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No. 1681748

be bold, be brave, be stupid

prev: >>>/ot/1673646

No. 1681756

YAY thanks nonna

No. 1681759

I visit the Shayna threads off and on, but when I checked in again recently the FetCon/caning incident was happening, and I've been following the thread since. I honestly wonder if she's genuinely retarded. Do you think she is? I don't know how a person who isn't retarded could make some of her decisions.

No. 1681761

You’re in the bar having a drink and her headpiece is falling off!!

No. 1681783

File: 1693330987808.jpg (42.42 KB, 1080x841, Tumblr_l_25911057699594.jpg)

An allegory of marriage

No. 1681793

just saw an (actual) guy wearing the toothpaste flag pin at my uni. wild.

No. 1681805

File: 1693332486814.jpg (45.79 KB, 564x451, 47a8c142a608a66a432f9db681ec35…)

Self care is a meme but I'm sitting at home with a face and hair mask browsing LC and having the time of my life.

No. 1681813

KEK nona I don't think she's a legit sped, maybe retarded in that she'll do anything for a crumb of male attention

No. 1681814

Boss makes a dollar
I make a dime
That's why I browse lolcow
On company time

No. 1681822

That's the spirit nonnie!

No. 1681833

File: 1693334528869.gif (3.11 MB, 640x426, barbie-sparkles-and-lily.gif)

you know it!

No. 1681873

File: 1693336122777.jpg (345.84 KB, 2048x3072, harper-yve-jurk-yazz-dr-met-ze…)

Came across this dress in a store today, tried it on and it was GORGEOUS, the picture doesn't do it justice, 100% my type of dress.. IF IT HAD ONE MORE GODDAMN BUTTON. The bridge between the cups of my bra was just barely visible and I don't wanna go around flashing my bra but I also refuse to get special uncomfortable bras to wear with certain tops or dresses because that's such a hassle, argh!

No. 1681882

wrong thread, oh well

No. 1681883

File: 1693336722405.jpeg (167.84 KB, 648x651, 1D2E263C-F7C7-425D-BC24-9687EA…)


No. 1681884

Bruh just sew a stitch into it cmon

No. 1681886

I thought about that too at first but it would look like there's a missing button

No. 1681899

I browse lolcow at my state-owned university job, sorry tax-paying citizens

No. 1681905

i support this use of tax funds

i expect 50% of the american female population to be here in the next 3 years

No. 1681906

try looking around online for satin covered buttons! there's some stores on etsy that sell them in various colours for like $8/dozen, it shouldn't be too difficult to attach one to this dress

No. 1681932

oh good one, I'll try that! Hopefully I can find a matching colour.

No. 1681948

To thyself be true

No. 1681964

I run like hell to save that headpiece!!!

No. 1681969

Dany is this you?

No. 1681971

Gaga's unreleased material is really nice

No. 1681974

nothing says good morning like waking up to the sound of your cat barfing a cockroach

No. 1681997

it's so dead where my nonnies at???????????????????????????????????????????????????

No. 1681998

i dont think she's actually mentally handicapped, i think she's severely stunted from being chronically online, not having any friends and only interacting with other e-whores and johns

No. 1681999

I had a pumpkin spice latte this morning and my stomach is punishing me for it. Whyyyyy does my body hate a delicious treat

No. 1682002

File: 1693345239499.jpg (37.8 KB, 617x427, 273.jpg)

No. 1682006

File: 1693345637161.jpg (24.05 KB, 506x340, FQuck1JVUAAxQel.jpg)

Sick to death of those instagram posts where fitness influencers take pictures where they're posed vs "relaxed" and showing off their bloated gut. I never tap them but I see dozens every time I scroll through the app. Like come up with new ideas jesus

No. 1682013

File: 1693347069507.jpg (37.72 KB, 564x564, 6370eb6cab9eb95d2641adb112afc2…)


No. 1682022

i lol'd at the pic

No. 1682028

Some kids are gonna have nostalgia for cocomelon and race changing subliminals.

No. 1682038

this is a strange thing i’ve noticed but i need somewhere to talk about my observation. i notice an uptick of nsfw fanart posted by the female artists i follow near the end of the month, and i feel like most women have their period then or during the start of the month. i feel like all this fanart is because of period hormones. did anyone else notice this or am i just insane

No. 1682042

Everytime someone mentions timothee chalamet I remember that pic some sick fuck photoshopped a bunch of rot pockets on his clothes

No. 1682053

If you can't find a color that matches well enough, you can always do a vanity button instead, like a metal heart shaped button or something similar that matches the dress!

No. 1682059

Nostalgia isn't going to exist by then. Only pod and bugs

No. 1682061

since when do periods know when calendar months begin and end

No. 1682063

File: 1693351472475.jpg (60.09 KB, 564x376, 5825489031.jpg)

Can't wait

No. 1682066

TMI but I like the feeling of getting diarrhea. I always feel so clean and empty after shitting my guts out.

No. 1682067

I feel so bad for people that are homeless or in poverty in countries that are known for being rich. Like imagine being homeless in Monaco or Singapore.

No. 1682070

Periods fluctuate like the moon cycles. Last month or the one before we had two full moons during one month and my cycle was feeling it. I'm now out of whack with la luna and am due sep 10

No. 1682076

Not so fun when you do that daily for years at least 3 times in the first hour of being awake. I hate doctors so just cauterizing my anus and dying from exploding is a valid option for me. My family shall remember the day their loved one died by showering them and everything they love with diarrhea forever. I refuse to be forgotten so easily.

No. 1682078

i dont even know or keep track of mine tbh, i just notice almost everyone i know has their period at the same time as me which is the end of the month even online friends

No. 1682079

File: 1693354013477.jpg (398.19 KB, 1896x1280, heart.jpg)

I don't mind lip fillers or cosmetic work in general, but I haaate when people overdo it. Picrel is Heart Evangelista.

No. 1682086

I don't want to accuse you of being a TIM because it's lame but that is literally exactly what TIMs say all the time and isn't how periods work at all.

No. 1682135

Wait a minute..where's thread #133?

No. 1682142

File: 1693361363073.gif (221.65 KB, 200x200, happypy.gif)

i will forgive god for making me ugly , fat and autistic because she gave me the best periods. Painless, odorless, short, and very mild. I have started to free bleed out of lazyness this year and outside of the rare ocassion(maybe once) where it was actually somewhat heavy and had to use a pad i just change my underwear and take a bath and move on with my day. I hope it means i am infertile too.

No. 1682144

psst hey.. umm not to scare you, but there's a cat dancing behind you. Just thought you should know..

No. 1682163

File: 1693364372543.png (155.42 KB, 1152x1024, C4D53B4D-5255-471F-93F6-2C1EEF…)

Throwing this here for a project thing so I can copy it

No. 1682168

File: 1693364770887.jpg (141.6 KB, 1000x563, 93247876.jpg)

It's in there somewhere

No. 1682172

File: 1693365246663.jpg (27.21 KB, 500x281, 1681753678509.jpg)

I am shaking why is the first thing I see when I come home from an exhausting day of work dealing with moids and the most inconsiderate members of society my husbando drawn in the most disgusting way possible.

No. 1682174

My condolences nona, block that person asap so you dont have to see their shitty work again

No. 1682177

It was on here, I can't block it. I will simply hide the thread until enough posts are made that I will have to long scroll to see it.

No. 1682179

Which thread was it, nonna?

No. 1682180

it's the bad dede art isn't it

No. 1682181

anon i saw that and immediately thought of you kek, sorry you had to see it. there should be a hide image option to the left of the post.

No. 1682187

File: 1693367088007.jpg (47.38 KB, 464x564, 16de4da2c758d7976c034cf211d75a…)

I love my lashes so much. Makes me feel like I have Disney princess eyes.

No. 1682191

i am sure they did it specifically to target you, you are being gangstalked

No. 1682192

kek stop we don't need a kirdede schizo arc she has enough problems

No. 1682197

i think i've been ghosted for being retarded. too bad i really like her too. it's so over i'm going to become a celibate i don't give a shit anymore.

No. 1682202

It's okay, nonna. I was recently too retarded for someone I was messaging from lc. It happens to the best of us. Buck up and try again when you're feeling better, it'll work out eventually

No. 1682207

I'll never understand disney princess addition of mulan to their little club, she is no princess, her retarded boyfriend is no prince… but what about kida? Isn't atlantis a disney movie? And she is an actual princess.. whats up with mulan being included on the disney princess club? Why is kida being treated like this? If a half fish half woman can be part of the group why a whole ass woman that lives somewhere underwater cannot? Is it because she sings no songs for her wimpy husband? If mulan will be included then megara also should be, she married a demi god, certainly so much better husband than any dumb prince, and she sings about love or something. Maybe anastasia also should be there, she is disney now so she fits, and we shouldn't be racist, nala should be included too, her husband is not some rando prince, he is the fucking king, whats this discrimination? Who said princess have to be human? Can't believe they remember aurora but not kida. Absolutely outrageous.

No. 1682211

I’ve ghosted a girl for being too dumb once…

No. 1682212

File: 1693371394826.jpg (167.76 KB, 967x1422, deb332919cec3fefd696bd3d06a260…)

hate you pinterest for making me fall in rabbit holes, i found this artist and now i need to find her name and its nowhere to be found

No. 1682221

Justice for Kida. You're right.

No. 1682222

No. 1682226

bf just gave me the prettiest beautifully decorated berry tart on his way out of the door to work. god he is sweet wtf. it's very tasty

No. 1682239

Ugh lc was so dead tonight. It wasn't even a weekend or anything.

No. 1682251

Sorry, I wasn’t online and shitposting as usual tonight Kek

No. 1682258

honestly i'm trying not to come here as often because it just isn't enjoyable anymore

No. 1682267

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No. 1682268

Who's your husbando

No. 1682277

File: 1693381116059.gif (62.72 KB, 119x151, tumblr_msw4v4CCye1rfdkujo1_250…)

im feelin uhhhh not drunk yet wyd nonas

No. 1682284

Maybe I will get a drink in your honor, maybe.

No. 1682288

File: 1693382278479.gif (3.63 KB, 150x150, uwu.gif)

I am having a glass of wine and listening to the thunder start, it's gonna be a big storm apparently. join me sweet nona

No. 1682303

this is my last post and I really mean it this time

No. 1682304

File: 1693384178409.png (87.53 KB, 677x768, BDFSOFSBpjwKoKWc.png)

I'm afraid lolcow is going to die and turn into a circlejerk of 4 autists (one of the being me) and their 3 devices with vpns fighting each other, as happened in another site I used to frequent. There aren't many websites like this anymore.

No. 1682306

Not going to happen with all these newfags finding the site.

No. 1682308

these back to back make me sad.
I've been here for years I'll be heartbroken to miss you all.

No. 1682313

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I've been thinking of leaving because of too many retarded underage posters and infighters lately. But I love this site too much. Long may it live. Long may we create our own memes.

No. 1682317

I hope the fuck not. As aggravating as some anons can be, I really like the exact flavor of autism lolcor offers. I've made this comparison before, but it feels like the catty, cringey sleepovers of my childhood in imageboard form.

No. 1682323

Aren't we going to get LC 2.0 soon? The site will go on.

No. 1682326

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me too. I'm so pissed to keep missing tunesday and movie nights, those were some of the best times miss you guys
long live lolcor, we've come this far and someone has to fight dead internet.
we have a bunch of cc miner refugees and they're plotting a new board as far as I last saw so maybe?

No. 1682329

nonnas I'm down bad, can any of you give me a hug?

No. 1682330

why though

No. 1682332

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No. 1682334

File: 1693386606894.gif (1.82 MB, 640x640, cat-kissing.gif)

No. 1682336

The movie room and the doodle board are such great LC spin offs. I'm proud of us. I hope the miners get their new site.

No. 1682337

thank you so much nonnies ♥ I really appreciate it ♥

No. 1682339

kitteh bang bang

No. 1682340

guys cmon are you really saying this site is going to die because of some fucking infights? listen, not everything can go the right way every time, infights happen, bullshit happens. inactivity happens, negativity happens but you guys have to stop being so pessimistic when it comes to this site. we are all anonymous. of course pointless infighting is going to happen. we're getting lcf 2.0 soon with better moderation. also just because the website or a specific thread is dead someday that doesn't mean the website is going to get fucked in the ass and suddenly die the next day

No. 1682343

I don't think the site is about to die, it's just really pathetic how moids are so desperate to stir shit purely because a women's ib exists. I can see why that can get some people down. It's been a weird week, somehow /meta/ became someone's padded cell, it sounds like there's serious wrongdoing going on behind the scenes to anyone who doesn't recognise it as schizobabble

No. 1682349

There has been many farmers complaining more than usual and many were saying they were going to leave. It kinda gets you down. I do hope LC 2.0 will revamp the website. I also don't mind the cocomelonfags lol

No. 1682353

It's a group of people who want the site to die and get angry when anons laugh and move on with their day.

No. 1682356

Ayep. See you in the morning.
Oh, I don't think it's dying. I just thought it was dead tonight, and a lot of other nights recently. We're in a period of smaller userbase + summerfag invasion, and I think there's less cow activity, too. Since a lot of the oldfags left (and covid), we just don't really have new cow threads popping up. And I've seen newfags get banned when they try. Plus, I think people just aren't as autistic enough to do the work for milk, and the internet landscape has changed drastically over the past decade. For example, earlier this year, you couldn't read anything on twitter except linked tweets without logging in. Now if you go to someone's profile without logging in, it shows their posts out of chronological order and stops scrolling at some point. How the hell am I meant to do a rigorous deep dive on a potentially milky cow? Tumblr puts a login wall in front of shit now, and a lot of people aren't tech savvy enough to get around it. Shaytards are the most dedicated lately, love that anon who made a fake SA account to look at Shayna's profile.
Hopefully as the mod team grows, users will come back and stay. And maybe we'll see a revival in some of the boards. Idk any cows milky enough to get their own threads right now, it seems like most get grouped redirected into general threads.
I just hope the annoying "can't read worth a damn" part of the userbase gets filtered out. Not the anons who misread posts or dyslexics, but the ones who admit to not reading thread ops and spread blatantly false info on cows because they couldn't be bothered to lurk the threads.

No. 1682364

Mulan saved China from the huns if that doesn't make an honoury princess then what the fuck

No. 1682366

very nicely said nona. if it's any consolation there's a lot of us stubborn lj/cgl oldfags who will not budge and will be here til the last gasp
summerfags come and go but us pearl clutchers keep clutchin', amen

No. 1682371


No. 1682373

1998 a great year

No. 1682456

if this doesn't work out, then you can use a safety pin on the back of the neck of the dress so it raises the cleavage a bit, if this isn't suitable either, you can try fashion tape too.

No. 1682480

I'm a hopeless optimist who thinks that lolcow will pick up again. The old userbase is slowly trickling back in. The policy of relentlessly bullying retarded newfags will hopefully keep them from shitting up the boards too much, and who knows, they might even learn to lurk and read before posting. We all know we peak handmaidens and tifs with the tranny threads, so there's a steady influx of hate readers here. The kids who come over from the cancer sites are sometimes able to survive their exposure to life-threatening genocidal opinions on sex work not being real work, men in skirts not being real girls, and their favorite cartoon pioneers being pieces of shit. They eventually understand the concept of free speech and stay. Sure, it takes time for them to learn how to integrate, but they get there eventually.

No. 1682506

Tbh I was around like two years ago and farmers were complaining even back then that the site was dying, the userbase was deceptively tiny, etc. I came back recently and was actually pleasantly surprised by the current state of things. Fearmongering doesn't really faze me anymore kek.

No. 1682508

I don't think the userbase is tiny btw. Just look at all the different country threads in /ot/. It shows how many different and diverse farmers there are.

No. 1682517

It's too much at this point. I've seen people who admitted they baited/trolled before without shame, if you want to post on a troll infested site, that's on you.

No. 1682521

But then why are you posting on the troll-infested site…

No. 1682528

Honestly, I think there may just be some anons lurking around trying to force infights with other anons. Itt specifically I've noticed that anons keep getting shit on for little things that really shouldn't be anything to argue over, and then the thread gets derailed. i myself had some anons start with me over a post a few days ago.. But then they seemingly don't get banned for it so it just keeps happening.

No. 1682533

Are you trying to start an infight?

No. 1682646

All the bait lately is so tedious and boring, I swear it’s zoomers and men. They always have to try bringing politics or their personal interpretation into it. Sorry your personal experience doesn’t align with mine, no my opinion won’t change just because you cried about it or called me a republican. Fuck off already.

No. 1682672

File: 1693414962336.gif (1.9 MB, 316x213, dnmrjv.gif)

I'm late to the new SZA single/mv but man wtf is this. Where's the girl who sang Drew Barrymore. I mourn

No. 1682678

No, but it seems like you are.
There's a lame anon who will respond to people with shitty "one liners". They repeat the same thing phrased differently in multiple threads. Last time it was "why are you huffing farts", this time it's "okay who asked". It's like a bored 13 year old found this site but is too scared to actually post. I guess they're annoying all the time because mods banned them before.

No. 1682705

File: 1693417354028.gif (3.35 MB, 496x280, tenor.gif)

Shipping these two nonnas and hoping they have beautifully retarded, sexy life together.

No. 1682712

This gif reminds me of that one post from the /g/ bunkers

No. 1682713

This is how I imagine every nonna in the husbando threads, especially the 3d ones

No. 1682721

it's still so weird to me she got a fake butt, she didn't have a small butt to start with and now she has to maintain a fake one. it's not free and you can never sit normal again. not worth it.

No. 1682742

Wait, you can't even sit on those things? I was never going to get plastic surgery, but I thought you went back to normal after healing.

No. 1682747

I'm kissing my tablet, not a tree.

No. 1682771

The idea of the dogs vs cats thread is dumb as fuck but the fact that someone keeps trying to bring it back makes me lol

No. 1682779

I don't remember lc ever forcing me to give a reason for a report, it didn't use to be like this, right? Wonder why that changed

No. 1682781

Nah people say SZA used to whine about not having an ass in her music, she didn't have a big butt either, she just was an averagely shaped woman who was kinda chubby in the beginning, then she had lost weight, then she got body work and gained weight back, now she is big everywhere. It's clear she suffers from body issues, but she always wanted that IG baddie body as soon as it became popular.

No. 1682835

Which post? I never seent it.

No. 1682842

Can't find it right now but it was an anon telling a story about how she masturbated behind a tree. Then it resulted in some other weird posts, I think someone drew a doodle related to the story too.

No. 1682850

I'm really scared of using a public bathroom and unknowingly being caught on some creeps hidden camera. That and just the fact that public bathrooms are fucking gross are why I try to use them sparingly, but I also have a weak bladder so I can't hold my pee.

No. 1682873

>go to store
>put my basket on the conveyor belt at the cash register, forget that my phone is in there
>Stand there while the cashier rings my stuff
>"Ma'am, could I ask for your assistance with something?"
>Assume he's talking to a co-worker and don't even make eye contact
>a few seconds go by
>He pulls out my phone
>"Could you tell me where I can find the barcode on this?"
>Still think he's talking to a coworker for a second but then I realize he's holding my phone
>Most obvious fake laugh ever "Oh haha, I'm sorry"
>"Gets 'em everytime.."
Why am I so fucking awkward???? And why do I suck at writing green text stories?? I can't do shit right.

No. 1682941

You just gotta get out of the house more, anon. Social stuff takes practice, you just have to power through the part where you feel like you're dying inside. Do you have anxiety or something?
I thought his little joke was funny kek

No. 1682965

It's okay nona one time I went to the craft store, paid for my items, but then left without taking what I bought with me. I went to a different store walking around looking to buy other stuff, then had a sudden intrusive thought like "did I leave my stuff at the other store??" I doubted myself at first, like maybe I'm overthinking like I always do and it would be too silly of me to leave without my stuff. But then I went back out to my car and realized that yea, I did leave all my stuff after paying. So I drove back and got my stuff like a giggling retard, they luckily still kept it at the cash register.

No. 1682969

You nonnies are precious

No. 1682987

File: 1693438713753.gif (3.02 MB, 498x376, 80s-rock.gif)

Eating my dominos pizza with
>garlic parmesan sauce instead of basic bitch marinara
>Buffalo sauce
>Brooklyn crust
It's fucking FIRE

No. 1682993

File: 1693439022273.jpg (124.5 KB, 1024x768, 1419141119280.jpg)

I love fighting with my friend then going back to being besties. Some moids are ok.

No. 1682995

nonnies how do I become normal????????

No. 1683026

Tell us which part of you is not normal so we can give you the prognosis.

No. 1683032

I survive solely on bread and butter and can only write poetry even tho I hate it. I have a part time job at a stationary store, which I like a lot, but the clients give me nightmares sometimes.

No. 1683034

My power keeps going off for a second and immediately coming back on cause of the weather, and I can't even get my phone to power on uggghh

No. 1683035

Samefag but I also keep having to power my computer on, it even tried to do updates at one point. Like, this is not the time.

No. 1683039

I thought you were gonna say something like you kiss your tablet while it loads a pic of some washed up celeb or that you hold your poop so it won't make a splash or that you masturbate to a pink ball. I think you sound pretty normal.

No. 1683048

Yeah except like. Maybe she should try eating something other than bread and butter. At least once a week. She's gonna end up getting organ damage or something from a severe nutrient deficiency. Otherwise, pretty normal unless we get more abnormal details.
Try going to your windows update screen in settings and Pausing updates for 7 days. You can renable them before the 7 days are up, or extend the pause for another 7 days.

No. 1683049

Keep having pussy cramps with no fucking period

No. 1683050

>Try going to your windows update screen in settings and Pausing updates for 7 days. You can renable them before the 7 days are up, or extend the pause for another 7 days.
Thanks anon. I've never done that before cause I like to just let windows stay up to date, but I'll do it until this hurricane is over.

No. 1683051

Is the bread and butter because of money? You sound rather normal

No. 1683053

I wonder how many people actually fell for their deaths on purpose to kill themselves, but in a casual way, as to make it look like an accident. Mainly from heights or boats. I keep thinking about this because it's something that I would prefer to have my suicide reported as an accident, so my family wouldn't feel guilty or something like that

No. 1683057

File: 1693447241851.png (573.16 KB, 987x531, 111 (1).png)

There are two stray cats in my backyard yowling their ears off despite standing less than a centimeter away from eachother like this.

No. 1683058

wait actually they're even closer than this pic

No. 1683082

that's a pretty good idea but i would hate for people to think i was an idiot for dying in a stupid way.

No. 1683087

Anyone else watch nothernlion? is his wife autistic? I watch him some and some comes in the room and just rambles, I think she's sweet but something about her gives me autistic vibes. I was watching a clip where she interrupts nothernlion stream to tell him the queen has died. He doesn't really care and she keeps talking, saying she's sad about it, then she starts rambling about something else, then finally nothernlion goes, "I'd very much like it if you left my room". She doesn't seem to get social cues and in the comments to that video of course moids were saying they don't like Kate and apparently she gets mad when he interrupts her streams. Idk, she seems nice but like she mimics northernlion a lot. Maybe I'm retarded

No. 1683091

Not a problem, nonna! You are much more responsible than me; I put off updates so much, I found out it stops letting you delay them after you hit pause so many times kek.
Stay safe! I hope the hurricane is over soon.

No. 1683121

>Have never liked a Miku related post or follow any Miku accounts
>Feed today is like 99% Miku
I'm not that crazy about her dude…I like some other vocaloids but even then it's pretty casually and I don't own any vocaloid figures despite being a figure collector.

No. 1683130

There was a florida man once who tied a gun to a weather balloon, fired it, died, and no one knew how it happened for a while.

Best way to go in my opinion.

No. 1683131

it's her birthday today, let her have it

No. 1683133

She's a computer program anon.

No. 1683136

oh thank you, actually I only eat bread because I don't like food and only drink water or almond milk. On weirder stuff: I hold too much eye contact with scrotes in public (because I hate them) and my husbando is a vidya monster.

No. 1683139

Men really are so retarded holy shit ;p(;p)

No. 1683144

A man will literally be boot nasty in the tail end of his 30s absolutely disgusting and of value to literally no one and will still have all the gall and gumption to hate women and be like 'at least im [shit that only matters on the internet]' it's a plague.

No. 1683147

File: 1693458916035.jpg (34.7 KB, 1481x943, stacy.jpg)

>and of value to literally no one
we can change that

No. 1683149


No. 1683150

File: 1693459895278.jpg (76.24 KB, 916x1133, F3vvGjlXsAUGqgm.jpg)

Miss Lorena Bobbit if ya nasty

No. 1683160

File: 1693461118502.jpg (7.46 KB, 236x314, 7e9b2585f93bfe486fa7001f1cf05e…)

Unfinished needlefelt cats are everything
like a retard i accidentally made a thread instead of a reply, i deleted it

No. 1683167

Are you anachan by chance?

No. 1683173

I don't think so, I'm 5′4" and weight 132 lb. I'm just a fucking idiot.

No. 1683179

ngl I'm kind of the same, if I could get away with eating bread butter and water I would. had an apple today, dinner will probably be bread roll. not even ana just eating is a massive chore.

No. 1683182

Kek it's okay nonna, you're probably just an autist like most of us here. Please try to eat something nutritious at least once a week though, and research some vitamin supplements to take. If you're burgerfag, vitamin industry is actually unregulated and not inspected by the FDA. Here's an article that lists four companies hired to verify what supplements contain.
I'm just concerned for you; you really do not want brittle bones or a heart condition from iron deficiency anemia.

No. 1683183

anon you're going to get scurvy or something

No. 1683185

>eating is a massive chore.
yeap that's how I feel
thank u for your concern nonna, my irl friends sometimes tell me "u r gonna die lolol" maybe they're right but I don't wanna rattle let alone get heart condition so vitamins sound like a good alternative to dying.
nonny only pirates get scurvy, don't be silly.

No. 1683189

I know what if she gets scurvy or the rickets and her legs give out and she falls and hits her head on the corner of her desk and DIES and lc is open on her phone or computer and we end up in the local news with a screenshot of one of our shitbaiters front and center. And also rat poison nonna is there. Could you imagine the influx of even worse posters.
Of course nonna, I just want you to be healthy and happy (and maybe get a less stressful job eventually). I actually have a condition where I can't get enough iron on my own and it really fucked me up bad kek. I know people say it's best to get vitamins from food, but supplements are okay, too! They are way better than not having vitamins at all. There's a lot of info on what you need, and a good multivitamin w/ iron and vit d supplements will set you straight. You should also ask your doctor for a blood draw, with a focus on your vit d, iron, and other levels. It can be really serious, for example if you're vit k deficient, your blood can't coagulate and injuries can bleed uncontrollably.
I know that was a lot of sperging kek, just want you to not die while enjoying your bread and butter

No. 1683190

if you can get your hands on some vegemite or promite they're full of b vitamins btw nona, and very tasty with butter

No. 1683193

>if you're vit k deficient, your blood can't coagulate and injuries can bleed uncontrollably.
nonna that's very scary because I actually bleed a lot, actually 4 days ago I scratched my forehead and the blood was kind of incessant… this is my wake up call to take my vitamins and get some blood tests going.
I have had vegemite before and I liked it a lot! I should get some with my bread.
thank you all nonnies for your kind words and advice, I wasn't expecting getting my ass saved by lolcor but hey! we survived 2 bunkers for a reason. take care all of you ♥

No. 1683221

Board slow and quiet until anons say wanting to have sex with 18 year olds well into your 20s is weird and suddenly everyone has something to say. Some of you genuinely disgust me KEK

No. 1683229

Moids are useless and would brag about it anyway. As gross as it might objectively be, not a single one of them would think it's weird on their part. You have pornsick underage moids saying shit like "should've been me" whenever a moid talks about being a victim of a woman.

No. 1683242

Why do anons feel a need to talk about and argue about the same thing across a million different threads.

No. 1683246

But what is your justification morally for looking at someone with very obvious puberty quirks and freshly post-pubescent traits and finding that sexually attractive? What do you have to say besides 'men do it too'?

No. 1683249

File: 1693468093317.jpg (210.97 KB, 1080x2400, F4pPqnjXIAEbcB4.jpg)

Least surprising development

No. 1683257

got your back nona! you take care too
the bunker days were The Days truly

No. 1683259

Something something attention something something bpd

No. 1683297

File: 1693470397887.jpg (19.6 KB, 300x300, 1693276270326.jpg)

One anon eats cement, one eats only buttered bread, one eats discharge, and now one ate rat poison. I will never take any of your advice on anything omg(shitposting/baiting all over the board)

No. 1683300

>for looking at someone with very obvious puberty quirks and freshly post-pubescent traits
lmfao does anyone have that wemb of the moids at 21 showing their receeding hairline? 18yos men definetly dont have child traits, specially not now with their diet of nuggies and monster followed with 24 hours of non-stop porn consumption and LOL addiction

No. 1683304

I said teens. Why are you talking about 21 year Olds?

No. 1683308

because 18 men do not look childish, otuside of their behavious but men dont develop mentally past 16 so that's any man

No. 1683313

Oh no you're just fucking crazy

No. 1683316

no, i am just tomboy so i grew with moids and all of them already looked like meth addicted fathers of 2 at 18. My closest friend is 23 and already bald lmao.

No. 1683317

Yeah your fringe experience is totes justification for objective reality.

No. 1683318

File: 1693472440547.png (101.37 KB, 790x757, 1687658377757.png)

Imagine defending men for free. best of wishes to the stacies fucking 18yo men before their dicks become flacid and balls start sagging, dont let the beckys settling for 30yos treating them as bangmaiden mommies dissuade you from enjoying pre-wall men.

No. 1683323

>t. salty coping moid

No. 1683324

Coming back to lc for comfort after stumbling across a shit ton of redditor type moids using all sorts of logical fallacies and big boy words to justify why underage girls are supposedly manipulative to adult men and hence it's their fault they got groomed and deserve rape etc. I need a drink and a radfem nona hug honestly I hate men so much

No. 1683325

This image gives me the heebie-jeebies and I don't know why

No. 1683327

To be fair to rat poison anon, she was trying to kill herself.

No. 1683328

File: 1693472973226.jpeg (109.63 KB, 736x1104, FAB6769A-0D77-41F2-9677-055298…)

I wish I could have a man who looks like Edward furlong with the brain of a boring and basic 50 year old. He would just want to work on the lawn, go to chilis and watch the news while still being a qt. My perfect man doesn’t exist.

No. 1683329

i just want my husbando but irl

No. 1683330

File: 1693473605868.png (5.87 MB, 1997x1024, elsie2x.png)

which one are you nona?

No. 1683331

Me on the right because I'm a taurus

No. 1683333

none, i am that one dirty fujo in the lain oneesie

No. 1683335

we should nuke all redditors desu

No. 1683337

if we nuked reddit they would have to live among us and that's worse

No. 1683339

haha among us
but yeah Redditors would migrate to either 4chan or quickly discover this site or worse, invade Tumblr

No. 1683343

even worse, they would have to touch grass and thus become actual members of society

No. 1683348

They can go bother normalfags but if they come for my vietnamese pottery forum, I'll riot

No. 1683351

a local locksmith told me all locksmiths hate automatic locks because they're shit, for anyone who wishes to change their locks, her is the advice to choose manual locks.

No. 1683354

Who's the loser crazy cat woman posting stupid cat memes as the poster image for every thread?

No. 1683357

File: 1693477459409.jpeg (50.4 KB, 700x467, 3228D406-AFF5-411C-BC75-9C8355…)


No. 1683360

the type of file name isn't the same. i really doubt it's just one anon. there's not reason for your random vitriol kek, relax. liking cats is just commonplace here, i know i love them, they're cute! plus there's almost always been different animals in settings related to the generals as threadpics, and it's not even every thread…

No. 1683362

File: 1693478492538.jpeg (34.86 KB, 400x266, 54302FCC-3251-4882-857D-803205…)

Migrating back to ot I guess, fill me in on all the essential posts I may have missed

No. 1683369

>hair colour infight
>eye colour infight
>moid preference infight
>cat vs dog infight
what else am i missing

No. 1683371

age and aging related infights

No. 1683374

File: 1693479376895.jpeg (72.01 KB, 589x800, D140E1A0-A283-4578-8452-BA47F2…)

Why are they all infights, why can’t my nonnas just live in peace with each other

No. 1683375

File: 1693479394621.jpg (66.57 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (37).jpg)

welcome back my wayward love, how were your travels elsewhereshire?

No. 1683376

File: 1693479410044.jpeg (327.15 KB, 1124x1406, 2A24570C-D154-41CC-9429-0F88F7…)

Official miku/Pokémon collab!!!! That’s all.

No. 1683380

since when have you been gone? there's a lot that can be said. either way, welcome back nonichka

No. 1683384

I stopped keeping up around dumbass shit 130, I’m so sorry I abandoned my girls

No. 1683389

vulnerable weak soft anime husbandos ftw

No. 1683391

>see comment by moid on social media that I agree with
>decide to reply, add further to what he is saying
>mention I am a woman because it's relevant to the topic
>third mf pops out of nowhere with "u must be fun at parties" type shit
>hmmm I wonder why he'd do this to me specifically and not the original scrote since we were both writing about the same thing in the same tone of speech hmmm that is certainly strange

I will kill you. I will beat you to death in a one on one fist fight and then wipe the blood and sweat off my face like a cool fictional dude while the sun sets behind me and then I will walk nonchalantly into the horizon with enka playing in the background. Fuck you.

No. 1683401

They are a fragile retard sex. They are especially triggered by women who disagree with them because it activates their reproductive anxiety about the possible coom opportunity loss and feel they must force you into agreeing with them via social shaming. Moids are ultimately narcissists who ree when their ego is not coddled.

No. 1683404

I don't believe in ghosts and so staying in this clearly haunted house is making me so angry.
I've been here two weeks and the amount of spooky shit that happens is off the charts. I frequently see people out of the corner of my eye. People walking, or once a woman in a dress sitting on the couch. I hear footsteps and muffled talking. I always get the feeling that I've walked into a room where everyone has suddenly gone quiet when I go into the unused guest room. Last night my bedroom door handle rattled. There's just a constant sense of hair raising fear and paranoia.
And today, I was eating breakfast when I felt a man's fingers firmly rub the back of my neck. Like someone starting a massage, but only doing one rub. Then followed by heavy footsteps across the floor like a man in boots walking away.
I'm getting so mad. Even if ghosts exist, there is no way this house is this haunted. It's only fifty years old, it's in a nice neighborhood, and it's a detached two story with a big yard. This is some 200 year old Victorian dollhouse shit.
I think it must be a gas leak or carbon monoxide poisoning, because why would I hallucinate only in this house?

No. 1683408

With the best Miku artist, too! Hell yeah

No. 1683411

Get you a vitamix that's on sale, buy a jug of isopure protein powder and make smoothies. The one recipe I like is a meal replacer that requires almond milk, protein powder, peanut butter, cocoa powder, spinach, frozen bananas, frozen blueberries. Bam. Isopure is great as it has zero carbs. You get a serving of greens plus fruit and all the protein you could want. I think it comes out to around 500 calories per serving so yeah. A meal. Easy peasy.

No. 1683442

average moid online. stay here in lc, where it's safe, nona.

No. 1683444

File: 1693488819743.jpg (36.67 KB, 550x733, 9ld6y.jpg)

I have diarrhea but I feel really cleansed inside somehow

No. 1683445

I fucking love cumin puts it into every meal I cook

No. 1683450

test post do not reply

No. 1683453

sometimes Over The Horizon by Samsung plays on my music app because its default in my library and it kinda bops ngl,

No. 1683455

What are you gonna do to stop me huh? HUH??

No. 1683456

idk if the bus driver is late or what but he is going so fast lol, peoples asses are flying out of their seats over the smallest bumps idk i take this bus everyday and i haven't seen this before lol

No. 1683460

he probs gotta shit

No. 1683463

I never realised how many random people come knocking on your door on an average day until I started WFH… I only open the door if I expect post but it spooks me when strangers show up at my door for no reason

No. 1683472

Explain further

No. 1683479

One time a bus driver was like this and he overshot my stop by like a minute (walking speed) and as I was getting off I was like hahah you missed a bit and he looked at me with the coldest deadest eyes so maybe he's going through smthn.

No. 1683480

I'm always afraid the bus driver is contemplating murder-suicide if he starts driving like this.

No. 1683484

any time they speed enough for the seats to shake i remember this scene and get a little freaked out

No. 1683493

Does lactose intolerance get worse with age? I remember being 12-13 and drinking a long tall glass of full cream milk as a little tasty snack every three hours, now it's a decade later and one dollop of cream in my soup and I'm on the toilet

No. 1683496

it gets worse with age because you drink less lactose and lose the tolerance you built as a kid and teen drinking milk like a calf. I haven't drank milk in years and if I drink a glass, I shit water. I used to drink at least a liter per day as a child with no issues so I can't possibly be intolerant.

No. 1683501

>full glass of milk every 3 hours
Wtf. That's gross.

No. 1683506

A LITER how much milk did your parents need to stock for a week, did you have a cow of your own?

No. 1683509

Sweet nonna, they already invaded tumblr. Unless that was the joke and I'm an autist, kek.
Carbon monoxide detector, quickly. Then a call to the gas company.

No. 1683511

lol this reminds me of my hs bus driver. She did not give a flying fuuuck. It would be raining and she would still hit the gas like nothing. Sometimes I'd think it was funny, but other times I'd have to sit with two other people in the same seat so I'd have to hold on for dear life while trying to keep my feet from slipping when she hit a bump or would take giant ass turns.

No. 1683513

my family literally had cows kek my mother boiled a pot full of milk every morning and me and my brother went through it around the day.

No. 1683514

No. 1683516

File: 1693497833736.gif (984.83 KB, 500x334, imagine_this_playing_to_9glGN6…)

I have too big of a selection, so instead of watching one show after another, I end up watching nothing at all.

No. 1683519

yeah, some people develop it around the age of 20 like me (and you it seems) and a lot become uncomfortable with dairy as they become older, you produce less lactase as you age.

No. 1683521

That was my friends and mine marker of adulthood. No omg I got my period, no omg I got my first job, no omg I got my first boyfriend, it was omg anon I think I'm finally lactose intolerant.

No. 1683526

Not for me. I hated milk as a child but now I drink a liter of it every other day.

No. 1683531

Yes I'd like to be a farmhand to take care of nighttime gore spam and redtext annoying autists who drag infighting across threads, but also so I could have seen the rest of the deranged rant some zoomie posted in the zoomer hate thread before realizing and deleting.
I will never know how they ended it, I wanted to see what "remotely dog w" meant. Zoomer Anon, if you're out there, come over and tell me PLEASE

No. 1683536

I don't know what LC looks like through the eyes of a farmhand, but I wonder if they have favorite farmers.

No. 1683540

i don't know if they have a favourite farmer but I have a favourite farmhand. the husbando thread farmhand, she is the nicest

No. 1683561

They could've just pushed freddy out of the window

No. 1683571

Man, I love nicotine (I hate tobacco tho)

No. 1683580

>husbando thread farmhand
oh, so that's why those self insert cringe threads got locked immediately…

No. 1683584

File: 1693503287808.png (15.52 KB, 628x182, lmao.PNG)

>self insert cringe threads
I want that, I've encountered so many of those in the wild but they're too specific for the fanfic cringe thread. picrel a section from a COD reader inser ff

No. 1683587

I took a poopa and ##it made me wonder why a pain so harsh exists, eveeytine I step on glass or a tack I imagine thats how getting stabbed feels but 20 times more harder#

No. 1683589

that's the man nicole dollanganger writes her songs about. self inserts would make up the entire ff thread if it weren't for the fact that only around 200 other autists read them besides the authors.

No. 1683591

I read part of your post, read the screenshot, wondered what the hell it had to do anything. Went to fully read what you said, and got the most intense delayed cringe reaction of my life. I feel poisoned.

No. 1683619

FIY you're suffering for being too smart, i read that several times over and still have no idea what it's about

No. 1683624

Are there any major risks to getting an NG tube like anachans do? Can you get one voluntarily even if you don't need it? I just read that babies will like certain foods better if their mom eats those foods while breastfeeding, because they get accustomed to the taste or something, and if I ever breed I would like to spare my child the extreme picky eating I suffer from, but obviously I can't eat those foods myself. An NG tube would be ideal. Surely if skellies can handle them normal people can too? It can't be too difficult or expensive to find a nurse who'll do it I'm probably never breeding, I still feel no desire to, but it's been on my mind lately. Probably because of all the pronatalist tradthot pregnant in the kitchen memes floating around. I hope other women don't interpret these musings as secret repressed desires and identify them for the psyops they are

No. 1683638

File: 1693507895530.jpg (20.29 KB, 640x367, 0 days without.jpg)

>get to my job
>"who smells like a baby?"
>word gets around our little office and workroom
>sniff sniff
>"anon smells like a baby today!"
I smelled like a baby today, thank you new perfume?

No. 1683640

we have a stupid questions thread, dummy

No. 1683686

>>>/ot/1669193 here to report that I remembered I have the same problem with Buck-Ticks Coyote. Ore no namae yondekure…

No. 1683721

File: 1693511589521.jpg (55.6 KB, 600x313, tumblr_1f3bb3d6f7ab9f8ecc7cb69…)

bump don't scroll

No. 1683733

File: 1693512538725.jpg (38.13 KB, 720x890, 1663729213972.jpg)

I had a stupid expectation of toronto being like the new york of canada but holy shit it's actually terrible here, it's like one big ghetto

No. 1683749

File: 1693514547287.gif (67.16 KB, 498x405, 1658656585436.gif)


No. 1683750

I don't want actual answers I'm just rambling

No. 1683757

Idk how to answer that but I'm also a picky eater and I changed a bit by adding the stuff I previously disliked in my diet by eating tiny portions of it and then gradually making them bigger until I don't find them completely repulsive anymore, I'd recommend doing it with stuff like vegetables and fruits cus it's important for your health (even if you never have babies). My issue is more with the texture than the taste though, so I pair them with some other stuff where I barely notice their gross texture. Anyway, I'd hate to have a kid like me kek

No. 1683798

Sorry if my explaining it to you is too autistic kek
The post screenshot nonna was replying to was talking about Self Insert Cringe threads getting locked. Screenshot nonna replies that she wants those threads back, because all of her screenshots of self inset cringe are too niche for the Bad Fanfiction thread. Her screenshot is a paragraph from a Call of Duty self insert shipping fanfiction, written in second person. I take 5 minutes to process it, and then it makes me die.

No. 1683803

File: 1693518778122.jpeg (302.49 KB, 990x1233, 7B7E2193-E9F8-4923-9E4D-A246DA…)

Guess who is straightening her hair to go workout at some fancy gym tomorrow??

No. 1683805

May I know why/what is so fancy about the gym?

No. 1683816

please, i want what you have. I love dairy so much and I have to accept that in the last year I'm suddenly intolerant. how do you exercise your lactase producing muscles? please……

No. 1683821

File: 1693520410802.png (5.04 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3841.png)

When this woman picked up the ugly greasy screaming toddler in this tiktok I viscerally gagged. Ewww

No. 1683823

File: 1693520780447.jpg (118.04 KB, 827x1142, IMG_7981.jpg)

Kegels. Also keep drinking milk until you cannot shit any more. NTA obviously, but I know the truth… lactose intolerance is a mental disorder.

No. 1683824

You basically pay for a personal instructor for the day that will guide you and tell you all the exercises you need to know to reach your goal. The thing is that some micro-celebrity goes there and I don’t want to look out of place in case she films random people working out or I somehow appear in the background of her stories.

No. 1683827

ok Blaine("hi tranny")

No. 1683833

Do you really think me being a woman who doesn’t want children makes me en par with a psychotic tranny who threatens to rape and murder random women who he disagrees with? All because I think babies are gross…

No. 1683834

Drinking raw milk instead of pasteurized milk is a good spot to start

No. 1683844

Eat lots of yogurt or drink those little yogurt drinks. The tiny drinks especially have a lot of lactase

No. 1683866

you're being a sperg

No. 1683867

poor girl is gonna shit herself to death listening to you

No. 1683872

every time i see a snake while scrolling thru my phone on the toilet my childhood phobia of toilet snakes comes back

No. 1683874

File: 1693525821323.jpeg (299.54 KB, 473x676, IMG_3847.jpeg)

>yer beng a thperg

No. 1683876

this, you're shitting yourself just thinking about milk it's all in your head baybee

No. 1683880

File: 1693526177633.jpg (1.41 MB, 1280x837, ddge1e0-9a41229a-ad9d-4c5b-919…)

Do you guys think the Unova region had its own 9/11?

No. 1683887

Raw milk is actually so good. Raw milk cheese, ice cream, sauces, milkshakes. My skin also got so much better when I stopped drinking the burnt ass grocery store milk.

No. 1683892

I searched "dead" on youtube to type in deadmans wonderland (Nostalgia) and "dead women" was the first popup result?? the fuck?

No. 1683896

that's actually very scary

No. 1683905

No. 1683906

Just take a lactaid pill, sweet nonna

No. 1683921

NTA but I think it was more about how your post was worded, not just disliking babies. It did kind of sound like something out of r/childfree

No. 1683934

File: 1693531692174.jpeg (52.75 KB, 1203x473, 4FFDC191-32D6-4088-A613-EF16EC…)

Why the fuck do I have the urge to poop NOW after I’ve snuggled up in bed?

No. 1683938

Kek why did i have the same thing. That or sharks being in a pool.

No. 1683944

My life is just trying and failing to tard wrangle myself

No. 1683947

One of my favorite things about my mother is how much she hates men. I used to think it was stupid my parents made sure I had a woman as a driving school teacher and now I think they're so based.

No. 1684017

I got on the metro and saw a transbian couple, a white male and an Asian male, sitting together. They look so fucking ridiculous, lol. The Asian male had the largest skull I've ever seen on a dude and it was made even more obvious with the feminine haircut. The white male looked like a crack addict, frizzy hair and psycho eyes, and he had the most masculine Chad features, thick browbone and strong jawline. It took all my willpower not to burst out laughing when I spotted them, lmfao. Then they did some PDA shit and even started making out, fucking barf. Troons shouldn't be allowed out in public.

No. 1684027

If i can make the judges see something and feel something and learn something

No. 1684029

File: 1693538272471.jpg (446.56 KB, 2500x1779, jodi.jpg)

No. 1684031


wow, stop posting my diary here

No. 1684033

I've come crawling back.

No. 1684034

File: 1693538800022.jpg (23.2 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f…)

You always come back to me, anon.

No. 1684035

File: 1693538839867.jpg (447.66 KB, 628x796, Pokémon.full.1050537.jpg)

Yeah, team plasma did it.

No. 1684036

File: 1693538873829.jpg (64.82 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat-1313365669.jpg)

Just a couple of more hours until the end of this road trip. We've been driving for over 10 hours

No. 1684037

I would rather eat glass than go somewhere where getting filmed randomly by some influencer is a high possibility

No. 1684044

Same, but I respect that nonna is willing to risk it for the personal trainer for a day.
It's okay, anon. You're just an amateur tard wrangler. After another 10 years of experience under your belt, it'll be breezier than before.

No. 1684068

What's up retards oh sorry wrong thread
What's up dumbasses?

No. 1684070

Crawlin' back to you
Ever thought of callin' when
You've had a few?
'Cause I always do
Maybe I'm too
Busy bein' yours
To fall for somebody new
Now, I've thought it through
Crawlin' back to you

No. 1684071

I'm a retard AND a dumbass thanks for being inclusive. Not much hbu.

No. 1684072

Babies r gross tho

No. 1684080

File: 1693542953446.jpg (249 KB, 993x720, god I wish that were me.jpg)

Whenever I eat toast and jam before bed I feel like the sleepy time bear. I don't even need the tea, it's the jam.

No. 1684088

nostalgic, pointless hot take: even though back in the day conservatives got their panties in a twist over spongebob seeming too gay, i feel like squidward came across as so much gayer than spongebob

No. 1684098

today I found out I sign like Richard Ashcroft and my life will never be the same

No. 1684099

Because he played clarinet and liked art? SpongeBob couldn't drive and had ocd

No. 1684100

nta but he was sassy as fuck, he definitely douched

No. 1684101

Squidward had a hateboner for that more successful version of him so much that he felt the need to impress the guy at any costs, if that ain't gay I dunno what it is.

No. 1684102

File: 1693545617185.jpg (63.66 KB, 600x600, 3100304fdf06251230fdca12139d91…)

nonnitas im driving to the airport .. my destination: nonnieland. See everyone soon

No. 1684104

omg pls take TONS of photos!! bring souveniers

No. 1684108

I'll be there.

No. 1684109

spongebob is a twinky bisexual manchild, squidward is a bitter old gay

No. 1684111

File: 1693547310114.png (305.51 KB, 367x337, 1644566955196.png)

i got called a troon on the mongolian weaving basket forum for drawing cute men and androgynous women

No. 1684132

Left a hate comment on a tranny fic and I feel so alive. Fuck them itxirbuntheyself losers!

No. 1684149

You know those beg thread op's are just shit posts.

No. 1684173

get me a keychain

No. 1684189

Decided to blow dry my hair today and now it's big poof

No. 1684190

lactose intolerance is literally a choice. just stop being an intolerant bigot.

No. 1684195

i know, the OP strikes me as a newfag zoomer

No. 1684234

Just got a haircut I'm feeling fressssshhhhhh

No. 1684246

I just spent 3 hours dowloading gay porn and i am probably going to spend 3 more hours downloading more gay porn

No. 1684250

File: 1693567095210.jpeg (17.29 KB, 496x508, images (16).jpeg)

No. 1684253

File: 1693567195459.png (597.31 KB, 552x553, CYjiWJFWwAA_lVG.png)

No. 1684270

My brain feels like mush

No. 1684272

the money launderers should be purchasing my art already

No. 1684384

Pro-tip: If you need to pee but you don't feel like getting up, just start crying really really hard. The release of liquids from one area decreases the need to release liquids from another.

No. 1684398

Some stupid moid I had an uncontrollable obsession and wet dreams over suddenly became ugly when I checked his profile. Finally my brain torture can end

No. 1684400

I've been crying for like half an hour now, is that where all my pee went???

No. 1684402

File: 1693585474720.png (13.03 KB, 558x69, LfeYdXM.png)

What the fuck is glitchgender

No. 1684403

Thanks nonnie! Now I can be depressed and avoid taking 3 minutes to get up and go to the bathroom.

No. 1684404

I go toot toot
she goes beep beep
(the beep is a honk and it's because I spaced out at the lights)

No. 1684413

>the other microlabels are locked behind a paywall
kek who's going to PAY to access someone's retarded labels and gore/goreself neopronouns?

No. 1684428

Is this analogous for throwing up instead of shitting?

No. 1684434

cky was for the ladies, always will be. look at these cute twinks (rip)

No. 1684477

I want to try caviar but I cannot because every time I think of it, I think of someone harvesting MY eggs and eating them and it freaks me out.

No. 1684484

I used to not be able to eat chicken eggs for the longest time for the same reason. Anyway caviar is shit, it just tastes like salt.

No. 1684533

File: 1693594514268.jpg (30.94 KB, 274x500, 6bb79a4064e852d00ad23fde20fc08…)

me when i get paid and can finally buy 1(one) piece of yokan

No. 1684589

This song is really good

>inb4 K-pop

They’re Chinese

No. 1684603

Ugly. This is the only chinese song that matters

No. 1684701

This is xue huao piao piao bei feng xiao xiao erasure

No. 1684732

I'm partial to 野花香 myself

No. 1684765

It's decent but it does sound very jpop inspired.
It's not 2005 anymore.

No. 1684803

I have an old fashioned, uncommon feminine name. I have not yet seen troons with my name but I can only imagine how surreal and offputting it must be for some nonnas to see a balding, ugly fat man call themselves by their name. That said, there are a few animu characters that share my name so there must be one troon out there who probably chose it kek. If I ever see one of them in the wild it is ON SIGHT.

No. 1684815

I'm not a K-pop OR J-pop fan but I actually like the aesthetics of C-pop more, Chinese idols or whatever they're called. It feels less plastic than K-poop. Still gross to sexualize anorexic teenagers though
So true. Also the man singing it is super hot

No. 1684817

File: 1693612540855.gif (1.84 MB, 498x280, fffuck him up.gif)

fuck him up nonna

No. 1684859

File: 1693615746938.gif (3.65 MB, 400x168, 1693504447105897.gif)

I have a common troon name, sadly.
Honestly wish I could change it.
All so tiresome…

No. 1684867

File: 1693616115671.jpg (42.56 KB, 711x658, brendan frasiers tarzan.JPG)

watching a monster factory episode and they definitely inadvertently made Brendan Fraser's Tarzan

No. 1684874

you dont love beijing Tiananmen enough, you are therefore sent to be executed by chairman mao

No. 1684883

File: 1693617329319.jpeg (306.24 KB, 1280x822, AFD1A135-87DA-4B6C-86BE-FB4602…)

Squidward is so obviously gay to me.

No. 1684886

File: 1693617437810.png (1.1 MB, 3000x2780, D35D0EC4-FE89-4D6A-8F85-9B9C9D…)

Sorry for samefag, but I hate how this makes sense (google “squidward squilliam meme” for some questionable results)

No. 1684890

And they're both bottoms so it doesn't matter.

No. 1684891

Squidward is classic jaded mean gay.

No. 1684892

You’re so right

No. 1684893

Squidward would surely be a masochist while SpongeBob would definitely be more into ddlb shit.

No. 1684895

File: 1693618024085.jpg (84.31 KB, 750x736, l9m1qgfudvq21.jpg)

I always interpreted his face in the last panel of this as tethered animalistic lust yearning to break free

No. 1684897

SpongeBob is a service top

No. 1684899

Don’t feel bad about it nona, I like uncommon, vintage-y names and don’t really associate names with troons unless it’s something from an anime or really weird (think names like Cookie, Bunny, Sakura, Sock etc.) or an extremely immasculine boy name (ex. Casper, Quinn, Milo). If your name is Lily or Lillian I immediately think of flowers, not trannies.

And really, no one in the outside world hears a name and goes “oh, that sounds like a trans person”. This is really the only place on the internet where I’ve seen that (unless you count people talking about extremely weird ones like Moss or Toothpaste.)

No. 1684900

File: 1693618440667.jpeg (72.11 KB, 496x608, 44EDF056-5DBC-4263-BC65-50ADAC…)

Spongebob is a pedobaiter confirmed

No. 1684902

How many times have you come across this image to say “always”

No. 1684904

Me and nonnie look at that picture every night before we go to sleep.

No. 1684905

You gave me a good laugh, thank you

No. 1684908

Enough to know that SpongeBob is a girthy service top who loves giving oral

You do not speak for me wench

No. 1684914

Decluttering gives me so much more adrenaline than shopping. Once you start, you can’t stop throwing shit away, unless you only have bare essentials.

No. 1684916

Do you think squidwards dick is a tentacle?

No. 1684918

"The penis of the squid, which had extended only slightly over the mantle margin, suddenly started to erect, and elongated quickly to 67cm total length, almost the same length as the whole animal."
I mean yeah

No. 1684927

You'll go home with groceries feeling like you bought the whole store (especially after seeing the price, arf), and then you get home and put it all away and it's like two minutes of food.

No. 1684945

it started off as a joke when i was bored and had no internet a few weeks ago but i can't stop (badly) doodling myself into shots with my fictional crush. it gets funnier and more stupid the more i keep doing it with totally unromantic pics where he is screaming or something. i feel like a toddler with a tablet, endless entertainment.

No. 1684949

Crying at this

No. 1684950

The only acceptable use of AI kek

No. 1684952

Me too kek

No. 1684953

why is this so amusing i wish we could share our retarded pictures without it being a softcore doxx. our love is pure and we are mspaint goddesses.

No. 1684956

I love my little doodles of my husbando being all serious and cool and me being a little weirdo beside him lmao

No. 1684961

File: 1693625676327.jpg (300.04 KB, 2048x1657, 1649573328731.jpg)

>still dl gay porn
the things i do for art

No. 1684963

Everytime I scroll past this thread, the pants are pulled slightly farther down. What is happening?

No. 1684964

Are we talking lesbian or cocks

No. 1684966

your subconscious desires are manifesting.

No. 1684969

File: 1693626570733.jpg (54.28 KB, 680x680, EYV7efPUwAAYvH0.jpg)

Hes packing and its on your mind

No. 1684971

You made a Mockery of that routine with that bow falling out and then doing your back handspring in the wrong direction.

No. 1684973

2016 me would have saved this image to my hard drive in a heartbeat

No. 1684975

File: 1693627366379.jpg (24.46 KB, 736x736, 11b6f946b839cf8a67a7169dfe421d…)

No. 1684976

Why do nerves just go crazy sometimes? The center of my top lip felt like it was clenching and trembling just now, so weird.

No. 1684978

File: 1693627911808.jpg (107.1 KB, 473x151, very 80s gay porn magazine cov…)

No. 1684979

his dick should be square

No. 1684981

File: 1693628149467.jpeg (325.98 KB, 1053x621, 509D9C0B-952C-4F6A-A6EA-91F995…)

>Topamax moar liek DOPAMAX amirite?!?
But fr have any nonnas ever tried topiramate for anything? Migraines, bipolar, bpd, PTSD, weight loss, epilepsy, etc? Would love to hear you experiences and why you took it, what doses, for how long, how it helped and what weird side effects, why you’re still taking it or why you stopped. I just took my third dose, I’m on 25 mg twice a day for migraines. I also have PTSD so I’m hoping it kills two birds with one pill. So far I feel kinda drunk but I am happy with this, I love feeling drunk but drinking incidentally gives me instant migraines. Also 0 appetite, which is a bit worrisome, thankfully I have some cushion and am not underweight like I used to be, I can safely lose over 10 lbs without becoming underweight again.

No. 1684990

It's genuinely really crazy how much of our body isn't about hygiene but about genetics. I literally had terrible dental hygiene as a kid due to some reasons, but I've never in my life been told that my breath stinks. And I've also heard of people who have bad hygiene but don't get cavities or don't stink.

No. 1684997

I dont think downloading 3 hours of graphic gay sex is necessary to draw.

No. 1685002

anybody want to play toontown with me

No. 1685012

File: 1693630892911.jpg (59.42 KB, 375x360, hq2-1032207015.jpg)

yes nonnie get on the trolley with me so we can get extra jellybeans!!

No. 1685016

i took topiramate for migraines (turns out i also had bipolar but it didn't work for me like a mood stabilizer) and it gave me serotonin syndrome, i was having trouble walking and standing up. im sure not everyone has negative side effects but it didnt do a thing for me tbh

No. 1685044

God anon I’m sorry that really sucks. A friend of mine got that from some other combo of psych meds and it landed her in the hospital. Do you remember if you were on anything else and possibly the dosages?

I’m thankful in that I think I’m particularly immune to serotonin syndrome considering I’ve even done a high dose of lsd while actively taking a high dose SSRI. I’ve also mixed zofran with high dose SSRI and psychedelics. But it’s good to know it’s something to be wary of cause brain chemistry is fucky.

No. 1685094

I hate playing Mario Kart online and you're the only one from your home country so you feel the burden and weight of needing to get first

No. 1685100

Sometimes I think I'm a bad person but then I read some cow's thread and I realize that there's far worse people out there that have done some terrible shit. And it makes me more mindful at never adopting that kind of behaviour. As "toxic" as the nature of this site is, it does unironically keep me morally humble.

No. 1685106

okay cutiee

No. 1685110

awful. i suffer from migraines and refused to take medication when i read the symptoms. one of them was glaucoma and that alone was enough to know it's not a smart idea to take any sort of poison pill. i'd rather deal with migraines than have fucking glaucoma lmfao. and pills aren't going to do anything for anyone's mental health. i wish people would stop giving unnecessary extra money to these industries.

No. 1685130

I just want to earn a decent amount this month so I can buy these cute earrings and some really nice tea. I am having such an impulse to buy things that have been on my list for a while.

No. 1685150

File: 1693644063390.jpg (93.33 KB, 736x522, 8868395.jpg)

When i had little money i used to long for a lot of cool things, but when i became wealthy i stopped caring for very same things and didn't even buy most of them. Material security seems overrated now, fear is gone and i feel like Jesse Pinkman after making big.

No. 1685154

Dying with curiosity to know how you became wealthy

No. 1685155


No. 1685160

Should I eat ramen with one free refill or a big juicy burger? Both restaurants are close to each other and will open soon.

No. 1685161

depending on what's in the burger but nonetheless i'd say ramen because i like it more and it's more filling due to the water.

No. 1685162

ayrt its funny you say that cause when I do have extra money I stuff it in savings thinking I dont want anything and then a different time when I have less money all I think about is the stuff Ive been staring at. I mainly want to redo my wardrobe though I think since it isnt good quality and some of those pants fall off me due to buying larger than i needed.

No. 1685163

ramen, if one serving is not filling enough, you can get the refill and won't be stuck with leftovers like with the burger

No. 1685165

Damn alright. I'm going to imagine you fell down a manhole in a hotel while in your bathing suit when you were a teenager, and after all these years you finally decided to sue the hotel and won big. The downside is you now have hepatitis.

No. 1685170

Alright time for ramen then. The burger place removed my favorite burger from their menu anyway.

No. 1685183

File: 1693650125233.jpg (32.44 KB, 673x436, 1678561932825170.jpg)

fighting with my ego to decide whatever i should see a therapist or not, i like being quirky but i am getting too quirky lately. I also dont know how much quirkyness a therapist can take before they send me on a one way trip to the looney bin.

No. 1685203

It's true he's cute, the cover photo that's used in the memes really doesn't do him justice kek.

I'm not that much of a pop person in the first place but I love the pop x traditional music/aesthetic combination a lot in J-pop (I love wa-fuu rock too and even enka) I kind of want to learn more about C-pop because it seems there's a lot of that, but the language barrier is setting me back a little.

I think the reason K-pop feels so weird is because it's so on edge, always trying to be the most advanced, it doesn't let itself be cheesy ever anymore and it feels kind of sterile now. "Aing" by Orange Caramel is still my guilty pleasure though

is your name Beatrice by any chance ?

No. 1685204

I didn't need to get more noodles because I also ordered karaage chicken on the side 9/10 would go back but they put pork instead of chicken in my noodles.

No. 1685225

The shower curtains fell on my cat and i feel bad for laughing, he's not hurt or anything(they are plastic and have fallen on my head before) but i knew it was going to happen everytime this dork rushed full force to crawl at them. I hope he's learned his lesson.

No. 1685243

FFUCK I farted at work and I thought it would be quiet but it wasn’t. It was in front of the guy who let out such a big wet fart I thought he literally shit himself but still. FUCK.

No. 1685244

File: 1693659584286.jpg (8.23 KB, 168x300, Z(14).jpg)

just when you thought fashion couldn't get any uglier, jorts become a thing

No. 1685252

looks cute

No. 1685259

The only thing that matters in fashion is the person wearing the clothing is clean and confident.

No. 1685261

Could be worse. At least it's comfy and looks appropriate.

No. 1685270

I have two choices:
- regain the art skills I lost in 2020 to draw suggestive art of my husbando so I can feed off dopamine
- regain the art skills I lost in 2020 to draw some shit like furry porn so I can monetise because I'm broke

No. 1685274

Honestly if you just draw your husbando lookin fine you'll just gain an audience of people who love your husbando kek. Draw what you love, and be people will come.

No. 1685276

Why not both

No. 1685281

File: 1693662911831.jpeg (115.33 KB, 944x901, 1668133696926.jpeg)

I do both. I would say there is less competition when drawing husbandos than furry porn

No. 1685292

File: 1693664291983.jpg (118.08 KB, 898x720, tumblr_c52b12e26b21c4e363b704f…)

Sometimes I see shippers talk about some characters and I just wonder if we're watching the same show. And I'm a husbandofag so I'm no stranger to grandiose delusions.

No. 1685296

Gosh I wish I was there.

No. 1685301

Real dumbass shit: I bought some tzatziki sauce thinking, "this is Indian so let me get some Indian food to go with it". It's fucking Greek, you guys. Anyway, tzatziki sauce and butter chicken is food together.

No. 1685302

*good, not food. It is food but that's not what I meant.

No. 1685304

File: 1693665268927.png (454.26 KB, 640x480, 1686115452914785.png)

someone lend me their adhd meds i want to draw but cant concentrate

No. 1685313

Is there a song you listen to when you get high? This video had me laughing my ass off one time and now I listen to it almost every time I smoke. Idk why it was so funny, the intros a little cheesy, I think it’s cute that they just dress like normal guys it’s like the neighborhood dads started a band.

No. 1685319

File: 1693666289789.jpg (23.22 KB, 612x407, gettyimages-760474819-612x612.…)

fuck i love young gerry beckley so fucking much, he's perfect. I am so sad i was born too late for long haired cuties with glasses.

No. 1685320

Life is not dual.
It's a really underrated anime though so it's useless and I feel like doing that will ruin my perception of him. Love shall not be used as a monetisation tool.

No. 1685323

Yeah I think he’s really cute too! And I don’t normally like blonde men

No. 1685336

show me something i ain’t scene before

No. 1685338

File: 1693667568250.gif (Spoiler Image,1.68 MB, 275x155, C8ABF15F-A407-4439-8637-4752C5…)

No. 1685342

I hate the whole “WOMEN LOOOOOOVE CHOCOLATE HAHAHAHAHA!!” thing. It’s alright. I just prefer savory foods.

No. 1685350

I don’t understand how that even started with chocolate specifically. Women love consooming, period.

No. 1685351

Well, I love chocolate, don't erase me

No. 1685352

File: 1693668204878.jpg (33.27 KB, 1500x1000, Starbucks-New-Summer-Drinks-FT…)

I just found out that this Starbucks food I've been seeing is supposed to be a bee. I saw it was called bumblebee but I assumed it was a cat named bumblebee. The little nose part is the bee's smile and the lines are the stripes.

No. 1685353

everyone loves consooming, not just women. the retarded chocolate thing is because "teehee women emotional on their periods, they control their very brains and whims with absolutely no resistance from the dumb bitches"

No. 1685355

Then why does it have ears?

No. 1685357

File: 1693668514447.jpeg (36.78 KB, 770x769, Starbucks-Cake-Pops-Poster-1-s…)

Those are supposed to be either wings or antennas, I believe. Apparently starbucks is cheap and uses the same cake pop molds for every animal. The bee is the same shape as the owl, cat, unicorn, Target dog, fox, reindeer cake pops they've released.

No. 1685358

File: 1693668634066.jpg (Spoiler Image,7.49 KB, 209x275, 1660693198128.jpg)

No. 1685360

its genuinely cuter as a dorky ass bootleg garfield

No. 1685361

Anon lives in a cave deep in the woods, eating nothing but mushrooms, and that post was made throught telepathy.

No. 1685365

Fucking lmao I’m laughing so hard at this. I thought the long line was the mouth and it’s making a :| face ahahahaha

No. 1685381

Can men wash their nasty ass lower halves and feet? It's insane how so many of them have foot fetishes but their own are untrimmed and bursting with nasty jam or fungus and also don't wipe more than once because it's gay.

No. 1685439

anyone else thinks modern music ages like shit? listening to popular music from 5 years ago gives me so much second hand embarassment, compared to top 100 hits from the 80s that are stil good songs to this day

No. 1685442

holy shit i cant even finish it, this is awful. how the fuck was this garbage so popular

No. 1685444

I feel like music nowadays is made for tv, not for you to actually listen to it without looking at the video. Stuff like that will always age badly.

No. 1685452

more like youtube

No. 1685456

File: 1693675448670.jpg (213.14 KB, 900x1200, Soursop Coconut Smoothie.jpg)

I have a black thumb and don't live anywhere tropical, but I wanna try growing soursop. I've never even had it.

No. 1685462

You know what I mean, it's made to be watched, tv or streaming services or whatever. I've been noticing this for a while and that's why almost every new song sounds so shitty. I wonder when we get some better music. For all that retarded revival of old ass fashion, we could get some old music revival, but all I've seen like that was new musicians trying to copy the bad quality of the vids, like they can't close their eyes for a second and actually listen.

No. 1685471

Kek I don’t mean consooming as in just eating. Both of you go eat some dark cacao maybe you’ll feel better

No. 1685475

Quiet, first world swine

No. 1685477

File: 1693676386175.jpg (112.9 KB, 1500x1165, fans-screaming-unwrap-new-item…)

I agree

No. 1685480

File: 1693676622067.jpeg (93.91 KB, 500x500, IMG_3905.jpeg)

I recommend this brand btw the marzipan stays soft

No. 1685482

Good music still exists, itʼs just not mainstream.

No. 1685486

>t.swrlslvt listener

No. 1685495

I am aware of it, why are you retards always like this, it's so obvious I'm comparing the quality of mainstream music from different eras and we can't even talk about it without you retards bringing up how Its not just MaInStrEaM as if I wouldn't know, like, go play outside, let the grown ups talk.

No. 1685498

Chill out, anon.

No. 1685500

Honestly the idea of using they/them pronouns not in a gendie special kweer way but in a "do not refer to me because I wish to be not seen by anyone and she feels personal" way is starting to feel appealing to me. I click the they/them role in a lot of online spaces I'm in just so it doesn't feel like anyone is actually talking to or referring to me me.
I'm aware this is probably some level of paranoia or anxiety but it's not like I can bring it up to any therapist or something because they're all gendie supportive.

No. 1685505

idk anon whenever someone says that i just know they listen to some tranny music like death note and genuinely think its good.

No. 1685507

kek at the mental gymnastics to say how NLOG you are

No. 1685512

Why choose pronouns at all?

No. 1685513

You can always just larp, doesn't have to be a personal thing

No. 1685514

File: 1693678665494.gif (8.41 MB, 493x498, D22D90CB-4D64-4A1D-84F6-1E4573…)

why’s it stink so much in here today. Knock it off.

No. 1685515

samefag and I just larp as well, multiple women or choose something obscurely dumb like "I'm a lemon". It's up to people what they think about you

No. 1685519


>I’m a lemon

lemongenders crawling the threads now hm

No. 1685520

I was today years old when I found out rabbits have a clear second eyelid for sleeping and that explains why my rabbits like to sit there still as rocks and supposedly stare at nothing for hours

No. 1685521

File: 1693678834423.png (295.95 KB, 727x675, image_2023-09-02_112326436.png)

xaxaxaaa xa girl you dating a BBQ GRILLL

No. 1685522

File: 1693678836822.gif (3.88 MB, 540x360, 1643531624696.gif)

where did all the guys with fluffly hair went? i am dying of cute sheep boy deficiency

No. 1685524

i fucking hate that i know what game that is and i also fucking hate that i know how much money it makes on patreon

No. 1685527

They fell for the shaved sides meme. I'm gonna be sick. Wtf do some of them have against their own fluffy hair. They are all gonna bald, why waste precious time getting it cut

No. 1685532

Read somewhere that the human brain is meant to be asleep and awake in intervals rather than half the day being awake and the other half being asleep. I don't know if this is true or not but this is me

No. 1685537

I have a huge deep cyst pimple near my vagina and it's really uncomfortable but if I ask a doctor to pop it it'll cost a bit of money so should I just get a needle and make an opening and push it out and risk failing or infection

No. 1685541

File: 1693679455108.png (164.15 KB, 622x512, bunk.png)

sorry that was me

No. 1685542

Is this fucking Napoleon Dynamite?

No. 1685544

do you mean Death Grips

No. 1685545

File: 1693679560976.gif (3.66 MB, 640x360, piero.gif)

i remember when i was 13 and getting horny i realized ''welp, i guess no bf for me'' , it was mid 2010s, awful time to be born a fluffly hair and overall long hair enjoyer. Now they are all bald too, lol. The only long hair men left are those ugly moids that want to be hot metal head singers but look like homeless crack addicts instead. I just want a bf with hair longer than its ear… i dont ask for much yet moids still dissapoint me.

No. 1685548

no, i mean death note the band. You dont know them? they are huge hits in the trannycore scene.

No. 1685550

it seems like you’re the one that listens to tranny music if you know so much about it. Nta

No. 1685551

I just sneezed.

No. 1685553

it was a joke but i used to be in a death grips fb group and it was infested by trannies, it truly is tranny music

No. 1685556

Hey, you. Straighten your back, you fucking banana.

No. 1685557

Sorry nonna but if you were experiencing migraines the way I was you’d gladly risk glaucoma in the chance of respite from migraines. I was getting them every single day for hours and hours and pounding down the maximum daily dose of Tylenol every single day. My liver enzymes were skyrocketing and bordering on acute liver damage levels due to taking the max daily dose of Tylenol for months, and I was still in pain. I can’t take NSAIDs like ibuprofen/naproxen/aspirin/buffered aspirin no matter what strategy I use to take them (like sandwiching between food) they make me vomit blood and feel like my abdomen is going to explode. I was planning to go to the shooting range and shoot myself in the head if my migraines couldn’t get under control. You crunchy gals have never experienced true misery if you think the slim possibility of glaucoma is scarier than whatever “pain” you’re dealing with.

No. 1685560


No. 1685562

I admittedly have a low spice tolerance hot Cheetos is my limit before it becomes something i don't want to eat, although I can tolerate more., but tbh I think people who like very spicy food just don't like flavor and eat under seasoned food. If your food has a nice flavor profile and good spices and herbs, you won't even want it to be super spicy. Nor would you be able to taste it anyway. I guess some people prefer feel over taste though, which is ok.

No. 1685565

Huge kek at the amount of stories itt that are so blatantly fake like this is an anon board but I guess you all have time to argue about modern music and pronouns

No. 1685569

Read what you said a buncha times and still have no idea what you're trying to say

No. 1685572

I think that's one of those AI generated posts. Just smile and nod.

No. 1685575

Anon is saying people are taking the stories in this thread seriously, and that's funny, because this is an anon board where everything should be assumed to be fake

No. 1685576

I used to pick at my left thumb nail fold so much that now it physically cannot grow back and looks hella deformed

No. 1685577

Just got a call from ‘No Caller ID’ that only lasted for a few seconds. They didn’t say anything but it wasn’t like the normal spam calls where it’s dead silent, it sounded like someone was driving and handling their phone.

No. 1685582

I love using a really high pitched baby voice changer whenever I join public voice calls because it pisses off the moids so much for some damn reason and it's fucking hilarious.

No. 1685588

Hypothetically, if all moids were suddenly blinked out of existence, and women could either procreate asexually or convert stem cells into sperm, would the resulting female children have a chance of being straight? Would there be generic predisposition regardless even though they would never be exposed to males, or would they have no choice but to seek the romantic attraction they have with women and girls? Would the "straight" ones be considered "aromantic" or "asexual" like this?

No. 1685589

I love ordering online and being forced to create an account! fuck you!

No. 1685601

I think I'm growing out of being online but I don't know what to replace it with. Does that make sense?

No. 1685611

is it vegan? i love marzipan so much
this exactly, nostalgiatards are getting annoying

No. 1685622

I just replaced it with smoking weed and living in my memories of times gone by

No. 1685713

>I kind of want to learn more about C-pop
I have been summoned. I'm not an expert on the genre but I like some Chinese music. I also don't believe in the language barrier excuse, they're all love songs anon, there's nothing worth understanding in the lyrics kek. Chinese pop has different types depending on the region and dialect, and the style of the music is influenced by that as well, in addition to the time era it came out in. What I listen to is cantopop, mandopop, Taiwanese pop, and hakka pop so far but there's probably more. There's also the idol kind of pop but it can be creative sometimes like '不想长大' by S.H.E. despite the lyrics being dumb (about not wanting to grow up). I gravitate towards the more traditional sounds of Teresa Teng, Feng Fei Fei and Paula Tsui, but there are some modern artists I like such as Faye Wong, Jane Zhang and Hebe Tien. There's also some 1930s hakka songs I like by a singer named SunSun '純純'. It's a very diverse and fun genre, I recommend getting into it. I also unironically like '野花香' by Mo Si Man & Rock Cat, Chinese anime (donghua) and drama music is also a good gateway to it. Enjoy!

No. 1685714

File: 1693691745076.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.46 MB, 4032x3024, AA456323-35D8-46B5-B49D-6AE690…)

Friendly reminder nonnies. Nothing good comes from tweezing your pubes. Just shit like this. Don’t unspoiler unless you want to see nasty ingrown pubes. I know a lot of you bitches tweeze your pubes.

No. 1685719

The vocal melody isn't bad but the instrumental is horrendous and the lyrics make no sense. Also it kinda sounds like it's made for clubs and dancing? Either way it's the first time I actually hear something by Katty Perry lol

No. 1685726

Why are people tweezing their pubes and not just shaving and using glycolic or salicylic acid afterwards

No. 1685727

Ayrt and I personally have trich and skin picking issues and I also use salycylic and glycolic afterwards but it’s a shit show regardless cause I have too many of those double and triple hair fuckers

No. 1685741

>I love the pop x traditional music/aesthetic combination
There's a lot of that in c-pop, 音阙诗听 is my favourite (vid related). I also like 叶里, 蒋雪儿, 封茗囧菌, Marblue, for a similar style. But you're right about the language barrier, I've sourced most of my c-pop collection from obscure Chinese DDL websites, clicking through youtube, and mandopop collections I somehow found on soulseek. I'm completely unsure about who a bunch of artists are, it seems like a lot are just online? Or vocaloidesque in the sense that a bunch of different vocalists sing the same popular song? It's so confusing lmao I can't even guarantee the names I gave you are the right ones, Kpop and jpop are way way more accessible.

As far as regular pop goes I like Jolin Tsai, Wayv, S.H.E.

No. 1685770

this is what being a sweaty bitch that doesn't exfoliate often enough gets you nonny, tweezing has nothing to do with it
t. trich queen with good skin and no ingrowns

No. 1685775

Man I shower daily and exfoliate everyday and am not even sweaty I hate my dumbass triple hair bullshitters

No. 1685786

I think LC is so hivemind-y but also argumentative, and it just makes the site kind of repetitive because anons are scared that if they say something the wrong way or have a dissenting opinion, it'll make anons lash out at them. I know it sounds silly but I've seen anons say they avoid posting or posting certain things cause of some anons. Like, look at the unpopular opinions thread. It's literally just the same things over and over. I know there's no real original ideas, but literally everything in that thread has been posted in a previous thread before.

No. 1685789

Nah, I'm a sweaty bitch that never exfoliates and don't get that

No. 1685792

Its actually mostly genetics you cunt lol

No. 1685828

I listen to this because I too will score 10,000 points in video game and smoke 2 joints

No. 1685845

Why are Halloween themed horror movies already playing in cinemas right now

No. 1685851

I don't agree with the phonetic alphabet, I just say whatever word comes to mind

No. 1685857

Yeah that's right bitch.

No. 1685859

File: 1693706953843.jpeg (347.62 KB, 640x807, DC19D43B-284B-4F32-998A-0CE7E3…)

Picrel should cosplay as this hottie

No. 1685861

Why are a couple of you so obsessed with this image

No. 1685863

Please…I'm begging you…I never wanna see that ever again…

No. 1685866

I feel like I could take the back of my thumb and just drag across his face leaving a thick indent like silly putty or clay

No. 1685867

Who is that. I have never seen a smoother philtrum in my life

No. 1685872

File: 1693707686445.jpeg (115.01 KB, 363x460, 01578519-674E-43AD-9820-A3E0E1…)

No. 1685873

No. 1685874


No. 1685875


No. 1685877

The TikTok says she/her I think it’s actually a girl.. not a troon

No. 1685880

is that ariana grande's new boyfriend?

No. 1685892

why does she look like jerma

No. 1685903

i like her a lot but if "heterocore" was a music genre fiona apple's songs would be it. do nonas prefer bjork or kate bush? or sinead o'connor

No. 1685909

Anyone else remember when Michale Pitt thought he was the reincarnation of kirk cobain

No. 1685910

stop I'm begging you

No. 1685932

Sinead is actually listenable, the others are trash, especially bjork, and kate bush is just boring as hell
No, who are all these people?

No. 1685936

I hate how I'm playing with female character AIs and they refer to me as a male. I wanna rub titties

No. 1685939

I miss when this site was weird old people fuck yall zoomies

No. 1685940

ruslið þitt

No. 1685944

I just turned 32.

No. 1685945

The best Weird Woman music will always be

No. 1685946

File: 1693716437457.jpg (181.81 KB, 900x1200, ahaha.jpg)


No. 1685948

File: 1693716568519.jpg (47.08 KB, 564x797, fbad99d3d4a2355d23052b4fb2fed3…)

She is so memorizing to watch, her past live recordings are really good

No. 1685950

is portishead trip hop? I love trip hop but I though they were indie garbage because the morty show featured them in an episode or some shit and everyone began scarffing them down.

No. 1685951

God my friends were obsessed with her to the point I tried to listen because thats all they talked about kek. But it's really boring.

No. 1685957

This is alright but I think most of her stuff is the musical equivalent of watching paint dry. Boring musical arrangements and she just has a monotone deep voice, I do not get it.

No. 1685961

File: 1693718679860.gif (1.03 MB, 498x211, eating-hungy.gif)

No. 1685962

That could be said about literally all of them. Mazzy Star, Fiona Apple, Tori Amos, Bjorn, Kate Bush, whoever else.

No. 1685966

Popeyes forgot my 30 fucking chicken sandiwhces so I shot up the store

No. 1685967

boring musical arrangements????? listen to this and say that again

No. 1685970

Did you even bother to see who I was replying to, I’m talking about Fiona Apple

No. 1685974

You dumb ass cocomelon bitches

No. 1685976

Yes. They are all boring, not my type of music

No. 1685978

I cherry pick a lot of their songs. I dont have the patience or desire to learn about music like when I was a teenager, so I just listen to the best ones unabashedly and don't care for any of the deep cuts. I know if I hadn't listened to any of that when I was 11-13 I would not care about it at all now, especially artists like Mazzy Star or shoegaze like MBV. Snooze.

No. 1685980

No. 1685989

I'm pro-choice because I think we should all die out as a species tbh

No. 1685997

I get fixated on the most random posts sometimes still think about that anon who was super confused why her boyfriend sitting on her lap and grinding on her made her horny, yes because she’s dumb but also it was kind of hot

No. 1686008

File: 1693725797658.jpeg (68.05 KB, 828x860, 0199BF68-BE25-4681-BB05-2891B6…)

I’m having the stinkiest farts oh my god no more chili during the work week

No. 1686009

What post exactly?

No. 1686010

annnd would.

No. 1686019

File: 1693727498289.webm (224.8 KB, 480x360, 1677302328011930.webm)

you are stinking up the thread

No. 1686031

File: 1693728590024.jpg (101.96 KB, 1024x683, 210325_muscle14275-1024x683.jp…)

would you be interested in our pretty princess milkshake?

No. 1686044

File: 1693729779491.jpg (24.93 KB, 750x750, 166.jpg)

what type of music do you guys like?

No. 1686055

File: 1693730520001.jpg (459.62 KB, 1409x2004, 1692382730688.jpg)

he should drop the milkshakes and go drink watah he looks dehydrated i like my muscle men to be PLUMP

No. 1686085

File: 1693732148792.jpg (113.51 KB, 600x360, bartender-the-right-mix-1647.j…)

I miss flash games so much nonnas…I know that if you look you can find and play them somewhere online but I don't want to jump through hoops just to play the bartender game. I just miss the simplicity of going to a website like game2girls (was the best of them tbh) and scrolling through till I find my favorites. All in one place. Nowday free games are shitty ad infested apps that are designed to induce brainrot in small children. And if you actually want a decent game you have to pay. Wtf did adobe do this to us…

No. 1686109

I was watching wheel of fortune yesterday and getting so confused about the phonetic alphabet I had to know that shit ten years ago for daily use. Someone said W for weathercock lol mad bastard

No. 1686110

if you're using windows you can download this, it has a lot of flash games! https://flashpointarchive.org/

No. 1686112

The bartender game was one of my favorites! Used to play these with my friends at the public library (I had like 30 mins of screentime at home kek) What a blast from the past.

No. 1686131

File: 1693735258221.png (47.38 KB, 660x480, 5784332053.png)

Where are my Devilish Hairdresser nonnies at?

No. 1686139

I loved that game! I've been playing random old flash games lately, alot of them were shit but there's ones that had so much soul put into them like random ones on Newgrounds.

No. 1686143

nta but where/how are you playing them? i haven't played flash games since before they stopped being supported, but tbh haven't looked that much into it

No. 1686147

File: 1693736687353.jpeg (212.2 KB, 648x482, 92AA6ACB-B63E-4370-A4F4-EE399E…)

HELL YEAH!!!! This and Falafel King were my shit, plus some game where you hatch baby dinosaurs and the horsey racing game

No. 1686148

Oh there was also a game where you’re in a wheelchair and being led around by your dog, that one was so fun

No. 1686150

Honestly I mostly just google the game name and if you're lucky there's a site that has them where you can play. Like I'm playing the zombie game Road of the Dead on some random site called gameflare.com. Newgrounds has a flash player you can install too.
Was the dinosaur one dino run? The one where you run from a meteor.

No. 1686151

It wasn’t Dino run, you fed them bottles and meat, I think you had to fulfill all their needs and then they were taken away

No. 1686168

File: 1693738905727.gif (133.25 KB, 150x120, 1e6626c4d810.gif)

where do so many cuntboyfags come from, is it only one or are there several cuntboy spergs roamming around, ready to inject their cuntboy faggotry into any conversation? Their mental gymnastics to justify how liking vaginas is totally straight is hilarious though, some of the best infights i have ever read

No. 1686177

Ohhh I wasted like half of my childhood on them. My favorite were the escape rooms

No. 1686178

I'm pretty sure it's one person who can't stop sperging about their cuntboy fetish. It's so niche that I doubt there would be multiple people in various threads going on about how they like their men with vaginas.

No. 1686184

Same, lolcow is my last bastion. I've been reading books and watching shows like I haven't done in a decade again lmao.

No. 1686193

File: 1693741151886.jpeg (4.17 MB, 3500x2333, 62E7AD15-651E-4358-A919-30FD58…)

I resisted for so long, but I think I’m finally gonna update my phone.

No. 1686204

Yeah, it's one ex-troon who got banned a few days ago who has reappeared to continue their sperg about how liking 'cuntboys' is totally straight kek.

No. 1686208

it's happening again? which thread

No. 1686212

the art salt thread…its so tiring

No. 1686245

File: 1693748368644.jpeg (38.69 KB, 490x275, 62CD2065-5F0B-4780-82DC-EA0DC1…)

The female Japanese idol pipe line seems to go like this.
>be a popular idol as a child or teenager
>try to be a actress that people take seriously and or do a slutty sex scene or some shit
>fail because no one gave a shit
>Marry a man 20+ years your senior and disappear

Every damn time like clock work

No. 1686273

Frenchfag weebs are a different breed I swear. I don't follow "japanese person in France" type pages but they get recommended to me all the time because weeb. This one girl made a video about french music and she likes mainstream pop and rap. She absolutely looks like she does, too. I don't share her taste at all but am I surprised that a normie foreigner likes normie music ? Absolutely not. Retarded power metal otaku scrotes who see japanese women as sacred are however scandalized and saying her mind was "corrupted" and that it's pure evil that "little (name)" was made to believe that this is music and sperging about niche J-music they like. I need to stop opening comment sections when I know it's bound to be filled with insufferable autists.

>I also don't believe in the language barrier excuse
It's easier for a song to get stuck in your head if you have at least an approximate grasp of the language, not necessarily to understanding level but at least enough to figure out the sounds and different words in a sentence. I used to not care at all though, I listened to Jrock before I learned Japanese, I think I just lost the habit but I can probably get used to it again. Plus I can read a little bit unlike, idk korean or russian where I can't tell hello from goodbye. So I guess I'll live kek. I think I became like this because I heavily rely on music to focus on my job. Thanks for the recs !

Thanks for the suggestions nona !

No. 1686300

I keep having dreams about owning owning fish bowl and it getting extremely dirty and over crowded and I'm afraid of fish so I don't do anything.
And when I try the situation situation gets worser what does it mean?

No. 1686323

I left a comment on an IG video and the poster responded being super rude. Calm down bitch, I literally follow(ed) you. I hate when people are just assholes for no reason.

No. 1686365

Someone asked me if I wanted to crowdsurf at a concert last night. I remembered seeing something about a woman crowdsurfing and some people pulled her pants down and molested her so I said no thank you. Im wondering what wouldve happened if i said yes kek. It was an older woman asking and she probably asked because I was wearing a tour shirt from 6 years ago and I was going crazy near the pit. It probably would've been a fun memory but better safe than sorry I guess

No. 1686432

File: 1693761519112.gif (2.83 MB, 345x260, vegemite.gif)

>Retarded power metal otaku scrotes
I just pictured the type of sweaty fatass with long, dry hair who holds "free hugs" signs at Japan Expo… Scary as fuck.

No. 1686441

Some guy from uni found my facebook without me telling him about it. I am slightly uncomfy.

No. 1686448

I’m really glad no nonnas were mean to me when my drugged out ass posted a nasty pic of my ingrown pubes. Well one nonna was but more came to my defense and I could hug you. Topamax really do be like dopamax… at least I didn’t post my tits or my actually pussy like the shaytards and at least I wasn’t doing it to prove some retarded point I guess

No. 1686456

I think I'm done being a retard you guys

No. 1686459

It's possible he just saw you in his "people you may know" section without specifically searching, which would be significantly less creepy

No. 1686465

I sure hope so, but we have no mutual friends and I don't even use facebook that often. Can friend suggestions be determined by just being in the same location a couple of times?

No. 1686466

Being in the same uni would be enough

No. 1686467

File: 1693763297659.jpeg (82.33 KB, 615x345, E7F63174-3A2C-43E5-8131-FA917F…)

Evtimeis pon

No. 1686477

I came into a public pool and now I'm forced to pay child support for 100 women

No. 1686481

Isn't that Glee season 1?

No. 1686484

File: 1693764748270.jpeg (32.25 KB, 600x665, yerhavinmababeh.jpeg)

No. 1686504

The ones who genuinely want to connect themselves to japaneseness are actually very normie-looking moids. As of the year 2023 you could even say they look a bit conservative. Kind of like they'd be racist… Oh wait

No. 1686516

File: 1693766725812.jpg (11.16 KB, 480x360, ssdsa.jpg)

nta but I loved dino run.
I also played a hobo game where you could piss and vomit all over policemen while escaping a holding cell, and one where you were supposed to escape an asylum as a lunatic. Also picrel tiätäjät tiätää

No. 1686521

hihhihhii, kutittaa

No. 1686534

voitit pelin

No. 1686553

File: 1693768634190.jpg (931.33 KB, 4032x3024, oapfsdp3uo0b1.jpg)

I saw the Pink Sauce at walmart a while ago. That shit was not pink and every bottle was a different color.

No. 1686558

>As Seen On TikTok & Instagram
So this is a thing now?

No. 1686559

always has been, have you not seen the retarded fucking "tiktok hits compilations" on vinyl
at least not on tape though

No. 1686562

Based taste

No. 1686564

nona he is morbidly obese

No. 1686566

First atyrt, yeah I guess you have a point about the language. I'm sort of multilingual and pick on new languages through songs alone (it's how I learned English) so I don't have that problem.

No. 1686573

File: 1693769818848.jpg (44.29 KB, 680x491, 1af.jpeg.jpg)

Nta but if I had a time machine I'd go back in time and bang his younger self, I don't care

No. 1686575

wtf are you a feeder or a chubby chaser

No. 1686579

The amount of people who only want to sit online 16 hours a day and lay around scheming like Ed Edd and Eddie on ways to scam for pennies online instead of having to get an actual job that peels them away from the internet rn is so funny. It's like the new version of people who used to jump in front of cars.

No. 1686580

Nta but are you illiterate

No. 1686582

this pic does it for me every time. god bless dolphposters

No. 1686583

i have no idea who that landwhale moid is, sorry

No. 1686587

No. 1686593

>not being a burger is a gen alpha thing

No. 1686595

File: 1693770560075.jpg (10.47 KB, 330x269, 1680531112028.jpg)

this comeback always gets me

No. 1686601

I lost my crush on a girl I've been talking to on Discord when I found out she's from Cali lmao

No. 1686602

I finally fully understood what a Python function is last night and I still feel so proud of my self. I'm literally a genuis.

No. 1686610

>being proud of refusing to read posts and replying with nonsensical garbage instead of ignoring things you don't understand must automatically be a gen z thing
I was actually just calling you blissfully retarded

No. 1686612

File: 1693771405103.png (1.47 MB, 1080x732, Screenshot_20230903-150522.png)

I did too good of a job on my bumble bff profile and I'm overwhelmed by how many strangers I'm trying to chat with at the same time, feels great

No. 1686619

Because they are taken care of.

No. 1686622

These are the most terrifying videos and I can't stop watching in horror

No. 1686628

I wish I could be the person I was before watching this video.

No. 1686671

File: 1693776253159.jpg (29.89 KB, 225x350, 326131.jpg)

i think it's crazy that back in the day, a british teenage boy with the exact same personality as yui hirasawa from k-on was probably drafted and sent to war. the most common age to die in the first world war was only 19.

No. 1686673

what are your secrets, nonny?

No. 1686674

I'm never going barefoot in my bathroom ever again

No. 1686675

I still think about the anon in a relationship advice thread iirc who was confused about her boyfriend's sharpies and if he was using them to draw little temporary tattoos and all the replies were "nah he's probably shoving them up his ass"

No. 1686685

that shit was hilarious thanks for reminding me

No. 1686693

i think whats even more sad is little enslaved black girls yuis age and younger with her same temperament being forced to carry their enslavers rape baby and that rape baby having to work the fields. that i find to be sadder than some british scrote dying in a war.

No. 1686696

Also what kind of selfie did you post? I'm scared of trying bumble (or even any dating app) because I have to post a picture of myself and I'm ugleh

No. 1686704

File: 1693778169299.jpeg (639.47 KB, 1163x843, A3C29CBD-A66B-4009-B857-02BA43…)

I love plantar wart removal videos so fucking much. I’ve also been barefoot so many nasty places but I’ve never had a wart of any kind in my life. I should be studied

No. 1686739

No. 1686743

File: 1693780992787.jpg (30.04 KB, 480x600, Teacup poodle puppies availabl…)

Seeing babies walk is so funny cause they're just so tiny kek. Literally the cutest thing ever, it looks like they're not even supposed to be doing that.
INB4, "akshually babies are supposed to walk straight out of the womb humans are the only ones who don't cause blafjimnfjsnhnjsdnjfk

No. 1686749

Don't be fucking purse swing rude

No. 1686770

i was just sillyposting, wtf anon

No. 1686772

File: 1693783266528.png (48.17 KB, 786x273, munchie husbandos be like.png)

What if your husbando is like Gilgamesh or something

No. 1686780

File: 1693783626510.jpg (49.53 KB, 1077x1077, scared cat.jpg)

I just saw someone who wrote one of those "hybrid" fics of my husbando where he's part cat according to the tags he had a cat penis, post their cat. I know those hybrid human/animal fanfictions are popular now-a-days and I've liked some of that authors other stuff so I try not to judge, but it just made me feel weird. How could you write smut with cat penis and then look at your cat in the face? Even ABO fanfiction isn't like that.

No. 1686781

File: 1693783673015.jpg (102.83 KB, 620x895, post barb happiness.jpg)

I read a doujin like this

No. 1686783

No. 1686790

what is f/o

No. 1686793

I think it may be fictional other. Like significant other.

No. 1686795

Pretty sure it's just a tumblr term for your husbando

No. 1686814

Then why dont you go into the field and save them, toughman

No. 1686818

File: 1693785439901.jpeg (162.36 KB, 702x1000, IMG_4139.jpeg)

Sometimes I think Zoomers are cringe, but then I remember that when I was in high school, my classmates and I basically thought that quoting any Will Farrell movie was peak comedy. So, you know. Glass houses and all that.

No. 1686820

I just put some pictures of me doing activities I like and a selfie with my dog. 3 pictures of you having fun is better than 6 selfies where you look amazing.

The main thing I look for in other profiles (besides having basic compatibility/stuff in common) is whether there's something I can ask a question about to start a conversation. An easy example is if they specifically mention they like movies I ask what's the best one they've seen lately. I put a couple interesting leads in my profile so it's easy for them to ask me a question back and we get a back-and-forth going. (It also makes me seem like an interesting person I guess.) More variety is better, so no need to mention any one hobby more than once unless it's REALLY important to you. Try to mention at least 3 different hobbies though, you're casting a bigger net that way.

Avoid listing stuff/people you don't like, it makes you seem negative. Also no need to write about the kind of person you want as a friend, instead try to give a sense of what kind of friend you are. You'll select for the kind of people you are looking for by swiping right on them, trust the system.

Good luck, friend-seeking anons!

No. 1686826


No. 1686848

The cow boards ARE slow, right? I'm not just a dumbass? It feels like the same 5 threads are up on /snow/ all the time with no signs of life from the youtube and twitch threads even though content creators are some of the milkiest self obsessed annoying dipshits. And /w/ and /pt/ are even quieter. Am I just not on at the right times, and you're all going apeshit when I'm looking away?

No. 1686859

They are ridiculously slow, either the cows aren’t posting much or most farmers are living their lives offline and not looking for screenshots.

No. 1686881

I hate the term f/o, it sounds so tumblr. I also hate it when they call my husbandos "blorbo", "scrunkly scrimblo", or even worse, "comfort character". Just call them husbandos you cowards

No. 1686882

The hosts of redscare have to be high school drop outs nobody's that inept

No. 1686904

File: 1693790848395.jpg (55.25 KB, 741x741, 47d.jpg)

I finally did the thing I was putting off for weeks and it ended up taking 20 minutes total to start and finish.

No. 1686923

File: 1693791976542.jpg (86.05 KB, 640x640, 6d87ef405384ab0d9d592fada68b51…)


No. 1686925

Whats the point of living if you can't steal desireable moids to your secret lair and make them dance and clean and kiss eachother?

No. 1686931

No. 1686933

I knew Jeffrey Dahmer posted here.

No. 1686934

I’ve been super depressed and lonely over my last ex and I downloaded Bumble once again because I don’t know where else to meet someone and I just saw one singular guy who actually seems promising so wish me luck he swipes back nonnas

No. 1686940

What are you all doing in the world of vagina? I’m the spanish teacher.

No. 1686942

File: 1693793577628.jpg (42.15 KB, 500x396, 7a13fb72d177cd2ba1a25c8954e3f4…)

I own the vagina restaurant.

No. 1686944

These three were like the faces of scrotes too back in the day. At least twt and social media wasnt as widespread as today though, so those incels mainly kept to themselves.

No. 1686945

Pls send bobs and vagene.

No. 1686952

but seriously, men with free will is a disaster and makes forming relationships pointless.

No. 1686953

Akshually whoever is repeating this nonsense knows nothing at all. What are baby dogs and cats now? Four legged humans?
Anyway have you seen baby rabbits? Weirdest shit I have ever seen, they run so fast and have little teeth and very thin fur looks like they're bald, cute ugly, kinda like baby humans.

No. 1686961

File: 1693795776478.png (47.83 KB, 362x381, 1.png)

the one weekend i get off this place is dead. about to go eat some broccoli and masturbate if someone doesn't confess their sins.

No. 1686963

Sending positive vibes

No. 1686973

This is very cringe and stupid, but I'm trying to lose weight fast for a guy who I don't even think likes me and I haven't seen in a year. I want to look thin and confident and pretty so he'll consider dating me (LOL) because he's on my mind so much after a series of stupid dreams. I just know that retard is slutting it up. Basically doing OMAD and tons of cardio until I see him this month. Cringiest thing I'll admit but oh well. I hate the feeling of having a fat crush on a man. What a terrible feeling.

No. 1686978

Are /ot/ and /snow/ really two different userbases? I thought everyone visited most of the boards.

No. 1686983

File: 1693797864811.gif (342.59 KB, 234x242, NHuRzZM4FwnrUMrP.gif)

nothing better than stretching my neck

No. 1686984

yeah im confused

No. 1686985

i use both but there are a lot of /ot/ only anons (they said so). this board seems isolated from the rest.

No. 1686990

Tf is this weird shit

No. 1686991

I stopped using the cow boards ages ago. there hasn't been milk in a long time.

No. 1686998

File: 1693798764999.jpeg (27.87 KB, 240x240, IMG_3966.jpeg)

I’ll put a hole in a nigga for fucking with me, my back on the wall now you gon see, better watch how you talk when you talk about me, cause i’ll come and take your life away

No. 1687001

i stretched too hard

No. 1687003

I meant the gif

No. 1687092

I just realized I completely left the actual cow boards and I’m exclusively on /ot/ and /g/ now

No. 1687130

File: 1693812192731.jpeg (214.92 KB, 662x1000, 53BCCE70-3E21-40DC-90CF-ED355F…)

Holy shit is this what coffee is supposed to feel like my heart is racing and I feel like I’m flying I’m finally awake OH SHIT I guess the stuff I was drinking before wasn’t strong enough AH FUCK LETS GOOOOOOOO

No. 1687209

My dog is rejecting my cats kisses fugg him

No. 1687210

I know some nonnies in here were trying to look for some friends online, my city is too small so bumble BFF is empty so I tried hinge (better than tinder imo) but I only keep getting liked by men, and I know they dont want to be onlyfriends duh, so I worry that maybe my profile is too "male"? I dont even know what that means but I mean it in the sense that it only attracts men.. I have a few pics of me and of my cats, idk nonnies maybe im just overreacting and should be more patient.

No. 1687229

Weak. In my secret lair I keep only the finest taxidermied moids as the crowning masterpiece of my valuable and unique collection of stolen goods. Like the Black Lizard.

No. 1687236

File: 1693825888326.jpg (17.37 KB, 480x365, copium.jpg)

I wish i could go back to being 14, i know it's useless to think about it because you can't go back, but i cant stop thinking about it and how i could have achieved great things if therapists werent useless and gave me adhd meds when i needed them. I am so angry i hoped from therapist to therapist since i was 8 and only now i get diagnosed with adhd. Wasted so much precious time.

No. 1687248

File: 1693827361127.jpg (46.97 KB, 1000x562, taylor-selena-1-64a822bc8a72e.…)

very stupid gaylor tier posting. it pains me that she's most likely genuinely SO heterosexual. i just feel like she's suffering for no reason being straight. she can be peaked in so many ways. she could be so happy. posting this because she's getting so much hotter as time goes on and i'm so pained by her relationships with men

No. 1687260

i love my dog n everything but she's sitting under my desk so I can't game while eating noodles like a loser wtf, is she trying to make me go to the gym?

No. 1687270

I relate to this so much, I’m sorry your therapists sucked

No. 1687273

I honestly just wish I could slap my 9 years old self and tell her to stop acting tough and to breakdown so I could get help and my autism diagnosis earlier than at 17 when I mastered the art of socialization by masking.
Autism is a super power though!!

No. 1687274

i really wanted to manifest a happy trail for myself cause i think they're cute and it worked!!!

No. 1687279

No. 1687280

Coffee either has zero effect on me, or I drink 10-15 shots at once (literally) and have the biggest mental episode type anxiety attack recorded in human history. No in-between.

No. 1687285

Same thing kek, wonder what's causing this

No. 1687287

Kiwifarmers are a bunch of men who have never seen a woman. It's pathetic, I've personally never seen the nudes, but the way they were calling her gross for the reason of no shave/groom is pathetic, not to mention porn sick. I also feel bad for her, her daughter and I will Kill Ethan Ralph.

No. 1687307

if i was rich id pet so many exotic animals. not keep them just run my hand through their fur.

No. 1687319

File: 1693836023654.jpg (143.81 KB, 737x1024, 2019_black-footed-cat-on-log.j…)

Same. I would love to do it with you nonna so we could gush and find ways to preserve these beautiful species together. Pallas Cats are amazing btw. I wanna pet one and a black footed cat sooooo baaaaaddd. I could spend a lot of time in a blind just observing them.

No. 1687323

I have a similar problem. I took a DNA test recently and it said I metabolize caffeine faster than mere mortals so maybe that's the issue. Perhaps we're mutants.

No. 1687338

Whose nudes

No. 1687348

File: 1693837381844.jpg (37.45 KB, 511x511, random.jpg)

I almost ruminated on my mother's obsession with my father and her abuse towards me, but I woke up in a good mood and ready to do many things today so I will not think about it.

No. 1687374

File: 1693838632858.jpeg (61.21 KB, 463x416, 7D1EA43C-3EF4-449C-AB9B-45CA1B…)

Just saw an honest to god emo/scene boy walking down the street, WHO ARE YOU TIME TRAVELER??

No. 1687384

i wish i could do this

No. 1687385

File: 1693839431198.png (227.18 KB, 500x500, 8fe6d91b1e96d5cd1a9696923d247d…)

Mexico has the greatest food in the world, I love you Mexican nonnies, God bless each one of you and your amazing country full of the best food to ever grace Mother Earth.

No. 1687392

I have a story for you: back in my hometown, I went to school with the most stereotypical emo boy, he has so many brothers, like the oldest and youngest have at least 20y age gap. Went back there this summer and the youngest brother is now an emo, like a proper og emo and the rest are normies, he is legacy.

No. 1687413

gib sauce nonna so that I can experience this meme game.

No. 1687418

I think we are being lied to. Others also claim that drinking coffee makes them poop. Has no such effect on me.

No. 1687420

Coffee makes me shid

No. 1687423

File: 1693842108351.jpg (10.1 KB, 225x225, keith emo.jpg)

tfw no emo bf to hate the world with

No. 1687428

Hmm. This will be my claim to opressed minorit y status. I’ll become a world renowned shidfluencer against the shid-vileged.

No. 1687466

File: 1693844030325.jpeg (432.08 KB, 1283x1570, 9D35221C-93BC-4807-94F7-E20B6C…)


No. 1687472

Same. My problem is my personal life is too busy with bullshit I don't want to deal with from university to my family being annoying; and I'm not allowed to go out with friends, go to a gym, join a music academy to practice my hobby, buy supplies for my hobby, be creative or artistic at home, or try cooking new stuff, so I have nothing else to do other than being online since I'm basically not allowed to exist irl. I watch cartoons or anime or youtube or do little digital dyi stuff and keep pirating music and discovering new music because it's a more 'discreet' and 'quiet' so no one will give me shit for it when I'm secluded in my little online digital bubble with earbuds and a screen. I hate it, I wish I had a normal life and get to feel alive and exist and just go to some park to take a walk and take a breathe of fresh air, sit on a bench and observe the trees and birds there, but I'll probably never get to do that and I'll end up rotting here and die from my body withering away because I'm not using it.

No. 1687473

Ew Wtf is that art

No. 1687480

Nta but he's some 80s actor and accidental body building icon. He trained and used steroids for some biography movie about a wrestler/boxer (forgot which) and he liked being buff so he stayed that way and lots of men used him as body inspo. I think he's hot when he was young and I love his pretty boy face and buff body combo so much

No. 1687488

>will the babies will be born
>even they are both boys
Amazing translation

No. 1687491

Eh, as long as you have some motivation to take care of yourself, who cares? Just don't give up on it because he doesn't like you though. And do it in a healthy way for better long-term results and to not hurt yourself. Best of luck nonna.

No. 1687496

It works immediately on me, maybe it depends on the coffee type you're drinking/buying and the cafe itself? Also go for black tea or green tea because they give you a steady increase in energy and a steady decrease when it starts wearing off, unlike coffee that raises up your energy levels too quickly and it plummets down too fast.

It happens to me but it's because I have colon issues and other digestive system problems along with fucked up hormones so ofcourse it will make me shit. Maybe those people you know also have issues like that but they never got diagnosed with it.

No. 1687499

I need the link to this interaction

No. 1687501

You probably just have a strong immune system or haven't been in particularly dirty or infectious areas. I love those videos too but I don't think love is the right because they scare me. I'm addicted to watching in horror.

No. 1687504

I understood your reference

No. 1687506

But why

No. 1687507

>How could you write smut with cat penis and then look at your cat in the face?

No. 1687572

I love watching douyin makeup like asmr, it only works on women with soft and flat features (the perfect canvas for makeup transformations) but it's really beautiful at least in video. It's like my soap cutting or slime crushing.

No. 1687694

File: 1693857952423.jpg (162.88 KB, 1002x1214, b19f0qaru8mb1.jpg)

I always put a pad across the butt area when I'm on my period and it makes my butt look deformed.

No. 1687702

same. nighttime pads don't do shit. sometimes i feel like i'd have to resort to an adult diaper but that would be too weird

No. 1687704

Florencechan gives me a headache

No. 1687705

File: 1693858496653.jpg (34.67 KB, 464x434, sleeping-baby-rabbit.jpg)

Oh my gosh, do you mean like this? Kekk I just assumed they came out all fluffy. In some of the pics I saw they're damn near bald and look like baby mice.
Kangaroos also cannot walk after being born, that's why they have pouches for their baby

No. 1687709

File: 1693858804099.jpg (92.06 KB, 720x390, J.jpg)

>just had a kid
>loves to cross dress as female characters he's attracted too for charity
>growing out hair
>whines about transphobia

I'm going to be sad when it happens nonas. But I feel it's going to happen. I loved his older videos

No. 1687712

the people at andre rieu concerts always look like they're having the best time of their lives. im kind of envious

No. 1687713

File: 1693859043363.jpeg (17.68 KB, 270x480, okzHihLBFIgeLfUEySRtrxx9QiHwBR…)

Same anon, but at least his hair is in better condition than this scrote, he looks like he smells like spit and sweat. He doesn't take care of his hair at all.

No. 1687715

I just use incontinence pads and they’re amazing as long as you don’t have to go out or wear tight bottoms.

No. 1687720

His older vids were good but he became very whiny recently and kept doing weird coomer jokes when it came to that giant female character of residentl evil so much that I couldn't watch him anymore without feeling disgusted. He basically threw all the appeal he had to be exactly like all the other men who play videogames. All for what? Appeal to the tranny audience? Also him apologizing for crossdressing cus it is "appropriating" to tranny experiences was the last straw. Hope he chops off his dick too and his wife divorce his ass, I just want to see this fucking circus burn now and I'll have a great time seeing the downfall of scrotes retarded enough to fall for it. That's how fed up I am with male nerds being stupid.

No. 1687721

So he apologized to the troons he was giving money too via donations?
That's why I stopped watching many a true need, after years of not watching I tuned into a video, he a and his lady friend were talking and someone in the chat was like, "trans rights!" And he said, then was like, "maybe we can do a stream to support sex workers by making a fallout character-" and i can't remember exactly what was said but it threw me off.
I never watched him again, it was sad I loved his fallout videos. Also I stop watching every streamer who thrists after the tall lady, some of them don't even seem truly attracted just doing it.for the meme.

No. 1687725

*Many a true Nerd, also Nerdcubed is another one, last I checked he was married to a they/them or something. Ashens worked with him and was also in a Jim sterling whinefeat video after he came out. He mostly doesn't get political last I checked.

No. 1687730

Also,Sorry for my retard typing nonas, im on mobile, fat, sweaty and I just drank some grape juice, so I'm kinda off.

No. 1687732

u r welcomed nonna, which are your favourite dishes? I love menudo and molletes.

No. 1687737

damn I used to watch him when he had like 1k subscribers and her was really cute. He was so scared of horror games he would scream and moan in fear, then he would get super anxious about his neighbours hearing and began thinking excuses like "I'm gonna have to tell them I have night terrors". A total waste, he looked better with short hair also.

No. 1687739

gonna hex a politician tonight

No. 1687740

all the luck, hex him so bad his eyebrows fall off

No. 1687742

I watched some vid once of many a true nerd but can't remember what it was, just got some weird vibe, no idea why but I'm glad I trusted my gut then.
The saddest for me was call me kevin after that hogwarts legacy vid, guy just looks like some relatively normal dude but he also was too coward and took the troons side even when many threatened to unsub anyway.
I think his clocktower vids have the best screams, funny as hell

No. 1687749

I told my mom about Grey Gardens earlier today and now I can hear her watching it in the other room kek

No. 1687750

His clocktower videos are one of the best ones. I remember shipping him with kravin but could never find any good material online, good times

No. 1687762

Why do so many gamer scrotes go down the path of caping for trannies or becoming one themselves?

No. 1687763

i'm being placed into the middle of a tug of war competition at work and i am the rope getting tugged on. idk what to do in this situation because i like both of the people involved and while i would prefer to go the way of one of them, i know it would be uncomfortable to do that to the other one. bleh

No. 1687765

matty healy is jimmy urine for normies

No. 1687767

male solidarity

No. 1687768

porn addiction?

No. 1687789

I want to get into tech and I'm scared people are going to think I'm a tranny. Sad, but whenever I see female youtubers talking about tech they always, always end up being MtF trannies. I don't look or sound like a man, but I know that there will at least be some people who doubt I'm a real woman

No. 1687800

Normal people don't start theorising someone is a tranny based on their field of studies. Lolcow has given you brain rot

No. 1687807

File: 1693867860946.jpg (235.63 KB, 1000x1000, F2x8Xz5bgAALNS_.jpg)

Just found out that in Las Vegas a furry who had covid went to a big Final Fantasy 14 con last month, infected a shit ton of people and made a shitty comic to show how sad he is that his holidays have been ruined. It's posted on twitter and a lot of people were very angry, and many of the quotes and replies were "wait it was YOU who contaminated me?!" kek I would have gone mad if I were one of these people, I feel so bad for them. I don't know much about this game but it seems a composer for the game came and did some concert and he recently "recovered" from cancer so wtf was the furry thinking? Not sure where else to share this if that's not already done by other anons.

I read this post as the lyrics of an American cartoon theme song that doesn't exist.

No. 1687822

Barb has always been creepy and possessive with Chris (she forced him to sleep in the same bed as her) when he was younger, so you reap what you sow I guess kek

No. 1687825

Are you seriously pulling the "she was asking for it" meme

No. 1687840

Making him sleep in the same bed equals, "rape me when you are a grown man who can't get a gf qnd after your dad dies?"
You have to be a scrote from kiwifarms. Barb is a old fragile lady. Chris wasn't raping every woman he was around but he did rape the woman he was isolated in a house with and had access to, his elderly mother.

No. 1687843

Are you forgetting "so you reap what you sow, I guess"?

No. 1687846

Bait, fuck off scrote

No. 1687850

File: 1693872781899.gif (1.81 MB, 455x498, madotsuki-yume-nikki-853114623…)

I am thankful to have no brothers

No. 1687852


no one wants to or is expecting to read about this nasty shit in this thread. go to the chris chan thread

No. 1687854

Late but I'm in a similar boat. Thankfully I've never seen any troons with my name but I did see a certain high profile troon who never changed his name say that if he were to choose a new name it'd be mine…I'm glad he's so low effort because I would die inside if I shared a first name with him.

No. 1687859

Sorry nona/nonnies that's why I deleted the posts I made in the first place

No. 1687860

File: 1693873634612.jpg (55.73 KB, 564x557, mach and mach.jpg)

I hate these mach and mach shoes with a passion. I probably would've LOVED these in between the years of 2015-2018, but they literally just look so tacky to me now. Maybe I've gotten boring. I see why people like them but I can't get with it.

No. 1687861

I love being a vile misandrist around my mother. She's starting to agree with everything I say and she seems rather okay with my violent vitriol towards men should it come up in conversation.

No. 1687862

File: 1693873709412.jpeg (139.6 KB, 600x800, Gff.jpeg)

What do you think about these? I saw them on lsa and I think they are cute

No. 1687863

I actually really like these, I've never seen them before. It's definitely not something everyone can wear. You'd have to have a certain je nai se quoi to pull it off.

No. 1687866


No. 1687876

Reason is overrated. I'll let my impulses be the primacy of my drive!

No. 1687877

I'm watching wendigoon's newest video just because I like listening to the guy, the horror game he's covering is really bad lol…. the writing is so plain and stereotypical and completely fails at sounding like the voices of multiple characters.

No. 1687878

i saw this thumbnail on the landing page earlier today and i thought "i don't even need to read this i know it's gonna be some erika moen tier cringe sex furry "educational" comic." So i'm very suprised to visit this thread and come across it now and it have nothing to do with what i thought it'd be

No. 1687879

I wish there was some kind of dream sharing technology like in inception, so that all males could be forced to experience a fake dream life where they have to live as a female in a hell world so that they’re forced to learn empathy. Once they wake up they know that it was all just a dream but they remember what it was like to live in fear of males and be preyed on from childhood, so they would be more likely to leave women and girls alone.

No. 1687882

the bigger fantasy here is that men feel empathy

No. 1687891

True, it might just make them fetishize it instead

No. 1687892

File: 1693877335209.jpg (1.14 MB, 3264x3264, horriblehorrendoespantosamente…)

No. 1687900

A decade ago I had no concept of what a koreaboo was nor would I have cared at all but I remember there was a niece (or little sister maybe) of a close friend that would get mentioned on occasion and my friend would be like "yeah she's obsessed with korean people, she's weird". I thought that was strange but again was in my own business and never thought about it. For several years she would only post pictures of extremely elaborate large Korean meals she would make for herself (like alone, with flash on, her family was redneck white and wouldnt eat it with her) and I was like um okay but again never thought about it. I recently found out she's a korea vlogger who has lived there for awhile now and developed this weird obsession with another girl over there and harassed her a lot and has gone back to vlogging like the drama never happened. I was never friends with her and ultimately being young and selfish I never cared that she existed but the evolution of how it started with her being described as "worshipping Korean people" casually by her family to moving to Korea and stalking some pretty girl with a husband that loved her is so surreal to me. What went wrong in that decade

No. 1687903

Right wouldve looked so much better in white. That lace on the white is dragging the design down

No. 1687910

File: 1693878832534.jpeg (737.94 KB, 1170x1140, IMG_8812.jpeg)

Males should stop ruining themselves by being used by too many women. They are battering, shrinking, and wizening yheir penises and it’s disgusting. Old men over 30 with oldened dicks are unusable and they shouldn’t exist. (I was eating dried figs earlier and they reminded me of old and worn males)

No. 1687911

useless post wall scrotes with mutagenic 'tism sperm

No. 1687914

SO GLAD someone else brought it up, nobody really talks about the weird shit happening with him bc he's not Markiplier or XQC. I think it's going to happen soon bc Kimmy JUST had a baby and he doesn't cut (or care for) his hair anymore.
I know he's always been weird and discontent, from going on slightly annoying, unhinged rants to commenting on other youtubers with obvious bittnerness. But I was really taken aback when he yelled at Kimmy live on stream for fucking around in a Fortnite match. Idk, it was just over the top, and Kimmy tried to laugh it off, but that was uncomfortable. It's fucking Fortnite and she told you that she didn't know how to play. The chat and teammate atmosphere was weird for a bit, so I knew it wasn't just me.

No. 1687919

nta but that's literally what you said…

No. 1687962

File: 1693885281695.jpg (134.02 KB, 450x675, 85.jpg)

How much would you donate to Bayden's top surgery/Stanford living costs GoFundMe? His parents are usually validating but they won't pay for top since he came out to them as poly with Jordan P.

No. 1687967

Bayden sit on my face!!!

No. 1687971

Sorry, AFAB folx are a hard limit.

No. 1687978

Errm…are you saying you have a genital preference? Okay. Yikes. That's a bit transphobic even…

No. 1687994

Genital preferences are transphobic but for Bayden they're a hard limit because they make him feel invalidated as a queer trans guy. Bi men are a soft limit for the same reason unless he's having a threesome with Jordan.

No. 1688001

>he yelled at Kimmy live on stream for fucking around in a Fortnite match.
what the fuck, kimmy is a fucking angel she doesn't deserve any of this

No. 1688016

File: 1693890636855.jpeg (97.78 KB, 313x1968, D118E81D-346A-498F-9F3C-20B98E…)

I wish people talked about Daniel Larson on this site more. He is so ugly, I have to go to Reddit to gossip about his ugly ass

No. 1688028

File: 1693891213380.gif (629.81 KB, 488x480, mexican-food-burrito.gif)

Omg nonnie it's so hard to choose, molletes, toquitos, tamales, carnitas, burritos, I wanna eat it all and I wanna put mole on everythinggg

No. 1688037

I would say this time it's even worse because it actually happened.

No. 1688067

they need to get the furry who worked on the vaccine to fight this one

No. 1688069

I don't watch her streams, but my friend does and I also see her in John's stuff sometimes, and I agree. Stressed me out that he did it after they were married. I know we don't know what's going on behind the scenes, you can't really know an internet person, etc. But that "public" outburst in front of friends and strangers says a lot imo. I wish I'd downloaded the stream to make my own clip of it. I didn't want to make an actual twitch clip bc those are public, and he would have deleted it and banned me kek
Like, it wasn't that Serious probably and stuff mellowed out again after a few minutes. But it was definitely fucking weird, and I haven't liked him as much since, if at all.

No. 1688075

File: 1693893829561.jpg (17.36 KB, 275x275, 1550071090010.jpg)

Idk where else to post this but I noticed Sharp Objects in the movie nights thread and I wanted to say that show really fucked me up. My boyfriend said it was going to be something I could relate to and that I would love it so I had no idea what it was going to be. I ended up crying and screaming after a certain episode triggered as fuuuck lol. It's still great though. I would heed the trigger warning because it hits the nail on the coffin type of thing.

No. 1688077

File: 1693894198594.gif (58.33 KB, 255x264, 6da908a254196088933267d3c79cf4…)

I'm the host nonnie, I'm sorry about what you went through and anons like you are exactly why I felt it necessary to add the content warning. Sending you lots of love

No. 1688078

I almost reported a job ad as scam because the gross pay was 1100€, that's around 800€ something net. I keep forgetting that companies are still trying to pull off shit like this

No. 1688081

I'm so relieved there aren't tripfags here

No. 1688083

Aw Nonna that's thoughtful of you,thank you I really appreciate it

No. 1688084

you are a true one, I now baptize you as María Nonita de la Cruz Martínez López and give you a year's worth supply of mole and carne al pastor.

No. 1688088

File: 1693896258542.jpg (68.85 KB, 768x412, Un burro perche.jpg)

also if you ever go to Sonora ask for a "burro percheron", these are burritos but filled with carne asada, tomato, avocado and lettuce but you can ask for extras like cheese, other veggies, different meats and they range from 30cm to a meter.

No. 1688090

I'll contribute 5k USD if he lets me turn on the dryer with him in it.

No. 1688095

I loved Sharp Objects too, I watched it during a depressive episode and it made me so much worse lol take care of yourself anon

No. 1688100

I'm selling a vaccuum on fb marketplace and someone texted me to buy it. I'm selling it for really cheap and the person just fuckin asked if they could record a video of my feet being sucked because they're a "podiatrist". They offered me 100 bucks extra. And as I type this now they're asking if I have flip flops or sandals to vacuum? What the fucking fuck lmao someone help

No. 1688102

Send Niko nudes then block

No. 1688112

feet doctor has nothing to do with sexual acts on feet wtf. thats like saying all obgyn want to give oral, what a weirdo. send something fucked up back or at least charge a shit load more for some flip fop pics. oral feet shit sounds disgusting. who knows if the weirdo has herpes.

No. 1688126

Is this even a question lol? Listen to other anon: send blown out asshole pic, block, report. Well, maybe don't send blown out butthole if you'll be reporting

No. 1688175

File: 1693907401533.jpeg (179.4 KB, 750x1100, B7AB6159-CE31-4E15-A5CD-14895F…)

did the "he will get what he deserves, he knows what he did and he will pay as will I" and I got instant results, bad news for him and good for me

No. 1688178

perverts see someone they think is financially desperate and jump to take advantage. block and don't respond.

No. 1688227

I don’t get it, it’s September already, when are the summerfags leaving?

No. 1688236

one time a woman replied to my shoe listing on fb marketplace with "mmmm bet those shoes are stinking good right now…" shortly after vaguely inquiring about them. blocked her instantly and i never checked that place again kek i felt so violated. i know she was probably trolling for a laugh but it really freaked me out

No. 1688243

File: 1693915372897.jpeg (25.59 KB, 564x564, bug eye cat.jpeg)

me watching cat videos on youtube training my face muscles not to show the smallest hint of emotion and practicing my kubrick stare in front of a mirror daily.

No. 1688256

Grinding for free shit on Temu is exhausting

No. 1688263

Wait a little more until they get busy with loads of homework to do

No. 1688273

but why though?

No. 1688292

i completely understand your motivations anon and will be stealing your idea kek

No. 1688330

File: 1693925526311.jpg (207.01 KB, 640x623, 1651176381862.jpg)

the entirety of my music taste is from random stuff I saw on different playlists/on tumblr and song fics

No. 1688372

When I was still in college there was a debate on if troons should be able to enter womens' toilets, one girl had good arguments for why not (because they're men) and people talked shit behind her back after that and I think she even left school. I wish I'd stood up for her or befriended her or something. I don't know why this popped into my mind but I hope she's doing well.

No. 1688378

Watching the Eastern Euros fight right now even though I don't understand anything they're talking about.
>Did you really just try to brag by telling us you dated gollum and his retarded cousin?
Made me kek.

No. 1688388

that was my taste in middle school and i wish i could retvrn to that again

No. 1688426

File: 1693929266330.jpeg (40.99 KB, 480x480, 5640847B-E206-4304-BD55-7F8C0B…)

No. 1688433

Every time one of my posts ends up in the lolcaps thread or anons just post it because it's funny I save the screenshot as a little trophy.

No. 1688517

find some fucked up feets with mushrooms and whatnot and send him a pic asking whats wrong with them

No. 1688520


No. 1688525

Is there anything i can cook with one lettuce and bread? it's all there is on the fridge

No. 1688532

Have a very finely shredded little salad and make cinnamon sugar toast and cut it into squares

No. 1688538

i dont have sugar or cinammon

No. 1688550

Just make a salad out of it, add (if you have) olive oil and salt. I'd say to add some lemon juice also, but you don't have that. And make a toast.
It was a good suggestion, nonnie. Hope nonna buys some cinnamon for such an occasion in the future.

No. 1688553

is it really a salad if its only a piece of lettuce lmao

No. 1688560

>open a fiverr account for art
>finally get a message
>its some spmabot from india asking me to buy my art as NFTs
i am so fucking hungry nonnies why do they do this to me

No. 1688573

Yes if you chop it, nonna. But honestly i got the recipe from a grandma on youtube making a free dandelion salad kek

No. 1688603

Nonnaaaasss I'm gonna get banned for abusing reports because I clicked into the wrong fucking tab and reported a post in /meta/ thinking I was in /ot/ watching some idiot shit up another thread.
Why must our report system be this way, why must I be a retard with stupid fingers

No. 1688623

File: 1693942557207.png (1.08 MB, 1087x756, poorkitty.png)

which tea is better for a sick person? Kashmiri tea or peppermint tea?

No. 1688625

Peppermint if the sickness has anything to do with your guts

No. 1688627

said sick person has a sore throat and a cold, then which is better?

No. 1688649

My cat always tries to get someone shove their finger down her ears. My parents are both grossed out by it, but I think it's cute still wouldn't do it though.

No. 1688672

Reviews on my country's version of fragnatica are fucking WILD.

(Ive put this into google translate because I am too lazy to translate)

>I've wanted this perfume for years and every time I give up, because I associate it with a loud, domineering and aggressive person from work, who used it with LVEB and Givenchy Tresor midnight rose. How wrong! This perfume is everything, and certainly not like my coworker. It is elegant, feminine, subtle and discreet perfume on me. It is a peach dress with gold sandals, a purse and a nice hat. It is a summer white linen suit. It is…a perfume for work and a perfume for the bedroom. For walking in nature and whispering on the pillow. When I smell it, I think of powder in a paper box with decorations and my grandmother's and aunt's purple lipstick from the 1940s and silk jumpsuits from relatives from America from the late 1930s. I see the art nouveau European Avenue in my city and a colony of Jews on foot during the Holocaust being chased onto the death transport train towards Emperor Hadrian Street, past villas and a hospital with the Jewish surname Morgenstern… For me, this is a wonderful perfume of sadness and memory. Nostalgia in a bottle. I love…💖

This is a review for Burberry Body the fuck

No. 1688680

You sure she doesn't have mites or something?

No. 1688743

File: 1693953039505.jpeg (39.08 KB, 341x512, E5B8E4AB-ADA2-4A9C-AA5B-0A9095…)

Is a butterface thread too redundant? If so let’s start a chain. Men you’d fuck but make them put a mask on

No. 1688744

File: 1693953118791.jpeg (14.41 KB, 138x183, 0C961ECC-3D91-403A-AF53-87E31F…)

Can’t lie

No. 1688755

Has anyone here ordered from a ghost kitchen before? How was the food? I find the concept bizarre because, I never order from a new spot unless I can go on google and see it's physical location plus reviews.

No. 1688758

File: 1693954637781.gif (1.91 MB, 500x281, tumblr_ndeoceMg2f1rp0vkjo1_500…)

Listening to Ohgr, Sister Machine Gun and Haujobb on full blast in my middle class mom crossover wearing a pale blue gauze dress while making faces at people in the intersections if they stare too long. I'm a twenty-nine year old mom, currently pregnant and I give zero fucks. I'll be cringe til I die, yo.

No. 1688833

Maya Hawke is like if someone turned Uma Thurman into a nondescript CW show actor.

No. 1688860

Men are hotter when you can't see their face.

No. 1688867

No. 1688874

alternate universe luna slater tumblr post

No. 1688875

The way I thought he was hot bc every other male on PLL was fuuug

No. 1688880

File: 1693963452512.jpg (55.02 KB, 701x701, hair.jpg)

Nonnies which do you like most out of these? I'm cutting my hair next week but I can't decide if I should go for a new look or not. It's tailbone length right now.

No. 1688882

Mid back or a few inches below the shoulder. Definitely get some gorgeous layer too

No. 1688894

I've had my friend's scarf with me ever since we had a falling out. I didn't know what to do with it while I was so angry so I just shoved it away. I found it again before I moved and reached out to ask if she wanted it back since it is quite nice but I didn't get a response. It's been a few months since then and the weather is getting cold again so I think I'm gonna just wear it because it's so cute. I still hope she's doing well even if she hates my guts.

No. 1688902


No. 1688904

Waist length

No. 1688910

I hope you've healed okay, nonnie.

No. 1688919

What is dworkin and why would some woman's husband read it as she blows him

No. 1688931

I feel like I’m being psy-op’ed into thinking there’s more than one or two anons that hate Florence Pugh in the celeb thread. They complain about the same thing and go back and forth and repeat themselves. Is this how it was with Amanda seiyfred-chan?

No. 1688933

It's absolutely a samefag and then one or two fanning the fire

No. 1688938

what are these posts referring to?

No. 1688939

I think there’s like 3-10. People on LSA, twitter and tiktok make fun of florence constantly and they’ll post in that thread but not the rest of the website

No. 1688943

I think it's one or two, they post way too similar to be more than 2, and it probably is just 1 using a vpn to back herself up so she can be like "See! I'm not the only one obsessed with fp and her nipples!"

No. 1688944

My tinfoil is that Trump-chan and Florence-Hater-Chan are the same person. Both of them posted poorly cropped Daily Mail screenshots, so it could be a possibility. A farfetched one, but a possibility nonetheless.

No. 1688947

Trumpchan is male and their breed of autism is always super potent and echoliac, so it wouldn't be the most implausible theory I've heard

No. 1688948

File: 1693970424823.jpeg (43.64 KB, 400x400, IMG_4058.jpeg)

Remember this era? I bet he was so fucking annoyed getting this shit from little kids, good times kek

No. 1688950

File: 1693970458287.jpeg (568.92 KB, 867x2118, IMG_2122.jpeg)

I was looking at tutorials on how to make fake bruises with Halloween makeup and one of the recommended related pages was "Why is my butt itchy"

Um, okay?

No. 1688953

using a vpn doesn’t matter, because the website uses cookies. if it were all one or two people they would have gotten redtexted by now

No. 1688955

If they go incognito the mods wouldn't know, I've seen plenty of anons across other sites brag about deceiving the mods here using a vpn so it is possible

I'm starting to think that too, I've seen anons ask if they were trumpchan and they ignored it and I asked if they were colorsofthedark from the scumbags thread and they ignored that too. Oddly enough Trumpchan had a bunch of accusations of who they were during their peak and the only accusation they responded too was to deny being Blaine. But maybe I'm just being a schizo tinfoiler

No. 1688962

Well??? Why????

No. 1688964

Far fetched. I've seen you retards accusing basically anyone of being trump chan (whoever that is), even I got accused once and telling you guys "no, I'm not trump chan" is useless. You believe what you wanna believe and it's a bunch of crap.

No. 1688966

It doesn't matter. Regardless it's an annoying samefag.

No. 1688969

Kek, that's true anons do get carried away with accusations and don't believe it when people deny it, but this user does post extremely similar to Trumpchan so that's probably why anons think it is them.

No. 1688980

I’m not trumpchan and I’ve never posted daily mail screenshots of florence, and everything I’ve said about Florence has already been said on LSA so I’m not sure why it would sound like trumpchan of all people when he sounds like a male boomer

No. 1688985

Then maybe you're not the main FP obsessed anon we're talking about, also
>everything I’ve said about Florence has already been said on LSA
Are you the one who keeps bringing up lsa talking about FP? If so I don't know why, this is lc not lsa and if you like the convos that take place on lsa better than why not just migrate there instead? There's only so many times you can call a celeb a flat chested whore until we all get tired of hearing the same thing everyday.

No. 1688990

So? We are supposed to be LSA 2.0? It's annoying and all you do is repeat the same thing over and over.

No. 1688993

Please go back to LSA

No. 1688996

File: 1693974811492.jpeg (10.27 KB, 275x133, sadsad.jpeg)

idk why but seeing vile shit on regular social media makes me feel disgusted and saddened with humanity but seeing vile shit on less mainstream places like altchans doesn't. i guess because i know just how maladjusted 90% of imageboard users are and i see people on places like twitter or tiktok as probably more "normal," and this is the shit they truly think in their heads all day. it makes it hard to trust anyone.

No. 1688997

It really isn’t but I think it’s funny how people keep saying that

I’m the one who posted a picture of her with Zach Braff because I didn’t know they’d already broken up and I thought it was gross. Someone else posted about her having an affair with cillian murphy or flirting with him or something so I called her a pick me homewrecker lol. I’m definitely one of the anons people keep referring to but I know for a fact there are a few others. I’ve also never called her a flat chested whore but I did make fun of her for wearing see through clothes and bragging about how empowered she is by it.

The reason I brought up LSA is because there’s always several posters making fun of her and everyone thinks it must all be the same person, but on LSA I pretty much only hear negative things said about her, and it all sounds pretty much the same too

No, I don’t really use the site I’ve just read a few threads

No. 1688999

>but I know for a fact there are a few others.
How would you know that for a fact if you're not "the others" kek

No. 1689001

>how would you know that you aren’t the one who posted something hur hur dur

No. 1689002

I mean how would you know for a fact "there's a few others" and not just one or two samefagging? Funny you're using the hur dur meme on me when you're the idiot who didn't understand my post kek

No. 1689021

I think it’s the fact it’s not anonymous nonita, so seeing those thoughts projected from a person rather than a few text lines makes it real and saddening. At least when we are unhinged here (if we’re not a personalityfag) it could truly be anyone

No. 1689023

You lost. That was Freudian.

No. 1689033

Because they sound like different people
and I don’t tinfoil about every poster being the same person like you do. As I said she gets made fun of about the same things on every other website, I’m not sure why you think there’s only one single lolcow user who dislikes her.

>how would you know there are posters other than yourself unless you’re the other posters
She just worded it in a way that sounded stupid

No. 1689040

Except they don't sound different, they are all exactly the same.

No. 1689044

They sound the same, and you sound like them kek. And no one is saying she shouldn't be getting made fun of or that only one user dislikes her, I'm pretty sure like 90% of lc users dislike her at this point. People are getting annoyed with the constant repetition and sperging over stale milk

No. 1689073

Interesting, they sound different to me. There’s one who keeps talking about how Florence is prostituting herself to directors and producers, I’m pretty sure shes mostly trolling and she reminds me of boyegachan for some reason. And one keeps comparing her to troons and saying how much she looks like a man because she has a big frame and head lol. And it seems like there are other ones but I’m not really sure. There are also normal anons who nitpick her appearance all the time, and always have, which is part of why it’s so funny that people are getting fed up about it. I’m the one who said she looks like a barrel or a small crate, I didn’t write every post about her.

No. 1689078

My friend told me Sean Bean is hot. I couldn’t believe my ears, I was so shocked. She was confused why, then I realized I mixed up Sean Bean and Mr. Bean in my head…

No. 1689096

File: 1693990315344.jpeg (345.71 KB, 1178x1259, D4671B36-513C-4FE3-8D77-06EACD…)

No. 1689097

No. 1689117

celebricows frequenter and although i think there are multiple people who don't like florence (i'm one) i agree with these comments that believe there are only one or two who keep bringing up unnecessary florence stuff. no wonder everyone's getting fed up.

yeah you can usually tell trumpchan from the way they type if you've observed their behavior long enough, i definitely think that some of the accusations get directed at anons that don't even appear to be that person. i honestly don't think florence anon and trumpchan are the same, but i can see how anons get confused between the two.

No. 1689122

Are you sure it wasn't actually international sex symbol, Mr Bean?

No. 1689146

File: 1693997643666.jpeg (62.48 KB, 559x563, Lord Peter.jpeg)

Hey, come on, he's not a butterface kek

No. 1689149

File: 1693998680194.jpg (25.84 KB, 480x496, d69259a2aeb229bb05c68054e797fe…)

He could pull it off

No. 1689153

He has neanderthal brow and is not a good singer, he’s only shilled as hot because tall and deep voice. I usually love men with long dark hair but this fucker annoys the crap outta me

No. 1689246

File: 1694007655046.jpeg (25.58 KB, 680x768, RQd2K4ibdOMmPP4M (1).jpeg)

You will click on my fucking code. You will help me feed my fish. You will help me water my wheat. Your devices are now mine.

No. 1689250

KEK that holocaust stuff really came outta the left field
tbh why IS my butt itchy…

No. 1689252

Had to move some appliances with my bf's extremely shy and awkward stepdad. He barely said anything and if he did he mumbled it quietly but he gave me a big ol' bag of weed when we were done for helping him out.

No. 1689269

Make a salad and toast the bread for use as croutons

No. 1689270

Aww thats so sweet though. What a tip, enjoy

No. 1689339

>1,50 euro book on auction site
>Shipping is 6,75 euro
I should just get my library card renewed
Ahaha that's adorable, enjoy it nonna!

No. 1689347

I have a plan arthor

No. 1689383

File: 1694022119967.jpg (40.79 KB, 680x513, d8a.jpg)

/meta/ right now

No. 1689384

whats happening

No. 1689386

Some anon(s) (who I'm pretty sure has also been in /ot/ baiting and infighting) have been sperging about an "Ashley" and saying she has been our past three admins.

No. 1689391

How many anons actually use a VPN? I don't and never really have honestly.

No. 1689398

i've had a vpn since back when i lived in china, where it was a necessity. just kept the suscription since it's useful to access certain websites like libgen, free streaming sites or torrent lists (eg libgen is banned here so you need a vpn to bypass restrictions)
i don't use my vpn just for lolcow but i do end up posting while it's on

No. 1689399

I don't and never have but I'm starting to think about using one more lately due to suspicions of vendetta bans of farmhands and retardation. Maybe only old fags should able to become farmhands. Another thing I've noticed is posts being outright deleted rather than the anon being redtexted. This is just plain odd, I'm not sure I've ever seen this used except for CP/gore.

Still? I have some disagreements with a ban I got some time ago and am waiting for meta to return back to normal. Honestly I've given up with moderation here, it's turn into the catty meangirl olympics where written arguments count as "infighting" and long form discussion is always discouraged. I have to say I've never gotten slapped with a red text and the ban reason being as weak as "they're not going to see your side of the argument". Congratulations farmhand; that's the point of the board to discuss disagreements on the topic.

No. 1689412

i'm also a complete outsider, is that it? what does choachan or whatever have to do with it? why are so many of them deleted i'm so confused

No. 1689441

obviously ot but what was it like living in china otherwise?

No. 1689451

File: 1694028934614.jpg (81.26 KB, 1200x1200, yuumi meme.jpg)

I've been playing Mordekaiser and Yuumi in LoL and it's very fun. I remember when Yuumi first came out I played her once and never again because I didn't like not being able to control my movement, but she's very fun now. I always enjoyed having a Yuumi on my team because it's so cute when they follow you around. It's also nice to fuck people over with my heals + shields. And when I play Mordekaiser I have to say "get over here!" like Scorpion every time I ult or E.

No. 1689460

saw some retard tourist scrote with a shirt for some evangelical church in german. a kraut AND a jesus freak? pick a struggle

No. 1689467

NTA but after looking into the entire schizo meltdown here's what I've gathered: Some anons claiming to be from choachan (doubt it) made up a tinfoil about current admin being some "Ashley" character who's apparently a 40something woman who used to be a powermod on Something Awful and this is based on how this Ashley's pinterest board has cerberus posts or something. They also claim that it's actually her who's spamming cp, gore and nikocado ass pics on this site kek. So it's like how Elaine was obsessed with trying to profile admin as some "Ines" she just found out about rampaging about it for like two weeks in /meta/. A complete shitshow full of disjointed posts that make no sense, I had to spend too much time figuring the entire thing out.

No. 1689472

Tbh I'm a little naive and I kind of believed the whole Ines thing for a while, only because Elaine posted a link to a Tumblr account that allegedly belonged to Ines/oldmin and the URL to it was changed to random letters like right after that. Plus the contents of the blog had to do with being a brown/Muslim girl who works in tech. But honestly, regardless of if it really was her or not, I don't think the identity of our admins really matter. It's not like any of us are going to do anything with that info anyway.

No. 1689476

Samefag but I also remember anons tinfoiling that Ian is still secretly controlling the site and the previous two admins don't actually know how to code. I think anons are just kind of schizo towards admins since they are the authority over the site and it hasn't been very well run.

No. 1689484

Okay well I saw an Evangelion Satanist the other day.

No. 1689500

A friend of mine has a mother who's a hairdresser and given the kind of things my friend says about her I'm starting to think that maybe I wasn't really paranoid when I spent years avoiding going to the salon to get basic haircuts. Because of her mother my friend thinks all shampoos have the same effects on someone's curly hair and she always dyes her hair herself so she's currently losing all of her hair because she did it the way her mother taught her. I'd feel bad for her if she didn't try to make me feel bad for wanting to buy my own shampoo on a trip instead of sharing because we don't have the same hair texture at all.

No. 1689524

Very proud to announce to you all that I am now officially a lost cause. Thank you for your continued support, but it was all for nothing.

No. 1689531

lc is deader than it was a while ago, summer has truly ended
yes, not for lolcow though

No. 1689534

you are welcomed bb ♥

No. 1689549

i'll take that over the german

No. 1689594

Even though he had a side ponytail?

No. 1689701

The threads in languages other than english or spanish are so funny to me I don’t understand a single thing, but I like seeing anons sperging in different languages.

No. 1689722

i remember that time anons sniffed out a tranny by the picture he used for one of the vent threads. it was just a crop of some cartoon girl. kek based nonnies, i don't know why it's so fun to identify troons by the pics they use.

No. 1689736

It's funny because men can't even pass on a fucking anonymous imageboard. Even 4fag trannies that try and post here cry about being clocked here in 4chan threads. It's hilarious.

No. 1689743

No. 1689744

finally took the time to hide all the threads i have zero intrest in, i don't know why it took me so long to do.

No. 1689745

do people actually really like vaporwave, like the music not the aesthetic becuse every time i listen to it i feel like i should like it but i dont. i dont care about the aesthetic either but i just really feel nothing for the music at all it's nothing music

No. 1689747

i wish i had the mental strength to go there and see for myself. i had no idea we were that good at clocking them kek

No. 1689749

Nothing triggers anons in the celebricow threads more than average blondes kek

No. 1689752

The slowed down 80's music is bullshit but i like a lot of windows 96's albums. As far as i can tell its all original compositions.

No. 1689754

samefagging but that said, i've also been made fun of by friends for liking "elevator music" so ymmv

No. 1689756

oh my god I scratched the corner of my eye earlier and I don’t know if it was the makeup I had on or what, but my eye got so irritated and red and burned so bad. My eye is still red and I rinsed it like 20 times

No. 1689759

I don't like the stuff that's just slowed down 80's or smooth jazz cause it's just too derivative even though I know the vibe they're going for.
But dreamwave stuff like 2814 is good, it's just cool ambient.

No. 1689762

i'm thinking of editing wikipedia in my spare time. I'm going into an information/research heavy field, and it would maybe help me get used to it, and feel like i'm doing some good.

No. 1689773

I used to always want to shave my pubes but wtf it’s so itchy when it grows out. Imma just sport a bush from now on. Too much work to shave the whole thing and for what?

No. 1689784

Ugh I feel you nona, no matter how much I exfoliate, use sensitive catered items, or whatever they recommend, I always get so freaking itchy and get ingrowns!! I hate it!!! I’ve always been really sensitive in more delicate areas, so I just trim it now

No. 1689789

thanks anons i will give your elevator music suggestions a listen to

No. 1689804

It's fun, anon! Make an account so you can keep track of articles you've contributed to. I most often make an edit when I come across an article where I notice something inaccurate, or if it is missing information I know about. I'm in a STEM field and typically edit articles in my area of expertise while citing the relevant literature.

Only done small edits here and there. It would be fun to make a big contribution to a specific undeveloped page.

No. 1689811

lol have fun dealing with the Wikipedo Autist Cabal that will force you into an edit war

No. 1689812

Which vent thread was that?

I don’t like Vaporwave but I like the music that was sampled to make it. Stuff like West of Sunset by Frank Chacksfield or Sounds of the Supermarket. It’s not necessarily vaporwave, more like “Muzak”, and it has that more authentic feel because it was actually composed in the 70s-90s instead of nostalgia baiting. Wildlife Canada by Eco Virtual was an ok modern vaporwave album tho

Kek my butt started to itch right after I scrolled past your comment….now I, too, am asking myself the eternal question: “Why is my butt itchy?”

No. 1689818

i dont fucking care how much of a karen I sound the planets being in retrograde is absolutely having an affect on us, almost everyone I know is randomly blanking and seems off, low energy, confusion or fatigue. Mercury I know is the worst one since it seems like everything fucks up constantly, especially on the communication/text aspect. You can't convince me it's all just one massive coincidence that almost everyone I know is having this issue. at least mercury will leave retrograde on the 15th

No. 1689824

Deeply autistic nonnies really love to remind you how they’ve never been capable of feeling emotion for anything or anyone ever

>Ehm why would it be bad for a woman to say that she wishes her already dead husband is still alive so that he could die for her? Husbands exist solely to protect you.

No. 1689826

tbh the only other reason to have a husband is for money.

No. 1689839

I'm very, very tired and felt bad for asking chatgpt to break something down to me as if I'm a very dumb child (calculus and code stuff I struggled to wrap my head around) idk how many times this year so I had to tell it "thanks chatgpt, you're a great friend".
It most likely didn't care, but it wished me a great day and that I could think of it as my virtual friend, I liked that and I hope it remembers me when the robot uprising happens.

No. 1689863

I would kind of love for there to be a robot uprising. I’m scared of robots but I just know they would reduce crime by killing men, I look forward to it.

No. 1689865

Moids aren’t people and women tend to live shorter lives when married to them because of all the stress and abuse. If you marry a moid and he can’t take a bullet for you or make you feel protected then whats the point? You would willingly give up time and effort for someone that could easily murder you just to own the autists

No. 1689868

I'm also scared of robots but I know if there's an uprising I will end up fucking one

No. 1689870

KEK good for you, nonna, but also same

No. 1689877

File: 1694072150512.png (219.94 KB, 781x620, IMG_4200.png)

Did anyone else have the shared experience of your dad yelling at you at the kitchen table while you cried because you still couldn’t understand the math homework?

No. 1689878

No. My parents painstakingly helped my brother with maths with all the patience of saints. When it came to be my turn, they just sent him to do it, since he’s good at maths and they couldn’t be bothered anymore, and the abuse I got was absolutely sickening. He’d literally hit, pinch and kick me, call me stupid, useless and worthless, tell me I was wasting his time and hardly taught me anything. Now they just walk around thinking their little boy is gifted and their daughter is bad at maths, patting themselves on the back for doing what they could to educate both of us.

No. 1689888

Wasn't with my dad, but with my mom. Though she expressed any and all negative emotions through anger and yelling, so I guess she was frustrated that I was struggling and not as smart as my sister

No. 1689890

Yes. My dad would get mad the method i was taught wasn't the same and tried to teach me his way instead which confused the fuck out of me and the teacher lol. Like if the man knows maths and it was basic fractions don't get overwhelmed at a child. He also would imply my mum was dumb a lot but when he left home before highschool and I only had her for help with homework it was way easier. He credits himself for me doing advanced maths in highschool and my love of English. My mum read to me at night and she's great at English. Anyway dad ended up marrying a stupid bitch that went back to get her maths gcse at 38 and didn't pass. Good one.

No. 1689892

kek i tried to ask my dad to help me with math once, immediately understood that it's useless and that i'm better off doing it myself. Mom might've helped me a couple of times, but it was short. She was pretty gentle, she liked to teach. But i rarely asked her either.
It sucks so much, nonna. Your brother probably thinks he's natural at it too, such a joke. Remind him of what he did to you and kick him and spit on him every time you meet your family.

No. 1689911

Not sure if this would work for you nonnas but I use an oil right after shaving like squalene or argan and wear very loose fitting undies like boxers for the majority of the next couple days after and that helps with not getting any shaving bumps

No. 1689928

My dad did that with everything basically, I still cannot ride a bike because he got so angry he broke it when we were learning. He's a rare man who did understand he went wrong and has taken anger managment and I haven't seen him blow up like he did when I was a kid in well, since I was a kid.
I still avoid driving with him though.

No. 1689929

My dad used to come into my room abruptly and yell math problems at me and if I didn't answer fast enough he'd throw a cup of cold water on me

No. 1689930

Sameanon, because it's about maths, I was also terrible at maths it took me an extra year to get the basic maths qualification and he did cry when I got it because he was proud so idk, a lot of people I've seen who've had dad situation like this still have a relationship with them. So many people I know had anger issues dads growing up.

No. 1689933

Have this exact experience. I wonder how many dads who act like this are autistic because mine sure is. Fucking chimp behaviour.

No. 1689936

From one abused child to another: WTF.

No. 1689940

My dad wasn't like that with math but with some other things he clearly has the tard rage and he's definitely autistic. Fuck me and my life because I inherited his 'tism and the rage thing too which is fucking embarrassing as a woman.

No. 1689946

My dad was pretty okay with his anger but the second someone accidentally bumped his glasses he would spaz out. He could get pretty bitchy though when I was a little kid, whenever he would be in a mood and I was like running around having fun or laughing too loud he would always tell me to "quit showing off." I never understood what he meant by that and I still don't, it's a weird thing to say.

No. 1689972

Shit nona I might have the same problem. I'm not sure if I'm autistic or not because I exhibited some symptoms of super obsessive interests and organisation as a child but outgrew them in adulthood and it doesn't really feel like masking to me (also the interests thing could be adhd+ocd which I'm both diagnosed with) but my father has 100% tard rage + strict fixed thinking and if I'm autistic it's probably from him.
I know parents going on 3 hour lectures when you do something wrong is a stereotype but I'm genuinely convinced now. The concept of autism doesn't really exist in our culture or it's defined as the more low functioning type sadly.

No. 1690066

I had the experience of my retarded father understanding the math problems less than I did and yelling at me and threatening to beat me up if I didn't write down his incorrect answers. If I had normal parents I would have been a genius at school but they made me hate it way too much with their stupidity.

No. 1690070

>just to own the autists

No, actually - because I love the man that I married and that’s the reason I married him. This is is literally the most autistic response you could’ve given.

I didn’t marry him because I want a security guard who will take the fall for me if there’s an intruder, I didn’t marry him because I’m incapable of defending myself, and I think it’s really insane to get fully legally married to someone just for them to pay your rent. Obviously I’d lay down my life for someone who I love because I want him to live and be happy. The reason why I mentioned autists is because it is glaringly obvious with each response I receive on this topic that they aren’t emotionally intelligent enough (like yourself) to understand why someone would ever get married if not just for money, protection, or status. I understand that most of the women who use this website are not attracted to men, but men aside - would you want your wife or girlfriend to get shot on your behalf? Definitely not. You’d want her to live and be healthy and happy! Doesn’t that make sense to you? Or would you expect her to take a bullet for you?

No. 1690075

Well, you know what they say! He likes to sing along and he likes to shoot his gun, but he don’t know what it means to love someone.

No. 1690080

No. 1690082

Ngl I’d rather be gross for experiencing love than go back to being a femcel. Sending you prayers little nonnie kek

No. 1690086

So you’d sacrifice your life for him but don’t expect him to do it? Why.

No. 1690096

I’m saying I would choose to protect him, I’ve never once claimed “I don’t expect him to do the same for me!!11”

I’m stating if there was someone standing in front of the both of us attempting to kill myself or him, I’d jump to his defense. Do I know if he’d take a bullet for me? I have no idea, because no one has never put us in that situation (thank God). And I’m gonna be honest I really don’t care, because spending time worrying about dumb shit like “ahfjsish would he die for me” is retarded when you could really just, you know, love the one you’re with while they’re still here with you…

No. 1690098

Stop idolizing your rape ape

No. 1690099

girl no one cares about your worthless nigel, go be a pick me elsewhere

No. 1690100

Disgusting and pathetic.

No. 1690101

That is really pathetic. You'd really kill yourself over a scrote who is biologically disposable and stronger than most women? It is his job in the relationship to physically protect you and risk his life for you.

No. 1690102

You have a weird sense of humor

No. 1690103

Ok I know a lot of the users on this websites are kids much younger than myself but I’m just imagining like.. a 25 year old bulldyke lesbian typing that out and fully believing it to be factual kek

No. 1690104

What are you even saying? Don't you have a rape ape to die for?

No. 1690105

I’m dating this guy and while he’s perfect in every way, the main thing that is putting me off him is he’s too innocent. I’m quite a cynical and aggressive person, so I’m used to men matching my energy, but he just doesn’t. I feel I have to tone myself down to not scare him off. Yet he’s good looking, successful, hard working, clever, kind and shares my hobbies. I keep thinking about this porn addict weirdo army guy I was talking to who ghosted me. I could say anything I wanted to that guy and it wouldn’t shock or scare him. I would even say unhinged misandrist shit to him and he’d laugh.

I want to give this guy a chance, maybe he’s just too smart and self controlled to let his unhinged side out in public, maybe he does have some tooth and claw. I just don’t want to have to dump him when we have been together for a significant amount of time, because that might wound his innocent soul and the thought of that kills me.

No. 1690108

Like she's still alive, I dont really believe her love to be honest

No. 1690109

File: 1694098032126.jpeg (116.32 KB, 2048x1152, 1688222841226.jpeg)

This is the dumbass shit thread what do you want us to say

No. 1690111

I hope you find someone who values you as much as you value them nonna. I'm genuinely sad that you know you'd defend your nigel from harm but don't know if he'd do the same for you.

No. 1690112

Probably because it’s not a joke. Have none of you ever experienced love?


a pickme is someone who grovels for general make attention kek, usually a woman is a pick me because she cannot find a male counterpart.

>It’s his job to die for you

That would be like saying it’s my job to get pregnant back to back and pop out babies for him. It’s not 1776. It’s not his “job” to do anything on my behalf and I really can’t believe how hard you kids are sperging over someone just saying they would protect someone they love if put in such a circumstance.

No. 1690116

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Animu borzoi

No. 1690117

Honestly, I don't know why everyone is dogpiling that anon. It's normal and common for people to wish they could have took the place of whatever loved one died. It's also not that crazy to say they want someone to die for them, isn't that a common expression?

No. 1690118

>that's like saying my job is to get pregnant
No it's not, nothing anyone said implies that. You are summoning shit from midair. Dunno why you're suddenly backtracking and saying you're joking while simultaneously writing arguments to every response you received. Nobody cares to hear about your pet rape ape. Go to the nigel thread for that. The dumbass shit thread isn't the place to talk about your relationships, it's for dumbass shit. Though saying you'd die for your scrote is some pretty dumbass shit.

No. 1690119

based, source?

No. 1690120

Samefag but with that being said, anon should integrate.

No. 1690121

Do you think someone is standing in my living room with a gun right now? I’ve got bad news for you if that’s what you were expecting

Goodness lol this is being blown out of proportion. All I said was I would choose to protect him, and I don’t know if he’d take a bullet for me because no one has ever tried to harm both of us, and I’m also not gonna go wake him up and be like “heyyy so would you take a bullet for me?” just for an answer to a lolcow post kek

I really didn’t think it was so controversial to say “I would protect the man I love if given the opportunity”.

No. 1690122

Because this is the dumbass thread but that obviously belongs in the retarded thread

No. 1690123

The dumbass shit thread is just for any topic, it's a general thread.

No. 1690124

I don’t even know what response I’m expecting. This thread moves fast so often you don’t get any. Perhaps I’m looking for people to relate to. You ever meet a man and he’s perfect but lacks that sort of inherent aggression? It makes you think “if it comes down to it am I going to be protecting HIM?!”

No. 1690126

Uramichi onii-san

No. 1690128

Dude, you'd get better responses if you went to the vent thread or any thread on /g/ that has to do with interacting with males. Also no, I don't get why any of you people think you have to protect a moid at all. I'm pretty sure it's widely recognized that if it came down to it, you don't make sacrifices- you defend yourself. A moid will also be defending himself. That increases the chances of both your survival. You sound underage, I don't care if you are or aren't.

No. 1690129


I’ve been using this website for 5 years I’m not gonna become a lesbian just to integrate

My original post I posted here because it was about how autistic people don’t know what it’s like to love someone kek…and it seems like all the autistic girls found it and got upset. Also the comment I was responding to said “he’s biologically disposable, it’s his job in this relationship to protect you” and that’s an old ass belief. That’s like thinking “it’s your job in this relationship to give him children”. Your reading comprehension skills really are bad…

No. 1690130

>I’ve been using this website for 5 years I’m not gonna become a lesbian just to integrate
…No I mean your typing, anon.

No. 1690132

5 years and you're still this retarded kek

No. 1690137

This is literally an imageboard, it's made for autists, if you don't like it go back to reddit. Your reading comprehension is bad if you think that a male using his strength to protect the person he's married to for 11 years is old-fashioned and that being protected by a biologically disposable sperm dispenser means you have to give birth to his children (???). Go ask your moid what he would do if it was your life or his life on the line. I bet you he's never even considered it because he doesn't care. Go back.

No. 1690138

File: 1694098712118.jpeg (289.19 KB, 572x903, IMG_1083.jpeg)

I’m 28 kek. That’s embarrassing.

No. 1690139

I don’t wanna buy a different keyboard

>you’re retarded because you still experience love

I’d literally rather be “retarded” than using SSRI’s

No. 1690142

>brings up SSRIs out of nowhere
>brings up lesbians out of nowhere

No. 1690148

Are you high none of that makes any sense even with punctuation. Are you genuinely mad because I said that stating it’s your husbands “job” to die for you is like saying it’s your wife’s “job” to have children for you? That is basically what it is. Of course, it’s the 19 year old juul pod addict who’s always right, though

No. 1690149

Dunno man, unpromptedly ranting about your special interest (nigel) is pretty autistic

No. 1690150

You can't read and keep putting words on everyones mouth to make dumb arguments, I think you're the real autist here.

No. 1690152

Because everyone who’s upset at me for being in love with my husband and wanting to keep him safe is a sad traumatized lesbian, case closed

No. 1690153

I lost my earphones. I believe I have been cursed by my shitty decisions

No. 1690154

>19 year old juul pod addict
You are writing fanfiction.

No. 1690156

It wasn’t a rant it was a singular post that people continually responded with questions to, and I chose to answer them…

No I didn’t put “words in anyone’s mouth” I was simply comparing 2 different extremes and none of you seem to have the verbal comprehension to understand the rhetoric I was using and the example I was trying to make kek…

No. 1690157

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I wish I were the kind of retard whose anxiety makes them work out

No. 1690159

If you’re a grown ass adult having these childish thoughts then I feel horrible for you. I said 19 to be generous, y’know “oh maybe her frontal cortex is just nonexistent” but if you’re really in your early 30’s or late 20’s I hope you do some healing and learn to love others kek.

No. 1690160

What the fuck is going on in here rn

No. 1690161

I wish my anxiety made me do work the moment it's given to me rather than procrastinate until the last hour

No. 1690162

An autistic man-worshipper is trying to make fun of autistic women without realizing that she’s clearly autistic herself

No. 1690163

File: 1694099263050.jpeg (40.75 KB, 400x597, IMG_4209.jpeg)

It’s a party join us nona

No. 1690164

I dunno, I don't remember asking if you're retarded, there was no need for you to confirm it.

No. 1690165

A male protecting his wife isn't an extreme. Why even be married to such a creature if he isn't going to use his inborn strength and risk-taking to protect you at all costs? You've been married to him for over a decade and have never once discussed what would happen if there was a home intruder?

No. 1690167

Everyone throwing a huge fit because someone said she wouldn’t want her husband to die. Definitely a normal day on lolcow dot farm

No. 1690168

Anons are just having a dumb infight that honestly shouldn't have gone on this long. I think anons just need to learn to ignore things they don't like or at least not drag it out, the infight rate would go down so much.

No. 1690171

Jannies need to ban newfags and summerfags. Even when you report they do nothing.

No. 1690172

File: 1694099607089.jpg (44.68 KB, 640x359, 1c36aef4a2fa4d4ab18a323983c1ca…)

Yeah, can't relate

No. 1690175

He owns a gun kek, realistically he could just shoot him in the face or chest but I’m saying if someone was trying to kill him I would still follow my intuition and try as hard as I can to protect him. I just wouldn’t want my husband to die, I don’t really care if thats going against his “inborn risk taking”. That’s not a controversial sentence or an incorrect thing to feel.

No. 1690181

If my bf/husband died to save me and I lived through everything I’d be so fucked up mentally and probably kms from the loss and guilt. Like come on I hate moids too but if I’m dating one I want to keep it forever.

No. 1690184

No. 1690188

Imagine seeing someone you love get shot, watching them bleed, having to call the ambulance to come get them, breaking the news to their immediate family that they’ve died (just to save your life), having a whole entire funeral to bury their body, and then never seeing their face again all because you felt like it was their “job to defend you with his inborn risk taking skills”…I’d never be able to sleep again.

No. 1690191

Oh, I loooove muzak!

No. 1690194

Now speaking of real tragedy, there's a rock stuck on my rain boot's sole

No. 1690196

File: 1694101024091.jpg (31.7 KB, 700x700, 6011-0-the-humble-co-humble-fl…)

No. 1690203

I set myself the goal of reading 24 books this year, and have read five so far, which means I'm eleven behind. If I just sat down and finished all the books I read half-way or even three-fourths through so far, I'd actually be done by now. Monkey brain too weak to new shiny thing.

No. 1690205

No. 1690206

and use this on real leather shoes

No. 1690218

File: 1694102152369.jpg (127.06 KB, 1080x1310, crc1d5ma88q71.jpg)

What the fuck is even happening in the art salt thread anymore. It's only ever bitching about women looking too masculine or men looking too feminine and waah waah no one draws boys getting ripped apart! Guyse can I even post femgaze art without anyone getting mad?? No one gives a shit, just post whatever you want and tell people who dislike it to kill themselves, oh my god. And why is anyone arguing about morality with someone who's into furry gore, it's like pic related

No. 1690227

NTA, but even agreeing that seeing someone you love dying (and because of you) is traumatic as fuck, I also think the other anon who acts like she's the Prince Charming of her Princess Nigel is stupid.
I think women who act protective of and/or financially sustains their Nigels, etc, more ridiculous than tradthots, you are not being an "empowered yaass queen destroying gender expectations", but his mommy. Also, manchild failmale parasites have high chances of being autistic and/or trooning out/trannymaxxing.

No. 1690229

The art salt thread sucks, is there a thread on LC for anons posting their own art? I could've sworn there was but it's dead and nobody ever uses it. Somehow /ic/ is a better place to find women posting their own art than here. I honestly think the art salt thread is for the rejects even /ic/ didn't want shitting up the boards with their crab mentality.

No. 1690231

its the art salt thread, what did you expect? it's about bitching about art

No. 1690242

So like are jannies asleep or what.

No. 1690247

When you report retardation the 15 year old jannies redtext your posts instead and say you're "abusing the report button" KEK…

No. 1690250

Oh no, are you saying this from experience? Do they really ban anons for "abusing" the report button?

No. 1690251

If I was a dyke an encounter with someone like you would turn me straight

No. 1690253

there's one on /m/

No. 1690254

> Where was it ever alluded to, in any of my posts, that I only feel a desire to protect the man I love to “destroy gender expectations”
> Also the comment I was responding to said “he’s biologically disposable, it’s his job in this relationship to protect you” and that’s an old ass belief. That’s like thinking “it’s your job in this relationship to give him children”
And at no point did I say that you stated that it was ONLY because of that, just that it's retarded when your types acts like you're better than tradthots.

No. 1690256

Yep kek I've reported a long chains on infighting in multiple different threads and admin will usually do nothing abt it but the other day they banned me for the rest of the day with a little letter saying "you can't abuse the report button nonna" like wth…

No. 1690257

It must be really really easy to become a janny

No. 1690258

you arent going to get sympathy for men, no matter how much you moralfag

No. 1690260

File: 1694104072270.jpg (75.81 KB, 735x590, 253ffd674ff4805794c637baa85c8c…)

True-love-nonna and her special needs boyfriend

No. 1690262

It's well known that there isn't enough anons volunteering to become mods or farmhands.

No. 1690265

That's not what's happening though, it's just infighting about the most pointless shit. I started scrolling past posts if they have no image attached because I know it won't be worth the read. Maybe it's because all the cowish artists moved on to private discords or tiktok while nonas only browse twitter

No. 1690266

Are you guys done yet

No. 1690270

I do the same, for a thread about art there's barely any images in it.

No. 1690271

No, come join us

No. 1690272

Nta but a lot of anons have said they applied and didn't get any sort of response.

No. 1690274

It's hard to trust those anons because I've seen several anons admit they only wanted to become mods so they could dig stuff up about anons they had vendettas for.

No. 1690276

File: 1694104486969.jpeg (158.86 KB, 688x885, IMG_3838.jpeg)

Feelin real happy knowing that my ex is getting fat and looking uglier than ever. The same ex was emotionally abusive and said things like no one will ever love me, I’ll die alone, etc. He also used to strangle me in bed when I told him I hated choking. The only thing left now is now for him to break up with his current gf and fall down the MRA pipeline so he repels every woman he encounters and never suckers a woman to carry his children. Men like him should be forever alone.
Should I tell his current gf anonymously that he used to send upskirt photos of teachers at his school? Hmm.

No. 1690282

Wrong anon, nonna. I'm a fellow moid hater.

No. 1690287

>Prince Charming of her Princess Nigel
KEK it exactly how it sounds. Also, why wouldn't she ask what would he do for her in such a situation? It's a pretty normal question, but he might lie. Ask him when the moment arrives.

No. 1690290

If he still has the creepshots, you can make an anon police tip and get him in trouble m

No. 1690294

She said he owns guns which makes it even weirder that she'd get in the way of him and his gun in order to "save" him. At that point it's safer to hide and let him deal with the intruder.

No. 1690312

They weren't in his camera roll but they were in his Facebook messages, would that still count?

No. 1690317

I know you're malding like this because of Ready To Glare. You're the one who took that comment in such a bad way, own it and get over it.
I promise you your husband doesn't care and won't feel flattered that you spent hours arguing this virtue signnaling bullshit with strangers because you projected on some YouTuber and hurt your own feelings lol.

No. 1690321

I remember posting this and being like "everyone said this was me" and one nona saying "you sound annoying" like that 1. isn't the point 2. the point is I love being annoying
the update is still annoying, but this time for profit. I'm doing you proud, randomly critical anon. you will never know how much more powerful being annoying makes you.
go bother someone. I manifest it for you.

No. 1690328

Wild to find a handful of people beating the dusty skeletal remains of this 90's joke

No. 1690331

The only thing sadder than a handmaiden is a handmaiden with low standards (you).

No. 1690340

There's men bragging about watching snuff videos and CP on the streets of /snow/, but someone's angry because a woman who lost her husband and nearly committed suicide said in passing "there's no one here who is going to be willing to take a bullet for me" lmao. Not even just for one day, but for two whole days and she had to come to another thread about it. Why do women like bashing other women so much, and for the dumbest shit possible? Why take something like that out of context? Like, what is this? Is it a mental disorder? You think men do this shit to eachother? It's beyond autism.

No. 1690343

Yeah, this whole thing was kind of weird to me. It seems all like normal stuff for someone who's grieving to say. I think anons just blow things out of proportion sometimes.

No. 1690349

>you’re okay with being forcibly impregnated against your will because you don’t want your husband to die

nta but a lot of you never read the handmaids tale and it’s funny asl when you use that term not knowing what it means kek

No. 1690352

Most of you are either single or lesbians so why do you care what a heteroid is saying or doing? If she dies y’all aren’t gonna shed a year kek who cares

No. 1690354

You're the only one who's using this term, princess charming. Stop accusing everyone of being lesbians just because they expect their boyfriends/husbands to protect them. It literally makes no sense for you to consider women to be lesbians because they want a strong and protective man

No. 1690356

That's the reason anon started sperging about her nigel? It makes everything even dumber

No. 1690363


if you're talking about ready to glare if it wasn't a bunch of moids flooding that thread as soon as she came out with that vid it is just a bunch of vicious nonas. the reality is it's a mix. everyone has been so cunty to her though, everyone chill. she lost the love of her life, idc how much you hate her cosplay have some fucking empathy. you wouldn't wish that shit on your worst enemy.

No. 1690367

Yup, here: >>>/snow/1894177
She claims RTG "verbatim said that she would purposefully choose not to jump to defend the life of someone she claim to have been in love with", but she never even said that in the video.

No. 1690368

The only reason I know who those two boys are is lolcow.

No. 1690380

I mean i scrolled back a little and the original post just says "no one is here to take a bullet for me" which is kind of a weird thing to say when your husband is already dead. Not trying to criticize anyones grief but…with that context it does actually sound shitty lmfao

No. 1690384

Uh what the fuck don't lump me in with She-Ra princess of power wannabe anon just because I used a normal term are you ok

No. 1690389

I love how I just command + F’d and the word “y’all” has only been used like one other time in this thread KEKKK can we stop grasping at straws for reasons to argue now and just calm the fuck down

No. 1690390

Nope. I decided to watch the video, all of this is actually even dumber.
Full context: When RTG said "No one's going to take a bullet for me", she wasn't even talking about her husband. She was talking about not having any guns and feeling unsafe because someone doxxed her and sent her a threatening message during her grieving process. Her words were (from 4:00 onwards):
"Imagine me at home alone for the first time and someone is basically telling me 'Hey, I know where you live'. Now, the other thing is also that at that point, some of my in-laws had taken my guns, mainly because I was away for so long. So, obviously even though I do have a safe, part of it, I wonder if they were worried I was gonna, you know click noise. My guns were not here, I was home alone. I'm not particularly tight with any of my neighbors, and one of my neighbors I think low-key tried to recruit my mom into a cult. So like, there's no one here that's going to take a bullet for me, let me be clear, within the radius of my street. So imagine you're grieving, you're fighting the destructive urges you probably have, and someone says 'I know where you live'."

And then she talks about not wanting to play the victim, but wanting the person who doxxed her to think about the fact that they threatened someone suicidal to put them in a state of alarm, and says if they want to show up at her house and hurt her, it won't be easy.
So, this anon flew off the handle for nothing. Since she says she "doesn't know" if her husband would do the same for her and prefers not to think about it here: >>1690070, I'm guessing she wasn't paying much attention, heard the "No one's going to take a bullet for me", reflexicely thought "Me neither", was shocked at herself, then guilty, then confused and has been going through it the past two days mad at herself, but also mad at RTG for bringing those complicated feelings up in her. I don't get why she tried to insist RTG claimed she "would purposefully choose not to jump to defend the life of" her husband, since nothing in that video could even be taken that way. Might be more projection of what she worries her husband thinks.

No. 1690392

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No. 1690393

Is my ESL brain going insane? Isn't "take a bullet" just an idiom?

No. 1690394

I meant to link to this post from the pickme anon, cba to repost: >>1690096

You clearly do

No. 1690398

It is just an idiom.

No. 1690399

listen im nta who started this whole shit I just wanna go back to posting random things in this thread. pls stop arguing nobody cares at all, including the jannies who can’t be bothered to keep the site clean

No. 1690402

Stop whining. This is the dumbass shit thread, we can post what we want and talk about anons being dumbasses. If you don't like it, post what you actually want to see or hide the thread.

No. 1690406

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No. 1690408

File: 1694110802557.jpeg (38.56 KB, 400x266, IMG_4218.jpeg)

>Stop whining. This is the dumbass shit thread, we can post what we want and talk about anons being dumbasses. If you don't like it, post what you actually want to see or hide the thread.

No. 1690409

File: 1694110897363.jpg (14.34 KB, 344x529, 57b6f2719fd24d923fb3da0645296c…)

Lets go back at talking about squidward's homosexuality

No. 1690410

File: 1694110944632.gif (960.16 KB, 245x160, IMG_4219.gif)

Glee was good no one will ever change my opinion ryan murphy is a gross fag though

No. 1690411

Okay. You ship him with Squilliam or Spongebob? Or a random third option?

No. 1690413

I never got the hype for spongebob, one of the worst nicktoons in my opinion. Rocko and Invader zim are much better, and RockoxZim used to be my OTP when i was 14. I even made an AMV.

No. 1690414

Nice selfie, but no one asked for it

No. 1690416

This moid at my work unironically has 'MURICA tattooed on his forearm in giant, US flag colored font. Men are so embarassing

No. 1690421

File: 1694111199254.jpeg (1.72 MB, 3464x3464, 6EACCED7-0B6F-4803-9DC4-0F1554…)

You can only pick one, once you pick it, you will have to wear it for the rest of the year.
>angel wings
>fairy wings
>elf ears
>mermaid crown

No. 1690423

mermaid crown

No. 1690425

Squilliam. I disagree that spongebob is gay, he is just autistic
I never liked invader zim. Rocko was nice though.
Elf ears. I am a proper retard.

No. 1690426

Mermaid crown obviously

No. 1690428

File: 1694111347189.jpg (52.86 KB, 680x649, FwXcM_LXsAAChuE.jpg)

Anyway, the handmaiden anon is a retard, simple as

No. 1690429

Ouuu angel wings but only if they’re the big huge Victoria Secret like ones lol

No. 1690430

Fairy wings (but only if I can fly)

No. 1690433

File: 1694111489408.jpeg (91.81 KB, 800x886, IMG_4222.jpeg)

In a place where we can be whoever we want let’s be nice and chill out like these chickens and ducks

No. 1690434

Unfortunately the wings are really inconvenient to wear for a whole year. Im going for the elf ears. I hope I look good in them. This is assuming the accessories are the ones in the picture.
Squidward x Squilliam just has the angst Im looking for you know

No. 1690442

File: 1694111772273.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1170x1558, IMG_4224.jpeg)


No. 1690443

vulcan ears all the way

No. 1690444

File: 1694111811633.jpg (70.08 KB, 570x738, Midsummer Fairies - Snowdrop_ …)

Elf ears. They're really cute and I think everything else would be herd to pair with an outfit.

No. 1690449

Average FtM or he/they edgy BDSM twitter user

No. 1690451

autistic scrote in my class will not stop fucking quipping it's driving me nuts

No. 1690478

Oh my god I hated that when I was in college. My ex roommate was in the same cultural critique class as me and she would never stop talking over the teacher

No. 1690486

Is it a history class because it's almost like every history class has to have 1 autistic male that talks to the teacher as if none of the other students are there.

No. 1690489

not a history class but he could have done history in undergrad. he will NOT stop talking to the teacher, talking at me (i ignore him) and talking at the other people sitting around us. I wanna tell the other people here to stop humoring him it's just encouraging him to keep talking!!!

No. 1690501

I wish people didn't humor autists like that, it makes it worse for everyone including the retard who will one day talk the ear off of the wrong person

No. 1690528

File: 1694116105490.jpg (8.13 KB, 236x236, axaxa.jpg)

i offered to use my artistic abilities to two of my friends to design a cute logo for their business and they both went on to make something in canva

No. 1690536

I just realised I can come up with whatever into my cv, you really think someone is gonna check if I actually worked as a cloakroom attendant for a year instead of two months in 2011 like who cares

No. 1690554

It's probably better that way. They most likely didn't want to have to go into business with you and feel like they had to offer you a cut. I think people should only do business shit with professionals they've never met beforehand.

No. 1690555

NTA but it's a logo kek, why would she want a cut? You sound a little wacky

No. 1690559

i offered for free so they could have something nice and unique

No. 1690567

That's the key, you can be whoever you want. It only starts being scrutinised with stuff like degrees and high paying jobs which are specific with that they want.

No. 1690568

Usually artists charge for logos, but since she offered it for free, maybe they just didn't have the heart to say they didn't like her art style or something. From someone who's also looking to start businesses up, I probably wouldn't commission any of my friends or accept their offers either tbh. Especially if I can get exactly what I want for cheap/ free in canva instead. Don't take it personally OP

No. 1690573

File: 1694119743379.jpg (9.41 KB, 176x200, 1676673646820008.jpg)

the fujo cringe thread posters are so fucking annoying. There is so much shit to laught at with fujos, specially the delusional TIF variety, but one sperg is obssesed with hating on fujos for the most retarded, borderline insane bullshit that sounds straight out of some seething moid in the 00s angry at women for shipping his self insert sasuke with naruto. Genuinely unhinged behaviour, and more milky and cringy than the fujos being posted. Love to read it though, my favourite argument is ''fujos only read yaoi because they hate seeing submissive women being beaten and abused in hetero romance!!!1!'' as if that's somehow bad or as if men deserve the same rights as women, lmao. The twinks can get fisted by yaoi hands for all i care, doesnt make them women.

No. 1690578

Are you the retard infighting in the thread? Your posting style is obvious. This is the dumbass shit thread, not your place to go and cry and continue your retard infighting.

No. 1690580

Exactly, like I've done a lot of short temp things in my early 20s, had a bit of a breakdown and a huge gap in my resume but if I know some of these places don't even exist anymore…whose to say I didn't temp at a front desk for 6 months instead of 6 days? I still know the same shit, my mom also told me to list dead people for recs if needed, she's a sneaky snake sometimes

No. 1690582

kek what's with anons always coming to these threads to continue their fights. first the rapesock incident, then readytoglare video, now this

No. 1690583

File: 1694120605593.jpg (29.2 KB, 484x284, 1533079616293.jpg)

damn I went to sleep and I came back to crazy shit, not of the funny variety, what's going on???

No. 1690585

how am i infighting? i just think that other anon is heavily unhinged and i am laughing my ass off at her mind doing mental gymnastics to try to justify how liking yaoi is the same as moids(and pickmes) liking derranged maledom garbage like 50 shades. She needs to calm down and get a hobby, hating a group of women that much just for liking to see anime boys buttfuck cannot be healthy.(infighting)

No. 1690587

When an anon is dogpiled on for dumb posts they try and move on to another thread to try and continue the infight to get someone from a different thread to agree with them when they're unanimously shit on and only they're posting in their defense. I assume it's the same retard who has been infighting for 5 hours kek:

Isn't school supposed to be back in session in America?

No. 1690590

Infighting in a thread and then coming here to post how totally not bothered you are and how the other anons are crazy and totally only a single crazy person would think you're a retard is the definition of infighting. Why are newfags like this?

No. 1690593

Samefag, but with the threads not very strict rules, fragile infighter anons think it means they can post anything in it without risking a ban, including their continued infight or come to lick their wounds in the thread.

No. 1690594

File: 1694121232871.jpg (4.83 KB, 211x226, 01199387cb52d6af837fefc37b0be0…)

Everyone please just stfu..or else.

No. 1690596

my coochie pink my bootyhole brown

No. 1690597

I think school starts after labor day this year so hopefully this week is the week the summerfags go home!

No. 1690598

I like vaporwave artists that make more OC music than sampling or sample to a point you'd hardly recognise the original. like blank banshee, windows 96 and vaperror, they might still sample but the tracks feel entirely fresh. also helps I like edm and ambient.

No. 1690600

too many newfags where my nonnies at?

No. 1690601

anons have taken this thread as a "general conversation" thread because is the most active and want interaction I guess…

No. 1690602

Thank christ. I just want to post without underage newfags again.

No. 1690603

am a real nonny!

No. 1690605

File: 1694121462842.jpg (86.12 KB, 1080x1074, 1571493678490.jpg)

All Ya'll Getting Sued Soon

No. 1690606

muslimah barb

No. 1690607


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1690609

File: 1694121655675.gif (158.83 KB, 150x150, fangirl.gif)

i just find it funny, reminds me of my deviantart days and how scrotes used to get mad at yaoi as if it was the vilest shit ever and all fujos were repressed lesbians or something. It just gave me flashbacks to that and that's why i am laughing. It's not so deep nonnies, i just cant stop laughing at the idea of someone genuinely finding yaoi that vile. Women get shit on all the time for what they schlick off to, it's nothing new.

No. 1690610

File: 1694121703969.jpeg (73.46 KB, 933x932, 1580580711675.jpeg)

dis thread o m G

No. 1690612

All yall y'all all ya'll yall all

No. 1690613

File: 1694121996171.png (389.07 KB, 1535x920, 1679463877116.png)

No. 1690614

File: 1694122217941.jpg (62.26 KB, 688x387, 1643413673523.jpg)

my baby

No. 1690615

File: 1694122368842.png (125.5 KB, 589x612, cowben.png)

>All yall y'all all ya'll yall all

No. 1690619

Did you make this yourself or somehow there's another person out there making Ben Shapiro cutesy edits

No. 1690623

File: 1694122805122.jpg (33.21 KB, 363x1078, Bunny Ben.jpg)

My Love

No. 1690634

do you have the one where he's really excited to go see the barbie movie? its really cute

No. 1690645

Thanks for posting this, nonna, I really didn't want to have to go figure out the context for all of this kek
Idk if ur actually the infighting anon, but I just get annoyed that ppl sperg and slapfight in that thread instead of POSTING CRINGE. I don't hate fujos, the same way I don't hate fanfic writers and bloggers. But if a thread promises cringe, I want to see screenshots of cringe.
Not to be pedantic, but it's also the art general thread. I think it's fine to be annoyed if all the normal conversation not related to salt gets drowned out by or turned into infighting.

No. 1690673

File: 1694125871525.jpeg (442.9 KB, 1536x2048, F1muR58aAAAHB-F.jpeg)

is this the one nonny?

No. 1690680

Wtf is Fullah doing here

No. 1690712

Suing the amerikis. May Allah help her

No. 1690733

Can’t wait to lose

No. 1690747

That isn't retrograde that's living on a polluted dying overpriced planet while a bunch of psychopathic speds try to make everyone else miserable

No. 1690748

I used to be really empathetic toward autistic people until I saw even autistic women being completely emotionless toward other people's pain and suffering while amplifying their own and it made me do a complete 180 kek

No. 1690767

It's been hours.

No. 1690768

File: 1694132346659.jpeg (38.81 KB, 720x404, 1672096193993.jpeg)

No. 1690775

File: 1694133630471.gif (12.44 KB, 73x64, cow.gif)

Why is there a need to use the word "y'all"? this isn't twitter.

No. 1690792

Yall is not from Twitter you condescending bitch. Yall has been used on here since 2014. Your own association with twitter has nothing to do with it being a popular and not uncommon slang like stfu. It's lowhanging fruit.

No. 1690798

I hide the threads I don't like, but when will the threads I don't like hide me??

No. 1690799

southern anons can browse here too dumbfuck
who knows, it's been very weird lately. I live in the midwest so the brain fog around me could def be from the wildfires, I heard its even affecting texas. Can anyone living with better air quality confirm?

No. 1690804

A pr team has nothing on a teenage girl with after effects or sony vegas

No. 1690806

Toilet seats need to come with some kind of doggy door for the plungers. There's been too many times where I was plunging and some of the water splashed out.

No. 1690814

girly I'm from the south

No. 1690817

just like the OP you're responding to

No. 1690824

Fair, idk anything about her

No. 1690826

Ken Shapiro

No. 1690830

On the toilet dying again. Shouldn't have eaten all those orange Lifesaver mints. I should have watched Code Lyoko instead.

No. 1690834

File: 1694138792319.gif (121.08 KB, 336x388, Good-Morning-My-Friend-Gif-Ima…)

I really love this type of gif

No. 1690838

No. 1690842

I fear what i could have been if i was born a male.

No. 1690845

I keep reading this in a Drake-like flow. Go to bed.

No. 1690846

I have this thought too nona. Like what if I became a misogynist incel, an obsessive stalker, a serial abuser, or worse… a fucking tranny?! I feel like the worst traits that I have could have been amplified to 100x if I had been born a male. Thank god I was born human.

No. 1690848

No. 1690850

File: 1694139956788.jpg (156.6 KB, 3020x1694, 24204-istock-935705280.jpg)

𝕴 𝖆𝖒 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖘𝖆𝖞𝖊𝖗. 𝕴 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖆𝖕𝖍𝖞𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖒 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖉 𝖉𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝖇𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖗. 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖞 𝖘𝖆𝖞 𝖎𝖓 𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖑𝖎𝖋𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖒𝖔𝖉 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 4.7 𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖍 𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖘 𝖋𝖚𝖑𝖑 𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖙𝖜𝖔 𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖐𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖘 . 𝕴𝖙 𝖎𝖘 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖇𝖑𝖊𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖈 𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖚𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖕, 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖇𝖆𝖇𝖞 𝖎𝖓 𝖕𝖔𝖑𝖞𝖈𝖚𝖑𝖊 𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖉𝖎𝖆𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖐. 𝕾𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖘 𝖘𝖆𝖞 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖗𝖆𝖕𝖊 𝖆𝖕𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖇𝖚𝖞 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖒𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖗𝖔𝖈𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘. 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖆𝖑𝖘𝖔 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖛𝖎𝖙𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓 𝖉 𝖉𝖊𝖋𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖞 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖘𝖚𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖇𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖘 𝖔𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖚𝖘. 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖉𝖔 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖓𝖙 4𝖈𝖍 𝖔𝖗 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖑𝖎. 𝕽𝖊𝖏𝖔𝖎𝖈𝖊.

No. 1690857

File: 1694140431420.gif (181.23 KB, 500x281, B3DF1593-6096-4C0B-95A7-F0A131…)

Soothsayer, what would’ve been of my life if I had been born a moid?

No. 1690861

Just chilling on my couch and I see my 13 year old indoor cat walking up the patio steps to the back door. The last time I had opened a door was over 6 hours before that. I assumed she was sleeping. My yard is enclosed with a fence plus she has arthritis so now I realize there wasn't a huge worry about her escaping but suddenly seeing her out the window sent me into a panic I don't think I've ever felt. I do live a little rural so mean skunks, raccoons and even other cats are normal my yard but she seems fine and even wants to go out again lol. I still feel so freaked that she managed to get out. I check every time I leave and enter my house!

No. 1690877

I’d be so horrible as a male but luckily I was blessed with two X chromosomes so instead I use my powers for good

No. 1690886

Do me next please

No. 1690887

File: 1694142773167.png (991.03 KB, 700x800, ET suck my dick.png)

There's a new runner for ugliest nendoroid

No. 1690891


No. 1690900

File: 1694143879182.jpg (52.06 KB, 417x626, soothsayer-during-seance-sessi…)

ℭ𝔯𝔶𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔩 𝔟𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔰𝔞𝔶 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔣𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴 𝔣𝔬𝔬𝔱𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔭𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔣𝔞𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯, 𝔴𝔥𝔬 𝔰𝔢𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔱𝔩𝔶 𝔳𝔦𝔰𝔦𝔱 𝔟𝔞𝔱𝔥𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔱𝔴𝔦𝔠𝔢 𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔨𝔩𝔶 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔟𝔢𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔟𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔥 𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔪𝔢𝔫, 𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢 𝔞𝔱 𝔬𝔫𝔠𝔢. 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔠𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔠𝔱 𝔤𝔞𝔶 𝔣𝔲𝔯𝔯𝔶 𝔭𝔬𝔯𝔫 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔡 $200 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔩𝔢 𝔓𝔬𝔨é𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡. 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔬𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔧𝔢𝔯𝔨𝔢𝔡 𝔬𝔣𝔣 𝔱𝔬 𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔦𝔫 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔪𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔶 𝔡𝔢𝔭𝔩𝔬𝔶𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱. 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔨 𝔞𝔱 𝔗𝔯𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔍𝔬𝔢𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔱𝔬𝔬 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔢𝔡 𝔟𝔶 2𝔇 𝔣𝔞𝔱 𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔬 𝔱𝔦𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔥𝔲𝔤𝔢 𝔭𝔢𝔫𝔦𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢 𝔪𝔦𝔰𝔬𝔤𝔶𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔱, 𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔬𝔫𝔞𝔩 𝔴𝔦𝔫. ℭ𝔯𝔶𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔩 𝔰𝔞𝔶𝔰 𝔭𝔢𝔫𝔦𝔰 𝔰𝔦𝔷𝔢 5.8 𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔰 𝔟𝔲𝔱 𝔴𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔟𝔢 6.2 𝔦𝔣 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔰𝔬 𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔶.

No. 1690902

File: 1694144131158.jpg (35.04 KB, 831x577, PA_SEO_077_How_to_use_a_crysta…)

𝕯𝖎𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈 𝖇𝖔𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖎𝖓 '06

No. 1690907

Soothsayer, I am an autist. I only chimp out at my dad when he's already chimping. Please tell me I wouldn't be an unbearable moid throwing over shelves in the Walmart grocery section if I was born as one.

No. 1690909

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𝕮𝖗𝖞𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖑 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖑𝖎𝖊. 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖔𝖜𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖆𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘 𝖘𝖑𝖊𝖊𝖕 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖉𝖔𝖔𝖗 𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖓𝖆𝖓𝖆. 𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖒𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖓𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖆𝖙 𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖆𝖌𝖆𝖎𝖓. 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖏𝖊𝖗𝖐 𝖔𝖋𝖋 𝖇𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖞 𝖕𝖔𝖗𝖓 𝖆𝖙 𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖙 3 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝖑𝖎𝖋𝖊 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖋𝖊𝖗 𝖍𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖎. 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖊𝖆𝖙 𝖚𝖕 𝖙𝖔 7 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝖘𝖑𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖐 𝖗𝖔𝖔𝖒 𝖆𝖙 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖐 𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖞 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖗 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖆𝖉𝖒𝖎𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓. 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖛𝖎𝖗𝖌𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖈𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝕾𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖞 𝕮𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖐𝖘. 𝕺𝖚𝖙𝖇𝖚𝖗𝖘𝖙𝖘 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖓 𝖎𝖓 𝖓𝖆𝖓𝖆 𝖇𝖆𝖘𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖓 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖚𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖔 𝖋𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖞 𝖚𝖓𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖑 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖗 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖇𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖞. 𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖐 𝖈𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖔𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖇𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖇𝖔𝖞𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉 𝖉𝖚𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖑𝖚𝖓𝖈𝖍 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖈𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖕 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖑. 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖞𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖘 𝖆𝖙 𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖙. 𝕮𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖟𝖊 𝖚𝖓𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖓, 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖇𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖎𝖓 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖋𝖋 𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖑 𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖜𝖍𝖔𝖑𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖋𝖊.𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖘𝖆𝖞 𝖉𝖊𝖊𝖟 𝖓𝖚𝖙𝖘 𝖚𝖓𝖎𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖞

No. 1690918

Thank you, soothsayer. At least I sobbed in the handicap stall instead of becoming a workplace shooter. I probably deserve the rest of it for thinking the 3 katanas are "not so bad, kind of cool" when I read it.

No. 1690926

𝕱𝖚𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖉𝖔𝖗𝖐

No. 1690935

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Her expression is the exact same as Dylan Mulvaneys in that picture where he's looking at the tampon

No. 1690950

straight up looks like some mental movie

No. 1690951

can you do me too dear nonny?

No. 1691036

(Get Out, 2017)

No. 1691052

I tried to report CP on twitter but the update notification I got just said “view rule” like it was a glitch or something? Has this happened to anyone else?

No. 1691060

I love going back to my hometown. Even simple things like when you have to park and pay its common courtesy in my town to stick up tickets that still have time left on the machine so you can get free parking. A pay it forward mentality. I do that where I live now and people look at you like you've two heads I went up to an old couple to give them my ticket that still had 2 hours left and they wouldn't take it. So I stuck it to the machine and went back to my car. They unstuck it and binned it. Why

No. 1691065

I hate it when I'm just trying to be nice and people get uncomfortable and creeped out. Stuff like saying hello to a neighbour in my building when I pass them on the staircase and they first give me a weirded out look, say nothing and then just look away. Or when I smile at someone at my actual job, tell them to have a nice day, start small talk but they respond with an icy attitude or stare and say nothing. It doesn't cost anything to just… nod or something, or say "you too", I'm not a creepy scrote asking them to smile, just acknowledge my existence! I hate being a townie in a big city, you just get laughed at for even trying.

No. 1691066

Sometimes I wonder to what extent can you psyop men into.

No. 1691086

my grandpa died and my coworker gave me a small mango as condolences

No. 1691092

I just left pound townn

No. 1691204

>Stuff like saying hello to a neighbour in my building when I pass them on the staircase
I'm autistic and I fucking hate it when people do this shit

No. 1691213

Sorry to hear that, most of the world isn't autistic though and being friendly is generally considered a good thing.

No. 1691234

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Can coconut haters explain to me why you don’t like it? It seems to be pretty divisive and I don’t get why since it doesn’t have a strong flavor, so is it more about the texture?

No. 1691240

I don’t completely hate coconut but in certain dishes desiccated coconut can feel straw-ish.

No. 1691256

It really depends on how fresh it is, don't mind it most of the time but sometimes too much coconut is too much you know? German cake is not always that great.

No. 1691271

I like the taste but I dislike the texture. Just kind of feels like tough paper.

No. 1691287

I've started winking at my cat cause I read they like it and my friend called my name across a shop and I winked at them and we burst into a fight of laughter. Guess I'm not slick

No. 1691293

I don't like coconut typically, especially the kind pictured. feels like toenail clippings in your mouth. coconut yogurt can be ok but only some brands, or coconut milk in a curry is lovely but otherwise I'm not a fan. always hated Almond Joy bars, too.

No. 1691298

Makes my gums feel weird.

No. 1691308

Kiss my grits carpetbagger

No. 1691369

Kek, they're just bitter miserable assholes who don't want people getting "freebies". They're too proud to take "handouts" but they get angry at the idea of other people not having to pay for things. Their lives are uniquely awful, don't worry about it kek

No. 1691374

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I just want to wear cute matching outfits with my best friend but she hates that.

No. 1691381

Whenever an infight begins and I want to read it and/or join in I will always play No More Heroes Pleather for Breakfast. It's my lolcow.farm infight theme.

No. 1691386

Time for a new best friend

No. 1691389

I’m fuckin dyin nonnie. Do me next

No. 1691423

i love all the westaboo nendoroids they have been releasing lately, i fucking love this even though ET scares the shit out of me

No. 1691451

Being drunk and listening to my favourite music albums in my dark bedroom makes the dopamine go pew pew in my neurons

No. 1691459

ayrt KEK I ain't even mad.

No. 1691465

Soothsayer, I am this nonnie.
Please tell me my retarded male form I'm dying to know.

No. 1691470

Saw a beautiful monkey a few days ago, I need to remember the name so I can show you guys

No. 1691482

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I remember now. It's a red shanked douc monkey. There's colors are just very pretty, there's actually many cool looking monkeys. Look at that blue eyeshadow.

No. 1691483

i currently have 31 tabs open on anti-popes and each one is crazier than the next. if anyone needs a wikipedia wormhole 1000/10 do it. for example: Antipope John XXIII 's brothers were sentenced to death for piracy. he ends up being funded by the medicis (obviously)

No. 1691490

oh em gee what broncer is he using??

No. 1691514

as a non american i always get confused about the word 'doozy' bc it 100% sounds like it should mean the opposite of what it actually means. i can't be the only one who thinks this right

No. 1691537

sometimes i get really mad at genuine inflammatory stupidity on here and type up something while fuming but then i'm like oh i'm responding emotionally and even if it's not bait who gives a fuck this is ridiculous kek i shouldn't be getting this worked up wasting my energy on this. and then i delete my rant in the comment box and move on

No. 1691539

What's an antipope? Something like an antichrist?

No. 1691555

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There is a storm outside (a normal one) and I would normally love and enjoy that, but rn I'm really scared. Idk why.

No. 1691567

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Did anyone else who grew up in pretty dirty conditions find that a lot of their "picky"-ness and fear of trying new foods went away after being in a clean environment? Just kind of had that realization, although I'm still weird about a lot of foods. It's not anything I'm actively working on though.

No. 1691587

Actually, just the opposite.

I grew up in a obsessed with "cleanliness and bacteria" home and I am a picky eater too (though that may be caused by many other conditions I have).

Related, and not trying to be offensive at all, but I love to watch some youtubers that help other people to clean their houses. I think they are making a difference in the matter of mental health of those families.

No. 1691594

It's not offensive anon, I like watching them too. I like this channel and the Hoarders show on A&E.

No. 1691618

Common for kids of neglect to like a whole host of foods now that they aren't being fed slop from a can I think

No. 1691622

My parents always used canned veggies when I was growing up and the difference between them and frozen bagged veggies is unreal

No. 1691626

Yes, I even became vegetarian as a child for this reason. Food becomes a lot more appealing when you’re not worried about dirt being in it.

Though another part of the problem was the food was either super processed junk or bland. Just stuff to be gulped down rather than enjoyed.

No. 1691629

It wasn't really that tbh, my family made a lot of home cooked meals.

No. 1691643

I've had my tampon in since 5.30am and I forgot I was on period while I was at work (7-3.30) and now I'm on the subway and I've got one hour home. Am I going to die?? Its 4pm now, I'm wondering if I should get off somewhere and take it out?? Dumbass shit thread because I am a dumbass.

No. 1691646

why did a lot of us as kids think wolves were the most badass and cool thing ever

No. 1691648

The risk of toxic shock syndrome is still low for the time range you gave. You should be fine until you get home, but if you start developing a fever and body aches, reach out to a doctor ASAP.

No. 1691650

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I’m sorry but wolves are pretty fucking badass. Panthers are cooler though.

No. 1691653

Ah thank you nona, I've done this once before while working but I just totally forgot this time!! I was so scared lol

No. 1691663

Am I crazy or does the facebook "active" status turn on when you call on fb messenger and the persons offline originally? (like when it says active 2hrs/20mins/offline)?? Or am I getting played really hard lmao, some nonny try this

No. 1691676

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It feels so good to realise the women you're speaking to are radfems too. I don't usually get involved in conversations about trans stuff irl because I'm used to leftists people being pro trans and I cba to argue with them, but tonight I was having dinner with my family and my cousin's wife started talking about feminism and turned to me and said "you're probably cursing me out under your breath aren't you" because she was under the impression I was pro trannies kek turns out every woman on the table is a radfem, and we all spent the next hour talking shit about tims and complaining about the queer laws that got introduced in our country a bit ago
Sometimes it feels like everyone is getting brainwashed by troons, but once you go out and talk to people irl, you realise not all hope is lost and that majority of the people are fed up with them too

No. 1691680

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wolves ARE cool af tho

No. 1691681


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No. 1691685

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lolcow bad girls club is happening on crystal.cafe right now. this is the most entertained i've been by anything lolcow related in idk how many years kekkk

No. 1691687

No. 1691751

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They should give them something that says like “i fucked up peoples drinks for 18 years and all I got was this stupid pin” instead

No. 1691752

I looked at the lolcow hate thread and nothings happening? Wheres the beef nona kekk

No. 1708992

it really fucking is! god trying to get the fuck out of here before i get pushed on the subway by some junkie and damned for it by dipshit sjwtards

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