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No. 47197

So what exactly happened with Andrea back in the late 00's?

I didn't come on /cgl/ until late 2011. I was a big fan of IK before but I noticed all these people talking about what a bitch she was and how much drama she had on /cgl/. I was late to the party so I never got to find out about her dark past. ;____;

Is anyone willing to explain to a newfag what the hell she did to get so hated? Curiosity has been killing me for years.

No. 47245

From what I friends of her's have told me, it's just that she's really controlling of her close friends, and really doesn't mind doing what she needs to be the center of attention. I don't think she's done anything as bad as other cosplayers on this board, but she's just very ego-centric. I believe she's the only child?

No. 47258

There was drama about how she lived with her friends but didn't pay for rent or for her own food. She just mooched off of them and spent all her money on cosplay and other shit for herself instead, expected them to take care of her.

Apparently she also tried taking another girl's man? I think her name was Heidi. They had some feud and thankfully Andrea got her butt kicked on that one. I also vaguely remember hearing that she had a sex with another girl's boyfriend and caused that relationship to end. There was also some story about how she lied about having a deadly disease to hide the fact that she was anorexic.

She was friends with JJ too, and apparently shit hit the fan between them as well.

I wish I had paid more attention to her drama threads because they were juicy.

No. 59694

She recently moved to Arizona with Alli of JJ and Alli fame, but apparently decided to move back to New Jersey with a boyfriend? It seems like she is keeping all her drama quiet now, or no one is saying anything.

No. 60169

She's back?

No. 71855


So is Alli still in Arizona or has she moved elsewhere too? It looks like she might have a new boyfriend.

No. 83283

Seems like something must've happened between her and Alli. You can definitely tell they haven't been as buddy buddy as they were before

No. 83669

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Apparently IK caused some issues at TaiyouCon.

No. 83683

Is this the same person who cosplayed homestuck with mostflogged and makes nice costumes? Isn't she married?

No. 83698

I never met her in person, but I knew a guy that dated her for a while probably around 2009 or so? I can't remember, but apparently she was a big bitch and very jealous. But the guy she dated was kind of a manslut anyway. They weren't together very long bc it was long distance and I think she was older than him. Sorry I don't know more than that, it was ages ago. But she I remember her sending him photos of herself that he kept on his desk lol

No. 84077

She had some gofundme last summer I think trying to get people to pay for her to go to Japan to see some concert lmfao

No. 84171

Wow whaaaat she's still at it? get a real job man.

No. 84232

No. 85083

$275 of $2,000… wow that's kind of sad.

No. 85357

She still went to the concert of course

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