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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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File: 1522421214772.png (731.44 KB, 662x771, naturestemper.PNG)

No. 541551

people want a thread about naturestemper, so here it is.
>24 yrs old
>interested in bestiality
>full of rage
do not share real names when you reply
do not fabricate stories(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 541565


I have no idea who this Skott Pye is, but you neglected to include his other accounts such as, but not limited to:


Proof or citations of drama?

OP anons need to up their game.

No. 541567

File: 1522421631867.png (28.39 KB, 1226x93, fucksheep.PNG)

No. 541568

File: 1522421649606.png (24.54 KB, 849x106, littlegirl.PNG)

No. 541571

File: 1522422148185.png (39.91 KB, 795x362, rip.PNG)

No. 541576

File: 1522422236327.png (381.69 KB, 1409x773, ripgyazo.PNG)

i mean rly?

No. 541584

LOL daddy

No. 541586

No. 541600

feels gay

No. 541636

File: 1522425060412.jpg (20.93 KB, 600x450, full.jpg)

a classic

No. 541639

File: 1522425449698.jpg (417.98 KB, 2304x1456, 123989845.jpg)

>>541600 Gay? hes not gay
hes homophobic(samefagging)

No. 541643

Ur not from our group whos this?

No. 541657

We want a thread we have a group.

No. 541661

he said no real names.

No. 541664

WTF where did you find dat???(samefagging)

No. 541665


What group?

Are you bringing isolated drama from your group to this site?

PS Learn to sage.


Skott Pye is the name of the subject of the thread.


Read the rules.

No. 541748

File: 1522431976630.jpg (68.43 KB, 1117x632, sk3.jpg)


No. 542386

He attempted suicide 10 yrs ago. Cause of a goth chick.

No. 542388

STOP you’re putting us in danger.
Delete it

No. 542392

I don't give a shit.
He'll always love you relax he doesn't have many friends
he'll be a lil pissed off tho
Samefagging LMAO Who the fuck is that.

No. 542393

Few people know his password was dragon55
he'll know for sure his not stupid

No. 542396

there’s always a fuckin idiot who fucks everythin up

No. 542399

feels good

No. 542403

Your a sociopath

No. 542407

Aint you?
upload the nasty pics you hacked.
Fatal blow xd

No. 542426

File: 1522504414171.png (32.69 KB, 947x282, 1.PNG)

No. 542427

File: 1522504439328.png (31.15 KB, 1375x284, 2.PNG)

nigger nigger

No. 542429

Enough she’s my friend
It’s a mistake

No. 542434

File: 1522506071902.jpg (64.35 KB, 680x680, Mmm straight up speechless _ef…)

'Friend' LOL
sneaking around behind their backs

No. 542447

his stupid arts
he always thinks his the tallest and strongest among everyone
a goddamn narcissist
but it's been many years honestly he needs a testosterone test

No. 542468

Retard you are likely to be found out cus they don't have many mutual friends

No. 542484

File: 1522510495896.png (25.14 KB, 666x86, djkjikopddksam.PNG)

we too skottu

No. 542504

He did tweet that he wanted to fuck animals but deleted it shortly after.

No. 542520


I'm sure none of you guys needs a testosterone test.

You are all guys, yeah? We could really use more real men around here.

No. 542567

no we couldn't. get out.

No. 542584


Turn on your sarcasm detector, anon.

No. 542648


So tell us all about your group. It sounds cool, bro.

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