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No. 66727

I've never seen her up here but she is pretty lol cow worthy so lets discuss.

Tumblr: http://onyourtongue.tumblr.com/post/134128035524
Snapchat: soyfifi
Instagram: @Princesafii

Nigerian 20 yearold from London

No. 66728

For the love of god, people. Don't start threads like "tell me more about this person because I'm too lazy to do my research." Only make threads if you have material to add to it.

No. 66729

tell me about her op.

No. 66730



I really thought you guys would know something about her. I saw her picture and thought she must be a cow and then everyone is mad because nobody knows who this tragedy is. I just want a story but it'll get taken down if its that shitty of a post.

No. 66747

What's up with these newfags lately?? Summer is over…you can tell them apart because they don't link their profiles, and they always say "let's discuss/thought you guys would know about her/haven't seen her posted yet/I don't know much about her but she seems pretty lulzy/tell me about her" et al.

How would we know about her? You didn't tell us she other than
>she is pretty lol cow worthy
>lol cow worthy
>lol cow

No. 66769

Fuck man being ugly and bitchy doesn't come naturally to me you didn't have to fucking tear open my asshole. I just wanted to come be bitter.

No. 66772

wtf is up with those eyebrows

No. 66782

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No. 66802

>posts about some girl because of her appearance
>"she is pretty lol cow worthy"
>being ugly and bitchy doesn't come naturally to me

No. 66836

That's not what this website is. LURK MORE NEWFAG.

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