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File: 1545836472831.jpeg (237.02 KB, 1089x1627, 66F48AF6-B492-4291-872D-081F6B…)

No. 754212

Name: Izzabell Arcana
- Black weeb habitual shit started
- Came here to defend herself and WK Micky in the Micky thread
- Self labelled “Queen” of Black Kawaii
- Wears horrible cheap plastic blonde wigs lies about them being lace front
- Tried making an “original kawaii brand” which was just jacked up Taobao stuff. Semi-scammer https://karouselkouture.bigcartel.com/
- Hangs around and defends uglier drama cows to make herself feel better(Micky, Kimmy Claiborne)
- Has shit talked Micky on numerous occasions despite defending her when it’s convienent
- Emphasises being “mixed” when she’s 100% Black
- delusional about her looks
Please add more everyone

Social media links

No. 754214

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Her and a mentally ill cow Bri Hime

No. 754216

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Thinks she’s “gyaru” but posts horrible trash coordinations while shitting on other black girls in the community

No. 754224

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I’m FB friends w her and where do I begin … (excuse typos I’m on mobile)
Izz like many of the girls in KBG group try to come off as accepting and positive but they end up internalizing and projecting their alienation within the KBG group.(pic related) She purposely shits on girls that are prettier than her (and lighter) and will do anything to put herself in the spotlight and if you disagree w her it’s bc “yOu HaTe DaRk pPl!!”) Shes also into DDLG w her bf iirc

No. 754227

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Her new accurate twitter is @dollhousebarb
Which is her YouTube name as well where she can barely get 100 views.
I found the post where she shaded Micky btw but there’s more

No. 754228

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No. 754232

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It amazes me that these girls who look like dog shit like her and Micky have the audacity to talk so badly about people

No. 754233

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No. 754235

Micky, Her and Kimmy talk the absolute MOST about people but all are very ugly. The only reason they have followers is because they give even uglier black girls hope. There’s black kawaii girls who look a million times better than them like HeirOfGlee but they shit on them. If you aren’t fat or if you aren’t super dark skin they will shit on you. If you’re fat and dark skin like Izzabell or Delandra Barbie they will lick your ass lmao

No. 754237

>still wanting to look like a kawaii uguu animu school girl

weebs need to stay away from avant garde japanese fashion.

No. 754240

Dark skin girls can look amazing in blonde. This blonde looks horrible on her and that $20 light in the box wig isn’t working either.

Also can anybody post her ddlg pics? I’m fb friends with her but dont have any saved

No. 754241

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Waiting for Izzabell to wk herself or post this on her Facebook

No. 754244

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One search of KBG on Instagram and it shows there are a TON of actual cute black girls. Thin or thick. Light or dark. It’s sad that instead of uplifting the community they remain toxic and would rather shit talk ppls looks. It’s sad too bc the ppl who follow them are looking for acceptance (being alternative black girls) and they get sucked into their toxicity

No. 754260

anyone who uses that tag is going to be kind of shitty regardless of how they look. but chubby, ugly girls in jfash communities usually always have shit personalities and always bitch and whine.

No. 754600

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No. 754612

They look so fucked holy hell

No. 754639

She don’t look as bad as the beluga whale in the shorts!

No. 754676

this is neither her or a wk, but she actually has a talent at coordinating outfits - at least compared to the usual cow ex. jill. like, picture these on a skinny, conventionally attractive (esp asian) girl and it'd be cute. even her photo editing isn't bad.

damn that's a shame for her lol

No. 754677

Hi izzabell. learn to sage

No. 754683

Her coords are horrible for her body type so no she can’t make good coordinations

No. 754689

>beluga whale
Does Izzabell not know she’s a ham planet???????

No. 754692

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She looks so much better with dark hair and less fat on her body. Her skin also looks better here, whereas in pics like >>754233 she looks almost grey. Ashiness.
You can't afford to be obese and ashy and throw a blond wig on top. It's kind of a shame she's a burnt landwhale, her facial structure isn't bad.

No. 754695

Black more natural hair looks SO much better for her. The platinum blond kanekelon she sports looks horrible. Dark skin women can look good with colored and light hair but Izzabell ain’t one

No. 754706

I feel like if she picked a blonde that fit her skintone more, it wouldn't be so bad. But she just insists on wearing something that just washes her tf out.

I will say though, in >>754216 she looks cute, but definitely would look better with different makeup and black hair. But since all she does is get gassed by her dumb friends, she's not gonna improve upon her appearance.

No. 754713

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anon she's trying to be ganguro in that pic (pic related) so she can't really just change up all the makeup and stuff. the outfit does look fine for her, but it's just generic kawaii and everything about what she's going for looks like shit.

No. 754736

It’s 2019 and ganguro has been dead for like…15 years now. She looks shit

No. 754748


No. 754752

She’s a cow stop WKing. Lipstick alley is for actual celebrities.

No. 754792

Okay, then
>>>/wherever the kawaii black girls facebook group can go ree about eachother besides here/

No. 754807

Oh, shut up. If the Confetti Cult and Onision's Discord Harem can have threads, so can the Kawaii Black Girls group.

No. 754815

dude calm down. i said she looks like shit. who cares if it's """dead""" she shouldn't have any excuse to not look like shit regardless.

No. 754871

Are there actually any normal and pretty black girls into pretty jfashion? Not overly sexy and chubby?

No. 754937

>are there any normal girls into jfashion?


No. 754963

The difference is those two are actually extremely milky and only have one thread on each of them. We have 50 different threads on each one of these bitches instead of a single containment thread and they're never milky, just full of infighting, nitpicking, sperging, vendettas, and other autism. Go ree about eachother somewhere else.

No. 754986

>The difference is those two are actually extremely milky
Nah, that's just your (questionable) opinion. Onion's harem thread is literally just them samefagging, doxxing and vendettaposting about themselves/eachother, while CC is just ugly, poorly-dressed trainwrecks and trannies with nothing too interesting going on with their lives. The Sere, Shiena and "foreigners in Japan" threads are similarly bland and full of samefagging, nitpicking, infighting, etc with soured milk.
I don't go into those threads and bitch about it, though. I just ignore and/or hide them. You are free to do the same, you are not a mod or admin, and Lolcow is not a site made just for your own special tastes.
>Go ree about eachother somewhere else.
I'm not involved with these people, I just find them to be entertaining trainwrecks. Chill.

No. 755026

Some I follow are Randi Nichole Joan, Nyané Lebajoa, melvnin, flowerbattblog, miyabi_pamyu, spookybad, Tiffany Cadillac, cocojin (I think she goes by megaplexx on IG now?), yowaseru, chinthekid, Saiharii. Usagi Pyon was a cute one, but she deleted. Aside from that, there are quite a lot who post in the tags they use on Tumblr and IG.
Of course, only the ugly/fat/milky ones will end up on Lolcow and gas each other up, just like with white people into Jfashion. Also like the white Jfashion community, there are cute ones who "do it right", but in the end, they're all weebs, or part of the larger alt community that's full of shitshows, so.

No. 755086


kek, nice selfpost

No. 755111

Not a selfpost, she was Tumblr-famous in gyaru/weeb circles and popular on /cgl/ as "miyabixlemon" years back. She and Saiharii were the "main" exalted black gyarus for a while, IIRC. A lot of her popularity seems to have died down a lot now that gyaru isn't popular anymore, but she's still pretty and didn't get fat or ugly, so I included her.
I'm surprised that you picked her out of all of them to call "selfpost" on, to be honest.

No. 755168

>full of infighting
The only threads with infighting are amina and Briana both who aren’t in “kawaii” fashion and both have containment threads. The only kawaii fashion threads we have is Kimmy, Micky and now Izzabell none of these have infighting. I know all three especially Izzabell frequent here so I wouldn’t be shocked if she’s trying to get her thread contained

No. 755169

>self post
Anyone in black jfashion community know Miyabi and Saiharii. You must be a new fag or an ugly who only knows the whales from black girls are kawaii. In actual jfashion community everyone laughs at Izzabell, delandra and Micky. We don’t like fatties either

No. 755172

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I hate this ~so positive tehee ~ act now that she’s being dragged. Her and this bri girl start so much shit. They even laughed about mass reporting Sade in the comments of micky’s posts. They makeup both look horrible too especially izzabell

No. 755192

Wasn't Bri also full on sperging over Amina being in Japan too? Izzabell legit has the worst friends.

No. 755203

Yeah that’s her. I would say bri is a cow herself but she’s totally irrelevant

No. 756461

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I know this is old as hell so I saged, but i was taking a look at her twitter. Is this her and her mom? It seems like she made this. Why would she post this lmao? I doubt her mom knew she would actually post this online with her in the background like that? Wtf

No. 756477

Lol I saw that too. She’s weird as fuck for uploading this

No. 757303

It looks like she deleted her FB. Anyone else notice ?

No. 758438

I noticed this too and I'm her friend on there so doubt she blocked me.Her twitter is still up @Dollhousebarb

No. 758543

She can dish it all out but cant take it, huh. She's just like Micky

No. 759193

Yeah she comes here a lot too so it’s not shocking she saw herself here

No. 771641

any updates?(necro)

No. 771853

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She’s back

No. 771854

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No. 771866

Huh? She’s been in school for how long?

No. 772792

Moved to >>>/w/10415.

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