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No. 1823007

Previous thread >>>/ot/1811981

No. 1823019

i really get scared having sex sometimes because my nigel’s dick is like one of those big oversized sausages you see hanging from the ceiling at the butcher shop. It goes from normal sized to walrus sized in the span of like 3 minutes when he gets erect. Not sure what to do.

No. 1823026

Lots and lots of foreplay, lube if needed. Also tell him it makes you kind of nervous, he should be understanding. Unless he’s a virgin he’s probably had girls tell him that in the past.

No. 1823128

I want to kms…
My family is mentally ill and volatile. My country has been going through economic crisis for my entire life and things are getting worse. I don't want to be memed into immigration. I recently graduated but people from the same career (im teacher) end up selling socks on the streets in their old age since a life of work did nothing for them. Why even live. impossible to see a future when housing and renting is a mess.

I'm also a friendless autist that never had a boyfriend or had sex even. My ghetto family tried to punish the autism out of me as a child and hate everything about my personality because I'm quiet introverted not nice etc.

I'm sorry anons i don't think I'll be alive much longer. Is someone is into witchcraft please make it so that i meet a foreign scrote or something and i can have a new life

No. 1823178

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God heartbreak is so gay. I hate that I still can't deal with that shit like a proper adult. I wish I could just have that "well it just wasn't meant to be" mindset and move on instead of ruminating and hoping that things will magically change with my ex moid and that there'll be a happily ever after for us.

No. 1823180

I don't know where this post could go but I recently found out a lot of scammers are human trafficked and if they don't make enough money (like not enough successful scams) their organs are harvested.

I know that it's not so widely known, but I used to enjoy watching those wasting scammers time videos, now, even though I can't guarantee the scammer is trafficked, I feel really uneasy about it. There are so many things in this world that are just shit, man. With no correct course of action. I hate old and vulnerable people being taken advantage of and I feel bad for these people forced to scam for their lives.

No. 1823182

Been going to the gym like crazy since Summer so I can get abs. I've been doing crunches, leg lifts, planks all that stuff. Drinking horrible protein shakes.
Zero results.
I'm at my wits end. If I don't see something soon I'm seriously going to start taking Anavar.

No. 1823184

Too high body fat % maybe?

No. 1823191

I don't think so. I've lost a few kg since I started training and I was an ok weight when I started.

No. 1823199

My birthday is next week. I am having the birthday meltdown early this year. I see no reason to turn 24. I am useless. I have been fucked over by adults as a child, a uncaring school system, a mental health system that sees me as a total retard so they won’t do anything about it and medical doctors who can only shrug at me because there’s not much anyone can truly do.
My physical health has controlled my life. My mental health has controlled my life. My family has controlled my life and taken away any agency I could have that now I still have very little as an adult. I never finished school. I had to drop out due to a family situation I was powerless over. They hate me. They always have. I was my mother’s pawn against my dad. I was only born to keep him. He didn’t want me. She didn’t actually want me either. So they both didn’t give a fuck about me. My brother who was supposed to be aborted is the golden goose. His existence was priority. My siblings all got lives. Got help. I was toted around to doctor to doctor, they listened to how awful I was or broken and they didn’t listen to me. I did communicate unlike what I am told I don’t. I just never say what they want to hear. I see the bad. I see the things they won’t admit to. My brother’s coddling, my step mother’s shopping problem, my father’s lack of back bone and the fact no one truly cares about me. They just say it because they have to.
I have no power. My friends can’t do anything. My family treats me like a maid and prefers when I stay in my room. Disability services don’t give a rats ass but bend themselves over backwards for liars and drug addicts. I have been on the wait list for housing for a year. My step mom doesn’t want me here. I recently had a conversation with my dad and her where I told them I was suicidal and they cared more about themselves. I made a recap but it’s long and I would post it but it’s long.

I have a lot of issues I see munchies or attention seekers want. It’s so awful to see them getting help while I suffer. I would kill to be them. They are pretending. They aren’t in pain all the time, they aren’t developmentally disabled, they aren’t this. They all have loving families, friends who can be there physically, boyfriends or girlfriends that don’t have to watch them suffer, money, jobs, lives and some fucking how manage to get crooks who will do something. Even the crooks who will do something won’t do anything for me. I didn’t go through years of testing for multiple disorders to flaunt it on social media. Support groups are just munchies and BEEPEEDEES circle jerking. I am literally in multiple medical studies for girls with autism and then pediatric cases of ehlers danlos because they gave my mom money and pity. I have looked for them before but it got so upsetting that I couldn’t.
The two people who cared about me are dead. I want my step dad. I want my gramma. The two people who fought for me and helped me fight are gone.
I just want to go to grandmas. It’s not fair. I watched that woman crumble before my eyes with no help. Before and during the pandemic then after. Foraged signatures at a fucking hospital because she couldn’t sign and her stupid whore daughter that is my mother couldn’t be arsed to come when she’s power of attorney. Not to mention my gold digger aunt who relishes in the fact my uncle is dead. I did it alone. There were times she begged to be dead and I thought about killing her so she wouldn’t suffer. So it would finally stop. My family did nothing. They even sometimes yelled at me for asking for help. The state she died in was horrific. I am selfish for wishing she was still here. She wasn’t her anymore.
The only reason why I left is because I moved to live with an older man who used me up and threw me away. It was the only way she would go to the nursing home was if I let her fail. She did then she died soon after.
I want to go home. I just want to home. I want to go to grandmas. I just want to go home. I want my grandma. I want my stupid ugly cat with no tail and a big head. I want to wake up in MY bedroom. I want to walk into the living room in MY home and see her sitting there on her silly little iPad while watching law and order. I want to get stuck in MY room cuz the door suction cups to the frame and has for years despite it being fixed. I want to go to Walmart and lose her in the aisles cuz I went to get something and she wasn’t where she said she would be. I want to get fucking Arby’s even tho I don’t like it that much. I want to play rhinestone cowboy over my speaker while I make dinner cuz she hates that song but knows all the words. I want to hear the same stories over and over. I want to watch her go through the chaos that is feeding the cats wet cat food because she insists that she doesn’t need me to help. I want to vacuum the house even tho it hurts but it’s better me then her I want to stay up late for no reason watching TV and talking to her. I want to go to bed in MY home. I want my birthday to be the same again. My family never cared about it. Stopped caring by the time I was 10. She was the only person who made sure I at least felt appreciated that day. Every night at midnight she would come into my room to sing happy birthday to me. Even when I was really little. She won’t be knocking on my door at midnight anymore.
I want to go home but it’s gone. They sold the house. The people remodeled it. It’s not home anymore.
I just want to wake up and be at home. That’s what I want for my birthday.
I am sorry nonnies. I just can’t tell anyone this. Not even my friends or boyfriend. They are scared of losing me but I think they will. Don’t have a therapist anymore because mine quit after finally getting one. Only had one for 4 months and she fucking quit and told me literally right before she left. The office told me I was SOL. I am tired. I hurt physically. I am exhausted. I am surrounded by people who don’t care. The people who do are dead or miles away. I don’t want to be 24. For my birthday I would like to be dead. Home is gone.

No. 1823200

There'd some exercise I used to do that gave me crazy abs. It was lay on the floor on your back, life legs so they're sticking straight up in the air, then lift arms and try to touch your toes. Then alternate and use your abs to lift your legs as far in the air as tou can. If an exercise works you'll feel it, my whole ab area would burn the next day

No. 1823210

Because of surgery I had one of my eyes is more swollen and noticeably larger than the other. I thought it didn't look that bad because nobody commented on it, but I've heard some people talking behind my back saying how ugly and creepy it looks.

No. 1823211

I know the one! It's part of my routine.
My days are arms, core, legs, core, legs. My butt is coming along nicely. I think I might just have bad genetics.

No. 1823224

Ominous meeting message at work

No. 1823225

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Like over a month ago I told my team leader I wanted to request leave for february, and she said sure no problem, then she accepted someone's vacation from late january to early february and now I heard another person wants to go in february too, and if it turns out she accepted that person's request instead of mine and I will have to stay here, I swear I'm fucking firing myself. My birthday is mid february and I don't want to spend it here again, like for the past two years, I want to go to my home country. I was on sick leave for one week now so I didn't have the opportunity to talk it out but when I'm back to work after christmas and I ask her about february and she tells me I can't go, I'm fucking quitting. I've spent the past hour crying and seething, just thinking about the possibility I will have to stay here for my birthday again, third time in a row

No. 1823233

I hate whenever George Floyd is stupidly trending on twitter. Who the fuck cares he was a criminal and should be in hell. He didn’t deserve a gold coffin or anything but a cardboard box

No. 1823243

mother yelling at me about buying butter for a dollar higher than she usually does as if i was to know. i haven’t been grocery shopping in months you stupid retard

No. 1823255

The band?

No. 1823260

gold coffin?

No. 1823342

cardboard box?

No. 1823349


No. 1823354


No. 1823366

No. 1823368

Why is Solid Snake posting here?

No. 1823371


No. 1823374


No. 1823400

who keeps making these threads so early? second time in a row..please lurk

No. 1823422

Fuck that, tell her asap what you told us.

No. 1823452

Holiday season and Christmas are just annoying. Holy fuck, I wish I could care about it but the more I'm made to work on the decorations and food and whatever the more I resent it. I'm not even christian why should I care

No. 1823464

Why was I born socially inept? I want to off myself every time I interact with someone. All this worrying and insecurity it's no life, I don't want to think about any of it anymore.

No. 1823509

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I've been drunk since about the last Friday of November. I've been on benders before but they usually last 3-7 days and then I chill out for a while. This is weirdly long. The loop is:
>Wake up shaking somewhere between 5AM to 8AM
>Shower, hair, light makeup etc
>Morning zoom call at 10AM
>Start getting nervous that people will notice I'm off, so at 9AM 100ml of vodka and soda water for breakfast
>Meeting goes fine
>Vodka is great, more vodka
>Around 2PM head out for lunch and get 2-4 bottles of wine and some "safety" vodka
>Put MS Teams on DND or arrange fake meetings while I watch old anime or play Animal Crossing
>Drink the rest of the day. Maybe eat something.
>Return to step 1
I don't really know why I'm like this. I don't feel sad or anything just kinda numb. I'm going to try sober up in January since we are doing mandatory 3 days a week in the office. They told us that last week. Dumb af. I'd sober up sooner but my mam will be worried if I show up to Christmas looking like a mess and I've got a wedding to attend over the holidays (who books a wedding on the 27th?).
I've been watching Toradora and Aggretsuko recently. They're fun. Sometimes I black out and buy myself stuff on Amazon, forget about it and it shows up and it's like a little present for myself.

No. 1823512

I'm sick of seeing beautiful young skinny women in relationships with balding, less attractive guys who look older than them. I have to see this shit on social media even when I don't look for it on purpose. And it's not just sex for money in a case someone implied that, because those women even have kids with them and marry them. At this point I'm not even surprised that balding, unattractive men feel entitled to pretty, skinny, younger wives if there are so many women like this literally giving them families

No. 1823516

Please no more phone calls let it be done for the day I just want to sleep that is all.

No. 1823518

I'm worried about you. I hope you get better.

No. 1823522

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Pic related. Lmao wtf is this

No. 1823524

i wouldn’t call footy the epitome of beauty

No. 1823527

I’d recommend checking her thread on her kek those pics are edited to the middle east and back

No. 1823528

She looks really photoshopped, is she using a filter?

No. 1823530

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my dad is one of those useless moids who act like the world is ending when they have a mild cold, but refuse to say a word/go to the doctor/etc when something is actually wrong. since the summer, he's had this cough and shoulder pain and we keep telling him to go to the doctor and get some tests done, and he keeps refusing and telling us off for "nagging" him.

anyway, he collapsed a couple of days ago and we called 999 and they FINALLY did a chest xray and mri etc. it turns out he's got lung cancer so far progressed that it's eaten three of his ribs and part of his shoulder blade. now my mum is super depressed and it's literally christmas and i'm so fucking angry at him for doing this to her when it probably would've been much more treatable if he'd just gone to the fucking doctor in june like we told him to!!!

i literally want to SCREAM

(i've cropped all identifying info out of his xray so don't worry, i'm not doxing myself)

No. 1823532

kek I love nona's descriptions as always

No. 1823533

Thanks nonnie. I'm kinda thinking about the return to office might be good. I'm get listless when I'm not forced to leave my house.

No. 1823536

She's still way more attractive than him imo and he's fucking balding

No. 1823538

i asked some of my family and friends what age they'd honestly assume i am if they didn't know me and they mostly said 17. i'm 22. i really hate this, it's no wonder people talk to me like i don't know anything all the time or constantly underestimate me. i get spoken to condescendingly so often by people and it's like i get taken less seriously all the time. i don't know what to do about it. sometimes i see pics of girls who are like 18 and they look all grown, they have the features of a grown woman. i feel so strange. there isn't anything i can do about it, i can't make myself look older. it probably contributes to me not giving a shit about ageing and stuff, give me wrinkles and grey hair, who gives a shit, at least i'll look my age. i hate when people tell me i should be happy about it because i'll look more youthful when i'm older because why should i even have that in mind? what about right now? am i supposed to grin and think about how young and hot i'll look in my 40s while a manager is treating me like a child for making one small mistake? it's not even that big of a deal really, i hate to sound whiny it's just annoying and i do really badly wish i just looked my age

No. 1823553

My father is equally stupid. He doesn't give a fuck but he also waited months until he saw a doctor and he also has lung cancer, though not as advanced as yours because he got sick from something else in September and my mother finally managed to convince him to see a doctor for the other issue which wasn't all that bad in comparison. I don't get why people do that shit. I really don't and I never, ever will. Did your father start his treatment yet at least?

No. 1823570

It's more about how you carry yourself. Build that confidence and a firm but respectful demeanor and you'll get results. It won't happen overnight so be patient.

No. 1823575

he hasn't started treatment yet but he's not forcibly discharged himself either, so i suppose that's a win? why are men always like this??? sorry about your dad, nona.

No. 1823597

Nonnie please try sobering up as fast as you can. I feel like people downplay the effects of alcohol in our bodies. I say this as someone who had to live with two different alcoholics in my life. People do notice when you are constantly drunk, they just don't say anything. It can affect your brain due to the dehydration and not only fuck up your liver but also your pancreas. You don't eat as much because the alcohol is caloric, but there is no nutritional value. I'm sorry for sounding like a grandma, but please try sobering up as fast as you can. Rooting for you.

No. 1823632

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>Nonnie please try sobering up as fast as you can
Thanks but if I stop now I think I'm going to go into WDs and still be a shaky mess by Christmas. I can't let my mam see me like that. I'm going to stop after the wedding. I'm going to go cold for at least 3 months after. I usually end up breaking binges for a couple weeks.
>People do notice when you are constantly drunk, they just don't say anything
Outside of work calls I don't really interact with anyone except for the off license owner. I doubt they care, I must be making them a lot of money after all. I don't really care if they care though
>I'm sorry for sounding like a grandma
You don't, you're right
>Rooting for you
Thanks. Hugs from Ireland

No. 1823633

everyone in my house is sick with COVID and i'm just sitting here waiting for it to hit me. There goes all our special christmas plans. My parents are really sick with it despite getting every vaccine and booster recommended. Apparently the novovax one or whatever is shit because it isn't doing jack for them. I didn't get boosted at all because it's a guaranteed 36 hours of debilitating (read: literally immobile in bed in so much pain) illness and I have work and never felt like spending a whole weekend sick as a dog. Well, now I'm wondering how much worse it's gonna be for me when it hits. This all just sucks so bad, I already was so depressed but I took time off work to spend time with family for the holidays and now this happens, god hates me.

No. 1823635

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>A year ago, not on a strict diet, healthy
>Nothing to eat or snack, bread and water at most
>A year later, nowadays, on a strict diet
>Family suddenly and coincidentally buys sweets, desserts and soda drinks every damn day, gotta watch them eat all dat while i seethe eating plain oatmeal
how fucking funny, how fucking delightful. This diet better work because i want to end it all, i'm so cranky

No. 1823638

Not to be a piss baby but why is it so funny to make fun of white women? Yeah the annoying TiF and blue hair pronouns etc etc radfems are women but it’s so misogynistic and NLOG to see other race girls going after white girls too.

No. 1823640

im a white woman but it doesn't really bother me, it will never have any real effect on my life so I just ignore it along with the rest of the retarded nonsense I see every day

No. 1823641

Because it's a way to express misogyny without any pushback. I didn't have a problem with it at first since most of it was lighthearted to just true but now it's become an avenue for white men especially to express their hatred for women in a safe way. Most of the jokes nowadays apply to most races anyways.

No. 1823645

I always thought the Karen thing was messed up. There's lots of TikToks that are obviously edited to make older white women standing up for themselves look bad. Maybe there's some context why she's pissed that isn't in the 15 second clip but it gets dismissed as "just another Karen".
I might be biased because I have a friend named Karen who goes by Kate now.

No. 1823651

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>look through channel of a woman who would make old cosplay videos
>She makes a short talking about her how her bf of 4 years cheated on her and yelled at her for not doing the dishes
>He even tried pressuring her into polyamory as an excuse to cheat
>he looks like pic related

I was shocked to see that for a small time she let this hideous thing pressure her and treat her like that. I'm glad she broke up with him at least. I know she's not a looker either but goddamn he's ugly af. Also she posts all the details in her shorts and I don't understand why she doesn't keep it private because all she gets is trolls anyway. She is an enby though so maybe it's all for sympathy or something. I had to laugh when she said he brought up her "queerness" though. They're literally a straight couple KEK

No. 1823658

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I hate that apartments in America are so expensive. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this so much. I just want to move out and live on my own. I just want a office job that utilizes my skills, a apartment with a flat rent rate of $750.75-$850.95 and a pet snake. Is that so much to ask for? It feels like I have to get married so I can have some form of financial stability without living paycheck to paycheck. Sorry for alogging but I would unironically support public mass-execution and beatings of slum/landlords if it meant an end to this madness. I had a friend suggest I move to a different country with cheaper housing and COLs but I don't want to do that, I don't want to become another country's burden because of my own country's failings. What the fuck, is there any hope at this point?

No. 1823663

I loathe being in my early 20s and never having been in a relationship when I constantly see uglier women date without a problem. It feels like its been drilled into my brain since early childhood that I'd never get a boyfriend being as ugly as I was, so I worked hard into achieving conventional attractiveness, only for ugly fat women to still get to mock me for being single while they're engaged. At least my only consolation is their fiances and boyfriends are as fat and ugly as they are.

No. 1823666

This might come as a shock for you but people can have different tastes to you, and they can be attracted to other people that aren't conventionally attractive

Nobody should be mocking you for being single, that's weird, but you're being pretty weird about this whole thing too

No. 1823667

a family member is coming over with her kid on my day off when i was going to get groceries. yeah i could have said no but i also know she needs a break from that POS moid. right now i am just sick of consuming meat cheese sandwiches cause its the last thing in my fridge! wont lie i am also not looking forward to the kid screaming…

No. 1823670

The extreme stress from my shitty childhood ruined my fucking skin. I think it can show up differently for everyone and for me it's my skin. I have a ton of texture, I'm super oily, and I used to have horrible cystic acne. I constantly got unsolicited advice and put down for wearing makeup because shitheads kept insisting that was the issues but really my hormones were so out of whack from the extreme anxiety. I've been out of that situation for awhile and my skin still looks like shit. I have an intense skincare routine but I have sebaceous filaments over my entire face that go away after oil cleansing for 12 hours then immediately reappear. I deal with a lot of hyperpigmentation that lasts for months no matter what and I have really bad rosacea that flares up with literally everything. Too hot or too cold water, spicy food, hot food, alcohol, too hot and too cold weather, any time I'm anxious. I feel so fucking ugly without makeup.

No. 1823671

Typical fatty mad her boyfriend is equally as obese and ugly as her spotted. Yawn. None of these people are actually attracted to those McElroy trolls who look like they snuck into earth, it's called settling and lowering your standards. I think they should stop being weird to people with higher dating standards who choose not to cling onto the first fatso who shows any interest in them or grooms them in online multiplayer games

No. 1823676

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>Typical fatty mad her boyfriend is equally as obese and ugly as her spotted.

No. 1823678

You should've fattened them up with AI so they'd represent you better

No. 1823682

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I miss my Siamese cat so much it's unreal

No. 1823684

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This is embarrassing but Honestly I have to admit that i am unfit for society. I am fucking stupid and tired. I hate everything about it and don’t get along with anyone. I seriously desire going into the remote wilderness and living a hunter gather lifestyle because despite the obvious cons, they are cons that id rather deal with. I probably will die within the first year, but it’s the next best thing to suicide.

No. 1823692

There is only one race: Women. Men are not human.

No. 1823702

I get fucking pissed when bald women comment on how brave I am for not shaving and tell me they feel disgusting in their natural form. I’m not going to feel sorry for you when you’re contributing to the taboo. You’re too much of a coward to do something that takes negative effort. I just think “what stupid loser bum” and move on. Imagine letting strangers dictate your life.

No. 1823714

Beautiful choice of image. It never gets old.

No. 1823729

I hate my 30 year old, free loading, piss poor hyigene having, absolute pyscho brother.

He is the worst fucking person, constantly lies and plays the victim, nothing is ever his fault and if it is, he thinks he can call himself a loser and retard and that fixes everything considers it taking accountability.

He will bitch and complain and say he's gonna do something himself if you say no to helping him, then never fucking does it, no matter how important it is and if he was asked by someone else to do it, if you're not gonna help him, it doesnt get done.

His room smells exactly how it did when he was 16, he is gross and I hate him.

No. 1823731

life really bites. i hope i get this job. i just need something to work out for me for once.

No. 1823732

it took me longer than it should to realize you were talking about pubic hair instead of head hair

No. 1823734

posting online with internet weirdos isn't too bad though right

No. 1823736

It’s weirder to have no pubes than no hair

No. 1823740

kek that's why i said it took me longer than it should to realize

No. 1823745

Sorry I’m sleep deprived lol

No. 1823755

Oh God nona. I didn't even realize that until I scrolled down to see your post kek. I'm going to bed anyway.

No. 1823773

One of my step mom’s friends/co workers makes calendars for their desks every year. Goes through their face books and uses family photos. I was in one last year (apparently) and none this year. She says it’s cuz I don’t let her post photos of me. Which is a damn lie but okay. There’s three from literally last month. Over the summer. You are telling me this bitch who has been friends with you for years didn’t see a single photo of me and couldn’t find A SINGLE ONE to use? She knows I exist. My siblings aren’t your only step children.
There’s also no excuse for it cuz… in one of the photos on her facebook, one of the ones her friend used, there is one next to it of fucking me and my nephew.
I am not even in my family even to strangers. Heck, this isn’t the first time this has happened. I shouldn’t care. It’s dumb I care. Yet, I come from people who tote themselves around as a close happy family but then there’s me. Fuck nonna I guess. Love being the black sheep.

No. 1823779

I may be too depressed to even eat right now. I don't know what to do even my favorite food seems unappetizing. My family offered to buy me some groceries but I don't know what I even want. Other people have told me I'm lucky to feel this way due to weight loss. As if not eating enough, shaking, finally getting a meal in, and then having diarrhea or feeling sick from finally consuming is good. I'm already a little underweight its just getting worse. What a christmas to be sad and broke.

No. 1823782

I used heroin, again.I had deleted my dealers' numbers from my phone book, advised a friend not to help me any more. But for some reason I have no idea why, last night I had written a text message, a complete jumble of random characters, and hit send accidentally. I wasn't aware but it was in the "Conversation" flap with one of my guys, so it sent it to him. He called me back while I was asleep, so I had his number and got him to come around early this morning. I bought two bags. Then a friend calls up and says there's coke around: oh boy, speedball. CH-aChing! Ten more dollars. I had been four days without using. Well I sort of cheated, had a big oxycotin the one day, but it was late in the day. I had been demonstrating to myself that I could keep occupied, just walking around the neighborhood with some grass, doing stupid errands. But god would all that be more fun if I was high.
I'm making this bag of powder last. All my tracts had healed up over the past four days: I can already count 8 new ones. Just little tastes; speedball is good, you don't need much.

No. 1823787

Kinda the one thing keeping me sane in this scrote society.

No. 1823819

I stayed later than I should have at a show not checking the time. I'm so fucked if I miss it and should have been more careful but also wtf, this isn't a small city and this is a popular route. Why is the last bus basically midnight??

No. 1823824

I'm an alcoholic. Will my nonnies forgive me? I love you all.

No. 1823830

I caught it!!!
I forgive you nonna, now it's time to forgive yourself. I love you too and I hope you have a good night/day

No. 1823831

I’ll forgive you but you gotta get your shit together, nonners.

No. 1823890

Me too. It feels crazy to have ended up here. I think we can change though. It's not sustainable. I hope we can figure it out.

No. 1823909

File: 1703231408034.jpg (55.94 KB, 749x740, 20231221_034021.jpg)

You really do just have to watch people wax poetic and make up retarded soap opera Odin style fanfic about how they're going to do x y or z useless dumb thing that 1000%%% will not heal them or improve their lives in any way in fact making their catharsis worst often until they grow up enough to stop trying to mimic shit you would see in a shitty lifetime or hallmark movie. People watch way too much media and think doing over the top cliche things is some sort of means to an end and you literally can't say anything about it and how it won't really help them, you just have to let them be cringe until they finally grow up. They eventually see that they were being embarassing, you can't force them to or lead them to any sort of positive change. You just have to let them larp or whatever or live in some stupid fantasy where they think acting like a main character in a drama will heal their twaumas. It's really painful to watch sometimes though because it's like… get over yourself. And then they think everyone around them has no idea what it's like when we all do, we just aren't dumping it onto other people and learning to live with it in ways that doesn't include dramatized poetry trying to turn everything into a tragedy. People really do get addicted to wallowing in their past and amplifying it. Im not saying you can forget it, but romanticizing it and acting like its your sole personality trait is so gross and self-indulgent. You are not a magazine protagonist dude. This isn't some sort of dig at vent thread btw I haven't read any recent posts.

No. 1823915

i 100% agree with you even if i do shit like that sometimes kek

No. 1823920

Oh we all have, I'm definitely not saying I'm some patron Saint of self control. I just see socially we've pivoted to a direction where you're just supposed to accept people's bullshit diatribes instead of being like "hey you're being retarded, get a grip of yourself please". The former is unironically so much more harmful to the people you love. Tough love is being pushed as abuse and honesty is almost obsolete in a lot of online spaces because you're expected to be a yes-man, even here it's becoming the norm and you aren't supposed to call out someone's cow behavior even if it's pretty cringe. You can't even make gentle conductive criticisms to peoples behavior, it's either enable them or be dogpiled and called a bully. How the fuck are you going to grow as a person if you're just dramatizing your whole life into theater instead of reeling it in and attempting to live like a real person instead of freaking Pixyteri.

No. 1823921

I feel super affected by profound emotions and I don’t know how to realize them.
I don’t hate it, I don’t feel afflicted, but I just don’t know what to do when it happens. I think if a sweet memory, of a person, a song, and I just feel my throat closing up and sometimes I even cry. I feel like the only thing that will complete me entirely as a person is death. When my life finally reaches its end, what it was building up to.

No. 1823931

That is often a sign of deep unrest within you that needs to be resolved. I didnt learn about this until a few years ago, but when you are overcome with emotion more than average and things make you cry like that, it isnt actually the movie or the song that's making you overwhelmed with sadness or whatever other emotion. Girl you don't need to die, you need to find the root of what's making you melancholy or depressive and avoid it or actively work toward overcoming it.

No. 1823953

I know what the root is and it’s impossible for me to fix it. My suffering and longing is related to the state of the world, and I can only cope doing what I can as one person. There is no way to fix this and I think I was born to be unsatisfied. I was born feeling like nothing was ever as rich as I wanted it to be. I am internally obsessed with the world of fantasy in every regard, and it just makes everything around me feel fake and gay. I don’t want to get rid of it because it compels me through life, to make things better, but I get overwhelmed with it sometimes,
I am not feeling suicidal or think I would be better off dead. It’s more like I’m not afraid of death. It would be an absolute end to my story, or the start of a better one, or maybe the exact same kind of suffering, but I’m willing to life toiling to manifest something great.

I’m sorry if I sound up my own ass, I just really don’t know how to express myself when all the existential shit really hits.

No. 1823965

Um… okay. How old are you btw

No. 1824008

Too old, but let me be cringe in these rare moments of anonymous honesty.

No. 1824022

well at least the reason for you being single your whole life is obvious now kek

No. 1824031

Shut down the site and start all over

No. 1824033

"I can't mod the site becwase cwistmwas" it doesn't take several days to open your shitty presents and press a button

No. 1824036

Why what happened?

No. 1824144

I decided to surprise my family and bake chocolate glazed sweets for Christmas. At first they were looking great but a day later the glaze is starting to look disgusting, I guess it has something to do with moisture. I know it's not the end of the world but this year's Christmas preparation is the worst in my entire life. All of my gift ideas failed for the dumbest reasons and now I'll have to get some plan B gifts in the last moment. I just want to make my family happy but the whole thing is stressing me out so much that anxiety is overshadowing all the anticipation and joy I could've felt. The failed sweets were the final nail in the coffin and they made me cry because of my disappointment. And I can't talk to anyone about it because people will just call me a crybaby and tell me to stop dramatizing (I mean they have a point kek, it really is the dumbest problem in the world but I'm still not feeling well).

No. 1824521

all the behavior that’s considered newfag behavior really isn’t all that big of a deal and I feel bad for whoever is on the receiving end whenever another nonnie has a big sperg out over something small

No. 1824563

Literally. Are mods just gonna ignore this sleep for the rest of the year? December has been horrible for lolcow

No. 1824599

All of my coworkers are cocomelon-brained zoomers and I can't stand them. I'm the oldest person at my workplace and I hate it so much. I feel so behind in life and I have no friends to boot so my only irl interactions are with these five year old troglodytes who make fun of me

No. 1824667

the amount of people i know who believe in trans shit and have a porn addiction is staggering and makes it harder to feel a connection with others. anytime i meet someone who seems cool in a fandom or something they always ruin it with those things and its honestly sad

No. 1824668

>late 20s
>yet another christmas spent alone because you have no family, no friends, no partner etc.
I don't even care that much for christmas itself, just the fact everyone is with somebody and I'm alone makes me sad. My parents are dead, I don't have any siblings or friends, my aunt is with her adult kids in another country and my other aunt spends christmas with her son, understandably. I've always been a sperg but it gets harder to me with age. When I was a teenager it was easier for me to accept that this is just the things are in my life. And now it gets to me that it will always be like this and I will die alone

No. 1824669

my toes hurt!!! i had to walk around for hours in wet socks and shoes and now they're soooo sore

No. 1824670

There might be local groups that have lonely people meet ups for xmas if you look around, you're far from the only one to feel this way

No. 1824672

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Stupid piece of shit washing machine decided to stop working when i could finally do my laundry

No. 1824674

Can you save it last minute by glazing on top of the glaze? Or get extra glaze/melted chocolate as glue and then dump a bunch of sprinkles/coconut flakes/other to cover it up?

No. 1824688

The more I age the more I understand the saying 'when family isn't right, nothing is.' I'm curious to hear from other nonnas who didn't have a stable and grounded family life, how much affect it had on how you turned out as an adult? I'm really jealous of my friends who more or less have stable families with either both parents who love them or at least one normal parent who has it all together like a normal adult. This Christmas, I'm really feeling the effects of not having a normal family, as my friends all mention feeling the 'Chrismtas spirit' and decorating their home with family. My mom is like a teenage girl in a middle aged woman's body in the way she acts and her life choices, and well, knowing her own mother I understand why. We do not have a stable household, because she did not buy any property for us to live on our own, (when she had income to do so) and instead continued living with her mother when I was a child. My father's side of the family seems to have forgotten I exist ever since I became an adult, as my grandmother much prefers my younger cousins to me. I'm pretty much going to be spending Christmas Eve in my room at a uni dorm in another city.

No. 1824710

Yeah maybe for like 60 year olds

No. 1824719

I genuinely feel like in some ways I've been permanently screwed for life. I've worked hard to catch up and in some ways I did but in other ways I feel like I'm stuck with permanent damage and a gap between me and people my age I can't seem to bridge, because while I'm trying to catch up they're making regular progress. Some things are next to impossible to fix as an adult when you don't get to develop them as a regular child and teen. I'm in my late twenties and I look at my friends I've known since I was 12 and they had stable backgrounds and they turned out so much better than I did, while I'm still playing catch up. I can't seem to close the gap no matter how hard I've tried over such a long time.

No. 1824775

i don't see much appeal towards shit like discord or any other social media platform out there anymore it's hard to make friends online and irl for me also being a hikineet i have jack to post other than art. i just hit up random public discord servers that are friendly and interject with the most random shit (like what i'm up to and my hair) and leave. i have the odd friend and it gets lonely but idk, any interaction at this point in time for me is nice.

No. 1824778

My husband bought be a big box of my favorite alcohol and I´ve been drinking it every evening and now I already build up my tolerance I think after a week. It´s honestly hard to put it down already or leave it out for an evening.

No. 1824784

I'm really miserable and I have no idea how to fix things. Half my family is dead and while my relationship with my living parent is much better now, I have so much resentment for how much she enabled things for so long. I was isolated from my extended family and they live very far. They try and involve me but I can't seem to reciprocate. I want to but it scares me, like I'll do something wrong and they'll just cut me off immediately. I have no one to see in my day to day as I'm single too. My last relationship hurt me so badly that I'm too afraid to try again. My friends are nice to hang out with but they're focusing more and more on their own lives and I feel like I'm being left behind because I'm the only one not in a long term relationship now. The lack of familial support near me is something I can never fix. The closest I'll ever get is with a boyfriend but the ones I do click with really well always seem to abandon me. I'm so tired and no one around me understands. I'm so tempted to just flee to another country and never speak to my loved ones again because it feels inevitable anyways.

No. 1824786

I hate alcohol tolerance anon because this exact thing happens to me. I enjoy it until I have to start pounding alcohol to feel that same buzz I got a week prior. I'm doing the same thing with THC right now and it's quite embarrassing to put back 50 mg and be like "wow I feel normal".. I know I need a T-Break but I'm also working almost 2 weeks straight without a break so it ain't gonna be until I get time off

No. 1824794

I had whiskey lastnight after not drinking for a year, got drunk on so little of it.

No. 1824802

I´m also pretty stressed after a few horrible month so I think that´s why I´m going for it so much right now. I hope we can both find a healthier way to cope with stuff

No. 1824835

I don't want to talk to americans ever again!! Fuck you for inviting me to your servers, you can't imagine what it feels like to wake up every day to 300+ messages from conversations that were held during 1-5am for me. It's the same shit every time. For some reason I always think it'll be different but it never is. Barely any activity until nighttime and then everyone has fun together while I'm sleeping. I always leave feeling like I'm the issue because I can't make friendships when the reality is that I just can't be there! Of course the people who joined weeks after I did are closer to the people who invited me than I am, I'm only able to exchange some texts during american mornings while they can actually talk for hours in calls each evening. It's not my fault. It's nice when they try to include me, but I'll still log off early for them. It's just never going to work out.

No. 1824848

Iknow it's dumb but it's making me feel wistful and sad thinking about how my ex grew up with me, we met as kids and dated as teens. I'm thinking about this adorable little boy who wrote poems and dreamed about treating his future girlfriend like a princess and got bullied by teenagers. He was always a bit spergy, but it hurts to think that that sweet kid would become increasingly unhinged and grow up to be a batterer. It's so messed up.

No. 1824853

i feel you, exact same thing happened to me last year. had a 6 pack of alcohol and was unable to stop after that so i'm glad i was able to kick that spiraling habit after i had a moment in May and now only get drunk off of a can of asahi or something.

No. 1824854

Of course it's an all lowercase retard saying this. I'm gonna sperg even harder now.(infighting)

No. 1824869

i will break your heart. you keep fucking breaking mine. all the fucking time. all the fucking time. these small things you do that breaks my heart. dont promise me shit, ever.

No. 1824888

i feel really lonely nonas…

No. 1824892

File: 1703284826587.jpg (48.81 KB, 540x960, 8b8241f4f8d0f12b57db9fe19d994f…)

Same, nonny.

No. 1824894

You have us, nona.

No. 1824897

im listening to shane dawsons podcast wyd

No. 1824898

me too

No. 1824902


No. 1824905

i love you

i'm just sat here procrastinating going to bed and listening to oklou. how is the podcast nony?

No. 1824909

it’s funny actually he’s talking about getting insulted in public kekk

No. 1824918

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Respectfully, I do not love any of you as I do not know you at all. But I do hope you have a good holiday and find solace in something (moderately safe or happy) this new years.

No. 1824923

File: 1703285436784.png (206.22 KB, 1652x500, ritard.png)

NTA I know it annoys people when they see a writing style they don't like but too many people type in lowercase. I'm sorry but does it really mean anything? Wouldn't newfags be mostly phoneposters? I doubt they're manually changing the capitalization back to lowercase. It's been coming up so much lately it feels really forced. I searched /meta/ and even saw Ritard weighed in on it 8 months ago, calling lowercase typing newfag behaviour but also saying she did it herself. Of all things to get so assblassted about why this? The farmhands aren't here to teach people Proper English for free. Lowercase is not a bannable or policeable thing and it's a little late to try to make it one, might as well go lobby the mods for your preference of "lol" or "kek" and try to make the other bannable, like get real.

No. 1824930

my ex from 5 years ago (who i am friends with) just moved in with his current theyfab partner and got pets together. then, last week, he told me he still loves me. today he came over to my house and in one moment he held my hand (i was talking about a recent loss ive experienced) and it felt strangely intimate. i don't have feelings for him - actually i find him insufferable - but i have this special soft spot for him; i see him kind of like a disney animal sidekick character in my life. he's been feeling bad about his relationship for sometime and plans to break up with the partner after christmas; it just makes me feel so evil knowing he's "infatuated" with me and then just going home to his nice partner and pretending to be happy

No. 1824933

They're probably gonna give you the "learn2integrate" message for even saying all of that.

No. 1824934

Being friends with an ex is always a bad move.

No. 1824936

Amen nona. I hope all of you who are despairing get to have at least a moment's respite this christmas and new year. We're all retards and we all deserve to feel okay.

No. 1824939

why though nona? it's been fine so far

No. 1824941


No. 1824965

NTA but the whole post shows why

No. 1824966

lmao I just don't see the mods caring anytime soon but maybe cerbmin will be different.

No. 1824979

Personally I hope everyone dies in an accident.(cringe)

No. 1824983

Let go of your hate and it will benefit you

No. 1824984

Wow, how edgy and cool of you! You're so cvlt and quirky! Very cool

No. 1824987

No. They don't know that the unwarranted hate is eating them from the inside and giving them cancer. Let it rot them slowly.

No. 1824989

I hope you feel better soon.

No. 1824991

My friend is 26 and wherever we go she carries this hideous Pusheen backpack that doesn’t match any of her other clothes and makes her look literally retarded. Recently she wore this beautiful black faux fur coat only to ruin the look with that disgusting backpack. And it’s not just the backpack, she’s decked out in Claire’s accessories. I told her it makes her look stunted but she doesn’t care and I accept that and don’t try to change her but she just pissed me off a minute ago so I want to vent.

No. 1824996

It's past midnight here and I will be traveling all day tomorrow so I won't have time to do that unfortunately (and I have no extra glaze at home either), but thank you for the idea nonna! Will keep it in mind in case I ruin the next batch too kek. At least the taste is still fine…

No. 1825014

oldmin should've shut down the site in 2020 like she promised. fuck that stupid bitch who donated 1k. fuck christmas.

No. 1825058

Why are you losing your mind over not being able to post on christmas… are you a braindead teen or something

No. 1825071

No. 1825086

>over not being able to post on christmas
I'm able to post, what are you talking about? I just hate Christmas and hate the state of lc.

No. 1825090

Sorry, I saw a few posts yesterday of an anon sperging about them shutting the site down for Christmas or something

No. 1825097

Gotta love when your parents get mad at you as soon as you set a boundary. At least they're not fighting each other tonight (probably, never really know with them.)

No. 1825195

I watch Primitive Technology on Youtube sometimes and it seems so nice. Just out in the outback in Australia building things like a caveman. I listened to a Podcast a while ago and they said the two biggest things for job satisfaction was results and influence. He builds a house and can see his house. If he messes up his house the house is broken. Office jobs just feel like they are throwing stuff into the void and you aren't feeling the results or influence of your actions except some numbers going up.

No. 1825202

I'm an alcoholic too. I posted my thing earlier on in the thread. I don't think there's anything to forgive, you wouldn't/shouldn't feel guilt about having a broken arm like.

No. 1825205

My sister really went on an insane bpd rage bender towards everyone and is now making her husband drive over an hour to pick up their presents? I already donated the shit I was gonna give her, what fucking planet is this bitch on thinking she can say absolutely unhinged stuff and make up shit I supposedly have done and said and now she thinks she can put her husband to get her little pressies? >Hey anon, how were my kids acting while you babysat them
>we had fun, kid b did yell a lot at kid a and I think he needs to work on that
apparently this is what I really said
>he was acting like a retard and I refuse to ever babysit him again, only the kid a and I don't even like him
what the absolute fuck is going on, she got even angrier when I just didn't get angry, I just got almost entertained but it's not funny seeing a mom of two act this fucking unhinged.

No. 1825308

I love my husband so so so so so much. But he has let himself go.. We've been together for 8 years. When we met, he had a six pack. Slim build but large shoulders. We got together when I was 19 and he and I are each others first time having sex. I love him to the moon and back but I do not know how to fix this problem. He is obese. I don't feel any sexual attraction for him because of it… I feel awful and cruel. I'll still have sex with him of course but I'm not ever really wanting to, if that makes sense. I fantasize about skinny men.. His stomach pokes out so far, this is a tmi but when we have doggystyle sex he just rests it ontop of my butt… In missionary position he has to lay ontop of me and it's painful, he is squishing me because he is about 100 pounds heavier than me. He no longer has any jawline and that was one of my favorite features of his.. Nonnies what do I do? I have tried to get him to work out, tried to get him to not eat so much (he eats a LOT, especially in the middle of the night. I'm talking a whole bucket of ice cream at 2am) but nothing works. He is genuinely the nicest and most caring person I have ever met, but I want to feel attracted to him again. I can't figure out how to get him to care. Last summer we had an argument about him not caring about how he looks, he ended up crying because I told him that I don't think he looks good anymore. I felt so bad that I hurt him like that so I apologized and told him it was just me trying to be mean and hurtful and I didn't mean it. Also I feel like stating that I'm not a hypocrite or anything, currently I am the skinniest I have been since I was an anorexic teenager. I'm not putting my weight on here kek but it's a healthy normal bmi. Ugh.

No. 1825312

File: 1703301364404.gif (10.64 MB, 640x512, 8eac8dbf8454fa416e35a4051b575c…)

>when we have doggystyle sex he just rests his gut on my butt
fits like a puzzle piece I guess

No. 1825313

Oh boo fucking hoo on him crying for you being truthful. Men wouldn't give two shits and would neg a woman to hell and back just so their dicks would feel good. He's hurting you during sex and not making you feel good. Give him an ultimatum on him taking better care of himself or you're leaving. Sex is important to have in a relationship and you're not satisfied. Please think about your needs and desires too, nona.

No. 1825316

Why are "blackpill feminists" the most "unintentionally" misogynistic anons I've ever seen.

No. 1825318

why are you with this inconsiderate pig. you deserve better

No. 1825322

because she loves him so(x5) much

No. 1825327

This is so bleak. Sorry to hear, nona. I agree that an ultimatum might be in order here. You could frame it in a health-forward way, i.e. "I cannot continue to watch you throw away your health like this, I love you too much to be complicit in you slowly killing yourself with food". Even if it's not the main reason you dislike his weight gain, there's a grain of truth in there. Will you want to be with him in ten years if/when he becomes diabetic or needs a CPAP at night because his fat is crushing his airways? That would be a more miserable experience than just splitting up in my opinion. His choice. You deserve to be with someone you're attracted to.

No. 1825343

It's so ironic and funny seeing anon shitting on blackpill feminism right under yet another blackpilling post about disgusting males in het relationships kek

No. 1825345

I agree with other anons, give him an ultimatum and a realistic deadline, and then actually follow through. If you don't want to be mean, say it's because you don't want him to jeopardize your future together by killing himself with food. Do not let yourself be guilt-tripped if he fails.
Also, it's time for another game of "would a man do that for a woman?" If a fit moid had a girlfriend who ballooned up into obesity, he would leave her ass instantly. Men are not the only ones who deserve a partner they're attracted to.

No. 1825347

Didn't even read her post. I just think it's cringe when "blackpill feminists" say the most emotionally self-deorecating, and unintentionally misogynistic things about their own gender.

No. 1825348

don't try to reason with her, if she sincerely thought the obvious shit moid thread in /g/ about how it's "blackpilling" that "society was better when father's chose their daughter's husbands" was from a feminist then she is too dumb to be helped.

No. 1825349

Hm, you take yourself way too seriously.

No. 1825351

Well, just as I said, then.

No. 1825352

It's funny how they claim they're so le blackpilled but their favorite pastime is degrading women online and telling them they're stupid

No. 1825353

shit bait

No. 1825355

nta but do you remember what happened to the blackpill threads on 2X? almost every post there was calling women "whores" and "cockbreaths"

No. 1825357

what even is a blackpill feminist

No. 1825362

My mom used to

>Use me as an emotional punching bag after work

>Make me go out to the woods to select the switches she'd then beat me with
>Got so mad at me one week as a kindergartner (?) that she made me eat ramen off of the floor
>Strangle me for fun
>Somehow convinced 16 y/o me that I was a Master Manipulator and Totally Tricking her big, 40 year old self
>Gaslit me constantly. She was an alcoholic and a stoner so she'd hear shit and forget shit
>Kept me extremely sheltered and ignorant
>And now acts as if I was an insane Devil Child and she was Mother Theresa for doing such incredible motherly things like…keeping the bills paid and me fed. Ignore all the abuse

And a lot of other awful crap. Compound that with constant bullying in my developing years and I'm just an anxious, self-doubting wreck now. Being around her makes me feel so stupid and brain-fogged that I forget my left from my right. I really feel similar to this >>1824719 nona because people my age are moving up and up in their careers and I'm desperately trying to withhold my stutter enough to get my foot in the door.

That said I just try to be kind to myself, you know? Whenever I fuck up I remind myself that not everyone has grown up as badly as I have. Just got to take it one day at a time

No. 1825364

>make me go out inot the woods to select the switches she'd beat me with
sorry this made me kek

No. 1825365

literally just being annoyed with women for constantly sucking up (and sucking off) males kek. or feeling like there's no hope of ever achieving true liberation for the female sex when so much of the female sex buys into and supports their oppression

No. 1825368

wow you're literally hitler for women, anon

No. 1825369

How is that funny?

No. 1825370

Can't call it bait when your hobby is referring to women as whores and condescending and lecturing them as a personal hobby

No. 1825371

yawn are you done quoting 2018 radblr or do you have anything original to say(infighting)

No. 1825373

it's bait because I never did any of that and 99% of anons never did any of that and you're just chimping out for no reason trying to egg responses out of people.
did your nigel do something that pissed you off today and you're taking out on poor anons? Go drink some warm milk anon it's okay I will forgive you.(infighting)

No. 1825376

nigel has a greater chance of landing you in a grave somewhere than mean feminists on lolcow. close the tab retard(infighting)

No. 1825377

>you're chimping out for no reason
I made two posts. See how your tone is just kneejerk, aggressive, and snide for no reason? It's the vent thread, no one is soliciting your advice miserychan

No. 1825378

Nobody said anything about Graves. Your melodrama is exhaustive. You are exhaustive.

No. 1825379

Anon, you're taking her bait. Just stop taking the bait. It's so obviously bait, she could be singing a little song about how you are a fish.

No. 1825380

They hate you for speaking the truth.

No. 1825381

what does getting drunk even feel like

No. 1825382

Kek nah you're just retarded(infighting)

No. 1825383

>and 99% of anons never did any of that
check 2X, they say that (and worse) all the time

No. 1825384

for me it just feels like i am so sleepy that i just want to go to bed. underwhelming

No. 1825385

i am an eel swimming right past your worm, poor disgruntled anon.

No. 1825386

>wow maybe stop being so shrill and aggressive to women and they'd engage with you
classic inability to get a grip(infighting)

No. 1825387

the idea of that is just funny to me

No. 1825388

fuck you i wanna go play recess

No. 1825389

I happen across a nice looking underwater cave and decide to make my home there for the night, where I shall dream about eating small fish, or whatever makes eels happy.

No. 1825392

>autistic allegories in lieu of any sort of reflection like an adult
Yeah sounds about right

No. 1825394

Eels, like fish, sleep with their eyes open. That's why I chose a nice dark cave, because they do not make sleep masks for eels.

No. 1825397

nothing wrong with venting about women's stupidity where men are concerned. i'd never go to a woman directly and tell her she was being fucking retarded for cuddling up to a male who sees her as nothing more than a mildly entertaining warm hole to fuck but i'm not a saint. it gets stressful and annoying. how many times you must see male crimes before you get it? they are all the same

No. 1825400

i twerked and now my urethra aches

No. 1825401

>hey certain anons should stop being extremely rude and callous to women in the exact same self righteous way they complain men do
>"no actually we should enable everything ever and be qwuirky instead tehe real dialogue is impossible for mee"

No. 1825406

It's the same old song and dance. Day in and day out.

No. 1825408

I awake from my slumber and make my way out of my cave, searching for a tasty morsel to digest in my eel stomach. Directly to my 3 o'clock, I see it. The fattest fucking shrimp I've ever seen in my life.

No. 1825418

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personally i don't have a problem with that, i just hate 'blackpillers' like picrel

No. 1825423

>bringing 3 month old crunchy screenshots from a hidden board to stir up infighting
She was banned for being a retard. What more do you want? You wanna keep these screenshots in a locket and whip it out to show people every time you need some attention? idgi, she was literally banned kek. You got your justice.

No. 1825424

>your mouth stinks of cum

No. 1825425

This damn near sounds like it was written by a moid, jesus christ. And i am saying it as someone who is fairly blackpilled. I try to avoid telling woman anything when it comes to my opinion of dating, even though i will never understand why anyone would want to date.

No. 1825429

I pretty much agree with blackpillers on an ideological level, but I don't call myself one nor engage with them/their spaces because I don't need all that negativity in my life. I'd rather focus on the good things I do have than the pain of being female

No. 1825433

my bad, first one is 4 months old. It's absolutely nuts to me that we get one schizo word vomiting on 2x and anons drag it around to moan about for months on end as if it's ac actual problem that runs rampant and not something rare (hence the screenshots being 4 months old) that is instantly nuked by farmhands. Like what is the point? Yes, she's retarded. Let it go. Some people are just retarded.

No. 1825436

Like a literal baby plugging it's ears because it can't engage with reality

No. 1825440

The shrimp glistens in the mottled sunlight that makes its way through the many meters of water above. I calculate how best to make my move.

No. 1825457

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No. 1825462

No. 1825473

these comebacks are making me laugh in an unlaughable mood

No. 1825492

why wasnt geroge floyd named person of the year?(bait)

No. 1825493

Same reason your mom wasn't named person of the year

No. 1825497

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Gonna run down a list of replies since I guess I started a shitstorm
>??? Well, just as I said, then.
No, you really do seem to take yourself way too seriously, because let’s unpack what you said.
>don't try to reason with her
ooo so intimidating kek
>if she sincerely thought the obvious shit moid thread in /g/ about how it's "blackpilling" that "society was better when father's chose their daughter's husbands" was from a feminist
Who said I thought that was a moid? I’m talking about actual female anons spewing misogynistic garbage about women they don’t like, and then calling it “blackpill feminism”. You’re writing conclusions on your 2-minute think pieces that don’t even apply to me.
>then she is too dumb to be helped.
You sound like some priestess or cult member talking shit about “outsiders” that are gonna be “doomed by the devil” kek, like girl stop huffing your own farts.
>It's funny how they claim they're so le blackpilled but their favorite pastime is degrading women online and telling them they're stupid
You summarized my point, thanks for getting it.
>nta but do you remember what happened to the blackpill threads on 2X? almost every post there was calling women "whores" and "cockbreaths"
Thank you, this is exactly what I’m talking about.
>literally just being annoyed with women for constantly sucking up (and sucking off) males kek. or feeling like there's no hope of ever achieving true liberation for the female sex when so much of the female sex buys into and supports their oppression
You can be mad at pickmes without talking and thinking like some 4shit incel who calls women cockbreaths for losing their virginity to a guy, or suggesting that women “deserve whatever they get” for getting married to scrotes they were betrayed by. The problem with the lot of “blackpill feminists” is that they think and act like emotionally hurricaned teenagers who shit on everybody around them, when it’s clear that they hate themselves the most. Can’t explain it in any other way when I see these types of “feminists” talking and generalizing their own gender for being “dumb whores” at whatever opportunity they get.
>wow you're literally hitler for women, anon
Nobody said anything about anyone being hitler, just that “blackpill feminists” (and I use ‘feminists’ very generously for blackpillers) have a problem with being some of the most emotionally unintelligent, and whiny group of people I’ve ever seen.
>it's bait because I never did any of that
If you never did any of those things, uh, congrats because it doesn’t apply to you specifically.
>and 99% of anons never did any of that
They do. You imply that you’re a “blackpill” yet you don’t recognize the pungent, internalized misogyny that most blackpillers are known for on 2X and pretty much anywhere else on the internet.
>and you're just chimping out for no reason trying to egg responses out of people.
I have a question: If what I said doesn’t apply to you specifically, why are you so mad?
>nigel has a greater chance of landing you in a grave somewhere
You see this? You see this right here? This is why nobody likes blackpilled “feminists”. You make everything as morbid as possible through such extreme reaches and exaggeration.
>close the tab retard
Take your own advice, you honestly sound like a teenager.
>They hate you for speaking the truth.
The “truth” you’re referring to is literally just a thinly veiled a-log. Nobody hates you guys for “telling the truth” because very few of you actually say anything sensical. People hate you because you’re annoying assholes kek
>bait bait bait bait bait
If I was that anon who brings up the “women aren’t funny” stereotype every single time she thinks a woman isn’t funny enough for her CEO of Comedy Central standards, I would've had a mental breakdown and a days-long infight over your autism.
As long as you aren’t shitting on your entire gender for being “cock-brained, cum-crusted, whore-biscuits that deserve what they get” for dating and getting her heartbroken by a moid, I guess my complaint doesn’t apply to you. Can’t say the same for most of the other blackpillers.
The irony of lolcow is that despite being a man-hating imageboard, you can always count on some female users to “fill in the blanks” on behalf of moids. Precisely what blackpillers do under the intention of “just trying to educate everybody”.
It ain’t “just one schizo on 2X” that happened “a long time ago”. It’s more like every other week or month that some retard (AKA the average blackpiller) spouts some misogynistic bullshit like that, and it’s not even limited to 2X or just this board.
Hm, gonna go eat some cherry pie and listen to the rain now.(autism)

No. 1825503

>Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
holy fuck kek

No. 1825550

Okay I need my bad luck babe to stop loving me so hard. I can only handle so many problems at once and food poisoning right before I see the family is a step too far.

No. 1825551

Dizzy and nauseous and slightly retarded, but that's just me

No. 1825567

Yeah… welcome to lolcow, a public imageboard. Where you type and interact. It isnt twitter.

No. 1825605

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My moid is getting in better shape but going bald.

No. 1825611

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$50 for a big box of optislim shakes and i know if i start them tomorrow and eat with family on christmas day then it's pretty much useless.

No. 1825615

There should be more hierarchies between women that aren't: the 99% of female population aka the disgusting pickme tyrants with no self respect ruling over the smart women with reasonable opinions and justified rage. Can't anyone really fucking see how patriarchal the current hierarchy is? Blackpilled women do nothing but express reasonable opinions and comment on 99% of women tyrannical patriarchal behaviors. But ofc women fucking socialize over moral standards and constanly punish other women for not being feminine enough. If you are offended then it's your fault, you choose to be offended. It's like your fucking tainted cause you made retarded choices out of lack of self respect or shit like that anf then make this burden fall on other women and create a disgusting hierarchy because you are moid stained. Even at my most sex positive and libfem I never acted like the 99% of women. There's something seriously wrong with women and pickmes deserve to be at the bottom in the female hierarchy because they are a tyrants that cause hell on earth to other women. And ofc y'all will go and let moids do disgusting acts on you yet a woman expressing rational opinions, being smart and observant is too disgusting for you as if you are fucking entitled to policing other women thoughts because of your own faults. Blackpilled women actually predict the shit that is gonna happen cause they are smart but everyone gaslights them and then thr shit they predicted fucking happens over and over again after you made them feel crazy for being intelligent. You create a patriarchal hierarchy with men, pieces of shit that constantly talk about stupid they are for their current dick and spread constant male worshipping and trauma content and groom other women into retardation, for gods sake I'm saying it again, stop talking about how brain dead you act for your current master and how you lack self respect, you deserve all these insults(cum dumpster, dick sucker) of the only reason you are so insufferable is the act of sex, you act evil cause of this shit you do. You are filthy and disgusting. You do the most tyrannical degrading mind breaking shit with men then demand other women are positive towards it. You deserve the bad words cause you're the bad one here. Women are a weak followers even their hate for the female blackpill proves it cause other women say it's bad so now all bitches think it's bad cause they are so small, weak and scared of having their own voice. And the women who hated me for being blackpilled were all bad people and one who loved to whine about I hate myself. Hates herself. That's how authentic you are. I'm fucking serious, everyone with a brain cause see the harm male lovers do. I'm begging for a different hierarchies between women.

No. 1825616

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there's no talking to him. men just push it away, they hear blah blah blah when women talk. besides, he KNOWS. men act like they don't know what the problem is and what would make you happy… but he knows and is too lazy to do anything about it. and women's desires are only important to men during the acquisition stage of mating and they don't give a fuck about the rest.
the most potent thing you can do is have an online affair with a sexy guy and "accidentally" have him see. or just leave him. you'll have to be his 600lb life nursemaid before long.
ironically men pump iron the best when they've been rejected or had a taste of the dating market as a newly single fatass, so you'd probably make him actually lose the weight that way.

No. 1825618

I agree with you but you have to know it's pointless to post this outside of 2X because everyone will just seethe at you and accuse of trolling etc.

No. 1825623

>I'll still have sex with him of course but I'm not ever really wanting to
Wtf is wrong with you? You say that shit like it's normal.

No. 1825642

Quote from my friend:
>I always feel bad about [blocking online groomers] cause it's like they are my new friend and I talk to them for a while so even if their goal was bad I've wasted the poor person's time and they are mad at me when I unblock to apologize.
GET A SENSE OF SELF PRESERVATION GODDAMN IT. Yes, this is a literal adult, albeit an incredibly mentally stunted one. This isn't her fault, because her disgusting father very deliberately raised her to be like this, but it makes me want to scream. I want to kill him with my bare hands.

No. 1825648

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I've never known real love and that thought's been depressing me over the last couple of days. I've never been "chosen", never been just accepted for the way I am, always had to tiptoe around someone elses feelings and reactions because I feared that they'd dump me yet still I got dumped. I don't know what love without worry, tears and fears of abandonment looks like but I probably wouldn't even trust the kind of love I'm looking for because I'm so used to just the pain of it.

No. 1825654

Found out today that I have MS. I’ve fucking told my doctors for MONTHS that something was wrong and was continuously told that it was just residual pain and numbness from my back surgery which was over 10 goddamn years ago. Finally got them to begrudgingly agree to an mri and lo and behold I was fucking right

Decided to wait until after Christmas celebrations to tell anyone because I don’t want them all asking me about it and I don’t want to ruin Christmas. Kind of contemplating if I’ll just kill myself before new years or something. I dont want this life

No. 1825661

Is the prognosis for MS always very severe decline?

No. 1825664

Honestly I barely understand it all. I didn’t even realize he suspected I had it until he sprung it on me today that he and a few other doctors were very confident that I have it.

I have the relapsing remitting version so I potentially could go into a phase where I’m okay for a while. My motor skills in my legs and hand have already declined since the beginning of the year so I assume I’m fucked

No. 1825676

I let myself get triggered into talking about my stalking ex by some stupid dickhead who knows both of us.
I really hope it doesnt cause another wave of my exs stalking. Stupid stupid stupid me.

No. 1825682

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I miss reading a good cow thread

No. 1825683

All I know about MS is that there’s research suggesting that a hookworm infection can provide relief from the symptoms (either by dampening your immune system or by giving your immune system something real to attack instead of your own body, not a doctor here so the exact way it helps might be something else but that’s how it was explained to me.)

No. 1825707

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'tis the season once again for my mom to hoard the fridge full of way too much food for the 3-6 of us, and so much of it is just nostalgic shit from her childhood nobody (including her) actually eats but she insists on having at the table anyway.

No. 1825713

describe some of the food to us? what's she buying?

No. 1825764

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I just want to get some good quality sleep. I couldn’t find my meds last night, couldn’t sleep and then ended up in the emergency room for reasons unrelated to insomnia. My health is good which is a relief but I was there for so many hours and didn’t get any sleep. I got home and slept for a bit but it was in a weird position and now my neck is really fucked up and hurts to move, AND I still haven’t been able to find my sleeping meds. I have to do my Christmas shopping but I’m so exhausted I can’t think of anything I want to do less.

No. 1825768

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FFFUUUCCCCKKKK I can't wait for the holidays to be over. I've never had such a shitty December.

No. 1825771

picrel is exactly how I feel rn living with my histrionic ass (bless her heart but she's E X H A U S T I N G) mother

No. 1825782

these teen girls calling 25-28 yr old men "daddy" piss me off

No. 1825787

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my aunt called and invited me for christmas eve

No. 1825794

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I'm just so fucking tired of everything in this fucking house! Every fucking time we have plans or a party, or i get enough money so i can take a weekend off or buy something i need, something in this house breaks and it's an emergecy. All i wanted this year was a free two weeks, i work 7 days a week for 3 years already feeding our disgusting stealing goverment. I got nice money from a client and was going to enjoy some free holidays and a new year's party with friends this year but the fucking septic tank got full when it wasn't it's time at all (we don't have normal canalization here in fucking "civilized" europe) so i called an expesive emergency septic guy, he suked out what he could and rest will get sucked on january by the normal septic company that didn't have time for me now. Solved right? NO. Toilets started to barely work so we have been pouring tons of acid on them and it doesn't even help much. Today the kitchen sink hose started leaking and i can't even see properly from where it's leaking… if it even is that hose or something else. Why is it so cursed here?! Why is it that it's always 3 emergencies at the same time? Not even talking about the constant errors on our heating system.. I'm really starting to belive that there's some cursed corpse in the septic or somewhere in the garden because i kept seeing ghosts in my dreams when we moved in, i also saw a big cthulu-like shadow above me when i woke up in the night multiple times and you know what? my boyfriend saw it above me too one time when he just came to sleep. I don't know what i have done wrong, i'm trying to help animals all the time, i'm not beefing with anybody, i just want a peaceful home.

No. 1825798

I definitely have food poisoning. Fuck. This close to betting actual money that my parents will twist this into a personal slight against them and act like I did it on purpose because they do that every time I get sick. I'm supposed to hang out with the whole family for the next two days, and Grandma on Monday, but I'm not sure I'll be able to get out of bed after today.

And my period's late from all the stress of my parents being in town. Awesome because it means I've been able to do most things I need to do (once I start I'm bedridden for the first 2-3 days, it sucks bad), but I can tell it's going to come soon and whatever ancient spirits I accidentally invoked to delay it are going to return and rip my soul out through my uterus as payment. I genuinely want to die right now, everything is going wrong all at the same time and I'm very close to violently harming my body for its petulance.

No. 1825801

My bf is so strong it made me realize I need to take weight lifting and fitness more seriously. He can do like 10 pullups on mounted rings he has and I can't pull myself up even once I feel pathetic. I was embarrassed I even attempted it in front of him. My nye resolution is to get fit and tight and look hot wearing waist beads

No. 1825805

I'll probably have to find a roommate in a couple months and I just hate that everyone seems to have a cat or dog. It's because they both make my skin very itchy including clothes with fur on them. It's harder to breathe when I've pet sit too. All I want is a non druggie, no smoking, possibly no pet roommate.

No. 1825809

Heck yeah! I hope you have an awesome Christmas Eve with your aunt, nonna!

No. 1825812

Your aunt is a farmer confirmed she saw your vent

No. 1825814

I just really, really really wish I could be alone for Christmas. I hate Christmas. I always tell people I don't really hate Christmas but when push comes to shove, I'm always miserable, stressed, angry, bitter, on the brink of a fucking heart attack. I wish that would come, so then at least I'd spent it in the fucking hospital by my lonesome.

No. 1825816

Thank you anon!

No. 1825820

5 months sober and it didn't get better. I'm still too retarded to fill in basic paperwork, more awkward, constantly sick and I hate myself more than ever. I have slightly more money but that's the one upside, it's just rotting away in my savings account anyway. I'm not even doing it for myself anymore, I know I need to stay sober for my loved ones but I just don't want to anymore. This is unbearable.

No. 1825822

You should call a free hotline or sponsor if you have one so they can talk you out of self destructing. Don’t do it nona. if you do fall off the wagon get right back on it don’t spiral don’t hide it

No. 1825824

I'm mentally done with the shit I do to fill the void but physically there's nothing else my body knows how to do.

No. 1825832

Liberal feminist men love to say feminism is about free choice in defense of women who “choose” to be prostitutes, wear hijabs, submit to their husbands etc.
but suddenly we need to address our problematic conditioning and prejudices if women choose not to have sex with a man for any reason. Transphobia when lesbians choose not to have sex with TiMs, discrimination and paranoia comparable to racism and bigotry if you reject a man’s advances out of fear. Suddenly women ARE influenced by the outside world when rationalizing their choices. Suddenly institutions that promote hate and fear need to be deracinated from our minds.
Wary of a man’s red flags and decide to disengage with him? Paranoia caused by true crime and right wing fear mongering (stemming in racism btw!). Change.
A prostituted woman abused by the men who rape her and the pimps who extort her? Well it’s her free choice there’s absolutely nothing more to it. Never address anything about society that leads women to destruction. Feminism!

No. 1825833

A couple years ago when I worked at a cafe there was an elderly lady who always wanted super hot coffee, my boss would pour it out and heat it on the stove. It made me nervous when I brought it to her table because of the mcdonalds hot coffee incident.
Anyway, I went to a cafe earlier this year and bought a coffee to go. It was pretty damn hot even after sitting in my car for 20 mins and I LOVED it. I can see why that old lady wanted hers heated up.

No. 1825851

Anyone who insists hijabs are feminists piss me off so much.

No. 1825868

Every single thing men say to women is motivated by acquiring sex from women

No. 1825869

My period is early for the first time in my LIFE. I was expecting it 28th/29th. I have so much to do in the next few days, sucks.

No. 1825882

Thank you nonnie. I don't have a sponsor yet but I think I will ask someone the next meeting, can't do this shit alone.

No. 1825930

File: 1703350841165.gif (784.54 KB, 275x155, 1688762995252.gif)

Send good vibes out for me, please, nonnies. I have to be in the car for 2 hours with relatives/relative's friend who still believe in the plan as well as spend 3 days with same relatives. Relative's friend is being dropped off but since we're going the same direction figured we could give her a ride. I have both bluetooth headphones and earbuds thankfully but it gets so tiresome having to wear them all the time. My hope is they don't sperg too much but that would be nothing short of a Christmas miracle.

No. 1825940

Sending all the good vibes to you! That gif is hilarious btw

No. 1826021

Friends wanted to pair me with a bald moid. Im not fat nor ugly and feel deeply offended. You fuckers know I'm a perfectionist. First you tried a fat manlet,now this? Yes, looks matter. I invest time and effort in my looks, I expect someone similar.
I just wanna get home and look at pictures of my husbando. Being a yume is better, oh my god.

No. 1826065

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Fucking airplane company lost and then mistagged my luggage, 4 days into the holidays with nothing I get a delivery and it's the wrong luggage. FML. I had so much sentimental and important shit in there. Lord knows if it got delivered to a crackhead who will just toss it to the side of the road once they realize it's not theirs. It's silly but I've been crying for an hour because of it, this was one of my top nightmares and it became true. I hope my luggage turns up eventually. I want to scream&shit&cry

No. 1826091

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wish i was a man because once my mom is no longer constantly with me ( the only human that talks to me anymore ) i would become a fisher and just spend the rest of my days at sea. but i can't because it's dangerous for me as a woman. oh well. i'm now already at that level of loneliness you only know at an elderly age. i know i'm actively being ignored but whatever. idk if i'm even sad about it i just want to leave and go away to make it less cringe for everyone. i'm so, so grateful for my mom.

No. 1826092

Your friends would never pair you with someone they want themselves. Even if your friends are taken. Its more of a "haha let's get Tyler laid" than a "This is a great guy for her"

No. 1826097

There's brawny fisherwomen out there. Find one and become her assistant. It's shit ass smelly work though.

No. 1826104

Anons, how do you deal with the following situation?
I had a falling out with a friend. They were considered high maintenance. I kicked them out three months later after they moved in with me (I knew them for a year total, maybe). The other friends in my friend group contacted me and said they don't blame me, they understand, and that they KNOW this person is manipulative, toxic, a bully, etc.
This former friend has a boyfriend, also in our friend group. Everyone in the friend group still interacts with this manipulative toxic person but me. They still hang out with this friend, etc.

I'm troubled by this. Because if they can still maintain a friendship with a toxic, manipulative person, and said person clearly doesn't know how their other friends feel about them (besides me), who's to say that they're not doing the same thing to me?

Who's to say that I'm not another friend they deem annoying, toxic, etc but they're just pretending to be my friends?

Has anyone dealt with this before? Am I going crazy? This shit troubles me. The more rational part of my brain has created a scenario where nobody in this friend group wants to rock the boat, and it has nothing to do with me and only has to do with maintaining a precarious relationship with the ex-friend and boyfriend.

No. 1826111

samefag but I wanted to clarify that I didn't know this person was considered a "manipulative bully", I only got the impression that they were high maintenance due to mental health issues and allergies. I thought I could accommodate that easily because of my lifestyle and I'm somewhat easy going. I was clearly wrong.

No. 1826145

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i'm so close to ghosting my know-it-all friend.

No. 1826146

I want to get married. Despite my views on marriage. I don't think I can actually go through the act. I just want to wear white dress and look gorgeous.

No. 1826163

I ghosted this one annoying ass girl and now she sends me death threats I hope it goes better for you

No. 1826164

I’m scared people think this about me

No. 1826173

she's not even that annoying tbh more enraging that she is so pretentious and patronizing towards me when she's older and doesn't really have much to brag about in her life yet speaks like she is the wisest person ever. i suspect it's not done on purpose but more out of her own insecurity. why can't i find friends that are genuinely chill. i am sick of feeling like 99% of people i speak to, i'm not speaking to a whole person but a cluttered knot of their own personal complexes.

No. 1826194

I wanna alog what burgerfag asswipe thought it was a good idea to make all the ginger ales at the store not have any ginger in them. Less than 2% "ginger extract" doesn't fucking count. Waste of money when I'm keeping down plain ice water better than the supposed "ginger ale".

No. 1826204

That shit pisses me off too

No. 1826206

I'm sorry to hear that, be there for him.

No. 1826209

got scammed out of $40 when I didn’t have much to begin with IIIIIIIIIII fucking hate myself lesson learned… right before Christmas too that’s so fucking ruthless and mean

No. 1826210

Get a dress and have a party with a photoshoot instead nonna

No. 1826219

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This is going to sound so stupid but I have massive imposter syndrome about being bisexual even though I’ve literally fucked women. The idea that I might be solely be attracted to males is horrifying

No. 1826225

Reading stuff like that is always so interesting. Why do you even care or think about that? You can't get a good grade in being bisexual, you also can't be worse at it than someone else

No. 1826227

I cannot wait to have a decent job so I can afford paying for processing power so I can create an army of AI chatbots and use them to pretend I have friends to talk to

No. 1826229

told my mom that i'm feeling overwhelmed with christmas stuff and i'm struggling mentally with feeling like the rest of my family doesn't want me around and her response? "i'm a person too and i can't deal with this right now, stay home then." okay great so i have no one to turn to then cool

No. 1826239

That sucks nona I'm sorry to hear your mum was rude like that.
Hopefully it's something she will reflect on and feel bad about

No. 1826240

The Cure for this is getting a hobby and not thinking about yourself so much

No. 1826248

Omg nonna I'm so sorry, I really hope you and your family are doing okay and that your dad can get the treatment he needs to recover completely.

No. 1826249

There's this really aggressive right wing anon in one of the nation threads and I can always clock her when she? starts posting because she always reiterates the same talking points and calls anons who disagree with her? specific slurs. It's so annoying, there's always an infight because of it and reporting their posts doesn't work most of the time because they're not written in English. I highly suspect it's a moid despite their insistence that they're just a right wing woman because the way they insult other anons is always very misogynistic and they wish rape on liberal woman for supposedly letting brown moids into our country. Without ever wishing any violence on 'our' moids of course.

No. 1826253

Maybe drop a post in meta about it? But tbh not much can be done about it unfortunately. There's been a moid camping out in the pro ana scumbags thread and mods won't even delete his comments so he just keeps coming back for attention. Moids should get the Blaine treatment, automatic comment deletion, seems to work with the attention seeking scrotes.

No. 1826259

Maybe I will because other anons complained about them too.

No. 1826293

I get it, my only friend is my mom. In the far future when she’s no longer with me I’ll probably just an hero

No. 1826300

Had the cold for a week and now when it's finally I over I have a migraine. I'm so tired of being in pain. Someone please manifest it away, I'm exhausted.

No. 1826303

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I'm in Burgerland California and the customer service here is so abysmal I feel like I'm living in a simulation. Any front facing person will just lie through their teeth with the fakest, most passive aggressive smile ever it's actually scary. I thought people here worker for tips? The inebriating aura of fakeness and blinding white teeth paired with the total incompetence cannot be real. It can't be real. This country is so fucked up I could never live here. What did queen Ursula Le Guin say, your hell is my heaven or something. Doesn't help that the was of immigrant low skilled workers looks like this place is run on actual slavery.

No. 1826305

I'm sick out of my mind and so tired of trying to get crumbs of social interaction from nigel like I'm sorry if this sounds entitled but I'm sicker than I've been in years that bastard should be falling over himself to pay attention to me otherwise what good is he?

No. 1826310

where tf are you going that you are concerned about being lied to by ppl who work for tips?

No. 1826314

California is one of the worst states I’ve lived in. I was there for a total of 3 months and it was like a third world country level of education, just with a little more money.

No. 1826327

When you come from a country where you can usually believe what people say, it is shocking.

No. 1826351

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i'm really not trying to suicidebait but i'm so depressed and anxious and lonely and just awful and miserable i want to slit my wrists to let it out. i don't even want to die i just want to get rid of this horrible feeling of dread inside me, and the only thing i remember helping is cutting myself open. externalizing the pain within and such. of course, i won't actually do it, but only because i don't have the tools anymore and i'm still under strict supervision from my mom. i'm not financially independent either so i can't just get something myself and everything i can hurt myself with i got confiscated, except for a few things that are not worth the effort to work with. this is so pathetic and i'm really ashamed of myself but i just needed to get this off of my chest. whatever, i'll just keep repressing it, as per usual. it can always be worse and this saying continues to be proven true. it especially hurts that i can't seem give up hope no matter what. i just want to cut myself open and feel the warmth, adrenaline and catharsis of everything rushing out, and then cleaning myself up and taking care of myself after. i want physical proof of how i feel right now.

No. 1826363

I wish my anachan sister had not even bothered to come for christmas. She’s like a black hole that sucks out any joy from a room right now. Trying to enjoy the holidays while sitting next to someone slowly pushing pieces of unseasoned vegetables around the plate makes me want to rip my fucking skin off. She’s been like this for 10 years, stuck as a perpetual moody teenager who just takes and takes and never gives anything back. I hate mental illness, it’s like having an uninvited fucking guest hanging over a loved one’s shoulder and everyone can see it but nobody is allowed to talk about it because it will end up in screaming.

No. 1826365

my mom is having constant memory problems and she cant hear well and she wont just go to her fucking doctor and ask them why. i feel like im living with a dementia patient and its driving me nuts

No. 1826445

The one thing I hate about Christmas? Male relatives coming over that piss in the toilet and don’t flush after. Fucking gross.

No. 1826446

At least they hit the toilet. After a little bit of booze my male relatives think they are in a dive bar and there is piss all around the toilet.

No. 1826450

That's really cruel and I feel bad for your sister

No. 1826465

She's not wrong though

No. 1826476

I dont know who Mima is but you need to leave her the fuck alone you psycho.

No. 1826477

It's a vent so I get it. The wording just hit me hard. I hope her sister gets better and that she doesn't pick up on the resentment

No. 1826479

I got into a fight with a gay moid on Reddit who called me “Becky” and stupid multiple times just because I said that only women and gay moids buy those overpriced skincare brands that they sell at Sephora for $100 per product. He tried to roast me for being an astrologyfag but he frequents the RuPaul’s Drag Race subreddit. I got so fed up that I wanted to tell him to go take his PreP before getting his disease ridden shithole blown out while being passed around by nasty DL moids, but I restrained myself.

No. 1826482

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Why is it always the worst people to ever be around in life ever thar are always like "IM THE BEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO THEM" uhhh no. Noooo.

No. 1826500

>I hope that she doesn't pick up on the resentment
Nta but did you ever have an anorexic family member? If it's been 10 years, they all must be so incredibly tired. On top of constantly being forced to worry about her, the average ana-chan isn't exactly kind to the people around her either. Not eating is the oldest most primitive manipulation tactic, even 2yos already get that if they refuse to eat, they'll have them on the palm of their hand and everybody will be begging them to do so. Doing that to your family at 18, 25, 30, how could one not become resentful

No. 1826510

nta but I’ve heard people say things like this regarding anorexic family members, I don’t get it. Just seems heartless, like sorry if you feel uncomfortable with them picking at their food in front of you but I promise you they’re struggling more than you are for just having to watch them wtf. if I found out my family thought that way about me I’d probably try to starve myself to death to get out of their hair.

No. 1826513

That pic can't be real, is it? She looks BOGGED.

No. 1826534

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I am so impulsive I end up doing and saying so much retarded shit. I screwed up so much shit for myself before I became an adult and now i’m still screwing up even more for my future self. I’m so bad at breaking habits and I procrastinate and put off doing so much too, I can’t even get myself out of bed I have 3 million alarms and I snooze them all. I have the audacity to have such high ambitions and free time to work on them but I just waste it all.

No. 1826539

I have spent too much money on my boyfriend's family for Christmas, and too much time hand making things as well. I know all of the money, time, and effort will go unappreciated and they will continue to not really like me. I just wanted to try anyway. Feel like shit, wish I never had to see them again, miss my mom, it doesn't feel like Christmas at all this year. Probably going to wash my hair tonight so I have a reason to go cry in the shower for an hour.

Got into an argument with my boyfriend too over unrelated things, which just makes all of this harder. I wish I could just have my babies in a cabin in the woods and live my life. Or join a mommune with all of you. I'm a great cook, I promise. And great at growing plants too, we could have a big mommune with a garden, and bees, and goats, and chickens, and we could raise our babies together as a village. This is the way we were intended to be. Not bending over backwards to impress a moid's judgy ass stuck up family

No. 1826542

>like sorry if you feel uncomfortable with them picking at their food in front of you but I promise you they’re struggling more than you are for just having to watch them wtf.
Anas love lashing out because of any tiny thing you do or say. It's the constant tiptoing around them, the inability to voice any disagreement or criticism because they can punish you by refusing food. At the height of my sisters eating disorder my mother was nearly as skelly as her, losind due to worrying about her child. Again, how can I watch this as sister and daughter, and not feel anger at what she does to herself and our mother? You are heartless if you don't get how torturous it is for the other family members having to witness a loved one slowly withering away, because of their own doing. Yes it is an illness but it is still her doing the starving, there's nobody else to direct rhe frustration and anger towards.

No. 1826544

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everyone getting overexcited about new year's stresses me out. maybe it would be different if i had friends to celebrate with but it's like birthdays, every NYE only makes me more aware that the passage of time is relentless. the closer it gets to the new year the sicker i feel, it would be nice to hibernate through the last week of december. i hate feeling like everyone is in on the joke except for me.

No. 1826563

i hate christmas, never had a -real- reason to but it's always made me depressed. every event it's just look pretty, get drunk immediately since it makes putting a happy face on much easier.

No. 1826570

I am trying to enjoy christmas but I have no gifts because everyone is broke, the cookies I wanted sold out, almost my whole family has passed away at this point, and everyone who claims to be family gets to run away to their real family. Every year for the past 5 I'm left sitting alone online. At the least people have their own online clique of friends to game with. Maybe I'll just take 2-3 sleeping pills on christmas to skip it. I'm too burnt out to try festive anything alone.

No. 1826592

New years makes me so fucking anxious it's insane. Makes me so aware of my mortality. I prefer to sleep through it so i don't get an anxiety attack.

No. 1826593

Someone at my friend’s event exposed me to Covid and now my whole family is sick. We’ve spent hundreds of dollars buying tests and meds in the last few days and we’re gonna be dying of sickness on Christmas bc we have shit immune systems. All that my friend who hosted the event can say is “well no one else tested positive” as if it’s my fault. Not even a sorry or I hope you guys feel better. No one else apparently has tested positive yet. I was far away from that person all night and did not even speak to her. And no I know that it was this event because 1) I got the message a day later that she had tested positive after I had already spread it to my family and 2) I hadn’t been anywhere else up until then or after that. I think the others who attended probably tested themselves once and haven’t tested since.
And yes I’ve had Covid before which is why I’m so mad. Previously when I had it, I caught it quick and did not infect anyone including members of my family that I lived with in close quarters. I’m so fucking pissed nonnies.

No. 1826595

Jeez, your friend's event got your whole family sick and she doesn't even have the decency to apologize to you? That sucks nonna. I hope you and your family make a speedy recovery and can still enjoy Christmas together.

No. 1826603

Yeah because I guess it wasn’t her who got me sick directly but still every time I’d give an update about my family members testing positive she would say “well no one else tested positive and I’m negative too” and then try to change the subject. I’m starting a new job and may have to push back my start date because of this.

No. 1826610

Someone took a card that was in my mailbox that had bounced in my name that I had sent for someone not even living in a different continent. Who the fuck would do that? Why the fuck would someone do that? I put so much work into the card and someone stole it…

No. 1826617

for someone living in a different continent, oops.

No. 1826624

Browsed this place on my phone when I was half-asleep and mistook a falling snowflake as a spider, kek. My poor heart.

No. 1826629

Asshole probably was betting on there being money in it. Mail theft is scum behaviour.

No. 1826651

Absolute scum. I hope you were at least able to take photos of your creation.

No. 1826714

when will my unrelenting suffering end. seriously every day i just sit and think holy fuck this is just going to keep going forever. this is all there is. how am I gonna keep going? I cannot believe this is what life is. Such an absolute joke. I am try so incredibly hard every day just to get up and act like a human being. Like a slug squishing itself into a human suit which it finds very heavy to pilot.

No. 1826716

I am gaining weight and I have no idea why. I've always been average weight and eat very healthy and in normal portions, even so, lately I have been reducing my intake to try to help me fit back into my pants. And it's not working? I really don't get it, I've never had this problem. I'm at the point where I eat half of what I used to and I still can't close the button on my work pants I've been wearing for years. I'm 24, is this just what happens when you get older? I don't even feel like I'm nearly old enough to be having this problem? And I actually cannot reduce my intake any further otherwise my blood sugar drops too low for me to function.

No. 1826717

What is up with all the racists coming out of the woodwork on here lately? it has never been this bad before. Our userbase is already the lowest it's ever been by a LONG shot and now it seems like a huge percentage of people left are just openly poltards. I think it might be time to pull the plug, or at least for me to find… sorry for the pun i'm about to make….greener pastures. This is just depressing.

No. 1826718

i kind of wish the irl husbando thread would get buried so that non-husbandofags could stop shitting it up. i just want to sperg in peace! why won't they leave us alone. tbh that goes for the rest of /g/ too, it used to be so peaceful there. i still think about the idea of a hidden board for all horny posters/husbandofags alike. it'll never happen but it's nice to dream.

No. 1826719

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I'm officially Poor. Why continue to live.

No. 1826720

Not to scare you but you might want to check your thyroid at the doctor.

No. 1826721

Kiwifarms went down again, so we are being brigaded by Kiwimoids.

No. 1826722

Poltards trying to make you miserable. Ignore it.

No. 1826730

Embarrassed cause I have no friends.

No. 1826745

Considering the spoiler, it's a scrote. Kiwifarms is down so I assume it's some faggot scrote who pretends to be anti tranny while claiming to be a women on here and thinking he is different from his other degenerate brothers in a dress.

No. 1826748

how did you let that happen?

No. 1826754

My boyfriend is highly avoidant and I am highly anxious in times of emotional distress. I get panic attacks easily related to childhood trauma/neglect, especially feeling like a burden when needing emotional support or other basic human needs. When I have a panic attack, my boyfriend does nothing. He leaves the room, hides in bed, drives home. He abandons me… I am a child again. He worsens and triggers my panic attacks and that’s that. Our relationship is beautiful but this is the only and most painful part about it.

No. 1826757

>Our relationship is beautiful
but he offers you no support when you need it most? god i cannot believe what kind of skill it takes for women to convince themselves their bf cares about them despite showing zero signs of it.

No. 1826759

Women who are right wing are easy to spot because they're usually schizophrenic or retarded. Racist 4ch male scum is easy to spot because they have the same exact typing. Its obviously a male, it always is. The British women's racism is more snarky and very specific to being a awright guvna type bitch.

No. 1826768

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My account was actually in the negatives…..I had just enough to pay it to bring it back to $0.01. Groceries are so expensive I think I should start starving.

No. 1826810

If he can't support you with this now, he never will. If you cannot communicate what you need to him now, things will never change. The relationship can be beautiful but still a toxic waste pit. I would run far from him. Sorry to be so harsh but I've been in your shoes and these men never fucking change.

No. 1826817

Try to seek food banks nona, there are options other than starvation if you're having trouble with money. If you live in a city, keep an eye out for city-run events or websites, where I am they're giving out stuff for Christmas. You can also often get free food from churches (you don't have to be religious, never heard of anyone gatekeeping this) and they tend to especially urge people to donate to help food insecure people around this time of year. A lot of people are willing to help and I hope you can find some options near you

No. 1826821

When did people start calling asshole cowards "avoidants"?

No. 1826833

>When I have a panic attack, my boyfriend does nothing. He leaves the room, hides in bed, drives home. He abandons me
I wouldn’t even do this to a complete stranger. I wouldn’t even do this to someone I disliked, half the time, let alone someone im romantically involved with.

No. 1826852

It isn't beautiful if he doesn't know how to be there for you. Leave him and I assure you, your mental health will improve in time. My ex is like this and also terrible at communication; instead of owning up to being an asshole (to the point where he must've known he was disliked), he decided to leave a bunch of shared servers and block a bunch of us.

No. 1826858

your boyfriend doesn't care about you, keep being a doormat to a man who is only around to fuck you and have fun while you tear yourself apart when needing him the most. you probably will hate reading this but I'm tired of seeing other women being treated like shit and coping with their shit relationship because men are garbage. just fucking dump him. the most beautiful thing that will happen in your relationship with this scrote is the ending of it. it's much better to have a panic attack knowing you're alone than having a panic attack knowing you have someone who could give you support but they opt not to. trust me, I know how it feels.

No. 1826877

I wouldn't do this to a stray dog. It's time to abandon him for good

No. 1826882

Your boyfriend doing this is likely adding trauma, I’ve dealt with it recently and it’s sad knowing that literal strangers will take time to spare you a comforting word or gesture and the person you’re supposed to share your life with won’t even try. Tell him you need someone to be there and comfort you, if he still makes excuses then sorry to say he’s a horrible boyfriend if he doesn’t want to provide basic emotional support.

No. 1826923

My parents kept saying they won't invite anyone this Christmas eve but just now they said they'll invite just that one uncle for the third time in a row, the most annoying guy of the family by far, who is really cheap, an alcoholic, who used to beat his wife until she divorced and took the kids with her, and my cousins changed their last name for good measure. All of this because "oh but he'll be all alone, poor him!" but this is seriously pissing me off. I hate this guy even more than the rest of the family. He has a shit ton of money from showering once a week to once a month, begging for food or looking for it in trash bins outside in public. I bought a crazy expensive cake and this guy will come in not bringing anything and eating it, just thinking about it is infuriating.

No. 1826961

I'm developing random food sensitivities and my eyes are so dry and sensitive. I don't know why my body is suddenly being a little bitch, this all started happening maybe two years ago and is just getting worse with time

No. 1826964

I hate the "outie" vaginas, they are disgusting, literally a thin piece of meat sticking out out of your most important body part. If I had one I would get a surgery, my inner labia is almost non existent and I still wish I could remove this small piece of it cause it's giving me ocd and I dont wanna touch my vagina because of it plus it's itching at the end of it, it looks like a skin tag but it isn't. It's fucking repulsive even tho it's not visible. I wish i didn't gaf and just went to get it removed if it's possible to get a surgery it if theres almost nothing sticking out in there lol. And no, I dont date men and its not for men. Its about myself. And the worst is that women have the inner labia for the purpose of childbirth so their vagina doesn't tear? I think(retarded bait)

No. 1826978

Have you seen a doctor? I'd want to make sure it's not a symptom of something worse.

No. 1826981

Outies are cute. You sound neurotic and unstable. You need to work on yourself instead of sperging out about labia.

No. 1826982

gay troon larp

No. 1826983

Nonas you're replying to the scrote who created the racebait threads. Report and ignore.

No. 1826985

cosmetic surgery on genitals is a horrible idea, from what i've read it's dangerous. and it would be extremely weird to have the sensation of touching scar tissue down there! i'm sorry yours is giving you sensory issues (at least it sounds like that to me) but maybe it's the underwear you are wearing? idk. it's very very sad women are so critical of vaginas and some feel superior to others because of a moid preference.

No. 1826991

Pedo mentality

No. 1826993

No matter how much you larp, hetero men will still not pick you.

No. 1827003

You have to be 18 to post here.

No. 1827007

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I'm worried too, but there's zero chance i'll get a referral to an allergist without severe symptoms on our clogged underfunded public system and I can't afford private

No. 1827009

>He has a shit ton of money from showering once a week to once a month, begging for food or looking for it in trash bins outside in public
lmao what? He sounds homeless, what do you mean he has a shit ton of money?

No. 1827011

Merry Christmas, Nonna's, how are you all surviving? I'm at a family gathering where the loser brother of my sister's husband just joked about when she's starting her OnlyFans because she talked happily about having reached her workout goals this year and getting fit. I hate men.

No. 1827014

You’re not old enough for it to be from aging, that’s more of a mid-30s thing when it actually becomes harder to lose weight. People your age suddenly gaining weight would typically be from a change in lifestyle and activity level like suddenly getting a desk job and sitting all day (or diet change but you say your diet is the same so it can’t be that you’ve added an 700 calorie Starbucks drink every morning on your way to work or started to drink beer to unwind in the evenings, etc. which are things that also get people your age fat.) OR you’re taking a medicine that’s causing you to gain weight or it’s hormonal and you need your thyroid checked like the other nona said — basically you need to ask a doctor if it’s not your diet or activity.

No. 1827022

And what did her husband say about it? Nothing?

No. 1827030

Scrote depression is such a fucking bullshit holy shit. I spend half of Christmas Eve with my father since his mother got dementia and he was left alone (no friends left because he’s retarded) and he’s such a fucking loser. Everything in the house is dirty as fuck, he can’t do shit in the kitchen (his handmaiden mother did everything for him so now he’s practically disabled at 55) and yesterday was constantly picking on me and complaining about how he has no will to live (like whose fault is this?). Meanwhile my mother has much more shit on her plate and actual traumatic stuff happened to her in recent years and she still works hard, especially for Christmas and you don’t hear a word of self-pity from her mouth. It’s such a bleak picture. I don’t want to hear another word about muh depressed scrotes, men are just huge pussies incapable of adult life.

No. 1827034

Men carry on about women being like toddlers, when men themselves expect to be waited on hand and foot and when there's noone to do that for them they get "depressed" and their house and health falls to shit lmao amazing

No. 1827038

Got sick just yesterday and will probably be sick on Christmas too, I never get sick what the hell

No. 1827048

Apart from the bin part I know a few men who meet this stereotype. Over a certain age, single, have more money in the bank than alot of families have but won't spend it on absolute basics to be presentable, will spend it on alcohol or cigs though. Realistically they could drink and still afford to wash but that's their choice. Anytime someone feels sorry for them being alone they end up showing up empty handed and letting you feed them all day. They're hard to get back out the door or start showing up uninvited after.

Its what I think of any time people start banging on about how single older men are isolated and depressed. People show a weird amount of charity to them already and they can't even show up with a box of the cheapest chocolates in exchange for all the free food n drink invites that get thrown at them. They're not cheap n thrify, they're leeches that just wanna walk around smelling and getting freebies

No. 1827060

He just rolled his eyes and ignored it, of course.

No. 1827063

I feel guilty because I shouldn't forgive my abusive father but he seems to be trying to make up for the years of abuse and I don't think I can really hate him.

No. 1827066

Can I put them in an enclosure and hunt them both for sport?

No. 1827076

Be my guest, kek. Your support will get me through this evening.

No. 1827077

What a nightmare, talk some sense into your sister please nonna

No. 1827084

I hate Christmas so much

No. 1827093

You can forgive but don't ever forget

No. 1827094

Update: I just woke up to another text basically saying “no one else has tested positive and I’m negative.” She thinks that since I’m the only person who got sick that it’s my fault when a bitch literally brought Covid to the event. I’m done. I bet that piece of shit who she’s insisting was vaxxed isn’t even vaxxed.

No. 1827103

Cough on something in her house kek I'm kidding don't come for me

No. 1827106

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Pig uncle is staying at our place for the holiday. Cannot wait until he leaves. He has tourettes on top of being a massive retard, he literally grunts and breathes heavy like the piggies from Spirited Away and eats like it too. I'm making prime rib and seafood and my mom is trying to coach me on "creative" ways to keep the porker from devouring everything into his massive gut like serving him portions. Hey, have we ever tried hurting his feelings and telling the truth? Like maybe how being a 400 pound glutton isn't good for his health and doesn't endear people to him?? Nah, let's just try to trick the dumbfuck into food control like an obese cat.

He walks out this morning smelling like moth balls and we all try to tell him not to put those in his clothes anymore because the gases are toxic and he does not need to actually do that. "Well I'm still alive!" Yes, but hopefully not for long. He left because I was guarding the kitchen. He walked over to a relative's house when all he could get for breakfast was coffee and a few christmas cookies. Fuck visiting and talking to people like me, his only concern is finding somewhere to watch football and stuff his gob.

No. 1827110

Alot of women who look into attachment styles tend to assume their partner who fucks off and can't 'deal with them' must therefore be avoidant. It's a trap to give a guy that handy excuse all while they clearly give no fucks about your own psych shit or understanding it. Leaving someone you love alone to have a panic attack is not being highly avoidant.

No. 1827112

I told her straight up that I’m angry and my job is going to be delayed, my family is immunocompromised, and my Christmas holiday is ruined. If she considers that a bother since she threw the event herself and invited this cunt herself then idgaf. She keeps saying “ugh I hate that for you!” Like BITCH you caused this. Your friend caused this. Take some fucking accountability and say that you’re personally sorry even if it’s just one sentence.

No. 1827117

Woe is me tier post but growing up is so depressing. I used to dream about everything I'd do as an adult but once I got out of school I stopped even thinking about doing anything that would make me fulfilled. I keep trying to give life meaning and try new things but I always end up with the same shitty hopeless bored feelings.

No. 1827120

For real. He’s not being avoidant he’s being a huge asshole.

No. 1827134

>tell mom multiple times, once very heartfelt and tearing up that I'm an alcoholic and I cannot control myself around alcohol and I really need to not drink anymore
>she forgets this fact about me and constantly brings up drinking, getting drunk, and offering me alcohol
>just begged me yesterday to drink at christmas
She doesn't care if I die. If I start binge drinking again I am going to die. I was drinking a whole bottle of rum a day at my worst I'd get delirium tremors and be on the floor red as a lobster writhing sweating and crying. I've pissed myself I've puked everywhere I gained 50lbs in a year and only just now got thin again. She doesn't care about me

No. 1827138

Your mother is an asshole and you need to stop contact with her or it will kill you.
Is your dad in the picture? Sit down with her and someone else shes close to and tell her if she continues to offer alcohol to you she will play a part in you dying. Hopefully it will shame her into stopping it.

No. 1827142

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Oh no here come the chirstmas and new year depression ….fuck..

No. 1827152

I think it's also because it's just the thing to do now. I've never heard much about attachment styles before (not saying they haven't existed before) and people who do shit like this were just called assholes, just as >>1827120 said. I guess it's because we always look for a reason behind something and sometimes it's just hard to accept that there are people who just don't give a shit.

No. 1827162

You know you can skip Christmas and avoid your family if it’s that adversive to your health to be around them.

No. 1827165

Please don't miscarry please don't miscarry please don't miscarry please don't miscarry

No. 1827166

I'm being punished. Why? Do I not deserve to keep even one thing?

No. 1827172

I tried to sip my tea and a roach died in it. It wasn't even out for that long. FML

No. 1827174

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Retarded uncle spent years downplaying thr celebration of Christmas because he turned to a new religion (that he won't even tell us), and even though he never cared to help out with any decorations or food-prep, he openly stated that he still expects gifts this year. I thought he wanted no part of Christmas, but he wants gifts? I wish he would quit his bullshit.

No. 1827177

Don't give him a gift and tell him the reason lol

No. 1827192

Jeez, what's his deal? Christmas is the best holiday ever. Wish I got to experience it just once

No. 1827205

Send him this video and also say “no gifts for you”

No. 1827223

fuck this stupid etsy seller, i ordered a custom item and they didn't show me a proof before sending it, it arrives with the image distorted as fuck and entirely the wrong size. the seller is like "oh i need to change my description, sorry! i dont do refunds btw" bitch wtf. christmas present ruined, i spent the majority of my xmas funds on this special custom gift and now i can't return it or gift it.

No. 1827225

I wish I had my fucking computer back. It broke.

No. 1827227

Did you pay with paypal?

No. 1827238

If I have to listen to one more faggot escape plan song I swear to god I'm going to off myself

No. 1827256

open a case with etsy ASAP. they've always given me my money back

No. 1827314

I know someone here is drinking while pregnant. Please stop. There's literally a moid with that backstory still alive today, and he's not just a clinical retard with a micropenis, he's an abusive piece of shit rapist who should've been aborted or killed long ago.
Please terminate the pregnancy, or just stop.

No. 1827320

He earned a lot of money as a plumber but never spent it so he has a lot of money that he just never uses and will probably die living like a homeless beggar with a shit ton of money that will go to… I don't even know, he hasn't talked to his kids for like 20 years.

No. 1827363

Fuck why can't I say no. My family invited me for a christmas eve and at first I was happy but I was sure that someone will drive me back home after a few hours because I'm not able to take more than that and I hate sleeping at other people's houses, I literally can't sleep if I'm not in my room. But they wanted to drink alcohol and they kinda didn't want to drive me home today and started pressing me to stay for the night and I agreed because I didn't want to cause problems. I fucking hate it because they're so loud I can't sleep and it would be a problem even if I didn't have my problems with sleeping at unknown places. Wish I took my headphones with me. I hate myself for being an autist but I'm so angry right now I started crying fuck I hate this

No. 1827370

Or drink even more so he is too retarded to move let alone abuse anyone. Thank you for this earnest public service announcement

No. 1827372

i wish i could make my mom happy. our relationship is complicated but i wish i could pay her off for raising me and just vanish forever, money would please her

No. 1827377

He's watched so much porn that now its not enough and he has to become the porn

No. 1827380

I was here thinking it feels kinda lonely it's just me and my Nigel this Christmas but then reading family drama itt made me realize we got it good here.

No. 1827384

File: 1703447744616.gif (2.69 MB, 540x540, tumblr_49f117a7e62e816fab7fd30…)

>Friends from abroad coming over for Christmas
>They are staying in my house in the city before heading back to the village with the family
>12 Pubs of Christmas
>Drink, drink, drink
>Good time had by all
>Wake up back at house in the middle of the night needing to pee
>Bathroom is locked. Hear snoring. Great someone passed out in the toilet
>Bang on the door. No answer
>Bladder is about to burst
>Go into the garden to pee
>Mid pee upstairs light goes on, head sticks out
>Lights go off
I heard nothing about it in the morning but the girl who saw me is the biggest fecking gossip in the group after a few drinks. Come New Years I'm going to be the weird pee girl. God I just want to stop existing for the next few days.(emoji)

No. 1827416

Need some advice. I just started dating this guy. He’s beyond amazing, gives me the princess treatment and everything. I ordered new heels for new years because we’re having dinner together and I can’t afford them so I’m planning on returning them after new years. The heels have a beige bottom and I’m wondering is there a way to protect them so they don’t scrape or damage the bottom? We’re going to take a taxi but it’s showy and rainy out where I live. I’m doing this because I want to impress him and not think I’m some lowly girl. The heels I have rn are ugly. Anyone who knows if big online stores accept return if the shoes are slightly used?

No. 1827417

If it's online you can just say the shoes were scuffed when they arrived. Obviously clean off any dirt but if it's scratches it should be fine. If the place is big enough they probably won't even check.

No. 1827418

Lock her out of a bathroom when she needs to pee.

No. 1827430

>christmas party
>intentionally arrived 40 mins late
>still the only cousin that showed up and have to listen to all the political bullshit convos from the boomer aunts and uncles
Aaaaaaah save me

No. 1827432

I would think someone is being dramatic if peeing outside after drinking was big gossip for them to spread around. Long time ago now but I've peed in some grass with a friend after a night out where we underestimated how long the trip home would take. People have way worse bodily function stories after a night out.

No. 1827438

Accidentally deleted my 847473748 character vent.

No. 1827446

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No. 1827447

About to shit my pants on Christmas, I hate it here

No. 1827455

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Asada Nemui posting old ladies on Christmas will save me

No. 1827461

Our queen. i will forgive her for the bald scrote now

No. 1827472

My mother in law gifted me a shitty ass chalky $5 eyeshadow palette from Marshall’s when I literally collect expensive rich ass makeup…. WORST gift ever. While my parents have spent hundreds on gifts for my husband. My husband has even argued with me saying that we shouldn’t spend that much time with my family on Christmas and split our time evenly. Why split time evenly when the effort isn’t the same ???

No. 1827476

If things aren't better by this date next year I'll just kill myself. Right now I don't feel like I can take much more but I still hold on to some hope.

No. 1827479

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I'm in massive mental pain right now. I wish others merry christmas but it feels completely empty irl. Merry? What about it is merry? All christmas shows to me in painful clarity is how cold, dysfunctional and abusive my family is. Feeling alone in other's company is awful. At least I'm at home actually alone now and surfing LC.

No. 1827483

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Had another painful cramping session, I really hope I'm not miscarrying. No blood but I had to get into the shower and lay down and let the hot water hit my belly

No. 1827487

are you the nona who's a few weeks pregnant? or maybe there's more than one. I hope everything is okay! if the worst come to pass it doesn't mean you're infertile especially if it's a first pregnancy it's very common but I know it will be devastating if you were hoping it would be there to stay so I should shut up because that's advice for another day but maybe it's worth mentioning …

No. 1827489

Hope is one of the few things that will always keep you going and one year can change everything. I hope next year will be amazing for you.

Christmas is hard for people with horrible families. I know exactly how you feel and one of the best things in my life was not celebrating with the people anymore that cause hurt. Hope you have some happy time alone and that you can completely ignore the shitty people in your life next year.

No. 1827498

>how’s your love life
>you’re not good to be fertile forever
>uh…there’s four grandkids here now, I’m not planning on having kids
>you gotta keep the chain going
Holy shit shut the fuck up I can’t believe my uncle just had this conversation with me. He doesn’t even have kids either!

No. 1827556

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A friend got me into tarot recently and I really wish she didn't because now she won't shut up about 'divine timing' and 'the universe'. It makes me so mad that people are wasting time and money with this sort of scam. It's all super vague and general and boils down to "teaching you a lesson to help you grow and leave things behind that are no longer serving you" and that "energy can change" but they'll do reading about the future like?????(I fucking hate myself for even rembering these sentences after she got me to watch a couple of them). It's even more sad when I see comments of people who say they've been waiting for an ex to come back after five years but they can "feel" that they'll reach out like…. how do they not feel bad for feeding into people's delusions?

No. 1827561

At least she somewhat remembered that you like makeup.

No. 1827565

what fucking chain kek

No. 1827566

Ask him when is he getting pregnant so he can keep the chain going.

No. 1827567

sometimes i see a post on here that just makes me think yeah. maybe we should’ve shut down in 2020.

No. 1827575

Where would we go? Tumblr, 4chan, Twitter? CC is an option but it's worse than here.

No. 1827578

that's what i've been saying everyday except about every single post on the entire board yet anons acted like i was crazy

No. 1827581

my minecraft server

No. 1827584


No. 1827586

If outside was an option I wouldn't be here

No. 1827588

Are you in jail nonnie

No. 1827589

How about you just leave instead? No one holds you hostage.

No. 1827590

I’m not talking about myself kek, I’m talking about the type of mental illness i witness amongst others on here

No. 1827594

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so unbelievably depressed i didn't study at all for the midterms i'm taking tomorrow. but at least i'm going out to get some fresh air after all this time stuck at home. i'm so stressed out there is a giant feeling of dread growing inside of me that i feel lethargically powerless against. i just want to hit the pause button for a while. no one has spoken to me in god knows how long. holiday and new years season has been consistently miserable these past years, but i'm keeping my hopes up anyway. i really feel like throwing up until there's nothing left inside of me

No. 1827597

No just living in a small village 10 kilometres from nowhere. Green hills and nature are fun for a month or two but after that it's boring af.

No. 1827598

It's always been there and you're no better I guarantee

No. 1827604

None of those anons but you took that nonna's post weirdly personal kek

No. 1827619

Yeah I'm 4ish weeks pregnant and commented further up about my cramping. Logically I know if I do miscarry it's because something went wrong and it's for the best but I still hope this little one sticks

No. 1827621

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I think taking low hanging trolling seriously is a sign of acute newfaggery

No. 1827634

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I'm the first quote and yes I do because I like my lolcor and think it should exist for as long as possible. If you don't then leave instead of stinking up the place and wishing its demise.

No. 1827642

Uh oh someone posted an opinion you don't like huh

No. 1827646

What are you talking about?

No. 1827647

Damn okay nonna kek

No. 1827649

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A single blade of grass produces 0.0000008 grams of oxygen per second.

A person would need to be in an airtight room with about ten thousand leaves to not suffocate.

No. 1827655

Very cool

No. 1827658

This is the vent thread

No. 1827682

My boyfriend is making me want to bash my head against the fucking wall until my brains spill out. Why can’t you ever just decide something? Why do I have to do everything? Why do I have to make each and every decision? And if I express some frustration over this he curls away and starts calling himself useless and that he doesn’t do anything etc

No. 1827696

my ex is stalking me online and that doesn't even make sense to me since she cheated. she has that new girl she is so happy with. the weirder part is the new girlfriend tracked me down to creep on. what the hell is up with that? go the fuck away you two freaks.

No. 1827715

Can you block them? Tell them you can see them creeping? Weird.

No. 1827717

shit like this is what made me go into complete hiding. even people who willingly leave your life will continue to stalk and "check in" on you

No. 1827720

you probably already know this but he knows what he's doing, he just doesn't care and there's really nothing you can do to change that. I hope you can leave him someday nonny.

No. 1827721

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I'm so tired
I just want the year to end already

No. 1827726

No. 1827738

File: 1703470614473.gif (4.2 MB, 155x275, 1688142379202.gif)

My lord I can't stand how my mom will argue with me and not pay attention to the words I say. I'm tired, it's not even Christmas yet, and I want to go home. Hope all you lovely nonnies are having a nice Christmas eve/Christmas.

No. 1827746

One party down, possibly two more to go. Can’t wait until the 26th so I can waste a bunch of money on overpriced shower gel at LUSH

No. 1827757

i hate when my husband wants to cook but he wont fucking look up a recipe and then when i look at what he's doing and go "wtf is that" and correct him he gets all mad. dude tried to tell me he has always made french toast with brown sugar, i tell you ladies this mixture looked nothing like french toast. i told him make it right or im not eating it tf.

No. 1827763

its usually just eggs mixed with cinnamon, let the toast sit in it for a few minutes, slap it on the stove, serve with maple syrup. could put brown sugar in the egg mix or add other clove seasoning but its so easy to make.

No. 1827783

It makes me really sad and scared to think about how normalized indecency and sexual trauma against children has become. It’s like every other kid has some Amanda Todd style sextortion story that either ends in their death or lifelong humiliation and harassment. I remember there even being kids at my school and surrounding schools who were all “exposed” and it just horrifies me how this all goes basically unpunished and forgotten.

No. 1827795

Im so depressed and alone recently. I started a sexual relationship with a dude and I feel like I’m obviously more obsessed with him than he is with me because I’m a stupid BPD bitch who can’t stop being obsessed with anybody the second they show me a shred of attention. He actually does say a lot of nice things to me but like the second he doesn’t reply for hours or something (even though I know he’s literally working and busy and shit) I spiral and want to send him like 20 messages in a row and I have to hold myself back and it’s so hard for some reason because I’m psycho lmao. I always tell myself I’ll not reply for hours or even like a day or two to him sometimes just so I don’t look fucking desperate replying immediately every time but I can’t even do that. Work sucks and is stressful recently and I know it will just get worse. I can’t even be bothered to clean up my home and it’s messy as shit and I just have no joy in my life or energy to do anything anymore. The only joy I even have to look forward to is spending time with that dude but we’re both so busy it will not be very often we can meet up. I wish I could just be held by him every night. I feel like everybody is enjoying the holidays and I’m here crying and hating my life and alone and unhappy. I can barely bring myself to eat recently I’m so stressed and nervous and depressed recently. My stomach always feels upset. My job is pretty physically demanding most days, and I’ve lost 2kg within the last few days because of barely eating but walking so much each day.

I wish I didn’t have a stupid fucked up desperate stupid ass brain

No. 1827796

anon…I just want to say you really aren't alone in all those feelings. The only difference is mine is wanting to be this girl's friend cause I barely have any. She showed interest in my artwork but my retarded brain is too anxious to genuinely say anything. All I wanna do is talk to her but she has a whole friend group and bf for activities. It makes me feel so damn pathetic and alone. This christmas is pretty awful.

No. 1827798

It's apparently much easier to continue a longstanding tradition of telling victims its their fault, they were asking for it, something was wrong with them, they weren't perfect enough, it was a lesson, it wasn't a big deal when every bit of their personhood is violated than to just stop abusing. Over it.

No. 1827807

its christmas. my birthday is in 4 days. all i can think about is killing myself. my family hates me. my friends cant help me. my fucking scrote cant help me. i am being eaten alive by mental health issues and fuckin physical health issues. i am a fucking retard. i am a waste of space. i am truly worthless.
whoever wants to reply to this w/ hateful shit telling me to kill myself is more then welcome.

No. 1827817

File: 1703480126826.jpg (112.71 KB, 835x1024, 1703189539667479m.jpg)

I'm at my aunt's house and I just clogged the shitter. I don't know what to do

No. 1827819

thoughts and prayers…..

No. 1827824

Sounds like weaponized incompetence

No. 1827826

Girl you're doomed. You either get elbow deep in there and pull it out, thus leading to a night of mental disturbance, or everyone knows you clogged the toilet until someone does something embarassing next year

No. 1827830

I’m having such a hard time leaving my boyfriend. I have to, there is nothing that can save this relationship. But I can’t get myself to. I love him so much but he’s made it clear he doesn’t love me. I also feel so scared about living alone. My life is going to feel so weird. I’ll be all alone, I don’t have any friends in this city. I’m going to miss him so much I just wish he could have been a better person.

No. 1827832

I flushed the toilet 3 times and it's a little better, like it slowly goes down. I will wait a little bit more

No. 1827835

My stepmom is really sad because my family is too lazy to do anything for Christmas, my dad yells at her constantly whenever she tried to set stuff up, and she wasn't able to visit her family so she's been holed up in her room all day. I feel bad and I don't know how to cheer her up. Me and my brother bought her a big box of chocolates for tomorrow (it's our little gift tradition with her but my dad will probably give us shit for buying a gift at all lol) and I hope it'll help I just wish my family wasn't so dysfunctional and my dad so fucking bitter and retarded.

No. 1827836

Pants shopping fucking sucks. My hips are getting in the way of everything!!!!!!!!

No. 1827852

Tbh I would be petty and immature and put some links that look juicy but just lead to a screamer or rick roll or something equally stupid. Just to waste their time and also let them know I know what they’re doing.

No. 1827856

You could make some sort of easy dinner tomorrow and ask her to help out? Your dad sounds like he's no fun at all.

No. 1827880

It’s almost Christmas and I can’t sleep at all. I’m finally home and can just lay on the floor all night and cry and feel nauseous because I decided to drink my pain away for the past few days despite knowing that alcohol loves fucking my stomach up like no other. I miss my mom, she always made Christmas so special.

No. 1827907

on the 4chan board /soc/ there is some shit server that has been around for many years, since the skype and even irc days I think, called the shut in network. I used to be in the server quite a few years ago and it was infested with incels, pedophiles, and other absolute dregs of society. the one I remember interacting with most often is this guy nauti. he is some fat bpd pedo from minnesota who orbits underaged girls and sends unsolicited dick pics to them. I remember he sent my friend multiple dick pics and she was really grossed out. he would also have these embarrassing unhinged massive tard meltdowns every few months or so and would cause tons of drama. back when I was in the server I didn't really know about lolcows nor this site but I wish I did because I would have documented some of the shit that went down. he wasn't even the worst in there. there were a lot of horrorcows. the server is still around and advertised on /soc/ to this day which is crazy considering how awful it always was. I can't believe I used to waste my time in such abhorrent online spaces, I'm glad my mental health has improved and I got away from 4chan/other shitty scrote sites.

No. 1827917

Kek he was such an orbiter I remember he'd always beg me to vc him while he got wendys (he was obese)

No. 1827954

Thank you nona. I'm sorry that you can relate. How do you celebrate these days? I'm hoping to do it with chosen family next year.

No. 1827958

That server, or any advertised 4chan server, has feds in it. They don't care about dick pics though. They're after Adam Lanza type mfers.

No. 1827976

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I wanna be loved for being me

No. 1827986

I fucking hate Christmas. For good reason. They're always shit. I've only had one good one, the rest have been so fucking bullshit. They're always depressing and dissapointing. My stupid moid just told me how "he feels I've been off the last two weeks and it feels like our relationship dwindled." Why the fuck didn't he fucking tell me then. Why would he tell me on fucking Christmas eve. The one fucking shitty day where I don't have family or much else and you fucking pull this shit on me. I fucking hate everyone. Everyone just let's me down. Fuck this. I actually feel like fucking drowning right now. I haven't felt like hurting myself in a long time but I feel like it now. I fuckinghate everyone.

No. 1828051

I wish I didn't wake up, I hate Christmas, it's just a bunch of noisy stress only to sit with family who doesn't want to be there either.

No. 1828089

It’s 5AM. My car is in the shop and I wanted to walk to work instead of paying $5 for a Lyft. It’s a 15 minute walk. Some fucking guy stops his car and tries to talk to me. I have my mace so I just take it out and ignore him and keep going. Jesus fucking Christ it’s Christmas and the sun isn’t even up yet and you’re trying to get laid? Fucking loser i hate men so much.

No. 1828092

I can only eat like 3 foods due to an illness, and Christmas is a pain. Getting nagged left and right about not eating, why I'm not eating, that I need to eat etc. Why isnt "I can't eat anything for health reasons" good enough

No. 1828103

I cut my hair above my shoulders a couple of months ago and my sister just told me she doesn't like how it looks so now I'm self concious about it all over again, even though I honest to god thought it looks better on me than long hair ever did

No. 1828107

Men will never stop harassing women, even on a 15 min walk. Fuck, I'm sorry that happened to you anon. I do hope the rest of your day goes better

No. 1828115

mercury is in gatorade so maybe it's just a miscommunication and she didn't mean it that way, maybe she meant something not about the length. I'm sure your hair looks nice.

No. 1828160

Is the left her real face? She's cuter in that than the way she shoops herself

No. 1828162

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I hate being hyperfixated on autism larper cozy kitsune who isn't considered milky enough for lc, where am I supposed to sperg and nitpick about her lmao

sorry reposting just to ask if there's a non-specific thread for disorder larpers? not giving her the validation of posting her in the autism thread, i bet she'd love that

No. 1828170

Its christmas and im so lonely and my bf hasnt gotten me a present despite me asking him several times. Im just crying in my bed rn and im im planning to kms by hanging myself tonight. Why cant everything be different and why is he so cruel, low effort and cold

No. 1828172

Or you could just dump him instead.

No. 1828174

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Ok so first of all bear with me because not only I'm retarded but I'm also european so that goes hand-in-hand about how I'm about to write.

My experience as being bisexual is hard. I'm way more attracted to women (I like pussy, softer bodies and such) but I cannot stand the "one of the boys" type of butch lesbians. Don't get me wrong, I love butch lesbian. I love me a good butch, it doesn't matter how she looks, I like them but there's something weird about those lesbians and I cannot put on my fingers on why. As I said, I'm bi, I'm also attracted to moids but I don't find "masculinity" attractive at all nor I like typically male things. My current Nigel is not aggressive, behaves like a decent human being and is also very caring (he grew up as the only male in a family, I think that says something, he had to take care of two younger sisters), takes care of himself properly and so on. I very much despise moids and moid socialization, if I can put it that way.
The thing is, in my past, I had an experience with a butch lesbian and I liked her but there was something very off: her fucking behaviour and "act".
Buzzcut, talking about beer all the time (I don't drink) and only went out with her moid friends. She also believed that taking basic care of herself outside the shower was something only for "girlies" so she ended up with a shitton of solar spots on her face and early wrinkles. Not necessarily a bad thing per se but she remembered me of those "12 in 1 shower gel ahah lmao" moid jokes. She was also aggressive, forcing me to do stuff and claimed I was a "fake bi" for not being attracted to her, a true lesbian. She was acting like a moid. That's what put me off. If I wanted a moid, I would've got one.
Sorry about the disorganized thought but talking about faggots on lolcow made me realize that there's also a certain type of lesbians that act like moids and that pains me. Is that a thing? Do (some) lesbians really feel the need to act like moids to attract other girls? Is it wrong if I'm not attracted to them? I know that in the end of the day it's who I sleep with, and that would be a woman regardless but idk, I feel icky when I think about them because there's literally no need to act like moids to attract women, in fact that's what repels them…
Faggots are mentally ill and want attention but I wish lesbians who act like that a good awakening into realizing that it's not something that will do them a favour. Fellow "girly" women of lolcow, how do you attract other women? It's not like I want to cheat on my Nigel, I'm just very curious because I'm having a bit of an identity crisis.

No. 1828175

Killing yourself won't make him care, dump him and go live your life

No. 1828182

I know but theres also other reasons why i cant go on anymore. Im deeply unhappy with everything in my life and i have no strength anymore

No. 1828185

I get the feeling but trust me if you want this guy to feel bad just dump him silently and never reply to him again lol
worst thing you can do if you want a moid to care is to act upset. speaking from experience kek

No. 1828187

He can be dumped to the curb like the trash he is, and your life can be pulled together despite how hard and heavy everything seems. Please don't lose hope, Nona.

No. 1828189


No. 1828190

>He is genuinely the nicest and most caring person I have ever met
If that's true, telling him to lose weight for you is all you need to do.

No. 1828191

holy shit nona you've talked to him also? he orbited me too kek dude was crazy.
well they were pretty shit at being feds since nothing was ever done about a lot of the pedos and crazies, some of them appear to still be around and in the current server too

No. 1828199

Just cried today at the end of my shift. I know it's because I'm already on my period and I wanted to be with my family for Christmas

No. 1828219

Merry Christmas nonnies!

Anyway, h8 my dad. Love my mum, she’s very sensitive and anxious but also an undying handmaiden for dad. How do I say it? Hm, she babies him and he gets annoyed, and then also gets annoyed if she doesn’t baby him enough, blaming her for all his oversights, everything he’s forgotten or misplaced. It’s so frustrating because i want to bond with her and want him to go the fuck away but she insists on clinging. I suggest we go shopping, she insists he take us there and go with us. Obviously he’s someone who hates that stuff (he gave mum money to buy her own Christmas present, go figure) and is impatient and I felt rushed the entire time. We lost sight of him for a few minutes and i was like cool, let’s shop but no, she has to start frantically phoning him until we’re reunited with his miserable ass. I told him we’d be a while and he said he’d wait in the car, cue mum immediately sighing and asking ok?? To rush me on. She’s constantly asking for attention and interaction from me (because I’m the only one in our immediate family to give her positive attention), yet when i make an effort to actually connect it amounts to fuck all thanks to him, just stress and misery.

No. 1828223

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I know it's a no no to do it but I just texted my ex how much he hurt me after we broke up after a fight two weeks ago. I probably look pathetic now because it was super long and turned into a whole rant and he doesn't care about me anyway but I've been meaning to tell him all of that shit for a while but he cut me off as I was trying to do it and it's been making me mad ever since. I just needed to get it off my chest so I don't even regret it that much. Meh, I'll live.

No. 1828228

Just ghost him lol why kill yourself over a man who prolly dont even wash his ass. You're gonna look back on this and shake your head in a year from now.

No. 1828246

I'm awakening to the fact about how much misery normies cause to others meanwhile it's the smart or blackpilled women who are called losers and pieces of shit. How do you call me that while y'all as a collective act like a trashy slags, losers and admit to your masochism and self destruction plus are fucking miserable. You even make yourself miserable physically. And you know what happened to me when I tried to convince my family to stop eating poison? I got abused. Anyway, normies are a pieces of shit and we have to treat them like an authority just to be led astray by them. It's just so fucking unfair that women like me are the ones who get shit. Normies ruined my fucking life, they are extremely tragic and irresponsible. There's something stupid about the so called "well adjusted" people while I'm the one getting called not well adjusted.
Nobody will understand cause women are busy talking about the current dick they are stupid for but: hell is other people, I will never forget what hell the earth and other people can conceive for you. I swear to god, why smart women have to be this severely sabotaged? Go listen to Lana del rey or read Sylvia Plath then whine about women like me with a common sense meanwhile you are the waking misery listening to miserable women. I can't even call myself awakened because you started complaining about blackpilled women "having superiority complexes".
And all I hear irl from some backwards normies is them talking about current (self caused) sickness they have or how the thing that just started is about to pass for expl: the summer is starting and they already talk about how its abt to end then sigh dramatically. This is the people who abused me supposedly they are smarter that me cause they are such a mature adults unlike me! Sometimes I see normies as the devil because of how destructive they can be. Or the devil harming me through them. Idk if they are this brainwashed or what the fuck is going on. And what is the point of all the prayers they are saying at church or whatever of 99% of the time they spend unconsciously praying a negative prayers that I'm sure are like a negative spells plus they make themselves sick with a bad diets. I'm literally smarter than them but was treated as a child that doesn't know shit.
Also why do awakened women ALWAYS get born into an abusive family or abusive mothers… For gods sake, seems like a devils work. What have been done to me should be considered demonic

No. 1828251

I’m stuck between posting on here or the unpopular opinions thread but I chose here for how long my rant is. I’m just sick of talking about Israel and Palestine during Christmas, I need a break from this whole thing. Yes I do feel bad for the Palestinians but what the fuck can be done aside from donating money, writing letters that will be ignored and refusing to buy from mega corps. “Oh you are so privileged to live without fear of your house burning down” like more news on 5, ofc I know my privilege but wtf am I supposed to do now? Suffer? Did these people just realize that war and genocide exist? And god forbid you try to enjoy yourself for a minute without motherfuckers in your ear “what about Palestine” If I waited for the whole world to be in peace to have a good time, why whole life is going to be one long depressive and unproductive episode. People also need to be humbled that this whole thing like global warming is bigger and has more history than any of us, posting whatever on your social media in the grander scheme doesn’t mean shit/ craving arguments doesn’t mean shit. It’s like hasanabi saying he is covering ground news in his comfy rich ass LA home while real Palestinan reporters who are actually in Gaza are dying. I just want to yell sometimes that you (not you you) but you bitches are not revolutionary stop acting like you are and the more you keep shoving it in peoples throats about the war even when for a minute they are not depressed or exhausted from work/school these people are going to grow to not give a fuck/ have contempt. War happens surprise, bitch I’m not Netanyahu leave me alone. (I don’t want to argue I’m just tired atp)

No. 1828273

Went to visit my partner’s family (mom’s side). They are nice and friendly people, but I hate seeing them because they always just ignore my partner. It’s an age and dynamics thing, but that whole side of the family loves his little brother (who I think is a douchebag, but I’m trying to like him). We talked to some of his cousins who couldn’t make it on FaceTime, and they chose to speak to my partner last out of everybody, and they were very short with him. Basically just said merry Christmas and hung up. All the male cousins were stepping outside to smoke and hang out, and they never invited my partner. Everything his brother says is so interesting or hilarious to them. They talked with the brother about hanging out, making specific plans, but when it came to my partner, they just politely said, “oh, we should hang out sometime.” I don’t understand what my partner gets out of all this. I went to support him, but it was kind of boring being ignored for 5 hours. Does he not notice that they don’t give a shit about him? I don’t want to bring it up in case it depresses him, but it’s so hard for me not to tell his family to stop being assholes

No. 1828279

Ever since my sister had kids, she's been neglecting her cat. She neutered her cat too late so it developed a territorial marking habit. To combat this, she puts the cat in the bathroom and restricts it from the rest of the house. When I was staying over, this cat went days without being able to explore the rest of the house and constantly looked depressed. I've suggested for her to rehome this cat but she claims her and the kids are "attached" to him and can't give him up. If they love the cat so much, why do they think it's fine for him to be locked up in a tiny bathroom for days at a time?

No. 1828281

You should lock your sister in the bathroom. I hate when people treat their pets like toys they can take out and put up when they want

No. 1828293

I want to date a woman…. I’ve realized lately that my tard bi self heavily prefers women….

No. 1828302

Stop sugar coating it and call her an animal abuser. Show disgust every time the animal is locked up and call her abusive. Shaming people about their animals has been working well for me, kek.

No. 1828332

Do many people in real life bother you about it? I feel like the only place I even manage to see anything about the conflict is on Twitter, and that's only if one friend retweets something about it. It's best to consume other media and not give in to the doomsday war news, however pervasive it may be. I hope you can take care and enjoy yourself this Christmas regardless, Nona.

No. 1828346

sry for the late reply, had to sleep and buy some beer, kek. This year I didn't celebrate at all, especially after my grandma died this year and she was the last family member besides my sibling I care about. I'm planing to celebrate next year spending some time on holiday, don't know where, just somewhere nice and quiet, not being available for other family members, just my sibling, maybe friends and me having a nice time enjoying food and the world. Celebrating with chosen family is really the best, no stress, no horrible memories, no drama, hope you get to experience it next year.

No. 1828352

my husband and I have been trying to conceive for a year. found out that we may not be able to. I'm so pissed. This whole year I've been taking drugs that've destroyed my skin, quit foods that I've enjoyed, read up on books and forums, tracking, etc, spent over a hundred dollars on ovulation tests. always led to absolutely nothing. eventually I booked an appointment, we got assessed and learned that all of my effort may have been pointless. all he had to do was jerk off into a cup and we could've gotten assessed much sooner and be on our way to fixing it but somehow never occurred to him because of course all of it was the woman's job to care and it couldn't possibly be a man's problem!
and now a whole year's gone just like that. down the drain. completely wasted.

No. 1828366

First Christmas with my partner's family and I want to kms already. Everyone is nice enough but my social battery is completely depleted.
>all 3 bathrooms are next to the kitchen so everyone can hear you taking a dump while they're eating at the table
>they communicate with each other exclusively by yelling across the house
>they also yell over any movie or music playing and insist on talking the whole time
>they have entire conversations with food in their mouths and can't even properly speak because of it but that still doesn't stop them from never shutting up
>his mom always wants to play board games or do together activities every waking moment in this house when we're not eating or sleeping
>she is also incredibly slow and takes up to 10 minutes per turn thinking about her next move while the rest of us wait, making the games incredibly boring
>every minute is accounted for, resting and having time to yourself aren't an option, you can do that while you're sleeping
>part of Christmas involves visiting mom's family in a town the next state over, where there will be 100000 other people including cranky, screaming toddlers, 100 year old racist cousins and really friendly relatives that never shut up
>two youngest children still bring their childhood stuffed toys everywhere and play with them, they are both 28
>entire family has cutesy nicknames for everything and little inside jokes they reference all the time, it's impossible to know what they're talking about unless someone's kind enough to translate, which they rarely feel the need to do

No. 1828371

I live in So Cal so it is a bit inescapable irl, especially with protests with one at my school. I also came back from a trip to a family friends house where the mother and father of the house were borderline sperging about it, I didn’t say much cause I was in their home but in my head I was like ughhhhh god I don’t want to talk about this shit again especially after having an awful fall/winter season. I have been avoiding the war online but sometimes in unrelated spaces it still seeps in. I’ll try a bit harder and if anything see this as an opportunity to spend less time online. Thank you for understanding me nona, I feel like this is the only place where I can express myself fully without societal repercussion or people assuming I am a Zionist/ pro war. I hope you have a Merry Christmas as well.

No. 1828376

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I think I bought a fake perfume and I can't return it, although I checked the box and bottle and it looks genuine, I'm so frustrated. When the first 2 times I sprayed it on my wrist, it lasted around 6 hours and now it's skin scent after an hour and I paid 100€ for it and I wanna cry…is it something wrong with me or should I sell it somehow?

No. 1828377

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I hate that my depression hurts everyone around me. The illness is entirely inside my head and completely under my control, meaning it is solely my responsibility to cure or at least manage it… but I don't! I don't do anything for myself, and somehow I do even less for the people around me. My evil thoughts are so self-centered, all about how much I hate myself: I want to hurt myself, I want to die, I ruin everything, I'm no good. What about the people who care about me and all the pain I bring them? It's not fair. Nobody should have a person like me in their life, someone who can't even smile. I am a bad friend and wretched daughter. I show people love only when it suits me, and that's only 1% of the time. The other 99% I am exhausted. I am toxic and disgusting. My mere existence is miasmic. I wish that everyone would give up on me and forget about me so that I could die. Hahahahaha. Instead of being motivated to help myself and be healthy so that I can treat people better, I've once again turned it all into something selfish and disgusting.

No. 1828383

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Just another day

No. 1828406

Does it smell the same as the store tester? Does it last as long as the store tester? Some perfumes just have no lasting power.

No. 1828421

Husband and dad keep fighting about politics over Christmas. My dad goads my husband into debate and my husband takes the bait, I hear them arguing about the most inane crap. I don't care and all it does is rile me up and upset me. I do not give a shit about Trump or biden or the Republicans I just want us to talk normal!

No. 1828431

tell them they have to go outside if they want to talk about politics, real life is happening right now not gay trump/bidem drama

No. 1828452

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Praying for a good night of sleep. I am on a trip in the mountains and I brought work with me and I can't enjoy my time neither work because I have a cold that only gets worse. I haven't slept properly in 3 nights and I feel like shit.

No. 1828453

From now on, I'm telling people that I'm successful and happy and secure. The amount of times I've told people about how I'm struggling and they choose to take advantage of it is disheartening. Sharks in the water, man.

No. 1828455

my mom's lonely and it makes me sad. but i don't want to spend time with her honestly. she just keeps calling people and lying about having a house of full of family though…

No. 1828469

I'm also a bisexual and I feel the same way as you. I like women for their feminine traits and not emulating disgusting moid behaviors (not taking care of hygiene, being gross on purpose etc). And like you, I also am more into passive moids. I hate the ''''alpha'''' shit in men so much. I don't think these feelings you have makes you 'fake' at all. You like women, that's not straight, the end. I tinfoil that it's normal for bi women to feel divorced from lesbian culture.

No. 1828471

Get your Vitamin D levels tested, there's some evidence that taking Vitamin D helps with RRMS if you're Vitamin D deficient. I could only find a handful of studies on this but it's worth a try.

No. 1828483

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Fortune favours the useless! I was very wobbly during Xmas dinner but I managed to rally. My cousin had to excuse herself to loudly vomit during post dinner deserts and my sister's BF passed out upstairs. Any other family I would be a focused mess but I don't think my mam didn't noticed me. Couple more days, then get sober, get rehab then I'm the best child.

No. 1828493

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I've been throwing everyone under the bus for my financiary success
I finally understand what these meant

No. 1828498

The gals are asking me to come out for St Steven's Day (26th for foreign friends) drinks. I don't wanna be a dryer but I'm already at the bottom of a hole. I don't need a shovel.

No. 1828502

Neighbours are having a loud party which is fine, once in a while is okay. However, someone keeps throwing a bouncy ball at the wall and for the last hour I've heard the intermittent sound of it bouncing and then rolling across the floor before someone picks it up and throws it again. I curse whatever dumbass is sitting on the other side thinking this isn't retarded behaviour. Stop throwing the fucking ball and socialize, loser!

No. 1828504

bang on the wall really hard when they throw it

No. 1828512

i always kek whenever another they/them he/they in my obscure online hobby reveals herself to have a normal white boyfriend and be relatively gender conforming outside of maybe short hair. a few are on t but they're like 5 feet tall with baby faces. why are trannies always like that god damn. jumping thru hoops just to have straight sex

No. 1828523

I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and I am very anxious about it

No. 1828529

You could propose a disorder larper thread in the thread suggestions? Or maybe post her in the personal lolcow thread? Not sure if that would be against the rules though considering she's fairly well known

No. 1828531

Hard agree

No. 1828536

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i'm currently going through the painstaking process of cleaning up my online presence. it's so annoying when websites don't offer the option to delete your account and you have to contact their support team. i'm a eurofag so i can just mention GDPR but still. some of them act so retarded about me leaving their system, even when i've never used their service/placed a single order.

No. 1828539

I remember when I was a kid, my mom would always buy tons of junk food and bake cookies and cakes but do stupid shit like half the butter and sugar, or fry food with no salt or seasoning only tons of oil, or force me to drink orange juice watered down but wouldn’t limit my intake so I’d end up drinking 2x as much or eating 2x as much. She’d also constantly tell me I need to lose weight but force me to finish my plate. She’d constantly call herself fat, call random women fat, call her friends fat, etc, behind their backs. She was not overweight but average bmi and always has been. I was overweight for all my life. When I moved out for college I lost 25 lbs in 1.5 years and didn’t do anything differently other than stop eating the horrible food she cooked and junk she bought. I always feel like she wanted me to be fat so she could have control over me.

No. 1828540

Take the cat and rehome it, honestly it's just going to get worse problems being locked up like that and cause her to isolate it even more. That's heartbreaking, your sister sounds kind of cold tbh. If that was my sister I'd just straight up call the SPCA or any other animal welfare group and leave an anonymous tip about what she's doing

No. 1828541

Need to have my gallbladder taken out, don’t have insurance. I was waiting until I moved out of state to get my insurance but I need surgery asap because I am in so much pain all the time, but if I got insurance right now it’ll take months before I can get surgery. Just going to have to put myself in severe medical debt for a long time. God I feel like such a failure as an adult.

My life has significantly turned around from a few years ago, because if this was happening like 2-3 years ago it easily would’ve been enough to put me over the edge. A few months of being uninsured and I am just completely fucked.

No. 1828543

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Another morning, another bout of morning sickness.

No. 1828545

Why is it already Mondayyyy

No. 1828548

I never understood why people get whiny about friends being in relationships but I get it now. I have 2 friends and each has a significant other. With one of my friends, it's alright cause they're not that like coupley with all of us together you know like we can talk about random shit and it just feels like a regular friends group but I have this other friend and we're all introverts so me and my friend are close but our conversations are usually more "deep" or whatever and the significant other I don't know very well and also doesn't talk much and today me and my friend were gonna hang out and I was excited cause I wanted to talk about shit but first of all they fell asleep second of all they never separate from their significant other and third of all they were gonna bring their significant other to our meet up without even telling me and it just left a sour taste in my mouth you know and they very much act like a couple and have these conversations that make me feel like I'm not even there and idk what to do cause they keep insisting to hang out with them and their significant other all of the damn time. At this point I would rather just not make any more plans and if they wanna hang out they can invite me cause I invite them all the time and all they wanna do is invite their s/o to everything. sorry if it sounds jumbled, this just happened so I'm super annoyed and typing this here instead of like getting into an unnecessary argument.

No. 1828566

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i got called childish and to "grow up" for finding semen gross as a lesbian on twitter. i made the most neutral un-inflammatory remark too. i don't know why i am so sensitive and getting more and more so as i age but i am, i hate that people are allowed to just shit on each other relentlessly anonymously without a second thought. (yeah ironic considering where i'm posting but i unironically consider nonnas less toxic than mainstream social media sites. there's a weird difference between the retarded infights here and the vile shit i see on places like twitter and IG comments).
i want to love the world. i think i love the world and the magic in it and i have a love-hate relationship with humanity. people say i'm very compassionate but i feel evil for feeling so angry at people and the things they do. merry christmas

No. 1828567

I don’t hate trans people nor do I have a super real opinion of them but I’m kinda exhausted of seeing trans women talked about ALL the fucking time. Everywhere I look it’s always something, especially if you’re in the spaces I’m in. (fighting games, being a bio woman in these is an extreme minority) It feels like no one even likes bio women anymore.

No. 1828571

Get on medicaid if you can right now. It didn’t take me long to be approved either. Depending on your state you can get retroactive coverage and they’ll pay medical bills back to a certain point, usually ~3 months back.

No. 1828574

The best thing to do is log off and not participate in those communities. Trannies are rare but an outspoken minority online. I don't see or hear anyone talk about troons in real life.

No. 1828576

Semen is nasty though, they are just mad for no reason.

No. 1828577

See any adult that calls another adult childish - can they fuck off? Children are fine. They're uncorrupted. They're innocent. We teach then morals and right from wrong early, they're OK. An adult that still retains innocence or can have fun is doing The Best actually. Fuck you. Just fuck off. Anyone that shows joy easily is a fucking treasure. Why in the fuck would I strive to be around miserable bastards?? Do not call anyone that pays their own way as childish! Get over yourself! Oh! I'm so adult and miserable! Oh! Get on my level! Oh! I live to have One Big Night every few months. I'm so cool and level headed. No one but me could have a shit job that's just a pay check. I don't care about anything but putting people down. I'm an intellectual uwu

No. 1828579

Thank you nona! I sadly don’t meet the requirements. I don’t make a ton of money, but I still make too much for Medicaid. I’m just hoping I can get on a fairly reasonable monthly payment plan.

I don’t know how all of this works, that’s where a lot of my fear is coming from. Just so much uncertainty and fear of being in debt forever.

No. 1828580

And that's why a lot of people here who vent about them are frustrated about and how they got peaked into disliking them. I also feel as if people never liked bio women in the first place anyways, but have an easier time accepting tims just because they were men and are being hunted down supposedly. Outside this website i do go out of my way to avoid as much stuff related to them as possible, most people irl do not care about trans people and i am tired of social media acting like we do.

No. 1828581

From what i know there are other programs that are alternatives to medicaid you can try. I think it varies from state to state, sorry to be vague.

No. 1828582

I HATE my friend's friend. She's rude, standoffish, and an nlog, while also having a man-hating attitude and pretending to be for women. I actually knew her before I met my friend, and distanced myself from her because she was a terrible friend.

For the sake of this my friend is A and she is B. A met B because we run in the same circles, separately to how I met her. B uses a fake name, is a they/them without a hint of androgyny in her, is so private about her life but expects to know everything about yours. She's a literal lolcow, she's also a prostitute but you'd only know that if you did some digging. We were at a christmas party all together and every single thing she had to say was aggravating. She's one of those people that always needs to have an opposing opinion to reiterate how quirky she is, that she doesn't think like you, and it's exhausting.
What annoys me more is that she has cost A so much money in cancelled plans, being flaky, and disrespecting her time. A tells me this recently and yet is letting B walk all over her. There were a few times at this party A would be talking about something that interests her and I watched snarky looks on B's face as she talks about them. It feels like she also looks down on A but isn't as forthright with it as she is with me, because her friendship with A is beneficial to her.
It's dirty and manipulative and I'm really at a point where I want to tell A I'll no longer go to her events if B will be there. I told A (when she opened up to me about losing money to B) that she needs to guard herself more given she's had friends in the past swindle THOUSANDS out of her because she's someone who will do anything for her friends. I rarely hang out with B and A together, but the times I do I'm left fuming for days about how annoying, snarky, and rude B is. A friend joined me as a plus one to this thing and 5 minutes in she texts me and tells me I'm right, B is horrible, so I at least know this isn't all in my head. I'm just so over it.

No. 1828588

Bitch ignores me and treats me like shit and probably is still expecting a christmas gift out of me. She thinks I'll beg for her forgiveness when she's the one that needs to apologize. Historically this is how things have gone, and I'm done. Im not letting you ruin another one of my birthdays because you parade around in your stupid cosplays like an obnoxious bird of paradise and throw a temper tantrum when you dont get enough attention. Who always bears the brunt of your immaturity and anger? Not me anymore. Grow up you petty dumb bitch

No. 1828593

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I'm rewatching naruto after wasting my time with a few episodes of boruto and I just can't, I have to share my hatred for boruto. Everytime I think about naruto having a whiny son it just makes me seethe, really, how could them? Naruto and hinata could've had a great kid, but nah, he is so fucking annoying, more than naruto ever was, at least naruto was endearing annoying, boruto is just needs-a-beating kinda annoying he has absolutely no reason for angst but that doesn't stop that entitled shithead, does it? Nope, boohoo daddy is hokage, my family loves me, like imagine that? People have actual problems, boruto. And to think we're supposed to cheer for him. Everytime I think about boruto I just need to express how displeased I am with that fucking anime, I have to, because it is terrible and I can't keep it to myself. He has no reason to be that way, I wish someone would rewrite that crap and give naruto a better son because he doesn't deserve that asshole after all he went through, what did hinata do to deserve that? She doesn't deserve bad things. Also whats up with him looking exactly like naruto? Couldn't he look like hinata? Grrrrr fuck you boruto I am never finishing your story, I hope naruto kills you thats what you deserve. Nothing makes me angrier than boruto's existence, he ruined my christmas.

No. 1828598

I often get dentist anxiety too nona. You'll be okay. It's only like an hour and then you can go home. You can do this ♥

No. 1828599

I’m so glad I still have my parents this Christmas. I think about people who lost one parent, or even both at my young age and I just can’t help but cry. We have issues sometimes but I hope they know how much I love them and how I try to be a good daughter. I’m tearing up just typing this. They’re getting older and they’re not very healthy but I don’t want them to go anywhere. I love my mom and stepdad so much. I’m so insanely grateful to still have them.

No. 1828607

I feel so irrational.
Is it reasonable to cry for a decade long ldr relationship and never spending a single Christmas or new years together irl?( any significant time irl) My birthday month is coming up soon too. I’m the bad person for seeking out that companionship through different avenues? I’m truly just am a terrible person.

No. 1828608

Ooh, I remember reading her old thread back when she was more relevant. Not sure if you knew it existed, but just in case (ofc it's been dead for years now)
I actually had no idea she was still around, kek. It feels super weird seeing her face pop up again after all these years

No. 1828611

You sound like a great daughter anon. I’d be do grateful to be the people that raised you to be so empathic and thoughtful as you. Your mom and others did great.

No. 1828630

I'm with you. I legitimately don't know what's going to happen when my parents pass. I'm so very close to them and I try to treasure every second I have with them even while I'm still young, but it feels honestly horrifying to know that there's going to be a day when they're not here.

No. 1828631

My brother insisted my boyfriend and I come over to unwrap presents even after I told them we were sick. Thought maybe he was going to say something important about his life, why else would he insist so much. Nope, he wanted to show off the presents he bought my dad. Hundreds of dollars in things for his garage, meanwhile giving me slippers and a gift card. I think he did it because we bought him a semi decent drill last year so he didn't have to use his cheapo walmart one. He tells me nothing about his life, just talks about his cars and shit he buys for them. He never responds to my messages or straight up tells me he doesn't care about serious things like our father not telling us he got engaged but posting it online months ago. I've asked him years ago and several times since if he wants to come over to my house, he refuses. I don't know if it's because of jealousy from having a home and long term relaltionship or if he straight up doesn't care about me at all, he use to act similar when I lived a home but it was never this bad. I know, after seeing memes he's tagged in, that his current girlfriend had a child in the past year but the time line doesn't line up with their relationship and a child, kek I am so confused. I asked my dad and he tells me he has no idea she had a baby even though my brother and him live together, wtf. Brother says nothing about it. They ask nothing about my life, nothing about what we are doing and give me absolutely nothing of their own real lives. I am going to play sick or busy next year, what is even the point of playing these holiday games with the only couple of family I have.

No. 1828633

You've been in an LDR for a decade and have not closed the gap by now? Nona, I worry about you. You're not irrational or a terrible person. Your discord boyfriend is for not being a man and moving closer to you and meeting up with you. What the fuck. What do you think he's doing if you're not being intimate together? Please reconsider this.

No. 1828649

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Fuck I’m so jealous and I hate feeling this way URGH. I feel so possessive over my best friend and I just have a penchant for hating my friends’ boyfriends and I really hated hers. Aside from being a retard and being incompatible with her, I just hated that he had her. He was able to have her, and I had to tone down how close I was with her because I wanted to be respectful and I noticed early in the relationship that she would be uncomfortable if I was touchy and I had no problem with it. Four years later and I kept to that. Anyways they’re not together anymore and it’s not a celebration for me because it deeply hurt her but I can’t find my peace because there’s this fucking faggot that undercut her previous attachment and urrghrrggrgrg now he has her. Fuck not even for a second could I have her to myself. I know this makes me so awful but I know whatever kind of hug I give won’t compare cus this weasel cuddles with her and she really likes it and GAH I COULDN'T BE THERE FOR HER. And I was away with my family for a month while this all went down and this weasel inserted himself in. Some fucking NOBODY. The worst part is that this is all so disingenuous because he’s non binary so apparently it’s all ok as per her and it’s not a problem and I told her careful with this man be careful and in the end she had to tell me I was right because he ended up falling for her (duh since day one men are literally single celled organisms PREDICTABLE AS FUCK..). Now he’s the one that can give her emotional and physical comfort and I can’t. I need to get off my ass and get my license since he has a hand above me because he has a car and can see her whenever ugh. And they stay up so late together and she’s always tired with me! Why is it so effortless with him. I’m just greedy cus she gives me so much and we’re close but I was just hoping that after the breakup I could have a moment where she could be mine for a little but nooooo some faggy weasel had to come in between gah it’s just I hate scumbag lefty commie men because they’re so dishonest and it really is every time. He’s such bad news. Whyyyyy. I miss the way she felt in my arms when I would hug her when she had a big sweater on. I can’t remember the last time we really laid down cozy. I wanna spoon (me big spoon). I can still do that now but I know that his hugs are probably better ugh I oughta spit on him. How can a girl compete. On a more serious level I can’t be there to support her, like I would have no problem supporting a crush and egging her on but again I don’t support it with this guy. So now it’s like I’m a hater and lacking in this way and I would love to egg her on but I have my personal selfish reasons and my dislike of this weasel. Feeling like a bit of a meanie.

No. 1828652

Fucking samefag but what tipped me over the edge is that I advised her not to spend Christmas with him and she did anyways and it’s too personal. It’s too personal of a holiday to spend which is spent with family or yes a boyfriend but this man is not her boyfriend and is not supposed to be. They are supposed to be keeping distance for certain reasons I won’t say and yet I feel like I am lacking enough that she has to go to him. And I know a crush feels totally different but why after I told you it would be wise to not spend Christmas with anyone but your family after this first Christmas with no bf, would you go and spend Christmas with this fucking random. What does this boring ass dude have that I or anyone else don't. I’m just being mean because she has said she misses me but I haven’t been able to since I was out of the country and then bedridden but ugh this shit gets under my skin and I need to chillax but god why would you see him today.

No. 1828656

We live in the worst dressed generation of men and it kills me. I mean, if men dressed well most of them would still be ugly but at least looking at them wouldn't assault my senses and cause me to recoil in pure disgust. I don't know, maybe they should just be forced to never leave their caves at this point.

No. 1828668

i wish i'd been born in russia or japan. my life sucks

No. 1828680

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applied to jobs for the very first time. wish me luck in escaping NEETdom

No. 1828690

I dont have morning sickness but I am pregnant so used it as an excuse to avoid Christmas and boxing day. I'm just depressed haha

No. 1828695

Have you tried unisom? Mine was severe but it took the edge off and I was also on reglan. You don't have to suffer or you can at least suffer less.

No. 1828700

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I tried to click a link to a reddit review of a hair dye I was curious about and was met with this. This is so dumb.

No. 1828702

I wish I’d been given the chance to be a normal child

No. 1828705

Okay I know this is so frowned upon but is your name Anna cause I stg I had an internet friend with the exact same situation, same birthday month too.

No. 1828709

He’s just mentally ill.
No anon, how old is your friend? I’m nearing my 30s, tell her it’s not worth it is she’s younger. Men will never make a commitment irl

No. 1828712

Think about the amount of sex pests that go there to try to find Asian women though..

No. 1828716

Let me guess, art school?

No. 1828717

Oh sorry I just had to ask, she was in her early 30's. I tried telling her and so would her family but she didn't listen unfortunately, I haven't spoken to her in a while but last I heard she told him she wanted to either move closer or she would leave him and instead he bought her a promise ring to keep stringing her along, I felt so bad she was so enamored with him because he really didn't deserve any of her devotion. I hope you can drop him and move on, I know it's hard but it's only going to be harder the longer you wait, and it sounds like you know he'll never actually commit to a real relationship.

No. 1828718

>be me
>friend from high school goes missing in 2020
>cry and feel horrible because you don’t know where she went
>fastforward 2 years
>her moms tells you that they finally found her
>omg! happy day!
>fastforward 1 more year
>you finally see her again and it turns out she, a 20 year old girl, has 2 children with this 31 year old man and his legally married to him
>her parents don’t even make an attempt to intervene
>it’s le wonderful trad life with a side of child kidnapping and pedophilia

I’m boiling rn

No. 1828720

I’m bi which hasn’t been an issue until it comes to dating women who have somehow always been handmaidens or insufferable fujos. If I’m going to be in a lesbian relationship with you I really don’t want to think or talk about moids in any fucking capacity. Escaping male/trans media even if “made for women” just feels fucking impossible. I’m tired of being forced even by proxy to tolerate something otherwise avoidable on my end and therefore nothing worth venting over. Idk some nonnie will probably still take this in bad faith but whatever I’m doomed to being alone forever anyway

No. 1828738

I'm bi too and I'm not a fujo or handmaiden, it's hard to find women like this but we exist. When I'm with a girl I never talk about men, because my girl is everything I need.

No. 1828741

Well I guess that is fair, but I just wanted to know if that dye was good..

No. 1828745

That last part is so true. Thanks for reinstating faith in my gay side nonnie, even if just temporarily. May we both find our based, non-moid apologist brides in the near future!!!

No. 1828747

Thank you nonny and good luck ♥

No. 1828749

date a normie then

No. 1828767

i’ve relapsed on drugs. it feels great honestly, i wish i would never have to stop. but i guess it feels more satisfying to go on a bender if you don’t do it all the time

No. 1828783

Everyone in my life has died or is in the process of moving away. I hate this so much. My job is a joke, I'm barely scraping by, and I'm too much of a weirdo to pull in new friends. I just wanted a normal life. Never did I ask for all this grief along side my social retardation. I'm so darn sad but socially it feels like there's no one for me to hug. My life is just one big joke that keeps getting worse each year. Everytime I make it work, I'm happy, have money to properly eat something else happens. What am I even doing? Why am I here? I guess it's all just to exist barely each day.

No. 1828794

I know how you feel nonny, I'm sending you a virtual hug. I know it's not the same but it's something

No. 1828822

>he's mentally ill
OK, so you're just giving him excuses. You should be with someone who sincerely wants to see you and spend that time with you in-person not "never spending a single Christmas or new years together irl?( any significant time irl)." All you'll be doing for years to come is crying.

No. 1828828

All I got for christmas was my period

No. 1828836

>He’s just mentally ill.
How is that a reason for you to stay in a 10-year-long LDR where you barely meet eachother when you clearly want more closeness and intimacy for yourself?

No. 1828853

I'm so sorry nonny, that's tough. I hope new people come into your life soon.

I was on my period too

No. 1828864

Same, we are synching nonnies.

No. 1828875

Same lmao

No. 1828876

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Ok this is a retarded rant but I still need like I have to vent. My OC is 21 years old and she got shipped with a male character who's 35 years old. I expressed my discomfort with it and they were like "chill out it's just fiction, and 14 years age gape is not that big anyway". Ok but why do you have to ship me with older scrotes even in fiction? Like it isn't enough to see age gaps pushed in real life? Is 14 year age gap really not big? Because to me it is

No. 1828878

All of you are literally synced up wtf

No. 1828897

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I managed to dodge covid all these years just to get it from my bf.

No. 1828925

once your character is on the internet there's nothing you can really do to prevent it that said I think it's really weird that people would ship some random person's OC like that.

No. 1828928

Write a sequel where the moid gets brutally killed.

No. 1828935

write or draw her killing that moid

No. 1828940

congratulations, you got a cold.

No. 1828942

For Christmas, first time I have saw them in a few years. And my family have visited from America (I’m a bong) and my auntie and uncle, and two very American-accented cousins. The youngest is a cutie, she is very loving and sweet. Oldest is trans ‘mtf’ looked the same just with long hair. But when we went for Christmas dinner. All that was said was
> I’m too American for this
> I’m too American to understand this food
And then said the uk doesn’t have enough:
> (something I didn’t hear)
> Walmarts
> Guns
I feel so bad for my poor auntie. She got visibly upset. So much trauma for her.
Also my nan (from the other side of the family, non related to them) kept confusingly saying he or lad to me and I did give a giggle

No. 1828944

I really want to know the context like how did this weird ship shit happen?

No. 1828966

My parents were fighting while I was right in the middle of it. My dad stormed off and started throwing shit off the back porch and breaking it, then stormed off to lock himself in the garage. My mum and I silently cleaned up the mess. I went outside in the rain to pick up all the broken pieces of the shelf he threw, and the barbecue, and just broke down in the middle of it. Crouched down on the deck in the rain bawling my eyes out.
My dad came back out and forced me to go inside, so I locked myself in the bathroom until he left to take the dog for a walk. I heard him talking to himself making like he was the victim, and that he should probably not even come back from the walk.
At dinner time, he came into my room and tried to explain himself. I told him that it made me really uncomfortable and scared when he started throwing shit around, and you don’t deserve to break things just because you’re angry. He basically said that he breaks shit because it’s better than hitting a person. How is that meant to be reassuring? I’m pissed off that he’s trying to sway it that way, and try to make a joke of it to “cheer me up” There are so many things I could have said, but didn’t want to risk another broken shelf. So I just said it’s okay.
But I’m so sick of this. On Christmas, where mum and I are working our asses off cooking and cleaning, and he sits on his ass drinking beer.
It’s stupid, but my mums upset that she puts in so much effort every year for christmas, and he doesn’t bother to offer help, didn’t even buy her a present. I was the only one out of all my family members that got my mum a gift. Everyone expects everything to be handed to them with no effort on their part. I hate this family so much.

No. 1828998

some random moid just rubbed my dog thoroughly with dirty work gloves on yuck. guess bath time came early this month. why are people like this

No. 1829019

They'll keep the data in their servers anyway.

No. 1829030

you and me both, nonna, it's the only reason i miss pull, even though her thread was a nightmare in and of itself.

No. 1829042

You seem like a materialistic cunt. You’re lucky she even got you that. If your parents want to spend 100s on gifts that’s their choice, your mother in law isn’t expected to match that. She’s probably doing the bare minimum to appease you so she can see her son because she knows you’re a materialistic selfish vain cunt.

No. 1829045

>he’s just mentally ill!!!!
Kek ok. Keep wasting your fucking life dumbass.

No. 1829046

>I literally collect expensive rich ass makeup
clown behavior. did you get lost on the way to tiktok?

No. 1829049

lmao that did sound like a transcript of something that would get posted in the tiktok hate thread or the consumer thread

No. 1829067

>all he had to do was jerk off into a cup and we could've gotten assessed much sooner and be on our way to fixing it but somehow never occurred to him because of course all of it was the woman's job to care and it couldn't possibly be a man's problem!

I'm sorry this happened to you anon. Not that it's much comfort, but literally myself and at least two other friends have gone through this shit with moids. My good friend has been off bc for almost a year and still has had nothing happen, and her husband puts up massive shit about going to get tested. Men are pathetic and don't want their manly egos bruised to know that they have fertility problems, so they always gaslight their partners.
My ex fiance never got a single woman pregnant, not even his ex wife, but was insisting I should get tested (I've aborted before..) up until urologists told him that he was sterile and needed to take hormones for the sake of his own health.
Honestly anon, this gaslighting and refusal to seek medical care are serious relationship problems.

No. 1829069

Tell your parents to quit buying such expensive shit for your husband, unless it's something that benefits you too i.e. a new house appliance.
It would bother me too if my in-laws saw how much my family was spoiling their kid but never reciprocated to show they gave a fuck about me.

No. 1829076

I will never be like my mother, i will be the opposite of my mother. I will love my kid, i will help my kid, i will listen to my kid. I wont ever deny my kid's feelings or minimize her problems. I can't even belive i am who i am with my mother being so terrible. I had things, i had food, i maybe had cold and cold water at home but i lived a normal life and got generous money to start an adult life from my parents. But i never got any love or support from her and she never listened to me…Whenever i told her something happened to me she said i am wrong, or i am lying… so i learned not to tell her anything. She is still in denial about what i went through and i am almost 30 years old. My little cousin wanted to kill herself couple of years back but she is in denial about her too. "She can't sleep because she is drinking too much energy drinks" No bitch she can't sleep becaue her brain is damaged by trauma and can't turn off getting stuck in a loop for hours. I know because it was happening to me too when i was my cousin's age. She just can't comprehend other people have different experiences and were hurt. I thought i had bad christmas, but she just made it extra bad. I would change everything i have for a mother who is caring, that's the saddest thing in this world. We have everything else we need but the most important thing is still love that's missing.

No. 1829108

I'm an idiot for agreeing to work for 12 days straight.

No. 1829137

the longer i spend in poverty the more i understand why all the old people i grew up around (and see today) were so fucking bitter. this shit wears on your soul. it wears you down to try so hard but get nowhere. like just knowing you’re ten steps behind everyone else because you were born in the wrong zipcode in the midst of bumfuck nowhere and your parents were poor and abusive and crazy and yadda yadda just bites, kek. i’m really tired. it seems the only way people get out of my town for good are
>being very smart or attractive or charming
>getting married
i’m just an average person though

No. 1829152

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>it's the only reason i miss pull, even though her thread was a nightmare in and of itself.
I even miss the spergs in her pull thread kek
Remember when she had an art theft scandal and her apology was a video poem on par with toxic gossip train? Only to then later retcon it all and pretend she didn't understand stealing art was theft "because autism teehee oopsie". Kenna was truly before her time. She may not have been as big of a cow as others posted on lc but it was good wholesome fun gossiping and laughing at her being cringe

No. 1829157

kek the file name
the weird thing is that kenna enjoyed even the negative attention and even when she fucked up for real because she was sooo obsessed with being a misunderstood villain. it genuinely fascinated me how she always managed to say the wrong thing and to be so utterly tone deaf. sadly i stopped following her after pull went down, but did she ever get an actual autism diagnosis in the states? i remember that there were rumors she just shopped around in japan until she found a "doctor" that just told her that yes, she's totally autistic.

it's funny because i know another personal cow who is very similar to her and suddenly that one had an autism diagnosis too and uses it to justify her shitty behavior. we're talking death threats, sexual harassment, suicide baiting, ed baiting, etc here. curious, that.

No. 1829162

we definitely need a thread focused on mental disorder larpers because these people are not normal munchies, they specifically target certain trendy mental disorders. she would definitely fit there, too.

No. 1829175

nta but why spend so much time shooping yourself and then not shooping your boyfriend?

No. 1829193

trying to accept that i'm going to have a lonely life and my only real forms of connection will be ephemeral wisps of could-be soulmates on imageboards. by 'trying' i mean sometimes i'm zen about this and others i'm biting my nails and feeling insane

No. 1829201

Her thread was so intense kek and it was my introduction to PULL too

No. 1829212

>did she ever get an actual autism diagnosis in the states?
Nope, just her "level 3 autism" diagnosis from a single sitting in japan. She quietly deleted the "level 3" part quite quickly once people questioned that since level 3 is the highest level of retard

>i know another personal cow who is very similar to her and suddenly that one had an autism diagnosis too and uses it to justify her shitty behavior

>we definitely need a thread focused on mental disorder larpers
I'd love that kek

No. 1829216

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I need to find an important document that I got years but god knows where it is, I just looked through all sorts of boxes, folders and idk what but I can't find it reeeeeeeeeeee fuck

No. 1829242

Cpuld ypu get a copy from the place that gave it to you? They should have it on file that they gave it to you

No. 1829243

as someone who was under a rock for my entire youth I never really understood why people developed severe body image issues or eating disorders. but, now I understand, people are fucking obsessed with how bodies look…and inevitably when someone internalizes that objectification, that person is labeled as mentally ill as if it isn't society that enforced insane expectations.

there's even research showing how people are way more likely to reduce women to how their body parts look while they see men more as a whole person. I don't understand why so many people are that obsessed with how womens' and girls' bodies look. do a lot of people want to live in a world where our bodies are just a commodity? a doll? I don't get it.

No. 1829246

I’m so socially retarded it’s not even funny or quirky anymore it’s actively ruining my life

No. 1829263

Yeah, it's my employment contract that I need and I guess I could get a copy from that from my work but it's honestly embarrassing to ask for it kek but I really need it for something.

No. 1829265

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having my laptop on is making me retarded. when it's off i can just lie around and read books for hours. as soon as it's on i'm constantly getting up to browse mindlessly. i only bought it for gaming purposes which it's great for but outside of that it's giving me brain damage.

No. 1829269

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Same here lol It's microwaves getting demonized for what laptops are actually responsible for

No. 1829271

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I hate what my life and I have become. I used to have dreams and goals that I pursued for a while then eventually dropped all of them. I've never been good at being consistent with anything, never finished what I've started. But at least I used to do meaningful things, I used to draw, write, read regularly, I used to have a rich imagination. Nowadays I'm only doing things that require minimum effort. Watching YouTube videos, playing games. Zero social life. I`m in awe of my bf who has a wide social circle and has his own projects while working towards a different career. I used to want to switch careers and do courses but I don't care anymore, jobs feel the same.

I don't think I'm depressed because I can function, I have a job, I eat and shower regularly. It's just, in order to have friends for instance, you have to love yourself and have hobbies that you do consistently and can talk about. In order to be able to have hobbies, you have to believe that what you create has value and that you have value and be driven enough that you do them regularly. I feel like I'm missing some essential puzzle pieces and I
am stuck

No. 1829273

I managed to avoid intrusive thoughts about my oldfart crush, now I just feel sad and pathetic whenever I seldom think of him. The worst part is that he has a handsome generic oldfart face and I randomly come across men that look like him when I watch TV.

No. 1829279

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The company announced that the project is shutting down in a month, they refused to set us up for the new project and are expecting us to sign an agreement where they won't have to compensate us, including giving up our rights for gov. pay. I'll make this thing as difficult as possible for HR.

No. 1829281

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Im friendless and it makes me miserable. When i meet new people and all they talk about is their other friends, I feel an immediate disconnect. Im going to have to live my life all alone, surrounded by other people that get to truly enjoy another's company.
I feel like shit. I want to go somewhere with a friend and actually feel like a normal person, participating in life. But im just at some place i thought would make me happy if i sat and drew a bit. But instead im surrounded by couples and people in friend groups. Im always alone.

No. 1829283

yeah, at least the microwave gives me warmed up leftovers instead of endless browsing addiction.

No. 1829285

I'm friendless too. It really does feel like you live in a completely different world. And it's hard to make friends once you're an adult because everyone already has a friend group and you're always going to feel like a stranger butting in.

No. 1829295

I honestly think the hardest part is admitting you have no friends for no socially acceptable reason

No. 1829298

Because they, and society/culture as a whole, see women as objects and as objects it’s a huge issue if we don’t exist in a way that fits men’s specifications. It’s only getting worse btw with social media brain rot and influencer style capitalism.

No. 1829317

the few times i tried to make a friend, all they did was tell me about their best friend and how close their relationship is etc. i'm probably just soft but it really hurt my feelings to the point i ceased the contact. i don't want to feel like an obvious third wheel

No. 1829321

Why does everything I do feel like I am just wasting my time? I can't even enjoy watching a movie or playing a game because, somehow, I have the idea that I could be doing "something better" yet I can't actually put my finger on what this "something better" actually is. Even when I invest my time and energy in to pursuits that have a high probability of improving my life, there is a voice in my head that just keeps telling that what I am doing is "pointless", "waste of time", and that I can be spending my time on "better things"

No. 1829329

Someone basically told me that liking Enya is cringe and her music is too new age-y? What the fuck? Her music is the absolute pinnacle for me and it rises my spirit, purifies my soul. I don't even want to talk to you if you shit on Enya

No. 1829334

After the abusive relationships, deaths, betrayals, assaults etc etc the dust has finally settled and I don't know how to cope. Everything is so dull. I am not the same person I was a few years ago, I am a shell. I don't care about my old hobbies, I don't care about finding new ones either. I used to be so passionate. I was always depressed but at least back then I had hope. I have no will or drive, I do what I have to do but I am just existing, not living. I try to find pleasure in the little things but it almost feels uncomfortable to do so. It's embarrassing. Everything is embarrassing. I hate myself more than I can express.

No. 1829352

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I've known my dad tends to be a passive-aggressive asshole for awhile now but every time I come back to stay over his house I realize just how pronounced it really is. He reminds me of an asshole boss but more passive aggressive and with a greater veneer of happy-go-lucky and nonchalant rather than just smug, which makes it worse. Self-evident by the amount of times he replies "No worries" about anything, even if he just complained about some stupid shit while muttering to himself or I tell him off and he goes quiet.

He also has always looked down on women. He's already casually said "This is why women should listen to men", said "You're a woman so you're probably not interested in learning to fix cars", violently pushed my stepmom against the door just so his dogs wouldn't escape. He does passive-aggressive shit when shopping with him that expects me to read his mind like standing to the side of the door without saying anything so that I can open it, then impatiently going "Come on!" if I don't realize what's happening. He holds his hand out with this phone without saying anything, expecting me to take it even if I don't see him. He treats women like handmaidens, evident by how much my stepmom is one. When learning to drive from him, he keeps grabbing my steering wheel even when he doesn't have to. He always gives orders to get him this and do that, that he can clearly get and do himself. I can't eat at the table with him without him repeating "Slow down" every 2 minutes at me. He's always been a serious control freak and it's infuriating.

He used to beat the shit out of my brother and breathe down on him even worse, and now wonders why my brother doesn't want to talk to him anymore. I tried chalking up some of his bossy, prissy behavior to him being former military but he switches constantly back to acting like a very nonchalant and laid back, "No worries" type of guy so it's hard to determine if narcissist moid or not. My mother is definitely one though, and from my experience with that, I certainly feel the same egg-shell walking around him constantly. Except even worse because he's a huge, several 100lb pound moid literally built like Fat Albert and with the booming voice of a drill sergeant that can easily kill you without even trying.

Oh yeah, he's also a Bible-thumping and pro-gun conservitard that looks for any chance to complain about "those Democrats". He holds beliefs like that police should be able to shoot unarmed kids. It's ironic because we originally come from Eastern Europe but with his Ameritard beliefs he now more closely resembles a hick from Alabama than he ever will his actual own countrymen. He still tries to larp as us when he's not like us.

No. 1829357

I hate bringing something up in an argument and the other person goes “when did I do that?” as if I’m gonna pull out a fucking book logging every interaction we’ve had. I don’t even know what to say back because then I get accused of making things up. Fuck me.

No. 1829359

They either have bad memory, or they're gaslighting you kek

No. 1829365

This drives me nuts. It's such an easy way to make someone's point lose momentum or even just completely derail the argumen. Whenever someone does it I can't help but feel like they are purposely being obtuse so that you feel stupid and drop the issue at hand.

No. 1829367

I've always been extremely asocial and this year I made it my goal to make friends for the first time to see what it's like. And I managed to meet some really nice people who like me but unfortunately after getting in too deep I realized that I just don't like having friends. It's not that I dislike them, they're all very kind and we have common interests, but I love being alone so much more. I think my ideal amount of social interaction is maybe once or twice a month max, but now people want to talk to me practically every day and it's exhausting - I have no clue how other people can manage it. And now I feel like an asshole because the friendship thing was just an experiment that's turned into a chore but it's entirely my fault for pretending to be friendly for so long. I don't want to ghost outright (well I do but I'm forcing myself not to since it's too mean) but I'm becoming gradually more passive in the hopes that they all start hanging out with other people who can be actual good friends. I'm so ready to go back to being a recluse

No. 1829377

The insane part about people like this is that 9 times out of 10 they think their behaviour is completely justified and good. He probably SERIOUSLY thinks that everyone around him is stupid and that he has to do everything himself. It's almost as if these people are not even capable of self-reflection for more than 3 seconds… When you finally make a point they don't consider change, they just tell you to get fucked and double down on their behaviour and insist that it is YOU who is acting wrong…
Honestly, why would even visit someone this? Genuine question. I am willing to bet that they guilt trip you into visiting them or they get mad when you want to stop seeing them.

No. 1829397

I've lost so much hair this year, it's gotten me so depressed. My hair has gotten so thin that when I raise my hair around my part I can see my scalp. Sigh… I'll bring it up when I meet my GP next. I'm hoping getting my iron levels to normal level will help but I'm also highly suspecting it's just genetic and there's nothing I can do about it. I just feel so ugly.

No. 1829406

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I've been so fucking miserably horny. I usually only masturbate once a day every few days, but this past week or so I've been masturbating every fucking day 2-3 times. I don't know what's wrong with me. It doesn't even really feel good anymore because of how frequently I've been doing it. I just think about my husbando and I can't help but masturbate.

No. 1829408

why can't my mother talk to me like a real person? she's the only family or support I have and she insists on speaking to me like I'm literally retarded
I think I've developed a lifelong complex of trying to prove I am in fact capable of understanding basic concepts and … gasp … edgy adult things outside of my mom's forced mary poppins-verse
she knows I've been sexually abused (she never asked or noticed, I had to bring this up
myself when I was in my teens kek)

No. 1829409

Every Christmas I spend it with one of my parents. They are divorced so I try to alternate between the two. I was talking with my dad and he asked me who I was going to spend Christmas with this year. For a second I could not remember who I spent it with last year and I asked him who I spent it with. Halfway through asking that question I remembered who I spent Christmas with last year and it was my dad, 100%. He insisted I spent it with my mom last year and that I should spend it with him this year. At this point I just started acting dumb to see how far he would take it and he lied so hard about it. I found his manipulative, under-handed behaviour so disgusting. It's funny because I would have actually strongly considered spending another Christmas with him had he been normal about the situation and acted like a decent person, but he tried to lie to get something he wanted and it had the complete opposite effect by driving what he wanted further from him.

No. 1829410

no normal person reacts like that, this is what narcs do to gaslight you.

No. 1829413

like holy fucking shit is there a reason every thing you say to me is in the distinct cadence of "mommy being proud of her kid shitting on the potty" or do you just naturally do that? you pretend you don't know what I mean whatsoever when I make the mistake or addressing it but I know 1. how you talk to other people 2. how you talk to me when you're angry at me (seething ice-cold contempt), so what gives?

No. 1829417


>It's almost as if these people are not even capable of self-reflection for more than 3 seconds…

Sometimes we have agreed on a certain viewpoint, and he'll go "No, no I agree with you" but still show manchild mannerisms by following it with shit like "I'm just saying" and his stupid constant "No worries" that he parrots at everything. He can say all that with a smile and while starting to hum, but then being a giant grumpy and bossy bastard the rest of the time. His dog bit him yesterday and he felt the need to yell so loud the whole house heard him. Stepmom goes "What happened?" several times and he doesn't say anything, just scowls and then yells at the dog to go away. I'm not sure even his dog likes him. lul

He also shows memory problems and hearing problems. He does the moid thing where he repeats what I just said as if it was his original thought. He asks shit like "Why is this here?" and "Why didn't you bring X?" in an accusing tone for shit he never informed me about. He really expects women to be handmaiden mind-readers.

>He probably SERIOUSLY thinks that everyone around him is stupid and that he has to do everything himself.

However he does make decisions in a very calculated, clever way that will be in a such a way that you end up obligated to him in the long-term and so that he can hold that obligation over your head at any time and at any place. Then to loudly pat himself on the back about how much he has helped everyone and how it is all because of him.

He helped buy me a used car with a big downpayment, but is going to saddle me with the rest of the 7k for it on top of my student loans now, claiming it's to "build my credit score" even though I told him several times already that it's 756. I would have been better off if I just bought one myself in cash. This sure is exactly what I needed on top of already having student debt. I let him know several times I'm currently unemployed and w probably shouldn't bother getting the car at all if he can't help at the moment, and he told me he will but I know he easily could without putting me in deeper unreasonable debt. He's only after doing things in a way that will still make you owe him, even if it screws you over long-term.

Or he just wants to boast about how his conservitard American viewpoint. Most people's parents apparently help with college because of how unaffordable it has become but my $200k a year making dad has left me with $20k in student loans to "teach me responsibility". Even though I've demonstrated it in more than several ways, by having perfect grades, working and paying everything else myself, for over 2 years now. There's families in actual poverty that do more for their kids than he has done.

My $200k a year making dad also wants me to take a defensive driving course just so he can get $100 discount from his insurance. I can see why my brother says he is a "A bigger Jew than most Jews" now. He likes to operate like an evil CEO more than he does a dad. He's a classic boomer.

>Honestly, why would even visit someone this? Genuine question. I am willing to bet that they guilt trip you into visiting them or they get mad when you want to stop seeing them.

I'm visiting him so he can teach me to drive. He's the only one I have to teach me, because I have no one else that cares to.

No. 1829422

i hate being mentally ill and poor. i'm just sick of it.

No. 1829424

I have a drs appointment tomorrow about the cramping I've been feeling while 4/5 weeks pregnant.
There's been no blood but holy fuck these cramps can't be normal, it happens 3ish times a day for like 5-10mins and it's just been so bad.
Idk what the process will be, I assume wait a few more weeks for an ultrasound?

No. 1829437

Bye nonnas. It was fun while it lasted.

No. 1829439

I think I saw you talking about this in the pregnancy thread. I had cramping throughout mine but severe cramping that early does sound weird, I'm glad you're trusting your gut on it. Good luck!

No. 1829441

No. Nonna I know how it is, christmas is the worst time for shit like this, I know how tempting it is. Stay a while longer, please. Spill.

No. 1829442

I hate how negative most of the internet has become. I don't need a 100% positivity hugbox but I feel like a lot of online spaces are just fighting centers now. There was fighting on the old internet, but at least it didn't have as much moral grandstanding.

No. 1829443

>However he does make decisions in a very calculated, clever way that will be in a such a way that you end up obligated to him in the long-term and so that he can hold that obligation over your head at any time and at any place. Then to loudly pat himself on the back about how much he has helped everyone and how it is all because of him.

My dad does the exact same shit lmao. The only difference is that he doesn't plan or calculate how he can get obligations. He just does things for me (that are expected from any parent, really) and acts like everything is ok and that it doesn't matter, but then later when he wants something out of me he starts harping on how I owe him so much because he put a roof over my head and that I am ungrateful and never want to do anything for him in return. He also likes to go around telling people that if it wasn't for him I wouldn't know or have anything and that all my good qualities are thanks to him. He genuinely believes this and tells people this INSANE fiction.

>He helped buy me a used car with a big downpayment, but is going to saddle me with the rest of the 7k for it on top of my student loans now, claiming it's to "build my credit score" even though I told him several times already that it's 756. I would have been better off if I just bought one myself in cash. This sure is exactly what I needed on top of already having student debt. I let him know several times I'm currently unemployed and w probably shouldn't bother getting the car at all if he can't help at the moment, and he told me he will but I know he easily could without putting me in deeper unreasonable debt. He's only after doing things in a way that will still make you owe him, even if it screws you over long-term.

This type of stuff kills me. It's funny because they will practically sabotage your life, if you let them, and then genuinely think they helped and improved your situation.

>I'm visiting him so he can teach me to drive. He's the only one I have to teach me, because I have no one else that cares to.

This is where things take a weird turn for me. Because my dad will still come help me sometimes and then I feel like a piece of shit for thinking so negatively about him but then later he will treat me so poorly or do something totally fucked up that kind of shatters this illusion of us being happy and getting along. It is a little funny because he does it to himself. Creates the illusion of being happy and likable but then proceeds to treat you like shit and act miserable later.

No. 1829444

come watch movies with us instead

No. 1829446

I have already posted here a few times. I am >>1823199 , >>1823773 and >>1827807
I can’t do this anymore. I am really tired. This stupid website is easier to talk to than anyone else. I wish I was a liar. I wish I was a munchie. Some days I think stupid fucking pixielocks or Shayna are happier than me. I rather be pretending to have DID and still have a family who loves me then being this retarded space waster

No. 1829447

If you ever get to the point where you’re gonna legit kill yourself, you should do something batshit instead. Since it doesn’t matter and you can kys anyway you have nothing to lose by doing it and it’s fun and exciting. That’s what I did, I ended up being a hobo and going through a bunch of shit but I was too busy on the adventure of survival to be stuck in my head. Then everything changed in an instant and now I am living a really nice life that I love with people I adore. Seriously just try! Maybe it won’t work out but maybe it will

No. 1829448

Live in a rural area. If I didn’t I would have taken my cat to a shelter and stayed on the streets a while ago. Live in an area where people care more about dope heads than crippled retards like me. None of my friends can take me in. Too far away. Being a forced NEET my whole life has made it so I don’t have irl friends. The one person I could fucking raped me

No. 1829449

I did too, I took the only money I had and got a train ticket. I believe there is a way to do something. Even if it it’s just walking to your neighbors house and telling them your story.

No. 1829451

I am scared of doing that. My step mom is self obsessed with image and we actually live really close to a lot of her family. Getting to that sort of thing is kinda tricky. I don’t want people to find out and my case worker sure as hell won’t help me basically run away to be homeless. I see here on Thursday and I don’t want her to put me in the hospital as it never helps. My boyfriend is supposed to be coming soon but I can’t go back with him it’s a very bad idea

No. 1829452

I am so embarrassed and exhausted of having epilepsy. I have a seizure and lose my memory every single time I’m mildly disturbed. I can’t live like this forever.

No. 1829454

Yeah that as me nona, I'm hoping its nothing but wont know until drs. This baby is very wanted to I hope pregnancy just doesnt agree with me.

No. 1829456

I know I'm not the first to say this, but I really don't understand who decided to sell this whole "your 20s are the best time of your life" bullshit. Seriously? University is hard as hell compared to anything I've done before, all of my time goes to either studying, shopping, cooking or cleaning, I have to think about shit like housing, masters degrees and careers and I'm starting to feel this awful pressure to do it all asap because my parents are getting old. "Student years are all about getting drunk and chilling with friends" was a big fat lie, I'm barely into my 20s and already witnessing my father taking all sorts of medication because of deteriorating health, talking about where I'm gonna live in the future and all this shit. My mother whining how 30 is too old to get married and have children isn't helping either. I know that probably 99% of people in this age group have to deal with this shit, it's called growing up, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. I guess I'm just gonna kiss my free time goodbye and start working my ass off as soon as possible, hopefully I get used to it all.

No. 1829457

If you’re gonna kys you’re past bothering about what your mom thinks anyway kek

No. 1829459

Tbh ur right lol

No. 1829461

>went downtown so I can buy some stuff, walk, eat cheap junk food and relax
>called mom to ask her if she wanted me to buy her something while I'm already shopping so she doesn't have to go outside, she says no
>dumbass mom calls my big sister and tells her where I am and what I'm doing
>dumbass big sister who always yells at me and everyone else for no reason calls me soon after when I'm busy, harasses me so I would go eat in a restaurant with her and a male friend of hers I never heard of
>"don't worry he's nice I'm sure you'll get along! why do you refuse?"
When will I finally have some privacy? I really need to shut up sometimes.

No. 1829463

The reason people say this, is because later it only gets even worse. Most people hate their jobs, you get bombarded with bills and responsibilities, imagine actually being 30 and still not married, and so on…

No. 1829469

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I thought that I was over my hypochondria and then I'm in the middle of a bad episode.
I don't feel anything beside a very mild tension in my left middle finger for carrying around xmas bags of food and gifts and I'm having muscular problems in my shoulders and neck from cervical syndrome, so my whole chest to back area hurts. I know it's something mild and everything will go away but damn, this is hard…
Please send me some positivity nonnies…My doctors said that it's all anxiety but damn!! I hate this!!!

No. 1829479

I have a neet friend that has a habit of sending several messages in the middle of the night (no urgency, just random thoughts that hit her) to a group chat we're in. I usually put my phone in sleep mode at night because of this, but there are times where I forget and she of course has to send a random, several posts long, rant just at those times and as someone that has trouble falling back asleep once I've woken up it annoys me to hell and back. How hard is it to hold that thought until it's not 3am on a wednesday night? Literally everyone else in the group chat is asleep so you're not gonna get a response until like 8 or 9am when you've gone to sleep yourself ffs

No. 1829480

> imagine actually being 30 and still not married
That’s normal and not a bad thing

No. 1829483

wishing you the best! try and lie down a few times a day for 10-20 minutes and maybe listen to or watch something relaxing or calm. doesn't have to be content dedicated to relaxing but just something that doesn't release any cortisol basically. i've found dedicating a few times a day every day for around 3-4 days resulted in my anxiety really reducing

No. 1829486

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I thought I was just good at making friends, but it turns out, they all thought I was a lesbian. I'm not a lesbian, just slightly GNC in my clothing choices. I have a bob haircut it's not even a lesbian haircut. I'm just autistically blunt, I don't know what to do. I also had an actual boyfriend for a while but somehow everyone I fucking meet thinks I'm gay. Some of these women are hot, too, but I'm genuinely heterosexual, I tried that shit before and I did nothing for me.
I wear my natural nails long now too to try to deter this, but it looks like full on Bimbomaxxing will be the only solution. I hate that shit, it's exhausting and Sisyphean and I hate feminine clothing but if I could attract moids with even 1/10th of the success I seem to have in attracting women, I'd have a whole simp army by now and want for nothing. It's bullshit. Nothing against actual lesbians btw, but why do I have to be cursed with being seen as so hot by the female gaze and have zero attraction towards women. And why, more importantly, is the male gaze so retarded they only seem to see performative femininity as attractive? Like it doesn't even matter what you look like physically, "hot" is a uniform as someone on here said once.

No. 1829487

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>went to a walking trail in the woods by myself, only two other vehicles in the parking lot
>walk by a guy talking to a lady that she obvs didn’t go there with, she says hi to me
>he’s talking nonstop and standing in front of the lady so she can’t move
>get kinda bad feeling about them and turn around to pass them again/go to the parking lot
>sit near them for 10sh minutes before leaving because more people are coming up the trail
>after getting back to the parking lot I just sat in my car for a bit, guy followed the lady to the parking area and went back down to the trail
>lady gets to her vehicle, makes eye contact with me before driving off
>while getting ready to leave I can see there’s at least two other guys around that look homeless
I don’t know if I’m overreacting but I think I’m going to avoid the trail if there aren’t like 4-5 cars in the parking lot

No. 1829490

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I have a very important appointment tomorrow that might change a huge part of my future and I didn't get the letter with the invitation before said appointment because it's been Christmas and I don't know which room I have to go to and I'm nervous and I'm overthinking it so fucking much right now. I hope someone can tell me where I have to go and that I will get a nice belated Christmas present tomorrow, but my brain won't shut up and I hate it. It would just be nice if 2024 could be a fucking nice year for me.

No. 1829492

>imagine actually being 30 and still not married
what kind of tradthot bullshit is this

No. 1829495

Henlo, nonnies. I'm the same nonnie that have been ranting about being a retarded bitch with a broken heart after i stopped talking to the moid i liked, and i'm once again here to vent because i'm losing it kek.
I've spent xmas alone, just like a lot of nonnies here, and i have been on meltdown for a few days now. This is the time of the year i hate the most, the depression of the year ending, and the anxiety of the new year's expectations have only been adding more to my heartache, since now all i think about is the past years and everything that happened so far.

We have been talking again for around a month, and my brain keep constantly throwing at me the memories from last year and it's driving me insane. I feel my body going numb entirely whenever that happens, ans i just try to take it away from my mind as soon as possible to not end in a self destructive cycle from that.
I just wish so badly i could go back in time and tell the moids that were fucking my life at the time to fuck off and just drown in his love, if regret could kill, i'd surely be dead by now since i still can't believe i did that to him, oh my god. What wouldn't i give to just have him calling me my love again.
I truly hate myself.

No. 1829496

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ty nona…will try….
Lately I've been very stressed due to work, I even had a bad panic attack, the kind of attack that leaves you exhausted, and I want to rest but I can't due to work….
Every doctor that has seen me said that I'm basically feeding my bad health delusions by being so anxious but I cannot help right now, I can't go to a psychologist so I'm seeking for some comfort online since I don't want to bother my friends…
Hope your day/night is good, nonnie

No. 1829498

I'm really frustrated with my current (lack of) art ability. trying to draw ashley and leon dressed up together in silly christmas outfits for my bf since he loves resident evil but my anatomy is wonky and my art style looks too cartoony/childish. idk how to improve my art. like yeah I get it's all about practicing but that's not going to help unless I'm able to point out and correct specific mistakes. I'm debating whether I should give him my wonky art or if I should just bake him something instead. looking at my art makes me want to ragequit because it's so far behind where I'd like it to be and I have no idea how to make any noticeable progress.

No. 1829502

Ah yeah marriage, something really popular these days

No. 1829506

I'm going through something kind of similar, frustrated with my own stagnation. I feel like sometimes just seeing an artist I like and copying some super specific thing they do helps, at least forces me to try something new. If you want a second pair of eyes you can post it on the art critique thread on /m/ and get some tips

No. 1829517

Seconded, I also feel like the fighting online back then was more normal in the sense most people could agree that a lot of it is just based on a difference in opinion. Now it feels like everyone is convinced they are right and everyone who feels otherwise is wrong and need to be scolded and told why.

No. 1829520

I'm not the intended target for this but this is very good advice in general I love it

No. 1829521

>meet legitimately attractive man on tinder
>getting along great so far and plenty of green flags
>suddenly just today drops that he has kids, evidently delaying our first venture
>go back to his profile
>does not mention kids
>flip thru his pictures again, spot a little ginger which must be his
I feel so bad, anons. It's not that I don't have dating options, it's just so hard to find decent, attractive men in their 30s that haven't been previously picked. I get it. It just sucks.

No. 1829524

I truly regret getting married. I wish I just focused on achieving my dreams and career goals. When I first met my husband I was young and didn’t think I would accomplish anything with my life. He has no ambition. He just wants to play video games all the time. He says I’m mean and cold. I wish our home was beautiful. I hate his family because they are so rude and judgmental. I wish I was by myself.

No. 1829529

I've been trying to do that but it still doesn't turn out good since I have trouble replicating stuff, maybe I need more practice with foundations and the basics. also I'm way too embarrassed of my art to post it here kek. right now it looks like that shitty tumblr art style lots of weeb kids have. once I improve a little bit I'll post stuff to get some advice since I definitely could use some constructive criticism from more experienced artists.

No. 1829530

there's always divorce

No. 1829540

I feel embarrassed that my parents have to ask me for money for gambling. They give it back at the end of the week, but this still feels awkward for me. They don't fucking have a retirement/401k/savings either, so I have to worry about what they'll do when they're older as well. Jesus Christ.

No. 1829546

Why are you enabling them? If you feel too guilty saying no to them, put the money you'd otherwise give them to gamble into a savings account for their retirement since they aren't saving for themselves. Not sure how they could argue with that without conceding they're financially irresponsible gambling addicts ruining their own life and yours.

No. 1829554

Don't do it nonna. I understand how you're feeling right now because I was feeling a similar way 2 years ago.
I wish there was an easy way to communicate/swap discords on here. I'd offer to talk to you nonna.

No. 1829563

neither of my parents have retirement funds and think I will somehow house and caregive for them while working to support them, when they're demented and in diapers. BOOMERS for the most selfish generation in existence award

No. 1829569

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>living at home with an overbearing immigrant mother
>I’m retarded and school is taking me longer than I was hoping so I’m stuck living at home because it’s insanely expensive to move out whilst studying.
I don’t know how much longer I can do this, it feels suffocating and inescapable.

No. 1829579

Thanks nonna. I am doing a little better. I honestly completely lost it tbh? It doesn’t happen very often but I have been under a lot of stress.
I wish there was too. Just in general kek

No. 1829610

just go with guys a few years younger. women on dating apps who cut age off to not show guys younger than them are missing out. they have to already opt in their own requirements to see you so it's already assumed they don't mind either.

No. 1829619

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I hope you feel better and feel able to open up to your friends soon or are able to seek comfort in other ways

No. 1829633

focus on your dreams and goals anyways and stay with him until he gets in the way of things. or break things off now if he holds now positive purpose in your life. don't become a woman in your 50s upset you waited too long to do so

No. 1829636

I really hate my best friend’s scrote. He is leaving her alone this NYE to celebrate with a Neo-Nazi who made her cry before by making derogatory remarks about her brown eyes. Why is he even friends with this person after that? Why is he friends with a Neo-Nazi in the first place? How do I make her see him for the piece of shit he is and finally leave him?

No. 1829652

For dating options, younger isn't bad. I just find the younger crowd I match with to not be with or aren't ready for the relationship that I would like re: marriage and kids.
Many of them don't have their shit together and more or less are looking for a mommy trope to help them build something. I'm established so it's hard not to feel taken advantage of. I want men to offer me some shit.

No. 1829655

Just say things out loud
>Gee, it sure is strange that your bf would choose to spend a holiday with someone who insulted your looks and who also has some pretty bigoted views…

No. 1829658

Clown of the year award goes to me because I trusted a moid who ended up hurting me so bad that I almost considered kms ugh.

No. 1829664

Yeah this has been my experience as well. My last relationship was with a moid a few years younger and he flipped shit because he saw a future with me and it freaked him out. I never even talked to him about us getting married or having kids together, it was by his own admission that he wasn't ready for something real. It was a lot of fun but I saw a future with him too and I've been in serious pain ever since kek. If you want to hook up you'll be fine with younger just don't actually catch feelings.

No. 1829669

You ok nona? Don't let a moid dictate your feelings. During Covid I dropped myself in a hole but I worked myself out. I don't think I'm fully out of the hole but I'm so much better than I was

No. 1829671

Anon with the part-pig uncle.
He was oinking and grunting when we went out to dinner. It's mortifying and embarassing. Even my mother admits she cannot stand it behind his back, but outwardly she enables him and never shames him. She insists he really is "a good person" underneath his disgusting demeanor, selfish habits, and untreated mental disability.
He's always got negative shit to say as if he's trying to constantly suck pure copium out of the very air with all that heavy breathing he does between shoving food in his mouth and gobbling. He was telling grotesque stories about "females" and how my mother's aunt dared have the audacity to try to match him with an obese woman once aka someone still above his league. His barrel gut jiggled and his bald head glistened in the artificial light of the restaurant while he dunked on this woman's looks. Which turns out there was buried lede anyway, as it turns out she rejected him, and probably hated my aunt for setting them up to meet kek. He complained that they had billed her as outgoing but in person she was shy and reserved–which means she was viscerally repulsed.
My uncle is a pig inside and out.
Oink oink oink. I want to bully this fat hamplanet asshole out of our house. Glad he is gone tomorrow.

No. 1829672

I want neetbux for my godawful depression but that would be nearly impossible so I’ll just keep being unable to hold down jobs for any meaningful amount of time.

No. 1829685

>"It's fine for someone to say proven rapists should be killed and/or tested on instead of innocent animals."
>"No, that's cruel and unusual punishment. What crimes would that treatment be reserved for?"
>"Serial killers and confirmed rapists."
>"That means someone can come along and say 'Hey, why don't we do this to this other person/group that didn't do those things?'"
>"Then we just say no, because by law, that treatment is reserved for the worst criminals."
>"That won't work. People won't listen because they'll have different opinions, and what I'm saying will absolutely happen. It's too punitive. This is how people who piss in public end up on the sex offenders registry."
>"That is basically the same logic abolitionists use to claim jail itself is too punitive. If knowing the line and setting standards is so impossible to follow, should any crime even be punished with jail?"
>"No, it's not the same."
>"I'm not going to argue on this"

Who was incorrect here? I'm a bit annoyed.

No. 1829691

lmao the idiot who brought up the slippery slope argument but couldn't back it up

No. 1829703

You were arguing with someone who psychologically thinks punishing rape is "too punitive" because they have either raped, edged on the boundary of what could be considered coercion if not outright assault, or think of the act as no big deal inside their minds.
Watch yourself around that person.
It's a defense mechanism.

No. 1829742

i’ve had four seizures removed. i am in senphanon

No. 1829745

I just prepare me the toilet so I could poopoo, and now I'm realizing I don't even have to go. I just wasted toilet paper for no reason.

No. 1829750


aitayrt My dad is particularly intelligent so that's probably why he does that. Greater intelligence gives you greater ability to more inconspicuously screw someone over. And act alot more pedantic and with a superiority complex over someone else, because they're more likely to not know what to say in turn.

>starts harping on how I owe him so much because he put a roof over my head and that I am ungrateful and never want to do anything for him in return.

Mine has done the same thing however. People always just throw terms like like "ungrateful", "entitled", and "spoiled" without having any idea what someone ungrateful, entitled and spoiled is actually like. If a parent just throws that as a buzzword as a first sign of disagreement or offense, they just feel their position as a benevolent dictator threatened. Some people need to have others perpetually below them and to keep them below by perpetually reminding them of their inferiority, lack of life experience, age, gender, etc. This is especially common between parents and kids, because it's the easiest.

>This is where things take a weird turn for me. Because my dad will still come help me sometimes and then I feel like a piece of shit for thinking so negatively about him but then later he will treat me so poorly or do something totally fucked up that kind of shatters this illusion of us being happy and getting along.

That's considered lovebombing. I've had my parents suddenly show up with an IPhone they gave me as a present, even though I never asked for one, then a few weeks later be faced with comments like "You don't deserve anything ever" and "This is how you thank dad for buying you a new phone" after I ask my mom for something like not coming in my room unannounced.

No. 1829756

Even when I think that I am getting over her, she shows up in my dreams and fucks all my progress up. She was truly such a terrible person but I still miss her so much. Stupid beautiful evil woman.

No. 1829760

>This is how people who piss in public end up on the sex offenders registry."
This is such a huge, huge outdated myth that even cops will say it's bullshit. Usually people who get in trouble for pissing in public are put in a different section from sex offenders unless they coincidentally keep pissing by children's schools and parks.

No. 1829762

samefag… i seriously think I am doomed to pine for who I wish she was for the rest of my life. Which is so stupid. I wish she didn't mesmerize me so much. I hate her but I am unspeakably sad that I hate her now. Sometimes I pretend I don't hate her and that it never happened. That's almost more painful though. Because it feels so good but I know it's not real. When will it stop hurting so bad?

No. 1829789

really wish I could be cuddling her right now but too bad I'm too far away. fuck distance. I miss her

No. 1829792

I’m so fucking scared waiting for paramedics to arrive oh my god my mom said she took sleeping pills (like she normally does) and she collapsed like three times and seemed extremely out of it she’s only fucking 55 what the fuck what the actual fuck

No. 1829798

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>my grandma died last year
>me and mom visit grandpa for a few hours bc he's alone
>he goes on a rant about how he is super alone and that my grandma is dead and how she did everything for him
>he's crying and howling at this point and doesn't stop
>my mom just gets up and leaves the room
>It feels super uncomfortable so I try to make the crying stop and hug him
>He suddenly slaps my ass
>Bitch wtf
>feels awful
>Disgusting moid
>Can't say anything
>That was the last time I ever hugged or comforted my grandpa about my grandma's death
>btw she left a moid behind that is unable to care for himself
>my aunt who is a doctor and works 60 hours per week does his laundry and he needs two whole other people who keep his house clean
>he scared off all of his friends too

My grandpa doesn't deserve to be comforted. Next time I'll leave the room as well when he's crying and screaming.

No. 1829801

What the fuck? Does he have dementia or something that would explain that behavior?

No. 1829802

Put it in the poop thread faggot nobody gives a fuck(infighting)

No. 1829803

I'm sorry anon, wishing your mom luck

No. 1829805

Now you see why your mom did that

No. 1829807

No he is just an old dumb scrote he has no excuse

I wish she would have told me tbh

No. 1829808

I hate this stupid bitch and her kid too. This is an almost completely empty train why do they have to sit at the seat i fucking booked just because it's the 4 seats with a table. I can't say anything because I'm a single traveler and there's plenty other open spaces, so obviously i just took one of those but what if i needed that fucking table? I'm not gonna sit there with them and I'm also not gonna tell the like 6 year old child to get out of my window seat. We're also both black and that does play a role unfortunately so I'm sitting somewhere else but I'm seriously so annoyed and unhappy about it!!

No. 1829815

I imagine as a daugher it must be very hard to tell your own child that her grandfather has regressed to groping his female family members

No. 1829816

We don't have a designated poop thread, retard. And no, I posted it here because I was mad at myself for being dumb when I'm running low on tp but it's too late to get more.

No. 1829818

Samefag but also this is the vent thread. No one has to give a fuck.

No. 1829826

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No it fucking doesn't.

No. 1829837

>everything needs to be transss!!!!!
Dear god

No. 1829840

Yes we literally do.

Ah yeah, a sentence blurb about poopoo peepee is totes a real vent

No. 1829844

nta but you must be very bored to be infighting about this of all things. you are the one dragging the peepeepoopoo talk out, when you could have just ignored it and it would be well and buried by now.

No. 1829849

Stop trying to argue with me about my literal feces you moronic turkey, I already explained why I posted it.(infighting, report and move on next time)

No. 1829850

It's fucking lolcow you sow of course there's going to be slapfighting

No. 1829859

Not really you guys are just underage and miserable.

No. 1829875

oh great. i've gone from christmas day liquid diarrhea to boxing day indigestion constipation. my guts are so unsure, i need to start eating right… indigestion hurts so bad lol

No. 1829886

Feeling worthless and dealing with suicidal thoughts due to PMDD. It seems like magnesium stopped working

No. 1829939

why do so many people compulsively comment on the way girls and women look? I hate it. if anything it seems to be getting far worse as time goes on. the other day I saw a woman act like stringy hair on some little girl as if it was some kind of moral failing and it was so annoying to me.

also I'd get it a tiny bit more if it was a joke - I sometimes like morbid humor - but nope most of the time it's just insults and whatever the fuck else. is insulting people over dumb shit a hobby? do people want to make the world shittier? I will never understand.

No. 1829941

I know you're probably tired from work and draining family activities, but it doesn't take a lot to text back. I wish you'd lean on me emotionally, but I guess you're just not like that and I have to accept it. I just don't think internalizing is healthy for you. I had to overcome it.

No. 1829980

Wrapping my head around the fact that so many men are pedophiles is extremely uncomfortable to me. The older I get the more I feel like it is the majority.

And then the weirdos who go for younger girls. I’m 18 and I wish I could wear a shirt that says “30+ men! Do NOT talk to me!” It’s not even like I look or act mature for my age, there are 13 year olds who look older than me. And I dress as such too, completely covered. Even when I think they’re normal they slide something into the conversation that makes me realising they’re hoping to get something sexual out of me. I feel like I shouldn’t be so uncomfortable with it because I’m an adult now but they creep me out and it makes me feel violated. They genuinely scare me.
I don’t think it disturbed me more when I was a younger teenager actually, because I didn’t comprehend how fucked up these people are. Now that I’m older I know these men are trying the same thing with girls that age too and I realise how much of a kid I was back then and they KNEW this, while trying to get something out of me. They KNEW how much of a child my mind was, and they could SEE how young I looked. I really didn’t understand it at the time. Just looking back at all the instances that older men were creepy to me and my peers in my teen years puts into perspective that this is the MAJORITY of men, and that’s only from what I could tell from them externally.

Now this is obviously way worse but I came across a video on twitter of a man raping what looked to be a girl somewhere from age 2-8 (I couldn’t tell clearly) and I’ve been traumatised by it for days now. Everything about it disturbs me. The fact that there were hundreds of likes and comments from men getting off to it despite it being up for less than a day. I knew that child rape/SA is extremely common but I don’t think my mind properly comprehended that this large percentage of men is doing this. Sorry if this is TMI but seeing a man have a fully erect penis because he’s raping a young child in pain has fucked up my brain and its view of men and honestly penises. I honestly can’t see them as anything but rape devices now. I felt genuine bloodlust, like I genuinely wanted to kill that man. Knowing that him and the dozens of comments have traumatised girls for the rest of their lives, and that these men are walking among us in high numbers. I probably come across a couple a day. You probably have had a family member like that, a boyfriend like that.

I wish I could just be surrounded by women 24/7. I don’t want to comprehend that men exist.

No. 1829982

Because to them women aren't people and their appearance is an automatic invitation to be criticized. No one looks at some random fat guy and decides to give him unwarranted advice, compare him to media, say his normal features are some sort of genetic disorder - but if you're a woman, that's apparently what you're required to endure by birthright.

No. 1829989

Not to discount your feelings but you should delete twitter yesterday, the worst cesspool on the planet and i refuse to associate with anyone that uses it.

No. 1829995

Jfc I hate articles that don't get Naoto. Her whole arc is that she doesn't need to be a man to get respected as a detective. Like a skim of any wiki would get that.

No. 1830010

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Lately I feel like more big singers are trying to emulate the kpop sound becuase that's what's popular but imo they're all failing to see what made kpop popular was never the music itself. People love kpop because they're fronted by perfectly groomed and surgically altered people to look aesthetically pleasing. They're walking ads, an image of perfection to dream about, project onto etc they're not even to be seen as "real" people. They're not allowed to have private lives or to date. They have to keep selling this dream to fans.
They're like game avatars for people who don't game, or a football team for people who don't like sports. You pick your fave and live through them. People do like the music because it's catchy enough (should be from all the millions they pump into it) but they're not anything special. Doesn't matter if a group release a total banger - if they're not by YOUR kpop group/artist you don't give a fuck. Doesn't matter if your fave's song isn't the best one song, you'll still only put that one on repeat becuase that's your fave. I'm saying this as someone who listened to kpop all through my teens so I know plenty of kpop fans would never admit to it and insist "it's about the music" but sis we know you only like the music because a hot perfection of a guy is singing it. His face is your phone background, you ain't foooling anyone. And that's why western singers fail when they try to copy it. It was just never about the music.

No. 1830013

my grandpa almost left my grandma recently because he found “much better younger women” and it turned to be an ai generated bot kek grandpas are wild

No. 1830015

Damn I don’t like to criticize vents but this is annoying as hell to read having had a real BPD parent. You should have put this in the get it off your chest thread. Unless her avoidance extended to letting you get abused by someone else there’s no way she didn’t do better than her mom.

No. 1830016

I hope Atlus will continue to only listen to Japanese fans, especially their long term fans so we get normally written characters. Even Erica wasn't good enough for these game "journalists" so their opinions should never matter to anyone.

No. 1830017

wild or disgusting

No. 1830021

i thought disgusting was a given lol. i hated my grandpa prior to his ai gf

No. 1830022

Whenever I hear about perverted grandpas, I feel disappointed. Grandpas need to be sweet and jolly, not horny.

No. 1830025

8.5/10 they're the latter

No. 1830027

that’s religious propaganda. old men are almost always disgusting. old women create community, old men are dead weight.

No. 1830028

That deadeyed guy who turned into a giant baby in p4 should've been the tranny they want.

No. 1830031

File: 1703679317167.jpg (300.32 KB, 1079x843, 1000008833.jpg)

Fucking fantastic.

No. 1830034

From 2020-2022 I was binge drinking vodka every day due to severe depression. I was also living at home and the fact that neither of my parents (one being a former alcoholic) never noticed or said anything makes me wonder if I’m that great of an actress or if they were too scared to say anything. I smelled so bad and was incredibly bloated. I don’t even want to think of the damage I’ve done to my body but at least now whenever I think about drinking I start gagging.

No. 1830038

The naivety of thinking old men are capable of bringing anything to the table pass a certain age kek. That's why so many old men flip the fuck out if their wives die, no slave to do everything for them. There are very few of the blue collar senior men with iron integrity that people appear to believe there are.

No. 1830042

No surprise there.

No. 1830043

I'm an alco (half my extended family is) but when my mam confronted me about it all that happened was I got sneakier about drinking. Your parents might've known but worried about setting you off.

No. 1830044

You don't want to hear the stories about senior men with dementia in nursing homes. The women (including my own grandma) do some wild things sometimes too but the men are truly controlled by their dicks until the last of their days.

No. 1830046

Aaaah holy shit I haven’t even thought about how the gift card scammers can use AI to make fake girlfriends. My old job during covid had a handful of old guys getting scammed by internet “girlfriends” and we had to hide all the Google and PlayStation store cards because they’d buy so many lmao

No. 1830058

Damn, and you can tell by how much they shooped selena gomez that youre right. I didnt even realize it was her till i read your image file name.
I totally agree with you. Their music has always been weird to me but i liked their music videos. But the one kpop person i knew would insist their music is good. To me it always just sounded like cooperate garbage lol.

No. 1830075

Nta but the generational curse of people being fully able to recognise that their own parents messed up or were outright abusive but magically thinking they'll be a better parent all while they've done little to heal.. so they then mess up their own kids up but through different and often opposite parenting methods (overbearing/strict vs being so hands off that its neglectful and leaves a kid vulnerable to abuse by others) It still sucks. Nobody is helped by being told that askually grandma was more abusive than mom was. Or that someone elses bpd parent is worse and a 'real' bpder compared to theirs. What?

No. 1830076

How dumb of a man are you if at 29yo you still don't know how to sweep, mop or clean a fucking bathroom.

No. 1830077

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Visiting my sister and her BF over Christmas and their dog hates me. Every time I'm in he leaves the room or paws at the door. It shouldn't bother me but it's a black lab and labs are supposed to love everyone. Idk I shouldn't think this much about a dog

No. 1830080

I have my bf staying over for the holidays and sleeping in the same bed is fucking awful. He likes to cuddle to fall asleep, I don't like being touched or else I can't, and he doesnt't respect that. Tosses and turns frantically and messes up the entire fucking bed. Pushes me off. And of course he's like babe why do you wake up cranky. I'm going to make him sleep outside in the cold at this fucking rate. I wanted to dump him earlier for something else but this might be it ngl

No. 1830081

tell me is it your brother or your husband

No. 1830091

I deleted it, happy? And yeah she in fact watched me get abused sexually while doing nothing (even drove me as a young teenager to a group of men in their twenties) as well as allowing our dad to pretty much ruin our lives, all in the name of being "nice"

No. 1830095

Moids need a mandatory restaurant job. It would teach them some proper skills

No. 1830118

That's horrible I'm so sorry. Not very hands off of her, I'd say that's actively participating in hurting you.
Sorry for getting my ass chapped over your vent and doing the whole "whose mom('s mom) was worse" bullshit even though I could guess how what you described would be bad and I should know better. It looked like you were complaining your mother didn't argue you with you and bought you too many presents. should've followed by gut suspicion instead of being an asshole.

No. 1830129

Not sure why ovarit is said to be full of conservative older women because every time I go on there, there are a lot of retarded twitter takes, basically the only things they're not "woke" about are troons and prostitution (which is a good start but still). Just now I saw some post about how acknowledging your privilege is actually just a way to affirm your superiority status (white privilege, "cis" privilege for TRAs for believe in such a concept). Yet in other posts, users mention white and male privileges. Like, pick a side. You can't say that people are -ist and -phobe for denying their privilege but also -ist and -phobe if they acknowledge their privilege. Maybe it's a bad example because I read quickly and closed the page in 40 seconds but, in general, they play into the oppression olympics too much and there are a lot of contradictions in their discourse especially when they talk about anything else than troons.

No. 1830134

It's all good, I get how I came off. This is why posting about stuff like this in a vent thread is kind of useless, it's impossible to know if I'm being a whiny baby or have legit grievances (posting about it on lolcow hints the former ngl)

No. 1830142

I begged my mom for help saying things didn't feel right and she got mad at me for it and trusted a stranger instead. When she finally noticed something was off she still did nothing until it was too late and something had already happened. I can't trust her at all after this. She's too inconsistent and after all of this I realize that that level of inconsistency can actually be dangerous. All of this could have been avoided if she believed me the first time. I have no family I can rely on, I always knew that but it hurts to finally really acknowledge that. Might go no contact or as close to no contact as possible once I get out of here.

No. 1830144

I've been googling into this for a while now because it always makes me nervous using tampons and pads and I just found this site that might help, it's a lot of text but towards the bottom they list the worst types of pads, a better option, and the best option. I don't know how accurate it is and they could be in part paid to post certain brands but maybe that could at least give you an idea where to start looking for pads and tampons that don't have bad chemicals. I was so disappointed to see Rael listed there cause I just bought a 48 pack because they said they were organic and made without dangerous chemicals. So shitty to lie about something like that.

Anyway here's the one for pads: https://www.mamavation.com/beauty/pfas-forever-chemicals-sanitary-pads-incontinence-pads.html

And one for tampons: https://www.mamavation.com/beauty/pfas-tampons.html

No. 1830148

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"I've noticed that in your absence that I like you" this is why I was stepping back! Because you've been weird the past month and a half! Cool that you've finally caught up with the program I guess but fuck I hate that I always end up being right! I'm three months out of a five year long relationship (with your ex-best friend!) and more importantly not even on the fucking market and don't plan to be any time soon, if ever! How the fuck are you going to segue discussing your BPD ex-wife's latest antics involving your son into some hamfisted confession that you know would never amount to anything anyway! I didn't want to broach it first when the weird vibe kicked off because I didn't want to come across as paranoid or conceited, but maybe I should have. I ultimately prefer that I was told but I also wish that you just didn't fucking say anything and just got over it on your own time rather than put me in this bizarre position where you say that you would never pursue those feelings because you don't want to risk the friendship but I feel like I still have to turn you down anyway! God! Fuck! On christmas?????

I'm so tired of men and their stupid little antics go be emotionally constipated somewhere else with someone else, please I beg of you. Fuck.

No. 1830149

no but deadass he was about to divorce his wife of like 50 years over a fucking character.ai scammer. He was going around saying shit like “i’m handsome for my age I deserve better” as if he isn’t one foot into the grave.

No. 1830153

how did he react when he found out it was a scam?

No. 1830155

I'm so fucking done with gay moids. I get it, you don't wanna fuck me but stop being so touchy. I have 2 gay friends who I go out with and every time they do a big deep hug and I hate it. I want to say something but I'm worried I'll be called a homophobic bitch. Do lesbians feel up men every time they see each other. Fuck.
Gay bars are dumb too. No good cocktails, terrible music and everyone feels super fake.

No. 1830160

at first he didn’t wanna admit his mistake, so grandma kicked him out he slept in a homeless shelter for a few days, then he was like baaah forgive me, man tears, i love my wife i was wrong etc. My pickme grandma just forgave him but my mom or my uncle doesn’t talk to him kek

No. 1830164

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>a vaguely phallus-shaped silicone rod is exactly the same as a real life penis and lesbian women who enjoy sex with strap-ons are secretly heterosexual
why are men retarded. im not even a lesbian but ffs

No. 1830167

Tell them something like “I actually hate the hugging, I didn’t want to be rude you have to stop” it’s only awkward for a moment. Just put up your arm, laugh at them and say No if they “forget” after that and come at you for a hug.

No. 1830168

But they sure don't like it when you apply a similar thought process to explain why some men put anal on a pedestal above vaginal sex

No. 1830170

We need to speedrun cloning or asexual reproduction. Dolly the sheep was a thing in the 90s we should be here right now

No. 1830173

men into """"straight"""" anal really need to be shamed more. they deserve to be shamed publically.

No. 1830176

i should be allowed to publicly execute them

No. 1830179

based, agree wholeheartedly.

No. 1830183

i consider it secretly gay as well

No. 1830185

I think your right. I need to sit down and figure about the right words though. They are pretty cool dudes but I feel like they think they can just invade my space because their gay. Idk. I shouldn't have to spend so much time working on words so I don't offend them…

No. 1830187

true, my grandpa is basically an entitled child that doesn‘t know how to take care of himself. my grandma did everything for him (the entire household, raised the kids etc) and was the one that kept up friendships and was interested in staying in contact with the rest of the family. now that she is dead he is dead weight to all of us. he cannot take care of himself at all (won’t even try to do the dishes or god forbid change into clean clothes even though he is an able bodied man) he is constantly complaining that none of us wants anything to do with him when all he does is complain and threaten that he will cut us out of his will if we don‘t visit or call x amount of times. he doesn‘t do anything himself and complains about being lonely but also doesn‘t maintain any of his friendships because THEY have to call first. when we visit he spends the entire time ranting about how lonely he is or randomly starts fights, it always ends with him screaming. i don’t ever recall him being interested in his kids or grandchildrens lives. He has TWO housekeepers and also dropped that he will fly in some random widow from another country who’s husband died to be a live-in maid for him. he is an entitled cunt.

No. 1830189

Just make it about you and your comfort with hugs as a greeting. They’d have to be crazy to call you homophobic for not wanting a hug. Them being gay has nothing to do with you.

No. 1830191

Men can't fathom sex not being about them. I am so physically disgusted by men, and happy I'm a lesbian. They're so retarded, it's insane.

No. 1830195

I hate that I find a Lois Griffin pic so relatedable kek

No. 1830198

Why do men have this obsession with doxxing ex pornstars or pornstars who only did one scene? They're obsessed with discovering their real names, families etc. They also get mad if these women have husbands and children years after the fact.

No. 1830204

Because sex is about humiliating women for them, that's the core of their sexuality.

No. 1830207

I still feel like most normie men see sex as love.

No. 1830208

Thanks nona. Yeah I think I might just try pull them aside and say I'm not comfortable with hugs. I really don't want them to think that I think they are predators or something. I know them a while it so should be fine. Gotta get the right words in.

No. 1830210

oh I wish

No. 1830212

Haha oh no nona don't say that, users here are convinced that all men are the same

No. 1830215

Maybe like 1/10th of men, and that's being generous

No. 1830216

get the fuck out scroteoid

No. 1830217

Moids literally have domination built into them genetically. Ducks have weird corkscrew penises, felines have barbs. It's built into them. Moids are energiered to get their spunk out and die

No. 1830218

It's probably one of the married nonnas who think "all men" doesn't include nigel kek

No. 1830220

If you want to spin it you can say something like now that we're such close friends I feel comfortable confiding in you that actually I'm really uncomfortable with casual hugs and I only put up with them out of social pressure / not wanting to appear cold or awkward. but I actually don't like it, never have. I can tell you this because you're so cool and I know you'll understand and be respectful. kek

No. 1830224

why are you messaging me. what do you want. go to hell.

No. 1830225

I will die on the hill of defending my Nigel. he's my best friend.

No. 1830230

Kek, fair enough. I truly hope he's worth it and doesn't let you down. I guess I've just been fucked over too many times by men it's hard not to be blackpilled about it

No. 1830231

That's not my experience from both being with normie men aswell as being amongst men as the invisible, sole woman. They truly tell on themselves when they're talking amongst themselves. A large part of their pleasure is derived from the idea that you're in a vulnerable position, that they're "taking" you, that you're "ready" for them. I wish that was just corny porn shit and I wish I could unhear the things I've heard.

I'm not saying it's impossible there's men who genuinely see sex with women as a loving, equal act, but you shouldn't be naive about the nature of their sexuality either.

No. 1830233

It destroys their fallacy about sexually promiscuous women not being able to find love and be happy. "Happiness" for women is for those who bend over to the whims of men and opt for a life of servitude and make them feel wanted and a like a prize to be won.
You say that as if most normie men aren't porn sick and in some cases will happily sleep with a prostitute. Every man has a bitter incel sitting within them.

No. 1830234

Ok, but you need to realise that your nigel isn't all men.

No. 1830235

I'm gonna use this. Much better phrasing than I could come with. I'll post back if it goes well

No. 1830241

>Every man has a bitter incel sitting within them.
So accurate

No. 1830242

Defend him from what and whom?

No. 1830243

You got one of the few good ones nonnie. Best wishes

No. 1830249

I hate driving to buy groceries, cooking, dealing with ingredients spoiling, buying ingredients in the supermarket that turn out to be shit and spoil too quickly, rushing to cook ingredients that are about to go bad, and cleaning up all the mess that cooking brings about. I have to go grocery shopping today but I really, really don't want to.

No. 1830252

Why does /ot/ feel like it got subpart levels of IQ recently? It's been going on for weeks

No. 1830255

New year resolution is to stop giving attention to things that benefit shitty men. I'm a weeb retard so I've wasted away my years with waifu gacha games with 2 males and male vtubers that show their most disgusting sides on stream yet I continued to mald silently and just keep giving money and attention to them. I feel like justifying that behaviour and wasting time on shit that I felt mad about ruined my brain. These are not the tip of the iceberg for the things I need to work on but it might be the one to start all the progress because I just waste my days away fighting with other retards online about who's coomer game/vtuber is better. When it's stuff I like without malding I don't even feel the need to talk about it online. It's so embarrassing admitting that I even gave attention to these retarded games and chuubas. I won't give up the hobbies entirely because nonloli female chuubas and games for women still make me happy. I just hate that I tolerated so much for so long. It just occurred to me that if I'm too embarrassed to admit I like things in public then it's shit I shouldn't be forcing myself to like. Ugh. Wish I could take back all my money and time. Or stopped my automatic habits around these things when I realized they made me more angry than happy.

No. 1830261

>They also get mad if these women have husbands and children years after the fact.

It doesn't suit their narrative that women become used up whores begging for crumbs of dick in the streets after turning 30.
The way they hyperfixate on their children is fucking sick too. They're always making comments about how their children will be "bullied" for their mom being a slut but children tend not to care about porn unless it is shown and taught to them by rabid deathgrippers who want to use them as proxies to shame women who won't fuck them.

No. 1830275

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>Be me
>Living in a house with my BF and little bro
>Get home late last night and little bro is passed out in the bushes after having "pints with lads for the craic"
>Poke him a bit to wake him up
>Starts swinging at BF
I'm so sick of him, he constantly gets wasted with his friends and I'm supposed to be the one to pick up the pieces? I'm not his mam.

No. 1830280

When did I say that? I'm very aware that most men are dogshit. Are you ChatGPT or something? You're reading my posts and hallucinating responses for things I didn't actually say. It's crazy!

No. 1830281

tell your bf to get his bro's shit together asap or you will withhold sex because that shit is stressing you

No. 1830285

It's my little bro not his. BF was fit to murder him after last night but I calmed him down. I want to move out but it's cheap rent and little bro is cool when he's sober.

No. 1830289

>They truly tell on themselves when they're talking amongst themselves
A few years ago someone at work assumed I was a lesbian, it spread around work as if it were fact (without me knowing) and suddenly the conversations that men were openly having in front of me were insane. I didn't know wtf was happening. The shit talking about women, the open talk about manipulation tactics and the pedo talk. Idk if any actual lesbian anons have had the same thing happen but it's shit I can't unhear from people you wouldn't expect. Casual talk about how first pubes and first periods make a girl 'fair game' Like ffs guys I don't think lesbians are any less horrified by that but get comfortable I guess.

I'll never forget being like you guys do know its not uncommon for 11 years olds to have their periods. Followed by a long pause and them insisting that oh wait they thought those started at like 16. Sure you did guys. You 30-something year olds with sisters and ex gfs and current gfs all collectively thought that 16 was the average age of onset for periods. Even though you said the age of consent here (also fucking 16) is such bullshit.

No. 1830290

tell your little bro to get his shit together or you will starting throwing his shit out everytime he passes out.

No. 1830292

>giving money to men ever
Nona, you should know better. Take it as a lesson learned because you could use that money on pampering yourself or a dear friend.

No. 1830298

>Cooked some garlic bread because of a craving
>Take 2 bites, feel sick, can smell fish?
>Wasted garlic bread because of shitty pregnancy nose
Logically I know theres no fish, but for whatever reason its reading as fish

No. 1830306

The house is owned by our parents so I don't think that will work. I'm just gonna bunker down, save money and try get mortgage approval with the BF. We should have enough money by February. I'd move out right now but I can't afford to rent anywhere in Dublin. Just need to keep everything together until then.

No. 1830310

Thanks for the info anon.

It makes me so mad that we as regular people have to play fucking 5D chess with these companies because ofc none of them are self regulating and put profits before the health outcomes of people buying their shitty products.

No. 1830315

You're so correct nonna. Now I can see that it was me thinking I don't deserve the nice things I could get with that money anyway in moments of weakness mixed later on with sunk cost fallacy. I'll keep reminding myself that I deserve that money's worth more than those scrotes. Hopefully will help my self esteem so I don't fall back into old habits.

No. 1830323

Great. My stupid mother got me sick. She is so fucking selfish.

No. 1830335

Sorry to hear, wishing you a fast recovery nona

No. 1830338

this. It’s also why there are websites listing to dead porn stars. they enjoy that fantasy. It’s creepy af

No. 1830339

gonna be thinking the garlic bread is giving fish all day now I have got to shoot myself

No. 1830343

Kick him out

No. 1830349

Lmao noo sorry nona!

No. 1830354

I get irrationally annoyed when my bf sleeps in too late. Waking up at 9-10 is a normal sleep in, waking up past noon is just annoying, lazy, and a waste of the day.

No. 1830359

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I feel so stressed, I couldn't even sleep last night, so fucking stressed do I feel. I'm waiting to hear back from someone to meet that person tomorrow so I can keep a deadline, but no call, no e-mail so far. Worst part is, I would have some time left, but I have to visit my parents the day after tomorrow and will be out of town and they won't accept that there are more important things in my life than to visit them to just sit around and watch my mother have another narc breakdown.

No. 1830365

I think that's a fair thing to be annoyed about, it really does waste a day

No. 1830372

They aren't funny if you're a 14 yr old teenager let alone a 41 yr old man. Just fucking STOP

No. 1830382

damn what did richard do to you to call him unfunny

No. 1830385

This shipping company is retarded I kept telling them to leave the package at my door but nope. So now it's been 4 or more days past the original date when the gift is probably flowers.

No. 1830403

Everytime an anon posts about being pregnant I think of that post from a few days ago saying some anon here is pregnant and drinking through the pregnancy. It makes me so curious, how would she know? Was she lying to stir shit? Does she know a farmer irl? If she knows a pregnant farmer irl who's drinking through pregnancy why doesn't she try to contact her privately? If it is true is it a pregnant anon who isn't posting about her pregnancy here or is? Who knows, wish I did though cause I'm nosy. It's sad though to think about though, if it is true and she's reading this it's not too late to stop. I grew up around people with FAS and it's a spectrum disorder, they all did just fine and grew up to thrive in life, most are doing better than me and I don't have FAS. I knew one who's mom drank through the whole first trimester and half the second and his symptoms were minimal, I didn't even know he had FAS until he told me.

No. 1830404

4channers are going after some woman who did interracial cuckold porn. They say she degraded herself and white men by doing it. Never mind that the pictures they posted are her with what looks like a loving white husband and three children by him. She just looks like a normal soccer mom but you can almost feel the rage and desire to destroy her life and her children emanating from within her.

It makes them so mad that there are men who can genuinely love a woman even if she did make mistakes in her past. So so mad. That's why so much of their rage is focused on shaming those men I think.

No. 1830411

The internet is so vile these days, I really should leave it behind. No matter how lonely and empty my life is, it's not gonna improve from mainlining toxic sludge directly into my brain 24/7

No. 1830413

Anon, you're having an autism moment. The way she phrased it means she's saying that as a public service announcement. "Like, 1 in 100 people will die by drunk driving. This means almost 10 Nonna's will die. Don't drive drunk!" It doesn't mean she personally knows a farmer who is a preggo alcoholic.

No. 1830416

There is no other narcissism quite like the narcissists found within abrahamic religions.

No. 1830418

Oh shit really? Fuck I'm retarded. Well that's good then kek, that makes me way less sad

No. 1830423

I'm glad I fixed the vibes a little bit!

No. 1830455

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My dad spent Christmas with me this year, just me and him (my mother passed away a few years ago) he left today and I can't stop crying. He doesn't have anyone else in his life apart from me and my brother who lives thousands of miles away. Since my mom died he more or less does the same routines he always did: gardening, playing viola, attempting to write his fantasy novel he has already wanted to. But it's like he does them half heartedly and without the joy he used to. He needed my help to carry some things down the steps this time, for the first time, and I saw just how frail and old he is. It's like I was reminded of his mortality in person for the first time.

He has been such an amazing father all my life, in spite of his occasionally emotionless tism. I made his life and my mom's lives so difficult when I was younger and he never got angry with me or shamed me. He was always there for me. And he always buys me amazing gifts (he got me a car). God I just can't stop crying. He never once went on a date with anyone following my mom's death because he didn't want to ever forget about her and find someone else. Everything he has ever worked for or gotten he gives to me and my brother. Every time I need help with furniture or DIY at my place he's at mine within an hour. I feel guilty too, because I really did make him and my mom stressed with doing dumb shit, sending nudes to older men, trying to meet with them etc when I was young.

Is it weird part of me wants to move back in with him and take care of him somewhat? Is it weird he's the only man I feel safe around? I probably sound like a child but I'm 27.

He is just such a good man. He set the bar too high.

Sorry for being such a sperg about it.

No. 1830522

The older I get the more I notice how young posters are in general, all over social media. I'm 28 but it's slowly becoming more and more gnarly obvious and while in general I don't care about it, there are days where it's just plain annoying.

I wish there were more 25+ or 30+ spaces online, especially for women, but that also DON'T focus on shitty het relationships or family/kids.

No. 1830526

Why not organize visits with him? He sounds like he was a good father to you, and while you cannot replace a partner, I think it would bring a lot of good dads joy to hear that their daughter wants to visit every now and then.

No. 1830539


Very sorry to hear this. We all take our parents lives for granted and don't usually think about them much until their final moments. It is unfortunate that we are like this. The amount of times I've seen close ones to myself and others pass away and we always think the same thing "I wish I had seen them more often, said hi more often.." etc…

>Is it weird part of me wants to move back in with him and take care of him somewhat? Is it weird he's the only man I feel safe around?


No. 1830571

most nigel posts i see in this thread (or across site in general) make me wonder why any of you put up with men. sex can't be that important

No. 1830572

Mom constantly complaining about leftovers but makes giant servings to feed armies and insists on having a different meal almost every day.

What the fuck.

No. 1830581

kind of in this same situation except i'm a bit younger and already graduated. definitely retarded though (and socially dead) so hr pegs me for the sperg i am and i just don't get it. life is hell

No. 1830652

I feel the same way as you do.

No. 1830681

For christmas, my situationship might’ve given me herpes (waiting for lab results). I want to alog. I’ve never even had a real boyfriend ever and this dumb guy gave me this and we aren’t even dating. I feel so gross.

No. 1830689

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I love watching what’s in my bag videos but it does make me seethe knowing that all these women carry around products and lotions and everything so they can look/smell nice and men only have to carry the necessities aka wallet and keys. Most fuckers don’t even carry chapstick or lotion for their dry ass lips and hands. I know not all women carry a lot but I’m just mad at how moids never have to carry this much shit on them.

No. 1830694

I hate going out with people. I used to sperg about how lonely I am blah blah blah but turns out I just love to stay in my room and play games and read books. I don’t care about any of the shit they talk about and I just like to listen to my thoughts only.

No. 1830696

He spends more time with his jerk off buddies on Discord than spend time with his girlfriend during Christmas/new years but I'm not allowed to dump him because he might die without me or so he says. Fucking idiot what have I gotten myself into. At least I got a ps3 out of this whole ordeal but it wasn't worth it kek

No. 1830701

my poor mom used to carry everything under the sun for us while my dad had his keys and wallet only. her purse had so many compartments all over it. took me a while to realize as i got older that richer people carry a lot less cause they can just buy stuff then throw it away on trips. it doesn't matter to them if the banana at disneyland costs $3 or the jacket is $50 when they are cold cause they have the disposable money.

No. 1830703

leave him, any suicide baiting man should be tested to see if he's merely manipulative or actually unstable enough to do it.

No. 1830705

People who threathen suicide if you leave them never really go on with it sooo dump him

No. 1830708

Better to leave dead weight in 2023 and start the new year fresh.

No. 1830709

Dump him when he's at a really low point in his life so he actually goes through with it

No. 1830721

>he might die without me
Do it

No. 1830815

> he might die without me
Do you really believe this?

No. 1830821

Best way to deal with suicide baiting bfs who are holding you hostage with that treat is to pretend you believe them.. and then inform anyone you can in his life that he's been threatening suicide. That way they can keep an eye on him as you bail. You're totally just telling them for his own safety. For his very real mentulz. Mom, dad, friends, tell em all that you can't cope anymore and the threats he's making have you very concerned. He won't try that shit with the next one.

No. 1830825

Why are drs always late for appointments?
It's even 15 mins, my Dr walked in with a coffee 5 mins after my appointment time. Now he's fucking around I assume getting set up. So rude I miss my female dr

No. 1830832

This nona do this!

No. 1830851

Pregnant anon…? Good luck ♥

No. 1830852

It's been half an hour since my appointment time and I'm so nauseous. What the fuck do drs do for half an hour when they get to work? Why do they not have to be on time? They get paid enough why did he walk into work 5 mins after my appointment time?

No. 1830858

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knitting/fiber arts group that was up to this point the only local hangout where I could stand everybody there has apparently exploded because of stupid fucking highschool tier interpersonal bullshit and I'm gonna fucking scream. the two queen bee types who've been butting heads are both in their sixties. I just want to show up and make things with yarn or sew or spin and have decent conversations while I do it, I don't want to fucking reenact the nerd school anime club civil war of 2007.

No. 1830861

I always assumed it's because patients take longer than expected so everyone after them gets delayed and the delay builds throughout the day. I always try to get an appointment in the first hour of opening. Depending on where you live, medical professionals also have to deal with a ridiculous amount of bureaucracy which I'm sure doesn't help.

No. 1830868

The "femcel" meme is actually real for women with dignity. Nonners, I'm so blackpilled. I'm exclusively attracted to supermodels (who are homosexual by default.) I'm handsome so I scare away straight men. They feel cucked by me and I refuse to humiliate myself with femininity rituals for their approval. And I'm NOT fucking a shitdick, I'd sooner set fire to an orphanage. Nothing can go right for me, it's like an unsolvable riddle.
The men I'm attracted to don't want me and the ones that do, I don't. Why couldn't I be one of those soulless zombies who are ok with sewer rats impregnating them? Is it such a sin to want liposuctioned whores with overfilled lips and luscious dicks? Its so over for me. I know it's retarded but I'm a natural born romantic. Nothing could change my dire situation but I would like some kind words

No. 1830872

The most painful thing is I would drown in pussy if I were a lesbian. I have gigachad features thanks to my dad and look like Sinead o Connor. All of my friends are Les. But I somehow ended up straight and it feels like I'm from a faulty batch at the birth factory. FML

No. 1830875

Try consuming less media, or get rich and be one of those sponsors for aspiring male models. Or looksmax yourself, idk. You’re capable and deserving of the love you feel you deserve, and I hope it does come to fruition. Maybe you should live in a city with more beautiful people like NYC or something. Idk nonnie, I love you

No. 1830880

The fact that I don’t think I can go all of January without weed is probably a sign I should attempt it.

lmao same, I can’t claim to be super gorgeous but I’ve had several beautiful women hit on me and if I were gay I’d probably have a lovely wife by now. Sad.

No. 1830888

The city I'm residing has a population 3X the size of NYC. I'm already in an elite art college, how do I gain a position of power over models with little money? This is my legit life goal and I'm so creative. What is a realistic, lucrative goal? I need adviceee

No. 1830891

I’m the same age! You’re not alone. There’s still some of us on here.

No. 1830908

I'm also 28 and I agree, I wish the internet had better segmentation.
Would be easier to make friendships

No. 1830910

Yeah it was me.
The Dr was quite rude, idk if I'm just being emotional and he's just straight forward or what. I'll give him another shot with my partner there with me and if he's just a dickhead I'll find someone else.

No. 1830918

Where else can i go to talk about how my friend going FtM is going to destory her life even more???

No. 1830923

Maybe ovarit.com?

No. 1830928

I hate Mercari's bundle feature. My true postage came out to a few ounces over 1lb while they sent me a 1lb label. I sent two messages to the buyer, and she has yet to respond. Dumb.

No. 1830933

so sick of my unhinged unintelligent hypocritical aggro scrote-coddling mother. there were tons of dead ants all over the kitchen so I said something like "gross so many dead ants" out loud to myself and this sent her into a frenzy. she was having a meltdown yelling at me and saying I'm derogatory and insulting. the fuck? minutes before that she was defending the scrotes blasting shitty rap with violent lyrics and slurs in the sports field next to the house.

she was then going off on me for still living with her in my 20s when I literally cannot afford rent unless I put my safety at risk and live in the hood. meanwhile she lived with her parents and leeched off of them until she was like 40. they cooked, cleaned, did her laundry, treated her like a retarded toddler even though she was a perfectly capable adult who worked full time for good pay. she is always demeaning, aggressive, and harshly critical towards me yet defends horrible behavior from my useless neet brother, alcoholic uncle, and even from random scrotes she doesn't know.

No. 1830959

I miss my father so much, I know when my mom dies I'm gonna hang myself and join them. I would give anything for another hug.

No. 1830964

Do you not do chores?

No. 1830968

Have you tried weighted blankets?

No. 1830976

Everything about my body is naturally stocky and W I D E, from my masculine fat fingers to my wide, flat feet. I know I'm not fat, but I look like shit unless I intentionally undereat to look somewhat slim, it fucking sucks. I'm so envious of my friends with naturally long, svelte bones, they look like beautiful elves or fairies while I'm a dwarf craftswoman.

No. 1830982

> while I'm a dwarf craftswoman
Don’t say that anon, there’s nothing wrong with how you described yourself. You certainly don’t need to starve yourself to be attractive, that’s just not true

No. 1830985

KEK she wants a hug from her dead dad and you're like "umn get a weighted blanket"

No. 1830999

I just mean there is psychologist supporting them, it can work for some people. Plus good quality one can outlive the average human father easily

No. 1831010

I AM SICKKKKK OF MY RUDE ASS MOTHER IN LAW!!!! We went out to eat at a pretty nice and expensive restaurant & she was so rude to our waitstaff. They loudly complained about how long they had to wait. At one point, she essentially stalked our waiter and came up behind him and tapped him on his shoulder to ask for ketchup. When the waiter was coming to give us the bill she said she didn’t like the food and it was nasty and asked for it to be removed from the bill. She is such a trashy person, but is the most judgmental towards others.

No. 1831022

yes I clean the shared bathroom and I do the chores my brother is supposed to do. I also take her on errands sometimes since she can't drive, and do stuff like help her with paperwork and her computer and phone.

No. 1831032

Time and place, autist

No. 1831048

samefag she called a "family meeting" and I had to sit there awkwardly while she was crying and freaking out on me in front of my brother who was also sitting there awkwardly. 60 year old woman acting like a toddler. embarrassing. then she has the audacity to claim she has no mental illnesses. everyone who meets her can tell there is something not right. she's a lunatic.

No. 1831053

Have you ever noticed that no matter how normalized "queerness" becomes you NEVER see "butch" straight women in media? In a world with preteens on steroids there is still no place for us. Because we are the 1 group that directly harms straight men. We actively shrink their existing dating pool. I'm going to throw up

No. 1831075

Shrink dating pool by being straight how?

No. 1831099

>mom's sink has been broken for like five years
>i move in
>it's my fault it isn't fixed yet
>it's also my fault she has to do the dishes all the time despite her insisting i am terrible at washing the dishes so i can't do them anymore (note that she does everything she accused me of doing, and that includes not getting between the forks with the towel and leaving the towels in the dirty dish water overnight so they stink)
i hate being alive

No. 1831104

how do you like… make your birthday feel good?

No. 1831111

First can you elaborate on what is making it feel bad

No. 1831114

associate with treats and gifts by getting treats and gifts from friends or yourself

No. 1831115

Do something special every birthday, like going out to eat something nice that you can't cook by yourself, go somewhere you don't go often like a museum, the cinema or some park, maybe even the beach or go hiking if that's your thing, you could also get yourself a present like something you truly want, so you can have your birthday as some sort of target date to save money.
If you already do anything like that and/or have friends and family that celebrate with you, then go get an autism diagnosis and learn how to feel, and I say this as an autist that's learning how to feel.

No. 1831119

I wish my bf didnt get me 90% of the things he got me for xmas. I cant stand clutter and there just isnt any room in our rental. So much crap to find a place for and there just isnt one. I asked him not to get me anything but instead lets go out on a nice date or do something together. Instead I get ignored for weeks while he shops on Amazon from his phone after work hunting for the perfect christmas gifts for everyone. Its great that he is thoughtful and wanted to get nice things for his family since he made a littlemore money this year, but I myself did not want any more items I just have no room and nothing I really need at the moment. I love candles but cant burn them because the cat has asthma, so I just regift all the ones I get for xmas from other people. Im tired of recievibg so much bullshit for christmas. I dont want to sound ungreatful I just hate heavily scented lotions, bath bombs, shower steamers, makeup, all those 'standard' and 'safe' girly things they just get hoarded and take up room. The only 'safe' thing I like are candles but I cant have them. My bf did get me one thing I could actually use but I honestly wish I could have just picked it out myself. It has a stupid blue LED light that burns my retinas when it is plugged in so I just leave it unplugged. I could have gotten a non lighted one for myself because I hate those stupid always on LED laser beams that some things seem to have standard nowadays it disrupts my sleep its awful. The rest of the stuff he got me is just…more for him than for me? Like stuff he wishes I wanted? Not bad stuff but itsstuff I straight up dont have room or time for. Stuff id not buy myself and if I knew I would have tried hard to stop him. Now more and more shit is just sitting in my garage, where I work because I have my own business. I cantkeep working around all this clutter. I got some really cheap awful plastic amazon crap from his mom, and I feel terrible for hating it but I just…dont want all this junk! I threw it away when I got home. I feel so bad and guilty. But for the love of god I just dont want to recieve all this shien alibaba temu plastic planet killing bullshit. I hate it. I just want to spend time with my family. I want to engage with them. I hate gift giving like this. I wish I didnt have to spend money that I would rather use paying off debts on stupid items to be gifted for xmas. I feel obligated to do it. I hate what christmas has become and I just want my simple, practical, clean, organized, amazon-shit free home. I wish my bf had listened to me because I am stressed about finding space to put all this shit. I wish he saved the money. Or just literally given me the cash.

No. 1831121

How do I tell her that her art is just straight up bad?

No. 1831122

Waiting for the day where those schizos who camp in threads, just to cause unnecessary fights with other anons, will realise that they're the fucking weirdos. I've seen it happen in at least three threads now and it's one of the most pathetic things I've witnessed on this site thus far.

No. 1831124

You dont have to. Just say it isn't your thing if she asks.

No. 1831125

Welcome to anonymous imageboards, duh.

No. 1831126

I'm not new to them but it's gotten worse over the past couple of months.

No. 1831130

Have a wishlist for practical things, Amazon or not, because some people are online shoppers and do not listen to requests for no gifting or experiences. I asked for no presents, just snacks if anything and instead got similar stuff to you. Next time I'm just sharing my wishlist of teas and cheeses.

No. 1831133

Why not hit the weights and become thicc? The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

No. 1831134

Because they aren't attracted to women physically they're attracted to performative femininity and "hot" is a uniform.
LSD usually works for me but make sure you have a chill place to hang out

No. 1831135

I am diagnosed actually. I have a bunch of just bad thing surrounding regarding my birthday. It doesn’t help. I try to make it feel good. It just feels bad. The way my family treats my birthday vs everyone else’s has always been off and on. Some years it exists and some years it doesn’t. Most of the time it doesn’t. The people who bothered to care are gone. My friends and boyfriend are trying but I don’t wanna do it at all.

I am not doing good at all. I am scared my new psych is going to take one look at me on the 3rd and have me admitted. I am so scared. I am tired and just don’t feel good. Here is the only place I can talk about it without guilt. I have done so much to make me better but it never changes. I don’t know why I bother talking about it. I should be dead.
>>1831111 never felt like my day. Sporadic acknowledgment even as a kid. My mom using it to attention seek for herself. The people who tried to make it my day are gone. The people who want to celebrate it with me are far away. doing anything nice for myself feels shameful cuz when I do something I want to do my family immediately makes me feel bad. Autism lol.

No. 1831137

back to make the xth vent post about my mother but i think i'll die soon. not by my own hand but just from stress. i've reached the point where i get splitting headaches every single day and the way the house shakes when she moves around makes my heart pang hard and it hurts. and i also just noticed a shitload of white hair on the back of my head. that wasn't there. i've only been here for five months. god i hate my life so much. i really am considering the military (i don't know any other way out kek, university wasn't the way apparently) but i feel that would be even worse for me, as someone who's doughy and weak and autistic

No. 1831142

I had to come back t my hometown (my mom's) to get a surgery I need, and it's taking a bit to get everything together so I've been away from my boyfriend for awhile. We haven't had our Christmas together yet, and it'll be a few more weeks before I'm able to come see him.

I know he's been planning my gift for awhile but he doesn't want to get it until it's close to me coming back home, incase I want to exchange it, whatever that means. He said the gift is wearable, "the size of a melon", and something he knows I want. The issue here though is we've talked about getting engaged a lot, he knows this is something I want, and he just asked me to make absolutely sure my ring size was still accurate. He knows I do not want a ring as a gift unless it's an engagement ring, so why is he asking this?

I swear if this retarded moid gets me a ring as a gift and has made me think he's proposing when he's not, I'm breaking up with him.

No. 1831146

I’m going to the opera I’ve always wanted to watch this year for my birthday and I’m super happy about it. Just do something you’ve wanted to do for a long time. LSD might help too like the other anon has said kek

No. 1831149

There’s so much I would like to do but lack the ability to drive. Best thing I can do is walk to the woods near my house and smoke weed and lay on the ground ig. Hope it doesn’t snow.

No. 1831229

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Aggretsuko nonna who said was drinking heavily everyday, you said you were stopping after the 27 and I'm here to hold you accountable. I hope you get clean, I'm rooting for you.

No. 1831241

Thats awful I'm sorry nonna. What a bunch of pricks.

No. 1831256

im feeling so fuckin old lately.i turn 26 next month and today i went out with my 22 year old cousin and could not help but notice how she received so much more attention from people (men) on the street. and literally, she's not particularly stunning or anything, just youthful looking.
feel so insecure about aging lately its making me have a crisis

No. 1831262

No offence, but you really feel depressed over scrotes ignoring you? Maybe i am insensitive because i can't relate, but you are retarded.

No. 1831267

no im more using that as proof that im getting old and ugly tbh. like it made me officially aware of the fact.
also its not even just that, the past few months i havent been getting carded when even at the beginning of this year i got carded all the time. not anymore.
appearance of youth is over i guess, so now i have to cope

No. 1831272

I got into a minor car wreck no one was injured, but it’s my fault so I’m paying for it and my car is in the shop, didn’t tell my mom about it because i knew she would call me an idiot. She shows up at my house randomly and asks where my car is. I fibbed and said someone hit me but it’s fine. two days later she called my fucking insurance and asked about it. Now she texts me asking why i lied. I’m sitting here in bed about to cry because im an adult with my own life and family to worry about and my mother does not respect my boundaries. She still treats me like im a dumbass child. I can’t handle this. I’m so fucking upset and also so fucking angry.

No. 1831290

Why did she call your insurance and why did they give her information? Are you on the family plan or something? Because if not I don't believe that's even legal for them to disclose is it

No. 1831298

It’s my bday today, and the first time in 15 years my ex bf didn’t wish me happy bday at 12.01am. Why am I so sad lol

No. 1831306

You sound a lot like me a few years ago. I became obsessed with the fact that I looked 'older' in my mid-twenties and compared myself constantly to my younger friends, trying to quantify the positive attention they got, convincing myself I had lost value.

Your attitude is going to age you a lot faster than your appearance, and I don't mean strictly physically. If you carry yourself like you are lesser, if you harbor this anxiety about looking 'old' and let it wear you down, you will give people the impression that you are weary and humbled, and it will make you seem older. This sounds fake but I swear it is true. I believe that consciously dropping my dread about looking 'old' put me back into the healthy mindset of a 20-something and therefore allowed me to give the impression of someone more youthful. I style myself a bit better now that I'm less self-conscious and I detach my identity from my age. I recommend you try to do the same.

This is a silly conversation to even be having, we are both in our 20s talking about looking 'old'. Try to visualize yourself at 75 looking back at this moment. Feeding this anxiety with confirmation bias is a waste of precious time. You are 25, you are not old or ugly and you won't be for many, many years. People can't tell how exactly old you are at a glance. I know it is brutal out there for women, but when you internalize these ideas about being used up, you are helping the enemy and worsening your own quality of life. Try to lighten up. Love you, nona.

No. 1831307

Nonna no, not getting carded and avoiding attention from gross moids is a GOOD thing. The kinds of moids looking at your cousin because she looks young are bottom of the barrel and you're lucky they're selecting themselves out of your life now.

No. 1831311

That's tough anon. You can't just wait for her to start respecting your boundaries though, you need to assert them yourself.

No. 1831323

so I need to vent… I've been letting my little one play with the food I prepare. I mean really getting in there with hands and sometimes in the mouth. then I serve it to guests. I don't know why I find it so amusing. if they don't like it they should make their own food. what do you expect? mine as well get used to it.
can we stop pretending it's unusual for moids to be attracted to young, pretty women in their prime? I know a lot of us are older and jaded, but this is just nature here. not really worth fighting it.(moid moment)

No. 1831325

Happy birthday! Maybe something happened for him to forget? It's natural to be upset, everyone likes being remembered on their birthdays, even if it's by and ex.

No. 1831328

I'm not saying it's unusual, I'm saying that those guys aren't worth shit and it's good they're selecting themselves out. Moids who don't appreciate women their own age barely qualify as human and are often more sex pest than normal moids. Sorry if it came off jaded, I meant it the opposite.

No. 1831332

nta but that's actually a great idea. I would be so happy getting snacks and teas. Just like the ayrt I hate getting things I won't use. It feels a waste of their money and time.

No. 1831335

I hate how my mom uses telegram and watches a bunch of stupid tiktoks. She already sucked at remembering and now it's even worse. It's annoying having to repeat myself over 3 times while she won't put the stupid tablet down. Ffs she isn't a child; it's embarrassing. Sad how absorbed she gets while using a tablet/phone.

No. 1831336

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it's been rainy and cloudy for weeks. i can't remember the last time i saw the sun

No. 1831350

Annoyed rn cause my ldr bf is ignoring me cause we had a fight. I fucking hate it when he „needs time“ affer we had a fight

No. 1831351

I can never get married because I can't love old and jaded men. It's against nature to lust after 25+ year old men. God created me to pump and dump young guys. No matter how much society hates me for being my authentic self I will continue being a god-fearing natural woman.

No. 1831376

>muh youth
>muh nature
moids are so predictable are they even human?

No. 1831378

> can we stop pretending it's unusual for moids to be attracted to young, pretty women in their prime? I know a lot of us are older and jaded, but this is just nature here
Can we stop pretending that women leave their prime in the mid-twenties? Jfc. Males can’t even tell women’s ages anyway, they think attractive 40 year olds are 20 and that pudgy frumpy 20 year olds are 40. Just be quiet.

No. 1831379

You're replying to a man btw. Don't do that. Just report

No. 1831390

The consequence of having 40 years older parents is that they will do something demonic to you. They will sabotage you getting advantage of all the modern world has to offer especially the freedom. As if they are stuck in the 60s. Now you bacme a slave in the modern world for no good fucking reason. It's like becoming disabled.

No. 1831459

It's really telling how some anons will condemn an otherwise sincere feminist as a "retarded libshit handmaiden" and dismiss absolutely everything she says as such if she's even slightly sympathetic towards troons but will excuse blatant racism, homophobia, misogyny and other bigoted narratives from a right wing moid just because he hates them trannies. It happens all the time in "gendercrit" communities too.

No. 1831461

We must be on different lolcors cause I’ve never seen that

No. 1831465

I would hope he is steaming off for 30 minutes or an hour at most. How long is he ignoring you for? LDRs are too much of a hassle to deal with.

No. 1831470

Hes been ignoring me for a few days now but tbh i was rly mean to him so i kinda get it. It still annoys me tho idk

No. 1831477

Agreed with what the other anon said, I've never seen this in any community. Don't get me wrong, I have little sympathy for troon loving handmaidens. Bowing down to the most pornsick and degenerate scrotes in existence isn't respectable in the slightest. But moids that hate trannies don't give a fuck about women at all, it means less than nothing to me to hear a man be anti trans.

No. 1831479

Hey that's me! Poured out all my booze before I went to bed last night. Woke up shaking like crazy and got sick twice. I got a notification that I have a HHC vape arriving today. Don't remember ordering it or normally smoke weed but hopefully that helps. Thanks for holding me accountable.

No. 1831502

i wish more women would realize this. most men hate trannies because they are disgusted by them and see them as faggots, not because they're outraged by how troons treat women

No. 1831510

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The mods can’t stand my ass and give me temporary bans just for posting simple jokes and opinions, I’ll admit that it hurts sometimes

No. 1831517

I haven’t seen that happening lately but I have seen it before. Vast majority of the time it’s a newfag or kiwifag or if it’s some post on here going unchallenged thats because you’re not supposed to interact with bait, so it’s reported and ignored but maybe the farmhand didn’t show red text when banning.
There are some young anons who don’t know though. I’m remembering a nona who said she found kiwifarms as a teen and assumed it was a radfemy site with radfem users because of the troon hate and it took her a couple years to realize they were the furthest thing from that.

No. 1831519

A lot of men who claim to be troon haters will suddenly be cool with them if they "pass" and look like the sexy women who get them hard. It was extremely grim hearing them make exceptions for "based" trannies or insinuating that everything would be fine if troons could magically morph into facsimiles of women

No. 1831542

ugh I just watched The Frozen Ground based on the serial killer Robert Hansen and now I can't stop crying I think I am already hormonal but I cry for those women that were tormented and suffered until death

No. 1831568

No we aren’t on a family plan. I have no idea why my insurance agent told her anything. Is it really illegal?

No. 1831570

Oh I don't know if it's illegal but it sounds extremely strange that your insurance agent thought it was appropriate to divulge your information like that on whim

No. 1831594

I’m so weak I dropped the fucking baby weights on myself at the gym and people saw it this moment will torment me for months to come I just know it. I must have looked like a fucking idiot

No. 1831606

Why does your mom even know where you're insured? Mine doesn't know and I'm not intentionlly keeping the information from her. If you know your mom's noisy you should probably refrain from sharing that kind of information from her in the future.

No. 1831633

We have the same agent. My mom recommended her to me and I've used her for many years. I was just informed by someone else that I should just file a complaint and switch agents which is what I'm going to do.
My mom is just a nosy narc who NEEDS to know my every move and it's the reason I typically don't share anything and gray rock her, but she really fucked up this time and I'm going to start cutting ties with her.

No. 1831688

I'm glad you actually poured out all, that's a big step. I am proud of you, stay strong!

No. 1831692

Ayrt whats crazy is that I do make practical lists. Learned years ago that even though I hate it, if I just make a list then I get less junk. Some things on my list were given to me, a desk lamp and some specific pens. I had other things like ankle socks, a type of wrench, Tweezerman brand tweezers (bit more expensive than regular tweezers but free lifetime sharpening), and other small things Id use. Its just that I get things that end up being clutter no matter what. I feel so terrible being ungreatful, and dont let it show at all as I am genuinely appreciative of the thought behind it. I just only have so much room and it really, really stresses me out to have to deal with a cluttered house. And I feel another weird guilt for the environmental impact of just throwing away the junk stuff to landfills, and donating things takes so much time and effort. I do donate stuff but usually it sits in a big pile til the pile is large enough for me to load it up in my truck and haul it off. I feel bad too because a lot of my 'junk' I can imagine will just add to the already overflowing junk on the shelves of a thrift store. Thrift stores look like garbage heaps these days with all the cheap terrible junk filling them. Sorry this got so long and ranty. I dont rant about this to anyone else except a tad to my bf to hopefully deter the clutter before it gets given to me kek. Im thankful I have family who cares about meenough to get me presents, the sour feeling along with the warm emotions is a strange state to be in.

No. 1831712

Thanks! I even left the wedding early when I felt myself getting messy. It's not much but I think it's some level of self awareness. The next few days are gonna suck but I think I'll come out better from it. At the minimum I'll at least lose some weight from not having alcohol calories. I wish my brain would calm down though. I'm feeling super manic.

No. 1831713

nta but I get it nonna, I think it's ok for you to feel bad about it in a way. I think the snacks idea from the other nonna is a really good one because it's not just clutter, you can consume it and it would be something you would buy yourself anyway. I am not from burguerland but I spent Christmas there once and I was shocked how much people gift stuff. Where I'm from it's usually just kids who get gifts and it's not even close to the same amount I've seen people gift there.

No. 1831757

Another day of getting lowballed for a new item with tags while the person who wants to buy something from me has an overpriced used item for sale. Nice.

No. 1831779

I mean this is most issues. Men don't gaf about the ethics of porn until their dicks stop working over it. The only women's rights issues men like are the ones that make it easier to access sex, like libfem sex positivity and kink acceptance. Worst kinds of men are all about kink acceptance

No. 1831801

Sometimes I get annoyed at people but feel guilty and bad about being annoyed. My sister has been kind of pissing me off lately, I feel bad though because she's just trying to be nice and friendly. I appreciate the effort. I am just not a very outgoing person and need a lot of alone time, the communication style is not matching up. I think she's getting offended and angry at me too because I'm being distant. I wish I was more social, I keep messing up friendships by being too distant and offput

No. 1831817

my mom is fucking retarded dear god. you were living like a pig in a sty before i got here. every bit of mess in this house is yours with the exception of the two dishes i might fuck up per day. the house reverts to a sty whenever i leave on the weekend. why is it always my fault?
you mean the shit encrusted with mold in the equally molded over and rusted “soap bowl” that you explicitly told me to toss? she’s nearly 60 and has a history of being a stoner so i just have to assume these fussy periods are her mind literally going

No. 1831853

I forgot to tell people gift ideas this year and this is basically what happened to me.
My mom gifted me a bunch of junk. I wish she could have either kept her money or have asked me what I needed cause the mid amount of money she spent on those items probably could have went towards something nice.
I never wear watches, yet she bought me a knockoff smartwatch from amazon with bad reviews and the features don't actually work and it's really just spyware.

Coincidentally, I was at a bar hanging out with my 22 year old cousin and stepdad over the holiday.
She wasn't getting attention from 40+ year old moids because she is attractive (she is average and overweight), it's because men fucking love naive women who they can take advantage of.
The men that were hanging around her were trying to find their in with me (asking about my age, saying we both looked the same age) but knew I would not bite. They loved my cousin because she was telling us stories about how these gross moids call themselves her 'bar husbands' and have her personally driving their drunk asses home. Or how she's filing for bankruptcy because she loaned a ""friend"" her info to take out a credit card, except she took out three, maxed em out, and ghosted her while leaving her on the hook for $65,000. This is only the shit she has admitted to or has been caught doing, just imagine how these fucks are sexually exploiting her though she won't ever admit it.
Young women are easy and it's not fair.

No. 1831870

I've seen some anons here call Matt Walsh "based" when his documentary about trannies dropped so yeah there are some like that who post here.

No. 1831882

I always wear baggy clothes because if I wear anything fitting I feel literally naked. Today it just so happened I didn't have anything baggy that would be also clen (because I was sick for 2 weeks and I didn't do any laundry and I got super lazy) and I wore a fitted grey blouse and skinny jeans. Men were fucking STARING at me and I fucking hated it. Both strangers on the street and my coworkers who usually don't stare at me. That's why I will never wear anything fitting and pretty, I hate men

No. 1831884

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I am stressed and I want to consoom. Currently it feels like I am going to combust unless I order a Rom&nd lip tint and a new eye liner. I've been so inefficient this week, even though I'm on vacation I haven't managed to get anything done. Didn't finish grocery shopping for NYE, didn't find an outfit for NYE, didn't manage to find time for friends, didn't make much progress with my thesis, didn't find time for a hair appointment that I desperately need. And I'm exhausted. I get up at 6am just to take care of the essential stuff every day.

No. 1831888

? i spend a lot of time maintaining my hair, nails, and makeup/skincare yet i don't even have a purse. for me it's keys, wallet, phone. carrying a purse is a hassle

No. 1831936

dude, you need to stop. i'm 25 and don't see how you should feel old whatsoever. this mentality is aggravating. also maybe it's the area i live in but i only ever get carded at liquor stores and i just assume most bars here must not GAF. im not even trying to be mean but just stop being pathetic.

No. 1831938

>I've been letting my little one play with the food I prepare. I mean really getting in there with hands and sometimes in the mouth. then I serve it to guests
you're sick and disgusting, what the hell

No. 1831940

it was a man baiting

No. 1831942

Well, you got that part right

No. 1831967

fuck me, was supposed to be a nice Christmas vacation with family and the day I arrive I come down with probably the worst cold I’ve had in my adult life. I’ve used like 2 entire tissue boxes to myself so far, my nose is cut up and red from the excessive non stop running, wiping and blowing. My eyes won’t stop watering, I can’t breathe through my nose so I’m forced to breathe through my mouth and I sound like darth vader from the shit in my throat that won’t come up. Spent Christmas Eve and Christmas with the cold sweats in bed, couldn’t eat Christmas dinner. I literally want to die. I feel so bad bringing this cold into my family’s house too, I hardly ever get to see them so this really fucking sucks. It was a 2 hour flight to come see them and this is how I have to spend it.

No. 1831971

It's so true. I've always been a tomboy (and I'm straight) and it's so fucking annoying that there's rarely any representation for us and whenever there's a 'tomboy' type character in tv shows or cartoons it's always assumed "oh ho HO her 'rough and tumble' veneer must slip and SHE MUST BLUSH WHENEVER SHE MAKES EYE CONTACT or TOUCHES ANOTHER GIRL CHARACTER, BECAUSE SHE'S SECRETLY GAY, YOU SEE"

No. 1831983

Same anon as >>1831971, also wanted to add that I follow this animator Kelly Turnbull on twitter, she has a "butch" aesthetic and also draws beefcake men, lifts weights, rides a motorcycle and has a buff Viking-looking husband, I always thought she seemed cool as hell


No. 1831987

But I'm a Cheerleader tried to address this with the Jan character flipping out and saying she's not gay just because she was boyish, liked sports and was hairy. To be honest I think people still don't get it today, she'd be told to transition or be accused of being a TIF.

No. 1832009

How tf do people operate without purses. I don't even know how men do it. I'm not doing make up or anything but wtf do you carry your phone wallet keys kindle in + all the crap you accumulate just by walking out and about. My husband doesn't even carry his stuff he always makes me put his phone and keys in my bag. I talked about this with my friend we always end up carrying our husband's crap because men don't wear bags

No. 1832012

I found out this guy I turned down a few months ago got a girlfriend a few weeks after I'd told him I wasn't interested. I'm happy that he found someone and (presumably if he's a good boyfriend) I'm happy for his girlfriend too. But somehow finding out about this launched me into some kind of existential spiral. I've never dated anyone my whole life because I just haven't found someone I've 'clicked' with. How was it so easy for him to find someone so quickly? It's not that I mind the idea of being single for the rest of my life, but it's hard not to feel that there's something wrong with me. Other guys I've turned down end up finding girlfriends shortly afterward too. I feel stupid feeling sad about this because it's entirely an issue of my own making, but it wouldn't feel right to be in a relationship with someone I know I'm not attracted to and wouldn't want to be with long-term. I'm happy those guys find girls who do want to be with them. So when am I going to find someone who I actually like? Or am I incapable of feeling that way toward anyone?

No. 1832015

Men have bigger (and more) pockets and it's annoying as fuck. I want a bunch of pouches built in damn it

No. 1832017

It's because they were already hitting up other girls, men hardly ever commit to courting one woman, so when they get rejected they just try with the next one. Pity that chick, she was the second choice,I would hate it if I had a boyfriend who I my asked me out after someone else, wouldn't you? Don't be soft hearted for these men, and don't feel pressured to say yes to a guy just because another girl was less wise than you just to get picked.

No. 1832018

Does your bf wear women’s jeans

No. 1832020

keys in the pockets and phone inside of my sleeve. sorry for being a Sweater Paw Warrior but it's useful for this purpose. i get anxious if i'm not holding onto it +my wallet because i'm neurotic about being robbed so i like to know and feel at all times that i still have my valuables on me. bags feel too robbable and they're annoying to hold outside of going to uni. i don't carry anything else because i don't need to kek if i have a bottle i'm just carrying it. i'm thinking of getting a carabiner

No. 1832022

Finding people you really click with is very random and unexpected in my experience. He either is settling for whoever said yes first or he’s just randomly happened to meet someone who clicked. IMO a majority of people are settling out of fear so you shouldn’t make yourself feel bad for actually wanting to be with someone worth your time. It’s hard and I understand the temptation but being around people who make you feel alone is much worse than being single.

No. 1832044

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Developed an UTI after taking a bath with my moid, hope I can get it under control. Usually I'm good at preventing an infection but this one kinda hit me out of nowhere.

Having an UTI triggers me, I had a really bad one as a child, but I had no idea what it was. Everytime I went to the restroom it hurt so bad and eventually it would also leave a lingering smell of death even if I flushed as fast as I could. My stepdad got mad at me for stinking up the toilet instead of, you know, actually worrying for my health.

No. 1832046

You ever thought about seeing a therapist about it? It’s normal to be introverted but not so much that you get annoyed every time someone tries to connect.

No. 1832062

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I binge watched jjk and one of the parts that hit me the most, unintentionally since it's mostly for comedy, is the whole big brother thing.
I have an older brother irl, and I can separate fiction from real life, but remembering what a piece of shit manchild my brother is makes me sad when I compare it to the show. My own brother never gave a crap about me, never protected me despite KNOWING and SEEING that I was being bullied back in school (I'd literally get beaten up by the boys from my school) and sometimes he'd bully me too. Now he's a 30 something manchild that relies on our mother, is a leech and borderline alcoholic. The fact that people irl don't seem to understand why I cut contact with him and then on top of it all go on to talk about how great their bother is just makes me both annoyed and somewhat depressed. Wish at least that part of my childhood could've been normal but no

No. 1832065

I'm sorry to hear that nona. My family was shit too. I find Choso's desire to protect his brothers very touching. They're basically monsters and still better than many human beings.

No. 1832066

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I STARTED MY PERIOD TODAY AND EVERYTHING HURTS. My insides feel like they're ripping in half and my abdomen is so painfully distended, I look like I'm 9 months pregnant. I'll never understand how troons romanticize this shit or think it's uwu cute and girly

No. 1832071

Did you guys not shower before getting in the bath?

No. 1832089

Moidlovers, sorry that volcel women make you feel so bad about yourself that you need to give them a retarded responses to make yourself feel better. Your takes(like calling volcel women a jealous losers) are insanely brain dead and detached from the reality and you always give the same fucking responses following the same flawed logic, I have been receiving responses from you for over 5 years and you all sound the same and desperate. Moid lovers are know for being a doormat losers yet they are always the loudest ones acting like an authority meanwhile they are the bad ones as a group and do so much hard. Crabs in a bucket mentality, trying to make yourself feel less filthy and inferior cause you're triggered by a woman with self preservation and common sense(bait)

No. 1832091

I instacart a lot because my boyfriend doesn’t let me pay for groceries otherwise, and 90% of the time I have some minor issue that I never complain about (getting the wrong brand, a different size of what I ordered, an orange bell pepper instead of a red, etc) but the past 3 orders in a row I’ve had major issues,
1. Replaced the fresh $2 chives I needed with 3 jars of $7 dried chives, so my total for them was $21 instead of $2
2. She smoked in the car on the way to my house and all of my produce reeked of cigarettes
3. I just flat out didn’t get 4lbs of carrots I bought

Today I get an email from instacart saying basically I’ve got a suspicious amount of reports on my account and I’m not going to be eligible for refunds in the future. I guess it’s because the reports were back to back, but I literally have so many orders over years on this account and I’ve gotten refunds maybe like 2-3 other times, when I have issues constantly I never complain about. I always tip extremely well, I’ve never rated someone badly (except for the smoker), so I’m just like wtf is this even about. I know this is such a ridiculous problem to be complaining about, like my life is just soooo hard because I can’t pay other people to grocery shop for me, but it’s just the principle of like I try to be nice and tip well and I’m getting fucked over.

No. 1832094

>not fucking a man makes me a winner
>fucking a man makes me a winner
Lol nope, all your dumbasses can try again and actually get some actualized accomplishments.

No. 1832096

No??? Is doing so common outside of Asia? Usually I shower afterwards, to rinse of any remaining soap.

Anyway I am NOT looking forward to peeing in the morning.

No. 1832098

tell your boyfriend to get fucked and starve then if he doesn't trust you with money.

No. 1832101

I don't understand why my mom made such a big deal out of people, typically younger, asking about food allergies before giving a food base gift. The rant she did pissed me off because not only do I know people with major food allergies, I have coeliac. Felt like a slap in the face to me. The stupid part is she checks everything before giving something to me so I'm super confused about this whole thing. Like what crawled up her butt and died? What prompted this?

No. 1832102

Stop taking the bait anon

No. 1832103

my mother is a retarded zionist for whom israel can do no wrong and who doesn’t know shit about history (she keeps insisting that Hamas started it all on October 7th, despite people telling her the colonizing of Palestine started 75 years ago, talking to her is like talking to the wall). how can you be this fucking stupid, especially coming from the country which was repeatedly attacked and invaded? fucking moron.

No. 1832111

It was my only reply and maybe I like to remind anons just how fucking stupid they are, just in case.

No. 1832112

You just replied with a retarded take and a typical response volcel women get. Volcel women are actually enlightened but everyone shits themselves over their existence and shuts them down. Denying it is fucking ignorant and pathetic,
And the kind of normie accomplishments you have doesn't mean anything, these people still can be and are a pieces of shit despite these AcOmPliShNenTs. You also nitpicked and made this about men.
Smart women always have to suffer because others get threatened by them then we have to obey other people like an authority just to be let astray by them and their social norms and standards. We at least have self preservation and can predict the outcomes of certain situations and don't put ourselves into these situations meanwhile other women do and end up badly and then still claim women like me are the mentally ill losers and give ignorant takes on mental health. Meanwhile moidlovers are just as much if not more mentally ill.

No. 1832116

Anyone who centers how valuable they are around the presence, or absence, of men in their lives are losers who have nothing else to talk about and are really boring and smell really damn bad.

No. 1832117

as a moid lover I dont really think about volcel women at all

No. 1832120

Both of this honestly

No. 1832122

You sound likr a threatened moid lover trying to make yourself feel better bc you completely missed the whole fucking point. It must be on purpose atp

No. 1832124

Why would you come onto an anonymous site and try to make yourself a personality like this? Go away.

No. 1832125

I don't care if you do or don't have sex with men, women, aliens, etc, do whatever you like but don't be a sperg about it and try to feel smug and superior because of it.

No. 1832128

I have 20 cocks in my mouth as I type this.

Go take a shower.

No. 1832130

You sound threatened that no one gives a shit.

No. 1832132

For the love of god, proof read your replies

No. 1832148


No. 1832163

If you can't recognize the harm women do to eachother…

No. 1832184

Uhhh what? I think you replied to the wrong post.

No. 1832191

>get catfished by dude from dating app
>bc we have mutuals I give him a chance since he is "nice guy" with a good career
>over time he proves to be immature, selfish, weirdly pushes me away at times, lies about wanting kids, and his friends are too enmeshed
>tries to post that we are in a relationship without asking me
>doesn't take these posts down bc he says he doesn't want his friends to be angry at me????
>tell him it isn't working out but we both agree to be "friends"
>everytime we hang out he is up in my personal space and being clingy which is not a friend
>give him his christmas presents a couple weeks ago
>during this meetup I had to shut down his advances once and for all bc I did not want anyone to think we were dating anymore
>he visibly sulks, mopes
>has ignored me since, didn't get me shit for christmas

"""""Nice guys"""" not even once.

No. 1832194

Nona why are you even staying friends with him, come on now..

No. 1832200

you're not alone, nona, I kind of feel the same. Makes me not post even though I follow the rules. It's just that the rules are so subjective and some threads are massively overmoderated. Possibly the mods don't even read those threads in context.

Anyway I hope you are having a good holiday time. Mine sucked a lot but I had fun playing a game online with an old friend today. We don't really talk much about deep life stuff but damn we have fun gaming together during the holidays.

No. 1832204

I presume we're not friends at this point because he has not said anything to me since the 12th and didn't reciprocate anything over the holiday like a mentioned. He is not a nice guy, just another jerk angry that he didn't have shit his way.

No. 1832205

this sounds like depression (or possibly medication-induced moodiness, like anti-ds or birth control). idk it's hard but you need to see that she is reaching out because it's going to be worse when people stop trying. Trust me. Yes, I am also a depressed introvert with shame/perfectionistic complex or whatever it is in English

No. 1832206

Good, stop letting yourself be around those people

No. 1832208

Lost my job in August and havent landed a job since. Was finally finding peace in my situation, but had a weird dream of meeting up with an old HS crush and falling in love again. Looked him up and dude is so successful and happy in the dream job we both had in HS. Basically has my dream life. I'm so ashamed of myself for not succeeding and wanna better myself but I'm just stuck. The crazy in me wants to "accidentally" bump into him but I refuse to let him see me like this. Should I kill myself instead

No. 1832210

no offence to you but this is so retarded. Who can tell the difference between a fucking 22 year old vs 26 year old. Gen z’s obsession with youth is disturbing, I say this as one myself, I’ve heard 19 year olds say they feel “old”. What?… Why do you want to get carded for looking underage…? Lmfao. I’m starting to believe the volcels are right because wanting relationships with moids inadvertently makes you base your worth around what moids supposedly want and this is diseasing women’s minds. Looking like a teenager has become the new beauty standard for some women.

No. 1832216

Holy shit, I was thinking the same thing. 26 and 22 are very close in age, and both are pretty young. Like damn, that anon must be very high on her own insecurity to think being 26 and not getting as much attention from scrotes would make you "old".

No. 1832221

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I hate gacha games that release both male and female characters except males make up maybe 20% of the roster while waifutrash makes up 80%, and the waifutrash is all meta except maybe ONE male character who happens to be meta BUT you have to attach him to another meta support waifu to give him maximum damage output. Fuck incel devs and fuck the average obese male gacha gamer. I hate that its such a common business plan for these games to cuck female players but give moids everything they want and I hate that stupid women still roll and spend money on waifus that aren't meant for them when moids don't do the same for male characters.

Fuck moids who doompost about every male character but will wank off shitty hollow waifushit with sob stories. Fuck the game writers who give the waifutrash all the relevant story roles and humiliate the male characters or make them irrelevant supporting characters. Fuck the pedo hub these games have grown always going on about "uohhh ToT". Fuck the fake twitter lesbians who think propping up the moid 2d waifu fantasy to downplay husbandos is a form of "feminism". Fuck the fact that there's no ACTIVE place for normal female otaku to chill and sperg like there used to be in the early fandom internet.

I genuinely wish death upon all moids. I almost wish I could go back in time and force my childhood self to never get into weebshit if all I have to see in my hobby is half-assed fujo/yumebait while moidshit gets the full deluxe set.

No. 1832231

I wish my nigel was a little more masculine in terms of being more dominant and maybe a little controlling? …Sure he can do heavy lifting and such but he isn't that much of a leader and I usually have to be that. It gets tiring. Seriously, why can't men be masculine and pretty like anime/game boys? Unironically. I don't care how fujo it sounds.

No. 1832233

No offense, I love you nona, but is it possible that you are a little bit masculine and you push him into the feminine energy? Just a thought

No. 1832238

I’m 18 and trying to come to terms with the fact I’m apparently ‘in my prime’ kek. I thought i had a couple years until then (i still look like a baby) but according to the internet 26 is old now. I feel like this is definitely a new thing. Growing up “you look 30” would be a compliment (“you look young!”) but now I hear 30 year olds boasting about being mistaken for 16. Have you even started ageing yet at that point?

No. 1832239

None taken because honestly yeah probably…just because I feel like I have to or he won't. I wonder if there's a way to just drop that and let him do all of that.

No. 1832240

I unironically hate moids more and more each year. Friend at other med school tells me the scrotes in her class are taking an extra ethics course because they made a list ranking the female students’ bodies. The moids at mine couldn’t stop themselves from being gross during the female pelvic exam/pap smear unit. The Y chromosome is a genetic blunder and if women could breed with one another it would be extinct.

No. 1832243

>masculine and feminine energy
can you regressive retards go back to tiktok

No. 1832244

>being more dominant and maybe a little controlling?
Why do people think a guy either has to be a passive bitch boy or a dominant controlling alpha wanna-be? Just tell him you want him to be more proactive and not shovel all the work of the relationship onto you. I don't get why that automatically means he has to dominate you.

No. 1832252

Right? And putting the blame on nona for her scrote’s disposition. I’m so sick of this new age female dating strategy brainrot.

No. 1832253

Give him more space so he can actually do it. Like just don’t act and see what happens.

No. 1832255

The only ones who parrot this are handmaidens and podcast scrotes with a porn addiction. I remember being in your shoes and I promise the wall only exits for men and their receding hairlines. As you get older you’ll have more money and better access to self-care treatments and higher quality clothing. Teen me looked a hot mess. Your peak has yet to come nonnie enjoy your youth and focus on building a good foundation for yourself later on.

No. 1832257

Tower of Fantasy is the only gacha game I play, so I had my first experience with this concept this year. I’d see all these interesting storylines that could be developing, really unique male character design, I really enjoyed this game for what it was despite it being totally out of my norm (Stardew). I’d get all hyped for new updates, I’d be browsing through patch notes, understanding that I’d have to put up with a lot of coomer pandering content to get to the cool stuff. And then the cool stuff never came.
It was just coomer waifus after coomer waifus, over and over again. No new male characters, cosmetics going from unique sci-fi robot outfits to schoolgirl softcore porn skins. The only variety was sometimes they’d make the new waifu look like a child.

No. 1832260

I don’t know anyone who looked their best in their teens. Mid twenties, maybe thirties for some people are way to go.

No. 1832273

Yeah, originally I was able to look past all the waifu trash too because I thought ok we’re all here for 2d characters and people have different things pandering to them. Just ignore the coomshit and enjoy the husbandos. But after a while you realize its only moids who get to truly enjoy 99% of the updates while women are thrown bones or scraps and are expected to whale for it. No one would ever fucking make a game with 80% sexy male characters and 20% waifus who get nothing because incels would rage about it, but we’re called ungrateful if we point out the unbalanced pandering. What makes it fucking worse is when the JP side actually accept the slop without complaining because its rude/ungrateful otherwise. What’s worse is when male banners sell badly and female fans are blamed for not spending enough as if those same fans arent also part of the reason why waifushit banners make so much money. I used to innocently build and roll for female characters too until I realized that its only making the disparity worse. This is exactly why they do the unfair split. That’s why I wish women would stop rolling on garbage waifu banners. And moids have the audacity to say women are jealous of 2d characters as if they dont completely shit their pants and seethe at any new ikemen or fujobait character while your average female gamer just builds whoever is cute or hot

No. 1832286

I like hanging out with my dad, and I am grateful to have such a present and good father but I HATE when I am somewhere with him and people think I am his wife. I hate it so much, its always so humiliating. Now I am always like "hey dad" "dad" like with every sentence just in case.

No. 1832384

2 years ago I changed my life in a way that was terrible but I thought would ultimately be for the best. I should have left the country like I intended but I got scared and I met someone new and I thought things were going to be great. I have nothing now, Ive blown through everything I had worked for, stuck in so much unnecessary debt now and things just get harder by the day. My life is exactly the same as it was but worse. All I can imagine is that if I just held on maybe we would have grown happier. At the very least I wouldn’t be financially ruined, I would still have privacy, My family wouldn’t be worried for me, I would still be skinny and healthy. But no, and so instead I just want to die. I want to turn back time and never set this all in motion but I can’t and it makes me want to die.

No. 1832397

I’m overwhelmed with constant desire to let my ex know that I have completely ruined my life since leaving him, not because I want the relationship back but as penance for what a selfish bitch I was. he’s not a bad person though so I think it would just make him uncomfortable above all else.

No. 1832399

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hate when i'm having a crisis and i message my close friends gc and no one is online, really makes me feel lonely because I don't have an S/O or any other friends to turn to in these situations. Here's to hoping i can expand my friendship circle or find a dedicated partner in 2024.

No. 1832404

nta but feeling the same as her and this is a really nice reply nonna thank you ♥

No. 1832407


man I keep coming back to your post and it’s old now but no one else has responded and I just hope your ok. as someone who hates that they love drugs it’s just the worst fucking loop to be stuck in and I hope you can have a fulfilling, clean life Nd I hope I can too

No. 1832441

I was driving home and some faggot on a motorcycle got right behind me at a red light, turned his brights on and jumped up and down to reflect them off my driver's side mirror the entire minute we were at the light. I literally couldn't see anything and when I would inch up he kept inching closer. When the light turned green he tailgated me again and then passed me and I flipped him off. He had an elementary aged girl on the back and later up the street he weaved through 30 cars on the line to flip me off again. I fucking hate scrotes like this who act like 5 year olds and put their children in danger because they're so entitled they can't even conceive the fact that blinding people while they're driving is fucking annoying. I hope his daughter marries someone just like him and she realizes what a loser he is.

No. 1832465

>I hope his daughter marries someone just like him and she realizes what a loser he is.
His daughter is probably terrified but unable to say anything because he has anger issues and is her caregiver.

No. 1832467

It’s frustrating as hell when friends are making dumb and bad decisions but are you in love with her or something? This just seems rather intense

No. 1832468

No he was getting her in on it, he had her flip me off too. I think he was bouncing up and down for her but like he went out of his way to put his lights in my mirror but somehow I'm a cunt for being annoying. He was doing it to other people too.

No. 1832489


It’s like I wrote this myself. I wish I could be one of those people who embraces the rat race and doesn’t think about things too deeply, just cuck career and instagram life. but what’s the point of engaging in the pointless. sometimes I can be happy to just have basic comfort in life, but mostly I feel empty and as though my life is wasted. it probably is depression-lite. Anhedonia. Or maybe just the human condition. I’d be your friend though nonna.

No. 1832498

I swear it’s a myth, my mom has a lab and she’s a little bitch always trying to bully and beat up on my sweet lil chi cross girl

No. 1832505

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Update: I went to the grocery store… saw my case worker. that’s it. My friends did some art for me that was cool! I am very grateful and they have planned it for a while. Yet the weird feeling remains. I know it’s partially autism. I know that but there’s just too many factors into the weird feeling. At least my family told me happy birthday I guess. I have accepted that this feeling towards my birthday has had lots of years to build. It won’t go away. Definitely any time soon. I think from now on I will just celebrate my birthday in the summer or smthin. This is just another day ending in y and has been for years. I am going to watch pokemon concierge I think

No. 1832509

Me again, idk if I should tell him in the phone call in 2 hours that I'm going to find a female GP or just say I'll book in online once I've checked my schedule and then just fuck off and never go back to that drs.
Even having to have a call with him has made me anxious, I dont want his scrote rudeness when I'm super preg and emotional.

No. 1832514

Out of curiosity, are you talking about a gacha game in particular or just in general?

No. 1832531

My post was prompted by the fucking garbage called Arknights but in general the whole thing was about my experience with mixed cast gacha games

No. 1832535

play gacha games like ensemble stars then, there are only boys in the game

No. 1832540

made my tif sister mad because i shrugged and said jk rowling was entitled to her own opinion and she'd been through domestic violence and assault after pretending not to know her views. i was shown the wikipedia page and was told rowling was a bigot without any other sources to back up the claims. my sister is fast tracking to surgeries and i think t next year. that won't cure the mental issues, and the therapy is just yas kinging along, too. i hate this timeline.

No. 1832541

It really be like one of those days where you know it’s just over. There’s nothing you can do, you’re isolated, no one wants to be your friend, it’s hard to get a job, you have no money, you’re gaining weight, you abhor men so you can’t even pretend to love them only just use them for sex. It’s just so over oh my god..

No. 1832542

My intuition is always right. I don't and will never understand why they don't have a liquor-free house. Glad he's getting therapy for his litany of issues, but the drinking is another destructive coping mechanism he needs to curb. The first thing they should've done is pour all that shit down the sink the moment the in-laws went home after Christmas. I wonder how long he's going to keep this act up.

No. 1832544

I want to scream. The levels of handholding this woman needs is insane. Her reading comprehension and problem solving skills are nonexistent. How many times do I have to explain this to her? I've told her what to do so many times.
>Go to this website
>Go to this website
>Making an account on this website is really not difficult. Just follow the directions that are written there and you'll get it.
Over and over and over again. And guess what? She just made a post bitching about how she missed out on something because she won't make a damn account. Then she asked some sort question that was easily answered by using Google, which she tends to never use. I'm so fucking sick of her.

No. 1832557

i looked like shit at 18

No. 1832563

Women look more and more beautiful as the years go by. You'll notice it as you get older. If you're not already working, keep an eye on your coworkers who are older than you and see how they naturally glow. It's really beautiful. Don't worry about a thing, and don't let moids bring you down.

No. 1832578

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>tfw no Snufkin bf

No. 1832585

Dumb scrote dr is 25 mins late for my phonecall.

No. 1832597

Uh so the drs closed half an hour ago, phone call was meant to be 45 mins ago.. so he just won't call then?

No. 1832605

fuck being sick for 5 weeks

No. 1832615

My bf and i met online and have been ldr now for 1.5 years and weve never met up. It seriously bothers me so much. especially when my other friends talk about their relationship. I just feel so shitty in those moments because i feel like i will never have a proper relationship like others. I just wish i had that too. I tell my bf that it bothers me and he tells me to stop comparing myself to others and to stop comparing our relationship to other relationships and then he says that im insecure. Yes i have low self esteem but my insecurity isnt the only reason why im bothered over us not meeting up. Hes my first bf and i just want to see him irl at least once and it almost even happened but only cause i was willing to fly out to him (it didnt work cause i was too scared of my family finding out that im going to another country to see a guy, they wouldve freaked out). This was a year ago and ever since then ive asked him multiple times when hes going to visit me and when hes getting his passport but he always gives me the same lazy answer. He says that he got his passport but it apparently didnt get delivered to him and he needs to look where it is, then he also says that he cant buy a ticket right now because he lost his card and that hes gonna pay for the flight in cash in the worst case scenario?? Like what… btw the reason why everything is taking so long is cause a year ago he did something horrible (he apparently cheated on me but denied it obviously) and ever since then ive been fighting him literally every week. He says he feels bad and is drained over me fighting him for a year which i understand but at the same time i have resentment i cant let go of, it isnt only him supposedly cheating on me which happened a year ago, its also other stuff like him not coming to see me, becoming low effort over time and saying other rude stuff to me within this 1 year. Idk what to do anymore. I cant just dump him because i love him and he also has good qualities but the stuff i typed rn bothers me so much i just cant stop thinking about it.

No. 1832637

Jesus Christ anon have some self respect. If you're looking for someone to tell you to dump him then yes. Yesterday. He doesn't give a shit about you and you're stressing yourself out trying to keep this thing alive

No. 1832646

You CAN dump him. He’s a cheater and a liar. He won’t improve. Year one is easy mode. He will string you along and be a selfish lazy asshole forever. I know countless women who forgive this crap because they’re “in love” and they’re still getting cheated on and strung along 5-10+ years later. Get out early. He’s already shown you who he is and what you are worth to him.

No. 1832651

a heads up anon, he's never going to change for the better. but he will change only in ways for him to get worse.

No. 1832656

In the nicest way, get some fucking self respect nona holy fuck

No. 1832658

how do you cope with being a bad person? how do you allow yourself to keep being in the world after doing something really awful

No. 1832659

Nta, but I feel like there are so many handmaidens and podcast scrotes that think like this and this yapping that only teens are attractive starts becoming mainstream at this point. Come to think of it, not too long ago, the supposed "wall" thing was directed to 35+/40+ year old women, now it's for 25+ and even younger and a select few scrotes say that the wall is at what? 21? I'm scared for younger zoomers and gen alpha

No. 1832662

samefag but could someone tell me the worst mistake theyve made and how they moved on from it and what they did to fix it. i cant even conceptualise how to move forward after what ive done. im going to be ashamed for the rest of my life. 24 hours ago i was normal and now i am a bad person and nothing i will ever do will be able to change that and i cant take back what i did

No. 1832664

If you're the one in the confessions thread talking about your ex then just realize he was the one bound to a relationship and it's contract, and you were being naive. Judging by the massive guilt you're not a malicious person. As Jesus-kun would say, you've repented now "go and sin no more". No use ruminating.

No. 1832666

My vent is I'm gonna be upset when this thread is filled and this gif isn't on the front page all the time. Rachet cat my beloved

No. 1832673

I’m still mad on behalf of my sick and disabled friend who had a “friend” tell her the classic “you just need to stop being lazy” and other unhelpful advice no one asked for up from their high horse. I hope they join one of those snake oil MLMs and it brings them much unhappiness.

No. 1832682

Look nonna I've cheated before and the way I moved on from it was improving my self esteem and never making that mistake again. It's been almost a decade and occasionally I do feel bad but it's a lot less intense. If you are that anon then yes you should feel guilty for awhile but don't ruminate and do some self reflection as to why it happened in the first place. You should cut off all communication with that ex as well.

No. 1832684

yes that's me. thank you but i don't think i deserve to just move on from having done something so hurtful and pathetic
his girlfriend said that she's fine with him sleeping with people outside of the relationship (she is "queer and poly" etc) but 1) i don't believe that 2) even if i did believe that it would be no justification for him sleeping with his ex without telling her. it's just fucking scumbag behaviour and i was a participant

he is a close friend of mine who i've known for years but you are right i should cut him off

No. 1832690

Ironically feeling like you don't deserve to move on is going to keep you in a space where you continue to repeat the patterns that lead you to decisions like this. If you feel like you don't deserve good things then you won't make good choices. This is a big dealbreaker for a friendship and he's showing his true colors by not even owning up to this when he's apparently going to end the relationship anyways. Honestly I still don't believe he is actually going to leave her and was just saying that to get you to sleep with him.

No. 1832692

You cucked a gendie, kek. Who cares?

No. 1832697

thanks for your sensible advice anon. i'll start trying to move on when the situation has been dealt with, i just feel so much despair right now, and i should.
he is definitely going to leave her though; i honestly believe he is too retarded to pull a long game plot like that or deliberately deceive me in any way

her being a gendie is actually one of the reasons he's breaking up with her

No. 1832711

Can you guys just shut the fuck up.

No. 1832719

i'm really sorry for being self indulgent anon, i just feel sick with shame

No. 1832727

i don't want people to validate me, i've literally never asked for that at all. i'm trying to figure out how to move forward and i'm overwhelmed because this is the most horrible thing i've done. i'm just struggling with it, i'm really sorry. thank you for your advice

No. 1832732

In the process of house hunting and I fell in love with one particular house, it had everything I was looking for and it was perfect in every way. Today I saw it is listed as sale pending and now I am filled with unending despair. Probably a little dramatic but I feel like the entire life I was envisioning there has been completely ripped away. I am so very sad nonnies

No. 1832733

You sound like scrotes who push all of their emotions down and then punch holes in walls.

No. 1832736

Wow, imagine thinking that you found a good moid, insanely compatible with you, everything is going wonderfully… and then he drops the married with kids bomb. Phew. Ladies, im done.

No. 1832757

Are you the anon who wanted to fuck that moid who likes videos of women in car crashes

No. 1832783

>should of
>wouldnt of

No. 1832808

No because you're right, that's exactly what this is. Even if we can give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she's doing it subconsciously.
>Someone validate me, I need to be told what I did isn't that bad because of x reason so that I can feel better
>MY guilt, MY pain, MY feelings, this is like soooo super bad for ME

No sympathy for cheaters and those who help them cheat. It's been literally a day, it's not like she's had time to grow as a person and change her ways. She's still the exact same lowlife who fucked a man in a relationship. Would never be me.

No. 1832814

File: 1703843046412.png (447.48 KB, 1280x720, latest-2534797799.png)

it isn't even 10am yet and i'm already drunk. i wish that even mattered. i was never going to get anything done today either way. i also wish that i could snap my fingers and have never existed at all. my third wish is that i wish genies were real, or maybe world peace instead. enjoy this picture of pinkie pie. i might kill myself soon if the genie thing doesn't work out.

No. 1832815

i literally do not need sympathy and i have not once tried to get anyone to comfort or validate me. i am trying to figure out how to resolve my mistake in the most responsible way

No. 1832819

Womp womp.

This is what it's like to hurt other people, you have this guilt as a consequence of your actions and you just have to sit with it. You don't get to do bad things and then immediately feel better and stop caring, how unfair would that be? You did something bad, you hurt someone else, now you're hurting. What exactly are you looking for if not validation? Because there are no answers anyone can give you about how to move on from this, it's been a day. You've done nothing to grow from this experience or change as a person and you're just going to have to be okay with feeling terrible for awhile.

No. 1832833

i get it. thank you for your advice, i genuinely really appreciate it

No. 1832858

I'm pretty sure that's a serious breach of contract unless your mom managed to sneak in some rights to your account. Is the agent her friend? You should talk with her and figure out why she gave your mom any information instead of shutting her down immediately for confidentiality
>my boyfriend doesn’t let me pay for groceries otherwise
are you saying he's willing to pay for it and you're not letting him or he's not letting you use the shared card or something? cause if it's the former let him pay, stop putting yourself through this nonsense for it; the latter you need to find a better boyfriend, that's not a man worth spending the rest of your life with
he's a moid with unfair advantages, don't forget that. I hope you get a job soon nona

No. 1832869

Stay away from terminally online people in spaces who think this way. I’m 30 and work with zoomers in their early 20s, they legit think I’m their age because I don’t look much different and because people aren’t out here with magnifying lenses cataloguing every minute facial detail, and because of styling and attitude like that other wise nonna said. It really will sort of make you seem wizened and humble and sort of saggy in spirit if you’ve already thought of yourself as “approaching or post wall” or some other such incel shit. 18 really really is a baby, and at 26 you will likely not look much older physically lmao. I didn’t. Your style will probably change, and your confidence hopefully will grow as you grow and experience the world and life. Truly, it breaks my heart to see a younger anon thinking that the last stage of childhood is her prime. Truly, your best is yet to come. The nonna who spoke about the glow older women can often have is so right too. Also, scrotes can never tell a woman’s age so you don’t have to worry about that if you were kek

No. 1832882

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A guy I used to work with insistently invited me on a new years road trip to a music festival for a genre I don’t love. I let my family get me all excited about the idea that he might really like me, only to drive 12 hours listening to him talk about a girl he really liked who ghosted him a month ago, and have his friends ask about her when we met up with them at the gate. I can’t believe I paid $300 to get rained on and be surrounded by pillheads when I could be drinking wine for free and lounging in the sun at my parents lake house. I’m stuck here until Monday, but if I had my car I would be on my way to a hotel by now.

No. 1832885

Give him some of those sketchy pills and fuck him.(bait)

No. 1832886


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1832890

Can't you take a bus?

No. 1832893

Just stop.

No. 1832909

If mods are gonna let another infighter (probably the [redacted]) shart all over the boards again I'm just leaving at this point. Over it

No. 1832914

I have masculine features (idc I love it) but every time I try to find make-up or fashion styles that are flattering to my face, everything that comes up is all for and about pornsick moids who watched too much tranny porn and how they can make their fugly ass moid heads more feminine. Very enraging.

No. 1832921

I'd recommend looking at models and actresses from some decades ago, there's a lot more variety and looks to imitate there
Women were even allowed to have jaws and shoulders in the 80s

No. 1832948

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Abusive men always think they're so scary and powerful. This is you faggot. You are consumed and actively ruining your own life for nothing. For attention from other weak, cowardly faggots who dehumanizing and degrade women for fun because you've got the brain of a violent cave creature.

No. 1832959

My friend is pregnant and won't stfu about encouraging a mutual friend to impregnate his partner. I wish she'd stop, it's gross and insensitive.

No. 1832971

I feel sorry for any actual lesbians using the lesbian thread in /g/ because everytime I scroll past it someone has posted moid-level animu shit in it.

No. 1832979

I hardly look in there anymore cause I feel like anons would be at my throat for being feminine into feminine women. People always assume I'm straight and I don't even care right now from not wanting to date. It's just annoying when every new moid at work seems to think he'll magically change me if he can just assault me.

No. 1832991

Why the fuck do so many newfags keep creating new threads without integrating? Now the confessions thread has a rabbit instead of our usual nun thread pic. I hate these new fags so much. So many thread pics are now or random animals instead of interesting shit related to the thread. The catalog is a mess.
Newfags, lurk more and integrate. Stop shitting up the board.

No. 1832992

I get that the healthcare sector is overworked but my family doctor is so dismissive that I’m sure they’d miss something important if it does occur. I’ve had a nonstop pounding headache for over a month now and they refuse to see me, only telling me to drink more water and take paracetamol. When I was pregnant I had to diagnose my own cholestasis and demand a blood test because the doctor kept postponing our appointment. Then when they had to induce me in the hospital it was all “wow you’re so lucky we caught this on time!”. If something had gone badly wrong I doubt they would’ve taken responsibility for it, either. I hate how they’re always talking about how important it is to catch stuff early but when you do have a concern they treat you like a nuisance and a hypochondriac.

No. 1832993

You could petition the mods to change the thread pic and ask they give the anon a warning to integrate / lurk more

No. 1832994

Nta but that's a good idea, nonnie.

No. 1832998

If you want to be nice, could even photoshop a nuns habit onto the bunny. Just to get the point across

No. 1832999

Newfags really do need to lurk more. The thing that annoys me the most is all the idiots who don't notice that we only have general thread topics here, we don't make an entirely new thread for a personal post.

No. 1833003

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>watch anime with normal female characters
>almost canon gl pairing
>one of them instantly dies

No. 1833004

The biggest problem right now is newfags aren't getting banned. The mods are sleeping, or enjoying the holidays with their family (which is fine for now) but I am hoping a full fledged hellweek for 2024. I hate all these newfags so much. They refuse to lurk and integrate.

No. 1833013

Had a male employee sperg out on me and quit last night because I didn't cater to his every demand and didn't put him on equal footing as a manager when his qualifications were only having worked for the company for a few months and that he went to school for ~~bibness~~
Men are such tyrants. I hope he never gets a position of higher power over other people cause watch out. He was always whining about other people's work peformances yet acted like a screaming faggot over some mild disagreements with the team who were obviously sick of his patronizing shit. Unprofessional and constantly criticizing others as if he were perfect. He wanted me to fire everyone and get a special existing team (from where???) just for him to finish up a job that will be done by this weekend.

I've never seen such a malignant, entitled narcissist in action before lol. I guess he really thought he had me in his pocket until I wasn't willing to take orders from him.
Cry harder little fagboy.

No. 1833014

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welp the results are in, looks like another friend has ditched me for a moid. i really want her to be happy but i'm just upset because i'm in a relationship too but still love spending time with female friends, it's important to me. and she'll drive four hours to see him but has barely spent time with me even though we both said we always had so much fun together. i get it's a new relationship but i've been tossed in the backseat for a moid so many times now i'm feeling cynical. people really want relationships only and no friends? i want both. any of my closest female friends that i genuinely loved so much for YEARS and we had similar interests and same sense of humor, have ditched me like friends mean nothing to them.

also not sure how to feel that she and i both became good friends with her now boyfriend while her and her husband were still very much together

No. 1833016

>do friendships take a backseat to intimate relationships?
Unfortunately, yes.
Don't beat yourself up.

No. 1833024

>Not wishing for the genie's freedom
You deserve no wishes

No. 1833029

Isn't that the plot of the movie Crash? kek

No. 1833037

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Why can't I stop procrastinating why did I do this again fuuuuuuuuuuuck

No. 1833038

My boyfriend is so obviously bored of me. He's currently at his family's (it's in another city) and he barely makes any effort to communicate with me. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that isn't his usual behavior. Makes me really sad.

No. 1833055

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alright girls this is a long one and its really fucking weird

i got a weird feeling at my moids house the other day when he went out so i proceeded to check his computer which came up clear

so then i check his drawers, specifically one drawer without a handle that is very hard to open with the design of the drawers. I FOUND

- another womans shirt
-childhood photos of himself with sister x 2
-clothes hanger rope (unopened)
-assortment of tent pegs
- small mens underwear, like teen/children size

this pinged my radar so i proceed to check under his bed. I FOUND

-framed photo of himself with ex girlfriend (clearly old and covered in grime)

alright so now im like who the fuck is this serial killer i have been having sex with 3x a day so when he gets home i pretend to lose my underwear far under the bed and JUST SO HAPPEN to find the photo. i thought it would be funniest to just fake laugh psychotically as a reaction, then he explains he has other old photos of exes he also forgot to throw out in

A SECRET CUPBOARD THAT OPENS UP TO THE INSIDE OF THE HOUSE??? i knew the cupboard existed but it was so small i had no idea it opened up to a fucking crawl space

so anyway i go through the motions of pretending to think his handle-less drawer is sus and i look through it and question him (excuses, its a junk drawer, i forgot to throw this out)


-chocolate chilli premix shot glass drinks in bag
-a bag with a nightie i wore on our first date
-some of my birth control???
-a subwoofer or speaker he said originally he told me it was an oven. it looked like a safe with a giant hole in the middle with plugs in the back like some dick of electrical dick shocking box
-results of tova adhd test (didnt know what this was, thought maybe he was an alien sent by the CIA at this point
-small notebook with angry letter addressed to mother from 2010, codes in the back, half a drawing of man holding gun (he says his sister wrote the letter which is even weirder to me)
-more framed photos with an ex

anyway I proceeded to have a small panic attack on the floor because i was just so confused and also it was fucking hilarious. i was in there with my phone taking flash pictures like a goddamn detective while he pretended to remain calm. he then proceeds to tell me he isnt cheating on me (like thts what i was worried about wtf man) and if he was hiding something it'd be actually hidden and not easily found (my thoughts exactly at this point)

if it was just one random junk drawer or old pictures of exes that would make sense. i have no idea what to make of this though , i knew the guy was weird and obsessive but so am I however I don't know what to say anymore. attached image of speaker that looks like electric dick glory hole.

No. 1833067

hes flatting so its his own room and he is pretty gross but he cleaned out his whole room on this day so everything was pretty neat other than the crawl space which had old plates and other trash in it. i just find the specific way he assorted these items hard to believe because he doesn't have any real hoarder tendencies or old shit hes 'forgotten' to throw out

No. 1833068

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Mostly this sounds like your boyfriend's house is disgusting. I feel gross just picturing the lazy moid hoarding you're describing. Does he have his own place or is this his bedroom in his parents house?
>-a bag with a nightie i wore on our first date
>-some of my birth control???
this is creepy but hard to say since he's hoarding literal trash with it.
PS if he's a "moid" you shouldn't be fucking him,. it's so weird when nonas call their boyfriends scrotes and moids. if he's not a nigel leave him. but I'll forgive you since you are clearly overexcited right now

No. 1833071

>the crawl space which had old plates and other trash in it
eurghhh that is disgusting. I can't believe you let him fuck you, have some self-respect!

No. 1833082

The childs underwear and t shirt paired with pics of his sister is the most concerning thing here

No. 1833129

My mom wouldn't listen when I said I didn't trust a man and sided with him until it was too late and I got hurt. Now I've been keeping my distance a bit and she's pissed off. I told her the other night that I was getting dinner with a friend after work and she goes off on how I don't want to spend time with the person who will always be there for me, that she's tired of begging for my love and for a relationship with me, to never talk to her again and that I got what I wanted and deserved. I didn't go home that night and then got more texts in the morning and all they said was "after thinking about what I said I take it back. Everything is fine" I can't deal with this untreated mental illness anymore. You stood back and watched a man abuse me and did nothing, then got mad when I tried to speak up about it, and now you're hurt that I don't want to be your little buddy? Come the fuck on.

No. 1833142

There's this absolute cunt that comes to the silent study room I go to. She always comes in sick (it's been like a month and she's still sick) so she sneezes and coughs which spreads her sickness and also is fucking annoying when it's supposed to be a silent room. And no one is supposed to talk here. She also always has to talk to her scrote boyfriend, everytime she takes a break she will whisper and laugh with him and it's so fucking annoying when I'm in the zone doing my best to study. Everytime she takes a break, everyone around her has to take a break too. They also keep kissing and tickling and shit and it's distracting as fuck. When it's not her bf she will always have some other scrote friend that is studying silently but she'll come to him and start whispering every 30 minutes.
I hope she fucking dies. I am so violently angry because she's ruined almost every study session I have and it's such an important exam to me. I wanna beat her up no joke. I will try to talk to her next time I catch her on a hallway but I don't doubt such a bitch won't give a fuck and I'll just make studying here awkward.
If I could put a curse on her so she'll get run over and have to be in some hospital for the next two months until my exam I would do it without a second thought.

No. 1833150

I've lost a decent amount of weight this year and gotten into a good routine of taking long walks and going for runs to keep my health in check, but I still love food and snacks and have been doing a lot of guilt-free munching during this holiday, since we visited my family with my boyfriend and there's always good food, snacks and drinks around. My boyfriend, however, has been acting extremely huffy and aggressive the last few days. He's a lot more health obsessed than me, but once he starts snacking he never stops. He's eaten entire pints of ice cream for himself and the first thing he did when we got back to our apartment yesterday was to go out and buy more candy. While I've been pacing myself he's been whining about stomach aches, headaches and has now decided that Christmas sucks and going to see my family was a mistake because now he feels fat and lazy and it's going to take ages for him to recover. God forbid I suggest that maybe, his health obsession is what makes him completely lose it once he gets a taste of chocolate, and if he tried to have a better relationship with food he wouldn't gobble himself sick like this. A week of trashy eating isn't going to ruin all the work he's done during the years, but feeling guilty, yet blaming me and my family for breaking his routine is sure to make me resent him. I've done so much work to lose weight and become healthy without aggravating the eating disorder I had as a teen, so to see him talk to himself and behave the way my 14 year old insecure self used to do frustrates me to no end. He doesn't have an eating disorder, but I'll never understand what's the point of working on your health in a way that makes you lose complete control the moment you start snacking again. You're a grown man, for fuck's sake, get a grip.

No. 1833152

why not just move rooms instead of a-logging some random girl?

No. 1833155

And people act like the antinatalists are the unhinged ones

No. 1833157

There's no other room. And this is the most important exam of my life, everyone is silent, but she'll come in and distract everyone. She's not a 'random girl' she's fucking it up for everyone here and she's been doing it for months.

No. 1833158

Just tell her to stop and report her to whoever manages the facility lol. I just know you're some spineless, ugly little wallflower who'd never confront another person and actually say what you mean if your life depended on it. Instead you talk shit about everybody and seethe in silence.

No. 1833162

Fuck you, this is the vent thread, I'm allowed to complain and vent however I want. And reporting is spineless as fuck I'd rather just ask her to please tone the distractions down. How am I ugly wallflower when I just want to study? Are you also an egoistic asshole like her so I struck a cord and you have to attack me?

No. 1833167

Don't reply to infighters.

No. 1833187

He's such a whiny faggot holy shit

No. 1833193

How am I to cope with never ever being good enough for my father? I had a way longer text typed up here that explains the situation in more detail, but writing it up made me realize again that it's barely legible because I'm so emotional right now this is the very core issue–I have no idea what my father expects of me yet he expects me to know and no matter what I try, I do it wrong. I may placate him for a few months, maybe even half a year, but at some point he always has to come up and ask me why I'm the way I am.
I've managed to cope my way out of every single bad thing in my life, but my father is the ultimate final boss that sends me literally sobbing after five minutes of conversation with him every single time.

No. 1833200

Very much enjoying people complain about the most mundane shit in my local town groups. Lady took a picture of someone not returning a shopping cart and wrote a whole paragraph about how "ignorant" that person is. Apparently people judge this as a type of moral test to see if you're "horrible" or not. The exact same people who go into the store to purchase often useless products made of plastic and toxic chemicals and overprocessed foods very likely somehow linked to slave and child labor. Not to mention the environmental effects of all of these things and the processes to make them. But oh god, what if a cart hits a car in the parking lot at your local Walmart while the cart guy is chain smoking and chugging energy drinks. The fossil fuels it took for her to open facebook and post a picture probably did more damage than that dude leaving the car haha who fucking cares

No. 1833206

>And reporting is spineless as fuck
Reporting is done if she doesn't stop, dumbass. It's not spineless to advocate for yourself.
>I'd rather just ask her to please tone the distractions down
Ok so do that then instead of seething about it to yourself? I have no sympathy for people who do nothing to help themselves and just whine and whine instead.

No. 1833208

Really why is it that moids always cheat/leave their girlfriends for a downgrade? I follow two girls on instagram who essentially have the same BPD personality but one is much prettier than the other. Girl A had a (admittedly super hot) boyfriend that seemed like he was obsessed with her but I think he left her for Girl B who is just as annoying but a massive downgrade in the looks department imo. These two girls both seem like spergs and moids really only care about the perceived market value of the women they’re with so why humiliate your more attractive partner by fucking off with an objectively worse option? I’m also being a sperg because I’ve never met any of these people anyways I just am fascinated by how these random aesthetic accounts ended up being interlinked kek.

No. 1833209

This site needs to have maturity requirements. What in fresh catty female socialization hell is this?

No. 1833212

I can relate so hard. There's this moid in one of my classes and he's always coughing or clearing his throat in such a weird and disgusting way. He doesn't do it too often and he sits across the room from me but whenever he does it I imagine what it would be like to shoot him in the back of the head. I wouldn't even mind usually, but any repeated noise when I'm trying to focus is enough to make my blood boil. Whispering and giggling is even worse, I'm happy I haven't had to experience that very often after highschool. I hope that girl quits going to that study room soon and good luck on your exams nona

No. 1833214

Isn't it usually insecure men who cheat? They know they don't deserve the prettier girl and that's why they start to doubt her loyalty and end up cheating with literally anyone else

No. 1833216

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I was just walking back from the shops when 5 feral scrotes ran up and started screaming in my face then walked away laughing. Uggghhh I want to live in a country when I can have a gun.

No. 1833220

I agree with you that a lot of moids self sabotage like that but he’s objectively very good looking, like probably the only decent looking moid in this fucking city. He can still be insecure over other things but I don’t think it was about not being a looksmatch.

No. 1833222

In the luteal phase of my period atm and I'm simultaneously horny and depressed

No. 1833224

This is what an ex did to me.

I knew something was up because he would be unaccounted for and would get angry with me if I'd ask where he'd been, and also started accusing me of trying to get with my exes.
It was because he was courting his fat slobby bitch ex who he talked massive shit about to me. Not because he was happy with her, but because she was willing to pay half his bills whereas I was not.
Scrotes are hella mercenary.
They'll be with women they hate just because it's more convenient for them.

No. 1833225

Men are ruled by impulse. She got him excited and he left. Simple as.

No. 1833228

My bowels are tweaking again damn, you'd think i'm eating a consistent diet of flaming doritos, beans and monster, my diet is so normal and healthy why tf you crying about now, gut? damn it just process the food and stfu i can't be worrying about you all my life, i don't even drink bitch tf you acting crazy for??? Then i go to the GP and specialist and what do they say? "everything is literally normal, it's just IBS" wtf

No. 1833231

Realise living your life for approval is a losing battle because I assume your father has more issues and typically those sorts of people with high expectations will never be satiated.
People who are top drs still have parents wanting more from them.
If you're always chasing after a moving goal post you'll never find true happiness and finding happiness should be your ultimate life goal.
Dial back communication with your dad, try to live life for yourself. I believe in you nona

No. 1833243

>They'll be with women they hate just because it's more convenient for them
People act like you’re bitter for pointing this out but it’s so true. Even the most normie moids seem to have some deep seated contempt for their wives just for existing. Moids will be with women they don’t love that much and even hate if it’s the easier option.

No. 1833244

Same nona. Honestly my recommendation is to just ignore him. Easier said than done, I know, but you have to accept you will never meet his standards because he will always find a way to tell you you're not good enough. It doesn't matter what you do because it's his problem, not yours. You could be perfect in every way and he'd still find something to nitpick. At some point you have to accept it and decide to live for yourself, not someone who is determined to see the worst in you. Many fathers resent their daughters, I don't think they even know why.

No. 1833267

I love you anon. I want to be your friend. Sorry if that’s random.

No. 1833278

What did the angry letter say???

No. 1833284

it was about one of the being sisters annoying in the car and them getting overwhelmed and then doing the same thing and getting shit on for it, then saying the mother didnt care about them (fair, mothers a narc) from 2010 so written by a kid or teen. wonder why it was kept and nothing else from childhood, the sister thing is starting to wig me out

No. 1833288

Is he close with his sisters now?

No. 1833294

I'm gonna say it (worst case scenario) could some of the clothes be his sisters?
I'd get out either way. Best thing that could happen here is he's a gross hoarder.

No. 1833308

please let this be a shitpost because otherwise what the fuck
>if he's a "moid" you shouldn't be fucking him,. it's so weird when nonas call their boyfriends scrotes and moids. if he's not a nigel leave him.
women should stop fucking guys they find repulsive or weird
there is a girl who is always eating in the silent study room. its gross because you can hear her chew and her food smells up the whole room. you arent even allowed to eat in that study room so i dont know why she insists on eating in there instead of any other study room where food is permitted

No. 1833317

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It is absolutely ridiculous how much the youngest sibling gets away with, my brother who is still in highschool gets to have his gf sleepover and they fuck of course, AND my mom knows he smokes weed and is not fuming mad about it. And it's not cause he's a scrote I have an older brother too and she would absolutely not let us get away with any of this shit. So if you're the baby of the family fuck you and if you're one of the elder siblings I hope you find 50 bucks outside

No. 1833337

There's plenty of conversation that happens on this site that could potentially apply to me but still never offends me. I'm never bothered when I see people insulting a certain behavior or trait just because it applies to me too, it's anonymous conversation and it's hardly anything to be offended by. However with that said, the conversation about grooming that happened in Unpopular Opinions earlier was extremely hurtful to read and I really just have to hope that it was a bunch of worthless cretin scrotes and that there aren't actually women who feel that way.

I have so much guilt and disgust with myself even after all this time over my "relationship" with a man 12 years my senior when I was 12-16. He was gross, creepy, fat, already balding neckbeard. But he was also nice to me, genuinely kind at first. The first male figure in my life who didn't actively try to hurt me. He didn't pressure me sexually, he took me on dates, he would listen to me attentively, he was so good to me at first because that's exactly what grooming is. He wasn't some old gross loser that I wanted to fuck, it was the first time I had felt love from an older man and it was a very needed thing for 12 year old me. By the time that it got unsafe and he started actually abusing me I was too afraid to leave. Afraid of getting in trouble, of not being believed, or blamed if I was actually believed. I feel like I've aged a lifetime since then and I'm still not as old now as he was when I finally escaped him. It was the worst time period of my entire life, and I have so much regret I carry with me every day.

I think that's why that conversation in UP hurt so badly. I expect as much from men, there were other men that knew about our "relationship" at the time. But I just want to believe so badly that if I had just been able to find a woman that she would have helped me, believed me, not blamed me. I just have to believe that there is still some hope for every future girl who will fall victim to the same thing, that she's not just totally on her own to be prey to pedophile men forever. This board has me fucked up today.

No. 1833353

There’s a lot of baiters on the site at the moment, there was one claiming women with vaginismus are all lying just to humble brag about having a tight pussy. They know what they’re saying is horrible and insensitive and that’s why they say it. They have no capacity to understand other people because they’re stupid.

No. 1833359

>if you're one of the elder siblings I hope you find 50 bucks outside
Thanks, nonnie.

No. 1833374

i wish i could meet friends off lolcow but at the same time im paranoid and as far as i know theres a discord server but it seems dead?

No. 1833377

i legit found 50 bucks today and im the older sibling

No. 1833381

I have had a couple of broken teeth for about half a year now but I'm too embarrased to go to the dentist to get them fixed.
I just have such a bad experience with dentists too, but I know I can't just keep going around with broken teeth, even if they're in the back where you can't see them.

No. 1833383

Nta but this week (same thing happened this time last year) I keep finding money on the ground. I think its from people drinking that much more over the xmas and then stumbling home

No. 1833391

With the amount of rotten and absolute disgusting stuff they have to see in people's mouths, I don't think going in for broken teeth is that bad

No. 1833393

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I've been working up the courage to tell my online male friend that I have a crush on him (I know this is incredibly retarded but I'm pretty sure he feels the same and its been driving me insane for months)

No. 1833398

Good luck nona

No. 1833399

I felt homesick so ordered some food from an import store… some items were out of stock but they offered replacements, I was excited. Then the order came and two items were missing, when I complained the store refunded only half the cost. Now I’ve noticed two items are expired since September. They are preserved so probably still edible at least. I want my money back because poorfag, but they have the best variety for my country’s products by a lot, so I don’t want to be banned. At least now I don’t feel homesick.

No. 1833436

That genuinely helped me. I think I just got to keep a check on the grand scheme of things.

No. 1833441

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You're welcome

No. 1833459

>young men are attracted to older women because they are mature, know more about sex and are more independent
>meanwhile i'm a virgin, childish and insecure
i don't wanna be stuck with a geriatric scrote…

No. 1833462

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>Going out for drinks tonight
>Get all dressed up
>Pretty hyped
>Taxi called, sitting, drinking wine
>Get a text
>Sorry can't make it not feeling well
>Haha no problem, we can catch up some other time. I didn't really feel like going out to be honest. It's super busy. Hope you feel better
She always does this, gives me 10 minutes notice. I get that you're not feeling well but do it earlier so I can manage my hype levels. I swear she does this at the last minute so it sounds more real.

No. 1833466

Thank you genuinely

No. 1833500

why the fuck would you go around as a ride share driver in a car that literally reeks of shit. why are men LIKE this. I didn't want to use the fucking women and trans filter on Lyft but it seems I have no fucking choice except to do it if I want to be able to fucking breathe….

No. 1833513

>Haha no problem, we can catch up some other time. I didn't really feel like going out to be honest. It's super busy. Hope you feel better
I don't know you both so maybe you had to reply that way (for some reason?) but in my opinion you should never lie like that unless you hate the person. If that's a real friend of yours you say "oh no! that sucks, I was hyped/ I was really looking forward to going out on the town with you! feel better!" Saying you were never that excited anyway and acting like you're relieved you don't have to go out is just weird and disingenuous. I would honestly be hurt if I got that response; maybe that's why she keeps cancelling on you, because you keep agreeing to something you later say you didn't want to do.

No. 1833578

Yeah idk I should be more honest but I don't want her to feel bad if she's actually sick

No. 1833582

I'm so tired of being emotionally dependent on my boyfriend, I'm so tired of my anxiety. Why does my life and mood have to revolve around him? I just want to be normal

No. 1833588

Saying you were hyped wouldn’t make a sick person feel bad, especially if you’re wishing them well or say you hope to catch up soon etc. It just shows you like them. It might make a liar feel bad lol

No. 1833631

there's a lot of talk about being a "girl's girl" or a pick me, but not so much about being the "girl's girl" friend of a pick me…. i still remember when me and my friend both had a crush on the same guy but she was the first one to tell me that she likes him and want to confess and i decided to retreat because she called dibs anyway and i wanted to support my friend. it wasn't even for the sake of being a girl's girl i thought it's just common courtesy to be supportive of a friend and to not fight over a man. i really did not want to lose my friendship because we liked the same guy but it seems like she didn't care about our friendship in the same way because what did she do? make me the target of her jokes in front of him and humiliate me, all to get his attention and turn me in her clown. and despite the fact that he treated her harshly and rejected her and i was all but supportive, she decided he was more important than me

No. 1833634

Should have clowned her back in front of him and taken him. Dark triad stacy reflexes, work on them and you shall prosper

No. 1833636


Same anon but I hate this fucker so much that when he spots me while parking I just want to ram into him. He does nothing but give me orders all day long. I didn't even know what he was talking about and what those are but he had been saying he bought new floor mats for the car and apparently they came in today. I saw them and said they're nice. Then a couple of hours after we parked he complained "Look at the flootmats in the back. You could have said something nice about the floormats I bought for you." like a 12 year old. For a bunch of floormats. You piece of shit manchild, I already did.

I have a medical complaint no one here cares to help me address and all I got done from coming here that I couldn't back home besides practicing driving is get into car debt. Stop doing useless shit, neglecting anything actually useful and then begging for compliments. You giant piece of shit moid. I hope you die.

No. 1833682

I miss you. I miss you. I wish I still loved you. I don't like hating you. I really hate hating you. Deeply from the bottom of my heart.

No. 1833699

My coworker jokingly but also rudely asked me if I was abused as a child because I rushed to destroy the evidence of a drink I messed up at work before the manager saw. I didn't realize it was that obvious. I need to go to trauma therapy next year.

No. 1833703

>show slight interest in finding something/solving a small problem that doesn't ultimately matter
>attempt it but it gets annoying so stop
>the person I'm with gets ott about insisting they help me find or finish the task
>feel like a four year old being dragged by the wrist clothes shopping
Fucking drop it I DON'T CARE ANYMORE. Oh so you can have brownie points for helping? It's for you at this point, fucking bimbo. You are getting NEGATIVE relationship points with me you boobish insister. Let it go

No. 1833705

He or someone he loves was probably abused themselves and copes with humor which is why he likely didn't realize he was being rude, unless he's just an asshole. Hope you don't feel self conscious aboutit, no one is making fun of you for it

No. 1833955

my daughter’s grandfather sent us a stroller wagon for christmas. i sent him a picture of her playing in it while just in a diaper because she’s in a phase where she hates wearing clothes at home. he literally texted me “what a little hussy.” what the fuck? who the fuck says that about a 2 year old? god i hate men. she’s fucking 2 and already being sexually harassed by men.

No. 1833967


No. 1833969

When I was thirteen(I'm 21 now, I'm in college but I stay home over break), my autistic brother tried to kill me by pushing me off a balcony. this was at nighttime, so I ran to my parents bedroom to try and tell them but they didn't really care at all and just shrugged it off. but later that week he started getting violent in front of them and started hitting mom even so they made him a ward of the state. My parents are always feeling a lot of pity for my brother and going out to see him a lot, and I feel so uncomfortable around him, but I feel like I'm never allowed to express it. I tried to bring it up recently with my dad today, I don't know why but I've been thinking about it again recently.

No. 1833970

File: 1703910895565.png (716.95 KB, 800x1200, lovelz-jiae_jpg.png)


At one point I started binging female K-pop groups and the more I listened to them, the more they all start sounding the same. After listening to every single album of about five or six different girl groups, I feel like I entered some sort of space-time loop where I was just listening to groups with the exact same songs but only with different visuals.

The only girl group that has stuck with me, although unfortunately it has now disbanded, is Lovelyz. And it was mostly because of the members, so you have a point. I love Jiae the most and she is my spirit animal.

I also became a huge btsfag back in 2017 and although I really liked some of the songs, I was still around mostly for the members because even BTS started pushing out very early on songs that sound like any other groups'. K-Pop, regardless of group, has a very low ceiling when it comes to music originality. Nonas deny this even if they literally know 90% of K-pop songs are generic garbage outsourced to tool Western producers. lul

No. 1833972

I want to be like everybody else. Why am I always so different. I just want simple things from life but I can’t even manage that because I have things wrong with me. I’m so frustrated that I would be having a straight up toddler meltdown right now if it weren’t for the fact I have covid and can barely move. Why can’t I be like other people. Why! Why! It doesn’t get better with time, it only gets worse and worse.

No. 1833973

I stg if I catch the ick from photo this I will actually kill myself. She looks so bad.

No. 1833974

I mean, Ive already gotten it but I’m praying its her sister or something omg. I cant tell because of the distance.

No. 1833975

*this photo (sorry for two samefags I’m tired)

No. 1833978

Third fucking samefag please dont ban me I will stop spamming after this: its confirmed to be her sister. Time to resume my unhealthy limerence with this fucking person. Yay!

No. 1834007

wtf why would he do that.. unless you let on that you didn't have plans or wanted to meet him.. in any case go back to your family nonna! it's stupid to waste your new years eve like this (unless the trip is still enjoyable to you ofc but doesn't seem like it)

No. 1834015

File: 1703917306900.jpg (70.98 KB, 1024x765, FBG3-WEX0AQ5Q4t.jpg)

Some ugly moid cunt messaged me on a dating site just to point out how "not a match" we are. Like wtf why message me then? I put one main "deal breaker" in my bio and I guess that applied to him so now he's got to let me know about it. Dating apps are so fucking shit. I keep getting pissed off using them. Most of the moids on them are ugly or cant carry a basic conversation. I'm trying so hard to meet more people bc right now it's difficult for me to meet anyone, so I turn to apps. But i feel like it's making me more miserable and affecting my confidence.

No. 1834017

I'm not an expert, but I think the male was trying to "neg" you. If I were in that situation, I would spam links to graphic videos of male, blue collar workers accidentally killing themselves in factory accidents.

No. 1834020

Show us what he looks like

No. 1834050

what even was he trying to accomplish? it this like a fast forward version of those moids who lead women on and then pretend it was actually the woman going after them?

No. 1834051

Good idea nonna. Unfortunately this particular dating app doesn't allow images/video to be sent
I wish I took a screenshot bc he looked rancid, but i blocked him as soon as I read his message
Actually, Im surprised we don't have a thread on here that complains about dating apps/ posts pictures of the ugly moids we find on there. Or maybe one exists on /g/ that I dont know about. I never venture there

No. 1834059

I feel so angry for no fucking reason. I want to cuss out at every person around me but I obviously can't.

No. 1834060


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No. 1834111

It infuriates me to know that my grandfather will die a happy man, never having anyone confront him, tell him off or have him take accountability for the trauma he has spread onto 2 generations and for all the shit he has done, all the lies he has told, all the laughs at my expense. I try to love him but it's damn impossible.
Fuck him.

No. 1834121

It sucks. I feel the same way about my grandmother.

No. 1834303

hes close with the younger one and cut the older one off after some lawsuit thing happening involving his mother. yeah idk guys it was exciting and all and good dick and everything but even considering how awful men are and the downfall of humanity i think i can do better. might just sidehoe him for now due to my rampant sex addiction and otherwise emotionally detach entirely

No. 1834643

i came home after a long vacation with my boyfriend (we're long distance for the time being) and found that in most crowded spaces all the female washrooms have been turned into unisex bathrooms while all the moids roomshave stayed the same. i envy nonnies who live on terf island.

No. 1848318

My father refused to stop smoking and go to the doctor. Now he had a massive stroke near his brain stem and has been in the hospital for nearly a year. He went on xmas day too. I moved out 5 years ago, but my sister is dealing with this bs. It's hard for me to even feel bad. Men are truly the most pitiful and weakest sex ever. I am sorry for all the nonnies dealing with shitty dads.

No. 1848321

Why wouldnt they just convert one bathroom?? there arent that many trannies in existence to justify that bullshit

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