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No. 1980098[Reply]

ITT: post uneventful and mundane as fuck events in your life

Previous Thread: >>>/ot/1922358
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No. 2006840

Kek I know, it felt incredibly cringe to type out but was relevant to the story

It just makes them look more male because having a chicken neck make their adam's apple poke out even more

No. 2006879

I used to do this with my tabs but in recent years anything more than 100 eats away my computer's memory and crashes.

No. 2006968

I usually get mistaked for being 18-20 and I was sitting next to this kid that was maybe 17 and I gave my seat up for an old man (I was on the outer seat) and the old man asked the kid "is that your mom? are you his mom?" and I was like "no sir you can sit" and he asked it again "are you his mom" and I said "damn sir I'm only 23 I hope I'm not anyones mom" and yep, some people on the train chuckled amusingly but idk lmaoo maybe he really thought I was a mom

No. 2006980

Kekkk this has happened to me when I was babysitting my baby cousin I was shopping in the mall and the cashier gave me a special mother's day discount kek. Got a nice 60$ discount though

No. 2007010

I always assume that sort of thing is negging

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No. 1951437[Reply]

Previous: >>1922910

Discuss art and related topics such as:

-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread
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No. 2006984

>defending her mans against rape allegations
Excuse me what?

No. 2006990

I know if I say his name, y'all are gonna look him up and eat me alive for my being in denial for years over something some of you can spot in a second. I just wanted to shit this out on the internet.

No. 2006993

let me guess, alkemanubis?

No. 2006997

>shirtless little girl drawing on the front page of his profile

No. 2007026

The same happened to me and it was a screenless tablet the cheapest one, for some reason, I was fooled into thinking that Wacom is less risky when it comes to quality, but it turns out it's not important if you had a screen tablet by Huion you would know what I mean. I think for me traditional doesn't hurt because of the resistance the paper has. It's easier than a glass/slippery screen where I have to grip the pen harder and the wider space also helps, I suggest you try felt nips or paper-like screen protectors and a bigger screen (16" or 20") and you may get back into it.

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No. 1991983[Reply]

This thread is to discuss your grievances with gender ideology.

>What is gender ideology?

Foundational to transgenderism, gender ideology is the belief that one’s “internal gender” can contradict one’s biological sex.

Gender ideology operates much like a religious cult. There is no scientific evidence that supports the notion that we have an “internal gender,” and yet doctors now medicalize and sterilize children with “transgender identities” who have been groomed by the cult. Anyone who does not reaffirm these delusions is labelled as a “transphobe” in order to discredit any dissenting voices of the cult.

Previous thread:

Relevant /snow/ threads:
>>>/snow/1987643 (MTF general)
>>>/snow/1984807 (FTM general)
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No. 2006899

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massive kek at calling serano a biologist

No. 2006909

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samefag, the same specimen i found this post from also reblogged a post making fun of a woman who's paranoid about her safety while home alone, picrel are some of the comments


No. 2006992

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another one

No. 2006994

Genuinely disgusts me to see a moid wearing a labrys necklace. I’d be tempted to yank that shit right off him if I saw him irl

No. 2006995

>people in the comments making paranoia a white woman thing
The video is overkill but I'm black and I'm a paranoid fuck who'd sleep with a gun and multiple locks on her doors if it weren't so expensive.

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No. 1994807[Reply]

A thread to post the worst duolicious profiles and interactions
532 posts and 131 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2006289

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Someone i saw that had the same pfp had a bio that basically just said that he was trying to live a normal life but then this part was kind of weird kek, why did he precise these things? Is he going to hunt down someone and eat them?

No. 2006586

Oh NO. That typing style….the mention of his cat and siege….the place this is being typed…..this might be my ex from high school

No. 2006940

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A moid with this physique hit me up, i am disgusted

No. 2006981

nonna have you not seen all the fat guys on there? i mean this is not a chad but it‘s weirder to me why he would show this off kek

No. 2006989

Oh i've had several fatties message me on there, let me find pics of the worst ones

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No. 1959358[Reply]

Prev threads:

Any pro-fujo derailing in this thread will get a 3 day unappealable ban. If you do not like the thread, hide it. Repeat infractions will eventually result in a permanent ban.
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No. 2005286

>Picrel was written based on an event that happened at some sort of convention when a girl questioned Jensen Ackles about the subtext between him and Misha Collins character on Supernatural who's non answered caused some sort of meltdown in the fandom.
Late as fuck and only semi related but can you elaborate about this? Or point me to a transcript or video

No. 2005559

Maybe, but they didn't commit the massacre in the few fics I read (I barely read things in English back then and there was none in my native language). They were one-shots with a lot of lemon tho, and in the one I remeber more distinctively that gay sex kinda cured them from their rage, in the rest they resumed the fic with some brief tragic words about their fatal fate for more angst. That leads me to think the authors had above all a savior complex, but that's very common with hybristophilia so yeah

No. 2006158

Reminds me of the fujos who ship Dahmer and Bundy.

No. 2006897

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No. 2006986

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No. 1995264[Reply]

art-chan will be vindicated edition

839 posts and 81 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2006966

It's not like the cinema's food sales make a difference to the staff, it doesn't add to their paychecks. I can't imagine they get paid enough to give a shit lol

No. 2006976

My dad, my mom is pretty dissappointed about it.

No. 2006979

Where I'm at, we just buy what we want from the dollar store and shove it in a fat ass purse. That's it, nobody checks us. The only thing I'll buy from a theater is some popcorn, because I'll smuggle my own drink too.

No. 2006983

I followed these instructions but didn't see Superfetch anywhere, I don't think my computer has it (mine has windows 11 if that helps)

No. 2007038

Neither, I've never been compared to either of them.

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No. 774138[Reply]

ITT:A thread for open/closeted ex-Muslims and or Muslims who are questioning their faith
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No. 2006326

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I really don't wanna seem like I'm defending Islam, I really don't but there's narrative among western libfems and radfems that needs to die, regarding the iranian islamic revolution, there's this idea that the revolution happened cause men were worried about losing power and cause they were scared of westernization, so they deposed the progressive government and installed religious dictatorship that oppressed women, that's the general Idea and its given feminists in the west fears and anxieties about a "it could happen here" type scenario in the west and margaret atwood famously wrote a handmaids tale based on this premise and here's the thing, this narrative is false and has been manipulated by to create an insufferable element of self victimization
here's the thing people need to understand, Iran under the Shah was an oppressive dictatorship, the vast majority of men and women were farmers and workers living as peasants, anyone who spoke out against the Shah was found by a secret police, jailed without trial, tortured and either executed or forced to rot in those jails, people were literally starving, yes there was a westernized progressive lifestyle for a small urban elite of 15% of the nation, but the vast majority of Iranian women were illiterate peasant farmers, people revolted against the Shah not cause they were angry that women were wearing skirts but cause they couldn't feed their children, the Shah's regime also had arrested every liberal, communist, nationalistic and leftist political leader, so all those were left were the clerics who ended up leading this peasant movement and creating the state of Iran as it is today

I'm not defending Islam or the religious radicals here, but I hate the way feminists in the west have hijacked this tragedy and use it as a tool to feel more oppressed "Iran was a progressive country, we could lose our rights just like they did, If we aren't careful" and that's a fantasy, the cultural conditions that happened in Iran do not exist in the west.

No. 2006336

>Iran was a progressive country, we could lose our rights just like they did, If we aren't careful" and that's a fantasy
But it’s not a fantasy, women losing their rights in non-muslim countries has happened before. Francoist Spain, Communist Romania, Poland under PiS being a few examples.

No. 2006366

this is sorta my point, Spain, Romania and Poland were "progressive" for at most a decade, most of their history was spent under autocratic dictatorships

No. 2006881

How do you know that? I bet You're not even Iranian! Iran under Shah's rule was indeed progressive and he granted women many rights which they never had before. The reason Khomeini started opposing Shah was that he gave women the right to vote which Khomeini thought was against Sharia.
Also 'people were starving'???
Actually the years immediately before the revolution were the most prosperous for Iranians. Their per capita income had increased considerably. And after the White Revolution the ownership of the land was taken from the clergy and Khaans and was given to the farmers working on it. The revolution of '79 happened for many reasons none of which was about the economy or being poor. I encourage you to learn Persian and read Khomeini and MEK and Toudeh party and why they struggled against the Shah in their own words.

No. 2006971

also fun fact, one of the reasons why the Shah fell was because of america, while previous US governments were pro-Shah, jimmy carter did a 180 and demanded that he put down the army right as Khomeini had gathered a good number of protestors to march against him. For good measure instead of dealing with Khomeini, the CIA screwed over the communists (because for some reason the US convinced itself they were literally the ultimate enemy). Whether they would have had the ability to change the course of history is hard to say, but the fact remains that the US went after them against the real threat to millions of Iranians and it's even worse Afghanistan, every single potential progressive government was screwed over by the america because they were "communist" or didn't agree with literally everything america wanted

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No. 1993114[Reply]

Previous thread >>1976497

Megan Thee Stallion is getting sued for sexual harassment >>1976779
Kanye is trying to make a porn website >>1977290
Dominic West opens up about ‘absurd’ furor over Lily James pictures >>1977375
Billie Eilish says she loves masturbating in front of a mirror >>1978648 >>1978654
Weinstein’s conviction is overturned >>1979800
Madison Beer releases new song >>1980878 >>1982007
Lana Del Rey posts over edited selfie >>1980962
Baby Storme exposes Ice Spice >>1982208
Athlete’s girlfriend is harassed by seething fans over her appearance >>1982373
Tyla is dating Chris Brown >>1983253
Doja Cat says to keep kids away from her shows >>1983758
Partynextdoor uses explicit sexual imagery for album cover >>1985474 >>1985475
Kendrick Lamarr disses Drake >>1986079
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No. 2006906

Oh great can't wait for this already dull as fuck album to get even more fucking dull.

No. 2006960

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Benny Blanco admits Selena was the one who chased him, arranged the date and he wasn't just even aware their first date was a date.
Benny Blanco also said he wants to have kids with Selena but doesn't want to marry her. This ugly scrote keeps negging her kek

No. 2006964

the hell kind of title is that kek

No. 2006969

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The lows Selena goes to for this man needs to be studied I'm convinced Selena picked Benny because he is ugly and she thought that means he'll be nicer. But really she just gave him a major ego boost

No. 2007036

definitely her most catchy song so far but i still doubt she's anything more than a "omg girlz are sooo pretty!!!" type of bihet
still hate the insane y2k larp zoomers are doing when will it end

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No. 2002950[Reply]

thread rules:
>no racebait
>no infighting, be nice to each other
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching

previous thread: >>1989451
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No. 2006946

shit loike this just repulses me so badly, it makes me feel even worse to know that there are little 13 year old kids on twitter who also claim to be "littles"..

No. 2006977

Is that really an unpopular opinion? Because as someone who was into the bdsm scene I can confirm this is true.

No. 2006999

One of the girls in their poly household looks like a actual kid to me(the one in blue)

No. 2007000

Probably a stupid question, but do women like these want to appeal to actual pedophiles? Not like "oh it's just a kink bro" types,but like real pedos? Because most in their forums would refer to her as a "hag"

No. 2007019

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>poly household

I genuinely hope this is just for the purpose of view farming. If it's genuine I wish a-log on all of them.

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No. 1173811[Reply]

anons do you have any useless talents? what’s many words can you type per minute? can you shoot a bow and arrow with your feet? talk about any weird or unorthodox skills you have that aren’t revered by society
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No. 2006875

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I can ride a bicycle or a swing for hours nonstop. Whoever said they can sleep for sixteen hours, yeah me too.

No. 2006918

I can use my foot to pick my knickers off the floor, then flick them up in the air and catch them in my hand

No. 2006923

Me too, nonna, we could make a cool circus act.

No. 2006933

I can hit an A0 with vocal fry, and a C7 or something with whistle notes. Useless for actual singing though.

No. 2006943

omgg I remember when I made this thread 2 years ago. sweet memories

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