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No. 976975

Cassia sparkles/cassia crawl/ sia shellz
Cassia is a 30 year old toronto based mermaid obsessed snowflake, who lies about her past to push an oh-so-asethetic narrative, completely wiping out her entire personality from the internet to seem like she's a real life mermaid.

> in 2010, she first appears in the Toronto based progressive metal band Avasinity with green hair.

> originally online as green haired goth/alt model Cassia Sparkles
> in 2014 announced music career as "cassia crawl" and created trip hop, allowing her modelling career to make a nose dive and also being rather lazy about creating music.
> releases "pretty disaster" music video
> started crowdfunding for her album "cult" which only raised 281$ of her 6,000$ goal.
> Cult album was scrapped and in 2015 "Wormwood" was released with the songs "die beatifully" "pretty disaster" "your mermaid" "ghost story (later song title is changed to "when our eyes meet)"
> in 2016 Cassia capitalizes on David Bowie's death with a song called "Starchild" that samples david bowie
> she dyes her hair from green to blue and starts posting less goth related content and more mermaid stuff until her feed being completely swallowed by mermaid posts
> changes speech pattern to mermaid puns
> she changes her name from "cassia crawl" to "sia shellz" and has all her old music removed and any uploads changing her name to Sia SHellz.
> in 2019, cassia appears on "hooked to the look" with the title "i belive i'm a real mermaid" where she insits she's always been mermaid obsessed, and claims to have had blue hair for 10 years.

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Siashells
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/siashells
model mayhem: https://www.modelmayhem.com/CassiaSparkle
Avasinity: https://soundcloud.com/avasinity
failed kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/347990618/cassia-crawls-cult-album
pretty disaster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-zSFxlLyp4
die beautifully live where her hair is NOT blue:
Hooked on the look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feAM3dZeREQ(shit thread)

No. 976978

Maybe it’s me, but she doesn’t seem milky in the slightest. I don’t get how any of those things you’ve listed are bad enough to warrant a thread. Correct if I’m wrong however.

No. 976998

just watched her episode of hooked on the look yesterday. friends and I remarked about how awkward she looked swimming in the tail, totally not graceful at all.

No. 977004

If there is any milk on this whoever, it definitely isn't in the thread summary. In other words shit thread

No. 977015

Not the OP but I just checked her Instagram and it's certainly somethin'

No. 978085

She’s absolutely delusional. The fact that she wants to make herself seem like someone she isn’t is crazy.

No. 978854

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This pic says it all.
Other than that, no milk, shit thread.

No. 1062738

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The only reason I found this thread is because some twit who is a terrible singer and thinks she’s owns the color pink (@kawaiiconic.ali) brought it up and posted a screenshot in her IG story.

If this is a shit thread and there’s no milk do I detect some frenemy sabotage?

No. 1075036

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This is a four month old dead thread in which it decided her friend wasn’t milky. Why is she still checking it??? All she’s doing is bringing more attention to it kek

No. 1198691

I mean, this thread is shit but there is a rumor going around that she’s been buying followers. If anyone followers her, they’d see she went from like 23K to 35K in a day.

No. 1198694

Samefag, but let me explain:

In late 2020, I believe she got verified. Strangely though, she has been involved in an influx of “giveaways” and going through her follower count, they mainly seem like bots. I’ve been lurking her page since I’ve heard the rumor, and I remember she boosted from 15K about 2 years ago to 23K in a day. Sus but whatever.

The thing is, the same type of follower dump happened after she got verified. She she’s been trying to either booster her credibility to try and get more views on her crap or she’s really insecure. Isn’t she pushing on 30? Damn

No. 1198696


So guys, this thread isn’t as shit as it seems, old Sia is catching up to this new mermaid one. I don’t know if this is going to end well for her.

No. 1199424

Eh. Buying followers isn't really milky in and of itself. Unless something bigger comes out about her, I still don't think she's thread-worthy. Either way, op reeks of vendetta

No. 1218215

Honestly surprised there’s no thread about Ali herself, she’s had almost daily meltdowns on her IG stories for months about getting to Japan, and now that she’s finally there she’s having yet more meltdowns because she flew to Japan with - in her own words - 10 USD in her bank account. Bitch is ridiculous.

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