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No. 1754629

yaoiposters remember to bring your permit
previous thread: >>1751756

No. 1754635

Should i take a stool softener i have not pooped all week

No. 1754638

File: 1699223932674.gif (11.47 KB, 131x174, double-lariat.gif)

your husbando sucks cock
everytime you earch his name, you will see images of him sucking cock
everytime you see cute fanart of him and go to check the artists page, you will see him sucking cock
everytime you find cool people who like his series, they will start a long intellectual discussion about whose cock he should suck the most
you spend 8 hours a day talking to a virtual robot
total yumecuck death(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1754641

What is a yaoi permit?

No. 1754643

No. 1754651

File: 1699224097407.jpg (355.54 KB, 1049x1505, 1697843274306113.jpg)

>Q kawoshin have gentle lovey-dovey sex
>qworu is entirely focused on making shinji feel good
>sometimes he's even the bottom

>shaun has to be pressured into it

>karl only cares about pleasuring himself
>occassional choking and light bondage

>anime kawoshin have loud, messy, 5 hour long mating press sessions

>lots of biting, scratching, shinji screaming "knock me up!", etc.
>can't keep their hands off of each other, even in public
>all of the girls are jealous of shinji

No. 1754653

closest thing I have to a husbando is a character from an otoge, so I have yet to see art of him sucking cock.

No. 1754654

True but seeing him sucking cock turns me on cuz I'm projecting in the cock he's sucking.

No. 1754656

This is getting annoying, are mods bored and allowing these fujo idiots to shit up this thread too?

No. 1754657

Quick question, are you 12?

No. 1754658

File: 1699224254755.jpg (327.09 KB, 1990x1240, 109e090d7d9cab467242dba0f525a5…)

It should have been his brother's cock

No. 1754660

File: 1699224287126.jpg (401.89 KB, 1000x1000, 1000_F_94440723_3QTqzwPCXRpmD0…)

fujo to cock pipeline

No. 1754664

Christ! Give a rest.

No. 1754665

my sasunaru tramp stamp

No. 1754666

i dont understand people who get upset over constipation. not pooping is a gift. i could do so much if i didnt poop

No. 1754667

File: 1699224394859.jpg (579.34 KB, 1473x2047, IMG_7246.jpg)

I, for one, am glad the retards with their fujoyume wars have gathered here because our /fujo/ thread has been infight free and comfy for several weeks now. Thank you retards

No. 1754668

can't believe mods also let those retards post literal porn last thread, i get normal shitpost but porn? what the hell

No. 1754669

Don't you dare use my wife for your shitposts

No. 1754672

How the fuck does a /m/ thread even have recurring infighting to start with?

No. 1754673

No. 1754674

yeah i thought it was a bit too much too but i guess it's not against the rules?

No. 1754675

this sounds like yuri on ice

No. 1754676

People (anti-fujo spergs) come to shit up the thread and no one on lolcow knows how to ignore bait

No. 1754677

yuri on ice had kawoshin?

No. 1754678

Learn Google bombing and getting posts and accounts high up in the results, make accounts and posts of common husbandos, dedicate it all to them sucking cocks. You can do this nonna don’t let it just be a dream.

No. 1754680

a lot of bl characters are also shitheads, what's your point?

No. 1754681

Who tops between Hangyodon and Keroppi boy btw

No. 1754682

the octopus is mine

No. 1754683

No. 1754684

Yeah but men being shitheads to men is based, men being shitheads to women usually just makes me sad.
Yandere men are based though.

No. 1754685

No. 1754686

Well…considering my husbando is known for sucking things up I can't argue I suppose.

No. 1754687

I like hangyodon on bottom personally

No. 1754689

If fujos can post their fugly pics and spam as much as they please we might as well post our damn folders too and mods better shut the hell up about it

No. 1754690

File: 1699225009834.jpg (424.78 KB, 1748x2048, 20231029_153503.jpg)

WINCEST iku yo

No. 1754692

File: 1699225093216.jpeg (62.18 KB, 306x469, IMG_7014.jpeg)

This isn’t recent enough for the celebricows thread I just remembered the time Azealia Banks thought it was a good idea to post her chicken butchering closet? Like nobody cares if you chop up your own meats but why would you do it in such a disgusting environment for so long? How can you even eat it after? Not spoilered cause the blood isn’t red enough to look like a crime scene it just looks like dirt and dried shit

No. 1754694

But watch, if husbandofags were to start husbandofagging here jannies would shut it down even though they've been letting the yaoi stuff happen for like 2 weeks. Eyeroll.

No. 1754695

Imagine the smell

No. 1754696

probably because it’s the faggot jannies doing it kek

No. 1754698

well she wouldn't prepare the meat in there i imagine, just behead them and maybe remove the feathers.

No. 1754699

Literally. Even if you talk about it in meta they just ignore you. How did we go from making fun of these people to letting them proudly post their incest anime boy gifs

No. 1754700

theres already a husbando specific dumbass shit thread in /g/ binch

No. 1754701

What I just googled a really common husbando and “sucking cock” just out of curiosity and the 10th result was a realistic render of him sitting on a nasty toilet full of shit. I close that tab and then go to this one and see this it looks like the poop

No. 1754703

So what

No. 1754704

File: 1699225363504.jpg (97.85 KB, 475x960, tumblr_ofh7ubMBxK1vtdqyio1_640…)

Yuuri and Victor

No. 1754706

You have the entire /g/ board to husbandofag as well as several threads in /m/ be serious

No. 1754709

File: 1699225432422.gif (872.14 KB, 498x373, pichu-pickachu.gif)

so kiss my yaoi-lovin' cheeks

No. 1754710

no one's stopping you sister, I'm waiting

No. 1754711

you also have multiple threads in /m/ for BL and yet…

No. 1754712

You got your damn thread too at /m/ and fujo.chan yet y'all still shitting this one

No. 1754713

What's your point? There's a yaoi thread in /m/ and an entire site for fujos. It's the same thing. Of course it's annoying for both to take up the dumbass shit thread (which is something only the fujos have been doing up until now), but I'm just saying it's hypocritical to be ok with the fujoposting here but not the yumeposting.

No. 1754714

it is against the rules, you have to report it. the mods might just nicely spoiler it because people forget but this is intentional so you could report it for "spamming nsfw" or whatever
fuck off faggot

No. 1754715

Imagine arguing with Azealia and then she gets angry, pushes you inside of the chicken sacrifice closet and closes it with the door handles chained up so you can't escape

No. 1754717

It's not like she was eating them kekkk. She was sacrificing the chicken, which is still crazy as fuck but still.

No. 1754718

You made me spit my tea nonnie

No. 1754719

the /m/ thread is for civil discussion.


No. 1754722

We need a retarded fujoposting thread already then. The /fujo/ thread is reserved for recs and actual discussions

No. 1754723

There's other threads there for dumping yaoi tho, not just the general

No. 1754724

File: 1699225616957.jpeg (124.98 KB, 1024x1024, _217f925d-7387-4b55-b094-ecea7…)

i wish i was drunk nonnies

No. 1754725

I'm sorry but I just laughed, nonna

No. 1754727

Well yeah, this is the same woman who cooked her dead cat and purchased a dead child's skull

No. 1754728

There's the pic dump thread (no shitposting) and the danmei thread (real discussions). There is no sperging thread

No. 1754730

schizoposting but I think someone is trying to bait us yumes into shitposting too in hopes of recreating a pseudo bunker thread or summoning a random avatarfag like kirbianon or rancefag

No. 1754731

Make one?

No. 1754732

File: 1699225759689.jpg (406.75 KB, 1134x1517, 20231104_012902.jpg)

it's fucked up how badly these new sanrio boys clash, besides the twincest ones

No. 1754733

Who the fuck is azalea banks is she like female jeffrey dahmer?

No. 1754734

They keep trying to push yume vs fujo wars. Why can we all not come together and agree that we should not dedicate our lives to men, fictional or otherwise!

No. 1754735

all of these are so fucking ugly minus the sheep

No. 1754736

>purchased a dead child's skull
Holy shit really?

No. 1754737

Yeah they made a mistake with the art direction here. So many look like vtubers

No. 1754738

kirbyanon WAS a fujo even though she hated being called one

rancefag was just an annoying attention whore

No. 1754739

god i wish i was lebanese like you

No. 1754740

The song was shit too.

No. 1754741

ntayrt but she's a music artist

No. 1754742

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No. 1754743

I'm so done with this polluted style of character design

No. 1754744

vtubers have been a disaster for animudesignkind

No. 1754745

everytime sanrio has tried to make something to appeal to yumes it has failed, they should give up already

No. 1754746

File: 1699225994758.jpeg (1.45 MB, 2731x4096, 1697812460773.jpeg)

At least we have this to look forward to

No. 1754748

I think show by rock did pretty well (it was trying to appeal to both men and women though) but they killed it.

No. 1754750

I am not a fujo. Do not use me for your retarded infighting.

No. 1754752

The Chinese one is sooo slutty looking I love him

No. 1754753

yeah there was a video of some radio show she was on where she talked about it. it was posted in her /snow/ thread but I can't find it now. it was an indian girl's skull specifically

No. 1754754

How?! Did she buy it on black market?

No. 1754756

The buys drugs one looks like he's from one of those manga where characters have a permanent ahegao face

No. 1754758

Are you still retired from kirby/dedede thirsting or have you gone back?

No. 1754759

It’s not that hard to buy a human skull. Not illegal either. Oddities shops and fairs sell them. As soon as it’s a second hand antique or whatever suddenly it’s “ethically sourced” lol

No. 1754760

File: 1699226232017.jpg (54.71 KB, 467x600, Retoree.(Show.by.Rock!!).full.…)

show by rock was an absolute failure, they dumped so much money into it for nothing. They cancelled the figure set even though i really wanted my retoree figurine.

No. 1754761

I hate many things about these:
>some of them don’t even look like they’re from the same franchise
>it’s hard to know who is representing who
>some of them are trying too hard to be sexy when they’re Sanrio’s boys
>cluttered designs, I wish I was autistic enough to eliminate stuff that’s unnecessary but that would make them a bit more appealing

No. 1754762

He looks like a character made for 14 year old gendies

No. 1754764

Nevermind then kek, I think I just assumed it did okay because I knew a couple of people who itabag'd for it, but itabaggers are kind of the ultimate consoomer who will bag for series that aren't even fully out yet (ie: I already see people stocking up on fragaria merch)

No. 1754765

how are you always online

No. 1754766

File: 1699226425778.jpg (74.77 KB, 563x555, tumblr_088b0f05332ccd40aede525…)

That is the exact audience who likes him too, I've already seen so many posts for him on tumblr despite him having the shittiest design of all.

No. 1754767

they should learn from ensemble stars and start making designs more simple. Stuff like ensemble stars, love live, girls und panzer, cinderella girls, bandori and other gacha/otaku trash is extremely popular because the designs are simple and appealing

No. 1754768

Nah. I only "retired' because of my own mental instability + an abusive ex.

No. 1754769

he feels so westoid, like a 14yo steven universe undertale hazbin hotel fan and gendie drew him

No. 1754771

how was it affecting your mental health? asking in good faith from a fellow unironic husbandofag

No. 1754772

File: 1699226594900.jpg (563.16 KB, 989x1400, 202212150012628.jpg)

vivziepop anime boy

No. 1754773

Ah, I'm sorry about that. I hope Kirby still makes you happy at least.

No. 1754774

File: 1699226640683.png (889.94 KB, 640x800, (Hatsuyume_Sheep)_Kanata_Shink…)

Exactly. The simple designs also allow them to put the characters in elaborate outfits without making the end result too overwhelming

No. 1754775

File: 1699226675953.jpg (141.74 KB, 879x682, 20231105_144718.jpg)

Shut up nerds

No. 1754776

Kek, accurate.

No. 1754777

you are browsing lolcow.farm

No. 1754778

omg stacy hi

No. 1754779

in the recent sanrio poll SBR was voted like #5 out of all the sanro characters. maybe we will see a come back

No. 1754780

Be real with me. I have legit, diagnosed autism. Will i get cancelled if i start posting my art of Civil War and Vietnam anime boys on twitter? I see tons of artists drawing military anime girls, but western yume/fujos of twitter scare me.

No. 1754782

I couldn’t remember which one the frog is. Anyway remember this

No. 1754783

Make a side account and don’t link back to your main

No. 1754784

File: 1699227057478.gif (1.3 MB, 498x272, moa-show-by-rock-moa.gif)

I hope so, it's one of my favorites CGDCT shows.

No. 1754785

File: 1699227105223.gif (1.43 MB, 424x318, 1666787097968.gif)

sanrio is getting absolutely bodied by chiikawa right now anyways

where are my chiikawa boys

No. 1754787

I don't use twitter, lol.

No. 1754788

What's chiikawa?

No. 1754789

i dont like

No. 1754790

i hate chiikawa, it feels like a shitty mangaka mascot

No. 1754791

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No. 1754792

File: 1699227210657.jpg (52.15 KB, 576x1024, 02cbeba694e8dc5d290ea62f273425…)

why are women simping for this creature

No. 1754794

File: 1699227233933.jpg (1.91 MB, 2224x2026, 111245120_p27.jpg)

I don't know about western twitter but the eastern countryhuman accounts are fine and they have a lot of political stuff

No. 1754796

the new big kawaii thing like how puipui was super popular for a while

No. 1754798

File: 1699227271991.jpg (64.54 KB, 503x501, 7564847.jpg)

They did a collab with Chiikawa anyway though

No. 1754799

File: 1699227319467.webp (Spoiler Image,15.57 KB, 615x662, 1_azealia1.webp)

No. 1754800

keroppi's design is awful, the tanned bitch is also ugly. rest i agree

No. 1754801

>keroppi in top tier
he looks bad, girl

No. 1754802

No. 1754803

They should just suck it up and hire Toboso already, she makes what most Yumes want.

No. 1754804

pls don't booly the cinnamoroll boy. and the hideous rainbow one deserves mid at the very highest because his creator is at least based. agree that hello kitty is the ugliest though, lol lmao at them making their main mascot the ugliest of the bunch.

No. 1754805

some indian dude from toronto that talks in a ~sassy~ way

No. 1754806

i miss puipui

No. 1754807


No. 1754808

I was feeling mean only putting cogimyun boy in actually good tier.

No. 1754809

File: 1699227469812.jpg (168.32 KB, 1536x1184, 1699227497173.jpg)

Would you follow her into battle

No. 1754810

>and the hideous rainbow one deserves mid at the very highest because his creator is at least based
There's a couple of hideous rainbow ones you're gonna have to be more specific.

No. 1754811

why do 6 out of 10 modern men look like andrew tate

No. 1754812

gay men?

No. 1754813

File: 1699227543835.jpg (792.06 KB, 1280x1920, yana tnc doujin.jpg)

Are yumes that into shota? I thought that was more of a fujo thing.

No. 1754814

the darkie

No. 1754815

Oh yeah people were screaming on twitter because she wrote a hypmic incest doujin.

No. 1754816

yana toboso is a huge shotafag

No. 1754818


No. 1754819

File: 1699227687392.jpg (81.73 KB, 350x494, IMG_5032.jpg)

She's also a fujo not a yume
That kind of furthers my point that shotas are more of a fujo thing.

No. 1754821

No. 1754822

she only wrote yaoi twice and i would say she's more well known for making the yume magnet that's twisted wonderland nowadays

No. 1754823

Yana knows what the girlies want.

No. 1754824

I still cant believe disney actually sought out the incest shota torture yaoi woman to do their anime game. only based thing that company has done in years.

No. 1754825

why are you guys talking about yaoi discussions here? go to your thread

No. 1754827

I'd say twst is equal parts yume magnet and fujo magnet tbh

No. 1754828

File: 1699227976124.jpg (91.75 KB, 1024x522, 20231102_094603.jpg)

twst's yume community has been on life support for ages while the fujos flourish with endless pandering. there's no romance whatsoever and last halloween she went out of her way to introduce a new male character who had literal a cuck scene with him and malleus dancing and bantering in front of the mc kek.

No. 1754829

It's a joseimuke so that's pretty much what it's going for, I don't play the game though so I can't say if it succeeds or not.

No. 1754830

Another shit ass thread, hiding

No. 1754831

They like pissing other anons off and probably got mad because mods deleted their discord link

No. 1754835

i dont understand why anons are mad, yaoi and anime boys is pretty much the only thing we have universally in common overall.

No. 1754836

File: 1699228224526.jpg (167.55 KB, 667x1000, 71sIO3zX61L._SL1000_.jpg)

>She only wrote yaoi twice
>Wrote TNC doujins
>Wrote a bunch of stuff like glamorous lip
>Wrote Black butler
You sure about that?

No. 1754837

They're probably the anti weeb types who complain about anime while going on imageboards.

No. 1754838

And they never propose a different topic ever, just sit here are complain about other anons interests

No. 1754839

Pretty interesting compilation of her older works

No. 1754841

black butler isnt yaoi, unless there is anal rape involved its just fanservice

No. 1754842

File: 1699228366017.gif (Spoiler Image,3.47 MB, 640x354, He_returns.gif)

It's probably akin to kpopfagging

Speaking of which

No. 1754843

File: 1699228399119.jpeg (59.51 KB, 256x538, C49C7D92-1AA9-4BD9-8761-F2E236…)

She makes hot guys, that’s why everyone is still creaming themselves over fucking Sebastian even though he’s such a basic looking character. Whatever she’s doing, she’s doing it right.

No. 1754845

It might as well be yaoi with all the fanservice though

No. 1754846

i think kpop dogboy is cute, i wish i had bf with chuuby cheeks that wants to bark for me

No. 1754847

anime boys yes, yaoi no

No. 1754848

i remember when this basic bitch was popular

No. 1754849

I don't like yaoi though…

No. 1754850

I'm not denying she's a fujo but most yume games and anime have at least one shota nona ig: diabolik lovers and ouran highschool host club

No. 1754853

>diabolik lovers
Kanato isn't a shota
>ouran highschool host club
Didn't it have a shit ton of fujobait though? Especially with the twins.

No. 1754855

kanato is a shota
>t.watched that shit only for him

No. 1754856

its made by a fujo who likes gay shota rape, torture, and incest and includes themes of gay shota rape, torture, and incest. she just toned it down to make it more accessible to the commonfolk.

No. 1754857

Fujos and yumes have massive crossover, it's just the retards on either end of the spectrum shitting it up for everyone else

No. 1754858

its a problem with the western fanbase really but theres a whole thread to talk about that…

No. 1754859

File: 1699228746428.jpg (66.13 KB, 425x600, b824f63444d7a0922ae5bfd68ba2d4…)

He's just severely autistic
He's also my favorite though, but I ended up shipping him with Azusa

No. 1754860

File: 1699228747167.gif (1.56 MB, 498x278, black-butler-pull.gif)

It's definitely yaoibait and shotabait though

No. 1754861

Literally all yume games have a shota because surprisingly, young girls play the yume games too and maybe they don’t want to date Mr.Rogers who is 40 years old, so they prefer Billy who is around 15 years old, not too old, but not too young either. Are there yumes who are 40 years old dying for the shotas? Surely, but the target audience is the young girls that play the games, not the older women.

No. 1754863

12 year old me was scandalized by this scene lol

No. 1754864

There's a whole thread for most of the gay shit in this thread but bitches would rather keep /m/ dead

No. 1754865

i miss this era of anime, i havent seen the angry or drop thingy in a while

No. 1754866

That makes sense, I haven't played that many otome (honestly I need to play more of them since I want to add more entries to my VNDB)
My favorite is usually the yandere personally.

No. 1754867

anon…do you know what shota is? because most yume games only have underage high school aged boys, and the shotas are normally just juniors who are smaller/cuter. Also yume games arent targetted or made for little girls lol they are made for grown salary women who have tons of spending money and no bf

No. 1754869

I don't think any of the designs are good, maybe the twins because they aren't cluttered, but keroppi's design had so much potential. Maybe I'm biased cause he's reminding me of Shuu from hatoful boyfriend.

No. 1754870

>salary women who have tons of spending money and no bf
My ideal self

No. 1754871

>Shuu from hatoful boyfriend
My nigga
Hopefully Keroppi boy also cuts up people and puts them into jars.

No. 1754877

File: 1699229279214.gif (1.91 MB, 440x640, 2NHpX1Vw3JuBDi8C.gif)

No. 1754879

File: 1699229435140.gif (278.48 KB, 220x164, come here kitten.gif)

No. 1754880

File: 1699229511965.png (588.78 KB, 1140x835, download.png)

I genuinely feel like danganronpa characters are the easiest way to sort anime boy body types.

No. 1754882

File: 1699229562782.gif (10.92 MB, 488x480, 1699074341928.gif)

No. 1754883

ugliest characters of all time

No. 1754884

i only like the rich bitch with glasses

No. 1754886


No. 1754888

This game has the worst fanbase of all time

No. 1754889

No that's the fragaria memories guys
No that's battle shounen anime fans and kpop fans
I was reading doujins of him yesterday

No. 1754890

Sorry but the new layout is really ugly. Fucking why did this happen

No. 1754891

I call them shota because anons are obsessed with calling them shotas, I know they’re just short guys, teenagers at best.

No. 1754892

wrong again it's male sports fans

No. 1754893

I hate that he's my type… it's so hard being a meganefag

No. 1754894

Ok you win

No. 1754895

shota is just cute anime boy who's kinda childish/short. Hone from ouran host high school is a shota even though he's 17

No. 1754896

Kek that's what I was thinking, football fans are the worst

No. 1754897

File: 1699229885792.png (583.69 KB, 965x837, protagonist heights.png)

Any male anime character who's under 5'3 is automatically a shota

No. 1754898

same anon, same. We megane sisters only get blue haired boy with glasses with 0 personality. Meanwhile megane moids get tons of variety in their meganes.

No. 1754900

what new layout…?

No. 1754901

File: 1699229982094.jpeg (23.15 KB, 768x656, NqIYAfE0WfOqMF2u.jpeg)


No. 1754902

File: 1699229992911.jpg (232.5 KB, 2119x2071, Tamamori.full.3699102.jpg)

Best meganes are the ones who don't actually need glasses and just wear them because they're pretentious.

No. 1754903

The whole world pretends like teenyboppers are the most horrifying thing in existence but don't bat an eye at male sports fans who literally riot in the streets and trash buildings, smash their TVs and beat their wives over a fucking ball game

No. 1754904

made an order online a few days ago and wanted to see where the fuck it was, admired my order and noticed there were still 2 items in my cart and yeah, somehow they weren't in my order even though I definitely had them in my cart? anyways, made an additional order but feels like a scam

No. 1754905

i like my glasses boys to be blind as a bat without them

No. 1754909

i forgive the yaoi fags because the reactions in the fujo cringe thread are priceless

No. 1754912

The fujo cringe thread is so weird, I don’t get them.

No. 1754914

I think a lot of them are twitterfags, the other day they were getting super heated and upset over Israel san x Hamas kun memes.

No. 1754915

me neither, it's a shame its invaded by schizos because i love reading cringy weeb/fangirl posts, but they derrailed the thread into arm chair psychology and christian mom tier sperging.

No. 1754916

i have this theory it's the fag tourists from the celebricows thread

No. 1754917


No. 1754918

No. 1754920

I thought fags didn't care about fujos? Or at least the majority, I know that one literally who voice actor got super pissy about BL

No. 1754921

have you ever been to /lgbt/ fags there hate fujos

No. 1754923

and this is why fujos are based as fuck and I will defend till I get shot by the e-police

No. 1754924

>have you ever been to /lgbt/
No I don't hate myself that much

No. 1754927

their only crime is being super fucking obnoxious sometimes, and that's why they deserve to be laughed at. too bad the fujo cringe thread is invaded by retards, i just want to laugh at female virgins getting banned from tinder for using their anime bodypillows as pfp i dont want to read autism manifestos about how fujos are ''literally as bad as men!!!!1!''.

No. 1754928

Aren't they all trannies?

No. 1754929

File: 1699231210715.png (27.4 KB, 1626x227, Screenshot 2023-11-05 164013.p…)

The extreme pearl clutching is pretty hilarious though, what former glory are they referring towards anyway?

No. 1754930

a seething male is a seething male

No. 1754932

then they should stop posting porn and pedo stuff like shotas

No. 1754933

File: 1699231252913.png (342.15 KB, 863x925, mobile plsnobully.png)

is this post from there a copypasta or is this real unbridled autism?

No. 1754935

she's right

No. 1754936

it's funny when they want to larp as oldfags when the founding mothers of this shithole were /cgl/ weeb women

No. 1754937

>t. op
our own queen is a fujo, anon. most weeb women are somewhere on the fujo spectrum and this is a weeb women board kek its always been like this.

No. 1754938

keek okay they're kinda funny

No. 1754940

literally just go back to your thread, stop

No. 1754941

everytime I go to /hm/ out of boredom I'm reminded of how god awful gay male taste is

No. 1754942

Yeah but real fags are too busy browsing grindr and stan twitter to gaf about fujoshis, let alone complain about them on 4chan

No. 1754943

tell me nonny

No. 1754944

>christian mom tier sperging.
I hate this the most tbh, it’s like some tradthots noticed the yaoi thread once and now they can’t stop thinking about it.

No. 1754945

Not everyone into cosplay and Lolita is into gay anime little boy sex

No. 1754947

they talk about wanting to see rape and characters that look like children. that is rancid

No. 1754949

File: 1699231471203.png (885.3 KB, 1000x1582, 1444231724587.png)

This is the reason why non weebs shouldn't be allowed to post on imageboards.

No. 1754950

File: 1699231481801.jpg (335.6 KB, 1356x2048, 20231023_112223.jpg)

No. 1754951


It's not pearl clutching to ask to return to your designated containment zone

No. 1754952

File: 1699231497036.png (43.85 KB, 451x192, Screenshots_2023-11-05-18-44-3…)

I found this one so funny. Her heart aches for the poor defenseless anime boys…

No. 1754953

File: 1699231498457.jpg (84.14 KB, 1170x1322, 1668861390721.jpg)

i went there once looking for hot male refs to draw and their raw shit taste power converted me into a lesbian

No. 1754954

they do, gay men on /tttt/ made the pooner meme because they were angry at tifs for invading grindr

No. 1754955

KEEK holy shit maybe I should lurk the thread

No. 1754956

they unironically are and I'm willing to bet you know no one into either. average lolita knows all the lyrics to the boku no pico theme song by heart from meme karaoke.

No. 1754957


No. 1754960

stacey shit tbh

No. 1754961

this artist is so fucking good, got sauce?

No. 1754962

File: 1699231660573.png (2.03 MB, 1421x1802, 18310930c7ed093310d3adf3ec2239…)

You laugh but those anime boys can only take but so much dick before they lose it.

No. 1754963

Stop talking about raping anime kids, you're mentally ill

No. 1754965

dungeons and dragons?

No. 1754966

>look like children
Post examples then. Shota is banned in lolcow btw, so I will laugh at you if you post some short character.

No. 1754967

it's all just hairy roided men or straight up dick and balls, not even one thread with cute boys sigh…

No. 1754968

Rape against males/inhumans, you mean. Which is based.

No. 1754969

File: 1699231772695.jpg (481.07 KB, 2000x1667, 1240816.jpg)

post the animu boy who you think needs rape the most(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1754970

you guys just posted porn last thread, mods don't give a shit and you're taking advantage of it

No. 1754971

File: 1699231855692.jpg (628.55 KB, 853x1210, FtrSuIMaYAACE--.jpg)

No. 1754972

Is that really rtgame??

No. 1754973

Ok, but where’s the anime boys that look like children? Tag the posts, I’m waiting.

No. 1754974

for real? are twinks out of fashion?

No. 1754977

Kek i can feel nona's tears as she writes this, please fujos stop traumatizing her

No. 1754978

there are "twinks" but they still have some muscle

No. 1754979

File: 1699231977964.png (969.97 KB, 1360x1525, 49e417ac85455812.png)

this riddler

No. 1754980

him or his evil twin, they got the same body

No. 1754981

Twinks have always been more popular with women. Gay men prefer roidpigs

No. 1754982

>please fujos stop traumatizing her
The fujo bloods gave me and the christian soccer moms crips ptsd

No. 1754983

File: 1699232038771.jpg (109.25 KB, 676x1200, adriana lima.jpg)

It's so crazy that DD used to be touted as like the biggest breasts a woman can have, because in reality they're actually not that large and cup size only accounts for so much of your actual breast size.
>t. have double Ds
I like mine though, they're midsize and it's easy to conceal them or make them more apparent depending on what I wear.

No. 1754984

File: 1699232067604.jpg (174.84 KB, 534x700, 92353797_p5.jpg)

No. 1754985

I love Lacryboys art so much i wish she wasn't a tif

No. 1754986

Either way he should keep his face hidden as well.

No. 1754987

is hetalia worth watching

No. 1754988

By who though? Russia?

No. 1754989

I actually didn't know this, I've always seen fags creeping after twinks/straight pretty boys

No. 1754990

need an alex jones bara roidhog on the table for my christmas feast

No. 1754991

how do you manage to wrongly quote a post? its literally just clicking the big number you cocomelo brain

No. 1754992

Yes, especially dubbed.

No. 1754993

Those are tifs not fujoshis, obviously gay men are going to be fed up with women larping as men inserting themselves into spaces they don't belong. I've also seen gay men on /cm/ defend fujoshis and appreciate the art they make, so it seems like those who have a strong negative opinion on fujoshis are misogynistic men or self-hating aidens.

No. 1754994

File: 1699232213353.png (1.86 MB, 1500x1828, Riddle.Rosehearts.full.2982590…)

No. 1754996

File: 1699232250395.jpg (250.94 KB, 960x960, 1483326726106.jpg)

Please stop this is the third time someone called me a dumbass i'm starting to believe it

No. 1754997

The twink chasers are usually bisexual men

No. 1754999

love urself queen

No. 1755004

why do people think they're a tif? I was on their livestream once and they just sounded like a sassy gay boy

No. 1755007

File: 1699232478918.jpg (119.81 KB, 769x1200, FyvdUduacAQk1d9.jpg)

No. 1755008

when in the dumbass shit thread we're all dumbasses

No. 1755009

holy shooped

No. 1755010

Hetalia was the only good 'humanized countries' series tbh.

No. 1755011

its nothing sexual i just meant for eating

No. 1755012

no, not unless you're already interested in the concept of huminzed countries

No. 1755013

File: 1699232566901.png (1.53 MB, 1560x720, (Bewildered_Sports_Festival)_A…)

Yana Toboso our shotacon queen

No. 1755014

agree. ball head humans is dookie.

No. 1755016

File: 1699232633341.jpg (31.02 KB, 339x452, kutujoku.jpg)

there were other ones?

No. 1755017

File: 1699232662302.jpg (85.49 KB, 736x892, 1ebb75e9bdba8c2aba03d5c06dd9f3…)

I'm a fujo only for them

No. 1755018

anime boys in bara art be like

No. 1755020

I think they call themselves a man

No. 1755021

post hand

No. 1755022

File: 1699232762172.jpeg (220.55 KB, 1170x981, 1692139394876.jpeg)

No. 1755023

yes… but why do you think they're a tif?

No. 1755024

File: 1699232872248.jpg (180.87 KB, 423x600, 266236l.jpg)

There's a couple to my knowledge
Hetalia for moids who can't draw
>Country humans
Polandball+Hetalia for edgy Russian fujos
99% of the jokes are rape jokes, none of them are funny or clever.
>Geopolitical boys
Untranslated so who knows, shitty character designs though especially manlet Russia.

No. 1755025


No. 1755026

nta but definetly literally no man is capable of drawing femgaze content that's appealing to women

No. 1755027

File: 1699232936302.png (1.74 MB, 1560x720, (The_Road_to_King)_Tsukasa_Suo…)

the better enstars boy

No. 1755029

the fuck is SATW? there was a super old comic about humanized human girls from the 1900, it was somewhat popular on /co/

No. 1755030

Why are the fujos monke

No. 1755031

Her drawings are really femgazey especially the yaoi ones

No. 1755032

they have returned and are truly cringe and free

No. 1755033

Who're you talking with? Did you just write in meta? It's not trannyahnds, trannyhands sounded moralfaggy, they have completely different attitude. She's more likely to be in the antifujo thread than the yaoi posting anon.
Because life could be a dream, life could be a dream, sweetheaaaaart

No. 1755035

They've accepted and embraced their primal nature. They've retvrned

No. 1755036

File: 1699233124548.gif (10.77 MB, 498x488, monkey-animal.gif)

ooh ah ah yaoi oh oh ah ah boy butt sex

No. 1755037

File: 1699233144500.jpg (506.86 KB, 700x2386, Gay-Eggs.jpg)

SATW=Scandinavia and the world
Basically some chick from Denmark (I think) got pissy about Hetalia not protraying her country properly or something? So she made a comic that's basically extremely poorfag Hetalia, it's still going apparently though which is wild.

No. 1755038

File: 1699233160706.png (1.21 MB, 1500x845, IMG_1462.png)

hi enstars anons

No. 1755040

He's cute, probably my second favorite in knights after Izumi

No. 1755041

i wish i could find the female hetalia from 1900 it was actually really creative i think they had miniature boats for heads

No. 1755042

Monke spin when the yaoi hit

No. 1755043

I thought so too but idk they really sounded like a man
the live stream was on picarto, maybe theres an archive somewhere

No. 1755045

File: 1699233290202.png (1.6 MB, 1560x720, (Sea_of_Secrets)_Kanata_Shinka…)

Fellow ryuseitaifag…

No. 1755046

If you do I'd love to see it.
I'm honestly surprised there's no moe game/anime about female humanized countries, it seems like it would be pretty easy yuribait and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of hetalia fans got into it just because they like the general concept.

No. 1755050

File: 1699233512341.jpg (215.94 KB, 794x1024, original hetalia.jpg)

here! it's really cute actually

No. 1755052

Mmm tummy

No. 1755053

If you find it show it here i'm good at clocking

No. 1755054

I love art like this.

No. 1755055

File: 1699233617978.jpg (3.71 MB, 4091x5343, america chan.jpg)

i really, really like the designs. It's funny how it feels like something that could be from a manga/anime/gacha

No. 1755056

This looks cute

No. 1755057

File: 1699233656335.jpg (535.72 KB, 1758x1152, pan-america-in-puck-magazine.j…)

Oh, how pretty! I also found this.

No. 1755059

the yuri-shipping would go crazy with this

No. 1755062

I ship it

No. 1755063

File: 1699233804360.jpg (42.08 KB, 512x433, gorgeous designs though.jpg)

Further reason why I want to see a series like this, closest is nyotalia but that was just a one off.

No. 1755064

File: 1699233806005.jpeg (55 KB, 541x424, IMG_1465.jpeg)

himaruya needs to do more with them

No. 1755067

What the fuck, what character was it?

No. 1755068

File: 1699233960310.jpg (164.21 KB, 578x851, 1666362785436.jpg)

it's already canon

No. 1755069

They're girlfriends

No. 1755071

File: 1699234064894.jpeg (362.42 KB, 1602x2048, FnDe9DeaMAIc9s4.jpeg)

Do fujoanons have that one hetship (or yuriship) they're in love with? For me, it's them

No. 1755073

File: 1699234269452.png (2.51 MB, 1377x2039, 92968597_p3.png)

I like a couple of hetships actually! Everything's good with me but fujo stuff is my favorite.
Great choice though, Fakir x Ahiru is god tier.

One of my current favorites is K1 x Rena from Higurashi.

No. 1755079

File: 1699234650150.jpg (197.73 KB, 2218x1777, 46cae379f0241dd3f15156c7754318…)

mostly because I self insert as lyza…
also I like genderbending yaoi ships a lot, especially the top unfortunately theres not a lot of content for that

No. 1755080

File: 1699234663736.png (3.4 MB, 3622x3500, 97037304_p10.png)

Also into them

No. 1755081

File: 1699234664787.jpeg (91.42 KB, 736x582, 439FB4F1-64BE-4C8E-97D1-8099AA…)

I’m a yumefujo and I love these two so much I can feel my heart bursting into many pieces by the sight of them together. But I also think Pucca looks kind of cute with Ring Ring.

No. 1755082

File: 1699234684258.jpeg (214.57 KB, 1300x1600, AF1455AF-D993-43F7-A276-22297B…)

less of a fujo more of a 'generally don't understand shipping as a concept' but still wanna get my 2 cents in, my exception is them, i'll never get over rosemary, ever.

No. 1755084

File: 1699234759720.jpg (40.74 KB, 722x783, 1659272295206785.jpg)

No. 1755086

i thought he was your husbando

No. 1755087

Who are they?

No. 1755089

No. 1755093

cute! i love this show though i ship garu with tobe more

No. 1755096

File: 1699234990475.png (771.14 KB, 652x2048, 96175005_p0.png)

Volo x Akari

No. 1755097

File: 1699234992313.jpg (168.72 KB, 773x1280, tumblr_2de758414c4338f19da226f…)

I'm mostly a fujo but I like a lot of yuri ships as well. My favorite is Moicy, I don't even play Overwatch anymore but I'm considering picking it up again just for them. They would be so perfect together bros…

No. 1755100

File: 1699235020536.png (245.49 KB, 406x573, cuties.PNG)

My OTP but I'd ship soul with everyone under the sun

No. 1755101

he is, but he's cute with anyone and i enjoy exploring his character through different ship AUs. He has cute relationship dynamics with everyone from the show, except bobby and uni obvs.
presto and diana from the 80s dnd cartoon

No. 1755107

oh ok i hadn't thought of that, i can see how it would be fun putting him in different scenarios with various characters. keep on keeping on, anon.

No. 1755110

File: 1699235537674.jpg (10.06 KB, 235x196, 1317925cf7b67a9b6ab5c1ba227d16…)

I liked the way anons bullied Astarion into the oblivion for being old and ugly, it felt like we were ganging up on him for being a 3/10 faggot which i approve of course. The lame part is that i accidentally developed a crush on him because he seemed so pathetic after all the slander. I want to corner him and kick his ass

No. 1755112

I get you tbh, I honestly tend to like most ships unless they’re utterly retarded or boring, as in shit with obvious child characters or basic tropes that are done in the most boring ways cofcof OptimusxMegatron cofcof

No. 1755113

File: 1699235628395.jpg (292.65 KB, 1916x1080, peekaboo.jpg)

No. 1755114

thank you, i will

No. 1755116


No. 1755117

Megastar is superior tho

No. 1755119

File: 1699235684441.png (1.4 MB, 800x800, IMG_5286.png)

No. 1755120

I don't know who this is but he ugly as fuck

No. 1755123

It's mr. Raisin

No. 1755124

No. 1755125

Exactly, because it’s actually cool and there’s interesting stuff to talk about and to explore when there’s ships like those. My favorite transformers ship is OptimusxJazz tbh, so I’m like one of the 15 people that likes it, liking rarepairs is suffering

No. 1755126

Is he a member of the California raisins?

No. 1755128

File: 1699235843496.png (1.18 MB, 800x800, EnwSaoHXYAARxcv.png)

I love whoever is in charge of their advertising, so much

No. 1755133

Jazz and OP are both boring characters in most incarnations (OP was interesting in animated, but he was pretty much just Rodimus in that) so I don't really care about any of their ships honestly.

A lot of the ships I liked were just like 'the default for this character because we can't think of anyone else to ship them with atm' kind of stuff, like Tarn x Pharma.

No. 1755135

File: 1699236010699.jpg (20.07 KB, 337x337, 099d.jpg)

No. 1755138

File: 1699236152669.jpg (1019.77 KB, 2996x2246, Lot of California Raisins.jpg)

He is, nonna, he is. He fits in with them just fine!

No. 1755139

Is he this ugly for real? Is this edited?

No. 1755140

I feel like Jazz needs more love, I know that hasn’tbro only cares about money and only develops characters that are marketable and popular, but like, Jazz having the same abilities as Soundwave but being cool about it is so neat to me, I wish he had more screen time insert a sad face and a crying face.
Tbh, when there’s a lot to pick from I end up liking basically most ships, TarnxPharma is pretty cool, I also like Tarn as a character for self-inserts because of his Yandere potential.

No. 1755142

No, it''s not edited, LOL this is what women are simping for now, ugly old man propaganda WORKED

No. 1755144

He kinda looks like a mix between Jeffrey Epstein and Milo Yiannopoulos

No. 1755145

File: 1699236397896.jpg (419.7 KB, 800x1200, tumblr_o23c206U8f1r3x4qxo1_128…)

>TarnxPharma is pretty cool, I also like Tarn as a character for self-inserts because of his Yandere potential
All the yandere boys are good boys.

No. 1755146

File: 1699236464407.gif (1.22 MB, 498x272, titanic-leonardo-dicaprio.gif)

ddlg/dadbod/tumblr sexymen and it's consequences. I cant believe our moms were lusting after pre-wall leo dicaprio and our generation is lusting after >>1755113

No. 1755147

This is what the West is conditioning women to desire. Sad

No. 1755148

The only good transformers pairings are bumblebee x starscream, optimus x megatron, and soundwave x me. Nothing else.

No. 1755149

I hate this threadpic

No. 1755151

Is it because of the butts? Or because the butts are probably made of chocolate?

No. 1755153

you dont like pompompurin?

No. 1755156

File: 1699236685003.jpg (84.05 KB, 1080x1080, jiggle like you tryin to make …)

No. 1755158

Because of the butts

No. 1755159

File: 1699236701070.jpg (38.44 KB, 800x800, tumblr_0f443dd620481bef5bfc1d7…)

No. 1755163

He used to be so hot. No man survives the wall

No. 1755166

File: 1699236833628.gif (987.81 KB, 500x270, 65fd28acd9c4d271f3c2dd97dae20d…)

why is japan obssesed with balls and anuses

No. 1755168

Someone's gotta support the hentai industry

No. 1755169

File: 1699236900943.gif (898.34 KB, 500x200, IMG_7495.gif)


No. 1755170

It's a country of virgins

No. 1755175

There was a vid of a troon furry who wanted to fuck one of these things.

No. 1755178

God made my crush straight because if she was gay she would be bedding women left and right and there would probably be bloody wars fought over who got to sleep with her

No. 1755180

i jumped through the video at random and every second was cringier and more painful than the last, why did you post this

No. 1755181

It's like the ring, you have to share it and further the curse.

No. 1755184

I couldn't even get past the one minute mark

No. 1755185

File: 1699237474182.jpg (99.28 KB, 735x939, ac2041cbd73a781be06a8fdabcb500…)

it genuinely pains me he has this as his pfp

No. 1755199

troons wish they were nerd girls so bad

No. 1755201

she's not a nerd just because she has glasses, loser.

No. 1755202

What they truly wish to be (I think both of these girls trooned out ironically though).

No. 1755203

I hate lily peetz i wish there were less autistic videos criticizing him

No. 1755205

She's an artist. She's a nerd

No. 1755207

true, she would be painting yaoi nowadays

No. 1755209

If they really trooned out, that makes me sad. We nerd girls need to protect eachother

No. 1755212

No. 1755213

They did…

No. 1755214

One thing I've learned after all these years is that they were right to be excited for 52% off foam.

No. 1755215

File: 1699238421802.gif (2.3 MB, 498x261, IMG_7024.gif)

That’s a man. That’s a man in the video. What the fuck is going on on this board

No. 1755217

We're talking about the girl in the painting reading comprehension-chan

No. 1755218

Why are you buying that much foam anon?

No. 1755219

anon, she was refeering to the painting, not the troon

No. 1755220


No. 1755222

No No no madame, that was a response to the guy in the thumbnail. Not the painting.

No. 1755223

Anons here pick up a book immediately dear god. Open the schools do something

No. 1755224

>Furfags posting

No. 1755225

Sorry for being a sped ignore me

No. 1755226

File: 1699238606692.jpg (77.61 KB, 1024x988, 1689724368390303.jpg)


No. 1755227

How did you know that’s one of my favorite movies aww I like that. Thank you for sharing nonnarita

No. 1755229

i love it here

No. 1755230

charlie and the chocolate factory is one of yout favourite movies? lmfao

No. 1755232

I used to be scared of that movie when i was a kid

No. 1755233

Sometimes I think about going the public furfag route.

No. 1755234

It's basically saw for kids

No. 1755236

You’ve never seen no country for old men? I know what we’re viewing at the next Moovie night

No. 1755238

I can accept most anons, but furries are just too far.

No. 1755239

Man, I know this is cringe but it makes me kind of miss being an obnoxious sperg with my theater kid/ anime friends back in college

No. 1755240

File: 1699238933780.png (126.5 KB, 427x344, 1694892338203.png)

i dont watch anything with old men on it

No. 1755242

To me, I think it depends on the furry. Like if someone is drawing cutesy anthro characters then fine but if they're drawing brappy fappy vore art of their trans sparkle dogs then they should fuck off.

No. 1755243

Can you explain why you're into furshit anon? I can wrap my head around a lot of things but furries continue to elude me

No. 1755244

i responded in bad faith for anon and now i feel bad because everyone thinks she's a furfag, sorry anon

No. 1755246

the amount of hate they got when this video first surfaced was unwarranted

No. 1755247

they saying ''i-it's ironic g-guys we arent cringe we were trolling!'' is such a cope

No. 1755248

File: 1699239113590.jpg (57.68 KB, 1280x720, wtf.jpg)

No. 1755249


No. 1755251

nasty ass bitch

No. 1755253

kek anon

No. 1755254

The diaperfur who did the sonic 4 rant also claimed this
I don’t know why furries who got infamous cringe videos don’t just go along with that it was cringe

No. 1755260

File: 1699239578259.png (1.15 MB, 900x900, IMG_2908.png)

No. 1755267

the "trolled into trooning" meme is so real. jessi slaughter, cwc, the queen, every neckbeard ever, etc. all troons now.

No. 1755270

File: 1699240079602.gif (3 MB, 640x320, liquid chris.gif)

what causes it? i am glad he didnt troon out

No. 1755271

Makes sense since trooning is basically the internet version of joining a cult.

No. 1755274

File: 1699240175119.jpg (206.6 KB, 794x1132, mountainside_12.jpg)

Sure, but considering I don't fall into a stereotypical furry it wouldn't be the most clear answer I feel. I don't really have an interest in fursuitting, I'm a straight woman, and a lot of what I draw and write about is very simple, cutesy, and down to earth (similar to picrel but with more notes of chibi-ish proportions). The rare adult stuff I draw and write about isn't fetishistc but boringly vanilla too. Hell, I think the only "fetish" thing I've done is written a GL in which a Stylist, who's a snake, happens to have a thing for soft fur and fluff and develops a thing for her top client, a British Longhair idol. Not to mention I only make straight josei or lesbian content. Really it all boils down to I find it more aesthetically pleasing and interesting. The only reason I debate going public is because I have thought about going to one of those conventions to sell the comics I've made but I don't think many would be interested considering it's not a traditionally "furry" style, I don't draw male homosex, I don't draw anything fetishy, and none of my characters are fat anthro baras.

No. 1755280

File: 1699240350855.gif (2.12 MB, 480x760, IMG_0642.gif)

Cillian Murphy and Tom Hardy dancing together, how sweet

No. 1755285

File: 1699240654026.gif (2.88 MB, 480x760, IMG_0639.gif)

No. 1755286

File: 1699240668536.png (643.99 KB, 546x597, 1696288866714.png)

No. 1755287

Your art sounds cool, anon

No. 1755288

File: 1699240779147.jpg (191.14 KB, 858x1200, Insideyouaretwowolves.jpg)

Nta and I dont mind like… subtle furry-ism like I can totally get wanting to fuck something humanoid. And seeing art of like giant humanoid fuck and suck buff ripped animals with just regular looking anime men makes me laugh for some reason.

No. 1755289

No. 1755290

File: 1699240980011.jpg (92.5 KB, 500x631, 200881fg.jpg)

why the fuck did they all have grey hair?

No. 1755293

No. 1755294

No. 1755295

I wish I had a talent my only talent is _____ and then _____ but nobody likes that and it's useless. I wish i could paint or draw, or was pretty or interesting. Anything. Instead I can ______ and that's it. It fuxing sucks

No. 1755297

File: 1699241348338.jpg (26.4 KB, 549x539, a.jpg)

Are you a clown or something

No. 1755300

This looks like a gay moid drew it

No. 1755301

Hi elizavrth

No. 1755303

Stop calling her that.

No. 1755304

You sound jealous

No. 1755305

File: 1699241591837.jpg (202.56 KB, 967x1166, FpkfAStaYAIKKiw.jpg)

Uh, yeah? And?

No. 1755306

What should we call her then? Lana Del Rey?

No. 1755307

File: 1699241619302.jpg (50.87 KB, 417x405, 1698541936250246.jpg)

No. 1755308

shota sheep ooaaauuggghhghh

No. 1755309

File: 1699241734994.jpeg (79.59 KB, 736x1155, Safebooru.jpeg)

Who's your favorite arknights boy nona?

No. 1755311

What’s wrong with Elizabeth that’s a nice name

No. 1755313

me in Degrees of Lewidity

No. 1755315

Kek, I know that feel.

No. 1755316

File: 1699242183194.gif (5.1 MB, 394x347, GIF 10-31-2023 1-06-33 AM.gif)

they put powder in it cause they didnt wash their scalps so it absorbed oil and made their hair white then they added more hair ontop of that… in general, they were stanky (they also peed and poo'd behind curtains and made the servants deal with it)

No. 1755318

posting the vid i got this from

No. 1755319

Which smells worse, an 18th century aristocrat or your average gamer moid?

No. 1755321

Trolling the Lolcow almost makes you wish For a nuclear winter

No. 1755323

hello eli eli eli elizabethAAAA!

No. 1755325

That's how it feels on alex's farm when you disable all beasts and they still want to throw the fucking pigs on you

No. 1755326

Some of these profligates belong on a cross.

No. 1755327

They were mostly wigs though. They all had fleas so they cut their hair off.

No. 1755328

Can you stop samefagging at the gazelle its weird

No. 1755330

>I don't think many would be interested
on god please release your art to the masses, I bet you there're ppl out there wanting to see what you are making and don't wanna consume extreme fet nsfw

No. 1755332

anon I literally just got here, not my fault other nonnies agree

No. 1755334

You eyeballing me nonnie?

No. 1755337

Nah you're platinum, pussycat ♥

No. 1755338

my back hurts so bad i wish i was dead

No. 1755345

God, I have a nonsexual interest in unconventional materials for use in costuming. Latex and inflatables (like inflatable mascot suits) for example. Making cool latex clothes and cute inflatable mascot suits would be the fucking dream but I know it’d just be for 90% gross old men and furfags and I don’t think I could deal with knowing that. I don’t know how fursuit makers do it.

No. 1755347

I miss them…

No. 1755351

I don’t wish you were dead I hope your back feels better nonita

No. 1755355

I hope it gets better nonnie nonnieton

No. 1755362

>tfw born to late to enjoy unironic honest friendships
why live anons being a zoomer is suffering

No. 1755363

this makes me a sad I remember being 15 when this went viral and being hateful towards them but in truth I was jelly

No. 1755369

You can fantasize about good friendships without projecting onto a cringe video. When you're around weaboos irl who do uwu voices, paw at you, and pat your head, it gets irritating real fast

No. 1755375

i want to be cringe and free

No. 1755378

Go on discord, become a discord kitten, and do cam sessions where you nya~ into the mic for your senpai. No one is stopping you

No. 1755379

it's not the same, you are turning something cute cringy girls did for the lolz to something nasty for the pleasure of gross fat moids. You are the problem! nothing is sacred anymore

No. 1755381

ok give me your discord becuase I'm about to let out the loudest NYA since ww2

No. 1755383

who did the loudest nya in ww2 hitler or mussolini?

No. 1755389

the one that was dropped on Nagasaki

No. 1755393

File: 1699247254964.jpeg (84.8 KB, 562x951, IMG_0645.jpeg)

Is this creature attractive or not?

No. 1755394

looks giga homosexual

No. 1755395

No. 1755396

I mean your literally using a picture of that venom actor from decades ago when he was younger so that should answer your question.

No. 1755397

lips a little too juicy but otherwise okay

No. 1755398

Stop spamming Cillian Murphy and Tom hardy we don't care

No. 1755401

File: 1699247818589.jpeg (137.71 KB, 1125x1091, IMG_0653.jpeg)

That’s because he is

No. 1755402

I’m asking about him in his prime though, he’s post wall now

No. 1755403

He looks so greasy in that picture ew that even Cillian who looks like Micheal Jackson (after surgery) mogs him.

No. 1755405

He looks okay but why does he have such severe dark eye hollows or mouth wrinkles from a young age. Is it genetics or drugs.

No. 1755406

Drugs, he was addicted to meth as a teenager/young adult

No. 1755409

File: 1699248398714.png (469.99 KB, 1140x576, my-image.png)

I disagree

No. 1755412

File: 1699248592252.png (3.18 KB, 575x56, sigh.PNG)

I just wanna read cute fanfics of my husbando why this

No. 1755415

File: 1699248709970.png (173.83 KB, 1940x1216, 72425C19-019C-4B2B-9C20-CEFF9E…)

Butthole dog arrested… This is a real already existing image, not an ai generated one for a lc shitpost. Anons who know the context get a cookie.

No. 1755419

is elizabeth the name of the gazelle or the name of the anon posting the gazelle i feel so out of the loop

No. 1755420

Elizabeth is our pet gazelle

No. 1755421

I support you. I don’t think you’re misogynistic for not wanting to see Cillian Murphy.

No. 1755423

all you need to know is that she's up to something

No. 1755424

love purrin

No. 1755429

Don’t say you support trannyhands, he’ll never leave

No. 1755431

Who the hell is trannyhands? I keep seeing anons talk abt this person but what did they even do?

No. 1755436

she's also an experimental musician

No. 1755440

File: 1699250250731.jpeg (818.52 KB, 1170x886, IMG_7029.jpeg)

It’s her time and her time only

No. 1755446

Ignore those snons it's one of their many schizo accusations that they call other anons here if those anon don't like something they like or have differing views.

No. 1755447

our dear elizabeth

No. 1755448

File: 1699250725604.jpeg (834.12 KB, 1170x1308, IMG_0585.jpeg)

A troon who keeps infighting for hours and arguing in circles due to not actually reading what anyone is saying to him. Last night he was carrying in about how stretch marks are hideous and make him want to scream, and crying about these ai images of what Cillian Murphy would look like if he had been born as a woman, saying that the posters were fetishizing troons. And I’m pretty sure he was the one defending prostitution and saying “sex work is work” repeatedly

No. 1755449

I’ve probably posted this in the vent thread but the colloquial nicknames bestowed on anonymous spergs makes this forum feel less fun

No. 1755450

Silence tranny

No. 1755452

Why do trannies even come to our board? They know no one here likes them or agrees with them, are they masochists?

No. 1755453

Don't project onto me retard keep simpin for ugly has-been Hollyweirds. But people are allowed to say they're ugly.

No. 1755457

It’s not a schizo accusation he admitted to it all being him

Some of them are idiots though and it’s better to point out how obnoxious they are. Tbh if I thought that the other anons weren’t bothered by some of the buffoonery on here (especially by obvious troons) I would get too annoyed to stick around

It’s probably attention seeking, masochism, wanting the validation of blending in with female anons

No. 1755459

File: 1699251283761.jpeg (822.62 KB, 1170x1279, IMG_7031.jpeg)

No. 1755460

Elizabeth, gore trannyhand!

No. 1755461

File: 1699251422177.gif (609.79 KB, 320x180, IMG_7032.gif)

the reddit style post responses are really making my face itch.

No. 1755465

Cia opium hmmmm

No. 1755467

File: 1699252102859.png (161.15 KB, 285x380, 43291320e7c7943287587666160464…)

When will technology make cute android househusbands I can force my breeding kink on so I won't have to take birth control

No. 1755472

Repeating yourself over and over doesn't make you funny

No. 1755473

File: 1699252703575.jpeg (122.16 KB, 1000x1480, IMG_7033.jpeg)

No. 1755475

File: 1699252739208.gif (987.39 KB, 300x220, d2f89f497192bf2d3931e0698cd950…)

Mines gonna look like this

No. 1755476

Was he wrong

No. 1755477

Can't wait to take him to the family dinners

No. 1755480

Hes going to be eating from a dog bowl on the floor while being my human footstool

No. 1755499

Would. He’s just my type

No. 1755538

In 2 years the person who posted this will be trans.

No. 1755558

when I was a teenager, I don’t know why but I seemed to really attract gay men (actual males) as good friends. i used to draw a lot of fanart of male characters, both from fotm popular media and male dominated video games (tf2 mostly, but also other shooters), and they would always end up interacting with my posts on social media and playing games together with me (tf2 and csgo). none of them ever did anything weird or sexist to me or tried to bait me into drawing porn, only straight men ever did, but looking back I have no fucking idea why I befriended them so easily. I guess it helped I drew cute pictures of men and was good at games? I don’t talk to any of them anymore other than one. Anyone else know this phenomenon

No. 1755561

Also adding onto this that I had several “gay” tifs who were absolutely vile towards me during this time period. I befriended regular women just fine though

No. 1755579

I have an insatiable need to procreate with Kurode
The rest are fugly

No. 1755595

All I see is makima in that twin stars guy.

No. 1755600

>that obnoxious outdated haircut
Can we get a Japanese woman to design them?

No. 1755604

that's what a blue collar adult man looks like, not a zoomer from tiktok or an Actual Drawing.

No. 1755605

And what a profound misunderstanding of their target audience that is

No. 1755610

the target audience of that game seems to be spicy ao3 readers, the sims players and actual fags so you're free to mod your anime hair in it if you want.

No. 1755617

No. 1755627

the sector run by white-haired cute boy with a swirl in his hair is the best bc at least some of the designs go together and fit with each other except kurode, but he's cute so he can stay

No. 1755630

man, this reminds me of why i started using LC in the first place even tho i disliked the "transphobia", i hated certain things so bad and needed an outlet where people wouldn't go "just let them be!!""you're just jealous""um it's literally hurting nobody", and came across the coquette threads, celebricows threads that mentioned Azealia(i hated her for being a homophobe and "transphobe" and after she insulted people from a certain region i had a personal vendetta against her) before i found the mtf threads.

No. 1755641

Man I can't believe there are some yumes into bearded, old or flabby men. Like imagine thinking about having sex with a bearded man euughhhh a fat man who stinks gag euughh or a post wall (25+) man fuck it's vomit inducing why would you people do this to yourself

No. 1755655

this, i wanted to like Kanato in Diabolik bc he looked around closer to my age and looked less like a douche until i read up on his wikia and found out just what Diabolik Lovers is about

No. 1755662

I’m turning my place into a gas chamber, I don’t know what I ate but it turned me into an air balloon that is slowly deflating

No. 1755663


No. 1755665

does the purin boy have a big anus too

No. 1755666

File: 1699281048808.jpg (26.57 KB, 612x344, bad.jpg)

>no nipples
0% based

No. 1755668

I do, like nobody's business

No. 1755673

kuromi x my melo, they're soulmates

No. 1755675

They all look like characters from different games or vtubers. this looks awful

No. 1755679

they're the same thing, different eras

No. 1755681

So happy he made it into lolcow culture.


No. 1755684

Based Shuu apprecicators coo

No. 1755686

I've been wondering if there is a reason why they all look like they come from different things, but I can't bother to look it up

No. 1755688

it's because besides the twin sets, every one of them was designed by a different artist, most without even seeing how the other characters look

No. 1755692

and thats why games with one art director are just better unless they actually have someone in charge of picking these artists who cares about a general aesthetic and not just who has the most twitter/pixiv followers

No. 1755697

File: 1699283531988.jpeg (22.71 KB, 550x501, Efh03GuWkAA8ZUY.jpeg)

bringing up enstars again, i wanted to download a vpn for it and play it, but i don't know anything about the actual gameplay

No. 1755700

File: 1699283839153.gif (892.92 KB, 245x180, 8A1FD56D-BBE0-4F1D-8F77-8D52C9…)

kat kitti kat kat kitte kat kat kak kat kitti kat kat kitti kat kat kat

No. 1755716

So true Queen

No. 1755718

are you planning to download the basic version or music version? Basic has the tap-tap gameplay while Music is the rhythm game. IMO Enstars music's rhythm aspect is more forgiving than other games like bandori or proseka. Beginners should be able to get the hang of it a bit faster

No. 1755719

Me when I bitch about FE Engage for the 10000th today.

No. 1755722

Holy shit this brought me back, and made me realize my entire friend group in HS looked just like these nerds kek. I still hate those fucking sounds jfc.

No. 1755725


No. 1755731

File: 1699288017413.jpg (72.92 KB, 810x1080, qdcdvfgdhg.jpg)

i didn't know there were versions…

No. 1755733

samefag, also i actually do play proseka(badly)

No. 1755740

File: 1699288522519.jpg (123.01 KB, 750x733, 1699214474040.jpg)

No. 1755749

That reminds me of the time I came across the 'WWII fandom'. Yumes and fujos were straight up making unironic Hitler/historical nazi fanfics and art and didn't seem to get any backlash even if they were posting in english. They didn't seem to be actual true believing nazis or at least not all of them since some of the accounts were also reposting stuff about holocaust memorials and such. I think it was just fandom brained teens treating real history like it was a fictional series and seeing it as no different to having a villain character as a husbando or whatever.
The threat of being cancelled is overstated IMO. It will only happen if you make something that cultivates a cancel-happy audience in the first place, and if you actually get popular. If you're making weird shit from the get-go and avoid people who look like they might get touchy nothing will happen to you.

No. 1755753

The reason males commit the vast majority of crimes is in their nature. It's hardwired in their brains.
In nature males have higher testosterone, and that leads to the stereotypical male behaviours you are able to see even in a lot of animals, like aggression, irrationality, being emotionally unstable, being impulsive. The reason for this is that males are essentially born only to be sperm carriers for females, and having this kind of behaviour helps them fulfill their role (being more impulsive may put them more at risk, but it may also help them to find a female faster, and eventual deaths as a result aren't relevant because males aren't as valuable as females who have naturally stronger senses and a good balance between a sense of self-preservation and survival instincts) and at the same time allows for selection of the strongest, healthier and most intelligent ones, so that their better genes will be passed down.
Now back to the point, males of today hate this fact and attempt to defy this by making themselves more important than females when they're not. In instances where this fact becomes obvious to them they lash out and start to do what they can only do as roided up beasts without a higher purpose: they kill (often women, who they are both scared and jealous of).
What's funny now is that so many males will try to claim their higher place in society by being violent, overly emotional and irrational, subconciously or conciously aware of the fact that they're a lot more useless than women, without realizing that this very violent and insecure behaviour is only proof of their vain existence.

No. 1755756

File: 1699289289852.jpeg (401.65 KB, 900x632, IMG_1522.jpeg)

i miss these visual kei fangirls who drew cringe funny fanart on deviantart. new visual kei just doesn’t cut it anymore and the visuals are shit

No. 1755758

yeah boyyyÿ

No. 1755761

Have you ever read the SCUM manifesto? If I go back in time, I'm saving her and her second book. Plus giving her a better gun and shooting lessons.

No. 1755763

hes got princess peach lips

No. 1755768

File: 1699289944816.jpg (169.26 KB, 900x689, on_crack__blonde_gerard_way_by…)

I was never into visual kei but this gives me strong flashbacks to chocoreaper who was this deviantart artist who used to draw comics about emo bands. I totally skinwalked her art style when I was 13.
Looking at her page makes me so nostalgic.

No. 1755769

Enstars music has an English version

No. 1755789

Love how you put this anon. I think a lot of feminists minimize the biological factor because it means you can do less about it and it's depressing, but I'd rather be realistic.

No. 1755807

what's this? A larger woman eating a burger on the internet? time to comment about how im a widdle baby who couldn't even manage one bun, I could feed my entire family of four with that burger. I'm a totally normal adjusted individual.

No. 1755823

File: 1699294166173.jpg (2.27 MB, 3541x2508, 75611.jpg)

why was the mod who banned me earlier talking to me like a disappointed teacher who knows i can do better

my kitty beats me when i get home from lolcow mod-chama pls go easy on me(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1755827

File: 1699294425147.gif (912.26 KB, 540x383, IMG_5296.gif)

She yelled at you like that because she loves you!! she was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you!!

No. 1755833

I liked your fanart, just put it in the correct threads

No. 1755835

Why are you so darn a-loggable?

No. 1755840

I'm not big on Evangelion (I've seen the original series but I don't know all the theories and shit) but I do remember the 3.0 movie where Kaworu and Shinji play the piano and shit and you know instead of putting them in the mecha and blow Kaworu's head off in the end they should have just made them have sex in there.

No. 1755844

but its so much fun to congregate with muh fujosisters in here… *sniffle
/m/ is dead as fug
they should've been together in a darling in the franxx style mecha with kaworu in the girl position

No. 1755849

>/m/ is dead as fug
Be the change you want to see.

No. 1755850

File: 1699296054741.gif (817.26 KB, 500x261, 14855252.gif)

a-log me then, go on. say what's on your mind.

No. 1755851

Are you sure?

No. 1755854

File: 1699296234577.jpg (27.27 KB, 736x909, 20230303_052708.jpg)

say it all in graphic detail(constant ban evading)

No. 1755864

Alright. You type exactly 1:1 to this one tranny I used to "know" on an anime BL discord server that was predominantly filled with young girls when I was way younger who would constantly type in lowercase, use cutesy euphemism and quirks, and play an almost cutesy dumb anime girl uwu persona any time he was called out on being annoying or obnoxious. Especially the stuff like "sniffle" or "chama" or any other weebery. It's gotten to the point where I feel like a schizo because it's too similar. He was an utterly obnoxious creep who tried to be "one of the girls" who I would give anything to bash his head in with a metal bat and cut his Achilles tendon. Especially when it came out that he was circulating CP to underaged users, grooming them, getting their personal information and blackmailing them for nudes. So whenever I see your posts I think of that degenerate trannie.

No. 1755871

>comparing her to a pedo tranny just for posting anime boys and being cringe
let me guess you use the fujo cringe thread?

No. 1755875

No, I don't actually. I find that thread cringe in itself. It's not my fault that the typing style reminds me of that exact pedo tranny.

No. 1755876

This is really dumb but I have a theory that having your nose cauterized deepens your voice. For some reason a ton of kids growing up when I was going to school had issues with nose bleeds, not sure why it was such a huge issue, but the kids who’s parents had their noses cauterized always had slightly deeper voices earlier in life? Kind of like Tana Mongeau’s voice. Her nose was cauterized as a child, end even though her voice is still effeminate it is still more on the Bass tone side as an adult? Has anyone else ever known anyone who had this side effect? I think it’s really interesting but I’m not a doctor so I have no idea kek.

No. 1755878

Sorry it happened to you, nonna. But i'm sure many people write this way. It really reminded me of how anon on the other website hated me for using UWUs a lot, i wonder if they had their own degenerate tranny before. I also kinda think they stole this type of talk from cringy girls like us.

No. 1755879

File: 1699297827420.jpeg (98.85 KB, 735x959, download (2).jpeg)

I dont really keep up to date with hrh, only really watching some of her videos where she freaks out. Just learnt she's having a daughter… that kid's going to have to go through a lot with a mom like that

No. 1755880

>I also kinda think they stole this type of talk from cringy girls like us.
yes. a lot of trannies copy the typing styles of actual women/girls who used to hang out in yaoi and yuri communities back in the early to mid 2000s (before the tranny craze).

No. 1755881

I don't really care if many people write that way. I found it cringe and little gross before witnessing that pedo tranny, and I especially find it cringe and disgusting now. Frankly, I dislike anyone who types in that way tranny or not. It just puts a bad taste in my mouth and triggers the autistic ape in my brain.
>I also kinda think they stole this type of talk from cringy girls like us.
Oh, definitely I won't deny that and I genuinely believe that's what happened. Anything to seem more girly even at the expense of others.

No. 1755882

fucking skinwalkers. never give up our culture no matter how hard trannies try to invade, always embrace and defend your girl hobbies

No. 1755883

i genuinely miss that type of girls they were annoying but at least they were cringe and free and werent trannies

No. 1755885

I do not. It may be autistic as fuck, but I wish people typed more normally to express themselves.

No. 1755886

I hope that she’s just playing a character and isn’t like this irl. If she really is this type of person, I’m praying that she’s able to relax and have a nice pregnancy. I really hope her daughter does not get bullied for her moms behavior but that’s just inevitable when you have attention begging parents.

No. 1755887

why would you want that? the internet is so boring now because everyone is too afraid of being cringy

No. 1755889

What do we do if we run into the wall of an accusation of trannyhood whilst practicing being cringe and free? Is it better to just not respond

No. 1755890

let me guess you're posted in the fujo cringe thread?

No. 1755891

no, i am not a fujo

No. 1755894

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the picture but is she smoking while pregnant?

No. 1755895

You can be passionate about your interests and cringy without typing in such a way. Frankly, if you wish to type in that way that's fine, I can understand that. However, I personally will never accept, respect or like a person with that type-style and will most likely block you on the spot if possible because the typing style annoys me and reminds me troons.

No. 1755896

Those are screenshots from one of her old videos kek

No. 1755898

The people with quirky typing styles are usually younger. Just let them have their fun and they'll grow out of it on their own. It's harmless

No. 1755899

File: 1699298599801.jpeg (67.59 KB, 680x624, 1695319595867.jpeg)

i think legs and tummy are more attractive to dick. i would rather have a bf with cute tummy and legs i can eat sushi off than a nice dick.

No. 1755900

if we're blogging, whenever i see your posts i think of an autist who i had a huge online falling out with because i disagreed with her saying men get abused as often as women (kek). she took everything super seriously and could never tell when i was joking or not. she was always much more lenient with her moid friends than me, i was happy i finally had a reason to burn the bridge. she said something sweet to me months after that but i was adamant about keeping eachother blocked. i worried i was being too much of a dick at the time but in hindsight i don't regret anything.

that isn't a-logging though, i wanted you to say something incriminating but since you're a sister i'll just move on.

they did. they saw cringy girls, wanted to fuck them, and now are trying to skinwalk the object of their desire. its gross.

No. 1755902

You’ll find your sushi platter nigel, nonnie. It’s coming

No. 1755903

File: 1699298656297.png (696.52 KB, 1372x1386, Screenshot 2023-11-06 at 19.23…)

bongs at primary school do you remember bringing a pound coin in to have a poppy? I haven't had one in ages. I want to get one soon

No. 1755904

I hate that word so much for some reason

No. 1755905

That's fine, it's just when they're adults that I get a bit weirded out and annoyed. If they're a kid to teen, then let them nya, uwu, and hehe all they a want.

No. 1755906

everything is more attractive than dick. nasty ass body part

No. 1755907

I other news, I forgot Robitussin has guaifenasin in it and I already took guaifenasin. Hope this doesn't mess me up.

No. 1755908

For you, the fun part is not "sharing" with fellow fujos because that could be easily done in your designated thread, the "fun" part is annoying other users who don't share your interests and posting porn which is deranged. Also stop ban evading

No. 1755911

>That entire post
Huh, I somewhat feel sad in my assessment of what you remind me of. Not enough to take back anything I said though.

No. 1755913

File: 1699298882319.gif (2.24 MB, 500x308, 5847078fef0e0176abac0a3fe94121…)

Me taking pics while crying for posterity

No. 1755914

yeah, I have a metal poppy pin I bought a few years ago somewhere

No. 1755915

This video of her made me kek

No. 1755916

she is iconic

No. 1755918

That's cute anon! I might get one

No. 1755924

>ban evader
not surprised

No. 1755929

File: 1699299727529.png (41.24 KB, 1080x158, uwhe73je.png)

it expired, the awake mod is just trying to make an example out of me.

No. 1755932

Maybe you should learn from their example?

No. 1755935

File: 1699300021229.jpg (84.79 KB, 736x981, 93502e8e066a302ab3c559c5d25cd9…)

Would he be a passport bro today

No. 1755937

he would have at least one podcast

No. 1755938

I tried so hard to like concerts and festivals to hopefully meet some people with similiar music tastes but I really don't like them more than a handful times a year. Concerts kinda suck actually.

No. 1755939

Go away retard

No. 1755940

You think European royalty ever looked in the mirror and thought "maybe we should stop fucking our cousins"

No. 1755943

That's a myth actually, The opposite was true in fact, most Royals were all constantly getting married to other foreign royals for the sake of alliances, It was just the Habsburgers who did this and that's why it worked so well for them.

No. 1755945

Pretty sure most (West/central) European royalty used to marry foreign royalty for political reasons.

No. 1755954

Yeah, my nan just got me one for like 20p so it was a ripoff for £1.

No. 1755955

True, not even just Europeans but other countries with monarchy’s

No. 1755957

File: 1699301319305.jpg (276.46 KB, 750x717, 1612596943890.jpg)

No. 1755958

he'd probably lurk looksmaxx and blow his disability checks on camgirls and OFs.

No. 1755964

He was disabled and retarded, so it's not like he'd be able to do much if he was born today, his entire life people were just waiting for him to die.

No. 1755965

i want 1970s style yuri manga featuring a knight and some type of damsel so bad right now. i'm totally obsessed with female knights lately

No. 1755972

File: 1699302283777.png (476.16 KB, 1526x816, tumblr_623660bbe3.png)

no offence, but I've seen a lot of gender specicals obsessed with that concept as well,

No. 1755973

The things zoomers attach their full names and faces to online is crazy why are they so retarded.

No. 1755974

nta but I have never seen art drawn by a straighter woman

No. 1755975

File: 1699302489586.jpg (303.95 KB, 1200x675, loomis heads.jpg)

same but straight. There isnt a single straight romance where the girl saves the damsell in distress boy. I gotta do everything myself.

No. 1755980

Imagine having one of those goomer set ups but it's all cute animal videos.

No. 1755982

File: 1699302907050.jpeg (850.93 KB, 1170x1276, IMG_7041.jpeg)

No. 1755985

>darling in the franxx style mecha with kaworu in the girl position
Shinji is the girl in the relationship though

No. 1755986

File: 1699303166058.jpeg (272.89 KB, 1242x1607, 74BA1C53-3C2C-47DD-BC60-FCF6B9…)

This is so autistic I had to share it.

No. 1755987

deserves a repost on the bad art thread honestly

No. 1755988

I would call it “the comfort cave”.

No. 1755991

ayrt and i totally get it anon. i actually had a similar idea in mind but with two women so i'm kind of floored you said this kek. i hope we'll both be satisfied with something good one day. i'm creating stuff on my own for the time being too (but i am never posting it anywhere or showing anybody ever)

No. 1755999

god bless you nona kek

No. 1756001

I thought that was jesy from little mix

No. 1756003

just once kaworu can powerbottom

No. 1756004

kek me too

No. 1756032

I always wanted to play with their balls…

No. 1756039

why does this version have a line underneath

No. 1756046

KEK the seething replies. You're a queen nonna godspeed

No. 1756056

Because the file already exists in the thread so she probably had to screenshot and did a shitty job cropping

No. 1756060

File: 1699307375886.jpg (248.12 KB, 700x1019, best kawoshin doujin tbh.jpg)

Only can see this happening for maybe Qworu
>Anime Shinji actively wants to be dominated and given love (dick)
>Karl is super likely to actually rape Shaun

No. 1756064

Most embarrassing samefag

No. 1756069

Not a samefag, what can i say? it made me chuckle. I'm sorry for being autistic nonna…

No. 1756070

Nah, i think that nonna got banned again, it's why it's so silent kek

No. 1756071

File: 1699308051602.mp4 (1.5 MB, 320x568, owl.mp4)

Owls scare the dog shit out of me

No. 1756073

Samefag but if this happened to me I would turn around and go home. You know how sometimes shit happens in your life to protect you from something else? I feel like this is like that.

No. 1756074

Woah it looked dead to me for a second, those demonic black eyes

No. 1756076

No. 1756078

She literally just posted this >>1756060, she's been ban evading for hours

No. 1756081

Maybe it's not her? kek i just can't explain the lack of spamming

No. 1756083

Really? i think it's cute. Maybe would it be scarier up close in person since their so big though

No. 1756084

not everyone who likes kawoshin is the spammer

No. 1756089

Really? I don't give a shit, y'all shouldn't be posting itt anyway, go back to your thread if you want to talk about homo sex so much

No. 1756093

This. At first it was funny but now it's just getting annoying.

No. 1756094

That’s adorable I hope the owl was okay, it was probably freaked out and thought it was gonna die because it fucked up and flew into a truck.

No. 1756095

I hate how they’ve just been doing this for over a week now. Start a fanpage for your obsession if it’s taking over your life this greatly

No. 1756098

If you're so annoyed by it just ignore it? Post literally anything else? you're making a mountain out of a molehill here.

No. 1756099

i didnt make either of the posts you just said, your psychosis is just acting up. i made >>1756003 though.

the more you tell us to do things that aren't against the rules, the less interest we will have in doing them. bitching all day about what gets posted in the dumbass shit thread will always be the most annoying thing of all. go back to the anti fujo sperg thread.

No. 1756102

Don't be disingenuous you know exactly that there's been an increase in a certain type of shitposting that's been bordering on avatarfaggy lately.

No. 1756103

You retards have been non-stop spamming for 3 threads on a row, and just spammed this thread too hours ago + posted porn, go fuck yourself

No. 1756104

i've been to a doctor exactly two times in the last decade, both to get antibiotics for an ear infection. medicine is fake and gay.

No. 1756105

>muhh just ignore the constant spamming in a row
Genuine retard response can you even see how the last two threads have looked?

No. 1756106

take it to the anti fujo cringe thread please

No. 1756108

The samefagging is getting intense

No. 1756111

Nta but even if they do you're just going to keep arguing with them over there so what's the point.

No. 1756112

No, you're genuinely just becoming paranoid, calm down

No. 1756113

Maybe you should post another bishie sucking dick to prove your point

No. 1756114

>avatarfagging and spamming aren't against the rules

No. 1756116

Why stand there like a creep and film it? Help her!!

No. 1756117

This post might be a little controversial for this thread but i think the fujospammer and antifujosperg should kiss desu

No. 1756118

Hey, it’s okay if you’re bad at reading social cues especially when it’s just written not spoken out loud, but this isn’t the first time that multiple people have said that it’s annoying and either needs to be cut back dramatically or have it’s own containment thread. I really hope you’re referring to intense samefagging from fujofags…

No. 1756119

am i retarded for hatestalking the nb masc tif i know. i can't help it though. her gender feels are so typical and combined with her sensitive narc personality it's almost soothing to know she's so bland and stupid

No. 1756121

>dislike moid/fujo talk
>make thread where the only rule is no talk about moids
>very slow due to boring topics
>it dies in the first week
>come here to complain about moid/fujo talk

No. 1756122

For real kek. Watch it reply 3 times minimum to that too.

No. 1756123

File: 1699309895350.jpg (43.85 KB, 736x736, 1696106822420.jpg)

Not everyone who disagrees with your antics is a anti-fujo you tard, this is coming from a fujo who has cringe muppet neet incest yaoi opened up in another tab. You are annoying.

No. 1756125

I've never posted in that thread, whoever you fought with must've been someone else. I actively disapprove of anyone cowtipping them since the posts they make without other annoying spergs fighting with them get hilarious.

No. 1756126

What's 70's about this tho?

No. 1756127

I'm >>1756112 and i thought she's referring to the "samefagging" from fujos, but i sincerely do not think anyone's samefagging here, you're becoming paranoid

No. 1756128

I'm not the anon you're claiming, two people are allowed to like Kawoshin…

No. 1756129

Whoever posted these two >>1756103 >>1756102 is definitely spamming replies to make it seem like more people care about this than they really do.

No. 1756130

both fujospammers and anti-fujos ruined the thread. you're both equally annoying

No. 1756132

>muppet neet incest yaoi
post this, i cant believe something this specific exists

No. 1756133

>whoever you fought with must've been someone else
I haven't fought with anyone there, but literally every time someone posts in that thread the fujos show up to infight. It literally happened like 2 days ago, anons kept saying to go to the anti-fujo thread and then when someone posted cringe from this thread they started infighting with them.

No. 1756134

I apologize if it sounds paranoid but it starts to look like someone is samefagging after a while, especially when the posting of this type of content is so constant? I’m not trying to sound like an asshole seriously I just wish we could shitpost in peace here without everything being turned into “uwu anime shirtless boys kissing”

No. 1756135

i want to say i don't get the conflict but i also don't get why anti-fujos need to be so loud about hating BL. i think yumecontent is incredibly cringe for numerous reasons but i've not once bitched about it or made fun of the tepid would-be pickmes that tend to enjoy it

No. 1756136

It's called Osomatsu. The characters kind of do resemble muppets.

No. 1756137

what didn't you like about my gif of floyd sucking dick? it was very well animated, and I even spoilered it.

No. 1756139

File: 1699310191303.webp (228.11 KB, 836x1000, 34691.webp)


No. 1756140

File: 1699310200956.jpeg (459.32 KB, 1170x715, IMG_7044.jpeg)

Let’s change the topic to something a little lighter

No. 1756141

Post proof

No. 1756142

why do I have joint pain? I'm not even 25 yet

No. 1756143

for the hundredth time, not everyone against the spam is anti-fujo. the whole reason these arguments happen is because of spam

No. 1756144

File: 1699310281002.jpg (16.83 KB, 506x477, Bd61CWi.jpg)

>what didn't you like about my gif of floyd sucking dick? it was very well animated, and I even spoilered it.

No. 1756145

When I become admin, I'll make not being a weeb a banable offense.

No. 1756146

File: 1699310333029.webp (502.63 KB, 731x1000, 34680.webp)

oh wow thanks admins for allowing webp. I fucking hate it with a burning passion and i am so tired of having to convert every webp. I saved so much art that's .webp trash.

No. 1756147

No. 1756148

a lot of the anti fujo thread regulars probably are yumes, they hate fujos. thats why despite them being equally as if not more porn addicted they don't get half the shit for it.

No. 1756150

Stay seething, Becky.

No. 1756151

>i've not once bitched about it or made fun of the tepid would-be pickmes that tend to enjoy it
how are yumes pickmes?

No. 1756152

File: 1699310446956.jpeg (4.52 MB, 3024x4032, 1699189650841.jpeg)

Just posting fot good measure

No. 1756153

i remember when twitter and tumblr were obsessed with that shit in like 2016. all i can remember when i think about osomatsu-san is that one TIF fan of the show who fucked her dog blerrgh

No. 1756154

Are these yumes in the room with you right now?

No. 1756155

File: 1699310465538.jpg (144.71 KB, 897x1156, 1689440677282.jpg)

i would vote for you

No. 1756158

i support. idk why people even use imageboards if they hate weebshit to this extent

No. 1756159

I get you, nonna, but there's likely just a lot of fujos and one spammer.
So tiny, heh
B-but nonna you'd get rid of half of us!

No. 1756160

File: 1699310519659.webp (154.81 KB, 671x1000, 34682.webp)

webp hate webp hate webp hate webp hate death to the tranny who forced webp onto us

No. 1756161

seriously what even is the point of this file format? the most inconvenient shit on earth

No. 1756162

File: 1699310607910.jpg (23.18 KB, 568x329, UwU.jpg)

Cute post nonnee

No. 1756164

The next thread should have a link to the other dumbass shit clone made by the antifujo.

No. 1756165

File: 1699310661629.jpg (79.96 KB, 419x810, Feh Yes Vintage Manga.jpg)

I'm not a fujo, I don't even like fujos, but I'd dress like a patalliro character if given the opportunity.

No. 1756166

File: 1699310687663.webp (394.9 KB, 864x1000, 34673.webp)

according to virgin nerds it wastes less space while maintaining quality blah blah i dont care ITS SHIT . I have to convert and re download so many images now

No. 1756167

absolutely, and please go back to twitter, we don't talk like that here.

No. 1756169

File: 1699310714467.jpg (114.47 KB, 969x984, 1699221389862579.jpg)

"Submitting" to a man naturally feels unclean and godless, because men are apes.
By accepting a position below a man, you betray your own humanity, leading to feelings of shame. Would you feel shame following Jesus Christ? No, because he is perfect and benevolent. Would you feel shame taking orders from your mother? No, because she is your creator and and you know that she has your best interests at heart. "Submitting" to a man? Pure degeneracy and self destruction. Every time you listen to a man, you kill part of your human soul.

Picrel is Felix Lee, symbolizing Jesus Christ and goodness.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1756170

excessive jewelry should be trendy again

No. 1756172

>we don't talk like that here
Christian Christ on a red-hot bike, calm down you sperg.

No. 1756173

>tfw you're a weeb who hates other weebs
but also ban killhimagainfags pls thx

No. 1756174

the dumbass anti fujo shelter

No. 1756175

patalliro full translation and remake directed by ikuhara never ever

No. 1756176

better start chugging that glucosamine chump!

No. 1756177

girl go back to hk

No. 1756178

Fuck webp that shit fucking sucks

No. 1756180

File: 1699310957518.jpg (358.23 KB, 1371x1536, virtual-john-singer-sargent-ar…)

It's so sad to look at classical art, specially American art. How did you guys go from this to pee poo fart and tranny cartoons?

No. 1756181

>shart kids
absolute garbage taste in both music and men, praying for you nonna

No. 1756184

the proliferation of pornography has harmed society in ways that won't be understood for another 100 years

No. 1756185

Who's the actor that this model was based on?

No. 1756186

File: 1699311090132.png (1.29 MB, 1158x1115, Page 02.png)

I like being a himejoshi because I seldom see any drama or attention towards us and the worst we have is having to sift through a lot more shit-content and troons but the good shit is really fucking good shit.

No. 1756187

Hating weebs is part of weeb culture, it'll only be acceptable when coming from other weebs.

No. 1756188

cartoons were a mistake

No. 1756190

I need to go read this manga, I read the first couple of chapters adn wasn't awfully into it, but the art is so nice, I love the vintage looking delinquent

No. 1756191

porn has always been around (google heinrich lossow) the issue is that modern people rarely experience struggle or truth. we don't churn butter or go to war or plow a field or have deep conversations with people we irony poison ourselves on tiktok and sit in cubicles all day

No. 1756192

File: 1699311294881.jpeg (90.87 KB, 742x1028, EU4S4eiUEAIb4AB.jpeg)

that's really cute, i dropped yuri shit because its 90% high school romance trash, although i really like pic rel for the art alone, the story sucks

No. 1756193

Hong Kong?

No. 1756194

this was a cute manga. i'm a himejoshi as well and the worst part about it are the "sapphics" or the ""lesbians/bisexuals who loooooove women and yuri :3c" but have never heard of like, dynasty scans in their lives and their deepest interaction with yuri is whatever's popular + genshin impact ships.

posers basically

No. 1756195

>porn has always been around
go back to reddit dumb bitch(chronic infighter)

No. 1756196

>i dropped yuri shit because its 90% high school romance trash
kek here's one of them

No. 1756197

It has always been around, but the average Joe creamed himself from a card with a naked woman depicted on it back in the day. It was not the same. But your point still stands true too.

No. 1756198

i meant mass-produced, free, available to anyone (including children) with an internet connection kind of porn.

No. 1756200

File: 1699311445540.jpg (1.3 MB, 1034x1800, By the Skating Pond.jpg)

resons i havent killed myself yet
>scans of old 70s gay porn magazines
that is all

No. 1756201

And they were shamed for it too. t was a taboo. Now it's not and it's disturbing.

No. 1756202

>porn had always been around hurr durr
Not like it is now. As for the other stuff, speak for yourself.

No. 1756203

I don't even hate fujos, when I see their thread at /m/ I just nod and scroll down, they usually mind their business. I'm anti-whoever has been spamming these threads. Just don't be annoying and everything will be okay

No. 1756204

what does this mean

No. 1756205

i'm playing devil's advocate here but i also don't think porn is entirely the problem, consumers of porn just have weak mental states/character. i've looked at soo much weird shit and it's not at all responsible for any of my problems
i am definitely anti-porn btw, i just don't care about fictional stuff

No. 1756206

seriously, they think a woman wanting a man who doesn't watch porn is a silly boundary and she deserves to die alone. nasty stuff

No. 1756207

File: 1699311603236.jpeg (155.12 KB, 522x622, 1656194640044.jpeg)

I can feel it closing in nonnas.

No. 1756208

File: 1699311656329.gif (2.21 MB, 200x178, mario breaking it down.gif)

i'm calling that nona a poser. she probably barely read yuri or sought out the adult/office content she seems to crave. just went after whatever was popular

No. 1756209

i am about to finish i will pass on the torch

No. 1756210

the issue is these days the porn consumption is beginning in elementary school, its a birth to coomer pipeline because of ease of access. no person is old enough to develop strength of character to resist porn-brain at age 10

No. 1756211

>porn has always been around
Go back to reddit, check out the new posts on /r/cumrags/, you belong there.(chronic infighter)

No. 1756212

>be himejoshi
>endangered species
>pick fights with other himejoshis
Truly no one hates weebs like other weebs.

No. 1756213

Seems like the owl needs help and thought going to a human would be a good idea. But seems like it chose the wrong human. Personally, if the owl is calm enough, I'd drive to the closest vet just in case and get it checked then release it and go back home or wherever I'm on my way to.

No. 1756214

It's an ear infection…..causes by bacteria……antibiotics kills bacteria. Are you ok?

No. 1756215

this is why i find "nice himejoshis who mind their business" funny. if their were more himes in numbers, they would absolutely join in on fujoyume shit-flinging

No. 1756216

File: 1699311906234.jpg (141.05 KB, 747x1055, [22-02-12] 1492284836236918784…)

nah, i dont like yuri. Personally i prefeer straight(but the dynamics i like are non existent)>yaoi(i like to see men suffer)>yuri(only if i like the art). I am not super into yuri to look too much into it, so ofcourse i only look at the popular stuff. There is nothing to motivate me to look for more since i am not lesbian or a himejoshi.

No. 1756217

she's a faker sorry. no true himejoshi would claim 90% of the genre is just spinny skirt highschoolers

No. 1756218

>i'm playing devil's advocate
god it's always these devil's eggocate fucks with shit takes. most women in porn are raped and abused

No. 1756219

kek see?

No. 1756220

read the post again a little slower

No. 1756221

you are the one that though i was a himejoshi just from reading 1(one) yuri manga

No. 1756222

why though

No. 1756223

this makes me laugh every time

No. 1756224

What's the manga title?

No. 1756225

you're the one who claimed 90% of it was high school romance trash after reading 1(one) yuri manga

No. 1756227

File: 1699312359685.jpg (17.37 KB, 480x365, copium.jpg)

where are my straight sisters who cant find good romance because they arent into oily pirates, generic anime boys abusing the becky protagonist or weird furry novels

No. 1756228

Thanks nonnie, let's get it over with quickly.

No. 1756231

Sukeban and transfer student

No. 1756233


No. 1756234

this manga is so cute. I really wish it would get licensed or picked back up by a scan group

No. 1756235

File: 1699312516574.png (117.94 KB, 323x319, BCB795E3-83FA-4BC6-BBDA-56DC75…)

I’m suffering with you, nonnie.

No. 1756236


No. 1756237

File: 1699312543489.gif (771.75 KB, 500x265, 0c12ed9bc641957d420bc0266cb271…)

i watched tons of yuri anime too, and you cant deny most yuri anime is high school trash. I liked this one though, the background were pretty.

No. 1756238

I just made such a good chicken samdwich

No. 1756239

I’m watching a video called “The Brony Fandom’s UNHINGED incidents” on YouTube and our very own Kaitlyn Tiffany has been referenced

No. 1756240

File: 1699312595753.jpg (48.65 KB, 679x679, 61kGbZWkZcL._AC_SX679_.jpg)

Tickets for himejoshi slapfight please

No. 1756242


No. 1756243

more like himejoshi vs ''eh i will watch whatever i just like romance''joshi

No. 1756245

I think my pineapple vape is solidifying my lymph nodes

No. 1756246

NTA but that's literally the entire genre, stop lying to yourself. Even the female yuri mangakas are obsessed with the class S trope.

No. 1756248

hell yeah chimken samdich

No. 1756249

No. 1756250

vaping is for losers

No. 1756252

wow, so powerful blushes

No. 1756253

>i watched tons of yuri anime too
>posts the most basic shit ever next to citrus
yeah sure. go read opium or show me your bust or something

No. 1756254

Anon, there's tons of yuri that takes place in adult settings

No. 1756255

It is up to chapter 6 in english in mangadex, last updated two months ago. And licensed in spanish if that helps you somehow.
What do you like then?

No. 1756256

nonnerino, please. elitism is for losers, you're supposed to spread the love not gatekeep it

No. 1756257

gatekeeping keeps the losers out

No. 1756259

out of what kek? seriously, that mentality is very junior high. Oh yeah, Nirvana is your favorite band?? Name three songs then durr durr

No. 1756260

girl focus on keeping trannies outside of yuri fandom instead of attacking real women kek

No. 1756262

I support this kind of gate keeping for sure

No. 1756263

>What do you like then?
what moids get but with the genders switched, but whenever we get some stacy power fantasy moids and becky nlog pickmes come out their caves to bitch and moan about how its misandry and ''two wrongs dont make a right, men's have feelings too!!11!''

No. 1756264

Nigga who gives a shit about himejoshis kek? They're like 0.0001% of the population, majorly irrelevant for the most part

No. 1756265

In her defense, then she'd have to interact with troons and that sucks

No. 1756266

no one asked you, your take is even more boring than the gatekeeping

No. 1756267

fujos and yumes had their fun, we need a new group to enter the ring

No. 1756268

I actually have a theory for this. Anime is very expensive to produce and anime producers want to make back their money, because of this they aren't going to fund make yuri anime of interesting settings with themes, character, and story beyond blushing anime high-school girls who may or not may be actual lesbians so not to trigger their moid otaku fanbase. It would be a coinflip for something like Composing Spring in This Room Where Cherry Blossoms Bloom, Run Away With Me Girl, Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko, or even Still Sick. But they do know funding YuruYuri moeblob "yuri" clones will make instant cash so that's why most yuri anime take place in highschool settings with the amount of romance being boiled down to. "wowie senpai is so cute" blushes furiously. It's slop that's tried and true and will always sell.

No. 1756270

everyone vapes now, zoomers don't do ciggys

No. 1756271

nta but no one is denying that theres adult yuri at all its just not the majority of it. most of the popular stuff that ends up getting adaptations or translations is schoolgirl. also office settings are also uninspired/boring

No. 1756272

I am in the mood to re-read Love Vibes now

No. 1756273

you are 10 to the power of -8% of the population and majorly irrelevant farts on your best sweater

No. 1756274

lamest generation

No. 1756276

Just read some Jane Austen, Margaret Mitchell, Emily Brontë….
It's more traditional but way better than cringe pornbrained abuse books.

No. 1756277

No. 1756278

watch kdrama

No. 1756279

this is also based

No. 1756280


No. 1756281

i dont want classic lovedovey straight trash, i want femdom or at least a power fantasy where i get a cute harem of moids

No. 1756283

File: 1699314047828.jpg (33.71 KB, 500x515, 56888s.jpg)

No. 1756284

would taking supplements actually help?

No. 1756285

only because its mostly written by moids for moids

No. 1756287

femdom content is trash-tier, sorry for you nona. Also classic literature is not "lovey-dovey straight trash" what are you on?

No. 1756288

then what is it? i doubt some female writter from the 50s would be able to write something based

No. 1756290

How can I support her?

No. 1756291

>some female writer from the 50s
go back to school

No. 1756293

holy shit nonnie. this is what the kids call an L

No. 1756294

File: 1699314441805.jpg (153.15 KB, 800x1245, 57659_800x1245.jpg)

read her manhwa, i did and it's pretty refreshing. Wish there was more stuff like it.
anon, this is literally what i was complaining about. It's on the ''oily pirates'' mom romance novels tier. I aint reading this beta normie shit

No. 1756295

i meant romance, ursula k leguin is my favourite writter. I actually really like her book were the genders are reversed and the women objectify men, i wish i lived on that timeline.

No. 1756296

the nona recommended you Austen and Bronte, how did you get "oily pirates" from that??? please stop reading webtoons and pick up a book

No. 1756298

With AI you will be able to create you own femdom stories, anime or movies.
Good luck nonna.

No. 1756299

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No. 1756300

File: 1699314634592.png (101.37 KB, 790x757, 1687658377757.png)

i will read romance novels when
>the male love interest is younger and prettier than the female protagonist
>the female protagonist isnt some pretty becky with null personality
>it has some cool plot
i will not read your mom novels, BEGONE BECKYS

No. 1756301

get into ai chatbots. install sillytavern, do some research on local models/collab/kobold horde, etc.

No. 1756302

holy mother of uneducated, i'm not helping you anymore

No. 1756303

Kill yourself retard(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1756304

Write your own book with AI

No. 1756305

because i dont want to read becky romance trash? lol

No. 1756306

only the people affected by gatekeeping whine about it kek
i also recommended yuri to read in my post

No. 1756307

I cant read fiction for some reason

No. 1756309

File: 1699314874029.jpg (86.26 KB, 736x736, bd0cd2b8ecdde49a90c6891583fb3d…)


Yumes are cuter
Yumes are more pure of heart (fujos are depraved)
Yumes best ending = happily ever after
Fujos best ending= boys covered in cum and wounds and tears

No. 1756310

>Yumes are more pure of heart
you sure? have you seen memphiles spongebob porn? she drew his dick with sponge texture it was pretty wild

No. 1756311

File: 1699315002016.jpg (32.92 KB, 625x626, 936.jpg)

No. 1756312

>boys covered in cum and wounds and tears
how is this anything but based?

No. 1756313

File: 1699315047588.jpg (76.73 KB, 736x978, download (14).jpg)

I'm not even a conspiracyfag but I always think about how we're always hearing about some amazing scientists or super smart college students that have found a cure for some disease (like cancer) but then we never hear about it again and a new story pops up about the same thing. Like a cycle. I'm American so I have reason to believe that our government would keeps cures to diseases under wraps and unavailable to the public, but I don't know why other countries governments may also be in it. Idek anymore.

No. 1756314

File: 1699315086491.jpg (1.78 MB, 2048x2048, 1676423815398409.jpg)

I still remain angry that the jannies locked the yumejo cringe thread

No. 1756317

Wait until you fall into the hydro power suppression rabbithole.

No. 1756318

File: 1699315175883.jpg (76.63 KB, 620x413, big boned.jpg)

Thread's less than 48 hours old, already has 833 posts yup this is going to be a dumb read.

No. 1756319

File: 1699315206392.jpg (142.01 KB, 736x976, 8331f91e1e7809586060af77eded81…)

kirby had to have eaten him and pooped him out in order for this to happen, yet look at that smarmy smile.

No. 1756320

yeah no shit, its the dumbass shit thread

No. 1756321

i am a turbo hyper giga coomer but i cant lewd my husbando for some reason, he's too cute and built for headpats

No. 1756324

I do agree that husbando love is often more romantic and lovely, at least mine is. I know some people want to beat up their husbandos or just have filthy sex with them, which is cool too. I find that a lot of shippers only see characters as vehicles for their fantasies or to project onto them (FTM fujos do that a lot) whereas yumejos are more likely to appreciate those characters for who they are and not just who they can fuck/get fucked by. That's my experience/observations, at least.

No. 1756326

all governments hate us. they all only care about money, they only step in to protect their citizens when it affects their bottom line

No. 1756328

Sorry anon, I think this was in reply to me but I reposted here

No. 1756329

Boring normalfag

No. 1756332

That's factually wrong. Kirby inhales his enemies and absorbs them, however, he doesn't defecate them like Yoshi. Kirby absorbs an enemy, takes the ability, and then sends them to a literal pocket dimension that teleports them somewhere else. This was confirmed recently in an interview by Shinya Kumazaki, stating
>"Instead, we have this comical, funny depiction where the enemies poof. When an enemy or creature gets swallowed by Kirby, they may disappear but they do resurface somewhere else in the world."

No. 1756334

File: 1699315592856.jpg (343.19 KB, 740x2462, Screenshot_20231106_180252_Pin…)

If dildos appear on my pinterest ads is that tied to my IP and my mom is gonna get them too?

No. 1756336

slightly related but does anyone else get ads for things they never searched up but did discuss irl??? it's so creepy, i really think our devices are listening to us

No. 1756337

Yeah if you cough near your phone they start advertising cough medicine in my case

No. 1756339

I hope that's not how it works because I don't wanna know what kind of ads my family members would get because of me kek

No. 1756340

Tell me more nonna

No. 1756342

>Shinya Kumazaki
Until Sakurai himself confirms it, I rebuke this theory

No. 1756343

How should I do it? Pills and alcohol or just jumping in front of the train

No. 1756344

This is the 3rd or 4th time you've posted this. If the webtoon isn't officially canceled you still can enjoy it and calm down kek

No. 1756345

We could have cars that are powered by water and/or urine

No. 1756347

Uhm how can you participate in infights if you do that

We need you NONNY

No. 1756348

Glad I'm not the only one with this song stuck in my head for a while now

No. 1756349

File: 1699316569254.jpg (2.56 MB, 797x4722, NAmDIUR.jpg)

>Yumes are more pure of heart (fujos are depraved)
Cage kun Toma got the top spot on the popularity poll

No. 1756351

Instant thought

No. 1756352

My alternative take on this based on nothing but gut feeling is because those "geniuses" and college students are frauds. They somehow get the attention but when it's time to use their "invention" it doesn't work because there wasn't any adequate research and experiments on it. Or it turns out they were wrong about it and it was a false hope. Only technology in modern times that I can see working is the genetic scissors but it will probably be gatekeeped for the rich only or used immorally and eventually banned or discontinued. And I can see people objectinh to it for petty reasons as well.

No. 1756353

Frankly, I disagree. Shinya Kumazaki is the now director of Kirby and Sakurai has been completely hands off since 2003. His claim and influence on Kirby has dwindled to the absolute bare minimum. Yes, you can consider him the father but he's a dead beat dad.

No. 1756354

Non-fossil fuel powered cars would benefit everyone so fucking much, but of course we can't have anything that is good for us. I want piss cars!

No. 1756357

The Japanese are utterly deranged. The only good part of that game was the green haired one

No. 1756361

based, my taste too. I feel like a lot of anons here refuse to read any korean webcomics because of the lazy art but that's the only medium I've found with stacy power fantasy type stuff. Japanese female protags disappoint me like 90% of the time

No. 1756364

File: 1699317319007.jpg (548.61 KB, 1000x1200, 92932164_p1.jpg)

What's wrong with Belts?
But yes Ukyo is best.

No. 1756365

I wonder if Korean women having a much stronger feminist movement has anything to do with how they portray their women in fiction?

No. 1756367

I wish there was more yume content with boys being covered in wounds and tears

No. 1756370

>Fujos best ending= boys covered in cum and wounds and tears
so deeply based

No. 1756372

I don't get this take. I'm a yume but I don't mind the "boys covered in cum and wounds and tears" fujos, imo the most cringe ones by far are the heartstopper fangirl types of fujos who woobify their yaoi boys and wax poetic about special beautiful gay love despite being straight women themselves. Anyway I like fluffy romances where women are loved AND I like boys crying

No. 1756373

Rather they appreciate the bullshit version of them they made up in their heads and don't give a fuck about canon depictions. It's really an "I can fix him" complex mixed with aesthetic attraction and heavy autism.

No. 1756375

File: 1699317734913.jpg (79.66 KB, 537x758, 894a0f0154a1ad3ccf8185134417a6…)

Kent will always be my best boy

No. 1756377

Wigs. You can even date paintings by the wig styles. That's probably late Baroque since by that point nearly all wigs were tight and powdered. Before that, there was a lot of variation in length and color, like modern weaves.

No. 1756378


No. 1756382

Kentfag and Ukyofag allyship for liking the actual good boys confirmed.

No. 1756383

Not ime, I feel like yumes usually more genuinely like the characters. But yeah there are some that warp their husbandos into different characters completely.
>It's really an "I can fix him" complex
Doesn't really make sense when you consider that there are a lot of people who have husbandos that don't really have anything actually wrong with them.
>heavy autism
Yumejoshis and fujoshis are autistic, who knew?

No. 1756384

that's probably the biggest reason, though I've wondered before if part of the reason so much japanese shojosei protagonists feel so lame is maybe also because of the manga publishing industry, while Korean women might have more freedom to put their vision out there as they want it because they put out webnovels and webcomics instead, the japanese manga editors feel the need to fit a specific wide appealing image for their magazine and thus axe anything with more interesting female protagonists. Ultra depressing if its just that japanese women have the misogyny that deep in themselves

No. 1756386

Are you done?

No. 1756389

I wouldn't be surprised. I'm pretty sure most shojosei magazines are run by men at the top

No. 1756392

Rube Goldberg device

No. 1756394

Seinen is better than shoujo and shounen honestly

No. 1756395

kpop definitely has to do with it too. the poor girls are expected to be smooth barbie dolls and if not they are deemed hideous. korean moids are freaky and deranged. the ones i knew irl were horribly misogynistic more than guys of other races

No. 1756397

data brokers shadow profiles cookies telemetry webcrawlers PII meta tiktok pimeyes clearview ai metadata googledork hibp ip microphone router computer keyboard mouse qwerty .com .net URL windows7… i will be killed for exposing this and this is just scratching the surface…

No. 1756398

Seinen mags are just the catch-all mags atp, literally everything that isn't shonen or the most generic shojo gets shoved into there

No. 1756402

That's generally why it gets the best stuff though.

No. 1756403

this fucking happens to me but with thoughts. i don’t listen to taylor swift, don’t follow her, don’t care about her, never ever got ads for her before but when i think about her once i get ads for tickets? the government did put 5g chips in the covid vaccine kek

No. 1756404

File: 1699318617388.jpg (21.96 KB, 468x468, e691cdc433f7e88cef13604f01439a…)

this is what this post looks like

No. 1756407


No. 1756411

That’s the fugliest hand I’ve ever seen

No. 1756412

at least its not a foot

No. 1756414

Do not ban us

No. 1756418

I need shoujo that's like gender reversed shounen. Girls becoming powerful and saving the world under the tutelage of their powerful older women mentors. All males are largely irrelevant outside of a crush on the protagonist or something. Very lame that magical girl stuff only gets written for little girls and scrotes and that even the ones written for little girls will have powers go away when they grow up. In that new otona precure the women literally become their 14 year old selves again when they precure transform

No. 1756420

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No. 1756421

File: 1699319019591.jpg (177.37 KB, 928x1200, tumblr_89403cbead2c031fe5d2007…)

>all f/f is too angsty
Literally no one says this, the complaint is usually the opposite.

No. 1756425

Have you watched princess tutu?
That and Madoka were the only mahou shoujo I've been able to get into due them
>actually being well written and animated
>having a set beginning, middle and end (though Madoka got extra material after it finished)
>both clearly having an older audience in mind as opposed to an audience of only little girls to sell toys to

No. 1756427

Manga and anime with magical girl themes is literally largely for children.

No. 1756430

File: 1699319219669.png (165.5 KB, 186x394, V3vSxojoHgRwMHFM.png)

No. 1756431

It should be considered child abuse to put children this young in makeup omg

No. 1756434

File: 1699319285458.jpg (76.82 KB, 612x472, 1652637184657.jpg)

>Me seeking a girl media who embodies a boyish appearance with a reversed osmosis gender identity, there arises the desire for a profound transformation. Under the guidance of an influential and authoritative leader, these girls undergo a remarkable metamorphosis, empowering them to embark on a noble mission of saving the world. However, it is regrettable that in the realm of the charming and enchanting shoujo magic, its allure is primarily tailored for the delight of young girls and children. Furthermore, it is disheartening that as these young girls grow older, the very powers that once defined their magical prowess vanish into thin air, leaving behind mere memories. Amidst these circumstances, the emergence of the new Adult PreCure series offers a fascinating narrative featuring a remarkable woman who, against all odds, is whisked back in time to the age of 14, simultaneously rediscovering herself and undergoing a magnificent transformation.

No. 1756436

File: 1699319308480.jpeg (107.09 KB, 588x825, ahiru.jpeg)

Princess Tutu was amazing. I cried at the end. I need to rewatch soon

No. 1756438

and I love her for it

No. 1756440

>make women look soo bad
To who

No. 1756441

File: 1699319391859.jpg (150.13 KB, 1169x1949, 1697004079891914.jpg)

No. 1756444

Like the spongebob girl who had a husbando who had nothing wrong with him only to make him into a different character with many, many things wrong with him in her AU? You can't be that obsessed with character for who the character really is if you're so autistic you've chosen to write your own version of them who wants to want to fuck you, a real person who is not and will never be in his universe, and be your lover, "fixing" him. That's the way yumes are by definition.

No. 1756445

Literally all of them are autistic. There isn't a single actual husbandofag that isn't autistic.

No. 1756446

> areversed osmosis gender identity
A what?

No. 1756447

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No. 1756448

File: 1699319565171.png (844.92 KB, 615x768, ATkIYrUn8R6pbBLY.png)

No. 1756451

File: 1699319607582.gif (145.93 KB, 388x400, ebin.gif)

>make women look soo bad
what did you mean by this?

No. 1756452


No. 1756453

I love princess tutu and I sort of like Madoka but it's also exactly what I had in mind when I said "made for scrotes". As opposed to shounen in which many are about boys receiving technically evil originating powers but mastering and using them for good, Madoka and other magical girls for scrotes, their magical girl powers themselves are also directly what creates witches, the very evil they fight. Madoka's wish was for there to have never been magical girls. Girls having power is directly presented as being a problem and you would never see a shounen written like this. I like the cast of Madoka and its a fun watch when I don't think about it too hard but it is most definitely an anime meant for scrotes to have fun watching the girls suffer
I know I just brought up magical girls as the closest existing thing to what I want. I don't necessarily want a magical girl show for adult women, I want a show about girls/women with powers made for teen/adult women

No. 1756454

File: 1699319720454.jpg (1.61 MB, 2108x1500, 04b3ca2bac925b23c0bb6db7841085…)

It's genuinely a shame more magical girl anime can't take after it so it's either precure garbage or attempts to cash in on Madoka (and fail).

No. 1756455

Winx club? W.i.t.c.h.? Idk if teenage witch Sabrina counts because I don't remember her saving the world. Sailor moon can be weird but if you're ok with it watch it, the story is decent imo. Shin Hakkenden, didn't watch it yet but seems promising, any delinquent girl anime ever, there are more saved in my list but I forgot and the list is too long for me to go and check it, sorry.

No. 1756456

need a roidhog served up shawarma style for my gyros

No. 1756462

Princess Tutu had such good romance and lore as well, no edgy subversion, it's so good. I'm gonna make my little sister watch it now

No. 1756463

>but it is most definitely an anime meant for scrotes to have fun watching the girls suffer
But this is why the majority of magical girl anime is garbage, writing off Madoka as 'for scrotes' because characters suffer is really stupid to me, especially since it's pretty accurate to how women are treated in real life. The scene of Sayaka snapping at those men alone was an amazing representation of men taking advantage of women and the show's all around plotline of that.

No. 1756465

File: 1699319965736.jpg (28.01 KB, 563x560, 4dc7d3c49826615da98f961fd381a7…)

how many you eatin

No. 1756466

File: 1699320001457.jpg (Spoiler Image,657.9 KB, 2865x3569, 1691848382171808.jpg)

No. 1756467

File: 1699320008033.mp4 (4.01 MB, 854x474, evtg8lz2.mp4)

No. 1756468

File: 1699320024874.jpg (71.69 KB, 735x1144, Ptt tumblr.jpg)

I love everyone in that anime so much

No. 1756469


No. 1756470

A baker's dozen

No. 1756471

File: 1699320125081.jpg (65.01 KB, 828x1035, 20231009_055503.jpg)

I feel like the spoiler image should be changed. Where are the shoop anons I bet you'd come up with something more clever

No. 1756472

File: 1699320184799.png (2.38 MB, 3500x3500, depressing mahou shoujos fusio…)

Not really a fan of Utena but…

No. 1756473

File: 1699320201269.jpeg (300.51 KB, 1024x1024, OIG453y4y5h45h.jpeg)

dbz vegeta sitting across from lana del rey at a jail telephone visitation

No. 1756476

How will the one in the middle dance with those broken feet?

No. 1756479

Who is the one in jail?

No. 1756481

She's a duck prince goddess, she'll figure it out.

No. 1756482

Kek honestly sometimes the spoiler image is worse than the spoilered image.
Shit looks like a liveleak thumbnail

No. 1756484

File: 1699320518363.jpeg (478.12 KB, 881x778, IMG_0683.jpeg)

No. 1756485

The image should be elsie and 2x making out or something equally stupid. I'm tired of the schoolgirl panty shot. Everything here is so outdated, same old stupid seven year old banners and all. New admin doesn't know how to do fucking anything.

No. 1756486

File: 1699320560598.gif (3.13 MB, 498x281, 1698696107508616.gif)

No. 1756488

I hate some of the banners, the one of a woman with a hot dog in her mouth and the daddy’s little pork chop one are disgusting. I love the one of a snake biting someone on the face though kek

No. 1756489

>a woman
Come on, newfag

No. 1756490

The fact they suffer isn't my primary problem with it, it's the inherent misogyny in the way the nature of their powers is written. I like it when I don't think about that aspect but there is definitely a reason the scrote writer wrote Madoka that way but there is notably no shounen out there in which it would ever be suggested in the narrative that it would be better for the male protagonists to simply not have their powers. You're allowed to enjoy it and you don't have to see it the way I do, I just find it notable that scrotes haven't and would never write a group of boys being doomed for the great crime of having a wish and acquiring power

No. 1756491

File: 1699320839545.gif (1.23 MB, 300x100, 123.gif)

I like this one.

No. 1756492

File: 1699320863756.jpg (14.65 KB, 236x326, 5d64986b9606304aeb98e44a02b206…)

No. 1756493

I’m not a newfag but I have no idea who that one is, is it some cow from snow or something? I don’t care about that part if the site

No. 1756494

Yea she's very cute.

No. 1756495

>I'm tired of the schoolgirl panty shot

she knows not the lore…

No. 1756496

I especially hate the pixi banners knowing the lore. I thought they were funny years ago like everyone else, but then I found out that all of these videos were meant to be seen by a guy who pretended to like her and manipulated her and paid her to make them as custom content for him only. So he pretended to really like her and pay her to do these humiliating things to degrade and laugh at her. He then proceeded to post them in a pastebin and share them with everyone. I feel bad for her, its no wonder she turned out like this.

No. 1756497

i dont read any of that shit i just think youre a loser for gatekeeping from other women for some false sense of elitism. youre not special, anon. especially not for reading yuri.
literally nothing she told you to read is related to the harlequin romances you're referring to.

No. 1756498

File: 1699320997729.png (69.32 KB, 300x100, 1665337266242.png)

Some of the ones that got posted in the banner meta thread were so adorable too…

No. 1756499

>The image should be elsie and 2x making out
this will be a big hit with the trannies. before you know it we'll see edgy animecore twitter artists drawing porn of them.

No. 1756500

I do actually im just growing old

No. 1756501

you obviously are a newfag if you don't know who she is, shes the reason the site exists.

No. 1756502

Oh. I was just joking but thanks.

No. 1756504

File: 1699321149230.png (3.43 MB, 2160x1620, 1699057177367.png)

>anons don't know who pixyteri is
I said a few days ago that the majority of this site is just newfags aggressively pretending to be oldfags powertripping and minimodding while pretending to know the lore and it appears I am right

No. 1756505

Way to be a buzzkill

No. 1756506

A lot of the farmer made banners of the past three or four years are actually hilarious or well made and this retard doesn't even know how to change banners so we will never see them

No. 1756507

welcome to my deviantart page uwu

No. 1756508

Would be based and funny if some japanese fujo made a shounen trope subversion manga where the boys acquiring power and getting stronger is also the path directly to their doom and suffering. I need the wish fulfillment and power fantasy of shounens to get ruined for moids the same way all the edgy mahou shoujo series sought to turn little girls dreams into tragedies

No. 1756511

>where the boys acquiring power and getting stronger is also the path directly to their doom and suffering

No. 1756512

Only 1 boy

No. 1756513

Did you forget Touji and Kaworu?

No. 1756515

You are such a fucking spaz kek

No. 1756517

What do they have to do with getting stronger then suffering

No. 1756518

these two sound familiar. someone post visual aid

No. 1756519

I don’t think she appeals to the animecore tryhards, see >>1633809 they’ve just designed their own ugly coomer ones.

No. 1756520

File: 1699321515093.jpeg (42.33 KB, 474x668, th.jpeg)

No. 1756523

File: 1699321582384.jpg (1.52 MB, 2121x1414, aids.jpg)

No. 1756525

File: 1699321598726.jpg (1.43 MB, 1200x1697, autistic fuck with the glasses…)

>Touji straight up dies in the manga
>Kaworu basically evented the tragic mysterious homo boy trope

No. 1756526

File: 1699321625157.jpg (142.67 KB, 1024x1337, 1653592324437.jpg)

same anon, literally all i want is cool heroine and cute harem of males. Moids get literal diaper harem shit and we cant even get something as simple as a non beta female protagonist.

No. 1756528

File: 1699321625227.gif (1.24 MB, 500x500, 11201615_91b96.gif)

i jerst want to be luvd

No. 1756529

Maybe I would be considered one then because I don’t know the lore behind a lot of the banners and I’m not sure I want to
This one is so cute

No. 1756531

why r her toes w i d e

No. 1756534

fujos do the same thing except fixing a character's personality to fuck the other even if they never interaced, hate each other, etc. you guys are more alike than different, nobody is following canon universe rules at all

No. 1756537

File: 1699321791997.png (278.85 KB, 700x434, phos.png)

>all the edgy mahou shoujo series sought to turn little girls dreams into tragedies
Suffering is more interesting than shitty 52 episode anime to sell crappy made in china wands.
I like everyone to suffer though, even rocks.

No. 1756538

no literally madoka was so misogynist to me. magical girls become evil witches once they stop being pure and innocent, as a direct analogy for the way that pedophiles don't like adult women because they know too much and can't be manipulated and abused as easily as a child? madoka being poorly raised because of her terrible, neglectful working mom who hurts her family by defying japanese gender roles and having a job? the 12 year old in lingerie in the opening theme song as a 'joke'?

No. 1756542

you need to reexamine why you come here if you're so against the cow boards anon, you aren't on some higher moral ground because you don't use them. they are the foundation of the website.

No. 1756543

I wish I had the Cardcaptor Sakura card deck, but such a silly thing to waste money on

No. 1756545

File: 1699321993804.jpg (92.63 KB, 735x933, e6ac5f08984de888e31bd528ecacda…)

>we're at the point where there are newfags so new they don't know who banner cows are, including the fucking queen
>we're getting called newfags by them because there are so many that their behavior has become normal
what ever happened to lurking and making an effort to integrate

No. 1756548

Theyre extremely vocal because they don't get banned. Moderation is nil.

No. 1756549

That isn't true, the other day an anon got banned for saying dysphoria

No. 1756551

yeah i've only seen people say maybe a handful of these

No. 1756553

What? I’m not against cow boards and never said anything like that

No. 1756555

File: 1699322223280.jpg (115.65 KB, 601x581, case in point for lingerie.jpg)

>magical girls become evil witches once they stop being pure and innocent, as a direct analogy for the way that pedophiles don't like adult women because they know too much and can't be manipulated and abused as easily as a child?
Tell me you didn't watch the anime without telling me you didn't watch the anime.
If anything Madoka is a pretty anti male anime, all the men aside from Madoka's dad are depicted as taking the women around them for granted and ditching them the second they're not useful to them anymore, realizing this is why Sayaka turned into a witch which is more a metaphor for realization that the world is a fucked up place that wants to use women and throw them away.
Just because it's dark doesn't mean that it's a pedophilia metaphor dumbass.
>madoka being poorly raised because of her terrible, neglectful working mom who hurts her family by defying japanese gender roles and having a job?
This literally never happens, Madoka is shown to have a really loving and deep connection with her family and the anime literally starts with her taking advice from her mom showing that she respects and loves her. The tragedy comes from Madoka having to give up this in order to end suffer for magical girls.
>the 12 year old in lingerie in the opening theme song as a 'joke'?
She's 14 but yeah I'll give you that one, literally only piece of fanservice in the entire anime series though so it's already leagues above 99% of regular magical girl anime we're they're basically wearing lingerie the entire time.

Try actually watching an anime instead of reading the twitter thread from some dumbass next time.

No. 1756557

I'm not autistic though I understand emotions. I'm just too anxious and blackpilled to engage with normal society.

No. 1756558

I get that, my point was just that I think it was intentional misogyny that moids took the closest thing in existence to a female power fantasy in japanese media and turned a genre about girls saving the day into girls suffering because they wanted to save the day. Meanwhile moids go on with their superhero dreams unobstructed

No. 1756564

I’ve been using lc for 5 years and I lurked for over a year before I started posting. I’ve also never called anyone else a newfag, but I’ve said “go back” in response to libfemmy posts. I don’t know why not knowing what all the banners are from should even matter, I never see them brought up so why would I know the lore? I’m sure a lot of people don’t know the background of every banner

No. 1756565

this was definetly made by a tranny

No. 1756567

You lie like a rug

No. 1756569

File: 1699322682911.png (3.21 MB, 1480x1383, 1699253375601263.png)

>that moids took the closest thing in existence to a female power fantasy in japanese media
If anything that's more shoujo isekai manga, magical girl anime are basically just a bunch of crappy 20 minute toy commercials with a ton of encouraging girls to get a boyfriend while they're at it (there's a reason why the vast majority of magical girl anime focus on romance, with wedding peach having that pretty much be the only goal to get married).
>turned a genre about girls saving the day into girls suffering because they wanted to save the day
Considering that precure still gets endless seasons, that's pretty obviously something you convinced yourself over something that's actually true. What it really comes down to is Madoka was one of the first actually good magical girl anime (Before mentioned Tutu being the other) that adults of both genders could enjoy and not just little girls or male otakus (most of the magical girl anime of the 2000s were actually parodies that focused on sex).
>Meanwhile moids go on with their superhero dreams unobstructed
Why do you keep ignoring that Eva exists and gets 10 million knockoffs? If anything male suffering is MORE common.

No. 1756570

That's one post out of dozens upon dozens. They allow them to turn /ot/ into a playground where fujoism is the central topic, LC never used to be like this. Instead of containing their retarded /g/ posts to /g/ we are all forced to scroll through tons of them here. The entire tone of /ot/ has shifted entirely into discord server tier shitposting.

No. 1756571

File: 1699322757162.png (609.75 KB, 800x600, b_cs06b.png)

>Meanwhile moids go on with their superhero dreams unobstructed

No. 1756572

File: 1699322774815.jpg (39.62 KB, 640x351, 603fd1f8e94612f41d73aab0a3b40b…)

>We all teleport to peach beach

No. 1756574

>i drown every anon itt and myself

No. 1756575

Anybody remember when blogposting, unrelated spam and personalityfagging bans were enforced or

No. 1756576

Stop trying to incite infights
Stop being a boring killjoy

No. 1756577

Just made a tartiflette, it is very delicious.

No. 1756578

what is this gay picture even supposed to mean

No. 1756581

File: 1699322984705.gif (5.59 MB, 498x281, natsuki-subaru-crying.gif)

Boys who cry

No. 1756583

>called out for being an obvious liar
>s-stop trying to infight
Yeah ok

No. 1756585

You wish. We will beat you into pulp and feed you to the crabs.

No. 1756586

I wish some anons would learn to be funny, interesting, or bring up topics or questions that will prompt discussion. Instead of whining about hating what gets posted here, they could move the threads along by being funny, interesting, and cool, but it seems that they simply can’t be those things

No. 1756587

> I don’t care about that part if the site

No. 1756588

I do actually.

No. 1756589

Stop trying to justify your unfunny spam, newfag.

No. 1756590

What did I lie about?

No. 1756591

File: 1699323189023.jpg (75.76 KB, 960x768, 6e34253264.jpg)

I remember…It was hilarious when even slightly mentioning the forbidden man's name resulted in bans, I wish we could go back to those times.

No. 1756593

I haven’t spammed any threads, I just think you’re boring and unfunny

No. 1756594

You get it, hot topic instabans and anons dogpiling personalityfags was actually hilarious compared to whatever is going on here in recent weeks

No. 1756595

File: 1699323327523.jpg (6.2 MB, 3160x4093, 86373093_p0.jpg)

they made an entire thread because they were ''above'' moid/fujo talk and guess what? it died in a month, it was boring talk about food, basically the mundane thread but even more boring. Now they are crawlling back because this general is actually active.

No. 1756596

But other anons disliked the strict banning, that's why it got lax these days.

No. 1756598

Not to that degree. With a lot of popular ships, it's like the same relationship with kissing and sex. Two male characters who have a preestablished relationship with eachother and potential for romantic chemistry. And the fixing thing is usually taken out of the equation entirely because when both parties are male, you don't feel as bad writing dysfunctional relationships as you would having to imagine yourself being abused by a character who would realistically do just that instead of be the loving partner you want. Yumes really do have to rewrite the character from the ground up to be their ideal bfs instead of who they were originally written as. The only group of fujos thats normal with is literal Aidens, who might I add tend to self insert as the ukes and change them to be like themselves: fat, short, and dumpy with mastectomy scars. So not denying there are fujos out there who do delve into yume level delusions, but the difference is it isn't the norm while it's an integral part of what makes yumes yumes.

No. 1756600

>Zommmggg ur all BORING and UNFUNNY desu
Then fucking leave.

No. 1756601

Dumbass shit indeeeeed

No. 1756603

It's literally just a small group of pornsick fujos trying to control the entire board. Make a fucking discord server.

No. 1756604

File: 1699323610666.jpg (264.54 KB, 750x688, 1675912723711928.jpg)

i hate cars i want to ride a horse to the supermarket

No. 1756607

So you prefer the smell of horseshit to car exhaust?

No. 1756608

Advice: if you wish to convince anyone here that you aren't autistic, stop posting.

No. 1756609

That’s funny because I usually see anons complaining about the ban-happy mods. We should be able to talk about what we want, if you personally don’t like it then scroll past or come up with a post that you find funny. Why do you want us to be given strict rules about every word and image that gets posted in every thread? Even getting pissy about posts being “in the wrong thread” as if we aren’t allowed to have conversations with one another

No. 1756610

That is not why it's "lax" now and you would know this if you weren't an internet toddler. Besides it's hardly lax when anons are getting permabanned without explanation, having their appeals denied and their emails to the admin ignored. The movie night anon is still permabanned for "spamming" weeks ago when all she did was ask a simple question in /meta/

No. 1756611

No. 1756613

Lot's of anons here come from crystal.cafe ever since it started getting raided day and night by the soyjak scrotes.
Source: i am one of them

No. 1756614

Not all, you and a few other boring humorless cows who lack personality

No. 1756615

File: 1699323793284.jpg (19.98 KB, 400x400, FqMVOdKaMAIHtVR.jpg)

No. 1756616

I can't stop posting

No. 1756617

Hello lil baby I love you lil baby

No. 1756618

File: 1699323842380.jpg (66 KB, 613x900, 1691852204091.jpg)

i am genuinely scared that talent is indeed real and that i will never get good at drawing. I specially suck at colors even though i see literal toddlers with crayons make better color palettes

No. 1756619

Nonnie, don't get so angry, i think i used the wrong word kek i think "easier" would be more right? i'm on your side, i didn't like it when it was super strict either

No. 1756621

Theyre angry about the ban-happy mods because they are banning all of the wrong things and leaving what really fucks the whole board up completely unmoderated. Of course anons are going to be fucking pissed when those lazy faggots come on for three hours and just ban whatever they see and leaving the board entirely ignored for the other 21 hours.

No. 1756622

Go back

No. 1756625

Oh wow are you going to give us a lesson in how to be a bubbly fun loving Stacy since you're just so full of life and laughter? Please teach me to live, laugh, and love

No. 1756626

Nta but yes

No. 1756627

YOU are the cow, retard. Nobody wants or likes your personality elsewhere, so you came here to fling your autism at us and get mad when we don't find you funny and point out that you're a misfit toy trying to rebrand and remodel an entire decade old site. Please.

No. 1756630

You lot can stay but only if you're obedient (you will not post without making a post asking to post)

No. 1756631

Oh okay I get you, I'm sorry for getting spicy

No. 1756632

File: 1699324023680.gif (716.19 KB, 220x274, dog-smile.gif)

No. 1756634

File: 1699324024474.jpg (132.75 KB, 851x853, 1621725740696.jpg)

Back to where? We have nowhere to go.

No. 1756635

Can I post a post asking to post please

No. 1756636

I don't want every little thing banned, just spamming and avatarfagging (which makes it hard to scroll past btw)

No. 1756638

I kek'd because there is real emotion in this post

No. 1756640

We did it, we're going to Nationals

No. 1756643

Sure I can- just don’t post anything if it isn’t interesting, funny, or adding to the conversation. If you can’t join or start a conversation without acting like a dumb angry cow then lurk instead of posting. If you don’t like what others are talking about then scroll past. If you hate the people here and yet aren’t intelligent enough to say something funny or interesting yourself, then leave the site and go use facebook with the other boomers.

No. 1756644

don’t worry anon, never stop practicing and if all else fails keep in mind there are amazing artists who solely do black and white

No. 1756645

That's what most of us want. This fresh crop of newfags are going to do nothing but attract the worst kind of posters and it will be nothing but autistic 4ch rejects who are too soft and sensitive for their boards. They're already trying to minimod and defend their right to spam their shitty interests outside of g with the type of spectrum-induced valor that has to be snuffed out before it becomes to egotistical.

No. 1756646

File: 1699324251476.jpg (74.85 KB, 564x993, Egyptian Handmade, Blown Glass…)

My least favorite thing about perfumes is how they can completely change scent depending on your natural smell/body chemistry. I've had perfumes that smell lovely in the air, but weird on me, and I've also smelled perfumes that smelled strange on other people.

No. 1756647

File: 1699324292168.gif (624.68 KB, 320x240, bed slappa.gif)

what are antifujo spergs hobbies? since you hate fujosperging so much i encourage you to talk about your hobbies

No. 1756648

>if you don't like what other people are posting just scroll past

No. 1756649

File: 1699324308597.jpg (213.35 KB, 2048x1740, 20230916_215854.jpg)

back in my day the only thing that would get you banned on /ot/ , /sty/, or /manure/ but not really cuz those boards were true festering shitholes was being male, trip/name/subjectfagging, or being racist. racism is why they put them kpop critical threads on autosage like 6 separate times before hellbanning them when the newfag influx got so bad on /ot/+/m/ when it got created and moved there. the moderation for chill boards has never been the same since.
sounds fake. you should know who all those cows are, at least their faces/what they did to get a banner. theyre all old.

No. 1756651

Nothing you said here applies to me kek you know there are a lot of people posting on this website right? I’m not every poster who annoys you

No. 1756652

but i want to do color i dont want to do boring black and white stuff

No. 1756653

Damn this post is extremely boring and unfunny, can you give me a better example of the personality you claim to have?

No. 1756654

begone, schizo

No. 1756655

Why don’t you be funy though

No. 1756657


No. 1756658

That's because back then we didn't have severely mentally ill tiktok zoomers swarming.

No. 1756659

The total lack of self awareness is very fitting for the dumbass shit thread, thanks for your contribution retard!

No. 1756660

>open LC
>see /pt/ written at the top
>just presume it's the Portuguese speaking board
>repeat everyday for 5 years or so

No. 1756662

He is dapper

No. 1756663

what if mods were one of us
just a non like one of us

No. 1756664

I genuinely do not believe that you've consistently come here for 5 years and thought /pt/ was a Portuguese board I think you have a problem with telling lies kek

No. 1756665

Stop that song is so annoying

No. 1756666

Cow cow cow cow cow c

No. 1756667

What the hell has happened to this thread?

No. 1756668

No male will ever top Tokyo Toni when it comes to comedy.

No. 1756669

This literally the most retarded lie I've ever heard.

No. 1756670

Tryna make his way, home
Right back to heaven all alone

No. 1756671

Just a stranger on the farms
Trying to sage her way home?

No. 1756672


No. 1756673

File: 1699324613339.jpg (57.86 KB, 736x581, Vintage Shiaparelli.jpg)

Samefag but I think this is also why it's nice to wear multiple scented products. Maybe your perfume won't smell good on you, but at least your lotion will. Another pic cause I like cool perfume bottles.
Kek anon. You never accidentally wandered there?

No. 1756674

No if its a mod it's definitely -him

No. 1756675

lol i remember this sperg, whenever she gets angry she throws toddler temper tantrums and starts spamming ''cow''.

No. 1756676

Calm the fuck down. What fujo murdered your parents?

No. 1756677

Stop samefagging old boring schizo

No. 1756679

You're schizo as fuck, I've never done that and I'm the one who said "cow". You project personalityfagging onto all of us because you yourself sit on your ass and do it all day probably.

No. 1756680

tryin' to milk her way home
back up to lolcow all alone

No. 1756681

No you calm the fuck down and remember what thread you're in butt munch

No. 1756682

These are legit different anons I am sorry your feelings are hurt.

No. 1756683

He should post hand, sounds like a fat.

No. 1756684

Kek just fucking shut up. Being an oldfag doesn’t mean we like you loser

No. 1756685

Pulling the ol' "samefag" card cause you're out of totally interesting and funny stuff to say, real slick

No. 1756686

Calling anons who oppose your fujocancer "he" because you see us calling actual maleposters "he" will not make you sound like less of a newfag.

No. 1756687

The DUMBASS SHIT THREAD? Where we can post whatever we want? I'm not even the anon you were replying to kek

No. 1756688

post hand, fatboy.

No. 1756689

I don’t know who the cows are because I never followed the cow boards. I came to the website years ago because it’s anonymous and female only, I didn’t care about the cows on snow

No. 1756690

File: 1699324862476.jpg (312.78 KB, 732x929, Lon_Chaney_London_After_Midnig…)

No. 1756691

Update my pineapple vape has given me diarrhea. It made me cry. I’m gonna give up smoking

No. 1756692

PULL closing is the worst thing that happened to lolcor dot farms

No. 1756693

Omfg I love him!!

No. 1756694

The thread is your oyster you piece of shit!!

No. 1756695

I dont care about 'we' when 'we' is a bunch of smelly newfags that have nothing but 2D in their camera roll and no ability to socialize about anything besides their special interest

No. 1756696

>it died in a month
More like a few days.

No. 1756697

Aww did that hit too close to home?

No. 1756698

File: 1699324949905.png (1.28 MB, 850x1258, 1693204599843387.png)

Nonas, should we try making a general weeb shitposting and banter thread somewhere for both yumes, fujos, and other assorted non-stick-up-their-ass posters to tard out? Because these people love taking issue with every other weeb post in this thread, they can have their boring-ass thread once we're gone

No. 1756699


No. 1756700

good anon, you look like a retard with your glorified kazoo

No. 1756701

I remember the day it shut down. I was so confused kek. I still am. I have no idea what warranted the shutdown.

No. 1756702

no, do you wat to kill this already dying thread? stop with the trillion generals they are a cancer, learn to scroll past

No. 1756703

No one respondin' to her post
'cept for the NEETs, maybe, at most

No. 1756704

>my point was just that I think it was intentional misogyny that moids took the closest thing in existence to a female power fantasy in japanese media and turned a genre about girls saving the day into girls suffering because they wanted to save the day
This is a pessimistic take and I don't think it's really that deep anon. Madoka didn't "ruin" the magical girl genre, because like the other anon said Precure is still going strong even to this day. It just deconstructed the common tropes that are staple to the magical girl genre in the same way Eva deconstructed mecha anime tropes. Precure aside, there's still plenty of action anime with "power fantasy" female MCs where girls don't suffer (see: Symphogear). It's fine not to like anime but convincing yourself that scrotes ruin everything, including fiction, must be so exhausting.

No. 1756705

Agreed. This all could've been avoided if
>Anons didn't get so pissy to the point of minimodding over nothing
>Anons didn't get autistically schizo over who's posting gay anime men
>Fujoshi didn't post to an obnoxiously spammy degree
>Fujoshi didn't get severely autistic and pissy over any form of criticism or disagreement towards them
>There was a shitposting thread for fujoshi in /m/

No. 1756706

also they already have their boring general they never use, they just come to shit this one because they are no-fun allowed beckys with null personality

No. 1756707

File: 1699325078780.jpg (12.29 KB, 360x352, stressed ass cat.jpg)

This site makes me feel like I'm trapped in a psych ward watching the patients fight
I miss PULL. I was introduced to lolcow through there, maybe about a year or two before it shut down. I regret coming here honestly, I think lolcow has changed me in negative ways and if I could go back in time I would prevent myself from being interested in this site. Stick to regular social media girl..

No. 1756709

I was eating my food and in the middle of chewing I took a hit off my vape (gross I know I’m sorry) and a few minutes after swallowing I got this horrible acidic wave in my stomach. I probably swallowed some vape air on top of my food. Dumbass move

No. 1756710

The minimods are the ones who can't scroll past and screech at every post they dont like in the dumbass shit thread

No. 1756711

I’m not a newfag, a fujo, or autistic, I just think women should be able to talk about what they want here without boring killjoys wringing their hands and crying about not personally enjoying it. Either shut up or post things that you do like.

No. 1756712

Calling anons who think you're annoying men where it doesn't apply doesn't change that you're a porn addicted loser that is so afraid of 3D people that you have to sperg about raping anime boys here all night lol

No. 1756713


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1756714

can't you just use the regular shitposting thread?

No. 1756715

I never posted on PULL but I lurked and it was genuinely so horrible.

No. 1756716

No. 1756717

File: 1699325178931.jpeg (55.62 KB, 540x540, IMG_1498.jpeg)

i don’t understand, why sperg in the dumbass shit thread? i haven’t been noticing any crazy fujo spam since last thread and very early of this thread. just post about what you like and ignore. i see more arguing about newfags and fujos tbh

No. 1756718

Please for the love of god do not make a new thread

No. 1756719

then just report them for minimodding/infighting

No. 1756720

Are we not in the regular shitposting/random convos thread right now?

No. 1756722

Anon c'mon you are not making any headway here kek

No. 1756723

Thread is almost full and everyone is still mad about things? Sad. Have fun people

No. 1756724

File: 1699325292333.jpg (125.63 KB, 608x436, _01.jpg)

and thats exactly what makes you a newfag. you aren't here for the site itself, you're here cuz you heard it's an uwu girlboard and don't care about the board culture beyond that. no matter how long you post zoomer cat memes on /ot/, you will still be called a newfag all the time because you still act like one. never booly fujos again.

No. 1756725

File: 1699325298487.gif (973.65 KB, 244x154, IMG_7048.gif)

No. 1756726

No, those posts are dumbass shit so they belong in this thread.

No. 1756727

The mods don't care about this thread. They show up a day later after the infight has already decimated everything

No. 1756728

I'm having fun seeing people fight tho

No. 1756729

i had moldy bread on accident

No. 1756730

Anyone remember Movin Like Bernie?

No. 1756731

first of all wed eat eachother alive, 2nd of all nu. make the minimods leave, they have two threads to shit up.

No. 1756733

you'll be fine

No. 1756734

I would love a dumbass weeb thread but we already have so many threads, its a good idea but I just wish we all accepted each other in our dumbassery instead of just splitting even more

No. 1756735

Bernie’s not moving now

No. 1756736

Reading about Venus Angelic on PULL during her living doll era as a weeb teenager was such a formative experience tbh

No. 1756739

lolcow has made me more self aware and it's peaked me, so I think it's been overall beneficial. I've made a friend I think will last a lifetime as well and that's more valuable than anything

No. 1756741

I’ve never posted a cat meme on here, and yep I’m interested in talking to other women about random shit, not making fun of cows. I’ve also never been called a newfag before this infight and I’ve been on here for 5 years, I don’t know why you think I’ll “keep getting called newfag” just give it a rest

> never booly fujos again

I don’t know what you mean by this

No. 1756743

>I've made a friend I think will last a lifetime as well and that's more valuable than anything

No. 1756745

cat memes are great, excuse you. since when are cat memes determining a generation? i've been posting cat memes on the internet since the golden age

No. 1756746

movie room. theyre all chill in there.

No. 1756747

Idk about you people but I liked today's thread, it's funny to see what kind of retard shit the weebs and the fujos come up with even if I'm not into yaoi myself. I like the dumbassery

No. 1756748

zoomer ones got a different feel to them

No. 1756749

if i have lived through the cancer that's this thread i dont think moldy bread will kill me

No. 1756751

Very suspicious. Why get mad over anons liking 2D men and hating or rightfully being afraid of 3D men?

No. 1756752

File: 1699325704570.jpg (1.54 MB, 3024x4032, 20231105_042846.jpg)

Theyre angry that we post cats instead of retarded looking 2D waifs sucking and fucking

No. 1756753

maybe you should go check out the Portuguese board

No. 1756754

Fr, the spammers were already banned, but they just want anyone they don't like banned as well even if they aren't breaking rules. Nobody was even fighting until the backseat mods showed up to moralfag

No. 1756755

i have a very muscular husbando and I also post cats and I am very well versed in cow lore, so really that makes me better than all of you. now i know where i stand among the peasants, i will sleep easy this night

No. 1756756

Mental gymnastics to justify your annoying special interests. Make a discord server and post about how you spent three hours burning your clit off with a Hitachi to some dumb stick figure cartoons there. You'd get along better with the weebs on /lgbt/ anyways.

No. 1756758

that cat is ugly

No. 1756760

No. 1756762

I've never been into yaoi myself but I don't mind fujos because they are at least terminally online enough to have internet brainrot which is important to imageboard culture. I'd rather take them than the antiweeb no fun allowed normalfags

No. 1756764

there are no ugly cats only piece of shit that should neck themselves for thinking there are ugly cats, rest in spaghetti

No. 1756765

an anon from the last vent thread has beef with a movie anon tho

No. 1756767

Aw what do we have against kitty memes now

No. 1756768

File: 1699325878083.gif (777.33 KB, 500x281, 1635717870731.gif)

everything i do i do for u nonny

No. 1756769

File: 1699325880781.jpg (13.23 KB, 319x319, we pray.jpg)

you are so strong

No. 1756770

I like bara too and the only time I ever post it here is like twice a month to shitpost. I never post in /g/ threads. It's about moderation and the ability to understand that most people have other interests beside being a hypersexual weeb. It feels like lolcow has been taken over by horny former band kids and it's cringe.

No. 1756771

Nonnies are sick of eachother and we're breaking up (we will kiss later)

No. 1756773

Oh so that is where you come from. No wonder nonnies make you seethe so much.

No. 1756774

yeah there is a single narc who can't stop talking about her hamstrings and expensive shoes, its no biggie though

No. 1756775

Shut the fuck up

No. 1756777

Who let the dogs out
Who, Who, Who, Who, Who?

No. 1756778

More mental gymnastics. I'm saying you belong there. They would LOVE to "shitpost" with you.

No. 1756779

ew, i didnt say i like bara, i said he was muscular. stop trying to put me into a box, i am above all generalizations

No. 1756781

>I like bara too
Opinion discarded

No. 1756782

it was me, i did it, take me away officer

No. 1756783

shit taste

No. 1756784

>her hamstrings and expensive shoes
And she has hobbies. You?

No. 1756785

File: 1699326058256.jpg (155.5 KB, 700x887, rice-field-workers-instagram-i…)

No. 1756786

I wish I had hamstrings

No. 1756787

you have no idea who im talking about, you couldnt have chosen a worse post to reply to

No. 1756788

you do have hammies silly

No. 1756789

Oh so we can't joke here now either huh

No. 1756791

Stop being mean to one of the few weebs who isn't a pedo

No. 1756793

go back to vc with moids all day ms. hobbies

No. 1756794

anime website

No. 1756795

im better than her though, im funny and interesting

No. 1756796

I sold them so I could afford lolcow+

No. 1756797

lets all go to kim cartoon and stream burrito the last ninja gaiden warrior for free

No. 1756799

File: 1699326262063.jpg (166.49 KB, 1170x1503, 20230927_185759.jpg)

I like adult men. I think breaking in adult men especially adult men built like tractors is based and proper and good. Wanting to sexually torture teeny tiny sickly stick figures is creepy and weird. I believe in musclepig obedience and subjugation.

No. 1756800

You gotta do what you gotta do, I respect the grind

No. 1756801

No. I dont think you are. What is this friendly fire.

No. 1756802

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No. 1756803

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>im better than her though, im funny and interesting

No. 1756804

my husbando is an adult man with muscles and normal pecks relative to his torso

No. 1756805

Let her flex her hamstrings and wear her Gucci flip flops wtf

No. 1756806

she would write you a whole novel about how gucci is too basic for her

No. 1756807

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Respectfully, you are a moth to a candle within my presence

No. 1756808

Gucci flip flow fuck and hit yer bitch from the side

No. 1756810

Idk who this anon is tbh I missed this bit.

No. 1756811

there isn't even a candle on this cupcake, what a loser!

No. 1756813

NTA but do you think we have enough nonnas that play Honkai: Star Rail to make a thread for it in /m/?

No. 1756814

she a bitch thats who, i hope she can feel my distaste of her and she carries it everywhere she goes. can't even wear socks around this bitch

No. 1756815

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Who would be the best employee? A cat or a dog?

No. 1756817

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Normal pecs are overrated.

No. 1756819

there is one already and its pretty dead

No. 1756820

they both have their strengths and weaknesses but both are valuable assets to the team, you fucking racist

No. 1756822


No. 1756823

to each their own, i respect the griiiiiiinnnnddddd

No. 1756827

you can keep all the grandpas with heart issues i will stick to my 18yo moids with non saggy balls

No. 1756829

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Hewwo, who am I talking to?

No. 1756830

Gucci flip flops fuck em hit yo bitch with my socks
Pull em wrist watch diamonds drippin off of tha glock

No. 1756833

Puffy male pecs are ugly and I’m tired of pretending they’re not

No. 1756834

Stop pretending eighteenies want you.

No. 1756835

its a-me! mohammad!

No. 1756836

18 year olds don't know how to wash they assssssss

No. 1756838

Okay so? More for me to suckle. I can build them up while you only want to bring them down.

No. 1756839

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"Christian music sucks"

No. 1756840

Or their laundry. Or the dishes. Or anything else. Usually can't even drive.

No. 1756841

I didn’t even know one existed already kek, oh well

No. 1756842

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No. 1756843


No. 1756844


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1756845

>implying moids at any age know how

No. 1756846

Woo hoo we did it we are going to Internationals!!

No. 1756848

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No. 1756849

my husbandos ass is immaculate, i dont even think he's ever shit in his LIFE

No. 1756851


No. 1756852

i always gotta have the last word

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