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No. 98033

What do you guys think about her?? why do girls show their cleavage so much when on twitch?? ugh.


and watch this video of her eating ice cream.. and how she's sitting…


No. 98034

TELL us why she is interesting. Don't ask us what we think, that's just lazy.

We really need that proposed /new/ containment thread.

No. 98046

>why do girls show their cleavage so much when on twitch?? ugh.
kill yourself

No. 98050

typical flabby chink, looks boring, ugly eyes, yawn NEXT

No. 98052

There's a a twitch thread already, use it.


No. 98054

No. 98055

She gets so fat because she thinks she is a magical korean princess who will not gain weight even if she sits around eating on her ass all the time and play some terrible league games…

No. 98056

who cares? sure she camwhores and makes tons of money off it. Nothing too interesting to see here though

No. 98058

all you fuckers need to sage and stop bumping this shit

No. 98059

You pretty much see these everywhere though? Not much to talk about.
But yeah she's pretty fat.

No. 98061


?? … ?? ugh.

No. 98063

Girls like this on twitch are a dime a dozen. Yawn.

No. 98086

Skinny fat, yo.

No. 98096

is this posted here because of that icy pole video from her stream? Go to the twitch thread, I've known her a few years and she's too generic to have a thread of her own.

No. 98129

self post?

No. 125315

No. 125408

Samefagging what I said from the twitch thread, this whore legit has mental issues.

No. 156040

"The community has closed this channel due to terms of service violations"


No. 156041

obvious selfpost

No. 156042

It's not a self-post. Just finally glad these hoes are getting banned for making light of things like PTSD and wearing triple/double bras to make their boobs larger.

No. 156043

Who fucking cares?

No. 156044

Quality post. You don't care obviously. Great job adding content.

No. 156045

well look at you, the morals police.

a thread already exists for these bitches: >>>/snow/51203

No. 156046

Any thread that starts with "what do you you guys think of…" and provides nothing but flattering photos and links to social media is likely obvious self posting.

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