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No. 514610

>accused a friend of raping someone
>claimed to be trans and made a gofundme, took donations and went back to being cis
>told a victim of a car wreck that they deserved it
>accused ex of abuse
>admits to leaking ex's nudes
>tried to get restraining orders on multiple people for being honest with her, she lost all cases
>broke a girls rib with a hammer while working at a haunt
>blamed several people for egging her car, with no proof
>Stood someone up for a date,left them STRANDED 30 min away from their home
>accused multiple friends of ditching her and shown erratic behavior
>made threats to said people she tried for restraining orders

https://www.facebook.com/kaeden.axel(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 514762

not trying to mini-mod, but is this person known at all? all i see is a regular facebook page. would people know them from tumblr or an irl scene or interest or anything?

No. 514763

i guess what i'm asking is do they actually have a following/are they actually an online personality? because just a personal fb page and out of context allegations doesn't suggest that.

No. 514765

Any links to other social media accounts (tumblr, twitter)? Screenshots of what makes her worth having a thread on

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