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No. 677732

Petty drama youtuber, pseudo-biomedical scientist and wannabe makeup influencer with a huge victim complex
- started off as a college youtuber but dropped out and started drama videos about the beauty community
- has an unhealthy obsession with Jeffree Star
- his downward spiral began with a dodgy water aid fundraiser where he used beauty influencer Amrezy's crying to sell ringtones
- started a mediocre makeup company which looks like it is sourced from ali express and copied a shade of Jeffree Star's "dirty money"
- Had a failed makeup launch celebration
- created a manipulative hate campaign full of lies against fellow drama channel Peter Monn over Christmas of 2017 by accusing Peter of being a p*do
- Posted on snapchat of himself with a knife to self harm for sympathy
- Carries a peppa pig plush around
- Has just recently been involved in drama with a woman in the USA who he stayed with while travelling because he recorded her and her husband's private conversation and posted it online
- Never apologises and recognises his wrongdoing, instead blames others

Social Media: https://www.youtube.com/user/johnkuckian

No. 677740

1. you missed half the milk
2. this is so late (and there's probably already at least 1 thread for him)
3. p*do? lmao

No. 677741

Doesnt he already have a thread posted a few months ago?

No. 677802

Option one, John's existing thread: >>>/snow/274963

Option two, YT Beauty Gurus general: >>>/snow/268688

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