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/w/ - vloggers, lolita, cosplay

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No. 325261

It cannot be just me who thinks this bitch is asianfishing. Her eyes change shape in literally every post, she looks like an alien. If you scroll back to her older posts her eyes 100% look different. I have no clue how she keeps getting judging gigs when her makeup is cakey and literally PEELING off of her face and she apparently buys most of her cosplays. I've seen her throw tantrums after losing masquerades too, her entitlement is actually insane. The one time I talked to her she ignored me and was incredibly rude to me. Most stuck up bitch I have ever met.

TL:DR: racist asianfisher, rude as fuck and entitled

https://www.tiktok.com/@everrgreenn?_t=8lgqYDJskT3&_r=1(shit thread/vendetta)

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