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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 344274

>Onion continues to sperg about Jaclyn's "disgusted body" while her and Richie milk his sperging for $$$.

>Gretchen once again pulls the false dmca card outta his ass towards Richie, Jaclyn, Joy and Blaire. There may be consequences from this…

>After a deluded Lainey, minions and Onion realize that Grease's lack of emotion in a recent texts video; Lainey tries to cover his ass with a spontaneous "lulz so rand0m3!" tasting vegan food, they come out looking worse for the public. (Lol)

>The Onions decided to copy Shane, Jenna and Billie for a punx rawk tutorial, only for Gertrude to fantasize about Billie again.

>Onion boy attempts at veganism again…for the 9,002nd time.

We're far deep into the rabbit whole now, let's continue.

Previous thread: >>>/pt/400540

No. 344278

Meant to put links if needed:


Oh and one more thing, Taylor has found potential Onion poly victim #2.

No. 344279

did you get lost on the way to /pt/ ?

No. 344280

How does someone manage to be simultaneously malnourished and also a fat fuck?

No. 344282


Rules stated all treads should be posted to /snow/ before staff moves them to /pt/

No. 344283


Threads* shit

No. 344284

ah okay.
wHY does he look so fucking haggard, what is up with his body? Jesus Christ Plainey can do better.

No. 344286

it looks like an old photo from the Shiloh days.
His hair's longer and his skin isn't fire engine red (not just from the roseacea, but from also being deathly embarrassed of the human being whose innards it's covering)

No. 344290


It's from post-Shiloh pre-Lainey actually.

No. 344293

I don't think that counts with already established cows.

No. 344294

Let's just start over instead of moving this thread to /pt/…

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