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No. 510355

Jaquie Blake Beckwith, AKA chronically_jaquie, is one of the general Munchausen's/OTT thread’s (current thread >>>/snow/498309) Munchie Queens.

That's right Munchies! For the low price of "your soul" Adjustable Jaquie herself will teach you the ins and outs of lying to your doctors to get exactly what you want!

Buy now and she'll teach you how to go from functional human to "Adult Disabled Toddler Barbie" in just ONE YEAR!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chronically_jaquie
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/helper_dog_harlow
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKaX0dQwEUgTafzCZ2yEjUQ
new Google Doc spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NSkEmPhXjkaO2q0MjJ3NUAPwwZv7tGff2VCJrOUp598/edit#gid=0

-She collects diagnosis from one main doctor (Dr. QuackoMoneyBags) but refers to her medical "team" all the time.
- She has a Patreon for people to pay her to be "sick" but rarely follows through on her promises.
- She contradicts herself 99% of the time. The realest illnesses she has are mental illnesses, but she denies having those.
- She has two newly-separated button tubes but shoves crap food into her pie hole most of the day. Claims she cannot tolerate her formula, and has to get a special type, but can eat fried crap.
- She has a service dog (Harlow) who does tasks that she is quite capable of doing (like grabbing a blanket across the room).
- Her service dog does not get worked the way a service dog should. (10/10 Doggo)
- She will not respond to messages online (except on her Patreon) because of "safety issues". When she does respond she's a major bitch because of "muh autism".
- She will not allow people to send her mail because she is too sick but galavants through Disney all the time.
- Refers to herself as a "genetic anomaly".
- Claims to have EDS, POTS, MCAS, narcolepsy, cataplexy, autism, unspecified immune problems, a mutated mitochondria, Complex Bullshit Disorder, and too many other things. Surprisingly, Factitious Disorder is not on her list.
- She appears to be copying Mary Frey and other chronically ill people, but has skin walkers and Jaquie wannabes that follow her every move.
- She loves her pain medications Special K, Tor-uh-dawl, and di-lah-dud.

She enjoys deleting comments that call her out, and has an excuse or explanation for everything, something that is found psychologically in pathological liars.

Everyone is "sick" of her lies. Feel free to discuss her to your heart's content.

Previous thread >>>/snow/504054

No. 510366

Loving the new cover photo!

No. 510485

Is it just me or does the photo on the right look like a prison mugshot

No. 510509

it really does, it's the side on angle and total expressionless face I think

No. 510522

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Another call out post about our AJ.
People are emboldened and aren’t afraid to speak their piece now.

No. 510523

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No. 510526

Aw man who posted this

No. 510527

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They’d prefer to stay anonymous. A lot of people don’t like their names popping up on this site.

No. 510530

someone else posted yet another call out but the account is locked so idk if we're allowed to post here?

No. 510533

i would say so, just cover the username

No. 510539

That makes sense! I can’t believe with all those diagnoses she doesn’t have munchausens or factitious disorder on there anywhere…

No. 510544

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I assume they aren't a cow themselves, so I think it'd be decent to ask them first. That's purely my personal opinion though.

So it's finally happening. The question remains: will se ever adress this kind of postings in her vlogs?

This is a screenshot from the reactions to Julians post. Since he was on this boards as non-anon, I assume he doesn't mind if people know who he is.

He didn't mention her name, but it is very clear from the reactions that a lot of people know all to well which "certain person" he is refering to..

No. 510555

Janjan 'addressed' people saying her cough is fake in today's vlog. Says she finds the comments 'funny' and she "must have fooled her pulmonologist and he's given her way too many inhalers" looks away repeatedly. She was also heartbroken to break the news that her prometheus test came back normal - at least now she won't have to justify why Paul works full time with Crohn's and she does fuck all!! Also some port talk at the beginning of the video, with jan giddy with glee at being shown what she can look forward to.
This cow annoys me to no end.

No. 510557

This thread is being locked due to our townhall discussion last sunday.

No. 510558

Regarding Jaq's port stuff, Jan says something like "so I have all this to look forward to soon". So she at least seems to think she'll be getting a port.

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