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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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File: 1556382974888.png (4.19 MB, 1242x2208, Photo Apr 22, 3 56 38 PM.png)

No. 800758

>Pretends being underage when doesn't look like
>Sells nudes either
>Asks for money when DM'ed

instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mat.i (DELETED YESTERDAY!)
twitter: https://twitter.com/mahtitty (supposedely)(shit thread)

No. 800762

File: 1556383822787.jpg (868.45 KB, 1080x1080, 25037413_140407703311745_29026…)

Dropping more of her, btw, she has nudes somewhere.

No. 800764

Seems boring.

Go promote somewhere else.

No. 800770

Some random IG thot with lip fillers and breast implants? Sells nudes?? Wow such milk. Much entertainment.

Nice self post btw.

No. 800771

File: 1556387404153.gif (4.11 MB, 281x500, ClutteredFelineArthropods-size…)


Hi mati lol

The photoshop is killing me, thos elbows

in real life she doesn't resemble her pictures at all, wowee

No. 800772

Would anyone give a shit about her if they knew this is how she looks in real life without FaceTune or whatever, just saying

No. 800773

File: 1556387703066.jpg (131.27 KB, 828x1472, 1822227313808779155.jpg)

Dropped pic

No. 800781

Watching her hips blow up in the next frame is actually pretty hilarious. She might be better suited for the serial photoshoppers thread.

No. 800783

This has to be the worst self post thread I've seen in a while.

No. 800793

She looks pretty much the same tbh

No. 800799

imagine being such a instathot failure you self post on lolcow

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