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No. 774736

Luke Turner, famous from his HWNDU art project with Shia Labeouf and rich from being the director of his family's large textile company, is currently obsessively doxxing, screen-capping, responding to and reporting anyone who criticises him. This seems to be the entirety of his new "art practice" now.

This is happening on Twitter:

He claims all of the harassment is "anti-semitic" even though several of his critics are Jewish and people are only talking about him because of his psycho doxxing stalker cop lurker screencap rampage getting people kicked off twitter, making web pages accusing people's real names of "anti-semitism" show up in their google SEO, and lurking accounts that have blocked him to find if they still say BAD THINGS ABOUT HIM.

He keeps very creepy logs of every single person who criticises him like this: http://luketurner.com/Deanna_Havas/

The most CRINGE part is that he considers a "LIKE" on a Tweet that criticises him as being "part of the harassment."

He is so paranoid he thinks every person attacking or just LOLing at him on Twitter- from MAGA trolls to left wing University lecturers- are all part of one big Anti-Semitic Conspiracy.

He had the Sailor Socialism lady "Dasha" with the podcast Red Scare banned from Twitter for saying the word "retard."

He's feeding trolls more and more as it escalates, not less and less.

There is so much more to his psychotic behaviour, and the level of ego you'd need to be fairly rich and famous yet obsessed with documenting any online insult and presenting yourself as the world's greatest "victim" is really disgusting.

The greatest irony is that because he's so toxic and egomaniacal, both left wing and alt-right trolls have come together in their hate for him, so it's true "he will not divide us!"

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