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No. 98832

Surprised there aren't any post about her

>whitens her face to hell and back

>crummy shironuri makeup
>racist cunt
>muh asperger
>believe the whole SF cmm ganged against her
>believe she's friend with French lolitas and want to organize Paris based meetups

facebook : https://www.facebook.com/chanelly664?fref=nf

insta : https://www.instagram.com/sweetychanelly/

No. 98833


She "quit" lolita and left the SF comm. There's no recent drama.
The last drama involving her was the absolute shitfest she kicked up about leaving the "ab00sive" SF comm.
Might as well bring up those times she defended MB and his creeper friends and the time she was turned away from AP SF.

No. 98909

Lol where the fuck have you been, there've been multiple self-perpetuated shitstorms about her comments on the Paris attacks. Check her Youtube.

No. 99003

I'm sorry I need more deets. judging her IG she seems normal and cute. She's not even "famous". Has she ever scammed or stole anything?

No. 99004

I need to see caps, just looks like vendetta now

No. 99011

I quite like her, she is sweet and people are far too hard on her.

No. 99070

I honestly just feel kind of bad for her. She seems desperate for dem youtube views but her most recent video, posted two weeks ago, only has 42 views.

42 views, in two weeks.

But she definitely seems like she has some sort of developmental disorder. She just seems like a nice, slightly challenged girl. =/

No. 99370

Its lolita drama so she doesnt need to be famous. She gets talked about on cgl often for how ugly she is even time she posts on cof.

She didnt quit lolita, she posted on cof 2 days ago.

No. 100092

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go away channel

No. 100105

I agree. I honestly don't get what's people's problem with her. Lolita drama is like scraping at the bottom of the barrel a lot of times. What's a snowflake to a lolita is usually nothing compared to the others here.

No. 100109

kek i actually agree with her, good on her

No. 100147

She's harmless.
Extremely sheltered and certainly dealing with more than aspergers.
It's not even funny to pick on her really, she even cords better than some of her friends.

No. 100152

At least post some shit that is embrassing

No. 100153

How can they call this girl ugly yet Lolitas like Lovely Lor are so popular? Lor looks like a tranny.

No. 100154

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posts the same coord repeatedly

No. 100156

because lovely lor isn't a spineless bitch

No. 100322

No. 100540

>>100152 Strange how she sped up her voice for this video. Her actual voice is very low. When I met her it couldn't be more clear that she is mentally disabled. She moves slowly, talks slowly, and takes a lot time to answer. I feel very bad for her. She does not understand what is appropriate and what is not.

No. 100627

She is one of the few lolitas that I actually feel bad for. I'm not excusing anything she does but I do take into consideration that there is actually something wrong with her.

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