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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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File: 1454780930913.png (34.26 KB, 175x278, 2016-02-06 12_40_23-down with …)

No. 90076

Pretty sure this bitch is either Galaxyprincet, or someone inspired by her.

http://mikantsumikiis.co.vu/ is her tumblr. She mentions having to remake, and she has speshul snowflake pronouns "rei/reiself". Not sure if she has a thread yet, but I couldn't find one and I wasn't sure if I wanted to dig up the Galaxyprincet thread for someone who might not be her.

No. 90077

provide links or caps to drama or gtfo

No. 90078

File: 1454783806813.png (66.71 KB, 842x411, jesus christ.png)

Jesus. You'd think that if they were gonna start fresh, they'd at least stop pulling the same stupid shit that made everyone hate them in the first place? If it's not Galax, I'm concerned for the amount of people that actually buy into this ideology.

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