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No. 572090

(Highly requested thread)

Lest we forget that Maggie Lindemann accused Kesha of lying about rape and has her own weird brand of pseudo-feminism that doesn't apply to anyone prettier or more talented than she is. Also, there are virtually no videos or images of her that haven't been photoshopped by her media team! She looks pretty happy here for someone who's just been exposed as a catfish. Let me dive into the milk.

>is a pseudo celebrity who got big when justin bieber tweeted her singing video 6 years ago

>got into an argument with prettier, more talented and arguably more moral friend, Madison Beer, also a singer
>is a literal catfish
>possesses none of the features she photoshops herself to have in selfies and videos, although her editing team who handle her videos of her do a crappier job of shooping her
>vehemently denies having lip fillers, and has even photoshopped images of her as an infant to try and prove this
>literally released a song called "pretty girl" and instead of being an uplifting song encouraging confidence, it's just a massive ego stroke, featuring heavily edited/blurred video clips of her
>entire career is based on dishonesty and lying about being pretty
>literally impossible to find all but one set of paparazzi photos which aren't photoshopped to literal holy hell
>not really famous, just born in a rich white family who paid for her to have plastic surgery pretty young, considering she looks totally different in photos pre-15
>constantly tweets about how "other girls" use photoshop, kek
>constantly tweets about how "i like to keep it real w u guys!!! i would let u know about photoshop or surgery!!!"
>just an insufferable "im not like other girls" girl
>basically a trash rape apologist
>overall just a photoshopping, lying catfish
>receipts for her bullshit can be found with a simple google(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 572137

This chick still out here acting a fool,I remember she also use to buy paparazzi to take pictures of her.

No. 572156

Can you post said receipts instead of creating a thread for this no name and expecting farmers to care and bump it?

No. 572162

>literal catfish

That gave me a chuckle OP
But where are the receipts? Post some screenshots.

No. 668150

Sage for bumping an old thread but I saw this ad for sunglasses and thought of this thread. Her mid section is pretty chunky without photoshop, she's fairly deluded about how she looks.

No. 668152

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Dropped pics oops

No. 668153

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No. 671388

File: 1535045761691.jpeg (314 KB, 750x1285, A0D1A726-672E-4DBA-A70B-624F7D…)

Is she in TP’s circle?

No. 671401

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Where the fuck do I know this bitch from? I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a thread of her on a different site like PULL or kf or something.

No. 671434

Why cover Ellise's face?

Maggie and Ellise are besties, Elisse is dating yunggoth, soundclout circles have collided.

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