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No. 523503

There's been a Sheena Duquette thread, but none about the members of AH. Kind of disappointing, since they don't seem to be half the friends as they make themselves out to be.
E.g. Geoff's obvious depression and his attentionmongering comments in Off Topic, Michael's bitchy comment in the Salt Raid "we're not friends, we're coworkers", Ray's departure and their subsequent silence about anything that has to do with him.

Maybe there isn't any dirt on either of them, but I'd really like to see some. Tumblrfags make them out to be one giant ~family~ but I'm sure some of them can't stand each other.
/snow/ for tinfoil.



No. 523564

interesting just to see other peoples perspective on them, i used to be such a huge fan - watched almost every video. It felt like the bigger they got, the more productions they did etc the further and further they felt from a big family to just people working together. The chemistry is just…. off.

No. 523644

Yeah, they seem to be tired of everything now. Especially GTA and Minecraft, it's not like any of them hide their dislike because it's so chewed out.
I remember the small-ass office of 2013-2014, but they all just seemed to have so much fun. Now the channel's doing well, but especially Geoff, Ryan and Gavin seemed to have lost their enthusiasm.

Not to mention Jack is straight up an ass to Lindsay at times, Ryan bitches about every little thing and even motor-mouth Michael seems tired of the BS. Ryan and Jeremy even talked about quitting eventually some videos back if they ever moved.

No. 523738

geoff is also pretty insufferable lately and idk if that’s just me

No. 523753


I think Geoff is insufferable lately because of both his depressive mood and his divorce as of late. Especially in the recent sky factory series he's REALLY adamant about how bad of a father he is and whatnot

No. 523756

Hearing about their divorce really bummed me out. I remember when I stopped watching them he was just getting sober and things seemed to be looking up, sounds like he’s gone pretty downhill…
Honestly imo Michael is the insufferable one, I’m not sure what it is - his attitude or something, but he seems super pretentious and like interacting with fans is annoying for him or something

No. 523800

I always thought there was some irony to them letting Meg Turney go as a host because she was ~too sexy on her social media~, yet they keep Jessica Nigri around. Hmm.

No. 523873

The reason is because even neckbeards can't stand Meg, atleast nigiri seems to get along with her male fanbase pretty well. And Meg keeps harping on feminism and anyone with half a brain knows that those types of annoying feminists drive away gamer audiences which are their entire fanbase. If they keep letting meg in they might as well just invite Zoe quinn

No. 523885

Michael used to have that "fuck everything" appeal, and also was genuinely sweet besides his rage quit persona.
Now he's adopted that asshole mentality IRL. He was really nice when he started off at RT, but fame's kind of gotten to him, I suppose.

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