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No. 85226

Talk about people on Instagram that don't deserve their own thread.
This includes "lulzy" Instagram cosplayers.

No. 85237

File: 1453667726069.jpg (56.21 KB, 750x750, redrabbu.jpg)

Oh, yay, I can finally post about her somewhere.


25 year old "model", cosplayer, and furry artist. Also a nude life model. I just found her the other day so I don't really have any dirt, but yikes.

No. 85241

There's already a thread for these people…


Please stop making unneeded threads, ffs.

No. 85242

>>praying that all the selfposters will stop making threads now

No. 85244

That's just Ana's though and if you post someone who's not Ana you get a shit ton of backlash for it

No. 85246

>if you post someone who's not Ana you get a shit ton of backlash for it

We are ANONYMOUS, who the fuck gonna get backlash for posting about some attention whore?

Most people dump all IG related content in that thread, we don't need another instagram thread.

No. 85247

no redeeming qualities whatsoever

No. 85267

Not every Instacow is pro ana, though. This thread is containment for those who make shitty threads for non-skelly nobodies.

No. 85447

why does pull asskiss lcpp

No. 85465

Because she talks shit about Ahripop and calls her a slut and PULL loves it.
But then again, like all of the girls in the Ahripop thread act like 14 year olds trying to be ~so edgy~ by calling her a trashy slut bitch whore or whatever.

No. 85472

Who's lcpp?

No. 85473

Lordcreepypeepee, Ahripop's ex's girlfriend

No. 85490

You mean Ellis's new girlfriend?

No. 93933

when will lunakoto stop self-posting here

No. 93940


Her herself is gross but damn I really like her art. She's really good at exploring other styles

No. 93942


No. 99226

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This girl on Instagram. Madabouttea. she can't match her outfits. hate the thing she do with her lips on all selfies. She always use thousand of hashtags and got a lot of fake followers because of that. She think she is famous and only dress up when she meet her friends.

No. 99264

…and that makes her a cow how?

No. 99275

terrible milk

No. 99447

people who spam tags get more followers because more tags -→ more people who see it -→ more people who like it -→ post gets moved to "top posts" section -→ even more people see it -→ if people like your account, they follow

also a lot of people only dress up in jfash to meet friends or attend meets/festivals/cons.

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