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No. 435407

I saw people on the Tearzah/Faedoll thread mention ReinaGoth a bit so I decided to make a new thread..
>Traces Tearzah/RottenGinma/Deep Sea Prinsoner/Bleedman
>Guilt trips & suicide bates friends to keep them from leaving her
>Draws CP of her 12 year-old OC and considers herself a lolicon + Pedophile supporter
>Maybe into DDLG??
>Changed OC's age to 18 so she can continue drawing nsfw

>Fanbase praises them UwU aesthetic

>RottenGinma is 18 & has an inappropriate relationship with Reina who is 13/14

>Gaslights & encourages Reina
>Obsessed with pedophilic relationships
>Extreme narcissist

\/ Everything you need to know \/

Tumblr -
Deviantart - https://younggoth.deviantart.com/gallery/
Twitter -
Facebook -

No. 435419

Where's the milk? This is all boring as shit. At least post screenshots of the juicy stuff.

No. 435420

She basically draws underage characters in intimate relationships and is someone of adult age in a relationship with a fresh teen. There was a huge thread about her on Twitter and her pedophilia statements and proof of her tracing. Other than that, there's not much else on this calf.

No. 435441

Yeah, I guess she hasn't done as much as Tearzah.. no one has lmao

No. 435447

Her "CP is disgusting" quote seriously disgusted me. Idc how old she is honestly she's nasty. But she's just another pedo who thinks art of 5 y/os being raped is cute, like shad and all the others. Maybe a "Pedo general" thread is more appropriate on this just one lone baby pedo.

No. 435449

I meant "CP is delicious" bitch I'm drunk I need to get offline.

No. 435450

She said that she is going to be as infamous as shad IM WHEEZING

No. 435459

It's not CP if it's a drawing ffs, it's lolicon. You're greatly minimizing the horror of CP by equating the two.
And does she even draws porn really? With that shitty anatomy I doubt it.

No. 435469

You know there is a lot of lolicon that is traced over CP because if you just redraw it and stylize it people like you will say "uwu theres a difference!" and then pedos are free to enjoy getting off to the idea of kids being raped all day.
Also, lolicon is still used to groom actual kids.
I speak as a CSA victim who was groomed with both actual irl CP alongside lolicon art/gifs/videos. Maybe that's because the pedophiles who did it were weebs, but honestly anyone who actively gets off to art of children/underdeveloped bodies IS a pedophile and it's not at all hard to believe that yes they DO harm actual kids too.

No. 435479

>It's not CP if it's a drawing
Lord, here we go.

No. 435491

File: 1512109326824.png (122.04 KB, 398x309, 1511238890702.png)

I knew this thread would attract this type ugh

No. 435506

>Do not post about subjects under the age of 16.
Keep her in the RottenGinma thread

No. 435517

actually had no idea they used rotoscopy for lolicon, wow
I'm really sorry for your experiences, anon, but I still think there is a distinction that should be made - not to imply that lolicon is in any way ok, it fetishises abuse , reiterates pedophilic behaviour and can unfortunally, be used for grooming

It's just, from my point of view, the harm that comes from lolicon seems secundary. If it existed in a vacuum it wouldn't really harm someone but the mere existence of CP requires someone to be harmed, I didn't want to imply that it's ok, sorry.

I totally agree that everyone who actively gets off to art of children/underdeveloped bodies is a pedophile, I just think there is a lot more harm involved in CP than in lolicon

sage for OT, I will reevalute my point of view, keep talking about the snowflake

No. 435734

First of all, this thread shouldn't even exist bc she's so young.
Secondly, a lot of those OCs look similar but not directly copied? I'l be honest, I know nothing about this kid other than what I'm seeing here and other than the pedo stuff I don't really get the problem. She's a kid.

No. 436118

>>"Other than drawing little girls being abused, I don't get the problem, she's a kid!!"
Yeah no the "uwu she's just a kid it's okay" excuse doesn't really work in this situation. She is old enough to know better. A teen saying "eheheh I like CP!~ CP is delicious!~" Is still gross af and you're an idiot if you think her age has any bearing on that.

No. 436119

But yes, this thread should not exist, not because of her age because that doesn't matter and she deserves it, but because it's just going to attract pedophiles to defend their kin.

No. 437205

Subject can not be about anyone who is underage(under 16 no exception) so this thread will be locked.

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