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No. 336618

Since incels were banned, I present another untapped resource.

A lot of people have become self-aware of what happens when you post stupid shit online. A large section of Indian men have not, they will send the most gruesome and hilarious posts to women for no reason. They do legit think that western women are whores and will have sex with them if they ask, and will send nudes if they ask a woman to show "verginer".

What qualifies as Pajeet posting? For example,
>india is superpower by 2040
>show vargina
>hi I love you
>u whore dont insult india ill rape your mum!

Providing links is hard, since all you need to do is go to any Indian FB-site or Indian reddit and start digging
>https://www.reddit.com/r/NRIBabes/ (NSFW)

No. 336619

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No. 336620

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No. 336621

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No. 336622

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No. 336624

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No. 336631

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No. 336635

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No. 336638

off topic but why were incels banned??

No. 336639

Shit thread, doesn't belong in /snow/, no race baiting, etc etc etc

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