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File: 1703268486971.png (Spoiler Image,2.85 MB, 1170x1156, you rn .png)

No. 1824474

It’s raining husbandos! Hallelujah!

No. 1824476

Linked correctly so no one will diarrhea themselves ♥

No. 1824478

Lean beef patty?

No. 1824479

File: 1703268678300.jpg (Spoiler Image,903.57 KB, 1988x3056, 1000012805.jpg)

To that anon who said I talk like a marvel character from 2012 tumblr, but you bitch I only watch and read invincible

No. 1824487

Men are so fucking gross and weird I saw a post online about how milennial/zoomer parents aren’t really doing the whole sleepover thing because they don’t trust other peoples parents, which is absolutely warranted and probably the smartest decision they can make. Of course the comments were filled with grown men crying about how “kids need social interaction” and we all know that’s not what they’re thinking about. They want other peoples little kids let inside their house so they can show them porn, violent imagery, give them alcohol/drug them, or worse. Think about it; would you trust some guy who was a 2012 hipster to watch your children? No, obviously not

No. 1824489

Why are newfags obsessed with making early threads?

No. 1824490

It’s not really early the other thread is at 1,150 and it’ll likely fill up quickly considering how fast it’s been going for the last like 30 hours kek. Unwind nonnie

No. 1824496

No one wanted this disgusting thread pic. Why are the newfags making threads with shit pics now

No. 1824498

we agreed on this photo where were you last night nonnica

No. 1824500

Nta so you're basically saying there should be two of the same threads because you wanted to make the new one?

The 1100 posts system message really should be removed for the off-topic threads, no one needs time to compile a new OP aside from celebricows maybe.

No. 1824502

That's so sad, anon. I remember some of my best memories are doing sleep overs at friends houses when i was like 12 or 13. I guess we kept to ourselves, ate snacks and played video games all night. Now kids have unlimited access to porn and other horrible shit via tablets. I'm so worried for Gen A. Everyone should experience a sleep over.

No. 1824503

I missed out. My bad

No. 1824505

There was going to be a new one made anyways? I’m really not seeing the harm in making it now instead of waiting until later, it’s just the internet ladies. Relax.

No. 1824506

We absolutely did not want or agree on this pic, you just wanna start shit

No. 1824511

>There was going to be a new one made anyways?
Yes, after the old one gets locked automatically at 1200 so we don't have two simultaneously.

No. 1824514

I saw multiple yesm’s after OP posted it so I saved it kek, it’s not even blood. You need to sit down or something before you have a heart attack.

No. 1824516

Well actually it might be better that I made this one earlier because as of right now anons are talking about how they’d be willing to fuck troons in the previous thread

No. 1824517

I saw way more 'hell nos' to this pic. It's gross. I use the cup on my period, but there's something really weird and fetishy about this.

No. 1824519

Ugh it’s thunder storming outside and I’m home alone.

No. 1824520

Relax and click the little text above the picture that says "hide". you're welcome

No. 1824522

You just wanted to jump the gun and use this shitty pic, newfag. You didn't need to make a new thread when the old one isn't even maxed.

No. 1824524

I've been in the ER for 5 hours, I try to ask the nurse a question and she yells at me. Should I flip her off on my way out? Talk me out of it if I shouldn't.

No. 1824526

It still appears on the catalog, retard.

Why did she yell at you?

No. 1824527

don’t flip her off throw water all over her. Nurses are fucking monstresses.

No. 1824528

There was literally only one yes and most everyone else was grossed out. You're annoying

No. 1824529

Because I tried to ask if my number had been called.

No. 1824531

I’m seriously not trying to be rude to anybody ever but if you see some girl holding a menstrual cup full of juice for a photo-op and your brain says ‘wow fetish content’ then you might be at a point where you need to put the porn to rest

No. 1824533

This is what we get for bitching about the Twitter stan threadpic kek

No. 1824534

Ikr? All I see is some silly instagram girl holding a menstrual cup to her lips. And apparently it's not even real blood? It's just quirky, nothing worth starting infights over kek

No. 1824535

>Think about it; would you trust some guy who was a 2012 hipster to watch your children? No, obviously not
I'm immediately picturing fupa, so you made your point pretty brilliantly tbh

No. 1824536

God, they are ugly

No. 1824537

whenever someone brings up it’s raining men all i can think of is this scene from vampires suck kekk

No. 1824538

I only read it for the plot.

No. 1824539

File: 1703270553322.gif (579.18 KB, 224x224, 5648542ed94aeaae17f3430eb60483…)

dumbass steam cow avatar frame that will never look good on square pictures

No. 1824540

File: 1703270574101.gif (497.93 KB, 400x181, 1000012807.gif)

I just think of that car scene from Scary Movie

No. 1824541

Anon, we even infight about laundry here

No. 1824543

I love shrekish looking women

No. 1824544

That was a pretty bad movie, even for a parody, but that scene was fun.

No. 1824545

File: 1703270662025.gif (553.19 KB, 224x224, b88b1968436c8f084a8e9628367e27…)

the suffering

No. 1824546

not sure why people are acting like its the most repulsive thing ever, i dont think it's real blood in that cup kek

No. 1824547

I love this movie so much.

No. 1824549

i consider this way less gross than some autogynephile on a motorcycle kek let’s all just have some fun

No. 1824550

File: 1703270809135.gif (1.22 MB, 275x275, 1000012713.gif)

Anons with cats, who do you think your cat would sound like if it could suddenly talk like a human?

No. 1824556

My boy cat would definitely have a sweet little british aristocrat baby prince voice, and i like to think my lady cat would sound similar to liz gilles kek

No. 1824559

Would love to do this to my husbando ngl

No. 1824560

That's so adorable. What a proper chap.

No. 1824561

My hypothesis is they want to use the pictures they like as a thumbnail, before anyone else makes a thread with another picture they don't like it.

No. 1824562

That was exactly how I imagine me and my husbando kek
I didn't know american comics were so cultured.

No. 1824564

File: 1703271433027.png (173.4 KB, 401x659, Screenshot_20231222-194006.png)

I beg your fucking pardon?

No. 1824567

she is certifiably NOT ok. what were you looking up to find this though kek

No. 1824569

Depends, she's probably stressed as hell.

No. 1824571

This photo was proposed and multiple people agree on it, please stop dragging this out it’s really not the most offensive threadpic we’ve ever had

No. 1824573

"Michael" as in Michael Myers kek.

No. 1824577

close your eyes shut your mouth dream a dream and get us out

No. 1824579

>not even blood
Idk nonnas, I was not the anon who posted the picture originally but I was able to find the original post on Instagram and the same account had multiple other photos of blood in a toilet bowl. I still question why anon randomly posted a 2016 picture from a literal who’s Instagram.

No. 1824582

All my friends are princesses we keep it wet and creamy

No. 1824585

how many of us have read the bible all the way not just parts? I’m curious

No. 1824586

Your word choice reminded me of that weirdo in the Unpopular Opinions thread with that "have fun with your pussy going creamless" comment.

No. 1824588

I feel sad for anyone who is incapable of not taking things personally

No. 1824589

>spoilered OP
Weak ass farmhands

No. 1824593

disturbing and indicative of an agp in our midst if true

No. 1824596

To think that this is supposed to be a female imageboard… And we're censoring fake period blood kek

No. 1824601

the girl in the photo isn’t a guy

No. 1824603

Not trying to be contrarian I am genuinely curious as to why would an AGP’d want to post an old photo of a random girl holding a menstrual cup up to her face? I honestly feel as though this is more likely a selfpoast

No. 1824604

Why the fuck are podcasts a thing? Why should I want to hear two ugly men talking about their mundane lives?

No. 1824606

Just because we all have periods doesn't mean we want to see that, you're free to continue making your period blood paintings and making scarves with a ball of yarn shoved up your vagina tho

No. 1824607

File: 1703273239156.jpeg (43.7 KB, 306x330, IMG_9497.jpeg)

Fucking THANK you

No. 1824610

Finally deleted my twatter. Enough with the retarded bullshit!

No. 1824611

Taking xans and baking cookies sounds nice though

No. 1824612

Hello Kitty is a scorpio so I could imagine her liking all of those things simultaneously

No. 1824616

That sounds like more of a pisces thing imo

No. 1824618

Please keep your vampirism fetish to yourself, thx

No. 1824620

that peggy song goes hard

No. 1824621

We all poop and yet you don't want to look at poop. Keep on clutchin

No. 1824622

ntayrt but if someone made the threadpic their poop i dont think id even notice

No. 1824623

I agree even though the image uploaded here looks like a screenshot rather than the original image which I feel like a self poster would upload instead. Still fishy though, right after I posted that I found the original Instagram post in the last thread an anon posted like “am i cute tho” and then deleted it. Truly a mystery that will keep me up at night. A fetish moid is likely too

No. 1824624

File: 1703273721153.jpg (52.36 KB, 704x773, a6c08e93e9b73121c0dfca74afdfc0…)

Considering the early thread/obsessive need to hijack the dumbass shit and gross blood content for max attention whoring and overall annoying behavior, this is also the fujosperg, who is, coincidentally, a newfag too.

I predict bullshit and more gross stuff in the near future, maybe yaoi, if she's feeling particularly insufferable

No. 1824625

Do you think women just share photos of each other drinking their period blood or something? Yes, we all get our period, but that pic is weird af. I don't want to look at it.

No. 1824627

I like listening to story podcasts, but no idea how people can listen to at least an hour or moids taking about shit. This includes Trash talk, H3H3, and way back when, the Jimquisition.

No. 1824628

take it to the tinfoil thread please kek not even i am autistic enough to be able to somehow piece that all together

No. 1824629

Will Meat-kun make a comeback?!?

No. 1824630

good thing it has been spoilered for like the last hour though

No. 1824632

How else do you prolong your lifespan?

No. 1824634

File: 1703273990838.jpg (46.51 KB, 736x725, a2b2f0e4b2655fa0fc2d180358b00a…)

I tried a decade ago but it was boring, started playing minecraft instead on sundays and slowly my family never went to church again (this was the moment my family's lineage was completely freed from religion- we never went back and thus over a millenia of power the Roman catholic church held over us was extinguished by 3D blocks)

No. 1824636

Yeah this definitely smelled like the yaoispammer to me. Being annoying and gross but acting all innocent about it, c'mon

No. 1824638

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No. 1824640

Fair enough, Elizabeth Bathory

No. 1824641

The newfags aren't fujos. They think that is yucky and anyone who was here in 2018 is a grandma. They also say "users".

No. 1824643

>every single last poster i don’t like is the same person
this doesn’t make any sense like can someone give me like a storyboard of how fujoshi’s are connected to period bloodkun

No. 1824644

File: 1703274182392.jpg (57.63 KB, 398x500, bible for minecrafters.JPG)

Jesus, please if you’re listening you can still save this one’s soul give her this.

No. 1824647

anon just hates fujos and bringing them up for no reason. I would just ignore.

No. 1824648

How to crucify in minecraft?

No. 1824649

File: 1703274385202.png (1.71 MB, 926x802, walt be like.png)

I like to think that this movie poster was a nod to walt disneys frozen head kek

No. 1824650

Quick nonas, tell me one thing that makes you stand from the average poster

No. 1824653

nothing i guarantee my typing style isn’t recognizable

No. 1824655

It's not "fujos", it's a single newfag who has been trolling and attention whoring for months and got banned thousands of times, she happens to like blood and yaoi and usually shits this thread specifically

No. 1824659

You have to understand we’ve had a large wave of tiktok newfags plural, so realistically it is more likely that its multiple people instead of a singular person

No. 1824665

I recognize you, you love to post on anonymous image boards

No. 1824678

kek I remember that

No. 1824680

i keep seeing flies but there are none apparently

No. 1824686

I have the power of a esl aka im a retard at English

No. 1824693

Your obsession with fujos is genuinely concerning.

No. 1824701

fujos are what keep this site alive tbh

No. 1824703

what is the point of using a pic that needs to be spoilered?

No. 1824709

It didn’t need to be spoilered because it’s not real blood, we just have male moderation

No. 1824715

it originally wasn’t spoilered and it also wasn’t spoilered by mods in the last thread so I’m not sure nonnetta

No. 1824724

why is everyone suddenly grossed out by period blood

No. 1824727

why do we have leanbeefpatty as threadpic kek

No. 1824728

Kek no

No. 1824732

cause she’s cute! kekk

No. 1824735

everyone knows trve feminists bathe in their period blood!!

No. 1824739

So true queen freebleeding gang

No. 1824742

Were you dropped on your head as a baby. Do you know where you are

No. 1824744

every morning i do a wellness shot of my own period blood. i have a huge stock in my fridge and freezer.

No. 1824745

File: 1703277538136.png (2.18 MB, 929x1193, cat in the castle .png)

It’s the Friday before Christmas how are we feeling

No. 1824746

I mean, nightwing, cyclop (marvel), angel (also marvel) and many others exist. They're amazing eye candy to me. the living laser from iron man armored adventures comis and show is my favorite though. I admit I also kinda like wolverine's design. Jean Gray, black widow, the snow woman forgot her name, storm and many other female characters that I find attractive regardless of their stories or personalities or writing, just based on character design. And Jean x Cyclop are a power couple to me. And I never even read the comics, I just like the aesthetic. Sorry for being zoomer brained.

No. 1824747

Anxious. I'm not ready for the new year.

No. 1824748

why are you so mad kek

No. 1824749

File: 1703277714028.jpg (42.58 KB, 680x613, 41b.jpg)

No. 1824750

Olaf is the worst disney sidekick to exist. I really hate him. Wasn't Sven enough?

No. 1824751

I'm worried for Christmas Day as my cousins from America are coming over and I haven't seen them for years and my male cousin is 'trans' and ugh I'm so awkward already ugh anxious

No. 1824752

the game's What in Hell is Bad.

No. 1824756

File: 1703277847335.jpg (54.14 KB, 460x276, murphy-void.jpg)

No. 1824758

File: 1703277860839.jpg (424.19 KB, 1024x1366, e270713e2e374a5c84f02c71bdde3d…)

I know I'm late to the threadpic discourse (I was napping) but I don't really get what's so dumbass shit about this pic anyways. There's nothing particularly silly or anything about this picture. It just looks like that person's lame attempt at being quirky. Also, anons keep saying it's "probably" fake blood but it looks like real blood regardless. And I say all of that as someone who wants to fuck vampires and is cool with period sex.

Anyway, since we're on the topic of periods, does anyone dislike stuff like period paintings? I don't hate it cause do what you want, I just don't like how people tried to make it a feminist thing or like a thong where it normalizes periods. It just made feminists look weird kek.

No. 1824759

File: 1703277876704.jpeg (31.41 KB, 460x434, IMG_5007.jpeg)

No. 1824761

Yea except I'm not screaming like a little bitch baby

No. 1824762

Just make snide comments about how amazing women and how much men will never be women

No. 1824763

Aw my cat would have a sweet and even toned voice, she'd probably be very quiet but whenever she spoke she'd say a lot in just a few words

No. 1824764

this threadpic and the previous one reek of twitterfaggotry. gross

No. 1824767

Kek. I can hear Murphy's screams from that pic too.

No. 1824769

I get where you’re coming from but I also feel like the absurdity of some lady swigging back her menstrual cup juxtaposed against the last threadpic was pretty dumbassy. I’ve never been bothered by period paintings either, but I wonder do they have to like encase them in glass or resin so that the scent doesn’t fill the room when they’re exhibited?

No. 1824770

This meant to be in response to your post kek >>1824758

No. 1824771

I can't anon, I am not brave enough and I don't want to cause drama. But I talk like this with my mum and sister though

No. 1824772

ugh my dad is called Michael so I can't play that game

No. 1824773

she looks like shes absolutely inhaling and huffing the scent

No. 1824774

god i love chicken salad

No. 1824777

I think this, and I've noticed newfags spamming posts at the end of threads when someone's made a new one too early. I'm not even talking about the dumbass shit thread. I know having two open threads is confusing but I thought everyone understood to just migrate to the new thread anyway or keep posting in the old one normally until it's full

No. 1824781

She's so bases for these videos. I enjoy the recipes and the cute guy.

No. 1824788

I agree. Even before I learned anything about feminisim or had any position on it, I thought it was weird when a woman made a portrait of a baby with her period blood, to symbolize how periods are connected with pregnancy and the ability to create life. And I was like "is that the only important thing about your existence as a woman? That's all you want to do?". I'm not saying women who want to be mothers or think it's a nice thing to do are bad people or whatever, I just think it's weird to act like it's a huge deal and an achievement and the only thing worth living for/striving for/doing with your life.

No. 1824791

God please give me a slightly ugly hot moid like that thank you

No. 1824793


No. 1824797

File: 1703279058503.jpeg (41 KB, 572x680, 94387634.jpeg)

Eating a greasy ass pizza from Little caesar's, the box cover has the call of duty guys on them but it's like stylized cartoony

No. 1824805

The real lolcor psyop is when someone posts about food and I immediately start craving it

No. 1824813

while it pisses me off how troons want to erase us and our biological capabilities, i still definitely don't want to be reduced down to them. i think if a woman genuinely aspires to be a mother, that's great. we need good parents who really care about the wellbeing of their child. it's also great if you don't (i don't because pregnancy disturbs me and moids fetishizing literally everything doesn't help).

No. 1824817

>is that the only important thing about your existence as a woman? That's all you want to do?
How did you arrive to that conclusion? I feel like I missed a few steps. I do find period painting a bit cringe in like a woowoo spiritual feminism way but I don't see how someone being into that type of stuff would signify in any way that that's their only interest and purpose in life. Maybe they really just want to celebrate periods while also being capable of understanding there's more to womanhood or being female or whatever the fuck.

No. 1824819

I’m in a good mood today has been fun I ran errands with my mom and I just got paid now I’m eating chiese

No. 1824823

Fair, I arrived at that because she specifically drew a gigantic baby with it. Here's an article about it. I don't get what her quotes mean tbh with you.

No. 1824824

I am going to work everyday until January, I feel dead inside.

No. 1824828

i'm in a good mood too, my college exams just ended, and i'm not sure if i've passed a subject, but whatever it's over, and i want to try going ice skating at this mall's rink, but i'm not sure if i can go before my college starts again bc my father's obese, my mother's never down to try new things, and my brother's become this social recluse and shut-in despite considering me to be the friendless one, and i don't really have friends to go with bc i kinda haven't been in touch my school friends since college got tough and i haven't made any close friends in college.

No. 1824830

nonnies, how can you tell if a man has an impregnation fetish vs genuinely wanting kids and not being disgusted by a pregnant/postpartum woman like the typical moid is?

No. 1824834

Fetish: talks at length about the woman's body, how hot she looks, sex during pregnancy, etc.
Wants kids: talks about family life, focuses on pregnancy health rather than appearance, good with kids in general

No. 1824855

if it’s a fetish you’ll be able to tell based off when he brings it up, the kind of words he uses like if he says he wants to get you pregnant using more vulgar words, like saying ‘i wanna breed you’ or ‘i wanna knock you up’ , if he really would like to have a family with you i can’t imagine that he’d verbatim be talking about ‘getting you pregnant’ but he’d wanna discuss more things like how many kids you guys would have, how he’d like to raise them, he’d ask you how you feel about it, there’s a major difference in the tone of conversation. I hope you’re not dealing with one of those weird breeding fetish scrotes

No. 1824874

File: 1703284323599.png (1.24 MB, 2048x1029, tumblr_c3257f2992a6890b6a71df8…)

cookies for the nonnies

No. 1824881

Could I get the chocolate chip one, since I'm a basic bitch?

No. 1824887


No. 1824889

File: 1703284744868.jpg (75.15 KB, 500x500, 1000012811.jpg)

No. 1824893

Nobody makes a guilty pleasure quite like

No. 1824900

I can't eat the ones with faces.

No. 1824901

any other msi fans here? heh

No. 1824903

I’ll take the gingerbread man please

No. 1824908

File: 1703284961704.png (349.25 KB, 1024x1548, rainbow_dash_swag_by_gamemaste…)

I think some sperg was trying to send me a dick pic on IG but I blocked him before he could

No. 1824916

their 2013 album is fucking great which one's your fav nonna?

No. 1824919

File: 1703285368004.jpg (283.59 KB, 1080x947, IMG_20231130_200156.jpg)


No. 1824921

File: 1703285391880.jpg (48.16 KB, 374x545, fluttershy_02_by_james_stalink…)

You made me

No. 1824924

they’re both unattractive faggots

No. 1824925

I generally hate hate hate rat phenotype as a rule (it's just not for me…) but if he bulked he'd be really cute, his front face is very charming

No. 1824927

I want the snowman.

No. 1824929

She doesn't even have the right eye color. I don't believe that's the real Fluttershy

No. 1824937

File: 1703285717090.jpg (62.48 KB, 950x534, gm-c23978ba-5a25-418e-bdc0-3bc…)

Harry is ugly and convinced he's a darling because teenage girl boyband fans turned millennial women (the creepiest demographic alive) worship him, I hate his constantly self-pleased smug smile, it reminds me of dupers delight. A creature. I also think that he thinks he's mick jagger.

No. 1824940

Fake fan. She was hit with a spell, one that made her

No. 1824945

He only looks ok if he keeps this blank stare with no emotion showing. As soon as he smiles or makes any expression he looks hideous. Both are hideous tbh.

No. 1824946


Outing myself as a complete fucking cringelord but:
Two hookers
Stupid MF
This weird version of revenge that was on an azumanga dioh amv
Mark Chapman
& What do they know

How about you?

No. 1824953

File: 1703286007775.jpg (135.29 KB, 632x800, tumblr_ba4e8d4fe2721e1fc1da540…)

his smile is cute

No. 1824954

i get so hyped when songs from this album play on my playlists

No. 1824955

If he was around 200 years ago he'd be dead of syphilis by now

No. 1824957

File: 1703286113606.png (1.36 MB, 1920x1080, 1084107.png)

Nta and I haven't listened in a decade at least but when I was really young I went to a show where they had thick paper masks of facerel and I thought it was the coolest thing ever, I still have it somewhere

No. 1824960

>millennial women (the creepiest demographic alive)
this is so true anon
t. zillennial

No. 1824962

Technology has gone too far

No. 1824963


No. 1824968

I just personally do not like rat phenotype–large beaked aqualine nose, super weak chin, small mouth, gangly limbs. It just isn't for me, it's probably my least favorite look ever by far but he isn't offensive looking or anything. His body is disgusting to me though again not his fault he just has a weird underdeveloped chest like a child still

No. 1824970

Find a new word

No. 1824971

i have to admit that i'm a timmyfag but harry styles is a monstrosity. like the kind of creature in a horror movie that has to be taken out back to be shot by the protagonist and it's sad because it used to be the protagonist's puppy or something. also tinfoiling a lot but even though i like timothee i wouldn't be surprised at all if he turned out to be an asshole, either as an abuser of women or just an absolute nightmare to work with as a low level employee on sets. also i wish i could get a peek into the future to see how hard he'll hit the wall.

No. 1824972

we are all cringy edgelord soulmates Stupid MF and Never Wanted to Dance are total classics. Mastermind shouldn't be as good as it is. Witness and Casio are sexy too.

No. 1824973

How can I be 4 weeks pregnant and already feeling morning sickness?

No. 1824974

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No. 1824976

File: 1703286478066.gif (1.37 MB, 315x236, 1 2rxsKQXk-JL7z_Ozg_tYwQ.gif)


No. 1824977

I'm a zilleniel too and I missed that boat. Also to be fair a lot of creepy 1D fans are also elder zoomers, so they're in a similar boat to us. But you know the lore.

No. 1824978

File: 1703286566553.jpg (175.01 KB, 929x874, smirk.jpg)

he looks off to me, I don't know why. His nose is cute, I'll give him that

No. 1824981

he looks suspicious

No. 1824985

>teenage girl boyband fans turned millennial women
>creepiest demographic
so true bros

No. 1824990

File: 1703286808298.jpg (500.65 KB, 665x1718, mpeg movie fat bbw.jpg)

I don’t understandI don’t think anyone else will find this as funny as me but

No. 1824992

File: 1703286875532.jpg (57.19 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f…)

How a poorly socialized zoomer feels saying some unnecessarily aggressive unfunny edgy shit on here since they're forced to pretend to be uwu everywhere else

No. 1824993

sorry its my fault

No. 1824995

Learn to reply to a post or gtfo faggot

No. 1825000

anal destruction? wtf is this, all of AO3 pumped into an AI spitting out word salad fanfic?

No. 1825001

Turning another Harry styles fanfic into a movie into a desperate bid for cash grab because they can think of anything new. Inshallah the collapse of entertainment indu

No. 1825002

File: 1703287109252.jpg (148.69 KB, 1200x675, DhmcvgbW4AAbPib.jpg)

one time i had this argument with a guy in a comments section on IG about street shitting Indians and he then DMed me telling me to accept his request bc he wanted to send a video for proof.

No. 1825005

pls get this French faggot some jaw fillers

No. 1825006

He's such a try hard (but not enough to just shave his facial hair to look more feminine I guess) it's mind blowing how celebrities will pander in the clumsiest, laziest ways and people will still eat it up.

And speaking of celebrities does anyone feel like there are a lot of super famous singers that are there as filler? People whose name are known and who are super rich but you'd not be able to find actual fans if your life depended on it? Maybe it is simply cause I'm not from burger land but I know no one who listens to Bruno Mars or Megan Fox's bf. It's such a massive contrast between someone like Taylor Swift or Ariana, but I feel like I'd have an easier time finding people who listen to shit like evanescence in current year than some of the supposedly currently popular artists.

No. 1825015

File: 1703287692363.jpeg (292.97 KB, 1170x1120, IMG_9495.jpeg)

It’s true and I can’t quite figure out why

No. 1825017

The end of the shoe looks like thr bottom half of his face

No. 1825018

everytime an anon gets mad at another anon because they think it's me, my heart shatters…

No. 1825021

wtf no he already looks weird enough, he’d look like handsome squidward.

No. 1825023

I have no idea kek it’s a blogpost from 2005. >>1825006
Celebs like that have always existed in some way, buts it’s I think more extreme and noticeable now because we have so many “famous” people now, and when they hit the media that fame is very over exaggerated . One hit wonders are so common now from songs going viral on TikTok, not to mention the industry plants on there.

No. 1825024

Die actually personalityfag

No. 1825026

>looks like smells

No. 1825029

Because he looks like an elf

No. 1825030

i had a bad dream can someone post an actually funny meme please

No. 1825034

File: 1703288334832.jpg (50.39 KB, 734x708, 20231221_021857.jpg)

I dont have any only very corny deep fried pics sorry

No. 1825036

Are to-go drinks an American thing? I just saw someone be sure that you can take your drink from the restaurant in America

No. 1825038

*Surprised, I can't delete.

No. 1825040

wtf, i just looked up what jaw fillers do to your face, i just thought they could fill up the weird gaps in his jaw

No. 1825041

Yeah in places like Asia, specifically Japan for sure I know, you can't take anything to go. Also in Latin America they will just put your drink in a plastic bag so they get the change from recycling your can or bottle

No. 1825042

File: 1703288575320.gif (1.84 MB, 300x262, 1536566714021.gif)

>me realizing what the naan in naan bread means

No. 1825044

I watch this entire clip every time it's posted. So much fanservice. I wish more movies objectified men to be "funny" the way it's constantly done to women.

No. 1825045

Nope. They all migrate. In a way he's unfathomably based for just being some stupid idiot that heehaws on carpets and not going Matt Rife.

No. 1825046

File: 1703288620855.jpeg (21.08 KB, 552x253, download (2).jpeg)

Mine are all in spanish

No. 1825048

Ricky Delgado is that you

No. 1825050

I skipped back to this whenever I was alone on the DVD player like at least 20 times one year

No. 1825051

File: 1703288760617.gif (430.67 KB, 220x124, spongebob-walk-462775228.gif)

not again…

No. 1825053

Spanish memes are so funny please share

No. 1825054

I saw this at the cinema kek, I might rewatch it with my nan

No. 1825056

Damn, that's silly. If I pay for food I would to have the choice of taking the leftovers. What a waste..

No. 1825062

Japanese culture is actual insanity. It might be like that in Korea too icr. But it's definitely looked down on and considered extremely rude.

No. 1825065

me, I took a few comparative religion classes in college. It made me more interested in the Bible not as a single book, but rather as a library of ancient poems, stories, ancestries, legal documents, and proto-historical accounts of various historical events, compiled over 2500 years.

It's one of the few histories from the ancient world that was written by the oppressed group rather than the victors, which makes it pretty interesting if you approach it from that perspective.

No. 1825066

If you paid for it, you can take your food and leave. Many restaurants will even give you a box to put your food in

No. 1825073

File: 1703289512440.jpg (105.78 KB, 640x745, bj3uuadgnak61.jpg)

laugh at this retard

No. 1825082

>also tinfoiling a lot but even though i like timothee i wouldn't be surprised at all if he turned out to be an asshole, either as an abuser of women or just an absolute nightmare to work with as a low level employee on sets
Not even a tinfoil, there's a reason why he's nicknamed timmy chlamydia
it's the bicycle seat head

No. 1825087

It's a shame misogyny is more popular than making fun of retarded men because these are the greatest cows to ever exist

No. 1825092

>tattoo it's
Can't believe this got me

No. 1825099

You mean Timothy? Didn't he already get jaw implants, hence why he looks strange? He was a chinlet in his yaoi movie

No. 1825102

I've decided to stop being impressed by attractive men and by smart men. Unfortunately, I'm still impressed by men who can juggle, but I'm working on that.

No. 1825103

who else? and also wishing he hadn't got his jaw done, he looked decent enough in Call Me blah blah, but man, he looked way cuter in that movie when i was 13.

No. 1825104

He has the body of my first bf in high school. This thought just made me so sad for myself, I’ve never touched a sexy man before. They’re all like this guy

No. 1825107

god i hate this ugly series so much
>le women are just as bad too!!

No. 1825108

you can’t take the cup or glass you need to get a to go cup

No. 1825110

I wish everyone would die

No. 1825111

I saw my coworker out of our uniforms for the first time ever today and holy shit are her boobs enormous. Just in absolute shock that she doesn't collapse from the back pain. I always thought of her as a round little ball, but it was just an optical illusion. She doesn't have sweater puppies, she has sweater kennel.

No. 1825112

Unless you're rihanna

No. 1825113

Not me though, right?

No. 1825114

File: 1703290849205.jpg (29.35 KB, 247x277, 1703032293443.jpg)

No. 1825116

Especially you two.

No. 1825119

if i had boobs that big it'd be preferable to look fat than get sexually harassed by pervy males at work.

No. 1825120

Romanianon was right

No. 1825123

File: 1703291077833.jpeg (34.49 KB, 720x499, download (3).jpeg)

A very LC one

No. 1825124

I don’t I really hope everyone here lives to be like 120

No. 1825126

Wheres that greentext from 4chan where the dude was trying so hard to will harm on some other guy that he ended up in the hospital? Very you

No. 1825127

All the good anons left, the remainder is trash.

No. 1825128

Pretty sure this is exact reaction is the reason women do this. Just the fact that you even felt the need to post about it. Imagine her life kek.

No. 1825129

File: 1703291427743.jpg (56.64 KB, 762x617, 20231222_034510.jpg)

AI art sucks bad but every blue moon I see an ai photo manipulation of a celeb or something that genuinely looks cool and I feel like a traitor

No. 1825138

they're both so ugly. holyshit

No. 1825139

File: 1703291838253.jpg (2.08 MB, 2256x3192, F8pTgVua0AEyFau.jpg)

lighten up, hon

No. 1825143

neither of them is frminine wtf they're just the bog standard ugly scrote shilled as attractive and unconventional. rat faced fucks

No. 1825145

dee snider looks worse with every passing year, rip

No. 1825149

File: 1703292023525.png (421.98 KB, 875x557, his initials are jaw.png)

i saw this photo after i read your comment and spent the last hour trying to find you again since i couldn't remember what thread it was in, but damn, tell me this doesn't fit your bill

No. 1825150

He looks like he has that old person smell.

No. 1825155

No. 1825163

My face dropped realizing this was a reply to me. Please you know JAW face is like a nightmare and TC is a genetic God in comparison

No. 1825167

File: 1703292668445.jpeg (79.32 KB, 1125x1046, B0A21081-CF49-4504-8FD2-65C9DC…)

isn't it crazy how everyone made fun of women for buying shoes all the time and now it's 2023 and we have these male sneakerheads who have shoe racks stacked with $100000 worth of yeezy gucci adidas collabs. and we can't even make fun of them because those are actually practical and don't destroy your leg ligaments like heels do

No. 1825169

i used to follow a really autistic toy collector and even he though sneaker heads were retarded. Imagine the guy who collects 80s child toys thinking you are lame kek

No. 1825172

kek then i'm blindfaced as fuck, cause i really thought this was chalamet when i saw it

No. 1825173

there's nothing practical about hoarding expensive shoes and being scared to wear them the way sneakerheads do. never feel like you can't make fun of men.

No. 1825174

File: 1703292854114.png (883.48 KB, 564x974, 07667300f891fad421e84a95a28fbd…)

I need this lol

No. 1825176

File: 1703292912881.png (202.72 KB, 464x464, sleep.png)

I can't wait until Christmas is over so that everyone can finally get banned.

No. 1825178

File: 1703292936858.jpg (203.82 KB, 1125x1772, 20231222_195641.jpg)

It be the ugliest man you've ever seen saying this shit

No. 1825179

I hate this man

No. 1825181

One can only hope

No. 1825183

He WISHES he had even an ounce of what this man has

No. 1825185

my mom things i have real autism anons…

No. 1825187

Wanna trade moms? Mine is in denial about me possibly being autistic.

No. 1825188

My brother became one. He won't stop buying adidas and nike shoes and gucci (?) and dior perfumes. He doesn't even get to wear all these! I have 2 real leather shoes I wear outside that I've been wearing for years, they were kinda expensive but not as expensive as his. I won't be changing them until they're totally worn out.

No. 1825189

I'm bored af

No. 1825192

Literal cuando una amiga sigue de pendeja esto es lo que te hace sentir por dentro

No. 1825193

File: 1703293719582.jpg (37.12 KB, 563x549, f397952888c252f1fda767790d43ac…)

No. 1825194

i hate britbongs but this song rocks

No. 1825198

i just remembered mercury poisoning is a thing and now i’m scared cause ive eaten like 6 raw tuna filets this week and apparently that’s like 300g of mercury…

No. 1825199

Whater you up to nonnakins?

No. 1825206

She has no choice in how she dresses, our uniforms are decided by the company and we all wear the same thing. I knew they made us look like baggy tents, but I didn't think to that extreme and I now wonder how people perceive me. I'm just in shock at how much weight she has to move with each action. She sits a lot, but frankly we all do, and she always does her tasks cheerfully, she doesn't complain about pain like my other coworkers who are bigger.

No. 1825208

humble braggers and know-it-alls are so fucking gay. theyre impossible to truly like

No. 1825209

File: 1703294851164.png (201.9 KB, 382x404, 1701965443422474.png)

No. 1825211

Holy shit, what a frenchie chinlet

No. 1825216

how the fuck did my dog just jumpscare me

No. 1825217

No. 1825218

Your dog is timothee chinlet?

No. 1825231

fuck no, thank god

No. 1825232

I hate when people on tumblr make discourse or rant posts and then put it in the tag for my husbando, or put a bunch of tags on it for multiple different characters so they can get as much attention as possible. Fuck off, I just want to see stuff about my man. Thank God for the block button.

No. 1825235

Frosted Mini Wheats are atrocious, absolutely fucking disgusting, even the most diabetic purely sugar cereal is better than that cardboard mouth bleeding shit.

No. 1825236

I just started playing Hay Day again and it's just as addicting as it was 10 years ago, they added so many cool things though I don't remember it having a grill and a popcorn machine.

No. 1825238

'ate tumblr tags and people putting his name under every poster/review/blurry screenshot/unrelated fanart/personal blogpost/cast photo he's not even in.

No. 1825241

fucking hate when youtubers who don't show their face start doing it all the time. i dont wanna see your ugly fucking face. its always moids too and theyre never even cute

No. 1825243

File: 1703297075171.jpg (129.1 KB, 772x965, 1000012819.jpg)

Speaking of youtubers, I remembered manlybadasshero and realized he had a face.

No. 1825246

dream be like

No. 1825249

Reminds me of Johnny 2 Cellos, luckily he did the opposite and stopped showing his face.

No. 1825250

love his videos and falling asleep to his LPs since he's great at not being obnoxious. watched him for over a decade now and remember his first face reveal, but i get a feeling he's probably some kind of perv

No. 1825254

File: 1703297672602.png (522.08 KB, 1366x768, 1000012820.png)

You're right that he's definitely among the less obnoxious Let's Players on YouTube. I grew out of watching Markiplier during my teenage years because he kept being so fucking loud kek

No. 1825255

Feel like he's either a closet weirdo or extremely asexual. No in between

No. 1825257

his lisp is kind of cute not gonna lie

No. 1825259

autistic gamer guys are the absolute worst

No. 1825261

i love MBH's voice too.

i hope he's some kind of dude that's uninterested in sex, but lets be real he's a weeb

No. 1825263

He looks like if Turkey Tom and Leafy had a yaoi butt baby with FAS. Hate that he started talking more and play coomer games on his channel instead of posting walkthroughs of rpg maker games like he did when he first started

No. 1825264

It's always these ugly ass, old mofos

No. 1825265

File: 1703298071685.jpg (Spoiler Image,139.07 KB, 1000x1333, 1000012821.jpg)

>coomer games
you must have been disgusted when he played THIS one kek

No. 1825266

>he started talking more and play coomer games on his channel
honestly i think it was due to more popularity + gained him even more. it sucks, idk i miss when he was a nobody lol

No. 1825268

an "asexual" isn't into shit like this >>1825265

No. 1825269

I wish I could give him excuses just because I do like his content though I preferred when he wasn't playing so many furry and fetishy games. I don't really trust him but one of the only plus's is that he's calm and doesn't show his face often but going off his comments he does have quite a lot of young fans. Don't want it to be a cryaotic moment but male youtubers keep ya on ya toes.

No. 1825274

im about to do something really stupid nonnies wish me luck

No. 1825276

going on a date with a moid?

No. 1825278

He used to not play so many coomer games but I can't tell if it's for perv or pandering reasons. Probably both

No. 1825279

…no but close enough kek, im gonna dm my scrote ex-friend

No. 1825280

Okay a question for you and all of the anons who dm their ex boyfriends or moid ex-friends sometime after breaking things off with them…why do you go back to them?

No. 1825282

because im bored and my other friends are too busy to talk/dont even bother messaging me. i know its retarded!!!!!!!!!!

No. 1825285

>furry and fetishy games
Speaking of furry, fetish games and manly, zed technician makes some ugly as sin fetish characters but I can't help but like his games. Posting a manlybadasshero's video cause I can't find a still image that transmites all the horror.

No. 1825287

No. 1825288

File: 1703299544557.jpeg (Spoiler Image,339.71 KB, 1283x1270, IMG_6150.jpeg)

This influencer’s personality is blah but I just want a cute boyfie like this

No. 1825289

Holy shit, Manly played this game about a kid taking a horror journey through a fast food playground, and one of the fast food workers had a Doberman head with giant boobs and a big ass. It so fucking weird, and that game must have been made by the same dev in the video because the art style was the same

No. 1825292

So he's a chinlet AND has a hooked gigantic nose? The ugliest man on earth. With his beady negative tilt eyes and bicycle seat head shape, too. I wonder how didn't he get BDD yet.

No. 1825293

Negative tilt eyes on moids just makes them look like something went wrong during their embryonic stage

No. 1825298

I haven't watched that one but most likely yeah, all this dev's stuff is
>gritty and filthy looking
>font choices that seem 20 years old
>sexualized obese female character
>sexualized obese female furry character
>the above aren't the horror aspects of the games
It's super weird cause it's like you are looking at some autist's deviantart jerk off material, but at the same time they have unpretentious and likable (if basic) personalities. Another video cause BBW ant eater and axolotl

No. 1825299

File: 1703300512882.jpg (144.08 KB, 714x1200, 919f30cb317bc5f51f294373edbe59…)

>gets turned on by threadpic

No. 1825304

File: 1703300810571.gif (96.91 KB, 220x154, tenor.gif)

No. 1825307

L-lymphedema axolotl?…

No. 1825310

this is FOUL why do so many women I know think he is hot

No. 1825317

This is why Ezra Miller is thr superior jewboy

No. 1825329

File: 1703302102776.png (504.54 KB, 754x402, the post vs the guy who posted…)

sorry for the tiny crop but dudes who post shit like this are always so fucking fugly uggy uggky uggo. I rest my case

No. 1825330

he’s a troon

No. 1825331

is there a term commonly used for 4chan poisoned women? you can see them awkwardly adopting male terminology or just being especially chill with the average 4chan bottom barrel feeder

No. 1825332

No. 1825333

a sad maladjusted woman, not really an internet term for it

No. 1825334

File: 1703302503488.gif (3.16 MB, 498x280, 160424534657.gif)

a challenger appears

No. 1825335

File: 1703302576820.jpg (57.09 KB, 500x613, 1000012822.jpg)

Fuck Myers Briggs, which did you pick when you were a kid?

No. 1825338

kek but he’s taken by Jordan-kun

No. 1825339

Rock. I remember I felt pissed that Rock was shorter than the main character, but he was the only cute option

No. 1825340

>go to alt ib
>get bitched at for putting a space between quotes
why are people retarded

No. 1825354

Permission to post something vaguely forbidden?

No. 1825358

File: 1703304569906.jpg (8.7 KB, 269x187, 4_02.jpg)

Your tone is suspicious.

No. 1825359

Never played but would pick harvest goddess or the telephone. What does that say about me?

No. 1825360

Don't even try it

No. 1825361

I really miss the forbidden-man anons. It's like they went extinct.

No. 1825363

mods are with their moids, post forbidden content

No. 1825367

File: 1703304870807.png (Spoiler Image,386.65 KB, 640x904, __wakan_tanka_tokyo_afterschoo…)

Need him so viciously like the air that I breathe

No. 1825395

File: 1703305578400.jpg (97.35 KB, 965x1022, Capture23.JPG)

Need him so viciously like the air that I breathe

No. 1825396

his dick is a straw

No. 1825398

i have nothing against this character but WHY is it always that same pic, does he have nothing else?

No. 1825399

Rick was my husbando

No. 1825402

never played because over half of them are ugly but i would go for rick

No. 1825404

thank god

No. 1825405

File: 1703306028605.jpg (8.99 KB, 400x400, 1688103760614002.jpg)

No. 1825409

File: 1703306183430.jpg (83 KB, 787x1024, 1703203456565128m.jpg)

Gale girlies just CAN'T stop winning

No. 1825417

Jesus looks like that?!

No. 1825421

give name of artist

No. 1825422

I am the Globglogabgalab

No. 1825428

bad romance

No. 1825430

men deserve to feel afraid and threatened

No. 1825432

File: 1703306951278.png (575.04 KB, 800x600, 480.png)

>HikkiNEET nerd
pick a struggle!!

No. 1825435


No. 1825438

I can't unsee billy ray cyrus after that one post

No. 1825445

File: 1703307545748.jpeg (93.15 KB, 673x670, IMG_7375.jpeg)

I am late but… i hope it helps

No. 1825447

anons how does it feel to touch a man's fat tits? I wish I knew how it feels

No. 1825448

Why is jesus dressed up like some frozen girly

No. 1825450

its meh. vastly inferior to women's boobs.

No. 1825453

File: 1703307958646.gif (1.46 MB, 360x438, 1674545665121.gif)

Let's get negative, what's everyone's least favorite genre of internet post? Mine is [someone talking about world event] [quote tweet that says 'WHY ISN'T ANYONE TALKING ABOUT THIS' even though it is quoting someone literally fucking talking about it]

No. 1825454

why are all the 4chan guys favorite movie pulp fiction

No. 1825456

because they kin fat john travolta

No. 1825458

Good dialogue

No. 1825459

Someone asking a question they can google and someone responding with first result from google

No. 1825460

not really

No. 1825461

bad bait posts make me sad. i want good bait

No. 1825463

sassy stan twitter comebacks. I have seen a lot of those here lately and they make me physically cringe.

No. 1825464

fuck I can't find it now, sorry anon, I was sure I liked it on twater but it's not in my likes wtf

No. 1825465

i though it was that movie with the ken guy from barbie

No. 1825466

so real oop-

No. 1825467

what’s wrong with drinking period blood

No. 1825469

Nothing its just being looked down upon by the pool of hateful newfags

No. 1825471

When I misread something and make a fool of myself in a reply. I don’t like it when other people do that either because secondhand embarrassment

No. 1825472

File: 1703308637774.jpg (155.71 KB, 736x1038, e88984dcc51568ff8a5ce82c765ef3…)

I saw someone calling him a cuntboy and I can't stop thinking about it

No. 1825474

jesus christ he's repulsive he looks like a caveman

No. 1825475

is that the big lebowski? gross. why are you guys attracted to drawings of gross pigs

No. 1825476

I need more slutty male fashion like this

No. 1825481

but on better looking moids

No. 1825482

File: 1703309210424.jpg (173.38 KB, 736x1308, 4f7c3b55c29a1c875bcb64c61f3d6b…)

It's ok to be homosexual

No. 1825483

billy ray cyrus install

No. 1825484

i wish i was a lesbian after looking at that shit

No. 1825485

how i imagine some of you

No. 1825486

did sillypoo change her name?

No. 1825488

he has a mullett

No. 1825491

This looks kinda bad

No. 1825494

File: 1703309947875.jpg (Spoiler Image,135.19 KB, 1164x981, hi.JPG)

let me show you something that looks good

No. 1825511


No. 1825513

File: 1703310407609.png (Spoiler Image,1.91 MB, 1440x1378, IMG_20231216_221345.png)

I have a better angle

No. 1825514

what if i cum in his ears will it just go in like a sinus infection

No. 1825515

stop posting ugly old men this instant

No. 1825516

not true mine is modded to have less nasolabial folds

No. 1825517

i don’t understand how there are women who are affected to drawings

No. 1825519

File: 1703310596684.jpg (38.26 KB, 563x629, 0091962c2a8f143f397cb8320557c4…)

>what if I cum in

No. 1825520

because they are supposed to be perfect, not mimick 3DPD faggotry like >>1825513

No. 1825522

i prefer the first one tbh, here his hair looks too thin

No. 1825523

File: 1703310703920.jpg (65.6 KB, 1024x576, 1703207885350664m.jpg)

Can a real man give me an astral gangbang with copies of himself?? NO

No. 1825525

I need a quick diagram rundown of what's going on here

No. 1825526

Omfg kek, love it

No. 1825527

you can go back to watching love island and posting on twitter then

No. 1825528

do you even love your husbando if you won't squirt/piss in his ear and give him an infection smh

No. 1825529

Nta and super late, not sure what the context of this is but I say users sometimes too and I'm a semi oldfag

No. 1825531

File: 1703311191554.jpeg (50.49 KB, 714x531, 1668952814946.jpeg)

No. 1825532

Any thing from moids in fandoms. Porn, jokes where the joke is just sex & porn = funny, calling the female characters ugly because they aren’t an animu girl with DDDs, when they sperg about female made fanart because it doesn’t give them boners or they’re butthurt about gay shit, all of their dumbass sigma alpha shit when it’s unironic, how little they actually know about the media and characters they claim to like. Like 90% of the obnoxious shit that moids post in fandoms. They run their mouth so fucking much and the only content they want to make and consume is just porn. I haven’t even named any specific fandoms but you’re probably envisioning multiple right now, that’s the problem they’re like roaches that infest everything. Also when I agree with or find a post funny and then I notice a troon flag somewhere on it.
>What males won’t tell you is that they love stank.

No. 1825536

This looks amazing sorry

No. 1825539

Men who have that tiny little bird mouth with the overbite are so fucking gross to me I don't even know why, this photo gave me a headache. Women who have that are adorable, but men, omg just put a bag on your head

No. 1825540

what is love island

No. 1825541

samefag i googled it and it looks like it’s a tv show where people “find love” but they’re also getting paid to do that so it sounds more like prostitution

No. 1825544

File: 1703313142199.png (1.49 MB, 1140x897, jhgfdsdfghjkjhgf.png)

I played the male protagonist versions because I didn't know the female ones existed. For N64 I always chose Popuri and for GameCube I'd choose Celia. I chose Muffy once and later in the game she seemed so sad in the cutscenes, one time she even said something like she couldn't picture her life being like that when she was a kid and sighed or something and said neverminded. I felt so bad I restarted the game and chose Celia, Muffy clearly didn't want to be a farmers wife and mother and I felt bad for like imposing that on her. Celia had always enjoyed that life so I'm glad I gave her the blue feather.

No. 1825553

So much if the money I make goes to necessities and because of that it feels like a waste. Food, hygiene products, bills. In the end I always feel unsatisfied and wondering if I could've budgeted better to have a little more.

No. 1825554

File: 1703314698260.jpg (15.91 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

Witch princess or bust.

No. 1825560

People just don’t like to recycle anymore idk

No. 1825561

This is filmcooper on T aged seven yearss

No. 1825562

Lacefront too high density, baby hairs badly laid, looking a mess

No. 1825563

File: 1703315552393.gif (816.1 KB, 200x248, 200w.gif)

No. 1825565

it makes me angry that pornhub ‘purged their content’ and made the claim that they wouldn’t host content from unverified accounts and now 3 years later you can still go on there website and see child porn

No. 1825569

File: 1703316288702.jpg (80.2 KB, 480x640, Cliff-harvest-moon-34689654-48…)

Cliff!! He's such a cutie and his shyness makes him even sweeter.

No. 1825572

File: 1703316712586.jpg (98.02 KB, 1170x1155, 20231210_151940.jpg)

I wish I was attracted to cartoons you bitches seem so happy and content with it

No. 1825573

File: 1703316766152.jpg (33.36 KB, 552x554, images.jpg)

What do you prefer? Being bored online or having an online friend that constantly trauma dumps on you and never seems to get better? Be honest.

No. 1825574

Former obviously. Online friends are for discussing cock and minor annoyances.

No. 1825575

same. since I was a kid I tried multiple times to force myself to fall in love with a fictional character but it never works

No. 1825576

first one

No. 1825579

File: 1703317177308.jpeg (84.33 KB, 1379x827, F9YFcPHaoAAg89r.jpeg)

Indeed. Gale is a self-proclaimed munch and he loves your stink, both canonically. He can literally make you a goddess. Also his voice actor is a sweet family man and a bookworm, and not a vocal tranny-supporter who literally engages in BDSM in london sex dungeons like Astarion's VA kek

No. 1825581

From my experience knowing someone like that you actually get bored of the trauma dumping. The deeply personal trauma no one asked for out of nowhere doesn’t phase you anymore it’s more like noise and you’re just waiting for someone to tell them to knock it off.

No. 1825582

I should learn how to make soap…

No. 1825583

Help I saw someone on here shame another anon for hating 4chan but I just went on there and I think I need a lobotomy. I forgot it’s chock full of pedo coomers, they’re all so weird, like the moidiest moid scum. I can’t believe they try to say they’re funnier than us.

No. 1825584

NAYRT but what the fuck I just put 2 and 2 together, that ugly elf thing is voiced by the guy always in the unconventional men thread? He’s even inescapable in 3DPD form god damn the chokehold he has.

No. 1825585

File: 1703317596112.jpg (253.32 KB, 1079x819, 1000012837.jpg)

Can You feel it, can you feel it
Rushin' through your hair
Rushin' through your head
Can you feel it, can you feel it

Don't let nobody tell you, your life is over
Be every color that you are
Into the rush now
You don't have to know how
Know it all before you'll try

No. 1825586

Is it even worse if said person is constantly high or drunk? Also very sensitive and easily hurt.

No. 1825589

You must be a newfag because you're doing that weird childish us vs them thing. None of you are that funny unfortunately. Wish you were though.

No. 1825590

No, if they're sober they'll catch on that you're ignoring them sooner.

No. 1825591

File: 1703318144893.jpg (90.68 KB, 720x1280, eErcF3KbNwXt2Rpi.jpg_large.jpg)

Yep it's him. He needs to shut the fuck up about trans rights. He probably wears his wife's underwear. And people are surprised I prefer 2D men

No. 1825592

When I was a kid and in love with inuyasha I was CRUSHEDD when I found out his VA wasn't cute. Autists don't give a damn though. If you gave a pebble a job in anime, they will sexualize it.

No. 1825593

I’m talking about how moids think they’re funny when their humour is just being a pedophile kek. Apologies for not being hilarious enough in my one comment itt.

No. 1825594

File: 1703318353149.jpg (45.51 KB, 680x510, y772.jpg)

>me patiently waiting for everyone to go to bed so i can post my 3D crush in /g/ without getting a rude response

No. 1825595

File: 1703318384645.jpg (60.01 KB, 1080x417, IMG_8764.JPG)

i'm always winning because i'm a sigma female who is not into geriatric vampires or generic looking brunette videogame men or nerd bookworms or sex dungeon freaks. but i'm glad you're having fun.

No. 1825596

That’s exactly what the one I know does, always claiming to be drunk or high.
>He probably wears his wife's underwear, and people.
Fixed that for you.

No. 1825597

I have a friend like the latter who has very legit reasons to be traumatised so I can't be too angry. Sometimes it gets exhausting to hear about the crazy shit she does and has happen to her, but being her must be so much worse.

No. 1825598

Europeans are waking up and it's a weekend

No. 1825599

I don't ignore them, it's just tiring to be the person someone trauma dumps to.

No. 1825603

I genuinely like Amberlynn Reid, I think she's funny and she has a very upbeat cheery personality that's nice to watch. She also has a very negative and critical side, but I think everyone sort of does, and I think she's also a very traumatized person who's sort of stuck in this state of arrested development. I know she's said and done a lot of shady things, some that was sort of deserved and others not. But I hope it's not true about her abusing her ex from when she was a teen, it's also very suspicious that she was 17 when dating a 15 year old. I really don't know what to believe because it's sort of she said/she said, I don't like doubting a woman who says she's been abused, one of them has to be exaggerating or fabricating stories though, I hope it's not Amberlynn but it kind of seems like it is.

No. 1825607

What about the cat? I would have said the same thing if it weren’t for the cat.

No. 1825612

Nta, What are you into? I'm curious

No. 1825613

Oh shit I forgot about the cat… I hope that's not true either. It could be an accident but she was extremely callous about it, damn I don't know. I feel dumb watching her for this long tbh

No. 1825614

she's not gonna say, all the ones who reee about 2d or 3d men don't wanna sit at the table and share what they've brought to the class

No. 1825620

I'm so bored I want to die, but I prefer that to constantly being traumadumped on

No. 1825625

Can you please like stop repeating this over and over we heard you the first 4 times

No. 1825630

File: 1703322613578.jpg (247.96 KB, 1200x1390, 1000012839.jpg)

Do you agree with these results?

No. 1825632

I used to think this for years too and make excuses for her in my head, but now I've accepted she is probably a horrible person lol. She has been terrible to many ex girlfriends

No. 1825634

File: 1703323233818.jpg (34.31 KB, 720x720, 20231124_131812.jpg)

You could put googly eyes on a rock and some entitled weird terminally online bitch will say "it thinks it's perfect it thinks it's better than everybody" please recieve extensive counciling for your personal issues

No. 1825635

As always Vietnam face truly carrying

No. 1825639

Gib Mongolian husbando

No. 1825641

I hate this moid so much it’s unreal.

No. 1825646

but uwu he's a survivor and he played a survivor vampire so you're an asshole if you don't like him

No. 1825647

Most of them are too handsome for average, but Ukranian and Hungarian dudes do all look like that

No. 1825650

I hate slavic men. The balding rate is so fucking high and I don't know why

No. 1825655

I wonder if Im actually autistic or if I'm just hyperaware of traits that seem autistic

No. 1825658

I find it wild that a small art discord I found has a mod who draws misogynistic violent men of her race as something hot and the other seems homophobic. yet they have the usual no homophobia, sexism, transphobia, etc.

No. 1825663

File: 1703327140756.jpg (1.86 MB, 4000x3000, 683685478595.jpg)

Anne is the only white woman giving me hope, she still looks so cute and girly at 40
Probably because you never ever saw her tanning her partying even in the 2000s and she has no kids

No. 1825667

i havent played your game but my favourite videogame is psychonauts! you should play it it's good.

No. 1825670

when men say they're hot its cringe. when women say theyre hot its simply the truth

No. 1825673

the only disney music that was ever good and is ever worth listening to is that album

No. 1825674

>she has no kids
she has a son

No. 1825675

i do not like ALR but she is hilarious when she's drunk. mr snowflake's recent video on her was okay until the end. of course moids refuse to believe she was molested because she's got a poor vocabulary and thought "assault" meant "harrass" wrt her father's friends. only men would automatically sympathize with creepy druggie men they've never met who hung out with her drug using dad. it is honestly infuriating for youtubers who have zero education on CSA talking about it and even though i dont like ALR i found it utterly disgusting that they basically refuse to believe ANYTHING happened to her because she has the vocab of a 15 year old. just because you hate someone and they're a narcissist doesn't mean nothing bad could have happened to them. it starts around 1:17 in vidrel. please tell me i'm not the only person here who got pissed off at this. FWIW i do not think casey abused her.

No. 1825677

Dreamed I was back in high school and my class voted me most likely to be valedictorian and most likely to shoot up a school. Lmao.

No. 1825679

People here really love to push the "kids take your beauty" narrative even when the woman is a mother lmao

No. 1825680

Sounds milky, post them kek

No. 1825681

it's so retarded. i think it's genetics and how you take care of yourself otherwise. we are literally built to handle pregnancy and childbirth, it's not some ugly sentence

No. 1825684

Maybe it doesn't make you ugly but pregnancy definitely reduces women's grey matter

No. 1825685

I hate when people say that because it reminds me of scrotes who watch women go through a huge life-altering ordeal and just sneer that she's not as hot

No. 1825686

Kids are stressful and stress is bad for your skin. Men with kids also age more quickly. Pregnancy also wrecks your oral health.

No. 1825687

It's more like 'staying up late nights + stress + the initial strain it puts on your body' does, which is definitely somewhat related to the biological process of pregnancy but also wouldn't be surprised ifwomen who got more help from their partner are better at retaining an age appropriate look. Poor teen mothers basically look 10+ years older, rich women don't tend to change.

No. 1825688

File: 1703330192295.png (Spoiler Image,515.68 KB, 709x537, and this isn't even one of the…)

I want to try out cosplaying for the first time so I asked for recommendations and a crossdressing moid recommended aliexpress which obviously I would never buy anything from, let alone stuff I would put on my body but I think the pictures tell the story themselves

No. 1825689

God this post is annoying in so many ways kek.

No. 1825691

leave it to farmers to help men continue pushing the narrative about the wall even though they simultaneously push the idea that women are useless unless they have babies. the ideas that "women do not have to have children" and "women do not suddenly become ugly after having children" are not mutually exclusive. i've known several women who had kids and i was shocked to learn because they look young. it's not very different than the idea that women look old after 30. if you go outside and interact with actual women you will notice it's all a lie.

No. 1825692

File: 1703330326122.png (Spoiler Image,1.26 MB, 1200x675, Fx-zG6cWIAEbGCq.png)

Like man, what the fuck.

No. 1825693

Unfortunately she's lied about so much there's sort of an auto 'doubt' when she says anything but sometimes her stories as a general are true but the details are falsified to hide things and make her look better so when she constantly gets shit wrong it's like ok I don't believe you though. But I'd already come to that conclusion myself, I would feel an ick if I was only getting that from a male.
Also usually Snowflake's videos are just him so why is there an added male? Not into that.

No. 1825695

eating gummy worms with chopsticks like god intended

No. 1825696

Yeah I've seen all his content on her, I like the videos but it's hard to agree with everything he says, he's a moid so he has a lot of terrible takes. Also I saw a livestream of his last year around Christmas time where he was drinking and talking with the chat very late at night, a baby was crying in the next room and he said something like "oh she can take care of that, that's not of concern" or something along those lines. I assumed it was his baby and the "she" he was referring too was his girlfriend or something, I could be wrong cause I only watched for a few minutes and I don't know anything about him. But he does give me loser moid vibes. I agree she's very funny when she's drunk, she has a lot of good traits to her. And I agree with what you said completely, because people dislike her so much they refuse to believe anything bad has happened to her. It's entirely possible she's done bad things in her teen years and adulthood but also had very bad things done to her as a child, but nuance is lost on youtube fanatics and moids. I know a few women who grew up similar to Amberlynn, addict parents, foster care, and I would honestly be more surprised if Amberlynn hadn't gone through any traumatic experiences. Girls growing up around addicts and in foster care are so vulnerable and moids prey on that. And yeah I do lean towards believing Amberlynn abused Casey.

No. 1825697

it's his butt buddy "jimmy bunker". i like snowflake's videos but his personality always bugged me (one time he mentioned going to strip clubs after mentioning his wife and child who i suspiciously do not hear about anymore) and he is fucking ugly, i wish he never showed his face. also i was really put off by his eugenia cooney videos and refuse to watch them, i'm sick of people using her for clicks

No. 1825698

When someone accuses me of being a moid I don't reply or give a shit

No. 1825699

>he does give me loser moid vibes
glad im not the only one. yes he's married with a kid.
ALR's orbiters remind me of some shayfags who refuse that any little thing they state is the truth, EVER. if you've ever known a pathological liar they sprinkle in some truths more than you would know. i don't think people are born monsters, i've known horrible people that had horrible things done to them. it's like people can't believe that someone they hate had a bad childhood because if they did it would somehow absolve them of being a shitty person. people are complex and it doesn't work that way. you can acknowledge someone went through things that were messed up and also acknowledge that they're a shitty person. most people i've known who were abused as children are wonderful people but some really horrible people out there went through it too.

No. 1825700

File: 1703331156838.png (1.7 MB, 1080x910, Screenshot_20231223-133250.png)

Cool idea for any nonna who's on her period or just bleeding for some reason, quickly go print this image and go sign it

No. 1825701

Yeah 100% she has been through some shit you do not act like this, you do not have such an serious addiction (to food in her case) without having some bad shit done to you and I genuinely believe she has some mental delays but she's hurt so many people that I don't have sympathy her her as a person, I have sympathy for the child that went through all that but not her because she's just a horrible person. (I'm not the same anon who said I like her btw just in case this seems backwards lmao, I don't think she really has good traits)
Snowflake's video's are interesting because some of his other ones like that woman who died (lifebyJen???) he doesn't do commentary and also misses out info that makes her look bad, opting to include the info she's shared about her horrific childhood instead so clearly he's not a abuse denier but could be biased I mean he was talking about a dead woman.

As he gets more popular I think he won't be able to hide if he's a truly bad person.

No. 1825705

I know exactly what you mean but I love this OP image so much, it makes me laugh every time I open it, I don't care if it's from an annoying newfag I kinda wish it wasn't spoilered it's not even gross she's not really drinking it and it's not gore reeeee

No. 1825708

File: 1703331536411.jpg (133.54 KB, 930x1139, IMG-c07e2688c9c8ff25b74ec59e16…)

No. 1825709

File: 1703331673191.png (277.75 KB, 1024x895, 0c7.png)

No. 1825710

>normie male gym socks
absolutely disgusting

No. 1825711

File: 1703332007478.png (748.05 KB, 575x561, mlphbdd.png)

No. 1825720


No. 1825721

aliexpress sells the same shit as amazon idk what to tell u

No. 1825724

It's not just period blood, it's about drinking blood in general and too much of it, it causes problems. But it's ok if you drink a little bit. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/14971-hemochromatosis-iron-overload

No. 1825725

women know this, it's moids. just don't engage.

No. 1825727

Why is too much iron dangerous? Too much iron can be toxic.
In the heart, it can cause:
Arrythmia (irregular heartbeat).
Heart failure.

Too much iron in the liver can lead to:
Cirrhosis (scarring).
Enlarged liver.
Liver cancer.
Liver failure.

In addition, iron overload can cause:
Arthritis (joint damage).
Problems with the spleen, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, gallbladder or thyroid.
Problems with the reproductive system, such as erectile dysfunction in men and early menopause in women.
Skin that may look noticeably more gray or bronze than usual.
If the condition isn't treated, it can lead to death.

No. 1825729

Disingenuous political humor. No matter whether If it's someone one on my "side" it makes me cringe, someone I disagree with it makes me seethe.

No. 1825731

Women "looked weird" when we first started wearing pants.
Women "looked weird" when we demanded the right to vote.
Women "looked weird" when we wanted to cut out hair short or have our own bank accounts.
You will never be free if you think like this. Akso, period blood is the coolest thing to come out of the human body. Of course it deserves to be "in" a painting.

No. 1825733

I never buy clothing off of Amazon either though (or much of anything from there unless it’s some weirdly specific item).

No. 1825736

I have unironically considered drinking some of my period blood because I have iron anemia for unidentified reasons and my doctor tried to push me to take BC so I won't lose so much iron every month but I don't want to do that when my period isn't the real problem. Haven't actually done it though.

No. 1825740

they did not recommend taking an iron supplement????

No. 1825742

Many other options out there besides drinking period blood to get iron..

No. 1825743

They did, I have had a prescription for a while now, but my iron levels remain on the lower end and drop back down when I'm lazy with taking them properly. I guess they just wanted me to take the easy "fix" instead of doing further research.

No. 1825746

File: 1703335513856.jpg (436.65 KB, 1920x2560, GOON.jpg)

this was a real movie in 2011

No. 1825749

COOM, the sequel

No. 1825754

File: 1703336510965.jpeg (44.74 KB, 250x325, IMG_6797.jpeg)

Birds are little shits don’t get a bird they are little attention whores who will literally shove themselves in your face just to be close to you they will literally fly over and walk through your plate and grab what they think is yummy they sling food everywhere and want their head scratched constantly and will literally throw tantrums when things don’t go their way. I love my stupid little goblin shithead.

No. 1825757

if it were bigger and more interesting I would. the gist is really just that the owner draws sleazy violent moid characters and for fuck all reason the other women think its hot. the other mod only draws same face girls who are so helpless and dull in personality. took me a while to realize she finds any form of gay or lesbian disgusting cause she only likes straight couple images. she knows she cant say shit cause of the rules.

No. 1825758

Calm down, google/wikipedia simply doesn't show that immediately, nobody is out to get you mamas…

No. 1825767

Speaking of moid youtubers is there any moid youtubers you nonnas actually like? I know the usual are like Drew Gooden, Danny Gonzales, fuck what's the third one, you know what I mean. Scott Cramer too he's pretty similar. I never see anyone mention Mista GG, I really like his content. I like Wendigoon's too and a few other youtubers who cover ARG's or creepy content, like blameitonjorge, Gloomy House, Shrouded Hand and GooseBoose. A little bit of Night Mind (he ruined it by being a furry though) and Nexpo. Cody Ko is funny sometimes, and I watch some of ElvisTheAlien's content. I watch a very tiny amount of ObesetoBeast's content, mostly just him talking about other creators because I feel like he always has very fair and nuanced takes, he's also cute. I really like Willy Mac's content, he has some cringe takes on feminism but his idea of feminism is like the 2016 sjw libfem pro tranny feminism so I forgive him a bit for that. He doesn't seem like a typical shithead, he calls out a lot of misogynistic behaviour even if he doesn't label it that. I loved watching him rip into Hasan's content too.

No. 1825772

Luis, Robert Grimes ABC, Paul Foxton, DankPods, KRAZAM for me

No. 1825773

File: 1703338294303.jpg (113.51 KB, 960x960, 20210407_232317_IMG_3905.JPG)

>Drew Gooden
>Danny Gonzales
>Cody Ko

No. 1825775

I need this so badly.

No. 1825776

I've never heard of any of those but I looked them up and the guinea pig one looks so cute

I know they're very lame and I'm too old to be watching them but sometimes it's nice to put something simple and silly on to semi ignore, they're lighthearted too which I like. I think I like Elvis' content the least out of those four.

No. 1825777

File: 1703338768392.jpg (65.07 KB, 520x372, tumblr_b2f21c9a71744956bcba866…)

Gonna spend my Christmas drunk on second life.

No. 1825792

Downturned eyes are the cutest.

No. 1825793

reviewbrah, technology connections, jay foreman, solar sands, chris fleming, illusory wall, nakey jakey, patrick willems even though he's kind of soy, plainly difficult, mike's mike although I feel like he fell of recently but maybe it's just my tolerance for twitter memes being much lower. These are all youtubers whose videos I'm most likely to click on when they release something new.

No. 1825796

We got a stray cat a few months back and it's turning into the lap cat I wanted, I'm so happy. Typing this as the cat is sleeping curled up in my stomach. Had a lot of shit happen to me recently but the cat is one small blessing

No. 1825802

First anon, I meant what kind of men are you into? Unless you're a lesbian then nevermind the question.

No. 1825806

Reviewbrah reminds me of a non asshole version of Ben Shapiro for some reason kek, I don't watch his videos but I see the appeal. Solar Sands, Patrick Willems, and Plainly Difficult look interesting I'm gonna check out some of their content.

No. 1825821

File: 1703344766958.jpg (35.9 KB, 489x860, 341cdd095331f6d3f466b2f7b6d254…)

Sorry to hear that thing's have not been great lately for you, wishing you good times ahead with you and your catto

No. 1825823

I used to watch him a few times a week and had no idea what he looked like. Damn. I wish I could unsee.

Same. As soon as a youtuber shows their face, their channel always goes downhill. Every single time.

No. 1825825

Yes, all men are ugly as fuck

No. 1825826

Wow. This looks like Gale and your MC had to go on a mission to sneak into some lair to get a needed item, where the villain is blind but a pervert, so you dress up as sexy ladies, and this is the result.

No. 1825830

This ugly motherfucker won best voice over Ben Starr as Clive in FF16, and I am the saltiest. I hate Astarian fans, his VA and everything about this moid overall.

No. 1825831

Indian moids are so ugly, it's unreal. I feel so bad for the women.

No. 1825834

There is something wrong with this chart, I don't find most of these guys partircularly attractive, but at the same time they are still much better than the average irl moid. Maybe it is just because they are kinda blurry but none of them is nearly as bad as >>1825591 for example

No. 1825837

They all look relatively the same age but then the Peru guy looks 40

No. 1825844

Nonnas, I need you guys to talk some sense into me. Why am I this close to being an internet uwu streamer/of model? This has never happened to me before, why am I so willing to do it these days wtf?

No. 1825845

why is Japan-kun so far away kek

No. 1825847

I think they chose a lot of above average looking men, not handsome, just above average. My country is there and the men irl are ugly as sin

No. 1825848

Both men and women of my country were found to be the ugliest worldwide and as somebody living there, yes it is sadly true.

No. 1825849

Which country is it?

No. 1825850

You can guess easily

No. 1825852

No. 1825853

NTA But gotta be britbong.

No. 1825854

I never understood when people say that they get so obsessed with a game that they stop eating to play it. I could never like something enough to not want to eat. I'm always gonna get up and make a meal. There literally could get nothing but water and oxygen in my kitchen and I'll still find something to eat.

No. 1825859

The US is more diverse

If I remember right, they placed as 2nd worst in that study kek

No. 1825860

I don't know, could be any country because humans are gross

No. 1825862

Who placed first then? Can't believe someone could be worse than that

No. 1825863

What should I get from Costco

No. 1825864

Kek it's def ireland isnt it? You're not a very good looking bunch

No. 1825866

I love their cheesecakes

No. 1825867

Their cold brew is so good. Also, one of those chickens.

No. 1825872

File: 1703348420405.jpg (12.4 KB, 165x237, IMG_20231223_172039.jpg)

Suffering from yellow fever is basically a natural defense mechanism

No. 1825874

If you guys want a little insight into how destroyed zoomers are, when I was in high school a guy threw me up against the locker and started choking me and a bunch of kids just took pictures because they thought it was aEsTheTic! and even I didn’t try to stop him because back when I was 14 i thought getting choked out was ‘hot’

No. 1825881

File: 1703348928280.jpg (282.09 KB, 1024x924, 1000012856.jpg)

Now do you agree with THESE results?

No. 1825883

Regardless of any artistic or symbolic interpretation you give to using blood, I think bodily waste in general shouldn’t be used like that because it’s a health hazard and will degrade poorly if not preserved correctly.

No. 1825887

There is literally not a single unattractive one in the bunch

No. 1825888

You're comparing basic rights to period paintings anon kek. No one said they shouldn't have the right to do it. These paintings are not like voting, they don't really do anything for us.

No. 1825891

>no haitian men or any black caribbeans
>no american indian/first nation
TRASH IMAGE leaving off the HOTTEST men
>white american as if that's not basically the same as the bajillion european white guys on this chart
>the bajillion european countries being separate
>china and taiwan separate but obviously the same (good joke)
this image is for trolling

No. 1825892

File: 1703349826109.jpeg (918 KB, 828x1472, IMG_7074.jpeg)

Doublepost, I want to mention breast milk jewelry because it’s similar to period blood paintings but I don’t think this is as gross but I can imagine men finding this more fetishistic


No. 1825893

why is it sorted like that,

No. 1825894

Why is it so common for zoomers to have children that are actually retarded? I know this one woman who isn’t much older than me and both of her biological kids are ‘special’ (not just autistic, i mean fullblown retard banging head on the desk mode), I also know multiple other women who already have a child with some level of retardation/mental incapacity, including women who are pregnant right now and have found out about a malformation in their child. What the fuck is causing this? Is it the EMF? The microplastics? The genes? I don’t understand how we’re having such a retard boom now

No. 1825895

File: 1703349854133.jpg (169.06 KB, 964x1200, EapTm2MXsAAAsow.jpg)

Dominican men

No. 1825898

I'd say the saudi is the ugliest of them all because he's probably a manlet and a result of incest.

No. 1825902

Fuck really? That's scary tbh

No. 1825904

reason #2349237 why i'm not having children

No. 1825905

What the actual fuck

No. 1825906

Yeah that's literally my biggest fear of having kids, especially if it's a moid, I can't think of anything worse than being stuck caring for a retarded moid the rest of my life, especially the violent kind of retarded

No. 1825907

I already replied to this but out of curiosity what are the age ranges of the mothers? And were they drug users at all?

No. 1825910

Euthanasia should be an option for those kids tbh. Specially if they're hurting themselves and others constantly.

No. 1825911

Sorry but the white American guy is the most attractive white guy, the other whites all have a case of gay face for some reason. But I agree with the China and Taiwan guys looking identical, they're both hans after all.

No. 1825912

Then you shouldn’t have kids because your love isn’t unconditional and you would make a bad parent anyway

No. 1825913

samefag from this post but the girl with 2 retarded kids is also only 22 years old. 22 years old and is going to be forced to take care of these screaming monkeys until she or they die! The age range of my other acquaintances is 19-27

No. 1825915

hes hideous lol

No. 1825916


No. 1825919

ntayrt but who the fuck would be capable of loving something that looks like a blobfish and just makes a mess

No. 1825920

Wait, how is Tylenol linked to autism?
Can she give them for adoption?

No. 1825922

Probably the men having shit genetics and being butt ugly, and the women also having shit genetics and bad health since zoomer diet is takis and energy drinks. Not taking care of their health and diet when pregnant, and not feeding their kids properly when their babies. Retarded people being allowed to have kids could also be a contributing factor, because they'll pass their retard genes to their sons and daughters even if the kids don't show signs of the retardation, they can still carry the genes and it shows in their kids. But these are speculations on my side.

No. 1825923

>I will love my child based on how it looks
Sorry, didn’t realize you were a baiting moid.

No. 1825924


I think this has a lot to do with it. Most of those kids aren’t acting autistic. Just mentally impaired. They don’t have the speech or behavior patterns with things life gifts, counting every white car, sensory input, fixations, putting things in rows, spinning in circles, etc. I imagine all the neglect and over stimulation is causing us to see things like RAD in much higher amounts.

Tylenol also has a link with autism and doctors tell you to take it while pregnant. One of my friend’s brothers is non verbal severe autistic and it’s linked to Tylenol.

On top of that we removed a lot of good stuff from food. All of the top burger baby foods had lead contamination. Those apple sauce pouches just got recalled for 500 times the same level. We have micro plastics even in fetuses in the womb.

My sister has a baby with a whole in it’s heart but she smoked weed pens her whole pregnancy and got COVID twice so… I feel like a lot of zoomers aren’t being honest about their behaviors while pregnant and and are eating high amounts of sea food, consuming drugs, dying their hair, spending time in nail salons, etc.

No. 1825925

A lifetime of being raped and molested in foster care would be better?

No. 1825926

Oh she doesn’t plan on doing that, she likes her kids but I wouldn’t call her the best mother for disabled children. She constantly posts about them and uses them to garner sympathy, attention, and even money; so I don’t really think she has any intention of letting them go

No. 1825931

You’re ignoring the elephant in the room which is men and women are having kids later than ever.

No. 1825932

I know a lady in her 60s who has to take care of her retarded violent 40 year old moid. She keeps him in a room most of the time because he spergs out and starts throwing stuff.

No. 1825934

>My sister has a baby with a whole in it’s heart but she smoked weed pens her whole pregnancy and got COVID twice so… I feel like a lot of zoomers aren’t being honest about their behaviors while pregnant and and are eating high amounts of sea food, consuming drugs, dying their hair, spending time in nail salons, etc.
I feel like that's exactly it, moreso than the theory of processed food and microplastics destroying their genetics in just one generation. I know of several zoomer women that smoked weed or drank alcohol while they were pregnant, so I just feel like it's more that zoomers are having problems with taking their bodies seriously.

No. 1825935

Woah I never actually looked into Tylenols possible harm to the cognition of babies in-utero. Thank you for sharing that with us, I’ll definitely have to look more into all of that.
>so… I feel like a lot of zoomers aren’t being honest about their behaviors while pregnant
This x1,000, it is very possible they could be putting their babies in jeopardy throughout the entirety of gestation and the health of the babies brain and body is just an afterthought for them. Horrific parenting.

No. 1825941

Thats also a huge factor in babies coming out with either health issues or cognitive delays, but I’ve noticed this trend also heavily applying to younger parents. You go on tiktok and search up random disabilities like down syndrome, trisomy 13, etc and you’ll see a bunch of young parents talking about their ‘experiences’ finding out that their child is an invalid. It’s a really strange phenomenon.

No. 1825943

>Why is it so common for zoomers to have children that are actually retarded?
>You’re ignoring the elephant in the room which is men and women are having kids later than ever.
Some of you…

No. 1825948

This. No one is taking into consideration that whatever you put into your body, affects the fetus. energy drinks,alcohol, weed (a ton of zoomers do pills and vapes) They dont give a shit about themselves. I used to work with a 23 year old who got knocked up and really wanted to keep the baby, but she thankfully miscarried. She was on a smorgus board of drugs daily too when we worked together. She quit and I never saw her after her miscarriage.

No. 1825949

Ikr? The implication that women having kidd in their 30s and 40s are guaranteed to have retarded kids is such a scrote take. Those anons "smell funny"..

No. 1825950

No, you just see them on social media more because young people are on social media the most and you experience selection bias. Jesus Christ, some of you need to go hug your mom and touch grass.

No. 1825951

They said men and women, retard. Did your mom give birth to a potato when she had you?(infighting)

No. 1825953

Women are fine having kids later than 30-35. It's the men you gotta worry about.

No. 1825954

Ayrt, I didn't say I wouldn't love it, just that it'd be pretty devastating to not only birth a child that will only suffer, but to have to spend the rest of your time, money, and life caring for a violent/retarded moid. Be realistic, mothers to violent/retarded moids suffer daily, I doubt there out here like "oh but I love him so it's worth the bankruptcy and bruises." Go adopt a retard if your so pressed kek

No. 1825957

We should definitely be legally allowed to put down violent retards. Or kids in general that will be 24/7 care for the rest of their lives.(alogging)

No. 1825958

Fuck that is so sad and scary

No. 1825959

And they talked about muh too old parents when the convo was about zoomers

No. 1825960

no you're right

No. 1825962

>didn’t realize you were a baiting moid
Does ntayrt mean nothing to you retards? Kek, that wasn't me

No. 1825963

No. 1825965

Suffering is subjective. If your kid is in physical pain 24/7 then yeah that’s cruel. But mental retardation doesn’t automatically lead to suffering. Most downies and mentally retarded folk are happier than normies.

No. 1825967

>My sister has a baby with a whole in it’s heart but she smoked weed pens her whole pregnancy
oh my god. what the fuck? last time i went to the OBGYN there were posters everywhere warning pregnant women to not use anything with THC in it while pregnant. it's a teratogen. do women not realize this or do they not care???

No. 1825968

>spend more time around young people
>young people are heavily overrepresented on social media
>what is selection bias

No. 1825969

Uh…excuse me? I was the original poster, and on top of knowing several women who have/are about to have disabled children, I’m also able to go online and see that many other adults in my age bracket are reproducing invalid kids. Just because something is also documented and shared online does not make its real life existence inapplicable.

No. 1825970

Having a kid who spams bait on lolcow 24/7 would be a bigger shame to me than birthing a potato, honestly.

No. 1825971

I live near a school for special kids, like nonverbal or close to it. But I've noticed lately the regular school also has a lot of kids that are being walked there in the mornings wearing ear defenders and being chased after for running out in front of traffic at the crossing lights. Doing the whole head banging or lashing out thing. Not having the words to express whats wrong and fighting their moms.

I know alot of people my age went under the radar with tism that was passable as shyness or whatever and went through school unnoticed but I don't know what some of these kids are doing attending regular school. Unless there just aren't enough spaces to meet demand for that now

No. 1825972

That's some mighty copium

No. 1825973

>failson posting every 30 seconds can’t comprehend maternal love and empathy
Just say you’re a tranny and go.

No. 1825974

I'm not talking about downies, I said violent/retarded moids which I guess is a pretty wide range of disabilities but I'm thinking of the screaming, crying, headbanging, beating up anyone close to them, throwing cum on the dinner table type of retard. And don't come at me like "their not suffering!!" I know 3 mothers with kids like that and they're suffering daily. A good day is when the kid only hits a couple people and maybe throws a chair.

No. 1825977

>They said men and women, retard.
So you're calling me a retard for mentioning that the anons think women are guaranteed to have retarded children once they reach 30 or 40….when women are literally included in what they meant? Okay, women AND men. That doesn't dismantle my observation because they're still talking about women, you illiterate mong.
>Did your mom give birth to a potato when she had you?
If you're trying to hurt my feelings, you need to work on your insults. My grandmother can do better.

No. 1825979

>Having a kid who spams bait on lolcow 24/7
Is… is this supposed to be a dig at me or something? Show me one bait post from me and any proof I'm here 24/7, some of your insults are so lame. All I did was share a general fear a lot of women have, once again if your so pressed about it go out and adopt a retarded moid.

No. 1825980

File: 1703352142307.jpg (80.66 KB, 696x530, photo_2023-12-21_03-22-42.jpg)

come on, ladies

No. 1825981

>Anon can't comprehend there are multiple women here who do not want a defective moid child
>Anyone who disagrees with them is a tranny/moid
Just say your here to infight and can't handle any opinions you disagree with and go.

No. 1825983

Me not wanting to give birth to a retard doesn’t make me a man…usually men don’t have these concerns because they don’t have uteruses. You gotta pay attention in health class, nonna

No. 1825984

Autists are a lot more of a challenge than downies. Downies can be calm and normal and even work and have relationships. Autists struggle their whole life socially, romantically and mentally. It’s probably the worst disability because they look normal which means you get no sympathy either

No. 1825988

Then don’t have kids, simple as. If you’re posting on lolcow anything that comes out your kooter (if you even have one) is bound be a retard anyway.(infighting)

No. 1825993

yeah retards give me the creeps so bad ever since i was young. never understood why i cant openly express that, people literally trip all over themselves trying to show how much they love retards and vegetables

No. 1825994

Why not get rid of both

No. 1825995

You're going to have to cope with the fact that some people here have opinions you don't like nonna. This isn't an echochamber.

No. 1825996

Wendigoon is an obvi.
Real civil engineer because he’s kinda a turbo autist about that engineering. It tickles me.
Shrouded hand. His videos may be short but they are straight to the point. His voice is very monotone but I prefer it for that type of content.
Call me Kevin. Same reason as RCE in a different way. I also find him endearing. He doesn’t really do horror content and it’s a nice change of pace.
Ambiguous amphibian. Hes funny. My brother also was convinced he was secretly onision lol
North of the border. The sculptures he does are always very cool and some are just creative.
Futurecanoe. Makes me feel better about being a bad cook but also have found some recipes I wanna try through him.
CHRBRG. Hes a creature.
SMI77Y. I only watch him when i need some horrible zoomer humor but he’s a good dude.
Grizzy. Same as above but also cuz he’s cute.
The boys. They aren’t autists. They are straight up retarded.
EddieVR from the boys. Idk I like him.

No. 1825997

I don’t care if this sounds mean their faces and the way their voices sound make me uncomfortable

No. 1825998

File: 1703352512349.jpeg (29.12 KB, 250x188, 018E7AD6-B56C-403F-BE64-826739…)

>If you’re posting on lolcow anything that comes out your kooter (if you even have one) is bound be a retard anyway.
Yup. The abrupt, random infighting with multiple users over trivial details. It makes sense now. Smells Like Scrote Spirit. Either that, or some bored bitch doing bait for fun.

No. 1825999

yes its my defense mechanism against moids who go bald and start getting wrinkles at 18. men who show obvious signs of ageing before 40 should be shot. there is nothing more repulsive than a bald, wrinkly, ageing man.

No. 1826000

male detected, just say vagina. Now get out of here and go play with your downie kid

No. 1826003

I worked in a store where we pretty much exclusively had male tists stocking shelves. Then one guy who had down syndrome. Pretty introverted but alright. Lived alone with family just keeping an eye on him. His parents have long passed. Much prefered him to the male tists who were 'high functioning' but creeps who either talked sex or constantly managed to accidently insult people

No. 1826004

They show up at the same time everyday too, trying to start shit in ot and then whining in meta when they get replies they don't like.

No. 1826005

I never understand what’s going on like we are just talking about retarded kids. Why does he feel the need to include himself and literally mention himself by name??

No. 1826006

Imagine knowing the names of moid YouTubers, get a life lol.

No. 1826007

This, they're so whiny when they're the ones starting shit

No. 1826008

>we are just talking about retarded kids. Why does he feel the need to include himself
Hits too close to home kek

No. 1826009

i've literally left public spaces due to retards. 100x worse when it's a male retard. i do not trust that they won't do rapey shit. i'm really sick of being quiet instead of openly saying how much i hate them. i was stuck in multiple situations with male tards and normies laugh it off, it's like they think male retards are asexual or something when they're fucking not.

No. 1826010

He thinks he’s a qualified source kek

No. 1826012

Nta but now you're just trying to stir the pot over nothing, I can't imagine being so attention starved, I'd kill myself if I were that pathetic tbh

No. 1826014

did anyone else just hear someone say retard out loud…?

No. 1826015

The tranny is extremely anti disabled people and is the one constantly sperging about retarded kids in the tradthots thread and he has been banned many times too. He’s not the one defending tards. Trannies are men and lack empathy so it’s not surprising.

No. 1826016

Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?

No. 1826018

File: 1703352904605.gif (83.57 KB, 275x205, 1701136223288.gif)

Yeah I noticed a pattern too. That little faggot loves to go from 0 to 100 with multiple anons at once, and for no fucking reason kek.
>"your mommy birthed a potato!"
>"you're gonna birth a retarded baby out of your kooter!!"
Like omg, I just have to laugh at that faggot. They're like the lolcow jester.

No. 1826019

Sucking random e-moids dicks is not something to be proud of. You’re an unpaid handmaiden and giving them money with every view. Couldn’t be me.

No. 1826022

Ugh I can’t imagine either. If I wasn’t able to koala cling to my nigel ever again with all my arms and legs I’d basically be dead.

No. 1826023

Tards aren’t trying to rape you, calm down. You’re statistically most likely to be raped by a bf or an ex.

No. 1826024

ntayrt but WHAT? She sucked their dicks? How do you know that? What the fuck that’s a lot of guys..

No. 1826025

Smells like teen spirit lolcow edition… smells like scrote spirit…

All I can add to the debate is this: if you can afford genetic testing or it’s covered by your insurance. Get it. As a genetic lottery winner I wish more people did that. Especially if genetic disorders are prevalent. The biggest thing is also caring for yourself during pregnancy. I don’t think a lot women in the 18-26 bracket do or even listen to any advice on caring themselves during.
Also always abort your downie. Not every single one is high functioning and able to mostly care for themselves or do little tard jobs. It’s Russian roulette.
I like background noise when I draw lol. There’s no female youtubers who aren’t really super zoomers, whores or vtubers that play games….. most of the female YouTubers I do watch are hobby YouTubers lol.

No. 1826027

you have never been cornered by a tall adult retard in a basement chewing on a washcloth while no adults around help you because you're too young to even know what a retard is

No. 1826028

A retarded boy crotchgrabbed the girl sitting next to me when I was in college for like 5 days

No. 1826029

Yeah I love Wendigoon's content, especially the iceberg stuff. And same about Shrouded Hand, his voice is so soothing to me for some reason, despite the content sometimes making me sad. I wanna check out some of the other ones you mentioned, especially the sculpture one that sounds interesting.

>Watching content is sucking e-moids dicks and being a handmaiden.
Kek, alright baiter, keep pining after that sweet sweet attention you need so bad.

No. 1826030

But you can’t screen for autism and most of them time you don’t know until they’re 2 years old. I know a woman with a downie and an autist and the autist is 1000000x more of a handful and can’t complete basic tasks without screaming.
NTA but spouting nazi tier eugenics stuff is extremely scrotey.

No. 1826031

>a downie and an autist
Damn that sounds like hell

No. 1826032

>I nearly got raped in the basement by the washcloth chewer retard!
Take your meds.

No. 1826034

You have the spirit of Iceland because they made it their mission to birth as little kids with down syndrome as possible.

No. 1826035

>Women are fine having kids later than 30-35
Some women enter their menopause in the late 30s so please don't?

No. 1826036

KEK I’m sorry this description just makes me laugh I’m not trying to make light of some downie trying to rape you

No. 1826037

The downie is chill but the autist screeches 24/7 and bullies and hits the downie. After seeing what she goes through I would genuinely rather birth a downie than an autist.

No. 1826039

I hate google for sickness so much, I just want to get over my fever before Christmas but all it says is to drink water and that I might die too.

No. 1826040

Everyone on Iceland looks Down syndrome naturally.

No. 1826041

File: 1703353439997.jpeg (22.49 KB, 614x499, images - 2023-12-24T044521.339…)

How can I be feeling nauseous when I'm only 4 weeks pregnant

No. 1826042

My mother and her brought up tribes that smoked weed and like one study that suggested no harm. She told her obgyn at her like 2nd trimester appointment, but they apparently treat weed like a drug addiction and her obgyn just helped her minimize harm instead of stopping? I don’t understand.

No. 1826043

>NTA but
But nothing. If the point of that infighting was to defend willingly having kids that'll be born with life-changing disabilities, the lolcow jester needs to go work on their debate skills instead of larping as the potatoes they love so much.

No. 1826044

It's worst in the first trimester

No. 1826045

The anti nausea medicine they give for morning sickness is b-6 and antihistamine. You’re welcome anon. Feel better.

No. 1826047

Def do check north of the border out!! He’s only been doing YouTube for about three years. He’s really also improved over time. He likes to do creepy stuff, realistic pokemon, game related ones (he did a bunch of terraria recently) and sometimes will do random (sometimes just weird) stuff because he can. Included is my favorite because he can.

No. 1826049

Praying for you and your baby nonnie

No. 1826051


No. 1826053

Drink water and sweat it out. Fill a large bath with hot water and epsom salt and ginger. Soak for thirty minutes. Then climb into bed with a good blanket and sleep for the night. The ginger helps warm the blood and pushes the fever to hopefully do its job and break. Eat some vitamin c and make sure you’re still getting enough d from the sun. Remember not you’re doctor. Feel better.

No. 1826054

Yeah but google says it peaks at 9 weeks, I hope this isn't a precursor to how the whole pregnancy will go
Bless nona
I love stuff like this. I just finished my husbands Christmas gift that's hagrid house

No. 1826056

>Ambiguous amphibian.
I love his project zomboid videos. I dunno why they're so relaxing.

No. 1826058

Autists like Elon Musk and Bill Gates are the biggest threats to humanity. All Autists should be euthanized.

No. 1826060

Sorry Nonna, I hope it goes away soon. Congrats to you and your baby though!

No. 1826061

Autistics make me anxious and angry. Like the way they can’t handle when someone is trying to end a conversation with them? They need to walk around with their mouths duct taped shut

No. 1826062

Disabilities can also be acquired too. We’ve had the highest rates of abortions of disabled fetuses for decades now and humanity isn’t much better for it. Look around you. The world is a mess and filled with awful people.

No. 1826063

Omg I love this, this is the kind of shit I'd buy off etsy kek

No. 1826064

I agree so much

No. 1826067

true. all of humanity should be euthanized. i wish an asteroid would hit this planet and kill everyone. i hate this timeline so much. everyone is such an asshole. nobody has a soul anymore. humanity definitely ended in 2012. nothing but autons and skinwalkers masquerading as humans now.

No. 1826068

No. 1826069

So you want to reduce the board's population to 3 three posters?

No. 1826072

Depends if they’re happy or not. I would rather have a happy retarded kid then an able bodied but depressed suicidal incel kid.

No. 1826073

>There’s no female youtubers who aren’t really super zoomers, whores or vtubers that play games….. most of the female YouTubers I do watch are hobby YouTubers lol.
I can relate. I mostly like to watch autistic computer shit and it's 100% moids.

No. 1826076

I know that disabilities can be acquired, and that people can be shit without disabilities. But if you knew your child was more than likely going to live a life where they can't quite grasp the world around them, how to even have an adult conversation, stuck with a kindergarten-level of vocabulary, and still played with Thomas the Train toys like a baby at 25-30 years old, would you actually want that? For them? For yourself? My aunt made that choice, and she takes care of her mid-20s son like he never aged from thr 1st grade, because mentally, that's where he's stuck. Everyday, she has to think and plan about what the fuck is going to happen to him once she's gone, because she knows that it' unlikely he'll ever gain the intelligence to live a life like most other humans in adulthood. Women who chose to give birth to kids they KNOW will be retarded made their choice, but that choice wouldn't be mine.

No. 1826077

I don't think I'm depressed but I simply can't talk to most people anymore (if I don't need to). I ignore their texts not out of malice but because they instantly make me overwhelmed. If there's at least 1% chance the conversation won't be 100% shallow I have to morally prepare for it. If I didn't talk with a person for a while it's even more straining because we have to exchange recent news etc. Can someone relate? I feel like a total schizoid and I used to be just mildly introverted. I actually liked talking with friends and even strangers sometimes.

No. 1826078

Autists are the worst people on earth. I’m sorry but it’s true. Not only that, but their toxicity isn’t even self limiting and they inflict suffering on others intentionally because they’re sadistic psychopaths.

No. 1826080

I already answered you since you deleted your post. I will pick whichever kid is happiest. I would rather have a child who is happy and retarded and stuck in a 5 year old childs mentality for life, than an able bodied and depressed/mentally ill kid who doesn’t even have an excuse not to be a fuckup.

No. 1826082

I knew a guy who bugged me with how he'd spot a down syndrome person in public and react to it like an edgy teen. Way too old to be reacting the way he did. His own kid always seemed a bit slow to me. He blamed it on the mom coddling the kid too much and acted like puberty would be this miricle where he'd catch up to his age. Til the kid eventually got assessed. I think his weird obsession with them was related to his own tism kid denial. If his kid ever lands a job wiping down tables like one of those down syndrome women he mocked, he'll be lucky.

No. 1826087

I forgot that the world was supposed to end in 2012. Now that I look back it just says “eschatological beliefs that cataclysimic or transformative events would occur on or around 21 december 2012” and I guess that did actually turn out to be true.

No. 1826088

Nta but I know a mom with a kid who can't take care of himself and struggles with daily tasks, he's in his early 40's but is at a base level of like 12/13 intellectually and emotionally. Her biggest concern is what's going to happen to him when she passes, it really is horrifying and sad to think about it. I can't imagine being in her shoes. Worst part is he started out fine, hit all the milestones, then got a massive brain injury, spent years in and out of hospitals and she had to watch him just sort of deteriorate into where he's at now. Literally my worst fear and I have no shame in saying that, it was her worst fear too and for good reason. He can barely make a meal without burning the house down, says stuff that nearly gets him beat up around strangers because he doesn't have a filter and can't pick up on people's emotions, gets lost almost every time he leaves the house, gets scammed by people online because he has very childlike trust/naivety, has to be reminded to bathe, sleep, brush his teeth. Spends all his disability on frivolous things because he can't manage finances or think about basic necessities and responsibilities. He might not suffer now but once his mom is no longer there to take care of him it's going to be hell, she's trying to make preparations but he'll never grasp the gravity of the situation until it happens.

No. 1826089

Hey really important question does anyone here have a clit piercing?

No. 1826090

Imagine having a 4chan basement dweller incel son who hates women and wants to shoot people lol. WWYD? I feel like there’s so many of these moids around nowadays and it’s basically a powder keg. It’s just sad that hundreds of not thousands of innocent people are probably gonna die in the future because of these fags committing terrorism and shootings.

No. 1826093

Thanks nonna!

No. 1826094

Turn him into the authorities. If my kids ever get access to any kind of private technology I’m gonna have to have security software on it to make sure my daughter isn’t following in my footsteps of sperging out on lolcow.farm

No. 1826095

You could die in a car crash by 30 so please have kids in your 20s

No. 1826096

These things happen. Humans learn to adapt. I know a guy who was completely normal until he fainted in public one day and broke his neck (I think the injury was severe because he was really tall). He is now a paraplegic and he also suffered a brain injury which affected his speech. Obviously his mom was devastated at first but she’s coping okay now.

No. 1826098

>Premature menopause is estimated to affect 1% of women under the age of 40 years

No. 1826100

>Some women enter their menopause in the late 30s
And some get their first period at age 5, so what?
Before birth control women popped out kids til forever and nobody told them to stop having sex between 35 and 60, so that they won't get pregnant and maybe birth a retarded child..

No. 1826102

Technically each pregnancy delays menopause. I had an aunt with 9 kids who was giving birth naturally at 46. 9 months of not releasing eggs per pregnancy x 9 pregnancies = 81 months not releasing eggs = over 6 years menopause delay.

No. 1826105

I wish there was a way for doctors to let you die if you suffer any injuries that would leave you mentally and physically disabled.

No. 1826106

men who insist on hugging young girls are weird

No. 1826108

No. 1826109

If you put it in writing in your medical records then they’ll have to comply with it, I’m pretty sure

No. 1826110

Raising a son is like rolling a roulette wheel of mental disorders and character deficiencies. Which you will try your best to avoid, but he will still blame you for. The best you can hope for is a functioning son who keeps his degenerate habits to himself and whose sociopathic traits are somewhat contained.

No. 1826112

I don’t think that’s how it works

No. 1826113

File: 1703355378897.jpeg (64 KB, 500x604, 1.jpeg)

Why can't I be like her instead of like watashi?

No. 1826114

Exactly… I am glad most of my hobbies have mainly female YouTubers. Sculpting is more on the moid but idc I get to see from cool shit like a shark/T. rex lol

No. 1826116

Just be an organ donor with it explicitly written in a living will and notarized, and sent to anyone who could forward it to a hospital if you get injured.

No. 1826117

File: 1703355487024.png (2.05 MB, 1153x1147, shut up.png)

No. 1826119

Thank you. I am glad there are options out there.

No. 1826120

I have nothing to do until tomorrow. I am so bored. Considering going back to sleep. A

No. 1826122

They remind me of this guy

No. 1826123

File: 1703355676694.png (1.93 MB, 1170x950, microenisisd.png)

I hate that my husband works 11 hour shifts i hate being lonely all day

No. 1826125

Damn, what's he do?

No. 1826127

He’s an ER physician they work like camels

No. 1826130

nta but any time I hear about shit like that suddenly happening and turning your life upside down there's always a parent who spends their retirement years dedicated to caring for them. Or others who rally around. You never really see cases where family are like k but I have my own life to think about so.. They must exist too. That's another level of scary.

No. 1826132

Call and confirm it from time to time. "Long shifts" is the main way men slut around

No. 1826133

i think it's dope

No. 1826134

Ah, tough job. I bet the pay is really good though, it must suck around the holidays cause there isn't much room for time off

No. 1826135

File: 1703356105113.jpg (35.73 KB, 459x524, 3a66ade92e1b546ec907d77d9d5908…)

So are claw caps bad or not? As someone who doesn't own a cat, I always got the impression that they're a safe and good alternative to declawing while also allowing the the cat to scratch without causing so much damage, BUT everytime I see anything about them there are people saying it's abuse to use claw caps.

No. 1826136

hee has to work Eve but he gets Christmas day off thankfully, normally he works like 2937292 days a week

No. 1826139

He’s got his location enabled, he’s an honest old man nonna I do understand your concerns though ♥

No. 1826140

Whats that like at xmas, extra alcohol related injuries? families assaulting each other?

No. 1826142

I've never heard of claw caps but I would never do anything to a cat unless it was medical intervention.

No. 1826143

nta but I've been to the ER at Christmas because my extended family brings shit tier poorly cooked and refrigerated food that literally tries to kill me. I'm never touching a fucking "casserole" again

No. 1826144

I don't like them. Claws are important for a cat. It's like people who get dogs tails removed. Can you just get the cat a scratching post or something?

No. 1826147

>old man
Nta but what? How old is he? And how old are you?

No. 1826148

Men aren’t good for much, but I’ll give them one thing, fatherless men are absolutely ruined. Like being abandoned by a dad really does a number on men. And I say this as a fatherless woman, it’s just so bad with men and they turn into the worst people

No. 1826149

were in our 20s I apologize that’s not old kek

No. 1826150

Cats don't really like anything on their body, even collars can bug certain cats. Also claws are meant to retract and project a bit so I can't imagine that'd feel very good for them.

No. 1826151

Oh kek, no need to apologize I was just wondering if you were one of those nonnas with an old ass moid, they peak my curiosity

No. 1826152

mostly weather related injuries for us because we live in a very cold environment, like car crash, slip and falls; also coming in illnesses or random symptoms because it’s flu season and everyone’s scared of having whatever new covid variant there is this week

No. 1826154

I don’t think they’re super necessary, cats need their claws at all times, getting scratched from time to time is just part of owning an animal and it never ever means the kitty doesn’t love you

No. 1826157

No they don’t. The nurses do all the work. ER doctors sit at a computer for 10 hours of that shift. Doctors are overpaid as fuck and make so many errors that medical mishap is the 3rd leading cause of death in the US, it will be good when AI replaces them.

No. 1826159

Anyone ever been on morphine hydrochloride? What does it feel like?

No. 1826161

I feel like that might take a bit to happen

No. 1826170

In a decade or so we’ll be seeing AI making decisions for patients. All ER doctors really do is sit at the computer looking at patients medical records and test results and decide what to do from there and basically just tell the nurses what to do and what to administer, the doctors themselves don’t actually do much work apart from say if someone comes in needing resus and they have to do chest compressions (another thing that could probably easily be replaced with bots as it’s a very simple mechanical procedure and humans get tired easily from doing it). The nurses do all the legwork and administer all the medications etc. An AI can easily do the doctors job since medical protocols are already well documented and researched and can easily be coded. They might need a human to oversee the whole process and double check everything, and of course human surgeons will still be necessary, but I can easily see ER doctors becoming almost obsolete in first world technologically advanced countries within the next 10-20 years.

No. 1826174

Also same with GPs, studies have already shown AI is more accurate at diagnosing patients than human doctors anyway.
Other jobs like lawyers and judges will also be easy to replace since humans are too biased and a lawyers job is basically just to look through a shit ton of files, retain that information then try to make arguments as to why their client should be jailed/freed. An AI can easily process all that information near instantaneously much faster than any human, and also make judgments with less bias.

No. 1826176

File: 1703358780531.jpg (48.8 KB, 1300x952, 1000012009.jpg)

look at this loser putting her body through hell for a moid(infighting)

No. 1826191

Nta and I'm going to bed soon so I don't wanna start the same infight some of you like to have every single day but, it's entirely possible she wants to have children for herself aswell, not just for the moid. Also this makes you seem like more of a loser tbh, the fact you have to go out of your way to be like "look at what she's doing!! I'd never do that!! I'm better cause I'd never do that!! Hey you, I disagree with your lifestyle!!" Like, we get it already, you don't need to drop these little takes every single day on here, I think you've made your point already.

No. 1826192

touch grass

No. 1826196

Look at this loser trying to start the same infight we've had 3456765 times already

No. 1826197

There's a mom/pregnancy thread in g if you post about it here I'm gonna make fun of you

No. 1826202

I want a baby, the fact my husband gets one also is a bonus for him

No. 1826203

Look at this loser thinking that anything a woman does is for a moid, i bet that your own mother thought that beer and cigarettes tasted better when she was pregnant

No. 1826207

Its a weirdly misogynistic mindset. Everything I do in my life I do for myself, if it benefits others around me then thats just an added bonus.
Do some nonnas really just do stuff to make men happy?

No. 1826211

No, but there's bp nlogs who project that nonnas do and then toothlessly make fun of them for their own mistaken ideas.

No. 1826216

Doubt it, but there's a few anons who attribute everything a woman does to being for male attention. They consider every woman a pick me and everytime a man does something awful to a woman she's somehow at fault. They think this makes them ~blackpill feminists~ but they just sound like retarded moids barking the same insults that basement dwelling 4chan moids do.

No. 1826220

Very odd
It circles back around to them being the pickmes parroting 4chan scrote rhetoric about women lol.

No. 1826226

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No. 1826230

Anons are just posting inflammatory things about pregnancy and motherhood to bait at this point, please just ignore it ffs.

No. 1826232

I love him and want to bring him home alien or not
You're right, I shouldn't have replied oops

No. 1826236

Pickme really isn't a synonym for stupid bitch, doing so only make it lose meaning faster.

No. 1826238

Well AKSHUALLY! A alien is a being from a different land, cats are born on earth and cats born in the country you're from/live in especially cannot be aliens

No. 1826241

I love my husband and everything but not enough for him to give me a parasite that’ll make me fat, ugly, and ruin my ability to think normally. I also am not willing to be kept up all night breastfeeding said parasite after it exits my body(bait)

No. 1826242

File: 1703361822476.jpg (514.67 KB, 900x520, alien-cat.jpg)

The true origin of cats

No. 1826245

File: 1703361917637.jpg (307.55 KB, 700x350, ezgif-4-503fdcba2c.jpg)

>A alien is a being from a different land
An alien?! A fucking illegal alien!?

No. 1826246

Then don't

No. 1826247

Wow, so glad some of you are here to make the same post everyday or else how would we know you're opinions are still the same

No. 1826250

why do all of you talk like you just stepped out of r/childfree?

No. 1826252

>hwell akshyually black people invented charcuterie
why don’t you fucking kill your self

No. 1826254

Wait, did they really? I thought it came from 15th c. France, this is my first time hearing different

No. 1826255

French people are black, bigot

No. 1826256

Everybody knows lunchables invented charcuterie

No. 1826257

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No. 1826258


No. 1826260

File: 1703362692280.jpg (33.6 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg)

I keep doing the gamer neck but it's just because my blind ass keeps trying to use my laptop without my glasses. I only realize I'm doing it when my neck starts to hurt kek.

No. 1826262

On certain foreign anachan forums I've seen death skellies posting a recipe for this grey nutrient broth that they think keeps them alive as long as possible as skellies with next to no calories. Wonder if she's doing something like that to ride the precipice between life and death.

No. 1826264

This salmon tastes a little funky but I'm gonna eat it anyway, we'll see how my butthole does

No. 1826266

Sounds hot ngl

No. 1826269

It was just french people in general, not blacks specifically

No. 1826270

through the will of God I guess. These guys with Ana fetishes can’t possibly be paying her that much to keep doing this.

No. 1826272

That greying on her shoulder and limbs compared to her stomach shows how much her heart is struggling to circulate blood. Of course if she read that, she'd romanticize it and consider it uwu.

No. 1826273

Ashley Isaacs is still alive, let that sink in… She's worse than this Eugenia, except since a decade already

No. 1826275

>grey nutrient broth
Ew what.
One thing I dislike about both gymrats and anorexics is that they're willing to eat gross shit in pursuit of their dream body. Some gymrats eat healthy, good food but then are scared to season it, and then anorexics eat…grey broth I guess.

No. 1826278

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If I had a nickel for every time I watched an random European series that featured a blonde rich white male in his late teens/early 20s that does drugs and partying, has an abusive father, stupid financial ideas and a bland but otherwise nice gf (that he SAs episodes later) and it's also overtly hateful towards the immigrant/muzzie male love interest which his gf later cheats him with causing massive amounts of drama, I'd had like 3 nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened more than once

No. 1826279

Someone explain this meme to me

No. 1826281

File: 1703364174904.png (130.01 KB, 681x383, dr-phil-mcgraw-2.png)

Everytime I scroll past the finnish thread I think the threadpic is Dr. Phil.

No. 1826285

I'm curious, what does this broth consist of?

No. 1826287

Who is this woman 25 minutes in? I love her so much and want to buy her all the guacamole she wants

No. 1826288

Male pattern baldness is such a fucking joke lololol, I love that I pull enough hair out a week to make a wig yet still got a full thick head of hair while 18 year old scrotes are losing sleep over their hairlines FUCKING COPE AND DIE MAD ABOUT IT LOL

No. 1826290

Men are so fucking disgusting and annoying. Why are you asking a baby that you’re not even related to to come hug you? Why the fuck do you want to be touched by a little girl so bad? Why do you keep asking for her to come touch you and hug you and sit all over your lap when she’s already said no and physically distanced herself from you? I’m fucking tired of men and I wish we could throw all of them in prison

No. 1826294

All I remember is nutritional yeast was the main ingredient, and some added store bought broth. Some said they watered it down even more. Basically barebones flavorless soup. Idk how they managed to make it look grey.

No. 1826301

>the white American guy is the most attractive white guy, the other whites all have a case of gay face for some reason.
I genuinely don't see the difference between him and the others kek

No. 1826319

My cat kinda looks like one so I believe it. They are here to take over. They already have taken over the internet…

No. 1826321

>Israel is the smiley-est
what are they hiding?

No. 1826323

My sister and her husband took my nephew out for his birthday day today despite it being slightly crazy out due to last minute shopping. Poor lil dude got fucked over by the day before Christmas Eve birthday. They took him to dinner, a few stores and a bakery.
She messaged me earlier. He other than myself are the only people in my family who like macarons. So for his personal birthday treat cuz we are having cake next weekend for my birthday and his.. kiddo got a dozen macarons. He’s spoiled af. He basically gets them all to his self lmao

No. 1826332

nah mongolia, romania, and thailand are the most smiley

No. 1826334

File: 1703368486778.png (1.76 MB, 1170x802, ok kelly.png)

Kelly Clarksom looks so much better now

No. 1826338


No. 1826340

KEKKKKK Our Mexican KWEEN, and thinspo <3

No. 1826341

File: 1703369203257.png (75.99 KB, 175x275, 1542632227052.png)

>I already answered you since you deleted your post. I will pick whichever kid is happiest. I would rather have a child who is happy and retarded and stuck in a 5 year old childs mentality for life, than an able bodied and depressed/mentally ill kid who doesn’t even have an excuse not to be a fuckup.
Hands down, I fully disagree with you. Your argument only stands with the comparison of an intellectually disabled child to a depressed, failure child. Most kids don’t grow up to be mentally ill, or depressed, or failures. Most kids will have a much higher odds of academic achievements, landing good careers, communicating and socializing well enough to form friendships and personal relationships that benefit themselves and others, and understanding basic means of how to eat right and keep yourself alive—simply because they don’t have the obstacle of being intellectually stunted and slower (or even entirely unable) to reach goals and obtain a variety of successes. And for your specific comparison, I would 100% still take a depressed kid over one whose intelligence is stuck at an elementary level. Depressed people can have the intelligence to learn advice, practice it, seek professional help for their problems, and continue on with their adulthood. They can still learn and communicate with other adults on how to process things in a healthy way, and NOT let themselves go to shit when shit hits the fan despite their mental disorder. I cannot say the same with a kid that is intellectually stuck on the same level as a 1st grader. Like I already explained with my aunt’s life as an example, I cannot see how having a depressed kid that can still get up and pull themselves together is worse than permanently getting up everyday to make sure your 25 year old son has wiped right, didn’t eat more than his own stomach could handle, calming him down when he has tantrums about a toy or a piece of food, helping him put on some of his own clothes, teaching him how to clean his own room, making sure he brushed his own teeth and that he takes his showers, reminding him every several hours not to hit inanimate objects or the wall when he’s upset, and always having to talk to him just as you did twenty years ago or else he won’t understand what you’re even saying. Sure, the mentally retarded child is “happy”, but at what cost? Worrying day in and day out about how things are going between him and any babysitter? Worrying day in and day out if he’s going to be alright for when your time to die inevitably comes? If it were up to me, I’d rather avoid having a disabled child entirely; and based on what I know my aunt lives with everyday, it is far from cruel or “scrote-ish” to not want a disabled kid. Like I said before, not all intellectually-stunted kids end up like this, but my aunt and cousin’s lives are a very real reality, and a big possibility when you make the choice of keeping a child that’s detected to come out mentally impaired. If I turned my aunt’s efforts to take care of her son and compiled it into an instant memory for every woman I heard in-person or online saying that they’d gladly birth and raise an intellectually-stunted kid and asked them if they’d STILL want to birth and raise a mentally-impaired kid when this is the risk that comes with it, all of the women who say “no” would be more honest than most of the women who would say “yes”. I wouldn’t even be mad if you told me you only said you would be happier with a mentally-disabled kid for the sake of this argument, because the way my aunt lives for her son is a risk I wouldn’t even place on the most obnoxious lolcow users and a lifestyle I cannot imagine anyone actually favoring over virtually any other type of child.

No. 1826342

Sometimes I like to slap my stomach to make it bounce

No. 1826343

Kek omg she'll never live that down

No. 1826347

I need to trib and get murdered. NOW.

No. 1826348

And samefag, it feels almost insulting when random women say they're "totally ready" to birth and raise a severely disabled kid.
No the fuck you're not ready.

No. 1826350

Amen nonnie, amen. I think anyone who has actually seen women and families go through something like this would agree. People who say stuff like "at least their happy" or "the mother adapts" are so fucking naive to what these families go through.

No. 1826356

I think some people just sympathize with disabled children cause they are children, they are small and cute. But they still grow up to be adults and even elderly people, even if they are 5 mentally they still go through puberty and get fragile hips and that sounds like hell for both them and their caretakers. Imagine growing old caring for a severally disabled kid but not being sure if there'll be anyone looking after them in a humane way once you pass away.

No. 1826362

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a anon talking about these so-called tard-farms that rich people drop their mentally disabled children off at?

No. 1826371

It’s hard to express the magnitude of my love for these dumb little live streams

No. 1826372

Nta but omg I feel so bad for laughing

No. 1826373

I worry about some of you

No. 1826380

was this posted from the tard farm?

No. 1826382

is that supposed to be pinkie pie

No. 1826384

They’re so much fun though it’s hypnotizing. I never wanna stop watching because somehow they’re always able to come up with something new

No. 1826389

What the fuck am I looking at. For the love of God please don't tell me my lolcow.farms has huggy wuggy skibidi toilet autists now

No. 1826392

Im not autistic but I came across this one night and it’s a livestream that goes on for like a month at a time replaying different mukbang dramatic animated stories of the most random shit. Like one time there was an episode about a lady painting her nails at her restaurant job, and a little kid trips over and knocks her nail polish over so she makes him a whole korean food spread and tries to poisons him and his friends but it just turns them into giants. In order for this to be aired, I assume there has to be at least 2-3 people behind it? If not more because I have no idea ho long the process of animation takes. I just wonder how they come up with these.

No. 1826394

Nothing special but here’s my cat sniffing my microphone

No. 1826395

>huggy wuggy skibidi toilet
What is that? Is that English?

No. 1826396

Oh my goodness, that is so special!! Thank you Nona and thank you Nona's cat! ♥

No. 1826397

Aww, thank you Nona's cat

No. 1826398

When I was in highschool I had How Bad Can I Be as my morning alarm

No. 1826400

File: 1703372326408.jpg (23.39 KB, 580x561, a0df65313377250c1a6c4f80c11899…)

Do you want to fuck picrel too nonna?

No. 1826401

Fucking kek, massively underrated comment

No. 1826403

Were you also apart of the weird side of tumblr that joked about the Lorax a lot to the point some people were too serious about it too?

No. 1826404

this is making me want chicken now

No. 1826406

More proof lc is just underage children now

No. 1826410

No. I kept waking up late so I figured putting on the most cringeist song at full maximum blast would make sure to wake me up because the fear of assaulting my family with How Bad I Can Be. It works amazing.

No. 1826412

Big brained of you.
She says your welcome… I hope.. she likes to love on my mic but when I try to record it she always runs away… this time I got her…
Discord noise cancellation cancels her out when she cries into my mic or does that. It disappoints me lol

No. 1826413

she looks like courtney love in the first photo

No. 1826414

Felt amazing then lied down and sunk into the bed and fell asleep. That was all over an hour. 3/10 not worth the price

No. 1826421

cute, I miss having cats so much, that was nice nonna thanks

No. 1826423

Fell asleep with my eyes open. Family member let me eat a whole thing of Keebler soft batch cookies by myself. Fell asleep. Woke up at 3 pm the next feeling Bad.

No. 1826424

I'd honestly switch a nutrient broth if I had the chance. Eating sucks. I either feel guilty for eating too much or annoyed that I had to eat a bad tasting meal just to be healthy. Just let me eat nutritious perfect goo three times a day so I don't have think about it.

No. 1826429

It's from a zoomer horror game. Puggy Wuggy or something.

No. 1826430

File: 1703373518423.jpg (210.86 KB, 2160x2160, F9Qvd9oaoAARO23.jpg)

Ntayrt but I want to fuck him when TADC was pretty new but then I got over him after learning that the creator is a tranny with a head drilling fetish.

No. 1826431

No. 1826432

ew, furfag

No. 1826435

why’s he got 3 legs

No. 1826440

Do you ever just have this foreboding feeling that you will wake up to be being banned in the morning. I think I was extra annoying today kek

No. 1826443

Kinda related but I was given IV Fentanyl during an endoscopy (camera down the throat). I woke up halfway through and was super calm. I couldn't talk so I tried to flirty wink at one of the doctors because I thought it was funny. I think if it was any other way I would've been freaking out like crazy. After 2 hours in out patient I was let out and felt completely normal and fine. I don't have any desire to take it again but I can see why people would get addicted.

No. 1826448

File: 1703374644069.jpeg (199.4 KB, 1170x1560, IMG_2930.jpeg)

His acting in this show really showcases how slutty he is

No. 1826449

File: 1703374662694.jpg (15.23 KB, 320x240, 54e5749fd5f233843e6231de251728…)

None of the people who talk shit about long fake nails would ever say it to Dolly Parton's face

No. 1826453

My dumbass keeps drawing men's profile head-neck like the left one as if they're leaning and then wondering why it seems off. I really need to work on posture when it comes to the neck shoulder area…

No. 1826454

I love how moids think he's some epitome of alpha manliness meanwhile his first big movie was him playing a transwoman in London.
I met him in Dublin once and he was super nice and humble. Literally the opposite of what zoomer scrotes look up to.

No. 1826467

What am I going to do when the doomsday date schizos promise me comes and nothing happens? I’m relying on it actually happening conspiracy theorists better be right.
This is for you

No. 1826470

Cleopatra made people think that bathing in milk and honey was some luxurious thing, but tbh it sounds vile

No. 1826471

Did she shower after or did she just live sticky?

No. 1826472

Ngl only time I will ever say this but I dpnt blame Jeffrey star for reacting to her the way she does. At first I thought it was weird and cruel but girl walks around in lingerie pretending she has no idea what she's doing oml

No. 1826475

I know anons insult him but it's just because of the constant memeing and posting, he really is just a chill guy and it isnt like he's encouraging or baiting for the attention. He's really talented, also I don't think anyone who has ever worked with him has disliked him.

No. 1826487

I love the weird ethanol smell that comes off my breath when I haven’t brushed it all day but have been continuously eating

No. 1826488

It’s funny they think he’s supposed to be an emotionless alpha male or something, because Thomas was depressed, emotional and suicidal throughout the entire show, and the writers made it a clear point that he was sensitive, sweet and funny before getting traumatized in ww1. The character is definitely a huge pos but not a stupid alpha male type, I think the MRAs are just attracted to him and want an excuse to post gifs of him constantly

No. 1826493

Milk has lactic acid and honey has antioxidants, both are hydrating with anti-aging benefits. It does sound gross to take a bath in it though

No. 1826497

>I think the MRAs are just attracted to him and want an excuse to post gifs of him constantly
This kek, i’ve seen men admit how hot they find Jensen Ackles when he plays soldier boy in the boys.

No. 1826501

He's also been with his wife for 20 years now. 90% of moid Hollywood actors seem to go through multiple divorces to "trade up" or whatever but he seems decent. Also met Pierce Brosnan this year in Dublin and he was awesome. Gonna stop now this feels like derailing.

No. 1826504

Do they? He's a pale skinny manlet with huge dolly eyes and thick lips, plus women love him, that's usually a huge no-no in mra's books

No. 1826508

File: 1703378786336.jpg (77.11 KB, 640x640, gettyimages-1229643366.jpg)

If you ask them what they like about him they'll always say he's awesome or badass. They ignore the racist, misogynistic, chauvinistic stuff he says. I don't blame the actor. Moids just can't wrap their head around that manly guy can be a terrible person.

It's the same with Homelander. I feel the writers are trying to make him an overtly, almost cartoonisly, bad Trump parody so that 50IQ moids get you're not supposed to like him. Can't be helped when Republicans are cosplaying him. You can't do subtlety with these alpha bros.

No. 1826512

File: 1703378910434.jpg (280.82 KB, 1080x1920, b4b5aa4b6815afe1a132e2d963e37b…)

Google "Peaky Blinders Alpha" and you'll unfortunately see hundreds of posts like pic related

No. 1826517

Why do these types of dudes never latch onto actual ugly men who have built a good moral life for themselves?
Its either handsome men on gear or ugly morally bankrupt scrotes like Andrew Taint

No. 1826522

File: 1703379408954.jpg (220.5 KB, 700x933, Crochet-Trio-Lace-Hooded-Cowl-…)

I wanted to make my mom a cowl, but I kinda think it may be unwise. I'm only worried someone may think it's a hijab. I don't do politics, but I have seen news articles that because of the whole Israel/Palestine thing muslims are being targeted. Her hair is short so there would be no way for her hair to peek through. Call me paranoid, maybe I am.

No. 1826524

Thomas Shelby is a violent criminal who sleeps with almost every female character in the show, and is smart enough to always outsmart everyone else. It’s exactly how alpha male losers see themselves in their delusional little fantasies

No. 1826528

Maybe you could make her a big scarf she can wrap over her head? I wouldn’t personally mistake a cowl for a hijab but I have no idea if others might

No. 1826529

Its so retarded.
I understand men think differently but I really believe if I was some loser bum moid I would be looking and listening to wealthy men who made a name for themselves through hard work who married young and lived a charmed life.

No. 1826530

Being an asshole is much easier than working on yourself and being a decent kind human I guess. Jack Black is an unconventionally attractive actor and he seems awesome. He started a Youtube channel during Covid so he could make videos with his kids. More moids need to be like Jack Black.

No. 1826532

Because they don't want to accept their mediocrity and believe they are actually main characters

No. 1826545

File: 1703380187248.jpg (260.36 KB, 960x1440, MV5BYTA4YTMyMGYtY2MzMS00ZWM5LT…)

If this was made today it would be rebooted and called "My Dad The Drag Queen."
Also…I am the only one who found the dad from this cartoon hot?

No. 1826546

I thought it was Lukashenko

No. 1826548

Kids aren't easy but I think most women look so much worse because their scrotes barely help out and they end up having to manage literally everything. Ending a shit relationship will take more years off your face than most people realize

No. 1826549

File: 1703380438052.jpg (341.77 KB, 1920x1080, 9327489255.jpg)

You would probably think Scooby Doobified Gene Simmons is hot too.

No. 1826550

File: 1703380595570.jpg (40.47 KB, 640x781, monster-high-catty-noir-g3-v0-…)

The Monster High reboot made Catty Noir an actual fatty…..

No. 1826552

File: 1703380642304.jpg (53.44 KB, 768x768, catty-noir-v0-jofkaaw0vxxb1.jp…)

….here's the original….

No. 1826556

Any time someone tries to "uhhmm ackshuyally" about my husbando, how he would never love me for xyz reasons, how "but in real life he would do x things", just general lecturing on why i shouldn't husbando him, this plays in my head

No. 1826557

If I had a nickle for every tragic motherless chinese kid character in a cartoon I'd have 2 nickels, which isn't much but still weird it happened twice. And if I had a nickle for every time it was revealed the main character of a cartoon about teenagers is half jewish on Christmas, has divorced parents, has love life issues, has an asian friend, has a loser nerd friend with allergies, her mom gets a boyfriend she marries eventually, and has a summer camp episode when they finish junior high and are on their way to highschool, and the mc gets a scholarship then I'd have 2 nickles, which isn't a lot but it's still weird it happened twice.

No. 1826560

Face/head shape and facial fat level. He has the most defined bone structure and the most rectangular face. The others are much rounder and have less defined features in general.

No. 1826562

I remember being obsessed with catty noir when her doll came out, those holographic shattered mirror boots were the coolest and so creative. Her new design is just boring and cheap looking.

No. 1826564

fatty noir

No. 1826565

Kek I get you

No. 1826571

She looks like she has lymphedema

No. 1826575

Ty for letting me know, any idea what dose you took?

No. 1826580

I don't interact with other fans of my husbando but I feel this way about how he's constantly fujobaited in canon, kek

No. 1826587

people digging up really old shit from someone's past in their teens or 18-20 years old. usually stuff like ridiculous fanfics, drawing terrible porn as a kid, furry shit, whatever mundane thing a moid still isnt being canceled over. women showing any bit of twansphobia meanwhile men can seemingly do whatever until they get caught for full on cp, grooming, attempted assault meet up.

No. 1826589

I want to die….. what is this? Why is this?

No. 1826598

She used to look so elegant, WHY! Idgaf, i'm going to say this is racist.

No. 1826607

But girl why would you do this to yourself… His dick is burnt as fuck

No. 1826611

File: 1703387321630.jpeg (265.51 KB, 966x1715, IMG_9637.jpeg)

Ok this is part one which is cringey for its own reasons but hold on

No. 1826613

File: 1703387449686.jpeg (258.08 KB, 976x1711, IMG_9638.jpeg)

>did you think i was gonna be excited you saw another male human being
fucking KEKK
>when i turned around and seen a literally sanda clause
It’s always the girls calling their boyfriends daddy who are excited to meet mall santa’s

No. 1826618

>i ain’t even gon cap
Why do they talk like this

No. 1826625

This is how I feel whenever you autistic horndogs rave about your 2D mans

No. 1826688

I think anyone who doesn't use the default theme is weak.

No. 1826689

File: 1703392635450.jpg (21.32 KB, 360x360, 87324658328478ojpg.jpg)

Need him so viciously like the air that I breathe

No. 1826692

She should leave his ass for Santa.

No. 1826699

File: 1703392910471.jpg (39.01 KB, 940x1024, 76d125f7-3f0a-46e6-bce4-8cbf43…)

My husbando mogs your husbando

No. 1826706

File: 1703393430474.jpg (33.33 KB, 794x567, il_794xN.195778858.jpg)

>They don't know my husbando is a ten.

No. 1826711

He's a chinlet

No. 1826713

thats nice dear

No. 1826723

File: 1703394648363.jpg (55.77 KB, 700x705, 1696452248593171.jpg)

Oh you still gonna diss me

No. 1826724

File: 1703394697723.jpg (Spoiler Image,105.14 KB, 850x1233, __sugimoto_saichi_golden_kamuy…)

Need him so viciously like the air that I breathe

No. 1826726

Who would win?

No. 1826732

Cold Ones is peak scrote humor but I still find it funny The bartender in this episode is like if you made my dream man and I want him so bad

No. 1826733

It's funny because they're just being themselves. It's the faggots that posture and try too hard that are hard to watch. I like Chad.

No. 1826735

File: 1703395007624.jpg (Spoiler Image,149.13 KB, 720x1062, __sugimoto_saichi_golden_kamuy…)

No. 1826737

why are some of you spoilering normal anime pics, what has this board become

No. 1826738

File: 1703395107613.gif (4.65 MB, 498x354, good.gif)

No. 1826742

i am glad she's still alive, she's great to understand anatomy as an artist

No. 1826743

they hated her because she told them the truth

No. 1826749

Not the sugimoto anon but I used to do this if it was a character people complained about or considered ugly. I don't think sugimoto is that controversial tho

No. 1826752

dont let your autism be supressed

No. 1826758

the last one was clearly due to the female nipples

No. 1826760

I dont want to get banned for posting giant glistening juicy male areola

No. 1826761

File: 1703396731055.png (23.73 KB, 1200x750, FwukHfzaEAARQSX.png)

I do it out of consideration for anons who hate 2D

No. 1826763

Wouldn't it be better to post it in the husbando thread then? Not trying to be snarky or telling you to go away, just asking if maybe over there you wouldn't be banned since I see similar things all the time. Like, every thread has its own micro culture I guess

No. 1826767

>trying to appease to normalfags

No. 1826770

I dont see that as appeasing normies, I see that as retaining board culture and not attracting annoying transplant spergs

No. 1826771

I dont do it often, I actually dislike /g/ and their breed of fantasy is not something I relate to. I shitpost occasionally, reply earnestly occasionally, complain occasionally, close tab etc.

No. 1826772

Anons who have a hate boner for 2D anime boys are the transplants. This is a weeb board.

No. 1826776

File: 1703398533925.jpg (36.73 KB, 494x664, 6bc4569e8afd4cda5b4a1213fdd513…)

Need him so viciously like the air that I breathe

No. 1826780

spoiler this jfc

No. 1826781

>and their breed of fantasy is not something I relate to
How come? Is it too over the top for you?

No. 1826782

I am so glad that no matter how weird my husbandos may be I never will want fuck Gru.

No. 1826783

at least he's 2D. If i was into 3DPD like dano and banned man i would off myself.

No. 1826784

he's a nice man and a good adoptive father and provider. he could help you evade taxes… and both locate and comedically trap the home of anyone who talks shit to you on the internet.

No. 1826788

Those are very good points and I do agree but he doesn't sexually arouse me, he lacks the appeal and eroticism that my husbandos already provide me with.

No. 1826790

File: 1703400021066.jpg (517.69 KB, 2530x1687, 230525140441-10-barbie-movie.j…)

I just watched the barbie movie for the first time, and enjoyed it a lot. Margot robbie is so adorable as Barbie. I loved all her outfits! Weird barbie was my favorite. I seriously do hate they put a tranny in the movie though. He's so obvious. If not for that, it would have been perfect. 9/10

No. 1826792

i wanna watch it for weird barbie's actress alone because i loved her from what i remember from other movies. good to hear she slayed again.

No. 1826795

i was waiting for an HD rip to watch this, but now im hesitant because i feel like ill end up crying by the end. that billie eilish song from it makes me tear up everi tiem

No. 1826796

I agree, the TiM brings the movie down for me and honestly undermines the point of the story. He didn't even pass kek I was like "what the heck why's there a dude?" before realizing. But it was really fun overall and I love the design of the costumes and sets.

No. 1826802

samefag to add that I appreciate the ending where Barbie sees the gyno affirms that female anatomy is a critical part of womanhood, I wonder if they were kinda pressured to throw in the TiM and weren't totally on board with troon ideology after all
On another note, I found the Ken dancing segment really boring and was wondering why it kept dragging on, but reportedly according to guys I know and guys that women I know know, it's apparently a huge hit with moids who watched the movie kek I didn't expect them to love the movie so much for that

No. 1826826

boring overrated trash. Only things i liked about the movie was Ken.

No. 1826832

lol anon, I am a man then because that was the only thing I liked in the movie.
I was expecting something more campy and cute and didn't care for America Ferreras speech, it felt so unnatural. The CEOs were a mess and overall I wish it had been better written because it looked so cute.
It also needed hotter Kens because Ken was ugly and old af

No. 1826834

is neocities down?

No. 1826835

i live in a kind of shitty area by myself and someone just tried to open my door at 2 am. my building doesn’t use keys, we have codes that open all our doors and they were typing the wrong code repeatedly and trying to turn the handle and push in. jesus what if somehow they knew my code? my heart is RACING. i have a doorstop that braces the door and a little wooden bat but realistically i don’t know what i could do to defend myself if someone got in. i was in bed shirtless too lol

No. 1826836

File: 1703407562231.jpg (86.91 KB, 1241x1237, 20231107_012217.jpg)

You will never see a man, straight or gay, with a big dick try to collude against women in online spaces in the snide, datalounge/reddit/ lsa way. It is always some loser with an extremely underwhelming penis. It's their villain arc. They will bitch and complain about womens business, womens bodies, women's clothing, and women's music like its their PAID JOB. If they had a thick cock they wouldn't be doing all that. I have never been proven wrong.

No. 1826840

i agree. the bigger the dick the more normal the man is

No. 1826841

Heads are too damn squished for some of these

No. 1826842

Not even normal, just not weirdly twisted into this embittered whiny faggot that thinks he's some sort of game of thrones eunuch

No. 1826848

Do any of you want to see some fucked up shit I just saw

No. 1826849

i wish i had asked for a thermos this christmas because only two to go cups i have actually fit in my car's cup holders and it drives me crazy when i forgot to wash one of them in my rush before work

No. 1826851

It's been studied and proven that 'failmales' are the ones to lose their shit about women more often due to the need to compensate for their perceived inferiority, and is one of the reasons men troon out (to cope with being an inferior male). It's quiet funny yet embarrassing. Imagine having a Y, it's basically a disability kek.

No. 1826854

Do you like insane clown posse

No. 1826872

File: 1703410958933.png (1.91 MB, 1600x1600, crawlonbelly.png)

One time our little housecat managed to get herself outside and she was almost immediately bullied by one of the local streetcats. I run out to defend her and she runs back into the house full tilt. When I get back inside we couldn't find her right away. It took at least 20 minutes before we could find her.

Turned out she was underneath one of the couches.

The couch is pretty low so she had to crawl on her belly to fit herself under there. I get down to see her and she's just there, in the dark, squished and still. I call her name and she crawls back out and then she starts purring and rubs herself against me and then my sister and brother and then she stops purring and moving all of a sudden and immediately goes back under the crouch, dragging herself on her belly to fit. We figured she just needed to be squished in the dark for a little bit to process her feelings.

No. 1826879


I enjoyed that nonna thank you for sharing. Sounds like a cute little bean.

No. 1826900

(nta) do you think you're brave enough not to use she/her pronouns (just avoid pronouns) and ignore him? either ways report back nonna!

No. 1826907

why are you considering it?? streamer why not, i mean you can stop at anytime and it's not going to ruin your life, but OF… it could affect many aspects of your life - work, family, friendships etc.. if you regret it, it's too late your pictures and vids are everywhere..

No. 1826909

Talk about normal topics that make trannies seethe so he shows his insane side to all your normal relatives. Don't let on that you're aware of why trannies seethe about these topics, act like he's mad for making something innocent and unrelated to trannies all about muh twansphobia. Who knows, he might even fuck off back to America all by himself if you trigger him enough.

No. 1826912

Had a dream I got myself a qt japanese bf. Why does my brain have to be so cruel

No. 1826980

is karmalita fox a TIM?

No. 1827015

This reply proved you have Y chromosome defect. Now search up what's causes most autism, facial deformity and schizophrenia cases, spoiler its old father age.

No. 1827019

ken was the most annoying part of the movie, made me hate it even more

No. 1827021

Becoming an irl stripper would be unironically better, if somebody catches you at a bar/club, you caught him too. But if somebody you know finds your OF pics, he can easily expose you and pretend he just found them elsewhere online…

No. 1827023

Yes. I can't believe young women are following his advice.

No. 1827025

okay him being a tranny explains a lot. i thought there was something off about him.

No. 1827026

i guess it depends on the person, i found the rest of the movie really boring

No. 1827031

You should shit in your hands and smear it on the wall.

No. 1827037

>Becoming an irl stripper would be unironically better, if somebody catches you at a bar/club, you caught him too.
Where I grew up people would go to the local strip club as a joke or for after party drinking with friends, the strippers would still be harassed for working

No. 1827039

Going to a strip club is perfectly socially acceptable for moids as long as they go with all their fuckass friends. It’s socially acceptable and even encouraged to do it right before their weddings. It is not the same thing as working at one, it’s a silly little funny joke but a woman working at a strip club is one of the most degrading things she can do.

No. 1827043

POLL: Would anons be interested in a stand-up comedy thread? We could post funny women + there's a lot of cows in the industry. Should it be in /m/? I'm too scared there won't be many posters as it's not a common hobby among our userbase. Replies appreciated.

No. 1827047

File: 1703428210996.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1179x1943, IMG_6916.jpeg)

So I was browsing Zillow and this gave me pause

No. 1827050

File: 1703428273452.jpeg (739.08 KB, 1170x1385, IMG_5185.jpeg)

No. 1827052

Yeah go for it. It could go in /m/.

No. 1827056

Right?! There’s also a miniature door in one of the photos I don’t understand and a surprising amount of wood-powered stuff

No. 1827062

File: 1703428897829.jpeg (267.3 KB, 942x1008, IMG_5186.jpeg)

There’s also enough chopped firewood to last a nuclear apocalypse stacked around the house at the end, as well as this groverhaus-esque window for good measure. But for $110,000 that’s a steal! It’s got great bones.

No. 1827087

File: 1703430263421.gif (3.43 MB, 640x456, sanjay-dutt-knife.gif)

O saki saki re saki saki
Aa paas aa reh na jaaye
Koi khwaahish baaki

No. 1827088

I automatically skip over/disregard any review that has some iteration of "received free product" next to the review

No. 1827089

They do shit like that with the hopes that their very shitty homes get publicity from it

No. 1827097

Cillian can still whore around while being married, I don't think he's been faithful. But I did just read up on Pierce Brosnan and he seems like a good one

No. 1827101

he was so hot in PB

No. 1827102

File: 1703431256434.jpg (90.46 KB, 980x694, gettyimages-51959808-154867348…)

Still find it cringey that she married him lol

No. 1827104

What's this, a chimney?

No. 1827107

He aged her so much

No. 1827109

I wouldn't be surprised if two kidnapped women were found in that 'house'

No. 1827131

I liked the scene with all the Kens because it was just a ton of men in crop tops and short shorts acting silly.Also I like Ryan Gosling

No. 1827144

LOL who is this what is this why the hell is she tied to a chair?? and ntayrt but I will NEVER stop sperging about my husbando

No. 1827157

File: 1703434752361.jpg (236.8 KB, 1079x1258, 1701243277754531.jpg)

No. 1827190

File: 1703436738452.png (870.49 KB, 1305x720, 48795345.png)

i just learned china has its own belle delphine

No. 1827194

I feel kinda bad for laughing

No. 1827195

she was discussed in the tiktok hate thread a few months ago, apparently she's making fun of those types of girls

No. 1827196

i hope the implants aren't real, it looks like one wrong move and one will just force itself out

No. 1827200

File: 1703437385974.jpeg (34.98 KB, 358x261, IMG_7180.jpeg)

was feeling absolutely miserable and despaired until someone sent me a picture of their adorable kitty out of the blue and i instantly felt better. i can't even feel sad anymore because it was so cute

No. 1827201

looks like a ethot version of dobby also wasnt it revealed this was just a parody?

No. 1827202

Except she's funny and doesn't do porn

No. 1827206

File: 1703437718022.png (71.63 KB, 225x225, IMG_2153.png)

Foh shizzle happy Christmas Eve my nonizzles

No. 1827207

>I just turned 18!
gets me every time

No. 1827214

File: 1703438149385.jpg (28.22 KB, 640x270, canon ashley .jpg)

No way I will never understand Chinese beauty standards it’s all scary inhuman shit the peak beauty on their social media is a toddler sized alien. Not racebait I am just scared of the shoops I’ve seen.

No. 1827230

Having a super blatantly biblical name makes it awkward to tell people I'm not religious

No. 1827241

why? is your name jesus?

No. 1827244

File: 1703439614746.jpg (39.8 KB, 449x448, ce1c669a95b9663feace5d49e3c54a…)

I think the rumors of her having an affair with JFK were made up. Considering she had an image of a sort of seductress, sex symbol. You can't tell me that that would've made some people want to paint her as a man stealing hussy. Or maybe she really was, who knows?

No. 1827247

Who do you think killed her then?

No. 1827251

Even if she did have sex with him, Kennedy was a sex addict comer pest who fucked a ton of other women, Norma Jean would've been just another one of them.

No. 1827252

File: 1703440136421.jpeg (283.45 KB, 800x533, IMG_2952.jpeg)

I oft lament the fact this lolcow died before discovery. It’s like a beautiful bird only being discovered once extinct. Imagine:

>Farmers on lolcow and kiwifarms make fun of him

>Gets angry and “sics” his tranny ghost girls on farmers.
>Threatens to go on mass shooting
>Gets doxxed and arrested. Lives saved.
>Troons out in prison.
>top kek and no deaths.

No. 1827257

and when articles are released twitterfags ignore everything and reply
> she

No. 1827258

No. 1827274

File: 1703441659498.png (2.33 MB, 887x1247, merry cats .png)

Happy Christmas Eve ladies

No. 1827275

File: 1703441685267.png (6.28 KB, 406x200, as_long_as_he_pays_rent.PNG)

Back when 720p was still a rarity and 1080p wouldn't even load on YouTube, I still intentionally set my videos to 360p because high definition looked wrong. I was also the child that refused to wear its glasses and took them off whenever my parents weren't looking.

No. 1827277

File: 1703441805251.png (607.39 KB, 1104x574, KEK.png)

Pinterest is so wild sometimes

No. 1827281

One time a water droplet fell in my eye while I was showering and I was able to see clearly

No. 1827283

Until I blinked and it was gone

No. 1827284

Nta and unrelated to the JFK thing but I actually think she killed herself, either accidentally or on purpose. I can't imagine being known as a worldwide sex symbol and the pressure and negativity that must have placed on her, not to mention the trauma she must have gone through being in an industry like that where men treated her like an object and abused her. I understand why people think she was killed though so I'm not shitting on your opinion, I think it's just as possible she was murdered. Either way what happened to her was really tragic and she deserved so much better from everyone around her.

No. 1827286

What a cutiepie!

No. 1827289

>hears story about uncle-by-marriage who was banished from family gathering because he was consistently asking one of the babies to come hug him
>mom told him to back off, reaffirmed that her daughter was saying no
>uncle throws a fit and becomes offended by “what she’s insinuating”
>all the men who hear about this are insisting that it’s not at all inappropriate to repeatedly ask to touch a little girl that you don’t know
>well, how would you feel if some random guy who your sister in law was married to was asking to touch your baby daughter?
>ugh you’re so disgusting for framing it so inappropriately
Kek. Touching is hugging. Some guy begging to touch your daughter is a creep. That does not at all make someone else weird for pointing out the suspicious behavior.

No. 1827293

Men are so fucking dumb

No. 1827294

Based mother.
Alot of people hold that opinion until theres a 6'7 hulking man wanting to hug and touch them against their will.

No. 1827302

I think moids that are touchy feely with girls should be forced to be hugged tightly by the most fattest sweatiest smelliest moid for a few hours. And then when they think it’s over another humongous smelly moid comes in and repeats the process.

No. 1827307

Samefag but also the fact the little girl said "no" should be end of discussion, what do the moids want? For the mother to force her daughter to hug the scrote? That's retarded and would only teach the little girl that her boundaries and discomfort don't matter. Also the fact she said "no" could indicate she's picking up on some bad vibes. Same thing happened to me as a little girl and no one listened to me, just passed me into the arms of pedo who kept tickling me till the point I'd cry. People can be so naive when to comes to pedophiles

No. 1827309

just realized my braces bracket and the wire it was attached to that kept poking the inside of my cheek and going up my gums ( it was the last one from the row so it kept kind of wiggling around and getting caught in my cheek ) is literally GONE which means i must have swallowed it and i honest to god can't remember the last time i still had it. thankfully i also know i must have shat it out painlessly which is great but it's literally such a clean cut as if a professional took it off for me kek it's kind of freaking me out. guess i'm lucky

No. 1827317

File: 1703443614164.jpeg (72.76 KB, 736x981, Love is blind.jpeg)

>attention whore faggy youtuber I have a crush on makes face reveal
>hope he isn't cute so I can be set free
>his face is odd
>still love him
someone just take me out of my misery

No. 1827322

Update so the mom who shared this story has also said that her sister and the husband are now separated because of this…why am I getting the feeling that this isn’t the first time something predatory like this has happened?

No. 1827323

nonna received the gift of parasocial love for christmas!

No. 1827325

I swear every family has a pedo uncle

No. 1827327

Even if the reason for wanting hugs was innocent (doubt), children shouldnt be forced to hug adults especially if they dont know them. That just subjects them to not knowing to say no and are more vulnerable to abuse.

No. 1827328

I've got a pedo uncle, aunt and cousin (not nuclear btw)…fucking pray for me

No. 1827332

Unless they take pics
Meanwhile I was bullied for that as a kid and now it's a trend

No. 1827334

It was like that years ago and rarely questioned. You'd go to some family gathering where a young kid might've never interacted with some of the distant relatives yet and there'd be this expectation for you to run into their arms on demand and smother them with affection as if you're alreasy close. All for 'politeness' sake. You'd be in trouble if you embarrassed you parents by not playing along. Glad to see more parents now aren't forcing that weirdness

No. 1827336

File: 1703444553762.jpeg (107.12 KB, 492x492, 1672439848927.jpeg)

help i'm drunk

No. 1827339

File: 1703444734528.png (458.44 KB, 1080x1282, 1000012080.png)

Yes, let 2024 be the year parents decide to stop ruining their sons dick please

No. 1827341

Mmm, they're going to be grilled in hell and their foreskins will be the perfect onion rings!

No. 1827342

i'm slipping between time and space

No. 1827346

foreskin is actually wonderful and makes sex more tolerable at least for me

No. 1827347

This might be spergy but something that I just find weird is when women refer to themselves as “(child’s names) mom ” unprompted. I didn’t ask about your baby I’m asking for your first name because you’re picking up your fucking food retard.(emoji)

No. 1827348

I'm running towards your boyfriend with a pair of scissors in my hand (pointing downwards of course)

No. 1827349

samefag i’m gonna get banned for emojifagging but im ok with that I needed to use the heart face

No. 1827350

I absolutely agree. Still reported you for emojifagging

No. 1827351

same. circumcised men are SO FUCKING WEIRD about uncut cock too. like they're obsessed with it one way or another – either trying to regrow it, or railing against it to the point that you start to wonder if they’re trying to convince you or themselves. that’s enough of a reason to leave them alone. (baby’s foreskins, and foreskinless men)

No. 1827353

Only men bring up this topic unprompted. But yeah, circumcision is really weird and no one should be allowed to do it. Not even religion exemptions.

No. 1827354

Well I'm in the possession of a scissors and you can't stop me

No. 1827361

foreskinless men are always up to no good

No. 1827365

File: 1703446308230.png (3.46 MB, 1080x1348, 1000012088.png)

Just ordered a vibrator cause I got a gift card, merry christmas to me

No. 1827367

i'm eating my hair rn

No. 1827368

Youtube comment sections are increasingly full of Mommaof2, mommyofsons, danielsmommy usernames. And they're always the ones under vids about some rapper who was accused of rape by like twenty women and they think he's innocent

No. 1827387

Has anyone else noticed how many obnoxious “boy moms” there are? I swear moidlets spread a disease to their mothers that make them into their brainless slaves.

No. 1827396

The other example that came to mind was how many of them pop up under vids about young women being murdered by a bf/ex/creepy guy from work they rejected and they cry about how they have a son and they sure hope HE never falls victim to murder.. its so tone deaf

It's like they forget all the experiences that you have as a woman before you were just some boys mom with your think of the poor men glasses on

No. 1827399

File: 1703448457131.png (2.18 MB, 1170x1395, pig face ass nigga.png)

I wonder how these trads kids will feel when they eventually get on social media and see that they were the product of a breeding fetish

No. 1827402

Insinuating they will know how to read

No. 1827404

This has no business looking this good

No. 1827410

I find standup comedy insufferable regardless of the performer. It's paying to see someone say jokes on a stage they stole from twitter or something. It's so strange to me that it's a job. Maybe a thread in /snow/ to talk about the cows only would be a good idea though. Because all of them are cows.

No. 1827413

Because waaluigi deserves the waary best

No. 1827415

I'm no expert on chinese culture, but these seem like fetishes rather than standards. The standards can be seen in their idols and famous actresses, who look normal and pretty.

No. 1827424

I would be interested. I know it's niche but I feel like there's so much milk that can be found

No. 1827427

Kevin Spacey came out with another cryptic Christmas Eve video where he claims he wants to run for president and then says he loves to do a nice line of blow every christmas in the same breath

No. 1827428

Oh forgot to mention this video is actually a Tucker interview

No. 1827433

He disgusts me on a spiritual level

No. 1827441

It annoys me so much that he plays the main character in one of my absolute favorite movies of all time

No. 1827454

I decided to watch this again today and in their new installment she’s eating a bunch of food at the park after running around all day and she starts eating some spaghetti but the spaghetti is fighting back, turns out she’s in jail and eating her cellmates ear in her sleep and the whole thing was a dream. Genius.

No. 1827460

File: 1703454031763.jpg (161.89 KB, 675x1200, e65199bdca08a19d9d69555f2039d2…)

Popeyes biscuits are not dry. On the contrary, they are actually very light and moist, and quite wonderful for a fast food biscuit. They get a bad rep

No. 1827468

i wanna see the hand..(inciting personalityfagging)

No. 1827484

File: 1703455846026.jpg (Spoiler Image,297.69 KB, 1200x801, 1000012089.jpg)

No. 1827490

Thanks queen

No. 1827507

File: 1703457054056.jpg (15.95 KB, 498x332, 20231217_235938.jpg)

Women who think mimicking hypersexual violent male sexuality makes them based and cool are always creepy neet losers with autism ive never been proved wrong

No. 1827511

You must produce so much drool for lubrication

No. 1827512

No. 1827552

Ever since I started eating meat again I am obsessed with pig. It's always sold here smoked which gives it so much flavor, unlike dry wholw chicken that I have to figure out myself. Maybe if I start smoking other meats and adding more spices similar to chipotle powder I was abusing on chicken, it would taste as good as ham and bacon.

No. 1827553

this is definitely the right thing to post on Christmas I’m about to eat a ham steak and I’m soo ready

No. 1827573

I wonder how they came up with the name nickelodeon

No. 1827577

It's the name for a small theatre where you'd pay a nickel to watch a show. Back in the before color days.

No. 1827605

at first I was going to get defensive but after seeing that one post in the stupid questions thread, i actually fully agree with you

No. 1827624

File: 1703461758059.gif (56.93 KB, 266x320, 0aa569b59c3ae5b81e65a2b59f4c72…)

Im specifically talking about creepy violating cum jar type neetshit. Keep busting testicles and pegging with consent.

No. 1827631

pegging is lameee!!!

No. 1827638

Did I ask

No. 1827641

alright sorry enjoy rimming your man's butthole

No. 1827648

Why are you bitching at me for an offhand unserious comment please fucking interact with real people more

No. 1827651

Agreed. What's the point? You're not getting pleasure and you're only giving pleasure.

No. 1827652

my replies weren't serious either?

No. 1827653

Will this be the first lolcow new year in like 2 years outside of bunkers?

No. 1827656

It remains to be seen… inshallah

No. 1827660

File: 1703463869984.png (109.59 KB, 287x263, h.png)

all those "x" girl problems made me realize that i, as a white girl, think that all gingers look super related to each others no matter where they're from

No. 1827666

They all look like a variant of Ed sheeran.

No. 1827675

brooklyn 99 would be so much better if the charles man didn't exist

No. 1827689

B99 is God awful shit tier comedy it came out when I was in the midst of deciding to terminate a mortgage contract and separate from my fiance. He found that show funnier than peep show. To say it was a deciding factor would be false but i do remember coming to my decision quickly after I learnt this show was always going to be on.

No. 1827690

Where is dumbass girl problems thread so we all could be in one place
No way, I know a girl that looks like shakira if shakira was white and covered in freckles

No. 1827697

>Where is dumbass girl problems thread so we all could be in one place

No. 1827698

Guess most people here do have loved ones afterall, judging by how utterly dead this place is tonight…

No. 1827699

When I see a post with a fancy post number I take it as a sacred unquestionable post. She has spoken and we have received.

No. 1827701

69 double 9. She is here

No. 1827702


No. 1827706

I have although it was a "new" translation and not the kjv. I swear to you there is a dirty poem in it. Some guy talks about climbing a woman's tree and groping her pomegranates or something, I swear I read this and didn't hallucinate.

No. 1827708

did you guys ever know kids in school who would chew the cake off of wrappers if a classmate brought cupcakes for their birthday

No. 1827709

I'm so drunk and my family us sleeping but I just smoked a joint and if I was home I would belt out a song for hw good i feel. Just want to bellow FEED THE WORRRRLD. LET THEM KNOW IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME! but i can't so i'm shitposting with a gin on my air mattress

No. 1827710

any of you ever rollerbaby

No. 1827711

I do that

No. 1827712

Yes I was that kid… I popped the whole wrapper in my mouth it tasted good.

No. 1827722

File: 1703469668261.jpg (19.8 KB, 540x225, 20220712_174446.jpg)

Not a meme but here is a yt comment I found funny

No. 1827729

You reminded me of a woman who bought designer sneakers that had a shitty plastic utility tag on them that was "part of the design" that she cut off bc it was ugly, and she obviously bought them to wear not display. The people filming her were chimping out bc she "ruined" the shoes. The comments were pretty divided and some dude had to explain to me the validity of keeping a hideous chunky plastic tag on otherwise normal sneakers bc it was the intention of the designer.

No. 1827730

was his name grinch when he was adopted by his moms? how did they come up with the name grinch it’s so pointedly aggressive

No. 1827732

File: 1703470351055.jpg (247.42 KB, 1008x1008, grinch-baby-movie-prop.jpg)

Ugly bebe get ugly name
Simple as

No. 1827735

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No. 1827741

File: 1703470768552.jpeg (65.94 KB, 750x404, IMG_4370.jpeg)

They were probably drunk at the whoville swinger party

No. 1827743

File: 1703470862402.png (515.84 KB, 1370x974, Capture d’écran 2023-12-17 à…)

i fucking hate when i read a comic on webtoon and the author just HAS TO virtue signal this fucking hard

No. 1827744

File: 1703470938507.png (155.59 KB, 386x378, AAHHHHHHHH.PNG)


No. 1827749

Love how people can't just call men whores, its man whore. Like gays are so unbearably horny all the time they have to tack the word man- onto everything and everyone else just rolled with it. Manwhore, manstink, manwhatever. You are just a ran thru hoe, barely deserving of the masculine title lol

No. 1827752

It's been forever since I watches this movie, somebody remind me why I was supposed to sympathize with the whos

No. 1827754

He looks balding. Also what's with this game giving the men such ogreish faces? Their bodies are nice but then they have the face of a caveman so they lose all sex appeal. I thought fantasy is supposed to be different from reality. I can go woo an ugly man in real life. No amount of magic is going to make up for that.

No. 1827755

You weren't, they were pieces of shit

No. 1827759

love when a man calls another man a whore tho

No. 1827762

File: 1703472840355.png (483.73 KB, 1347x959, when-your-elf-maxes-charisma-v…)

There are like 3 hot male preset faces in the whole game, 1 prettyboy thiefling, 1 prettyboy half elf and one handsome elf face. And like none of the npcs uses them (except Dammon), they all have the ugly ones. DISAPPOINTING.

No. 1827764

I fucking hate baking

No. 1827765

Yassified moai statue

No. 1827768

Sooo bad. The total lack of actual customization is the worst. Bethesda bad.

No. 1827770

I feel like i am going to get hit with a terminal disease diagnosis, this year has been too good to me so far. It's starting to scare me.

No. 1827771

I'll bake for you

No. 1827773

The only ones I can think of is kayakasaurus, he does dinosaur dioramas, and crafsman steady craftin who does geeky craft videos in a very slow paced format

No. 1827774

I don't know why he was even there. Felt like he should have part of the Ken's. Kek

No. 1827776

i only watch moid youtubers, sorry. Women dont make the type of content i like.

No. 1827789

I'm pretty sure they're only for temporary things like bathing or administering some type of topical medication where the cat is gonna claw the shit out of you at every chance. They aren't really meant for constant use. I wouldn't exactly say they're bad but people definitely misuse them.

No. 1827797


No. 1827799

Can you not fucking read you retard

No. 1827800

Sean William Scott was absolutely creaming himself over the weird guy who holds his child like she's a lover

No. 1827808

File: 1703479296739.jpg (135.57 KB, 771x1005, ohhello.JPG)

this is the most masculine elf in the game

No. 1827840

I believe they can retract with the claw caps

No. 1827848

Tech savvy nonniquas if you throw a laptop away is any of the data stored on the actual hardware inside of the computer? Or just in the cloud, which they’d have to log into in order to access?

No. 1827850

From what I studied, a needle ingrains all the data into the disks, which means if whoever uses your laptop can control the needle to read the ingrains, then yes, they can access the data. The solution isn't to just delete it, but to keep adding new data to overwrite the old data then rebooting the laptop several times acter the the memory maxes out. Which will bury the old ingrained data with all the new needle strokes above it, rendering unreadable, and therefore inaccessible.

No. 1827853

>which means if whoever uses your laptop can control the needle to read the ingrains
But wouldn’t they need the password to the device to access control of the computer? Or could this be bypassed by manipulating the hardware?

No. 1827859

Why is his… uh, pants design like that?

No. 1827860

File: 1703484676529.png (906 KB, 784x683, i’m sad.png)

does anyone remember wine coolers

No. 1827861

Laptops have hard drives too. And it is very simple to remove them on a lot of models.

No. 1827862

I wished for all scrotes to go to jail Santa better deliver on that present.

No. 1827864

Nta, but if they took the time, no they don't need your password to get your information. I studied software. The other nonna is right, you have to completely wipe your hardrive to be 100% certain it is safe. With that being said, someone would have to go through some effort to do it. With my last laptop I cracked it open and broke my memory with a hammer because I'm paranoid about my banking info. Is it necessary? Probably not.

No. 1827865

I dropped it down a garbage chute, do you think that would be enough to destroy it?

No. 1827868

I hate scalpers. I wish all scalpers a very ice-coveres highway road trip.

No. 1827870

You know if it wasn't the hard drive that broke you could have just removed it and used it as extra storage or something.
You should always try to properly recycle electronics.

No. 1827871

Hard to say. The real question you should ask is can someone dig through the garbage chute before your laptop goes to the landfill. If not you are good. If you think a human might have access to it, I would look for another way to dispose of it. Some companies pay to dispose of laptops. IDK how secure that is either but it might be worth looking in to?

No. 1827873

I already disposed of it but you are definitely right, I don’t know how likely it is that someone would crawl down into the cellar, go through the trash in hopes of finding a laptop, and come across mine. I think (i could be wrong) it is also illegal to go picking through the landfills in my state, so hopefully no one is going through my weird 5th grade fanfictions that were on that computer.

No. 1827875

Samefag this is gonna sound so cringe I promise I’m not self important but sometimes i do get genuinely horrified that there are people preying on my downfall and collecting evidence on me specifically that they’re holding in their palm at the ready in case I ever gain any kind of notoriety and that’s why I’m gonna have to be curled up in a cave for the rest of my life

No. 1827876

Me and a few others are actively holding exactly this but against a bad person who did something very bad and we are waiting until they try to get more online attention to release the floodgates so unless you've done some horrible things I don't see where your fear lies. I think its normal to fear some weird pervert stealing your online files btw.

No. 1827877

I imagine it would be very unlikely that someone would go digging through the garbage for it, it probably got visibly broken and would be not charged anyways making it look less valuable. Especially if it’s something like an apartments garbage which will get filled up pretty quickly. If you’re worried about accounts being compromised just change the passwords and set up 2FA.

No. 1827879

This just reaffirms my fear that I might be fucked for life. Because obviously you’re most likely holding evidence on someone who committed a real crime (pedophilia, grooming is usually the case online) but I’ve just said some very minor things that people didn’t like that resulted in them sending me death threats and following me around in public for years after it happened. There are so many people in the world who are just dramatic and so badly want everyone to be cancellable, even if they haven’t committed any kind of crime.

No. 1827881

If you only said minor things, why were they following you in public? I'm confused. If you didn't actually do anything genuinely bad it sounds like you're being stalked, that's abuse. Did you get into a minor argument with a psycho or something? Unless you were like being violent or saying racial slurs or something I don't see what there is to fear.

No. 1827883

I got into a series of lukewarm, incredibly unimportant disagreements in high school, as a child. No racial slurs were flying around, but still for about 2 years after I graduated; I was being followed in public by acquaintances of my old classmates because they would talk about me to them, they’d send messages to my old social media accounts before I had to delete them, and even if they weren’t communicating with me directly they would still post about me; which would eventually get sent to me. Zoomers, as a whole, are absolutely fucking psychotic. Holding grudges to the extent where it endangers another humans life and completely ostracizes them has become too normal.

No. 1827884

what did they do

No. 1827886

Who are they? Like a content maker or something? How did you find out about what they did? I’m waiting for something like that to happen to someone who’s mildly well known and respected, I found some dirt on them just from Google I just hope eventually someone more autistic than me does too.

No. 1827888

Everyday I have to refrain from playing Runescape, it gets harder everyday nonnas

No. 1827891

Oh it sounds like they told some egregious lies about you if you were being followed in public lol. I know a guy who asked people to follow a woman around in public and thought he'd get away with it, though they'd just trust everything he said if he lied about it. People like that are sick. The best thing you can do is he unapologetic and loud and take up space, because you don't deserve that weird townie behavior. They sound like obsessive, cowardly shit-stirrers if they're still hyperfocused on you years later. You didn't do anything wrong so no reason to be meek about it.

No. 1827892


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1827893

I'm not going to say because I want them to keep being stupid and confident and comfortable in their own ignorance. All I will say is that sometimes, if you know of someone who did something sincerely super fucked up and abusive, all waiting patiently for them to attempt to clout chase or gain any sort of online notoriety is the best time to drop the bomb. Let them egotistically believe they've gotten away with the fucked up shit they did, lie to everyone tenfold, get super acclimated to pretending it never happened- and then take them down several notches so they can feel even a fraction of the hurt they caused to their victim. Lol. Sometimes you have to play the long game, if they're that bad of a person.

No. 1827895

if they groomed someone or did something illegal why not just call the police? wtf

No. 1827898

I want to shit but my cat is sleeping on my lap, what do

No. 1827899

No. 1827900

I'm awake already but find it weird how churches are allowed to loudly play a bell noise several times a day for all of eternity and nobody ever goes.. hey maybe this is too much noise and people in the area might not appreciate it. They're playing it for 6am xmas mass. Anyone mad enough to want to go to 6am mass is already there. Why announce it so loudly

No. 1827901

Everyday I have to remind myself that if jeffrey epstein and stephen paddock got off easy considering what they’ve done, i will probably too because all I did was call some people fat

No. 1827903

That is so horrifying. The fact that men feel so comfortable in their aggressive/invasive behavior to the point where they’d ask their constituents to be their henchmen and stalk some innocent woman? What a fucking psychopath

No. 1827905

but you arent rich or a man

No. 1827910

its 3 am and i have officially lost my mind and i am trying to not scream laguh at this and its not even FUNNY

No. 1827927

Why does she have hemorrhoids all over her arms

No. 1827928

That’s Gachapin… he’s a dinosaur and I think they are supposed to be like scale clusters??? Or something??

No. 1827930

I like to watch middle aged guys play retro games while voicing everybody with silly accents.

No. 1827933

Yeah, because that's notoriously such a black and white, helpful process that gives victims of any sort of abuse justice so quickly and so simply. Please you dont even know the situation.

No. 1827935

Girl you got followed around for calling someone fat? What kind of town do you live in oml

No. 1827938

File: 1703494950173.jpg (26.93 KB, 576x456, 20231225_004941.jpg)

The time it takes to find a decent pirated movie online now.. damn I dont even want to watch it anymore

No. 1827942

brutalmoose and sam o'nella academy… and drew gooden. those are the only three i actually enjoy i think
i don't like him but sometimes i begrudgingly watch cody ko just for cheap fast food entertainment but i just end up getting angry at how retarded unfunny and obviously coomer he is, sometimes he makes genuinely misogynistic remarks but he always comes up on my recommended page and i guess i'm braindead too since i keep clicking on them kek. mostly i watch the videos where kelsey makes an appearance but i need to stop engaging with his page. can't stand anyone who makes videos about "Karens" and one of his last videos' thumbnail had a woman with a speech bubble that read "i hate men", that coupled with what i said before and his and noel's reaction to andrew tate tells me enough about what kind of person he really is. he was in a frat so it should have been expected. he's just so dumb and vapid that i like to put his videos on to kill time and fill in space, and to use as a shield against the cringe of jubilee/cut/etc type videos

No. 1827947

What are you looking for nonny

No. 1827949

i just picked my skin and popped a pimple pray it doesnt leave a mark please

No. 1827950

Yeah I agree it's like fast food entertainment, I actually like some of his Karen vids despite how much I detest the entire Karen phenomenon. It's funny because at least 1/3rd or more of the time he sides with the Karens, and he splits the videos with male one's too and calls them "Daren's," it's more like public freakouts rather than the typical Karen stuff but I get what you mean. I didn't know about Noel comments about Andrew Tate, I haven't seen any of his content since he left Cody Ko's channel but that's disappointing.
>and to use as a shield against the cringe of jubilee/cut/etc type videos
Kek same

No. 1827951

yeah because you refuse to talk about it and instead keep baiting. If instead of going to the police you are waiting for the culprit to become ''famous'' just so you can enjoy the drama then you are an asshole

No. 1827974


i mean, i don't watch or go to standup comedy shows but it was a thing before social media. i guess yea now it seems weird bc you can just post jokes online

what was the question?

No. 1828001

Kek stop being a weird bitch, it isnt bait. You're just envisioning a scenario you know nothing about.

No. 1828003

I wanted to watch the Korean movie the boys but the only decent quality one was without subtitles

No. 1828008

File: 1703503775735.jpg (83.31 KB, 735x733, 20231225_003837.jpg)

Look at how cute

No. 1828018

I really love the look of nails like this but imagine trying to wipe your bottom, washing the dishes, changing a child's diaper and just the sensory and logistical nightmare of actually having to live day to day with these things.

No. 1828021

Those things aren't difficult when you avoid them with intention for a period of time. Hygenically its easy to wipe your own ass because your fingers shouldn't be getting in contact with your excrement etc regardless? I haven't done mine in a long time but I used to wear crazy acrylics and my biggest issue was opening a canned beverage but I'd just use a spoon.

No. 1828035

You need to remove the HDD/SSD and drill a large hole through it if you want the peace of mind.

No. 1828102

I don't often watch any media but if I do it's trashy MTV dating shows or crime investigation shows and I 100% watch them unironically

No. 1828109

Is anyone around and down for watching something in the movieroom soon? I'm bored and bored. I was thinking some episodes from nostalgic shows from our childhood that are on youtube but I'm ok with anything

No. 1828119

I was thinking of throwing something on for people bored by christmas (me lol) but i couldn't decide what

No. 1828124

I never join the movie nights bc im never around so idk if you guys have watched creature comforts yet, we could throw that on

No. 1828130

I'm in the movieroom rn so feel free to join! I haven't heard of creature comforts but sure, I'll leave it up to you to make it play if that's okay with you

No. 1828221

File: 1703526360192.png (969.6 KB, 1422x1080, Best_Frenemies_012.png)

You can tell when someone has had a BBL because they always have straight, fridge waists and then huge ant butt hips like a kelp shake

No. 1828225

Don't forget the skinny thighs that don't match. Bbls also exaggerate cellulite to a point where it's just nasty and unnatural looking. Even the smaller ones look so terrible.

No. 1828235

Kelp shake sounds super healthy, I bet that if I drak it all my health problems woduld vanish

No. 1828241

I wish it was easier to find people online. How the fuck am I supposed to find this pedophile if all I know is his first name and the username to his deleted instagram? I feel useless

No. 1828243

File: 1703528379868.png (106.15 KB, 300x300, luna.png)

>people here actually watch stand up comedy

No. 1828247

People here also listen to podcasts and asmr crap, imagine expecting quality

No. 1828252

I'm with my family for Christmas and I'm not normally annoyed by eating and regular sounds people make but damn. My mother keeps clearing her throat every two minutes, my brother keeps sneezing non-stop, and both my mother and my father yawn in the noisiest way possible holy shit. They also smack their lips after eating and it's driving me insane. And my brother coughs often, sometimes so strongly that he gags fuuuuckkk

No. 1828257

Luna is my standup

No. 1828263

She is a natural comedian.

No. 1828266

it's a lolcow website, and lolcows are always doing cringe tings so of course nonas have cringe interests in one way or another

No. 1828274

File: 1703531515300.jpg (116.07 KB, 720x720, la nonita.jpg)

for all my single nonnies who live alone!

No. 1828285

Thank you nonita

No. 1828286

one day, I'll find my prince!

No. 1828288

I need all of you to experience this relic of my childhood

No. 1828309

Nta but two?? That’s a very specific number. What do you know about the house nonny?

No. 1828325

i am still pretty mad my mom enforced that so much with me. i still hate hugging. i'm thankful i at least have some uncles who get it and we just do goofy fist bumps.

No. 1828328

these people give me the worst heebie jeebies.

No. 1828333

I don’t have anything to do so I’m reporting a bunch of porn websites sometimes I wish I was like Mr. Beast and had a huge audience so I could tell them all to go report ThisVid

No. 1828337

I always thought it would taste kinda earthy and make you poop tbh

No. 1828341

Late to respond here but what is your plan if the person never tries to gain notoriety?

No. 1828348

extremely based i would add you nonnie. would love farmer friends to talk to in game

No. 1828355

File: 1703536384692.jpg (38.91 KB, 750x683, 520ed57d4212fadeb200c550ab782f…)

Can't wait to be done with Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. I kept telling my friends I didn't care for Breath of the Wild but they still pushed me to borrow one of their copies.

No. 1828358

I have BOTW, did the tutorial a few years ago and quickly gave up. What did you dislike about it? Knowing that you can break weapons after using them makes me not want to go back to it, but I want other people's opinions before selling my copy.

No. 1828364

samefag from this post do you think if I reached out to Mr. Beast and forced him to do an anti porn mass report request that it would be successful

No. 1828368

File: 1703537257935.jpg (349.19 KB, 1600x1208, 000214f4-1600.jpg)

does anyone have the edit of this where it says "god hates plastic surgeons"

No. 1828370

Partly the weapon issue like you mentioned, they made it a bit more bearable in ToK with how you can combine weapons but I hate that there are no way to repair them. The world just feels so empty, sure it is big but it feels kinda lifeless, like they just threw in a handful of enemies here and there to make it feel more inhabited but I would have preferred to see more settlements or towns to make it feel more lived in. I have some other issues with it as well that I can't put my finger on combined with this almost pressure I feel to like it since everyone and their grandma are absolutely in love with BotW and to a lesser extent ToK. I can see why so many people love it, but it just doesn't scratch any sort of itch for me.

No. 1828389

I think it’s cute that everyone throws a party for Jesus’s birthday every year

No. 1828390

Yass thank you for the birthday love!

No. 1828402

>The world just feels so empty, sure it is big but it feels kinda lifeless, like they just threw in a handful of enemies here and there to make it feel more inhabited
Yeah, that sounds like I won't really enjoy the game all that much. I remember forcing myself to keep playing Xenoblade 1 until it got good, and I think I'm not really into open world games after all. I liked Xenoblade a lot more for a lot of reasons and one of them was the setting, and how there were plenty of different cities to explore and take a break.

No. 1828403

It might if you say they're anti-troon sites who funnel cash into ebil causes (not sex trafficking, CSA, rape or anything else that makes men horny, ofc, his audience doesn't like women). He might do it if you say that an 8 year old being gangraped at knifepoint has now transitioned into a heckin boyo who wants his boipussy erased from the internet, there's no chance in hell he'll do it otherwise.

No. 1828408

Is mother nature shitting me or something? This is the third year in a row where I got my period on Christmas morning

No. 1828410

I think the issue might not be the open world as a concept by itself, but rather that nintendo consoles aren't powerful enough to have both these giant well-rendered worlds and have it well-inhabited enough to be immersive enough for some of us.

No. 1828414

File: 1703541930725.jpg (73.93 KB, 663x576, 36725fa024b5ac44f9ce7313396b66…)

My trashy neighbor was at it again. He was taking a walk or something and god damn he's so fine, pulling his t-shirt up in the middle of a hot sunny day like a proper whore, he's so slutty

No. 1828420

I don’t want to see my dad today he makes christmas unenjoyable and i have so many bad memories of christmas with him and his long string of autistic girlfriends.

No. 1828500

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I have a sperg urge to make a T-chart of all my autistic vs. normie-passing qualities, should I put watching standup in autistic or normie? I've actually gone to comedy clubs, but I don't know if that makes it more or less autistic.

No. 1828521

I should not have googled that site, moids need their rights taken away. Tell me your ways nonna and have you been successful? Aren’t some kiwifarm users doing the same right now especially to sites selling HRT kek? Because something something Cogent censorship.

No. 1828525

Aww that would be so cute, but hard to find eachother without some moid ruining it or possibly larping as a farmer. I try to avoid playing and remind myself I can play it when I'm way older and retired and actually have free time (provided it's still around) cause when I start I just cannot stop from playing for like 8 hours a day for half a year straight and I can't afford to lose that kind of time rn, wish I had self control but it's so fun kek

No. 1828527

>make a T-chart of all my autistic vs. normie-passing qualities
you've given me an idea nonny, though I could only put one or two things on the normie side

No. 1828544

Where would I find a discord server that's terfy? I want nona friends away from male spaces but I scare them all off with my opinions

No. 1828592

Sometimes I question if I’m bisexual because I appreciate how men look a little too much sometimes but then I remember that when I was 12 I heard some weird fact on the internet that in 5 million years the y chromosome was gonna go extinct and the idea of a male free society where women would just marry each other and reproduce by some uninvented mean seemed super ideal to me. Still wouldn't really have a problem with that.

No. 1828595

I have a hard time smelling and I wonder if it's because my nose is always a little cold and I always have some boogies up there. And then often one of my nostrils is blocked off, which i despise but o don't think you can avoid that

No. 1828604

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>wahhh i was bad and didn’t get spoiled with gifts because my parents chose not to reward me now I’m le so trumatized!
Or maybe you were just a shitty kid and your parents were trying to teach you a lesson. If you lost multiple birthdays and christmases due to your own bad ass behavior, then you obviously weren’t capable of learning cause and effect thus only having yourself to blame, retard

No. 1828605

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I just saw QTcinderella mention something about this that I've been thinking for awhile- its interesting being on the tail end of your 20s and retaining a lot of information on pop culture from when you were really interested in it as a teen and all these younger gen zoomers just steamrolling reality and replacing it with the very little they can find on Google. They lack nuance, real interest, or real info but they're always pretending to know everything and when you correct them they get mad and then lie about how they "never saw" or "never heard" something in pop culture you grew up with. It's very interesting how we are pivoting to "if I can't find it on Google in .3 seconds then it's fake". It's also interesting that they pretend to have 'been there' so to speak when they were like 5 and retarded

No. 1828610

samefag if anyone tries to respond with “REEE KIDS ARENT CAPABLE OF LEARNING” they definitely are, especially when they receive the same result after continually misbehaving

No. 1828614

Bad kids are the parents fault half of the time, honestly.

No. 1828616

I work at Joanns, the fabric store, and those old ladies are always so grumpy! And they never know how to use their coupons or the app.

No. 1828617

Depends what "naughty" means

No. 1828618

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Bjork's orange hair was so cute!

No. 1828620

Samefag, but clearly the family in that video is retarded considering they gave a bad kid a brick on a glass surface.

Anyway, I really do not believe any children are born as bad or just naturally want to act up. I can say from personal observations, half the time it's because their parents encourage bad behavior and let them consume content that's not appropriate. Then when it bites them in the ass they want to punish the child instead of changing themselves, because people have a difficult time taking accountability and admitting their parenting style isn't working.

No. 1828621

I can't imagine an adult writing this post and pressing reply.

No. 1828626

ntayrt but the parents are black which does explain everything, not even racebait. Black parents barely even count as parents(global rule #7)

No. 1828644

friend from high school accidentally know i'm gay and i want to kms so bad i feel gross and disgusting i hate myself

No. 1828659

lol, 4 of the 6 main game options are so ugly. why would they make such horrible options for a game targeted at young girls? my pick was skye btw, though I would have picked witch princess if it was an option.

No. 1828662

You want to kiss your sister??? you SHOULD feel bad

No. 1828663

>we have markiplier at home

No. 1828669

Cliff but I regret even marrying in this game for these reasons:
1. He won't share the money of his job I helped him to get. That's right, my amazing husband was unemployed when I met him.
2. He doesn't help me tend the farm, he stays all day long in the farm doing nothing at all till it's time for his job.
3. I have to talk to him everyday and give him gifts sometimes or else he leaves me, while he gives me nothing.
More trouble than it's worth, really, would rather leave all my cows outside with no fences and have to fetch them one by one to put inside the barn again during a very busy day, that's my life as a married woman in Mineral Town.

No. 1828672

can’t wait to meet you
to join the animatronic family
we open real soon

No. 1828673

next time someone asks me about my large scar from when i was a baby im telling them it was an artistic tattoo

No. 1828677

i dont think there is anything comfier than doing my gacha game dailies while drinking a warm cup of coffe in summer with the AC one while i get ready to start my day as a neet

No. 1828681

You deserve a good farmer husband and not this

No. 1828683

Samefag sorry I thought you meant real life husband lmao

No. 1828694

Good luck nonna

No. 1828697

i am a retard i forgot to get rid of the old coffe on the coffe machine and just added more instead

No. 1828708

Sounds comfy, try having a pastry or some snack to go with the coffee

No. 1828719

Pussy is such an interesting scent. Sex in general is a weird smell because while you might be fine smelling it in the bedroom, I think most people would be weirded out, even disgusted, if they ever smelled sex while just going about their day.

No. 1828721

Damn, it's almost like its… biological…

No. 1828722

Damn a farmer can't share nothing without one of you telling her what to do

No. 1828723


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No. 1828724

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hearing my friends get christmas presents while i get nothing makes me really sad

No. 1828732

new thread >>1828726

No. 1828735

how many of you have psoriasis

No. 1829015

merry red xmas

No. 1829245

They all look so old

No. 1829309

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hate this

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