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No. 334615

Nawaji-Wolf/Takura/Jennifer Tomlin has been stirring up a lot of drama in the furry community as of late.

Who is she?

Takura is a somewhat well known Lion King artist who has a bad habit of stirring up drama and then playing the victim when she's called out on her shit.

Her most recent antics include having her white knights go after an obscure Lion King blog on Tumblr because they decided to call her out for the recent drama with some other furfags as shown here: http://laughable-lion-king-art.tumblr.com/page/6

She seems to believe that the only reason anyone would dare go after her is because she's a Trump supporting republican.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 334620

File: 1497311201090.png (364.95 KB, 900x800, dealwithit_by_amethyst_sparkle…)

Wait, isn't she that tartlet with the orange lion fursona from the diamond inuyasha drama?

No. 334626


I thought I've seen her somewhere before

No. 334706

The fact that you even know this stupid shit makes you as bad as her you fur faggot. Kill yourself.

No. 334744


calm down and go slam your clam, there are big people in the thread that want more juicy furry drama. anon, please deliver, ignore salty cunt anon.

No. 334892

You first faggot.

Some of us like furry drama.

I know of this person because of the ParadiseFreedom Encyclopedia Dramatica article, where Takura was heavily involved in that shit.

No. 334895

So…where's the milk then?

No. 334896


So apparently she was friends with ParadiseFreedom, who drew a shit ton of beastiality and lolicon… and defended her.

On her Nawaji-Wolf account, she constantly makes pro-Donald Trump statuses.

No. 334898

Links, caps, anything really?

No. 334930

File: 1497356161736.gif (164.15 KB, 350x270, zapp_brannigan_suspicious_futu…)

Nobody is replying to anyone in this thread

No. 334953

No. 335037

I would love to know about furry drama but this shit looks ancient as fuck. Don't bring spoilt milk in here

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