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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 58365

Jenna Kellen

This girl is a train wreck and half. Wana be model who claims not to have Anorexia yet runs around posting photos of herself trying to look as thin and bony as possible.
Delusional little snowflake.

No. 58368

A model for what with those scars? Bio oil before picture?

No. 58369

okay, enough. enough fucking threads from you stupid newfag a too dense to read the goddamn rules.

give us some links. give us milk. and post this shit in the instagram Ana thread, that's why it's fucking there, so morons like you don't fill up the board with these pointless threads lacking any substance.

No. 58381


Smoke a bowl and calm down. Christ.

No. 58393

Fuck off. Not even the Anon you're replying to, but people like OP and enablers like you are the faggots who are going to ruin the quality of this chan.

>go smoke a bowl and chill out

Jesus christ you're some underage B& faggot who isn't out of their 'look at me I'm a stoner!' Phase, aren't you?

No. 58402

Has anyone else noticed ever since the Ember shit hit the fan there's been a ton of ana bitches selfposting here?

No. 58403

Literally everyone noticed.

No. 58427

I also remember seeing a screenshot of some asshole posting a link to lolcow on fucking MPA.
This shit is gettin' real stale.

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