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No. 368628

Feel free to discuss and rant about:

>Instances of sexism in your favorite video games.

>Instances of sexism in video games you don't like.
>Sexism in the videogame industry.
>Sexism within the emulation scene.
>Videogames that are advertised as only for girls or only for boys.
>Specific videogame developers and publishers.
>Specific sexist videogame developers/emulator developers.
>Differences between how women view sexism in videogames v.s. how men see sexism in videogames generally.
>How your society views women and girls into playing and/or developing videogames.
…and much more.

Videogames on consoles, emulators, computers and mobile devices are all welcome to be in this thread.

Please keep transgender sperging to a minimum. It is likely to derail the thread.

Previous thread:

No. 368629

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It's clear as day these things are made with certain biases and intentions in mind. It's not that it just contributes badly to how men view women, it's that men's pre-existing misogyny makes its way into these games and the games clearly reflect that. The game you posted is a prime example. There's 5 female costumes in the new vindictus game, 3 of which are coombait, 2 of which are modest, only one is of a heavier armor type. Meanwhile the male counterpart (the one that's on the actual promo of the game interestingly enough) has three almost identical outfits, where he's burqa tier covered in heavy armor and you can't even see his face. Vindictus and other coomer korean mmos actually have a pretty even gender distribution from my experience when playing them. Women like pretty female characters that koreans put out, aside from the coom they can make nice, elegant and classy outfits here and there and that's what I generally noticed actual female players put on their characters (unless they're in the game to just erp). Yet somehow, these games mostly cater to men. You don't need studies to notice this.
I will say vindictus would cater to their female audience with a few sexy male outfits too, but it's breadrcrumbs compared to what the male players get.

No. 368630

even the modest outfits are coomerfied. Friendly reminded that korean scrotes throw mantrums when any character makes a vaguely pinching hand motion.

No. 368634

that doesn't actually explain why its a bad thing.

No. 368636

Because the men that make these big titty fertility goddess waifus are the same men that get offended if they see a finger pinching motion in their near vicinity. They want their women docile and dick hungry, and they'll get real women fired for it in real life. They're so fragile they can't even handle men being presented in the same way, as seen from the example posted in the last thread with that one final fantasy twink. If you've played korean mmos in the past you'd notice that they're slowly regressing when it comes to the general gender equality of fanservice which is just a reflection of korean society becoming more and more hostile to women becoming feminist.
I don't think games that are rated 18+ like vindictus will massively contribute to male radicalization against women, but they serve as a good mirror into their fragile egos. You seem to be more interested in baiting than having an actual discussion though so I'll leave it here.

No. 368637

because I asked a question? god that anon who wouldn't shut up about da baiter really did a number on everyone here. fair enough though I don't play korean anything (especially mmos LOL) cause they suck at making games for the most part.

No. 368649

Because men deserve nothing.

No. 368655

Its a bad thing cause its coomerbait garbage and ruins the vibe of the game they're trying to go for along with worsen any potential there is for there to be actual good games since garbage games like this will be popular, i.e stellar blade and the retarded apeshit schizophrenia thats going on around it and other games like it, seems like this game wasn't popular since i never heard shit about it till now but as i said it looks generic as hell and they probably spent most of their time on the 5 coomer outfits rather than anything else lol. Don't really care for males getting coomer treatment as well nor do i support it since it yet again gets in the way for anything more to come if everyone puts focus on that instead of actual creativity or originality which is rare nowadays, not saying i wouldn't love to see good looking men though, just don't let that be the only focus ofc.

No. 368657

>if everyone puts focus on that instead of actual creativity or originality which is rare nowadays
This. It seems like practicaly every major studio is scared of taking risks or focusing on making something interesting, it sucks.

No. 368688

Nobody should be forced to be part of the game devs jerking off material, if they want to make porny shit, they should do a porn game. Moids are more than capable of presenting diverse characters without turning them into sexual objects, why can't women want to be seen like that as well? So many women, including itt, have spoken out how uncomfortable they are to this double standard, wouldn't that be a reason by itself? What's the point of moids complaining few women play games when every games is clearly telling "you can stay, but you are not our audience". All that by itself should be enough of a reason. I personally always hated this, it's never equally applied to male characters. I don't personally want it to be applied to male characters, but the imbalance sends a clear message of what they see women as. I wonder why do you need studies on such a basic concept to grasp, maybe because some terms were parroted during the years, but seeing women as sexual objects is a very bad thing with plenty of studies on that. Look up how porn affects you brain. Why do men need this sexual gratification in most of their games? Is it because their brains are all rotted from porn? I heard the justification of this for years, "sex sells", but is it really sex as a whole being sold? It's not. It's male fantasy porn with no regards to the woman's interest. They don't want the men in their games to be sexual objects or appealing to women. I remember growing up, how many moids hated Leon and Raiden, because how dared some male character be pretty, to the point they always have to turn the pretty boys into depressed men with stubbles or fuck them up like ctyborg raiden to become "relatable" to salty moids. So if you are not convinced sexualization of these female characters is a bad thing, then why is it bad when it's applied to male characters in a way that appeals to women and not men. Do you think Fifa would sell if it was the equivalent of a waifu game? Imagine all the soccer players as beautiful husbandos making sexual panting sounds. Would that be something moids would like and endorse and "look past the sexual parts to enjoy the gameplay"? Why do we need to constantly do this in almost every single game?

No. 368705

adding to what was already said: yes, it's bad because male characters don't get the same treatment. i'm having a hard time understanding why you think it's fine for female characters to be walking around in bikinis in the same world where male characters are fully covered up. it's gross, objectifying and clearly a big middle finger to any female player while trying to protect fragile moid egos from also feeling reduced to body parts.

No. 368718

please please please learn what a line break is holy shit nona

No. 368750

>anons still trying to reason with the schizocoomer who spams this thread and the psyop thread on /ot/
Do we really need another 1200 posts of that delusional faggot insisting every game ever made is full of hentai xxx tiddy monster mommies and lolis and if there was an equal amount of male characters like that it would for sure create a pornbrained utopia where women would play games as much as men? That person has a fetish they're trying hard to push onto anons here as some feminist equality PWN.

No. 368781

I don’t really care, I don’t play games like that because generally games where they need to use owning da libs as a selling point aren’t good games anyway. Especially if it’s gacha and mmos those genres are straight up garbage. It did bother me in Nier because I couldn’t take the story seriously at all.

No. 368785

Men dont even realize how good they have most of the time as well. So when we get even 1% of pandering, they screech like monkeys because they think something is being robbed from them. Its like the concept of both genders having fanservice for them is impossible.

No. 368804

I can think of several games that have big titty monster mommies and lolis, Fate for example is one of them. Do you happen to know about it? because it's very bad, they have realistic little girls in bikinis, can you believe women play that trash? they must be omega cuck queens.

No. 368806

She didn’t say those games don’t exist she said those games don’t represent the majority.

No. 368810

I can think of more games that have sexualized women than ones that dont. Hell, even atari had games with fucking fanservice. There are kids games like Crash Bandicoot racing that had big titty furry women. You are lying if you think female sexualization in videogames isn't a real problem and very present in most games.

No. 368813

You can't just say "most games" and leave it at that. What's your evidence that it's in the majority of games? All your examples so far have been individual games. Even if there are genres that are notorious for it that doesn't make those genres representative of "most games".

No. 368816

name one female main character from a game that is as ugly as something like kratos, go ahead

No. 368822

??? What does that have to do with anything? Is your definition of fan service any woman that’s not ugly?

No. 368823

Again, the anon you're talking to right now is a schizophrenic coomer looking to argue and push it's fetish. Don't try to reason with it, just report and ignore.

No. 368824

so you cant? then stop pretendind we live in some magical world where female sexualization is an extremely rare thing.
literally how is pointing out that most female characters in videogames are sexualized a fetish?

No. 368827

Did we really need another thread if you were just going to rehash the same topics over and over for another 1200 posts.

How bought talking about games that you don't think are sexist?
I realized the new Doom games don't have succubus enemies even though you'd think that would be an obvious idea.

No. 368828

>How bought talking about games that you don't think are sexist?
because this isnt the thread for that, go to the videogame thread if you dont like sexism in videogames getting discussed.

No. 368829

That doesn’t really make sense. No I can’t name a female character as ugly as Kratos, that doesn’t mean “most games” have fanservice. It’s not a rare thing but it’s not true for the majority either.

No. 368830

I think bringing up games without sexualised characters is a good thing though, it gives anons alternatives and also lets them broaden their gaming horizons.

No. 368832

this isnt the thread for this, do you guys not read the OP?
>No I can’t name a female character as ugly as Kratos, that doesn’t mean “most games” have fanservice.
yes it does. It proves women in videogames can't exist unless they are pleasing to the player, meanwhile are allowed to be bald, fat, disgusting and completly non-sexualized. The most popular female mc in videogames are all turbo sexualized. And even when companies try to make ''diverse'' fmc they still don't make them as ugly and unsexualized as the men like in Overwatch.

No. 368834

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also, speaking of overwatch. Ashe is supposed to be a year older than mcree, but yet she looks like her daughter. Dont get me started on how her skin tight outfit accentuates her figure, compared to mccree who has a poncho.

No. 368836

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the fact in the animated short they didn't even give ashe any pores while mccree did.

No. 368837

If your definition of fanservice/sexualization is a female character that’s not as ugly as kratos then yeah I guess. That’s still leaving out tons of games that don’t have characters, have completely abstract representations of characters or have completely neutral representations of both.

I think there’s worse issues than this one honestly, one of them being that women just give up before even trying anything more niche or complicated because of the culture around it.

No. 368838

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also, ana is supposed to be 60yo yet has less wrinkles than most of the male characters who are 30 years younger. Moids think this is still too much btw and call overwatch a ''woke feminazi'' game even though it has the same amount of female sexualization, if not more, than coomer moid pandering garbage like korean mmos. If overwatch is considered a ''woke feminazi game with ugly female characters'' then you will imagine how the average game treats its female characters.

No. 368840

But like yeah everybody knows this shit already. Blizzard has been doing it since Starcraft and Warcraft.
They're never going to change, and you're not going to change the male players minds either so it's just best to try and ignore it for your own sanity.

No. 368841

>reee ignore sexism in videogames in the thread to talk about sexism in videogames
no, this thread is to talk about this stuff.

No. 368842


No. 368843

> one of them being that women just give up before even trying anything more niche or complicated because of the culture around it.
people already explained it to you last thread , but you dont get it. I don't know why you pretend the high amounts of sexualization and double standars has nothing to do with women not wanting to give videogames a try.

No. 368844

kek it just looks like a close up of ana from frozen. I hate overwatch so fucking much and all the moids that cry when a new character thats 60yo but looks 20 gets released.

No. 368845

Because of the false idea that most games have it so why even bother even though that’s objectively not true?

No. 368846

you are incredibly dense if you dont like women complaining about sexism in videogames then hide the thread already.

No. 368848

then start giving titles of major video game releases that don't have any sexualized female characters.

No. 368849

last time she gave resident evil and dark souls as examples lmao.

No. 368850

not a good thing in the eyes of the sperg who remade this thread to keep infighting i guess kek. not even a day old yet and the're already samefagging.(report and move on next time)

No. 368851

do you seriously think that its only one anon who dislikes female sexualization in videogames?

No. 368853

I was talking about the whole medium not just major or triple A games. Last major release I played was Armored Core VI. That said even looking at the top 100 games on Steam I would say maybe 10 of them have this problem.

No. 368854

If you really want an autistic text wall list of games without sexualised characters I can write one.

No. 368855

considering you gave those two games as examples i dont think you know what non sexualized means.
stardew valley is the second most played game on steam and it has been criticized several times for having ugly male love interests meanwhile the female ones are just pretty samefaced girls

No. 368856

I wasn’t that anon, there are different people here. I was the rts purist.

No. 368857

have you tried making a female only discord or something for rts games? since you want women to play rts so badly

No. 368859

That’s not really the same thing though. You can’t really equate “not doing enough for female fans” (which maybe they are guilty of idk I never played it) to “female sexualisation”. Aren’t they just pixel avatars of faces anyway?

No. 368860

I don’t like Discord.

No. 368861

so, male characters being allowed to be literal disgusting hobos while the female ones are kawaii uguu samefaced girls without any flaws isnt a double standar? the dev actually made the choice to make the male characters UGLIER compared to the original sprites. And considered there is already a track of men censoring attractive men in videogames because it makes them uncomfy it's not far fetched to think he did it because it made him and the male players uncomfortable.

No. 368863

Do you actually form part of any RTS related community? i dont understand why it bothers you so much women dont play RTS. You dont seem interested in making it more appealing to women and you also dont want to make female-only communities. Since most RTS are single player games why does it bother you so much there aren't more women playing them?

No. 368865

It’s a double standard but it’s not sexualisation …

No. 368867

>women being samefaced pretty girls while the men are allowed to be varied isnt sexualization
are you for real? they are literally mean to be love interests

No. 368868

Cause I would like to talk about it with my friends but gaming communities are a complete meme unless you’re looking for people to play games with. And I agree, it’s not like I’m looking for people to play with, it’s just something I’d like to see more of. Sorry I don’t think the way to do that is to dangle anime boys in front of their faces, but I do think it would hep if we didn’t act like it’s impossible to just look up a guide or torrent a game to learn how to play it. Also I can’t imagine an “all female rts server no boys allowed” not being catnip for troons.

No. 368869

If they’re all love interests then they’re all sexualized?

No. 368870

armored core doesn't have any human characters, that isn't a good example. give us the actual autistic list of AAA games that have no sexualized female characters, but please include ones that aren't autistic robots flying the fuck around. be real.

No. 368872

all of my male friends play games yet none of them plays rts, they play normie gay shit like Dota2 and LOL. It's like you don't realize RTS are extremely niche and autistic and even most men don't play them.
>Sorry I don’t think the way to do that is to dangle anime boys in front of their faces
I will give this example again since you seem to ignore points that contradict you. Shmups used to be considered a dead arcade genre until it got a resurgence thanks to doujin shmups like touhou. Most people that play shmups nowdays got into it thanks to touhou, even women, because guess what? having attractive characters instead of autistic scifi battleships is more appealing to the casual gamer.

No. 368873

That’s not fair, you can’t be like “it’s a problem for all games” then when I bring up games that don’t have this problem they suddenly don’t count as games.

No. 368875

women do play those games(the sims, animal crossing) but you also have a problem with that because they arent autistic factory construction games.

No. 368877

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I know but I don’t care about moids!! And what they do!! I don’t want more moid friends lol. I have one moid in my group that plays the same games I do. I’m also not a dev or anything but I think people in general should be more willing to step outside their comfort zone. I’ve also barely played touhou but doesn’t the gameplay look like picrel? How often do you see the characters?

No. 368879

I don’t have a problem with those games existing or with women playing them. In fact those games directly show that the problem isn’t because all games are sexualized, but something else.

No. 368880

>In fact those games directly show that the problem isn’t because all games are sexualized
it actually does. Neither the sims(maybe the old ones did but i dont remember, the new ones dont) nor AC have sexualization of any kind.

No. 368881

then idk introduce your female friends to RTS games. What the fuck are we supposed to do about women not playing autistic niche games that even most men dont want to play lol
>How often do you see the characters?
most people play touhou because they see fanart of the characters and get curious about the lore

No. 368882

If women play games like that but not other games that also don’t have sexualised characters, then the issue isn’t sexualisation. It’s something else.

No. 368883

I'm pretty sure that anon thinks that way because she's a gachacuck who doesn't play many real games if any and can't imagine people playing games for fun and not to collect waifus/husbandos

No. 368886

I mean yeah I didn’t come in here asking for advice, just expressing a sentiment. I think women have a bit of learned helplessness with technology in general. A lot of them seem to think the feds will find them if they torrent.
Fair, but then you could just release touhou VNs that would fulfill the same function, it’s not really about the gameplay.

No. 368888

ok then whats the issue? also women do play more games that either have no sexualization or have male sexualization(hades, FF, TLOZ, RE).
>Fair, but then you could just release touhou VNs that would fulfill the same function, it’s not really about the gameplay.
i am sorry anon i dont care if i catch a ban but you are actually fucking retarded. I dont know how many times i have to explain it to you, but making something more appealing will get casuals to try your game. People decide try touhou despite not liking shmups because they get drawn in by either the characters, the lore, or the music. If touhou was a generic battleship shmup or a VN it wouldn't have had the same impact in people. It's just a perfect mix of things that attract casuals and engaging gameplay that makes it the go to for casual gamers that want to play shmups.

No. 368900

I don't know what the problem is. If I had to guess it's a mix of not knowing about it, feeling intimidated, or not willing to try new things. There is also of course the main point that the average gamer just plays easy slop, male or female, which is fine. I realise my perspective is sort of unorthodox even among gamers. I do find it odd more women aren't into puzzle/strategy/management type games actually because they're non violent problem solving. Also I guess my dream would be to find a group to play Diplomacy with.
To your second point though that's just it- that's great if people want to do that and revive dead genres and build lore around it and whatever, but to me that's window dressing. So it wouldn't be about the core gameplay anymore. Which is the only reason I play games.

No. 368901

Men would never get called ''fake gaymurs'' for getting into JRPGs thanks to Hyperdimension Neptunia. I don't understand why it's such a problem if women get into a genre thanks to cute boy bait.

No. 368903

If the genre remains true to itself then sure.

No. 368907

what about dungeon keeper but replace the demons with demon boys, is that okay?

No. 368909

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No. 368912

then what was your problem then? you sperged for two threads over anon saying the same thing you agree with

No. 368932

>the average gamer just plays easy slop, male or female, which is fine.
If you understand this then why
>I do find it odd more women aren't into puzzle/strategy/management type games actually because they're non violent problem solving.
is this so odd? Most people enjoy narratives and characters, it's not that deep. As a player of niche autistic games myself, I don't see what's so surprising that in a hobby with few women, there are even fewer women in a niche area.

No. 369017

Nta but no, they're all sexualized love interests. You were nearly there kek.

No. 369019

So then it's not just women being sexualised? What did I miss?

No. 369021

Most people enjoy narratives over other games and that's why the most popular games on steam aside from outliers like Baldur's gate are all mostly multiplayer ones devoid of story and character development while multiplayer games blow the popularity of single player ones out of the fucking water.
>Apex Legends
>The Finals
>GTA online
>That Chinese PVP game etc.

The only single player games on the steam charts are Stardew Valley and Baldur's Gate if it's still up there. Most people who play games period are still male. Most males enjoy score whoring hierarchical games that organize your worth by rank and most gamers have the attention spans of gnats and are impressionable apes who will copy whatever the other cool dogs do so developers have acted on this monkey demand along with lootbox gambling culture. Rockstar and Valve in particular learned that they didn't have to make new games if they pivoted to making and upkeeping online slop and appeasing the dog hierarchal order of males biology which lends popularity to super cereal competitive gaming.

No. 369023

nta but the stardew male love interests arent sexualized, one of them literally looks like a sex offender

No. 369024

You missed how women who are sex interests not love interests are often half naked, portrayed as handmaidens, trad, hyper pornified and unrealistic looking, and children while men generally aren't.

No. 369034

What kind of video games are you playing where this is your experience?(bait)

No. 369038

Sorry if I'm misreading your post, but this doesn't make sense at all, of course multiplayer games will dominate the charts because they have an "unlimited" amount of replayability due to the nature of online games. Whenever some big AAA release comes out you'll see them topping the charts for a while too, it's not exclusive to Baldur's Gate, but a single player game that you put 20-90 hours into will not have a consistent playerbase for prolonged periods of time the same way online games do. Not to mention Helldivers, Warframe and Monster Hunter are up there in the charts too and they're coop games, not "sweaty hierarchy moid games", not like there's anything inherently wrong with competitive games either.

No. 369042

Most games fail at meaningfully interweaving gameplay and narrative so that makes sense.

No. 369266

I don't think the hierarchy thing is necessarily a bad thing, competition isn't bad per se in games, my point was it resulted from male biology being projected onto pixels, kek. I play some of the games listed on top of the steam charts but multiplayer games topping the charts is not simply just a result of replay value and skill ceiling imo.

Singleplayer games can have prolonged lives like Stardew Valley, every Fallout game, probably The Sims is up there since its a sandbox and there's no market competition for life simulation games, and Baldur's Gate which has at least a hundred hours of content and replay value. Replay value is a factor that results in concurrent popularity but multiplayer games are favored by in large due to the attention seeking behavior of gamers needing validation from others, the short attention span and fickleness of gamers where one class based shooter replaces the next and the next and the tribal hierarchy of most of the moids playing the game. Multiplayer games whether they're PvP or PvE still fulfill that self-validating itch. There's been an uptick of meme streamer games that reflect this change in culture imo and that's why you don't see well crafted linear based story and character driven single player games as much anymore. Moids bitch about how Rockstar hasn't made a GTA game in a decade or any polished linear story based game like L.A Noire but then proceed to rot their brains on GTA online. Though I'd like to see more linear story based games I've been scarred by a lot of recent dogshit that consumers lap up because of the absolute feral demand for games, but it's quantity over quality. Gaming earns more than movies and music combined as a industry but most writing is bad anyways and this isn't something that's specific to games as a medium. Women are handled terribly in almost all game media, there's still the same tired prototypical story tropes that pervade all media, and little subversion. There's fake performative wokeness that infects everything but the same misognyistic tropes rehashed since two decades ago. They're a reflection of reality and the current cultural climate. You're honestly better off making your own game at this point but no one has the attention span for that shit so consumers will always far out weigh demand for games.

No. 369276

I don't think the hierarchy thing is necessarily a bad thing, competition isn't bad per se in games, my point was it resulted from male biology being projected onto pixels, kek. I play some of the games listed on top of the steam charts but multiplayer games topping the charts is not simply just a result of replay value and skill ceiling imo.

Singleplayer games can have prolonged lives like Stardew Valley, every Fallout game, probably The Sims is up there since its a sandbox and there's no market competition for life simulation games, and Baldur's Gate which has at least a hundred hours of content and replay value. Replay value is a factor that results in concurrent popularity but multiplayer games are favored by in large due to the attention seeking behavior of gamers needing validation from others, the short attention span and fickleness of gamers where one class based shooter replaces the next and the next and the tribal hierarchy of most of the moids playing the game. Multiplayer games whether they're PvP or PvE still fulfill that self-validating itch. There's been an uptick of meme streamer games that reflect this change in culture imo and that's why you don't see well crafted linear based story and character driven single player games as much anymore. Moids bitch about how Rockstar hasn't made a GTA game in a decade or any polished linear story based game like L.A Noire but then proceed to rot their brains on GTA online. Though I'd like to see more linear story based games I've been scarred by a lot of recent dogshit that consumers lap up because of the absolute feral demand for games, but it's quantity over quality. Gaming earns more than movies and music combined as a industry but most writing is bad anyways and this isn't something that's specific to games as a medium. Women are handled terribly in almost all game media, there's still the same tired prototypical story tropes that pervade all media, and little subversion. There's fake performative wokeness that infects everything but the same misognyistic tropes rehashed since two decades ago. They're a reflection of reality and the current cultural climate. You're honestly better off making your own game at this point but no one has the attention span for that shit so consumers will always far out weigh demand for games.

No. 369571

I think narrative is a lot less ismportant in gaming tee bee haych. Like a good story is a nice addition but it can’t save bad gameplay. I also think atmosphere and environment design are more important for the story.(learn2integrate)

No. 370657

A demo of Stellar Blade got released 2 weeks ago and, what a surprise, it looks like something out of the chinese app store. Scrotes are praising it's lacklusted, boring and linear gameplay that could rival the trashiest mobile games just because ''hurr durr cum sexy woman make feminazis mad''. Funnily enough the designers are actually retarded so they gave the MC a long ponytail that hides her ass 90% of the time. Can't wait to read moids buying this overpriced chinese mobile trash slop for 60 usd and saying it's the best game ever just to ''own'' women that would never want to touch their moldy cheese ridden dicks anyways.

No. 370664

Yeah, they wouldn't care about that game if it didn't have a character like that which….what is even the point? Moids already have the possibility to play and create sexy female characters if they want. It feels like Atomic Heart, just trash that earned money because of lazy coom, play an actual porn game at this point or use coom mods in a decent game kek. Wanting to play X game just because the character looks like a sexy waifu, what absolute fags.
Also as an actual waifufag i will never stop saying how her design sucks, absolute nonsense mess, she could stand in front of a mossy rock and i wouldn't be able to spot her.

No. 370668

>Also as an actual waifufag i will never stop saying how her design sucks, absolute nonsense mess, she could stand in front of a mossy rock and i wouldn't be able to spot her.
It looks like they hired AI to do the art direction. I like trashy hack and slash with waifushit from time to time, like Lollipop Chainsaw, but that game actually had a cool art direction and Juliet was pretty funny.

No. 370669

Korean scrotes have always been some of the worst because of their invisible microdicks.

No. 370671

That Korean gloss is so gross, everything that comes out of Korea is awful. Also I bet the gameplay is shit.

No. 370676

They’re literally not even going to play it. Some might buy it out of spite and it will sit untouched.

No. 370678

Right, when the characters have a personality and an idea behind them they can be actually appealing, agree on the Ai as well, i refuse to believe that an artist would create a cat vomit outfit like that.

No. 370684

I'm convinced all the hype around this is artificial. No one around me talks about this game, but its fans pretend like there's a hardcore feminist rally against its existence in order to lure in your usual scrotes that want to own the ebin evil feminists.

No. 370700

It's like Nikke. Literally no one cares except coomer moids.

No. 370716

File: 1713123623191.jpg (52.08 KB, 572x717, wiik3nzqs3ra1.jpg)

i care about andersen-san

No. 370718

Kek, maybe one April Fool's day they'll be ballsy enough to make an animation for him.

No. 370722

File: 1713124144498.jpg (248.95 KB, 1080x1920, bCdY6Tw_rKdMb36r.jpg_large.jpg)

every april fools I pray they do more andersen fanservice, give my hag the panchira he rightfully deserves

No. 370723

wow it's like one of my Japanese animes

No. 370738

why are scrotes so insecure, why did they give him a beard. It never looks good.

No. 370761

Shit taste, go back to your containment thread(infighting/baiting)

No. 370768

you're being ridiculous
I've already replied with that silly Metal Gear joke but the quality is really nice, love the uniform, shame that i'm one of those nonas who doesn't like beard and his eyes are a bit too deep set to me but thank you for sharing this moiderino.

No. 370775

Project Moons giant E cup tit designs are gross and just as sexist as any other Korean devs.

No. 370798

After learning about all the harassment female team members get designing scrote apps, and the magelian thing, I hate Korean moids the most.

No. 370820

He looks like a mix between bucky and snake.

No. 370868

dont tell me you actually play this coomer scrote game, why

No. 370884

Which designs are you talking about nonna? I'm not really familiar with the games aside from Lobotomy Corp and a bit of Limbus Company. I dropped the series after last years controversy with the Korean moids losing it over the Ishmael ID for the summer event.
I know Angela, Rodion and Faust have pretty large chests but I didn't think much of them since they aren't dressed skimpily.

No. 370890

File: 1713191216172.jpg (151.08 KB, 850x478, pm.jpg)

agreed. They look so weird too.

No. 370969

a woman having big boobs isn’t really the same or similar to a woman having big boobs and wearing high heels in a bikini dress while flushing and moaning at the camera while her tits sway and jiggle. also fanservice in pm games is extremely tame, and men get it too. it’s a shame they did what they did with vrelmori though, i was a happy whale kek

No. 371066

it's one of the least sexist designs you can see from eastern devs
i dunno what you're smoking, but you just gotta look at what most japanese gacha characters look like and you might come to your senses.

No. 371069

NTA but they have gigantic tits while the men look malnourished, i don't think it's unfair to complain about it. They look extremely retarded. They also fired velmori over incels throwing a tantrum, so we know the kind of audience they are pandering to.

No. 371071

>NTA but they have gigantic tits while the men look malnourished, i don't think it's unfair to complain about it.
Because most anime doesn't look like that?

No. 371073

They are clearly not better than other gachashit if they are willing to let one of their artists get harassed by moids. Chainsaw man also has fully covered female characters, that doesn't make the artist less of a coomer, especially since he has an obvious suit fetish.

No. 371082

File: 1713217330163.png (236.01 KB, 498x280, R_Corp._4th_Pack_Rhino_Meursau…)

That's only true for some of them. In the same way that only a few female characters have a big chest

No. 371085

Not arguing that pm isn't a shit company but they genuinely don't have the coomer fanservice that chainsaw man has (the women in it aren't always fully clothed and the mc is only ever thinking about fucking them) so I don't get your argument. It's been discussed before and no one supports the company, but you can't deny that they weren't somewhat good at designing and writing interesting female characters.

No. 371090

Chainsawman had a lesbian orgy as chapter art and female characters (and a trap) in lingerie, plus the groomer dommy mommy Makima shit was overtly sexual from the start. I think the only way you can compare say Limbus characters to Chainsawman ones is that they wear suits/uniforms, but from when I played it and from watching later story cutscenes after the summer event fiasco I can't remember the female characters ever being fetishized.
I don't think anyone's arguing that Project Moon is good after last summer, but compared to the other current popular gacha, Limbus is almost puritan.

No. 371173

I was actually talking about LoR
It all made me uncomfortable

No. 372149

File: 1713570487117.jpg (284.7 KB, 2266x771, roFXku9.jpg)

Scrotes are seething over this lesbian Kotaku writer thinking aphrodite's design while criticizing stellerblade. The difference is that scrotes have 0 self control and have to make every woman coombait even when it doesn't make sense. If Hades was an AAA game demeter would be designed to look much younger and would have a revealing design.
Hades has hot male characters in revealing clothing (excluding hepheastus but he is a canon uggo). Something which couldn't be done in the God of War games because scrotes want every man to look like a 40 year old alcoholic divorcees.

No. 372519

I never really cared about designs in Hades other than Zag and Thanatos, but this made me think. It'd be so fucking good to have joseimuke based off Greek mythology. I want to see them all turned into pretty boys.

No. 373954

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No. 373965

Japan's wobbly leg fetish is so fucking weird.

No. 373974

I love older Aphrodite. She's gorgeous.

No. 373979

But nona, its makes women look petite and feminine and dainty…. lol

No. 373981

It looks retarded, like their knees are glued together. It's clear it's supposed to be for modesty reasons but 2 of them aren't even wearing skirts.
BTW watermelons have very little calories so the massive difference in slices doesn't make sense except for manliness and daintiness reasons.

No. 373998

Persona 4 was developed on a shittu budget and in a very short period of time and is full of reused assets from P3, I think the devs didn't care at all about creating a new pose for the female characters for the few times when they're not wearing their school uniform skirts.

No. 374000

eating sweet things isn't very manly lol

No. 374004

No. 377173

File: 1715087982847.jpg (159.65 KB, 1160x1052, VpmYGl8.jpg)

This is why the hades vs stellar blade comparisons will never be the same. If coomers had their way EVERY female character in a game would have to be sexualized (and young).
Scrotes think if a woman is unattractive they don't have a place in video games, yet the average male videogame protag is an ugly self insert

No. 377178

While I don't like Hestia's design as much as the other gods in Hades, I can at least tell from looking at her what she's the goddess of the hearth. Hestia on the right has no visual references to the mythology whatsoever, she just looks like a generic anime whore.

No. 377179

Is that animu girl really meant to be Hestia?
That Hades design is great, full of references to coal and grilling. Making her an older, motherly woman also fits.

No. 377195

This just proves japanese coomers will use any theme as an excuse for fap folders, it doesn't make them smarter, it makes them porn addicted.

No. 377207

I think for me the worst issues are, in order
Any games with voice chat for women
The IRL culture
Badly written female characters (I think bland characters that are an afterthought are worse than what they’re wearing)
Creepy cutscenes
Over sexualisation
Power gap
Mog station being too expensive
Power gap
Not having enough coom material

No. 377215

While I do like her clothes/overall cloncept and it's way more interesting than her JP counterpart, western Hestia is very unappealing to look at. There are better ways to make granny characters, I'm actually surprised she looks that bad when most old characters in media look very sweet.

No. 377222

whats wrong with her? she looks cute

No. 377229

I agree it's all good except the face/hair area is a mess that all blends together

No. 377231

The only thing I'd personally get rid of is the white soot (birthmarks?) on her face/chest, because it feels like there's too much going on. The lipstick should be orange instead of white imo. These areminor complaints, though, and it seems fine otherwise. I like the detail where her hoopskirt looks like a brazier. Jen Zee (the lead character designer on Hades) is a million times more talented than whatever pervert designed the generic moeblobs in Danmachi, a shitty harem anime that was popular for like two seconds a decade ago. The only people who still like that shit are the sort of bottom feeding scrotoids who enjoy haremshit.

I think it's interesting that the gods age in the universe of Hades. Like Demeter, Hestia, and Kronos look old-ish, while Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades are middle-aged. Then you have the playable characters and their love interests, who are college age or young adults.

No. 377232

File: 1715103639019.png (Spoiler Image,680.26 KB, 532x846, Hera_PH.png)

Also while we're here, Hades II has no shortage of sexy female characters. Just look at Hera!

No. 377267

File: 1715113239349.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.07 KB, 640x995, SPOILER_jennifer-lopez-news-ph…)

but if you close your eyes…

No. 377394

But anon that is a powerful adult woman, not a squealing little girl so scrote animu coomers won't approve.

No. 377601

>Mog station being too expensive
You mean the XIV store? Mog station is just their retarded hub to sell the expansions and the retainers. It's a crime the store even exists and the fact they charge for extra retainers.

No. 377817

Yes I meant the outfit store idk why I was calling it the mog station this whole time. And yes it’s a crime that they charge $15 for a basic black skirt and I bought it

No. 377822

Me when I throw a deformed scrote baby off mt olympus

No. 377835

Kek probably because stupid square made up different names for their thousands of extra services. We got the companionapp on the phone for… selling things on your retainer or something. Then the mog station, then the store for fantasias, mounts and outfits kek it's no surprise you got them confused. I used to call it mogstore and it's not even called like that. I agree, their prices are insane, on top of having a subscription already. Check the prices on square enix store later kek it's even worse. They released a music box with aerith's theme for almost 1k USD. A few XIV items you can only have if you buy a real item from their store, and those are usually really expensive too.

No. 382654

i just hate this new wave of gamergate bitching about "wokeness" in everything. i don't think moids are capable of playing through a video game without having a boner. female characters are literally only allowed to exist as pornography to them.

No. 382655

On one hand I get it because I also don't play games with ugly moids in them because it's boring if I don't have someone to objectify but on the other I don't understand the entitlement. Gamers are always bitching about one thing or another, they act as if devs owed them something. They can whine about wokeness, micro-transactions or the game being unfinished and yet they still buy it anyway so their complaints don't even matter.

No. 382658

>On one hand I get it because I also don't play games with ugly moids in them because it's boring if I don't have someone to objectify but on the other I don't understand the entitlement
the difference is that extremely objectified porny female characters of all varieties are already present in literally every video game ever, while the opposite is true for male characters. moids can just go play stellar blade, some shitty furry monsterfucking loli hentai game on steam, or just any of the gazillion coomer titles at their disposal and be happy. but no, they won't settle for already having it all. they want anything that doesn't cater to their pornsick sexual preferences to get canceled and instead of just ignoring the "woke" games with "uglified" characters they will launch rabid hate campaigns against them and make video essays about how society has wronged them if a developer so much as dares to move the boob slider a mere millimeter to the left on anyone.

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