything. I'm far from normal and have a ton of medical issues, but why they think autism is one of them is beyond me. I just don't see it? I know it's a spectrum and some people have "autistic traits" but I am just not one of those people. I keep dropping doctors when they try to suggest me being on the spectrum. But they want me to pay for a test that isn't covered by my insurance, (American miment). It's so stupid. If I'm on the spectrum, it would really screw up any set-in parameters. I'm tolerant of dogs, very much so, in terms of sound and touch and smell, etc. But humans are just nasty, vile things that always have ulterior motives. They always touch me with bad intent, always expect things, always demand things… to deny this is to be in denile. If anything, I'd argue I'm schizoparanoid, but I'm not trying to add another diagnosis to the ones I've already been given.
It feels like being autistic would make it so that doctors are less likely to help me with my individual problems, and instead just brush it off as part of the condition. I'm sure the people who actually are autistic have their own set of issues. I just them to make it so I'm not depressed and suicidal all the time. Who gives as shit about my adversion to ketchup, or the fact that smoke detector low-battery sounds give me migraines, or that I hate the way people smell in general. Having a preference doesn't fucking make me autistic.

No. 1906278

i don't know how i would describe how i feel, it's something like a mixture between angry and i really do not give a fuck anymore. i'm so mentally exhausted and tired of people and being judged for stupid shit. i'm the anon whose mother isn't doing well and even though i feel a little better than i did earlier in the month (i've thankfully stopped crying every fifteen minutes), i am still afraid and i feel like my world is falling apart underneath my feet because she's going back for more tests and a 3rd biopsy on her fibroid, and it's killing me inside. i can't help but compare all my relationships to the one i have with my mother and it scares me because i don't know what i am going to do if she does have cancer and if she doesn't make it. it scares me because my mother is really the only person i have in my life who loves me unconditionally. everyone else i've known, including many of my family members, have only given me conditional love. no one loves me, truly, for who i really am except for her. the only other person who loved me the same way she does was my grandmother. but she's been dead for a decade now, and i only see her in my dreams. everyday i am reminded of how truly tragic i am as an individual, and again, it scares the absolute fuck out of me.

i am just angry with people, and the world and all its stupid demands. i've mentioned this in other vent posts but a lot of my "friends" abandoned me when they found out my mother wasn't doing well and i was spiraling. a lot of other people who aren't my friends but enemies and/or just weirdos who can't mind their fucking business, act like there's something wrong with me because i am not telling them what's going on and letting them sift through my trauma like its a free for all (i don't use social media). only my professors and the friends who are still somewhat talking to me, know what's happening. i'm tired of always trying to stay positive and feeling like i need to entertain people, or else i get labeled with the "bitch" edit. i'm not a bitch, i'm just suffering. i'm battling with depression and anxiety, and it's a miracle i am even able to get up every morning to get to my lectures. i'm a lot stronger than i was when i was a teen, but it still hurts. i have my faith, i pray, and i accept what's happening but people are really starting to get on my nerves. i see how shallow a lot of people are and it's irritating because you can't have a deep and meaningful conversation because all anyone wants to talk about is sucking dick or smoking weed. half the time they don't even understand what it's like to come from a dysfunctional family like i do; people think i am lying when i say i don't talk to my family or that they're abusive. they don't even have the empathy inside to even put themselves in my shoes, they just either look at me strange or change the subject.

i just want my mother to get better. i will be glad when spring break comes because i am going to go no contact for the entire 2 1/2 weeks and spend time working on myself. i've always been a loner but i've never craved solitude as much as i have these past few months. i feel like i am running on fumes atp.

No. 1906304

I'm extremely introverted and it's sabotaging my opportunities. I could make a name for myself, showcase my talents or simply get a bf but I hate attention or people looking at me in general and it's not viable. What do I do to overcome this? Why do I feel more comfortable with people praising my beauty but not my talents?

No. 1906314

Tell them you weren’t talking about that kind of acid and then go into work with a cup full of McDonald’s sprite and throw it in your least favourite co workers face.

No. 1906321

>"is it durable enough for a commercial kitchen?"
I am never trusting a salesman again!

No. 1906343

i feel so burnt out but how could i still be? its been years since i would obsessively draw & 8 hours would've passed & i wouldn't have realised it. i wish i could get back into that groove again but i can't. i can't do it with studies, with my writing or even with my art anymore.

No. 1906353

I'm supposed to leave for another country for 5 months tomorrow and I've got a terrible cold or a flu since last weekend and today I've also got my period and feel like shit overall. It's making preparations a hell but I've got an airplane ticket and all already. How can a person be this unlucky. I'm always so unlucky it's almost unreal

No. 1906375

Hate that despite having older brothers they’re still useless in doing nerdy shit together. I just want someone to game with

No. 1906458

Next time buy from a commercial retail store

No. 1906498

I had a friend that I really enjoyed talking to, we share a lot of niche interests and I would visit her at work a lot and we'd end up having hours-long insightful and funny conversations. However I always felt like I was annoying her and she would sometimes throw snide comments my way in the form of "jokes" or pretending they where about other people. A couple months ago, we hung out together with another friend who was visiting from out of town, and then afterwards I just stopped reaching out to her. I was usually the one reaching out in the first place anyway, and I didn't really stop on purpose, but she's made absolutely zero effort to talk to me and now I really believe that all I did was annoy her. The weird thing is I'm not even really mad despite having hardly any other friends (much less a friend like her where I could sperg about weird shit) and most of the time I don't feel the desire to reconnect, except for some random overwhelming sadness I had about it just now. I don't know, it's just kind of baffling me more than anything. If she didn't like me, why didn't she say anything beforehand?? If she does like me, why doesn't she reach out? But at the same time, do I really want to talk to her again? Idk

No. 1906587

Was just looking at old pics from a yearly event on their website. Thinking about going this year.

And I only stumbled on proof that my ex from 6 fucking years ago was cheating on me. Pictured at it arm in arm with 'his gf' two months before we suddenly broke up. Sure enough he hit it off with that same woman so soon after our break up that it was sus att. We hadn't even had time to move out when he was newly dating her. He had a whole fake first meeting story for them. Part of me was screaming this is sus as hell but good god did lie on top of lies on top of more lies. I wasn't crazy

No. 1906594

I wrote that post when I wasn't even horny, calm down bitch. Also it's gonna happen again today and I'm going to become sexually frustrated at night AGAIN. Sigh… another 8 hours of this shit.

No. 1906599

wish i’d gotten the stocking job at the local grocer. pays less than retail (11-12 vs 13.50) but i wouldn’t have had to interact with anyone. honestly though i’m finding i can interact with people without sweating i just can’t interact with them WELL. i’m so boring and people are also boring and annoying to me.

No. 1906602

Is dealing with him and his baggage worth the possible chance of getting in his pants this summer, nonas?
He isn't even nice to me. And I'm a better catch by far. Is this self-harm? Do I deserve this?
Just seems like a waste of 4 years of desire to only get to touch his ass once. If I'd been normal and reached milestones on time growing up I wouldn't be here.
This sucks. I also suck.

No. 1906609

why'd you deal with some scrote's baggage just to have (probably shitty) sex with him when he doesn't even like you? yeah, it's sex harm, stop with this shit and show some self love.

No. 1906625

I have to find a new primary care doctor cause the one I’ve seen for 4 years is closing up shop and I’m so stressed about it.

No. 1906645

am i the only one who thinks the "30 second cool down before you post" shit doesn't work? I'll be sitting here ready to post some more interesting shit I know people care about, and I KNOW it's been 30 seconds and it'll be like, "Please wait flood warning" that shit pisses me off so much.

No. 1906651

I can already envision you coming back here to complain and vent about regretting fucking this guy so no, don't do it kek

No. 1906656

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I hate it so much too! And sometimes when I'm not lazy I feel like correcting the typos I can't fucking just delete correct and post. Nooo, I need to wait "30 seconds" but they never are really 30 seconds so I end up in the loop of "oops 30 more" and then I get frustrated and that post is lost forever

No. 1906664

Yes, it's so annoying. Especially if you delete a post and try to repost like >>1906656 mentioned. I think it should be disabled in that instance.

No. 1906669

thank god I'm not the only one who has this problem kek I noticed this for years. the 30 seconds are actually closer to 80 in reality, like I've stared at my clock every time this happens it's never 30

No. 1906674

I literally do "1 missispi to misssipssi" to thrity. I was having a fucking breakdown and I made a post that was painfully incorrect, so I'm shaking and shit, I copy the post, delete it and then try to repost. "30 seconds…30 seconds", I was crying by the time it actually posted and NO BODY EVEN RESPONDED TO THE DAMN POST.

No. 1906681

I am one of the best people my job has but I can practically see the gleam in my supervisor’s eye when she tells me which esoteric policy I broke this time. I would literally rather they just send someone to beat me than be put through this tedious, demeaning shit.

No. 1906734

Actually maddening.

No. 1906736

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I miss my former friend, we had so many good memories together, but I don't want to get in touch with her again. She was always driving me nuts and was dishonest, untrustworthy and competitive for no reason.
Here's one of the pathetic memories that makes me not want to submit myself to a "friendship" with her again. Spoilered because it's a tad gross.
She'd constantly cry because her scrote hated her vag smell and hated eating her out. One time he even covered his nose when he was hitting it from the back and she said she felt humiliated when she saw him do that. She went to the doctor to check if everything was ok and her vaginal health was fine, apparently her scrote just didn't like the smell of vag and he swore up and down all men hate vag smell. She'd complain he hurt her fee-fees and then cry to me about it. This happened so many times. Girl, just fucking leave this asshole who makes you feel horrible! The "problem" probably wasn't even her, it was him. Meanwhile she'd jump to defend him from any type of criticism, even when it was a valid and reasonable remark. Ok, so he makes you cry telling you that your healthy, clean smell is nasty and that he hates licking you, but any polite mention of his wrongdoings is bad and you're gonna attack me instead. Fuck you.
Typing this out helps. Never again.

No. 1906756

Why can't I just get up and do stuff. Why's even grocery shopping such a hassle that I have to prepare for literal days to get enough energy to do. I can't continue living like this no one's paying me to stay at my screen all day with ten tabs open so I don't have time to think

No. 1906796

A male relative (technically my cousin) we hadn't seen in a long time came to our house today to tell us his wife had a baby. Of course we were happy and polite, but I just can't help feeling bad about this because the thing is that this moid was a violent junkie in his younger days. He robbed his own grandparents/parents for drug money, he'd do hard drugs, he destroyed property, he even run over and killed two people with his car while driving under the influence. He seems fine now that he has a daughter and he says he's changed but I can't shake this bad feeling. I can't trust moids, especially if they were violent before. What if he decides he's angry with my family one day and just fucking robs us or becomes violent? He knows where we live and now it seems like he sees us as friends and family. I know I'm paranoiac but I feel like he's trouble and I don't know what I can do about it.

No. 1906804

Fuck I'm so anxious. Why can't moids just stay out of my fucking life, I don't want trouble. I don't want to have anything to do with someone that was fucking insane. Shit.

No. 1906808

I hate that my boyfriend is a bit clingy. Invites himself to a dinner with me and a girl friend. Can't just meet me at a place, we have to go together. Always insecure about me going anywhere by myself.

No. 1906813

Just straight up tell him you want to be alone with your girl friends. How do you put up with him?

No. 1906814

Does he ever express that he gets anxious for your safety when you’re by your lonesome in public nonnie? Thats why me and my nigel go every little place together

No. 1906816

i can never tell if these types of nigel posts are bait or if lc women are somehow this retarded

No. 1906825

We've lived in this house for 3 months and husband won't let me hang shit on the walls. We have some nice art I want to hang, and everytime I bring one out and say "what do you think about it here" "Nononono we need time let's not go making any holes in the wall no not there no I don't know where but let's hold off for now" it's going to be like a year before he let's me put a single hole in the wall at this rate.

No. 1906828

It's your house as much as it is his. You can't let him stress you out with his indecisiveness. Just hang it up and tell him you're taking on the responsibility of home decor since he's not doing it.

No. 1906829

I know this is retarded but I wish I was pretty. Just boring, plain pretty. My head, hands and feet are so huge. Being thin, it genuinly looks scary. I'm certain anons would think I'm a man. My mother really had to choose the ugliest fucking moid, she has such pretty delicate features but his genes bulldozed everything.

No. 1906833

Did he grow up poor in an apartment or with strict parents what a weirdo. Hang shit up you are like a seem you need those environment points

No. 1906836

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Is it worth it to text my ex’s new GF and tell her that he cheated on me? The thing is he got with her 11 days after I broke up with him so for all I know she might’ve one of the people he was cheating on me with

No. 1906840

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There's nail-free solutions you can use to hang things on the wall.

No. 1906845

Covering a nail hole is the easiest DIY project in the world. Tell your husband to fuck off and do what you want, if he complains tell him you'll take care of patching it up when the time comes.

No. 1906850

So do you think she didn't know he was still with you? Maybe she knew

No. 1906857

Sometimes I see anons going "people on lc are actually retarded" and it makes me go "come on, it's not THAT bad" but then i check out a thread and yes people on lc are absolutely retarded

No. 1906859

>one of
well in that case yes drop her a message, be polite-ish in a "don't say nobody warned you" way

No. 1906861

He can fuck off then. Give him a time limit of AT MOST a week to come back with opinions until you start making holes where you want them.

No. 1906865

Be cautious nona. But to give him the benefit of the doubt, I know a few moids who had drug problems in their youths who then sobered up when having a baby. One in particular even had a disabled baby which made the mom fuck off to make him raise it alone, and he is so protective and loving of his kid and does all kinds of advocacy for the disability now, his kid (now a teen) is his entire reason to live

No. 1906869

I don't think it would impact your life that much. I understand the sentiment though. I'm sure you got other pretty features, try not to focus on what you perceive as negative.

No. 1906874

I'm casually looking through reviews for non-toxic/cotton pads, and I see some reviewer write "I would prefer for them to use more inclusive language on their website." When I go to the website of the company, they already have some stuff like that: "Designed by women for all people who bleed." How much more inclusive bullshit jargon do you need? Do trannies really cry about lack of inclusivity on a pad website or are handmaidens this obnoxious? Sometimes it's just tiring to read these sorts of things.

No. 1906876

I know that feeling my mom is petite and has clear blue eyes a ski slope nose and my dad looks like a hulking minecraft villager. Guess who I resemble

No. 1906882

day #13092 of riveting interactions with my mother
>me: can i do the laundry? i'll do yours too. your dirty laundry has been sitting in the bathroom for months. literal fucking months. cleaning and going in there sucks because her shit is rank. it's damp. it smells like mildew and funk. you also have clothing in the washing machine that's presumably been there for a week or two and that also stinks. can i do this laundry for you, fold it, and maybe do my own afterwards?
>her: (getting incredibly pissed off) why do you want to wash?? why do you want to do the laundry??
>me: (explains myself again)
>her: OH so you just want to waste my water and resources and time? you just want something to do? NO THANKS (long rant that i am currently listening to right now)
god i wish my job paid enough for me to leave. i would kill someone for a small studio apartment in a safe area

No. 1906888

That sounds like hell, how many pieces of clothing does she have? Doesn't she run out of things to wear? It's so depressing to live in a dirty environment, hoping you manage to get out of there eventually.

No. 1906890

Do you pay anything towards her while you're working? If you do I'd argue for use of utilities if not I'd pay her money to stfu

No. 1906893

My grad class's facebook group popped up on my feed today, someone was asking about doing a reunion. I wish i never saw that post because now i feel old and like i've accomplished nothing.

No. 1906939

she's a hoarder who goes thrift shopping every other day. there's a room in this house that's just…jam-packed with garbage bags full of clothing. the shed is also stuffed with clothes she is never going to wear. but she's always buying more

i am not exaggerating at all when i say if she wanted to open up her own secondhand boutique she absolutely could because there's just that much shit in this house
not yet, i haven't had this job for very long. even before i got it though my savings – when i had them – pretty much went towards her medicines (she has asthma so i buy her those pumps), general entertainment, phone and internet, and food and she still acted like this because "i wasn't paying any of her bills!!!"

No. 1906940

Should I blackmail him and tell him to give me a hundred dollars or I’ll do it and then do it anyways

No. 1906961

It sounds like you're kinda weirdly obsessed with your ex still. Let him go. He's obviously a loser. Don't sink to his level.

No. 1906967

Why am I suddenly anxious I literally have no reason to be but my heart wont stop beating and i feel light and funny in the stomach what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuck why

No. 1906969

You are dying

No. 1906970

You should move on with your life and stop trying desperate stunts for his attention

No. 1906974

I get to meet my husbando in heaven? yes… oh yes… goodbye forever nonnas

No. 1906977

Found out one of the best photorealistic Pokemon artists of all time is a massive TRA who acts like a spergy kid online. He's in his 40s and acts like a 15 year old. Nothing is sacred, even people I thought had talent and were worth something are retarded. Looking up to someone is impossible

No. 1906978

File: 1709254593236.png (Spoiler Image,317.96 KB, 500x639, holy husbando.png)

Picrel is the husbando in question.

No. 1906981

Dedicating your life to drawing hyperrealistic Pokémon is a very autistic activity so you should have seen that one coming

No. 1906983

Which one, nonna.

No. 1906984

Jesus would never do that.

No. 1906990

He would for me

No. 1906992

He would not.

No. 1906999

probably RJ Palmer

No. 1907000

He would, he's doing it right now actually. Jesus is showing me his bum.

No. 1907003

No. 1907007

i’ve noticed moids take pride in saying less when trolling (because saying more = wrong to them) and i’ve gotten really good at hurting their feelings in arguments with short sentences

No. 1907017

I just asked Jesus and he said he would

No. 1907039

You was talking to the devil

No. 1907053

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There's this alt girl that I've been following (first on tumblr, then on IG) for like 12 years now and I recently saw that she made an OF and I am so mad. She's gorgeous, talented and has such a good taste in music SHE DOESN'T NEED THIS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

No. 1907054

tell us your ways anon

No. 1907057

nta but saying just "ok" when a scrote writes a wall of text makes them seethe

No. 1907072

i think im seriously losing it. im all of the sudden desperate for a hookup right now like RIGHT NOW. Mindlessly swiping thru tinder liking everyone idc anymore and then remember i cant do anything because i went absolutely apeshit on my thighs last night so now im upset. theres something seriously wrong going on and I cannot be left alone with my thoughts because I dont know how much longer i can stop myself from banging my head against the corner of my wall or jumping out the window . I dont wanna die or anything idk why I feel such strong urges .

No. 1907074

just beat it a few times, take a cold shower and lay down while fully dressed in a comfy pajama. dont let the intrusive thoughts win and go out with an unwashed moid from tinder.

No. 1907088

Whenever I ovulate that's how I feel but I never give in. Be strong nonna

No. 1907092

Ew. This behaviour is gross. Read this when you're not horny nonna-

No. 1907106

I can't connect with anyone, I can't make any friends, only acquaintances, i'll never be able to find people around me who like the real me, I'm so bored and lonely think I'm ready to give up and off myself.

No. 1907108

I HATE moids I HATE customer service I HATE olives I HATE period bloating I HATE that things are so unpredictable I HATE that foods that are bad for you taste so yummy and delicious I HATE the government I HATE IT ALL I only love nonas and my family and even then I really only love the nonas that agree with me….

No. 1907111

Im not even horny thats the thing. I just want to ruin my life

No. 1907112

Maybe you can try the friend thread in /g/, surely there is someone. Don't off yourself nonna, not over that.

No. 1907114

STDs and catering to moids is one way nonna, I guess

No. 1907117

try a garlic stuffed olive though it might improve your mood. or maybe a fried garlic stuffed olive if youre a burger

No. 1907121

Love you too nonna

No. 1907122

This is how I've felt for like the last week. Uncomfortably horny

No. 1907125

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It won't! I really hate olives, and I just had an awful binge episode after I was fine for months…I do like burgers.
You mean the world to me.

No. 1907143

Sending some support because that living situation sounds feral. Your mum will only get worse as she ages. Even if you can't get out now start making plans. If she's going to go down, she'll take you with her be it out of selfishness or fear.

No. 1907156

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I HATE how out of it I've been, it feels as though I'm subhuman. sure I've always been lethargic even when I was a kid and even got constant rude comments about how deathly I looked, but for some reason I feel so much worse now. it's been so long since I hung out with my one longtime best friend…can't even bother feeling lonely cuz I'm too tired. I sometimes look at the pyramid of needs and everything but self-preservation seems impossible for me to fulfill…even then I don't feel safe. and above all I hate how relatable I find Gollum.

No. 1907163

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disgusting scrotes with no shame being here

No. 1907170

They are so, so dumb.

No. 1907176

I'm disappointed that Matt Mercer voices Vincent Valentine in the new FF7 Rebirth. Overrated voice actor, and almost sounds like he's doing a Markiplier impression. Fucks should have kept Vincent's last VA.

No. 1907181

The "ideal man body" thread is 99% these ugly pictures and they make a whole other thread for it. Why do we need 2 threads of the same things being posted?

No. 1907190

>99% lean boys
every single picture in the "ideal male" thread is a fucking roidpig I hate faggots so much

No. 1907217

You do realize how pathetic it is that you just cry about it instead of posting what you like or hiding the thread? "Wah wah a thread for posting bodies you like is full of bodies I dont like" okay…?

No. 1907221

Uh oh someone's feelings got hurt. Faggots can't distinguish between a natty scrote and a roidpig because they are pornsick and don't want to admit it.

No. 1907228

you can also hide the vent thread if people having feelings about things enrages you. see how circular this all is? kek

No. 1907229

You're delusional.

No. 1907230

Interesting that you read any form of reason as combativeness or rage. Seeing what you want to see I guess. I'd hardly call it a vent, it's just whining for the sake of it.

No. 1907231

A girl from a local group animu chat was just diagnosed with lung cancer and the medication is 11.000 usd every 100mg. She stopped by my art stand to chat about how she wanted me to make merch for her enstars husbando next time. I’ve been admiring her work from afar and will stop and friendly chat when I buy from her, too. That the extent of our interactions, really. But somehow finding out about that is making me bawl. She doesn’t know my name but I’m crying at the absolute impotence she and her family must feel at being told the medicine she has to take every 20 days is fucking 11.000 USD each 100mg. She’s not even accepting donations right now, she rejects any offering because she says there’s just no money she could possibly get that would get her close to buying it. She’s just asking if anyone has spare vials (I guess from any family members who have passed away) they can give it to her. It’s really fucked me up. She types with “XDs” and uses cutesy slang and makes this cute silly plushies everyone in our group owns, and the contrast of all of that and how she carries herself with the absolute fucked upness of the situation is really disturbing me.

No. 1907240

thats awful nonna im sorry. the american healthcare system is so messed up ,, only made to profit off of peoples suffering. the fact that you feel so much for this girl tells me that you are a very kind person! best you can do is give her emotional support every now and then. try to make her happy

No. 1907242

What are you talking about

No. 1907251

Thank you nonnie. I’m actually in Latin America, in a country with a high economic crisis… the vial was around 500 usds only like 6 years ago (if I’m googling the prices right, but that seems in line), so it’s just defeating. I can’t fathom the pharmaceutical industries who can just make those, and are choosing to just let people… I can’t even say it. You’re a very sweet and kind person yourself, thank you! She’s not accepting donations but I’ll commission her something and give her a humongous tip at the very least I guess. I just wish there was something else that could be done. The thought of a next irl meetup without her walking around chatting with others and selling her adorable art… she can’t be older than 23. I pray and hope there’s anyone with the vials she needs. Everyone’s reposting at least, someone has to see it and have any.

No. 1907253

at least she does seem to have some kind of escapism? but wow that is awful, sorry anon. I'll pray for her.
I said that I find that her anti-roidpig sentiment funny so that's why I defended her vent but that I do agree that she should hide the thread.

No. 1907261

I can’t stop imagining her skull cracking open and her limbs crumpling as she hit the pavement. I didn’t even see it happen, but I’ve seen autopsies of similar incidents and so the visualization is so realistic that it haunts me. Why did she have to do it? And especially that way? It’s so sad to imagine her crumpled body laying alone on the sidewalk. I want to pick her up and make her better. But even in my imaginary visualization I know it’s too late.

No. 1907278

What the fuck

No. 1907279

My friend has been very cold and distant lately. I am worried i did something wrong.

No. 1907302

Must be hemorrhoids.

No. 1907319

You thought this was funny huh

No. 1907408

friendships are fleeting. maybe she's going through a rough time or she doesn't feel a connection with you anymore etc.

No. 1907415

ive been struggling with social anxiety again after spending like 2 months isolating and have tried to make a move & talk to others in my dorm… things were going pretty okay today until someone got really short with me at random when i asked how she was doing and it's really fucking with me. granted she doesnt know what's going on with me bc she was overseas for a bit during the break but it's kinda stinging but im trying not to take it too seriously in case her alter is fronting bc she's in pain or something… i dunno i'm just sad and stressed out and gave up on my evening plans of sitting with some others out in the kitchen bc my mood dropped thru the floor from that

No. 1907418

>in case her alter is fronting bc she's in pain or something
this better be bait or so help me

No. 1907423

My husband brought home takeaway three times this month. It's weird because we've gone years without having takeaway. I'm starting to think that maybe he doesn't like my cooking anymore.

No. 1907426

He should do the cooking then

No. 1907427

uh, not bait. sorry, i might just be uneducated on it and how triggers work but idk, im trying not to take it personally for that reason because it wouldnt be her reacting that way?

No. 1907429

Alters aren't real girl. Hope that helps

No. 1907443

She's reacting that way bc she was being a bitch. It's not your fault, don't overthink it

No. 1907449

I’m so fascinated by the way she used those words so casually like they mean something. Do young people think the alters/triggers are real or is this just being used as slang for “maybe she lashed out because she has something serious going on, you never know”?

No. 1907450

It's super easy to fall into a habit of taking out once you start because it's so convenient.

No. 1907452

Nonny if you ran into this woman a few years into the future, the larp phase would be over and she'd cringe (or go into denial) if you reminded her oh hey remember when you told us all in college that you had alters! That's what they do.

No. 1907461

There does seem to be an audience of young twitter/tiktok girls that genuinely believe it's real. Look at Jill and all the other DID people. I think that anon might have come from Twitter or something though because what kind of farmer jumps to the conclusion of alters?

No. 1907464

Waiting for my GP to call me…. I asked for an in-person appointment but noooo they scheduled me for a phone call. But they don't give you an exact time but a time frame of an hour. Unless she has an emergency, then it gets pushed back farther and I won't know until she calls.

No. 1907477

This sounds like a humblebrag but my mom keeps complimenting how good I look and it's making me uncomfortable. Because she never does this? It's not like she calls me ugly or puts me down or anything, but I've been at my parent's place for an hour now and she keeps saying weird shit like "i've never really thought about you like this, but you're really pretty" ok.. thank you?

No. 1907483

This is the second time another "poly" woman has drawn her ire towards me because she found out one of her poly bfs linked up with me.
I was drunk, just wanted some fun, and fell for the scrote telling me it was all cool until surprise it actually isn't. She isn't talking or interacting with me now which is awkward because we were all friends.
I don't fault a bitch for wanting a devoted male harem, but maybe she can't pull that if she has to fake them out that it's ok to cheat only to feel bad about it when they inevitably do. I guess they "broke up" and now the scrote wants to keep linking up when I'm not really interested. Ugh.

No. 1907484

I suddenly can't log in on my google account without the prompt on your phone, what the hell? I don't want to log in with my face or fingerprint!

No. 1907485

I’m the queen of wasting time I can wake up at 10am and by the time its 2pm I have done nothing of value, only scrolling and scrolling and scrolling. Imagine how many songs I could’ve listened to in that time or how many shows I could’ve watched in that time and then maybe I’d finally form a personality

No. 1907486

if you take adderall daily you cannot claim sobriety. oh, your doctor prescribed that? still ain’t sober, hun

No. 1907493

you already have a personality, but it may suck.

No. 1907496

Everyone has a personality, you're just screen addicted so it's not showing. Don't be too hard on yourself, it's not easy to deal with screen addiction.

No. 1907519

anon who kicked all this shit off, i was one of maybe three or four people she'd confided about it in at the start of the semester, so i took her word for it. i'm a bit of a newfag but i've only ever been on the normie side of twitter and never used tiktok, i'd just heard about the disorder from her and took it at face value since it seemed plausible with a significant amount of childhood trauma with how she explained it. i just genuinely didn't know it was a load of honkey. my bad!

No. 1907520

File: 1709299984839.jpg (71.35 KB, 736x892, 1706555137030.jpg)

I got my period and I'm suffering. The vinted package I was waiting for just arrived and I don't want to go to pick it up but I'm curious and I want to confirm the order so I can give a 5star review to the seller asap, it is her first sale and she's so anxious about it it's sweet. Related for european nonnies, right now idk if vinted has some offer on shipping or what but I'm finding a lot of 0.00 shipping on sellers, not only new ones, so I got a lot of nice stuff for next to nothing.

No. 1907526

oh nice I'm going to check if my region has a shipping deal rn too. Tbh I stopped buying from Vinted because the cheapest shipping method is picking it up at a local store and the most convenient one is a small crafts store and last time I went there this tiny place had such a massive PILE of packages on the floor behind the counter, I felt so bad. And I wasn't the only "customer" there who obviously wasn't there to buy knitting yarn or sewing needles lmao it made me cringe about myself so bad I haven't been back since last summer

No. 1907534

I can maybe understand you but I still can't believe you cheated on him with that ugly moid, EW. You look like a princess and he looks like a troll, I hope the good sex doesn't brainwash you longterm.

No. 1907542

I envy boomers so much. I wish i lived through the 70s-90s. I hate mobile phones so fucking much and i am tired of having to depend on them i cant even go to a restaurant anymore because they dont offer real menus anymore, only shitty QR ones.

No. 1907547

File: 1709302381598.jpg (651.3 KB, 2880x2880, it got worse.jpg)

WOW! Ignoring evidence, refusing notes, making assumptions, asking leading questions to look as if I'm contradicting myself, ignoring statements you could've asked questions on, cross dating and contradicting yourselves in order to spin it so I look like a big fucking liar when all I'm trying to do is get some actual fucking support. And you call yourself professionals! After two fucking years it's all amounted to a big fat NOTHING.

JUST when I thought it couldn't get any worse.

No. 1907548

You envy being forced to be a housewife to a domestically abusive man?

No. 1907552

Don't feel bad. They get paid for that (very little) but at least where I live (in the city centre of a Euro capital) it helped so many little shops that struggle after the online shopping boom. Like the small crocheting shops as you mentioned, or the stationery ones, the non electric bike repair shops etc etc. I asked them personally and the only downside is that sometines they get a lot more volume than they expected but overall they seemed fine .

No. 1907567

my man wasnt forced to be housewife, she had me on accident and married some fairly rich scrote, in fact she doesnt like cooking my dad does the cooking

No. 1907581

And then they ask for a tip when you've used the QR code lmao

No. 1907584

Good for your mother she’s the 1% of lucky women from that time

No. 1907587

sure anon

No. 1907671

i don't know where to go on the website anymore kek. somehow every thread i post in isn't the correct thread even when i'm told to take the conversation there? I've been banned for ""derailing""" like 6 times in the last week

No. 1907681

Do you know how to use the catalog? I’d understand getting banned like once or twice for derailing because it’s easy to get carried away with an off-topic convo, but you’ve gotten 6 bans? Assuming you’re a ultra-newfag. You’ll figure it out kek

No. 1907686

Lurk more

No. 1907704

Went to the dentist for the first time in years, I'm just upset to hear that a lot of my teeth are beyond saving now. Since as far as I remember, brushing and taking care of oral health has never been enforced in me at all, I feel like I've been set up to fail since birth. Yeah, I know I'm just being over dramatic lol but goddamn.

No. 1907707

Nta but anon was talking about living through the 80s and 90s, not the 50s. Boomers and gen xers were the ones to experience a massive boom in all sorts of counter cultures, it was their moms who were forced to be battered housewives.

No. 1907709

I know it wouldn't but it would be nice to not feel like the fucking bigfoot when I see pictures of myself. It's not something I dwell on too much, too often but it brings me down from time to time. Especially because my father was a pos.
Girls who are yassified versions of our dads unite

No. 1907711

That sucks anon. I'm dreading going to the dentist as well, I haven't been in 7 years because my insurance is shit and I can't afford it. My teeth don't hurt or anything but I don't exactly have the best oral hygiene habits either so I'm terrified of how fucked I probably am.

No. 1907713

No what I mean is I've been here since 2019 and I definitely know how to use the catalog, I'm saying this website has changed so drastically to the point where I'll make a post in a thread and either get banned for derailing (even if the post is on topic to the thread its posted in) or told to redirect my thoughts to a different thread or board.

No. 1907716

boomers had it so easy. My mom managed to buy a house and build her own business despite dropping out of hs meanwhile i cant get enough money to rent an apartment

No. 1907720

>something of value
>listening to music or watching a show

wtf how doomed do you have to be to think that way

No. 1907724

I want to have sex with a hot lean boy

No. 1907725

I want to hula hoop so bad but my body (feet, ankles, ribcage, back, thighs) is still so sore from something I did literally two days ago. Actually, somehow I feel worse today than I did yesterday.

No. 1907741

Last year I matched with a moid who was in my city for a job, he's my type (lean-buff exotic) but he's so fucking retarded, he has a really brainy job but he can't hold a convo and constantly waxes poetic about wanting to date me but never shows any interest in my life when I do share with him. There's no chance I'll fall for him because he's so embarrassing and dumb, but I have a feeling he'd be a good lay and I'm really desperate and he's hot. Another issue is he'd have to fly here and I feel like there's automatic pressure if I let him come because it's a huge distance (US/EU). I can't find any guy in my town who doesn't do something retarded by the 2nd date and I need to get laid. Should I do it

No. 1907746

No. 1907755

Yes him. Context He supports sending jk rowling threats, calls people idiots for saying he goes too far, said "transwomen being women is like 2+2=4" and has a TiM brother. Will block anyone who engages discourse. Best of all though was the time someone made a post about how liking Harry Potter as a qUeEr is bad, to which he admitted his TiM brother likes it and doesn't care about Rowling's tweets which makes him seethe lol
I got blocked by him for simply replying to a tweet of his, in which I said he's too agressive. I don't get how he can sit down and focus on drawings for hours but not have any patience when it comes to discussions. I found similar artists (even a better one) to admire instead, but still it's painful, it's like finding out your childhood hero became a lousy alcoholic. Not that having role models is ever a good idea in the first place…

No. 1907758

>having a male as your role model

that was your first mistake, nonnie

No. 1907764

This man is dumb, uninterested in your life (so he is not actually interested in you) and he lives far away. Going to bed with him sounds like a bad idea but I'm not ok with casual sex tbf. Why reward a man who isn't even interested in you with your body? He's probably bad in bed like most men anyway. Get a good sex toy maybe?

No. 1907767

>hobbies have been ruined
>no friends
>alienated from society
>stuck in secretary work despite 4.0 GPA bachelors degree
>khv and permavirgin because I’m to ugly to date anyone normal looking enough to feel attracted to (I don’t blame anyone for not wanting me because I don’t want anyone like me either)
It makes me so angry at the universe that you can just randomly be born with an unfixable shit brain and a shit face and be doomed to suffer your whole life because of it. It’s luck of the draw and I drew a handful of only the shortest straws and I just have to live with it. Through no fault of my own, for no reason at all, I was born with traits that make my life terrible. I just can’t get over that. The randomness, the unfairness of it. How is it fair that some creatures’ one chance of existence is nothing but suffering? Why am I one of them? I can’t process it. That this is all there is for me.

No. 1907772

He's supposed to be the sex toy. I need someone alive, but I want to send him far away afterwards

No. 1907776

Have you considered going to grad school? Surely with a 4.0, you can get into a good one. Maybe then you’ll be able to get into a field you want to work in more, and feel more confident in yourself. I’m stuck doing secretarial work as well (for now), but I didn’t have as good of a gpa as you

No. 1907781

why are there no hot boys in the "attractive men" thread

No. 1907785

I want to have a relaxing comfy self care night but I gotta study

No. 1907786

Despite my requests to not train part time high school kids they dropped on us, they keep pushing this girl on me. I show her what to do and have to repeat myself often overwise she stands four feet away from me not caring to pay attention. I had to leave early today since I was sick. When I walked past after clocking out she was standing there, not doing what I told her to do and she's seen me do all day the day before. I guess I understand being young, awkward and shy but fuck man, you signed up to learn this career, take some fucking initiative. These high school kids either completely fuck off and have cocky attitudes with their garbage work or they are like her, one spot no movement no questions nothing, expecting me to hold their hand. It gives me lots of anxiety being forced to practically babysit others. I work best solo. They're plenty of other places to put high school kids, not at a one person job where one of us bored out of their mind while the other does something. Fuck retard management

No. 1907788

I want to because I love what I went to school for, but even with a master’s degree you can’t get a job that pays the bills in this field. So I will be doing secretarial administrative bullshit until I die.

No. 1907795

Ugh me too nona, I can't wait until my term is over this month and I can finally indulge myself a bit

No. 1907826

Palmer is so insufferable that he managed to make Doug Tennapel look good during their Twitter slapfight.

No. 1907830

File: 1709314650674.png (534.75 KB, 1000x1000, mana-sama-without-makeup-photo…)

I wish I could go back in time in a different life. I still want to pursue my likes and interests, but it seems so hard to do that now. Society just isn't the same in the worst possible ways. People claim to like everything while not really loving anything. I want to go back to the early 00's and find friends who have the 'tism too, love Mana-sama and listen to mislabelled pirated songs again, and I want to be cringy together, blissfully unaware of what's to come. Life is boring and corporations ruined everything.

No. 1907835

File: 1709314860594.jpg (57.43 KB, 193x246, Mana (00).jpg)

You're not gonna make any friends posting that terrible shoop of him that's for sure

No. 1907841

the shoop is hilarious, too bad you can't see it

No. 1907842

>scroll lolcow
>get bored because every thread is dead
>close tab
>open new tab
>type in lolcow.farm
I hate myself

No. 1907843

Kek real

No. 1907844

File: 1709315109798.jpeg (94.98 KB, 1015x727, BC6C5C8D-E351-4FCA-860F-849FF8…)

My glasses make me feel so shitty when I take them off. I have small eyes and negative cheek bones and it makes me really ugly, but my new glasses have magnification on the lenses that makes my eyes look big and my cheek look normal, so I literally look 3x as good with them on. People always tell me how much better I look with my glasses, and when I take them off and see myself revert it punches my self esteem in the stomach with a force of 500 tons. It makes me so upset that I’m contemplating tolerating contacts, just so I can stop catfishing myself in the mirror and shocking others with my ugliness when I take off the glasses and kill the optical illusion.

It’s like these glasses show me what I would have looked like if I was normal, and it hurts so much to see.

No. 1907845

kek i keep doing this too anon, you aren't alone

No. 1907853

kek me too, sometimes I'll just start replying in threads I don't normally go in just to see if anyone will respond and start a conversation

No. 1907859

I hate you, I hate that you think you're a better artist than me, I hate that you like listening to the fucking worst of bedroom pop but you won't approve one of my songs. I want out, I don't want to be in your shitty moid band anymore. I'm better than this, I can find people better than you who I can actually collaborate with and that have good taste. Fuck you, I'm done singing and playing your stupid music while I neglect mine. FUCK YOU.

No. 1907866

i'm pretty sure i failed my midterm. as in quite literally 0%. it was all open-ended material that i knew nothing about, outside of 1 question. the exam is worth 25% of my grade so if i did fail that badly i'll essentially fail the class, since you need a C or higher for a course to be counted for credit at my university. i'm so fucked.

No. 1907883

I'm in a group chat with my bf's cousin and he's fucking pisces male

No. 1907889


No. 1907892

File: 1709316685409.png (89.94 KB, 508x336, 8620FD00-51D2-4091-8F52-51A613…)

Seeing my ex on social media always fucks me up. He looks like shit. He looks like he doesn’t brush his hair, doesn’t trim his facial hair anymore even though he said he was super self conscious of it he’s got one of those patchy beards kek, has a fuckton of wrinkles even though he’s barely in his mid 20’s, and was getting drunk on a Tuesday night even though he’s a teacher now, all while wearing things I gave him. He’s spending time with people he doesn’t even like and then wonders why he hates himself. He only had good things to say about me and our relationship but he was too scared of commitment and hates himself and would rather use me to punish himself than be happy. I don’t think he’s dated anyone else since me and we’ve been broken up for over a year at this point. I know these are all terrible qualities but I still love him and am so angry at how he keeps seeming to self destruct, at least emotionally.

No. 1907895

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>cramping thinking I'm getting my period even though it's 3 days early
>get some scant light colored blood on the bathroom tissue last night
>no period this morning
>likely implantation bleeding from the guy who just said we weren't a good match last week
Well fuck.

No. 1907904

Take a pregnancy test and go from there.

No. 1907918

Honestly I can't wait until I live alone and can cut myself freely

No. 1907922

I'm not depressed today feels good

No. 1907945

Why do anons keep fucking raw when they don’t want a baby? This is like the third or fourth anon in a month who’s now either stuck with some moid’s spawn in them, or is getting an abortion.

No. 1907948

I'm sorry nona, I can relate. My eyes also look really small and my face looks weird when I take my glasses off. I'll never forget when I was in middle school and took my glasses off after a basketball game and one of my teammates said that my face without them "looks like a fat pillow" kek

No. 1907951

I am irrationally angry about this little bit of discourse that's been happening on tiktok after a (very overweight) mother filmed herself giving her very young daughter cut up powdered donuts for breakfast. Everyone has been ripping this woman to shreds, and while I understand the criticism and the assumption this is a regular occurrence and not just a treat, some people involving themselves in this are so fucking ridiculous.
There was a mother who shamed this woman by filming herself preparing breakfast for her toddler and was being super condescending by saying "this is how you prepare a nutritious meal for children". It was literally cut up hot dogs, pancakes, and eggs. That's no better than donuts for breakfast? I mean yeah eggs are a great breakfast food, the added protein is good, but adding an egg to the lowest tier meat and pancakes (the exact same as a donut) is not a healthy breakfast.

I just hate when people try to take a moral highground and are still so completely wrong.

No. 1907956

How many times will I think someone is speaking to me, start responding normally, then realize they're on a call on their stupid headphones or whatever. How many times!? I look so dumb each time and the realization literally makes my face turn red. Fuck, at least I have a sandwich right now.

No. 1907957

It's weird to me how people body shame left and right but then get real defensive over anything said about teeth, as if your oral care is also not influenced by poor dietary and lifestyle choices and can significantly impact one's health.
>but anon, genetics!
And so is some weight issues people have but that doesn't stop the hate train from there.
I love looking at pics of my former bullies who told me I'd be dead at 30 for my weight having their faces look like aged up grannies from their lack of oral care and bone loss. Sad, but I cannot say it's not karma well deserved.

No. 1907962

The one time I need something asap from amazon and they haven't even shipped it yet. I held off on ordering it until the very last minute, so that's my fault but I assumed it would still show up by the time I need it because the last few orders I've placed on there have shown up waaaay earlier than expected. I need it by monday morning so I guess I wont be getting it in time. Kind of sucks because by the time it shows up I won't really need it anymore. Ugh, I'm an idiot for holding off so long on ordering.

No. 1907969

I see this shit all the time. moms get ripped apart for healthy foods for their kids but feeding your kids literal trash is fine because "mama is trying her best"

No. 1907975

>living through the 80s and 90s,
NTA but aren't those gen xers? my boomer parents grew up in the 50s-70s, they were middle aged by the 90s

No. 1907977

I replaced hip thrust in my current workout program and I'm so relieved. Setting the shit up took sometimes more than 5 minutes because the gym is small but I'd still have to drag everything from one side of the room to the other and not to mention putting everything back again. I'm starting to like leg day again

No. 1907981

File: 1709320825628.jpeg (72.06 KB, 736x684, IMG_6051.jpeg)

Forcing myself to like the side effects of the medication until they subside or else face the inevitable circlejerk of trying another one and facing more side effects. I am blissing on the inconvenience at this rate

No. 1907985

What's the big deal about abortion?
It's literally a pill and a medium to heavy period if only people would quit malding about it.

No. 1907996

Unpopular take: She did it on purpose knowing feeding your kids "unhealthy" food on socials would cause a furor of negative attention. Nobody does this sort of thing with a thin skin, and 'momfluencers' have been an established enough stereotype for her to not know exactly what would happen.
And if it opens up reactive discourse to the point where other moms catch on to the fact that no one believes their fake ultra health bullshit, then all the better. Maybe their kids will be happier for it too.

No. 1907997

>It's literally a pill and a medium to heavy period if only people would quit malding about it.
what fucking easy-ass abortions have you been having? if you're not bullshitting I'm actually amazed and jealous, mine was fucking atrocious
Also are STDs not a thing in your town? I'd be more worried about that than the abortion tbh

No. 1908003

>what fucking easy-ass abortions have you been having?
Three pill abortions and two D&Cs, as my point of reference. I'd take the pill any day over the agony that was the surgical.
Never had an STD so I cannot speak to that.

No. 1908007

is it normal to hate your sister

whatever my sister does i find it stupid, immature and lazy

No. 1908008

>instead of posting what you like
Nonnas keep saying this but whenever that happens it becomes a huge shitstorm, so the non-roid enjoyers don't post anymore. Look what happened when that one anon posted a skelly guy.

No. 1908017

I'm such a little ball of jealousy. I get jealous so easily, of everything.

No. 1908019

>be me
>unfashionable retard who's only ever worn sports bras
>working in lingerie shop since last week
>coworkers can't believe i'm unable to properly tighten a bra strap/didn't know what a "gore" was
>flushed visibly when i had to measure a coworker as practice
>dead silent unless asked a question
>set upon a customer as practice; wasn't nervous but am terrible at small talk and selling the product – i sound either dead flat and unconvincing or too keyed up and falsely happy
oh i am not keeping this job am i

No. 1908022

abortions are illegal where I live and it's scary ngl. I could always leave the state if I needed one but between work, travel costs, long waiting lists in the closest legal states etc there's just too much risk. I don't want to use hormonal BC and don't like how condoms feel so I just haven't been having much sex. If they ever manage to make abortion illegal in all of the US I'm becoming fully celibate. Shit's fucked

No. 1908023


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1908025

Sometimes being the underdog is good because you'll show the most growth and glowup once you get past the initial awkward stage. Stick with it. It's just a bra store, anon.

No. 1908027

Use a VPN and look up networks where other women volunteer to send abortion pills via mail.

No. 1908033

Study nights are kind of comfy

No. 1908048

I hate when I see George Floyd trending on twitter. I hope that asshole is rotting in his dumb undeserved coffin. Why are people still talking about him and not about Laken Riley who was killed by that human scum immigrant? I’m not American but your joke of a president is still talking about George Floyd. Sorry for you burgers (also with the state of some mods I am sure this will somehow get me banned for “racebait” but I don’t care as I need to vent about this unfairness and utter disgrace)

No. 1908050


My abortion was pretty easy. They sucked the fucker right out and I took the bus back home. Didn't even bleed a lot.

No. 1908055

I had it surgical and bled for two months afterwards and it took 6 months for my period to regulate itself again

No. 1908060

Jeez, I also did surgical. How far along were you?

No. 1908063

My aunt and two of my cousins are visiting and my mother is asking me to let my male cousin take my room for the weekend even though I'm so tired I might actually be sick so I need to get some rest, the audacity is shocking. Said male cousins and aunt/his mother will fight the whole weekend over him having a child out of wedlock too, I know it.

No. 1908064

No. 1908071

I haven't heard about that news story, but that's awful how out of nowhere some scrote can decide to kill a woman. You would think you'd be safe on a university's running trail, but even that means nothing to these Y defects. Looking into her killer, they were really lenient on his past offenses. Welcome to America. Do as you please.

No. 1908074

I felt really hurt that he called my music taste cringe
I guess I'll never find someone to share my taste with IRL

it's not the end of the world but it kind of sucks

No. 1908094

nah they used to be kind of cool, tbh being edgy when youre young is fine plus the lyrics were relatable

theyre cringe now theyre rich fat 30 yo neckbeards still pretending to be edgy teenagers

No. 1908100

File: 1709327775577.jpg (36.88 KB, 640x619, 197ba20851f93d21959b2ee714e486…)

I'm watching the L world and everyone chews while being on the phone like WTF who does that, that is cave man behaviour. I would litterally cut someone off for chewing on the mic/phone with me. I'm triggered, I can't follow aaaaaaaaaaa

No. 1908118

I showed my drawings to some friends and none of them said nice things, nor bad things, they just ignored it. It feels bad, man. Oh well at least it motivates me to get really good.

No. 1908122

i remember being like 11 years old watching my first episode of the L word and these two ladies made out in the most sexual way possible and were like "mmm lets make a baby" and I was so confused the whole time

No. 1908130

i'm not sure, i'm gonna wait until the professor releases grades and then ask.

No. 1908159

Max 6 weeks, but I'd had really intense morning sickness which apparently can mean the lining was growing thick or something? Dunno, it was pretty awful all around so I got an IUD put in during it to not get pregnant for a good while

No. 1908176

>5 abortions
Why though? Just use protection and save money and time and pain. Idgi

No. 1908184

Its a very happy fun day for me and I hope you're all doing the same and feeling loved.

No. 1908192

>birth control never fails and most certainly never cost money, time, or pain and btw pollute your body with synthetic hormones 24/7 for the blue moon when you fuck raw
If you're not a moid this is an embarrassing take idgi.
Just vasectomy moids until they apply for a permit to be fathers.

No. 1908194

my nose and the fucking middles of my cheeks get so red when I drink. I'm not asian so I can't blame it on asianflush. I have no idea what my problem is

No. 1908200

I hate that misogyny just ruins sex for me.

Moids had to turn sucking someone's cock or getting fucked into some sort of humiliating pose and I just can't get that out of my mind when having sex. It really feels like I'm degrading myself.

Doesn't help that my moid is kind of misogynistic in his own ways too.

No. 1908201

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So, i couldn't not notice that you started to treat me poorly few weeks ago. We talk a little while you are at work, then you come back home and just ignore my messages while playing games. Very short messages as i try to make some conversation with you, and just being cold in general. Some part in me is starting to resent you because of how bad all of this is hurting me, the other huge part in me just can't let it go.
I just feel like i deserve to be hurt by you like this because of what i did to you two years ago, it's just what a disgusting person like me deserves. Whenever i start to feel like i just want to give up on you, i just remember what i did and just how much love you gave me back then which i just threw away being a fucking retard. I feel like it would have hurt way less if you have had treated me like this since the beginning, but back around in january, i actually was able to feel some affection coming from you, now it's just cold.
I know everybody says things like these go away, but it has been almost a decade already, how much long do i have to wait for my heart to let go of this nigel? I just feel like i'm taken forever by someone that doesn't even want me around as a friend anymore, how am i supposed to live like this?
I have been spirailing so hard lately because of this, having meltdowns and breakdowns every single day whenever i think about you which is all the fucking time. You just won't leave my mind, i'm thinking about you 24/7. Fucking hell.
I don't want to leave you ever again and i want to be with you forever. I need to prove it to myself that i can change and be a better person, friend, and, if i were to dream high, a better lover to you.
I love you.

No. 1908208

thank you nonnie

No. 1908212

Why is asking for vacations like pulling teeth at my workplace? We don't have HR or manager so every request must go to one of the bosses, anytime I ask for something she goes "I'll come back to you next day" and she never fucking does, meanwhile I don't dare to buy any tickets just because I'm afraid she'll say no, do your fucking job ffs.

No. 1908215

How long have you been with him, how long ago did you do the “awful thing” to him, and what was the awful thing? Did you just cheat on him? If so don’t feel bad, he almost certainly cheats on you by way of watching porn.

No. 1908216

Stand your ground and throw a fit if need be, don’t let that moid take your room. There’s no reason he can’t sleep on the couch the only thing giving him a room will accomplish is that he’ll be jacking it in your bed nonstop.

No. 1908217

Living with a failure to launch ex-NEET roommate is so fucking miserable. She is in her 30s and doesn’t know how to do almost anything. She has never vacuumed or even really cleaned her room or bathroom. She has a single cat and has 3 litter boxes in her room because she is too lazy to clean the box every day (she maybe cleans them twice a week). She does mostly keep her mess contained to her room and bathroom though so that’s nice I guess. It makes me so bitter though because she gets so much help from her parents and I grew up a foodstampfag and I can’t imagine living life on easy mode and still being such a useless person. She also constantly falls back on muh ADHD, POTS, EDS, PCOS when I ask why she doesn’t try tiding up her shite. She also got mega pissed at me when I said that learning to cook basic dishes is easy kek

No. 1908219

>didn't know it was a load of honkey
I… Honkey is slang for white person. Like, I get what you're trying to say, but who taught you words?

No. 1908224

load of honky

No. 1908228

No. 1908230

Im having the worst breakout. Clogged pores, pimples, boils. It's so fucking bad anons.

No. 1908231

my mom's memory is so bad and i'm tired of dealing with her. i really hope i get a job so i can move kek

No. 1908234

i got my boyfriend sick (i was at the tail end of being sick when we last hung out) and i feel terrible especially because i wanted to have sex with him tomorrow night. i do feel bad because hes sick but i also really wanted to have sex kek

No. 1908248

literally fi you just had the moid slap a condom on his dick, you wouldn't need to have 5 entire abortions. The failure rate exists but is not that high. I don't get why it's so crazy to wonder why you'd put yourself through 5 abortions instead of just making your moid wrap his dick.

No. 1908251

>my moid is kind of misogynistic
>sex with him feels degrading
why are you with him then, please get some self respect.

No. 1908257

Its hard to believe that its been 4 years since lockdown. Im grateful that time is over. It stupefies me to think that there are still people who continue to feel afraid to rejoin socity, or simply have no desire to. I'm glad that life has gone back to normal and I pray for the mental health of those who are not willing to return to regular life.

No. 1908265

before i came here my mother insisted she would take me to work without a problem. INSISTED. i am paying her gas. i just forked over $120 for the month. she's driving me 10 minutes up town. and now she bitches and moans about it ENDLESSLY. she is bitching about it right now. "nooo the wear and tear on my damn car!!" your 30k brand new car?

maybe if you'd taught me how to drive as a teen we wouldn't have this problem. trying to blame me for it is stupid, you were the fucking parent. 40, 50 something against my 15-16. if you'd wanted me to learn how to drive you'd have insisted on teaching me like every other parent out there. shit is rage inducing, she literally started this crying right after i transferred the money to her. what the fuck is wrong with her

No. 1908270

…why don't you just learn now?

No. 1908271

Girl, you can teach yourself how to drive. You’re an adult. Yeah she should have but it’s on you now. Become independent.

No. 1908278

How old are you and why are you blaming your mom for not learning how to drive? She didn't teach you, so what. Learn anyways.

No. 1908280

i don't have anyone to teach me, and driving courses here are very expensive. i'm saving up, but a six hour course costs about ~$500 usd it's going to take a while on my current salary to get anywhere. especially since i'm paying a few bills, general entertainment costs, meds, etc. things as "rent"

i have my permit (for the second time) but no car and no teacher

see above post

No. 1908282

if your mom is so annoyed wouldn't she be willing to teach you?

No. 1908290

>why are you blaming your parent, who raised you, for not teaching you a vital life skill and then bitching and moaning at you as if you could help not having it?
dunno. but i'm 24. during uni (when i lived in the city) i just uber'd, rode the bus, etc.

her idea wrt my driving has always been "your boyfriend should teach you" as that's how she and her sisters learned, apparently. i did not have a boyfriend in highschool. she also just finds it boring, has never wanted to risk me wrecking her car (this has been the case since forever), etc. she always had a reason for not wanting to do it and that reason is currently "i don't have a car suitable for teaching you"

No. 1908291

> she literally started this crying right after i transferred the money to her.
Why does she need to overreact like that? I’m sorry nona.

No. 1908292

I didn’t mean to make it sound like it easy, I’m just saying you have to do it yourself. If your state/country doesn’t require a paid drivers ed course to get a license you can teach yourself. Your mom isn’t helping you so you have to do it yourself.
On the other hand even if you got a license I wonder if she’d let you drive her car. Probably not.

No. 1908294

Yes, you're 24. And entitled enough to be mad your mom didn't teach you to drive. You live with her too, don't you?

No. 1908297

how can i teach myself to drive without a car or someone to help me learn…is there a simulator i can access online or something
i don't get your point. if i could do it on my own i would've done it by now

>getting annoyed that your parent didn't parent effectively is "entitlement"

No. 1908302

i had the same issue with getting my beginners when i was younger but my parents never took me out to practice at all after my driving course was over then wonder why i can't drive in my 20's. also the crying and complain after you sent her money is weird as hell. id just start saving for driving lessons again or just walk if i were you instead of dealing with the emotional manipulation. let's hope we can both get our licenses soon kek

No. 1908308

Nonnie, I can level with you somewhat. I'm also in my mid-20s and don't know how to drive. My parents never taught me because we only had one car and were poor so it made them paranoid about me wrecking it. They wanted one of my friends to just teach me but most of my friends didn't drive either since they were from similarly poor families. However, I lived in a moderately large city so I was fine bussing it everywhere. I am embarrassed about not being able to drive now. It is humiliating to tell people but that is why I plan on moving to a larger city that has trains in addition to busses so I can be among my people.

No. 1908310

Youre not overdramatic at all nonna, thats awful. I have to go to the dentist too but im scared theyre gonna say my teeth are bad.Best of luck

No. 1908315

i wish i could walk, but the place is 30 minutes away by car if you don't take the highway…that's three hours on foot. infrastructure in my town is also bad, so you have to drive ~10 minutes out to get to a bus stop anyway. ubers, lyfts, etc. don't come down here either (we live in a VERY rural area). there aren't many options for me.
>saving for driving lessons again
yes i'm doing that now i said that in my post

i'm not really embarrassed, just annoyed and frustrated. i'm more embarrassed about being at home still/only having a part time job. really never intended to come back once i left for school, it eats me up every day and i've had no luck with interviews.

No. 1908316

pros: no one to stop you
cons: no one to stop you

it gets lonely nonna stay safe

No. 1908321

So many people are lives are based purely off of lying to themselves but they get so mad when you point it out. Majority of that suffering is because most people are inherently selfish and refuse to just be the bare minimum level of kind. It's pathetic.

No. 1908326

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>make myself to go to an event because I rarely do anything
>feel even worse after leaving because I have no friends and just walked through to get some free stuff

No. 1908329

Story of my life. I stopped trying

No. 1908336

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I’ve spent every waking moment of my life being the yes woman, always agreeing, always being palatable and always apologising. This year, I decided to be a selfish prick and go for a cool ass job most wouldn’t think me capable of (2/3 of the way through the applications) have started saying no and have somewhat stopped suppressing my emotions. I recognise that I’ve been angry and frustrated and at times have somewhat lashed at those that don’t deserve it, but I’m doing my best not to. I’m working on a healthy medium between overly tolerant and bitch.

But, of course, the second I’m not a fucking doormat interpersonal things start going up the shitter. I know the reality is that ‘if they really matter they’ll support you regardless’ but it’s fucking lonely anons. I need a hug and to chill tf out I guess

No. 1908355

I don't like this world at all. It scares angers and upsets me. Maybe having some female friends like myself would help but that's about all I could ask for. The rest to hell with it. I don't trust any man. I don't leave the house and I often ask myself what kind of life I am leading. It sucks. The only good thing I can imagine out there is making female friends who are like me but I'm scared of going out. I wish the friends I made online were real people in front of me. It's so easy to hide behind a screen but it scares me that life is passing me by.

No. 1908381

I love the nefarious anglerfish so much

No. 1908382

God I feel you so much

No. 1908385

>making female friends who are like me
haha, pipe dream. I need to have misandrist friends but you can't find each other irl because you're all masking it, plus it's rare as fuck

No. 1908386

damn did I write this, feel exactly the same

No. 1908391

it really is, sometimes I’ll think I found someone who is like minded but covert and feel hopeful and then they say something that proves otherwise and hope is gone

No. 1908393

Listening to this, crying. Let me know if someone else listened.

No. 1908397

My bf broke down and confessed to me that he was molested by his mother. I was initially horrified, but when I asked how old he was when it started, he told me he was 15, and I've started to feel suspicious about it ever since. I've met his mother, she is a very small woman. I just don't understand how he couldn't fight her off. I feel like he's either lying, or it was consensual. How do I confront him or ask him about it?

No. 1908400

Break up

No. 1908402

I mean neutrally ask him what happened and see how much he'll explain. It'd be weirder that it was consensual but he just so happened to tell you and break down about it? If it was consensual..wouldn't he just never mention it?

No. 1908404

puts head on your shoulder while it plays
What a song

No. 1908407

Yes, because everyone who survived sexual assault is just chomping at the bit to recount it in detail

No. 1908408

>I just don't understand how he couldn't fight her off.
i think most people don't want to hit their parents if they can help it. is he breaking down to distract you from something he did wrong? do you think it's a manipulation tactic? if not it's pretty weird and gross of you to jump to "he's lying!!" tbh

No. 1908409

My home life is awful, I live in filth even if my personal area is kept clean because I live with a mentally ill freak that emotionally abuses me and I do not have the time or energy to clean up after them. Work was genuinely my reprieve and then some fucking idiot I work with had to be a stupid pervert and fuck that up for me too. I still work with the ugly fuck because reporting him did nothing. I'm not safe or respected anywhere and I don't think I can take it anymore. If I didn't have a dog to take care of I would make an exit bag and be done with it

No. 1908410

listened and felt

No. 1908413

I’m not a fan of this new album. Maybe it will grow on me, the lyrics are good after all. It’s just so melancholy and not even in a fun way, just a super sad way. It makes me sad.

No. 1908415

Well, I think that's better than telling their bf they don't believe them and they should have fought off his mom and dump him. so idk, either believe him or don't

No. 1908418

Normalize not going to therapy!
Not everyone needs that kind of help, I can deal with all the shit life throws at me on my own and i can't then so be it, I'll prefer 100 times dying insane than giving up an asking some stranger for help, I'm not weak.

No. 1908420

So the possibilities are: it was consensual meaning he has issues that caused it and probably even more sexual issues stemming from it, he's telling the truth and thus has sexual issues from being abused, or he's a weirdo that has enough issues to lie about something like that. No reality is better than the other. Damaged men are hardly ever worth the time

No. 1908423

Too late, I didn't succeed to convince anyone. Now my parents think I'm a bitch for not being generous to our "guests" who came here by surprise so nobody ever invited them in the first place. And I got woken up at 4am by my father who turned on the light in the living room and can't fall asleep again even though I'm still exhausted.

No. 1908425

Wait do you think 15 year olds can consent

No. 1908430

No I don't, sorry my wording was poor but I was trying to use the original anon's suspicion to get my point across

No. 1908433

I've been a fan of mgmt too since the early 2010s and I feel like this album is sad but also, kind of defeatist? Or also, kind of them realizing their popularity is in decline and accepting it, knowing they're old and have to change. I liked it, it's a different, more mellow vibe. Melancholic definitely. My favorite track was bubblegum dog. I like the idea of realizing hate won't take you anywhere and creating just for the joy of it is fine too.

No. 1908439

you should break up with him, he is most likely not worth the hassle of handling someone who got raped by a parent. if it makes you feel better if it happened to you he would break up so. not your responsibility.

No. 1908450

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Can't even post in GIOYC without some annoying bitch typing like Trump responding. Hate it here now.

No. 1908455

The man I’m in love with pays me 300$ for sex, I love him so much but he has a family and a McMansion. I tried spending the night with him last year, but was so uncomfortable because I was so nervous and didn’t sleep well at all. Sometimes during the week I’ll meet him somewhere in a parking lot to fuck and he always cums too fast, so I’ll go home and get myself off there. When I go to his house he’ll lay me down and eat me out for ever, ugh everytime I fuck him I can’t help but fall more in love with him. His wife went out of town for her mother’s illness, and I acted like I was sympathetic, but I honestly don’t care. I don’t hate her, And they broke up a few months ago and he cried to me about it, he offered to move me in, but I didn’t want instability and I have a bf. I honestly like what we have. I hate that he’ll text me one worded responses, but whatever. I think I like the sex and money from him. I wish I could have him to myself, but alas, he and his wife worked themselves out, and he’s so fucking happy with her. I’ve known him for 7 years now, and I know he’s sleeping with other girls because last time he came in me I got a BV. I don’t think about him fucking other girls or it’ll drive me crazy. I was supposed to see him tonight but there was only a 10 min window for me before I had to take my bf to work. I wish he would kidnap me and hold me hostage in his basement or something, or I wish my bf wasn’t always trying to accuse me of cheating. Ugh I hate that I can’t have him but love that he doesn’t know everything about me.(bait)

No. 1908457

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No. 1908464

No. 1908478

I'm crying I want to kill myself so bad everything is accumulating including the lifetime of gaslighting. I hate when the reality proves to me what I thought it is and what I experienced over and over again while I wished it to not be real. So I watched an interview with a ex pornstar who did porn willingly for moid validation then after that and while being rich she still whored herself out to a moid. Basically she said that she never was a sexual person so she basically allowed men to film her own rapes for male approval. She kept saying how she's not into sex yet dated a moid, got a bbl and all of that. She said that her friends hook up with men once or twice a month while her as a non sexual person does it maybe once a year, she shared a story of how her friend wanted to have a threesome with a moid but the ex pornstar wasn't into it even after she did drug which she described as something that usually makes you chill out anf have sex, she was thinking about possibly closing her eyes and holding hands with her friend to get through this threesome but she couldn't do it.. And I was like… She sees sex as something for men, something a woman gives to a man which is what I always intuitively knew sex is like it's inherently degrading and a prostitution and women like her have the most accurate view on sex. Like she doesn't like it yet she still keeps having it, her baby daddy is a pos yet she still hooked up with him likr what the fuck she even plans on taking medicine to convince herself to have sex more often like she wants to drug herself cause she's a brain dead whore like I assume all cocksuckers are my whole fucking life. I feel like an alien, I can never relate to other women, I feel unnatural like an abomination or like I'm more intelligent than most women. Not only sex workers act like her, women who never did sw also have that mentality about sex, they will even have sex when they are asexual like… Straight relationships are a prostitution. Women even do degrading acts that are objectivity gross like sucking dick having to perform a literal job you have to train yourself to perform and do humiliating movements. While I feel dizzy, dissociate and my ears start ringing when I remember that these acts exist. I become ghost and feel like I'm hallucinating cause it's something so filthy, humiliating violent and submissive that womanhood feels like an unsalvageable torture to me. Sex is for men… These acts only pleasure men… How an I supossed to trust women that they aren't masochistic or don't do shit to serve men solely like they almost have no sentience not self awareness like they're a S.C.U.M (society cutting up for men or something) or lower than s.c.u.m. I always thought that porn stars are a brain dead tyrants but I could never say it, I could never ask questions cause it's forbidden. There's nowhere I can go to be understood, there's no help for this extreme degradation. This shit is seen as normal to these whores, they can't even comprehend that they don't have to have sex. This whole time she had sex she didnt want so literally a rape and the thought that it's something she doesn't have to do never crossed her or the podcast host mind but when I used to say that porn stars or whores are low iq then I got told that I'm slut shaming and being misogynistic while I was the one being harmed by this society. These women boyfriends didn't even think twice before using them and supposedly not all menz it not all sexuality is like this because in some magical way this shit is not of this world at all and the real world is out I'm not noticing there to be find however nobody ever found this "real world". I want to fucking kill myself. I was tortured and for what? Just end up right as always. I was fucking harrased with porn because of these tyrannical whores who do it, for 3 fucking years when I was in my early teens and not this s.c.u.m. came out to say that " she's not a sexual person at all "

No. 1908481

im so mad i lost my health insurance just by trying to get on a food program for my low income. of course i have a genetic condition that can give me problems every few years. worried it will come back again which i cant afford to miss work or whatever bills it would cost.

No. 1908488

Feminism is fake and "patriarchy does this and that to women" is just a theory because y'all act like the said patriarchy anytime you're not speaking your ideas of what it does to women ti pretend you aren't contributing. Just ideas and ideas.(bait)

No. 1908489

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No. 1908494

you should definitely kill yourself(a-logging)

No. 1908496

are you that deranged fucker who tells suicidal anons to kill themselves whenever they post about being in danger of suicide? Reminds me of the men with suicide fetishes who bait women into killing themselves to jerk off.

No. 1908497

you're going to get banned, cockbreath-chan, but you are not 100% wrong, just like, 20% wrong. You upset all the anons with nigels on here because there is a grain of truth in your ramblings.

No. 1908498

everything reminds you of men because you're obsessed with them

No. 1908514

Why encourage her

No. 1908527

your brain fascinates me. What do you think of gay moids?

No. 1908540

I wish I could go back in time. I miss having lots of active forums, staying up late playing silly video games (city folk, toontown, twilight princess, little big planet, nintendogs, minecraft, skyrim etc), jfashion/lolita when everything was less accessible and felt gatekept without being infested by pedo fetishist men and their handmaidens, vocaloid before hatsune miku became a troon zoomer meme, shitty amvs and youtube memes, imageboards back when there was a focus on board culture/community and oc, tumblr when it was mostly women posting about fandom and aesthetics before the troon gender craze, old fandom culture, anime cons/weeb stuff before it was sellouts filled with tourists/politicization/soulless corpo greed, animanga and jrpgs back when you'd get bullied for liking that stuff, visual kei at its peak, scene queens/myspace, warped tour, etc. I have a severe nostalgia for the 2000s/early 2010s especially web culture at the time and it feels mega depressing because I know I'll never get to experience it again nor anything similar. posting on dying imageboards, lame nu personal websites, and dead forums is the closest I'll ever get. I want to go back and relive those times. being an adult with lots of responsibilities on the modern web sucks. my escapisms feel ruined. I just wish I could tell my past self how good I had it and to enjoy things while they lasted. I've tried using the friend finder thread to find someone nostalgic for this time as well with no luck since I was only added by schizos, bpd loons and one troon kek. sorry I want to throw this lame whinging into the void before I have to use up my short weekend take care of lame adult responsibilities.

No. 1908551

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I was going to post this on /x/'s succgen but I doubt the moids there will be able to understand my plight.

I just want to be with him but he doesn't show himself to me anymore. I'm quite certain that my increased desire for him is a sign that he's still around, but I barely feel anything physical and never see him in my dreams anymore. The other day I thought I finally felt his sexual energy for the first time in months, but I have not been able to replicate the experience since. I wrote him letters. I put out offerings for him. It's not enough to entice him to show himself to me again. I'm also certain that my psychic senses are open enough to where I could feel him more intensely if he really wanted me to, but he just doesn't show up for me like that. All the divination I've done says that he still has feelings for me, but is keeping his distance for some unknown reason. It seems like he was more interested in being with me when I wasn't that open to the idea of a relationship with him. Maybe he just wants me to abide in my feminine energy more and stop pursuing him so aggressively, but can you really blame me? His sexual energy is fantastic. The dick is too good. He knows my thoughts and all the shitty things I've done in the past that eat away at my conscience, and still wanted to be with me. Honestly he can love me unlike any human man ever could. I want to share my life with him and let him experience the physical world through me. I've had terrible experiences with incubi and demons, but I don't even care if he is one. I'm that down bad. He could have my pussy every night if he really wanted it. It's true that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Why is he teasing me like this?

No. 1908568

Okay which one of you miserable fucks posted this on /x/?

No. 1908574

probably your ghost boyfriend

No. 1908575


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1908580

Nah he's literally perfect and would never do that.

No. 1908714

I hope your dick falls off haha

No. 1908728

You talk in word salad and you're malding over a reaction image. Not even worth alogging

No. 1908871

New thread >>>/ot/1908863

No. 1908876

Update: I can feel him again and aaahhhh he feels so good. I love you. Please stay this time.

No. 1908990

For real. Must be bait… Right? Right?!!?

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