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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 87277

Riccy Tyler (IRL name: Max English)

Autistic anorexic 19 y/o homosexual otaku emo who pretends he has his own band and says he hates gays, despite being gay himself.

(He isn't from the US nor is he 'murican, he's Irish from Ireland)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Riccy-Tyler-824904027567216/?fref=ts

Email: max1english@yahoo.ie

Twitter: @riccy_tyler

skype: riccytyler

snapchat: riccy_m3

instagram: riccy_tyler

No. 87279

No. 87280


No. 87293

Fuck off, no one cares about this shitstain nobody

No. 87294

So you posted this on two boards, and insisted on bumping the thread on one of the slowest image boards there is? Holy fuck, calm down.

No. 87308

>Autistic anorexic 19 y/o homosexual otaku emo


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