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No. 48592

Thought it might be a cool idea to have a thread where we can discuss shit posted on BtB?

No. 48614

Only 14 secrets this week? damn.

No. 48813

I miss gyaru secrets

No. 48828

Me too. Those girls were vicious.

No. 48829

I miss the Ashley and Shiena drama lmao

No. 49203


gyaru secrets was fucking amazing… btb is alright but nowhere near as psycho :(

No. 49336

I've unfortunately never experienced gyaru secrets. Can anyone post some?

Same. I was really disappointed.

No. 49351

Just type gyaru secrets on google man

No. 51149

Did anyone figure out who that SF secret is about? (13 in last week's secrets)

No. 51414

The secrets submission post is supposed to come out today, right?

Sorry, this is just my first time attempting to post a secret so I never looked into it that much before now. Is the time it goes up always random?

No. 51441

Oh, yeah. Without fail there are secrets every month about the mods not getting the secrets or submission field up on time. Can't wait to read your secret, farmer!

No. 60360

Does Gyaru Secrets even update anymore?

No. 60438

Every once in a while they do, but there's not much to update about

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