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No. 410739

You all are so insane. You whine and complain about people who have debilitating illnesses and claim that they are just lazy, but I see a hell of a lot of posts shaming others. Tell me, are you a licensed physician? Have you educated yourselves on these illnesses you claim are fake?

POTS and EDS can be very debilitating. They come in various severities. A person can have a very mild form of EDS, and another can have difficulty getting out of bed due to pain and periodic paralysis.

Periodic paralysis. It’s a very real thing. Look it up.

I know people who have POTS/dysautonomia and can barely leave home due to their BP and heart rate going crazy just by going to the bathroom. I have a friend who has gone into hypovolemic shock due to dysautonomia.

While EDS can be mild at times, it is a connective tissue disorder. Our bodies do not process collagen effectively, resulting in very faulty collagen. That affects EVERYTHING. And you know what? Doctors are so insanely uneducated on this horrible disease. It is a fairly newly discovered illness, only becoming an official diagnosis in the 90s. So many doctors refuse to read a fucking textbook when a patient comes in with EDS. We are so commonly ignored and made fun of due to lack of knowledge.

So before you post shit on these people, put yourself in their shoes. Don’t be an asshole. I wouldn’t wish any of these illnesses on my worst enemy, and I sincerely hope none of you have to come across it in the future.


No. 410740

Which one are you?

No. 410746

1. Many of us here have those illnesses
2. The munchie thread isn’t for people who are legitimately sick and aren’t attention whores
3. You sound like you copied that from that super cringe eds society that doesn’t even check to see if people actually have eds
4. You are a cuntface douchebag who is narcissistic enough to make a whole thread to whine. Enjoy getting banned.

No. 410749

Call me what you want, but I’m not out here judging people based on their social media statuses because they talk about their illnesses. You guys are straight up bullies and I personally know some of the people who have been made fun of. You can’t judge a book by its cover. You all are quite possibly the most disgusting pieces of shit that I have ever come across. You obviously have no lives since you’re dedicating most of your time to bullying these poor souls.

No. 410752

I must add that it’s pretty fucking hypocritical for you to call a person narcissistic over making a thread to “whine,” when that’s what this whole site does, but on a much greater scale because these people don’t look like they’re ill, even though most of these people have what doctors like to call invisible illnesses. Contradicting much?

No. 410758

Lmao bitch, if you know in your heart that your illnesses are real, why waste any energy on "insane" people on some anonymous gossip board who call you a liar?


>I personally know some of the people who have been made fun of

Bull fucking shit. You are one of them. Ffs, I hardly ever browse the thread you're talking about, yet you're still so transparent it's hilarious.

No. 410761

I have actually had it confirmed by at least 5 doctors that my illnesses are real, and I don’t even post it on social media much, so no, I am not one of those people. I do know some of them.

My question to you is: if you really have these illnesses, you should know the feeling when someone belittles you for your symptoms. Why would you do the same to someone else? It’s bullshit. You all are so fucking hypocritical it’s hilarious. Have fun making yourself look like an even bigger asshole, cunt.

No. 410768

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