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No. 550773

Can we get a thread started on Hanari?

- Makes claims of sexual assault originally on her Tumblr.
- " Doesn't want to start drama "
- Name Drops on Instagram and starts drama
- Shows choppy " Reciepts" to back up her claims
- Full receipts start coming out showing everything
- Claims to get medication for Seizures. Its medicine for a UTI.
- People start to notice what she's saying doesn't add up
- "Going on Hiatus" and continues to post.
- This gave me PTSD but I'm getting better now!
- Buys costumes and claims she made them
- "I'm a terrible person"…. "Why do people hate me?"
- " Yes this is an attention seeing call because Im allowed to seek attention when I'm feeling horrible"

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HanariCosplay/
Tumblr: http://hanari502.tumblr.com/

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Hanari502

Instagram: Hanari502

Receipts: https://www.instagram.com/amoxicillinforseizures/?hl=en

No. 551700

Rae oppar will never lick your vag, sorry op. Fuck off with your witch hunt. This shit is already dead.

No. 551850

Post her in the cosplay thread if there's any milk.

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