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No. 649278

>Twentytwo year old youtuber
>Fashion guru and storytime teller
>Tells her life story in chronological order
>Shaded her audience for having certain expectations of the content she puts up whilst she breaches into niches nobody signed up to her channel for
>Quit her job as a pizza delivery to do Youtube full time at only 30k subs (now almost 50k)
>Got married at only 17 with a drug addict loser after escaping from a correctional facility (mentioned in her storytimes)
>Closed her last twitter account because her marriage certificate with said person got allegedly leaked
>Did a bad job at concealing her ex husband's name for her storytimes (naming him after his real first name only with its final letter missing), and got pissed at her fanbase for finding public information on him, such as his mugshots. Her ex husband can be easily found by looking up her old "scene name", Stormy Lux, that she herself mentioned in the video where she roasted her old instagram content. A channel under her old name, Stormy Hollingsworth, is still up to this day, said surname belonging to her ex husband. She threatened her viewers with lawsuits for finding said information.
Only video available in her Stormy Hollingsworth channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbPh9zCxIFc&feature=youtu.be
>Has possibly lied about a lot of people in her videos, who have been confirmed to be real with simple google searches, making her an ideal subject for defamation suits considered the poor effort in keeping secretive many identities in her mentions
>Encouraged another youtuber named Kyeluh to do storytimes inspired by hers. Said youtuber proceded with the idea giving credit to Stormy where due, only to get backstabbed by her with accusations of copying her stormytimes
Twitter rant on Stormy by Kyeluh: https://twitter.com/kyeluh/status/994809414929534979
>Was supposed to meet up with youtuber Kyeluh at vidcon, who she deliberately ditched and accused of ghosting

>Her first adoptive father is an inmate in TDCJ Ellis Unit. He was sentenced to life without parole for continued sex abuse of a child. The court records can be found on google.
>Some of the addresses linked to her ex husband's mugshots don't line up with the chronology of her stories.
>The catfish account from her first storytime can still be found on Facebook.
>One of her old youtube channels feature videos she used to film during highschool.
>A very present detail in her story times is her ex husband's mustang, of which a video who he filmed years ago was found up and thriving on youtube.
>Stormy's current boyfriend liked a few of her ex husband's photos on his now inactive instagram account.
>Her grandma has shaded her in multiple occasions on Facebook, following a few (check comments section):

Social media accounts:
(Current) Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFLYo0T5ePn5x6FtRaCOJYw
(Current) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/storm.xc/
(Inactive) Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6EjngecBoh4R6ZZCrd4DFQ
(Inactive) Twitter: https://twitter.com/Stormii_H
(Inactive) Twitter: https://twitter.com/StormiiLuxx
(Inactive) Twitter: https://twitter.com/StormiiLux
(Inactive) Twitter: https://twitter.com/Stormiiluxury
(Inactive) Tumblr: http://stormiiluxury.tumblr.com/
(Inactive + Broken Vids?) Keek: https://ugc.keek.com/profile/stormiiluxury
(Inactive) Ask: https://ask.fm/stormiiluxury
(Inactive) Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/stormiilux/?autologin=true
(Inactive) WeHeartIt: https://weheartit.com/StormiiLuxx
(Inactive) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stormy.hollingsworth?ref=br_rs
(Inactive) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stormii.lux.1?ref=br_rs
(Inactive) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008341005142
(Inactive) Twitter: https://twitter.com/StormyBrianna
(Inactive) Youtube w/ current boyfriend: https://www.youtube.com/thesecretstash
(Inactive) Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbPh9zCxIFc&feature=youtu.be

No. 649280

Kyeluh made a video explaining why she quit making story times.

Watch here: https://youtu.be/fB0PVT7LIp4

No. 649283

This is very detailed and all but how is stuff like
>Encouraged Kyeluh to do storytimes inspired by hers
>Was supposed to meet up with youtuber Kyeluh at vidcon
>Kyeluh quit making story times.
of interest to lolcow?

With three mentions of the same butthurt Youtuber this ends up looking like a nitpick/vendetta.

No. 649289

Sorry if it sounds irrelevant to you, I personally don't know Kyeluh but I thought it was worth documenting since it's all drama surrounding the cow. The youtube video of Kyeluh discloses information on her drama with Stormy. Unfortunately, Stormy's last twitter account was deactivated and I couldn't link her tweets instead of Kyeluh's, I hope you understand.

No. 649291

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This is the way she treats her fanbase

No. 649307

oh dear god, i actually LOATHE this cow…she is very milky…i watched her story…oh excuse me "stormy times" all because of the Catfish thing..which seemed super farfetched anyway…then it all started getting ridiculous…stopped watching when she started fighting her foster home mom about a stereo and her child marriage fell apart over some horses or something

she remembers far too many intricate details and conversations for me to believe her stories tbh

oh and she and says "and shit" & "fuckin'" like it's nobody's business, talk how you like..I don't care but she sounds like a 13 year old.

I call bullshit on most of her life, she probably stopped telling her "stormy times" because no one believes them anymore (did they ever?)

repost bc didn't sage

No. 649311

>very milky
>embellishes stories on YT
Still missing some milk. You also don't need to shout about why you reposted something.

No. 649313

Doesn't seem milky at all

No. 649331


You have to watch her storytimes to understand why she's an actual cow. She's still very new to the YouTube scene so if you're after internet dramas you might need to wait a bit on that, but considering how difficult she's been with all of her foster parents as a kid, and how bitchy she is to this day with her fanbase and to another fellow storytime youtuber, I wouldn't be surprised if we get good milk out of her in the near future. She has accused several people of very grave crimes in her videos, and she definitely has one of the craziest life stories on the site. She's very similar to Tana Mongeau in a sense, but less loud and more put-together. Oh, and with real stories (that surprisingly have more shock value).

No. 649341

She's still telling her story on YouTube. I highly recommend you to keep on watching because it manages to go dowhill each new video she releases. It's crazy she's accusing so many people of theft, rape, violence etc. KNOWING her fanbase uncovered all of their identities. I can understand why on the outside she doesn't seem milky at all, but once you watch her videos and learn that the characters in her stories are real people, you start to question a lot of things. She's even making merch out of her story time series, which came off as very tactless and disrespectful to me. Her current timestamp in her latest updates is about four-five years ago, which is not even that long ago. I fail to empathize with her making a show of such unfortunate events that involve so many other kids' lives.

No. 649373


I TRIED watching more, just here and there but she's so annoying i just can't…

when i heard about the drama that went down awhile ago and she made the video crying and stuff i did some digging and found the facebooks and whatnot but didn't do much more after that, might have to give it another shot…I do remember vaguely her accusing someone of getting her drunk and drugging her and raping her iirc??

i had no idea she was STILL telling the story because 1) I unsubbed awhile ago and 2) apparently she was "so pissed" that people were digging

but wow making merch off it? are you fucking kidding me? that really is low…

No. 649403

Maybe instead of asking us to watch all her videos, you can highlight some milky moments? Then we can get a feel for what's happening. Like all these points you're referring to -show us something to support them.

No. 649492

Seconding this. I watched the first chunk of her videos while cleaning my house now and then but never kept up because there's just so many. I definitely think there's a lot to discuss but if someone could write up a brief summary of the main drama of the videos it would be great. I would do it if I had seen them all.

No. 685742

No. 695369

She nuked her channel.

No. 695764

>Tells her life story in chronological order

I think this is my favourite attempted milk ever lmao

No. 824020

Current instagram is now inactive and she is no longer engaged, they broke up

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