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No. 1619908

what ails you?
previous: >>>/ot/1612409

No. 1619933

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PMDD makes me wanna kms. Summer makes me want to kms. I barely have done anything this week and somehow have 10 mosquito bites. I scratch and scratch until it’s just a big scab that I get embarrassed of. I’m burnt out on TOTK and have no energy for creative hobbies so I’ve just been staring at my phone for 2 days. I tried a new recipe today and it sucked. Reeee I need a hug

No. 1619936

My body is in pain.

No. 1619943

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In 4th grade we had a contest to write a short book.
The best one would get published.
Of course they showed us examples of past winners.

And one of them was about a girl, of the same age, and her last days with a terminal illness.

Exploit dreams much?

No. 1619950

Same ever since it started being hot it's like I'm in a haze and I'm losing all the nice habits I built in spring. I've been having a hard time drawing and keep scrolling down the same sites over and over again. We'll get through this though

No. 1619951

Me too. My period is actually why I used to self harm and why I was diagnosed with bipolar, I SWEAR. Ever since I’ve gotten married and started cycle tracking and strict journaling it became obvious that my mood swings and lows are directly correlated with my hormonal shifts. It’s freaking awful, I literally have psychotic breakdowns sometimes. I also get really bad seasonal depression, but only in the summer. I always gain weight and get depressed because I live in an area where it’s too hot to go outside, even to go swimming. I’m a negative blood type so mosquitos eat me up horribly (also live in a swampy humid area so fucking gross) and I hate to go outside because of that. I actually need to go outdoors though just about everyday or I’m horribly sad. I thrive the rest of the year usually. I feel your pain and you aren’t alone in these struggles x

No. 1619956

AYRT and yep same type of environment. I used to go on long walks every day. Even in past summers I was able to at like 8-8:30PM as it was cooling down. This year even at night the heat index is 100 degrees. It’s killing me.

No. 1619976

I'm not like a child or autistic just because I am earnest

No. 1619978

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Mental illness incoming, nonas. Enjoy the fresh cringe.
I hate myself. I hate that I really enjoyed living with other girls in a dorm for two years. it makes me feel creepy and pathetic. I am a weirdo, a socially disabled retard worth less than everyone else that learned how to speak many years after other people, and I am sure they just tolerated me. I just tried to have fun and be inoffensive. Arcades, games, movies, restaurants, clubs, we went to so many places together. And sometimes I go weeks without thinking of them but I keep dreaming of them because my subconscious loves backstabbing me. Missing real people sucks especially when you're basically Frankenstein's monster, so even if you have fun, the memories are poisoned by how deformed, ugly, boring, and socially awkward you are. It's like for a tiny bit I lived as someone that wasn't me and the cognitive dissonance fucks me up. I loved my dormmates and I loved being around them. Fuck, I even loved the little things like walking with J to the store every day and joking around and gossiping. I rather have no good memories at all. For some reason "bad" memories feel completely numb to me in comparison. Fuck, I even miss my childhood best friend. I don't have the right to moan about that because she messaged me recently saying she wanted to hang out several times and I turned her down. I had to kick my own crusty ass just to send, "I do miss you though I've been dealing with some things lately!" I ran some simulations in my head, though, and I am convinced that even if I tried rekindling something, I'd simply be an imposter of who I seemed to be back then. A more bent, wretched me. I used to be insecure and afraid I'd be unable to live up to the times where I acted like a normal human being. But I tried, and I reveled in trying. I had pride. Goals. I never turned down an opportunity to have fun or chill with a good friend. Did I snap? Or was I always like this? I was born to parents that violently beat me and hated me; I wished for god (no I don't believe in god kek) to have it be so I was never born every night. To not smite me, but erase my entire history. Yet as I grew I tried to be someone and live the life I wanted. Now I want the blank space inside me to cancel out every other feeling. I want to go back before anything good happened, before anything happened at all.

No. 1619980

you have self esteem issues not retardation or social skill issues, reach out / take a trip to visit some of them. Sorry your parents did a number on you, don’t listen to the little voice in your head that says you’re broken that’s your parents talking

No. 1619988

I have a new job lined up, and am currently working in my chosen field. I've been working for this particular place for over a year and things started out great, but as time progressed I began to experience slight burnout…it happened in winter of last year. During this time I began to notice my boss blaming me for every little thing that goes wrong during the week, even when I'm not here. Granted I'm the "greenest" of the staff, but a lot of what she accuses me of is not my fault and it seems to be that I'm the scapegoat. I don't agree with some of her policies and treatment of the clients as well.

I'm basically waiting for my onboarding notice from the new agency. My interview was wonderful, I was hired on the spot due to my certifications, and the new company is just lovely. I will hopefully be shadowing soon…but I'm terrified to put in my notice at my other place of employment out of fear of my boss flying off the handle at me or making my last two weeks miserable. And what if I start the new job and it's worse than what I have? I don't know how to approach this with the most amount of tact and it's making my anxiety spike.

The bottom line is I just don't think where I am currently is a good fit for me and I want to explore other options in the field but my current boss scares the shit out of me.

No. 1619997

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I've literally been crying all night, about so many different things. I've been trying my best to push through, but here I am awake at 4 am and upset about things I can't control. I need to love myself more and work through insecurities, I need to get back to therapy.

No. 1620007

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I am absolutely sick of my dry cough. Every time I try to drink anything even slightly cold, I end up coughing for hours on end. All I want is some chilled water and juice to cool off in this scorching heat, but no! My cough has to ruin everything.

No. 1620042

I'm finding it a bit comical at how adamant sugar babies are in defending their "lifestyle" and that it's not prostitution "it's a relationship"

Yes it is. You may not be an on call escort to many men, but you exchange sex for money. You are basically a casual golddigger, a trophy without the wife part. And that's fine but trying to justify it as anyone else is ridiculous. In a normal relationship even if a man supports you, there is a real connection beyond the money, for them without the money it would be over. Please.

No. 1620046

i get what you mean but not every relationship like that is sexual. i dated an older gentleman (late 40s, i was 29) and we never had sex. he was just lonely, no kids, recently divorced, and wanted someone to travel with. we just went on fun trips and ate pizza with his dog. it was mutually beneficial for both of us because i was lonely as fuck but not emotionally available enough to be in a real relationship, and he was in the same boat. we gave each other company, saw some beautiful places, and made each other feel less alone.

No. 1620073

This is a stupid vent but wanna get it out my chest
Ever since middle school I've told people that I'm a lesbian (mostly because all my friends were boys and I wanted to fit in)
I do find women more attractive than men and feel more comfortable around them but I think that isn't such a big deal. Last year I met a guy who's hot and kept teasing and I began to catch feelings because of the attention and everytime I see him I get nervous and want him to think that I'm pretty but at the same time I can't look at us in a relationship like I only want him to recognize me in the moment not in the long run. The other part of the vent is that even though I find him hot and he checks all the boxes to being a crush in my dreams I don't see us having any chemistry. In fact all my wet dreams have been with women and I've even imagined kissing one of my girlfriends and her calling me love and that but like I said the dreams I have with him are just plain. I get jealous when I see him happy with other people but I also do that with my friend and I actually feel like I can be myself around her (but that's all friendships)

No. 1620092

entertaining some 40 year old divorced loser for free is even worse

No. 1620099

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Friends around me are getting married and starting families, and I'm starting to feel a bit left behind as they are starting their new lives. I'm happy for them, but idk what to make of myself. I have no interest in becoming a mom, not even a step-mom. I have been single for a few years now because I hate 90% of all men and the 10% I'm into don't like me back, but I refuse to settle so it is what it is. I would love to get married but I'm also happy with just me and my cat.
I know it sounds like I'm having a crisis or feeling old, but I'm not. But it feels like it all changed so suddenly, it feels like it was just recently we would get drunk on wine on the balcony late at night and joke about future families and all of a sudden we're in that future and there is no going back. It's probably me that is still immature and a bit lost in life while everyone else got their shit together. I have so many complicated feelings about it all.

No. 1620103

I love my husband so much… today he fell asleep and woke up in a panic and said "I love you (my name)! I really love you!" And then panicked about a bit in a confusion before going back to sleep. I've had boyfriends in the past where I thought it was love, but it was maybe more of a burning obsession mixed with insecurity. My husband it's more like when we are in the store I might walk away and lose him for a moment and then when I find him and see his face there is a warmth and happiness I instantly feel. I love him so much… I'm so glad we are having a kid together I am so happy.

No. 1620104


No. 1620105

That's so cute, sounds like something that would happen in an anime kek

No. 1620114

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that's so cute nonny, I wish you a long life of happiness with your nigel.

No. 1620120

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No. 1620121

Those women are suckered in tight into the patriarchy, be glad that you're not one of them. Peer pressure is the worst I understand that nonna but just remember that it's okay to not have a family. That it's significantly better to be a single woman, living your life free without being buried deep in housework and a baby. Live your life nonna.

No. 1620122

That is cute, nonna! I hope he stays a great husband when the kid has been had.

No. 1620129

I am scared, and also positive that these will be my best years of my life (discounting this stressful summer where I'm moving to live from my family to a shabby student dorm and looking for a job). Am at uni right now, at the very start of my 20s, have a sizeable group of female friends and we all get along great, it's a lot of fun, and a very big upgrade from my loner years at HS. BUT, something inside me just KNOWS, that after uni, we'll gradually drift apart, they'll all be starting families (or a majority of them) and so naturally they will focus on that, while I stay alone and at best, sometimes chat with my work acquaintances, having done a full 360, practically being back to how everything was at HS. This scenario feels so real that's it's scary. It's just one of those intuition based feelings that you just know are right.

No. 1620134

It's not that I feel pressured to get married or start a family, getting married is something I always dreamed of but the thought of getting kids is something I've always been open about not even being an option for me.
I think what I'm struggling with is all this change and feeling like I'm going to be left behind as they move on to different phases in life that I can't relate to.

No. 1620144

My hair is so fucking dense. If I even want to put it up I have to part it into 4 sections and use 4 different hair ties.

No. 1620156

My bf and I are looking for flats to rent and it feels hopeless. Like 5 hours after an ad was posted, it is already taken. Or the flats are either small, dark and stinky but at a great location, or big, newly renovated and nice but at a place where hobos piss on the street and people get murdered or robbed on a daily basis, no inbetween. We've just started but it already feels like it's going nowhere

No. 1620160

Having to constantly mask around my parents is unforgiving, I hate them with all my life and it's such a terrible lifestyle to have to live through.

No. 1620163

I think I'm quitting this shit show as soon as I get a new job. My manager kept putting off my staff time today because it wasnt busy. It finally got to the point where I asked of I should even come in and supposedly they needed my hell so I did. By the time I'm there the rush was already over. I help my coworker then ask to leave because they dont need me and I had some shitty family news that needed to be helped. It gets slightly busy so they tell me to stay. All I did was help with 2 orders then agreed to leave after them. My insane manager says I have to help clean the entire shop when I was there for 2 hours that I didn't want to be. Tell her that's bullshit because cleaning the whole shop is for people who worked all day. She tells me that me being upset over my nad family news, that I'm not happy smiley around customers due to her treating me badly, is not acceptable. That normally workers would be put on a week leave but I'm so lucky it's her showing me mercy even though I helped as a favor today. I was ready to quit then and there. Held it together just enough buy I still have work on Friday. I hate her, always have, she treats me and 2 others like crap just for existing. All their policies are insane. I get treated better everywhere but there like it's her personal vendetta even if I never knew her before this. Reporting them to the business bureau before I quit first embezzling some worker money too. Fucking assholes.

No. 1620172

looked at the witchcraft thread for a sec but had to close it because i can't handle grown women being stupid enough to think demons are real and assaulting them in their dreams.

No. 1620173

fuck em, don't mask and be unhinged

No. 1620201

Kek, I love reading that thread for this reason. Kinda glad people don't start shit there too often though because I think they deserve to be left alone. Their practises are kind of insulting to the history of women and witches, but overall I think what they do is harmless.

No. 1620203

A remember an anon who started a thread in /ot/ about summoning a demon to have sex with. She never posted an update, oddly enough.

No. 1620207

>their practices are insulting to the history of women and witches

No. 1620208

I looked him up on facebook because it's better to find out now than later, and unfortunately it looks like he has a gf and a kid with her. So yeah I want to off myself. I was genuinely attracted to maybe 4 or 5 guys in my life (just at the stage of talking to them) and every time it turned out they were taken and I had to forget about it. Whyyyy god, I had such a crush on him… Yeah, I think I'm right that there's no decent men in their early 30s who aren't taken yet

No. 1620224

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I finished my final exams, passed everything I wanted but instead of feeling relieved, I'm super anxious. I think I know why, I am coming down from all the energy stimulants I used to be able to study for 10 hours a day for over a month, I had no exercise and didn't socialise much. But now when I socialise it's like I forgot how to do it. Words come out jumbled. I can't get my ass to do anything but scroll phone or watch trash on YouTube. I don't even have motivation to play games that I was so looking forward to. My brain really wants me to use more stimulants but I know not to because I need my liver to not die.

No. 1620229

Doctors are shitty people, even the 'good ones' are just narc assholes who are better at hiding their contempt for patients. Had to get a form filled out for work, doctor (who is ordinarily 'one of the good ones' and someone I honestly trusted and recommended to others lmao) for some reason assumed I was trying to get welfare disability paperwork filled out and was so rude to me. Kept cutting me off while I was trying to explain and accusing me of lying over random shit.
>That doesn't make any sense, you claimed to work retail but now you're claiming you work night shifts? I shop at that store, I know they close at 10pm.
Yes you evil retard cunt because when do you think inventory is done? Floors are cleaned? Shelves are stocked? But no the store closes to customers at 10pm so I'm committing welfare fraud by asking you to fill out a form 100% unrelated to welfare. Then when she finally bothered to read the form and realized that it wasn't a disability form her whole demeanor switched back to nice doctor. All smiles, filled it out no problem and chatted with me a bit. I've never been treated poorly by her before and it sucked, I wasn't expecting it.

No. 1620232

Well when patients like you think all doctors are shit even when they're nice to you, that they're just hiding something, don't be surprised they don't like you either, BPDchan

No. 1620238

Nta but bitch what is your problem

No. 1620239

NTA but fuck off, doctors are well known to be classist/ableist assholes.

No. 1620242

The whole point is she wasn't nice to me lol. She heard the words "employment" and "form" in the same sentence and treated me like a criminal without even reading it.

No. 1620243

God I wish that was me.

No. 1620249

the demon turned her nasty ass down, sad

No. 1620254

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In my culture, I've to kiss everyone I greet in the cheek, all the time, men and women, and it's so damn stressing specially when it's about greeting men, I hate it. I feel so alone venting about this because everyone tells me it's not a big deal but it feels so wrong to me, it got to the point I pretended to be as tomboyish as possible so people would greet me like they greet men: shaking hands, no kisses, because I hate it so much. You know how many men have taken advantage of me because of that? How many awful people I was forced to physically interact with? I hate it, its hellish. Men look at me like I've two heads when I tell them I don't want to kiss or hug them, cause they're expecting it and you can see how pissed they get when I reject them, I got sexually assaulted by two men who also wanted to kiss me, I just want people to respect my damn boundaries, why is always so forced?

I wish I just could get used to it, that it went as smoothly as it does for everyone else, but physical closeness and saliva give me severe anxiety for some reason, it ruined my social life. I've been CSAs and assaulted so many times, as a woman, I just want everyone to leave my body alone, i'm not a toy

No. 1620256

Nonnies I don't know what to do, please don't insult me. I'm 35 married for almost 10 years to a guy I met in college, recently to find out he's cheated with a younger girl. Only reason he told me is it would seem she was going to do it. Basically spent months moping about until a friend of mine kicked my ass out to outings, shopping, cinema and pubs. Made a lot of new friends by wearing a social mask but my chest is going to burst I feel so betrayed. Now talking to this qtpie lesbian woman my age for 2 months who was really into me (we're incredibly compatible in so many ways and have similar goals) but I'm scared of opening up about what happened with ex husband. We haven't talked divorce yet because I can't be arsed ATM and he seems to want to keep a backup plan. I don't know if I should tell this new woman, I feel like it might get us closer to both know the situation and decide together what we wanna do in regards to it but she might also judge me or feel like a backup plan herself (I'm 100% done with husband, he's gross to me now) or maybe she just doesn't want in on my drama. please don't judge or insult me I initially had no plans to get into a relationship again as it's very hard for me to like someone but I've met this woman and she is simply too wonderful I don't want to lose this opportunity or for things to fizzle out.

I feel gross for some reason like I'm pathetic, I don't know why, feedback is appreciated but please be nice

No. 1620257

>Doctors are shitty people, even the 'good ones' are just narc assholes who are better at hiding their contempt for patients.
To this day 9/10 doctors I've met have been rude as fuck for no reason, one grown man laughed in my face when I was a suicidal self harming teen, just this year a female doctor called me a child repeatedly… I'm in my late 20s. Wanted to punch her but it was over the phone so I couldn't kek

No. 1620258

leave the country, not even kidding

No. 1620259

this is so cute nona, i wish for this

No. 1620260

divorce his ass already, don't let him ruin things for you more than he has
and tell her how you feel and let her choose for herself what she wants to do

No. 1620261

I feel like I live in a poor country where I need to use water rations with how often the water shuts off here, oh wait italy is third world. I needed to shower and I do something for ten minutes before and now it's off, used bottled water. Shiiiiiit.

No. 1620262

Same here. My family kept doing it too and I hated it, as a little girl I did not want older men near me. I still feel uncomfortable, I don't even like handshakes, I know exsctly where your hand has been, scratching your balls and ass and sniffing it, holding your dick to pee without washing it, I KNOW.

I lived in Japan and Korea for a while and they bow and although it took time to get used to it's the best greeting ever.

No. 1620263

Witchcraft is just what history used to refer to female medecine. Did you guys know women used water long before it became known as dangerous due to retarded doctors who saw water usage as witchcraft

No. 1620266

I am so pissed at my older sister for always over sharing about MY life to my parents (with obvious culture differences). She’ll talk shit about me to my parents behind my back and I know it’s because she can’t get any attention otherwise. We are grown adults but it feels like she’s never grown up!! I’m so mad. I barely talk to her and this is the reason why! Anything I tell her will be spun and reported to my parents like we’re 10 again. I hate that I have to interact with her and meet up with her because we are “family” when she’s done fuck-all for me and every interaction with her ends up with me feeling miserable.

No. 1620268

Doctors don't have to be nice to shitty patients who call them evil cunts (even if you don't say it out loud don't think your mindset doesn't show) for trying to sus out bullshit claims some patients try to make. They are there to treat your illness, they're not a customer service that have to smile through your arrogant attitude.

No. 1620270

I hate paypal and I hate their shitty customer support

No. 1620271

I personally prefer handshakes because at least I can wash my hands later, also hands are supposed to grab stuff anyway so I don't mind, tho grabbing moid hands is objectively gross regardless, they always leave my hand with a weird, musky smell. I wish I lived in a place were people simply didn't expect so much closeness to me, were I could just bow or handshake without everyone thinking i'm an evil, rigid cunt or that I hate them. At least I haven't catched a cold/viruses in decades

No. 1620273

Doesn’t change the fact that in the medical field there’s a disproportionately big number of sociopaths and NPDs in comparison to other professions, not counting lawyers and CEOs

No. 1620275


Nta, how it usually goes for me is I come in all smile and politeness, and the more polite I am the more the doctor thinks they can act condescending, sigh in my face and pout their mouths at me. People need to be cordial, doctors don't get more leeway to be counts just because they think their job is hard, which I'm sure it is but that's no excuse to become an embittered cunt.

Funny how when I'm not smiling and not being polite myself they tend to talk straight with me, almost as if they realize I won't stand for disrespect.

Please learn the difference between basic respect, rudeness, and being "customer service" as you call it, rude bitches

No. 1620277

My mom's boyfriend hit her with a water bottle last night after they got into an argument because he always critizes her food and she was just tired of it. They had a big argument this morning where he tries to deny hitting her and blames her for his actions. I'm angry. I'm terrified. My mom isn't one to be gaslit, though, as she has had abusive boyfriends before. I'm just unsure what to do because this one is stupid, she lives with him, and he has a gun. Should I try to discuss this with my sisters to make a plan on how to help her? I don't want to hurt my mom because she doesn't want to tell anyone.

No. 1620278

"Even if you don't say it don't think your mindset doesn't show" so now doctors have the right to act shitty based on paranoid perceived slights towards their illustrious character? Do you realize how unhinged you sound? Jfc just do your job, karen

No. 1620281

I got a chronic illness recently and have had to deal with many doctors over the past 3 years. Not only are most of them uncaring, they also refuse to acknowledge anything that wasn't previously thought to them, or that wasn't explicitly stated in their textbooks. They're so square and for what. Medical progress still happens so I don't understand why. Like I recently learned that many hospitals in Canada won't treat you for chronic lyme disease because according to them chronic lyme disease doesn't exist.

No. 1620287

Kek I usually met shitty doctors but my orthopedist is amazing and immediately diagnosed the issues with my spine and knees but also took the chronic pain of my joints and muscles seriously enough to test me for Lyme disease and even when the test came out negative he said that blood tests can give false negatives and that after some time I should get tested again, overall at least 3 times.

No. 1620303

Like >>1620263 touched upon, women were killed in masses for being accused of witchcraft, and women are still being killed in certain parts of the world for it. To call yourself a witch and claim you are being raped by demons at night or play around with spells and curses comes off as rather insensitive. None of the women who were often accused of being witches did this as a practise. These were words that came out of 8 year old girls who were tortured until they made up confessions about being assaulted by the devil in order to make it stop, and still get burned, beheaded or drowned for it. Women who were accused of being witches back in the day were simply women practising medicine, or just women who looked too pretty or too ugly for a man's standards or simply chosen as a scapegoat for a man having no luck in his life. I don't mind women taking back the word "witch" for themselves, but not by being as delusional about demons and gods like the Christians who burned them used to be.

No. 1620304

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Online friend's mom finally got a restraining order on his dad but they're all constantly worried the dad is gonna show up again and do something crazy. I genuinely wish I could help them but they live so far away that all I can do is sit and say "don't worry, I'm here for you." I just want them to be safe and not have to worry they're all dead until my friend decides to message me.

No. 1620305

Feels like I'm on the verge of having a mental breakdown because I'm the one having to organize shit with my friends all the time and I'm rapidly running out of energy now, but if I'm not the one making plans I will end up isolated. I hate this. I feel so lonely. But at the moment the thought of organizing something gives me severe anxiety because I'm feeling so fucking done in every fiber of my being.

No. 1620308

Learn to lie, cheat, manipulate and do this whenever you have a chance to gain anything. There's no shame in doing any of those things. If people offer to help you ,accept it, even if you know they expect something in return (especially men). You don't owe anything to anyone.
Today's world mostly doesn't reward kindness, honesty, hard work. You're taken for a fool and others will use you. I was punished again and again for being honest and kind. I got fed up after years.
Men always whine about women doing those things but I've seen plenty of men do this to gain a variety of things (climb up the social ladder, get promoted at work etc).
Take it from a mid 30s nonnie who was the kind,nice girl and who went through a lot of sadness and heartbreak and didn't understand why people are so mean and don't reward honesty.
Hard work and sincerity are things you need to keep to yourself and very close friends/family. Most people aren't worth your time and energy.
These are things I wish I had learned when I was young ,it would've spared me a lot of suffering and heartache.
It's an awful world we live in and the sooner you thicken your skin, the better.

No. 1620309

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It feels like I'm not supposed to exist. Like I was supposed to kill myself a long time ago and I'm currently overstaying my welcome. I don't belong here, this is not my place. Is that why I feel so lonely? Is that why I always feel like I don't belong anywhere? Has any other nonna felt this way?

No. 1620310

Fucking this lmao

No. 1620311

Prove God wrong and spit in their face and thrive

No. 1620314

I'm too autistic too act like this so hard work is literally the only way I can climb up the ladder at least a little bit. Otherwise I would end up on the street because I have literally zero social skills and no social net for support. But if it works for you, go for it anon. Just don't treat those weaker than you like shit in order to get ahead like normies usually do.

No. 1620319

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you belong here to bring forth chaos. leave a trail of destruction behind you everywhere you go, throw a middle finger up to whatever decided to let you live and make them regret it. survive out of spite.

No. 1620324

I used to be super socially autistic too but the shit I went through bruteforced changed me.
>Just don't treat those weaker than you like shit
most of those people are usually honest and kind and don't expect anything in return, in a way they are how I was and I treat them in the same way (good)
the normies who act like shit to them I make sure to punish if possible, as vengeful as it may sound, because they're part of the category of people who fucked me up in the first place Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.

No. 1620325

I don’t know if it’s the heat but I’ve been having such a hard time getting anything done, I’m currently unemployed and for a few months I was doing great, learning new skills, going out a lot and being active and working on an art project I’ve wanted to do for ages and had hope for the future. Now it’s like it’s all evaporated from my mind, i don’t feel real, nothing feels real and I’m getting nothing done and I feel like I’ll have to get a shitty job to survive soon because I didn’t finish my course or my art project soon enough. But just knowing that isn’t enough to motivate me and I’ve been just sitting here, eating too much sugar and doom scrolling for days.

No. 1620343

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My sister keeps wanting to hang out with me and I don't want to. I don't like her, no matter how hard I try to, I just don't. I don't want to force myself to hang out with her so I've been ignoring her. She can't take no for an answer, but if I answer yes just to keep her happy I'm doing myself a disservice. She has never in her life ever cared about what I want or my happiness. She only wants to hang out because "we're family" and because she's had a baby recently who she wants me to meet. But I don't want to.
I'm just kind of afraid she'll snap if I continue ignoring her, I don't know what she'd do though. And I don't know what else to do other than ignore her. I wish I could move really far away so she'd stop pestering me to hang out. Can't ask me to if I live in another country or something.
I don't want her in my life at all.
I really hate people who view "family" the way she does. I don't view her as my family. We're half siblings who look nothing alike and she pretty much abandoned me at an early age so the few memories I do have of her are just her annoying me. She remembers me a lot more than I remember her because she's a lot older. She doesn't even consider that I don't remember much about her at all because I barely remember anything below the age of 14, which isn't that abnormal is it? Well, she never considers things from my side at all.
She makes me out to be some traitor because I don't want to be around my "family". I don't think there's any way I could explain to her that I do not and never have seen her as family without her snapping. I didn't choose to be born with these people and we've never gotten along so why should I be forced to fake love just because we share some blood and grew up together. And we barely grew up together anyway. Your chosen family is much more important in my eyes.

She snaps at damn everything though. I just view her as this random woman I don't really get along with or have anything in common with but that I have a social obligation to keep in my life.
I think she's both pathetic and selfish for wanting to desperately hang out with someone who wants nothing to do with her just because that someone has the same mother as her. During all of this, is she thinking about how I feel at all? If I want to hang out with her?
Of course not. She's just thinking "anon is my little sister so she has to hang out with me and meet my baby because we're family"
Every single time we meet up we either run out of things to say (because we have nothing in common) or get into arguments (because we don't get along) so why the hell she hangs onto her retarded idea of family is beyond me. I don't understand a damn thing about her and she doesn't understand a damn thing about me. I've been ignoring you for the past year but you think if you keep messaging me this time I'll suddenly want to hang out with you? I don't understand why she wants to anyway other than "because you're my sister!". Yeah I am, so what? I didn't ever choose to be or want to be! Fuck, I really wish there was some way I could tell her "please stop contacting me" without a bunch of drama happening that I do not have the mental energy to deal with. Every single person around me but my bf will just tell me "you have to do it because she's family, you have to love your family" or because "but she loves you"
She doesn't love me at all. She just thinks she does. And even if she does love me, I shouldn't be forced into "loving" her back.
It's always the same with everyone.
I have to love him because he's my father, I have to love her because she's my sister. What if I don't love anyone I'm blood related to? Because I don't. They've treated me horrible all of my life but nope I have to love them because blood is thicker than water or whatever. If I could do it easily with no reprocussions I would completely abandon them and never see any of them again tomorrow.

No. 1620345

You should meet her but make sure you let her know you don't want to help her raising her child at all. Sometimes new parents will try to manipulate family into taking care of the kid for them. I know my family tried with me but I told my sister I would leave the baby unattended while I played videogames if she ever left the baby in my care. She didn't try anymore after I said that, but I could tell she was gunning for some free childcare.

No. 1620350

Tell her you're busy with work and whatnot. You have your own life as well. It sucks she can't accept that, but it's the reality. You're your own person and keep a reminder you have control of your life as well. Don't feel obligated to answer her right away. I have family who hit me up at first chance and I'll go a week without answering them because I just don't check my phone or social media. It's gotten to the point of me disappointing them that they do not reach out to me as often, and that's satisfying my life in the end of it all. It doesn't matter if someone's family, you have boundaries. You don't have to like or love the people you're related to because we're humans in the end and we can still disagree with many things, even if we grew up in the same house, because we have personalities and minds of our own. Gain more independence for yourself, anon. It's healthier for you and your sister. Don't give into her requests. Set those boundaries because later on, it's gonna a much easier future for you and your sister.
She'll be a more focused parent because she won't be relying on you to take of this baby she gave birth to. I get her cry for help, but she has to understand there's more options and people out there who are more than welcome to take care of your baby. Strangers. But that's a sign for her to be a better and involved parent instead of dumping a baby on the rest of the family.

No. 1620351

Bump. Fucking kill pedos.

No. 1620354

I need to figure out how to make my art look more moid-made and become too intimidating to talk to. If you're even a little approachable someone will inevitably show up and try to tell you what to do and I can't stand it anymore. I'm not even doing anything offensive and that's why I thought I'd never have these problems, but I guess issues can be found anywhere if you look hard enough. I used to share a bit too much on social media because I was lonely and it resembled human interaction, but I realize now that I don't actually want to talk with literally any of these people. But getting my pieces validated through likes and comments has sadly become a huge motivator for me, without that and the recognition I get from peers I end up doing nothing. I wish I had friends who shared my interests so I could leave twitter for good but I don't like any other aspect of friendships. Posting online used to be the ideal solution because I wasn't bothering any one person with my stuff and depending on them for a reaction, now it feels like everyone takes this shit so personally and wants you dead if you do something they manage to misinterpret. I also need to make a patreon because I've been sharing my work for free for too long and recently there has been more and more negativity about nsfw art in general.

No. 1620355

Heat sucks. Its awful. I am also in a heat wave. My deepest condolances. If it helps, warming up the core temp actually causes biological processes in the brain to happen. If core gets hot, brain takes control and tries to reduce core temp. Cooler core= melatonin up histamine down and bunch of other pre sleep nuerotransmitter junk to start circulating. Its subtle but heat does literally change brain chemistry and can sort of confuse the circadian rhythm. Cold exposure does the opposite (cold enough to lower core temp a bit) and the brain tries to raise its temp, starting a bunch of 'get up and go' type bio processes. It isnt just in your head, the weird slow foggy feeling. Also when I find myself scrolling in a haze, 20 or 30 minutes of zero stimulation/boredem like straight up sitting queitly looking at the wall seems to sort of refresh the dopamine circuits that I burnt out and helps me feel more motivated after. Lots of neat podcasts by Andrew Huberman who is an actual nuerobiologist talks about this stuff. Its really neat. Sorry for the un asked for advice, I hope the heat lets up for you soon. Sounds like youre on the right track over all and thats very respectable.

No. 1620366

Be a cunt and block on sight lol use the word “retard” casually, it really sets the expectation. It’s what I do and no one gives me shit, sometimes people refer to me as he, I don’t really like that since I draw plenty of BL amongst other things… Once you get rid of the parasocial underage fuckos, pretty much the only people approaching me are those who want to pay me.

No. 1620375

This this this. Digital commission Artists need to not give any shit and not show a hint of kindness. Be that artist you were intimidated to talk to at 12 y.o

No. 1620376

Do not share much about yourself, especially not emotional things. Remember that any gallery space you have is yours they're just viewers. If they don't like something they can fuck off. If Aidens threatens you for not drawing their troon headcannon or whatever you're dealing with, just tell them rudely to deal with it/block.

No. 1620382

there's an e-mail I need to read but don't want to, I've literally been anxious and avoiding my phone over this for 2 days

No. 1620392

read that email, nonna. the longer you let it sit, the worse you're going to feel. rip the band-aid off and move on with your life! you can do it! don't hold yourself hostage like this!
if it turns out as badly as you think it will, come back to this thread and vent about it some more. it'll be okay.

No. 1620393

Thanks for the input nonas, I hope I can become more cold and ruthless when I make my next account. I used to be able to shut any attempt to start shit down, but with time the accusations get bigger until it gets to a point where I don't know how to defend myself anymore and anything can make it worse. I'm glad I have no public online past they can dig into at least kek

No. 1620395


I know this is lame but I told myself "I'll post in the vent thread about not wanting to read this e-mail and if one anon replies saying I should do it right now I will do it that instant" and the contents of the email weren't the worst case scenario I was expecting at all, it's a relief. I unironically would've probably procastinated reading it the rest of the evening if you hadn't told me to fucking read it. So thanks, really.

No. 1620396

>I don't know how to defend myself anymore
Maybe you don't need to?
What sort of accusations were they? If this stuff is untrue you could always take the piss out of the ridiculous claims, JKR style.

No. 1620420

Kek I don't want to talk about my many twitter crimes, they are behind me now.

No. 1620434

Did you even fucking read the post? Let me guess.. med student? All of y'all I've met are low empathy judgemental sociopaths

No. 1620437

I'm cringing so hard at the shit I'm writing for my paper, but I need to somehow finish it today or tomorrow. I put it off for too long and now I don't have time to go deeper into the material, even if I wanted to. Still 8 pages left, how the fuck am I supposed to do this

No. 1620441

Understandable, I was just curious about what sort of harmless things twitter users get all worked up over these days.

No. 1620463

What ever happened to doctors taking on a duty to actually help people, ya know cause healthcare should be for all and stuff, now these motherfuckers think they've been appointed to make assumptions on people's choices and blame the patient

No. 1620467

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Oh nonas my heart is broken: today my beloved bird has passed away. I wrote about him last year maybe, he was sick but with treatment he was able to live a good life, until last week. I miss him so much, and his bird friend is calling after him. This was the right call, as he was wasting away, but I'm sad because my friend of almost twelve years is gone. Love you forever my little bird, I'll always remember you and we'll meet again someday!

No. 1620479

my condolences im sure you gave him the best life he could have had <3

No. 1620484

Most doctors decide to study what they do because the paycheck is fat and their moms will be proud of them. The moids have an added motivator in getting more women if they have a high paying job. If someone is a doctor purely because they want to help people, they won't be the ones treating their patients like garbage.

No. 1620489

Well yeah that goes without saying, these vultures will suck their patients dry with half assed treatments, buy a new house and somehow still find a way to act like they're doing you a favor. Talk about smelling one's own farts too much. Thank the Lord for the few with ethics or at least a decent attitude

No. 1620490

Well when your schooling literally trains you to forego emotions to make the correct choices in sudden life or death situations, you tend to grow a little sociopathic and are able to pick up on others’ emotions because yours are so fried. Say what you want about doctors bc they told you to lose weight or something, but it’s their job to heal you, not lie to you to make you feel better (it’s actually worse when they do this)

No. 1620491

my coworkers often complimented me and asked what perfume I was wearing (tom ford's lost cherry) and some time later they started to wear it too. lately it happened again with different scent. I know I can't gatekeep perfume but it's still a little annoying

No. 1620492

Also no I’m not a med student

No. 1620495

Wasn't talking about fat patients nonnie, just hanging out with med students the amount of judgement and victim blaming you hear when (again) it's not your place or your job, you're not a sociologist, you're a medic. Don't judge your patients and consider yourself a gift to humanity, it's simple

No. 1620499

Obviously in the case of a smoker or a fat patient the doctor has a responsibility to inform of the risks and act accordingly, but ofc they gotta take it too far. Just understand that when you've entered judgement mode you are no longer doing your duty as a doctor, you're being a petty gossip. Also doctors always start off with diagnosing based on the person's choices even when the problem is irrelevant, even when it doesn't make sense, just out of the habit and disdain they generally have for patients. Not to mention the few who read one article that talks about how say chocolate causes cancer and start vehemently and pompously refusing treatment until patient stops eating chocolate, again. Not.your.job.

Not to mention doctors not believing pain symptoms, Céline said it best, doctors believe all their patients are just bored

No. 1620501

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My life is shit, and I'm the one who made it this way, but I've had a bad hand of cards since birth. Like I'm actually retarded and I make a lot of mistakes, and I'll try to own up to the shit I do but how could I have predicted some of the shit that would happen to me? I know no one knows what's gonna happen in life but it really feels like I have some shit luck. Damn it all…

No. 1620506

It's the constant power tripping for me, like you're begging for treatment, no other professions has that many arrogant downright rude people. It's simple, you give humans the least bit of power over others they start believing themselves superior and dehumanizing the people under their thumb, what else is new.

No. 1620511

I feel like I'm extremely dumb sometimes. Like I just don't know how to be like other people. What comes easy to them comes hard to me because of socialization. Say you're interested in being a certain type of person, or working in a certain field, how do you be that person? I don't know anybody. I don't have many friends. How do I go out there and get to be in a room with a bunch of other people who want to be that thing as well? And how do these people meet each other in real life, like how do they all know each other? It's so fucking puzzling to me. No matter what I do, I still feel extremely alienated. I don't know anyone and I don't know how to be the person I want to be. Like say you want to be a musician or a jewellery artisan or whatever, and you don't study those things so you're not a in an setting where you can meet those people, what do you do? It's so mind boggling to me how people formed bands by going to shows and just talking to people. I feel like I missed a big part of socialization and am permanently crippled because of it and so nothing happens. Always sleepwalking through life.

No. 1620515

For some reason I'm freaking out about thought of having to get an MRI done because I might have a tiny piece of metal in my eye….even though I am not getting an MRI scan anytime soon. What is wrong with my brain.

No. 1620518

Thank you, that advice is really nice and actually makes me feel way better. If the depression has actual physical reasons it’s easier to see a way out of it and I can do little things to make it easier for myself. Sadly this isn’t even the hottest it can be for my country, the heat just came very suddenly. But I feel better knowing I can trick my body and fight it at least a little. Good luck with your heatwave too nona, I hope we both enjoy the summer despite it

No. 1620519

I need to stop talking to my mother outside of really stupid basic conversation topics. Can't talk about my issues like my anxiety, or any issues for that matter, because the shots did that to me or emotions because she'll just butt in half way through and tell me I'm being stupid. Really don't know why she wanted kids besides just a box to check off.

No. 1620522

doc says i can't get anxiety medication anymore. i didn't do anything. he says it's a new DEA rule. but i can't find evidence of that. oh well. guess i'll have to quit my job.

No. 1620547

I just got “it’s not you it’s me”d after trying online dating for the first time, 3 dates in. I don’t know why I’m so sad about it but I am.

No. 1620555

I hate when ignorant women with big boobs write that I, as flat-chested girl, don't want boobs and don't need them. Shut. Up. If they are so bad you can always go to surgeon and remove them forever but no, you don't do that. While I will have to do surgeries repeatedly, and won't even know if implant will be accepted by my body.

No. 1620561

Im so annoyed at the kiwifarms thing. I just want a place to read about cows. Now its getting shut down left and right because they have to be edgelords and "the last bastion of freedom of speech" where they can spew every hateful word under the sun to satisfy their little ODD brains.

Plus Im worried all the information they DO have will be lost if Null just gives up one day or something. Is there a site where its all archived? I dont really care about the forum aspect of it.

No. 1620580

Gonna try travelling carry on only tomorrow, I hope I'll be okay I'm little scared

No. 1620581

Are you sure you simply don't want to? That's my problem at least. It's a little soul crushing but I'm beyond over interacting with people or playing any kind of social game. Too much upkeep

No. 1620582

If you’re getting it through an app or other non-in-person ways, that’s why. They removed the ability to be prescribed controlled substances without an in person appointment last May. It was only meant to be a temporary thing because of Covid I guess.

No. 1620583

Please don't get an implant nonnie they are so dangerous and cause so many health issues it's hard to even count. Small boobs are beautiful

No. 1620586

Unironically get checked for autism, you're probably an aspie.

No. 1620594

Okay I have a dilemma, I don't like my mom's she's annoying, has the brain of a 10 year old, always treated me like shit and gave me so much trauma I don't even wanna get into it but it's all due to her stupidity and underdeveloped emotional state. Same with my dad who's been a very selfish person and who hurt me a lot when I was a kid. Also they never appreciate me and are always saying nice things about other people's kids esp my mom even when I know for a fact I'm better than those kids, it's like the grass is always greener. Type of mom to say "wow those kids are so well behaved they never even move" when she has only seen them for 5 minutes. Absolutely dumb and she has always been like this. It makes me so tired and sad because I never got to experience what a mother should actually be like imo, I wish I could want kids so that I'd treat them the way I wanted to be treated but I hate the notion of childbirth and it's not really that appealing to me, I just wish It could somehow fix that part of me.

Anyway my dilemma is relative to how I think about parents, I'll probably be making decent money and they will be waiting for me to settle their medical bills and take care of them -pretty much only reason they had kids I think, aside from just social norms- I don't think it's fair as I personally would never expect that from a kid. But truth is they did sacrifice a lot, sometimes they do something for me that requires sacrifice and I feel so guilty and pity them a lot, but it still doesn't change the fact that I hate them as people and wish I was never born to them. Like I absolutely despise them.

How can I be happy? Do I do the stoic thing and forgive and do my duty? Would I feel better if I just did me and never cared about them living or dying? Would I regret it later if they died? Please answer me

No. 1620596

That's me as well. In my case, I'm not sure if it's a result of a complex PTSD or I'm just an autist as suggested but I live like I was born a week ago.

No. 1620598

Roll your clothes so you can fit more in your bag

No. 1620599

I made rhubarb pie for my friend since he gave me the rhubarb but he didn't come eat the pie like he said he would and now I'm stuck with pie I don't want. I don't even like rhubarb. What a waste.

No. 1620601

> Small boobs are beautiful
I will agree with this only when men will start to consider me fuckable.

No. 1620603

Dont base your self worth on men's opinions.

No. 1620613

I've been waiting 3 hours for a service man to come set up a utility and no one's shown. In 5-10 minutes the appointment will have been up. I'm pissed to say the least that this is how I'm spending my day off.

No. 1620616

Fuck men, plenty of them will take what they can get, some of them like small boobs. And none of them are worth this, you're setting yourself up for failure but I hope you outgrow it.

No. 1620618

Not to be harsh but I guarantee it has nothing to do with your boobs and more to do with things like weight, hygiene, or how you present yourself. Not that it should matter ofc

No. 1620622

I want to. I just don't know how to. Sometimes I want to ask people how but it always seemed like one of these things you're supposed to know instinctively.
There's a lot I want to do and be but it's so puzzling. The mechanics of socialization, of being around the right people at the right time. I don't know.

No. 1620632

gay men who go into psychiatry and put pronouns in their email signatures are as evil as the straight kind, actually

No. 1620635

i love rhubarb. wish i got pie.

No. 1620640

yeah but I've been to the office in person so idk what the deal is.

No. 1620641

Pathetic. I picture you reading a moid say "chestlets aren't human" and you cried for days kek

No. 1620646

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I probably whine about this all of the time at this point. But I just can’t fucking believe how my family will bend over backwards so my brother can stay being a lazy fuck at home.
I don’t give a tiny single little fuck if he has to live for the rest of his life in a house full of roaches. But I fucking hate how he’s unable to do anything at home, even if his girlfriend is staying with us, he treats her like a maid, and I always make sure to tell her that such things are unfair and that he’s being a misogynistic piece of shit.
But love does manage to cloud anyone’s brains I guess.
So now I have to take care of the house while the maid that helps us at home is sick.
I literally don’t mind doing any housework, I had to learn how to do things properly on my own during the pandemic after all, I actually help the maid throughout the day when I don’t have a job because it’s just common sense, you know, not wanting the house to look like shit and making sure the maid isn’t doing absolutely all of the work because she’s a human and she gets tired as well.
I told my aunt that I will need him to at least do the dishes at night, since it’s when he gets home, because I will be tired as fuck cleaning the house, washing clothes, ironing clothes, making all of the meals of the day and the meals of the next day so his assness can go to work.
But she told me that I was being unreasonable because he was raised to never do anything and that I can’t change those paradigms he has about housework.
Like. what?
I find it funny that my family tells me that I’ve always been a feminist because I have common sense, and I’m being told I’m a feminist in a pejorative way. Because I don’t want to be my brother’s maid, I absolutely hate, despise, deplore, how my brother is unable to do a tiny bit more than the bare minimum and, I don’t know, take the dirty dishes he used to the kitchen or clean his ducking toilet.
But what I hate the most it’s how my family thinks this is all funny and just a silly thing and that I’m being dramatic and unreasonable.

No. 1620652

Plenty of men and women prefer small boobs, were you not around in the DFC days?

No. 1620658

We're the opposite. My boobs are so small that doctors around me wanted to pressure me into gettinf implants but I always refused. At that point I think that was the right choice because very soon after they gave up on me about this whole boob job thing there was a scandal over defective implants bursting inside women's bodies and the liquid giving cancer to the women, especially to women who recently got the surgery and became cancer free. So what you want for any stupid reason you want but be careful, a boob job is still a medical procedure with risks.

No. 1620662

i met one of my favourite bands yesterday and i was nervous and barely smiled (i am bad at smiling and often think i am smiling when i'm not) i kind of feel bad for making them interact with me so hopefully they've forgotten i exist

No. 1620664

Don't worry nonna, as long as you weren't batshit insane I'm sure they remember you as a pleasant fan. The true fan cringe is being overly familiar and stalker-y.

No. 1620686

I hate being a weird outcast everywhere I go no matter how hard I try to appear approachable and well adjusted. I always have people telling me how strange and off putting I am and Im so sick of it, I tried so hard to befriend my coworkers and they always exclude me and make me the butt of every joke. Im just gonna stop trying to be friendly and normal and tell people what I really think

No. 1620699

i wish my family had been honest with me about how people really are and how the world really works. i was raised, like i am sure many people are, to believe that being kind and generous and a good person will make life easier. but in reality being kind and generous and a good person just puts a target on your back. there are so many evil, amoral, degenerate motherfuckers walking around in the world and no amount of goodness will stop them or make them NOT hurt you. in fact sometimes just being nice to them makes them even angrier, it's very strange. and the sad thing is, when i look back on my childhood memories, i saw so many of the adults in my life having the same issues over and over again - being good and then being taken advantage of, people backstabbing them, betraying them. it's like they never learned. and i remember too, my family giving me a hard time for not trusting people or having negative reactions to certain individuals who would inevitably hurt them in someway. i've had to unlearn a lot of this stupid conditioning the hard way. i think you should be a good person, but you should also be aware of how terrible most people are and be prepared accordingly to deal with their bullshit. because sometimes just doing the right thing, having values, standing true to what you believe will automatically have sadistic vultures swooping in to attack you. the world is a very sad and cruel place and if i ever have kids i will make sure to teach them everything i've learned.

No. 1620713

I feel the same but I'm autistic

No. 1620718

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i'm living with my mom for the summer while i'm not at my college and i thought it would be nice but it's just not. everytime we interact it's so hard not to think of all the times we've fought, all the names she's called me, all the times she's hit me, etc. it's weird because even when we're having a genuinely nice interaction that's all i can think of. we don't argue nearly as much as we used to but when we do it's a huge blowout and will take a lot out of me for a few days. i love her and would say that we're close regardless of this but it just makes it difficult either way.

idk what i was expecting. i think not living with her for the past 9ish months made me think it would be different

No. 1620720

I can't stand being alone anymore

No. 1620726

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I just went to some AI character chat to flert a little with my husbando and the gayass bot rejected me. I humor the bot a little and, accidentally, I enter on a tangent about religion and the true meaning of being lonely. The bot says that my husbando is gay and would never be with me or even touch me.
I'm about to punch the wall.

No. 1620748

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My cat died this week because of my mom's negligence having something toxic just lying on the ground where the cat could eat it. But she doesn't understand why I'm so torn up over "just a cat".
I miss him so much it hurts. I miss how he would come running to me when I came home everyday. He knew what time I usually come home so he would sit by the door and wait until he heard the gate open. Even on my worst days once I saw him coming to greet me I would start to feel better. Now when I open the gate I still half expect to see him running towards me meowing excitedly and then the realization hits me that he'll never do that again. He just turned 1 last month.
Rip my sweet kitty.

No. 1620755

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I'm so sorry nonna my sweet cat also died suddenly due to parvo so I understand I'm so sorry for your loss and may your sweet kitty rest in peace

No. 1620761

My heart breaks for you and your baby anon. Sudden loss is fucking harsh. Make a little shrine for him with happy memories and favorite treats.

No. 1620775

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I hurt my neck somehow and it’s bugging the fuck out of me

No. 1620777

Sorry for ur loss as well nonnie, may both our kitties have infinite cat treats in cat heaven
You've given me a great idea Nona, I will print out his cutest photos and make a small album just for him and decorate it

No. 1620778

I feel so bad for you and your kitty. Your mom probably feels guilty and defensive about it and said something so unempathetic. I know how you feel, pet loss just destroys me.

No. 1620779

I’m so fucking sorry anon, my heart hurts for you. Fuck your mom for doing that and behaving like that. May your baby rest in piece in kitty heaven.

No. 1620785

im fucking retarded and gained 10lbs in like two weeks trying to ‘eat normal’ and today i fucked ip even more by purging and then immediately taking two laxatives which is fucking RETARDED why did i do that im laying on the bathroom floor in pain literally I am so stupid

No. 1620793

true, going on free vacations with someone who you don't find gross and doesn't try to force you to have sex constantly is gross

No. 1620795


No. 1620821

if it annoys you, get someone who is good at cutting thick and/or curly hair to put in layers. don't trust anyone that doesn't look like they have your hair type though, still growing out the weird shit that woman did

No. 1620835

I took a look at what posts my ex was liking on social media and what do you know… a post defending pedophiles and another one that's whiteknighting sex workers. Words cannot describe how much he disgusts me. Seriously. At this point I think I'm only browsing out of pure loneliness and wishing I had that kind of companionship again with another human being. But I wouldn't want to be friends with him anymore now knowing the kind of person he really is. He is also one step away from fully trooning out. Can't believe I used to think I was in love with this creep.

No. 1620855

I have realized I didn't truly understand the fear of losing a pet until now. I have a 9 month old kitten and I love him to death, I have never cared for a creature as much as I care for him and we are very tightly bonded. Through the years I've always hade more friends that owned cats than dogs, which means I've experienced a lot of cat deaths due to negligence, sickness, age or just them plainly running away so I occasionally get hit by the fear of him getting hurt or dying before his time even though he's a very healthy indoor cat.

No. 1620872

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When I was 14 years old I had an account on a forum. I had beef with another user on this forum because he was posting about me in 4chan threads and calling me annoying. In response I took a photo of myself with a timestamp. It had my username on it and it said You Will Never Be A Woman (the guy harassing me was trans) because I was a retard 14 year old. I deleted my account on the forum of photo is still floating around in the 4chan archives years later.
I’m seriously afraid that it’s gonna come back to haunt me. I’m concerned about my digital footprint. I’m about to apply for college and I’ll worry they’ll figure it up somehow. The 4chan archive says I need to email them for takedown requests but they don’t have a contact email up

No. 1620875

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play stupid games win stupid prizes i get it. but holy shit i hate hate HATE this surge of transmasc "femboy" shit. now THIS is draw a girl call ti a boy. go away you absolute donkeys reeeeee

No. 1620881

Aren’t transmasc and femboy literal opposite things? Gendies have lost the plot

No. 1620885

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Will smoking weed once or twice a week as an eighteen year old actually make me me retarded and stunt my brain development

No. 1620886

And it’s just green Kagamine Len. Could have skipped 9 levels of mental illness and embrace being a shotafag.

No. 1620889

It’s probably fine. It can easily make you lazy and complacent though. Which in turn could cause you to not stay properly mentally stimulated and disciplined, which in turn stunts your development.

No. 1620896

i know exactly where you’re coming from anon i have my fair share of weird shit online but I’m telling you if it doesn’t show up with a search of your full legal name or anything easily associated with you (like the email you applied with/very public social media) they will not give a fuck. I used to be so paranoid until I got my corporate job and realized the only people who get their dirt dug up are actual retards who post themselves in blackface on Facebook or ultra famous people/cows that people have time to spend hours researching

No. 1620898

It's probably fine since your face changes as you get older so you probably won't be recognizable anymore. Unless the forum is related to your current interests or can be tracked down to you with identifiable personal information I think it's nothing to worry about. But holy shit, what a weirdo. Imagine harassing a 14 year old girl, while larping as a woman, and posting about it on the most malebrained website. Such feminine behaviour.

No. 1620899

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i live by this quote as a 22 y/o adult. IMO weed should be a fun occasional thing like drinking alcohol, stoners who have to smoke every day as soon as they wake up are retarded, I don’t even think the weed fries their brain I think it just makes them assholes who think they’re so edgy and enlightened when really they’re fat and lazy

No. 1620902

Just depends on the type of person you are. It probably won't enlighten you, but if you want to prevent getting lazy and sleepy you should use sativa instead of indica.

No. 1620904

this is the shit the stoners im talking about always say lmao what possible reason could you have for needed to be high on a daily basis (besides pain management I’ve heard but I also feel like people love to lie about that as well)

No. 1620906

I am so tired of being support system for my friend without getting anything back. I always support her when she depressed (majority of time) and I get happy and celebrate it with her when something good happens to her.

Meanwhile if I am going through difficult times she just compares it to her situation and how much worse she is having it.
If something good happens to me (I have been given a small raise and new opportunities at work) she complains about how her job sucks.

I feel like shit for this but fuck it - she is lazy, spoiled and entitled. She is given tons of opportunities to make better of her situation but she won't. Yes she is suffering through depression but at the same time acts holier than thou and won't visit a therapist and tries to convince me to stop visiting my therapist. Won't do anything but stay in her status quo and constantly complain complain complain.
No, genetics are not the reason why you are fat, you are fucking lazy and entitled. You have been given an opportunity to get a job at a better company but you didn't even write a CV and chose to stay at a place that makes you miserable working a dead-end job. Instead of doing anything that would stop making you complain so much, you develop a main character syndrome.

It's getting really tiring but I feel bad if I cut ties with her because we have been friends for 15 years…

No. 1620907

I really can’t recommend pet insurance enough especially if you only have one cat. You’ll never not be able to afford their care unless they get FIP.

No. 1620909

This is why I’m against legalizing recreational cannabis, the only people who need to be blazed all day are too chronically ill to be doing anything else with their lives.

No. 1620911

PTSD is another one, some people medicate all day everyday to stave away flashbacks. Most people I know who smoke an insane amount of weed have ptsd in addition to some chronic pain issue.

No. 1620912

>don’t legalize recreational use for everyone because a select few abuse it
Makes sense, might as well also be in support of the prohibition era again too since alcohol does more damage.

No. 1620916

I'm not one to tell people what to do with their lives, but if people can be alcoholic, drive under the influence and kill hundreds of people every year, I think people should be also able to smoke everyday if they want and can afford.

No. 1620923

I do have a Reddit account with the same username but I have not posted my name/face on there

No. 1620926

I think you should be fine, also, you were 14, so if anyone ever finds out you can say you were harassed by a pedophile and that's why you posted it (which is true, you were harassed), that should shut down any conversation about it unless you're dealing with a super ultra woke person (aka nobody that actually matters in academia unless you're gunning for a social studies career)

No. 1620927

had to have a tough talk with my husband
it went well and i am happy to get it over with but that residual dread of bringing up sensitive topics is still lingering
i wish i didn't feel awful about any sort of conflict

No. 1620955

Legalizing it doesn’t mean everyone will suddenly start smoking all day. I live in a state where it’s completely illegal even medically and tons of people still smoke constantly so I don’t see a point in being for prohibition.

True I think those people are so much better off than being on other pharmaceutical drugs. I quit weed last month because I noticed I started smoking too often. It was really helpful for my mood instability and irritability but worsened my depression somehow. I think I might pick it up again after a while and only smoke during my PMDD hell week

No. 1620956

My boyfriend annoys me I don’t want him to talk to me but he keeps on

No. 1620958

Personally I'd delete the reddit account just in case and deny the 14 year old girl is me if it somehow ever came up unless you have super striking unique features or something.

No. 1620967

I'm trying to finish this stupid assignment and actually grasping at straws. I feel like a huge part has inadvertedly turned into me arguing against something that hasn't been said, just because other sources argue with the same strawman. I wish I could think this through clearly, but there are so many small articles that I can't think straight and I have to finish today. Whatever, I don't care about the grade anymore. I just want to reach the page limit and be done and hopefully pass so I won't have to redo this class.

No. 1620981

I agree, you are so stupid

No. 1620994

I'm so fucking pissed at my doctor, EVERY time I go there something goes wrong.
I had "laryngitis" and couldn't talk, only whisper, and my job is to talk on the phone. So I go to the doctor for treatment and the papers for a day off. The appointment was at 4pm Wednesday, and she told me that by FRIDAY I should be fine. So I understood it as "stay at home until Friday", which I did. Apparently this bitch meant GO TO WORK THE NEXT DAY. I wasn't better the next day and since I understood that I have to stay home on Thursday too, I didn't call her.

It's been almost a week, I'm STILL not better and her diagnosis was wrong and now I got shit from my boss for missing a day of work even though I had a good reason and now I might lose my fucking job. Something goes wrong EVERY.FUCKING.TIME.

No. 1621001

what the FUCK is going on in france?
why the fuck does the media gloss over the fact that that 17 year old had a record and wasnt cooperative in the police chase?
why do these people want to make an aggressor a martyr so badly?
you fuck up with riots to protest the death of someone who's not ok in the first place. jeez, that will SURELY make people care about you and your group
cant fucking believe how much France has fallen

No. 1621004

>can't believe how far france has fallen
stop being dramatic it's just some fuckers burning cars. do you even live there?

No. 1621022

My whole life I thought I was 164 cm, then the doctor told me to pull in my belly and turned out I'm 166 cm, but today I've been to another doctor and when she measured my height it was 167 cm! I will never know what my actual height is AAAAA

No. 1621024

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I'm so jealous, I always hope they tell me I'm taller but I am stuck in the same stupid midget height

No. 1621025

I'm so tired. I don't even care about troonery anymore, I just want people in my circle to stop bringing it up for no reason at all. It's very isolating to always have to hold your tongue or you'll be cut off. Even my lesbian friends cape for troons randomly without any prompt. Why?? I'm so sick of it. I wish I could hang out with one friend irl that doesn't give a shit, sure shitting on troons together would be ideal but at this point I'll take it never being brought up at all.

No. 1621026

Anon I think it's just the grass is greener on the other side thing, I always wanted to be shorter kek

No. 1621042

I think 160-170 is the perfect height, not too midget like <160 but also not too tall like >170. I wish I was a few cm shorter myself but not too many (I'm 173cm)

No. 1621046

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>tfw exactly 160cm

No. 1621048

>173 cm
>Too tall
You sound like a pathetic midget. Shitty third worlder alert(infighting)

No. 1621049

How tf does a doctor advise and even pressure for an implant knowing how dangerous and how many health issues they bring. These doctors should be reported or at least given a stern talking to. Shit made me mad yo

No. 1621051

Maybe it comes across as fake? I'd say it's probably a good idea to just be yourself. Also no nonsense works best with these types, the more you try to befriend them the more they power trip over you. If they're not nice people give them the bitch face

No. 1621057

Fuck kinda person made that bot?

No. 1621059

Its crazy how less intelligent men are yet they tout that they are so logical and much smarter than women. Sure, maybe the tiny top percent of smart people are mostly men, however most of them statistically are way dumber than women and bordering on being retarded. Yet they think they can claim the intelligence of the top 1% of men while having sub 90 iq. Almost every man I've interacted with have no logic whatsoever, every argument is driven by their personal opinion and when you disagree with their subjective views they chimp out and call you names or threaten you. Due to their low iq they also cant invison looking at things from a different perspective, so if it isnt something they personally like that means everyone else must dislike it too or they're wrong. Most women are leagues above most men when it comes to logic.

No. 1621061

Yes. Holy shit don't

No. 1621062

If you're not hella motivated on your own, yes.

No. 1621064

I gave up arguing with men, they have no logic and will always bring some whimsical point of view and you have to speak their language it feels like fooling a child into thinking logically. I totally get what you mean. I know this guy who's always bringing up surface level understanding of philosophy and psychoanalysis, like he doesn't even understand the actual point the writer / philosopher made but will still use it as an argument of authority even though THAT IS NOT WHAT THEY SAID


No. 1621066

Another thing is that he will say something completely innacurate and asinine but if I tell him it's stupid he'll get this stupid smirk on his face and rephrase it in a nicer way like I'm moral fagging when I literally couldn't care less, I just get triggered by innacuracy and by the realization that I'm talking to a dummy (it's so discouraging)

But ofc I'm a woman so I'm probably just hung up over the morality of it because you know how women think with their emotions :))) MOTHERFUCKER YOU'RE THE ONE USING AN EMOTIONAL SOLIPSISTIC POINT OF VIEW. they need to understand that mean =/= accurate. Fucking posers(emoticon)

No. 1621067

>Sure, the tiny top pencentile of super smart people are men
I love how cuckolded you are despite wanting to believe otherwise.

No. 1621069

I said maybe, a tiny minority of men having extreme autismo sperg levels of IQ that still handicaps them in every other way doesnt make them better

No. 1621070

Y'all know women have better brain composition right? Just doing god's work nonnies don't sell yourselves short lmao

No. 1621071

And there are no women like this? Ever? Girl open a history book

No. 1621074

God you're just insitenon arguing arent you. Where did I write that no women are like that? No where.

My point was that low IQ men ride on the IQ of a tiny percentage of intelligent men, not that women are stupid. Some women however clearly are, like you.

No. 1621076

You're the dumb one tbh. Why would women on average be smarter than men but then all the smartest people are only men? I hope you get cured from your NLOG pickme illness soon nonita

No. 1621081

Bitch shut the fuck up, too late to backtrack now your messages are clear as day and so is the blatant insecurity.

No. 1621136

Speaking of stupid men the older I get the more talking to men feels just like talking to a child, I really feel like they are missing some kind of enlightenment that women have. They always talk like they have something really important that they discovered even if it’s something completely common sense. Just like when a little kid when they bring you a leaf they found outside. At least the kids have genuine wonder about everything they see unlike males who just think they’re so smart

No. 1621148

This bi girl I barely know keeps sending me selfies or photos of her rainbow stuff, like socks or pins or whatever not knowing I'm an actual lesbian who finds that shit cringe. Go fuck a woman for once and stop sending me your ugly ass outfits

No. 1621155

I feel like women are just more grounded on average. Most of them won't speak about things they know little or nothing about or at least they won't do it in this obnoxious self-confident way many men do. Plus, most of them won't act like they're much smarter than you by default. And men are just the opposite.

No. 1621158

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Have other nonettes been owning men recently?

>one guy watching my dog for free while I am away on business, daily videos and updates

>put useless moid director in his place for abandoning jobsite all for me to do while he attempted to gaslight me about it and is now in deep shit with VPs of our company bc I exposed him
>had the pleasure of firing a useless moid employee for being insubordinate
>hooked up with a young attractive moid with nice lips, a large cock, and can fuck forever while wanting to be my bf
>mfw counting through my 3,000 likes on Tinder to link with another muscle man and getting all the compliments for it to boot

No. 1621159

based and stacypilled

No. 1621161

no but reading this made me smile for you nona!

No. 1621164

Of course the Supreme Court ruled against debt forgiveness. I’m so numb, I’m fucked, I have no savings or income. I just self harmed again. I have no friends or family to talk to. I wish someone would take me out. It’s so fucking annoying and I hate the shitty government in this country. Wish I could do something about it.

No. 1621166

Read the book return of the prmitives by ayn rand

No. 1621172

Since middle school, they will do just about anything just for the chance to have sex with women. Got an entire anime convention covered for me including food, a hotel room, and extra money for buying merch. Didn't sleep with a single man who has cashed me out. Some would get mad but they would apologize and continue to be my ATM.

No. 1621174

Bitch they killed her son for running away during a checkup. You think that's fair?

No. 1621176

go pack to /pol/

No. 1621178

Im womyn and I like talking shit about stuff I don't know, usually people are surprised by how much insight I intuitively have. I hope it doesn't sound like bragging since I just use my brain and I think it's easy for anyone with basic intellect to be able to discuss new things. it has nothing to do with perma 14 year old men I've encountered. They have no insight, I feel like men watch more fiction… Or definitely get affected more by it

No. 1621179

I love you. Keep them coming

No. 1621181

Basically those mentally sick men with feeder fetishes have them because it's a genetic protection against their autism preventing them to mate because they inflict poor eating onto some naive person until they are too fat to leave them basically. A confident man with valuable skills who is genuinely pleasant to be around will not have this trait because those are the things that keep the mate around

No. 1621183

here is what it sounds like, classic food pressuring from an autist
"You won't die from one cookie"
"Come on, just have one"
"Really? You seriously won't eat it?" starts to get autistically offended

Food choice pressuring, whether you're telling someone to eat something or not to eat something, is never okay, and leads to eating disorders. Trust your partner to make their own food choices because you are dating an adult, not a child.

No. 1621198

I hate being the "I know your job better than you" but I literally had the same job as you, and the reason why I left it's because they are money hungry and it's depressing.
I KNOW that I don't need a prescription, just give me the fucking pills, you idiot.

No. 1621199

i don't know, their logic is ever-shifting and makes no sense. he/him is of the masculine gender but pronouns also don't equal gender. so even if they're using transmasc and using he/him they aren't ACTUALLY male, but they aren't women either and they aren't nonbinary. i don't fucking know anymore. i want them to stop flooding the femboy tag with their shit though

No. 1621210

I think that maybe I'm retarded or too nice to people. Retarded for not seeing right away when things are going and too nice for not being able to tell people to go away. I'm a 27 year old anime loving girl and it was always been that way since I was in third grade, so I grew up with it. My childhood and teenage years were spent in cringe drawings and by then, I got used to people making fun of me so I learned to ignore their comments, just fuck off on my own and scribbling on paper but lately, talking about 2 to 5 years, anime has become so fucking mainstream that it also attracted fuckboys, people who don't know shit about it but want to show off and men who use it as some pick up line. I wrote all of this because the point is I'm used to get laughed at, okay? But I didn't care for years, I mean, it has been that way for 10 years, who cares, as long they leave me alone.
I got an ipad to draw, sometimes I go to the park or to cafes and such and I draw my shit and then some zoomer (I look younger than my age, if I dressed like a zoomer I would probably pass as one) approaches me and says "Hey, ahah, you like anime? Ahah me too, weird right?"
No it's not. It's mainstream.
"What are you drawing?"
"Personal stuff."
"Oh, I have a project too! It's like a yandere vtuber who's a vampire!" With what gear? Vtubing is not easy, you need model, rigging, cameras, facial recognition stuff, a good computer.
Then they show me their phones with Ai made shit of the most generic and boring anime girl.
"Do you like it?"
"It's cute." Of course it is, it's ripped from actual good artists.
"How can I get better? I want to design some other characters"
"And maybe do a manga on my own!"
"Can you draw manga pages?"
"Not really, it's a different thing."
"Can I follow you on instagram?"
"I don't use it."

Keep in mind, I'm not a native speaker so maybe the way I write might come off odd, but if this was only happened once I'd let it go, but it's about the …fourth time? with different people? And they are all men.
While others may find it cute, to hear a guy being interested in your interests, I find it very cringe to pretend to know shit just to chat. Leave me the fuck alone please. Do not disturb people. My brain makes me reply to them because hey, at least they're not laughing at me but if the convo is a awkward as fuck and they just talk about their shit pretending to know how it works while I just want to draw it makes me extremely uncomfortable.
One time I had this guy on a share table (idk if it's called that way, starbucks in my countries have these long ass tables and you sit with strangers or strangers may sit with you) and they handed me their ipad with a sakimichan looking thing traced on procreate and he asked "what do you think? wink"
I'm not gonna fuck you just because you're showing me something that happens to be similar to what I do…jesus christ, please, leave me alone, go back to laugh at me please….

No. 1621215

Sage 4 no1curr but I just remembered I was on vacation with my parents and we saw a homeless guy having a seizure, I told them to call 911 and they just said 'no'. I still feel bad about it, I couldn't do anything.

No. 1621224

I am sorry nonna. That is just awful. If it were me, I would make one apppintment with a therapist and ask her for asvice on what to do. I did this for a slightly different situation with another older adult in my life, and she looked up phone numbers and desceibed certain education programs which dealt specifically specifically with what was going on. She taught me words to use when approaching the situation and how to talk to others about it, and what realistically can be expected to happen and how best to help. In my case keeping a couple phone numbers for anonymous welfare checks not by police but by adult protective services who will disguise the visit as something else is what I do, and gave me key things to look for (therapists that specialize in x y and z, called and vetted some to make a list) if the person I am referencing ever did want to change things I had resources ready. You could talk to your sisters, but if one of them decides to storm over there and confront him/her then that will put your mom in danger. If that wont happen then talking to them and even having them join you in the appointment with a professional mught be a good idea

No. 1621228

That would utterly shatter my perception of my parents' core values if it were me. Holy shit. Id be freaked out too. If you were young and maybe the guy was just tweaking real hard and not seizing maybe that would make sense they didnt want you to know what too much meth does? Idk that is literally the only scenario I could see making a wisp of shoddy sense. Either way thats fucked. Dont blame you one bit for feeling weird about it. It was not your fault, I hope you know that.

No. 1621234

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It’s miserable trying to date as an attractive woman. I’m no IG model but I’d say I am above average, especially for my state kek. Scrotes will butter me up in the beginning but never have any real long term intentions and eventually ghost me. They’ll act like I, the most amazing thing ever for having a basic form of consciousness (You know who John Lennon is? Wow, you’re so cool!) but have literally zero interest in getting to know me on a deeper level. Or when I do find a moid who likes me as an entire human we get close, we get attached, and because they’re too immature to handle their insecurities they eithe devalue me for months or completely implode the relationship leaving me heartbroken. Again, I’m not some super rich instagram model but I have my shit together in a lot of areas of my life and the fact that physically they think I have more options (I dont) leads them into getting extremely insecure and sabotaging something really special.

No. 1621235

I hate people like that, one time walking with my bf and an old man in a car looked to be unconscious so I said we need to check on him or call an ambulance (we were next to a hospital and it's free here) and he said no let's go. I don't fucking get how people can be so apathetic

No. 1621239

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Im a retard… I've been lying about my life to someone ive been seeing… Like… I hope i can correct the thing im lying about EVENTUALLY

Also i get so fucking anxious in the evening every day. I can never relax, i can never enjoy fun activities, i am so tired all the time

No. 1621242

I think it’s just a male thing to act like we’re special for having basic human interests. Men are trash though, I’d never be in the dating scene in the current state of the world. Finding a nice normal man who isn’t a pornsick freak or has emotional problems seems impossible.

No. 1621247

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I dislike my coworker, the noisy bitch can’t go a second without making a disgusting throat noise!

No. 1621248

There are too many sounds coming from the stairs of this building, if someone tries to knock at my door I'll freak out. Why does that shit always happen on days when I'm so deep in assignments that I haven't had time to clean up

No. 1621249

Wtf lol, this is why nosiness and curiosity make us better people. Not being nosy is a red flag.

No. 1621250

This motivated me to keep not smoking kek

No. 1621251

Second prohibition when?

No. 1621257

Incels concern trolling as per usual

No. 1621259

Very based of you, nona! Congrats on quitting!

No. 1621274

I’m dating a guy 10 years younger than me(hes 21)and I kind of feel jealous and bitter towards him because he has goals and a bright future a head of him and rich parents and meanwhile at his age my mom wouldn’t even let me have a dollar. I’m low key jealous of his youth. It kind of pisses me off that he gets to go after little fun careers like music because mommy and daddy will fund it. It’s weird to be jealous of someone you fuck but here I am.

No. 1621277

I’d be more concerned about his underdeveloped 21 yo male brain.

No. 1621284

There’s very little difference mentally between a man at 21 or 25+

No. 1621299

Minus the age gap part but I've been in relationships before where I silently struggled to wrap my head around how good of a set up some people still have into their early twenties. Parents still doing alot for them. Looking out for them. Making the transition into adulthood gradual. That safety net still firmly in place. Then I felt bad for.. feeling bad. I wasn't so much jealous but seeing the stark difference up close hit me. It wasn't even that I dated well off guys. Just different parenting styles. I thought it was normal to be like.. welp you're 18 so my job here is all done, good luck!

No. 1621306

Do you know anyone with normally regulated emotions? I think you’re going to be foreveralone holding men to unreasonable standards, like are you emotionally sound? Porn addiction is gross though

No. 1621314

I'm so tired of hearing "Oh you should try to do less things that stress you out!" from medical professionals. Especially because in my country they seem really fucking allergic to giving out medication to try out, and I'm not doing ANOTHER course of mindfulness.
Sure, I can be less stressed, I'd just have to drop out, take on debt, and then loose the last bit of a routine I still have. Meaning it'd just make things worse in the end. Just, give me some anti anxiety meds for a while so I can pull through the last bit and be somewhat of a more functional human being.

No. 1621315

Eh I'll be real I keep to my business and generally don't like nosy people but I draw the line at people needing my help

No. 1621345

A professional took a candid shot of me and it makes me want to kill myself. I feel like if anons posted it, there'd be ongoing debates on whether I'm a woman or not. I've been cursed with the worst genes. Hair so thin, that it looks greasy even though I wash every day and under certain lighting you could see my scalp (like in my photo), very high forehead and hairline, sloped shoulders and unfixable standing posture, side view of my face is so flat, and I have really wide shoulders to narrow hips. All this shit makes me want to get ps or wear makeup but it goes against my ideals. People like me and say I'm cool and interesting and miss my presence at least. But being an ugly woman feels like a genuine curse

No. 1621363

Would you rather be average looking but completely alone in the world, with no friends or anyone who cares about you? Shit could be worse anon. You could upgrade your looks with enough money and time but you can't buy a better personality, charisma, relationships…

No. 1621365

Obviously I don't know what you look like but sometimes photos can be really unflattering in a way that isn't representative of how you normally look to others. Especially with candids where you are in the middle of moving your face or body. Since you say it's a professional I'm going to assume it's a very high res photo too, in bright lighting, which tends to not exactly be very forgiving. I've seen two different candid photos of myself from the same day and I barely even looked like the same person in them.
I relate to how bad it can feel though. I sometimes think about how easily some cosmetic surgery, filler or botox or whatever could just erase my biggest insecurities that constantly make me feel ugly. It can feel tempting but I'd never do it because for me it also goes directly against what I stand for and believe in. I wouldn't be able to justify becoming part of what I believe to be a huge societal problem by getting ps, but damn does it feel bad to feel ugly.

No. 1621373

Don't discount actual dysmorphia of you how see yourself. I cannot count the amount of times I've seen the most stunning looking women say they hate their features or certain parts of them. And I'm not talking about those obviously fishing for compliments, I'm talking conventionally attractive women convinced they're below average at best.

No. 1621379

Those guys probably have a roster. Men just get weirded out when they have a woman's interest. They get cocky and try to use other women too or had a wife the entire time, etc..

No. 1621387

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Oh, I hate the neighbours below me so much, they smoke 24/7 and use so much washing powder that you can smell it 3 houses away. It's the middle of the night here and I can't open my window to get some fresh air because the smell rising from their flat into mine is actually hurting me. My nose is burning, I have to cough every second and I'm getting a headache. And there is nothing I can do because it's all legal in my country and I would have to show a medical report that their emissions harm my health and then I would have to go to court for a battle that could take years. And then there is this fear that they might fall asleep while smoking, burning their flat down, leaving mine inhabitable. I guess I will have to move to a country where my health as a non-smoker is more important than their "freedom", I'm so done with constantly having to go out of my way to avoid secondhand smoke because the tobacco lobby is so strong in my country.

No. 1621392

I hate that my intrusive thoughts get worse when I'm tired, but it especially sucks that they turn uncontrollable when I'm not actively doing something. It's like I have to keep myself busy at all times but that's not realistic and even then it's not like they 100% go ahead. If you never have any intrusive thoughts or compulsions, please feel blessed. Sometimes it gets so bad that I start considering suicide. No one knows how bad this stuff can truly be. I get so fucking frustrated.

No. 1621393

Can we just accept that some women are ugly. Nta but I hate that every time I complain about being ugly someone chimes in that I can't look that bad. Especially on lolcor where average and above-average women are completely torn into for their appearance non-stop. And why always bring up beautiful women who think they are ugly. It's like saying someone who earns 150k a year but is anxious about struggling with money has the same experience as someone who lives below the poverty line. THINKING you are struggling with something is not comparable to actually living that experience.

No. 1621394

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i ran over a curb for the first time today. i was driving my mom’s car, thankfully i think the car is fine. but she yelled at me so fucking loud. i don’t blame her and she apologized but it made me feel like such a retarded child, i just immediately started ugly crying. and when it happened it made such a loud noise a lady inside the building we were at came outside to try and help us. i’m still so fucking embarrassed and my PMDD is getting bad again so naturally my retarded brain immediately jumped to suicidal thoughts. whatever, i’m just so over everything right now.

No. 1621396

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Even though I should feel like my life is going forward (moving in with bf, recently got a raise etc), I'm still depressed and regularly think of suicide. When I look at people around me I'm struck with envy because I used to be like them, I used to have goals and wants and would get excited about things and had hobbies. Nowadays I mostly have to force myself to do things that I used to enjoy in hopes that I would experience the same joy. I do not know how to get out of this. I've been in therapy for the past 10 years, been on medication, tried supplements etc and the feeling of worthlessness still comes back. I stopped doing literally everything because I know I cannot do anything right. Talking to people takes up an enormous amount of energy and I know I will fuck up and say something stupid, so I don't. At work I frequently get the feedback that I should be more open and approachable and often avoid my coworkers because I could get a random crying fits. I feel like a literal corpse. I do the bare minimum every day and I mostly just zone out watching Youtube videos and wait for the day to end. I don't know how to get out of this

No. 1621402

I get what you mean, it's just a fact of life some people are ugly and we should just attach less value to looks instead of trying to convince everyone they're actually good looking. That being said, it's not going to help your mood and situation to mull over something you can't change like that, so it can still be useful to at least change your perspective a bit, like, you may be ugly but you're not going to be the ugliest person in the world and you're probably not horribly deformed. "Some other people have it worse" rhetoric of course also isn't good to overuse but it can be comforting in the same sense that I, currently living below the poverty line, can still be thankful that I do have first world comforts instead of being self-pitying about it all the time.

No. 1621403

>Can we just accept that some women are ugly.
Yes. I think people are cruel to ugly women by lying to them and telling them they're pretty. And I'm not talking about normal looking women who feel a little ugly sometimes, I mean actually ugly women. They own a mirror and know how people react to them; they deserve a space where they can discuss how it affects them and their lives without someone chiming in that they're actually beautiful.

No. 1621404

One, have you checked that you don't have a brain tumor? It's extremely rare, but it can cause horrible depression when it does. And two, it sounds like you've tried everything, but did anyone talk to you about tanning to relieve depression? Some people don't respond to vitamin D supplements and instead have to eat a fatty meal and then tan for ten minutes twice weekly. Five minutes per day every day is better, but I've never met anyone with access to a tanning bed that frequently. There's also botox to help relieve depression, and that has a 47% chance of decreasing your symptoms. It takes six weeks to kick in and needs touched up though.

No. 1621408

you didn't do it on purpose and now you will be extra careful but I do remember doing the same, I popped a whole ass hubcap and was just watching that shit spin off like frasier off cheers

No. 1621415

The cashier chatted me up at aldi and I was so horny and flustered I exited the store and promptly dropped my blueberries all over the cement I went AWWW FUCK DORK AHH!!! and skittered to my car

No. 1621418

I think I just get salty when people bring up the "but beautiful women think they're ugly too" thing. I think that would make any actually ugly person feel way worse. Like someone who is way better off than me is so horrified to the point of becoming mentally ill by even the thought that they could be similar to me. Very reassuring thanks. But yeah it's not something I mull over that much anymore, it's just annoying to never be able to talk freely about it without the vast majority of the responses being some variation of "you don't actually have this issue/it doesn't matter". And that comes across so condescending on this website of all places.

No. 1621426

I fucking hate summer. Everything and everyone is smelly. I don't even live in a big city but it still reeks of hot garbage whenever you go outside due to people partying and throwing their trash around. I walked through the store and smelled four different kinds of body odour, not that I can complain because I also stink from the sweat and the heat. Everything is uncomfortable. My clothes suck. Bras suck. I refuse to wear them. Also, everyone just looks sweaty and unstylish trying to pull off pastels and florals in their shiny, greasy and sunburned limbs, which I wouldn't complain about if people weren't so excited about summer fashion apparently being the best fashion. The air is so still that you can't even fart in your own home because you bet that fart is going to stay rigid in the air for hours causing you to hotbox yourself to death. I just want to feel cool, fresh air through my nostrils. Instead if feels like I'm breathing damp air straight out of the ass of a sauna. I walked by a group of teenagers and the sweat mixed with their combined overdose of body spray and perfume made me hurl. Someone please agree with me on how much summer sucks.

No. 1621427

I agree with this, and to add to this people today have a super vain self image and prioritize how they look over other attributes of themselves. This is especially promoted with social media. People are being socially conditioned to hold how they look in such high regards that they will fake their looks to receive validation that they are enough. Someone who's ugly cant compete by any standards. I just wish that vanity could go away, and that my self image could be that of my childhood. I knew that I was ugly as a kid but it didn't bother me nearly as much as it does now. It was just a part of me that I learned to accept and that was it. Now theres days where I dont even like looking in the mirror bc I detest my appearance that much. If people weren't so vain now nobody would worry nearly as much as they do about how they look and people who are ugly could easier learn to accept their ugliness as a part of them. That's true confidence, and its achievable to any kind of person without telling them lies.

No. 1621430

I was the anon that mentioned that and honestly you're totally right, shouldn't have done that.

No. 1621432

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No. 1621437

I wish I had any motivation at all. More and more I feel that it’ll be impossible for me to become a normal functioning member of society. I spent years being a NEET and I feel hopeless. I have a degree but can’t get hired. Worst part is I don’t care about my field anyway so nothing is motivating me to continue. Money doesn’t matter either because I’ve always been poor and now I’m even more poor and in debt after school. I just wish I wasn’t alive, I feel numb, no drive at all to continue living or improve. It’s like I’m kicked down at all steps in life and then I see everyone else being handed shit, I’m not meant to be here.

No. 1621449

I’m really a wreck right now. My older brother told me he’s trans. Idk what to do. I have a child on the way and one of my biggest goal is to shelter my kids from that. I’m heartbroken, disgusted and at a loss for what to do. I just broke down to my fiancé and don’t really know where to go from here.

No. 1621453

I love when people say this but at the same time will tell people they are killing themselves when they refuse health checkups or even to go to the hospital when they feel like shit. Well yeah why tf would I go to a place that I'm paying out the ass for only to be degraded by a medical professional and not given any proper tests bc "I'm lying" this shit happens again and again. Yeah I'd rather die in pain at home where at least I can be with people who love me.

No. 1621454

Well.. this settles it.. I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you if I wasn't scared to go to prison I would have stabbed you a billion times

No. 1621471

What are you looking for when you guys complain about it then? For people to agree that you're ugly? The only appropriate response is "that sucks but ultimately it doesn't matter"

No. 1621472

I feel so locked out of everything at 28 years old. I'm too old to keep dressing the way I do and partaking in my current interests, I'm too weird and autistic to fit in with other people my age, I'm still too annoying and stupid to impress anyone older than me or contribute anything meaningful to their conversations. When people are shocked to learn that I'm older than they thought, lately I don't see that as a compliment so much anymore.

No. 1621475

Unless you look like garbage and don’t fit your clothes anymore, no age is too old for any specific clothes. Be a 70 year old in an overall dress, who gives a fuck?

No. 1621476

you have to keep him from seeing your kid, nona. I know he might be this or that but you know troons do not care about women and that it wouldn't be healthy for you either to have that shit around. All the best to you and your family, sounds difficult.

No. 1621477

clinging to my ac and saying a prayer for both of us. FUCK summer. absolute worst season

No. 1621479

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I hate summer just as much as you nonny, but it sounds like your life would be greatly improved by investing in multiple fans. Also buy some soft ice packs to rotate between during the hottest parts of the day. It’s 90 outside but I’ve got cold water, an ice pack on my neck, and two fans aimed at me on my patio while I sit out here smoking. Tbh the heat is more manageable than the fucking BUGS. The bugs are my least favorite part of summer. Buzzing in my ears and covering me in welts. Also don’t like having to constantly be sticky with either sunscreen and/or bug spray. And I don’t like having to spend a bunch on citronella candles kek.

At least there’s no chance of encountering artificially heated air like in the winter.

No. 1621480

Honestly I know this response won't be well-received, but I think you need to get over yourself and try your best to be there for your brother. It's naive to think your kid will never be exposed to things you disagree with, and if anything it's been proven that forcing children to be sheltered only makes them act out more. I wouldn't be surprised if your kid grew up to make "how I escaped my abusive conservative household and paid for my top surgery" tiktoks with this line of thinking.
You should have a conversation with your family about your values and how to raise your child. Unless your brother is a Chris-chan tier psychopath, it's time to put down the propaganda and have an actual conversation with him about your opposing views. Teaching your children to be kind, understanding, and family-oriented is much more important than crying and throwing up at the thought of a man putting on makeup.

No. 1621481


No. 1621487


I sorta agree in the sense that you shouldn't try to shelter kids violently from something, just be casual about it. But it's okay, plenty of families have that uncle no one meets, just make sure he doesn't seethe too much to your parents and make sure your child doesn't get introduced to the drama

No. 1621517

i love how she is in a commited relationship but feels the need to send me romantic songs and say they remind her of me like no way she knows how shes playing with my head i hate living like this

No. 1621520

Job let me go today and had a massive sperg melt down when I got home and scared my dog. My state has the most bullshit job market right now and it took almost two months to secure a retail job I was overqualified for. Shitty end to a shitty day.

No. 1621529

it isn't my intention to be mean here, but it's very interesting that your brother has decided that now is the time to make this trans identity known, especially while you're pregnant. did you announce your pregnancy recently? your wedding? is he experiencing a sudden and unexpected turn in his life that's impacted him negatively? a lot of men that take on the trans moniker are pushed to do so out of jealousy, entitlement, (the coom), or a means to regain control of their lives. it's very stupid.
imagine climbing up on your tranny soapbox to patronize a worried pregnant woman airing her frustrations over her shitty troon brother kek
did you know you can instill familial solidarity and positive values as you rear your children while also cutting out a toxic family member that stands to threaten your peace of mind? because it looks like you didn't ♥

No. 1621546


“Shelter” was perhaps the wrong word. I know I can’t keep my kids from knowing this stuff exists, but I cannot pretend it’s normal and okay, because it’s not.

This crossed my mind but he told our other brother a year ago. I don’t doubt he struggles with some sort of self-image issues and I’m heartbroken for him but I’m not going to be able to look at him if he troons out. I’m so fucking sad. This is going to break my parents. We’re all adults and they shouldn’t have to deal with this in old age. I know I’d break his trust if I tel them, but I’m seriously considering it to help them adjust and get ahead of it. I don’t want them to fly off the handle and enable a victim complex which will encourage him.

I’m just so sad.

No. 1621561

I hate the fact that some people think a woman has to wear makeup to look nice/presentable. I'm not even talking about full on caking your face in makeup, some people think women aren't presentable unless they're wearing eyeliner and mascara, which is dumb as fuck. I don't want that shit on my face. I also hate the fact that not shaving your armpits or legs as a woman makes people think you're a slob. If women weren't meant to have hair under their arms and on their legs, then our bodies wouldn't grow any hair there. Fucking hate these stupid standards.

No. 1621563

Went to new gym. Treadmill faces window that overlooks a beautiful creek and tiny nature preserve type area. Treadmill has a screen so big with all the "virtual nature trail" apps and tv channel/streaming options I cant fucking watch the actual birds foraging or fish popping up from the complety real and genuine creek out of the beautiful huge window right in front of me. I googled how to turn the screen off even because it has popup notifications about your workout. There is no way to do so. I have 99% of notifications disabled on my phone, I hate that shit so much. I had to turn my head uncomfortably far to watch a male bird do his fun dances for the uninterested female from around the side of the stupid screen kek. Next time I am taping blank paper to the screen so I dont get drawn to all the notifications and popups and stupid bullshit. I just want to look out of the window.

No. 1621574

I fucking hate depersonalization and lately it has seemed like I've been experiencing it more and more. Feels like I'm going through a psychosis or something.

No. 1621582

This is personal, I don't like troons but I've had siblings tell on me for private shit while feigning kindness and best intentions, I'd say reconsider outing him because ultimately it's his business and he might reconsider, he might not tell them, you're just going to create drama to prevent drama and stripping him of his ability to have autonomy over his own life choices, secrets etc

I'm fully with you on asserting your boundaries but this would be overkill, not to mention it could do more harm than good

No. 1621583

A few days I posted here ranting about a close friend of mine who sent me a 30 minute voice note at 5am saying that she doesn't think that we are all actually solid friends and that she doesn't see the point in remaining friends with us. Well today she sent another voice note to the groupchat saying that she doesn't want to be in the friend group anymore but she's open to being friends with us individually and then left before we could say anything. I'm bewildered and devastated at the same time.

No. 1621593

I did that to my friend group but over text because I was tired of their libfem bullshit.

No. 1621604

tl;dr- blackmail over discord username, essentially chronically online retardation but i still need to vent anyway, i'm more annoyed than i am anything else

2 days ago i changed my discord username to my PSN tag which my ex-boyfriend had given to me 4 years ago when the name changes rolled around. didn't think much of it, checked my blocked list to make sure he wasn't using it and thankfully he wasn't. it's unironically a cute name and just NOW a mutual friend has let me know that said ex wants "his username back" and that "i have a week to give it back" or else he'd give my dox to my online circles and also send mutuals both irl and online raunchy pictures of me dating as far back as to when I was 15, I am 22 now. im not completely innocent as i had sent his information to a lover at the beginning of the year when this ex had let it be known that he still possessed these pics of me. it was just incase he sent anything else, because he had shared a suggestive picture of me to mutuals as revenge for something unrelated- wont go into that though, and his information never spread at all

i'm not worried about the dox, i'm a little concerned about the photos but it's nothing much at this point because i'm more annoyed and surprised that this retard keeps trying to reignite retarded internet drama that fizzled out 5-6 months ago. just needed to get that off my chest, sorry

No. 1621609

Can't you report this? It's fucked that you live under his thumb, also fucked because he can keep it going for a while.

No. 1621613

Wow you have to kill him

No. 1621616

if you live in the US revenge porn is illegal in most states, you can look into report him/getting legal help. also he is admitting he has cp of you if he does have raunchy pics dating back to when you were a minor, so you can report for saving cp and make it clear he is intending to distribute it.

No. 1621623

other than discord i don't know where else i'd report him to since it was an internet thing, knew him for 11 years though so i know as much about him as he does me, i do remember where he works(law based) but i don't know if i should take it that far and i'm unsure where else i'd report him at this point but this is really severe and i'm lost.
neither of us are from the states but i do know it is illegal where both of us are
honestly i'd kill us both we're disgusting, but i'm trying to grow each day

but yeah, i just hoped the guy would have stopped being a dickhead if i cut myself completely from anything related to him but apparently not

No. 1621635

I dont know how to be happy. I've always been sort of unhappy waiting to be content and happy, and for a long time I was chasing that contentness. "When I am out of school I'll be happy" "when I am financially stable I'll be happy" "when I am married" "when I have a hobby" "when I have a baby" but now here is the end of the line. I have all those things and I'm not happy… I guess the only thing I focus on during the day to day is my hobby and it depresses me because I am not as good as I'd like to be. I'm kind of medicore at it and that frustraites me, but I'm not sure. I feel like I'm just chasing being good at it like that'll make me happy. I think contentness is internal and I don't know how to achieve that. Everything is not quite. I'm just passing time during the day trying to make it feel like the time is worth passing. Most of the time it feels like I'm waiting at the bus stop trying to find ways to make the wait less boring.

No. 1621636

Don't let him drag you down, if you feel disgusting in relation to what happened between you or stuff you did it's okay. I don't think it's true but maybe you were disgusting, you're a different person now, move on

No. 1621645

>i do know it is illegal where both of us are
Time to take him to court, then. (God I hope you aren't one of those anons who lets this kind of thing slide)

No. 1621661

i'd hate to let it slide, the thought of doing that is infuriating but i'm just too cowardly to press charges though each time i am told about him via a mutual i just grow tired of his shit, i don't know how i looked up to this delusional dickhead for nearly 11 years.
thank you nonna, i really appreciate it

No. 1621679

>>1621593 well that's good for you but our friend group isn't even political like all we did was share memes, chat about our daily lives and give each other support when needed. Just last week she was venting to us about how her older sister seems to relish when life doesn't go her way and belittles her passions and we all tried our best to comfort her and now this week she tells us that we're only friends because it's convenient? I made time to listen to her when she was going through her mental health crises,work drama and her stupid pining over a straight woman that was clearly using her for years but according to her that means nothing. We invite her out all the time and she never accepts but had the audacity to say that we aren't genuine friends because of how we interact with other in person? How the fuck would she know how we behave in person if she was never there? She complains to me that we never want to do things that she likes, but not once has she ever suggested to do something she wanted, and when I bring that up to her, she spouts some bullshit excuse about how suggesting activities is 'traumatizing' for her kek. She's a grown adult mind you. Now that I'm reflecting on it all, there's something very wrong with her.

No. 1621684

I can't even watch male vtubers without finding out they're pedophiles soon enough. Why can't men pretend to be normal at the very least? Why are women encouraging these cum brained male's porn addictions and finding it cute that they're into 4'0 anime girls who talk and act like children? You're a vtuber ffs, your only audience is women, why are you playing pedo porn games so freely? It has the highest views hes had in a while bc of other reasons but I know he'll take this as a sign to do more of these games. Doesn't matter anymore since I'll stop watching him but damn. Every single time I regret spending money on them or end up glad I didn't get to buy their shit. Now I'm holding onto the last male who made content for women all his careers but he's weird and also how do I trust he doesn't watch loli porn in his free time? Why are all men like this? Where are all the normal men? Moids talking about their porn preferences so openly as streamers makes me realise all other men irl probably like children too but they just don't say it out loud cause they're not encouraged to be cum brained apes like vtubers are. But when you say "maybe men wanting to date only children isn't the best thing ever" everyone jumps on you as if moids have the mental capacity to tell fiction and reality apart like women. I hate men so much I wish they all died. How am I supposed to ignore reality if my only options to form a parasocial friendship with are women who act like children and men who are into children?

No. 1621687

What vtuber? I didn’t know male vtubers were a thing.

No. 1621694

I've been saying this since the vtuber fad started, the only solution is to not consume anything vtuber related at all. It's not a coincidence the most popular ones are all child coded pedophile enabling cunts.

No. 1621697

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having such a hopeless moment nonas. i'm so scared of the world. every other night i stay up until 4am so nobody will break into my apartment and do something to me. i don't even live in (that?) dangerous of an area, i'm right across the street from a hospital, the police department is a five minutes away. but i'm also anxious about nothing having any money. i need a job so bad but i really don't want to work customer service. i thought my degree (cs) would have gotten me something already but it has been months. i'm going to give my resume another look through and hope this interview for an apprenticeship i have this month (on my birthday no less) goes so freaking well. cramming so much shit. god

idk it just makes me sad that i'm too anxious about money and safety to go see that movie with the peaky blinders guy. i can't drive either. so tempted to just say "fuck it!" and get a uber, prepare to blow about $100 for the month, and just pretend to be someone else. but i'm ugly too. i'll just wear a face mask perhaps.

god i didn't think my twenties would be like this.

No. 1621698

>for the month
for the *day

No. 1621703

I feel sick because I've been on my phone mindlessly browsing LC and YouTube all day

No. 1621704

Machina X Flayon. He said he liked visual novels in his debut and I ignored him till a few weeks ago because he has a nice voice and feels like he's pandering to women. I also didn't know what exactly "plot heavy" VNs meant, turns out it's porn and mostly of lolis. A shame cause his drawing streams are comfy and he felt like a fun friend with more female internet spaces humour than male humour.
You're right. I forgot that to be into vtubers, these men had to be watching loli models talk and cry like children, especially if they've been into vtubers for longer than like two years.

No. 1621710

I mean, I wouldn't care either, sooo…

No. 1621757

My brother was like that and one day I snapped and started throwing all his dirty dishes on his bedroom floor and refused to do any of his laundry and throwing his dirty boxers and shirts in the trash. My family asked me to stop and called me crazy and threatened calling a psych ward and I said sure call the psych ward I'll say what is actually happening, maybe my brother is autistic? and I didn't stop until he slowly started putting his dishes in the dishwasher and using the washing machine. My mother kept cleaning for him the first few days then it actually clicked on her too he wouldn't do anything all day while we kept him fed and clean.

No. 1621759

One time my father ran over a puppy and didn't even stop the car to check if he was okay. That changed my perception of him forever tbh

No. 1621772

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Two days ago my boyfriend had no wifi so he asked me to log into his instagram to message a guy about a job, i ended up reading most of his conversations with his best friend and i'm like ??? because he's a totally different person. I discovered he fetishized black women and he said that he "doesn't like white girls" (i'm white btw) (this was before we knew each other but it doesn't matter, still creepy af). I also learned he used to have a lot of casual one-night stands and even almost had sex with a transexual because IT was "hot". Last thing i read was a message from May 11 saying that he really likes me but still think about some girl he never even met personally and that he would totally get in bed with her if he had a chance bc "she's so hot". I'm just creeped out af and haven't talked to him since then, i'm just SO in shock because to me he was a completely different person. I don't even believe all the things he said to his friend because he seems to make up stuff to make himself look "cool" and he's too socially awkward (like socially awkward AF) to have had so many partners as he claims but even still, i'm just - Christ on a cracker
Talking about hot girls he saw at the gym and bragging about women hitting on him and acting so mighty for "declining" them. lmao
Theres also messages about how "i'm perfect" and how we tooootally complete each other and how i changed his life, and this mixed with all that other stuff is just like HELL NAH, just pure schizophrenic incel hell
Tomorrow i'm going to his house and honestly idk even know how to address it but i feel i just can't even look at his face, i'm as disgusted as shocked. I haven't been able to sleep or eat, i'm disturbed af
Saddest thing is i loved him so much, i literally helped him to get his life on track. When i first met him he was passing through hard times financially and emotionally bc of his familly, i helped him with his needs and took him out of the house constantly so he wouldn't off himself, i remember him being really depressed and hurting himself and me getting him out of his house at 01AM and just holding him in my arms sitting at a empty parking lot and staying like this until the sun came out. I spent so many nights listening to this mf cry. I helped him finish his studies and helped him with gym stuff (he was so f skinny and was really ashamed of it), now he doesn't even look like the same person anymore and thanks to me. He's hot because of me. Like, bitch, I INVENTED YOU. How dare you
Last night his mom called me, she calls me every now and then and god, she likes me so much and was all excited trying to convince me to move with him and that we should get married. I was like ehrrr - i was feeling so bad i didn't even had the courage to open up to her about what i saw. He has this 3yo autistic sister that is so attached to me all i could do was think of her while i heard his mom talk.
For some people this might seem like i'm overreacting because most stuff i read was from before we knew each other and "people change", i do believe he changed in some things and he even talked about this to his friend a few times. But some things are just creepy and others make me really sad, like he talking about how he thinks of other girl sometimes. Deep inside i'm insecure as hell and i'm always comparing myself to others and this situation just made this a lot worse. I used to trust him and know i can't anymore and this sucks because now i know that if a girl he finds hot wanted to get with him he probably would just take the chance.
I literally can't sleep anymore after this, its 04AM here btw and all i can do is drink coffee, smoke and cry

No. 1621776

I'm on the first paragraph and I'm already like run bitch. Seriously, dump this guy asap.

No. 1621780

Girl this is crazy, please dump his psychotic ass. You deserve so much better than being a Bob the builder gf.

No. 1621828

I really miss peanut butter and I'm sure almond butter is amazing. Sunflower and pumpkin butter arent the same at all. Haven't had nuts in months or even a year due to them causing acne with itchy bumps on my cheeks. My mom warned us of it but really I think the itchy face bumps with no acne head are some food allergy…might get it tested but it sucks. Doesnt help I'm trying to go 100% no process food just straight produce. Hope some anon out there can enjoy trail mix and all sort of chocolate, berry, nut mixes in my honor.

No. 1621837

ugly ass anorexic girlie age themselves about forty years with their disorder like we get it you don’t value your life at all and have no idea what the fuck you actually look like sucks to succ

No. 1621847

Don't ever do the 'I can fix him' shit for a man, ever. Please leave him, he doesn't deserve you. I'm sorry he had to be such a typical scrote but at least you found out sooner rather than later.

No. 1621851

> I don't even believe all the things he said to his friend because he seems to make up stuff to make himself look "cool"
I love introverted and shy men but when you meet their group of friends and they act like you described, like a different person that makes shit up to seem cool but are actually dead last in their little social hierarchy, always run, no exceptions. These types of men are usually hardly liked by their friends and for good reason.
Dated two of these types when I was younger and learned my lesson.

I feel for you nonnie. It sucks because you seem attached to his family.

No. 1621864

he sounds so trashy. are you going to confront him about everything when you go to his house tomorrow?

No. 1621894

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Thanks for the advice, nonnies. I don't think i can ever see him as i used to again so it's totally over.
I will indeed confront him because i need to look him in the face when i say and show everything, i got the screenshots btw. I thought about calling or texting and just confronting him through the phone but i feel like this way he wouldn't get to feel how disgusted i'm with him. Btw he messaged me saying he misses me, i just replied "bet you do" lol
People tend to think i'm so passive and calm and good that they can do anything with me and i'll be just like "ok thats fine", hell no
Honestly, i'm so pissed i think ill just straight up print the screenshots and throw it at him, because if i leave it on my phone im capable of throwing it at his face like a freaking brick

No. 1621895

Nta but kek, it's not "unreasonable" to want a man who doesn't tard rage and things like that

No. 1621898

Nonna, I dont think you should confront him. There's a high possibility that he'll become violent. If you do end up doing this, please. For the love of GOD, bring a male friend/relative or, hell, even better, a female friend or sister. Just anybody who can help protect you in case he tries to pull this shit. I'm wishing you well. Nonna.

No. 1621899

I'll rather be fORveR aLoN!!!!!1 than be with a man child who yells his brains out every chance he gets.

No. 1621900

damn sorry this is happening to you nona. if you are confronting irl maybe print the screenshots out in case he rages and tries to take your phone or something, also let your friends or family or whomever know what's going on in case he gets aggressive. keep us updated if you can

No. 1621901

I had an MRI years ago and it didn't show up anything. Yeah, I force myself to go for walks when it's sunny outside and take vitamin D supplements every day. I didn't know about the Botox trick though, I'll check that out. thanks nonna

No. 1621904

So you decided to date a loser with mental issues and now you're surprised he really is a loser with mental issues. Just dump him, don't keep waiting any longer.

No. 1621905

So you decided to date a loser with mental issues and now you're surprised he really is a loser with mental issues. Just dump him, don't keep waiting any longer.

No. 1621925

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For the first time in my 25 years of life I got so upset that I screamed at someone. I have never raised my voice before this, ever.

I called some psych reception late at night because I was spiralling and needed someone to talk to, anyone, about how hopeless I am about getting any sort of help for my mental health. Old unempathetic sounding woman answers and instead of listening to me she tells me some platitudes and then starts telling me to take a walk/shower (wants me to hang up) over and over in an extremely condescending way. I eventually lose my shit and start yelling at her but she doesn't give a single fuck either way lmao. Literally phoned it in

All that call did was make me want to kill myself more, but she put in her notes that I was not suicidal at all and "didn't follow her instructions. As long as you don't immediately answer their apathetic checklist questions so they can call the cops on you you're fine and at no risk whatsoever, even if you're talking about the train tracks. Didn't cut yourself? You're fine take a shower retard!!!

I feel bad but also still get angry thinking about how spiteful and patronizing she sounded. Why is mental health "care" like this and why should I keep living if the only support I've gotten despite being filed in the country's psych system since I was a child fucking ssris and old bitches that would laugh if I attempted suicide?

There is no hope for me, neither staff nor normal people I meet see me as a human being deserving of existence. I legit feel like every single person who looks at me or listens to me talk finds me ugly, disgusting, mentally handicapped and defective. I'm pretty sure it isn't even a delusion, since I've been bullied and treated like shit my entire life. I'd like to not become a bitter and hateful person but how do I even start when the world has never wanted me? In my family I'm Meg from family guy, I was literally invisible even though I was being sexually abused by boys in my teens. They wouldn't have noticed if I had started selling my pussy for heroin because my precious brothers were so more uwu mentally ill and important (I'm the permanently depressed friendless one but there's not much sympathy for me, since I should know better. I'm too ugly and embarrassing to be depressed and want attention and all my faults are personal)

No. 1621928

Due to how the system works here I'm pretty sure attempting suicide would be the only thing that'd make them start prioritizing me at all. Since I haven't had any recorded attempts and have "good self-awareness" I am in the bottom of their pile and they will continue to throw meds at me and tell me to go away

No. 1621935

imagine like being in a relationship where u actually talk and do shit together instead of just looking at the other person sitting at a laptop all day and trying to talk to them as they take like 1 minute to respond to your question because they're on their laptop lol

No. 1621951

You did a lot for him and he betrayed your trust. Time to cut him off entirely. Men really are selfish pieces of shit that only think of themselves. You did nothing wrong. Hope he rots

No. 1621952

my ear hurts so much, it hurts so fucking much, it hurts, it fucking hurts, it feels like its been filled with water and it's been ringing all day

No. 1621954

This is the vent thread retard, what do you think anyone is looking for when they complain about anything here? And how are you going to sit there and tell a bunch of women that appearance doesn't matter kek?

No. 1621962

We’re the only ones in our circle of family and friends who can’t afford a car and have to rely on public transport yet for some reason everyone always expects us to travel to them and no one ever offers to pick us up. Our connection sucks so a distance that would take 20 minutes by car can easily take 1,5 hours by public transport. I’m so fucking sick of everyone prioritising their own convenience over ours. Even when we’re helping people out they can’t be bothered to pick us up, they expect us to arrange our own transport so we can visit them to fix their shit for them for free.
>It’s just easier for me to stay home and wait for you here!
Yeah no shit it’s easier for you! Of course it’s easier to sit on your ass and twiddle your thumbs while your brother travels for hours to reach you, does all the heavy lifting all day, travels back by himself and gets his own dinner at the station on the way home because it’s also “just easier” to not feed him. And he’ll do all of this without complaining “because family” but does his family show up to help us out when we need it? Of course not. Leave their house? Lift a finger?? That would be so inconvenient.

No. 1621964

i'm not really up to date with everything happening in France. but whenever I see things like riots and looting etc, you can tell the majority of these people involved, don't care about what caused this whole thing, but just want an excuse to set fires and steal and loot from stores. just like the BLM protests that led to the same thing

No. 1621967

Do you live in Finland or something wtf, where I live family would fight over who gets to pick us up and feed us

No. 1621982

I feel your pain so much nonna, but with my in-law family. My mom consistently comes to visit me at least a month and she lives like 2h away from me, meanwhile my mother in law who lives way closer and never bothered to visit us once. She also lives in a really shitty conservative town so it's always very unpleasant to visit. Here's to hoping that the both of us can afford a car in the future!

No. 1621994

I'm with this nonnie, don't give him more importance he's a cockroach lol. Just dump and don't explain, I'm sure he'll put 1+1 together

No. 1621998

>>1621994 I meant to quote >>1621894

Like I'm sure you're hurt and pissed anon but let me tell you confronting him will just give him power over you and make him disrespect you further, that's how it always goes. Keep us updated though

No. 1622007

hate this clown world… my coworker almost got raped at her own birthday party after everyone had already left except for one guy who just didn't want to leave for hours even though she was passed out on the couch from too much booze. her friend who stayed the night finally managed to kick him out when she said that she was staying the night and wanted to go to sleep now so he should just leave already. my other coworker got her drink spiked a few weeks ago. thank god nothing happened because her friends brought her home but she felt like shit (physically) the entire weekend and only realized what happened like three days later when she told her friend about it and said friend said it sounded like her drink was spiked.

fucking kill all men already, i'm so tired of this.

No. 1622008

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Friend is having a birthday party soon. Said party will be full of men, some who said extremely misogynistic things("jokes")to me online years ago but I have no idea exactly who they are. The original server was deleted so I have no records of it. The party's been planned for two week so not going could be revenge for other things the owner did too. Conveniently I started my period last night and have the usual nauseating cramps so I can use this as an excuse. Party full of drunk men and less than 8 women or stay home and watch movies w/ my cat?

No. 1622009

My avoidant, depressed ass keeps ruining my relationship. A relative recently passed away and I've been slipping into self-isolation despite my bf wanting to spend time with me. On a cognitive level I understand that normal people want to connect when they go through something difficult, it's a natural reflex, because in their brains comnunity=safety, love, etc. But by default, my brain goes people=danger->self-isolation. And so bf and I keep having the push-pull pattern and these pointless conversations of him asking 'but don't you think spending your time in company would be better for you?' and me going 'yes, it would be' and then proceeding to call off our dates and spending time alone. I know exactly what'd be good for me and yet I keep doing the exact opposite

No. 1622011

Samefag you'd think that feeling that spike of anxiety every time I think of going would give me my answer but I'm too preoccupied with trying to keep that childhood friendship. I guess I became more of a separatist than I thought I would.

No. 1622017

Bring a cake that is laced with laxatives and get your revenge

No. 1622021

Whenever I say things like this I've already made up my mind and just want someone to tell me it okay to not go, so anon, it's okay to not go.

No. 1622025

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Went to see a doctor for my skin since it's developing bumps. My doctor was actually confused about what it could be? I dropped maybe it's fungal acne or or a heat rash, got prescribed something for fungal acne but now I'm not too sure if it's actually fungal acne. It has no spread to my neck, my hands and almost my feet. I cannot think of what it could be…

No. 1622026

It's sad seeing so many women waste emotional labour and energy in trying to fix a man and he turns out to be a degenerate scrote. Leave his ass before he does for a hotter girl. The fact that he will fuck a troon is red flag enough.

No. 1622027

My dad is possibly dying and no one gives a fuck about how I feel or wants to sit down and talk, they just want to do what needs to be done busy busy.

No. 1622054

I wish that were me

No. 1622057

Christ on a fucking bike STOP. CALLING. ME. PETNAMES. I’m turning 30 this year and my biggest pet peeve is when strangers, especially in a professional setting call me “hun/hon”, “sweetie”, “sweetheart”, etc. I’m not your fucking “hun” and I get that my voice and appearance make me appear younger than I am but jfc just don’t call anyone that shit if you’re not immediate family?? Don’t even get me started on teens and people younger than me doing that shit. I’m not even a violent person but I want nothing more than to strangle people when they do this.

No. 1622065

I used to roll my eyes when I would see posts here that are like, "I'm finally leaving this place!" but now I'm starting to feel that way, too. Maybe it's just aging but I feel like the community isn't what I used to be, and though I respect all nonas' opinions I find myself agreeing with others less and less, and just simply not able to care as intensely about the same things (men, trannies, conspiracies, online drama, etc). It's making me kind of sad because this place used to be all I had, but I hope it's a good sign.

No. 1622066

Is your first language English? Because if not and if it's a language with formal speech and specific formal pronouns I assume everyone use informal speech patterns when talking to you on top of what you already explain? If so then I can relate and I hate it.

No. 1622069

Damn some people are weird. Got stopped by a family that wanted to pet my dog which I usually allow since my dog loves kids but they made 0 acknowledgment at my existence, not a hi or bye, just nothing, the baby was holding a piece of bread obviously my dog licked it, no question like "can i give this food to your dog" just instructed the child to give my dog food. Felt like an npc for real.

No. 1622080

When cash app was duplicating people's last purchase prices, I actually logged onto my Twitter to see what the fuck was going on. During that time I was reading through #cashapp. As a shaytard I don't have any true knowledge of how other twitter sex workers handle buinesss, because I'm not interested. However, I learned that the amount of begging, bragging and bullshit shayna pulls is very normal. I legit saw girls begging for $10 in exchange for nudes. I saw no like posts with probably a nude attached ( I didn't click) asking for small amounts of change.
I saw cash app scammers, I saw scrotes asking for cash app names. It was very weird.

No. 1622096

Yeah my first language is english. It’s basically just dealing with people who don’t get that calling strangers pet names can be seen as condescending. I don’t live in a state where it’s common to use terms of endearment with strangers on a regular basis, if that helps lol.

No. 1622106

I just heard the news my great aunt died, TWO WEEKS AGO. My cousin heard the news last week, thought I knew but even he got the news late because the hospital had no current emergency contacts because both of the contacts are dead as well. It wasn't a huge shock, she was old and had been ill for many years with many different things but of course I'm still sad but I wish didn't hear this at a bday party like this. My cousin was also apologising but he was also shocked and awkward about it, who wouldn't be really.

No. 1622122

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I feel like this UTI is never going to go away. I just want to be normal again.

No. 1622125

fuck my sleep schedule is so bad, i can barely get any sleep yet keep waking up. woke up at like 5am and want to stay awake until 9pm so i can at least feel like i fell asleep at a normal time.

No. 1622135

Have you tried d-mannose?

No. 1622156

I've had uti-like pain for 2 years non-stop. Still don't know if I have interstitial cystitis or vulvodynia. Hopefully you have neither and it'll go away eventually.

No. 1622158

I've been taking it for two days so far and it's improved my symptoms a ton but today I started randomly feeling bad again and I'm terrified I'm going backwards nonas. I've already been going through this for a month because mine was mostly pain free and I didn't go to a doctor until it really made me feel like shit. I want to cry.

No. 1622168

Mine lasted for a month, it was hell but I did recover but it took a few weeks of taking things easy.

No. 1622177

dude my mom is so fucken entitled. visits people and she bitch and moans about how they dont cook for her. she could had been hungry and it was a long journey to visit them. she acys like they fucken told her to visit when she goes out of her way to visit just so she can act like shes so nice and generous.

No. 1622180

I often feel like people, both men and women, show their true nature only to me when we happen to be alone and I think it's because they know I'm a shut in autist who never gossips, never talks about others behind their backs and isn't generally interested in human lives, socialization, drama etc. Sometimes I almost don't feel human, or maybe they don't see me
that way, so it's easier for them to show me some parts of their psyche they usually hide from others. And they do it only when I happen to be totally alone with one of them, they would never say some stuff they say to me if there was more people around. Their demeanor also changed a little bit with me. Fucking weird.

No. 1622181

>t. osamu dazai

No. 1622183

I'm like this with the one person I know who is an autist…. hmmm, honestly. Now when I think about it.. I've been pretty rude to her. I should stop taking advantage of her loneliness (since she has mentioned before many times that she's depressed and friendless)

No. 1622184

your brother is an attention seeking POS and can't help but wonder if (assuming he knows about the pregnancy) that he's doing this to take positive attention away from you for being pregnant and onto him

No. 1622189

How are you taking advantage of her loneliness?

No. 1622190

I mean, it isn't my fault that she's lonely. Right? She lives in a isolated condition. I feel like that me being rude to her is gonna worsen her condition, and potentially her low self-esteem
Plus, it is just rude and disrespect.

No. 1622191

I hate my sister-in-law and how she treats my parents. She's so fucking bourgeoisie and acts like her family is so much better than ours because they live in nice neighborhoods with fancy houses. She literally never lets her kids stay with us but will drive 40 minutes to let them stay with her parents (we live 10 minutes closer). I mean I get that she's the kids' parent, but my brother was all game with letting them stay at our house until his wife said no.

No. 1622196

I don't think this is unique to you, basically everyone is more comfortable being honest in a one-on-one conversation with someone compared to when they're in a group. It's just a different dynamic.

No. 1622198

No. 1622201

That's so disrespectful I hate her too

No. 1622202

I want to make art for a friend's oc but I feel like she would think I'm being condescending kek

No. 1622203

Like she confides in you but you act like a bad friend about it?

No. 1622204

She might think I'm obsessed with her too

No. 1622206

No…. as much as I wanted to be a dick about it. I shouldn't. I was being a dick to her about the drug she did.

No. 1622210

Now that you say it, it really sounds like it could come from No Longer Human or something for the most part lol

No. 1622215

Does she use artfight? Because that would be a good opportunity if you don't want to straight up message her. And why would she think you're being condescending?

No. 1622217

Got ghosted after a job offer and I turned in my 2 week notice too. Fucking bitch

No. 1622221

Why does it matter what type of art software she uses? I don't understand.
It's due to the subject matter. I made fun of her for it, and in turn…. I think I'll be making fun of her more if I decide to draw it. Like rubbing it in.

No. 1622224

Artfight is an art trading game

No. 1622233

I was just thinking about how somehow every fucking person just pours everything they have in them out to me and it's lowkey psychotic because I don't think I invite them to do that, I just offer the bare amount of kitchen psychology

No. 1622241

Agreed, extra skinny skelly girls acting like they’re hot shit and look so much better than average weighted girls is hilarious to me. Their body dysmorphia makes them think they look like tiny elf fairy children when they just look like they do meth.

No. 1622242

Other girls my age calling me “honey” feels so condescending

No. 1622262

Like >>1622224 said, it's a website where you basically trade drawings of ocs. It's an easy way to draw for someone else without making it awkward. In your case it should be fine if you just tell her that you aren't going to make fun of her anymore though

No. 1622301

You're pretty cool to be considerate of her like that. Just treat people as people regardless.

I think it's because people don't really care about the opinion of a lonely/autistic person so they'll say whatever to them

No. 1622306

BMI 18-19 looks really cute to me, not that curvy doesn't look good but there's higher risk of having belly fat or being flabby. It's really hot if you have a great shape with a regular weight but if you don't exercise and are "average" you might just look flabby next to a skinny girl. That's just the tea honestly

No. 1622312

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>higher risk of having belly fat

No. 1622316

>people don't really care about the opinion of a lonely/autistic person so they'll say whatever to them
Sometimes this is a misunderstanding on the autists part. Normies usually attempt to share seemingly personal or vulnerable things with other normies to signal that they’re open to connection and reciprocation. Autists can interpret this as too much personal info that they didn’t ask for and feel subjected to the conversation instead of feeling included.

No. 1622318

imagine being this obsessed with appearance. go read a book or pick up knitting or something

No. 1622322

It’s so hard to be a third culture kid. Stuck between one white side of the family and one ethnic side. Both just as stuck up. Got back from a family gathering and now I’m just crying. I feel like I’m never enough and don’t live up to any of the two sides’ standards.

No. 1622326

>and have no idea what the fuck you actually look like
Yes, actually, unironically. I'm a "recovered" ana-chan and I'm almost 100% sure that being unable to process what you actually look like is a big part of it. I'm not skelly and not getting skelly again, but I still don't know what I look like at this normal weight either.

And I wish everyone called out shoop and edition as much as everyone used to back in the day, I hate to scroll instagram, see literally impossible bodies, comment something about the edition, and only get nasty "you're just jealous!!" and "shut up, it's real!!" replies. This was bad for me as a pre/teen, and it's without a doubt really bad for girls growing up with it now too.

No. 1622334

Really wishing my family could mind their own business when it comes to me taking a long time in the bathroom. I would understand if someone needed it afterwards, but that’s not the case. It’s a little complicated because my skin issues had me taking soaking baths with oatmeal for a while and this was the first time I would be washing with a running faucet (before I work up to a shower because the water pressure would hurt but whatever it’s besides the point). My mother was upset that I was soaking too long in the bath when I had to tell her a million times that I didn’t soak, I took like under 10 mins to wash up. I honestly was procrastinating because I was scared that the water without oatmeal would hurt, so I took long. But it doesn’t fucking matter, when I’m in the bathroom it’s one of the few times I have to myself so I don’t want to hear shit that I’m taking too long. Yes I’m there contemplating, masturbating, letting my lotions absorb, relaxing. It concerns no one but ME. Not only that, I got slandered and clowned on for being in the bathroom for too long and when I tried to defend myself I’m told to just shut the fuck up. It’s so maddening to just be told to shut up all the time. I don’t even fully process it anymore, but it’s just like a fact of life that just scratches at me whenever it happens. Fuck off, I can do whatever I want in the bath for as long as I fucking want. Tell me to shut up like I’m some retarded barn animal all you fucking want.

No. 1622337

>feel subjected to the conversation instead of included
Nayrt and completely unrelated, but wow, I have never heard it phrased this way and I 100% hate when people seem to trap me in a convo like I am some kind of recepticle for their thoughts…my nigel is awful about it kek and calling this weird annoyed feeling "subjected to the convo" is spot on I even avoid him sometimes to avoid that trapped feeling when I am not ready to recieve all his ramblings.. I am an autist and he is adhd so he can overshare like crazy and I can get so sick of it… now I know it might be me a lot of the time misunderstanding why someone is talking to me in the first place. Now I feel a little guilty of subconciously blaming some people for 'using' me as an external thought processor instead of conversing with me. I do think some people are awful at making very one sided conversations/just want to hear their own voice, but maybe not as many as I thought. Damn. Gonna have to do some insight journaling now to try and recognize if I am being 'used' or if its an attempt to connect and my being annoyed is unreasonable. Ugh.

No. 1622343

I'm not obsessed, I actually read a lot and do good studies. You're the one who brought it up first, tubby

No. 1622346

nonnas.. watch the full video. he's right. i miss the internet as it used to be. why did it have to turn out this way. what can we do?

No. 1622352

RIP 2007 you were a real one always got you on my mind baby

No. 1622358

Unrelated but how effective are oatmeal baths in relieving pain from superficial (but still pretty gnarly) wounds

No. 1622360

I will never be good enough. No matter how much weight I lose, it all really means nothing in the end. The person I see in the mirror will always be a huge monster. She will always be nothing but a mass of scars, of body fat, of imperfections. She is too much but nothing at all. I wish I never existed at all. My life has been nothing but pain.

No. 1622364

I love you nonnie and I mean this in the kindest way but get your head out of the shitter, stop judging yourself and allowing such ugly thoughts to permeate your brain. You can believe you're beautiful at the drop of a hat, real beauty is strength, confidence and drive. Hope I don't sound condescending as I completely relate to you, I also have a lot of scars and sometimes used to feel like a trash bag of a person but I don't let that get to me

No. 1622366

Thats supposed to be for itching, not pain.

No. 1622370

I think it's just the autists hate having to hear other people talk about their emotions cause they don't care and can't empathize, even if its just a normal conversation you'd have with a loved one. At the same time autists are actually the worst at rambling about their niche interests constantly without realizing how annoying that is for the other person. This is why people don't like ya'll btw.

No. 1622381

I don't think that's true, sometimes autistic people have low empathy due to lowered ability to feel emotions (pretty common depending on the autistic person's life experiences, isolation often leads to that wether intentional or circumstantial, also an automatic shutdown reaction to trauma and emotions in order to remain functional which is also v common) but a lot of other times they have extreme empathy and emotions and depending on upbringing either wear their heart on their sleeve or just aren't great at showing it or think they must hide it. I'm not trying to be like oh autistic people are so special this is what they struggle with, just saying it depends on the person like everyone. I think autism being conflated with low empathy is a lie as it's not even an actual symptom and more of a situational effect, it's likely a different way of feeling or expressing empathy or it can also be highly situational like sometimes you're so caught up in mucho autismo that you quite literally forget to consider other people's feelings. Not similar to low empathy imo and probably not relevant in this situation half the time. Sorry for the lil rant. Just read the rest of your message. I think you're talking about a stereotype

No. 1622384

Also a lot of autistic people are great listeners (u know just like normal people), I definitely am and I give others plenty of time out wether I emotionally care atm or not. Out of principle and respect for other human beings, u know.

No. 1622385

Idk how nonnie. As far back as my mind will allow me to go, this is what the norm is for my pattern of thinking. Maybe it has to do with my OCD, but it's almost like I have this external voice 'telling' me all these things. Maybe it's an extension of my father's criticisms. Maybe it's an extension of my mother's insecurities. Or my exes narcissism. An accumulation of all of these things? I will never know. I've tried all of the conventional ways of seeking help, along with some of the unconventional ones. It just doesn't seem like there is anything to me. I can't tell if I'm a shell of a person or if I'm too afraid to be a person because I don't want to be put down for who I am. But even I don't know who I am anymore. I don't think I've ever had confidence, or drive, or any of that…every time I've begun to have a smidge of passion for something, it's been stomped out before it could even begin or compared to others so much to the point where I just give up. I can't shake it and it's killing me.

No. 1622391

Maybe true for extremely high functioning female autists or just special snowflakes who diagnosed themselves with autism cause they like dinosaurs or whatever perfectly normal interest. Due to my profession I have met many many autists and they are all extremely self-obsessed and lack empathy and get super annoyed when anyone tries to have normal social interactions with them that are not about them or their interests because listening to other people talk about themselves is a chore to them and they just constantly want to ramble to you about rocks or trains or whatever. It's a stereotype for a reason.

No. 1622396

Do you think it's possible it's the environment you're in currently?

You saying there's nothing to you or defining yourself by what you can achieve in comparison to others I relate to a LOT. I'm telling you this because it's the way I broke free: you need to love yourself and have your back at all times, validation needs to be internal. Even if you were the shittiest person on the planet you need to love yourself just because, so what lol?

Be honest with yourself on your shortcomings without judgement, make attempt to achieve things without fear of failure or ridicule, laugh with yourself when you mess up and try again, just have your own back because no one else will. Take time to celebrate your victories and acknowledge the good you've done, no one does that enough.

I hope I don't sound dismissive or condescending, real life problems can get in the way I understand but you need to be honest with yourself and you can't be honest if you hate yourself

No. 1622398

Ah just another sassy bitch who doesn't wanna do her job, I see.

You sound stupid but I'm not gonna do the thinking for you, I'll give you one clue though: bias + context

No. 1622406

Oh yeah autists are also massively condescending assholes. Most mentally retarded people should honestly be put in homes and not unleashed upon society where normal people have to step on eggshells around them to avoid them having a massive violent tard-out.

No. 1622416

my mom is so fucken controlling. when my dad talks with other people talk, it's "too long" and he should "know" when to end the convo. they see these people once a year? once every 2 year? yet she talks on the phone with the same fucken person 2-3 times a fucken day for hours.

No. 1622422

Lmao sure, just because I don't want to stoop down to your seething level doesn't mean I'm condescending, sounds like a you problem

No. 1622426

I am double jointed with extremely elastic skin. like I can stretch my skin more than my boyfriend who used to be fat. Everything hurts all the time and my joints keep slipping out of place doing literally nothing. Yet my doctor still refuse to send a referral to get me checked out for eds??? wack

No. 1622435

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You don't sound normal at all btw nonnie, may I remind you you're on lolcow ranting about imprisoning people to a literal retard?

No. 1622442

Don't out him. That will reinforce his victim complex and if he ends up changing his mind, she will have embarrassed him for nothing

No. 1622449

File: 1688258087143.jpg (48.13 KB, 623x541, FzouqRdaUAAfDNS.jpg)

Oh my god why is it that when you call a man out for being abusive he goes on some creepy word salad talking in circles and riddles like, everyone has a dark inner core deep down, everyone has dark thoughts, no one is perfect… Oh my GOD you stupid fucking useless perverse actual psychopathic retard you are a CREEP and a LOSER and the things you do are sex crimes please die!!!!

No. 1622454

>Woman is late in pregnancy or has just given birth
>Scrote family member troons out to get the attention back on himself
Every fucking time, fucking sociopaths. Be polite and cordial to him, but don't interact with him unless you have to. Do not allow him to contact your children ever, not in person, not on the phone, and especially not online. Do not invite him to the baby shower or the delivery, he will ruin it. Honestly, keep him away from your spouse, too, just to be safe (regardless of gender).

No. 1622456

Go back.

No. 1622467

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>playing pokémon go, been walking for a while
>sit down on a monument plinth for a bit. i's a big ass statue, lots of room to sit
>have huge headphones on, looking at my phone
>some dirty looking bloke approaches
>there's plenty of places to sit but he's making a beeline for me
>he says something but i just glare at him without taking my headphones off
>actually makes to sit next to me
>i get up and leave
>he actually has the audacity to gape at me
moids really think they're enitled to your time and attention and they can NOT take a fucking hint. and they have the sheer gall to act shocked when you don't play along

No. 1622472


No. 1622474

it's not men wearing makeup and dresses that's the issue, it's tranny ideology insisting that wearing dresses and makeup makes you a woman

No. 1622486

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I dont have a hairy big tiddied domestic husband to watch fireworks with this year but I will. And wherever he is I hope he is having a good day and enjoying himself. Yes I'm kind of sad. But that's life sometimes its fine

No. 1622488

>autists hate having to hear other people talk about their emotions cause they don't care and can't empathize
NTA, but this is bullshit. I can't speak for everyone with autism, but I usually don't like listening to emotionally dense conversations precisely because I have hyperempathy and feel overwhelmed afterwards, especially if it's about something I can't solve (just being a “shoulder to cry on” and doing nothing makes me feel useless).

>Most mentally retarded people should honestly be put in homes and not unleashed upon society
And we are the ones who are non-empathetic assholes…

No. 1622503

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I hate how depression is draining the life out of me. I feel disconnected most of the time. There's this weird hollowness I feel that doesn't go away no matter what. I'm tired just not in the physical sense as I have no problems walking a long time or running. I don't sleep much which honestly isn't that big of an issue considering I've had insomnia since I was a young teen. I mostly just like the feel of being in my bed even if I'm not sleeping. I'm not hungry most of the time and will drink things for calories, not alcohol due to both not huge on the taste and allergy issues. There's no feeling of dread either anymore. It's strange and I want to laugh.

No. 1622514

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I fantasize about trooning out, moving away, and starting a whole new life as a "man." While socially awkward sperg-adjacent women are mocked even by other women, men with the same qualities are feared because everyone is afraid they might go postal if you bully them. For once in my life, I want to know what it is like to be feared. To have that power.
People already walk on eggshells around me because I'm a GNC woman (they assume I am a TIF), so realistically becoming FTM wouldn't be a massive shift (or it wouldn't be as long as I don't actually pass as a man). I guess I already got a taste of what it's like to be an autistic scrote because I was a TIF from the ages of around 9-12 and I passed as a young boy until one of my classmates outed me. Everyone was kind of scared of me because I would have autistic meltdowns in public and generally act like a future school shooter. Weirdly enough I actually got more attention from girls then than I do now as a lesbian. I think a lot of women have a thing for "bad boys" (I.E. the whole "I can fix him" mentality), but the same behaviors that are considered attractive in men (basically being an inconsiderate brutish thug with an inflated ego) and considered intimidating in women. Unfortunately I still act like an autistic scrote trapped in a woman's body because my proper female socialization was disrupted and now I am a femcel freak forever RIP

No. 1622517

This is bullshit, I'm an autist and I'm the exact opposite of what you described. I have a voyeuristic interest in hearing other people talk about the gruesome details of their personal lives to the extent where I literally considered becoming a therapist or a lawyer just so that I could do this

No. 1622521

>I was a TIF from ages 9-12

No. 1622523

literally me too, I love hearing every single bit of tea/drama and whatnot and I am very autistic
when will people learn that this is a spectrum lmao

No. 1622525

what's with the weirdly aggro replies and bait today?

No. 1622527

What, desisters and detransitioners exist

No. 1622532

Last night I've had a series of nightmares, I don't remember them but I still have that nightmare vibe in my head, also I'm nauseous

No. 1622542

They weren’t scared of you cuz you were LARPing as a man, they were scared cuz you were mentally ill with poor emotional regulation.
I go to the gun range every week and I walk the streets knowing that I have the power to take a moids life lmao

No. 1622546

Mentally ill moids are feared whereas visibly mentally ill women are either mocked (I.E. "crazy ex") or fetishized and seen as a sexual challenge though. Think of all the scrotes who actively seek out BPD girls because they're easy to manipulate

No. 1622549

NTA but children will obviously be afraid of a kid who's mentally ill and unpredictably aggressive no matter the sex. Adult scrotes were never mentioned.

No. 1622556

Wanting to be feared comes from being afraid and powerless. Wanting to be feared as a man is typical response to trauma living as female. Don’t confuse the feeling of deep injustice as some sort of gender dysphoria. You’re not an angry man inside a woman’s body, you’re just angry and you want to be seen and heard.

No. 1622558

So tired of this stupid programmer tim whos shitting up this server I’m in with his constant complaints about “genocide” and anime girl gif spams. He picked the worst name too.

No. 1622560

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Mentally ill moids are feared because moids are machines of violence. I’m all for dangerous women making good on their words and putting fear in men’s hearts instead of doing something as silly as cosplaying.

No. 1622561

NTA, this is true for me. I want to be seen as big and intimidating and I have a complex over being short with small feminine hands and a weak voice. This is because I used to be bullied by my own family for being "weird" as a child, seen as "shy and quiet" at school, and many times not being taken seriously (even today by some people). Also, naturally a tomboy. So my personality and voice got rougher and more masculine to compensate.
I was about to troon out too but thankfully got the psychological help I actually needed, it helps that I didn't have any serious trauma/sexual abuse.

No. 1622564

thank God narcissists these days out themselves as narcissists by "identifying" as another gender, really saves everybody lots of wasted time and energy

No. 1622577

Based. Keep catching them all, nona.

No. 1622579

You're a nice person, and I hope you and him are having a nice firework viewing in the future.

No. 1622581

If that's uncommon they're definitely treating you like a kid. I feel for you.

No. 1622586

I wish I had the relationship that my boyfriend has with his sister. My brother treated me like shit, legit almost killed me in my sleep when I was 12, stripped us of our home by purposely setting it ablaze, made me afraid to even leave my room.
His sister talks to him about anything, when she's stressed about school. He'd bring her to soccer practice or to the library. I hate my brother so much, I vow to be the best aunt I can to my nieces and nephews. I will bring them to the park, play with them, make it so they can talk to me when they are stressed or sad..

No. 1622587

File: 1688270062803.jpg (114.22 KB, 769x960, 1580801107220.jpg)

you can' identify out of oppression lol. and there's no reasson you can' bee a confident, assertive woman.
sure you'll be labelled aggressive where a man would be better tolerated but you just gotta learn to take it in stride. yeah sure you're gonna piss of some people but it's their problem.
it's not like you can change you sex anyway.
i've embraced being seen as a blunt oputspoken bossy bitch. life is way more fun that way

No. 1622593

Is this the same faggot that’s always baiting about autists or are there multiple of you guys. You make it sound like all you talk to is autists or maybe an autistic man with a lazy eye ghosted you but it’s not our problem. You sound pathetic and like you’re on the brink of snapping and smearing shit on the walls calm down

No. 1622601

Instagram is such a shitty app why can't I see my comments unless I click on the like notification wtf

No. 1622603

I'm aware that my gender dysphoria stems from internalized misogyny and being afraid of being perceived as weak, but there are also other contributing factors. I am unable to connect with other women because of being a sperg, my dad is probably closeted trans, I have legitimate AAP too
I might just become a roided out gym freak without calling myself a man or whatever

No. 1622607

I love Moon's videos but they depress me and make me paranoid

No. 1622612

I was using my friend's computer and I accidentally left a tab open where I was mid-post ITT I'm so paranoid now I'm afraid she's gonna judge me idk what to do help me nonnas
Will she be able to identify my posts somehow

No. 1622615

It really got even worse after I deleted my account? I didn't think that was possible, I'm impressed.

No. 1622616

She'll identify this post at least

No. 1622626

I don't talk shit about her on here though she is a good friend

No. 1622634

>I am unable to connect with other women because of being a sperg
>I have legitimate AAP too
Neither of these mean you are a male in a woman's body. So you can't relate to most other women, so what? You're not the only woman this happens to. You're genuinely not like other girls, it's not the end of the world. You can accept the fact that you have a personality far different from the average woman, and live as a woman instead of pretending to be a man or have a man's brain.
And you either have a fetish because of porn or some other reason that gave you an unconventional sexuality, that's not being a man either (men don't get turned on by the fact that they're male, same reason why AGP doesn't mean TIMs are female. The fact that you're turned on by that means you're not male).

No. 1622641

I really want to yolo in some way so bad right now. I've been working hard for more than a half year to save up for various goals. Thinking about buying a console my friend has that I love or buying a motorcycle. I'm about ready to also try selling my not as worn clothes too, because I think what I like isnt what most of my wardrobe is. Something needs to change for the better right now or I'll implode. Tired of keeping my head low doing nothing but working yet not feeling satisfied due to fear of losing money.

No. 1622646

File: 1688275744921.jpg (21.51 KB, 460x434, sleepy or tired meme cat.jpg)

I fucked up a little and I'm probably gonna get a UTI now. Praying my pussy protects itself. "Self-cleaning" my ass.

No. 1622647

What the fuck did you do..

No. 1622648

I need her. God. She doesn’t love me back. I’m not even sure she likes me as a friend. But god. I need her. Goddamn it. When will this almost 3 year long crush end? I’m so horny today, even just talking to her briefly would satisfy me. I feel like I’ll never be able to love anyone except for her. I hate it.

No. 1622650

I feel very similar to what you describe, you can just say you're female, no? Just like a female ram, a female moose, a female rhino, your female dog. There are no stigmas or roles attached to them. I think it's understandable not to relate to most women, but the healthiest thing you can do is recognize and accept that you're a female mammal, nothing that describes anything about you beyond that.

No. 1622657

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i'm such a pathetic socially retarded loser. i am nearly 21 years old and i don't have any friends. i am just too much of a spergy retard to make irl friends, and i'm too timid and shy to put myself out there. i'm scared of the world, scared of moids and i have trouble connecting with other women bc of my literal autism they don't seem to like me, but i've never really had close friendships of either gender. i was also pretty terminally online as a teenager so prime socialization years were maybe wasted when i could have been weird and awkward it would have been less embarrassing as doing it as an adult. i have 3 internet friends but they are all in different timezones and they have actual lives more than i do so we rarely get to talk for long. the only reason they still talk to me is because we've known each other since high school anyway. the only person i speak to on a daily basis is my mother and even she thinks i'm a loser kek. this is such a deeply lonely and lame existence and i hate it but i also don't know how to change it. i'm moving cities this fall, and i kind of have the hope that in a new place i'll magically change as a person and become more sociable, but i don't expect i'll suddenly be able to do it when i've never been able to do it in my life before. is it too late for me to build social skills??

No. 1622659

I'm going to give you a very honest opinion, and it is with no hint of cruelty or condescension. If you do not currently have the dimensions to pass, you won't pass. Being gnc does not help you pass. Passing is important because you are speaking entirely about socially being perceived as male, and im telling you right now that if you don't already have the foundation to be perceived as male, you will never be perceived as male. If you aren't already androgynous or have masculine proportions, you cannot magically grow them from testosterone. Truly having the strong psyche to transition and not want to kill yourself later is to accept the fact that you will likely never pass in the eye of others, and many people will perceive you as a woman regardless. You will not magically have the same privileges as men unless you can socially pass as male. And you have to be okay with knowing that when people find out you're not biologically male, not only will they stop treating you like a man, you will be othered in a way that will make you feel just as isolated and anguished as you do now. If you can't handle those things, this is just a passing phase you're using as a pacifier to daydream about what it's like on greener grass. You will likely always deal with misogyny, patronization, dehumanization, objectification, etc until you're elderly enough to be considered mostly invisible. If you're not already 'built for t' then I guarantee you that transforming into a short, bald, doughy homer simpson isn't going to give you any sort of peace or euphoria unless you can imagine feeling content as such and also having people transvestigate you whether you want to be perceived as so or not. I actually have no negative thoughts about people who transition wholly for themselves and accept the changes however detrimental or unalligned with their expectations because that's how you know they are actually alleviated of deeply personal dysphoria. If you aren't of them you're going to regret what you're doing off the sole fact that you sound like you want to spite your body for being permanently shackled to misogyny and unwilling objectification, which you will still experience in a more gruesome way if you aren't like ty turner etc. It's a drastic decision to make to spite your body alone.

No. 1622664

Same but I’m a bit older. I also moved across the country and tbh it’s more isolating when you don’t know anyone, getting out more does help. But seriously a big move won’t magically change your behavior. On the bright side it’s really not too late to become a more social person, the hardest part is getting used to it and not making it into a big deal. Getting buzzed helps for me personally in social situations.

No. 1622669

It's not too late at all and trust me, people in their early 20s are still weird and awkward. You have time to be cringe and if a social interaction goes really bad, you can just learn from it and try again with someone else. The embarrassment won't last. I really recommend making the time this summer to get a part-time job and go to camps/fairs/markets/other group meetings for the forced social interaction. You're not gonna magically become sociable, it really is a skill.

No. 1622671

Something gross

No. 1622673

? Leave a hot dog up there? You gonna get TSS

No. 1622677

That way you feel about your lost "prime socialization years", whenever that is, is the way you will feel about your current age when you're 30, and on and on. The cycle of regret and wondering if it's too late keeps going, the only way to step out of it is to realize that, and just let yourself have those experiences now.

I felt the same way at 21, and now at 29 I look back at that person as a child. You're not too old.

No. 1622707

Did you "double dip" without washing first?

No. 1622714

Demi Lovato over here said in another thread that she wiped back to front.

No. 1622715

You're only 21 calm down, you've probably not even joined the workforce. Download bumble bff, invite a nice coworker to go for drinks, join a teamsport or a gym, start a hobby where you meet people, if you're still in school/uni join student-related activities/events. If you live in a city you have so many options to meet new people, you just have to seize them. If you still don't have friends by mid or late twenties that's when you might start worrying because a lot of people start having families by that time and it becomes more difficult to meet new people (somewhat depending on your area I guess) but at 20/21 when a lot of your peers are still students? Nah you have plenty of opportunities.

No. 1622718

No, wiped wrong.

No. 1622720

No. 1622723

Considering making a bumble bff account and lying about my age (I’m almost 30). Everyone my age thinks I’m weird for my lifestyle and/or for not wanting kids. Also all my friends my age are busy with their kids. I just want some friends to hang out with at my house and maybe go out for a walk downtown with me. I live in a (small) college town right near the college itself. 18-22 year olds seem to think late 20s people are ancient and would be too weirded out to befriend me if they knew my real age. I can’t relate to people my age who either have kids or want kids soon. I wouldn’t lie about my Nigel’s age to my potential friends, just mine. I know that this would be weird but I kinda don’t care.

No. 1622726

I am the anon who just posted >>1622723 and I literally don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Putting myself “out there” makes me feel worse because people treat me like I have two fucking heads. It’s weird because people usually like me when it’s not in a situation like at a bar trying to make friends. Every time I’ve gone to bars I’ve sat alone and even the bartender acted like I was weird. I don’t get it. I’m not even wearing weird clothes, I don’t have tattoos or piercings, my hair is a natural color and I don’t wear crazy makeup.

No. 1622729

There’s also that group of people in their 30s who think they are too mature to do anything other than Netflix

No. 1622743

I think my boyfriend and my friends and everyone is pulling a prank on me and this is some kind of investigation into the life of a severely depressed person, and one day they will all come to me and tell me that all of this has been a test/experiment, I'll wake up one day and it will all be gone, they will leave, I wait in fear, has this been happening since I met the people I know now? For over half a decade? Maybe it's even been in motion for over a decade. They put me in hospitals and who's to say that they don't watch the ill after they leave? They do long studies on people like this over decades, what if I am an unknowing test subject to this experiment and this will all be taken away. Its going to be ripped away, good things have always been either taken or I let them down, what is the trick happening here, why hasn't it been taken away? I'd rather get it over with now than wait like this its unbearable. I feel so hopeless

No. 1622745

>meet scrote months ago and fuck him
>I blocked him after the first two fuck sessions because he clearly doesn’t like me(story of my life)
>we match again because I swipe right on everyone on dating apps without looking
>he texts me saying some bullshit about how we matched and he wants to meet up again and I agree
>all week he claims to be a slow texter and can’t set a date blah blah. I never even asked him to text me nor did I ask for a date.
>block him again because I found him boring
>I decided to unblock everyone I have blocked
>2 months later the same shit happens again

I feel like since I stopped giving men any reaction even they do this. Like if you’re busy etc just fuck off…..it’s almost like they want me to react negatively and it pisses them off that I don’t give them the satisfaction.

No. 1622768

>go to a fast food chain
>I sit on one of the stools like I'm told
>it has water(?) on it for some reason
>after sitting on another stool and eating I still have a wet spot on my pair of jeans
Please anons pray that this is just water and that nobody pissed in their pants, I can't wash anything right now.

No. 1622772

Sniff your pants

No. 1622781

Why do you keep engaging with them

No. 1622798

I didn't and I'm too worried to do that but it dried without staining my jeans so I think it really was water.

No. 1622800

I have to buy new clothes and I don't fucking want to. I hate clothes shopping, even online. What makes it worse is that all of it is overpriced and shot quality, but it's not like I have a lot of options.

No. 1622809

I went to Marshall’s and Burlington coat factor a few weeks ago and found a lot of cute stuff that was decent quality and not expensive. Do they have shops like that in your country?

No. 1622813

File: 1688294925513.gif (1.67 MB, 250x220, 4861C050-21BE-4B55-A8BC-A03963…)

What do I do with all the obsession I have for him?! He’s a celebrity and he doesn’t even look like this anymore and he doesn’t know I exist but I get so excited and gushy looking at him and idk what to do with it I can’t even masturbate to him for some reason, help

No. 1622815

Oh God he kinda looks like me

No. 1622822

Can I hit you up nona

No. 1622825

Sure. I would love the attention.

No. 1622826

We mostly have fast fashion crap in easter europe, so not really, nope

No. 1622832

Those stores are fast fashion crap too anon.

It sucks in some ways but on the other hand, if we had lived decades ago without fast fashion in it's current magnitude, most of us would've been patching up the few outfits we could afford until completely worn out.

No. 1622853

Normies are disgusting animals and I'm glad human civilization is dying out OGAAA BOOGA yes I hate you indeed

No. 1622858

they’re kind of fast fashion, but they’re also typically a lot higher quality than forever 21 or shein. The amount of 100% poly plastic shit is a lot lower anyway. I got some cute 100% cotton hello kitty shirts for $8 and some cotton dresses so I’m happy. They didn’t fall apart in the wash either.

No. 1622864

I wish I wasn't betraying my beliefs for my ed.
A lot of women like to pretend that eating disorders have nothing to do with internalised misogyny, it's just for control, it's a trauma response and coping mechanisms. And it is those things but misogyny doesn't just mean the discounted stereotype of litte girls trying to look like models or fit the beauty standard. There are many ways internalised misogyny can manifest in an ed, that's why it's a female-patterned pathology, and it's counterproductive to the feminist cause to abuse your body and make yourself weak.
I wish I could pretend it didn't have to conflict with my ideals. I don't want to stop yet, because it is still a coping mechanism and sense of control. I also know that if I let myself gain weight I would be just as disordered but I would get no support for it.

No. 1622877

Fast fashion isn't defined by it's (lack of) quality and a shirt being 100% cotton doesn't make it quality either. Cotton, leather, alpaca, linen etc. all natural materials can be made shitty. For 8 dollar you're not getting a quality shirt. Unless you're defining quality by not falling off your back after three washes I guess.

No. 1622878

I will be forever sick. I will forever be a burden on those who love me, even if they are doing everything they can now they will eventually resent me. They won’t be able to abandon me, maybe, but they will grow more and more tired of me even if they don’t tell me that now. No matter what, I will always make them feel lesser. Incapable of being by my side. And they are, but I don’t blame them.

No. 1622882

I thought he was a woman kek you must be very attractive

No. 1622894

I thought he was a woman too! He looks feminine.
Nah. My face is broad, square sized. The only resemblance I have to him is mainly the eye area, perhaps the nose and my lips are somewhat bigger.

No. 1622897

Jesus Christ, he aged awfully. He looks somewhat like anything4views now.

No. 1622899

I nearly punched nigel this morning. He tried to commiserate with me by sharing that his back also hurts today. Oh fuck no. Your back hurts because you haven't exercised enough, my back hurts because my uterus is twice its usual size. We are not the same. Normally I feel smugly superior whenever nigel complains about pain because it's funny how the male body is incapacitated by things I barely notice, but today it just pissed me the fuck off. Like dude if there is ever one time to shut up about your problems it's now.

No. 1622906

My boyfriend's only love he received from his parents was that stereotypical "If I didn't love you, you wouldn't have had a roof over your head or food." So he never had birthdays, dinners cooked, holidays, travel, events, activities, or anything fun and stereotypical of a family. Money was not a factor, these people have a ton of money to throw around. But now I'm starting to realize that it's my boyfriend's love language now, too. He loves me, so I get a roof over my head and food. But no activities, events, outdoor things, star-gazing, picnics, hiking, travel, whatever. I'm not asking for things to be costly, just for them to be more than being inside our apartment. Plus I have to be realistic and understand that no other scrote, especially a younger one, is gonna love me with a "roof over my head" sorta deal. So I feel this tug-and-pull between "God I wish I were having a fun, romantic life of small activities" and "I am already so spoiled I don't require anything else". But eight years of this has bored me to the point of tears.

No. 1622908

I feel very immature when I get irritated with the slightest criticism towards my artwork because I know to improve is to be open to, but some people do nothing but go hard on my mistakes where I never ask, or if I'm proud of a piece. Nonstop it's discouraging as fuck.

No. 1622910

You could just get a job and not spend your life tied to a boring scrote. It’s not 1933 you don’t need a man to take care of you.

No. 1622913

No matter what is done to comfort you externally, until you address your emotional immaturity, you will always be miserable

No. 1622921

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Shut the fuck up. I don't care about your man. I don't care about other people's romantic life. I don't care about your gossiping about other people's lives. I don't care who fucks with who. I don't care what you think about our coworkers. I don't care that you don't like the fact that that one woman from a different department is fat. Why do you even care? Stop pouring your toxicity onto me you disgusting narcissistic normie. Find some real hobby you vapid bitch. I can't believe you call me childish for not wanting to be involved with men when your man literally handles all your formalities for you, makes your medical appointments, takes care of your insurance and your taxes, he found an apartment for you two and handled all the formalities and wrote the motivation letter, and you literally admit you would be lost without him. That's a child behavior, not an adult behavior. Yet you call me childish. The only thing you do for your nigel is like his laundry and spreading your legs for him. I do everything for myself, even though making phone calls gives me cosmic levels of anxiety and I'm turbo autistic. I make my appointments, I handle my insurance and my taxes, I work hard enough to pay for both my apartment in my home country and my room in the city where it's extremely hard to find anything for rent, and I found this room on my own too, without anyone's help. I'm totally alone, I don't even have parents, yet I do it, and you have a nigel who does everything for you and supporting parents and you're still bitching about everything and you're entitled and petty enough to constantly gossip about other people behind their backs, you two faced bitch. Even your nigel tells you you complain too much and then you complain about it to me. I don't want to listen to it. Don't act offended when I don't want to talk to you anymore. You're toxic as fuck and the only reason some coworkers still want to engage with you is that 1) you're perfect at being fake nice and a social butterfly, like a sociopath and 2) you don't show them the levels of toxicity you show to me when nobody can hear you except me. You're dumb but you act like you're the smartest. Gifrel is my last surviving braincell when you talk to me for longer than 1 minute. You hear some "smart" word from me and then you're repeating it thinking it makes you smart. You have no hobbies and no interests and you don't even read books. Sometimes the things you say are so stupid and vapid but you say them in the "know it all" tone and you have a nice diction and very open body language so other normies listen to you because for normies 70 to 93 % of communication is non verbal and they literally don't pay the attention to the substance of your blabbering. It boggles my mind people like you exist and you still bother to poison lives of someone so childish and so detached like me with your vapid bullshit, constantly talking about meaningless things and gossip and toxicity. I'm so sad I have to work with you. You're a disgrace. Stay away from me cow

No. 1622924

Have you talked about it with him? I think he at least could make an effort if he wants to show you love and make you happy. Maybe you could initiate something yourself to set an example. Well, if you haven't already.

No. 1622932

for past couple of years, my mind has been virtually perpetually empty. i have great difficulty imagining things, feeling emotions, remembering things, and constructing sentences in my head. i basically live like an animal now, mindlessly following my base impulses, and can feel what little intelligence i have left deteriorating day by day. my parents want me to get my ged so i can get a job and go to college, but i’m too retarded for that. i think i’m just going to apply for disability and then kill myself when my life becomes too unbearable

No. 1622942

I might be pregnant and I’m low on money this month, but I bought expensive crystals and cannot stop ordering pizza and it’s just the second day of this month. I hope you are doing better nona

No. 1622943

Please go see a doctor.

No. 1622945

i’ve tried and none of them and have ever listened to or help me. they just keep prescribing me antidepressants that are probably making me more retarded

No. 1622948

Holy shit go off nonnie hahahaha I love this

No. 1622950

Please dump him literally any woman can get a man to allow her to live with him, you should never ever feel grateful for that, it benefits them. I was a megapoorfag so had even less than your bf and I’m still not that retarded, it’s not an excuse there are men who will take you on dates.

No. 1622951

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damn, you weren't exaggerating.

No. 1622952

FUCK he hit the wall so hard.

No. 1622953

Nobody is forcing you to live like this, find a job and do fun activitied yourself lol

No. 1622954

hypermobility and autism go hand in hand, maybe its just a symptom….

No. 1622980

You just obsess in that non erotic teenager way like I do with batman Val Kilmer. He looks real nice in that turtleneck. No wonder nicole Kidman threw the bat light just to get his attention.

No. 1622991

Oh what the fuck. My bf's stepdad got angry and said he didn't want my bf and his mom hanging out so often. Idk where this came from. My bf and his mom have only started to have a decent relationship in the past couple years, not that it was strained, they just weren't close. We drove out to get her for an event since she can't drive after dark and my bf's stepdad didn't want to take her and he just lost it at her when she was trying to leave, saying there's no reason she needs to see him again so soon. As someone who grew up with a stepdad who would accuse my mom of being attracted to her sons or accuse me of being attracted to my brothers for spending time with them it triggered the fuck out of me and gave me those vibes. I screamed at him to fuck off which shocked everyone kek but my bf's mom just ended up staying home. I always thought his stepdad was weird but ultimately fine but now? Ugh.

No. 1623019

I can't find words to describe it, but I feel like I've lived in this… world of delusions or gaslight or lies my entire life. It's not something only I was subjected to, it's more like a lifestyle of people around me, everyone just perpetuates it like there's no other way. It's not even that people pretend things are certain way, they're so deep in denial they don't want to see how things really are. It's no wonder I grew up so depressed, feeling like I can't trust anyone. Still feeling like saying what you feel, sharing, being honest is useless and won't be appreciated. When you say you love someone it must mean something, there has to be a proof, it's not just a word. There was no abuse or anything, just complete apathy and indifference half-assedly covered with shallow, not meaningful, expressions of affection. I don't know how to connect with people now. I often feel like a piece of furniture, and like people expect me to be just it, not an actual person. Being a person means creating inconvenience. That's how it feels.

No. 1623065

Firstly, just break up. If you aren’t excited and ready to marry him after 8 years you need to move on.

People literally use their adulthood to do the fun things they couldn’t do as kids. Nobody needs family outings as a child to desire fun experiences with their partner as an adult. Your boyfriend is just dry and possibly unaffectionate. If it’s never occurred to him, just bring it up yourself and if you have but he’s never interested, you’re incompatible. If he was actually raised to be a subpar bf, don’t date him. 8 weeks is too long for someone who won’t join you on a picnic. “Roof and food” is not being spoiled. Is a child never getting to celebrate their birthday spoiled?? You are understandably unsatisfied. Most men will enthusiastically do the activities you mentioned on the first date. You are free to move on.

No. 1623085

That sounds strange and really fucked, nonna. I'm glad you yelled at him. Maybe your bf's mom will realize some day how fucked the stepdad is. I have my own experience with controlling men and I hate them.

No. 1623112

This might not even be about some weird incest. This is just normal abuser behavior, he is trying to isolate her. They hate when their victim goes out without them even though they don’t want to go. Your bf should try to see if she is safe because it will escalate if she isn’t already being beaten

No. 1623114

I feel exactly like this. Everyone feels very superficial and if you try to be real or honest even a little in a context where it’s appropriate they get terrified and distance and label you cringe. I feel like everyone around me is perpetually virtue signaling because their niceness and sense is so inconsistent

No. 1623117

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Say it with me: sawing off your tits will not solve your problems.

No. 1623130

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Tomorrow I have to make an appointment at the dentist office because yesterday my crowned teeth broke in two. Now I'm not only scared of what is coming my way (pretty sure they will remove the whole thing since it the teeth seems to be dead and completely broken anyways) BUT it's been A GOOD WHILE since I've been to the dentist and my teeth look horrendous. I KNOW, I know that the dentist are there to help me but due to my fear and my previous really shitty dentist (which I partly blame my fear of dentist on) I've hesitated to get things done since years. I know that sooner or later I would have to go for something, so I now is the time for the walk of shame and get things done. Prob won't sleep today over this but yeah, can't eat with this loose crown eater so I have no other choice …

No. 1623144

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I can't stop making a fool of myself I clearly will have to learn the hard way

No. 1623151

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one of my online friends unadded me and then posted on a social media that she's deleting people she doesn't think likes her
if you think i don't like you just fucking ask my sister?
just because i'm not the type to talk to someone every single day because i'm horrible at dms doesn't mean i don't like you. every time you double messaged me i've responded to you with my full usual energy, what's the problem? she seems to cycle new people in and out all the time anyways.

No. 1623152

*ask ME sister, not my

No. 1623154

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No. 1623168

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You know, contrary to popular belief, yelling “STOP STOP STOP” while I’m talking is not actually going to keep me from finishing my sentence, random customer #8534, aged 54. In fact, now you’ve pissed me off enough that I’m intentionally going to finish my sentence and do so even LOUDER. Per normal social interactions, you I talk, you listen then you talk, I listen. You’d be amazed to know that the very thing I’m trying to tell you amid your yelling is literally the answer to your fucking question.

No. 1623181

Told this girl I was feeling down because a beloved relative just died yesterday and she keeps sending me videos and photos from a music festival? First of all, read the room and secondly? That band fucking sucks ass and I hate this

No. 1623184

Stuff like that is annoying because it makes me feel like I constantly need to match some weird almost fake energy but nona, they seem childish, time to let that person go

No. 1623190

zoomer problems

No. 1623207

killing myself would be the only way to end my problems but i’m afraid of death and what comes after it

No. 1623210

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I’m really enjoying magia record, it’s so pretty. Even though it’s really confusing and there are too many magical girls for me to keep up with. Just getting high and enjoying the pretty visuals is nice.

No. 1623214

I have forever 21 clothes that are over 10 years old and still look great, sure some shit falls apart after a couple years but for the most part if you take care of clothes and don’t buy super bad poly shit it will generally hold up. Shein clothes all seem to fall apart immediately though.

No. 1623227

Some of the posters here are so fucking retarded I can't believe how easily they believe anything they see posted on here. Do they have no critical thinking skills? Don't they see something blatantly fake and go "wait, something's not right about this"?
I wonder if this is because of social media or if they're those kinds of imageboard users who spend all day long on here with nothing else to do but get constant adrenaline rushes from getting mad at Twitter screencaps.

No. 1623228

i hate when you have a problem so specific to you that nobody else can relate. i really wish i could ask advice or find people who related but there is nobody. the only comfort i find is here with you nonas. thank you for being the real ones.

No. 1623241


No. 1623245

I think people just want to react. Sometimes it becomes this almost doublethink thing where even if it's fake you still act like it's real. Idk it's what I come here for so it seems ok I'm genuinely sorry if I've ever triggered you nonnie

No. 1623255

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how it feels to have no one reply to my request in a thread… like okay sorry i even said anything… should i kill myself…

No. 1623260

oh my god wah wah poor you, maybe post something interesting next time

No. 1623266

Same it feels so awful. I want to believe it's because no one who saw my post knew what to say or how to help

No. 1623267

I hate having a family, I wish I was an orphan who either dies at a young age or grows up to be an adult who never got adopted and go my way somewhere normal. I don't care about the abuse, already went through it all with a family, having none and being orphaned won't change anything.

No. 1623270

Kek anon don't feel bad, it's Sunday so the board is kinda slow
Also this, if I cannot contribute i simply don't reply

No. 1623272

I feel bad when I open myself and try really hard to help and engage and the nonnie never replies. I feel a little like a clown.

No. 1623274

Maybe she did read your post and it helped, but she was shy, sometimes that's why I don't reply back (or laziness)

No. 1623286

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kek i was only joking but >>1623266 i feel you but tbh when i made that post i was just getting desperate for certain recommendations it makes me sad when i'm just ignored and idk if it's worse when someone replies to me with something like seconding and then SHE gets a reply but not ME. is my post stinky or something like what's my problem… feel like such a clown

No. 1623288

samefag but your post made me feel so guilty just know that when a kind nonnie like you replies with something heartfelt to my post i screenshot it and read it often from time to time as nonnian wisdom, and it brings me comfort akin to a hug. i just feel shy get so anxious about what to reply with i put it off until i forget (even though this is an anonymous website…) but i know i should at least say thank you

No. 1623293

That's what I tell myself as I type an autistic long reply kek
Oh no, don't take it too seriously. It's fine if you don't reply, I am just being retarded. I post in so many threads I loose track, so I am probably a hypocrite. I think it's super sweet that your screenshot some replies, I might start doing that too.

No. 1623309

Trying to make friends at 30+ is a nightmare. I just moved to the midwest, it feels like everything happens up in Chicago yet all I've read is that its dangerous and I'll probably get killed. I have no idea how to find others. I feel incredibly depressive and its difficult to be optimistic about this.

No. 1623316

Oh my god, this site really is infested with the underaged now

No. 1623319

No. 1623320

It's the instant feedback loop theyre used to seeing on social media. Everyone thinks that everyone else wants to hear their 2 cents on all current events so they release them like some sort of obnoxious public service announcement because they're lonely and want attention and to feel a part of things. Or they want likes. Either way seeing that all the time makes people think their kneejerk responses to things they aren't involved in and know nothing about are necessary regardless of how clearly fake the story is.

No. 1623341

Fucking WHITE TRASH PIECES OF SHIT blowing up their money and giving my poor dog an hours long anxiety attack that meds and thundervests don’t help. I HATE FIREWORKS. I hate the white trash garbage that wastes their money on causing a fucking disturbance in addition to creating unnecessary pollution. At least wait until the ACTUAL HOLIDAY to do that shit!!!! I shouldn’t have to hear fireworks for a month out of the goddamn year!!! Motherfuckers start fireworks a week before new years and continue until a week after, same with the 4th!

GUESS WHAT FUCKERS? Our city has an ordinance that bans fireworks other than on 7/4, 12/31, and 1/1. I called the fucking cops on you trailer trash pieces of shit. I hope you’re doing meth too so you get put in prison. Fuck all of you, go the fuck inside it’s over 90 degrees outside anyway. Garbage “entertainment” for bottom of the barrel garbage people.

No. 1623345

Lmao same

No. 1623347

Not necessary, it's just fun to pop off dude

No. 1623350

Fucking mosquitos I keep putting on perfume and they still sting me REEEEEEEEEEEE

No. 1623351

'Popping off' must mean half-baked rantings

No. 1623353

Perfume tends to attract them you need bug spray

No. 1623365

try a sport, martial art, volunteer work, or physical class/activity! that helped me a lot
you can find women only groups that do stuff like that too

No. 1623372

I thought of those options and I appreciate it, nona. I think sundays are just mopey days for me and I'm still feeling the effects of last night's edible. I guess that it feels difficult when I'm staring over and standing at the beginning, unsure what will happen and when.

No. 1623377

It usually works.

You mean like yours?

No. 1623385

im close to chicago, if you're around the loop or near the museums/shedd aquarium/planetarium/navy pier area it's generally pretty safe as there's tons of people around and pretty clean. but yeah there are areas you want to avoid. and public transportation there is not very safe.

No. 1623389

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I'm thinking it's time to break up with my boyfriend.

I got fired last Monday and since then he's been behaving like an utter asshole to me. He's stopped hugging me, stopped kissing me, and stopped tickling me (he used to love to tickle me all the time), even stopped hugging me goodnight. He dismisses my feelings as me being "dramatic" or sensitive. He's given me 2 weeks to find a new job, and I'm applying to at least 5-10 a day but have only heard back from 1 so far, done the initial interview on Wednesday, and have yet to hear anything more. He already expected me to do all the housework even when I worked full-time because he buys the groceries, cooks, and we split the bills 50/50 but he pays them, but he's upped his expectations on the appearance of things since I was let go.

Yesterday, my best friend offered to take me to get ice cream on a whim (she lives an hour away) in order to take my mind off of things because I'd been cooped up at home since Tuesday, just applying to job after job, cleaning, and taking care of our 3 cats. I told my boyfriend she was coming to pick me up and he went quiet and kept glaring at me. I had to press him to tell me what his problem was and he said, "I just don't understand why you need to go off with [Friend] today." and I responded that I already told him why. He'd wanted me to clean the whole house yesterday. Anyway, when I left, I went upstairs to tell him bye and he glared at me once again before swiveling around in his desk chair.

When I got home, he was at his second (weekends only, and he didn't have to work Friday evening, and never works Sundays) job. I decided to talk to him when he got home. He was annoyed when he got home, and when I told him I found it unbelievable that he pitched a fit over my best friend doing me a kindness, he said he took it to mean I wasn't taking the care of the house or my job search seriously enough. Mind you, I've been cleaning the house since Tuesday, and was only gone maybe 2.5 hours. I've applied to probably 45+ jobs since I was fired. I told him I don't think he knows how to console anyone who isn't his mother (whom he worships, and calls sometimes multiple times a day but at least once, sees multiple times a week, and we live 10 minutes away from, etc) because not once has he told me "I'm sorry you got fired" or "It'll be okay, you'll find another job." I told him I'm stressed to the max and he just said he's stressed, too, and what do I want him to do? I told him I hate that he dismisses any emotion I display as me being "dramatic" or "sensitive" and he just kept asking if I seriously don't believe I'm overly sensitive sometimes. I told him I just wished he'd be kinder to me. We weren't getting anywhere so I dropped the conversation and went to bed (without a hug, again).

Today, he came into the living room and asked what was wrong and I told him it was the same thing as last night. He said, "It seems like you don't like me very much anymore" and instead of telling him I do still like him, I asked why he thinks that. The thing is, I don't like him as a person anymore but I still love him. He also said I've been "mean" the last few days and I just sat there wondering where the fuck that came from. I'm only matching how he's treating me.

About 6 months ago, he broke up with me because I didn't keep the house clean enough for him and I didn't communicate effectively. He helped me pack my things and drove my old shitbox car 35 minutes downstate to my grandmother's house. He cried the whole time. I didn't cry in front of him. Then, 2 days later, decided he wanted to try to work things out. A week later, we went to look at some new cars for me and I spent the night at his house (that his parents own) and he asked me to move back in. I hate living with my grandmother and already had a new job lined up in the suburb we live in, so I agreed.

Anyway, back to today. I called my grandmother crying a few hours after the living room conversation. She essentially told me that I need to work it out with him because she's shopping around for a senior living home to move into, so I can't move in with her, and because my new car is in his name. He came in the room while I was on the phone and so I ended the call and he tried to give me a hug but I didn't reciprocate because I was too busy trying to wipe my tears, as I've never cried in front of him before. He sat down and asked me what was wrong and I told him I just feel like he's checked out of the relationship and described the way he's withholding affection from me, glaring at me, etc. He said it seems like I'm checked out, too, because I'm not being affectionate towards him, either, and that I'm always in a bad mood and don't seem to want him around, so it's hard to be affectionate when I'm being like that. He's just endlessly making his behavior my fault.

About an hour ago, he asked me what I think we should do, and I said I think we can work things out if we keep the open line of communication we've had for the past couple of days, and in turn asked him the same question. He said he "doesn't know what the best course of action is for either of us" and that he can't think about it right now because he's "too overwhelmed." He's overwhelmed and stressed because (as he loves to remind me) he doesn't have enough money to pay all our bills just by himself. Even though he has rich parents that he could ask to help him out and they would in a heartbeat. He already makes $50k working for his dad, so he's never going to know what being unemployed is like, and he makes $250 on a bad night and $600 on a good night at his second job. So I don't know why his math isn't mathing, but he should be able to keep us afloat until I find something else, not just for 2 weeks.

My sister told me that the 2 weeks thing "isn't love" and that "if he truly cared about you, he wouldn't be putting you on the wire like that." my best friend thinks he wants me to break up with him this time so that he's not the bad guy again. I'm starting to think they're both right. The issue here is that my friend in Ohio (a couple of states away) has offered to let me come live with her, but I don't know that he'd let me keep my car since it's in his name and I otherwise don't know how I'd get my stuff up there, what with never having moved states before.

TL;DR - Lost my job, my boyfriend has given me 2 weeks to find a new one and is now withholding affection from me. Grandmother I lived with the last time he broke up with me is unable to take me in again. Friend a couple of states away said I can move in with her, but I've never moved states and don't know how I'd transport my stuff. My car is in my boyfriend's name.

No. 1623395

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i went to my local supermarket yesterday and had the british expat checkout worker make a comment about my 'gorgeous' eyes when i called him over to remove a product (fuck you telling me avocados are half the price of what they actually ring up for) and throwing out a "bye beautiful" on my exit when he was using standard polite honorifics for the others before me.
i feel dumb complaining about it, giving grace to the fact he seemed kinda tired and i've seen him working there for years - but at the same time i've seen him working there for years!!! we had a great normal customer/worker relationship; why'd you have to say that now?
i'm put off going back cause i rather not have to see him again but dang. i dunno. i was even wearing a mask lol. the only feature you could comment on, huh. shit. probably just overthinking it

No. 1623397

I’m sobbing and having a breakdown right now because my boyfriend is pissed I’m still unemployed. I cried so loudly that I woke him up and he came over to sit near me, stared at me with a blank expression while I’m still crying, grabbed his headphones after I apologized for crying and waking him up then gave me a few pats on the leg while still keeping a blank expression. I wish I had anyone at all to comfort me I feel like the absolute worst and have no one to talk to lol now even my fucking boyfriend hates me and treats me like a stupid failure which I am.

No. 1623400

Sick burn, I'm sorry you decided my post was referring to anything besides self important twitter and reddit terrorism

No. 1623406

ughh im so sick of "creepy/mystery" youtubers stealing topics from each other. bitch i saw this in like 3 videos from different creators now, idgaf anymore.

No. 1623408

People who use tumblr crying about other people not having unique thoughts is soooo funny to me. Yes tumblr, the birthplace of thinking you're an archival tastemaker because you shop other people's scans and image collections for content for you to cherry pick and absorb into your own aesthetic. So unique and original.

No. 1623409

That sucks anon and your bf sounds like a selfish retard. I’d argue moving in with your friend is your best bet if you truly do not want to continue with the relationship. Maybe your friend could help you move your things?

No. 1623412

Same anon, it’s happening more often now. I think they’re all running out of content kek

No. 1623414

You are not a failure. He's being an inconsiderate asshole by not comforting you or even asking whats wrong. Any decent human would feel sad or concerned if the one they claimed to love was crying. If he's making you feel like a failure to the point of crying at night he's not the right guy for you. Even if he might be nice sometimes his shitty behavior isnt worth it.

No. 1623420

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I broke up with my long term bf and I’m so pissed and sad that he would not let me keep our cats. I took care of them and bought them their cat tree. I miss waking up like picrel. One of them was the most affectionate cat I’ve ever had. Miss the shit out of both of them.

No. 1623427

Thank you, it was pretty shocking to me. I think he knows I crave affection but when he’s upset he isolates and distances himself. He’s usually not so cold but god it’s horrible seeing him act like he’s sick and disgusted of me when I moved here to be with him and everything. I’ve had breakdowns in the past where he’s been comforting so just seeing his blank annoyed face looking at me while I cried my eyes out felt horrible.

No. 1623430

Nona, I hope you can work things out. You've already set out your options on what you can do, and I think that's a start in the right direction. Be thankful for your kind friend. Do you happen to have any money for a plane ticket if you can't drive that car? Maybe ship things out to her slowly, as much as you can? I am sure you could possibly get a loan or borrow from your friend for the time being for expenses, right? I am wishing the best for you. This man is not holding you up during your weakest moments, and he should not be trusted anymore. If a hardship like this is making him glare and push you away, imagine what other hardships may come in the future and will elicit such arrogant behavior from him. You know what you need to do.

No. 1623432

What the fuck nonnies. Sometimes I feel like my boyfriend is an asshole but at least he doesn’t expect me to have a job or be a maid.

No. 1623439

Same person? Please ignore if you don't want support/advice.
But if you do you're not a failure, nonny, the fact that he put you in such a controlling vice grip is ridiculous, you were doing fine before and probably would be fine if he wasn't being such a bully. He also sounds like an entitled spoiled brat (considering his rich parents and having a job with them), I honestly think he could actually afford the place alone for a while as well. You have an escape route already and yes the car thing sucks, but talk it through with your friend. Also, it isn't your car if it's in his name. Sorry, nonny.
Worst case scenario wouldn't take long to save up and get a beater once you're in a better situation and might be able to carpool or something until then. Don't tell your plans to him as you prepare because I can imagine he'll be a total freak about it, keep it on the downlow. If it's not obvious I don't trust him at all kek.

No. 1623444

I’m >>1623397 and didn’t notice another anon had a very similar vent to me a few posts back kek thats fucking sad for both of us though. What are the odds. I’ve learned men will always disappoint me and let me down even when I put my full faith and love into them. If he was crying and sobbing I wouldn’t tell him I’m pissed off at him and then leave without a single reassurance. Fml I really just want someone to treat me nicely and hold me and tell me everything is okay but nope guess not, I’m sleeping in the living room tonight.

No. 1623451

Anons accounts of their relationships often sound very bleak and slightly horrifying to me. I understand that you become comfortable and don't know how to function without a relationship you've been in for years, but I cannot imagine letting a man treat me like this without making his life psychological torment he would never be able to move on from.

No. 1623457

Shut up stop replying to me u cornball

No. 1623459

Same, I don't get being with someone who very obviously doesn't love you.

No. 1623461

On a base level, I understand why. We've all known plenty of people, including relatives, who have entrapped themselves in these situations because they know nothing else. I'd rather be alone than be with someone that doesn't love me though, and I hate being alone just as much as anyone else.

No. 1623462

No. 1623468

to be fair post job loss is researched to be when domestic violence/abuse tends to spike–because it's a moment of vulnerability. it's easy for bad men to be fairweather nice early on when get consistently benefits, then start stepping over minor boundaries especially when cohabitation begins. I'm very worried about nonny backsliding cuz she might fall for it if he starts giving her affection again, hot/cold is a strategy for a reason, and if he gets worse trauma bonding might be a problem.

No. 1623474

If it weren't for this insanely massive deposit on one of my bills I couldve bought an original painting or two by this woman on etsy. All because I have no credit. Gotta love that I'm punished for always paying up front and never acquiring debt. A moid I know who's made terrible financial decisions and is in debt to school has better credit to the public than me.

No. 1623491

I literally went bankrupt a few years ago but for some reason have a >700 credit score already which is better than my friends who never took on debt

No. 1623501

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i know i'm not an anachan bc i dont even have the body to qualify for one but i am so sick of my body. i lost 60 lbs in the past year because i use to be an obese fucking hambeast, and i'm very much noticeably thinner now but still clinically overweight. not by a lot but it still frustrates me. i'm 5'5 but everytime i stand by a 5'1 or 5'2 friend whos very thin and petite i feel incredibly insecure and gigantic. i hate feeling like this. on top of the fact that i plateaued and it took me 6 months to lose 10 lbs. i'm just tired of my body.

No. 1623502

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Keep getting weirdly sad whenever I hear certain things that remind me of an ex bf lately, not really because I miss him himself per se but because I miss being happier. Anything with ghost in the shell immediately plays the theme in my head and how we would watch it at 3 am and get stoned and fall asleep after eating breakfast, and when it rains and the air is really cool I think about how we would sit in his garage with the doors open working on his bikes. I really miss him mostly because being in sync with someone is very comfortable, not having to talk or perform or wear some stupid customer service mask. I have no interest in contacting him because I've gotten way worse and there is no way I can recreate that specific time but he's really cute and I like remembering things as they were. I just get kind of misty eyed because I hate how things are I think, you can only handle so much maltreatment.

No. 1623506

One day it feels like I'll kill myself because of loneliness

No. 1623507

I don't believe anything happening to me is real. One thing after another it seems too crazy so it all must be fake

No. 1623508

My hair is graying prematurely, I’m only at my early 20s, and I’m so insecure about it. I box-dye my hair (bc it’s all i can afford rn) but my grays are super reflective they stand out still also my hair grows super fast. I fucking hate my body I am already ugly now I look like a grandma too.

No. 1623509

>at least he doesn’t expect me to have a job or be a maid
So… What do you do? How do you contribute? Just providing sex? Sorry but reading here adult women who are stay at home girlfriends like from some cringe tiktok, it makes me sad. I wonder if they have any plan for their lives, just stay at home forever, and when their boyfriend/husband dies or dumps them at 40 (or becomes abusive) they will try to find a job with an empty cv and zero experience? Idk

No. 1623510

girl… get UP. Never ever let a scrote treat you like this. Ever. What the fuck. Sometimes I feel bad about being single then I read shit like this. Everyone knows the job market is like shit at the moment. If he won’t support you at this vulnerable moment then when will he? Also the way he expects you to be his cleaning maid while treating you like shit is ridiculous. Dump him and do it fast.

No. 1623513

I don't have friends, no social life. I draw stuff and post it online but nobody even sees them. I got a unique comic idea and there's no one to share with.

No. 1623514

I’m disabled but I help out as much as I can and when I’m not feeling like death

No. 1623515

was just thinking of how nice it would be to have had a chance to do dumb stuff like stream anime with friends when i was young(er). everyone's too busy for online summer fun now though…and even if they weren't, i don't have anyone now anyway. never have

No. 1623516

I hate how internet censorship has fucked up how people talk about certain subjects, like how the fuck am I supposed to take a subject seriously when they use the term "unalive" instead of murder or suicide?

No. 1623537

Of course it’s right to have your own money and dreams in life, I fully agree with you but what’s all that about contribute? A relationship is foremost just two people loving each other, you don’t “provide sex” like rent money, please anon. It doesn’t have to be “oh well if you don’t work you must cook and clean!”, like everyone should manage the house together in a way that’s comfortable. Of course it makes no sense for men to do nothing, since chores aren’t actually work for them

No. 1623539

If you just take money for living and someone else pays your bills then how's that much different from prostitution? Of course women should have their own money for their own safety first and foremost, but I can't help but see many straight relationship as prostitution

No. 1623541

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KEK i would burst out laughing

No. 1623544

I think you already know that you’re retarded but I have to ask- why would you only apply this logic to straight relationships and not homosexual relationships?

No. 1623546

I would also apply it to homosexual relationships, and you're the retarded one for assuming I wouldn't, and also for probably assuming I must be homosexual myself because only a lesbian could criticize this kind of dynamic (which I think is more common among men and women anyway) right?? Only a nasty mean lesbian who's do envious of heterosexuals could say it, otherwise why would you even bring homosexual couples as some kind of a "gotcha"? I'm not even gay and it's so transparent to me kek

No. 1623548


thats why i want to have a high earner wife

No. 1623557

I got ghosted by the girl I'm interested in on my birthday, had to go to work 3 hours early because the public transport schedule changed, no congratulations so far and after work I have a lecture until 9pm.
Fuck me lol

No. 1623558

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hate my relationship, hate my partner but also hate confrontation.

No. 1623566

Because prostitutes are women being exploited and raped, not women who are loved and cared for lol. Sorry but what a stupid comparison.

No. 1623567

I'm sorry, anon. Happy birthday. I hope something nice happens to you today.

No. 1623568

Tell me more about how disabled women in relationships are just prostitutes, anon.

No. 1623569

I mean, they are

No. 1623570

Maybe you are.

No. 1623571

Some of you have the weirdest opinions kek

No. 1623572

Yeah, tell me more, I’d like to hear you flesh out this belief of yours.

No. 1623574

Just read the bible

No. 1623575

Some people don't have legs. No one likes grumpy fatties, you need to lean into being the funny friend. I'm sure it'll benefit you in the long run, take a chill pill buddy(we can smell your rolls from over here)

No. 1623577

I have to admit, the loneliness gets frightening sometimes.

No. 1623580

The Bible says disabled women in relationships are prostitutes? What verse nonny

No. 1623586

Prostitution is just an exchange of resources for sex. That's what many straight women do.

No. 1623587

Let me guess, it's "the oldest profession" and "can be empowering" too? Lol fuck out of here

No. 1623588

This is why I schedule a day off on my birthday. It's a day for peace and quiet, not whatever bullshit comes with work. Happy birthday, nona. I hope you can at least treat yourself to a nice meal and/or dessert.

No. 1623589

>Straight women are all whores

No. 1623590

NTA, what was underage sounding about that post?

No. 1623591

My vent for the day: I feel like some nonas need to lay off the bait. The person obsessed with making X point about Y doesn't need to be entertained. Infighting is a disease.

No. 1623597

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>That's just the tea

No. 1623600

i can't stand my bf's family - they're miserable in their relationships, two-faced, and selfish. they don't deserve him at all and have purposely set him up to struggle. he has a nice job he works painstakingly hard at then they get mad at him for not bending to their whims 24/7. not even sure i care about getting married anymore because i don't think i want to share a last name with them. they're probably also gonna expect me to be around their toxic asses more, pop out babies i don't want, and put up with their weird bullshit. i prefer to be as distant as possible and they know why, plus i feel like if they got to know me more they probably wouldn't like me anyway because my parents are loving and raised me to see thru people's bullshit and to stay away.

No. 1623617

>Let me guess

No. 1623618

nta but how does someone transition that young unless her parents agreed to put her on T. or is this like a gender-flipped jazz jennings situation?

No. 1623620

I'm so fucking lonely it hurts lol

No. 1623621

desisters are people who say they have gender dysphoria but refuse to change name, pronouns etc. and try to live life as the sex they were born as (and/or be gnc)

No. 1623624

I assume it means she self-identified as a boy when she was 9-12 and probably didn’t take any hormones or do anything about it. Honestly at that age who cares, it’s weird to say she was a TIF and got a taste of being a man when she was literally a child

No. 1623628

Took you 2 hours to come up with that one, huh? You must be one of those "bimbocore" types.(infighting)

No. 1623657

Nonnas I'm kinda been suicidal the past few days

No. 1623674

Ayrt I'm in Indianapolis and when I was told no shows/conventions really come here by locals, I didn't know how serious they were. Everything apparently goes up to Chicago and I'm bummed. What are the areas to avoid? I wish we had a midwest anons thread, but thanks so much for responding. Its been an isolating experience so far.

No. 1623675

Sounds like things are rough for you right now. I am very sorry youre dealing with that. If you were here, id buy you ice cream and take you to a thrift shop and have you try on silly outfits from decades past. I hope you have brighter times soon.

No. 1623676

wait are you one of the nonas i have on discord from the friend finder thread lol? one of them is from there

No. 1623681

I am not, but I am surprised to hear that the friend finder threads still happen on here because years ago when I tried it most of us were too scared to give out our handles. I've been coming here on and off since 2015 with long breaks in between. Small world though damn.

No. 1623688

Motherfucker did it again. I swear if nigel complains about his back one more time to me I'm going to lay him on my lap and snap his spine in half (in mortal kombat or whatever.)

No. 1623708

Dumped my 'boyfriend' last night because he got too drunk and started being a bastard to me. I say that loosely because we had only been dating for about a month, and these days, I don't solemnize relationships until at least a few months in for proper vetting like this.

I'm mad about it because we actually had a very nice day yesterday up until last night. He had been watching my pets while I was out of town traveling for business and was being wonderful to them. He took me to a cool estate winery and I got to pet farm animals. We got tipsy from mimosas.
When we got back to his place it was clear he wanted to keep the party going and he broke out a bottle of tequila to do shots with. I knew he had a problem with alcohol because he confessed he had a pending DUI–the only turnoff about him as he was attractive, organized, clean, and made decent money. I did a few shots but the alcohol was so rough that I puked a bit and then I did not want to drink any more. I wasn't drunk at this point, so I wanted to wind down. We danced in his apartment for a bit but then he wanted to go see that new Wes Anderson movie. Fine. I let him drive us, jfc I am an idiot for accepting that knowing he had taken a shot. We survived but I don't know how. He wound up sleeping through the movie, which idk made me feel silly for being there cause it was kind of a waste of time if he wasn't gonna be present truly.
When we got back to the apartment again he did even more shots, while I ordered us food delivery because we were too late to the movie to order food. I did not partake with the shots this time despite him pressuring me. I poured the alcohol back in the bottle when he wasn't looking.
He wanted to go back out again and this time he wanted to go buy a new vape and go somewhere to take pictures. I should have said no. By this point I had a slight headache from being out and drinking for quite some time and was getting annoyed cause I had spent more than several hours traveling on the road the day prior. Idk, I wanted to humor him, I was willing to put my needs aside to let him have a good time if all he wanted was a vape and snap some pics cause at least that had a purpose in my mind unlike the movie. Of course I cared about him. So whatever, I drove.
He acted like an idiot in the vape store but nothing egregious.
What pissed me off is when we got back on the road again. He was being very cryptic about where we were going and wouldn't pull up a map app so I would know. I HATE driving aimlessly when I am not in on it. It is VERY irritating trying to get driving directions out of a drunk person, especially one who forgotten that I had been driving all day yesterday and just wanted to get to where he wanted and then go home.
I had some junk clattering around in my car's trunk which was making my headache worse and stressing me out so I wanted to correct it when we stopped. I complained about that, and this fucking guy started accusing me of "freaking out over a nothingburger" and acting like I was killing his vibe. I hate that shit. I fucking hate when men accuse women of being in screaming hysterics just because we dared to voice some discontent about a situation and not even in a way that was attacking them or was loud? Why are they like this?? Like all I wanted to do was know where we were going so I could fix the stuff in my car so it wasn't banging about. I even said that.
Well, turns out the big ~place~ he was taking me was his job's building. He even mentioned we couldn't take pics cause it was too dark there (duh?) and that he was ok with just vibing there. Well not me, we could've "vibed" at the fucking apartment! Then there was a fucking police car with lights on patrolling the office's lot and it was making me uncomfortable because I had his drunk ass in my car.
I said I wanted to go home and he called me an asshole.
How was I the asshole? I drove his ass somewhere, bought him food, got him the vape, etc. Basically making my case about how I in fact had been nice to him the entire evening. In response he berated me the entire way back about how I had ruined his good time and was being too selfish to think about what he had been going through and how dare I hold things over his head. It was so upsetting but I was more satisfied that this guy was showing his true colors, he was painting me completely black and had no sensitivity at all towards me. I would have cried if I wasn't in such shock.
No matter how drunk I have ever gotten, I have never treated anyone like the way he was treating me which was awful. I had abusive drunks treat me like this before so I knew how this would end and that's when I made the decision to be out. I started packing my shit to leave for good when we got back to his place and that's when he mysteriously sobered up enough to beg me to stay while at the same time continually being very aggressive towards me and mean. He kept reversing victim, gaslighting, and giving me non-apologies like "Sorry YOU felt I did something mean," and so on. He was acting so BPD he kept splitting between asking me to stay and then slamming the door behind me as I loaded stuff into my car and acting like I had no basis to want to not be around him. It was almost 1am and my house was a two hour drive away in a storm but he did not care.
I blocked him on socials and he kept calling my phone until I answered it to tell him to quit calling me, and then I blocked his number too but he kept calling me even after that until he passed out about 3am. His last text was wanting me to come back so we could "fix this." I had nothing to fix, he was the one being the drunk jerk! Bullet dodged as far as I'm concerned, I'm just sad to see another man ruined by an addiction and personality disorder. He would have been a great match for me otherwise, it makes me want to grieve for the potential he could have had with me.

No. 1623711

I'm so fucking irritable. I wanna tell every single one of my friends that no one cares about their stupid fucking problems. They come off as desperate and attention seeking. I don't want to hear about their stupid boy problems and how everyone else is the problem but them. I don't wanna hear about their stupid fucking job. I don't want to hear about their family problems. Leave me alone.

No. 1623713

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I absolutely hate hate hate the youtube psychology videos. I hate the fact that people watch these annoying fucking armchair psychologists who call everyone narcs and make videos like ‘5 signs ur cat is a gaslighter’ I HATE IT. Absolutely fucking hate it I hate how everyone who subsequently watches said videos thinks they are psychologists, my mum is obsessed with watching them and now EVERY time I do something she doesn’t like she calls me a narc or a gaslighter. If I hear one of those retarded psychology buzzwords ever again in my life I’m going to fucking alog. These retards were the ones diagnosing Amber Heard with all sorts of shit too god I want to fucking stab these youtube psychologists to death and see what they diagnose me with

No. 1623714

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You made the right move anon, he showed you who he really was last night and it wouldn't be too long before he'd be acting like that sober. I'm just grateful you care enough about yourself to realize what you're worth and dropped that loser, because I personally have friends who put up with that behaviour for way too long. Be proud of your high standards! I have a really wonderful husband and we've been together nearly a decade, so I know there are good men out there, and I know you'll find one who is truly compatible with you.

No. 1623728

Whatever you do, don't look back. Too many get sucked back in by all the apologies and excuses that drunks try to bombard you with in the following few days. Keep him blocked and remember that a dui wasn't a wake up call for him. It's likely to be an ongoing issue in his life that'll chase people away. Won't change anytime soon.

Dealt with similar before and I wish I'd left the very first time I'd seen him drink too much and get aggressive. The same thing, one minute you're being called a 'buzzkill' because you're not as drunk and jolly as them and then the next min.. they're acting like a raging asshole because you said something and either they took it wrong or thought it was a personal attack. After a while they don't even beg you the next day. They just blame you for everything even when they cant remember what they did to you while drunk. Soon their drunk memory trumps your sober one.

No. 1623731

I dont really feel well today. I woke up late, started my period, have a sore throat, feeling really hot and its hot outside. I work outside and gave up after like, one hour. Laying in bed, making coffee. I thinks its just my period causing this but that doesnt mean it doesnt suck.

No. 1623732

I dont really feel well today. I woke up late, started my period, have a sore throat, feeling really hot and its hot outside. I work outside and gave up after like, one hour. Laying in bed, making coffee. I thinks its just my period causing this but that doesnt mean it doesnt suck.

No. 1623743

I knew I had motion sickness but I didn't know it could get this bad and I was dumb enough to not buy any meds for it. I had a 13 hour long car ride and it's been over an hour since I came home and I still feel nauseous, my stomach hurts, my head hurts, I feel like I'm about to die, can't even drink water because it makes me sick

No. 1623757

yeah like do i stay retarded and uninformed or do i get informed and get overwhelmed at the state of things, like there's honestly no winning

No. 1623758

nta but you are all so reassuring

No. 1623766

I'm such a stupid dirty hikki… But I'm tired of living like this and tried cleaning up. I want to get my life together and go outside at least to take out all my fucking trash.

I lost my keys. I'm such an idiot for losing them and inside my apartment. I can't find them and I can't leave without them or I'm gonna be locked out. I don't want to lose this motivation. I need to clean and at least get this mess out.

No. 1623768

Im almost 30 too and have a really unusual lifestyle for someone my age. I dont want kids either. But I also hate staying out late kek. I wouldnt lie if I were you though, if you are honest then the connections will be much more profound even if slower going. I used bumble bff before and had a little bit of luck but nothing really stuck. Its me though, i hate feeling obligated to reply to someone constantly and just generally dont make firends easy. I get sucked into my work and my routine and find it really hard to get to know peopld outside of my own self imposed structure. Im an autist though. I did find going to regular art meetup was easier for me. It was meant for semi professional or at least serious about learning fine art type people, and so most people were older than me aside from one or 2. Got too busy and quit going but I should go back. Idk. Its hard to make good connections when so much of day to day is spoken for, for every person.

No. 1623770

Proud of you for gettin shit done. There is a podcast called 'clean with me'. Sounds dumb but its a lady who walks you through various cleaning procedures, almost like a guided meditation but instead of 'breathe in, breathe out' its 'now look on the counter top. Do you see anything that belongs in the bedroom instead of the kitchen? Grab it.' Might help, esp knowing exactly how long the tasks will take (length of podcast. Varies between 10 mins and an hour or so)

No. 1623771

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I ended a relationship/situationship of three years thursday and I know it was the right move but he’s not like a bad person and we had a lot of fun together so I’m just sad about it, my dumb fault for not ending it much sooner before I felt so attached to someone I’ve been super certain since the beginning wasn’t the right one for me on a long-term level
So anyways I spent the weekend drinking and crying and online shopping, now it’s Monday and I feel like hungover trash and I’m broke and I’m still sad and my period is starting soon and just ugh, I have friends but they all live far away and I‘m just feeling lonely I guess and my head hurts
In the past, as in in the past 10 years of my adult life, I always sort of accidentally ended up jumping into a new relationship within a stupidly short amount of time and I feel healthy and confident enough not to do that but not healthy and confident not to dislike it and worry that I genuinely may not meet anyone ever cause I refuse to touch the apps and I don’t really talk to people in public
So hey its yr girl, fully single and unattached for like the fifth nonconsecutive week of my adult life at 29, how odd

No. 1623797

There's been this cute female youtuber showing herself doing things alone, like going to a fun restaurant alone and how it's ok to do this kind of stuff alone, and she was pretty tomboyish and today I found out that of course she's taking testosterone and calls herself he/him. So fucking sad

No. 1623814

Thanks Nonna!
I'll check that out. I really need more motivation to clean. And I also found my keys!

No. 1623822

I was looking at MyFitnessPal, and apparently in 2021 I was 140lbs. What the fuck? Why don't I remember being that weight? I've gained a significant amount since then so it's just disappointing.

No. 1623824

Why did you put dishes into dishwasher? What do you not understand in the phrase "the dishwasher is broken and leaks"? You can't even clean the microwave after using it, you can't even unload the dishes, do you expect me to wash floors after I told you something?

No. 1623828

im just happy to be alive and not in pain anymore. i get upset sometimes about how much time has gone by and what became of my appearance during my bad years but im doing things i thought would never be possible for me (relationship, apartment, job, university) and who cares if it's a few years late and in a less than ideal body.

I lived! I lived when logically i should've died multiple times at this point. And the 20 year long pain is gone

Anything is possible

No. 1623833

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It's so unfair that I gotta pay for therapy. I'm too far gone to not need help, slowly going through a list of things that I wanna do before dying. I'm doing it because I hoped it would help me try new things and hope in a brighter future. I want to love myself, I want to move out, I want to keep creating, I want to live. But sometimes it's so tiresome. So yeah I need therapy because it's kinda my last hope. And I hate that I will have to pay a stranger just to keep going.

No. 1623841

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I'm >>1623389 and while my boyfriend came in the living room, gave me a hug, and apologized to me later on after I made that post, and started behaving mostly like he used to before I lost my job, he started acting cold to me again this afternoon.

I just had my first session with a new psychiatrist after my last one at that institution left and I cried almost the whole time. He got home shortly before it ended (I'd quit crying by then) and asked how it went. I told him that I cried the whole time, she brought her supervisor in and they let me know they are going to try to get me in DBT therapy. I explained to him what that is and he didn't really say anything but "Okay" and then asked why I got an attitude. I told him I expected him to say more, something like "I think that'd be beneficial for you" or something and he got defensive and said I made it sound like I don't want to do it, all the while knowing I've been trying to find therapy for months.

I think he's fundamentally incapable of being there for me emotionally. All he knows how to do is buy me nice things occasionally and cook dinner. He doesn't know how to support me if it's not with his money. And it seems like he thinks I'm asking too much when I say I need him to be there for me. I can't decide if he's got low empathy due to being so privileged or if he's just emotionally immature.

No. 1623845

anon I haven't read that entire wall of text so sorry if you addressed this but do you realize he's treating you like a child and a housemaid? You don't order your gf around like a maid, wtf.

No. 1623850

My overcontrolling mother, who always tried to make me dependent on her, has been calling me with increasing frequency to instill doubt in me about moving in with my boyfriend. She calls it 'nonsensical' and a 'waste of money' and says she doesn't understand why it's not enough to see him on the weekend after having dated for 1 year. The worst thing is, I have a part in me that still craves for her acceptance and feels ashamed for wanting to move in with him

No. 1623851

My "bf" and I kept our long distance relationship after we've met in college and he returned home country (first world, while I'm in a pretty poor country) to work (he did not finish his degree). We've been like this for a year, and while I've been lonely, I feel like I evolved in some kind of pretty asexual being, I enjoy being alone and doing my own thing. He had plans to relocate back to my country, but for now he actually made the plans to come and live with me in my apartment for 3 months… and I'm honestly against it. It'd be one thing if he tried to get situated here, but this is really just 3 months that he'd spend as a NEET here, while I'm doing 8-12 hour long days of work+school. When I told him this, he told me "don't worry, I can entertain myself", completely missing the point. To be clear, he'd be paying for his living costs from his savings, since compared to his country, things are cheap here anyway. But just thinking about coming home to someone who had just spent all day gaming, then cooked me some plain pasta dinner for us trying to get his hands all over makes me feel pissed off even as an idea. There's not enough cleaning or cooking in my house to do that'd justify a "house husband" role in my home. It's funny, because if he actually announced he'd make an honest attempt to live here with me, I'd probably be happy and support him in the first few rough year. But him even entertaining the idea that he'd basically just take a vacation in my home, in exchange some light housekeeping, and him thinking this is an honest test of how well we'd work out as a couple, made me instantly lose all attraction to him.

No. 1623856

Its so hard to plan anything in advance. My parents never did, ever, things just sorta 'happened' or they didnt. I never got good at making plans with people and I just dont seem to think about it. I wish that wasnt the case. Now that I do sorta try, everyone is so busy and wishy washy. I get it though. I am too. I wish there was more of a culture of togetherness engrained within me and my peers. But not too much either. I like my alone time.

No. 1623866

You will never live up to Mommy, therefore you are a house- and bang- maid. He obviously thinks you're beneath him. I can't believe you went back to him after he left your for not keeping his house clean enough. You realize he and his mom talk shit on you the whole time they're together, right? This guy sounds like a major faggot

No. 1623874

Have you told him everything you've been saying about him in this thread? That you need and want his emotional support, affection and all that stuff because that's what a relationship is supposed to be about, that this is why it hurts when he acts cold because it means he doesn't care about you, etc.?
I'm just curious about the thought process of men like this and how they try to justify their lack of empathy

No. 1623888

i have a lot of irregularly shaped not-round looking moles some that idk were even there before or have grown in size. i'm scared shitless that they're melanomas but if i'm honest i don't really know what that entails. what do i do? obviously go to the dermatologist but then what happens? i'm freaking out

No. 1623894

i'm ashamed at how infantilized and useless i am. i know it's understandable because i was scared of asking my parents for help and was scared if i tried to pursue independence they would try to control me even more, but it sucks how little it seems i understand how to manage and care for myself. i don't really get how to lease a place and am nervous about trying to move out on my own.

No. 1623898

I will just try to see if removing some carbs can help me with losing weight, I could have carbs during breakfast, lunch, and just have no carbs at dinner. At this point I’ve tried so many diets that I just don’t know what to do anymore, nothing works. All that happens is that I lose a kilo or two, maybe 5, then I go into plateau, go harder on the diet and exercise routines, gain weight, maybe even more weight than what I lost, get frustrated and stop eating, gain weight again, start another diet that’s being pushed on me and start again the whole cycle.
I’ve been like this throughout my whole life, ever since I was 12 years old I’ve been dieting and nothing works, I can never be at the ideal weight that anyone wants me to be at, I should weight like 60 kilos or less and I’m at 100 kilos with no hope at this point.
So not only I’m ugly but I’m also fat as fuck, I wish I had cancer so I could lose weight, at least everyone would stop thinking I’m a waste of space no matter what I do.

No. 1623900

I wanna hear about your friends’ problems cause I suffer from chronic nosiness

No. 1623903

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I'm begging for life to take it easier on me in the second half of this year. I started off this year losing my favorite cat, my hopes of getting a car and place with my bf were ruined, my family had some health scares, I drank too much and had too much caffeine for the first time in back to back months, and now I have a UTI that's lasted for a month. I look at the resolutions I posted at the beginning of this year and I haven't accomplished a single one.

No. 1623904

Same it’s rly hard for me to talk to people sometimes I wish I had some enby friends to secretly make fun of

No. 1623906

Get some bonine

No. 1623908

He is irredeemable. Completely unsalvageable. It sucks the car is in his name but a car is just not as important as the way he’s treating you. Honestly if I was you I’d throw all my shit in it and drive it to Ohio and then tell him to come get it if he wants it.
Is your name on the registration or insurance or anything? Who is paying for it, you? Do you think you can get him to sign the title over to you so it “feels like im really responsible for it and it will give me motivation to find a job — I rely on you too much honey baby!” or some bullshit that might convince him? But even if you can’t get the car who cares it’s just a car, get a one-day one-way enterprise rental if you have to.

No. 1623909

I feel really awkward about running into an old friend and taking their phone number to message them, it’s been so long since we were friends I kinda expect we’ll just ghost each other. One time at my job a couple years ago they ignored me when I directly said hi to them, and that completely threw me off from wanting to talk to them ever. I’ll just send something like “hey if you ever want to talk or hang out lmk” and leave it at that

No. 1623911

I don’t have a job so assuming I’m feeling alright (I’m disabled so that’s definitely not everyday) I have all the time in the world to chill. I was just gonna be really vague about my past cause I don’t really need people knowing all about me and my history anyway, I just want someone to vibe with besides my boyfriend. The more time they have on their hands the better. I also am not into anything cool like art and would feel really out of place at any kind of meetup type deal. Everytime I’ve gone to meet up type things with a “group” I am always completely ignored oftentimes even the instructor or leader ignores me.

Pretty sure I’m an autist too, I’m constantly being called an autist. I’ve never been part of any type of group chat between friends which is a sore spot for me. I do terribly in groups, but in one on one interactions or extremely small (<5) groups people generally really like me. Then in a large group I’m treated like a disgusting freakish leper. It’s been this way my whole life.

No. 1623912

Wtf? He doesn’t even support you with his money, he’s mad at you for not having a job! I could kinda understand if he literally paid all the bills and didn’t expect you to work but he’s literally got no redeeming qualities. Go find a guy who doesn’t expect you to pay his bills.

No. 1623913

Don’t know if this will speak to you. I find their videos helpful. Not trying to sell their coaching service (way too much spreadsheet tracking for me), they have plenty of free stuff on YouTube

No. 1623917

They will look at all your moles with a magnifying thing and they can tell you if they’re cancerous or suspicious. If they’re suspicious they will numb you and remove them and send them to pathology for testing.

No. 1623918

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>favorite band has a song called transgender
>it's discovered by and attracts you know who


No. 1623919

Please tell me you have gone to the doctor and gotten meds for your UTI. If the meds you were on didn’t work you might need something stronger like augmentin.

No. 1623921

I've been watching a couple Youtubers that go out and do things by themselves, which feels so refreshing to watch, but I haven't seen one quite like that. What's her channel name?

No. 1623926

I hope the second half of the year is kinder to you. Please go see a doctor for that UTI. One month is no joke. Honestly? 2023 has been an awful year for me too, and a lot of other people that I know. I can't help but wonder if this year is just a straight shitter.

No. 1623934

Thank you anons. I went to the doctor and already had a week of antibiotics. There was nothing further they could do for me except let my body recover itself. I'm now on my fourth day of taking D-mannose and I'm so close to going back to normal. I hope it gets better for all of us.

No. 1623936

Thank you for your posts, nonas. After crying 6 fucking times today, sitting him down again and trying to talk to him and just hearing a lot of "we have nothing in common, it feels like it's never going to feel right for either of us" and me asking what more I could possibly be doing and getting told over and over that he doesn't know, I've just given up. I'm never going to live up to his precious fucking mother. My best friend said I'm in a 2 way relationship with 3 people.

I've decided that I'm going get a one-way ticket to Ohio as soon as I can (whenever my severance check comes through) and get an Uber to the airport.

No. 1623941

Good decision. My advice is don’t tell him you’re going until you’re long gone, quietly get your ducks in a row before hand.

No. 1623945

This sounds so frustrating. Do you count calories? I don't want to sound like an annoying bitch but if you are eating less calories than you are using, you should lose weight gradually. Otherwise I would suspect a medical issue. I don't think you have to be on any particular diet other than a healthyish one that makes you feel good and you're capable of following. If you've been doing diets since you were 12 maybe your metabolism is fucked up.

No. 1623955

Good on you, nona. You get the hell out of there and let him stew in his "stressful" life. He can handle being on his own.

No. 1623967

I do, it’s something I kind of do almost automatically because I had to count calories very often as a teen. It doesn’t work either.
I go to the gym daily unless I get sick, which is when I tend to gain most weight/centimeters, because while I barely eat or eat the usual healthy food I eat, I don’t have the same physical activity.
When I go to the gym, I go walking, so I lose around 600 calories on a day I’m going all out, 400 on a lazy day, because I do some stretching exercises mixed with yoga, weightlifting (I can lift 8lbs) and then 45 minutes of cardio. It takes me half an hour to go to the gym and half an hour to go back home, and when I measure the calories I burn based on a watch I got that does that stuff, I burn around 120 calories going to the gym, so I guess I must burn around 210 calories just going to the gym and coming back.
I went to the doctor because I’m fed up with this shit, and the doctor told me that yeah, I need to take my metformin and keep working out/dieting, but that I should also try using liraglutide. But my family doesn’t want me to get it because it has made the people we know that has tried it, get back to their original weight or gain even more even though they would have lots of issues with the side effects which are diarrhea and vomiting.
I guess I just have to keep trying and see what works, I’m just sick of this, not only because being fat makes me feel and definitely look ugly as fuck and disgusting, but because it fucks up my health and makes it harder for me to enjoy things.
Like I went to the beach with my family and I was having lots of fun, but during a party my legs got really swollen and my feet hurt a fucking lot because the skin gets really sensitive, I couldn’t dance as much as I wanted and It’s because I’m fat. In the pictures we took I look like a goblin because my face looks round and disgusting, even with makeup on, my body looks like a barrel even with flattering clothes and I hate how I can’t even stare at myself in pictures that others take of me because I look like a monster, but I also can’t expect to make others take pictures however I want so I look good.
Another thing that made me feel miserable was how my own family treats me because I’m fat, if I was skinny they wouldn’t think I’m a failure as a woman.
I will watch this and give it a try, thanks, nonnie.

No. 1623969

i see. thanks for answering non that sort of makes me feel better to know what would go down

No. 1623974

Am I just prissy or are people disrespectful about phone calls now?
>call at weird times and don't return messages
>call for things that could be said over text
>rants at me like I'm a diary but interrupts me if I try to speak
That last one is happening to me so much I'm starting to doubt my own social skills. Like I know there is conversational back and forth and finesse, you need to know the right time to chime so you don't get tuned out, but come on. If it's just us two on the phone you can't keep bulldozing me. I was just talking to someone and when he interrupted me for the 5th time I just kept talking louder and louder until I finished my thought and he just kept talking to and didn't seem to pick up on my annoyance at all. Infuriating. Also people call me with tons of bg noise or they say "oh, hold on-" and talk to someone else or bang shit around. Sometimes they don't even give me that courtesy I'll just hear them start saying something weird or sound far away and realize they aren't talking to me
I have a hard time hearing people even irl so all that extra noise makes me very upset and hard to keep my cool and nobody has understanding for me about it at all

No. 1623976

Have had painful diarrhea twice in an hour and a half. My tummy and my butthole hurt, nonnas. Also we don’t have any wipes so I’ve had to wet toilet paper to clean my Asshole properly.

No. 1623986

i fucking love that album. i'm so mad tiktok teens made it popular

No. 1623992

I made a new friend and I really like her, I hope she likes hanging out with me too. I'm constantly nervous whenever I talk to her or anyone else though and I wish I could get over it. I hope my social retardation isn't too obvious

No. 1623993

crystal castles?

No. 1624012

having a completely different sleep schedule than your significant other is the worst. you will never do anything. ever. except talk sometimes.

No. 1624025

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I live in a rented basement attached to a larger house that is also occupied but other adult renters. When I'm home I'm too afraid to leave my basement and even just hearing my housemates walking around upstairs makes me afraid to leave my room in case they need to use the shared laundry (which is in the basement). I feel terrible that I'm making the situation awkward or seeming antisocial. I've gotten along with renters in the past but the woman who monopolizes the common spaces right now is a little older and skittish and every time I need to go upstairs to collect my mail or pick up a delivery she acts like I'm intruding. It's an uncomfortable position to be in and I pay more in rent than anyone else in the house so the fact that I can't even use the kitchen due to my social anxiety really sucks.

We just got a new housemate and I haven't even met them yet because of this.

No. 1624036

It feels like its never going to get better and im starting to believe I should just give up on everything

No. 1624040

Lol no one forced you to come back, you know?
I’m sick of my brother pretending he didn’t want to come back home. He lived abroad for 7 years because he usually said how trapped he felt here and basically searched whatever reason to spend time away. Whether it was work or just for fun, he was always travelling and making a big fuss when someone told him how they didn’t find travelling that exciting.
I told him once how pointless I saw it when you didn’t have enough money to survive and he complained about how narrow minded I was and also told me he was pretty sure my life was so boring at this point.
Here we are now, seven years later, when he came back because obviously this lazy ass found out it’s so much better to move out with our parents again so he won’t pay for any rent and basically almost anything.
When he kept moaning about coming back again I tried to make him think about it rationally because after all he was going to change his life again and he always shut me up and complained about not feeling appreciated and that it was “time to come home again”.
Here, there isn’t a day when he’s not complaining about how he misses his old life and that nobody can understand him and how sad he is now that he had to left everything behind. Yesterday he kept telling me how different things are for him and I understand him in some way but I think he’s just jealous of the people around him.
For him, it’s like time froze seven years ago. He hasn’t had an actual relationship for almost a decade now, he had a pretty shitty job that didn’t value him but he pushed it because he was working abroad and somehow he thought this would help him here once he came back. He doesn’t have any savings and as I said, he’s living with our parents again.
Apart from me, married and living with my SO, all his friends are already independent enough, some of them already bought houses.
It pisses me off how he tries to convince me with this sad persona character he adopted, as if someone has forced him to come back here, as if someone has put a gun to his head.
He keeps complaining about how much his life has changed in these past years when actually he was the one who didn’t change anything more than the country where he lived. And he tries to blame us about not changing, not understanding how this experience was so life changing for him.
I think he’s just jealous because here he has to find another job, he has to restart all the things he put on pause when he left and he was incapable of doing here anyway. Being abroad he had an excuse to justify why he couldn’t keep a relationship that lasted for more than half a year or why he couldn’t save any money for him. Here he has to face the hard truth: he’s an adult in his mid thirties, incapable of having any responsibilities and always taking the blame of everyone but him.

No. 1624057

Homeless practically jobless no money legit thinking about becoming a prostitute I’m so scared

No. 1624061

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If I saw Erza Miller IRL I would beat him

No. 1624070

I had a horrible job interview today. One of the other interviewees called me a debbie downer and the interviewer agreed with her in a joking way even though I was trying my hardest to appear friendly and sociable. Then later on in the interview I answered a question seriously and everyone cracked up at my answer and I have no idea why. I just want a job where I don't have to talk to anyone

No. 1624073

He'd beat your ass sorry

No. 1624075

What was the question and answer?

No. 1624077

IDK what country you are in, but most countries have some kind of social service to help people like you. I wouldn't resort to prostitution unless it is legitimately your last option. It's extremally dangerous "line of work", though I'm sure you already know that. Look into stuff like food banks in your area too.

No. 1624085

Thats what you get for liking cc in 2023, that songs been out for years

No. 1624087

It was a "describe yourself" kind of question and I talked about the university I attend and how I have a passion for learning. I have no idea what was apparently funny but they all laughed at the same time. The interviewer kept cutting me off before I was done talking. She didn't cut anyone else off even when they were talking at lengths about zodiac signs and having a rough childhood and knee issues…at a job interview. I honestly don't understand other people at all.

No. 1624091

Nta, that’s weird as fuck, what’s that job even about?

No. 1624092

Every now and then I have a cute little mental health relapse and I drink and I smoke and I think everyone thinks I’m annoying so I drink and I smoke and I avoid people so I don’t annoy them and I hate it

No. 1624096

Crystal Castles peaked at Crystal Castles II, everything past that album is dogshit

No. 1624112

It was a receptionist job at a private university. Its ok though, I don't even want that job anyways

No. 1624119

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I found out that someone I was friends with in hs trooned out. I’m almost 30 and so many people I know have went through the pipeline. I’m literally the only one from that group who has remained the same and hasn’t declared a new gender etc. it’s infuriating to see so many girls who were just insecure or loved yaoi fall down this sick trap. There’s now 6 girls from my High school friend group are now “men” and the other 3 that fall into NB. We don’t talk anymore since I got “outed” as a TERF (dodged a bullet kek) but that also doesn’t mean I’m heartless either.

No. 1624123

I like CC's music too anon but the tranny fanbase is not the worst audience they attract kek, unfortunately

No. 1624126

>i'm so mad tiktok teens made it popular
Tiktok ruins so many good songs and gives bands a shitty zoomer reputation

No. 1624156

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>implying I'd beat him alone
lul begone Erza apologist

No. 1624158

So? that doesn't make it any less insufferable

No. 1624159

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I’m hope anon beats him and you for doubting her

No. 1624166

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No. 1624171

Oh she cant beat my ass either im just saying trying to go up against Ezra millers cosmic tard wrath undoubtedly enhanced by ampethetamines nailing his third eye open would he an incredibly stupid and fruitless thing to do.

No. 1624177

I bet she can beat your ass.

No. 1624187

My dumbass neighbors are doing fireworks sporadically ALL fucking night and its past midnight already. If you love fireworks and you’re older than 13, sorry, you ARE retarded. Monkey see big smoke in sky with colors, ape-y spend $100s of dollars to make boomboom!

No. 1624188

what is a gun

No. 1624193

I think it really fucking sucks that we can't have any conversations about gun violence without people pissing their pants and getting mad. IRL and even here on lolcow, one time I mentioned that I was going somewhere but the situation of a shooting was on my mind and someone told me to "have fun dying" and another anon mocked me. Like who are you getting mad at me for, shooters? And it's not like I have some unfounded fear, I live in America, and there was a point in my life where I was afraid that my mother would kill me. I have first hand experiences with this shit. It's like no one wants to confront reality, like we're watching so many people succumb to this shit but everyone just wants to cover their hears and yell LALALALA while getting angry at people who point out that there's an issue. I swear to god I need to get the fuck out of this country ASAP.

No. 1624194

Samefag, I just read the thread and I want to make it clear that my post isn't shade to the anon above. I just hate living in the United States of Delusion.

No. 1624206

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Today I was harassed by two dudes who were no older than twenty. Kids. I was looking at a pair of shoes for my daughter, when I sense someone is rapidly approaching from behind. An arm reached over my right shoulder to grab at something, then I heard a lazy voice drawl out "YOURE HAWWTT". I snapped around, incredulous and fucking pissed. These two assclowns met my furious gaze and immediately averted their eyes. "Excuse me?!" I asked, and the one on the left spluttered "MY DAUGHTER HAS THOSE SHOES" while pointing at the ones I had previously examined. Tweedle dum continued to stare wide eyed off into the aether. "Okay…. AND?!" I asked with clear disdain in my voice. Met with slack-jawwed breathing and refusal to make eye contact. These two were maybe twelve inches from my face. They came up on me and clearly had some sort of nasty idea in mind before I whipped around. My nigel was an aisle over and heard the tone of my voice. He came around the corner as I said with the most venomous tone I could muster "You BOYS have a nice day." Glaring as I walked off. My nigel was with our daughter, he was clearly pissed and barked at the morons. They scooted away quickly and I calmed my nigel, told him not to worry and kept shopping.

The fucking audacity of those two shitheels. I would looooooove to alog right about now but it is hellweek. Male entitlement is just getting more rampant as the days pass, these new generations have zero respect for one another, and don't even bother pretending they don't see women solely as holes. I rarely leave the house by myself anymore as I get harassed frequently. I dress like a mature woman, rarely wear makeup and am fucking 5'10". Moids don't give a fuck about your age or appearance, they'll try to assault you however they can if it means getting their rocks off. All their fucking bullshit about "well don't dress sexy you won't get unwanted attention" yeah FUCK YOU BRO. The mongers don't give a shit. As a 29 year old woman this is OLD. I'm fucking sick of it and wish moids would just fuck off entirely. So what ails me, nonnie? Fucking MOIDS

No. 1624236

I went to the dentist and got my teeth cleaned and then I scheduled to get a bleaching. When finally sitting on the chair the assistant told me my teeth are already the lightest color and there is nothing there can do for me. I told her that my teeth are not white though. And she said if I were black they would look white and sent me home. Wtf???

No. 1624275

I want to be so many things and so many people at once, I pray that reincarnation is real because I would hate if I spent my only life yearning for other lives. And I don't mean different paths in life, I mean I want to be completely different people. I want to live in ancient Rome or be the daughter of a rich chaebol or be a rural chinese farmer or on a colony in space or a teen boy partying in a german discotheque or a mother or a father or a small town girl there's so much shit that I just… can't experience and I long for it so hard it's fucking painful. I want to be everyone and experience everything it isn't fair

No. 1624281

hate job searching, it's never consistent, mentally. I go from lazy overconfidence spamming my CV to hyperanalysing the job bulletpoints and talking myself out of applying a decently relevant position. I don't know.

No. 1624292

This post reads like one of those storytime posts on reddit where the guy is just one creative writing lesson away from taking one mundane life event and turning it into le epic anime moment in his head.

No. 1624303

I feel you Nona, I want to believe in reincarnation for the same reason. But you could look at it this way, perhaps you already lived those lives, and that's where the yearning comes from. After a few cycles more you will be wishing you were some anon posting on image boards.

No. 1624323

I cannot stand some of you retarded weirdos making large generalizations about women you clearly do not talk to (IE, most women) because you're autistic shut-ins. Sometimes I come on here and read some take that is clearly a result of OP never leaving their room or OP clearly having no friends and then I close the tab and hang out with my friends and we have fun and I forget I read some retard shit on lolcow. Unfortunately I am just about to clock in to work so I can't do that and I'm going to be mad about retard NEETs who call themselves radfems (who've never actually done anything for their fellow women, it's just moral grandstanding for them) talking about women like they're alien creatures or some shit. Like fuck off and make some fucking friends, retard.

No. 1624325

There's really people out there that haven't suffered emotional trauma and neglect from their parents and are just out living life with no chip on their shoulder. Fuck em

No. 1624326

Late response but I'm so glad there's other autistic nonnies here with hyperempathy. It's hard to explain to others that when a friend shares they're doing badly I get uncomfortable. Not because I don't empathize, but because I empathize so much I can't stand not being able to fix it. I cannot count the amount of times I've been told not to internalize everything that happens to others.
On a similar note, there's this trend going around on tiktok with sad poetry and the like and honestly I've burst out into tears a dozen times from it. Same with anything regarding animals in a sad situation. I will bawl right away.

No. 1624333

Lol no.
Please do actually you'll put him out of his misery

No. 1624334

>fuck off and make some fucking friends, retard

No. 1624335

Kek it really does. I hate people who type like that

No. 1624339

>zodiac signs and having a rough childhood and knee issues
so they laughed at you for having a normal answer but did not laugh/feel awkward at people for getting super personal in an interview and bringing up astrology. bullet dodged i'd say

No. 1624341

You described it so succinctly.

No. 1624342

same, i was exhausted and so tired yet kept being woken up by fucking fireworks until 12:30am. i can't wait until all these dumbasses run out of fireworks.

No. 1624344

found out the creepy obsessive scrote that used to stalk and harass me all throughout middle and high school lives in my state. he works at a place I was going to go on vacation to with my mom. now I can't go there because chances are high I run into him and he'll start his stalking up again. ugh I hate how I have to avoid an entire area all because of some ugly loser moid. thinking about it makes me angry

No. 1624347

Don't know if you're still looking for responses but, this is the kind of man that will leave you the moment you were to ever fall truly ill. If he can't even not be a dick about you losing your job (while you're actively looking for a new one and running the home), he's going to resent you if you were to have any long term illness.

No. 1624350

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Every social media website I try to browse I end up getting bombarded with this motherfuckers videos for days in end. LEAVE ME ALONE.

No. 1624372

have you looked into bariatric surgery? weight loss is extra hard for people who have been overweight since childhood and that might make the most sense for someone who's been trying to lose weight for so long without getting the results you want. I'm sorry you're going through that anon i wish i could give you a hug

No. 1624388

I feel like my existence is just a vacuum on the world. I don’t really contribute anything worthwhile I just breathe, eat, drink etc and don’t give anything back to society.

My friends all have careers, are travelling, have other friends they speak to daily and function like normal humans (which I’m happy for them of course). But I’m here, working a casual retail job, not yet finished my probably stupid degree with no motivation or any goals for the future.

No. 1624394

nonna I feel you he is so annoying

No. 1624402

>"duur why wood u want a job, i WISH i could stay at home as a housewife!!"
fucking men, such crybabies, they boast about how they do soo much important work yet complain and whine about having a responsibility in the same breath like a little kid. there are wealthy women who would love to spoil a househusband but of course you're salty it's not an option because you're old and ugly. they desire the idealized (unrealistic) image of being a housewife and mother, yet they put SAHMs down simultaneously. they bitch about women working when we outperform them in so many fields, without complaining about wahhh work so hard. what do you want me to say? sorry i'm not trad enough? sorry i don't want to go through pregnancy and childbirth? sorry cleaning is second nature to me and it's so easy to keep up with it that if i was a housewife i'd having fucking nothing to do all day but sit and worry about my little problems that somehow vanish when i'm working a job, doing things for other people that are beyond myself and i see how silly my anxiety is and it helps me? sorry my parents were loving and raised my brother and i with the same expectations and didn't treat me like a mini housewife? sorry my parents paid for me to get a degree so i could become financially independent, because my mom warned me she regretting not going to college? men are jealous, they're just ugly and emotional burdens.

No. 1624409

>Like I went to the beach with my family and I was having lots of fun, but during a party my legs got really swollen and my feet hurt a fucking lot because the skin gets really sensitive
You really need to look into that. I've heard stories about people who became obese and doctors thought it was just overeating before doing more tests and finding out these people had heart conditions and such. One woman pissed out like 40lbs of water after getting diagnosed and placed on medication.

No. 1624440

Warning: brutal death of pet animal, don’t unspoiler if you want to enjoy the rest of your day
Fuck. My father just ran over a stray kitten in our driveway. The thing is, he was fully aware the kittens were in our driveway. I showed him a picture. He saw me checking under my car, and I even checked under his car before he pulled out and told him he was clear, but his retarded ass decided to move another car without fucking checking? What the actual fuck??? How retarded can you be? I feel like even someone with a 60 IQ would check.
He’s a cat lover and completely distraught, made worse by the fact it was a kitten. Clearly I’m upset right now, too. I have no idea how to console him, I can’t tell him that it wasn’t his fault because it was completely due to his retardation. Not only did an adorable kitten get carelessly crushed by a car, it’s an example of his lack of basic thought and consideration that led to me being abused and neglected as a child. He doesn’t even care that he’s stupid.
Obviously I didn’t tell him any of this, just showing my full emotions here anonymously.

No. 1624447

By the way, I would be more sympathetic if this was a one-off thing, but as I said before, he’s ALWAYS this stupid and thoughtless. I have to watch him like a hawk. That’s why I even checked under his car in the first place because I knew he’s an idiot. There’s constant inconveniences, money lost, abuse from him because 0 emotional IQ, and this time it led to a dead kitten. Because I wasn’t there to monitor my 50 year old father.

No. 1624467

I think I finally fucked up my relationship with my best (internet) friend due to how often I would just go AWOL for more than a week at times and she's finally grown tired of it. Real life came up and I forgot to tell her I wouldn't be able to hang out with her and I suppose that really annoyed her. Weird thing is, even though I always enjoy talking with her and I appreciate her coming into my life, I don't feel sad or devastated about it. I actually feel kind of content, as now she will be able to find someone who can offer the same energy that she brings to the table.

No. 1624497

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>meet guy on dating app
>message with him for over two weeks almost daily
>he asks me out for a coffee, i say yes
>he ghosts me the day before the coffee date
i'm baffled

No. 1624501

Block him

No. 1624506

i love my boyfriend so much. i get to meet him in a few days and my heart is so full…no red flags with him. i cant even think of something that annoys me or scares me, and we’re mostly past the honeymoon stage at this point. i dont even worry something small will come to annoy me while we are in person together because we do our best to communicate and have our own hobbies and little goals we like to accomplish individually. we also each have a small handful of our own friends but mostly we just work & do stuff we love individually or together on the phone. i’ve never been with a guy i did not fear in some way or someone who did not have red flags, and its lovely. he is so patient and kind and intelligent. hes so hilarious too! he comes off as pretentious but the truth is that hes a softie for animals and the people he loves, way more than i am. its so endearing. he loves to read and play piano and chess. god, he used to have 6 foot tall stacks of books surrounding his bedroom. he doesnt do drugs or engage in anything bad online (he lurks 4chan but its usually literature or nature related) he loves to cook too! and he teaches me so much without judgement. hes been so patient with me, too, while i was dealing with a few months worth of bad mental illness, a substance addiction and trying to find the right medicine…and now things have been wonderful for a long time now. and its so genuine and stable, and im medicated and things are moving forward and he was right. it got better. he was right that he loves me—i mean can you imagine a man who would stay with a girl always having panic attacks, feeling terribly suicidal and sleeping days away?! i cant. sometimes i feel too lucky and it worries me, but i quickly try to remember that will only make things worse if i reflect that. this drags me into what i was just thinking about and wanted to vent here for…cptsd from my father. but also just the fact that i hate my body. i remember at 15 years old i became morbidly obese because i was coping with food and nobody intervened, doctors kept pumping me on ssri medicines, nobody cared. i was just told to not eat, but its not like anyone was home to cook. its not like they wondered why this all happened with no history of obesity in our family??! why i was coping with my trauma by hiding food in my room to eat 24/7…i wonder now why no extended family intervened because they were involved in my life for a while. i cant imagine myself in a scenario where i witnessed a poor child suffering like that!! i would do what i can to help them. im a very healthy weight (i was bordering underweight for a bit but i nipped that before it got bad) and have been for the past 5 years now so thats very nice and with age i learn to love nutrition and cooking and exercise! but sometimes i cry because of these terrible stretch marks. deformed belly button. big arms im working on toning but they look like old lady arms…mostly i dont care that ill never be attractive to some moid (because i have my boyfriend and males scare me in general) but im really nervous, that despite seeing my body, he might not like it in person. i have some loose tummy skin. he loves how i look so much but some days i feel like hes just lying to me…hes so handsome i cant believe i forgot to mention this. in high school he was very popular with girls if that means anything. hes not superficial by any means but with that said he can get any pretty intelligent girl so why stick with someone who has this ugly body? at least we wont be having kids so it cant get much worse but fuck i already look like ive had a kid with the stretch marks and loose skin! it just makes me so sad! there was nothing i could have ever done to tell little me what was wrong or why i was coping with food. i just wish someone helped. i wish someone had cared then. but the light is that now i have that person within me and within my boyfriend and some friends and through nature and animals and every little thing really. thats the bright side now. i used to think with age everything would get worse, and i slowly try to accept now that life sucks a lot of the time, but its hard to feel that depression nowadays when i have so much to look forward to. a shitty job but i have my boyfriend, online friends (i dont mesh with people in my age group and only go out to go to work but its so nice still!!!) online classes for my degree! animals my own or birds outside, i can take walks and do hobbies and LEARN all the time! its beautiful. i wont be selfish with this feeling forever ill certainly find ways to give back to others once so much isnt going on but ifeel really lucky and i feel really confident that this isnt going to crumble down because of how stable its been and how much ive been able to grow. im just so happy and i have myself and boyfriend to mostly thank. goodness, hes so lovely. he is my best friend.

No. 1624507

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ah fuck nonnies i didnt realize how much i rambled im diary entry deprived sorry

No. 1624516

OT but that's a beautiful pic.

No. 1624526

Went to the internist for anemia, didn't believe me when I said I definitely didn't bleed a lot on my period so he sent me to the gynaecologist because "most young women who have anemia lose excess blood on their periods". Went to the gyn who agreed I don't lose excess blood but told me I may have to go on birth control anyway if they can't figure out why I'm anemic. She sent me to the gastroenterologist. Gastroenterologist was kinda like "yeah idk you don't seem to have any conditions that cause anemia. We'll keep looking but you may have to go on birth control." I said I don't really want to go onto birth control because I don't feel good about messing with my hormones and the side effects and she said "you could get a spiral, those use less hormones than the pill." Idk anons I feel like they're kinda trying to push me into using birth control as an universal remedy for female anemia because all three doctors I've seen now have eiter blamed my period or suggested BC as a solution even though I'm definitely not losing excess blood on my period.

No. 1624530

Has anyone checked your iron levels via blood test? Dont take iron pills without talking to a doc (i know they are being dumb for you right now but iron pills can be toxic if taken wrong) but maybe suggest youd rather try something like that first? Or not suggest, but tell them thats the route you are going and to help you do it safely kek. Sounds like pushing bc to me. Especially with no good reason to take bc I myself would not do it without a very, very good and clear cut reason. My mom and my gma have both taken iron supplements under doctor direction and both got their anemia under control.

No. 1624540

i hate my boss so much, even more so now that he didn't give me the days off for the week my long distance bf is coming. he only gave me like one day off, i literally can't stand him and everyone else hates him too lmao

No. 1624542

i've been bullied at my work and today i had to take sick leave because of it for the rest of the week, i've told my boss before about it but i made the mistake of telling her that i have anxiety and such and that's why i take this stuff so hard and can't just let it go when people constantly insult me, and now she's acting like i've just made it all up and i imagine things that i just perceive their comments as something else and so on. i understand where she is coming from since i work in military environment and it would be a really huge deal to take action about it like she asked me if i am ready to really take this to my country's defence forces in case i just imagined it all, like i know that she probably just wants to avoid a scene but part of me wonders if i really did make it all up that if i have actually just gone insane and i am paranoid over nothing and hear them say things that they haven't said and judge their actions through some delusions i have.

No. 1624546

I told you it was a bad idea, to not attach your name and face to it and you even tried to drag me into it. Now you cry that strangers online treat you like an animal asking for more and more depraved stuff. I wonder if you are just acting dumb or if you really are.

No. 1624549

>Has anyone checked your iron levels via blood test?
Yes, I wouldn't have been referred to see the internist otherwise. I've been taking iron for the last couple of months and they want me to continue taking it for the time being after another blood test I got done last week.
>Dont take iron pills without talking to a doc
You can't (legally) get iron without a doctor's recipe here but thanks for your concern and input ♥

No. 1624551

Why don't you record or write down what they specifically say so that you can judge it at a later time or share with close ones to see their take on it? You shouldn't have to deal with a toxic workplace with bullies if they're pushing you to stay home. Escalate it if it's preventing you from doing your job, like it is right now. Stay strong, nona.

No. 1624580

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why can't my coworker get it through her thick skull that the reason why she was taught how to do the customs paperwork was so i have one less thing to do on days when our other coworker is off and i have to cover all of her duties on top of getting my own done.

"nonny can you pretty please do the customs papers today??" fuck off you're lucky i didn't quit the last time i was stuck running our entire department because you suddenly decided you were going to leave early knowing i would be here on my own when we were crazy busy. what pisses me off even more is that i get paid significantly less than this old bitch yet i'm acknowledged as the better employee smh

No. 1624585

>i get paid significantly less than this old bitch yet i'm acknowledged as the better employee smh
Time to address that anon

No. 1624596

i could write things down but actually recording stuff could get me in legit legal trouble since it is an environment that's under nda rules just like taking a picture and having it on your phone is not allowed even if you didn't share it anywhere so i think recording stuff could be used to spin against me. i described specific situations to my boss but she just said that i am imagining things or taking stuff out of context.

No. 1624598

First time I took melatonin was after crying my eyes out all evening and I woke up the next day feeling refreshed and well rested. Then I took it again a few days ago and I couldn't fall asleep for hours because the muscles in my hand started twitching and my heart was skipping beats way too much. I just want to catch up on sleep but I'm too scared to try it again

No. 1624613

love it when my cramps get so extreme in public that my arms and legs go numb and I start vomiting

No. 1624632

Do you smoke weed or take any other medications? If you take melatonin after taking opiates, certain ssris, weed etc your heart rate first drops abysmally and your body speeds it up to compensate and thinks its dying

No. 1624645

Stupid as it sounds I miss being a friendless junkie. I got clean myself except for occasional weed smoking so I guess not really clean but basically. I have friends now but they often annoy me, I have brain damage and can't study what I want to. I ruined my own life. I wish I had OD'd at the time, I wouldn't do it again but I miss coming home from work and being launched into oblivion in less than an hour, not caring about anyone or anything, no void, no loneliness. I wish I'd just have a heart attack in my sleep, I don't want to be here.

No. 1624652

My friend's gf keeps trying to work with me because my friend told her I'm an entrepreneur (god, I hate that word) and have done very well for myself, but she's… kinda dumb. Like she was literally subscribed to Andrew Tate's "Hustlers University" and still didn't make any money, kek. You can tell she's consumed too much sigma male grindset content because she's like "oh I could be your receptionist while you teach me the ropes! I'll get you food and everything!" my sister in christ I don't even have an office. I've been working on my sofa under an old Spider-Man duvet today because I'm sick. Even on a good day my "uniform" is usually underwear and a bathrobe and I go 8-10 hours without eating most days. What the fuck am I going to do with a receptionist who got scammed by the Tates?! She's a nice girl and I feel awful saying this but I just… have no need for her; and even if I did, I would hire someone more competent.

Same. I also have brain damage but have made decent recovery from it. My life is good now and I'm sober as a judge without it being soul-destroying, which took a lot of work and I am proud of that. But I still miss heroin on a regular basis. It's just really fucking good.

No. 1624653

I hate having anxiety so much. It's like I was fine for the most part and then one day when I was 12 I just started getting intrusive thoughts and displaying compulsive behavior and it's just been getting worse since then. I would kill to have a normal brain again. To not be burdened with intrusive thoughts and stress literally every second of the day. I'm not exaggerating when I say that the only time in not experiencing this is when I'm sleeping.

No. 1624654

Samefag, scratch that. I don't even get away from it in my sleep because I frequently have sleep paralysis, likely caused by a mixture of my poor mental health and sleep.
I think about killing myself a lot but I hold on because of my husbando and life goals.

No. 1624658

I really hope your mind finds its peace nona

No. 1624659

Glad you made it through and recovered okay from your brain damage nonnie! We're both on the right path, I never did heroin (doc were benzo's, alcohol and painkillers) but the combination did feel like how I would imagine. A warm place where nobody is out to harm you and you have no worries at all. If I could have it back for just one second, god I wish I never started.

No. 1624662

AYRT, thank you! I'm glad we're both on the right path, but I understand the complicated nostalgia. It's something I've never been able to shake off. I also used the benzo, opioid and alcohol combination a lot, and it is a similar feeling. Exactly as you said, warm and safe. To me it felt like floating on water, out at sea. You're at risk of drowning and being carried off by the tide very easily, but the feeling is pure bliss and worth the risk.

No. 1624666

I feel like I've done enough for the week, I deserve a 5-day weekend

No. 1624671

You sure do! Rest well.

No. 1624672

This is such a weird thing, but I'm very disappointed in what lipstick alley has become. It makes me feel sad because I spent a lot of time on that site as a teen. Now I genuinely hope there's no very young black women or 18-19 year olds lurking that site. It'd give a weak person a horrible complex. I also get so sick of male sympathy but the outrage over anything another woman does.

No. 1624674

I am in pain, I am stagnation. I can't make shit. IT'S GARBAGE. My body hurts. I am pissed off.

No. 1624684

I just hung out with my family for the fourth of July, and I really love my family but I hate how awkward I am. I'm a NEET and every family reunion I have to explain that I'm still struggling with being unemployed and single, and I only have cringe hobbies. I try to connect in a way that talks more about the other family members than myself to help combat the awkward but I'm just not good at it, and it shows. I don't need to be a socialite but it I could just not be autistic, that would be great.

No. 1624699

It really is, if there is a heaven I'm sure that is what it feels like. It was the worst and best experience of my life. It's like you're trapped, but in a warm cabin on a snowy mountain or something. Luckily I was on a junkie forum at the time and would post drunken rants about how horrible it was so I can read them back.

No. 1624706

Thank you anon I appreciate it. I have my good days and my bad days, the bad ones have just been really outweighing recently

No. 1624707

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I wanna cry and throw up. My sister and her fiancé (whos works as a pharmacist) are vax positive people and my parents are really against getting vaccinations. I got vaccinated when I stayed over at my sisters house for the week. I was a bit scared cause of all the shit my dad says about covid vaccines how they are dangerous whatevr but I took it anyway cause I dont want to get covid for the 3rd time and her fiancé gets points for vaccinating people. Since my parents wont get vaccinated my sister and niece have to visit my parents without him knowing cause he doesnt like that my parents arent vaccinated. I just hate that we have lie about my parents hanging out with my sister and niece and makes me anxious for her cause she has to be apart from us sometimes. I don't know if her fiance would be chill with our parents hanging out with my sister/niece or mad cause they are not vaccinated. My parents don't know that I am vaccinated and that I smoke weed. I don't even smoke weed that much either it wouldn't be as fun but it sucks that I hate to hide that I like weed. My parents are very Christian/Conservative? type of people and personally I don't like to pick sides so I'm not exactly Christian or political. I just don't know how they are gonna react cause I do want to tell them and that its my choice to do things. It breaks my heart having to hide secrets and have my sister be apart from my parents. We are going to hang out at my parents house tonight and I hope things go well, or maybe Im just being too anxious.

No. 1624710

We all have our peaks and our valleys, it's just how we go about riding the waves. I hope you find your balance.

No. 1624716

you can't help that your parents are dumb, you're an adult and it's not like you're hiding anything really, you have autonomy over your medical choices. it's okay to have family with differing views, whenever they talk shit about vaccines or weed just tune it out and nod your head and say "yep, yep, yep"

No. 1624727

What forum did you use? I posted on DF for years, actually made a few good friends on there. I do cringe when I think about it, though. My "woe is me I'm not like the other junkies" rants, my "functional addict" claims that were complete and utter fucking lies, kek. The copium I was huffing was probably more dangerous than the other drugs I was on. "yeah it's fine bro, just do it in moderation!"

No. 1624798

I wish I had a good person for a father

No. 1624801

I wish I had a father at all. I wonder how many nonas grew up fatherless? I feel so alone in that on here, I don't see it discussed. I know i'll get
>Good fuck scrotes
but it's weird for me, in my everyday life I don't think or care about my dad, yet I have dreams every other night about him accepting me, or being rude/abusive towards me and changing or finally loving me. I guess deep down I do care.

No. 1624807

I understand why you’d want that because everyone says you should have it, but it’s truly not all it’s cracked up to be. I hope you had someone who cared for you, that’s all that matters.

No. 1624815

My father was mostly absent. He only showed for my birthdays for a few years and gifted me a car when I was a teenager which was nice and actually very important for me as I wouldn't have got a car any other way. There were birthdays where I didn't even get a phone call or he would come days after it had already passed. The other 364 days out of a year we didn't communicate at all. I have 3 other half siblings. I used to feel kind of salty that two of them got to have both parents, a nice home, etc.. while I didn't. Other than that I don't feel any particular way about my father, I think because my mother was so much worse. He's not anyone I love or hate, he's just a guy who exists.

I think the most impact that my father's absence had on me is wanting to just make sure that my future children have both parents, whether I have them with a man or a woman. I think it's incredibly important for kids to have two parental figures for many reasons.

No. 1624816

Samefag, ignore the awful grammar in this post. I'm mobile posting and a sentence was supposed to be spoilered.

No. 1624818

My dad was there my entire life but never would speak to me nor acknowledge me. I can count the number of times he has spoken to me and it was like 4 times, but all involved my money. Do I count as fatherless? He was hoping I would be another son, but the moment he found out I was a girl he gave up on me instantly. I guess most dad's just suck nona so don't feel like you missed out on much.

No. 1624820


No. 1624821

my dad was around but he abused my mother badly, called my brother a faggot. I still remember the day him and my broke up, he had cheated on her, we came home and ##he threw something at my mom, but it hit me, he didn't even care, my mouth was bleeding and he was like, "See? Look what you did, you hurt her".
From there, he got remarried, he lived walking distance from us, but we could only see him weekends and only SOME weekends when my mom would let us or he wanted.
For some reason all the abuse I seen my mom go through because of men in her life, as a kid, didn't really compute, but right now i'm so overwhelmed thinking about it.
Because my mom's current boyfriend is abusive in another way, verbally but..it's a lot. I still want acceptence from my dad, who lives his life not caring about me or anything. I know it's fucked up and weird.
I feel thats why I have these dreams.
You do count as fatherless, because I know what having a mom is, but I don't know what having a dad is even though he lived with us for some years. I never had a dad.

No. 1624822

>I don't see it discussed

Is there no bad parent thread?

No. 1624823

Shit, I didn't look for it, I guess I mean, I see nonas vent about their mothers or fathers in their lives, but then again, I'm not everywhere on the site. I guess I'll go to that thread.

No. 1624828

NTA but trust me being fatherless is way better than having a piece of shit scrote father who abuses you

No. 1624830

My dog is so anxious I’m literally driving to my friends house to get her some Xanax to take. She has been shaking all over and panting since people started shooting fireworks at NOON IN BROAD DAYLIGHT and don’t stop until 2 fucking AM and will be shooting fireworks for another fucking week. White trash scum.

No. 1624834

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Realized that I used to be 130/40 lbs and still wanted to lose weight and I'm 170 now, so even if I lose 40 lbs right now I still won't be happy with myself.

No. 1624835

I’ve lurked on there and the way most of the users hate white women while simultaneously idolizing white men was very offputting.

No. 1624840

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I love my cat Slim Jim, but this is what me trying to look at my screen is like 90% of the time.

No. 1624841

He wants to post something

No. 1624842

No. 1624851

this nonna again, don't know if he was serious about the dox drop but i'm still preparing.
just updating, checked phone yesterday, found out old friend of both this moid and i was mad at me because he thought i was "lying about him again"(a friend was taking the piss and she said i said something about said friend that i didn't) and threatened to leak pictures that my ex gave to him when they talked again, i doubt it's of lewd nature but i've also always been fat so they're definitely not flattering either. even though this mutual is seas away i'm kind of scared because he's a fucking nutcase too, if my dox ends up in his hands who knows what he'll do. he wasn't too kind to his ex

back to point, right now i've just deleted my main instagram acc, paypal acc, locked my facebook account, changed up pretty much any other social media that fall under my internet presence and will be offline alot more. only decided to delete the paypal because this old friend used the send money feature and it just said "You fucked with the wrong perso.." before i just cleared my notifs. checked paypal activity, history, and more but couldn't find it so he probably took whatever the fuck that was back but this is awful. i literally can't enjoy the internet anymore

this is pretty detailed and my ex is terminally online and always knew where i browsed.

No. 1624853

the last sentence i was meant to delete but i was meant to imply that i wouldn't be surprised if he found this place and my vents, just kind of paranoid atp

No. 1624863

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My relationship is so terrible but my girlfriend is the vindictive type and would blackmail me. If I can’t keep up the miserable charade until December then the risk of her spilling dirt on me goes away.

No. 1624865

*if I CAN keep going then she doesn’t have any dirt on me after december

No. 1624867

It'll be over by tommorow nonna!

No. 1624876

He's low empathy. I've been in the same situation but instead of leaving after he ended up emotionally/psychically cheating on me I stayed and it got REALLY REALLY bad. if what's keeping you there now is the thought things will improve I'd say things will probably get worse and you should plan for the worst.

No. 1624887

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I'm trying to figure out if my depression is out of control even more than usual or I'm actually unhappy in my relationship. my fiance doesn't watch porn, takes care of me when I'm sick, whatever I need he gets it for me usually, pays most of the bills, we get along great and he considers me his best friend. But I just feel empty, for all the positives there's negatives that eat me up. Our sex life is shit and I have a much higher drive. He made me insecure in the beginning of our 8 year relationship because he said I wasn't loud enough etc all comments that made him insecure as if he wasn't doing a good job. He has since profusely apologized and he was a teenager at the time and blah blah. Calls me beautiful and checks on me in the middle of sex and works hard to make me orgasm. But I still will refuse sex unless it's in the dark, on a good month we have it 2x/week or 6x a month at most maybe.
He says he'll get me flowers or whatever and then forgets, does this with a lot of gifts but he remembers on valentines day and all that. We barely go on dates and we just stay at home and game. He has 0 posts on social media but seeing his guy friends post their gfs or wives makes me feel sad. I want to be shown off, I want to go on adventures with him, I want more sex. But he is boring and forgetful at worst. I feel like I'm giving my everything and he's just aloof and has no drive. Stays comfortable all the time.
Sometimes I daydream that I break up with him and live on my own and go out hiking with friends and meet a guy that fucks me like an animal but lovingly. Im so sexually frustrated but consumed with self hate. I've been having more breakdowns and one was in front of him where I lost my shit and threw myself against the wall until I was bruised and bloody. I've smashed glasses and cut myself but he doesn't know. The wall thing made him freak out and he was really worried. It triggered because I spent the entire week deepcleaning for a visit from his friends and always clean and cook. One of our coworkers told me some gossip and mentioned he was gonna call me to tell me but got busy. My husband is trying to move up and was upset the coworker didn't tell him the problems going on, he already felt like a loser because the day before he was in charge for the first time and didn't do so well ( in his eyes). He said he was disappointed in me for not saying "did you tell [husband] what about him?" and wtf at the guy saying he'll call me, and I said you literally worked the same day he probably thought you knew already and he's happily married. it just broke me, I don't know. It seems small and silly but it broke me and i threw myself against the wall. I want to kill myself so badly nonnies, what scares me is what if I do leave him and I'm just the same in the end mentally.
I need to get help before I kill myself . I'm spiraling again

No. 1624895

I hate tipping culture so fucking much. Especially when it's one of those places that's like counter service or a coffee shop and they flip the ipad around with the tip suggestions… I work a place like that and tips make up most of what I earn, but I don't feel like my work deserves tips. I wish my employers would just pay me a fucking living wage instead of making me hope the customers give me money I didn't earn. We even have to ask for tips at the fucking drive through window. It's so embarrassing and retarded.

No. 1624899

It doesn't seem like you'll ever be happy unless you get some help, nonnie. It sounds like you have some serious issues and honestly you should break up with him for his sake because it doesn't seem like you truly love him.

No. 1624912

I'll be doing so well with my diet for most of the day and then the night comes and I go even a little over my calorie limit and I just say fuck it and start eating whatever.

No. 1624926

I think I have a yeasty

No. 1624933

My boss sent out the schedule and my hours were cut. She never seemed to like me despite putting immense pressure on me as the only worker some days. Guess I'm screwed looking for a new job on my days off now. What a way to celebrate fourth of july.

No. 1624985

You know you're ugly when not even other women think you're pretty lol

I know that most people hate my piercings but I really don't want to take the two out just so I'd seem more dateable, especially since the jewellery is also dainty

No. 1625018

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fuck I have the biggest crush on my friend. I think he feels the same but it would never work out because we aren't the same religion. He is tall and muscular without being disgusting, with long hair and a cute smile. We talk all the time and make each other laugh. AGH why does life have to be complicated.

No. 1625030

Nonnies I'm having the shits. Please pray for me.

No. 1625053

Childhood ex moid bf has hidden his stories from me on Instagram. How fucking rude, how dare he would think I’d care enough to see his new girlfriend posts. Get over yourself.

No. 1625063

I’m just as bad as a coomer moid. Schlick in efforts to pass out..

No. 1625065

I’m nearly 30 and been in an LDR for the past decade, I’ve had doubt it was never truly going to work out. Dating organically is so hard considering all the males here are so unattractive. Maybe when I was younger I saw myself perhaps having a family of my own but now that the time has passed I can’t see the in tor formidable future. I wonder why I ever thought that would be something I wanted.

No. 1625090

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You remind of me of last year…I used to be with a guy similar to that, it lasted for 4 years. The situation was a bit worse than yours, he barely looked at me anymore, sex was 1-2 times per week at best, and I had a much higher sex drive than him. He had no drive for life, didn't wanna live but didn't want to kill himself and just…existed. Breaking up with him was easy, but I never stopped feeling guilty about it, like I disappointed him. Am I happy that I did it? Yes, the relationship wasn't going anywhere. Am I happier in general? I try to. I hope you get better and make the right decision over your relationship…took me a long time to see that I needed to leave, best of luck to you.

No. 1625095

I literally cannot get over the mistakes I make. I feel shitty and ruminate over them for hours

No. 1625096

I regret to inform you I am very near to this exact path having played out and your comment has scared the living shit out of me after I came here because I am crying my eyes out and was hoping to be distracted from it. My God.

No. 1625097

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Just a socially-inept closted-lesbian failure-to-launch NEET desperate for someone to love and to love me and crying myself to sleep about it

No. 1625105

Damm, do you have at least people taking care of you.

No. 1625107

You literally sound like me. We are the exact same

No. 1625121

I'm a bit sad about the current Son de Flor drama (tldr they posted a man in one of their dresses). I actually like their dresses and own one of them, very happy with it, and just seeing the drama overall makes me sad. It's a specific style but man some of the reactions to the dresses by people reminds me too much of when normies discover lolita fashion brands. Except instead of saying it's a sex thing they're saying that basic linen dresses with a peter pan collar are only worn by weird religious tradwives.

No. 1625140

does he care about it?

No. 1625151

I always put off assignments forever because doing it early makes me feel like it'll be bad. Maybe because of teachers that would write down at what time you leave an exam and if your grade is already somewhere in the middle they'll use that fact to give you a worse one because you could've used that time you had. If I start early I'll naturally drag it out, if I start close to the deadline I'll work in a focused way but under so much stress that it makes me cry in despair. I can't seem to force myself to do what I need to and then distance myself mentally. Even if I know I can take a week off before starting I'll spend the entire week stressed out by the thing I have to do soon and I end up scrolling on my phone instead of doing anything enjoyable. I hope I can find a way to change

No. 1625155

i'm in a similar situation. everything is fine besides that we've nearly always barely had sex (a couple times a year at most) and don't have 100% the same plans in life. most of the time it's not a big deal, but like now when i'm unemployed/not doing anything, it starts to wear on me. he's really attractive and it hurts me to think of us never talking again and i get worried breaking up would be a mistake, but the relationship feels more like a friendship, it's passionless (and i don't even think what i want is asking too much), he's messy/disorganized/lazy. he's a good provider, i can openly talk about whatever i want with him, hates porn… i just quietly cry sometimes when alone though. when i visit my parents they're like, flirty with each other. i never thought i'd be jealous of my parents' relationship. he compliments me a lot but it feels like that's the end of it. i fantasize about being single too, not to meet other guys but legitimately to be on my own and i could up and move wherever i wanted for work/grad school. and i feel like no matter what i'm going to be depressed, sometimes i wish we never met. we've been dating for years, we say we love each other, but i'll never really "have" him, because we don't want the same things. not sure what to do. but becoming gradually more comfortable with the idea of breaking up the more i think about it.

No. 1625159

>He is tall and muscular without being disgusting, with long hair and a cute smile.
I'm jealous

No. 1625162

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I don't really understand the controversy. Isn't this just a gnc man? I thought it'd be a troon

No. 1625165

Nta and I don't know this brand but he needs a bra.

No. 1625166

men look ugly in dresses

No. 1625187

thank you i think before any rash decisions I need to get help first. after i made the post i had another breakdown and smashed glass on my face and he spent an hour cleaning up the blood. I have no idea why im doing this, i have no idea why i'm spiraling. it started 3 yrs ago i had a traumatic childhood and my childhood cat died and i started hallucinating and got help for that. stopped 1-2 yrs ago and i morphed into this. i feel like i have so much self hatred and apathy im losing the ability to control myself
I think i truly love him though i didn't used to be like this, ever since this year started ijust been going downhill mentally. Honestly i love him and he loves me i just dont love myself
Thanks for your response you give me things to think about
i relate to you sometimes i feel like a roommate or a robot. the days blend into eachother as Im waiting for more but it never comes. I fantasize about being alone too just a peaceful small apartment with me and my cats. Wish we were friends irl it would be nice to have someone that can relate. Probabbly scaring you off with my mentally ill ass behavior though lol

No. 1625208


Care to elaborate more ,anon??

No. 1625231

Me too, although I've only been in an LDR for 2 years. I've only kept it going because it's low effort, we only met once at his insistance (and buying tickets without really waiting for an answer from me) but I do not plan on ever living with this guy or any guy really. Seeing how men basically devolve into children once they move together with a woman made me completely turned off of family life. Especially since most men don't even want to play the role of the father, they just want to be one. My fellow countrymen are sadly some of the most entitled and sexist in Europe.

No. 1625236

My mom is so delusional she still sees me as a teen (this vent goes out to the "u sound 16 grr" fatty here) she definitely puts me back in that mental state. She wants me to enable tracking on my phone and got mad at me for staying up "too late" when she knows I have trouble sleeping at her house. She literally stomped out and yelled at me at like 4am I was just quietly reading. She is so controlling

No. 1625238

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To add onto this, my period started a little early so I feel even worse at work and my mom might have breast cancer. We're going to find out this month. I'm so tired nonas. I just want things to get better.

No. 1625245

I hate how scrotish(?, idk how to spell it lol) I feel whenever I think how much I'd want to have a gf, lay in her lap and idk take a nap or just be pet.

No. 1625253

I really hate people who pretend like they know everything about fitness or skincare when they've only got surface knowledge.
I'm starting to become overweight and have been trying to lose weight, but it's really difficult due to a hormonal issue I was diagnosed with last year. The same issue made my legs and face break out in nasty pimples and I feel hideous. The number on my scale hasn't moved one bit since I started months ago and my checkup isn't in another month.

I'm doing everything right with dieting and exercise - eating under 1300kcal per day, moderate-heavy exercise several times per week, strength training. Yes I am counting my calories correctly, I read the labels and weigh all the food I eat. It's really annoying to live like this AND have random friends tell me I "must be counting them wrong", "there's no such thing as hormonal weight gain", "it's just CICO, bro", "just wash your face and exfoliate". Shut the fuck up.

No. 1625264

I’m tired of her being so judgmental about everything that I do or choose. I know I shouldn’t explain myself to her because I just feel dumb justifying my choices but it pisses me off. I know she’s just jealous at this point. I have what she couldn’t and probably will never have in her life, I just wish she would be actually happy for me. I’m happy for once in my life so why she cares so much? Why she has to bring so much negativity about all my choices?

No. 1625266

I can relate. I still get feelings of shame and doubt whenever I find a woman sexually attractive, especially if she’s conventional and hyperfeminine. Gotta keep reminding myself that I’m not and never will be a scrote, my relationship with women is completely different from a male’s.

No. 1625267

i'm >>1625155 and you don't scare me off at all! it made me feel better that someone related to me and also responded.
>Wish we were friends irl it would be nice to have someone that can relate
same, nonners. ♥

No. 1625268

samefag but it hurts because i would like to get married one day, i don't really want to be alone, but i think wtf is the point of being in a relationship if i'm barely getting any affection/intimacy. i'm attractive and can get that, but i don't find other moids as attractive as my bf, and what are the chances i'll find a guy that isn't a loser, attractive, and hates porn again. i don't want to be alone, but what's the point in staying in a relationship where i essentially feel lonely most of the time. he supports my goals but it kills me inside that he'd probably rather me be a different way, he says he loves me and only wants me, but i have a feeling he wishes i was the way he would prefer.

No. 1625280

For no reason at all, lesbians are the most guilt filled people on earth. I will never understand it.

No. 1625286

You really think so? Gold stars don't give me that impression at all. In fact it seems like they'd rather straight women be the ones filled with shame.

No. 1625291

I feel so fucking stupid. I just realised I painted my nails in troon colours and now I’m just sad. I did a blue to white gradient but decided to alternated the nails with a pink and white gradient as well and I’m not removing them because they’re cute and I like the design I did. Also most people are normal enough to not see pink and blue and think of trannies.

No. 1625319

I hate living with other people. I've never lived alone and I daydream of it constantly as I'm trying to save up enough money to make the move. I hate that I've never once gotten to decorate a place to my liking and make the rules of how things are done. I live with my boyfriend now and everything is done to his taste. The way we stack the dishwasher, which days we do laundry and how, where the cutlery is supposed to be and when and how we're supposed to hoover and clean the apartment. We have tons of mixed cutlery from our student days that is broken and old, along with scraped up pans and bowls. We have bought new ones, but he doesn't want to toss the old ones away because "we can still use them". Bitch, when? Our kitchen cabinets is full of junk that we don't need!

Our apartment is so ugly. His taste sucks. Nothing feels like home. I wish I had grown a spine a couple of years ago and not gotten stuck in this relationship with him due to finances. I wish the job market didn't suck so bad that it's taking me years just to find a company who wants to give me a permanent contract. I turn 29 this year and to never have lived on my own feels like such a failure. Like I'm missing out on getting to be just myself in my own space. I daydream of things as simple as taking a shower without being timed for water usage, do the laundry in the evening instead of the morning and throw out an old pan if I don't need it. Hell, I dream of getting a new and nice set of plates just because, not until all our plates are broken beyond repair! Last night I thought about how nice it would be to not have to wear headphones when I want to listen to my own music because my boyfriend plays his music out loud by default. I'm such a doormat, I know, but right now I'm just keeping a low profile until I can get out of here. It's not like talking and asking to do stuff my way ever ended in anything but an argument anyway, so why bother?

No. 1625326

I feel like I’m mentally spiraling, I’ve been home on a break from my job but I have no friends. I do stuff alone but it’s starting to feel really weird to not have anyone to hang out with, I’m starting to think that I’m weird and other people can tell something’s “off” with me because I’m always by myself. If it wasn’t for being at my parents house I’d easily go days without talking. Work and college are like my only form of distraction from this.

No. 1625342

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We're the same, find me anon, FIND ME!

No. 1625343

time to reclaim those colors anon

No. 1625346

Haha, thanks anon, I can actually find some solace in this. Thank you.

No. 1625365

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My moid friend of 10 years some time ago sent me some cool watches and he was like "these are totally your style!" and i was like "they are! they would make a nice birthday gift". Some time after that i told him how much cute sanrio shit there is on aliexpress and that i had to stop myself from buying it all. I told him how sad i was that i didn't have female friends who were into that, so i could buy all that stuff for them. My birthday was the other day and even though i didn't expect anything, he got me worse shit than i thought. He got one kinda expensive gift which was nice, but the rest was just pure garbage. I know he bought that shit at a store near his house and no thought went into them at all. He didn't even give me a watch! They were mainly peripherals and accessories for my laptop and phone; things i didn't even need! One of them was really low in quality as well in terms of usage and he was like "well, it looks nice so you could at least hang it up on your wall or something". Wtf? I'd rather he had just gotten me the one expensive gift and that was it. The other tagged on shit is just insulting. He could've easily gotten me the same stuff but from Sanrio/Aliexpress for less money and i would've actually 100% liked it. Why are moids so fucking stupid, i will never understand. I want to confront him about it but then i come off as being spoiled because he did get me that one expensive gift, which almost makes it seem to me that he got it just so i couldn't complain about the other stuff. I've gotten him nice gifts for his birthday and christmas every single year since i've known him cause i/my family could afford it. This is the first year that he could afford better gifts as well and then i get… this. I don't know why it is so upsetting to me.

No. 1625375

A scrote blocked me for a nonissue he threw a little bitchfit and did the whole editing messages thing to try and get the last word. He was mad I was teasing/asking him about something then said jk and he got so mad and called me manipulative and said I play games. I said sorry I didn't know he was on his period

No. 1625380

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Sorry you feel this way too nonny, I hope we can get through it!

No. 1625385

Very close to the deadline and almost done writing this essay, but I suddenly feel like it's way too general and completely empty. It took me so long to get anything done, I won't be able to fix it now anyway. I'll polish up what I have and hope for the best, there's nothing else I can do. I should've asked my prof what he expected for this topic, but it was an entire month before deadline and I figured I'd manage on my own somehow and that it would look bad to ask. Fuck my life. Whatever. One bad grade won't be the end of the world, I'm just ashamed when I think about someone else reading this shit.

No. 1625462

>this vent goes out to the "u sound 16 grr" fatty here
KEK I swear I've seen her post that a few times now. On a serious note, I hope you have a plan or are able to move out soon. Your mom sounds exhausting to be around. Sending love, nonnie.

No. 1625481

I just asked my friend if she could stop spamming me with photos of and long detailed paragraphs about her male fiancé since seeing (ugly) men unprompted is obviously annoying, and she called me a "self centered dick". She knows I've endured extensive physical and emotional trauma from my male family members, and I thought she would understand my low capacity for dealing with men. Guess not.

No. 1625531

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I hate people who scrape the bottom of the bowl with the spoon while they're eating, like they just have to gobble up that last little centimeter of yogurt at the bottom of the bowl. They're desperate to eat every last particle of food that they can shovel into their faces like they're starving to death and this is first meal they've had in a month and they're frantically trying to collect those two calories worth of yogurt. They're too braindead to realize that they ate it all and scraping the bottom of the bowl doesn't magically make more yogurt appear STOP SCRAPING THE FUCKING BOWL YOU RETARD THERE'S NOTHING FUCKING LEFT YOU ATE IT ALL

No. 1625533

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I'm not enjoying my vacation

No. 1625537

Aww I'm sorry anon, why aren't you enjoying your vacation? I hope it gets better

No. 1625539

Its taking everything in me not to break down sobbing. My childhood best friend is getting married soon to her gf, and she wanted to invite my dad as well as me.
My dad told me today he genuinely thinks its wrong for her to “gay marry” and wont put up with it/ go. He thinks shes going to burn in hell and is “scared” for my soul. I am going to be her maid of honor.
This just breaks my fucking heart. She loves him, you know? She respects him. We have had a million sleepovers, been supportive through thick and thin…. And hes fucking hung up on the fact “shes ACTUALLY a lesbian”. I want to scream, I want to sob. Instead i had to lie and make up an excuse for his dumb ass and for the first time in a long time i am let down by my own dad. Christian my ass. He will harbor this hatred for no fucking reason. Thats the worst sin of all, imo.

No. 1625548

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Fuck night shift, and fuck customers who come have drinks when I'm already cleaning and ready to close the doors any moment now. I hope they all die.

No. 1625551

I bought a new water bottle for work and I’ve been really diligent about cleaning it every day and not getting lazy about it. I put it in the dish washer for the first time yesterday and when I took it to work today and was drinking from it I noticed a weird smell coming from the spout. I got paranoid and started taking the rubber gaskets out of the lid and noticed that one of them was covered in black mold in one of the crevices. I’m so fucking disgusted and confused about how this happened. When I hand wash my bottle I make sure to also wash the rubber gaskets since those are usually the first parts that get moldy and gross. Ugh just kill me now nonas

No. 1625562

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How do you get over the shame of having an 'unconventional' or 'weird' husbandos? Or at least, break up with your husbandos and reframe the obsession into something more…normal? I used to love them so so much, but after a moment of enlightenment, I just feel so much shame, resentment and embarrassment over them and how they infest my waking thoughts and dreams. Yet I still love them and where they've come from. I tried posting again in the husbando thread but I just suddenly felt sick. I realize it was wrong and feel so dirty I just want to love them in a purer way. It's terrible I just want to have a normal husbando but I mentally, emotionally, and physically can't get into most of the 'normal' ones even if they resemble my husbandos personality and character wise. I'm trying to reframe my love into them from that of eros to something like philia. This is actually starting to affect me more than I realize I just feel gross and the thing that I used to love is just corrupted.

No. 1625572

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I am soooo fucking bored of vague conversations about who and what is "problematic". I was at my sister's party with her normie friends and that's all they could talk about, but in the most vague, Instagram-infographic ways. Like they literally don't even have examples or substantive things to say about the issue, just:

>mentions any author or musician

>"I heard he's said some problematic stuff"
>"Oh weird, I didn't read that, like what?"
>"I don't really know, I just saw it on Twitter, but it wouldn't surprise me"

I'm opposed to sexism, racism, etc but wtf, at least know what the fuck you're actually talking about before you shut down an entire conversation with your vapid virtue signaling,tfffff. It made me keep convos very light and personal bc apparently you can't discuss any creative work without someone identifying a "problem".

No. 1625579

Moids love watching neko lolis getting molested by ugly bastards, yet here you are feeling bad and impure over liking wacky fictional guys, you need to realize you're hurting nobody, love and passion are part of the human experience don't feel bad just because the target of your affection is not conventional. I personally don't see a problem with it

No. 1625580

kek who is it nona?

No. 1625582

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Oh nona, you're OK. Is there a particular trait that you're embarrassed about? This is a totally personal topic and you're allowed to love who you love.

No. 1625617

I mean I get that but honestly I can't help but think that at the very least they're human even if it may be fucked up. I can't even feel any sexual pleasures for humans and don't even desire companionship with one at this point. I'm genuinely too far gone and I hate it. I hate that I was so delusions and thought "nuh-uh, my tastes aren't weird people are just making a big deal out of it haha" but I was a retard, a wrong one at that. I hate how this obsession with a dumb kiddy franchise has taken a vice grip upon me and yet I can't stop loving it so much. I feel like I've forsaken the one thing I love by corrupting it with lewd desires, something so incredibly pure is tainted. I feel like a fake fan or a poser for the one thing I actually love and keeps me going I don't know how to deal with this. The art I've made, the stories I've made, the ideas I've made. It's all wrong. None of it no better than the people who turn characters trans and gay and ooc or whatever the fuck. When I see all the plushies and figures and pins in my room of them, I feel all their eyes on me and it's this horrible judgey extreme and disgusting feeling that makes me want to hurl. I can't even purify myself because they don't sell castration drugs like medrox online and I don't even know how to work a TOR for shit so I can't even buy it from there so I can't even brute force these wrong desires of mine out of me. I can't even talk to the people I know in my life because they never will understand and because it will come off as extremely fucking retarded and insane. The people I trusted, that I hoped would've understood my feelings, actually don't and just shrugged it off as me being normal when it's not, it's absolutely not, it never will be and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. I feel so alone at this point cause even if I reach out the wrong things I've drawn and desired will always supersede any form of change I will try to make. I want to be pure goddamn it. I hate this so fucking much.
>Is there a particular trait that you're embarrassed about?
Everything. Though mostly the fact that they're not even human and are far removed from what's deemed as "normal" by them and I feel like this is a punishment so to speak that I've been ignoring and it's finally caught up to me.

No. 1625619

You're letting the husbando gatekeepers get to you. It doesn't sound like you're particularly cringy about it either so I don't see the problem. Just keep enjoying your husbandos. Maybe try venting into a Word document like some /g/ anons do if you just can't post in public anymore

No. 1625625


No. 1625629

Ok here's what you'll do:
Quit your porn addiction. It'll be very, very difficult, but trust me, it's possible. Stop drawing and writing porn of them. Stop looking at NSFW shit that other people make, because they'll just reinforce your fetish (you seeing those characters in a sexualized manner).
Spend time getting into some other franchise that features more human characters, preferably one that isn't very "kiddy". Don't get into media solely because you want to fuck the characters or because you're looking for fanart or fanfiction fuel. Just spend some time enjoying things that have nothing to do with sex or having a romantic obsession with characters. I know it's hard but maybe getting friends/family to enjoy new things with you will help.
I don't know if it's possible for you to be attracted to normal humans since none of my husbandos have been non-human, but it's a start.

No. 1625647

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Why do I seem to creep out anyone I develop a crush on? I swear I don’t act like an autistic freak when I like someone but somehow they know and avoid me. Ugh maybe in the next life my default won’t be unsettling outsider. This girl at the coffee shop used to say hi and then I developed a crush, now she hides out the back when she sees me. Kill me

No. 1625652

Samefag, I'm >>1625619 but I made the second post after reading your second post because it's clear that you're feeling very, very guilty about this and want to seriously quit.
So you could either try to quit (maybe use the porn addiction thread on /g/ for advice on how to do it), accept your autism/degeneracy, or keep your husbandos but keeping your sexual attraction to yourself this time and try tone it down. You could even keep posting on the husbando thread but without saying who you're talking about if someone asks, many anons do that because they don't want to be recognized and/or they're too ashamed. If you can't stop liking these characters after all, maybe try finding a like-minded person who is into the same things as you and keeping it between you two so you don't feel guilty about what other people think.

No. 1625655

but i want more! even if it's just a single drop

No. 1625657

I hate when people criticize a person for maintaining a pretty lawn, but at the same time support Apple and Amazon. Like, yeah sure, it's the middle class suburban house owner killing the environment, not the companies that deforest or harvest fossil fuel. My mistake.

No. 1625662

Funnily enough, I have been doing almost all of that. I deleted all of my art from PC, and any presence I had relating to that art. So I don't corrupt others too. I no longer have any interest in drawing or drawing that sort of thing. I have been trying out new things, lately I got into Pikmin big time and I'm not hesitant with playing it because the characters aren't in my 'strike zone' so to speak. Honestly I'm tempted to do more extreme things because it feels like it's never enough. I was banking hard on chemical castration but I could barely find much research for chemicals castration for women because not surprisingly, women don't commit a lot of sexual crimes compared to men. I might try anti-depressants since I hear those can lower your libido but I don't want to pay so much money for a "might work" and I'm not confident in doing something "physical". I don't know, I guess now I just feel sad and lonely, pretty angry too I've been feeling like this for the past month. Though you're right, honestly it's time I move past these things as fast as possible it. It's not even so much as a porn addiction, I don't really masturbate much or feel much libido but I guess I just feel a lot of shame for even having such thoughts and having a sudden realization that the thing I was even into is essentially really fucking retarded in the grand scheme of things. Like, it's the antithesis of what being a fan of that series should be, and the series' philosophy, its characters, etc. I just feel sad.

No. 1625664

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The pain of dieting is having your last meal at like 6 pm cause you ate your calorie limit and you didn't space out your meals properly.

No. 1625665

Sick and fucking tired of people thinking it's okay to mentally torment me for months on end because they can't let shit go. I haven't wronged them but even if I did this shit is completely unwarranted. There's nothing I could have possibly done to make me deserving of this unhinged crazy ILLEGAL behavior and this fucking retard will not make me think otherwise

No. 1625666

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I could've wrote this.

No. 1625673

Even if you didn't masturbate to it, I'd say it's still like a porn addiction since you say it was never enough for you and you kept drawing and writing about it. It's just a habit that's hard to break, you don't need to fuck yourself up with chemicals just to get rid of it. Please don't actually do that.
Also, there's no need to be so hard on yourself. I know you must be feeling very guilty right now, but self-flagellation is a tad extreme. Feeling ashamed is normal but it's not as bad as you think it is, you didn't commit a crime or anything. You just made as mistake, in your own opinion. A lot of women who grew up on the internet got porn addictions of some kind and got off to morally questionable drawings, but then grew up and got over it eventually (me included). It is embarrassing, and sometimes disgusting, to remember those times, but that's in the past. You can definitely get over this, even if it takes a while. And maybe it'll take you a few tries, but that's normal, just don't give up, I believe in you.

No. 1625674

Love thy neighbor except for X, Y, Z. The list goes on. It's good that you can at least be there for your friend.

No. 1625675

I'll kill your tormentor if you kill mine

No. 1625685

I think I meant to reply to >>1625662
Not sure how I linked the wrong post number

No. 1625693

You're right, it is and I shouldn't try to deny it as such. I guess I kind of hoped that I could turn this obsession into something 'purer' but at this point I think I'm just coping extra hard. Honestly quitting it all cold turkey is something I plan to do now that I think about it, though the idea of boxing up and ridding of all my merchandise, games, art, books, makes me want to hurl but as you said it's just a hard habit I need to break and I will. See, I know that there are downsides to chemicals but I do know that they produce really good results depending on the chemicals used such as medroxyprogesterone or leuprolide and I'm not too hung up on losing any and all sex drive since there's no way I'll ever be able to date a person and the results kind of outweigh health risks in my eyes. I think it's starting to become like an intrusive thought that I have to get rid of my libido by any means necessary, like I get thoughts about burning myself down there or anything to just remove any feeling or desire from down there. However leuprolide is fucking expensive and I fear ever going to a psychologist to get a prescription since I completely fucked up the last time I had a therapist when she pried a bit more into my desires and inability to feel attraction for others and when I told her what I was into she just got very distant and I felt so embarrassed that I just quit on my own. I think in a sense I'm tired of being lonely and abnormal, and I know that if I do become normal I'll be able to fit in with society and make friends. I know but I can't help it, it just feels so wrong and I feel bad like I've messed up big time. Thanks nonnie, and you're right cause eventually it will all be in the past and I can take the thing I love and hate it with the passion of a thousand suns and leave it all behind me. Thank you.

No. 1625694

Nta but why do you keep relating this to porn addiction? Anon already said she doesn't masturbate or even feels that much libido so that's not the problem, she just feels extremely guilty about having weird husbandos and seems to be getting obsessive thoughts about it, which for me sounds more like OCD

No. 1625697

I went to Amish country for the first time a few weeks ago and I can't stop thinking about if a woman wanted to escape I could help her and we could live together and eventually grow feelings for one another and she could teach me how to sew and make bread and shit and we could be qt wives forever. It's a dumb fantasy but it's fun to think about, maybe I'll write a story about it to get it out of my system.

No. 1625712

Hate my upstairs neighbor who plays music with the bass turned way up. Playing loud music in apartment buildings should be illegal and punishable by death. My lease is up in ten months so I have to try to stay sane here for that long. I think he does it just to torture me, the bass always starts playing after I open my patio door. I try to be really quiet and he still does it more often and late at night now. I try to be as quiet as possible so he leaves me alone but he clearly wants me to suffer. I haven't even seen him before I don't know why he's going after me like this. I'm going to have to complain to the rental office but I know they won't do anything and I'm scared they'll tell him my unit number and that I complained and then he'll try to kill me.

No. 1625720

I was at Walmart today and decided to park farther out since I have a new car. When I came back to sit in my car, I saw one of the workers pulling a long line of carts hit someone else's car. That car was in front and two spaces away from mine. No space is safe. I fear.

No. 1625723

Because she said she feels guilty about thinking of them in an impure way and she drew and wrote a lot of NSFW stuff about them.
>I feel like I've forsaken the one thing I love by corrupting it with lewd desires, something so incredibly pure is tainted
>The art I've made, the stories I've made, the ideas I've made. It's all wrong.
So she's saying that a lot of the stuff she has made and thought about is sexual, and she's only feeling guilty about it recently. But I agree, her extreme guilt might also be related to OCD.
>I guess I kind of hoped that I could turn this obsession into something 'purer' but at this point I think I'm just coping extra hard
If you fall in love with a character it's natural that you'd think about them sexually too. That, in itself, is not porn addiction. I was referring to looking at and constantly producing such content (especially if fetishes were involved).
>Honestly quitting it all cold turkey is something I plan to do now that I think about it, though the idea of boxing up and ridding of all my merchandise, games, art, books, makes me want to hurl
Well, imo you don't need to do that. It can be a gradual change. Hide your merch away if you want, hate the franchise if you want, but one day, after a very long break, you might enjoy it again in a more normal way. But of course it's your choice if you want to sell all your merch and get rid of it.
Like I said, it's normal to be ashamed but not to this degree where you want to chemically sterilize yourself. It doesn't matter that the characters aren't human, you did not purposefully go after something sinister like a child character or something vile like that. Please don't feel like you have to hurt yourself over a shameful but ultimately harmless fetish. I think first you should learn to accept your attraction as something inoffensive (because it is) and then work from there, instead of having such an extreme reaction to yourself. You gotta calm down, realize it's not the end of the world that you are into this, even if it's retarded and embarrassing. It was fun for you and it brought you joy and you didn't hurt anyone. The characters and their world aren't real either so their hypothetical opinions of you shouldn't matter, don't give them power over you.
And if you keep your libido intact but never find a partner due to not being attracted to people, so what? Just learn to masturbate every now and then, it's really no big deal and no one has to know what you're into. Life is so much more than what turns you on. And who knows, you might eventually find yourself attracted to a person someday, so don't end up doing something you might regret later.
>I think in a sense I'm tired of being lonely and abnormal, and I know that if I do become normal I'll be able to fit in with society and make friends. I know but I can't help it, it just feels so wrong and I feel bad like I've messed up big time
Whatever happened to you to become like this wasn't your fault. You probably didn't choose to have that experience that changed whatever you're attracted to. And having a weird sexuality doesn't mean you can't have friends, because like I've said, life is not just about what turns you on. You don't have to be 100% normal to be a part of society, you can be a little weird in private and no one will care unless you make it public.

No. 1625724

Damn some of you are gay for real

No. 1625725

Thelma and Louise up in GTA Rev reverse forward reverse forward reverse

No. 1625736

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okay so i thought for the last year that i was either 1) losing it (either late onset schizophrenia or early onset dementia) and imagining things 2) interacting with chemicals at work that would lead to #1

today i found out the fucking homeschooled mormon kids that live above us have been saying weird shit through the vents. like, i thought my husband was cheating on me because when we would get into fights they would yell his name (not a normal name) and sex noises. i can hear these fucking kids talk about us through the air vents and they even went outside after we had an argument to figure out what i was doing (angrily cleaning the kitchen to get my rage out) and tried to spy on me from our balcony (i usually have it partially opened for the cat sunbathe and we're high enough out he can't hurt anything)
anyway this is a fucking novel but i am so fucking livid right now. i can HEAR these fucking kids talking, I SAW THEM LOOKING INTO OUR PATIO AFTER TALKING ABOUT ME i am so annoyed i want to just close the vents this is such a direct violation of privacy and so gross. i want to go upstairs and say something??? but i also am non confrontational and my husband still thinks i'm making it up in my head even though i can straight up hear them. if i was going to make up shit it would be aliens or squirrels learning to speak

No. 1625741

go and say something to their mom. that is so fucking weird and inappropriate. i wouldn't say anything about you hearing them talk about you, but i would say that they've been making inappropriate noises into the vents. then close the vents because they probably will not stop. that is so fucking creepy and weird, i'm sorry that's happening to you.

No. 1625742

i kind of just want to tape a piece of paper to their mailbox slot (so they don't have me on their apt camera) saying that i can hear them talking about us, it's weird, and to stop. also that joseph smith sucks and i hope they burn in hell

No. 1625748

thank you anon this is the appropriate advice i needed. i get that kids are bored and want to be like matilda hiding in the dumbwaiter but this is fucked up

No. 1625757

The men I want badly eventually ghost me
The ones I don't end up obsessed

This is getting ridiculous

No. 1625769

Teenagers really are this psychotic, I think many women who have had teen zoomer neighbors can confirm this. They have way too much time on their hands.

No. 1625795

flew into a tard rage because i was mindlessly browsing /adv/ on 4chan and i saw an OP talking about getting physically abused by her boyfriend and all the replies were insulting her and constant brainlet moids saying "go to cops, cops will help!!" rinse repeat, and i got dogpiled and told i was fearmongering and trying to lead OP astray by giving the advice "cops arent normally helpful in these scenarios, (lists alternate advice)" i sincerely fucking hate this world. i was the only one actually trying to help OP and i was getting fucking slammed for it

No. 1625807

Yes please

No. 1625812

Why are cops not helpful? What advice did you give her? Not trying to argue or anything I really just want to know, my 1st instinct would also be cops. Thanks for caring about that woman.

No. 1625824

the advice i gave her was mostly stuff like telling her to look up resources in her area like woman's shelters and online therapy that can point her to extra resources in her area that she might not know about. stuff thats meant to help woman in crisis specifically.
i told her to make sure that she goes nowhere near the moid, at all, ever again. even if she has to get a male family member to go grab her stuff (he kicked her out)
i also said if she has to stay with a family member temporarily, to do that and to make sure she stays as far as possible from the scumbbag scrote. i told her to listen to her gut.

people in the thread were yelling at her and shouting go to cops over and over and saying it will solve the issue, and of course, her first reply was she was scared of what he would do to her if she went to the cops. she was clearly very disturbed and terrified and everyone was shouting one thing and one thing only "go to the cops" while insulting her. because of that, i thought i'd chime in but it resulted in a bunch of angry argumentative moids accusing me and shouting "go to the cops!" even more.

i said i didnt know the country OP was in, but at least in america cops are notorious for being unhelpful in those situations because they're moids who will side with the moid. even when there's evidence.
there's also the (to me) very obvious thing of "if i go to the cops and they side with him, then my bf will beat me harder after the cops disengage."
i know from experience first and secondhand that feeling of being scared to go to the cops. and i think that's an important feeling to trust. we feel that way for a reason.
i always think of the gabby petito bodycam footage. she was crying and in hysterics and her moid was being all chummy and calm and joking with the (male) cops and she was seriously distressed with marks on her body and insulting and blaming herself. they separated the couple for one night and that's it. she got murdered a week later.

moids in the thread were yelling at me saying that if she doesnt go to the cops then an abuser walks, which made me so pissed because it's people who don't take the victims seriously is why abusers walk. if it was as simple as calling the cops, then most woman wouldn't be scared to actually come forward. i'd be terrified, one time i had the cops called on me because i was in crisis and the cop treated me like dirt. at least in america, cops are not suitable to treat situations like that with any sensitivity. i've never met a friendly cop.

>Thanks for caring about that woman.

thank you. honestly i really tried my best. it hurt worse when people in the thread were accusing me of leading her astray and trying to fearmonger her against calling the cops. if i thought the cops would help, then i would want her to call the cops. but honestly it feels like calling the cops will more likely just lead to an angrier moid who will abuse her even harder, after the cops don't deal with the situation correctly. which i don't trust them to.
i really don't know how it is in other countries, but at least living in america it feels like cops here are often the type to beat their wives.

No. 1625840

Drink because I’m sad my LDR boyfriend refuses to visit irl. Him in turn punishing me for drinking. I wouldn’t be driven to drink if you just actually came and visit or at least let me see you via video chat for once!!! (only video chatted a couple times out of the years being together)
I don’t even feel bad about drinking anymore. Oh well cheers

No. 1625958

>at least in america cops are notorious for being unhelpful in those situations because they're moids who will side with the moid.

Let's see some proof of this, anon.

No. 1625960

Since kindergarten I have these moments where I feel extremely vulnerable; in those moments I will feel weak and small, highly emotional and overly affectionate. That feeling is triggered when I see something very innocent and cute tied to childhood. For example: a commercial for a babydoll with a little girl hugging it. I won't get anxious, but I'll feel like crying and get the urge to cuddle and surround myself with innocence. My empathy will get ridiculously high in those moments and I'll essentially feel like everything around me is hurt and I need to comfort it.
I have no idea what that feeling is. Idk how to describe it, and I don't want to be mistaken for one of those trans-age age-regression baby-rp lunatics, but honestly the closest descriptor I got is "feeling like a lost child". I've entered my 20s and I still have such moments, they're VERY emotionally draining. I want to get rid of it, maybe sort it out with a therapist, but I will NEVER have the guts to share something so intimate irl… wtf do i do and what even is this feeling??? I feel overwhelmed by it

No. 1625962

did you… read my entire post? i brought up specific bodycam footage of that exact type of thing happening.

No. 1625965

doublepost, but i really don't feel like arguing for the rest of the day, like i said i'm in the vent thread specifically because this deeply upset me and i was directly addressing an anon who replied to me asking a genuine question that i did my best to respond to, so i'm not really feeling like proving myself anymore than i have to. i'm not in the mood.
if you care so much then do your own research, i'm out. if you read my post you could have looked up the video yourself and seen that correlates to what i said and that's that. i'm not gonna go digging up domestic abuse statistics when the idea of it has already ruined my day

No. 1625966

I'm sorry about your experience, the cops in my country also don't do anything when a women is abused, harassed or stalked because there is "no evidence" they will only do something when its already to late like when the women is dead or harmed in any other extreme way

No. 1625968

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Trying to bump disturbing imagery from the front page. Please navigate the site carefully, Nonas.

No. 1625972

anon thank you so much for backing me up, it is exactly like this in america. no evidence is ever good enough until it's too late, just like you said. i really hate it so much. i am really sorry to hear it is like this in your country as well.

ty kind nona

No. 1625973

You're valid for feeling this way, nonita. I hear you, there are other nonnas here who I bet most likely hear you too. Me and them are with you. Was this about the nona who had discovered that her nigel was being a nasty scrote behind her back when he had given his Instagram password to her?

No. 1625975

Just ignore that poster. It smells like sweaty balls. I'm sorry about what you've been through anon. Thank you for bringing this up and sharing your advice. I hope OP listens to you and will finally be able to escape this situation.

No. 1625979

i really appreciate both of you nonas for your kind words. thank you so much, really.
i also really hope OP got to read my post, i refused to go back to the thread after i got incredibly upset, but i really hope she escapes that situation.

No. 1626011

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Hey nannies,I wanted to vent here and also get some advice/second opinions

I'm a jobless "egirl", I don't want to discuss at detail what I do online, but I don't sell pictures of myself and profit off men

I'm in a healthy relationship with my bf and he's all that I can ever ask for. I see him being the person that I want to marry. He's never had an issue with my egirl escapades up until now. I don't think my bf fully understands what it's like to be under financially stress, since he comes from a wealthy family

I have a very mentally simp who has given me a lot of money (in the thousands ballpark). This started a year ago and in return for his money, I'd put up with his pathetic private messages to me. He would constantly tell me he loves me and about his delusions, I would never really entertain or agree to his pleas, but I took his money

I'm still jobless as I was a year ago, so I depend on some extent from the simp's money. I've cut off contact with him a couple months back because his interactions with me have taken a mental toll on me alongside my bf being displeased at the simp's intensifying delusions and absurdity of his messages

Since I've blocked the simp, we've ceased to have contact. Up until recent months where he sends me messages and money, but I never reply to him

I'm in a rut financially and mentally and am getting tempted to playing into the simp's delusions and milking him for more money. The obvious downsides would be making my boyfriend unhappy and letting the simp have headspace on me again

I know I'm a retarded whore but what would you guys think?

No. 1626028

I hate how young girls can flaunt thier fresh self harm cuts/give advice on how to have an eating disorder without getting banned on twitter but calling Contrapoints a faggot gets me permabanned. Its unfair

No. 1626037

Why the hell are you dating him? Girl, learn to love yourself more. You can have any moid of your choosing and you choose one that can't even bother to visit you nor spend time with you.

No. 1626042

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i thought adopting cats was supposed to make you less anxious, but i just missed half of my classes, had a panic attack and almost threw up because i wasn't 100% sure wether i closed a window before I left.
It's a window they cannot even reach yet because they're too small and can't jump that high.
I got scared and already pictured the worst ways they could die in case i left it open, and for what? they were literally both asleep in a totally different room.

i'm gonna give them a treat now and calm down…

No. 1626043

what's stopping you from getting a job?

No. 1626045

I think you should be able to call Contrapoints a faggot, nona

No. 1626047

aw, anxious cat mommy. if you get OCD worries like that that ruin your day, take a picture of the windows and stove and faucets or whatever makes you anxious before you leave the house as part of your routine. also a picture of the kittens because they're cute.

No. 1626050

the joy of having cats! While we’re talking window hazards, a cat I was caring for hung himself from the pull-strings of my blinds once when he was a baby and if I hadn’t been right there to get him down he would have died swinging there. So make sure to tuck up blind strings if you have any. Curiosity does indeed kill cats.

No. 1626052

how is he contacting you even though you blocked him? I wouldn't interact with him ever again, that's a bad dynamic to get into. get a new simp.

No. 1626053

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Ughhhh im not gonna have my usual place to crash for an upcoming rave. What a fucking bummer

No. 1626058

She always disappoints me somehow. I’m not asking much, either, and still does. I know I shouldn’t be treated as a priority always because that’s impossible but fuck it hurts. There’s always someone else before me, no exceptions. I could plan something two months in advance and obviously she would cancel or change my plans. Plans that I made for her in first place.
The only time I tried to talk with her about it a lot of years ago, obviously she got into this victim mode and complained about how passive aggressive I was, while I had to deal with her talking about me non stop, even in front of some mutual friends who told me all about it. She doesn’t know this, of course. She’s dumb enough to think that people who like me better than her wouldn’t come up to me and tell me everything.
I know I shouldn’t care about her atp but I don’t know how to stop it from hurting. She’s careless and inconsiderate and here I am almost crying just because her attitude is…shit

No. 1626087

read literally anything by Juan Branco. Your mediocrity comes from above not below, your elites are fucking you on the daily

No. 1626111

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NONNIE we are the fucking same. i know exactly the feeling!!! it's nothing to do with age regression, it's just an overwhelming feeling of sadness, and describing it as feeling like a "lost child" is accurate for me too. i don't particularly like or want children, so i don't know what the feeling means, and i don't tell anyone about it. the one time i did my ex acted like i was being super weird so i never told anyone since. sometimes something is so adorable it makes me extremely sad! especially if the cute creature is sad, like a crying cat meme. it genuinely makes me want to comfort it, or sometimes even be it. i personally chalk it up to "i guess that's where my maternal feelings have been placed"

No. 1626112

i stay up late watching stupid shit so i feel like i have some freedom in my stupid life but im so tired that i cant even enjoy it and then i get stupidly scared to fall asleep because of the lack of control it includes. i didnt pick up my sleeping meds because it felt like walking to the chemist on my lunch break was a waste of my break when i could be sitting down skipping through memes i dont even like. i just want to have dubious intercourse with my nigel and smoke bongs while watching AI family guy. my tummy is feeling weird and my eyeballs empty anons. tell me that theres hope

No. 1626116

Every time someone starts a conversation with me regarding Islam (or specifically muslim moids) they get extremely upset and play white knight when I tell them I don't like Islam. I also don't like any religion in general and think it's a tool to hurt women and girls, but Islam always comes up because I live in an English city with a lot of that demographic.
I actually don't understand why non-Muslim people feel the need to play doormat for these people so much when if the tables were turned they would never do the same for us and in most countries we would face legal punishment if we (especially the women) didn't adhere to their religion. That religion is extremely conservative but somehow people act like it's this new progressive diverse community or something, I just don't understand.
They always pull the "oh well you always dislike Islam why do you never say anything against Christianity" and then don't have a response when I say I despise Christianity too. It feels like Islam-shills never actually have any legitimate responses to why the religion is "good" beyond muh other religion bad and muh there are some good people too.
Please don't report for racebait, I have nothing against Muslim women and girls at all, I think they deserve so much better, they are clearly not the ones at fault. That religion is just another prime example of male degeneracy run rampant and formed into a religious community that harms the innocent. I'm not going to be spineless and pretend I tolerate any of this shit in a 1st world country that's meant to be progressive but whenever I walk down the street in the hot summer I see women absolutely cloaked in niqab while their husbands are allowed to walk around as normal in normal comfortable clothing. And I'm not going to do anything but laugh in the face of white sympathizers who get far too emotionally invested in a religion/culture that will never even give a shit about them.

No. 1626118

My body is experiencing weird-ass symptoms and I can't tell if it's due to anxiety or a cancer relapse, I'm scared

No. 1626122

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my mom is still obsessed with having a youtube channel and she literally cries and screams over people not watching her videos and it kills me but also cringes me out to watch her beg people to watch her videos IN the videos she makes literally for like half of the actual "content" she's making. she cries about big channels and begs them too for exposure i wish they would all just die so that poor people like my mom wouldn't get so worked up about stupid shit like this. it's even worse because we are in dire need of money and she really thinks that youtube is the way like it's so ridiculous to type out that it's funny but i just hate my life it's so embarrassing and it hurts me so much to see her that upset especially considering we really are genuinely poor and underneath it all what she really wants is to get out of poverty. no matter what i tell her it's in one ear out the other i wish youtubers were never a thing especially in my third world country always spouting the wrongest information about how adsense and the internet in general works because none of those retarded schmucks are for real barely literate ( i'm not being figurative ) my country has a culture of shame in a way that's also show offy like to always pretend to know/have ( in that case one has to be more covert about it to be "humble" ) more than you do no matter what and being hardheaded about it. basically pretentious pridefulness in other words and making it sound so effortless and easy when it's just a game of luck and exploitation so now people like my mom will endlessly cry and a cryually rip her hair out over it because it seems so easy to her and that people are just evil and don't want to "support her" and then she gets on my ass about it too on a daily basis because i don't "help her enough" when i'm the one writing the titles and descriptions, editing her videos uploading them and organizing everything she wouldn't even have a channel at all in the first place because i'm the one who made it as she's illiterate. she had to break me down so much to be able to have one and i told her that she was going to be worked up about not achieving success and she wouldn't listen now look at her. she's hurting herself not just mentally but also physically and she's hurting me in those two ways as well. i know she really means well i know she has the best intentions but it breaks my heart and if i'm honest it's irritating me to death too. no matter what i say she won't listen to me but she'll listen to retarded braindead youtubers obsessed with talking/debating/really just gossiping about an underage girl's molestation case. she's so deep into her parasocial relationship with those youtubers too like she acts like they're part of the family it's so strange. i wish i never taught her how to use a mobile phone honest to god she would be a lot less stressed about our miserable poverty if she didn't know what youtube was and kept her stance about smartphones being unnecessary like she used to a little over a decade ago. it's seriously damaging her and myself and the relationship between us it's already enough that we're in severe debt with a man ( her son and my older brother ) that could not give less of a shit about and blows up at us for asking to get us groceries as none of us can work, which is exactly what drives her to think that "making it big" on youtube is the only way to get us out of the situation. she just won't understand that it's hopeless and it breaks my heart. i can't even be suicidal because i'm over that stage and i love my mom too much. i know this will probably be funny to read to some of you but i actually do live like this…
i wish every youtuber and especially those of my country would literally "blow up" and disappear forever. i wish the internet was still for "geeks" and never spilled out to normies and real life

No. 1626127

I'm sorry nona. I don't know what to say but I didn't think this was funny at all. I hope good times come your way soon.

No. 1626135

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Of course the day she decided to ruin is the day of my birthday. There is no other day I was expecting less in the whole year because I don’t like celebrations at all, and she couldn’t wait to ruin this already awful day.
She’s the best at making me feel insignificant. I would throw myself under a bus for her and it hurts knowing not only that she wouldn’t do the same for me (I know I can’t expect people to be the way I am) but that she wouldn’t care anymore if I disappeared.

No. 1626138

I've been feeling a lot better about the whole situationship. He stopped hiding everywhere last week (I still don't get why he won't remove + block me, but it's w/e); we haven't spoken. It's weird though because when I hopped on Steam to play a specific game I've been binging, I noticed he was online too. He's gone back to hiding/being invisible since then. At this point, my brain's finally purged itself of the chemicals that made me miss him and I regret getting involved with him, but I won't lie, I still find myself wondering about his weird behaviour. He initially hid after I amiably replied to his apology message where he said he missed us talking. I went no contact once I realised he was avoiding me for w/e reason despite him being the one to initiate contact, so I'll never understand why he's doing this again weeks later. If it's to seek out attention, I guess it's working? I don't think I'll ever understand men, especially avoidant ones.

No. 1626142

i will now, thanks for the advice. i'll also double check that from now on. i don't often get worried like that, it's just that i've heard horror stories about cats getting strangled because they got stuck in those tilt & turn windows and it's haunting me.
>>1626050 thanks to you too nonny for the warning, i didn't think about that. i only have pull-strings on a sun shade on the balcony and i don't think i'll let them out unsupervised but i might just remove it altogether

No. 1626148

this is like a modern day tragedy, i'm really sorry that this is happening to your mom.

No. 1626149

Get a job. You think you are playing him, but the fact is that you are depending on this guy's money. You should focus on yourself, get a job for yourself, not because you want to avoid your bf getting mad or something, please have some self respect.

No. 1626161

True, but I feel to an extent that it is more natrual to do that for characters that are normal like Kiriyu. Right, which I've been obsessively thinking about and looking at for a while, not so much as of now which is a start. Nowadays it's more shipping and r15 stuff.
>it can be a gradual change
I feel it will have to be. I tried boxing up my merchandise and while making an ebay listing and I ended up vomiting and canceling the entire thing as pathetic as that sounds. I can't bring myself to do it and I ended up getting really sad remembering all the supposedly great memories it has brought me. I guess is what they would call a emotional cost sunk fallacy. I can at least work at taking a break, and I have been which I feel has been doing good. That's the problem, it is harmful. I can't feel any form of sexual attraction to others, man or woman, which is a problem because I don't want to die alone I may have accepted it but I don't want to experience it. I can't date and marry a guy and say "Hey, sorry but I don't want to ever have sex and I will never feel romantic or sexual attraction to you because you don't resemble a kickball." no guy will want that and I feel the same could be say for women. You're right, I'm sorry about coming off as a little frazzled it's just been a bit too much as of late. Thank you again for the words. It did bring me joy, lots of it, bit I can't shake the feeling of it being wrong like alcohol. Like, even if alcohol is good it still can be bad if consumed in excess and constantly. I know they aren't real but I can't stop thinking about how they would find me disgusting and how they would hate me, or how the things I've done and the things I've thought invalidate my respect and idolization for the series. I will try to lower my emotional input into this obsession so that I can stop fretting so much.
>but never find a partner
>and who knows
See the thing about that is that I do know, I know and I've even tried a lot but I genuinely cannot feel any sexual or romantic attraction to others and I want to fix that, I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life. At the very least, if I sterilized myself I wouldn't be thinking about my husbandos while dating someone and I wouldn't be emotionally cheating on him and if we had sex I wouldn't be emotionally cheating on him. They've already punished me for not fulfilling my duty, might as well go the whole nine yards. Again, you're right but even if it was out of my control I'm still extremely bitter over it, I'm bitter that I could've been normal but I'm not and will never be. Honestly? I have trouble maintaining friendships with others because I can't talk about the franchise I'm obsessed with and while I did have friends who were into that franchise it was all online and I would get upset when I noticed their tastes changed and they were no longer into the franchise and when I was with my more normie IRL friends and co-workers none of them actually gave a shit about it but I had to listen and be attentive with the things they liked all the time it was hell, the same goes for my family. I hate it. I hate that I put 100% into caring about the things others like but I can't get the same back from others face to face. I hate that I can't be passionate about the thing I idolize with others not tethered to a screen. I hate that I find it hard for me to care about things or others if they're not into my niche kiddy franchise. I can't use dating apps because it's all for sex. Everything is so porny and must be for sex, it's exhausting. It's tiresome. I'm tired of how porny everything is, how everything must be over-sexualized and how it's damn near inescapable and how it's ruined me.

Anyways, I apologize if I came off as rude. I'm just, tired and angry. Thank you, truly and deeply for the advice, it's helped a lot and it means a lot to me. I feel much better, thank you nonnie.
pink circle, penguin, and a knight.

No. 1626172

Be careful when it comes to rando online men obsessing over you. Not worth the risk of what it can turn into. Close the door on that for your own sake, not just for your bf. Also keep in mind that most relationships where you think 'yeah this is the man I'm gonna marry' either end short of that or still end in divorce which doesn't just magically set you up for life either. Idk what age you are but you need to look at your life as yours to run. Not a case of which scrote to favor or rely upon today. Men come and go, thats all subject to change. You have to have a back up plan or know that you'll be ok if scrote promises fall through tomorrow.

Work on a more solid plan for yourself now and don't wait until you're in a worse position to get the motivation to do it. Too many women go into crisis when they rely purely on scrotes for income and don't have any plan outside of that for getting by.

No. 1626193

Maybe some things that could help you is finding out why you are obsessed with a character meant for kids, because they are usually not sexual in the least, which makes me think you initially grew attached to them because of that, because you needed safe characters to be able to connect with them. Why would you need husbandos and can't relate to others sexually? At the end of the day, you say you are not interest but you used to give the kid characters real human characteristics, which makes me feel like you still long for human sex, it's not the genitals or the sexual acts that block you, but the rest of it. You can't connect to people and I don't know the reason. That's something for you to figure out. I am not judging you in the least, I have a husbando myself and I know why I have it, I know it's a cope sometimes and differently from what some might think, I know he isn't real. Being attached to something fictional isn't the cardinal sin people make it out to be, it's an issue when it affects your quality of life, which in your case you are saying it does affect you, so it's time to work on it and by your previous posts it seems like you are already making an effort. I would advise to be careful when posting here, some nonnies already decided they hate you and it won't do you too well to keep reading people shit talking and cussing at you, that will just fuel your guilt and possibly turn into self hatred. These type of feelings are like digging a hole for yourself, they are useless, you wasted energy on digging the hole and you'll waste even more energy getting out of the hole, only to back to square one. Keep doing what you were doing, but take your own time. Just box their merch, don't try selling it yet, some of them you'll want to keep, maybe other you'll be able to sell if you want later, you don't need to be harsh. Keep consuming different medias and try out new things too.

No. 1626203

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I just posted not even a week ago about how I was starting to feel suffocated by my bf’s family. I didn’t join his family visit this last weekend and it was fine and I told him Sunday how I was feeling and he apologized and held me so I thought it was going to be fine. Then last night this mf tells doesn’t ask about a trip to a whole ass nother country that his mom wants him to go with her also his parents are coming over to our house AGAIN this weekend and he’s just going to go along with it, and based off how he was talking I wasn’t going to be invited. I wasn’t even mad about him spending every other weekend with his parents as long as I didn’t have to always go but now I am pissed. He’s acting single and he’s about to fucking be, I’m ready to dump. I’m seething so hard I can’t look or talk to him. Get up off mommy’s teat bitch. Actually I don’t think there is a way he can save this.

No. 1626207

I don’t know what to do today and sitting around is just wasting more time, it’s already almost noon jfc

No. 1626210

>I was banking hard on chemical castration
nona do not try to chemically or physically castrate yourself. for the love of god please abandon this train of thought. it would not help you it would not fix anything. you said yourself you don't even have much libido, this isn't stemming from an overactive libido.

No. 1626213

if mom is buying the plane tickets I'm jealous, I want a bf with a mommy like that. you fucked up, you should have gotten in good with them. (I'm joking, sorry you're pissed)

No. 1626214

My gods why is it so hard for men, even the best of nigels, to not be fucking moidish. I just wanted my clean dresses packed for our trip to remain fresh and clean, but I delegated this tiny job to the nigel because our baby is in a mamamamama-mood. My idiot husband packed my dresses in our laundry basket. That contained dirty laundry. Not just the dresses, but ALL other clothes. Including the baby's clothes!! I swear to all gods; all men are cave monkeys.

No. 1626220

Happy birthday nonna. I hope things get better for you.

No. 1626227

I had two neighbours like this when I lived in a rental. I wrote an angry note to one of them one night; he came over and apoligized whilst drunk and high as fuck and then stopped playing his assloud music. The other neighbour told me to go fuck myself. A couple weeks later I started tormenting him for months by ripping his name label off the mailbox. Everytime he put up a new lable, off it went. He complained to the landlord to the point they put up a notice asking it to stop, but miss me with that shit dickhead. Maybe you could figure out a similar way to torment the fucker from a safe distance lol. Stay safe nona but give him hell, you deserve your peace and quiet in your home.

No. 1626234

play a game maybe, that’s what i’ll do rn, i’ll play legend of zelda a link between worlds (highly recommended)

No. 1626235

I was once told the story by an older woman of how early in their marriage, her husband would try to get out of chores by claiming he didn't know how to clean, that she did it so much better.
So one day, she took him into the kitchen and painstakingly taught and demonstrated every single step of cleaning from top to bottom. Then, once everything was sparkling and he said he understood, she took the chocolate syrup out of the fridge and poured the entire bottle over the counters, stovetop, and floor. She then told him to start cleaning and that she would monitor to ensure that he was doing everything correctly. And she stood there as he cleaned everything to her standards. That way, he could never again slack or claim he didn't know how to do it.

No. 1626236

Thanks non, I smiled. What makes the most mad is that he is a unicorn in every other way but this is some bullshit, and unfortunately not the kind I can tolerate.

No. 1626242

Be nice to you today, you deserve it nonna. Don't let a terrible person who wouldn't care for you destroy your day, treat yourself to something nice.

No. 1626245

my favorite coworker is getting top surgery. she's one of those corporate TRAs who are fine being women on the job but who have they/them pronouns in their socmed bios and who wear shirts with the progressive pride flag and stuff. i love her, we have the same kind of humor and we have such great conversations because she's so funny and smart and just a great person all around. she even spergs about hp with me even though she says "fuck jkr" all the time but since i don't give a fuck about that she doesn't care about it either. i probably sound like a narc being so hung up on this but it makes me sad that she's doing this to herself, especially since i'm a desister and used to be deep in the trans cult until i peaked.

No. 1626249

Smells like weaponized incompetence, look it up.

No. 1626250

he didn't get me anything for our 5 year anniversary. i know i'm retarded, but more than that i am just very sad. i did not need this right now. he knew that i'm not doing well.

No. 1626255

Not sure if this is anything, but for me nothing turns me off as much as the expectation to be sexual or to always be receptive to sexual advances, know what I mean?
Like nobody says it out loud but the attitude in general is very much "Obviously you want it because this is what you're supposed to do/this is what you are here for, your feelings either way are irrelevant because you are not a person you are just a means to an end, and if you don't like it there's something wrong with you, because again you are designed to want to be used." And to make it worse, your choices are give in and feel uncomfortable/like your motivations are being misinterpreted or written off, or deny yourself and still be made to feel wrong or disobedient or whatever. And god forbid you need a minute to even get in the mood, you should be ready at all times!!!

Anyway, innocent or nonsexual characters/media are removed from all that, so the repulsive pressure and expectation to play your role of being a sexual object are also gone, and that breathing room can sometimes be such a relief that it causes the pendulum to swing back hard in the other direction, and everything you repressed due to that repulsion just floods out. I would also compare it to becoming numb/detached/dissociating when in a bad situation, and then breaking down and crying once you're actually safe.

No. 1626257

I have gotten written up before for not following the dress code but some of my coworkers wear their street clothes every day. They can send me home for a hoodie in the freezing winter but my coworkers can wear their hoodies, ripped jeans, and have their cleavage and ass cracks hanging out. Makes sense.

No. 1626274

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I keep seeing my ex out and about and it’s frustrating because I can’t tell if he has a new girlfriend or not. There’s not enough evidence for me to find out either way because he never posts shit online himself so I’ll never find it out that way and like I see candids from his coworkers and usually he’s only by other men but that’s still not fully indicative. It really could be either situation and the not knowing is driving me crazy. I fucking hate him he’s totally cut off all of our old friends in favor for his stupid coworkers and won’t fucking talk to me. He looks way more buff too and it pisses me off because I wonder if it’s for another girl. I just want him to move on already so I can feel terrible about myself already. I’ve been working out a shitton and look a lot better too but still. I hate him so much right now and just want him to talk to me again. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

No. 1626277

The fact that I cant thirstpost about japanon despite having completely innocent intentions AND doing so in the correct thread is just insane to me.

No. 1626287

why the fuck do we have so many [thing]-chan and [thing]fag and [thing]anon now, how much time are y'all spending here for this to even happen. last time i saw this kind of thing was in moid imageboards where they're all useless NEETs

No. 1626290

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I just realised that, in almost 30 years, only one person has ever bothered to get to know me or even cared about me. I can't believe how fucked up that is now that I think about it. Through 30 years no one, except one person, wanted to be friends. Jesus christ

No. 1626298

>theyre all useless neets
you answered your own question nonny

No. 1626300

The whole of my family (mom, dad, sister and her husband and three kids) are traveling to Hawaii tomorrow. My mom has been planning this trip for a couple years. I have always had anxiety about it, for a lot of reasons, and decided not to go. My mom has a wicked online shopping problem and I know how in debt she already is, so having her pay for the whole trip feels really uncomfortable and like feeding the problem. She also always has stipulations about gifts - they're a love language and a weird expression of trauma for her. I've never been very materialistic so we get mildly sideways sometime about it. Family trips have also never been fun… We're all anxiety prone and it manifests as anger. One particular trip my senior year was really difficult. Admittedly, it was a lot of my own doing because I was being a miserable 17 year old fighting with her boyfriend back home the whole time, but it's not like anyone went out of their way to try and relate with me and bring me into the fold. And since then it's been held over my head and it has made me feel as though I ruined the whole trip. My mom and I have a pretty codependent relationship that I've only started recognizing through the process of this trip. My mom has tried to keep the guilt trips to a minimum, and has done better since I said I definitely wasn't going, but my sister has picked up that torch and shared it with her kids. They're not doing it super maliciously, but they all think I'm going to regret this choice. Maybe I will, I don't know. I've got SO much anxiety today about every facet of this and I don't feel as though I have anyone to talk to… So… Stupid anon post on stupid gossip site. On top of all that today I am overwhelmed by all the shit I've let my depression hold me back from. It's so much easier to sleep my life away… And I can't figure out how to flip the motivation switch. I've been wanting to go to the mountains, it's been so rainy and I know it's beautiful up there, but I slept my weekends away instead and now I'm sure all the mushrooms are gone.


No. 1626307

Dude lmao through out my whole entire 20s I've felt disconnected from everyone, like I try so hard to feel a genuine connection and nothing really clicks. Every interaction feels as if i'm trying to enjoy it, I fake smile, I fake laugh, I fake engage in the conversation and its honestly too taxing to even try to find friends or interact with anyone anymore.

It really sucks because I am looking for a genuine connection, but I end up going through a weird script or manual on how to look/act like a normal human?

No. 1626311

Stumbled on this and it made me angry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_b9l1E5IsI&t=2s

….Everyone's praising it like it's a love story, but this is an adult man taking advantage of a mentally challenged woman. This guy couldn't get a normal girl, he wanted someone he could keep like a pet. How is this even legal and why are people praising this crap??(embed youtube videos)

No. 1626322

Same. It's both painful and disappointing

No. 1626330

>I can't figure out how to flip the motivation switch
Medication, nonnie. You can go off it when everything is in place and you're doing OK, but medication really helps get the ball rolling.

No. 1626336


Ew. This is such an American thing to say. No, medication does NOT help your mental state. It's a placebo, an illusion, and it makes you un-learn to function normally without chemical aid.

Mental health medication is supposed to be for serious cases. But the USA medical system realized that way they wouldn't make that much money.

And this capitalist crap is also spreading to Europe. Even mom starting to give pills to their sons to keep them quiet. It's disgusting.

No. 1626342

I plucked some hairs out of my pussy and now my mons pubic is bumpy. uh oh.

No. 1626344

Samefag and my vag is a yeast beast right now. Ruh rohhhh

No. 1626346

why do you want to thirst about her?

No. 1626347

KEK this so tempting to try, I will do this next time he moids out again. Thank you for the tip!
I'm aware of it, and I almost wish it was this. It's not, he chimps out from time to time (I call it "reverting to the original moid programming" lol) and he always comes back after some thinking timeout, apologises and fixes it. I just wish I didnt always have to hawk over him. Cant even trust a man to pack a bag jfc.

No. 1626375

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Time to submit another application. Again.

No. 1626380

I'm literally from rural south america. Medication helps. Anon's case sounds more than serious enough.

No. 1626394

Welcome to imageboard

No. 1626436

you mean a moid, summer-infested imageboard, lolcow wasn't this bad with this shit before

No. 1626454

resistance to medication is a symptom of schizophrenia, anon

No. 1626458

Japanon is a real woman, a stacy if you will

No. 1626469

japanon is no stacy lmao

No. 1626471


"Only an American would think popping up pills is the solution"

"I'm literally from rural south america, medication helps"

….Well, you just done proved my point. It's no coincidence the whole "let's take estrogen pills and suddenly we become women" trend was also born in the USA. Ignorance is dangerous.

I'm also bitter because I've seen it slowly starting to spread here. No please, Americans can keep their dumb shit about magical hooga-booga drugs that totally change your life - for a price.(>greentext instead of quoting and spacing between every line)

No. 1626473

South America isn’t the USA

No. 1626474

Eeeeehh… but indeed, only one personality fag is a moid, the asshole one.

No. 1626478


Ok, fair enough. I should've written America. Ignorance on my part this time.

No. 1626479

>reddit spacing schizo doesn't know what South America is
Yeah, makes sense.

No. 1626524

and doesn't know how to greentext/quote kek

No. 1626537

nonnas until now i've used mask because i think i'm horrible and decided not to wear one today because of an event and everyone stared at me like an animal in the zoo. I understand but they weren't "you're ok" stares they just stared at me weirdly. i'm not wearing it anymore but damn i feel ugly

No. 1626557

nah anon I bet you just subconsciously stared at people to gauge their reactions because you expected them to react a certain way and that's what caused them to look/stare back. Most people don't stare at ugly people because ugly people are nothing out of the ordinary (if anything they'd avoid staring at someone who isn't kind on the eyes)

No. 1626562

I'm 28 and a 20 year old guy is attracted to me. He will be 21 in december. I don't think he knows my actual age, everyone assumes I'm younger than I actually am. He knows I'm older than him but doesn't know how many years exactly. It feels so weird. He's smart, mathematically speaking, but so fucking immature and immediately bitches when he doesn't like something. I worked with him, he was a source of constant drama and reporter people for meaningless shit. He got kicked out from our department for being a bitch and talking too much. Idk how to handle him. Part of me wants to use him and punish him for being a whiny bitch but I'm not that deceitful, besides, I'm still a virgin and he at least had some sex in his life. Guess I will just ignore him

No. 1626602

samefag it pobably was that but it kina bugs me because when i was younger people assumed i would grow out of my ugliness and i guess treated me better because of that but i'm no longer underage and i could just be ugly in peace (more li invisible but still)
when i was even younger (likes 5 or 6) people thought i wasa star kid or something but then in 9th grade i was hit by a deep depression and people distanced from me. tbh i know it's justified that people don't want to have the emotional bagagge of a depressed person but i would be lying if i said i don't take it to heart and idk ever since then i haven't been the same. i have good friends but i feel like they would rather be with prettier and more interesting people (ik it's born from my insecurity) but it's like i wanna escape my body or do something that doesn't make me so aware of how i look but i don't know what to do because everytime i try to do something i know it's because i wanna escape and not because is something born out of passion and i should be doing the "real thing" like socializing more and becoming a part of a circle and have fun with people but at the same time i jusn don't thinks they're comfortable with me (i drifted from the main topic wayy too much sorry)

No. 1626618

NTA but ime people only stared at me when I was minding my business. I didn't even notice them until then.

No. 1626631

I am a terf and here’s my new blog.

I don’t want to bite Stephan’s balls or live with him and I’m afraid of what he might do for no reason or blood pressure

(No correlation to my lovely brother who might feel the same way)



No. 1626635

Do you actually encounter that many bragging gold star lesbians in real life, or are you just being online too much again?

No. 1626652

Maybe you need to get offline because these are normal feelings and shouldn't be gendered to you at all.

No. 1626704

if you are too far for the cats to jump down, just know that they won't hurt themselves. i get it, i just got a cat even though i'm allergic and get super paranoid that i left the window/patio door open but then i realized the cat can't physically get out or kill birds/themselves.
what the other anon said will help your anixety, taking a picture of the closed door. you are just a wonderfully caring person and worried about your small kitties. there is nothing wrong with caring. just breathe and let the panicking feelings float over you. or scream terrible music while you run

No. 1626711

hey anon, a friend of a friend from wisconsin is currently undergoing something similar to what you mentioned. i was curious if you had any resources that could help her. there's one small shelter near her but she got kicked out because she couldn't find a job. i can create a temporary email to provide more detail and talk to you about this if you wouldn't mind. she doesn't have a job, no car, no money…idk how to help her cause neither me nor her friend (who knows this woman) live in wisconsin. let me know…and if any other anons are willing to provide resources i'd appreciate it too

No. 1626724

You tried your best, nona. /adv/ is an incel board. They don't know a single shit of what they're talking about, and 9 times out of 10, they will either side against the woman or give worthless "advice" because they have no understanding of any situation that doesn't apply to their own shitcan lives. The OP might go to the cops, nothing will happen, she will be beaten again, and if she comes back to /adv/ for help, they will gaslight her and say she's probably lying about her abuse. That's what they're like.

No. 1626795

I wish I could stop thinking. I have major anxiety, I have been physically tense, I've been getting more paranoid. Having several days off for the holiday made me feel free again but now I'm a mess with this shit from having to go to work again. I feel uncomfortable in my own skin. I can't stop thinking about what they think or if I am acting right, even when walking I judge myself and tense up. I feel like someone is always watching me, even in my own yard which is crazy. Everyday I drive I get paranoid about my car breaking down or if someone is following me. I can't even relax at home with my boyfriend. I feel like I am not doing something right, I am not doing enough for the house, I am not thinking of him enough, which makes me cater my time to his activities and not my own. Constantly thinking about how much money I have, what I should buy to help in case something happens. I'm tired. I want to be completely alone. No cars driving by, no neighbors, nobody else near me.

No. 1626836

Why do you think this is scrote behavior? I think it sounds really cute. I can't help but feel something is wrong for you to have some sort of guilt for having rather normal romantic fantasies. It's nothing you should be ashamed of at all.

No. 1626877

I want to get amnesia and live a carefree senile life.

No. 1626882

I wish my family could just transfer all of their illnesses to me so they could all be healthy and I could just die already. I’m tired of being alive and having to see people dying.

No. 1626903

I have bipolar and my dumbass is unmedicated and going though a depression spell rn and I'm really ready to end it all but I know that when I get depressed I'm very suicidal and it should pass but tbh I'm sick and tired of the cycling and just want to end it lol (I'm ok though and safe don't worry nonnies)

No. 1626916

I love cheese so much but it’s making me fat

No. 1626917

Sounds like depression, anon I’ve been there

No. 1626934

Brain wanted me to have a nightmare but I somehow woke myself up before it could get started. I'm both relieved and pissed off; why does it want to self-sabotage when I'm finally getting over this shit?

No. 1626950

>hang out with friend and her bf
>her bf is annoying but haven’t seen her in a while so I decide to hang with them anyway
>bf making weird inappropriate jokes about her outloud in public
>makes joke about chokeslamming her
>she’s clearly very uncomfortable and I call him out on it
>he spergs out about his autism or something lol

Am I wrong for trying to tell my friend to ditch this loser? It’s so frustrating watching her put up with this retarded moid and his embarrassing behavior.

No. 1626951

just think about the fact that mother cows wail for days when they get their babies taken away in order for us to take all their milk. i used to be the biggest cheese fanatic until I heard the truth from someone who lives next to a dairy farm and now just thinking of eating it makes me feel incredibly guilty. This shit sucks though since cheese was easily at least 30% of my reason for living

No. 1626970

of all the websites to share this…

No. 1626973

The truth hurts.

No. 1626977

How to get over my saviour complex?
I'm so much happier away from my ex, frankly he was a selfish and ungrateful waste of my time
But I think sometimes about how miserable he must be without me (he makes sure to let me know too)
How can I stop feeling bad for him?

No. 1626978

Not enough info here to know if the relationship is worth it or not but he sounds like a weird entitled coomer

No. 1626979

I shouldve pet our family cat more last week. I'll never forget her coming up to me and rubbing her face all over my leg, petting her. She passed yesterday and it's been in my head. Out of all the cats we owned ahead was my favorite. Lived to a whole 16 or more years. I love you fluffy, hope you get stomach pets over the rainbow bridge. Sorry I didnt pet you enough that night knowing itd be last.

No. 1626980

Sounds like he has violent fantasies of doing fucked up shit to your friend.

No. 1626982

I wish all mothers medicated their sons into permanent silence

No. 1627018


Yeah, pal, pretty sure if I asked you about Italy you'd get confused too. At least I admitted my mistake and ignorance, like an adult person.

And yes, I'm new to this 4chan-like stuff, too. So? Got a problem?

…..Not many adult people here tho, ain't it.

No. 1627022

….Same person who mentioned lack of adults, here.
I just wanted to add I've been lurking here for a while and I'm not a big fan of the whole mimicking and apeing toxic male behaviour by repeating the sexism, rudeness and dumbness that males display on certain forums…. Or should I call'em "scrotes" or "moids", what's the sexist etiquette to use here.

(I'm a woman. I just think reverse sexism doesn't solve mysoginy. It just proves them right "oh you hate men who hate women? They why are you imitating them?")(unabashed newfaggotry)

No. 1627050

the way dairy cows are treated is very fucked up. can't look at the cheese in my fridge without thinking about it. I usually eat cheese that's aged a couple years and I think about how the cow it's from is probably already dead since they kill them the first time they fail to produce enough milk from a round of pregnancy, 2-3 years for a lot of them. I'm really offended when I get some subpar plastic tasting pepperjack or something, like I can't believe they're making cows suffer for this shit.. or maybe it's better because it's partially made of oil or filler? I don't know.
I told my husband they repeatedly impregnate dairy cows with artificial insemination and he didn't believe me for some reason, I think he had a crisis of conscious because his parents raised him vegetarian and dairy is supposed to be ok so he was just like "there's no way they do that, that's not practical". I asked him why are the cows lactating then, they just do that all the time like chickens laying eggs? he seemed to think yeah kinda or they just inject them with hormones or something –boy, they inject them with semen.

No. 1627066

my sister's husband has a dairy farm and no way in hell they just kill the cows after a few years, that's a waste of money, worst case scenario they sell so they can turn into steak (yes, that's still killing but each part of the cow is used for something. I'd argue it's way less polluting and wasteful than buying a ton of plastic crap online like most people do).
I've seen many cows die of old age. they still artificially inseminate some cows per year so they keep having more cows added each year since some cows stop producing every year. my BIL cant really get rid of some of the old cows so they just hang around the farm. I'm pretty sure most farms aren't like that though.

No. 1627070

This broke my heart nonnie shit like this hurts to read. It sounds like it's affecting you a lot too I feel so much for you.

Why can't you work?

No. 1627079

So stop enabling her? A literal illiterate can't run a channel so stop doing it for her.

No. 1627081

Oh I didn’t mean they kill them and throw them in a hole, I assumed they sent them to slaughter. Nice that your BIL has some that get old naturally and just hang around, probably not the norm like you said.

No. 1627123

>traveling across the world again
>I'm petite and can easily find clothes my size where I'm staying
>planned on getting new clothes for cheap because I can't find shit where I live aside from some tshirts and socks
>entire family is begging me to give them huge souvenirs that will barely fit into my suitcase
>friends too but they're a bit more reasonable
>big sister is now asking me to also bring a souvenir for her bf
>I've never, ever met her bf and I just know she won't pay me back for said souvenir because "we're family uwu"
What do? Do I do the bare minimum and pretend I can't find everything I've been asked to bring even if it's factually wrong? Last time I traveled I planned on buying clothes in a store I love that closed down everywhere in my country but I couldn't because my friend traveled with me and brought too much crap with her for no reason and put all her clothes in the free space I kept on purpose in my suitcase so she wouldn't have to pay more at the airport. And then the bitch wanted to force me to go to the store while knowing I couldn't buy anything. And tried to start a fight with me over this for being passive aggressive even though I was super blunt when I told her I couldn't put any more clothes in my suitcase as a result. And even before that I had my little sister's ex bf who asked me to buy something for him and he'd reimburse me and it was a huge, thick jacket and pair of shorts and I couldn't bring some beauty products with me as a results. And after that he dumped my sister like a coward. I don't feel like being generous anymore.

No. 1627124

You shouldn't feel obligated to buy a bunch of shit for people but if you buy big souvenirs you could always ship them back if you have the money

No. 1627126

I don't know if you have cultural obligations to take souvenirs with you but if it were me I would only bring something small of my own choosing for the people I'm closest to. Imagine demanding souvenirs from someone wtf, that's not how souvenir gifting works imo. If you have to you can just say you couldn't take the things they wanted on the airplane or something.

No. 1627127

This. I'd fucking greyrock her until I'd saved up enough money to move away from her.

No. 1627135

>that's not how souvenir gifting works imo
Good luck telling them that kek. They're entitled as fuck and treat me like their personal shopper. My big sister is asking me to bring her something that I'm not even sure exists just like she always does because she's a retard who doesn't know shit about fashion.

I'm considering it but even if I have the money for that I don't want to spend money on something so trivial and worry about if the parcel will actually arrive. I'm in Japan and a friend of mine did that years ago and she had issues and had to send a fax to the company. A fucking fax. If it gets out of hands I'll look into it though.

No. 1627139

Tell them to fuck off and don't waste your time. Why even communicate with them? Just don't answer messages or calls and you're fine.

No. 1627152

I live with my parents and they invite my siblings at home all the time, so I can't avoid any of them.

No. 1627157

is your whole family full of weebs? why do they all want stuff from Japan lol?
lie and say you couldn't find what they wanted, something about all physical retailers moving online because of covid, then tell them how to use amazon jp.

No. 1627160

Im an alcoholic and my aunt wants me to dogsit for her and her house is full of alcohol so I'm not going to stay the night but just go over there like 3 times a day. I know if I stay I will get black out drunk. I wish id never agreed to help her out. I feel like crying. I want to drink all her beer so badly my uncle was telling me to and I feel embarrassed and can't talk about my problem

No. 1627172

so apparently it is normal to search your gfs bag and go through her phone just because she had the audacity to wear lipstick to go to the doctor
can't deal with this anymore but being homeless is worse i guess

No. 1627188

They're normies but they love traveling so they all want me to bring them something because they're not traveling with me. Thank god I'm alone, I would have killed myself if they were traveling with me this far away and for so long.

No. 1627332

Went to buy a new washing machine with my boyfriend today and the cashier at the checkout held his gaze for so long and smiled at him despite me obviously being there holding his hand. She didn't even look at me or say hello, goodbye, nothing. It was so weird, why do people do that? We were both really weirded out. I don't think I'm ugly and I don't look like a cuck so why the he'll would a random woman flirt with my bf in front of me? So weird.

No. 1627385

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should be dead but I'm not dead yet

the world won't let me die
or make me happy
something decent happen, instead it's constant boredom, stress and anger

everybody knows I'm suffering and nothing puts me out of my misery, it's cute, now why won't you let me die

No. 1627391

You should've snapped your fingers in front of her face to get her out of her trance. In all seriousness, I can imagine the life of a cashier to be dreary and repetitive. Maybe she was daydreaming about a better life with a cute guy like your boyfriend.

No. 1627397

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Went to a toy store today and realised that 90% of new barbie dolls are ugly as sin, and their faces are so wide for some reason? They also appear so… human-like (but in a bad way)? is it the consequences of insecure bitches in the past crying over how a doll made them hate their body? Their hair sucks too, it looks like the barbie would go bald if you brushed her hair thrice. Miss it when barbies used to have beautiful hairstyles and simple yet pretty dresses.

No. 1627413

ikr. imagine letting a literal piece of plastic make you feel insecure over your own human body, lol.

No. 1627442

Male egos are SO fragile, dear fucking god. You imply they're not the ultimate best person ever at something and suddenly they're massively butt-hurt and actually angry with you out of nowhere. And the funny thing is only males who have told me that they have thick skin and love shit talking unlike others who can't take it, are the ones who make such a big deal out of it.

No. 1627443

Yeah the little kids the dolls are made for should really know better.

No. 1627444

I know by now that life and your circumstances are always changing, and you have times of abundance and times of adversity. Right now for me it's adverse times, but it's a little different because I can see I'm on a precipice. I could be deported from this country in a few months and need to go back to my home country. If that happens I'll get used to it and eventually find the opportunities to thrive like I always do, but it'll be a hard fall I really don't want to make.

I know I can get used to anything whatever comes my way, but it's like a hand at my throat every morning, the anxiety of being deported if I don't find a job soon. I feel like I've been blown around by the winds of fate and at my age I'm a little tired of it. Of the 3 countries I've lived in, only the first I specifically intended to go. If I get another job here (and I hope I do), after this I'll have to make a conscious choice on what next, because yes everything seemed to work out in some way in my life, but I die a bit from stress and really go through it before it's solved last minute.

No. 1627448

nta but those complaints were usually made by adults, not children. children actually made fun of one of the ugly barbies at some point (the 'plus size' one specifically) when there was a test being done to see how'd they react to it

No. 1627449

At what point is it really the dolls and not the parents being toxic as fuck?

No. 1627450

based and true, they look so awkward now
The only people who complained were a bunch of adult women, not the actual demographic: kids. You obviously are too young, because back then you couldn't avoid the articles written by 30yo+ complaining about dolls

No. 1627451

Yeah because kids can't complain about this kind of thing. Do you not think young girls are influenced by media or societal beauty standards in any way? What do you think would make a child make fun of an ugly or fat doll in the first place?

No. 1627453

Its a fucking doll, is not supposed to be realistic, sperg

No. 1627460

When I was a child neither me nor the other kids cared about this shit because we knew they weren't real. Dolls were always treated as characters, not literally us.

No. 1627461

ah, you were the fat girl growing up, huh

No. 1627466

Ok, continue being mad over a change made to a doll for small children. This is not an indicator of autism in any way.

No. 1627467

this. it's the environment, not toys. boys play with toys that can set "unrealistic expectations" upon them too (many male character toys are fucking ripped), but they don't typically have the issues girls do… yet i've known countless women where they say they ultimately developed body image issues because their family said cruel things to them. they never blame dolls lol

No. 1627469

Boy's toys are typically things like army men and guns and they grow up to commit 90% of violent crime.

No. 1627485

Men will commit crime regardless of circumstances or influences, so that doesn't count

No. 1627512

Toy manufacturers responsible for all cases of infants being raped to death? Big if true!

No. 1627516

So true. Bad mothers and neglectful teachers are always telling boys to rape infants. If only they would stop encouraging such activities

No. 1627541

Nobody said that anon

No. 1627553

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Damn. I was just talking about ugly barbie dolls, even that led to an infight?

No. 1627563

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>trying to get better from traumatic events last year and the year before
>finally decide to start taking therapy more seriously after long period of deluded lunacy
>therapist has unusual blood panel and is hospitalized
>find out therapist has rare but curable cancer that is extremely uncommon with her age group
>my older aunt had the same type of cancer
>only add this to pile of life stressors
>therapist says she's retiring after this is over but will conduct sessions with me until she's in remission
>told her she doesn't have to and that she can leave anytime she wants
>scream internally because I have to find a new therapist eventually and I love this lady

her and my aunt getting the same type of cancer within like 2 years of another feels like someone cursed me. I feel the most bad for my therapist because she has a young daughter. I've known her long enough that I can remember when her little girl wasn't born yet. I remember when she was pregnant and how overjoyed she was. It breaks my heart.

I'm really about five steps away from wasting half my bank account to buy a ticket to los angeles so I can go kill myself there. don't want to burden anyone with my life anymore. Feels like I'm cursed and my existence spreads misfortune. The poor people around me shouldn't have to deal with that any longer. If I had the money and strength I would've gone full witness protection and disappeared by now, it's not a fucking option. Sorry to anyone who's ever known me if I decide to go out. I wanted to live a full life. But all my mental issues and personal troubles and trauma just make life unbearable no matter what I do and no matter how hard I try. A few years ago I could see a future for myself, I claimed that last week, now I can't again. Fuck this hell world

No. 1627612

I’m so sorry nonnie.

No. 1627627

What the fuck does this have to do with anything you weird bitch

No. 1627641

It could be worse, the other type of cancer she could've gotten had a life expectancy of 3-4 years, little chance of recovery, at least she has the recoverable kind

But I'm still heartbroken and I keep having weird things happen in my life and cursed things happen to my friends and family that I somehow blame myself for. I'm a bit of a woo woo in a sense that I believe sometimes, the unexplainable can be real. There is someone out there who's been stalking and harassing me for ages and I heard they are demented and deep into occultist practices. The last thing I want to believe magic is real, but some awful tragedy has been happening lately every time I try and better my life. It's like I'm cursed

While cyclical manic depressive bouts have always been a thing, I feel physically weaker than I ever did and now it's like everyone around me is cursed. Losing jobs, cancer, asking me incredibly weird favors that make me want to end friendships, being mean, irrational. every time I go outside to do something or hangout with someone I fear it'll be more bad news. it wasn't like this before. My chest aches like I'm on the verge of a heart attack, I cannot afford to go to a doctor, and this is way worse than just "lel mental illness". It's like someone has a voodoo replica of me and they keep stabbing it. I have very bad psychomotor problems, I struggle with mundanities or ambition more than ever because of the affects of this sensation on my body.

This is retarded but I've looked into witchy activities, particularly sigils and others as a form of catharsis, but also secretly I want to believe I can curse my enemy back. It hasn't worked yet. I don't know what to do. If I don't decide to go out the hard way I may just drop dead from exhaustion.

No. 1627657

felt this

No. 1627660

god is a mean kid with a magnifying glass

No. 1627670

I have such bad migraines lately. They just harvested the wheat near the stupid rural community I live in. Whenever they do that, it kicks up a horrible amount of dust and allergens. It makes it hard to breathe and thus triggers these awful headaches. I hope the wheat eaters of the world appreciate all the suffering I do this time of year, kek.

No. 1627711

Just imagine. Every moid who ever liked you, or should I say, pretended to like you (because men are incapable of liking women because they don't care about women's personalities), most likely jerked off to you at least once. Your coworker, your housemate, your "friend", even someone from your family, even your doctor etc. You didn't give them any "hints", you were just there, being formal. And they definitely thought about fucking you at least once. It's so disgusting.

No. 1627720

Had to take an emergency shower but all the towels are in the wash so I had to dry off with my housedress. TIL rayon does not wick moisture like linen nor absorb it like cotton. 0/10 recommend, am now a sad damp nonnie in addition to a sick one.

No. 1627734

>sitting in car about to go in small town grocery store
>hobo moid with doorag comes up to my car door
>says some bullshit "dont you think amazon should be using their own cardboard something something eco system"
>all because I have some tiny gifted plushies on my window
>tell him they're from japan and that's a whole other jurisdiction
>oh oh! My bad!!, says something and bows because my car is foreign too
I fucking hate males all I was there for is picking up some sale vegetables in my reusable bag and the store is almost zero waste themselves because nothing has packaging or it's glass. I saw him ranting to some worker before coming my way too and thought "nah he wont come over here" of fucking course he did. Whenever I'm having a good day outside work something has to ruin it. I feel like everywhere I go has to be my bitchy face so that no one fucks with me. It's not even how I want to present myself as but the moment I look approachable some weird male or bitter old person having a bad day makes a remark.

No. 1627742

I'm high and the setting on this persons TV at the house I'm watching makes it look like a play, I know it's not just me being stoned because my mom has the same thing wrong with her tv. I have a newer TV and it doesn't do that though It makes every show look low budget and pisses me off so badly it's like I'm watching camels of everything what the fuck is this setting reeeeee

No. 1627748

Have been really stressed out lately and my boyfriend called to ask a question and I was upset during the call and kind of took out my stress on him. I feel really embarrassed because I think his mom was in the room while he called me. I dunno. I’m just mad at shit and ended up cutting my arm. Sorry for being an idiot

No. 1627752

it's called motion smoothing and it should be illegal

No. 1627754

I hate hanging out with cigarette smokers. The conversation or show is just getting good but now they have to remove themselves and go outside for 5 min.

No. 1627755

I know what you mean, makes everything look like a soap opera. I think it has to do with the FPS, hate it.

No. 1627760

Better than cig smokers who want you to follow them outside during a convo. Then they magically go through 3 cigs in 5 minutes.

No. 1627762

I feel really bad for my brother’s girlfriend, she’s dealing with him as the manchild he is that has always been prioritized at home.
And so prioritized that no one in this house suggests something to eat unless he’s okay with it, or that you can’t say that you want to go somewhere or do something unless he’s okay with it because his schedule is always tightly packed with stuff.
I get he’s a grown ass adult with his own life, but dating someone means to at least be flexible and say “hey, maybe I shouldn’t sign up for this tournament this trimester and go camping with my gf because she loves camping! Even though I don’t like it!” Or “hey, do you want to choose the menú for this week??”, or, I don’t know, something as basic as watching a movie or series with her that’s of her liking.
Like, the whole family has to always make sure he’s happy, he throws a mantrum and stops talking if he’s not getting catered to, his girlfriend just wants to do other things that are always good for him, like eating healthier, going hiking, visiting other places. And he always tries to find a justification or an excuse to make sure that’s not possible, or stays silent or complains while trying to please her.
I don’t know, I actually spoke to her a few weeks after meeting her and told her that my brother is like that, and that it was a mistake that my parents made because they always tried to make sure he was as happy as possible since he’s so serious. So I guess I can say that I told her so.
Right now she’s been crying because of my brother’s stubbornness, she has a lot going on and I’m sure that my brother wanting to watch a dumbass boring series about the sport he likes broke the camel’s back.
It’s just frustrating because I can’t believe that we got raised in the same house and he’s so inconsiderate of everyone and everything. Well, I believe it tbh, I’m a woman after all, I’ve been raised to make sure everyone is happy.
And that’s something else that bothers me a lot, I complain about this all of the time, but my family has been showing their true colors regarding how they see me.
Like they want me and my brother’s girlfriend to basically kiss his feet and make sure he’s happy 24/7, to tend the house and never let him move a single finger, they’ve unironically told me that that’s what the housewives are supposed to do and that women just have to do that.
Next time I inevitably complain to them, I will ask if they want me to just drop everything, get a husband and become a housewife, because I can’t even begin to imagine having to live with a man like my brother.
Because I tell my parents that couples should cook together, because that’s probably the best moment to talk and learn more about each other, help each other, if he doesn’t know how to cook, he can do the dishes and such. But to them that’s illogical because in my brother’s case, he’s too twiwed uwu from work, but he’s not too tired when his friends ask him to play with them some sport until 10 pm, that’s not tiring at all, isn’t it?
Gosh, I wouldn’t even consider someone like my brother as a date, he’s such a moid, I’m glad I got to meet his girlfriend because she’s really cool and smart, but I feel so sorry for her falling in love with this fucking asshat.

No. 1627764

At this point I'm kind of desperate for some good news. I keep finding myself accidentally doomscrolling when I didn’t used to. Lately I've been so quietly sad and upset about the state of affairs in the US with regards to women's rights and LGB(fuck the T) rights and it guts me that we're taking all of these huge steps backward. And all because of porn sick moid creeps in dresses stomping around beating their chests and imposing themselves where ever and whenever they can. I am an average working class woman happily married to another woman and it drives me fucking crazy knowing that people out there lump us perfectly normal people with these crazy assholes. And I know these right leaning types would hate our guts regardless but it's like these TIMs/TIFs aren't making it any better you know? It's fucked up. Kind of related, but sometimes I think that maybe if I find a space to maybe talk to other same-sex attracted women I'd feel a bit better. But as a bi woman I don't want to stomp around in lesbian spaces and make anyone uncomfortable because though we share some experiences, there are just as many experiences that are intrinsic to our specific orientations and I want to respect that. I don't fucking know I'm just sad. I want to get off this wild ride. Anyway thank you for being here nonnas. I'm new here but already I feel heartened knowing I'm not alone in my frustrations.

No. 1627771

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Collecting isn't fun anymore.
I wish I didn't start collecting shit because now it's a burden on me and makes me more depressed about my organized mess but it's also hard to get rid of the things I have since it's all recent interest and I'd be losing more than what I spent on it. My collecting all started when I got depressed and it felt more like buying stuff to fill the hole and now that I've grown from what happened to me I'm stuck with boxes full of shit and hoarder level collecting that seems too hard to get rid of because of my ocd even if I just see this shit as useless items now.
What sucks is that most of the things will be on my mind constantly until I order it and it comes then it just feels like " oh, it's here. What now?" And I hate that with collecting it has to stay in boxes, why am I collecting shit and keeping it perfect for the next person to have when I die?

No. 1627773

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Whenever I see a photo of a woman holding a baby my cramps get worse

No. 1627777

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Went out tonight and an acquaintance of mine asked me (and my partner) to join him on the dancefloor. I said no so he grabbed a fistful of my dress at lower abdo / crotch level and started pulling it while walking backwards, accidentally poking me in the vagina as he grabbed. I got triggered by him touching me and started yelling “no, stop it, let go of me” and he ignored me and kept going. I had to walk with him so my dress wouldn’t rip off me, and I was yelling and booting him in the knees the whole way to try to get him to stop. It was so humiliating. My dress is all stretched out in the front now cos he pulled so hard.
I’m so mad that the fight part of my fight-or-flight finally kicked in (I usually freeze) and… nothing happened. Men can do whatever they want, in a room full of people, to a woman screaming for them to stop. Dope.
This happened hours ago and I’m still really wound up. I don’t know if I’m overreacting because I have PTSD but I still feel panicky and gross. Small and vulnerable and dirty and ashamed.

No. 1627779

I started collecting dolls during the pandemic and I feel the same way. Though I have stopped purchasing any more shit, but the stuff I have spent so much money on is now rotting in boxes in my closet because I don’t even want to display it. Selling it feels like a huge burden I have to overcome.

No. 1627791

EW you weren't overreacting, that's disgusting scrote behavior and if anyone tells you it's not a big deal then they're shit too

No. 1627812

Jesus what a fucking psycho, you're not overreacting at all. I'm really sorry that happened to you, it's so infuriating how common it is for people to just stand by and pretend not to notice when a moid is very obviously harassing a woman in public.

No. 1627853

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a family member - who's inheriting a lot of money - suggested she'd pay if I took some classes and I felt ill at the offer to help me. Like existential dread, but worse. I've been through some really fucked up things, but for some reason what I get constant nightmares about is college. It's sooo stupid.
I tried to go for about 3 years and I got a full ride scholarship so thankfully debt isn't an issue. Still, I was one of those idiots that had no idea what to do so I ended up falling back on something that would have at least had some kind of utility, but even then I ended up flipflopping while suffering from crisis after crisis, and the onset of my physical disease that left me feeling like hell all the time. Been years yet only now am I starting to get treatment and I have no idea when I'll feel alive again.

I like what I'm doing for money now and I would be open to learning some kind of skill but I'm very afraid of how certain things just get to me. That I reacted to someone offering me such a kindness - well, secretly, I politely turned them down - with such dread is genuinely insane. I used to not want to do certain things yet it didn't feel like life or death before. I really hope there is a way to turn this around.

No. 1627872

I gained five pounds instead of losing it even though I've been going to the gym for two, almost three weeks. My stomach looks amazing but my legs feel worse than before. It feels like my old ana thoughts are coming back. I'm going to a pool party in two days but I feel so gross about showing myself. All because I went from very underweight, slightly under, to a healthy weight that might be muscle. Finally I can lift more but god damn it makes me feel like I dont want to eat for two days.

No. 1627884

I hate men. I hate what they've done to me. I hate women too. Well not all of them… I hate this one that has done something bad to me. But I sure as fuck hate men. I will never trust them again. They are phony lovers and don't deserve my energy. I am literally better than the majority of them. Idc.

No. 1627885

The one man that I was attracted to, even though he was only online. I thought was actually a good guy who hunted down all the bad guys. But no. He's just another one of those phony assholes. I looked to him as my hero and now… ever since THAT happened. I can no longer look at him the same without breaking out into a violent ombustion of anger. I fucking hate men. I fucking hate them all. And I wish they would all go die. I hate pickmes too. I have developed severe trust issues and PTSD ever since it happened. I won't ever be the same person again but I have gained some unforgettable knowledge, and I actually have the drive to want to become a better person now because I've realized that the shit I have taken, I didn't deserve it and I have found the need to have self-respect for myself.

No. 1627887

I know that I have been painted as the bad guy in others people's eyes. However, that won't ever stop me from growing into the person I want to be.
Public perception will not turn me away from self-actualization. I will not be persecuted into thinking that I'm actually a bad person. Because I never was.

No. 1627890

The problem with me is that I am completely, 100% aware of everything that's wrong with me, but do absolutely nothing to fix it, therefore always either in a state of denial or wallowing. I wish I were just oblivious to my faults.

No. 1627891

I know who I am, even if nobody else will.

No. 1627892

I did a barium enema on a middle aged man, which I thought would be a breeze since it's usually an exam we do on more difficult geriatric patients. People - especially men - generally aren't thrilled to have to do the exam in the first place but this dude wouldn't even make eye contact and he looked like he was marching to his death. I noticed him silently crying and trembling on the exam table before we even started. I mistook it for nervousness but when I asked he whispered that he was having another episode of excrutiating rectal pain, which was why he was having the exam in the first place. I asked him if it he wanted to proceed to which he answered yes. He began sobbing and crying out in pain when I inserted the enema tip. He was squeezing the sponge pillow so hard I thought it wouldn't be able to fluff back up again. When I inflated the balloon to keep the enema tip in place he began wailing. I thought that would be the worst of it but when I unclamped the line to start the barium flow he cried out in absolute agony and began shaking so hard it almost looked like he was having a seizure. It was a cry that I have never heard before, just absolutely heart wrenching. At that point he begged us to stop, which we immediately did. I helped him off the table and into the bathroom and only then did I notice a huge pool of barium, blood, and fecal matter on the table and floor. I ran to the bathroom concerned that he might pass out with the door locked but - aside from the sobbing - he seemed physically okay. I told him I'd show him the way out of the building and then left for a couple of minutes so he could change back into his street clothes. When I went back to check on him he was gone. He seemed so scared and ashamed. I wish I could've said or done something to help him. Thinking back on it, I'm fairly certain he may have been sexually assaulted at some point… which probably exacerbated his discomfort, and since he was already in 9/10 pain before we even got started I think we may have accidentally pushed him over the edge. I feel so, so, terrible and I just really hope he's alright.

No. 1627925

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I found a lost dog who ran into my house from the street and so I went outside to call out to some of the neighbors who were hanging around outside, asking if they knew anything about the dog or could please pass on that the dog was at my address if they saw someone asking, and they all— two separate groups of grown adult people!— stared at me and then turned around and ignored me completely even as I continued speaking. Fucking weirdos, like what the fuck. Seriously what the fuck. Seeing that average people are so incredibly cold and judgmental really makes me uncontrollably despise humanity. I don’t want to hate people, but when they act like that, it’s basically inevitable to come to hate humans. It seems like the only thing people do these days is demonstrate their appalling behavior to me. People I trusted, people I liked, and also total strangers. I don’t respect anyone in my life except for my mom. The fact that everyone accepts such shit behavior as normal and continues to perpetrate it is enough for me to give up on going out of my way to get to know anyone.
I take good-hearted social risks— calling out to people I’ve not spoken to before to try to help a lost dog, trusting a ‘friend’ and putting my career on the line for her, trying my best to keep multiple employees happy in a difficult situation out of genuine care— and am shot down, heartlessly used & discarded, and thrown under the bus for my efforts. I am done trying to believe in people. There is very little good in the world.

Picrel, the dog, I guess. And I found her owner eventually.

No. 1627934

You know what? You're just like my mother. Which is the worst insult I can think of. I actually don't like you. Youre an insecure bitch and everyone is going to leave you. And I hope youve got the brain cells to actually learn something from everything thats happening. Get help for your personality disorder and learn to respect others.

No. 1627942

She looks like a cutie. I hope you got your house cleaned. I assume she was spooked.

No. 1627945

But yeah. Do you live in a more suburban or city area? That is a weird reaction for normal questions.

No. 1627949

Yeah she was scared due to thunder and was so small she just popped right out from under her fence apparently kek. While I was trying to clean the poop (which was in 3 different rooms from her terrified sprinting) the power went out and I had to scrub the carpet and floors by fucking flashlight…
It’s like country-suburb, but it’s a newish neighborhood that I’ve lived in since it was built so it’s not like they’re outsider-rejecting me or some shit. Idek it was honestly unsettling. I give up with people.

No. 1628009

ayrt, thanks. I just woke up still shaken up. He’s kind of a mate and we were there with a group of friends. I don’t drink but everyone else was drunk and everyone thought it was good-natured and I was overreacting to get upset. I think because he has a girlfriend (who was also there) people don’t see him as creepy but he is SO overly touchy and I’m not like that. I don’t like being touched by men that aren’t my boyfriend. I hate poly weirdos. Just keep your hands to yourself and take no for a fucking answer!! I hope his knees are bruised today and he feels bad.

No. 1628033

I just got onto my old account meant for a specific topic on discord… and wow. I went onto this old server I used to be active in… and I actually kinda miss it. It's like visiting a old yearbook. Man… I feel all sentimental all of a sudden. Now I'm thinking of all the possibilities that could've been had. How close I could've got to the frequent server users… I don't know. Maybe I'm just being hopeful. Honestly, I probably am. I used to be quite irritable when I was in there now when I remember… I guess I just wanted certain things to happen, even back then, and now.

No. 1628041

I don't think you're overreacting either. I would have reacted way more violently and I don't have PTSD as far as I know, and I know other women who would have also reacted like you either for reasons similar to yours or just because he was really rude.

No. 1628142

I tried to do the "homework" exercises we got and I just couldn't do it. I read what I'm supposed to do, I understand it but I have no idea how to actually start. It's like my brain stops processing. I fucking hate javascript. Now I'm trying to do extremely basic exercises and feel like they're too easy. Fucking hell.

No. 1628279

I would've started banging on his head I don't give a shit what he does in retaliation or what anyone thinks. That is legit caveman behavior and he knew exactly what he was doing

No. 1628281

Oh he's poly too? Some Poly people have this assumption that everyone is fair game since they don't have limitations in their head for relationships they forget all limitation and see everyone as fair game, it's fucking primitive. I'm disappointed by your friends tbh and your boyfriend. I don't think you should distance yourself from them over it but definitely don't argue with people who don't listen to you, I would just not engage with that guy anymore or try to speak to him frankly and politely to maybe get him to apologize and realize it was wrong. Insist on how violent the pull was and how your reaction was not minded, don't focus too much on blaming him just make it clear he is not to do that again

No. 1628285

i wish i had more control over my life

No. 1628290

kek I've had so many interactions with people like that, they look like normies and on the surface they seem like normies, but they really belong in a basement because they just don't have the social skills. Normies should be approachable and friendly or stay tf inside.

No. 1628298

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I hate living in a small southern town so much, I've been here my whole life and its so isolating and boring, I'm so jealous of people born in cities up north

No. 1628306

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I miss being my autistic self. I've lost years of my twenties trying to be someone I'm not. First by fucking around with gender identity shit because I felt weird for being a masculine straight woman with mega virgin interests, then by trying to be a sexy confident normie when that's not who I am at all. I'm late twenties and I just came out of this phase where I convinced myself that buying revealing clothing and wearing lots of make up would make other people like me. They didn't and not once did I feel like myself. I abandoned all of my goals and tried miserably to get a boyfriend and started panicking because I'm late twenties and I felt like I needed to get married and have kids soon. I'd be miserable as a mother and wife, I was just jealous of people around me who seemed like they had everything figured out, and I thought if I tried to be like them I'd be happy. I stopped playing video games, stopped drawing, stopped collecting things I love, changed my appearance, changed my home, now I feel so empty. I'm gonna start doing what I love again but it's so hard. If this world doesn't want me the way I am I don't care anymore.

No. 1628313

Thinking about the time my ex would shit on TERFs, claiming to understand them and their trauma but still asserting that "trauma doesn't excuse you to be a bad person, they should do better with their twansphobia!!1" But then at the same time excuse the actions of and feel sympathy for pedophiles and sex pests like Chris-chan just because they have a disability. I hate myself for having dated such a retarded pedophile defender ex.

No. 1628314

A man who hates terfs is a red flag

No. 1628315

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I'm done trying. I'm done with drawing, I'm done with everything. I feel like my negativity is gonna affect and drive away anyone I love. I'm such a mess, I never asked for this. I never asked for this.

No. 1628316

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I just feel like I'm wasting my youth.

No. 1628325

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very funny how my friend has been my biggest hater for years, calling me names, poking at my insecurities, shittalking me and getting her family to join in, etc. and now that i’m slightly less of a doormat, i try to match a fraction of her energy by making very tame and lighthearted jokes at her expense, she flips the fuck out at me in front of our other friends. if i called her out every time she pissed me off or hurt my feelings, she would think i’m a sensitive little bitch kek. i don’t know, maybe i do come off a little mean sometimes because it’s getting harder and harder to hide my resentment for her.

No. 1628332

A man who even knows what a terf is, is a red fag imo. Big sign he's terminally online.

No. 1628346

Conversations with my mom always leave me feeling so insecure, like I'm the most boring person in existence. She doesn't have the courtesy to act interested in anything I talk about, so I let the conversation die right in the middle and leave, with no objection from her. I know we can't always be interested in each other's stuff, but she is always seconds from rolling her eyes in annoyance every time I speak about something other than politics. She makes the same bored "uh huh" sound while I talk to myself and she grabs her phone. I'm polite when she talks about her boring shit, but she doesn't extend that kindness to me. I wish I had a mother that gave a rat's ass about something other than news.

No. 1628350

it's weird how when you aren't working fulltime in a ~rEal CaReEr~ other adults say they're soo jealous of all the time you have, belittle your feelings of boredom, uselessness, etc., complain about working, then in the same breath openly look down on you, make sure you've got nothing to stand on since you ~dOn't WoRk~ (like it's my choice? i'm finishing up school and already looking for real entry level jobs in the meantime)… i hate how it feels like my whole life i always got along better with older people, wanted responsibilities and a career i can work hard in… and no one has ever taken me seriously. i've got too many people in my life that fetishize youth, being irresponsible, being lazy. i swear so many people only want kids to live vicariously through them, only to basically despise them as they actually reach adult years and want to grow up. people would rather them become addicts of some kind so they get to baby them still. it feels like working in a career is being gatekept from me or something? like people don't want me to be a responsible, independent adult and just want me to be a burden forever so they have something to complain about (me). idfk

No. 1628351

my "best friend" throughout middle and high school was like this and i didn't realize it until after i graduated and the damage was already done. i pray you get as far from her as possible nona. mine fucked me up so badly that i don't think i can connect to or even trust people outside of my family any more.

only solace on this matter is that she's fat and busted with an ugly boyfriend and like three kids kek

No. 1628352


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No. 1628353

mine is the same and it is horrendous, i know exactly how you feel. i'm sorry nona, i hope you find someone who actually gives a shit… and fuck your mom too

No. 1628357

Look for new friends!

No. 1628360

tfw want something like terri and steve irwin had but i know i'll ever get that level of connection with anybody

No. 1628365

Thanks nona. Likewise, sorry your mom is the same.

No. 1628400

so sorry you had to deal with this too, it really does fuck you up. i also struggle to trust or connect with people. it will take me a long time to stop believing the shit she says about me and to stop feeling like everyone secretly hates me. it helps to remember people like that only act the way they do because they’re ugly and miserable and hate their own lives lol. the problem is with them, not us.
you’re right nonny. i’ve tolerated this bullshit for years because i must have felt like i deserved it on some level, but i really fucking don’t. i guess it’ll work out in the long run because it’s given me the push i need to get over my crippling shyness and put myself out there more.

No. 1628440

I felt like I was going to have a seizure today, and it's really shook me up. Thankfully the moment passed and I'm physically ok, but the fact that it happened when I was out with my three younger sisters is what scares me. Anything could happen to them if I hit the deck, some psycho could kidnap them. The eldest is very smart, she knows all about what to do in the event of a seizure, but today made me realise that she's basically my 12 y/o chaperone in case my brain spazzes out. She deserves better.

No. 1628445

I'm seriously at the end of my rope dealing with my dad. He's been drinking pretty much nonstop since he divorced my nutjob mom several years ago, doesn't pay his rent, doesn't read his emails, drives to the emergency room every few months to get treated for binge drinking hangovers, and lies to me and my sister over and over and over about getting treatment to recover. He's given himself alcohol-induced dementia and recently he can't even remember what happened the day before. I'm just so angry and sad as he continues to deteriorate. He always used to be so responsible, but now he can't or won't do anything for himself. His landlord sent him an eviction notice this week and I had to pay several months worth of his rent just so that he won't get evicted. I mean, what am I supposed to do? I don't want to let him die homeless on the street, but I don't think we can force him into a retirement community either. I didn't think I would be having to deal with something like this so soon. I'm barely a functioning adult as it is.

No. 1628457

Can you ask family for help/advice? Aunts or uncles?

No. 1628464

I am getting sober from benzo's (it takes a while) and on the one hand I'm so happy I get to travel, have children, less money problems but I'm scared I won't have an escape from life anymore. I'm excited to do things I can't right now and get healthy again but I'm scared I'll lose the drive or willpower to even get out of bed once I'm sober. Mentally this is harder than physically, I feel happy but also like I'm losing my only comfort.

No. 1628478

if your only comfort is a drug, your life is the issue not the lack of the drug, unless you're genuinely mentally ill and need the medicine to function (I'm assuming not because you say you're getting sober). you need to find comfort on something else, how is your support system? friends, partner? something?

No. 1628479

Work sucked and I came home and it fucking sucked too, everything is so dull

No. 1628488

Is it bad I hate people who display they're rich/want to have rich people things?

I have this classmate who regularly talks about how he has been to a rooftop for his vacation, how he bought expensive meat in this or that restaurant, how he has a rolex, how he will get an amg when he has a car, how he COULDN'T LIVE without his full apple ecosystem, showing his expensive shoes, how he'll get a yacht when he's done studying, yadda yadda yadda

I don't know why, but I find this so unclassy and insufferable..? Like, it's fine if you want and like nice things, but why are you always talking about this shit constantly? Especially when the other things you talk about are anime and fortnite.. Like, you only care about material riches and are fine with being a vulgar know nothing otherwise?

No. 1628496

i'm biracial and have very curly hair that i have kept straight by regularly having keratin treatments because i was too depressed to properly take care of it. i'm not severely depressed anymore and am going to go back to my natural (3b) hair, but i know this is going to lead to a lot of fetishising comments from ppl because it makes me look way more ~racially ambiguous~

i love my curly hair but the way ppl have talked about me my entire life because of my appearance is so upsetting. it's rude, objectifying and really condescending. i don't even think most ppl see me as a real person, but some kind of cute exotic little pet.

No. 1628519

no i agree. i don't understand the concept of buying items solely due to what brand they are when the quality is awful. let alone why someone would go on and on and on about it. it's fascinating that they don't know how pathetic they come off.

ppl say that 'real' rich ppl don't flaunt their wealth like your classmate does, but i don't believe that's the case kek. i mean i know that some rich people buy items from brands without labels that cost a shit ton of money and are supposed to be of high quality, but so do non-rich people. so i think some people (again, like your classmate) are extremely insecure, want to signal that they are a part of a group (rich ppl) and make others pay attention to them.

No. 1628530

Can't even go in the backyard to water plants in my mid-twenties without being questioned

No. 1628545

My dad was an abusive, money and image obsessed alcoholic who tried to kill me more than once, I cut contact with him almost a decade before he finally died but had to keep civil with him in the room at my sibling's wedding reception. Tell me why was I just told that the whole fucking party, my dad kept asking my sibling why I was "acting like that" aka I politely hugged him once entering the are because it's a wedding custom here and I did not wanna make a scene, but kept the hell away from him the rest of his life and that night. I felt so bad because I didn't know and I tried my best to not be in the way, for fucks sake I fucking skipped the photos because I was told I would make it weird. That man abused everyone for decades, fucked all of his kids up so badly and was a stupid alcoholic who tried to kill not only himself but also me so many times that I'm not even sure of the number, yet I was a weirdo for never speaking to him after moving out? Even when I fucking told him as I was leaving that he was gonna die alone and that I am never speaking to him again? The fucking nerve of this man, what the fuck.

No. 1628547

Questioned about what? Maybe it’s time to plant bamboo on all the corners of your yard so nobody can see ya

No. 1628550

So sorry you're dealing with that. There definitely out disgusting creeps out there who think being biracial is some kind of fetish. I hope you can learn to love your natural self and hair and realize no matter what we do as women, we are being judged or shamed.

No. 1628560

I wish that the dentist who did my filling broke her fingers beyond recovery and quit her job forever. The filling is shitty and I am so scared because it is close to the canal and I don't have money to do the canal if something happens. Money is wasted, time is wasted, and part of the tooth is wasted. Now I will have to sit on 0 savings and live in survival mode for 2 months because I have to redo it asap.

No. 1628570

My life is pretty nice, I have friends and a boyfriend, in therapy working on my relationship with my parents. I have ptsd and depression because of it, my emotions tend to go pretty nuts which is why I started taking them. I'm not sure how to continue, maybe I'll be happy when sober but I won't have an escape from my own thoughts and it scares me.

No. 1628572

>Nona A- You know, I hate Banana's and Banana's are really gross, but in the context of what happened to this Banana, it's pretty fucked up.
>Nona B- I don't care, Banana's are really gross, you can't expect a banana to be treated well when the banana is gross
>Nona A- I KNOW that banana is gross and i hate Banana's too, but in this spefic context of what happened, It's fucked up and I can see why Banana behaved that way
>Nona B- Are you a banana slut? Banana's are really gross, you can't expect a banana to be treated well when the banana is gross
This is how I feel talking to some nonas, you don't listen, you don't care, you just repeat the same shit, because you are so fucking enraged or stuck on a specific opinion that you cannot listen, why not just end the conversation then? Why continue. Unpopular opinion but some of you Nonas are bananas. You don't even attempt to listen to anything anyone is saying, you made your mind up and repeat the same thing over and over.

No. 1628573

Sorry for samefag, I have depression because of ptsd not because I have friends and therapy kek.

No. 1628653

I hate it when my co-worker throws around "fucking" like it's nothing. We're at work, at like 60 you should know better than that but if you wanna sound 12 at least chose a word in our language.

No. 1628666

I hate moids I hate moids I fucking hate them so bad. If I hear another moid saying that we should legalize prostitution to prevent school shooters from going ape shit, I will fucking kill him. They think sex is the birth right of moids and society and especially women are depriving them of it and that we should sacrifice women to be the sexual output for psychotic neurotic moids so they don't end up as school shooters. Fucking kill yourself pathetic moids

No. 1628672

I finally got through the hyperventilating and uncontrollable crying part of the panic attack but I still have the imminent doom/restlessness I can’t sit with it or else I know I’m just going to have another panic attack. nothing feels like it’s helping and being alone is making it worse I feel so scared

No. 1628675

Deep breaths anon. Is there something you can do to take your mind off of it? Take a walk? Give someone a call? I'm sorry, I hope you get through this soon. It sucks right now but it'll pass.

No. 1628678

Anon, as someone who has frequent panic attacks I cannot sit still while having one or about to have one. I flail about and have all this energy, my partner tried to hug me once while I was having one and I couldn’t be in his arms at all.
It sounds stupid but if you just absolutely flail the fuck out, like jump wave your arms and everything let that energy and restlessness out. I tend to calm down after my body releases what it had to release.
I really feel for you nona, this isn’t forever and it will pass. Sending you love

No. 1628685

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why has my stomach decided to implode right now. i didnt eat anything that could have possibly triggered it. i took a shit a few hours ago. WHAT HAPPENED

No. 1628793

I know it'll be told, "Duh" but it's so hard being a isolated woman who is trying to branch out on any community wanting to make friends and/or talk about your mental health. Even in spaces meant for it.
All the men are creepy asf, they don't really care about you or want to help or listen. As soon as they hear you are female it's like their dicks get hard. It doesn't even matter who I am or what I look like (i'm ugly and fat irl). I just want to talk dammit. Its like nobody responds but men.
It's so lonely, i feel men who seek this kinda support can find it from both sexes, because women aren't going to creep and if they do creep they may find a woman to listen and genuinely care. Or other dickhavers will care.
I just feel so drained

No. 1628802

I literally fucking hate every single one of my friends. And the ones I don't hate, I don't even fully like

No. 1628810

My partners pet has gotten injured and they had to use their savings to take it to a vet.
I’m glad they’re going to try to help their animal but it’s just another obstacle for them to actually be with me irl. I don’t want to make it about me but I’ve been waiting a literal decade so they could be with me irl and be a real couple. Why haven’t they bothered to have real employment this whole decade and have the goal to stay in an actual living situation where we are together. Thinking we were going to be together has always been delusional thinking and I don’t know why I tried to convince myself it was going to be a real thing. I think I’ll finally break up on our decade anniversary which isn’t too far away. I can’t waste away my 30’s on this failed relationship like how I did with my entire 20’s.
I want to experience a real partner I could do real things guilt free. They voiced their frustrations about how all their money is gone on their pet and I didn’t care to console because I knew none of it was going to be put into visiting me .

No. 1628838

Anyone else quietly mourning pre-2020 world when everything was pretty fairly priced and things were just generally better and we took it for granted or is it just me? I wonder if this is how older generations (in US at least) felt in the early years following 9/11, when everything also got slightly worse

No. 1628841

This is exactly why I stopped trying to make friends years ago. It’s hard to deal with people’s flaws outside of your family and SO. Sadly now I’m lonely and desperate for a friend but I also know I’d get too annoyed by most people after getting to know them better

No. 1628872

>they they they
Just say he or she and dump your loser bf/gf who has no intentions on closing the gap.

No. 1628880

It's finally sunday, but I woke up after not even five hours of sleep because this dumbass mosquito wouldn't stop flying around by my ear. I normally bring out every insect I find in my room, but this one's going to be a delight to squash under a tissue once I find it. I have three spiders in my room, why is noone doing their job? I didn't plan on hosting freeloaders. I'm also going to get my cat and hope she finds and plays a lot with it.

No. 1628895

Sometimes I want to kms but also God put me on this earth for a reason, I am his champion and his vehicle. I will fucking see it through

No. 1628916

Goddamn stupid scrote I finally stopped crushing on him and was so happy with my new husbando, then he talks to me OUT OF NOWHERE WHEN HE LITERALLY NEVER SAID ANYTHING TO ME BEFORE and now I can’t stop thinking about him again I hope he dies I love my husbando I love my husbando DO NOT TEMPT ME

No. 1628923

Wishing you all the luck in the world when you drive your suburban into a crowd of people because the voices told you to

No. 1628934

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No. 1628936

I know the real reason I'm obsessed with that girl is I used to be a bullyee in that friend group I had with her

I think that if I make her like me then that'll mean I was likeable all along

I know that by putting on a mask and pretending I'm someone I'm not and pretending I don't care, I'll never get her to like me anyway

I need to realize that it doesn't matter they didn't like me then and it doesn't matter either that they don't like me now
They have no role whatsoever in my life

I should work on being liked by people that do matter in my life and drop these childish mind games

I don't know why I keep relapsing!

No. 1628953

I have internalized misogyny
Here are my resolutions :
- vent it out when it triggers me solely on woman spaces
- stop hanging out male boards which are filling me with sickly thoughts
- stop watching male oriented pornography

No. 1628976

I knew this shitty narcissistic two faced person for almost 2 years. Then she got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (the only symptom she had were migraines and they gave her a MRI scan. After she started taking her medicine she has literally no symptoms at all). And after diagnosis she's still the same shitty person, if not worse. And yet sometimes I feel like I'm the bad one for having bad thoughts about her because "she's sick". Like that would erase the fact she's a shitty person. I think I have the right to think what I think and yet I feel guilty and I feel like I would be judged for it, if I ever told anyone what I actually think of her, even though nobody knows her as well as me, besides her nigel. She doesn't have any friends and she once mentioned even during the school years she didn't have any friendships, besides sueprficial ones with people who wanted to party. I mean, maybe it never occured to her that she might be the problem, especially the way she treats other people? I know MS is a terrible illness but that doesn't change the was she was and still is a shitty person and I can't overlook this just because she's sick. My mother was always a terrible, abusive person, then she got cancer, and she was still a terrible person. Bad things happen to bad people too. And still, sometimes I feel like I'm the bad person

No. 1628990

for your sake nonna, stop watching porn entirely
Not only does it melt your brain, but its ALL male oriented, even when men aren't in frame. Its made for males and by males 99.9% of the time. Good luck nonnie i hope u feel better soon

No. 1628993

I'm such a fucking doormat for my sister. She permanently ignores me and my existence and when she doesn't she's screaming at me calling me a filthy whore or dog. I overheard her saying something and I offered my help and she took it without saying a word or even thanking me and continues to ignore me. Why am I like this? Why am I so desperate for her, I don't know what, approval? We don't have to be bffs I just want her to treat me like a human being instead of dogshit. I don't like how she's taking herr frustration and anger out on me when she should hate our dogshit father who should've never had children. God I can't wait until I finally I have the means to move out again. I know in ways I'm blessed to have a roof above my head despite all but also curse this economy and housing market.

No. 1628998

I'm gonna start doing what you're doing too but it's so hard to drop hentai.

No. 1629001

Stop watching porn and posting on imageboards altogether. People here are mentally ill and will turn on you when you post anything. Even if you wanna vent about your pet hamster dying, they will find ways to infight. Seriously stop.

No. 1629003

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I just found out I have flat feet and that's probably the reason for constant pain in my legs while walking. I also have problems with my right hip joint and my knees, and it can also be caused by flat feet. I'm devastated, exercises can't change a lot when you're an adult. When I think that walking will be this painful for the rest of my life I want to off myself

No. 1629008

Stop using 4chan or male imageboards, Nonna. It’s for your own good

No. 1629055

Ughh I regret having casual sex not because it wasn't satisfying but because now I have feelings I didn't think I'd have. Why the fuck did he keep saying I love you and being so tender and joking he found his new gf?? What kind of mind game shit is that? I am 80% sure it was just momentary romance but now I keep checking my phone for a new message from him when I was so blase before. I texted last and he did text me after the hookup so I'm just gonna relax. I got to fuck a hot guy that pleased me and was kind to me and everything is alright

No. 1629058

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I wish i had friends

No. 1629062

I just witnessed a man commenting under a video of a case where a 12 year old girl was raped, saying that women are rapists too because one grabbed him crotch at a gay bar when he was 36… faggots need to die.

No. 1629065

I know someone with flat feet and she gets those orthopaedic shoe inserts and has an okay time walking with them, not all hope is lost

No. 1629068

Hentai is so gross anymore I wanted to look at a doujinshi and everyone I found was so over exaggerated and every panel is filled with liquids flying overwhelm that it was legitimately hard to decipher what was going on

No. 1629091

I'm just alone

No. 1629103

I have this moid friend who I usually play games with. He's really not a bad guy but holy shit, he's such a manchild, I'm so fucking tired of it. Every single time we have to do something with our group of friends we always have to offer so many accomodations to him because he's as immature as a child and we have to cater to his autistic needs. To be fair he is definitely mentally ill and he has been ever since we met, I usually don't mind helping him out because I know it's mostly his mental illness talking, but lately I don't even feel like trying anymore. It's like he doesn't even want to get better, every single time I try to suggest him healthy things to do instead of NEETing in his house all day he simply refuses to listen to any of my advice. He never tries to better himself. He's been this way for years and nothing has changed ever since, if anything it has only gotten worse.
I am so tired of having to cater to him. I am so tired of having to waste my time giving advice that will fall on deaf ears. I am so tired of trying to include him in hangouts and having to inconvenience myself because he will always have some kind of autistic demand that we have to follow. I really want to ghost him forever but at this point he's part of my group of friends so I can't really not acknowledge his existence without making things weird. I am so sick and tired of having male friends

No. 1629105

what are the autistic demands if you don't mind sharing kek

No. 1629109

stop babying and be a free therapist to this retarded moid, he clearly doesnt give a fuck and if he wanted any help, he would ask for it. you're wasting your time on a hopeless scrote.

No. 1629115

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If your bf sent you this after you tried to talk to him when you were upset, how would you respond? The ‘scheduled thing’ in question is Pathfinder btw.

No. 1629118

that's your discord bf, not a real relationship

No. 1629120


No. 1629123

KEK I was about to say, this is a discord bf. If the man is not dropping his baby boy video games for you when you're upset, he is a manchild and not husband material. Drop him. Now he can enjoy his autistic scheduled gaming session.

No. 1629131

Unless you're very clingy in general and often upset over nothing, I think he should've made time for you.

No. 1629141

Dump him, he should be the one person who cares the most but doesn't. He isn't special and you can find thousands of clones of him if you just leave your basement.

No. 1629155

>its the one scheduled thing I have every week
Oh he was at an appointment.. give him a brea..
> vidya game
oh. Nonnie gtfo. This isn't going anywhere

No. 1629192

the heart issues and the coughing only grows worse and still can't afford the doctor

I'll go to the doctor when I'm about to die, I guess, since I have no idea what's causing this and the web and anything I try to fix it with is no help

No. 1629207

it's interesting how all the people in my life who i thought were "friends", who i later learned would whine and talk about me behind my back because i didn't have the time to chase them around, set very clear boundaries with them, told them "no" a few times over things i was not comfortable doing, all disappeared from my life the moment i stopped initiating 90% of all contact and started clocking their bullshit.

No. 1629214

just clicked on /pt/ for the first time in ages and all I see is
> (sage ur shit)
> (learn 2 sage)

No. 1629226

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This is literally me right now when I'm PMSing. Why do I act like such an irritable unpleasant person that is so out of character of me holy shit MAKE IT STOP

No. 1629246

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can't figure out javascript and at this point I'm anxious as shit.
So far all of the exercises I tried basically go:
>exercise 1: create a variable
>exercise 2: create an array that will do x and accept y as parameter while also creating a loop that stops once y is reached
I mean I'm sorry what? There seems to be 0 in-between, it's either basic stuff or a word salad.
I'm also scared to ask our mentor for help because I can't tell what exactly I don't understand about it. I read what I have to do but have no idea where to start. The fact that our classes aren't in english and we use translation makes it even more difficult.
I'm embarrassed to be so far behind everyone else.

No. 1629250

My cousin and her husband asked to stay at our home while I'm also in the process of moving out and my mother also for this reason decided to like wash 2-3 months worth of laundry. Now she's fucking bothering me with a new load of laundry every fucking 3 hours, and acting like I'm "leaving stuff around" when she's the one pulling everyone out of the closets and washing it for no reason. I won't even be meeting my cousin much, since I'll take some of the stuff and spend my nights in my half-furnished apartment so they can have an extra bed. I really do not care that these literal strangers (I've seen my cousin and extended family like 4 times in the past 25 years) will apparently want to tell my aunt that they've seen some folded up, clean laundy in my room. Maybe they should get a life if that's the most exciting thing they can observe staying abroad.

No. 1629254

I think I'm going to quit driving, I can't handle it lately. Makes my anxiety spike up like nothing else. Which is weird because I enjoyed driving when I lived somewhere else in Europe but now in the UK I dread it. I got honked at twice today and I genuinely don't know what I did wrong. Having a car is of course convenient especially because I live in the countryside but I'm thinking it's maybe not worth it. I dream of moving somewhere with good public transportation. Every time I get honked at I want to die!

No. 1629265

Why aren't your classes in English? I'd figure most of the tutorials and courses would be in English. There are plenty of those online btw. Just Google "what is an array" or "basic loops in JavaScript" or something like that until you learn everything you need for that exercise.
There's a free course in freeCodeCamp for Javascript that you could take to learn this stuff from the very beginning step by step.

No. 1629271

i want to die. i can't stop thinking about how my mom stayed with my drug addicted, abusive, scary father for 18 years because she tried so hard to fix him. she seemed to never think about what it was doing to me growing up that way. all that suffering, and just for him to kill himself and burn the house down and traumatize everyone further in the end. like what the fuck. she tells me all the time she feels so guilty for staying with him because of what it did to me, and she says she didn't get a divorce because i would have to go see him on weekends. but now that i'm older, i know that there are plenty of legal avenues that can be taken to keep his kids away from him when he is abusing them and bringing drugs around them. and she made no effort to look for ways to get us out. it was so bad that i was genuinely constantly afraid that he would kill us, for years. and she still makes fucking excuses. then when i start to become depressed and start smoking weed to cope, they act shocked. my parents put ME in two different rehabs when i was 15 for smoking weed instead of him. when he was doing crack and shit in his home around his young children. then when shit really hit the fan, my mom took my sister to live somewhere else and not me. i was living in the house with him when he burned it down, and he started the fire with gasoline in my room. lucky i was out because i had a funny feeling huh hehe haha. anyway i don't know how i can recover from this and i don't think i will. my mother is so repentant to me now but it doesn't matter because i can't even function anymore. like oh well i guess we can all repent to God. i still feel like i'm in the wrong for some reason anyways even though i was just a kid

No. 1629280

Because my native language isn't English so it's translated… for whatever retarded reason.

Thanks anon, that's kind of what I'm planning to do because idk what else is there. I know I can do it but fuck me it's a lot

No. 1629308

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Having one of my moments of panic where I feel the walls closing in because I’m wasting my life, not writing that story not making art not doing anything meaningful what the fuck am I doing. Hahahahhahahahahahba

No. 1629311

I think white people being involved in K-pop just looks weird. You got these girls who look like ai and have tons of plastic surgery and then in the background are all these normal looking white people, it’s jarring to me. I know kpop is trying to be more appealing to white people but nah pass

No. 1629316

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Then stop thinking and start doing

No. 1629317

This is my first time watching anything kpoop related and wtf.. they are so heavily digitally retouched that they really do look uncanny and like AI. I feel sorry for all little korean girls growing up to think that this is how you're supposed to look, literally not even human.

No. 1629326

one of my good friends is a lesbian and seems to be unaware of the fuckery going on with troons. she seems so happy for everyone who is a part of the 'queer' community and is really accepting. i'm straight so i hold my tongue as i don't want to overstep. in june we were at this pride exhibition and i kid you not they had like 24 pride flags. like there was a straight people flag and a straight ally flag KEK which resulted in me going on a rant about how weird and unnecessary that was. there was also a poly flag and while i didn't go on another rant, i was like 'hm isn't that kind of weird? as it's just a lifestyle'.

idk i just want her to have an epiphany about troonery and how creepy and predatory they are towards lesbians.

No. 1629329

Who sang the original? I know I've heard it somewhere before

No. 1629333

i normally like the art direction and clothes of kpoop videos but jesus this is hideous

No. 1629334

>stop hanging out male boards which are filling me with sickly thoughts
How does that happen? I spend a lot of time on 4chan but it always just drives me back here even if just to lurk. All of the misogyny on there makes me appreciate women more and hate moids more. Do you just read the retarded shit they say and agree with it.. because?

No. 1629343

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Having one of those nights out where the clubs are too crowded, my clothes are too tight, my friends are way drunker than me but no matter what I do I can’t catch up, all the songs are crazy repetitive, and I just want to massacre every single person in the vicinity. If I make it home tonight without getting my head caved in it’ll be a fucking miracle.

No. 1629470

fuck I can’t stop reading erotica

No. 1629479

Great. I've spent most of my 20s being single and the ONE TIME I let a moid close to me, he turns out to be emotionally distant/retarded. I hate it here. I caught feelings for nothing.

No. 1629521

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your whole life you're told men have high sex drives and just want sex. oh that's gross, i don't want sex. wait, i'm an adult now and think i would like to have a sex life! i like men and with their sex drives surely an attractive one will want to have sex with me. oh, what a nice boyfriend who i am sexually attracted to. wait- stop right there retard! you fell in love with the only guy with like zero sex drive. hahaha, sucks to suck right? enjoy!

No. 1629550

Im really frustrated. Stop offering me up to people, creating obligations for me, without my consent, that I cant or wont fulfill. It isnt that hard. Just stop. Fuck.

No. 1629554

I hate that I'm going to have to go back to escorting. My unemployment is going to run out and my part time will not pay the bills ive sold everythiny i can i hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate

No. 1629556

Come live with me

No. 1629569

Check his internet history and all files on his phone and pc. Guys like this are 99.99% of the time porn addicts.

No. 1629600

Yeah anon is right. He likely wanked himself into depression.

No. 1629607

Surely being so destitute you're qualified for housing assistance and food aids?

No. 1629614

Kek I've been with a guy like this for 4 years and I haven't seen any sign of porn use at all. Like none at all. Fucking sucks because I'm a horndog but I guess that's what vibrators are for

No. 1629617

I can handle the heat but 90% humidity is going to kill me I feel like I'm actually dying. Sweating just makes you hotter because it's too humid to evaporate and I've had a migraine since yesterday. reeeee climate change.

No. 1629631

wait i'm >>1629521 and same. 4 years, he has the biggest monitor (literally a flat screen tv), volume turned up so high, i can walk by quietly at any time to see what he's doing. and i can always hear what he's listening to. he never uses his phone, his parents get mad he never responds to them. so i don't think it's porn either. you guys make me super paranoid at times but he's always said he hates porn. now i'm worried he's been hiding it from me for 4 years.

No. 1629639

>Down by my grandparents with my parents
>Hotter than shit
>My mom is treating me like a kid
Kill me. The heat alone is unbearable and now my mom has to narrate what I'm doing/acting like I can't do anything. Fuck

No. 1629640

I have to go 2 weeks without THC for my upcoming wisdom tooth extraction and I don't have any urge to smoke but I'm tired of the constant headache, low appetite, and lowered libido. I wish I could take a few hits just to get horny and get off but I'm just going to have to deal. Sucks. I feel like I can never get "in the zone" sober because I generally think sexuality is cringe and goofy (I have problems) and weed helps me not feel so embarrassed about getting off. The libido and the headache are probably the most annoying part of this. Aside from that annoying shit, it's been pretty nice. The days feel longer and I feel quicker mentally. Another lame thing is that I'm just kind of tired all the time but caffeine helps. Ughhhh. Oh well.

No. 1629645

Have you tried placebo?

No. 1629668


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No. 1629673

I think I have some kind of mental disability or I'm just very stupid. I can't conceptualize "complicated" numbers. I never pay with cents, I have to pay with a whole bill because it takes me way too long to count.
I'm 30 and have been living by myself since I was 18, but I still don't understand saving up. I buy gifts for my friends all the time and don't care if I lose a bill out of my pocket because im my mind I'll just make more anyway, making me careless and unable to save up (I can still live comfortably, I'm not getting into debt or anything, I could just make much smarter choices). I just check I have enough digits on my back account to reach end of the month with a full belly.
It took me 5 years to learn my cellphone and passport number; I had them both replaced two years ago and I still haven't memorized them.
I couldn't learn how to multiply beyond x3 (or obvious ones like X10), division is foreign to me. But if I'm so stupid how did I manage to learn three languages? Why can I play instruments and see professionally? how have I managed to live by myself until now?

No. 1629675

I have a friend with insane bpd who I do care for, but I don't think I can deal with it anymore. her behaviour is so volatile and upsetting. any time I have tried to give her genuine advice on how to improve her situation she will twist it (bpd ik) and just end up telling me she's planning to kill herself at the end of the year. I don't know how to reply anymore, I'm scared of comforting her too much and validating what she's feeling (because it's erratic and not valid?). I feel so beaten down and sad, I can't even talk to her about things I'm going through like a normal friend would because she'll take it on as if it has everything to do with her. she's also justifies her behaviour with ig graphics and holistic psych stuff which seriously makes it worse. this is a stupid undetailed post but the behaviour runs a lot deeper than all this. hopefully some of you nonnas understand? sigh - at this point of so scared of her emotions

No. 1629678

Does he take his phone with him into the bathroom? Does he stay in the bathroom longer than it would take to poop or shower? Honestly you just can't know. Men are good at hiding that stuff and you are not with him 100% of the time. He could just wait until you go out to the store or to see friends or walk the dog or whatever. If your bf has no interest in sex with you, he's getting his nut off some other way. It is what it is. Stop being delusional.

No. 1629679

You're a good friend. Is she getting any kind of help? You can't fix her and it's not great that she's dragging you along with her.

No. 1629681

samefag, I meant *sew professionally. Like for an important costume company on my country. (Told you I'm dumb).

No. 1629683

he doesn't take his phone anywhere, it's at his desk all the time. he even showers with the door open and if i walk in he has no reaction. he's not in the bathroom weirdly long imo. i also rarely leave the house right now because school is out so i haven't seen any behavior that's off or different.

No. 1629689

she goes to therapy but she just lies to them in order to convince herself I think? instagram also convinced her she has adhd, so now she's on fucking adderall which has made everything so much worse. she told me the only reason she wanted to take adderall is so she could lose weight to make people "worry". she has a good soul and talent for the job she works, her life could be amazing but every day she's on a rampage tearing down her life in real time - as I write this she's posted publicly to her story that she's going to "get revenge on everyone who made her a victim". her self awareness is also kind of a curse, she knows she does all of these things but because she can identify it she thinks its not an issue. sorry for the long reply.

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